Number of Complete Subgraphs of Peisert Graphs and Finite Field Hypergeometric Functions
Number of Complete Subgraphs of Peisert Graphs and Finite Field Hypergeometric Functions
Number of Complete Subgraphs of Peisert Graphs and Finite Field Hypergeometric Functions
light on the fact that the only such possible graphs of prime order are the Paley
graphs. Zhang in [21], gave an algebraic characterization of SCS graphs using
the classification of finite simple groups, although it did not follow whether one
could find such graphs other than the Paley graphs. In 2001, Peisert gave a full
description of SCS graphs as well as their automorphism groups in [18]. He derived
that there is another infinite family of SCS graphs apart from the Paley graphs,
and, in addition, one more graph not belonging to any of the two former families.
He constructed the P ∗ -graphs (which are now known as Peisert graphs) as follows.
For a prime p ≡ 3 (mod 4) and a positive integer t, let q = p2t . Let g be a primitive
element of the finite field Fq , that is, F∗q = Fq \ {0} = hgi. Then the Peisert graph
P ∗ (q) is defined as the graph with vertex set Fq where ab is an edge if and only if
a − b ∈ hg 4 i ∪ ghg 4 i. It is shown in [18] that the definition is independent of the
choice of g. It turns out that an edge is well defined, since q ≡ 1 (mod 8) implies
that −1 ∈ hg 4 i.
We know that a complete subgraph, or a clique, in an undirected graph is a set
of vertices such that every two distinct vertices in the set are adjacent. The number
of vertices in the clique is called the order of the clique. Let G(n) denote a graph
on n vertices and let G(n) be its complement. Letkm (G) denote the number of
(n) (n)
cliques of order m in a graph G. Let Tm (n) = min km (G ) + km (G ) where
the minimum is taken over all graphs on n vertices. Erdős [7], Goodman [9] and
Thomason [19] studied Tm (n) for different values of m and n. Here we note that
the study of Tm (n) can be linked to Ramsey theory. This is because, the diagonal
Ramsey number R(m, m) is the smallest positive integer n such that Tm (n) is
positive. Also, for the function km (G(n) ) + km (G(n) ) on graphs with n = p vertices,
p being a prime, Paley graphs are minimal in certain ways; for example, in order
to show that R(4, 4) is atleast 18, the Paley graph with 17 vertices acts as the only
graph (upto isomorphism) such that km (G(17) ) + km (G(17) ) = 0. What followed
was a study on km (G), G being a Paley graph. Evans et al. [8] and Atansov et
al. [2] gave formulae for k4 (G), where G is a Paley graph with number of vertices
a prime and a prime-power, respectively. One step ahead led to generalizations of
Paley graphs by Lim and Praeger [13], and computing the number of cliques of
orders 3 and 4 in those graphs by Dawsey and McCarthy [6]. Very recently, we
[4] have defined Paley-type graphs of order n as follows. For a positive integer n,
the Paley-type graph Gn has the finite commutative ring Zn as its vertex set and
edges defined as, ab is an edge if and only if a − b ≡ x2 (mod n) for some unit x of
Zn . For primes p ≡ 1 (mod 4) and any positive integer α, we have also found the
number of cliques of order 3 and 4 in the Paley-type graphs Gpα .
The Peisert graphs lie in the class of SCS graphs alongwith Paley graphs, so it
would serve as a good analogy to study the number of cliques in the former class
too. There is no known formula for the number of cliques of order 4 in Peisert
graph P ∗ (q). The main purpose of this paper is to provide a general formula for
k4 (P ∗ (q)). In [1], Alexander found the number of cliques of order 3 using the
properties that the Peisert graph are edge-transitive and that any pair of vertices
connected by an edge have the same number of common neighbors (a graph being
edge-transitive means that, given any two edges in the graph, there exists a graph
automorphism sending one edge to the other). In this article, we follow a character-
sum approach to compute the number of cliques of orders 3 and 4 in Peisert graphs.
