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CourseOutline MongolianALiterature-OA

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Diploma Programme subject outline—studies in language and literature

School name Olonlog Academy School School code 062409

Name of the DP subject

Mongolian A: Literature
(indicate the language)

(indicate with X) Higher x Standard completed in two years Standard completed in one year *

Name of the teacher who

completed this outline

Date when the outline Name of workshop

was completed 2022/06/16 (indicate the name of subject and workshop Language A CAT1
* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can
be completed in one year, according to conditions established in the Diploma Programme Assessment procedures.
1. Indicate the works chosen.

Language A: language and literature SL (Standard Level)

С. Эрдэнэ “Шилмэл өгүүллэгүүд” /өгүүллэг/ А.Камью “Тахал“/орчуулгын ном/
S.Erdene “Select articles.” A. Camus "Plague" / translation book /
Д. Батбаяр “Ийнгаа миний хээр тал” /тууж/ Пауло Кольео "Алхимич"/орчуулгын ном/
D.Batbayar “Iinga my steppe” /novel/ Paulo Coelho "Alchemist" /translated book/
Ч.Лодойдамба “Алтайд” /роман/ Анна Франк “Анна франкийн өдрийн тэмдэглэл” /орчуулгын ном/
Ch. Lodoidamba "In the Altai" / novel / Anna Frank "Anna Frank's Diary" / translation book /
Нацагдорж “Миний нутаг” /найраглал/ Лев Николаевич Толстой “Иван Иличийн үхэл” /орчуулгын ном/
Natsagdorj “My land” / poetry / "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy / translation book /
Б.Лхагвасүрэн “Тамгагүй төр” /жүжиг/ У Чэнь Энь “Баруун этгээдэд зорчсон тэмдэглэл” /орчуулгын ном/
B.Lkhagvasuren “State without stamp” / drama / Wu Chen En "Notes on a Journey to the West" / translation book /
Өлзийтөгс “Хотын үлгэрүүд” өгүүллэг Рахил Жерамилло Паласио “Гайхамшиг” /орчуулгын ном/
Ulziitugs “City Tales” story “Wonder” Raquel Jaramillo Palacio
Д.Равжаа “Цагийн жамыг тодруулагч Цаасан шувуу”-ны сургаал /яруу найраг/
D.Ravjaa The doctrine of “Kite that clarifies the time” / poetry /
2. Course outline

– Use the following table to organise the topics taught in the course. If you Suppose you need to include topics that cover other requirements. In that case, prepare (for
example, national syllabus), make sure you do such an inundated way, and buandifferentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need.
– This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the topics and the time to ensure that students are
prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject.
– This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the course in your classroom and should not just be a “copy
and paste” from the subject guide.
– If you will teach both higher and standard levels, ensure that this is identified in your outline.

Allocated time
Topic One class is
(make an organising principle
minutes. Resources
of the course clear—areas of 60
exploration, central concepts, Assessment instruments to be List the primary resources to
Contents In one week, there
inquiry questions or others) used be used, including information
State the topics in the order are technology if applicable.
you are planning to teach classes

Readers, writers and texts Formative assessments: http://www.biirbeh.mn/

Concepts covered: Use Course map https://www.jstor.org/
Identity, communication, creativity Keeping a Reading log tracker https://pamojaeducation.com/
ATL skills: Create a reading portfolio https://www.mplus.mn/book
Thinking, communication, research Take notes https://www.netflix.com/mn/
IB learner profile: Essays https://curiositystream.com/
Inquirers, communication, thinkers, reflective Describing images School library
Making mind mapping textbook
Inquiry questions: Research and references to writers Youtube channel
- Would you like to quote a portion of the and works “Enlightenment” TV
scripture that conveys the meaning? Writing reviews PDF materials: articles and
Y - How did the script below affect you? Expressing your views critiques and studies by other
e Possible TOK (Theory Of Knowledge) Oral testing scholars
80 hours
a links Performance criteria: IB resources and tools
r - How does man relate to nature?
Knowledge and understanding:
1 - What impact do the activities and lifestyles of
today's people have on nature? - Accuracy and concise oral and
- Does it confirm that the culture of contemporary oral presentation of the main content
social changes depending on time? of the text
(Work as a team to standardise and compare
topics.) Analysis:
Literary work
- Searching for and analysing
S.Erdene “Selective articles.” answers to complex literary
D.Batbayar “Iinga my steppe” /novel/ problems
“Wonder” Raquel Jaramillo Palacio
"The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Lev Nikolayevich Knowledge transmission:
Tolstoy - Whether you've shared life with
others from a different perspective
Concepts covered:
Identity, communication, representation Summative assessments:
ATL skills: – Past paper-based questions
Thinking, communication – Exam based on papers 1, and 2
IB learner profile: against Criterion ABCD
Inquirers, thinkers, communicators
Inquiry questions:
- What is the main issue in the “Iinga my

