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In the present work, genetic algorithm is applied to select the optimum values of ®xed and switched shunt capacitors required to be placed
on a radial distribution network under varying load conditions so as to minimize the energy loss while keeping the voltage at load buses
within the speci®ed limit by taking the cost of the capacitors into account. Both ®xed and marginal costs of the capacitors are considered to
obtain the best overall performance. The voltage constraint is included as penalty term in the objective function.
Further, instead of only assuming the capacitors as a constant reactive power load, it is also been considered as a constant impedance load
in optimization problem itself and comparison of performances for both considerations are also presented.
Also possible convergence criteria of genetic algorithm based on `the difference between best ®tness and average ®tness' of population is
suggested to reduce the CPU time required to a great extent with a very small sacri®ce in overall savings. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: Distribution networks; Shunt capacitors optimization; Genetic algorithm
1. Introduction a near global optimum solution. Chiang et al. [17] have used
the method of simulated annealing to obtain the optimum
As the cost of constructing a new power plant has values of shunt capacitors for radial distribution networks.
skyrocketed, the electric power industry is making every Sundhararajan and Pahwa [18] have used genetic algorithms
effort to reduce the growth of electricity demand. Since a for obtaining the optimum values of shunt capacitors. They
substantial amount of generated power is being wasted as have [18] treated the capacitors as constant reactive power
losses, reduction in losses has been recognized as a viable load and no method is suggested to reduce the CPU time.
option to eliminate to some degree the need for unnecessary Genetic algorithm based solution is capable of determining
additional generating capacity. It is acknowledged that a near global solution with lesser computational burden
much of this power loss occurs in the distribution system. than the simulated annealing method [18]. An optimization
To date, volt-var control has been a commonly implemented method is judged for its ef®ciency by the quality of the
control practice to reduce distribution feeder losses while resulting solution and the number of function evaluation
maintaining acceptable feeder voltage pro®le. required to arrive at the quality solution. In the present
In the past, a lot of work has been carried out in the area paper, the ®nal solutions, cost savings and computer run
of reactive power compensation for radial distribution time are presented and the proposed method has also been
networks [1±16]. These methods are based on different compared with two other existing methods.
non-linear programming techniques and provide only a Genetic algorithm is becoming popular to solve the
local optimum solution with a lesser computer burden. optimization problems in different ®elds of applications
Recently, researchers have attempted to obtain optimum mainly because of its robustness in ®nding optimal solution
values of shunt capacitors for radial distribution networks and ability to provide near optimal solution close to global
using simulated annealing and genetic algorithm (GA). minimum [19,20,22]. Genetic algorithms employ search
Because these two techniques have the capability to search procedures based on the mechanics of natural selection
and survival of the ®ttest. In the GAs, which uses multiple
* Tel.: 191-3222-79507; fax: 191-3222-55303. point search instead of single point search and work with the
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Das). coded structure of variables instead of the actual variables
0142-0615/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0142-061 5(01)00068-0
574 D. Das / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 24 (2002) 573±581
themselves, the only information required is the objective power of GAs derives largely from their ability to exploit
function thereby making the searching for global optimum ef®ciently this vast amount of accumulating knowledge by
simpler. means of relatively selection mechanisms.
In the present work, GA is implemented to determine the
optimal sizes of ®xed and switched capacitors under varying 2.1. How genetic algorithm works
load conditions. The objective is to minimize the energy
A GA is an iterative procedure which maintains a
losses in the distribution network by taking the cost of capa-
constant size population p(t) of candidate solutions. The
citors into account. Also the voltage constraint is formulated
algorithm begins with a randomly selected population of
as a penalty function to the objective function.
function inputs represented by strings of bits. During each
Further important contribution of the present work is,
iteration step, called a generation, the structure in the current
instead of only assuming the capacitor as a constant reactive
population is evaluated and on the basis of those evalua-
power (KVAr) load (which has been assumed in all of the
tions, a new population of candidate solution is formed.
