Evaluation of Nutritive and Anti-Nutrient Contents of Composite Meal From (Sorghum), Soya Beans) and (Benni Seeds)
Evaluation of Nutritive and Anti-Nutrient Contents of Composite Meal From (Sorghum), Soya Beans) and (Benni Seeds)
Evaluation of Nutritive and Anti-Nutrient Contents of Composite Meal From (Sorghum), Soya Beans) and (Benni Seeds)
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
measured by weight for height or bilateral amino acids to ameliorate protein energy
edema, while chronic malnutrition is malnutrition.
measured by height for age. The WHO MATERIAS AND METHODS
recently defined Severe Acute Malnutrition
by a very low weight for height, visible severe Plant Materials
wasting, or the presence of nutritional edema The sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), sesame and
(WHO, 2011). Wasting (marasmus) and soya beans (Glycine max) were used to
various forms of kwashiorkor are, therefore, formulate the composite feed used in this
forms of severe Acute Malnutrition. One of study. The food stuffs were purchased from
the oldest classifications of protein energy Maiduguri Monday market, there was no
malnutrition (Welcome Working Group) used information about the length of storage of the
weight for age and the presence or absence of sample before purchase.
edema to arrive at a spectrum, with marasmus
and kwashiorkor at either end of the spectrum Sample Preparation
(Gernaat et al., 2000). Besides macronutrient The sorghum grains were first subjected to
deficiency, deficiencies in iron, iodine, cleaning, which involves the removal of
vitamin A, and zinc are the main stones and unwanted particles. After cleaning,
manifestations of malnutrition in developing 300g of the sorghum grains were weighed and
countries, and indirect factors such as high soaked in water about three times their weight
rate of unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, and by volume for 72 hours for fermentation to
overcrowding contribute to the development take place. After that the grains were
of protein energy malnutrition (Muller et al., thoroughly washed with clean water, sundried
2005). and milled to powder. The soy beans were
Other research works have been carried out also subjected to cleaning, after that 300g of
on the evaluation of nutritive value of various the soya beans were weighed and then roasted
composite nutrients in Nigeria, examples are for 15 minutes at 30oC, then cooled and
the blend of cereals and legumes (Solomon, milled to powder. The benni seeds were
2005), pearl millet and cowpea (Modu et al., subjected to cleaning. After cleaning, 300g of
2010) etc. Other worker, made composite the benni seeds were weighed and washed
from combination of sorghum for its protein, thoroughly using clean tap water, sundried
vitamins, and mineral content (Decardoso et and then roasted for 15 minutes. After
al., 2015), soya beans (38-40%) for protein, roasting the benni seeds were cooled and
was found to be much higher than legumes milled using a grinding machine
and cereals (Bressani, 1981), and sesame
seeds which is rich in methionine (Ojiako et Proximate Analysis
al., 2010) was considered.Therefore, the The proximate analysis carried out on the
primary aim of this study was to formulate a composite meal were to determine the
composite meal from sorghum, soya beans moisture content, dry matter, crude protein,
and sesame seed, and chemically evaluate crude fibre, ether extract or fat, ash and
their respective nutritional values so as to carbohydrate using the method of AOAC
improve the protein quality of traditionally (2000).
prepared complementary food blends from
Determination of Dry Matter
cereal and legumes, in various proportions to
meet the dietary needs of the target population The dry matter content was determined by
with a view to enriched the levels of essential weighing 10g of each of the sample into petri
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
dish and then placed in hot oven at 105oC. 20 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
After 24 hours the samples were removed, were added into the tube and digested at
cooled in desiccator and reweighed. The dry 420oC for 3 hours. After cooling, 90 ml of
matter content was calculated using the distilled water was added into the digested
formula below: - solution. About 50 ml of 40% caustic soda
𝑊2 − 𝑊3 was added onto 50 ml of digested and diluted
× 100
𝑊2 − 𝑊1 solution and then placed on heating section of
Where: the distillation chamber, 30 ml of 4% boric
𝑊2 = weight of petri dish with sample in acid, plus bromocresol green and methyl red
grams before oven dried as an indicator was put into conical flask and
𝑊3 = weight of petri dish with sample in placed underneath the distillation chamber for
grams after oven dried collection of ammonia, the solution change
𝑊1= weight in grams of empty petri dish from orange to green colour. About 0.1
normal solution of hydrochloric acid was
Determination of Crude Protein weighed into burette. The conical flask
