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Enhancement of Heat Transfer Rate Using Transient Thermal Analysis

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

Enhancement of Heat Transfer Rate Using

Transient Thermal Analysis for Actual and
Proposed Design of the Single Cylinder Air Cooled
Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine
C. N. Chaudhari1, S. N. Pathak2
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, S. J. R. I. T Dondaicha Dist. Dhule Maharashtra - India
Email: chandu01112[at]gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, S. J. R. I. T Dondaicha Dist. Dhule Maharashtra - India

Email: snp16485[at]gmai.com

Abstract: Heat transfer from the IC engine take place in all modes like conduction, convection & radiation. About 25 % of the fuel
energy is converted into useful work and the remaining 75% to be transferred from the engine to the environment. The calculation of
engine heat transfer is very difficult because the engine geometry is complex and there are periodic air and fuel flow during the entire
cycle. The main object of present work is to increase heat transfer rate from cylinder head & block of single cylinder SI engine and also
provide best solution to increase heat transfer rate with optimum design of the IC engine. For that Three CAD models have been
created with the help of CATIA & further Thermal analysis are performed in ANSYS 16.0. Transient thermal analyses were performed
for actual as well as proposed design of IC engine one by one to optimize geometrical parameters and enhanced heat transfer rate from
the same. Investigated result revel that the proposed design - 2 of single cylinder four stroke IC engine has better performance and heat
transfer rate from the heating zone in the IC engine.

Keywords: Heat Transfer, IC engine, Transient Thermal analysis, engine geometry etc.

1. Introduction stroke six event cycles and generally it is used in SI engine

that mean combustion of fuel is taking place with the help of
Combustion temperature in the IC engines cylinders can be spark. Fuel used in this cycle engine is gasoline. The six
reached the values of 2700 K and more without sufficient events are suction stroke, compression stroke, combustion,
cooling. The higher temperatures of this magnitude would expansion stroke, blow by or heat rejection and exhaust
destroy engine components quickly and lubricants used for stroke. In the above events, combustion & heat rejection is
cooling. Heat removed from engine cylinder is finally an instantaneous event and rest of all is stokes [2]. The air
dissipated in the surroundings. Heat removed from standard Otto cycle uses the following process assumptions:
overheated engine to the atmosphere transfer large percent 1 - 2 Compression which is reversible and adiabatic
of the generated heat from the engine due to transfer of Heat 2 - 3 Heat addition from fuel
from the engines the brake thermal efficiency lie between 30 3 - 4 Expansion which is reversible and adiabatic
- 40%. [1] 4 - 1 Heat rejection to cylinder walls

Figure 1: Energy transfer in internal combustion engine


1.1 Working principle of SI engine Figure 2: PV diagram of Otto cycle

Working principle of SI engine was invented by a German

engineer Nikolaus Otto who built the first Spark Ignition
engine in 1876. Figure 2 & 3 shows PV & TS diagram of
this cycle which explains that how the pressure varies during
compression and expansion stroke. Otto cycle is a four

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 148
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

Figure 3: TS diagram of Otto cycle

1.2 Modes of Heat Transfer IC engine:

Heat is transferred by the molecular momentum or motion
through solids and through fluids at rest due to a temperature
gradient. The Fourier relation explains that the heat transfer
per unit area ( ) in 2 is proportional to the temperature Figure 4: Air fuel intake system
A 𝑚
gradient .
𝑑𝑋 1.5 Heat Transfer in Combustion Chambers:
Fourier's equation:
Q 𝑑𝑇 𝑘(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )
= −k 𝑜𝑟 𝑊/𝑚2
A 𝑑𝑋 ∆𝑥

Heat transfer- in the convection process is through
fluid/gases motion and between a fluid/gases and solid
surface in relative motion.
= h(Ts − Tf ) 𝑊/𝑚2