In the following theorem, we give a new proof for the number of cliques of orders 3
in Peisert graphs by evaluating certain character sums.
Theorem 1.1. Let q = p2t , where p ≡ 3 (mod 4) is a prime and t is a positive
integer. Then, the number of cliques of order 3 in the Peisert graph P ∗ (q) is given
q(q − 1)(q − 5)
k3 (P ∗ (q)) = .
Next, we find the number of cliques of order 4 in Peisert graphs. In this case, the
character sums are difficult to evaluate. We use finite field hypergeometric functions
to evaluate some of the character sums. Before we state our result on k4 (P ∗ (q)),
we recall Greene’s finite field hypergeometric functions from [10, 11]. Let p be an
odd prime, and let Fq denote the finite field with q elements, where q = pr , r ≥ 1.
Let Fc
q be the group of all multiplicative characters on F× . We extend the domain
of each χ ∈ Fc ×
q to Fq by setting χ(0) = 0 including the trivial character ε. For
multiplicative characters A and B on Fq , the binomial coefficient B is defined by
A B(−1)
:= J(A, B),
B q
where J(A, B) = A(x)B(1 − x) denotes the Jacobi sum and B is the character
Some of the biggest motivations for studying finite field hypergeometric functions
have been their connections with Fourier coefficients and eigenvalues of modular
forms and with counting points on certain kinds of algebraic varieties. For example,
Ono [15] gave formulae for the number of Fp -points on elliptic curves in terms of
special values of Greene’s finite field hypergeometric functions. In [16], Ono wrote
a beautiful chapter on finite field hypergeometric functions and mentioned several
open problems on hypergeometric functions and their relations to modular forms
and algebraic varieties. In recent times, many authors have studied and found
solutions to some of the problems posed by Ono.
Finite field hypergeometric functions are useful in the study of Paley graphs, see
for example [6, 20]. In the following theorem, we express the number of cliques of
order 4 in Peisert graphs in terms of finite field hypergeometric functions.
Theorem 1.2. Let p be a prime such that p ≡ 3 (mod 4). For a positive integer t,
let q = p2t . Let q = u2 + 2v 2 for integers u and v such that u ≡ 3 (mod 4) and p ∤ u
when p ≡ 3 (mod 8). If χ4 is a character of order 4, then the number of cliques of
p k4 (P ∗ (q))
q u q 2 · 3 F2 (·) k4 (P ∗ (q)) 3 F2 (·)
(by Sage) (by Sage) (by Theorem 1.2)
3 9 0 −1 10 0 0.1234 . . .
7 49 2156 7 −30 2156 −0.0123 . . .
3 81 21060 7 −62 21060 −0.0094 . . .
11 121 116160 7 42 116160 0.0028 . . .
19 361 10515930 −17 522 10515930 0.0040 . . .
23 529 49135636 23 930 49135636 0.0033 . . .
Table 1. Numerical data for Theorem 1.2
We note that the number of 3-order cliques in the Peisert graph of order q
equals the number of 3-order cliques in the Paley graph of the same order. The
computations for the number of cliques of order 4 are quite tedious, so we further
give an asymptotic result in the following theorem, for the number of cliques of
order m in Peisert graphs, m ≥ 1 being an integer.
Theorem 1.3. Let p be a prime such that p ≡ 3 (mod 4). For a positive integer
t, let q = p2t . For m ≥ 1, let km (P ∗ (q)) denote the number of cliques of order m
in the Peisert graph P ∗ (q). Then
km (P ∗ (q)) 1
lim = m .
2( 2 ) m!
q→∞ q m
We have the following lemma which will be used in proving the main results.
Lemma 2.1. Let q = p2t where p ≡ 3 (mod 4) is a prime and t is a positive
integer. Let χ4 be a multiplicative character of order 4 on Fq , and let ϕ be the
unique quadratic character. Then, we have J(χ4 , χ4 ) = J(χ4 , ϕ) = −(−p)t .
