Detail Engg and Design Phase

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Detailed Engineering Design Phase

Engineering Design Integrity Workflow


Detailed Design Engineering Design Integrity Workflow (EDIW )

EDIW is AMEC’s best practice guidance to Engineers and supporting

Personnel for the delivery of technical integrity. Its highlights the key
deliverables and activities throughout the lifecycle of a typical Detailed
Design project.

Detailed Design is broken into seven phases:

1 Scope Definition and Engineering Execution Strategy

2 Commencement of Detailed Design
3 Initial Design Development and Hazard Identification
4 Initial Design Review & Audit
5 Approval for Design (AFD)
6 Approval for Construction (AFC)
7 Design Close-Out
The workflow shown in the EDIW Road Map illustrates the execution
sequence on a generic Detail Design Project. The vertical columns show
activities that can be undertaken concurrently whilst the sequential flow of
work is across the Road Map. As the deliverables and activities in each phase
are completed, work can transition into the next phase.

Situations will arise when work will need to be done out of sequence,
typically to meet demanding project schedule. Use of the EDIW allows the
risks of out-of-sequence working to be identified and the necessary
mitigation strategies to be put in place.

AMEC’s corporate governance and assurance of Engineering will measure

compliance with the EDIW workflow and ensure out-of-phase working is
being identified and Managed. This document contains a copy of the Detail
Design EDIW Workflow Road Map and includes detailed descriptions of the
activities, the key engineering disciplines and supporting documentation.

Phase 1
Scope Definition and Engineering Execution
Preparation for commencement of detail design. To evaluate FEED
deliverables to ensure engineering is sufficiently mature for detail design to
progress in a controlled and minimal change environment. To confirm
Engineering Execution Plan.

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 Engineering Review / confirm Engineering Execution Strategy, Manager and Tender documentation,
Execution Strategy e.g. execution locations, work share, disciplines Project Project Execution Plan
required, specialist support, etc. Engineering (PEP)
2 Feed / BoD Confirm maturity of Front End Engineering Design. Project
Validation Identify any areas of concern and ensure these are Engineering
captured on the Manager
Technical Risk Register.
3 Project Baseline Establish which codes, standards and Project Engineering Baseline
Standards specifications are to be utilized, eg. Corporate, Engineering Standards, Document No.
project, client, and confirm procedure. Manager OAG-X160-190-GDL-012
Include in Engineering Execution Plan and / or (previously
Discipline Job Design Specifications. AOD-92-043 )
4 Engineering Audit Create formal schedule to identify when technical Project Technical Safety Events
Schedule integrity audits, design reviews, HAZIDS, HAZOPS, Engineering Schedule
etc are to be carried out. Align to Level 3 Manager (Lead Technical Safety
Engineering Plan and include in Engineering Engineer)
Execution Plan
5 Engineering Create Engineering Execution Plan complete with Project
Execution Plan & key supporting documents / information. Engineering
Engineering Manager
Organisation Chart
6 Integrated Agree engineering design tools to be used and Engineering Engineering Systems
Engineering confirm that system hardware, software and Systems Project Start-up Manual,
Systems support is available. and All Document No. OAGX160-
Include issues such as PDMS or PDS, Cats and Disciplines 170-MAN-002
Specs, survey methods, dimensional control
techniques, etc.
Document and record in the Engineering Execution
Plan and discipline job design specifications
7 QRA & FRA Strategy Establish status of project Quantitative Risk Technical Hazard Management
Assessment (QRA), Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) Safety Philosophy, OAG-X160-
and Emergency Escape & Rescue Assessment 190-GDL-009 (previously
(EERA) information and confirm methodology for AOD-97-001):
timely delivery into engineering design process. Hazard & Risk Management,
Agree accountability for delivery, eg. Client, 3rd OAG-X160-190-
party, Borouge, and record in Engineering PRO-024
Execution Plan.
8 Discipline Job Define the key project specify design parameters All Disciplines
Design Specification and operational constraints that are applicable to
the appropriate discipline for the detailed design of
the project. To identify key individuals, roles and
responsibilities, design tools, key codes and
standards, etc.
9 Level 3 Agree work breakdown structure, develop CTRs All Disciplines
Engineering Plan and create level 3 integrated engineering plan
covering all disciplines. To be included in
Engineering Execution Plan.
10 Confirm CE Review and confirm strategy for CE Compliance. Project Corporate CE Compliance
Compliance Strategy Ensure discipline Lead Engineers are aware of Engineering Strategy OAGX160-
their responsibilities and appropriate resources / Manager 190-MAN-001; Project
measures are in place. Compliance with
Pressure Equipment
Regulations OAG-X160-
050-PRO-001; Pressure
Regulations Guidelines
AOD-97-047; ATEX
Guidelines, OAG-X160-190-
GDL-003; Machinery
Directive Guidelines, O&G-
Electromatic Compatibility
Guidelines, OAG-X160-190-
GDL-003; MC, The
Electrical Equipment
(Safety) Regulations
Guidelines, OAG-X160-190-
11 Technical Risk Create formal Technical Risk Register identifying Technical
Register all possible risks associated with the engineering Safety

Activities / Deliverables Description Supporting Documentation

Phase 2
Commencement of Detail Design
To formally kick off the Engineering Design Process in accordance with the
project execution plan
and to ensure that key engineering strategies / philosophies are in place.