Possible TOK links

- What is the complex nature of the soul?
- Is the cause of emotion related to age,
gender, environment, and status?
(Each student will speak with their fangs
about how a person's emotions are
expressed in a musical accent.)
Literary work
D.Batbayar “Iinga my steppe” /novel/
Time and space Concepts covered: 80 hours Formative assessments:
Culture, creative (40 hours in Year 1)  Use the Course map
ATL skills:  Keeping a Reading log tracker
Communication, self-management, research  Student cover
IB learner profile:  Discussion
Knowledgeable, communic, open open-  Speech
 To make a recording,
 Keeping a blog,
 Create and moderate FB page or
Inquiry questions:
- How did Santiago's dream change over  Write meaning in your imagination,
time? Illustrations from the Script assumptions, and ingenuity
- What cultural practices are featured in the Internal assessment /oral/
novel? Literary work
Possible TOK links Paulo Coelho "Alchemist"
- What is a dream? How to connect with the Performance criteria:
times Knowledge and understanding:
- How can dreams be illustrated? - The idea portrayed in the novel
- Does literature influence our desires? - Review the subject and context of the
- What do dreams mean in our lives? novel you read
Literary work Knowledge transmission:
Paulo Coelho "Alchemist"/translation book/ - When discussing the context of
D.Natsagdorj “My land.” literature, see the problem with modern
A. Camus "Plaque" society
Ch. Lodoidamba "Altai" Summative assessments:
– Past paper-based questions
– Exam based on papers 1, and 2
against Criterion ABCDE
Y Intertextually: connecting Concepts covered : 80 hours Форматив үнэлгээ:
E text Identity, perspective, transformation Course map use
A ATL skills : Keeping a reading log tracker
R Thinking, research, social Reading portfolio
IB learner profile : Attendance at readers’ conference
2 Thinkers, risk-takers, balanced, caring Debate assessment
Role play
Inquiry questions : Acting
- What is the distinctive feature of the script? Short film-making project
- Would you like to make the exact Assessment criterion:
differences between Mongolia and foreign Knowledge and understanding:
dramas? -Explore key aspects of conflict
Possible TOK links Analysis:
- What makes humankind tragic? -Analyse the causes of conflict
- What does it mean to have the opposite using the text and studies of others.
concept of "death, life, and existence"? Knowledge transmission:
(To organise a debate) -Readers’ conference
Literary work -Participate in debates involving
L.Ulziitugs “City tales” points of other critiques
B.Lkhagvasuren “State without stamp” Summative assessments:
D.Ravjaa The doctrine of “Kite that clarifies – Past paper-based questions
the time” / poetry / – Exam based on papers 1, and 2
Wu Chen En "Notes on a trip to the West." against Criterion ABCD
Anna Frank's Diary

3. IB Internal and external assessment requirements to be completed during the course

Briefly explain how and when you will work on them. Include the date when you will first introduce the internal and external assessment requirements, when they will be
due and how students will be prepared to complete them.

Internal Assessment:
SL-level students studied on December 12-16, 2022, "The Doctrine of a Time-Clarifying Kite" by Danzanravjaa and non-literary "the Brain" essays by L. Tudev will be used for
the oral exam from students.
SL-level students prepare questions from Paulo Coelho’s "Alchemist," and non-literary "the Eye" essays by L. Tudev are used to take oral exams. They will give a presentation
in 10 minutes and answer questions for five minutes.

External Assessment:
SL-level students prepare and analyse two of the original literary texts provided in the mock paper for 1 hour and 45 minutes in May 2023 and January 2024.
Comprehensive essay: This typewriter review consists of four general questions. To answer either question, the students will write a comparative essay in 1 hour 45 minutes
based on the two works studied in the lesson against the assessment criterion ABCD

4. Links to TOK

You are expected to explore links between the topics of your subject and TOK. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your course outline that
would allow your students to make links with TOK. Describe how you would plan the lesson.

Topic Link with TOK (including a description of the lesson plan)

Some literary and non-literary texts describe a person's "Dream" when:

1. What is a dream? How does it relate to times
Time and space 2. How can dreams be described?
3. Does literature affect our dreams?
4. What do dreams mean in our lives?

5. Approaches to learning

Every IB course should contribute to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your outline
that would allow your students to specifically develop one or more of these skill categories (thinking, communication, social, self-management, or research).

