Minutes-2022-04-27 WPM 83-ICB1
Minutes-2022-04-27 WPM 83-ICB1
Minutes-2022-04-27 WPM 83-ICB1
Meeting with China Gezhouba Group Company Ltd – ICB 1 Package held on April 27, 2022 at CGGC
Site Premises @ 2.00 pm
Purpose of Meeting: To discuss issues related to the construction activities at the site
List of Participants
Topics Discussed
Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Resident Engineer: V.H.K Samarathunga
Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Telephone: +94 55 224 5567 Email: [email protected]
4 LB Canal works
The remaining canal section 0+057-0+100 km works will be resumed during the next
water closure period. The Contractor needs 6 weeks to complete the work. The Contractor, May 5, 2022
Contractor was instructed to submit a detailed work program for this particular work.
a. Section 0+158-0+168: The Contractor has managed to supply 20 mm R/F Contractor May 1, 2022
steel. The L7 lift concrete will be completed by May 1, 2022.
b. Section 0+110-0+140: Four sets of Ogee steel formwork were fabricated, and
the formwork erection will be started on May 1, 2022. There is no shortage of Contractor May 1, 2022
20 mm R/F steel at the Site.
c. Section 0+330-0+373:
Contractor April 29,
▪ The window in the steel cofferdam will be closed on April 29, 2022. The
PD-PIU mentioned that on April 29, 2022, the pool water will be reduced
to favorable level to complete this work.
▪ Operation of RB silt ejector gates: The Contractor has been instructed to
prepare and submit a RB SE operation schedule according to the require- Contractor/
ment to maintain the pool water level as planned in the flow diversion Engineer
plan. The TL-PMDSC explains how to establish the lines of command
between officials and the stakeholders. It was also mentioned that, as a
result of a discussion with EIC-Mapakada, he has agreed to provide a
supervisor and assistance to supervise the gate operation as per the
requirement of the Contractor, and that the Contractor should provide
labor for gate operation. Upon receiving the schedule, the PD-PIU would
arrange a meeting with EIC-Mapakada and other required stakeholders
to reach an agreement on gate operations. The ACRE added that the
schedule should be prepared by focusing on the full period of the weir
section’s construction.
▪ Submission of Early Warning System (EWS) and Emergency Action Plan Contractor
April 29,
(EAP): Despite the instruction to submit these documents, the Engineer
has not received it so far. The submission is due on April 29, 2022.
▪ The ACRE reminded the Contractor to monitor the steel cofferdam at
least for two days to ascertain the behavior of the structure. Unless this
requirement and the outstanding submissions are satisfied, the
Contractor cannot start the works.
▪ The Contractor has planned to work simultaneously on weir concrete and
rock excavation. The expected finish date would be in mid-August, 2022,
according to the Contractor.
6 Alternative Flank Bund Design and LB Layout, and Structural Backfilling
a. The design and drawings will be submitted on April 29, 2022. Contractor April 29,
b. Material for flank bund and soil backfilling: Two borrow areas were found and 2022
the Contractor has obtained approval for one location. The approval is in the
process for the other locations, and the Contractor expects that it will be Contractor May 13,
received within two weeks.
c. The Contractor has yet to submit the construction drawings for structural
Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Resident Engineer: V.H.K Samarathunga
Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Telephone: +94 55 224 5567 Email: [email protected]
D : \ T h ej an i \ M L BC R P \ I C B 1 \ M IN U T ES O F M E ET I N G S \ W P M \ M i nu t es - 20 22 - 04- 27 W PM 8 3 - I C B 1. d oc x
a. The revised date for the completion of drilling and grouting works in the areas, Contractor June 30,
LBSE, LBHR and weir section 0+000-0+110 km is June 30, 2022. 2022
b. To expedite the drilling works, one additional drilling machine was mobilized
to the Site. Another machine will be delivered to the Site within next week.
c. The ACRE instructed that the grouting program should be revised and sub-
8 Construction of cantilever retaining wall at RB embankment of the LBC
The Contractor finished the survey and the structural drawings are being prepared for Contractor May 2, 2022
the submission, which is due on May 2, 2022.
