The Case Study of Water Supply Infrastructure
The Case Study of Water Supply Infrastructure
The Case Study of Water Supply Infrastructure
Case study: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Bushenyi and
Kitgum operational Areas
March 2018
The Impact of Infrastructure development on water supply services and
viability of small towns
Prof. Margreet Zwarteveen
Mireia Tutusaus Luque. Msc
Examination committee
Prof. Margreet Zwarteveen-Chairperson
Mireia Tutusaus Luque. Msc
Angela Huston. Msc-External examiner (IRC)
This research is done for the partial fulfilment of requirements for the Master of Science degree at the
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands
March 2018
Although the author and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education have made every effort
to ensure that the information in this thesis was correct at press time, the author and UNESCO-
IHE do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or
disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from
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International License.
Service delivery in the ‘rural-urban continuum’ also known as small towns poses a daunting
tasks to providers given the unique context within the towns where scale economies of
providing piped water services are low making it unattractive spectrum to venture. This study
aims to analyse the magnitude of how the development of infrastructure has affected the
financial sustainability and service provision specifically in the small towns of Bushenyi and
Kitgum in Uganda whose water supply system is being operated and managed by the National
water and sewerage Corporation (NWSC) a government parastatal.
This study majorly applied qualitatively research techniques and data analysis to critically
describe and explain how the current processes of infrastructure evolution i.e. the distribution
pipe network and treatment plants to expand services in NWSC has impacted on
access/coverage and reliability levels of service under the pressure of being financially
sustainable in a complicated context of small towns. Secondary data on national water policies
and guidelines on infra development in Uganda, NWSC policies, approaches and mandate for
services delivery, performance contracts both national and town levels was reviewed. This was
to provide insights on how the infrastructure policies and approaches that have significant
bearing on investment costs and service levels is developed at the National and NWSC head
office and eventually cascaded to the small towns operations.
The Strategic change of focus of NWSC and increased political mandate in the beginning of
year 2013 from a profit maximising organization operating in only 23 towns to a wider service
delivery model to expand services through infrastructure evolution of the pipe network and
geographical expansion of services via rapid takeover of new towns was a turning point that
shaped how NWSC provides services in towns. To understand the interplay of the reforms I
have conceptualized three chronological phases of how NWSC provides water supply services
in small towns in Uganda. These phases are; 1) Take-off phase, the key priority of NWSC is to
rapidly develop the pipe network and takeover of more towns to increase access/coverage,
increase presence while fulfilling the political mandate of the Government of Uganda but with
relative weight of financial sustainability in towns; 2) Stability phase-here the priority is to
guarantee supply reliability using lower costs mechanisms to enhance viability of towns thus
access is compromised; 3) Landing phase- the ultimate goal in this phase is the financial
sustainability of town utilities where focus is to enhance operational efficiencies of towns thru
optimizing operational expenditures and improved revenue collection efficiencies to increase
net cash flows but at the expense of access and reliability of services.
It is therefore concluded that aggressive infrastructure development does affect the financial
sustainability and service levels in small towns but at the different phases of service delivery
with varying degree of effect. Given that the mother utility (NWSC) priorities and importance
of the strategic goals and mandates to fulfill vary at different phases of service delivery.
This study on “The impact of Infrastructure development on water supply services and viability
of small towns” is submitted as a partial fulfilment for the award of MSc. Water Management-
Water service management at UNESCO-IHE Institute of water Education, Delft, Netherlands
2016/2018. I glorify the almighty God for this achievement.
I would like to profoundly acknowledge the unwavering backing, commitment and
professionality from my main mentor Mireia Tutusaus Luque in ensuring that this piece of work
is produced with meticulousness. It was through your hard pushes that has made it possible. My
utmost gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Margreet Zwarteveen for your intelligent and
constructive comments in the course of the research that has enriched this report.
My sincere appreciation and gratefulness goes to ATWATSAN project for sponsoring my
studies in the Netherlands, otherwise this would have not materialized. I also extend my credit
to project SMALL for facilitating the data collection of this study. Many thanks to UNESCO-
IHE staff and students especially from Water Management Programme specifically Water
services management specialization for the class debates, group work that tolerated diversity in
culture, role plays. This enhanced my intelligence and critical thinking skills that has enabled
me accomplish this work. Special thanks to my close friends I met at IHE, Mr.Mbanga
Mwasaha, Janvière Tuyisenge, Biar kuai Biar, Isaac Barnes, Dr.Mary Kaggwa, Martin Odeke,
Mawoyo Tanyaradzwa, Lungile Sifundza, Richard Mutua, Roberto Narine (my former
roommate at Mina), Adriano Mateus Biza, Jussah Nguwo, Maaike Zwarts and to my Dutch
family Mr.Hans and Connie, you accepted me and made my stay in Netherland memorable.
In a special way, I particularly recognize the contribution of Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha the CEO
of NWSC, you spared your valued time to discuss in depth about the research, and giving
insightful guidance and recommended relevant literature for review that broaden my thinking.
Further, my deepest appreciation to all my friends and NWSC top management first for granting
me study leave to pursue the MSc and then warmly welcoming me back to undertake research
from the organization. Thank you to all my respondents at NWSC head office, Bushenyi area
and Kitgum Area. You provided me with all the necessary and valuable data that enabled me
put together this report. Special gratitude to the Area Managers of NWSC Bushenyi and Kitgum
Francis Kateeba and Faith Nambuya respectively for the unconditional support you gave me
during the field work. I also salute the following from NWSC; Sonko Kiwanuka, Gilbert
Echelai Akol, Tom Buyi and Rose Mutonyi. I’m grateful for your kindness and being there
whenever I needed some support.
Most importantly my family, my wife veronica Ndagire Omuut, I’ll always remain indebted to
you for bravely taking up the mantle of taking care of our children Mckenzie Atekit, Malcolm
Epetait and Mclean Ojenatum who I left when he was 8 months old but you nurtured in my
absence. May God bless you abundantly. I’m also appreciative to my role model Papa Silver
Epetait for being an inspiration in my life. To all my siblings thank you for the moral support
and prayers. I salute my young brother Jose Ekeun for constantly checking on my family. Lastly
I dedicate this work to my late Mum Hellen Atekit Epetait (RIP), you taught me to always be
obedient and ambitious son, your legacy will always live.
Table of Contents
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
List of Tables ix
Abbreviations xi
Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.1.1. Problem Statement and Justification 2
1.2. Research Objective 3
1.2.1. Main Objective: 3
1.2.2. Specific objectives 3
1.3. Research Questions 3
1.3.1. General Research question. 3
1.3.2. Specific questions 3
Literature Review 4
2.1. Small town definition 4
2.1.1. Dynamics of small town’s water supply and sanitation 4
2.1.2. Why is the focus shifting to small towns? 5
2.2. Financial sustainability and full cost recovery in water service delivery 6
2.2.1. Conflicts of full cost recovery to achieve financial sustainability 7
2.3. Dynamics in developing water infrastructure 8
2.3.1. Challenges of infrastructure development 9
2.3.2. Critical role of infrastructure 9
2.3.3. Choice of Technology in water service delivery 10
2.3.4. Complexity in Town Water Infrastructure designs 11
2.3.5. Infrastructure Economies of scale 11
2.3.6. Economies of Densities 13
2.4. Infrastructure development and water services 13
2.4.1. Infrastructure impact on Access of services 14
2.4.2. Infrastructure impact on reliability of services 15
Research Methodology 16
3.1. Research Design 16
3.2. Multiple Case Study Selection 17
3.2.1. Geographical locations of study towns 17
3.3. Analytical framework 18
3.3.1. Lens of analysis: utility management Drivers 18
3.3.2. Financial flows 18
3.3.3. Infrastructure/technological choice as key focus of Research 19
3.3.4. Service levels 19
3.4. Data collection methods 20
3.4.1. Interviews 20
3.4.2. Secondary Data Collection 21
3.4.3. Observation data collection method 21
3.4.4. Triangulation 21
3.5. Limitation of the Research 23
References 74
List of Figures
Figure 1: Small town Sub-Sector (Source: Hopkins et al., 2003) ........................................................................ 5
Figure 2 How Infrastructure contribute to development source: (Briceno-Garmendia et al., 2004, p. 4) ......... 10
Figure 3: Declining long run average cost curve of water production: Source (Ansar & Pohlers, 2014, p. 255) 12
Figure 4: Map of Uganda with the locations of Bushenyi/Ishaka and Kitgum Towns ..................................... 18
Figure 5: Analytical framework ...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 6: Administrative structure of the Small Town Sub sector in Uganda .................................................. 25
Figure 7: Analysis of Unit cost of production large and small towns ............................................................... 34
Figure 8: NWSC tariff and unit cost of productions performance trends. ........................................................ 37
Figure 9: NWSC cross subsidy model of for small towns ................................................................................. 38
Figure 10: Analysis of the NWSC regional CSI from FY 14/15 to 16/17 ............................................................ 41
Figure 11: Five year trend of network expansion and new connection. .......................................................... 43
Figure 12: Analysis of new connections trends from Bushenyi Operational data Fy13/14 to 16/17. ............... 46
Figure 13: Updated 2017 GIS map of Pipe Network laid beyond Bushenyi/Ishaka Municipality ..................... 47
Figure 14: Analysis of plant capacity utilization trend. ................................................................................... 49
Figure 15: Performance trend of the annual water production (mᶟ) for Bushenyi/Ishaka Cluster ................... 49
Figure 16: Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) Trend for Bushenyi/Ishaka ........................................................ 51
Figure 17: NWSC Bushenyi Analysis of expenditure on mains extensions vs Billings ....................................... 53
Figure 18: Performance trends billing, Opex and Working ratios ................................................................... 55
Figure 19: Performance trend of weighted av. tariff against the unit cost of production for Bushenyi town .. 56
Figure 20: Analysis of Capex budget on mains extensions Kitgum Source: NWSC Capex Budget Reports ....... 57
Figure 21: Pipe Network for NWSC Kitgum Service Area ................................................................................ 58
Figure 22: performance trend of annual new connections and pipe network expansion from 2013 to 2017 ... 59
Figure 23: NWSC Kitgum four year Plant Capacity Utilization ........................................................................ 61
Figure 24: Analysis of the production data for Period (FY13/14-16/17) .......................................................... 61
Figure 25: Analysis of the NWSC annual Customer Satisfaction survey Report (FY13/14-16/17) .................... 62
Figure 26: Four year Performance trends of Capex budgets on mains extensions and the billing ................... 64
Figure 27: 2013-2017 Break Even Analysis for Kitgum .................................................................................... 65
Figure 28: weighted av. tariff vs unit cost of production analysis ................................................................... 66
Figure 29: Phases of water supply provision in Towns.................................................................................... 73
List of Tables
Table 1: Access to infrastructure by the richest and poorest 20% of the population ...................................... 15
Table 2: Summary of the Data collection methods with respect to research questions .................................. 22
