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Idris Temitope Belloa, Shuo Zhaia, Qijiao Hea, Chun Chenga, Yawen Daia, Bin Chenb, Yuan
Department of Building and Real Estate, Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development
(RISUD), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Institute of Deep Earth Sciences and Green Energy, College of Civil and Transportation
Protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) are considered a potential and more efficient upgrade to
conventional solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). This is predominantly due to their capacity to operate
efficiently at low and intermediate temperatures and their quality of non-fuel dilution at the anode
during operation. This review presents a detailed exposition of the material development strategies
for the major components of PCFCs (i.e., electrolyte, cathode, and anode) and how they differ
from the traditional SOFCs. Credible science backed recommendations for the synthesis and
fabrication of PCFCs materials are discussed. In the end, the opportunities, challenges, and future
Keywords: Protonic ceramic fuel cells; cathode; anode; electrolyte; Solid oxide fuel cells
1.0 Introduction
The past decades have witnessed a progressive surge in global energy demand. The increasing
world population and fast-paced urbanization have contributed a great deal to this high global
energy demand. Consequently, the emissions associated with the increasing energy consumption
have triggered a continuous and unfavorable change to the global climate. Hence, it is of
alternative. Renewable energy sources are considered a potential solution to the menacing
consequences of global warming on our planet. Some of the widely explored renewable energy
sources reported in the literature are solar [1,2], hydroelectric [3,4], wind [5,6], geothermal [7,8],
and tidal energy [9,10]. Nevertheless, due to many constraints ranging from the intermittent nature
geographical locations, as described in [11], make the quest for the development of reliable and
large-scale energy conversion and storage technologies a worthy objective. Fuel cells are highly
promising energy conversion technologies that convert chemical energy directly to electrical
energy with low emission and high efficiency. They are electrochemical systems just like batteries
but continue to generate electrical energy supply so long as there is no disruption in fuel and air
supply. Fuel cells are of different varieties, and they can be distinguished based on the type of
electrolyte used. Table 1 illustrates the different types of fuel cells developed, their operation
temperatures, power outputs, and electrolyte type. Among the different fuel cell types developed,
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) is the most promising for stationary applications with great potential
Table 1: The different types of fuel cells with their various distinct features.
Fuel Cell Electrolyte Operation Power Output Efficiency Catalyst Ref.
Phosphoric acid fuel Phosphoric acid 150 – 200℃ < 200 kW 40 – 80 % Platinum [14]
Solid oxide fuel cell Ceramics 500 – 1000℃ kW - MW > 60 % Nickel and [19–22]
SOFCs are ceramic-based energy conversion systems peculiarly characterized by the direct
conversion of chemical energy to electrical energy with low emissions and high efficiency [23].
Some of the advantages of SOFCs over other fuel cell types are fuel flexibility, lower overpotential
losses, higher efficiency, and relatively low cost. SOFCs are high temperatures (usually, 800 –
1000 ℃) operating electrochemical conversion systems that could be used for stationary power
generation (i.e., either centralized or distributed power generation source) in homes and other
areas. The high temperature is needed to enable fast oxygen ion conduction through the dense
electrolyte and fast reaction kinetics at the electrodes, especially the oxygen reduction reaction
(ORR) at the cathode. However, such a high working temperature also shows several drawbacks
[24]. The thermal cycling between room temperature and working temperature may cause
substantial thermal stress at the interfaces between different layers due to thermal expansion
coefficient (TEC) mismatch, which can severely decrease the performance and durability of SOFC
[25]. From a thermodynamics point of view, the maximum theoretical efficiency of fuel cells also
decreases with increasing temperature, thus, a too high working temperature is not favorable for
the energy efficiency of fuel cells. In addition, high working temperature requires complex and
costly thermal management systems and balance of plant (BOP), which raises the overall system
cost and hinders the practical applications of SOFC [26]. Hence, it is critical to developing SOFCs
that can operate at low to intermediate temperatures (usually in the range of 300 - 750 ℃ ) [27].
Previous studies have explored and expounded on SOFC components to achieve a cell that can
operate at an intermediate and even low temperature [21,28–35]. Some of the strategies prescribed
and investigated are the improvement of the electrolyte by using a super-thin (i.e with low ohmic
particularly the doped ceria electrolytes, Gadolinium doped Ceria (GDC), and Samarium doped
Ceria (SDC)[29,36–40]. Another highly efficient strategy is to introduce mixed conductivity into
the electrodes such that they can effectively and simultaneously conduct electrons and ions [41–
44]. The advantage of this is that the ORR which often takes place at the triple phase boundary
(TPB) can be extended to the entire surface of the catalyst particles. These strategies have been
The cathode is one of the key components to improve to achieve efficient medium and low-
temperature operating SOFCs. This is because, it is the site where electrocatalytic ORR takes
place, and it influences the stability and durability of the cell. Extensive research has been done to
improve the performance, stability, and durability of cathode materials, particularly in oxygen ion-
conducting O-SOFCs. Zhou et al. [52] reviewed the progress in improving the popular
Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) perovskite oxide cathode material that was first reported by Shao
and Haile in 2004. BSCF was one of the first reported perovskite oxide materials with an excellent
performance at intermediate operating temperatures [53]. Pelosato et al.[54] reviewed over 250
articles highlighting the relevance of cobalt-based double perovskites for intermediate operating
solid oxide fuel cells and particularly singling out Pr-, Nd-, Sm-, and Gd-based cobalt-containing
SOFCs due to their excellent catalytic activity towards ORR and high stability at low and medium
operation temperatures.
SOFCs can be classified into oxygen ion-conducting SOFCs (O-SOFCs) and proton-conducting
SOFCs (P-SOFCs) depending on the nature of charge carrier(s) in the ceramic electrolyte. Most
of the mainstream research in SOFCs is focused on the O-SOFCs in which oxygen ion is the charge
improving the performance, stability, and durability of O-SOFCs with remarkable progress being
made, particularly in the improvement of the electrode activities of cathode materials for O-SOFC
[67–73]. Notable research studies have also been conducted to develop and improve upon the
commonly used benchmark for electrode material development (i.e., BSCF) in O-SOFCs [32].
Whilst exerting efforts to achieve a SOFC with high performance, stability, and durability that can
operate at intermediate and low temperatures, it is prudent to consider an even more promising
alternative. In 1981, Iwahara et al. [74] pioneered the investigation and demonstration of the
electrolyte. This research opened the floodgate of an investigation into the propensity of the
SOFCs also known as protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) are more promising in achieving high
performance at an intermediate to low temperature [75,76]. Compared to O-SOFCs, there are less
reported articles on PCFCs development because it is relatively at the early stage. Over the past
years, PCFCs have gradually garnered attention partly because of the certain unique merits they
possess such as lower activation energy for proton conduction and potentially lower operation
temperature capability. The comparison between O-SOFCs and PCFCs is discussed in detail in
Section 1.2.
Figure 1 illustrates the schematic of O-SOFC and PCFC. The most distinctive feature which
differentiates P-SOFC from O-SOFC is the mode of operation of the electrolyte. The electrolyte
of PCFC conducts protons while that of O-SOFC conducts oxygen ions during operation.
O-SOFCs is characterized by the migration of oxygen ions from the cathode side to the anode side
through the electrolyte membrane when the air supplied to the cathode is reduced after reacting
with the electrons received from the anode via the externally connected circuit.
