(jeh-loh, wehl-kom tu aor rehs-tuh-ront! Mai neim is Tom, end ail bi yor
wey-ter tuh-dei. Mei ai get iu sahm-thing tu drink?)
Yes, please. I’ll have a glass of water, and could I also get a menu?
(ies, pliiz. Ail jav a glas ov wa-ter, end cud ai ol-so get a men-iu?)
Waiter (Mesero):
Waiter (Mesero):
Great! I’ll bring your drinks right away. Here are the menus.
Waiter (Mesero):
Are you ready to order?
Waiter (Mesero):
Waiter (Mesero):
Waiter (Mesero):
Waiter (Mesero):