Table 3: NWSC-Area Categorization ............................................................................................................... 27
Table 4: Critical Departmental roles of NWSC HO and Small Town Utilities .................................................... 28
Table 5: Villages with and without 100% pipe water supply ........................................................................... 31
Table 6: Performance Trends of NWSC Kampala water and the Small Towns ................................................. 34
Table 7: Working Ratio Performance of NWSC global, Large and Small Towns from FY2013 to 2017 ............. 35
Table 8: NWSC Global tariff and unit cost of production trends ..................................................................... 37
Table 9: NWSC KPI's for expansion of services ............................................................................................... 42
Table 10: Aggregated Production Capacities of Bushenyi/Ishaka Cluster ....................................................... 48
Table 11: Bushenyi Area CSI performance from FY2013/2014 to 2016/2017 .................................................. 51
Table 12: Typical NWSC Cost Estimates of 2"Pipe HDPE PN10 ........................................................................ 52
Table 13: Bushenyi Area Capex on pipe Network for the period 2013 to 2017 ............................................... 53
Table 14: Bushenyi/Ishaka Incomes and Expenditures from FY2013/2014 to 2016/2017 ............................... 54
Table 15: NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Tariff vs unit cost of Production Analysis ................................................... 56
Table 16: Kitgum Area performance on Network expansion and New connections made .............................. 58
Table 17: Plant Capacity utilization and practical plant capacity for FY13/14 to 16/17 ................................... 60
Table 18: Budgets on Capex on Pipe Network and Billings for four financial years ......................................... 63
Table 19: Income and Expenditures for Kitgum Area for Period FY2013/2014 to 2016/2017 .......................... 64
Table 20: Tariff performance and unit costs of production analysis for Kitgum .............................................. 66
ATWATSAN: Alternative Approaches and Tools for improved Water supply and Sanitation
CAPEX: Capital Expenditure
COM: Cash operating Margin
DWD: Directorate of Water Development
GOU: Government of Uganda
HRW: Human Right to Water
ISDP: Infrastructure Service Delivery Plan
KPI: Key Performance Indicator
MWE: Ministry of Water and Environment
NWSC HO: National Water and Sewerage Corporation Head Office
NWSC: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
O&M: Operations and Maintenance
OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OPEX: Operations and Maintenance Expenditure
SCAP100: Service Coverage Accelerated Programme for 100% coverage
UBOS: Uganda Bureau of Statistics
UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
UNICEF: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
VOW: Value of Water Campaign
WATSAN: Water and Sanitation
WBG: World Bank Group
WHO: World Health Organization
WR: Working Ratio
WSP: Water and Sanitation Programme
WSSP: Water Supply Stabilization Plan
WUP: Water Utility Partnerships
WURD: Water Utility Regulatory Department
1.1. Background
Sustained population rise in small towns is a concern in the discourse of water and sanitation
service delivery. It is estimated that the majority of the global population lives in small urban
Centres of less than 500,000 inhabitants (UN-HABITAT, 2006). These towns also referred as
secondary towns hosts approximately a billion people in developing countries who by far have
low levels of access to basic services like safe water and sanitation (UN-HABITAT, 2006;
Mugabi & Njiru, 2006). Estimates also reveal that rapid urban growth will take place in the
small cities where coverage of water supply services is still insufficient (Cohen, 2006).
Further, rapid growth has intensified the problem of widening the gap of underserved or
unserved population with water supply services (N. Pilgrim et al., 2007). It is reported that at
the current rate where population growth in small towns is outstripping the number of people
accessing water and sanitation services, more than 672 million people will be living without
access to improved sources of water and 2.7 billion people had no access to sanitation by 2015
(WaterAid/BPD, 2010). Although this was estimated for the urbanizing centres the
WaterAid/BPD (2010) report however claims that a greater fraction of the underserved
population will exist in the small towns. Cohen (2006) also supplements that urban
infrastructure development reviews depict that inhabitants of small towns are underserved in
regards to basic public services such as piped water supply, health, wastewater disposal, schools
among others.
Capital investments in small towns is not matching with the increasing demand for services
(WaterAid/BPD, 2010). This is not helped by the fact that majority of the funding for the water
sector is channelled to either mega cities or rural areas, in fact (Cardone, 2006; WaterAid/BPD,
2010) estimate that out of the USD $3 billion Official development fund meant for the water
and sanitation sector in 2003, only 13% or (USD $360 million) was allocated to the small towns
and yet over a billion people with deplorable water supply services is estimated to be living in
small towns of developing countries alone (UN-HABITAT, 2006). Expenditure on
development of infrastructure to improve access is quite high amidst the escalating demand for
maintenance and improving the existing infrastructure. Small towns are in need of capital
investments to expand services but do not have the financial capacity to adequately develop the
infrastructure thus posing a significant challenge on the level of water supply services (Alm,
Additionally infrastructure development poses a peculiar problem in small town’s financial
mechanisms (Cardone & Fonseca, 2006). Mistakes commonly made by planners of town water
systems is the use of predetermined national designs standard meant for urban water systems
and are transplanted to the town water systems (Lauria, 2003). Given the features of being in
Introduction 1
the rural-urban continuum, transitional in growth, towns have distinctive characteristics from
urban or rural contexts, therefore requiring a distinctive design strategies of their own (Hopkins
et al., 2003). Standard designs have resulted to systems being over designed in order to meet
the uncertain projected demand for 20 to 25 years most times not realised leading to excess
costs shifted to the clients or risks of ruining the finances of the utility (Hopkins et al., 2003;
Lauria, 2003; Pilgrim et al., 2004). This experience in turn has ensued construction of very
expensive systems to operate and manage thus serving only a few people who can afford (N.
Pilgrim et al., 2007). Thus, the appropriateness of designing town water systems based on
growth and demand projection is continuously being questioned (Lauria, 2003) because
unreliable and volatile growth is burdensome to the existing population in regards to investment
costs and operation and maintenance responsibility (N. Pilgrim et al., 2007).
In times where water utilities are encouraged (if not requested) to strive for financial
sustainability, it has posed a challenge to the water sector to realise it (Furlong, 2010). Being
financially sustainable is where the utility is able to generate and manage its own revenues to
adequately meet its short and long term obligations (Zieburtz, 2008). As part of the problem of
financial sustainability it stresses that fixed cost for the development of infrastructure ought to
be paid from the beginning of operations but because of a small customer base in towns, the
demand and revenues to cover the costs will not be realised in the shortest time (Kessides,
Besides that, utilities are increasingly required to operate efficient and effective systems that
reconcile the expansion of services with minimum incurred costs to enhance autonomy,
sustainable services (Kessides, 2004). It is ever more accepted among practitioners that being
financially sustainable is the cornerstone for well managed utilities (Rothstein & Galardi,
2007). Therefore, once fixed costs and operational costs are not well managed the end result is
unviability of utilities, although governments are encouraged to support utilities with
investment costs (Cardone & Fonseca, 2006). In addition, many utilities have a long tradition
of pricing their services at rates lower than required to meet the sum of full operations and
maintenance costs and capital investments that has resulted into unavailability of sufficient
funds for utilities to sustainably provide services. (Zieburtz, 2008)
1.1.1. Problem Statement and Justification
Water and Sanitation service provisioning in towns continue to experience difficulty and some
of those specific constraints have also been elaborated by (WaterAid/BPD, 2010; Mugabi &
Njiru, 2006; Adank & Tuffuor 2013; P Moriarty et al., 2002). Towns are synonymous with
higher costs of investment that is related to construction of centralized systems and yet the
revenue generation from these systems are low. Cost recovery mechanisms for at least operation
and maintenance of the system are difficult to achieve and also towns find it extremely
challenging to generate local revenue from either tariffs or attract external financial support for
the development and rehabilitation of infrastructure to facilitate the expansion of services(N.
Pilgrim et al., 2007). Furthermore the odd distribution of the population, puts towns at a
disadvantaged position to benefit from economies of scale and densities of piped water systems.
Towns are very volatile in economic and demographic terms because of being in the continuum
between rural and urban areas. Their transitional nature is highly vulnerable to changes in
economic activities and the consequences this has on service provision is severe. This position
calls for flexibility in approach in designing town water services.
Introduction 2
And yet, utilities across the globe and specifically in the small towns are urged to strive for
financially sustainable practices to be in position to deliver adequate and sustainable water
supply and sanitation services. In order to achieve this, water utilities are encouraged to charge
the right price for water, which by so doing, would allow them to cover all operational costs
and eventually also any investments. However, setting up these tariffs in small towns is
problematic thus inadequate finance to develop additional infrastructure to expand services
coupled with lack of technical ability to manage and operate water systems has resulted to
utilities in towns not being self-sufficient, (Cardone & Fonseca, 2006).
Given the critical role of infrastructure in increasing access and reliability of services, it is
necessary to provide insights on how water utilities of small towns negotiate decisions in
regards to infrastructural development to meet increasing demand for water services under the
pressure of financial sustainability. Therefore the basis for undertaking this research is to
document and bridge the knowledge gap on how the roles of infrastructure development
determine financial sustainability strive and service levels in the small town context.
Introduction 3
Literature Review
This chapter will give a deeper understanding on the topic of research through a review of
literature from journals, articles, working reports, international expert presentations on current
debates relating to infrastructure, general financial sustainability in water service provisioning
and in a small town context. The sections starts with water service delivery in a small town
background, followed by debates for and against financial sustainability and concludes with the
dynamics of infrastructural development. It does provide useful definition of key concepts on
how they are being used.
Literature Review 4
services may prove to be problematic and explains why there are significantly poor services in
these towns.
Literature on small towns whether grey or peer reviewed (Hopkins et al.,2003; Njiru & Sansom,
2002; Mugabi & Njiru, 2006; Pilgrim et al., 2007) highlights some unique challenges associated
with small towns in the provision of sustainable water and sanitation services. These towns fall
between the gaps of not responding to neither typically urban nor typically rural management
models of service delivery (P Moriarty et al., 2002). Understanding of the grey areas known as
‘small towns’ that is in between the continuum of rural and urban is helpful in developing
significant and applicable management models of services (Hopkins et al., 2003). Most of these
models have been designed and supported using regular urban systems but transferred and
applied in the small town context (De Boeck et al., 2010). However, the context of small towns
is essentially distinct from that of primary cities, therefore there precise realisms need to be
understood within their contextual opportunities and challenges (N. Pilgrim et al., 2007). Fig 1
is an illustration of the rural urban continuum, the grey area known as small towns.