In contrast to the traditional oxygen ion-conducting SOFC where oxygen ions migrate from the
cathode to the anode, the protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFC) are SOFCs in which the migration
species are predominantly protons, which migrate from the anode to the cathode at relatively lower
activation energy with the formation of water at the cathode side as illustrated in Figure 1. The
lower activation energy for the migration of protons through the electrolyte and the formation of
water at the cathode is advantageous [77,78]. They give PCFCs an edge over the oxygen ion-
conducting SOFC because there will be no problem of fuel dilution at the anode since the water
formation will only occur at the cathode. Thus, the unreacted hydrogen fuel can be directly
recycled for reuse. In addition, the maximum theoretical efficiency of PCFCs is higher than that
of O-SOFC since this theoretical efficiency increases with decreasing temperature. PCFCs are also
compatible with multiple fuel types and when hydrocarbon fuel such as methane is used, there can
be simultaneous production of electricity and useful byproduct such as ethylene (which helps in
the regulation of physiological processes particularly in plant growth) [28,79]. Another interesting
benefit of the formation of water at the cathode side is that there will be an easier CO2 capture and
Figure 1: Illustration showing the working principle of solid oxide fuel cells with hydrogen and
air being fed to the cell via the anode and cathode, respectively. (a) oxygen ion-conducting SOFC
Furthermore, several studies have suggested that P-SOFCs have the potential of resisting the
poisoning effect of H2S [80]. However, despite the numerous potentials of PCFC in achieving a
state-of-the-art energy conversion technology, there are still certain challenges, particularly with
the anodic and cathodic reaction processes, that need to be thoroughly investigated. For instance,
there are still issues related to the sintering, conductivity, stability, and durability of PCFC
electrolyte materials which are detrimental to the development and commercialization of ceramic
fuel cells.
After the perusal of notable review articles as well as other classical research works in PCFCs such
as those of Kreuer [81], Duan et al. [82], Fabbri [83], among others [84,85], the search string for
the extraction of all related articles to PCFC development was formulated as follows: (TITLE-
fuel cell*" OR "proton-conducting ceramic fuel cell*" OR "ceramic fuel cell*" OR "protonic
use of this search string in the retrieval of all articles relevant to the subject of interest from Scopus
database, manual exercise was carried out to pick the top articles using criteria such as number of
citations, relevance of the article abstracts, among others. The articles retrieved were also fine-
tuned as illustrated in the search string to be restricted to journal articles and reviews. Based on
the outcome of the results from this search the publication trend for PCFC related research is
Number of SCI Publications
Figure 2: Annual publication trend of PCFC related research from inception till date (2021).
Based on the annual research output in this area, as shown in Figure 2, it is evident that there has
been a continuous and significant increase in efforts exerted towards the development of protonic
ceramic fuel cells which subsequently signals the relevance of this research area.
Proton uptake within the structure of ceramic oxide materials is predominantly due to their oxygen
deficient nature induced by either extrinsic or intrinsic defects. The latter are defects attributed to
alterations in the material structure (such as the absence of an atom) while the former are defects
due to impurities or substitution of the B-site species with acceptor dopants as illustrated in
equation (1)[81].
where Acc stands for the acceptor dopants which is a trivalent cation and B symbolizes the host
The above mechanism is the predominantly observed mechanism for proton defect formation in
proton conducting solid oxide electrolysis and fuel cells. However, proton defect can also be
formed through another means which involves a non-oxygen defect participating proton
H2 + 2O×
O → 2OHȯ + 2e
Nevertheless, this latter category of materials is not suitable and used as electrolyte materials
because of the formation of electronic defects as compensational charges which eventually triggers
Hence, in a sodden atmosphere, protonic defects are formed through the dissociation of water into
two hydroxyl ions in the presence of oxygen lattice and oxide ion vacancies as illustrated in
equation 3. The formation of these hydroxyl ions is due to the covalent bond formation between
the lattice oxygen from the structure and a proton, and also as a result of the filling of the oxygen
ion vacancy by the other hydroxide ion to form a protonic defect [81].
H2 O + O×
O + Vӧ ⇋ 2OHȯ (3)
where 𝑂𝑂× symbolizes the lattice oxygen, 𝑉ӧ symbolizes the oxygen vacancy and 𝑂𝐻ȯ represents
Based on Equation 3 which is known as hydration equation, proton uptake involves acid-base
reaction involving the dissociative incorporation of water into oxide ion vacancies and it implies
that an increase in the partial pressure of water will consequently result in the increase of proton
uptake and a decrease in oxygen vacancy concentration. The hydration process can be represented
𝐾ℎ𝑦𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ×] (4)
𝑝𝐻2 𝑂 [𝑉ӧ][𝑂𝑂
For decades, the concept of proton transport mechanism in ceramic oxide materials has been long
debated and researched. Of all the various mechanisms proposed, the Grotthuss mechanism
appears to be the most adopted mechanism. According to this mechanism, the migration of proton
is by hopping which is caused by a thermally activated process in the form of rapid rotation and
reorientation of proton, and the diffusion of the proton from one neighboring oxygen ion site to
Figure 3: Proton transport mechanism in a typical ABO3 perovskite oxide material [87]. Copyright
Just like solid oxide fuel cells, the major components of a protonic ceramic fuel cell are the dense
electrolyte, the cathode, and the anode. However, the electrolytes of P-SOFCs conduct protons
instead of just oxygen ions as in the case of the traditional O-SOFCs. The electrolyte material must
allow easy and swift migration of protons from the anode to the cathode with a very minimal ohmic
resistance. For this to occur, the electrolyte material must be dense to ensure maximum
conductivity of protons through the electrolyte and minimize reactant crossovers [88]. It is also
essential that the electrolyte material possess good chemical and thermo-mechanical compatibility
with the other cell components and the atmospheric environment to ensure reasonable stability and
durability. Section 3.0 presents more details about the electrolytes used in P-SOFCs.
On the other hand, the cathode electrode should have excellent diffusion paths and ionic
conductivity (i.e., especially for protons) to extend the cathode reaction zone throughout the
electrode surfaces. The cathode should also possess good electronic and ionic conductivity to
reduce polarization resistance. Likewise, it should possess excellent catalytic activity towards
ORR since cathode reactions in proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells start with oxygen
adsorptive dissociation on the catalyst's surface. The other qualities a good cathode material for P-
SOFC should possess are good compatibility with the electrolyte, excellent chemical, and physical
stability, and sufficient porosity to provide sufficient transport paths for oxygen and stream
molecules. Comprehensive detail of the cathode requirements and other insightful information can
The anode material should possess sufficient porosity (about 20 – 40%) and have a satisfactory
conductivity [89]. It is also desirable that the anode material maintains excellent compatibility with
multiple fuels such as hydrogen, natural gas, methanol, ethanol, and other hydrocarbons
[28,90,91]. It should possess a good surface area with reasonable electrical conductivity and
chemical compatibility with adjoining components under reducing conditions at the operating
temperature. The anode material should also have a compatible TEC with other cell components
as well as sufficient mechanical strength to support the cell, in the case of anode-supported cells
[92]. See Section 3.3 for more details about the anode materials for P-SOFCs.
The early P-SOFCs were high-temperature proton-conducting SOFCs. They were often referred
membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) that operate at low temperatures (< 100 degrees Celsius).
However, attention is currently shifted to intermediate and low temperature operating P-SOFCs.