The heat transfer by radiation is directly proportional to the Figure 5: Distribution of Temperatures in combustion
fourth power of the absolute temperature of material. The chambers
proportionality constant 𝜖 is Stefan Boltzman constant &
equal to 5.67 x 10 - 8 W/m2K4. During combustion process highest gas temperatures occur
Q around the spark plug as shown in figure 5 in this figure
= ∈ σT4 𝑊/𝑚2 three hottest points identified the first one is exhaust valve,
second is exhaust flow pipe and third is face of the piston
1.3 Heat Transfer in Intake System which creates a critical heat transfer problem. The exhaust
valve is very hot about 650 ºC as shown in above because it
The intake manifold wall is hotter than the other nearest is opening for hot exhaust gases, these hot gases passes from
components of engine the manifold is hot either by design or exhaust manifold and liberated to atmosphere.
by its location close to other hotter components in the IC
engine. The heat transfer is calculated through convection 1.6 Heat Transfer in Exhaust System:
Exhaust temperature of an IC engine are lesser or lower due
Heat transfer by convection: to greater expansion ratio of burnt gases and generally it
𝑄 = ℎ𝐴(𝑇𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 − 𝑇𝑔𝑎𝑠 ) Watt ranging from 200ºC - 500ºC. The working principle of
exhaust system is showing in figure No.6.
1.4 Heating the Manifolds

Intake manifold is the part of an IC engine that supplies the

air/fuel mixture to the engine cylinder. In some systems
comprise special restricted hot surfaces which are also called
hot spot as shown in figure 4 and the temperature of intake
valve rise upto 200º - 300ºC. [Engine Heat Transfer by PMV
Subbarao Professor IIT Delhi]

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 149
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
engine fins for maximizing the performance by considering
different geometrical profile, fin material, and variable fin
length for weight reduction. Fins are analyzed with different
fin profiles, fin materials, variable fin profile and with
minimal cooling conditions for an air cooled diesel engine of
5 H P. From the investigation they observed Trapezoidal
profile or Stepped rectangular profile adoption will result in
material saving and increases in performance.

Ashkan Alimoradi [7] In this work the effect of operational

and geometrical parameters on the thermal effectiveness of
shell and helically coiled tube heat exchangers was
investigated. Analysis was performed for the steady state.
The working fluid of both sides is water. They found for
Figure 6: Heat Transfer in Exhaust System same values of NTU and Cr, the effectiveness is averagely
12.6% less than the effectiveness of parallel flow heat
2. Literature Review exchangers and this difference is approximately constant.

Xueying Li at el [3] They investigated experimentally A Adnan M. Hussein, H. K. Dawood, R. A. Bakara & K.
typical end - wall configuration with matched non - Kadirgamaa [8] In this paper the friction factor and forced
dimensional parameters to the engine condition in this study. convection heat transfer of TiO2 nano particles dispersed in
They use four different coolants to mainstream mass flow water in a car radiator. Four different nano fluid volume
ratios were tested in a linear cascade. The temperature concentrations (1%, 2%, 3% and 4%) were used The
sensitive paint and pressure sensitive paint were used to get Reynolds number and inlet temperature ranged from 10000
these parameters. One dimensional and two dimensional to 100000 and from 60 to 90 °C, respectively. It has been
methods for overall effectiveness prediction based on concluded that the used nanofluid at low concentration can
experimental data for separate parameters and correlations improve the heat transfer efficiency upto 20% as compared
were also studied. with pure water.