Proof. By [12, Proposition 1], we have J(χ4 , χ4 ) = −(−p)t . We also note that by
Theorem 2.1.4 and Theorem 3.2.1 of [3], where the results remain the same if we
replace a prime by a prime power, we see that J(χ4 , ϕ) = χ4 (4)J(χ4 , χ4 ) = a4 +ib4 ,
where a24 + b24 = q and a4 ≡ −( q+1
2 ) (mod 4). Hence, a4 ≡ 1 (mod 4) and a4 =
−(−p)t , b4 = 0. Thus, we obtain J(χ4 , ϕ) = J(χ4 , χ4 ) = −(−p)t .
Next, we evaluate certain character sums in the following lemmas.
Lemma 2.2. Let q ≡ 1 (mod 4) be a prime power and let χ4 be a character on Fq
of order 4 such that χ4 (−1) = 1, and let ϕ be the unique quadratic character. Let
a ∈ Fq be such that a 6= 0, 1. Then,
χ4 ((y − 1)(y − a)) = ϕ(a − 1)J(χ4 , χ4 ).
Proof. We have
χ4 ((y − 1)(y − a)) = χ4 (y ′ (y ′ + 1 − a))
y∈Fq y ′ ∈Fq
= χ4 ((1 − a)y ′′ )χ4 ((1 − a)(y ′′ + 1)) = ϕ(1 − a) χ4 (y ′′ (y ′′ + 1))
y ′′ ∈Fq y ′′ ∈Fq
= ϕ(1 − a) χ4 (−y ′′ (−y ′′ + 1))
y ′′ ∈F q
= ϕ(1 − a)J(χ4 , χ4 ),
where we used the substitutions y − 1 = y ′ , y ′′ = y ′ (1 − a)−1 , and replaced y ′′ by
−y ′′ .
Lemma 2.3. Let q ≡ 1 (mod 4) be a prime power and let χ4 be a character on Fq
of order 4 such that χ4 (−1) = 1. Let a ∈ Fq be such that a 6= 0, 1. Then,
χ4 (y)χ4 (a − y) = −1.
Proof. We have
χ4 (y)χ4 (a − y) = χ4 (ay ′ )χ4 (a − ay ′ )
y∈Fq y ′ ∈F q
′ ′
= χ4 (y )χ4 (1 − y )
y ′ ∈Fq
= χ4 y ′ (1 − y ′ )−1
y ′ ∈Fq
= χ4 (y ′′ ) = −1,
y ′′ ∈F q ,y ′′ 6=−1
χ4 (x)χ4 (y)χ4 (1 − y)χ4 (x − y) = 1 − ρ. (2.3)
x,y∈Fq ,x6=1
For w ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 8} and z ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 7}, the (w, z)-th entry in the table corre-
sponds to (2.5), where Ax is either χ4 (x), χ4 (x), χ4 (1 − x) or χ4 (1 − x) and the
tuple (i1 , i2 , i3 ) depends on w.
i1 i2 i3 χ4 (x) χ4 (x) χ4 (1 − x) χ4 (1 − x)
1 1 1 −2ρ −2ρ −2ρ −2ρ
1 1 −1 1−ρ 1−ρ 1−ρ 1−ρ
1 −1 1 ρ2 + 1 2 ρ2 − ρ 1−ρ
1 −1 −1 1−ρ ρ2 − ρ 2 ρ2 + 1
−1 1 1 ρ2 − ρ 1−ρ ρ2 + 1 2
−1 1 −1 2 ρ2 + 1 1−ρ ρ2 − ρ
−1 −1 1 1−ρ 1−ρ 1−ρ 1−ρ
−1 −1 −1 −2ρ −2ρ −2ρ −2ρ
For example, the (3, 6)-th position contains the value ρ2 −ρ. Here w = 3 corresponds
to i1 = 1, i2 = −1, i3 = 1; z = 6 corresponds to the column Ax = χ4 (1 − x). So,
χ4 (1 − x)χ4 (y)χ4 (1 − y)χ4 (x − y) = ρ2 − ρ.
