Doe Sample Questions

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In each, give an example on one-way classified data, two-way classified data with one observation per cell and
two-way classified data with r-observations per cell.
Give point of distinction between Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) & t test.

Describe the procedure of two-way classification ANOVA with one observation per cell, stating clearly the
model, underlying assumptions, hypotheses to be tested, ANOVA table and the procedure of the test of

In two-way classification ANOVA model-one observation per cell, obtain expectation of error sum of squares.
Hence, obtain the unbiased estimator of error variance, 𝜎𝑒 2
In two-way classification ANOVA model-one observation per cell to obtain distribution of various sum of
squares under hypotheses to be tested.

Obtain expectations & variances of the least square estimators of the parameters of the two-way classification
ANOVA model with one observation per cell.

Estimate parameters involved in one-way ANOVA model.

Explain the terms chance variation and assignable variation in field experimentation
What is meant by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ?

Describe the procedure of one-way classification ANOVA, stating clearly the model, underlying assumptions,
hypothesis to be tested, ANOVA table and the procedure of the test of hypothesis.

State the model and assumptions of one-way classification ANOVA model. State the hypothesis to be tested.
Make the ANOVA table and write the procedure of the test of hypothesis.

In one-way classification ANOVA model, describe decomposition of total sum of squares. Indicate their degrees
of freedom. Also, obtain the distribution of various sum of squares under the hypothesis to be tested.

Summarize steps involved in two-way ANOVA classification-single observation per cell.

In one-way classification ANOVA model, define the term linear contrast of α’s. Write the test for elementary
contrast of α’s. Explain its significance in ANOVA. What is meant by Least Critical Difference?
In two-way ANOVA model, describe the decomposition of total sum of squares and list their respective degrees
of freedom.

Estimate parameters involved in two-way ANOVA-one observation per cell model.

In one-way ANOVA, obtain expectation of Mean Sum of Squares due to Errors (MSSE). Hence, show that MSSE
is an unbiased estimator of error variance, 𝜎𝑒 2

Obtain expectations & variances of the least square estimators of the parameters of the one-way classification
ANOVA model.

Describe Principles of Randomization, Replication and Local Control as used in Designs of Experiments.
How are these principles used in (i) CRD,(ii) RBD and (iii) LSD ?

Define the terms: i) Experimental Unit, ii)Treatment, iii) Block. Illustrate these terms with an example from
agricultural experiment/ non-agricultural experiments.

Describe Completely Randomized Design. State its model, assumptions and hypothesis to be tested.
Give its ANOVA Table.

Obtain the expression of efficiency of Randomized block Design over Completely Randomized Design.

Obtain the expression of efficiency of Latin Square Design over Completely Randomized Design.

Obtain the expression of efficiency of Latin Square Design over Randomized block Design by taking (i)
Columns as blocks, (ii) Rows as blocks.

What are advantages and disadvantages of using Randomized Block Design ?

What are advantages and disadvantages of using Completely Randomized Design ?

What are advantages and disadvantages of using Latin Square Design ?

Write a note on Experimental Error in Design of Experiment.

Obtain expectations & variances of the least square estimators of the parameters of Latin Square Design.

Describe Latin Square Design. State its model, assumptions and hypothesis to be tested. Give its ANOVA Table.

What is meant by Missing Plot Technique in DOE ? Explain the procedure of estimating single missing
observation in (i) CRD,(ii) RBD and (iii) LSD.

In LSD, obtain expectation of row sum of squares. Hence, obtain the unbiased estimator of error variance, 𝜎𝑒 2
under H0: all αi’s are equal.

In LSD, obtain expectation of column sum of squares. Hence, obtain the unbiased estimator of error variance,
𝜎𝑒 2 under H0: all βj’s are equal.

In LSD, obtain expectation of treatment sum of squares. Hence, obtain the unbiased estimator of error
variance, 𝜎𝑒 2 under H0: all γk’s are equal.

What are factorial Experiments ? Give an example illustrating the need to go for factorial experiments in DOE.

What are the advantages of Factorial Experiments ?

Give a layout of 22 factorial experiments. Outline the procedure to obtain Yates table of 22 factorial experiments

Describe 22 factorial experiments . State its model, assumptions and hypotheses to be tested. Give its ANOVA
Table along with the test procedures.

Describe 23 factorial experiments . State its model, assumptions and hypotheses to be tested. Give its ANOVA
Table along with the test procedures.

Give a layout of 23 factorial experiments. Outline the procedure to obtain Yates table of 22 factorial experiments.

Write a note on confounding in factorial experiments.

Explain, with justification, as to which treatment combination is confounded in the following layout ?

Give a lay out of a 23 factorial experiment containing factors, N, P and K such that treatment combination PK
is confounded. What will be the effect of this confounding on analysis ?

Draw a Yates table of 23 factorial experiment with factors N, P and K. How is this useful in ANOVA table of
the 23factorial experiment?
Give a lay out of a 2^3 factorial experiment containing factors, N, P and K such that
treatment combination PK
is confounded. What will be the effect of this confounding on analysis ?

the 2l fi1ctorial experiment?

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