Ravindra D. Jilte, Jayant K. Nayak & Shireesh B. Pooya Arbabi, Abbas Abbassi, Zohreh Mansoori,
Kedare [4] In this work an experimental testing have been Mohammad Seyfi [9] This work is devoted to provide a
done to analyze the heat losses from the cylindrical solar numerical model to estimate the amount of generated power
cavity. Tests are carried out under the temperature range and recovered heat, based on the engine performance
from 225°C to 425°C at cavity inclination from 0° to 90° in features. Grey Systems Theory is proposed as a multi
steps of 30°. They observed that for off - flux investigation decision making strategy to determine the optimal engine.
of solar cavity receiver with the differential heating Applying the numerical model on engines provides the
arrangement. The total loss is found at sideways (θ = 0°). It efficiency, power and heat production characteristics of the
decreases by 43 - 51% when the inclination was 90°. The engine.
conduction loss is found to accounts up to 32 - 34 % of the
total heat loss whereas cavity radiative losses is estimated Teresa Castiglione, Sergio Bova & Mario Belli [10] This
13%, 16% and 20% of total heat loss respectively for cavity paper presents results of the Model Predictive Controller
wall temperature 225°C, 325 °C and 425°C. The convective methodology applied to the cooling system of an Internal
loss is found to accounts up to 46 - 54 % of total heat loss Combustion Engine. The proposed controller is evaluated
when the cavity aperture is facing sideways (θ = 0°), during the city driving part of the NEDC homologation
whereas its value reduces to up to 4 % of total heat loss cycle, and replaced at the engine test rig. The results show
when the inclination was 90°. that the proposed controller is robust in terms of disturbance
rejection and is effective in reducing warm up time.
Brajesh Kumar & Sanjay Kumbhare [5] they proposed
three design of IC engine. Mathematical and analytical V. A. Romanov & N. A. Khozeniuk [11] The cooling
studies were performed in order to optimize geometrical system of the designed diesel engine was investigated using
parameters for natural convective heat transfer from Actual specially prepared models. they found that the uniformity of
cylinder block and proposed cylinder block. The transient the cylinder cooling and the intensity of cooling of the
thermal analysis in ANSYS v16.0 was performed on two cylinder heads can be controlled by choice of the place of
different ambient temperatures; the first one is on 25 oC & coolant penetration into the jacket for the considered design
another one is on 45 oC. They found that lower temperature of a crankcase and cylinder heads.
is much below in proposed design - 2 hence the proposed
design - 2 of cylinder block has better performance and heat Andrew Roberts, Richard Brooks, Philip Shipway [12]
dissipation from the heating zone in the IC engine. They found that the thermal efficiency of the internal
combustion engine is significantly lower at cold - start than
Vijayakumar P, Sathyamoorthy G & Velavan R [6] The when the vehicle reaches steady state temperatures. The
present paper is aiming to enhancing the performance of I. C approaches have a common theme of attempting to reduce
engine, in order to change the fin materials and geometry. It energy losses so that systems and components reach their
is an attempt to study and analyze the internal combustion intended operating temperature range as soon as possible

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 150
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
after engine start. they observed at the target operating 4.2 Heat Flux Calculation:
temperature. The approaches used to tackle the problem
include the use of phase change materials and the use of The total heat flux on the wall surface can be calculated by
thermal barrier coatings in an attempt to insulate the cylinder solving the unsteady heat conduction equation with the
bore and prevent heat loss. a critical review of the research boundary condition given by the surface temperature
into vehicle thermal management during the cold - start measurement. In the measurement heat flux it is assumed
phase which has been driven by a desire to improve both that the heat flow is one dimensional and the hottest junction
engine and overall vehicle engine efficiency. temperature gives the surface temperature.