Isolation of small towns in terms of service delivery explains the low levels of services in these
secondary towns. It is further reported that due to ambiguity on which approaches of service
deliver are suitable for towns, worsens the situations and has resulted into implementation of
the inappropriate approaches of either rural or urbanized solutions which do not take into
consideration of the local circumstance (WaterAid/BPD, 2010). Further still, small towns had
largely been abandoned in respect to investment in the water and sanitation services. They claim
that where attempts to develop water systems have been made, services dwindle immediately
after commissioning probably due to inconsideration of operation and maintenance provisions
or embracing of unsuitable management options (Njiru & Sansom, 2002)
2.1.2. Why is the focus shifting to small towns?
On the low, WaterAid/BPD (2010) suggest that small towns have been ignored because of the
rural –urban biases where greater attention from the development community is focusing on the
larger cities burdens and the rural poor dilemmas. However, on a national and global scale small
Literature Review 5
towns are attracting attention simply because many governments and the international
community have increasingly realised that towns can provide an opportunity for economic
development of a country (Rondinelli, 1983b; Otiso, 2005). The need to Improve services in
these towns is for some basic reasons such us; decongestion of the urbanized mega cities, rural
economies’ stimulation, easing of service provision in major urban centres and ultimately
resulting to social and economic development (Otiso, 2004). Additionally WSP (2010a) report
emphasize the importance of these towns in providing economic opportunities in terms of
employment, reduction of rural-urban migration and the controls the burgeoning of the urban
poor in informal settlements of mega cities. Thus shifting focus to towns escalates the need to
improve elementary public services in small towns to propel economic growth(Cohen, 2006).
Many international agencies such as the World Bank, African Development Bank, IRC
international water and sanitation Centre, Water and Sanitation Programme have organized and
sponsored international conferences and workshops specifically to discuss special challenges
of small town water and sanitation services (Ryan & Adank, 2010). The “Maputo Practitioners
workshop in 2010 in Mozambique” brought together participants across the globe representing
policy makers from local government, regulators, private sector, development partners to
discuss on sustainable management of small water supply systems in Africa for the emerging
small town sub-sector (WSP, 2010a). In the WaterAid (2014) review report on small town’s
emphasizes the increasing global awareness to prioritize delivery of improved water and
sanitation services to small towns and it was one of the major focus areas of Water Aide’s
universal strategy of 2009 to 2015
Literature Review 6
must be paid for even the poor are prepared to pay for improved services to recover costs of the
service provider (Jaglin, 2002). Therefore full cost recovery from users is emphasized in recent
Adequate finances enables the utility meet its short and long term goals of continuity of water
supply, equitable distribution of water, expanding coverage among others (Zieburtz, 2008).
However studies have shown that the prices of water charged by utilities have failed to recover
the investment and even O&M costs and is hindrance to adequate service delivery (UN-
HABITAT, 2006; Cardone & Fonseca, 2006; OECD ,2010). Long term survival of the utility
is hinged on its financial strength now and this can be achieved through adequate external
funding, careful spending, prudent planning and appropriate controls of its internally generated
Utilities both in larger or small cities are encouraged to be financially stable due to the
complexity involved in managing water and waste water services coupled with the growing
need for development of infrastructure which require significant amount of capital expenditure
(UN-HABITAT, 2006). The capital intensive nature of the infrastructure places the capital
financing at the heart of the development of sustainable utility financial plans (Rothstein &
Galardi, 2007). This infrastructure used to treat and transport water needs to be sufficiently
maintained, it is an important measure in ensuring safety of drinking water. Poorly maintained
water supply systems especially in developing countries is attributed to insufficient financial
resources and poor asset management (Khatri & Vairavamoorthy, 2007), therefore the
deterioration of the infrastructure threatens the ability of the utilities to deliver, reliable, quality
and safe drinking water. In addition, the high levels of Non-Revenue water between 40-60%
according to Khatri and Vairavamoorthy (2007) in developing countries is attributed to poorly
maintained and manged water infrastructure. This therefore is a reflection of how being
financially sustainable is fundamental for utilities in water service provisioning.
2.2.1. Conflicts of full cost recovery to achieve financial sustainability
Controversy faced by Water service providers (WSP) in the pursuit of financial sustainability
is the strong criticisms from the human rights to water (HRW) activists who view this objective
as a neoliberal ideology that promotes privatization of services that aim for profitability and
full cost recovery rather than service delivery. It sparks off another debate on whether water
should be managed as an economic resource or public/social resource. HRW activists Mirosa
and Harris (2012) argue that access to water resource is a fundamental human right, therefore
it should be managed as public/social good by the state or public utilities that promote the end
goal of equity, universal access and efficient service delivery and managing water as an
economic good will deprive the majority poor the HRW.
Sharp conflict in water service provisioning is observed especially where there is considerable
overlapping authority of government agencies and regulations in the water sector. Most public
water utilities are mandated by law to operate in a commercial and viable manner, financially
sustainable and autonomous, take an example of NWSC in Uganda and Zambian utilities where
the principles of private enterprises are promoted (Schwartz, 2008).. However, quite often, there
exists contradictions with the national laws that are in support of equity and universal access of
water services, thereby reducing the role of utilities as basic service providers.
Critics of cost recovery principles Marson and Savin (2015) present quantitative empirical
evidence that shows the relationship of cost recovery and access not being linear in three
Literature Review 7
dimensions. 1) Utilities with poor financial performances cannot increase coverage due to lack
of own funds to invest while donors and governments are hesitant to invest in loss making WSP;
2) Utilities with moderate cost recovery can increase access because of availability of own
funds, government and donor support because of the financial sustainability of the investments;
3) strong focus on full cost recovery doesn’t increase coverage simultaneously because the
overstated focus on financial performance provides a disincentive to extend coverage to
unprofitable peri-urban areas. It is concluded that good financial results do not necessarily
translate into corresponding increase in coverage as supported by qualitative studies (Marson
& Savin, 2015; Bakker et al., 2008; Bayliss, 2011; Dagdeviren, 2008; Herrera, 2014; Jaglin,
2002) because utilities are incentivised to focus more in high income areas where they can make
profits forgetting low income areas.
Increasing water prices in the name of full cost recovery for utilities to be financially sustainable
as being promoted is in fact triggering more problems on the already existing ones in water
supply sector therefore increasing prices of water will worsen the poverty levels (Jaglin, 2002).
Because of increase in prices, the utility also stands a risk of losing out on revenue because of
non-payment by consumer that will obviously impact on its cash flow. It is acknowledged that
improving financial sustainability of public utilities is necessary but not at the cost of social
objectives. Bayliss and McKinley (2007) complement this view, in that as a result of high costs
and low incomes in sub Saharan Africa, heavy reliance on cost recovery is neither viable nor
socially desirable.
Additionally UNDP policy brief report also claims that on top of the worsening poverty level,
full cost recovery may lead to greater inequality across region as sighted in the case of Namibia
where wealthier regions with low cost of supplying water actually pay lower prices as compared
to poorer regions that pay more due to high costs of supplying water (Bayliss & McKinley,
2007),. Majority of the population in cities or towns of developing countries where striving for
social objectives has been postponed live in worsening poverty and flaring inequality (Jaglin,
2002). It is said that for utilities to recover O&M costs is reasonable but full cost recovery is
far from being attainable in developing countries (Schwartz, 2008). Already the poor are paying
more for water services because of relying on water vendors who charge exorbitant prices not
because they can afford but because they have limited options.
In summary the assumption that full cost recovery will translate into utilities remaining
financially sustainable in the future is continuously being questioned and debatable. Empirical
evidence as presented by Marson and Savin (2015) has it that strong emphasis on full cost
recovery will not led to automatic increase in access of service. However, what is generally
acceptable is that service providers need to be self-sufficient in order to sustainably provide
Literature Review 8
However, for the purpose of this research the centre of discussion will be on water and
sanitation infrastructure specifically in small towns. Here water infrastructure will be referred
to as structures and services that are being operated by water and sanitation utilities in small
towns regardless of whether public or privately owned (VOW-Campaign, 2017). In the
provision of portable water supply and sanitation services whether in conventional urban
systems, intermediary towns or rural systems there is specific type of water infrastructure or
technology that is required to accomplish service delivery cycle. Such critical infrastructure
compromises of network pipes, water and wastewater treatment plants and pump stations,
storage tanks, sources (wells, intakes of surface water), pumps, water meters and land. These
are some of the fundamental assets that facilitate the delivery of water and sanitation services
in towns (Hopkins et al., 2003).
2.3.1. Challenges of infrastructure development
Availing infrastructure requires utilities to have the technical capacity to manage, operate and
maintain the assets, planning and financial mechanisms in place, the ability to acquire more of
infrastructure for the expansion of services (Alm, 2015). However, many utilities in developing
countries struggle a lot in the acquisition of this infrastructure let alone, have failed to
sufficiently maintain and manage the assets. Briceno-Garmendia et al. (2004) suggest that
increasing access and quality of infrastructure services needs sizable investment and
expenditures on operations and maintenance. However, this is contentious in the small town
subsector, as the population exist of the majority poor who are mobile with varying willingness
and ability to pay, yet the infrastructure is immobile and requires to deliver as promised by
design and affordability (Cardone & Fonseca, 2006). However, due to the capital intensive
nature of water infrastructure that requires large funding poses a big challenge to utilities in
small towns, as they do not have adequate funding to meet the growing demand for more
infrastructural services (WaterAid/BPD, 2010).
2.3.2. Critical role of infrastructure
The development of infrastructure is generally recognized as a springboard for economic
growth for countries especially developing countries and facilitates sustainable provision of
services (Briceno-Gamendia et al, 2004; Alm, 2015; VOW-Campaign, 2017; Kessides,2004;
World Bank, 1994). Because it “increases productivity and reduces the production costs, it has
to develop faster to match growth” of countries (World Bank, 1994, p. 2). Infrastructure that is
reliable contributes directly through supporting the delivery of crucial services such as
increasing access to safe drinking water, adequate sanitation, health and education that lead to
social development thus indirectly reducing poverty in developing countries although in many
developing countries there is still a deficit in infrastructure resulting into poor quality services
in small towns (Briceno-Garmendia et al., 2004).