Crude protein content was analyzed using containing the solution was titrated until the
kjeldhal method. 2g of samples was weighed colour changes from green to pink. The
into a digestion tube and 2 kjeldhal tablets and burette reading was taken. The crude protein
was calculated using the formula:
(A − B) × N × F × 6.25
% crude protein = × 100
Mg of samples
Where: -
A = amount of acid used for titrating the sample
B = amount of acid used for titrating blank sample
N = normality of acid used for titration
F = factor of 14.007
Determination of Crude Fibre
Crude fibre was determined by weighing 2g Determination of Ether Extract (Fat)
of samples and then placed into a round or flat The ether extract was determined by using
bottom flask and 50 ml of trichloroacetic acid Soxhlet apparatus. 2g of the sample was
was added. The mixture was then boiled and weighed into a thimble and 200 ml of
refluxed for 40 minutes. Filter paper was used petroleum ether measured using measuring
to filter the residue. The residue obtained was cylinder was added. The solution was
washed four times with hot water and only transferred into a round or flat bottom flask
once with petroleum ether. Then the filter and was heated at 45oC for one hour. The
with the sample were folded together and flask was then removed, and cooled into a
dried at 30-60oC in an oven for 24 hours. desiccator for 15 minutes. Percentage fat of
After drying, the filter with the sample was the sample was determined using the formula:
reweighed and then ash at 650oC and then -
cooled and reweighed. Weight of fat
Difference in weighing % Fat = × 100
%CF = × 100 Weight of sampe
weight of sample
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
Table 1: Proximate Pomposition of the Composite meal from Sorghum, Soya beans and Benni
seeds (%)
Samples Drymatter Moisture (%) Protein (%) Fat (%) Fibre (%) Ash (%) Carbohydrate
(%) (Kcal/100g)
US 96.23 ± 0.29a 3.20 ± % 0.12ab 3.4133 ± 0.07𝑑 2.03 ± 0.15c 4.90 ± 0.06d 1.20 ± 0.12a 86.82 ± 0.13a
PS 95.80 ± 0.42a 3.43 ± 0.88a 4.400 ± 0.10c 2.03 ± 0.15 6.03 ± 0.09c 1.13 ± 0.12a 84.41 ± 0.28b
FSS 96.47 ± 0.18a 3.13 ± 0.07b 5.4533 ± 0.25b 4.76 ± 0.09c 14.0 ± 0.35b 1.23 ± 0.09a 75.56 ± 0.31𝑐
FSSB 95.87 ± 0.75a 2.70 ± 0.058c 10.143 ± 0.22a 4.83 ± 0.15a 16.5 ± 0.29a 1.06 ± 0.07a 68.40 ± 0.26a
Values are expressed in Mean ±SEM, n=3. Values in the same row with different superscript are
significantly different (p<0.05).
Key words: -
US: Unprocessed sorghum
PS: Processed sorghum
FSS: Fortified sorghum with soybeans
FSSB: Fortified sorghum with soybeans and benni seed
SEM: Standard Error of Mean
The raw samples had low moisture content. an increase in some soluble amino acids of
This shows that food blends from this source sorghum within the first 24 hours of
will have a low moisture content, and longer fermentation by proteolytic bacteria
shelf-life. This is because food spoilage The relatively low-fat content of the
microorganism can thrive in where there is composite blends makes them suitable raw
high moisture contents. Similar work reported materials in the formulation of a variety of
by Modu et al. (2010) and Bintu et al. (2012). food products for the elderly (WHO, 2018).
An increase in the protein content of the The fat contents of a food can affect its shelf
processed samples observed was probably due life stability. This is because fat can undergo
to fermentation. Chava et al. (1988) reported oxidative deterioration, which leads to food
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
spoilage. Hence, the food blend with a high compounds are well documented. Hence their
fat content is more liable to spoilage than one reduction or total elimination through suitable
with o lower fat content. However. The fat processing methods becomes important in
contents of all the food blends fall within the cereal – based foods (Chavan and Kadam;
RDA range of infants 0-1 Year. 1989).
High dietary fibre contents have been reported Natural fermentation was observed to
to impair protein and mineral digestion and significantly reduce or totally eliminate
absorption in human nutrition (Bernard, et al., certain anti – nutrients in cereal and cereal
2016). Hence, low fibre blend are suitable for legume blends. (Chompreeda and fields,
the adequate intake of protein and mineral. 1984). The reduction of phytate phosphorus
The fibre content of the blends reported in this and flatus sugars or trypsin inhibitor activity
study were higher than the FAO/WHO limits has been attributed to microbial degradation
of <5%, possibly due to inclusion of soya of these compounds.
beans which was reported to have high fibre The reduced levels of phytate and tannins in
content (USDA, 2020). The carbohydrate the processed samples of cereals and legumes
contents of the food blends were higher than could be as a result of the leaching effect of
the lower limit for carbohydrates (41.3-73.79 the soaking and dehulling employed on
g/100g) of the Codex Alimentarius standard samples before milling (Falmata et al., 2014).
