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Laboratory Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures Properties Modified With Nano-Hydrated Lime (NHL)

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Laboratory evaluation of asphalt concrete mixtures properties modified with

nano-Hydrated Lime (nHL)

Article · May 2016


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1 author:

Farag Khodary
South Valley University


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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-1, May 2016

Laboratory evaluation of asphalt concrete mixtures

properties modified with nano-Hydrated Lime (nHL)
Farag Khodary
 to permanent deformation, known as rutting. At low
Abstract— Increasing of traffic volume and tire pressure temperatures asphalt gets brittle and tends to crack because
raise the question, it is still possible to build a pavement the stiffer structure is not able to relax the internal stresses
structure in heavy traffic area with conventional bitumen. The
from the traffic load [3-6]. The conventional bitumen lacks
conventional bitumen has a limited capacity under wide range of
the proper of visco-elastic balance with the increase of the
loads and temperature which occur over the life of a pavement.
Therefore, conventional bitumen needs to be modified to face the traffic volume. Conventional bitumen has a limited capacity
heavy loads and weather change. Number of materials used to under wide range of loads and temperature, which occur
improve the properties of bitumen and asphalt properties such over the life of a pavement. Therefore, binders are modified
as polymers and rubber. With the considerable increase demand to face the load and weather Challenges. Modified bitumen
to get better properties of asphalt concrete mixtures nano scale can bring real advantage to the field of highway
material ware used as asphalt modifier. One of the most construction, by improving pavement performance as well as
important properties of nano scale material is Surface to volume
extent the pavement life [7-8]. Nowadays using nano-
ratio. The conventional asphalt cement used in this research was
materials in the field of highway construction is extremely
AC (60/70) penetration grade, modified with nano-hydrated
lime (nHL) at five different modification levels namely 5%, 10%, popular today. Nanotechnology has become the vanguard of
15% 20%, and 25% by weight of the bitumen. The physical the most important and exciting areas in physics, chemistry,
properties of the modified asphalt cement were evaluated using biology, engineering and many other fields. The concept of
traditional testes such as penetration test and softening point. nanotechnology depends on the grounds that the particle size
On the other hand the properties of the asphalt concrete of less than one hundred nanometers (a nanometer is part of
mixtures were evaluated using Marshall Stiffness, fatigue and one billion of a meter) gives the material within the structure
flexural bending tests and. Based on the results, it was found and properties of new behaviors. This is because these
that the physical properties of nano-hydrated lime (nHL)
particles (which are smaller than the characteristic lengths
modified asphalt was enhanced successfully. For all modified
asphalt concrete mixtures the stiffness was improved more than
associated with some of the phenomena) show new physical
two times but for fatigue life small improvement had been done. and chemical concepts [9]. Addition of nanoclay and carbon
microfiber would improve a mixture’s moisture
susceptibility performance or decrease the moisture damage
Index Terms— Modified bitumen, Tensile strength, using 5% SBS plus 2% nano-SiO2 powder as asphalt
Nano-hydrated lime
concrete mixtures modifiers can increase the physical and
I. INTRODUCTION mechanical properties of asphalt binder and mixtures. Small
amounts of nano-clay can enhance stiffness and tensile
The increase of road traffic during the last two decades in strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength and modulus
combination with an insufficient degree of maintenance has thermal stability. The elasticity of the nanoclay modified
caused an accelerated, deterioration of road structure; these bitumen is much higher than unmodified bitumen [10, 11].
roads show early signs of distress such as rutting, cracking, nanoclays may have the potential to reduce rutting and
low temperature cracking, ageing and stripping. Heavier cracking[12].
loads and higher traffic volume demand higher performance
of pavement [1, 2]. Excellent performance of pavement II. MATERIALS
requires bitumen that is less susceptible to high temperature, A. Hydrated lime
rutting or low temperature cracking. Asphalt cement is Hydrated lime is a dry, colorless crystalline powder
visco-elastic materials, where temperature and rate of load manufactured by treating calcium oxide (quicklime) with
application have a great influence on their performance. The water, in a process called "slaking [13]. Nano-size hydrated
viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt leads to pavement distress. lime material was prepared by using Los Angeles abrasion
At high temperatures under traffic loading asphalt is not able test machine for three times in the drum which is rotated for
to maintain the original shape of the pavement, which leads 500 revolutions for one time and at a speed of 30 - 33
revolutions per minute. Morphology and structural of the
prepared materials were investigated by transmission electron
Farag Khodary, Civil Engineering Department, Qena Faculty of microscopy (TEM, JEOL JEM-1230 with accelerating
Engineering, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt. voltage of 120 kV) with EDX detector unit attached to the

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Laboratory evaluation of asphalt concrete mixtures properties modified with nano-Hydrated Lime (nHL).

system. . Figure (1) presented the particle size of hydrated asphalt modifier produce a hard bitumen which, is useful to
lime which is in the range of 20-200 nm. resist rutting. Greater value of penetration indicates softer
consistency. Higher softening point indicates lower
temperature susceptibility and is preferred in hot climates
area. But using more the 15% of nano-hydrated lime (nHL)
the bitumen start to be very hard which is not valid for
asphalt pavement construction. Table No. (2) shows the test
result for both Penetration and softening point.