However, there has been some debate and scepticism on the actual direct linkage that
infrastructure contributes to the economic growth of a country later alone a municipality or a
town (World Bank, 1994). Various studies on many countries report mixed results on the impact
of infrastructure on growth. According to Briceno-Garmendia et al. (2004), more than half of
studies have shown that investment in infrastructure has insignificant effect on growth or
productivity and even some find negative effect. Although Estache (2010) debates that
infrastructure may be necessary for the functionality of current economies but it is not
necessarily that more infrastructure will automatically cause additional growth altogether in the
various phases of development. In other words infrastructure matters but does not have to
Literature Review 9
explicitly conclude whether more or less infrastructure investments contribute significantly to
growth. Emphasis from recent studies have shown that infrastructure development on economic
growth has a high rate of return to investment of close to 6o% (World Bank, 1994:15).and also
due to the multiplier effect from the infrastructural services, production costs are lowered and
expansion of market opportunities (Prud'homme, 2004; Estache, 2010). This is illustrated in the
figure 2 below
Literature Review 10
or community wells (Daigger & Crawford, 2007). Centralized systems have become more
dominant and preferred choice of technology for urban water systems since they offer the best
possibilities to provide ‘cheaper’ water than other models as the marginal costs of offering the
last drop of water will be minimised in a centralized system (rather than in separate
decentralized systems) and they are operated mainly by monopolistic public utilities in
developing countries (World Bank, 1994, p. 6).
On the other hand, decentralized systems considered as an alternative technology has been
looked at as suitable for the rural areas or the peri-urban centres of the large cities where the
utility services are inadequate or non-existent. The alternative technology quite fittingly seem
to answer the needs of the inhabitants of these areas because it involved simple and easy to
maintain and manage water systems at the communal management. Njiru and Sansom (2002)
agree that the technology opted by small towns for extending services is crucial for the
management of water supply systems.
2.3.4. Complexity in Town Water Infrastructure designs
While designing what supply and sanitation systems, integration of the technical and financial
viabilities of these infrastructure is emphasized. In fact Pilgrim et al. (2004) stress that there
should be no room for blunder in the design phase of town water systems because any mistake
will result to substantial financial impact on tariffs and definitely affect the financial
sustainability. High initial investment costs are either transferred to the consumers or utility
bears the burden of recovering the costs from other sources of finance which is not sustainable
in the small town sub-sector. Likewise, in communities where population densities are
unpredictable and unevenly distributed, understanding the cost savings that may result from
the planning and development of network infrastructure is critical for planners (Mizutani &
Urakami, 2001). Additional the design approaches adapted in towns are encouraged not to be
reliant on finances from the government and other funders for investment (Pilgrim et al., 2004).
To lessen this, a vigorous process in planning and designing of town water supply system ought
to be undertaken to reduce on costly errors that may jeopardize the system Lauria (2003)
From the many design strategies suggested for town water and sanitation service delivery, the
phased or modular expansion strategy seems to be the encouraged and preferred option
according to literature on design models of infrastructure for small towns(Hopkins et al., 2003;
Lauria,2003). Here, towns need to plan to meet the current demand that reduces the start-up
costs and progressively plan to enlarge the system based on actual demand and willingness of
future customers to pay for services (Pilgrim et al., 2004). This approach would reduce the gap
between costs of the system and revenues to enhance financial sustainability
2.3.5. Infrastructure Economies of scale
A close scrutiny on the economies of scale can fetch significant savings in the water sector
once carefully analysed in the development of infrastructure (N. Pilgrim et al., 2007).
Nonetheless, for us to fully grasp where the benefits accrue from, we need to first understand
the meaning of the concept of economies of scale in general terms. In the world development
report World Bank (1994, p. ix), economies of scale is referred to as “a characteristic of a
production technology whereby unit costs decline with increasing output over a large range.
Economies of scale are a major source of natural monopoly’’.
Traditionally, Water infrastructure is capital intensive and requires significant amount of capital
expenditure to develop it thus making it monopolistic in nature, has no competitor and it is seen
Literature Review 11
as being wasteful for a community to have many utilities supplying water. Therefore it is
developed based on the assumption that the bigger the infrastructure the better as there is
potential to exploit the economies of scale (Ansar & Pohlers, 2014). This reasoning is valid
from the economic perspective considering that the long run cost of production will decline as
the utility produces additional cubic units of water from one particular infrastructure say for
instance from a treatment plant. Hence the water industry has customarily followed this
paradigm of the ‘’the bigger the better’’ or the bigger the cheaper to produce long term outputs
while developing urban water systems (Ansar & Pohlers, 2014). This is illustrated in figure
Cost (USD)
Quantity (m3)
Figure 3: Declining long run average cost curve of water production: Source (Ansar & Pohlers, 2014, p. 255)
Literature Review 12
Also if water systems of towns are not appropriately designed there is a risk of missing out on
the economies of scale thus leading to high costs of investment, operations and maintenance
costs which will ultimately affect the financial viability of the utilities (Hopkins et al., 2003).
Take an example as demonstrated by N. Pilgrim et al. (2007) where planners need to be mindful
that the cost of network pipes (both water and sewer) is mainly determined by the length of the
pipe but not on the diameter of the pipe, therefore its less expensive to construct a large pipe
network that will accommodate for the growth of population density instead of constructing a
relatively smaller one that allows for modification to cater for changes in population
distribution. As a result, pipe network diameters have high economies of scale with regard to
their flow capacity whereas building longer networks for predicted demand have no economies
of scale related to it (Lauria, 2003). Understanding such dynamics of infrastructure
development is critical for decision makers in expansion of services. However , this technical
knowledge on design of water systems is lacking in small towns because they do not have the
capacity to hire specialists to plan and manage water systems to expand services (N. Pilgrim et
al., 2007)
2.3.6. Economies of Densities
This is particularly important for developing countries where a big number of people still are
without adequate access to safe drinking water and sanitation services, so if there is evidence
of economies of density more network expansion and new connections can be made at a
decreasing average cost as empirically measured by Nauges and Van den Berg (2008). To
supplement these findings Cohen (2006) contends that there are lesser per capita cost in
providing basic services and infrastructure in areas that are densely populated than low
population densities. Conspicuously small towns have low population densities and hence
limited economies of densities, this implies that more infrastructure is needed to serve the same
amount of people as evidenced by the study conducted by Nauges and Van den Berg (2008).
therefore, the realization of economies of density assumed in a ‘regular’ larger urban centre are
not applicable to small towns (Pilgrim et al., 2004). Economies of densities are more visible in
cities due to the high population density which are not realizable in the small towns.
Literature Review 13
2.4.1. Infrastructure impact on Access of services
Getting a universal understanding of access of services is problematic its self in countries but
also among sectors. However, the commonly used definition is that of UNDP which translates
access to a percentage of the population that is using improved sources of water such as piped
water, public stand taps, motorized boreholes, improved springs and wells (Kayaga et al., 2009).
Other international bodies like the World Bank categories access into rural and urban, where
by in urban, households are considered to have access if within 200 meters of safe water sources
while for rural access implies spending less hours of the day collecting water. A clear
manifestation of the need for more infrastructure development to bridge the gap of access to
It is no secret that access or coverage of water supply and sanitation services is directly
proportional to the level of development of the infrastructure in countries. No wonder,
urbanization through infrastructural development is one of key drivers for the tremendous
progress in the increase of global access to water and sanitation (Patrick Moriarty et al., 2013).
This is not only restricted to cities but also the small towns of population of less than 500,000
people and the rural growth centre (UN DESA, 2011; Patrick Moriarty et al., 2013). The impact
of infrastructure on access of services is reflected on the number of connections made. It is
claimed that the rapid increase in the total number of customer connections in 2004 by NWSC
was attributed to the increased capital expenditure on infrastructure that drastically improved
access/coverage from 48 percent in 1998 to 65 percent in 2004 (Mugisha et al., 2007). It is
further reported that countries with high access of greater than 70% rely on piped water services
to house connections, although in developing countries in sub Saharan Africa and Asia are
nearing the coverage rate of 70% despite depending on point sources, they are most likely to
change to piped water services to house connections. This pits infrastructure at the forefront of
increased coverage.
On the contrary policies on infrastructure have significantly injured the poor, mostly through
inability of policies to provide universal access and not taking into consideration the incapacity
of the poor to pay and afford infrastructure services (Estache, 2010). Moreover affordability of
these services is part of a bigger problem. Estache (2010) illustrates that by practitioners relying
on World Health Organization definition of affordability where by households are not supposed
to spend more than 5% of their income on water which is contrary to the generally proposed
informal rule of not more than 15% income heightens the problem. Therefore the poor are most
doubtful to afford the infrastructural services. The access gap of services between the rich and
poor is widening, On a global perspective the gap between the deprived and the richest 20% of
the population is steadily greater in the low developed countries Estache (2010) as
demonstrated by the table below
Literature Review 14
Table 1: Access to infrastructure by the richest and poorest 20% of the population
Literature Review 15
Research Methodology
This research is inspired by the author’s personal experiences of working with utilities in small
towns in Uganda and motivated to document in detail the underlying struggles that utilities
undergo in providing water supply and sanitation services. This chapter of research
methodology, is organized in six main sections which comprise of; research design, multiple
case selection. Analytical framework, data collection techniques and limitation of the research
Research Methodology 16
research the unit of analysis centred at the NWSC head office and the operational towns of
Bushenyi and Kitgum. Where the concepts of infrastructural development, water services and
financial sustainability are operationalized. It is viewed through the lenses of infrastructure,
financial flows and service levels to determine the relationships in the context of the small
town’s water utilities.
Research Methodology 17
Figure 4: Map of Uganda with the locations of Bushenyi/Ishaka and Kitgum Towns
Research Methodology 18
development Aid, grants) (OECD, 2010). The research will study the financial flows from
NWSC head office to the operational areas of Bushenyi and Kitgum and explicitly providing
how the concept of Financial sustainability is understood and the applied financial indicators
for measuring it such us working ratios, cash operating margins (difference between revenues
and expenditures) and collection Efficiencies (percentage of the billing that is collected) is
being defined at NWSC headquarter and translated to the operational areas.
Additionally, the research will also study the NWSC costs and revenues associated with service
delivery to the towns, that is, Capital expenditures (Capex) and operation and maintenance
expenditure (Opex) (Moriarity et al., 2011). Further seek to study the financial mechanisms for
sustaining service delivery within the town utilities and also explore whether there are other
possible sources of financing besides the traditional ones, for example, bonds in the market,
direct private investments, equity, micro finance, guarantees among others as explained by
Cardone and Fonseca (2006). Although government is inclined to fund most of the capital
investments in small towns but tariffing is acknowledged as the suitable source of financing for
operations and maintenance for utilities to enhance their financial sustainability (Alm, 2015;
Cardone & Fonseca, 2006).