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 Performance Confirm safety critical systems / elements and set Technical Hazard Management
Standards & appropriate performance standards. i.e. Safety Philosophy, OAG-X160-
Verification Scheme functionality, reliability and survivability. Develop 190-GDL-009 (previously
scheme to allow the independent competent body AOD-97-001); Hazard
(ICB) to verify the design against the performance & Risk Management, OAG-
standards. X160-190-PRO-024;
Design Verification Activities
(under DCR),
Platform Safety Case
2 Document Create formal document distribution matrix to Project
Distribution Matrix ensure all disciplines & departments receive all Engineering
necessary design information in a timely manner. Manager
3 Structural Integrity Ensure structural integrity interfaces are identified Structural
Interface & visible to Project, e.g. AMEC / Client focal points,
Technical Authorities, Independent Verification
Bodies, etc.
4 Material Selection Report defining the requirements and specifications Metallurgy AMEC Corporate Material
Report of necessary material. Engineering
5 Hazard Management Create Hazard Management Plan identifying all key Technical Hazard & Risk Management,
Plan hazards, technical safety activities and the Safety OAG-X160-190-
approach to managing Major Accident Hazards PRO-024; Management of
(MAH) in the design. Functional Safety
Guideline OAG-X160-190-
6 Piping Specifications Develop / confirm baseline piping specifications, Piping AMEC Corporate Piping
utilizing AMEC Corporate specifications where Specifications.
7 PDMS Catalogues Ensure PDMS catalogues are populated & Engineering
available for all Systems,
affected disciplines, utilising AMEC Corporate data, supported by
i.e. CPC, Piping,
where possible. Electrical,
Structural &
8 CMSS Philosophy Develop Control Monitoring and Safety Systems Instruments
(CMSS) Philosophy covering key instrumentation
and control systems e.g. Process Control System
(PCS), Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) and
Fire and Gas (F&G).

Phase 3
Initial Design Development and Hazard
To develop initial design deliverables to Inter Discipline Review (IDC) stage
and identify key hazards..

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 HAZID Perform hazard identification studies, as identified Technical Project Hazard Identification
on Safety (HAZID) AOD-92-
Engineering Audit Schedule / Technical Safety 018; Engineering & Design
Events Reviews, OAG-X160-
Schedule. 190-PRO-013.
2 ENVID Formal assessment of environmental aspects Technical Environmental Impact
associated Safety Identification (ENVID)
with a modification or a change, and to propose OAG-X160-190-PRO-121;
prevention or mitigating measures Engineering & Design
Reviews, OAG-X160-190-
3 PFD IDC Issue Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s) on formal Process
Inter-Discipline Review (IDC).
4 Shutdown & Issue Process Flow Diagrams (PFD’s) on formal Process
Blowdown Inter-Discipline Review (IDC).
5 P&ID’s IDC Issue Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID’s) Process
on formal Inter-Discipline Review (IDC).
6 C&E IDC Issue Cause & Effects for formal Inter-Discipline Process and
Review (IDC). Instruments
7 Plot Plans / Layouts Issue equipment Plot Plans / Layouts on formal Piping and
IDC inter-Discipline Review (IDC). Layouts
8 Hazardous Area Issue Hazardous Area Layouts for formal Technical
Layouts IDC Inter-Discipline Review (IDC). Safety
9 Equipment List Create master project equipment list identifying all Mechanical
major items of tagged equipment, e.g. vessels,
pumps, motors, generators, hydrocarbons,
chemical injection packages, electrical switchgear,
control panels, etc.
10 Mechanical Handling Develop Mechanical Handling Strategy including Mechanical
Strategy general approach / constraints, platform crane and Structural
limits, installation philosophy, operation and
maintenance, etc.
11 Particular Material Where required, i.e. where Corporate PMA’s or PED Focal
Appraisals (PMA) EAM’s are not suitable, develop new PMA’s and Point
obtain approval from Notified Bodies (NoBo’s).
12 Fire Risk Assessment Determine Fire & Explosion scenarios and Technical
(FRA) identifies requirements for prevention, control and Safety
mitigation measures.
13 Emergency Escape & Identify requirements for emergency escape & Technical
Rescue Assessment rescue, e.g. lifeboats, escape routes, plant layout, Safety
(EERA) etc
14 Dropped Object Identify and assess the potential risks to drilling, Technical
Study production, process equipment, and manned areas Safety
from dropped or swinging objects. Where the
consequence of a dropped object is considered
significant, to propose prevention or mitigating
15 Blast Design Develop philosophy that assesses potential Technical
Philosophy explosion hazards and identifies appropriate blast Safety
loadings to be applied to the engineering design
process, eg. Vessels, pipe supports, structural
steel, etc.
16 PFP / AFP Develop philosophy that identifies requirements for Technical
Philosophy Passive Fire Protection (PFP) and/or Active Fire Safety
Protection (AFP).
17 HIPPS Review Initial review to establish requirements for a High Instruments Management of Functional
Integrity Pressure Protection System. Safety,
Phase 4
Initial Design Review and Audit
To confi rm that the initial design development is robust.