3. Objective Since the unsteady component on the inner wall temperature

field exist only within a very small distance from the wall
There are following objective are to be expected from the surface the unsteady component of the temperature gradient
present work perpendicular to the surface is usually much larger than that
1) The main object of present work is to increase heat of parallel to the surface. Therefore one dimensionality is
transfer rate from cylinder head & block of single safely assumed for the unsteady component of the surface
cylinder SI engine. heat flux. This assumption is rarely true for the time average
2) To study the heat transfer behavior from an IC engine. component. [13]
3) To perform transient thermal analysis for Actual design
of single cylinder IC engine. The well known one dimensional unsteady heat conduction
4) To perform transient thermal analysis for proposed equation is given by
designs of single cylinder IC engine. 𝜕𝑇 1 𝜕 𝜕𝑇
= × (𝑘 )
5) To compare the results of heat transfer rate for actual 𝜕𝑡 𝜌𝐶 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥
and proposed design of single cylinder IC engine. Where 𝜌𝑐 is a constant heat capacity and k is thermal
6) To present best solution to increase heat transfer rate conductivity of the material
with optimum design of the IC engine.
The steady periodic surface temperature𝑇𝑤 , changing with
4. Methodology angular velocity of 𝜔 rad/sec can be expanded into the
Fourier series.
4.1 Mathematical Analysis
𝑇𝑤 = 𝑇𝑚 + ∑[𝐴𝑛 cos(𝑛𝜔𝑡) + 𝐵𝑛 sin(𝑛𝜔𝑡)]
The purpose of fins in IC engine is to enhance convective 𝑛=1
heat transfer from engine. The primary purpose behind the Where 𝑇𝑚 is a time averaged component of 𝑇𝑤 , 𝐴𝑛 and 𝐵𝑛 .
operation of fins is to raise the effective heat transfer area Are Fourier coefficients and n is a harmonic number.
from the surface. The boundary conditions are
𝑇 = 𝑇𝑤 (𝑡) 𝑎𝑡 𝑥 = 0
Heat in to the left face = Heat out from the right face + Heat 𝑇 = 𝑇𝑙 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑡 𝑥 = 𝑙
loss by convection 𝑥
𝑇(𝑥, 𝑡) = 𝑇𝑚 − (𝑇𝑚 − 𝑇𝑙 ) + ∑ 𝑒𝑥𝑝(−∅𝑛 𝑥)𝐹𝑛 (𝑥, 𝑡)
This yield 𝑛=1
𝑄𝑥 = 𝑄𝑥+∆𝑥 + 𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑛 = 𝐴𝑛 cos(𝑛𝜔𝑡 − ∅𝑛 𝑥) + 𝐵𝑛 sin(𝑛𝜔𝑡 − ∅𝑛 𝑥)
∅𝑛 = √𝑛𝜔/2𝛼
After solving the above equation we got the general solution 𝛼 is the thermal diffusivity of the wall material, k/ 𝜌𝐶.
𝜃 = 𝐶1 𝑒 −𝑚𝑥 + 𝐶2 𝑒 𝑚𝑥 𝑘
𝑞𝑤 = (𝑇𝑚 − 𝑇𝑙 )
C1 and C2 are constant and can be determined from the
boundary conditions. + 𝑘 ∑ ∅𝑛 [(𝐴𝑛 + 𝐵𝑛 ) cos 𝑛𝜔𝑡
Case I: The fin of infinite length: − (𝐴𝑛 − 𝐵𝑛 ) sin 𝑛𝜔𝑡]
Conductive heat transfer at the base of fin, according to It has been usually observe that the measured surface
Fourier’s law temperature fluctuate significantly and almost arbitrarily
𝑑𝑇 from cycle to cycle under steady state operation of engines.
𝑄𝐹𝑖𝑛 = −𝑘𝐴 ( )
𝑑𝑥 𝑥=0
4.3 Finite Element Analysis
Case II: Fin Insulated at the tip:
𝑄𝐹𝑖𝑛 = √ℎ𝑃𝑘𝐴(𝑇0 − 𝑇∞ ) tanh(𝑚𝑙) Finite element analysis is a method which evaluate that how
a product behave in real world during forces, heat & fluid
flow, vibration and other physical effects. It helps to confirm
Case III: The finite length of the fin:
ℎ whether a product will fail or work the way it was designed.
tanh (𝑚𝑙) + FEM used for design and development of various product on
𝑄𝐹𝑖𝑛 = √ℎ𝑃𝑘𝐴 (𝑇0 − 𝑇∞ ) [ 𝑘𝑚 ]
ℎ which various analysis can be performed like thermal,
1+ tanh (𝑚𝑙) structural, electromagnetic, fluid working environment. It is
a powerful design tool has significantly improved both the
standard of engineering designs and the methodology of the
Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 151
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
design process in many industrial applications. [14] The solid elements are 1689169. it is clear from the mesh
benefits of FEM include increased accuracy, enhanced geometry the node numbers and element numbers are almost
design and better insight into critical design parameters, seven in digit which show that the mesh is very fine because
virtual prototyping, fewer hardware prototypes, a faster and the result accuracy depends on the mesh quality.
less expensive design cycle, increased productivity, and
increased revenue. 4.4.3 Defining Material Properties:
In the present work Gray cast iron is used for cylinder block
4.4 Transient Thermal analysis and aluminium alloy is used for cylinder head as a material
of IC engine. The material properties of cylinder head are as:
Transient thermal analysis is used to determine temperature Density: 2700 kg/m3, Isotropic thermal conductivity: 167
distribution and other thermal parameters that may vary over w/m oC, Specific Heat: 896 J/kg oC. and material properties
the time. Thermal analysis is a technique in which a property of cylinder block are as: Density: 7200 kg/m3, Isotropic
of the work is monitored against the time and in a definite thermal conductivity: 52 w/m oC, Specific Heat: 447 J/kg oC.
atmospheric condition. The thermal analysis allows to learn [http: //www.matweb. com]
that how chemical processes which are associated with
heating or cooling. 4.4.4 Boundary condition:
1) The maximum temperature generated on inside the
4.4.1 CAD Modeling: cylinder block is taken as 650oC (John B. LHeywood
In the present work a three dimensional CAD model of "Engine Heat transfer").
actual design of IC engine cylinder block with Head is 2) The increment of temperature magnitude factor is in X -
created with the help of CATIA software then imported in direction.
ANSYS workbench for further analysis. A three dimensional 3) For the meshing SOLID87 & SURF152 element is used.
view of actual design of IC engine is shown in figure No.7. 4) Since an IC engine traveled in open space that is why
normal air available and it forced in opposite direction
of moving vehicle hence force convection is applied and
the value of convective coefficient for the present work
is taken as 100 W/m2.
5) The Quasi Linear Thermal Transient Solution solver is
used for transient thermal analysis.