3.3.3. Infrastructure/technological choice as key focus of Research
Infrastructure and financial flows in the water sector industry are vastly interconnected to each
other in that the choice of infrastructure/technology to be developed by utilities will control the
rates at which water will be priced. In this research, I focused on treatment/production plants
and distribution network because of indication of access. Also infrastructure is fundamental in
achieving the sustainable development goal of universal access for water and sanitation (UNDP,
2015). Given the context of small towns each of these systems will be useful in documenting
the existing or non-existing economies of scale and densities associated with infrastructure
In addition, partly the rationale for focusing on treatment plants and distribution pipe network
as a unit of analysis in the research is based on N. Pilgrim et al. (2007) findings about the NWSC
management models of small towns. It is reported that due to the syndrome of oversizing
systems following standard designs in serving projected demand instead of current actual
demand, merely 42% of total capacity in the operational towns of NWSC is being utilized, with
exception of the capital city Kampala. This is because towns are not autonomous in making
management and investment decisions. utilities in secondary towns are encouraged to make
appropriate decisions in respect to infrastructural development that maximize revenues while
optimizing investment costs in order to have sufficient funds that can be used for expansion of
3.3.4. Service levels
To determine the Service levels of water supply is a complicated process in its self, many people
have varying interpretations and it comprises of many indicators that vary from one context to
another. In this study the working understanding of service level is a set of indicators that are
qualitatively measured and when combined allows for other types of performance indicators to
be defined and monitored based on existing national and international standards and practices
(Patrick Moriarty et al., 2013). An explicit definition of the service levels is helpful in
monitoring the extent to which performance indicators comply with the set standards of service
Research Methodology 19
The performance indicators considered for study are access and reliability of services because
of the strong linkage with infrastructure development and financial sustainability. Therefore for
purpose of this research, access and reliability of water services is defined according to the
NWSC context. Though studies in Uganda define access based on technology of service that
assumes that household connections serve six people, yard taps serve twenty four people and
Public stand pipes serve one hundred fifty people, this put water service coverage in small towns
at 70% by 2006 (Kayaga et al., 2009), whereas reliability is considered by NWSC as having a
minimum of 24/7 hours per day of water supply (NWSC PACE, 2012). Therefore service levels
are qualitatively determined from bi annual performance evaluations conducted by NWSC on
utilities that is measured against the National set standards and targets of 100% for access
(coverage) and 24/7 hour water supply.
Research Methodology 20
involvement in planning, designing, operationalizing and management of infrastructure and
finances of water supply services at NWSC. The respondents included a director, senior
managers and Engineers from NWSC head office whereas at the NWSC operational towns of
Bushenyi and Kitgum, the respondents included the Area managers, the heads of technical,
Finance and commercial sections, some technical staff were also interviewed. There were 22
respondents interviewed. A complete list of respondents is attached in the annex section of this
3.4.2. Secondary Data Collection
As a supplement to the primary data collection method of interviews, vast secondary data was
reviewed essentially to correlate the raw data from the interviews and also to analyse the
financial performance and service levels of the towns. Gain an in-depth understanding of
infrastructure development policies and designs practiced in both the small towns under study
and at NWSC headquarters. Quantitative Secondary materials like monthly operational reports,
financial statements, annual Capex and Opex budgets, bi-annual performance evaluation
reports and audited annual reports were particularly reviewed for the period 2013 to 2017 to
determine the performance of the towns and was useful in answering the research questions.
Further review of NWSC current development programmes, policies and action plans on
infrastructure, National WSS standard design manual and government of Uganda performance
contract with NWSC helped establish the state of affairs at NWSC in general and specific
service delivery in the towns.
3.4.3. Observation data collection method
The observation method was used in the research to validate or nullify the interviews that were
conducted (Hancock et al., 1998). The focus was observing the type and sizes of infrastructure
built, the landscape of environment which pose a challenge of construction of the infrastructure,
the behaviour and methods of the technicians while carrying out operations and maintenance.
The reliability of service to ascertain the number of hour’s water supply is available, the
pressure and rate of interruption in the system. This contributed to validating the responses on
service levels
3.4.4. Triangulation
In order to enhance the validity and reliability of the data collected from the field, a triangulation
strategy was adopted. Triangulation technique in qualitative research is believed to be a useful
strategy in reducing bias and contradictions in the findings such that only a honest suggestion
about some social phenomenon can be made (Mathison, 1988). For the purpose of this research
this strategy was of added value, as there was need to correlate the information obtained from
observation method, the interviewees and reviewed secondary data. It was also important to
validate information obtained from the NWSC headquarters with the realities on ground at the
operational level (in the towns of Bushenyi and Kitgum). Also within the administrative setup
of the towns, this gave a close to realistic picture.
Research Methodology 21
Table 2: Summary of the Data collection methods with respect to research questions
Research Objective Research Question Data Required Sources of Data Method of data collection
To analyse how the development of infrastructure To what extent has infrastructure development Data on Infra development NWSC Hqtr & Area Semi structured interview
has affected the financial sustainability and affected financial sustainability and Service approaches staff, ISDP, policies Secondary Data collection
service levels in the small towns of Bushenyi and delivery in the context of small town’s water and Actual investment, O&M budgets & designs Observation
Kitgum in Uganda. sanitation systems? costs and revenues since Capex, Opex and Rev. Triangulation
FY2013/2014. Service levels statements
on water access and Annual reports,
reliability performance reports
To examine how the current infrastructural How are the current infrastructural development Data on Infra development NWSC Hqtr and the Semi structured interviews
development approaches in small town water and approaches in small towns established and who practices, policies and operational area staff Secondary data review
sanitation services have been developed. takes decisions designs Review ISDP & WSSP
. designs & policies
To explore the financially sustainable practices What are the revenue estimates generated from Data on investment costs, Review of Financial Secondary data collection
that utilities in small towns undertake amidst Capex and Opex in small town water utilities? Opex and revenues reports i.e. income and Semi structured interview
development of infrastructure What are practices and measurement of financial generated. Financial expenditure
sustainability? indicators of financial statements, balance
sustainability sheets, Capex & Opex
budgets, staff
To establish how service levels suffer or not from How do the service levels suffer or not from the Data on the Performance NWSC Hqtr and the Secondary data collection
the practices/approaches of developing infrastructure development approaches of water levels of the utilities in operational area staff Field Observation
infrastructure utilities in the small towns? respect to access and Performance Semi structure interviews
reliability indicators evaluations reports
Annual and monthly
Research Methodology 22
3.5. Limitation of the Research
The research is only focusing on two indicators (access and reliability) for determining service
levels that have a strong linkage with infrastructure development however, in water services
delivery there are more than two indicators that infrastructure influences but due to the time
constraint and magnitude of the work, the research will not cover all the indicators such us
quality, production quantity, Non-revenue water among others
Research Methodology 23
Gazetting refers to the official publication of the mandate or delegated authority in the government gazette. When
a small town is gazetted by declaring it as a water and sanitation supply area a new water authority is appointed
by the minister of water and environment as the person or body responsible for the provision of water and sanitation
services in the small town.
Hq3, Hq5-Respondents 3 and 5 from NWSC Head office
Network intensification means- laying pipe network of sizes 1inch to 1½inch
Hq1,Hq2,Hq9 Respondents 1, 2&9 from NWSC Head office
Hq1 Respondent 1 from NWSC Head office
Rehabilitation Plan, Design, Fund and implement any agreed rehabilitation and Major Capital Works Planning and
and capital in the Area Capital
works Source for funding for the development of infrastructure Development
Procurement Strategic support and guidance in matters of procurement and inventory and policies Procurement
and Inventory Procurement Planning and Inventory
Bulk procurement and stock of common inputs
Central store management
Hq6, Hq7- respondents 6 &7 from NWSC Head office
From the survey 12,000 villages with estimated population of 8.5 million people are without
access to reliable and safe drinking water, therefore the project aims to accelerate service
Hq6, Hq7 Respondents 6&7 from NWSC head office
Hq3 respondent 2 from NWSC Head office
Hq6, Respondent 6 from NWSC Head office
Hq1 Respondent 1 from NWSC Head office
13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17 13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17
Water Produced ‘000’(m3) 63,833 63,802 66,306 77,201 539 712 1,187 1,211 172 316 337 307
Operating Exp. (million) 103,722, 119,186 130,039 113,252 1,825 2,806, 2,842 3,353 935 1,163 1,190 1,142
Unit cost. (ushs/m3) 1,625 1,868 1,961 1,467 3,371 3,939 3,236 2,770 5,429 3,678 3,530 3,722
Network Expansion (Km/yr.) 116 153 161 271 68 90 76 25 13 10 6 3
New Con,/yr. 15,324 14,982 18,951 22,862 408 1,027 1,097 787 529 574 233 329
Source: Author’s analysis of NWSC Performance from audited annual reports 2013 to 2017
costs (Ushs/m3)
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial years
It should also be noted that in the FY2013/2014 when the unit cost of production for Kitgum
town was incredibly highest, that’s the period when NWSC took over the management and
operations of the water supply system of Kitgum town more (details 1n chapter 5). This is also
an indication that on takeover of a new town the unit cost of production is certainly higher but
with the possibility of cost savings from the aggregation and subsequent revamping of the
infrastructure within the town, the unit cost of production will progressively decline in the
following years as observed, although it is not straightforward that with the aggregation the unit
costs will decline (World.Bank, 2017). However, it has encouraged NWSC management to
cluster more towns so as to benefit from economies of scale, for example administrative scale
economies, “instead of having an engineer for each town, we have one engineer managing over
5 towns in a cluster form. Therefore his salary is economically spread across the towns. Thus
management proficiency is what is sustaining the operations of these towns”12
Hq1 Respondent 1 from NWSC Head office
Table 7: Working Ratio Performance of NWSC global, Large and Small Towns from FY2013 to 2017
For the period under review, NWSC at a global scale has generally been a viable utility because
the average working ratio of 84% is below 100% (the breakeven point) this enables NWSC to
cover all the O&M costs across its towns. Refer to chapter five for more detailed analysis of
working ratios for the case study towns of Bushenyi/Ishaka and Kitgum.
