Q3 - LE - Science 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Q3 - LE - Science 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Q3 - LE - Science 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Quarter 3
Lesson Exemplar Lesson
for Science 1
Lesson Exemplar for Science Grade 4
Learning Resource Unit on Describing Force
Quarter 3: Lesson 1 (Week 1)
S.Y. 2024-2025
This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during
the School Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any unauthorized
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• Jessa V. Logronio (Silliman University)
• Edwin Auditor (Philippine Normal University - Manila)
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Research Institute for Teacher Quality
SiMERR National Research Centre
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B. Performance By the end of the quarter, learners use simple equipment and processes to measure and record data related to
Standards movement and describe and predict the way things around them move using more scientifically technical language and
concepts, such as speed and force. They demonstrate an understanding that science processes are used to gain a
deeper understanding about forces that cannot be seen directly, including the properties of magnets.
C. Learning Learning Competency: The learners participate in guided activities to discover and predict how rigid and soft
Competencies objects can be moved and/or changed in shape.
and Objectives The learners will be able to:
1. Lesson Objective 1: identify rigid and soft objects based on physical characteristics.
2. Lesson Objective 2: classify objects as rigid and soft objects.
3. Lesson Objective 3: define force as a push or a pull exerted on an object.
4. Lesson Objective 4: describe forces using arrows in given situations.
5. Lesson Objective 5: identify forces in our daily tasks.
6. Lesson Objective 6: investigate how rigid and soft objects respond to applied forces.
D. Integration Safety – When pushing or pulling, one must be aware of the direction of force and movement of the object.
Responsibility (Grade 3 GMRC & VE): Students understand their responsibilities at home and school.
● Booth, G., McDuell, B., & Sears, J. (1999). World of Science: Students’. OUP Oxford.
● Department of Education. (2023). MATATAG Curriculum in Science. DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines.
● Embile, R., & Gongora, K. (2023). Science and the New World 4. Jo-es Publishing House, Inc.
● force. (n.d.). Britannica Kids. https://kids.britannica.com/learners/article/force/323538#:~:text=A%20force%20is%20an%20action
● Lenin’s Science Experiments. (2018, February 8). How Force can change Position, motion, shape, size and direction of objects | Effects of
Force [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9KY43hDSzI
● Manaher, S. (2023, August 9). Soft vs Rigid: Do These Mean The Same? How To Use Them. The Content Authority.
Emphasize safety, especially
when incidents involve
someone getting hurt,
prompting students to think
about safety precautions when
pushing or pulling objects or
I still need help to do this. Let them raise their hands or
stand to be identified. This
I can do this by myself. gives an idea of how many need
to learn more about the lesson
I can do this by myself and in different ways. and how many have already
developed the skills. You may
ask them to copy the table with
Learning Targets Before After
the learning targets in their
Learning Learning
notebook since this will be
the Lesson the Lesson
revisited at the end of the
1. I can identify rigid and soft objects
based on their physical characteristics.
2. I can describe the characteristics of rigid
and soft objects.
3. I can classify objects as rigid or soft
4. I can define force as a push or pull
exerted on an object.
5. I can describe forces using arrows in
given situations.
6. I can identify forces in our daily tasks.
7. I can investigate how rigid and soft
objects respond to applied forces.
3. Sotf bjsceto 2. Girdi bojetcs → Rigid
4. Froce objects
3. Sotf bjsceto → Soft
Part 2: objects
Term Definition Symbol 4. Froce → Force
1. Movement is the change in the position
of an object over time. Here are examples of keywords
and symbols that relate to each
2. Rigid Objects that are hard and 1. Movement - “walking”,
objects cannot be easily bent, “running”, etc.
deformed, or compressed. Symbol: arrow or a
3. Soft Objects that can be easily running figure
objects bent, deformed, or 2. Rigid Objects - "stiff" or
compressed. "hard"
Symbol: solid block
4. Force Push/pull 3. Soft Objects - "squishy"
Symbol: pillow
4. Force -"push" or "pull"
Symbol: arrows in
opposite directions
A force is an action that changes or maintains the motion of a body or In the following activities,
object. It is either a push or a pull. Forces can change an object's speed, its students will work in groups to
direction, and even its shape. promote collaboration and share
ideas with their group mates.
Before learning further about forces, ask the students what they need to do Use Activity 3 to build students’
first if they need to conduct an experiment using certain materials. Tell concepts of rigid and soft
them that scientists explore, describe, and try to discover more about the objects. You may expand the
things around us. Similarly, students start exploring the things around list or replace some materials
them by describing and classifying them based on their characteristics. For based on what is available.
this lesson, they will focus on soft and rigid object. Suggested materials include the
chair, table, leaf, stone, shelf,
b. Activity 3: Rigid and Soft Materials (30-40 minutes) floor, paper, bread, sponge,
Instruct the students to answer Activity 1: Rigid and Soft Materials. Assign doorknob, cotton, and cloth.
each student a partner for this activity. Each pair is asked to observe the Discuss their answers to the
listed objects/materials in the classroom, describe their characteristics, process questions to clarify
like size and texture, and classify them as rigid or soft objects based on their basis for classifying an
their characteristics. Ask them to write their answers on the worksheet. object as soft or rigid.