9 Buildings
a. FO & VC:
▪ The RE pointed out that the construction of this building is badly delayed Contractor
and the Contractor’s attention is not sufficient at all. Currently, the
foundation backfilling is being done. Also, the mud brick material samples
have not been submitted yet. The Contractor is still looking for suppliers.
▪ The PD-PIU requested the Contractor to arrange an Architecture Site
inspection to discuss and finalize the landscaping around the building. Contractor
b. RB Building:
The Contractor has arranged a joint Site inspection on April 29, 2022, to
Contractor April 29,
inspect the roof material samples. 2022
10 Hydro mechanical Works
a. As per the HM Program, despite the scheduled date on April 25, 2022, the
Contractor failed to deliver the following items. Demanding price escalation
for HM works is the reason for holding the delivery by the subcontractor.
▪ All Embedded parts in Head Regulator gates
▪ All Embedded parts in Silt Ejector gates
The Contractor stated that some items will be delivered to the Site by April Contractor April 28, 2022
28, 2022, however, the Contractor failed to mention those items.
b. The hoisting system consignment has been cleared by the supplier and is
currently in his custody. The supplier demands additional payment for these
goods, which is refused by the Contractor. The Engineer instructed the
Contractor to come up with an immediate solution to this issue and deliver the
materials to the Site. The Contractor has arranged a meeting with the sub-
contractor on April 29, 2022, to discuss this matter.
c. The Engineer pointed out that this is solely a Contractor’s issue and the Contractor
Employer should no longer suffer delays in work. The PD-PIU emphasized
that regardless of this issue, the gates should be operable manually by May
30, 2022, and the Employer does not want to suffer from delays any more.
The TL-PMDSC asked Mr. Gao to get their senior management involved in
this price escalation matter and solve it immediately. Contractor
d. The Contractor has not yet fabricated the following items, and the hoisting
shaft mounting bracket design is outstanding to date.
▪ SE Stop logs embedded parts in side groves,
▪ Trash racks all embedded parts
Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Resident Engineer: V.H.K Samarathunga
Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Telephone: +94 55 224 5567 Email: [email protected]
D : \ T h ej an i \ M L BC R P \ I C B 1 \ M IN U T ES O F M E ET I N G S \ W P M \ M i nu t es - 20 22 - 04- 27 W PM 8 3 - I C B 1. d oc x
The Contractor claims that the Contract does not specify whether the item is
brand new or reconditioned. The PD-PIU mentioned that the Employer has
no dispute on this matter that is to be referred to the DB. The Employer stated
that their eligibility to receive a brand new vehicle under the Contract has not
The TL-PMDSC highlighted that the decision on providing this equipment
should be based on the durability, fitness for the purpose and the like.
The CRE questioned the Contractor why this matter was not tabled during the
pre-bid meetings and even during the evaluation period. It was also asked to
provide the basis on which this amount for the equipment had been quoted.
The Contractor should response the last Engineer’s letter in this regard.
11 Other matters
a. Removing trees in the LB flank bund area: The Contractor has yet to submit
the layout plan as per the issued letter, indicating the exact trees to be affected Contractor
April 28, 2022
during LB works. The submission is due on April 28, 2022.
b. The Contractor has yet to submit the monthly material requirement for the Contractor
remaining works.
Program Management, Design and Supervision Consultant Resident Engineer: V.H.K Samarathunga
Mahaweli Water Security Investment Program Telephone: +94 55 224 5567 Email: [email protected]
D : \ T h ej an i \ M L BC R P \ I C B 1 \ M IN U T ES O F M E ET I N G S \ W P M \ M i nu t es - 20 22 - 04- 27 W PM 8 3 - I C B 1. d oc x