Following these calculations, NWSC argues that small towns can be viable in the long run with
the identification and development of the right investment needs. To substantiate the argument,
“from NWSC experience, they have taken over towns before that were claimed not to be
financially sustainable for example (Arua, Bushenyi and Soroti), by the time we took over they
were very small towns, Bushenyi had about 500 accounts and billing about Ushs 5m, Arua had
1,000 accounts and billing Ushs 3m but with the right investment14 put in these towns Arua,
Respondent 3 from NWSC Head office
‘Right investment’ is referred to mean appropriate investment for towns with high impact for example network
Respondent 3 from NWSC Head office
Hq4 Respondent 4 from NWSC Head offices
Submain extensions refers to a pipe network with pipe sizes of 2inches
Hq1 Respondents 1from NWSC head office
Hq4,Hq3,Hq2,Hq1 Respondents 4,3,2,&1 from NWSC head office
Weighted average tariff (WAT) is referred to as the average tariff for the four categories (Dom, Com, Inst and
PSP) but weighted using the volume of water sold per category. Calculated as;
𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝐷𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑃𝑆𝑃
𝑊𝐴𝑇= (𝐷𝑜𝑚.𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑓)+ (𝐶𝑜𝑚.𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑓)+ (𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑡.𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑓)+ (𝑃𝑆𝑃 𝑇𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑓)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑑
The tariff is covering across board the operational expenses plus depreciation hence, it is not a
full cost recovery tariff. In the NWSC-Annual.Report (2016), it was stated that, at full cost
recovery tariff charges (i.e. O&M and investments costs), the price of water would have to
increase by more than 100% across the tariff categories, the full cost recovery tariff was
estimated at Ushs 5,408 in the FY 2015/2016. This would be quiet expensive for majority of
the ordinary citizens to afford as supplemented by21 who said “If the tariff was made to recover
all costs then water would not be affordable”. However, on a town by town basis tariff analysis,
you find that even the O&M recovery cost tariff charged, in some towns doesn’t cover all the
operational expenses because the cost of operation is so high. But in large towns where there
are huge economies of scale the tariff is able to recover O&M costs, depreciation and generate
some operational surplus that is used to finance small towns Opex as highlighted earlier. In the
next chapter, I will be able to analyse the tariff structure of the case study towns of Bushenyi
and Kitgum.
4.4.5. NWSC cross Subsidy model
The Corporation has also instituted its internal cross subsidy mechanisms in its operational
areas for sustainable delivery of services. This is where by the surplus generated from the
operational efficiencies of medium and large towns are used to cross subsidize the investments
and operational expenses of small towns water supply systems. From the analysis below of the
Towns viability, reveals that the towns of Bushenyi/Ishaka and Kitgum had a higher unit cost
Hq2 Respondent 2 from NWSC Head office
Amount (Ushs)
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Axis Title
So the deficits in O&M costs are covered from the utilities that are able to generate surplus such
as Kampala water, Jinja, Mbarara and Entebbe. Surplus from this large towns is managed
centrally at NWSC head office and is ploughed back for investment in other towns that are not
breaking even, this is how the large towns subsidize the small towns. The cross subsidy model
has enabled NWSC generate funds to finance its own projects, a typical example is the ISDP
and WSSP programme which was being implemented across all the operational towns of
NWSC. This programme was funded 100% by NWSC internally generated funds, majorly from
the surplus of big towns (NWSC, 2015)22. However, the small Towns are expected to cover
O&M costs, these costs according to NWSC include Employee related costs, Premises
maintenance, static plant maintenance, pipework maintenance, transport and mobile plant,
supplies and services and establishment costs but most of them are small and cannot meet these
costs therefore they are highly subsidized. The Operational expenses of towns is critically
examined in the next chapter specifically for the case study towns.
To supplement the cross subsidy model and casting the net wide for sources of funding for infra
development NWSC has also established an “infrastructure fund” to meet the short and long
term infrastructure investment needs in its operational towns. This funds enable to build a strong
Hq4 Respondent 4 from NWSC Head offices
Hq1-Hq9 Respondents 1 to 9 from NWSC Head offices
Hq4,Hq5,Hq9 Respondents 4,5&9 from NWSC Head office
Hq6,7,8&9 Respondents 6-9 from NWSC Head offices
Hq3 Respondent 3 from NWSC Head offices
Hq3, Hq5, Hq7 Respondent 3,5 &7 from NWSC Head offices
FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY16/17
Financial years
Figure 10: Analysis of the NWSC regional CSI from FY 14/15 to 16/17
The analysis of the CSS reports for 2015 to 2017 shows that NWSC performed above the
minimum standard of GOU performance contract of CSI target of 80% in the past two years
but fail short of achieving the target in the FY 14/15. Although it is argued that the decline
resulted from the methodical changes in the survey (NWSC-CSS.Report, 2015). At the regional
level CSI varied from region to region though above the minimum standard. Therefore the
service provision cannot be uniform.
4.5.2. Challenges of providing services
Despite of the efforts and steps taken by the organization to enhance service delivery in towns
quite often services have continued to suffer. Sometimes services suffer in towns due to the
internal bureaucratic processes of delay in procurement and delivery of pipes for network
extensions resulting from financial constraints28. In the Managing Directors’ (MD) message,
it’s acknowledged that during the FY 2016/2017 one of the key challenges that NWSC
encountered was of limited infrastructure financing in the wave of increased demand for service
delivery. However by the end of the same financial year, the corporations had made a profit of
Ushs 70 billion which is ploughed back for investments to improve services like network
expansion as being implemented currently in towns (NWSC-Annual.Report, 2017). Therefore
one can assume that once the utility is financially strong, the level and quality of services
proportionally goes up but one needs to be aware that there could be some management
challenges that will hinder the utilities in towns to achieve that.
Hq8, Hq9 Respondent 8&9 from NWSC Head offices
Hq2, Hq7 Respondent 2&7 from NWSC Head offices
Hq3 Respondent 3 from NWSC Head offices
2012/2013 FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial Year
Water network expansion (Km/yr) New Connections per yr
Figure 11: Five year trend of network expansion and new connection.
On the contrary, this direct relationship of infra development and increase in new connections
that increases access is assumed to be applicable only to the water supply systems, even then
its proportionality is challenged. “The direct proportionality of infra development to
improvement in access is a yes and no answer because often investments have been done but
people do not apply for connections e.g. sewerage infrastructure because the cost of connections
are high31.
4.5.5. Predicaments of Service reliability in towns
Service reliability is measured by the average number of hours in a day with water supply
service and according to the target and standard of NWSC is supposed to be 24hr water supply
(NWSC-KPI.Report, 2017)32. It was challenging to obtain reliable information in regards to the
global level of reliability of services at NWSC as this indicator is not often monitored and
evaluated on by the programmes and performance monitoring department. Nonetheless, there
is a general belief that service reliability has improved greatly in the new towns that NWSC has
taken over because budgets are re-allocated to prioritize water stabilization plans, they have
rehabilitate water supply infrastructure and establish new sources of water by drilling more
boreholes. A case in point is, “Kumi and Palisa towns taken over in 2017 never used to have
water completely but now they have water for 3hrs to 12hrs for a day” 33. Thus providing water
on a 24hr supply is still a myth in some towns because during drought (dry season), some
sources of water like ground water abstraction in northern Uganda is greatly affected, the
boreholes are drying up even the surface water is lowering like for the case of Bushenyi/Ishaka.
Hq6 Respondent 6 from NWSC Head offices
Hq2 Respondent 2 from NWSC Head offices
Hq2 Respondent 2 from NWSC Head offices
Hq1, Hq2. Hq4, Hq8, Hq9 Respondents 1,2,4,8&9 from NWSC Head office
BI1, BI2, BI4 Respondents 1, 2 & 4 from Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
No.connections per year
Figure 12: Analysis of new connections trends from Bushenyi Operational data Fy13/14 to 16/17.
In order to achieve NWSC rapid expansion service delivery model, Bushenyi/Ishaka area has
extended services beyond the geographical boundaries of the municipality although this is
outside its mandate of operating only in urban centres. It is being fuelled by the increased
political and public demand for services. The map below shows the extent to which the pipe
network has gone beyond NWSC mandated service area
BI1,BI2, BI4 Respondents 1,2&4 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
BI2 Respondents 2 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
Similarly the outcome of over designing the plant capacities to meet future demand instead of
current actual demand is observed in almost all the financial years except for FY15/16. The
plant capacities were underutilized in FY 2014, 2015, and 2017 with capacity utilization of
74%, 63% and 73% respectively, literally this would mean the cost of water would be too high
resulting from high investment costs. In the FY2016 the practical plant capacity was fully
utilized at 100%, that is to say production was at optimal level, although it dropped again in
FY2016/2017 attributed to rehabilitation of the Nyarunzinga plant to increase production and
the takeover of more towns with new plants. The lowest capacity utilization was recorded in
the FY 14/15 at 63%. See the graphical illustration below.
Capacity Utilization( %)
Water Production (m3)
3,500 80%
2,500 60%
1,500 40%
1,000 20%
- 0%
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial years
In spite of Bushenyi cluster being unable to operate at full capacity, the annual water production
has constantly been on the increase since NWSC channelled its focus to the development and
revamping of the infrastructure in towns. A reflection of the relevance of developing
infrastructure to meet the ever growing demand for services. From FY13/14 water production
has increased from 538,670mᶟ/yr. to 1,210,764mᶟ as per the end of Fy16/17 a growth rate of
125%. The trend is illustrated in the figure 15 below.