x,y∈Fq ,x6=1
Proof. The calculations follow along the lines of Lemma 2.2 and Lemma 2.3. For
example, in Lemma 2.4, one can take χ4 (x), χ4 (x− 1) or χ4 (x− 1) in place of χ4 (x)
in (2.2) and (2.3) (which we denote by Ax ), and easily evaluate the corresponding
character sum.
Lemma 2.7. Let q = p2t , where p ≡ 3 (mod 4) is a prime and t is a positive
integer. Let χ4 be a character of order 4. Let ϕ and ε be the quadratic and the
trivial characters, respectively. Let q = u2 + 2v 2 for integers u and v such that
u ≡ 3 (mod 4) and p ∤ u when p ≡ 3 (mod 8). Then,
χ4 , χ4 , χ4 χ4 , χ4 , χ4
3 F2 | 1 = 3 F2 |1
ε, ε ε, ε
χ4 , χ4 , χ4 χ4 , χ4 , χ4
= 3 F2 | 1 = 3 F2 |1
ϕ, ε ϕ, ε
= 2 [−2u(−p)t ].
Proof. Let χ8 be a character of order 8 such that χ28 = χ4 . Now, Proposition 1 in
[12] tells us that J(χ4 , χ4 ) = −(−p)t and hence it is real. Again, by Theorem 3.3.3
and the paragraph preceeding Theorem 3.3.1 in [3], J(χ8 , χ28 ) = χ8 (−4)J(χ4 , χ4 ),
where χ8 (4) = ±1 and thus, is also real. By [10, Theorem 4.37], we have
5 5
χ4 , χ4 , χ4 χ8 χ8 χ8 χ8
3 F2 |1 = +
ε, ε χ28 χ38 χ28 χ8
χ8 (−1)
= [J(χ8 , χ68 )J(χ8 , χ58 ) + J(χ58 , χ68 )J(χ58 , χ8 )].
Recalling Theorem 2.1.6 in [3] gives J(χ8 , χ8 ) = J(χ38 , χ38 ). Also, Theorem 2.1.5 in
[3] gives J(χ38 , χ8 2 ) = J(χ58 , χ28 ) = J(χ8 , χ28 ) = J(χ8 , χ28 ). Hence, (2.8) yields
χ4 , χ4 , χ4 1
3 F2 |1 = 2 J(χ8 , χ28 ) × 2Re(J(χ8 , χ8 )) × χ8 (−1)
ϕ, ε q
= 2 [−2u(−p)t ],
which is thesame real numberwe found in (2.7). Hence, its complex conjugate,
χ4 , χ4 , χ4
namely 3 F2 |1 is also real and has the same value. This completes
ϕ, ε
the proof of the lemma.
Next, we note the following observations given in the beginning of the sixth
section in [6]. We state it as a lemma since we shall use it in proving Theorem 1.2.
Greene [10, 11] gave some transformation formulae which we list here as follows.
Let A, B, C, D, E be characters on Fq . Then, we have
A, B, C BD, AD, CD
3 F2 |1 = 3 F2 |1 , (2.9)
D, E D, ED
A, B, C A, AD, AE
3 2 |1 = ABCDE(−1) · F
3 2 |1 , (2.10)
A, B, C BD, B, BE
3 2 |1 = ABCDE(−1) · F
3 2 |1 , (2.11)
A, B, C B, ECA,
3 F2 |1 = AE(−1) · 3 F2 |1 , (2.12)
A, B, C A, DB, C
3 F2 |1 = AD(−1) · 3 F2 |1 , (2.13)
A, B, C AD, B, C
3 F2 |1 = B(−1) · 3 F2 |1 , (2.14)
A, B, C AD, BD, C
3 F2 |1 = AB(−1) · 3 F2 |1 . (2.15)
In order to prove Theorem 1.3, the following famous theorem, due to André Weil,
serves as the crux. We state it here.