This is because it is cheaper and can potentially increase the durability of SOFC cell components
thereby hastening the commercialization process. Attempts have been made to develop
intermediate to low temperature operating oxygen ion-conducting solid oxide fuel cells, but this
has been challenging. Another viable alternative that has drawn much attention lately is the proton-
conducting solid oxide fuel cells. It is quite advantageous to O-SOFC on many fronts. It has lower
activation energy and has been reported to be coking and sulfur resistant in reputable studies.
Despite the benefits of P-SOFCs, research is still ongoing to improve their performance, stability,
and durability.
Duan et al. [91] proposed a naming convention for the various material’s stoichiometric
SOFC research. If the compound is in the form of BaCe1−x Yx O3−δ and BaZr1−x Yx O3−δ , it should
be represented with BCYX and BZYX, respectively and the value of X should be 𝑥 × 100. For
instance, the abbreviation for BaCe0.8 Y0.2 O3−δ will be BCY20 and that of BaZr0.8 Y0.2 O3−δ will be
BZY20. For other categories of compounds in form of BaZr1−x−y Cey Yx O3−δ , the format of the
abbreviation will indicate the B-site major constituent. If y < 1– x – y, then Zr will be the major
B-site constituent and the short form will be BZCYTY, where T = (1 – x – y) × 100. However, if
y > 1 – x – y, then Ce will be the major B-site constituent, and the abbreviation will be in the form
BCZYYT, where Y = y × 100 and T = (1 – x – y) × 100. For instance, the abbreviations for
BaCe0.6 Zr0.2 Y0.2 O3−δ and BaZr0.6 Ce0.2 Y0.2 O3−δ will be BCZY62 and BZCY62, respectively.
Finally, if the compound happens to be in the form of BaZr1−x−y−z Cey Yx Ybz O3−δ , it will follow
the same rule as in BaZr1−x−y Cey Yx O3−δ compounds earlier described with only an exception that
all the percentage constituent of all the B-site compositions will reflect. For instance, the
abbreviation of the compounds BaZr0.4 Ce0.4 Y0.1 Yb0.1 O3−δ and BaZr0.7 Ce0.1 Y0.1 Yb0.1 O3−δ will be
3.0 Materials development for various components of PCFCs
Decades of research have revealed that the best protonic ceramic oxide materials are ABO 3
structured perovskite oxides in which the A-sites are predominantly filled with alkaline earth
metals or rare metals with relatively large ionic sizes such as Ca, Sr, Ba and La while the B-sites
are dominated by smaller sized tetravalent elements such as Zr and Ce [93,94,94–96]. These
materials are relatively stable and exhibit a high level of proton conductivity. Ba for instance, has
a large ionic size and for this reason, it is an A-site dominant material whereas Ce and Zr are B-
site dominant cations, respectively. When B-sites of these proton conducting materials are doped
with extrinsic trivalent elements (i.e., impurities) such as Yb, Y, Gd, In, among others, they will
create oxygen vacancies in the material which will in turn enhance the proton conductivity of the
Figure 4 illustrates the unit cell ABO3 structure of a typical proton conducting perovskite oxide
A summary of the electrochemical performances of P-SOFC single cells with proton conducting
BaCeO3 based oxides are one of the most explored perovskite oxide materials for proton-
conducting electrochemical systems [84,97–103]. These materials exhibit mixed conductivity (i.e.,
ionic, and protonic) and they find application in various systems such as steam electrolyzers for
hydrogen production, and electrolytes for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells. The proton
conductivity in this category of protonic electrolyte materials stems from the interaction between
oxygen vacancies and water vapor as described in [85]. Furthermore, an early investigation of
scandates, yttrates, tantalates, zirconates of alkali-earth elements, and barium cerates, confirms
that those based on barium cerates have the highest conductivities [81,104]. The higher proton
conductivity in BaCeO3 based oxides (i.e., 10-2 S cm-1 at 600 oC [105] ) could be due to their
relatively low electronegativities, larger ionic radii due to the Ba cation in their A-sites, or/and
their lower grain-boundary resistance on the overall resistance of the perovskite oxide material
[97]. Also, studies have confirmed that Sr/CaCeO3 and Sr/CaZrO3 based oxides have poor
hydration capability and lower proton conductivity compared to BaCeO3 based oxides as shown
in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Proton conductivities of BaCeO3 electrolyte material relative to other protonic ceramic
materials [81].
However, later studies suggested that the high proton conductivity in BaCeO3 based oxides should
not be the major yardstick in concluding the viability of their application in electrochemical
systems due to their low stability in water and other acidic compounds [85,102,106]. Also, Bhide
et al. [107] confirmed that BaCeO3 based electrolyte materials have poor stability relative to other
electrolyte materials as shown in Figure 6. BaCeO3 based materials have reaction affinity for
atmospheric gases (such as illustrated in equations 5-8) and this causes the cerate phase to be
decomposed. Equations 5 – 8 show what happens when BaCeO3 reacts with water or any acidic
𝐵𝑎𝐶𝑒𝑂3 + 𝐻2 𝑂 → 𝐵𝑎(𝑂𝐻)2 + 𝐶𝑒𝑂2 (5)
Due to the challenges encountered with the use of BaCeO3 based oxides as electrolyte materials
for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells, efforts were channeled toward developing materials
with excellent mixed conductivity and satisfactory stability against water and acidic
BaCeO3 using various suitable elements which could either be metallic or non-metallic, (ii)
introduction of phases with high stability properties to the BaCeO3 based material in the form of
composite material development. Based on the outcome of various research works, zirconium was
found to be the most suitable element to improve the stability of BaCeO3 [99], although at the
expense of other electrical properties of the material as will be discussed in the next section.
Figure 6: Stability of various proton conducting electrolyte materials based on different pCO2 and
temperatures reproduced from [115]. Copyright Elsevier, 2008.
It has been established that the cerate-based perovskite oxide materials exhibit the highest protonic
conductivity among all other perovskite oxide materials, with BaCeO3 based oxides being the
category of cerates with the highest conductivity. Nevertheless, they are very unstable under
practical conditions in electrochemical systems. The Zirconium-based oxides on the other hand
are reputable for their high stability under various acidic and atmospheric conditions. BaZrO3
based oxides are chemically stable in water and CO2 environments. Lu et al. [115] established the
relationship between increasing partial pressure of CO2, Zr content, x and equilibrium reaction
temperature of BaCe1-xZrxO3. They confirmed that the stability of BaCe1-xZrxO3 increases with
Furthermore, BaCeO3 and BaZrO3 based oxides have ionic conductivities in the range of 10-2 and
10-1 S cm-1 at low and intermediate temperatures[116,117]. However, certain challenges limit their
application as electrolyte materials in proton-conducting solid fuel cells. BaZrO3 based oxides have
Figure 7: Effect of Zr content and partial pressure of CO2 on equilibrium reaction temperature of
One of significant influencing factors affecting the conductivities of proton conducting solid oxide
fuel cells is their grain boundary characteristics[118–121]. Grain boundary resistance has been
rule of thumb, as the grain size increases, the material conductivity increases and vice versa.
BaZrO3 based oxides on the other hand are characterized by small sized grains at the grain
boundaries which is responsible for their high grain boundary resistances and low conductivity
[122]. Grain boundary architecture is often influenced by segregation forces causing acceptor
dopants to accumulate around materials grain boundary core as well as depleting oxygen vacancies
and protons. The consequence of this interaction is the formation of space effects that influence
Figure 8: Space charge layer model at the grain boundary core of a typical PCFC electrolyte
material. Copyright 2013, Elsevier.