Topic Contribution to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills (including one or more skill categories)

Through Readers, writers, and texts, by reading “Selective articles” by S.Erdene, students will:
Thinking skills:
 By researching S.Erdene’s texts: students will discover how the original texts relate to real-life events and by understanding the
meaning of the novel
 Develop thinking skills by combining different times, cultures and literary styles
Social skills:
 By reading the original texts, students will be encouraged to treat each other with respect, work together as a team and develop social
Readers, writers and texts skills
 Every student will have a different perspective, and they are accessible to express their views, and a collaborative discussion on
concepts will be encouraged
Research skills:
 What is the relationship between the two subjects of the novel? and develop research questions to detect interesting things that
reflect the social fabric of the community
 Distinguishing the accuracy of the script, evaluating it correctly, and detecting critical issues from the script

6. International mindedness

Every IB course should contribute to the development of international-mindedness in students. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your
outline that would allow your students to analyse it from diverse cultural perspectives. Briefly explain your choice and what resources you will use to achieve this goal.

Topic Contribution to the development of international-mindedness (including resources you will use)
Analysing the academic environment of different eras:
1. Explain how the external and internal environment affects the character
2. determine the behaviour of the characters living in an environment other than theirs
3. Analyze words, actions, and thoughts that determine behaviour
4. A comparative analysis of fictional and real-life situations:
Time and space -To be able to conclude one's character based on the characters in the novel
-Ability to understand the nature of human kindness across boundaries
-Receive your problems, discover and construct your ideas
-Ability to analyse complex issues regardless of one’s nationality
-Able to see things from many angles
-Develop a relentless approach to uncertainties and the ability to stand ready for change.

7. Development of the IB learner profile

Through the course, students will also be expected to develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. Choose one topic from your course outline as an example of how you
would do this. Explain how the contents and related skills would pursue the development of any attribute(s) of the IB learner profile that you will identify.

Topic Contribution to the development of the attribute(s) of the IB learner profile

By studying the text, students will:

 Be able to address personal challenges calmly and reflectively select solutions;
 Be a thinker and find solutions to complicated issues;
Intertextually: connecting
 Be open-minded to be personally balanced and rely on a balanced approach to things;
 In the face of uncertain, stay decisive and not afraid of taking risks while remaining open-minded and balanced;
 Understand that they coexist with others to be more balanced and caring to others because of interdependence;
 Be able to consider the nature of things by being knowledgeable.

8. Resources

Are instructional materials and other resources (for example, equipment for recording if you teach languages A or room for the performance aspect if you teach literature
and performance) available in sufficient quality, quantity, and variety to support the aims and methods of the courses effectively? Briefly describe what plans are in place if
changes are needed.

Resources required are smart boards, wifi, digital library resources, teacher text, physical exhibitions, and the texts in addition to regular journal and
newspaper publications, mini stage to drama, http://www.biirbeh.mn/, https://www.jstor.org/, https://pamojaeducation.com/, https://www.mplus.mn/book,
https://www.netflix.com/mn/, https://curiositystream.com/, library book, textbook, Youtube channel, “Соён гэгээрүүлэгч” TV, PDF materials, resources and tools.
Language A — course checklist
Year Study Work/text Original Text in The Literary form Period Continent Sex
language translati prescribed or non-literary and country
№ on Y / reading text type
N? list author
Y / N?
Ch. Lodoidamba's novel The mid- Mongolia,
1  N Novel Man
"Altai" 1940s Asia
2 Paulo Collie " Alchemist "  Y The novel Medieval Man
D.Natsagdorj's poem "My Mongolia,
3  N Poetry 209-1921 BC Man
1 land" Asia
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy's " Russia,
4  Y The novel XVIII century Man
Death of Ivan Ilyich" Europe
Wu Chen En "Notes on a trip
5  Y Novel 629-645 China, Asia Man
to the West."
6 Camus " Plague"  Y Novel 1940 Man
Ayn Ryan "We are living XX Russia,
7  Y Novel Women
people." century Europe
8 2 S.Erdene “Best Stories”  N Story 1940 Man
D.Ravjaa “ Time cover
9 highlighter Paper " Bird "  N Poetry 1820 Man
D.Batbayar's novel "This is Mongolia,
10  N The novel Since 1990 Man
my steppe." Asia
B.Lhagvasuren’s “State Mongolia,
11  N Drama 209-93 BC Man
without stamp” play Asia
12 L.Ulziitugs “City tales” story  N Story 2000-2020 Woman
The USA.
“Wonder” Raquel Jaramillo
13  Y The novel American Woman
Palacio TV

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