Theorem 2.9 (Weil’s estimate). Let Fq be the finite field of order q, and let χ be
a character of Fq of order s. Let f (x) be a polynomial of degree d over Fq such that
f (x) cannot be written in the form c · h(x)s , where c ∈ Fq . Then
X √
χ(f (x)) ≤ (d − 1) q.
The rest of the article goes as follows. In Section 3, we prove Theorem 1.1. In
Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.2. Finally, in Section 5 we prove the asymptotic
formula for the number of cliques of any order in Peisert graphs. To count the
number of cliques in Peisert graphs, we note that since the graph is vertex-transitive,
so any two vertices in the graph are contained in the same number of cliques of
a particular order. We will also use the following notation throughout the proofs.
For an induced subgraph S of a Peisert graph and a vertex v ∈ S, we denote by
k3 (S) and k3 (S, v) the number of cliques of order 3 in S and the number of cliques
of order 3 in S containing v, respectively.
where the 1st sum is taken over all x such that χ4 (x) ∈ {1, χ4 (g)} and the 2nd sum
is taken over all y 6= x such that χ4 (y) ∈ {1, χ4 (g)}. Hence, using (2.1) in (3.2), we
find that
the number of edges in hHi
1 X
= (2 + hχ4 (x) + hχ4 (x))
2 × 43
× [(2 + hχ4 (y) + hχ4 (y))(2 + hχ4 (x − y) + hχ4 (x − y))]. (3.3)
where the 1st sum is taken over all x such that χ4 (x), χ4 (a − x) ∈ {1, χ4 (g)} and
the 2nd sum is taken over all y 6= x such that χ4 (y), χ4 (a − y) ∈ {1, χ4 (g)}. Hence,
using (2.1) in (4.2), we find that
k3 (hHi, a)
1 X X
= 5
[(2 + hχ4 (a − x) + hχ4 (a − x))
x6=0,a y6=0,a,x
1 X X
= [(2 + hχ4 (a − x) + hχ4 (a − x))
2 × 45
x6=0,a Y 6=0,b,ba−1 x
By (4.3), we have
k3 (hHi, x1 ) = k3 (hHi, x2 ) = · · · = k3 (hHi, x q−1 )
k3 (hHi, y1 ) = k3 (hHi, y2 ) = · · · = k3 (hHi, y q−1 ).
Let i1 , i2 , i3 ∈ {±1} and let Fi1 ,i2 ,i3 denote the term χi41 (y)χi42 (1 − y)χi43 (x − y).
Using this notation, we expand and evaluate the inner summation in (4.6). We
[2 + hχ4 (y) + hχ4 (y)][2 + hχ4 (1 − y) + hχ4 (1 − y)][2 + hχ4 (x − y) + hχ4 (x − y)]
= [8 + 4hχ4 (y) + 4hχ4 (y) + 4hχ4 (1 − y) + 4hχ4 (1 − y) + 4hχ4 (x − y)
1, if i is odd,
−1, otherwise;
x, if i ∈ {1, 2},
1 − x, otherwise;
(1, 1), if i = 1,
(1, −1), if i = 2,
(l1 , l2 ) =
(−1, 1), if i = 3,
(−1, −1), if i = 4.