Table (2) penetration test and softening test result

D. Aggregates
Figure (1): particle size of hydrated lime
Siev analysis was performed on crushed limestone aggregates on
The Hydrated lime in nano size was added to asphalt cement accordance to Egyptian highway standard specifications.
with different percentages namely, 5%, 10%, 15% 20%, and Gradation of aggregates obtained from sieve analysis is
25% by weight asphalt cement. The mixing temperature of presented in table (3) to achieve the required gradations 23
bitumen with cement bypass was adjusted between 130 0C % of coarse aggregate (a) was blended with 36 % of coarse
and 160 0C. Low shear mixer was used to prepare aggregate (b) and 36 % of sand these were blended
homogenize mixtures. together. The selected gradations of aggregate used in all
asphalt concrete mixtures meet the Egyptian highway
standard specifications.
B. Asphalt cement
Asphalt cement of 60/70 penetration grade was used in this Table (3) asphalt concrete mixtures gradation.
study. This asphalt was obtained from Suez refinery. The
physical properties of this bitumen are given in Table (1)
including penetration, softening point and specific gravity.

Table (1) physical properties of asphalt cement

Property Value Specifications
Penetration 65 60-70
softening point 52.2 45-55
Specific gravity 1.02 1-1.1

C. Conventional Tests for Asphalt cement

Penetration test result measuring the consistency of a

bituminous material at a given temperature and softening III. ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXTURE DESIGN RESULTS
point helps to know the temperature up to which a
bituminous binder should be heated for various road use Marshall Stability and flow tests were carried out on
applications [14, 15]. The result of pentation test was compacted specimens at various bitumen contents
presented in table (1). The pentraion grade decrease with according to ASTM D1559. The Marshall test is an
increase of nano-hydrated lime (nHL) percentage. Modified empirical test in which cylindrical compacted specimens,
bitumen with 15% Nano-hydrated lime (nHL) shows higher 100 mm diameter by approximately 63.5 mm high are
improvement for both penetration and softening point. Using
Nano-hydrated lime (nHL) as asphalt modifier produce a immersed in water at 60ºC for 30– 40 min and then loaded
hard bitumen which, is useful to resist rutting. Higher to failure using curved steel loading plates along diameter
softening point indicates lower temperature susceptibility at a constant rate of compression of 51 mm/min. The
and is preferred in hot climates. The result till 15% of nano- Marshall stability value (in KN) is the maximum force
hydrated lime (nHL) is acceptable for asphalt concrete recorded during compression whilst the flow (in mm) is the
pavement construction. Using Nano-hydrated lime (nHL) as deformation recorded at maximum force. Stability is

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-5, Issue-1, May 2016
measured as the maximum load sustained by the sample It can be noticed that, the addition of Nano-hydrated lime
before failure. Flow is the deformation at the maximum (nHL) generally enhanced the results of Marshall stiffness for
load. From the asphalt cement traditional test result 15% all modified mixtures as compared to the control mixtures.
was selected to be added to bitumen and the Marshall Adding 15% of Nano-hydrated lime (nHL) improve the
specimens were designed. The result of Marshall tests for Marshall stiffness nearly two time than the unmodified
each of the mixtures is showing in Table (4).five separate asphalt concrete mixtures.
smooth curve are drawn Marshall stability, flow, Density,
B. Flexural bending test result
air voids (Vv) and voids filled with bitumen (VFB).
Optimum bitumen content is selected as the average The Flexural Strength test is performed to determine the
bitumen content for maximum density, maximum stability flexural properties of asphalt concrete mixtures. It is used to
and 4% air voids in the total mix .The optimum content was determine the modulus of rupture for the tested specimen. The
found to be approximately of 5%. All results at optimum flexural strength of the asphalt concreter mixtures can be
content satisfy the Egyptian highway specification obtained through applying two concentrated loads in the
middle third of the asphalt concert beam (four-point bending
Table (4) Marshall Mix Design Results test) with free rotation and horizontal translation [17, 18].

The flexural strength can be calculated using the

following equation;

……………….. Equation (2)


σ= Flexural stress,
P= Peak load,
L= Total span of the tested beam,
b= Breadth of cross section for the tested beam, and
h= Height of cross section for the tested beam.

Figure (3) presented the four-point bending test

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION system for flexural strength test and figure (4) present the test
result for all modified and unmodified asphalt concrete
A. Marshall Stiffness test result mixtures. Adding Nano-hydrated lime (nHL) enhance the
Figure (2) presents the mean values of Marshall Stiffness for Flexural strength for all modified asphalt concrete mixtures
control mixture and Modified Asphalt Concrete Mixtures
[16]. The results were calculated using the following equation

Equation (1)

MS = Marshall Stiffness,
S = Marshall Stability,
F = Marshall Flow, and
T = specimen’s thickness. Figure (3) four-point bending test

Figure (4) Flexural strength test results

Figure (2) Marshall Stiffness test results

110 www.erpublication.org
Laboratory evaluation of asphalt concrete mixtures properties modified with nano-Hydrated Lime (nHL).

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Dr. Eng. Farag Khodary
 Ph.D Pavement Engineering Materials, Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Germany (2010).
 M.Sc.: Civil Engineering – Highway Materials (South valley
The author sincerely thank Qena faculty of engineering -south University, 2005, Distinction 90.75%),
 B.Sc.: Civil Engineering (south valley University, Aswan,
valley university for providing all needed research facilities. Egypt, June 2000), “79.95% Very Good with honour daegree”.

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