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 Hazardous Area Formal Engineering discipline review of Technical Hazard and Risk
Review hazardous area layouts to confirm Safety Management Procedure
requirements for the correct selection OAG-X160-190-PRO-024;
and location of equipment Engineering &
Design reviews, OAG-X160-
2 P&ID Review and / or Formal Engineering discipline review of Process, Formal Hazop, OAG-X160-
‘Initial Hazop’ P&ID's to confirm design basis Piping, 190-PRO-017;
Technical Engineering & Design
Safety, Reviews, OAG-X160-190-
Instruments PRO-013
3 Plot Plans / Layout / 3- Formal Engineering review of Plot Plans / Piping and Engineering & Design
D Layouts. The review shall ensure that the Layouts, Reviews,
Model Review layout design complies with the required Structural, OAG-X160-190-PRO-013
technical, safety, operability and Mechanical,
maintainability standards. Makes sure the Electrical,
layout is cost effective, ensures the Technical
constructability of the work and agrees the Safety, Process
layout basis on which the detailed design
can proceed.
4 C&E Review Formal review of Cause & Effects diagrams Instruments, Hazard and Risk
to confirm design basis and alignment with Process, Management Procedure
Hazard Management Plan. Technical OAG-X160-190-PRO-024;
Safety Engineering &
Design reviews, OAG-X160-
Management of Functional
Safety Guideline
5 Technical Audit Obtain confirmation, by sampling of project Independent Technical Audit Procedure
documentation, that the engineering of the (Corporate OAG-X160-190-PRO-022
project is to the required standard and free Engineering)
from errors.

Phase 5
Design Approval
To ‘Freeze’ the Process design, and develop dependent design &
procurement activities.

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 PUWER Conduct initial PUWER assessment typically by Technical Engineering & Design
Assessments review of PDMS model and/or vendor / Safety, Reviews,
equipment supplier information received to Mechanical OAG-X160-190-PRO-013
2 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studies, a systematic Process, Dependent on Project
multi-discipline study based on the applications Technical updated P&ID’s and
of guidewords to identify causes of potential Safety C&E’s may be prepared
hazards and operability constraints in a facility. from commented IDC’s
from Phase 3 Formal
HAZOP, OAG-X160-190-
PRO-017 (previously AOD-
92-022); Engineering
& Design Reviews, OAG-
- Note: additional HAZOP’s
may be required,
i.e. earlier or later in the
project. PEM to
consult with Process &
Technical Safety Lead
3 SHE Audit (AFD) SHE Audit ensures that the design obligations Technical SHE Audit Procedure OAG-
under The Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 Safety X160-190-PRO-023;
and project health, safety and environmental Engineering & Design
performance standards are being or have been Reviews, OAG-X160-190-
met during the engineering and design PRO-013
4 Environmental Issue final report to document & confirm that the Technical Engineering & Design
Report design has considered all applicable Safety Reviews, OAG-X160-190-
environmental aspects & demonstrates that PRO-013
design controls have been included to
minimize / control the environmental impact.
5 Constructability Conduct formal Constructability Reviews to Affected Engineering & Design
Review ensure safe and efficient installation of plant & disciplines + Reviews,
equipment Construction / OAG-X160-190-PRO-014
6 P&ID AFD Issue Approved For Design (AFD) Process and Process
Instrumentation Diagrams
7 C&E AFD Issue Approved For Design (AFD) Cause & Process
8 Process Data Issue Approved For Design (AFD) Process Process
Sheets AFD Data Sheets
9 HP / LP Interface Identify all HP / LP interfaces on formal register Process
Listing and ensure that all have been addressed
satisfactorily via HAZOP’s and / or individual
10 Holds Register Develop register to record & manage post AFD Engineering
design holds. Manager
11 SIL Assessments Conduct assessment to determine target Safety Instruments Management of Functional
Integrity Level (SIL). Note: Where the target SIL Safety,
is 3, then it is likely that a High Integrity OAG-X160-190-GDL-004
Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) will
be required. If the value is found to be 1 or 2,
then a HIPPS will not be required.
12 HIPPS Study Conduct study to formally identify the Process Management of Functional
performance requirements of the High Integrity Safety,
Pressure Protection System (HIPPS) and OAG-X160-190-GDL-005
demonstrate that it is robust. Should
include dynamic study for a range of transient
13 HIPPS Study Conduct study to formally demonstrate that the Instruments Management of Functional
High Integrity Pressure Protection System Safety,
(HIPPS) complies with the reliability & OAG-X160-190-GDL-004
availability criteria for the Project, e.g. as
stipulated in the performance standards
14 SIL Achievement Conduct independent assessment to formally Independent Management of Functional
Report record that the target Safety Integrity Levels Competent Safety, OAG-X160-
(SIL’s have been achieved) Must be completed Person (ICP) 190-GDL-004
prior to introduction of Hydrocarbons
15 Flow Assurance Conduct flow assurance studies to demonstrate Process
the process design under a range of flow
conditions, i.e. start-up to 100%.
16 Verification of Verify, primarily through review of vendor Affected
Vendor Information documentation, that their design & manufacture disciplines
& Certification - of fabricated packages, etc is robust and
Design Completion contains sufficient information to facilitate
completion of affected AMEC discipline design.
17 PFEER Issue final report as documented confirmation Technical
Compliance Report that the design meets the requirements of the Safety
Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and
Emergency Response (PFEER) Regulations