4.4.5 Temperature Distribution of Actual design of IC


Figure 7: CAD geometry of actual design of IC engine

4.4.2 Meshing:
After completing the CAD geometry of cylinder block is
imported in ANSYS workbench for further thermal analysis.

Figure 9: Temperature distribution on actual design of IC


Transient thermal analysis where performed on actual design

of IC engine at 25 oC atmospheric temperature. The
maximum temperature is 674.24 oC and minimum
temperature is 173.9 oC as shown in Figure No.9.

Figure 8: Meshing of actual design of IC engine

The mesh created for actual design of IC engine cylinder

block & Head in this work is shown in figure No.8. The total
Node is generated 1799644 & Total No. of Elements is
1043403 in which total contact elements are 508280 and
Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024
Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 152
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

Figure 10: Total Heat Flux of Actual design of IC engine

Figure 12: CAD Model for proposed design - 1of IC engine
4.4.6Total heat flux:
The total heat flux generated in the actual design of engine 4.5.2 MESHING:
cylinder is 28.918 W/mm2 as shown in Figure No.10. The mesh created in this work is shown in figure No.13
where total generated nodes are 1769666 & Total No. of
elements are 1037358.

Figure 11: Directional Heat Flux of Actual design of IC

engine in Y direction
Figure 13: Meshing for proposed design - 1of IC engine
4.4.7 Directional heat flux in Y - direction:
The directional heat flux in the Y - direction generated on
the actual engine cylinder, Maximum Directional heat flux
generated is 25.09 W/mm2 and minimum Directional heat
flux generated is - 5.8731 W/mm2. Figure No.11

4.5 Transient Thermal analysis of proposed Design - 1:

4.5.1 CAD geometry:

A three dimensional CAD model of proposed design - 1 of
IC engine is also created with the help of CATIA then its stp
format is imported in ANSYS workbench for further
analysis. A three dimensional view of engine cylinder is
shown in figure No.12.

Figure 14: Temperature Distribution over entire surface of

proposed design - 1 of IC engine

4.5.3 Temperature Distribution for Proposed Design - 1:

Transient thermal analysis where performed for proposed
design - 1 of engine cylinder at the same atmospheric
temperature as accrual engine cylinder and the result
indicates the temperature distribution for proposed design - 1
of actual engine cylinder the maximum temperature is 650
C and minimum temperature is 137.16 oC. Figure No.14.