Iguchi et al. [123] investigated the effects of grain boundary diameter and microstructure on the
electrical conductivities of BaZrO3 based oxides. They particularly considered Y-doped BaZrO3
prepared by solid state reaction process and Pechini method subjected to different sintering
conditions. It was confirmed that the electrical conductivity of the material was significantly
affected by the duration of sintering with the sample subjected to 200 h sintering time exhibited
the lowest electrical conductivity. However, the sample preparation methods had no effect on the
grain boundary characteristics [123]. Y-doped BaZrO3 with 20% doping level have been widely
used and considered to be excellent candidates for PCFC electrolytes. However, the percentage
level of doping of BaZrO3 with Y (i.e., BZY20) often leads to the formation of secondary phase
(i.e., BaY2NiO5) thereby compromising the BZY20 as shown in Figure 9. This implies that the
subsequent co-sintering of the supposed BZY20 with NiO will no longer be a 2-phase equilibrium
comprising just BZY20 and NiO. Hence, it is proposed that this problem can be solved by limiting
the doping level of Y in BZY20 to a maximum of 12% or introducing other dopants such as Yb
[124]. The phenomenon described involving foreign phase formations significantly affects the
Figure 9: Expected secondary phases to be formed when various BZY compositions are co-
sintered with NiO [124]. Copyright 2019, Royal Society of Chemistry.
As earlier discussed in the previous section concerning grain boundary resistant problem of
BaZrO3 based oxide, various approaches have been employed to address this challenge. The use
of several sintering aids such as NiO, ZnO, CuO, etc., have been proposed [126–128]. However,
Han et al. [112] and others suggested that the use of sintering aids such as NiO, ZnO, and CuO
impedes the proton conductivity in BZY20 and leads to the creation of hole conduction in an
oxidizing atmosphere [127,129,130]. The most investigated doped BaZrO3 oxide is yttrium doped
barium zirconate, BZY. There have been co-doping strategies of yttrium barium zirconates with
other elements such as Nd, In, Sn, Pr, and Yb to improve the sintering and proton-conducting
properties of barium zirconates which has led to certain promising outcomes [131,132]. Asides
from the introduction of sintering aids to barium zirconates and co-doping strategies, the use of
PLD has also been used to improve the sintering of barium zirconates by Pergolesi et al.[133].
However, PLD is an expensive method and not suitable for large-scale applications. Due to the
electrolyte for P-SOFCs will be a natural combination of yttrium doped barium cerate and yttrium
doped barium zirconate to get cerium and yttrium doped barium zirconates as will be explored in
The combination of BCY and BZY has been identified to be a promising approach to getting an
improved proton-conducting electrolyte for P-SOFCs. Katahira et al. [99] investigated the effects
of variations in the constituents of BCZY. They observed that increasing the Zr content increases
the stability of the compound against CO2 but sacrifices conductivity. Likewise, they varied the
Ce content and confirmed that its presence increases the conductivity and sinterability of BCZY.
Overall, they concluded that BCZY is stable with an acceptable conductivity. For instance, Zuo et
al. [134] investigated the conductivity and stability of BCZY712 at a low temperature of 500 oC.
It was discovered that BCZY712 exhibited excellent ionic conductivity of 0.009 S cm-1 which
surpassed that of LSGM, GDC, and YSZ. Likewise, in terms of stability, the structure of BCZY712
was confirmed to be the same before and after exposure to CO2, H2O, and CO2 and H2O. Another
innovative product of the combination of BCY and BZY is BCZY442 [135]. This electrolyte
material was reported to have a high bulk proton conductivity and an excellent tolerance to CO2.
However, the challenge with is material lies in its high sintering temperature and low grain
boundary proton conductivity [136]. Other approaches that have been employed by researchers are
the introduction of several dopants to the B-sites of BCY and BZY. An example of a breakthrough
with this approach is the development of BCZYYb7111 in 2009 by Yang et al [137]. The
introduction of Yb into BCZY improved the conductivity and stability of BCZY against sulfide
and other hydrocarbons. Later studies revealed that CO2 affects the stability of BCZYYb7111. The
exceptional discovery of another stoichiometric manipulation of BCZY by Choi et al. [138] gave
rise to BCZYYb4411. This material was reported to have a high tolerance for CO2, and this was
attributed to the higher content of Zr. Also, the material has relatively improved performance with
For cathode.
LSCF8282- BCYb10 = La0.8Sr0.2Co0.8Fe0.2O3- δ - BaCe0.9Yb0.1O3- δ; PBC- BZYP = PrBaCo2O5+δ- BaZr0.7Y0.2Pr0.1O3- δ ; LSCF6428 - BCYb10 =
La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ - BaCe0.9Yb0.1O3- δ; BSCF = Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ; NBSCF = NdBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ ; PBSCF =
PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ; SFNb = SrFe0.95Nb0.05O3- δ; LSM-SDC = La0.75Sr0.25MnO3- δ - Ce0.8Sm0.2O2- δ; LSCF6428-SDC = La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3- δ -
Ce0.8Sm0.2O2- δ
The cathode is the most explored research area in ceramic fuel cell development because of the
high activation loss for ORR at the cathode during low and intermediate temperature operating
conditions. Thus, developing highly active and stable cathode materials could contribute
significantly to the performance improvement of PCFCs. Unlike the case of oxygen ion conducting
solid oxide fuel cells where the cathode reaction involves oxygen adsorptive dissociation on the
catalyst surface followed by the diffusion of oxygen ions to the anode through the electrolyte, in
PCFCs, the oxygen adsorptive dissociation first occurs on the catalyst surface, after which the
oxygen ions react with the protons that migrated from the anode through the electrolyte to form
water. Equations 9 and 10 illustrate the adsorptive dissociation reactions in O-SOFC and PCFCs,
respectively. Detailed stepwise elementary reactions at the cathode for P-SOFCs are presented in
Table 3 while the reaction pathway for a single-phase proton, electron, and oxygen ion-conducting
cathode material for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells is illustrated in Figure 10.
𝑂2 + 4𝑒 − → 2𝑂2− (9)
𝑂2 + 4𝑒 − + 4𝐻 + → 2𝐻2 𝑂 (10)
Figure 10: Schematic illustrating reactions in a single-phase triple conducting P-SOFC cathode.
The transfer mode in PCFC cathodes can be divided into four categories; the electron-conducting
single-phase cathodes, the proton and oxygen ion-conducting cathodes (i.e., either single-phase or
composite material), the oxygen and electron-conducting (MIEC) cathodes (i.e., as a single-phase
as shown in Figure 10. A schematic illustration of the different transfer modes of cathode materials
Figure 11: Cathodic reactions in PCFCs [147] for (a) Single-phase electron-conducting cathode
materials, (b) proton and oxygen ion-conducting cathode materials, (c) MIEC cathode materials,
and (d) proton, electron, and oxygen ion-conducting cathode materials. Copyright 2018, Royal
Society of Chemistry.