Also, corresponding to each j, let (i1 , i2 , i3 ) take the value according to the following
j i1 i2 i3
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 −1
3 1 −1 1
4 1 −1 −1
5 −1 1 1
6 −1 1 −1
7 −1 −1 1
8 −1 −1 −1
Then, using (4.8) and the notations we just described, (4.6) yields
1 X
k3 (hHi, 1) = [2 + hχ4 (x) + hχ4 (x)][2 + hχ4 (1 − x) + hχ4 (1 − x)] × I
1 X h
= 32(q − 15) + B1 χ4 (x) + B1 χ4 (x) + B1 χ4 (x − 1) + B1 χ4 (x − 1)
+ 2h3 V31 + 4hV32 + 4hV33 + 4hV34 + 4hV35 + 4hV36 + 4hV37 + 2h V38
3 3 3 5
+ 4hV41 + 4hV42 + 4hV43 + 2h V44 + 4hV45 + 2h V46 + 2h V47 + h V48 .
Using Lemmas 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6, we find that
k3 (hHi, 1) = 32(q 2 − 20q + 81)
+ h5 V11 + 2h3 V12 + 2h3 V13 + 4hV14 + 2h3 V15 + 4hV16 + 4hV17 + 4hV18
+ 2h3 V21 + 4hV22 + 4hV23 + 4hV24 + 4hV25 + 4hV26 + 4hV27 + 2h V28
+ 2h3 V31 + 4hV32 + 4hV33 + 4hV34 + 4hV35 + 4hV36 + 4hV37 + 2h V38
3 3 3 5
+4hV41 + 4hV42 + 4hV43 + 2h V44 + 4hV45 + 2h V46 + 2h V47 + h V48 . (4.9)
Now, we convert each term of the form Vij [i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 8}] into
its equivalent
t1 q · t32F2 form. We use the notation (t1 , t2 , . . . , t5 ) ∈ Z54 for the term
χ4 , χ4 , χ4
q 2 · 3 F2 |1 . Then, (4.9) yields
χt44 , χt45
k3 (hHi, 1) = 32(q 2 − 20q + 81)
+ h5 (3, 1, 1, 2, 2) + 2h3 (1, 1, 3, 2, 0) + 2h3 (3, 1, 1, 0, 2) + 4h(1, 1, 3, 0, 0)
+ 2h3 (3, 3, 1, 0, 2) + 4h(1, 3, 3, 0, 0) + 4h(3, 3, 1, 2, 2) + 4h(1, 3, 3, 2, 0)
+ 2h3 (3, 1, 3, 2, 2) + 4h(1, 1, 1, 2, 0) + 4h(3, 1, 3, 0, 2) + 4h(1, 1, 1, 0, 0)
+ 4h(3, 3, 3, 0, 2) + 4h(1, 3, 1, 0, 0) + 4h(3, 3, 3, 2, 2) + 2h (1, 3, 1, 2, 0)
+ 2h3 (3, 1, 3, 2, 0) + 4h(1, 1, 1, 2, 2) + 4h(3, 1, 3, 0, 0) + 4h(1, 1, 1, 0, 2)
+ 4h(3, 3, 3, 0, 0) + 4h(1, 3, 1, 0, 2) + 4h(3, 3, 3, 2, 0) + 2h (1, 3, 1, 2, 2)
+ 4h(3, 1, 1, 2, 0) + 4h(1, 1, 3, 2, 2) + 4h(3, 1, 1, 0, 0) + 2h (1, 1, 3, 0, 2)
3 3 5
+4h(3, 3, 1, 0, 0) + 2h (1, 3, 3, 0, 2) + 2h (3, 3, 1, 2, 0) + h (1, 3, 3, 2, 2) . (4.10)
Next, we use Lemma 2.8 alongwith the notations therein. We list the tuples
(t1 , t2 , . . . , t5 ) in each orbit of the group action of F on X, and then group the
corresponding terms in (4.10) together. The orbit representatives (1, 1, 1, 0, 0),
(3, 3, 3, 0, 0), (1, 3, 3, 2, 0), (3, 1, 1, 2, 0) and (1, 1, 3, 0, 0) given in the proof of Corol-
lary 2.7 in [6] are the ones whose orbits exhaust the hypergeometric terms in
(4.10). We denote the q 2 · 3 F2 terms corresponding to these orbit representatives
as M1 , M2 , . . . , M5 respectively. Then, (4.10) yields
k3 (hHi, 1) = 32(q 2 − 20q + 81)
+ h5 M4 + 2h3 M1 + 2h3 M1 + 4hM5 + 2h3 M1 + 4hM5 + 4hM1 + 4hM3
+ 2h3 M4 + 4hM5 + 4hM2 + 4hM1 + 4hM5 + 4hM5 + 4hM5 + 2h M3
+ 2h3 M4 + 4hM5 + 4hM5 + 4hM5 + 4hM2 + 4hM1 + 4hM5 + 2h M3
3 3 3 5
+ 4hM4 + 4hM3 + 4hM5 + 2h M2 + 4hM5 + 2h M2 + 2h M2 + h M3 .