Phase 6

Approval for Construction (AFC)

To ensure that sufficient design information & certification is available to
facilitate safe installation, operation & maintenance

Activities / Deliver
Activities / Key Supporting
Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 SHE Audit AFC Conduct SHE Audit at AFC stage in Technical SHE Audit Procedure OAG-
accordance with Harmonized Procedure Safety X160-190-PRO-023
2 IEC 61511 Final report to formally demonstrate that the Instruments Management of Functional
Compliance Report Safety Instrumented Systems comply with Safety, OAG-X160-
the requirements of IEC 61511. 190-GDL-004
3 PFD’s AFC Issue Approved For Construction (AFC) Process
Process Flow Diagrams
4 Operational Safety Commence operational Safety Case Technical
Case Development development. Safety
5 P&ID’s AFC Issue Approved For Construction (AFC) Process
Process and Instrumentation Diagrams.
6 Quantitative Risk Complete QRA activities to confirm that the Technical
Assessment (QRA) design is robust and complies with Safety
legislative requirements
7 C&E AFC Issue Approved For Construction (AFC) Instruments
Cause & Effects
8 Operating Ensure operating procedures are verified Process, Formal HAZOP, OAG-X160-
Procedures Review line by line against the facilities provided on Technical 190-PRO-017
/ Operational HAZOP the P&ID’s. Safety (previously AOD-92-022);
Engineering & Design
Reviews, OAG-X160-190-
9 Fabrication Issue Approved For Construction (AFC) Affected
Drawings AFC Piping Isometrics, Structural Steelwork drgs, Disciplines
10 Verification of Verify, primarily through review of vendor Affected
Vendor Information documentation, that their design & Disciplines
& Certification - manufacture of fabricated packages, etc is
Installation, robust and contains sufficient information to
Operation & facilitate safe installation, operation &
Maintenance maintenance.
11 EC Design Where AMEC are deemed to be the PER Focal Project Compliance with the
Examination manufacturer of the piping systems, then point Pressure
Certificates under the PED/PER, AMEC have to apply to Equipment Directive,
the Notified Body (NoBo) for an EC Design Document
Examination Certificate (Cat IV assemblies No. OAG-X160-190-GDL-
only). 007.
12 Declaration of Where AMEC are deemed to be the Project Project Compliance with the
Conformity manufacturer of the piping Manager Pressure
systems, then under the PED/PER, AMEC Equipment Directive,
have to create a Document
Declaration of Conformity, signed by the No. OAG-X160-190-GDL-
Project Manage 007.

Phase 7
Design Close-Out
To ensure all final design deliverables are completed and that client and
statutory obligations are satisfactorily resolved

Activities / Key Supporting

Deliverable Discipline Documentation
1 Safety Case Submit Safety Case to HSE & close out all Process Safety
Acceptance (HSE) queries / correspondence prior to next stage
of operations.
2 Certifying Authority Close out all outstanding technical queries Process Safety
(CA) / Independent and obtain final Letter of Acceptance.
Verification Bodies
(IVB) Acceptance
3 Complete Complete as-built of design drawings and Affected As Built Drawings and
Project As-Built deliverables in accordance with Project / Disciplines Documentation,
Documentation Client requirements. AOD-92-021

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