previous work), it is also been considered as constant
That is GA uses the current population of string to create
impedance load which can be thought as an approach to
a new population such that the string in the new population
make the problem formulation more realistic from practical
are, an average `better' than those in the current population.
point of view. A comparative study of both considerations
The idea is to use the best elements from the current
(i.e. consideration of capacitors as constant power and
population to help form the new population. If this is done
constant impedance load) in problem formulation is also
correctly, then the new population will, on average, be
`better' than the old population. Three processes Ð selec-
Another important aspect of the present work is to
tion, crossover, and mutation are used to make the transition
propose a secondary convergence criteria. The criteria
from one population generation to the next. The basic
for termination of genetic algorithm used was maximum
genetic algorithm cycle based on these is shown in Fig. 1.
number of generation reached [18,19]. If a secondary
These three steps are repeated to create each new generation
convergence criteria (based on `the difference between
and it continues in this fashion until some stopping condi-
best ®tness and average ®tness' of population) is used, it
tion is reached (such as maximum number of generations or
could reduce a lot of computational time with only a slight
resulting new population not improving fast enough).
reduction in overall savings.
2.2. Initialization
2. Genetic algorithm GAs operate with a set of strings instead of a single string.
This set or population of string goes through the process of
Genetic algorithms (GAs), a way to search for the best evolution to produce new individual strings. To begin with,
answers to tough problems, were ®rst suggested by John the initial population could be seeded with heuristically
Holland in his book `Adaptation in Natural and Arti®cial chosen strings or at random [19]. In either case, the initial
Systems' [20]. Over the last few years, it is becoming popu- population should contain a wide variety of structures.
lar to solve a wide range of search, optimization and
machine learning problems. As their name indicates, genetic 2.3. Evaluation function
algorithm attempts to solve problems in a fashion similar to
The evaluation function is a procedure to determine the
the way in which human genetic processes seem to operate.
®tness of each string in the population and is very much
It's fundamental principle is the ®ttest member of popula-
application oriented. The performance of each structures
tion has the highest probability for survival [22].
of string is evaluated according to its ®tness, which is
A GA (multi path search scheme) is an iterative proce-
de®ned as a non-negative ®gure of merit to be maximized.
dure which maintains a constant size population p(t) of
It is directly associated with the objective function value
candidate solutions. The initial population p(0) can be
[18] in the optimization. GA treats the problem as a black
chosen heuristically or at random [19]. The structures of
box in which the input is the structure of the string and the
the population p(t 1 1) (i.e. for next iteration called genera-
tion) are chosen from p(t) by randomized selection pro-
cedure that ensures that the expected number of times a
structure is chosen is approximately proportional to that
structure's performance relative to the rest of the popula-
tion. In order to search other points in a search space, some
variation is introduced into the new population by means of
genetic operators (crossover and mutation).
While it may seem to be a random search, in fact, the
improvement in each generation indicates that the algorithm
produces an effective directed search technique [22]. The Fig. 1. The basic genetic algorithm cycle.
D. Das / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 24 (2002) 573±581 575
2.5. Crossover
structures are discarded faster than the selection can produce also to place the minimum number of capacitors so that
improvements. If the crossover rate is low, the search may installation cost could be minimum. Hence it will be worth-
stagnate due to the lower exploration rate. while, if the installation cost of the capacitor could be
Mutation rate. A low level of mutation serves to prevent incorporated in the capacitor cost calculation itself.
any given bit position from getting stuck to a single value Hence, in this work, both the installation cost and
where as a high mutation rate results in essentially a random marginal cost of capacitor has been considered separately.
search. The capacitor cost is considered as the linear function of
its size, i.e. [15]
With the delivery of customer load on the distribution 5. Implementation of GA for capacitor optimization
system there are demand (kW) losses which over a period problem
of time will re¯ect as energy losses. Hence the objective
function for optimization can be stated mathematically as to Here, the purpose of the GA is to determine the
[16,17] capacitor sizes at the candidate locations for each load
Minimize level. If we have `ncap' candidate locations and L load
levels, the GA returns the value for `ncap £ L' design
ncap variables.