Synthesize the activity by discussing their answers to the following process Encourage students to explore
questions: and engage with the objects in
1. When can you say an object is rigid? a respectful manner. Remind
2. What are the physical properties of soft objects? them not to disturb or damage
3. Why is it important to distinguish between soft and rigid objects? any items in the classroom.
Possible answers to Activity 3
guide questions.
1. An object is considered
rigid if it is hard and
cannot be easily bent,
deformed, or
2. Soft objects can be easily
bent, deformed, or
3. It is important to
distinguish between soft
and rigid objects because
it determines how much
force is needed to change
their shape, move, stop,
or change their direction.
When we know an object
is rigid, we can exercise
caution to avoid getting
hurt or injured in pulling
or pushing it.
Activity 1 Classification of
Soft Rigid
Leaf Chair
Paper Table
Bread Stone
Sponge Shelf
Cotton Floor
Cloth Doorknob
Allow students to work
a. Activity 4: Describing Force (15-20 minutes) individually or in pairs to
In Activity 2: Describing Force, students will learn to identify and describe complete the remaining
different forces acting on objects and represent these forces using arrows to scenarios on the worksheet.
indicate direction. Circulate the classroom to
Answers: provide support, answer
questions, and ensure students
are correctly representing
forces with arrows.
After completing the activity, lead a class discussion to reinforce the concepts
learned. Ask students to share their drawings and discuss their answers to
the following questions:
1. How would you represent a pushing force in a diagram? What about a
pulling force?
2. Can you identify situations in which forces are balanced or equal? How
would you draw the arrows for balanced or equal forces?
3. Lesson Activity
a. Activity 5: Forces in My Everyday Life (20-25 minutes) Use Activity 5 to deepen their
Deepen students’ understanding of forces by asking them to identify understanding of the forces in
different forces present in their everyday lives. Ask them to answer Activity their daily activities. Go
3: Forces in My Everyday Life. Ask each student to illustrate four situations through the first scenario
wherein they do actions (that apply a push or a pull) to accomplish daily together as a class. Give them
tasks at home or at school. They must draw arrows to show where the force enough time to think about
is directed and label or caption each situation using the pattern: I am their situations in their daily
pushing/pulling an object + direction. lives. Establish deeper
connections between the word
Discuss their answers to the process questions below: force and learners' daily
1. What is the most important task you do daily? Why? activities at home or school to
2. Why is it good for you to do different daily actions? accomplish tasks. This activity
Summarize the lesson's key points, emphasizing how understanding forces reminds them of home and
in everyday life is essential. Encourage students to remain observant of school responsibilities, like
forces in action around them and consider how these forces impact their cleaning, washing, sweeping
daily activities. the floor, and other chores.
D. Making DAY 4 Conduct a short discussion
Generalizations 1. Learners’ Takeaways (10 minutes) about real-life connection and
Real-life Connection values integration of the lesson
1. Why do we need to be aware of how the things around us are moving? on forces using the given guide
2. Why is it important to learn how forces affect how things move? questions.
3. What important scientific skills have you developed in this lesson? Why do Possible answers:
you need to develop them? Real-life Connection
1. We need to be aware of how
Values Integration things around us are moving
1. How can you ensure safety when doing your daily tasks that involve for it helps us understand
pushing or pulling objects? potential dangers and avoid
2. What are your responsibilities at home and school? Why do you think accidents. For example, being
you’re assigned these responsibilities at a young age? aware of moving vehicles on the
road can prevent accidents
2. Reflection on Learning (10 minutes) while crossing.
Self-Assessment 2. Learning how forces affect
Instructions: Revisit the Self-Assessment checklist used at the start of this how things move is crucial
week. Ask your students to write their self-assessment ratings using the scale because it helps us how forces
below in the third column of the table below. affect the speed, direction, and
I still need help to do this. shape of objects. For example,
understanding the force of
I can do this by myself. gravity helps explain why
objects fall towards the Earth.
I can do this by myself and in different ways. 3. In this lesson, important
scientific skills that I developed
are observation and
Learning Targets Before After
experimentation. These skills
Learning Learning
help us gather information
the Lesson the Lesson
about what happens to objects
1. I can identify rigid and soft objects
when we apply forces on them.
based on their physical characteristics.
Values Integration
2. I can describe the characteristics of rigid 1. We can ensure safety when
and soft objects. pushing or pulling objects by
3. I can classify objects as rigid or soft making sure the area is free of
objects. obstacles to prevent tripping or
4. I can define force as a push or pull stumbling while pushing or
exerted on an object. pulling.
5. I can describe forces using arrows in 2. Answers may vary.
given situations. Responsibilities at home and
6. I can identify forces in our daily tasks. school may include tasks such
7. I can investigate how rigid and soft as chores, homework, and
objects respond to applied forces. helping others. These
responsibilities are assigned at
a young age to teach important
life skills and instill values
such as responsibility,
accountability, and teamwork.
These responsibilities help
children develop into
responsible and capable
II. Table Completion. Complete the table below by drawing an arrow to
represent the force applied in each daily task below. II. Table Completion
Daily Task
1. Wiping the blackboard
3. Lifting a box
4. Pushing a door
2. Homework
For our lesson next week, define the following terms in your notebook:
a. Magnet
b. Repel
c. Attract
d. Demagnetization
B. Teacher’s Note observations on
Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered
strategies explored
materials used
learner engagement/
▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?
▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?