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 153
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
4.5.4 Total Heat Flux for proposed design - 1:
The result indicates for Total Heat Flux of proposed design -
1 the maximum Total Heat Flux is 28.497 W/mm2 and
minimum Total Heat Flux is 0.0024853 W/mm2. Figure

Figure 17: CAD Model for proposed design - 2of IC engine

4.6.2 MESHING:
After completing the CAD geometry of proposed design - 2
of engine cylinder is imported to ANSYS workbench for
Figure 15: Total Heat Flux of Proposed design - 1 of IC further transient thermal analysis and the next step is
engine meshing. The mesh created in this work is shown in figure
No.18. The total Node is generated 1897017 & Total No. of
4.5.5 Directional Heat Flux in the Y - direction for Elements is 1496498. Types of element used in the present
proposed design - 1: work is solid87 and surf152, in which total contact elements
Transient thermal analysis where performed for proposed are 383926 and solid elements are 1112572. It is clear from
design - 1 of engine cylinder at the same atmospheric the present mesh geometry the total node numbers and total
temperature as actual engine cylinder and the result indicates element numbers are six in digit which show that the mesh is
the directional heat flux in the Y - direction generated for very fine because the result accuracy depends on the mesh
proposed design - 1 of actual engine cylinder the maximum quality.
Directional Heat Flux is 19.16 W/mm2 and minimum
Directional Heat Flux is - 16.719 W/mm2. Figure No.16

Figure 18: Meshing for proposed design - 2 of IC engine

Figure 16: Directional Heat Flux of Proposed design - 1 of
IC engine in Y direction 4.6.3 Temperature Distribution For Proposed Design - 2:
Transient thermal analysis where performed for proposed
4.6 Transient Thermal analysis of proposed Design - 2: design - 2 of engine cylinder at the same atmospheric
temperature as accrual engine cylinder and the result
4.6.1 CAD geometry: indicates the temperature distribution for proposed design - 1
A three dimensional CAD model of proposed design – 1 of of actual engine cylinder the maximum temperature is
IC engine is also created with the help of CATIA then its stp 681.37 oC and minimum temperature is 96.251 oC. Figure
format is imported in ANSYS workbench for further No.19.
analysis. A three dimensional view of engine cylinder is
shown in figure No.17.

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 154
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942

Figure 19: Temperature Distribution over entire surface of Figure 21: Directional Heat Flux of Proposed design - 2 of
Proposed design - 2 of IC engine IC engine in Y direction

4.6.4 Total Heat Flux for proposed design - 1: 5. Result and Discussion
The transient thermal analysis ware performed using an
analytical software ANSYS workbench based on finite
volume analysis for the Hero Honda Splendor 4 - Stroke,
97.2 CC single cylinder OHC Air Cooled engine. The
effects of different important geometrical parameters for the
transient natural convective heat transfer rate from both
actual and proposed design of engine.

Figure 20: Total Heat Flux of Proposed design - 2 of IC

Transient thermal analysis where performed for proposed
design - 2 of IC engine cylinder at the same atmospheric
temperature as actual engine cylinder and the result indicates
the maximum and minimum value of total heat flux for
proposed design - 1 are 26.83 W/mm2 and minimum Total
Heat Flux is 0.001025 W/mm2 as shown in figure No.20
Figure 21: Comparative result temperature distribution
4.6.5 Directional Heat Flux in the Y - direction for
proposed design - 2:
Transient thermal analysis where performed for proposed
design - 2 of IC engine cylinder at the same atmospheric
temperature as actual engine cylinder and the result indicates
the maximum and minimum value of directional heat flux in
the Y - direction generated for proposed design - 2 are
20.936 W/mm2 and - 15.39 W/mm2. A multicolor couture
diagram is shown in figure No.21.

Figure 22: Comparative result of Heat produce

Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 155
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
SJIF (2022): 7.942
25o C the maximum and minimum temperatures are
650o C and 92.091 o C, The total heat flux generated is
16.2 W/mm2 and The maximum directional heat flux
in Y - direction generated is 12.35 W/mm2.
4) To summarize this conclusion, the proposed design - 2
of single cylinder four stroke IC engine has better
performance and heat transfer rate from the heating
zone in the IC engine that is why the result of present
work is more concentrate on it and also recommended
for replacement of new design.

Figure 23: Comparative result of Total Heat Flux
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Volume 13 Issue 8, August 2024

Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal
Paper ID: SR24802130609 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.21275/SR24802130609 157

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