The foundational concepts for the development of cathode materials for proton-conducting solid
oxide fuel cells stem from the knowledge of cathode development for oxygen ion-conducting solid
oxide fuel cells. In the conventional SOFCs, what is currently prominent is the development of
single-phase mixed ionic and electronic conducting (MIEC) cathodes which are different from the
early traditional SOFCs where cathode reactions are limited to the triple-phase boundary (i.e., the
interface where oxygen ion, electrolyte, and cathode coincide)[28,148]. The MIEC concept in
SOFCs gives the possibility of extending the reaction zone beyond the TPB to the whole surface
of the cathode depending on the efficacy of the cathode constitutive elements [25,149]. Some of
the most outstanding results of cathode materials developed for SOFC with MIEC are
materials developed, other categories of materials developed in later years are double perovskites
(i.e., AÁB2 O5+δ based oxides such as PrBaCo2 O5+δ [152]), Ruddlesden-Popper (i.e.,
An+1 Bn O3n+1 based oxides such as La2 NiO4+δ [153]) phases and layered ferrites [154] (e.g.,
Sr2Fe2O5). Other procedures developed to improve oxygen exchange rate by controlling the
P-SOFCs and PCFCs share certain common requirements in cathode development, such as
consideration of cost of constituent cathode materials, compatibility with other cell components,
stability, durability, and performance. Some other requirements such as proton conductivity,
3.2.1 Activity
For PCFCs, it is essential that the cathode material possesses effective proton diffusion paths to
extend the reaction zone to a higher specific area of active sites which implies that a PCFC cathode
material should have a high catalytic activity towards oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) [157]. The
cathode catalyst should be capable of effectively dissociating the adsorbed oxygen on its surface
for further reactions at the cathode. One of the strategies for increasing the catalytic activity of
PCFC cathode material is therefore substituting the A-sites with lower valence ions which have
proven to increase electronic conductivity and oxygen adsorptive dissociation. Hence, proton
conductivity in PCFCs can be achieved by either introducing proton conductivity into an existing
material is by designing single-phase oxides with a triple conducting capability (i.e., proton,
oxygen ion, and electron conductivity) as illustrated in Figure 11 (d) and Figure 10. This oxide
should at least have a conductivity of 1 S/cm to ensure excellent performance. In this case, the
reaction is extended to the entire surface of the cathode which in turn improves the catalytic activity
of the cathode. The stepwise reaction paths for these novel P-SOFC cathodes with triple
Table 3: Basic steps and order of reactions at the cathode for a typical P-SOFC.
Step Reaction(s) Description
3 O(ad) + e− → O−
(ad) ; Oxygen reduction at the cathode
O− −
(ad) → OTPB
ion boundary
5 O− −
bulk → OTPB Bulk diffusion of oxygen throughout the cathode
+ +
6 2Hbulk → 2HTPB Proton migration towards the anode
7 2HTPB + O2− −
TPB → OHTPB Formation of water at the triple-phase boundary
− +
Kim et al. [159] developed a single-phase cathode material with triple conductivity,
at a temperature of 700 oC [159]. Also, proton-conducting cathode materials can be derived from
proton-conducting electrolytes such as BaZrO3 and BaCeO3 based electrolytes. The electronic
conductivity and catalytic properties of the proposed cathode materials can be improved by doping
the B sites of proton-conducting electrolytes with highly catalytic elements such as Co and Fe as
in the case of BaZr1-xCoxO3−δ [160] and BaZr1-xFexO3−δ . In 2015, Duan et al. [82] developed the
reported to have an excellent ORR at low and intermediate temperatures. When hydrogen fuel was
used, the peak power density (PPD) was 455 mW cm-2 at a low temperature of 500 oC and when
methane fuel was used, the PPD was 142 mW cm-2 at the same temperature. In 2021, Liang et al.
[161] doped the high performance BCFZY cathode material with 5% Ni. This dopant interestingly
improved the ASR and PPD of BCFZY material in both P-SOFC and PCFC as illustrated in Figure
12. Another interesting strategy for achieving a high activity in PCFC cathode materials is through
materials is a novel and emerging approach for preparing composite cathode materials with
desirable qualities ranging from high activity to excellent thermo-mechanical compatibility with
other cell components. This strategy has earlier been used in the preparation of cathode materials
with excellent MIEC in O-SOFCs. For instance, Qi et al. [162] employed the strategy of self-
exhibited an excellent compatibility (i.e., TEC) with GDC electrolyte also a high PPD of 1094
mW cm-2 at 650 oC. Recently, Song et al. [163] employed the self-assembly cathode design
approach to prepare a nanocomposite cathode material comprising different phases, proton and
electronic conductor phase, BaCexYyCozO3−δ (P-BCCY), the MIEC phase, BaCoxCeyYzO3−δ (M-
BCCY) and another MIEC phase, BaCoO3−δ (BC). The different inherent phases are entwined to
achieve a highly active triple conducting material with the active sites extended throughout the
cathode material. At 550 oC, a high PPD of 508 mW cm-2 was achieved which was stable for over
800 h. Despite the significant progress that has been made in the development of P-SOFC cathodes,
Figure 12: The performance of BCFZYN and other classical electrode materials used in both O-
SOFCs and PCFCs, respectively (a) ASR in air with SDC and BZCYYb electrolyte (b) PPD with
Ni + SDC│SDC│cathodes and Ni + BZCYYb│BZCYYb│cathodes[161]. Copyright 2021,
3.2.2 Conductivity improvement strategies for PCFC cathode materials
Another essential requirement for P-SOFC cathode material is good electronic conductivity. This
is important to achieve a cathode material with low ohmic resistance. The idea of electronic
conduction stems from the formation as well as the transportation of electron holes which are
achieved through the introduction of transition elements (i.e., Ni, Mn, Fe, Co) in the B-site. The
electron holes can be further increased by substituting ions with lower valences as in the case of
Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ in the A-site[164]. Furthermore, Zohourian et al. [165] and Papac et al. [166]
buttressed on mixed and triple conductivity of cathode materials for P-SOFCs by emphasizing on
proton uptake mechanisms in perovskite oxide materials which has been elaborately discussed in
Section 2.2. To develop and design a high-performance cathode material with superb proton,
electron, and oxygen ion conductivity for PCFCs, certain strategies have been suggested in the
literature[91,109,167]. The materials that are reported to be most suitable for achieving excellent
triple conducting single-phase cathodes are either ABO3−δ perovskites, AÁB2 O5+δ double
perovskites, and An+1 Bn O3n+1 Ruddlesden-Popper with their A and B sites doped with elements
such as Ba, Sr, Zr, Cu, Mn, Co, and Ni[26,77,168–173]. It is best to consider materials with cubic
structures and large lattice volumes because they enhance hydration and proton conduction. It is
also essential when selecting dopants to consider transition metals with multiple oxidation states
because that will significantly enhance redox capability and good electronic conductivity. The B-
site cation should possess higher electronegativity than the A-site cation to promote proton uptake
and lattice hydration as in the case of specific elements such as Zn, Y and Zr [165]. Also, the A-
site cation should have a larger ionic radius to increase the lattice volume, oxygen vacancy
concentration, and mobility. Furthermore, the A-site dopants should be carefully selected because
this greatly influences the stability and performance of the material. Table 4 shows a list of recent
articles with new findings related to cathode material development for P-SOFCs.