S Ke Tj Pj 1 Kc Qci Qci 1 As mentioned in Section 3, in GA, the `®tness' is de®ned
j1 i1 as nonnegative ®gure of merit to be maximized which is
directly associated with objective function. Here the objec-
where Pj is the power loss at any load level j with a time tive is to minimize Eq. (1) or (3), which of course guarantees
duration Tj ; Kc Qci the cost of the ith capacitor of rating Qci ; that S is always positive, therefore if we consider the inverse
ncap the number of candidate locations for capacitor place- function of S as the ®tness than it will satisfy both conditions
ment, L the number of load level, T the design period and Ke (i.e. positive and ®gure of merit to be maximized). There-
is the energy cost of losses. fore in the present work ®tness has been de®ned as K/S,
One of the main objectives of compensation problem is where K is a constant multiplier. A suitable value of K
D. Das / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 24 (2002) 573±581 577
Table 3
Results for test CASE-A1 and CASE-A2
Different Load Capacitors (kV Ar) Loss Vmin (pu) Annual CPU
cases level (kW) saving ($) time (s)
Fixed Switched
CASE A1 0.50 Qc20 192 Qc20 0:0 34.43 V54 0:96624 42,209 634
Qc50 511 Qc50 0:0
Qc53 70 Qc53 0:0
1.0 Qc20 192 Qc20 118 146.33 V54 0:93186
Qc50 511 Qc50 512
Qc53 70 Qc53 186
1.80 Qc20 192 Qc20 118 556.08 V54 0:85998
Qc50 511 Qc53 736
Qc53 70 Qc53 500
CASE A2 0.50 Qc20 164 Qc20 0:0 34.32 V54 0:96696 27,062 639
Qc50 517 Qc50 0:0
Qc53 111 Qc53 500
1.0 Qc20 164 Qc20 168 146.30 V54 0:93179
Qc50 517 Qc50 506
Qc53 111 Qc53 137
1.80 Qc20 164 Qc20 348 681.21 V54 0:89720
Qc50 517 Qc50 2301
Qc53 111 Qc53 1239
Again from Tables 2 and 3 (Case-A2), we can observe of the test Case-A1 (Section 9.1) considering capacitor
that the minimum voltage at peak load considering as constant impedance load.
voltage constraint has been increased from 0.82030 pu Comparison of the results are summarized in Tables 4
(minimum voltage for bare system at peak load, Table and 5. From Table 4, it is seen that when capacitors are
2) to 0.89720 pu (very much closer to minimum voltage treated as constant impedance load, total amount of capaci-
limit) but with sacri®ce in peak power loss, annual tors (®xed 1 switched) during peak load period is much
saving and higher capacitor cost (Case-A2, Table 3). higher as compared to that of capacitors as constant reactive
For the test Case-A2, annual saving is $27,062. However, power load. From Table 5, it is seen that there is not much
for test Case-A1 and Case-A2, CPU time is more or less difference in peak power loss. From Table 5, it is also seen that
same (Table 3). the annual saving is less and this is due to higher investment of
capacitors when they are treated as constant impedance load.