(FAO/WHO, 2017). The removal of seed coat (dehulling) to soak
Anti-nutritive content (phytic acid and cowpea and groundnut, might be attributed to
tannins) of the composite meal From the reduction of the phytic acid content of the
Sorghum, Soya beans and Benni seeds. roasted cowpea and groundnut. Soaking of
cereals and legumes usually forms an integral
Table 2 present the anti-nutritive content part of processing methods such as
(phytic acid and tannins) of the composite germination, fermentation and roasting
meal From Sorghum, Soya beans and Benni (Komal and Darshen, 2000). The reduction of
seeds. The results reveals that the phytic acid the tannin content of the yellow maize during
content of the unprocessed sorghum is fermentation may be due to microbial activity
significantly different (P<0.05) from the other which may hydrolyse the condensed tannins
samples which has the highest content to lower molecular weight phenols.
(0.66%). However, processed sorghum do not Khatarpaul and Chauhan (1991) reported
differ from fortified sorghum with soya beans, similar findings.
but differs significantly from fortified The observed reduction in the phytic acid and
sorghum with soya beans and benni seeds tannin content could also be as a result of
which has the least (0.54%) content. Similarly, processing which has been reported to reduce
for tannin all the means differs significantly the discoloration imparted by tannin to maize
(P<0.05) from each other, with the least (Modu et al., 2012). Tobacco (2000) reported
(0.3167%) content in fortified sorghum with that among the processing technique,
soya beans and benni seeds. fermentation and roasting are the most
Most cereals grains contain appreciable effective methods in reducing the tannin
amounts of phytate while cereals like contents of cereal and legumes. The result is
sorghum and millet contain significant in agrees with the findings of Modu et al.
amounts of polyphenols and tannins. The (2012) who reported 35 % reduction in tannin
occurrence, chemical nature and mechanism content of cereal and legumes.
of anti – nutritional or toxic effects of such
Bima Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(2) Dec, 2021 ISSN: 2536-6041
Table 2: Anti-nutrients (Phytic Acid Tannin) food systems. Journal of the American
of the Composite meal From Sorghum, Soya oil chemists’ society58: 392.
beans and Benni seeds (g/100g) Decardoso, l. M., Pinheiro, S. S., da Silva, L.
Samples Phytic acid Tannin L., de Menezes, C. B., de Carlvalho, C.
US 0.6600 ± 0.0176a 0.5107 ± 0.0033a W., Tardin, F. D., Queiroz,
PS 0.5747 ± 0.0012b 0.4423 ± 0.0007c
V. A., Martino H. S. and Pinheiro-
FSS 0.5967 ± 0.0003b 0.4733 ± 0.0019b
FSSB 0.5400 ± 0.1528c 0.3167 ± 0.0033𝑑
Sant’Ana, H. M. (2015).
Tocochromanols and carotenoids in
Values are expressed in Mean ±SEM, n=3.
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.):
Values in the same row with different
Diversity and stability to the
superscript are significantly different (p<0.05).
heat treatment. Food chemistry, 177:
Key words
US: Unprocessed sorghum
Faruque, A.S., Ahmed, A. M., Ahmed, T.,
PS: Processed sorghum
Islam, M.M., Hossain, M.I and Roy,
FSS: Fortified sorghum with soybeans
S.K. (2008). Nutrition: Basic for
FSSB: Fortified sorghum with soybeans and
healthy children and mothers in
benni seed
Bangledesh. Journal of health
SEM: Standard Error of Mean
population and nutrition, 26: 325-329.
CONCLUSION Franko, V., Hotta, J.K., Jorge, S.M
Therefore, this work revealed that the andDosantos, J.E (1999). Plasma fatty
processing method has drastically reduced the acid in children with grade III
antinutrtional factors thereby improving the Protein- energy malnutrition in its
nutritional quality of the composite meals. different clinical forms.
The addition of soya beans and benni seeds Marasmus,maramic kwashiorkor and
further furnished the protein quality of the kwashiorkor”. Journal of tropical
composite meals. The benni seed also pediatrics, 45(2): 71- 75.
compared favourably with the soya beans in Gernaat, H.B and Voorhoeve, H.W (2000). A
terms of the protein content. In view of this, new acute protein energy malnutrition.
the underutilized benni seeds should be Journal of tropical pediatrics, 46: 97-
recommended for as an alternative for protein 106.
source in food product formulations. Gurung, G. (2010). Social determinants of
protein- energy malnutrition. Need to
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