A good PCFC cathode material should possess excellent compatibility with the proton-conducting
(TEC). The TEC of the cathode material must match reasonably with that of the electrolyte to
prevent large thermal stress during thermal cycling, which causes the delamination of the cathode
from the electrolyte. The TEC of the cathode materials should be reasonably close to those of the
electrolytes, usually in the range of 10-6 K-1. Past research studies have revealed that Co-based
materials usually have good electrocatalytic activity but also significantly higher TECs than those
of Mn-based materials. Hence, reducing the percentage of cobalt in cathode materials by partially
replacing it with transition metals can cause a reduction in the material’s TEC. Recently, a novel
TEC offset approach was proposed by compositing the Co-containing cathode materials with
negative thermal expansion (NTE) materials to reduce the overall TEC [174]. As a result, high-
performance and durable cathode materials were developed. Although the cathode was for O-
Table 4: Notable cathode materials for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells
Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) 0.189@700℃ 356@600℃ BSCF|BZCY721|Ni + [178]
BaZr0.2Ce0.7Y0.1O3−δ (BZCY721)
BaZr0.4Ce0.4Y0.2O3−δ (BZCY442)
BaZr0.1Ce0.8Y0.1O3−δ (BZCY811)
wt %)|Ni +
)0.95Ni0.05O3−δ BaZr0.4Ce0.4Y0.1Yb0.1O3−δ
Stability is one of the essential yardsticks to assess the quality of a cathode material used in proton-
conducting solid oxide fuel cells. Any material selected to be used as a cathode for P-SOFC must
possess reasonable chemical stability in CO2, humid air, etc. Ba and Sr are common A-site
elements in cubic ABO3 and double perovskites used as cathodes in P-SOFCs because of their
large ionic size and effect on promoting better oxygen pathways. However, these alkaline earth
metals are susceptible to reacting with CO2 in acidic gases-containing environments thereby
causing degradation in the performance of the fuel cell. Despite stability being a crucial quality in
PCFC cathodes, its development has drawn less attention compared to the effort exerted on
improving the performance of PCFC cathodes. Several articles have confirmed that using
monovalent ions such as Zr4+, Hf4+, and Yb3+ to dope cathode materials can significantly enhance
the stability and activity of the cathode material. Tsvetkov et al. [185] hypothesized and
investigated if the use of less reducible cations such as Hf4+, Zr4+, Ti4+, Nb5+, and Al3+ can influence
the stability of a model perovskite material, La0.8Sr0.2CoO3 (LSC). The outcome of the study
revealed that these less reducible cations not only improved the stability but also the oxygen
exchange kinetics. Also, another potential aspect that could adversely affect the stability of cathode
electrode material is the TEC mismatch between the cathode material and other cell components
such as the anode and electrolyte. This is a particularly challenging aspect in cathode material
development in both conventional SOFCs and PCFCs. For instance, Figure 13 illustrates a
schematic of various perovskites materials used as either cathode, electrolyte, or anode material
for the conventional SOFCs. It is clear from the schematic that different material categories have
disparate TECs. Hence, stability does not necessarily increase the ORR but rather, it ensures the
durability of the cathode material. For instance, cobalt-based cathodes are found to possess better
ORR and hence better performance, but they exhibit relatively poorer stability compared with
Figure 13: TECs for different SOFC component parts with their various constitutive
compositions[186] highlighted as follows: Zr Y O (YSZ)[175], Ce Gd O (GDC) [187],La Sr Ga Mg O (LSGM)
0.84 0.16 1.92 0.8 0.2 1.9 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.2 3−δ
[188], 48 vol% Ni–GDC (Ni-GDC-48, porous, 75% theoretical density) [189], Y0.9In0.1BaCo3.3Ga0.7O7+δ (YIBCG) [190], YBaCo3ZnO7+δ (YBCZ) [190],
YBaCo3.2Ga0.8O7+δ (YBCG)[190], La0.8Sr0.2MnO3−δ (LSM)[191], La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ (LSCF)[192], Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF)[193], La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ
(LSC)[194], SrCo0.9Sb0.1O3−δ (SCSb)[49], Sr0.5Sm0.5CoO3−δ (SSmC)[195], GdBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ (GBSCF)[196], NdBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ (NBSCF)[196],
PrBa0.5Sr0.5Co1.5Fe0.5O5+δ (PBSCF)[196], La0.6Sr0.4FeO3−δ (LSF) [197], and Ba0.95La0.05FeO3−δ (BLF) [198].
Figure 14 illustrates a schematic representation of the different TECs for different cathode and
electrolyte materials used in P-SOFCs and Table 5 provides the details of each electrolyte or
Cathode Electrolyte
BaZr0.80Y0.20O3-d BZY 8.2 [203]
20 Cathode Electrolyte
TEC (× 10-6 K-1)
Finally, it is also expected that PCFC cathode materials should have high porosity. Although, this
porosity is not an intrinsic quality but that achieved by processing. The availability of high porosity
will ensure enough transport paths necessary for oxygen and steam molecules diffusion [205].
The anode is one of the essential components of a proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells.
However, it has attracted less attention compared to the electrolyte and cathode materials. The
anode electrode material for P-SOFC should have both electronic and proton conductivity to
increase the number of electrochemically active sites and facilitate an efficient hydrogen oxidation
reaction. At the anode, a hydrogen molecule is oxidized to produce two protons and two electrons
The design of anode materials for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells is like that of oxygen
ion conducting solid oxide fuel cells. The P-SOFC anodes are cermets produced by mixing NiO
with a proton-conducting electrolyte in which the NiO is subsequently reduced to Ni. This
reduction of NiO to Ni consequently leads to the generation of porosity which is necessary for gas
diffusion and continuous electronic pathway. The rule of thumb is that a composite anode material
is formed by combining an electronic conducting phase (i.e., Ni) with a proton-conducting oxide.
Therefore, the proportion of the mixture of the electronic and proton-conducting phases, the
microstructure, and particulate size of the anode material is important to be decided carefully
because they significantly influence the performance of the cell. The triple-phase boundary
increases with an increasing anode surface area which also speeds up the reaction kinetics. This
desirable large surface area can be increased by using powders with small average grain sizes.
More so, it has been demonstrated that improved symmetric cell performance could be achieved
One of the studies which attempted to gain insights into the reactions at the anode for P-SOFCs
with the aim of developing superior anode materials is the research conducted by Pers et al. [206].
They investigated the effect of temperature and atmosphere on the hydrogen oxidation reaction at
hydrogen partial pressure in the temperature of 350 – 600 ℃. They asserted that the hydrogen
dissociation step is the rate-limiting step for the hydrogen oxidation reaction. Consequently, the
polarization resistance of the cermet Ni-BZCYYb was 0.049 Ω cm2 at 600 ℃ when hydrogen fuel
is used.
Also, Essoumhi et al. [209] investigated the microstructure and electrical characteristics of two
nanopowders. The proportion of Ni in both cermets (i.e., Ni-BCY) is 35 and 45 vol. % which are
both equivalents to 50 and 60 wt% NiO. It was discovered that an increase in Ni content improved
Chevallier et al. [210] presented a novel wet-chemical route approach for preparing Ni–
nickel nitrate solution followed by sintering at a temperature of 1000 ℃. It was found out that the
resulting cermet was not tolerant to the CO2 atmosphere at a temperature of 700 ℃ due to the
severe degradation encountered. This renders the use of Ni-BCY anode to be restricted to hydrogen
Plekhanov et al. [92] investigated suitable and possible anode materials for LaScO3-based proton-
conducting electrolytes. Ni-LSS5 cermet was produced via solid-state and co-precipitation
methods. They then subjected the LSS5 powder to different production and sintering temperatures
in the range of 1400 to 1500 ℃ and observed the microstructural features and phase compositions.