9.2. CASE-B: test results with consideration of capacitors Similar ®ndings were also observed for test Case-A2.
as constant impedance load
9.3. Results with convergence criteria based on difference of
For test cases A1 and A2, capacitors were treated as best ®tness and average ®tness
constant reactive power load. But if we treat the capa-
citor as constant impedance load, than the capacitor In the results presented in previous sections, the criterion
optimization problem will be more realistic. Due to for termination of algorithm used was maximum number of
limitation of space, here we only present the results generation reached. But it was observed that after some
Table 4
Comparison of the results of the test Case-A1 considering capacitor as constant reactive power and constant impedance load
Test Case-A1 Load Capacitors as constant reactive power Capacitors as constant impedance load
level load (kV Ar) (kV Ar)
Optimum value of 0.50 Qc20 192 Qc20 0:0 Qc20 192 Qc20 0:0
shunt capacitors without Qc50 511 Qc50 0:0 Qc50 511 Qc50 0:0
voltage constraint Qc53 70 Qc53 0:0 Qc53 127 Qc53 0:0
1.0 Qc20 192 Qc20 118 Qc20 192 Qc20 162
Qc50 511 Qc50 512 Qc50 511 Qc50 696
Qc53 70 Qc53 186 Qc53 127 Qc53 130
1.80 Qc20 192 Qc20 118 Qc20 192 Qc20 192
Qc50 511 Qc50 736 Qc50 511 Qc50 1024
Qc53 70 Qc53 500 Qc53 127 Qc53 650
580 D. Das / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 24 (2002) 573±581
Table 5 Table 7
Performance comparison of the test Case-A1 considering capacitors as Comparison of the results for test Case-A1
constant reactive power and constant impedance load
Different methods Annual CPU
Test Case-A1 Peak power Capacitors Annual saving ($) time (s)
loss (kW) cost ($) saving ($)
Proposed GA considering 42173 199
Capacitor as constant 556.08 9738.0 42,209 criteria based on ` difference
reactive power load of best ®tness average ®tness'
Capacitor as constant 561.4 11088.0 40,198 of population
impedance load GA proposed by Sundhararajan 42,169 644
and Pahwa [18]
Simulated annealing (SA) 42,138 711
generations, the members of population get saturated and proposed by Chiang et al. [17]
beyond that only slight improvement in overall performance
is achieved at expense of lot of computational time. Hence
with consideration of this fact, it was observed that, instead
for obtaining the optimum values of shunt capacitors (®xed
of specifying the maximum of generations, if a secondary
and switched) in radial distribution system under varying
convergence criteria based on the difference between best
load conditions with consideration of voltage constraint.
®tness and average ®tness of population is used, it could
From the practical point of view, it has also been observed
reduce a lot of CPU time with only a slight reduction in
that consideration of capacitor as constant impedance load
overall saving. Therefore, a convergence criteria, `if the
in optimization problem itself makes the problem more
difference between best ®tness and average ®tness of popu-
lation is less than 0.000001 than terminate the algorithm',
Of course, genetic control parameters (i.e. Pm, Pc and
has been used and the performance of this criteria was tested
population size) play an important role in the performance
for all four cases (Section 9.1).
of GA, and some permutations and combinations of these
Table 6 depicts the performance of the test Case-A1
parameters are required to be tested to get the best
(Section 9.1) for two different termination criteria. From
performance. But the results indicate that GA can provide
Table 6, we can observe that the convergence criteria is
approximate global optimum solution. The only problem in
acceptable considering the great reduction in CPU time at
GA is the requirement of higher CPU time, but it has been
the expense of only slight sacri®ce in overall savings. Simi-
observed that almost all of the CPU time is for objective
lar ®ndings were also observed for test Case-A2.
function evaluation. Genetic operations (i.e. selection,
Table 7 shows comparison of the results (test Case-A1) of
crossover and mutation) require very less CPU time. As
the proposed GA considering the convergence criteria based
the objective function evaluation for each string is indepen-
on the `difference of best ®tness and average ®tness' of
dent, suitability of use of parallel processors is feasible.
population with that of GA proposed by Sundhararajan
A new convergence criteria based on `the difference
and Pahwa [18] and simulated annealing proposed by Chiang
between best ®tness and average ®tness' has also been
et al. [17]. From Table 7, it is seen that annual savings using all
proposed. The new convergence criteria can provide not
the three methods are more or less same but the proposed GA
only suf®cient reduction in CPU time but also acceptable
takes very less CPU time as compared to other two methods.
accuracy in overall results.
Similar ®ndings were also observed for test Case-A2.
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