1,187,455 1,210,764
Figure 15: Performance trend of the annual water production (mᶟ) for Bushenyi/Ishaka Cluster
Hq1,Hq2, BI1 Respondents 1&2 from Head office and respondent 1 from Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
All the respondents interviewed from Bushenyi/Ishaka
BI1-BI7 Respondents 1-7 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
BI1 Respondents 1 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
BI2 Respondents 2 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Customer Satisfaction Index (%) NWSC Min Standard (%)
NWSC Max Standard (%)
From these three mains extensions alone the utility was able to save Ushs 22.5 million which
is 22% of total cost of the mains extensions resulting from the cost sharing initiative with the
community. The money saved is re-invested in purchasing of more pipes. This has also
translated into rapid increase in the number of kilometres of pipe network extension laid by the
5.3.2. Strategy of reducing Capex on Pipe Network
In the last four years (2013 to 2017) Bushenyi cluster has seen its Capital expenditure on mains
extensions alone over blown beyond the annual budgets for it to be in position to meet the ever
increasing demand for services in towns. Capex on pipe network tremendously shot up above
annual budgets particularly in FY13/14 to 14/15 during NWSC infrastructure growth evolution
period. However, Capex on pipe network started to be gradually reduced from FY15/16 to
16/17, an indication that the utility is moving away from pumping more funds into pipe network
development to focus more into returns to investments already made to steer towards being
financially sustainable. In the table below, shows the Capital expenditure budget on pipe
network and the billing trends for Bushenyi for four financial years (FY13/14 to 16/17)
BI1 Respondents 1 from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka Area
Financial year %
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 Averages growth
Budget Mains extensions
Costs (Ushs) million 44,377 129,445 317,500 185,640 169,241 281%
Actual implemented
Costs (Ushs) million 658,460 1,829,764 1,179,709 689,497 1,089,358 65%
Billings Ushs 'millions' 1,097,276 1,257,464 2,789,407 2,644,450 1,947,149 77%
Source: Author’s analysis of the Bushenyi Area approved Capex budget on mains extensions
In general there has been a huge sum of funds sunk into mains extensions from NWSC head
office, it is argued that because of the explosive growth of the population of Bushenyi/Ishaka
municipality and the annexation of satellite towns is responsible for the increased demand for
services. As a response NWSC had to commit more funds beyond its annual Capex budgets for
expansion of services to match the demand, to the extent that annual average actual expenditure
on mains extensions alone has increased by 65% since FY2013/14. In return the annual average
billing has also progressively increased though not proportionally from Ushs one billion in FY
13/14 to an annual average of Ushs.1.9 billion by 2017 a growth of 77%. An indication that
there is potential in towns to grow given the right investments and strategies of infra
development. Therefore utilities in towns should be prepared with investments to match up the
demand in order to realise business growth and expand services.
Amount (Ushs million)
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial Year
Budget Mains extensions Costs (Ushs) million Actual implemented Costs (Ushs) million
Billings Ushs 'millions'
It should be noted that the funding of the Capex budget on distribution pipe network is entirely
through the NWSC head office conveyed through Performance Autonomy and creativity
Enhancement (PACE) contracts that the Bushenyi area has signed with NWSC head office.
Some mega projects such treatment plants are funded by donors for example the multibillion
Kitagata water treatment plant under construction in Bushenyi is being funded by both World
Breakeven (viability) analysis trends from the time of launch of the infrastructural revolution
shows that Bushenyi area has gradually improved its working ratio from 112% in 2013 to 107%
in 2017, indication that the utility is heading towards the right direction of being financially
sustainable as demonstrated below
2,000,000 120%
WR %
1,000,000 60%
- 0%
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Although Bushenyi area has an average working ratio of 120% and is not breaking even, but
all respondent agree that with the upcoming commissioning of the Kitagata treatment plant
slated for January 2018, the area is projected to grow billing to an estimate of Ushs 400
million/month, services will expand by July 2018 and consequently break even and start
supporting other towns that are not breaking even44. In addition, water sales being the main
source of revenue for the area, many programmes have been initiated to enhance billing and
revenue collection performance of the area for example Performance Enhancement with Safe
Sanitation (PEWISS) programme that is coordinated by the commercial section has seen the
utility increase its monthly billing progressively from Ushs 1 billion at the end of 2014 to Ushs
2.6 billion in 2017 and an annual increment of Ushs 6 billion in five years’ time is projected45.
Therefore “Bushenyi/Ishaka area has been able to demonstrate that small towns can turn out to
be viable with the right investment plan in place that drastically stabilizes and expands services
and a well-structured financial management system with some external support.
5.3.4. Analysis of tariff vs unit cost of production
As earlier mentioned in chapter 4 that NWSC HO applies a uniform tariff to all its operational
areas for purposes of equitable provision of water supply services across the country. Therefore
utilities in towns are not mandated to levy independent tariff bands for water and sanitation
services regardless of the costs of operations incurred. The tariff is structured in such a way
that, it is able to recoup at least O&M costs plus depreciation and remain with some surplus for
investments, thus the operational areas are tasked to meet the O&M costs as a minimum
requirement through their water sales revenue46. However, due to low economies of scales and
densities and operational inefficiencies that are prevalent in towns, small towns have higher
unit cost of production of water than large and medium towns (World.Bank, 2017). Below I
BI1 to BI7 Respondents 1 to 7 from Bushenyi/Ishaka area
BI1, BI3, BI5 Respondents 1, 3&5 from Bushenyi/Ishaka area
Hq1,Hq4, BI1, BI3, Respondent 1&4 from head office and Respondent 1&3 from Bushenyi/Ishaka
13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17
Unit Cost per m3 (Ushs) 3,371 3,939 3,236 2,770
Weighted Average water Tariff 2,422 2,263 2,668 2,855
Source: Author’s analysis of the audited NWSC annual reports 2013 to 2017
This means for that period the tariff alone was unable to recoup the O&M costs plus
depreciation, therefore the operations of Bushenyi were being subsidized by other medium and
large towns that were making surplus from their operations. However, there is a sigh of hope
as the unit cost of production declined below the weighted average tariff in the FY2016/2017
implying from tariffs alone, the utility was able to meet its O&M costs and depreciation, an
indication of being on the ideal pathway of financial sustainability. A graphical presentation
below shades more light
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial years
Figure 19: Performance trend of weighted av. tariff against the unit cost of production for Bushenyi town
Figure 20: Analysis of Capex budget on mains extensions Kitgum Source: NWSC Capex Budget Reports
KA1, KA2, KA4 Respondents 1,2&4 from Kitgum Area
KA1, KA2 Respondents 1&2 from Kitgum Area
KA2 Respondent 2 from Kitgum Area
Expansion of the pipe network has resulted into increased number of connections from the
inception of network expansion service delivery model. Connections increased from 1,968 in
FY2013/2014 to 2,976 in the FY2016/2017 reflecting a 51% growth rate. However, the average
no. of new connection established per year has declined by 28% resulting from the decline of
48% of average number of pipe network expansion laid. This is graphically illustrated from the
figure 22
Table 16: Kitgum Area performance on Network expansion and New connections made
Average Growth/Decline
13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17
Water Network Expansion (Km/yr.) 12.5 10 6 3.4 6 -48%
New Connections Per year 529 574 233 329 379 -28%
Total Connections 1968 2497 2730 2979 2544 51%
400 8
300 6
200 4
100 2
0 0
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Axis Title
Figure 22: performance trend of annual new connections and pipe network expansion from 2013 to 2017
It is also claimed that infra development in Kitgum has brought employment, increased service
expansion has created job opportunities within the utility, two plumbers and one plant operator
have been added to the technical staff of Kitgum. Water vending is now a booming business in
the municipality, water vendors draw water from the water kiosks installed and selling it to
customers where the extensions have not yet reached. Therefore the customers and Kitgum
municipality have benefited more from the infra development, the considerable reliability in
services has improved livelihood of the community in terms of safe drinking water and some
income from sale of water, brought development in the area and its believed it contributed to
the elevation of Kitgum Town council to Municipality status
5.4.2. Growth projection design of the distribution network
Critical decisions on which locations to expand the network is based on demand surveys
conducted by the field team regularly, they look out for potential areas that are developing in
terms of building constructions, markets, schools, congested villages, trading centres and
sometimes they get written requests from local authorities or leaders to extend services to their
villages, population densities are taken into consideration in order to reach a decision. In a
nutshell, mains extensions are based on growth projections whereby a main line is laid with
expectation of meeting future demand resulting from anticipated growth of the area.
Data often used for design of the pipe network is the sizes of the existing pipe lines which is
got from the GIS updated maps of the area, current population consumption patterns per local
councils. Much emphasis is put into consideration of the capacity of the existing pipe line in
place to accommodate further extensions, as stressed “we cannot extend water say for about
5km, when even the existing pipeline does not allow for further modification to extend service
to about 1km”50. This design approach of the distribution network suggests more emphasise on
the technical aspect of the designs. But, planners when designing town water systems are urged
to integrate both technical and financial viabilities of the infrastructure because any mistake can
KA2 Respondent 2 from Kitgum Area
Table 17: Plant Capacity utilization and practical plant capacity for FY13/14 to 16/17
13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17
Practical Plant Capacity (m3/day) 2539 2539 2376 2376
Average Production (m3/day) 472 866 921 841
Capacity Utilization (%) 19% 34% 39% 35%
Source: Authors analysis of Kitgum Area water production data
Luckily for NWSC Kitgum, they do not have to recover the investment costs for the treatment
plants because the plants was built by the GOU, otherwise the water supply system would be
too expensive to operate and maintain as the price of water would inevitably be too high.
Graphical performance trend of plant capacity utilization of NWSC Kitgum system is hereby
utilization %
500 10%
0 0%
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Financial yr
Regardless of the underutilization of plant capacity, water production in Kitgum has seen
substantial improvement since the launch of rapid expansion of services. The utility improved
its annual volume of water produced from 172,172mᶾ/annum in 2013 to an average of
283,162mᶾ/annum, a percentage growth of 64%, this is an indication that due to the increase in
demand for services, and reliability has also improved despite of the intermittent supply during
the dry seasons. Performance trends is illustrated below
316,190 307,137
Figure 25: Analysis of the NWSC annual Customer Satisfaction survey Report (FY13/14-16/17)
KA1, KA2, KA3, KA4, Respondents 1,2,3&4 from Kitgum Area
KA2, KA3 Respondents 2 &3 from Kitgum Area
KA2, KA4, KA5 Respondents 2,4&5 from Kitgum Area
Table 18: Budgets on Capex on Pipe Network and Billings for four financial years
Graphical presentation of the performance trends of Kitgum Area Capex budgets on the growth
of billing is shown below
KA1, KA3 Respondents 1 & 3 from Kitgum Area
Figure 26: Four year Performance trends of Capex budgets on mains extensions and the billing
Table 19: Income and Expenditures for Kitgum Area for Period FY2013/2014 to 2016/2017
However, from the time of takeover of Kitgum town, the working ration was extremely high
due to high operational expenditures coupled with very low billing, but with the investments
made by NWSC as an intervention to improve service delivery, the WR and the Cash Operating
Margin (COM) have been improving from 248% and Ushs -491,913 million in 2013/2014 to
116% and -216,835 respectively, thus performance trend shows a positive down ward sloping
curve. This therefore indicates that the utility though not yet viable but is on the right track
towards being viable. A pathway that NWSC HO desires for towns water supply services to
WR %'
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
Besides the mains extensions, other in-house performance enhancement programmes have been
initiated at the area level as efforts for striving for Financial Sustainability, an example of such
programme is the SPARK120m an acronym for S-suppressed account55 reduction, P-production
growth. A-arrears reduction initiatives, R-revenue collection efficiency, K-know your
customer. The aim of the programme is to improve all the above indicators to achieve a billing
growth target of Ushs 120 million by the end of the financial year 2017/2018 (Kitgum.Area,
2017)56. It is the Kitgum area action plan with clear objectives and deliverables on how to make
the utility viable. “Once the billing set target of 120 million is achieved, then the Area will be
Suppressed accounts are water connections that are off supply, mostly disconnected for non-payment of bills
KA1 Respondent 1 from Kitgum Area
Table 20: Tariff performance and unit costs of production analysis for Kitgum
13/14 14/15 15/16 16/17
Unit Cost per m3 (Ushs) 5429 3678 3530 3722
Weighted Average water Tariff 2422 2263 2668 3253
Source: Authors Analysis of audited NWSC annual reports from 2013 to 2017
However, due to persistent emphasis for the utility to optimize operational costs as an avenue
of heading towards self-sufficiency, the trend is showing an improvement in the unit cost of
production. Performance has drastically improved from Ushs 5429/mᶾ in 2013 to Ushs 3722/mᶾ
in 2017 an improvement of 46% the gap between the unit costs and average tariff is narrowing
a positive sign for the utility being on the path of financial sustainability
FY 13/14 FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17
KA3 Respondent 3 from Kitgum Area
KA1,KA2, KA3 Respondent 1,2& 3 from Kitgum Area
6.2. Conclusion
In conclusion, aggressive infrastructure development affects financial sustainability and service
levels in towns at the different phases of service delivery with varying magnitude of
consequence given that there are different levels of priorities and importance in each phase.