It was discovered that the electrical conductivity and chemical expansion of Ni-LSS was majorly
influenced by its porosity as opposed to the notion of it being influenced by the various methods
of synthesis employed. The porosity and average grain size of the samples were estimated by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image analysis. It was discovered that as the sintering
Onishi et al. [211] investigated the performance of Ni-BZY20 cermet used with BaZr0.8Y0.2O3-δ
(BZY20) electrolyte. Ni-BZY20 anode symmetrical cells with a NiO content of 20-70 % were
fabricated and tested. They found out that an increase in NiO content made the sintering process
more difficult with cells failing at 80 wt% NiO. Hence, it was recommended that the proportion
of NiO in the proposed cermet should be less than 70 wt% during cell fabrications.
Ni-based anodes have been vastly employed in SOFCs applications due to their suitability and
good performance. However, despite the benefits derived from the use of Ni-based anodes, certain
drawbacks have been identified especially when the cell operates at a temperature range of 500 –
800 ℃. [212]. Some of those drawbacks include agglomeration of Ni thereby causing anode
performance deterioration with time and coke formation when hydrocarbon fuel is used.
Nevertheless, only a few alternatives have been proposed as in several instances where hydrogen-
permeable metal membranes have been used as supporting anodic structure for protonic SOFCs
Anode-supported cell construction is often employed in most proton-conducting solid oxide fuel
cell fabrications. In this form of cell construction, the anode is made the thickest layer of the cell
to provide mechanical support for the other cell components. The thick anode layer and the thin
electrolyte layer are often co-sintered at a high temperature. The essence of this is to provide the
necessary support for the electrolyte and ensure good sinterability by a way of enhancing the
quality densification and conductivity of the electrolyte layer. Several studies have highlighted the
Duan et al. [120] expounded the use of sintering aids such as CuO and NiO to improve the
stability, we have BZY20 > BCZY63 > BCZYYb. BCZY63 has relatively better sinterability and
lower grain boundary resistance while BCZYYb has the highest reported conductivity for P-
% NiO | BCZY63 + BCFZY0.1, a peak power density of 0.455 W/cm2 was achieved at a
Furthermore, the sinterability and performance of the anode electrode are also influenced by the
morphology of the electrode. For instance, the effect of the quantity of carbon microspheres pore
former on the porosity, line shrinkage, electrochemical performance, and thermal expansion of
NiO-BCZY71 was investigated. It was discovered that electrode support with 30 wt% pore formers
exhibited the best performance because of its excellent porosity and good triple-phase boundary
reactions [215].
For years, manufacturing challenges have impeded the development of proton-conducting solid
oxide fuel cells until recently when novel methods of synthesizing and fabricating proton-
conducting solid oxide fuels emerged. Some of those newly emerged methods for the processing
and fabrication of proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells are solid-state reactive sintering, anode-
The synthesis and fabrication of protonic ceramic oxide materials (PCOM) involve several high-
temperature and energy-demanding procedures. These procedures are requisite to achieving the
desired phases and microstructures as well as other preferable cell component qualities such as
porous electrodes, dense electrolytes, and highly stable and durable cells [205]. In a study, it was
estimated that materials manufacturing cost accounts for about 30 % of the total proton-conducting
solid oxide fuel cell manufacturing cost [125]. Therefore, it is important to devise measures to
significantly ameliorate the total manufacturing cost for proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells
Some of the prominently identified measures to significantly reduce PCOM fabrication cost are
lowering various material processing temperatures and spotting compositions that do not require
expensive precursors (i.e., salts or rare earth oxides). One of the recommended cost-effective
methods of synthesizing and fabricating PCOM is solid-state reactive sintering (SSRS)[216]. With
this approach, there is a possibility of reducing the arduous and long manufacturing processes from
above 10 steps to just 3 or fewer in addition to the consequently reduced sintering temperatures,
time, and energy consumption. What makes the SSRS approach stand out is the fact that it aids the
sintering process through the incorporation of a small portion of sintering aids (i.e., NiO, ZnO,
In a study, when 4 wt. % ZnO was added to a well-crystallized BZY powder, a homogeneous
distribution of ZnO was produced in the intergranular region. The resulting modified grain
boundary composition enhances electrolyte sintering and improves grain growth and boundary
conductivity of unmodified BZY is not improved by the introduction of ZnO, rather the grain
boundaries are highly tuned. More so, the bulk conductivity of ZnO-modified BZY is relatively
lower compared to that of the unmodified BZY. This work gave more insight into the propensity
processes [217].
Other studies leveraged the foundational concept of SSRS to incorporate phase formation, grain
growth, and densification in just a single sintering step which consequently simplified the synthesis
and lowered the fabrication cost of P-SOFCs [82,217,218]. Asides from NiO, other sintering aids
such as Al2O3, LiF, and SnO2 were investigated to see the one which significantly reduces sintering
temperatures. It was found out that NiO is the most effective sintering aid as it reduces the sintering
temperature of BZY20 from above 1600 ℃ to 1400 ℃ with a positive densification rating above
a temperature of 600 ℃ under a wet argon atmosphere. NiO is the most established and widely
Asides from sintering aids, the other factor which influences the effectiveness of SSRS is the nature
of the processing. The effect of four different fabrication processes on the conductivity of BZY10
was studied by Ricote et al. [220]. The various fabrication processes include (a) SSRS (b)
conventional sintering using powder prepared by solid-state with NiO as the sintering aid (c)
conventional sintering using powder prepared by solid-state reaction and then annealing at a high
temperature of 2200 ℃ (d) spark plasma sintering (SPS). It was discovered that BZY10 prepared
by SSRS as in (a) had the least grain boundary resistance while the resistivity of the other samples
using the other fabrication methods in increasing order are: (c), (d) and (b). This confirms that the
fabrication process does influence the activation energy for proton conduction across the grain
boundaries. This suggests that Ni-decorated grain boundary gotten through SSRS might promote
the conduction of proton across grain boundaries. This phenomenon has been confirmed by Clark
et al. [221] and Costa et al. [222]. However, Han et al. [223] asserted that the addition of NiO on
BZCY based electrolytes affects proton conductivity and dehydration temperature and with time,
ionic conductivity will also be affected. Based on this assertion, they concluded that NiO is
Even though tremendous success has been recorded in the adoption and application of the SSRS
approach, there are still certain challenges that need to be addressed [224]. One of those challenges
is the crossing over of electrons through the electrolyte or leave residual second phases which
affect the cell performance. The existence of second phases at grain boundaries may negatively
influence the durability of the cell by reducing the mechanical strength of the electrolyte and
exposing it to failure. The highlighted challenges however do not obviate the recommendation and
application of SSRS in the fabrication of P-SOFCs [120,225]. This is because many highly
efficient and relatively cheaper PCOM have been developed using the SSRS approach thereby
Another important area that is vital to the P-SOFC fabrication process is engineering suitable
interfaces between the electrodes and electrolytes. Thermal and chemical incompatibility between
the electrodes and electrolytes can result in gradual delamination of P-SOFC parts which will
consequently depreciate the cell performance or even lead to failure of the cell. To curb this
challenge, some research works have suggested and used interfacial layers to improve the contact
The predominant technique for fabrication of PCOM based cells is through the traditional pressing
and co-pressing of perovskite oxide powders. In recent years, researchers have investigated and
attempted using tape casting technique for cell fabrication to achieve a larger area, hence higher
performance. In 2017, Jin et al.[223] proposed and successfully fabricated an anode supported
BZCY based cells by tape casting and suspension spraying. This is an upscale in cell fabrication
for PCFCs because it is more established in the traditional O-SOFCs. Hence, more effort is needed
in this capacity to further develop ways to achieve meaningful upscale in the fabrication of PCFCs.
5 Prospective for PCFCs
This section presents a summary of recent progress and directions for protonic ceramic fuel cells.