Using Lemma 2.7 (note that we could not reduce M5 ), (4.11) yields
1 2 t 2 χ4 , χ4 , χ4
k3 (hHi, 1) = 2(q − 20q + 81) + 2u(−p) + 3q · 3 F2 |1 .
128 ε, ε
Returning back to (4.5), we are now left to calculate k3 (hHi, g). Again, we have
k3 (hHi, g)
1 X X
= (2 + hχ4 (g − x) + hχ4 (g − x))(2 + hχ4 (g − y) + hχ4 (g − y))
x6=0,g y6=0,g,x
× (2 + hχ4 (x − y) + hχ4 (x − y))(2 + hχ4 (x) + hχ4 (x))(2 + hχ4 (y) + hχ4 (y)) .
Using the substitutions Y = yg −1 and X = xg −1 , and then using the fact that
hχ4 (g) = h, (4.13) yields
k3 (hHi, g)
1 X X
= (2 + hχ4 (1 − x) + hχ4 (1 − x))(2 + hχ4 (1 − y) + hχ4 (1 − y))
x6=0,1 y6=0,1,x
× (2 + hχ4 (x − y) + hχ4 (x − y))(2 + hχ4 (x) + hχ4 (x))(2 + hχ4 (y) + hχ4 (y)) .
Comparing this with (4.6) we see that the expansion of the expression inside this
summation will consist of the same summation terms as in (4.6) except that the
coefficient corresponding to each summation will become the complex conjugate of
the corresponding coefficient of the same summation. This means that, to calculate
the coefficient of each summation after expanding the expression in (4.13), we need
to replace each corresponding coefficient in (4.11) by its complex conjugate. Now,
(4.12) is the final expression from (4.11), and we see that (4.12) contains three
summands, two of them being real numbers and the other being a 3 F2 term whose
coefficient is also a real number. Then by the foregoing argument, (4.13) yields the
same value as given in (4.12). Thus, (4.5) gives that
q−1 2 t 2 χ4 , χ4 , χ4
k3 (hHi) = 2(q − 20q + 81) + 2u(−p) + 3q · 3 F2 |1 .
768 ε, ε
Substituting the above value in (4.1), we complete the proof of the theorem.
1 X X
Y 2 + hχ4 (ai − aj ) + hχ34 (ai − aj )
= ···
m a <···<a 4
1 m−1 1≤i<j≤m−1
X m−1
{2 + hχ4 (am − ai ) + hχ34 (am − ai )} (5.1)
am 6=ai i=1
= 2m−1 (q − m + 1)
+ [(3m−1 − 1) number of terms containing expressions in χ4 ] (5.2)
am 6=ai
≤ 23m · 3m q + 22m−3
≤ 22m (1 + 2m · 3m q),
that is,
√ ′ j′ X √
−22m (1 + 2m · 3m q) ≤ 2f hi h χ4 (g(am )) ≤ 22m (1 + 2m · 3m q).
am 6=ai
6. Acknowledgements
We are extremely grateful to Ken Ono for previewing a preliminary version of
this paper and for his helpful comments.
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