Although the aspects of infra development, service levels and financial sustainability are
considered in each phase, the degree of priority and importance differs. At the takeoff phase,
coverage/access to services is the cornerstone of the phase because the focus of NWSC is to
effectively expand services through network extensions and geographical coverage to increase
the customer base thru new connections and public stand pipes thus increase visibility of NWSC
as well as fulfilling the political mandate. Although less attention is given to viability of the
utilities in small towns at this stage but it is as well important because some aspect of efficiency
service provision is introduced. In the stability phase service reliability with a quick transition
to financial sustainability is promoted, the intervention carried out to stabilize services are
carried out with minimal costs from the operational budgets except for special cases. Though
there is a challenge of striking a balance between services levels and costs thus complicating
the phase. The landing phase, being financially sustainable now and in the future is key priority
over service levels hence the emphasis of improving the operational efficiencies of utilities by
optimizing operational expenditures and rapid increase in revenues. Focus on demand driven
approaches of infra development with a business mind that brings some cost savings and
reducing on the unit costs of production are aspects of returning NWSC to its mandate. This
approach will allow the utility generate some surplus that can be ploughed back for investments
in the future. It’s a paradox to provide services in towns, tinkering with one indicator
consequently affects another that explains why NWSC choses to give different levels of priority
to the performance indicators in the phases of service delivery. This is the extent of how infra
growth has affected financial sustainability and service levels in town’s water systems. The
diagram below shows how I have conceptualized the relationship of the three chronological
phases of service delivery in the towns
Landing Phase
6.3. Recommendations
As requested. there is still need for GOU and NWSC HO to continue supporting small towns
with investment subsidies for capital expenditure to levels where towns can be self-reliant as
being encouraged (Cardone & Fonseca, 2006). Because the risks of providing services in towns
seem to be overwhelming than the returns if the end goal is for towns to be viable. For this
reason, NWSC needs to explore other investment financing options such as market financing
that can quickly boost town’s financial strength rather than relying only limited options of
external support. For reasons as others have claimed that financial aid for capital investments
for the water sector from external funders has continued to decline as funds from government
and donors are unreliable thus the urgent need for town utilities to be financially sustainable
(Cardone & Fonseca, 2006; OECD, 2010). Hence with the tariff in place that recoups O&M
costs, depreciation and some surplus income for minor investments utilities in towns should be
tasked to generate sufficient revenues to sustain their operations without depending on external
support as a minimum requirement within a specified period of time. This is the desired
arrangement of financial sustainability curve being pursued by NWSC as exhibited in the two
case study utilities with its cross subsidy model although uncertainty still lingers on the
sustainability of this model in water service provisioning for towns.
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Appendix A: Respondents interviewed and the codes
No. Station Name Position Codes
5 NWSC Hqtr Mr. Jude Mwoga Sn. Manager Programmes and Performance Hq5
6 NWSC Hqtr Eng. Denis Taremwa Manager Water supply Infrastructure Dev’t Hq6
7 NWSC Hqtr Eng. Cyrus Aomu Principle Eng. Planning and Capital Dev’t Hq7
8 NWSC Hqtr Aaron Magara Regional Engineer N&W region Hq8
Appendix B: interview guiding questions
B1: Questions for respondents from NWSC Head office
General Questions: To what extent has infrastructure development affected financial sustainability and Service
delivery in the context of small town’s water and sanitation systems?
1. How does NWSC define a ‘small Town’s water and sanitation service?
2. What infrastructural development policy frameworks are there for small town’s water and sanitation services?
3. What financial policies and mechanisms are in place to ensure sustainable provision of water supply services in
small towns?
4. How is the government supporting small town’s water supply services?
5. Who else is funding small town’s water and sanitation services? What do they fund?
Research Questions Questions Summary of
How are, the current How is, the infrastructure in small towns developed?
infrastructural What is the preferred infrastructural service delivery models in towns?
development And why?
approaches in small What data is available at the phase of design of the water supply system?
towns established and What are the current design approaches for the water supply systems in
who takes decisions? small towns? How and where do they take place?
How is infrastructure need determined and how are costs estimated?
On what basis are the designs for the water supply system based on?
(System boundary limits, growth projections, demand studies?)
How does the infrastructure development respond to the pressure of
demand for services in towns
Who are key stakeholders in the development of infrastructure for small
towns and why?
Where do the designs come from? Who is responsible?
Has the infrastructure development achieved the intended objective and at
what costs?
Has the infrastructure developed in small towns realised the economies of
scale/densities? If not why not? If yes kindly explain
What are the revenue From where do the funds for Capital expenditure (Capex) in small towns
estimates generated come from?
from capital What is considered financial sustainability in NWSC and how is it
expenditure (Capex) measured?
and operation and How is financial sustainability translated into small town utility operations
maintenance and what are some of the practices that are exhibited?
expenditures (Opex) in How are the finances for capital expenditure for small towns allocated,
small town water based on what criteria?
utilities? What are What costs are utilities in small towns expected to cover? And through
practices and which means?
measurement of Who meets the operations and maintenance expenditure of utilities in
financial sustainability? small towns?
In case of a shortfall of revenues against O&M costs how is the difference
covered and how do the utilities negotiate with head office to ensure
continuity in supply
What happens in case there is a surplus of revenues from small towns?
How is it managed?
Who and how are the tariffs set for small towns, what costs does the tariff
recover (investment or O&M or both?)
Where do you see small towns financial sustainability strife in the future
How do the service How are the utilities in small towns performing in terms of access and
levels suffer or not reliability of water supply services
from the infrastructure Have utilities in small towns been able to improve service levels amidst
development financial challenges? explain
approaches of water Why are services still not adequate in small towns despite of injection of
utilities in the small funds to small towns
towns? What is the relationship between financial strength of the utility and the
level it provides services
How Has the viability of utilities contributed to the levels of services
B2: Questions for respondents from NWSC Bushenyi/Ishaka and Kitgum Areas
General Questions: To what extent has infrastructure development affected financial sustainability and Service
delivery in the context of small town’s water and sanitation systems?
6. How is the general water supply situation in the towns of Bushenyi/Kitgum?
7. What infrastructural development initiatives have been undertaken since 2014 to improve water and sanitation
8. What financial policies and mechanisms are in place to ensure sustainable provision of water supply services in
small towns?
9. How is the local government supporting small town’s water supply services?
10. Who else is funding small town’s water and sanitation services? What do they fund?
Research Questions Questions Summary
How are, the current How is, the infrastructure in Bushenyi/Kitgum developed? Who initiates
infrastructural the process, who decides?
development What type of infrastructure and technology is used to extend services?
approaches in small What data is available at the phase of design of the water supply system?
towns established and What is the current design practice for the water supply system here? How
who takes decisions? is it done?
What is the design capacity of the treatment plants? Is it fully utilized?
What are the limitations? What is being done to rectify?
Have there been network extensions of OD90 and above? If yes, where?
What was the goal? Who sanctioned it?
What has been the impact of the network extensions?
How is infrastructure need determined and how are costs estimated?
On what basis are the designs for the water supply system based on?
(System boundary limits, growth projections, demand studies?)
How does the infrastructure developed respond to the pressure of demand
for services in towns
Who are key stakeholders in the development of infrastructure in the
towns and why? And their roles
Where do the designs come from? Who is responsible?
Has the infrastructure developed achieved the intended objective and at
what costs?
Has the infrastructure developed been beneficial? If not why not? If yes
kindly explain. Who has benefited and how?
What are the revenue How is financial sustainability perceived in the area?
estimates generated From where do the funds for Capital expenditure (Capex) in small towns
against capital come from?
expenditure (Capex) What are the actual costs of investments on production plants and
and operation and distribution network since 2014?
maintenance What are the actual O&M costs for the infrastructure developed
expenditures (Opex) in Who generates the budget for Capex? Based on what data?
small town water What are the revenues generated from the investments? Any other sources
utilities? What are of revenue?
practices and
How is, revenue collection managed and what is the collection efficiencies
measurement of
of the utility?
financial sustainability?
What efforts are in place to ensure that the largest percentage of billed
revenues are collected? Why put effort on collection efficiency?
Is the utility projecting an increase or decline in revenues and by how
What costs are utilities in small towns expected to cover? And through
which means?
How are O&M costs met? From which budget or allocation?
In case of a shortfall of revenues against O&M costs how is the difference
covered and how do the utilities negotiate with head office to ensure
continuity in supply
What happens in case there is a surplus of revenues? How is it managed?
Where do you see small towns financial sustainability strife in the future
How do the service Who is served and at what service level?
levels suffer or not To what extent has the utility been able to increase coverage/access?
from the infrastructure Any plans to expand services, to who and why?
development Why is coverage/access still not 100% despite the development of infra
approaches of water How Has the viability of utilities contributed to the levels of services
utilities in the small offered
towns? How many hours per day is service available for consumers?
What is causing unreliability of services
How has the utility been able to sustain service delivery?
How are service levels of access and reliability measured? Why is it
Appendix C: Photos from the case study towns of Bushenyi and Kitgum
C2: Photos from Kitgum Operational Area
interview with the plant operator Kitgum interviewing Area Manager Kitgum
Appendix D: MSc. Thesis supervision Agreement