Based on the discussions in the previous sections and recent findings, the progress in the
(a) There has been an increasing propensity and drive towards more compositionally complex
cathode materials which have excellent triple conductivity and are specifically designed
for P-SOFCs. More so, it has been observed that most high-performance cathode materials
that Cobalt containing compounds are promising in achieving a cathode material with an
(b) There has been a dynamic shift from the use of traditional BCY and BZY electrolyte
materials to electrolytes with more complex compositions such as BCZYYb and BZCY,
with BCZYYb being in the spotlight because of its all-round advantage which involves a
(c) There has been a remarkable improvement in the performance of P-SOFCs using hydrogen
fuels from about 0.3 W/cm2 to 1.302 W/cm2 at a temperature of 600 ℃ between 2013 and
(d) Attention has been driven towards cathode development for PCFCs through the design of
(e) There has been an increasing interest in the development of high-performance bifunctional
cathode materials which can be used in PCFCs, PCECs, and RePCCs (the RePCC is
One of the important future guidelines is the development of PCFCs with high durability under
realistic working conditions. To achieve this, effort need to be intensified to develop P-SOFCs that
can function efficiently at temperatures below 400 ℃. A breakthrough in this regard will facilitate
Hydrogen is an ideal fuel for fuel cells, including H-SOFC. However, hydrogen production and
storage efficiently and economically are still challenging. Nevertheless, hydrogen can be generated
in the near future through proton conducting electrolysis cells by using excess energy from
renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy. However, conventional hydrocarbon
fuels such as natural gas will continue to be a major fuel in the coming decades. Biogas, consisting
of methane, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, etc., will increasingly play more important roles in future
conventional hydrocarbon fuels and renewable biogas. Direct hydrocarbon fuel can potentially
help in this capacity and several studies have explored and demonstrated this possibility [82,138].
Stability and durability are also important considerations in P-SOFC development. The important
roles thermal and chemical stability play in the durability of the cell have been addressed in
These are energy storage devices that efficiently combine the functionalities of protonic ceramic
fuel cells and protonic ceramic electrolysis cells (RePCC). This innovative idea was borne out of
the need to offset the intermittent nature of energy from renewable sources such has wind and solar
which have penetrated the energy market in recent years. The excess/waste energy from renewable
energy sources during their peak periods can be used to convert electrical energy to chemical
energy in the protonic electrolysis cell mode while during periods when the energy demand from
the grid exceeds the supply, the stored chemical energy can be converted directly to electrical
energy in the protonic ceramic fuel cell mode as illustrated in Figure 16. The merits of RePCC are
(a) it is relatively economical than chemical batteries on a larger scale, (b) it has a high round trip
efficiency, (c) it does not require precious metals as catalysts as in the case of reversible polymer
electrolyte membrane electrolysis cells, (d) it directly produces pure and dry hydrogen thereby
saving cost and removing complexities associated with drying and external condensers, among
Figure 16: RePCC operating in (a) protonic ceramic fuel cell mode and (b) protonic ceramic
electrolysis mode. Where HER = hydrogen evolution reaction, ORR = oxygen reduction reaction,
OER = oxygen evolution reaction, HOR = hydrogen oxidation reaction [230]. Copyright 2021,
John Wiley & Sons.
However, despite the numerous advantages of RePCC, one of the major identified challenges to
its commoditization is the paucity in bifunctional electrodes which play a vital role in achieving
highly stable and active electrodes with both excellent oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and
oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). High OER in RePCC implies an efficient surface exchange with
proton and electron conduction while a high ORR implies a good adsorptive dissociation and
diffusion of oxygen, coupled with triple conductivity (i.e., involving protons, electrons, and
oxygen ion). All the identified requirements of functional materials cannot be obtained in a single-
phase perovskite oxide material. Although some perovskite materials that possess excellent MIEC
can be used as air electrodes for RePCC, but they lack proton conductivity and are highly unstable
under humid atmospheres [91,231]. Another approach employed for achieving excellent electrode
materials for RePCC is the introduction of electronic conductivity into traditional proton
conductors such as BaCeO3 and BaZrO3 by doping these materials with transition elements and
Although these materials have excellent performances but there is thermal mismatch between these
electrodes and other components of the cell. Hence there need to further consider other material
improvement strategies that can cater for these enumerated challenges. Among those strategies
considered to achieve this feat is the development of nanocomposite electrodes. Recently, Song et
al.[230] presented an interesting and novel perspective based on nanocomposites for advancing
bifunctional reversible protonic ceramic cell electrode materials with relatively outstanding
performances. Cerium and Nickel Oxide nanoparticles were used to embellish the surface of a
It was discovered that the RP phases enhanced the proton transfer and hydration while the
nanoparticles expediated the surface oxygen exchange and transfer of oxide ions from the surface
to the major perovskite. This approach promises to create pathway for achieving an optimal
5.2 PCFC application and scale-up
PCFCs can be employed for stationary applications especially as power supplies for residential
devices such as combined heat and power (CHP) cogeneration systems, and other applications
such as auxiliary power supplies and power sources for vehicles [232,233]. For these applications
to be realized, there is a need for a scale-up. This has been a daunting task particularly due to
various stability issues (such as thermal cycling and chemical incompatibility between the cell
components) and insufficient knowledge about stack design and system integration [234–237].
There have been attempts to increase the active area of P-SOFCs from 0.5 cm2 (often used in the
labs) to over 50 cm2 to explore the feasibility of large-scale production [143]. To achieve a scale-
procedures, and a better understanding of the various key operation mechanisms of the system. In
realizing scale-up in PCFCs, some researchers have reported significant contributions that could
aid in achieving this goal. For instance, Mu et al. [238] presented a unique digital approach which
integrates precise micro extrusion of 3D printing and fast laser processing for achieving several
developmental processes in PCFC fabrication such as sintering, drying, cutting and polishing.
Tarutin et al. [239] also introduced a one-step sintering process for preparing multilayer PCFCs
putting into consideration compatibility of component parts and easier cell preparation methods.
Likewise, the use of dynamic mechanical analysis for the characterization of the thermo-
mechanical behavior of green tapes have been introduced by Mercadelli et al. [240]. This
proposition promises to help achieve optimal lamination viscosity requisite for adhesion between
cell component parts regardless of the adopted tape formulation. Scaling up SOFCs and P-SOFCs
is very challenging because it requires synergy and expertise contributions from disparate
researchers (as observed from some of the scaling up contributing attempts by researchers) from
different disciplines such as Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Control, and Automation, etc. The aspiration of scale-up in P-SOFC cannot be actualized by a
single research group and this makes it even more complicated coupled with the associated costs.
Hence, government and philanthropic aids might be required to achieve rapid scale-up in P-SOFC
6. Conclusion
The current challenges with the conventional solid oxide fuel cells have driven researchers to
consider investigating proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells as a viable solution to achieving a
cleaner, more efficient, and cheaper energy alternative. We have presented a thorough review of
the various credible scientific efforts exerted in the development of electrolyte, cathode, and anode
materials for PCFCs. Finally, we have buttressed the prospective for PCFCs by highlighting their
M. Ni thanks the funding support (Project Number: PolyU 152064/18E) from Research Grant
Council, University Grants Committee, Hong Kong SAR. B. Chen thanks the National Natural
Science Foundation of China Project (No. 52006150) and Natural Science Foundation of
postdoctoral science foundation (No. 2021T140471) and the National Natural Science Foundation
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