Towards An Understanding of Factors Controlling Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in The Alpine Environment
Towards An Understanding of Factors Controlling Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in The Alpine Environment
Towards An Understanding of Factors Controlling Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in The Alpine Environment
(2015) 81:70–103
DOI 10.1007/s12229-014-9150-2
Abstract The ability of seeds to regenerate from soil seed banks has long been
recognized as a key survival strategy for plants establishing new niches in highly
variable climates of alpine environments. However, the fundamental aspects of
evolutionary/selective forces for seed bank development in alpine ecosystems are
largely unknown. Here, we developed a model that describes dormancy, a high
temperature requirement and a specific light/darkness regime at the time of seed
shedding can preclude autumn germination, thus contributing to seed persistence until
the next growing season. The benefits of these factors synchronising germination with
the growing season are reviewed. Additionally, the importance of climatic variations of
maternal environment affecting some of these factors is also discussed. It is suggested
that the environmental conditions during the growing season partly control the seed
persistence and seeds that fail to germinate are carried over to the next season. Species
that have small (<3 mg) and round-shaped seeds tend to persist more easily in soil for
over 5 years, than do the large or flat seeds. However, some large-seeded species also
have the potential to establish short-term persistence bank. A literature survey reveals
88 % of the alpine seeds have a mass <3 mg. Seed size has only a weak relationship
with mean germination timing (MGT) indicating that reduced persistence in large-
seeded species cannot be counteracted by quicker germination, but combined effects of
other factors stimulating germination remain an open area to be studied. It is proposed
that long distance dispersal (LDD) is limited in most-but not all-species, primarily due
to the absence of specialized dispersal structures. However, among numerous dispersal
modes, most species tend to be dispersed by wind. Thus, spermatophytes of alpine
environments have a greater tendency to establish seed banks and spread the risk of
germination to many years, rather than being dispersed to other micro-climates.
elsewhere (see Chambers et al., 1991; Chambers & MacMahon, 1994; Forbis, 2003;
Körner, 2003; Bu et al., 2007a, 2008, 2009).
At the outset, it is necessary to explain our terms. Here we consider a seed to be the
product of sexual reproduction dispersed at natural dispersal time with all its dispersal
structures, e.g., wings, plumes etc. We do not use specific terms such as achenes, and
refer to all these propagules as seeds. We also adopt the seed bank classification scheme
of Bakker et al. (1996) and Thompson et al. (1997) on a broader level. Hence, seeds
that persist in soil for less than 1 year are termed as ‘transient’. Whereas, seeds that
persist for more than 1 year but less than 5 years are characteristically considered as
‘short-term persistent’ and any species that continue to persist in soil for more than
5 years are ‘long-term persistent’. Although, in most of the discussion, the term
‘transient’ and ‘persistent’ are loosely used to differentiate the seed longevity of less
than or more than 1 year respectively, whenever possible, clear distinctions of seed
bank types are made. We define dormancy as a state in which seed germination does
not take place even when the favorable environmental factors (temperature, moisture,
light/dark etc.) that stimulated germination in a non-dormant or dormancy broken seed
are provided. Five types of dormancy have been recognized in seeds (Baskin & Baskin,
1998, 2004) namely physiological (PD), morphological (MD), morpho-physiological
(MPD), physical (PY) and combinational (PD + PY), we attempt to specify dormancy
types when information is available. For the purpose of this review, we define
‘long-distance dispersal’ (LDD) as seed movement which is over 100 m (sensu
Cain et al., 2000).
Dormancy is one of the remarkable traits evolved in seeds that synchronize germination
with the most favorable season for seedling survival (Vleeshouwers et al., 1995; Baskin
& Baskin, 1998; Thompson, 2000; Bewley et al., 2013). Since Amen (1966) reviewed
the extent and role of seed dormancy in alpine species, there has been an abrupt
increase in the number of studies documenting alpine dormancy from species to
community level (Baskin & Baskin, 1998; Liu et al., 2011). This increase in literature
has refuted two of the early notions that (i) dormancy is a rare phenomenon in alpine
systems (see Amen, 1966) and (ii) dormancy is highly associated with seed-coat
inhibition (Billings & Mooney, 1968). The literature available on alpine seed dormancy
is in fact growing and this topic has been comprehensively reviewed periodically
(Billings & Mooney, 1968; Kaye, 1997; Baskin & Baskin, 1998). It is beyond the
scope here to present such an exhaustive review yet again. Instead, we discuss the role
of dormancy (and breaking requirements) in seed persistence.
Cavieres (1999) and Cavieres and Arroyo (2001) postulated that dormant seeds have
some advantage in establishing persistent seed banks in temporally and spatially
unpredictable alpine environments. This is partly because seeds shed in the autumn
are mostly dormant and require a period of cold-stratification satisfied under snow
before they germinate in spring (see below) and partly due to the ability of the seeds to
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 73
re-enter dormancy (in the case of PD) if they did not germinate. This view is in fact
supported by (i) Rees’ (1996) assertions that in order to maximize the progeny number,
species adapted to an environment that varies from 1 year to another select dormancy as
an adaptive trait (also see Rees & Long, 1992) and (ii) as Bewley et al. (2013) recently
generalized, the number of species with dormant seeds is likely to increase with
poleward movement because the unpredictability in climate increases.
Apart from these simple theoretical considerations, direct evidence delineating
whether or not dormancy contributes to seed persistence in alpine regions is scarce.
This is ascribable to the paucity of information amassed on a specific species for which
both the dormancy and longevity are known. Some progress has been made recently by
Schwienbacher et al. (2011) to bridge this gap (but see conclusion section). In an
attempt to investigate the seed dormancy types in 28 alpine species of central European
Alps, Austria, those authors concluded 26 species were dormant and only 2 species
were non-dormant. Out of 26 dormant species, PD (with all sub-classes namely non-
deep, intermediate and deep) was present in 20 species. MD and PY were recognized in
4 and 2 species respectively. In addition to assigning the type of dormancy, their study
included 9 species for which the seed longevity had previously been assessed by
artificial burial method (Schwienbacher et al., 2010). The findings of their study clearly
indicate that all seeds survived for at least 2 years in an artificial burial experiment (see
‘Seed size and persistence’, below) and had some type of dormancy - mostly PD or PY
(Table 1).
The assertion that dormant seeds persist in soil is in marked contrast with Thompson
et al. (2003) who concluded that “dormancy is neither a necessary nor a sufficient
condition for the accumulation of a persistent seed bank, and there is no realistic
prospect of predicting persistence from dormancy” based on their data from north-west
Europe (Thompson et al., 1997). They further supported this conclusion by showing
that most of the temperate shrubs have deep dormancy, but these species rarely persist
in soil. However, we presume that two different issues have been raised and these can
be encapsulated in the questions (1) do seeds of species establishing persistent seed
banks have dormancy and (2) do all dormant seeds enter persistent seed banks? Thus,
Table 1 List of species for which soil persistence and dormancy type have been estimated [Adapted from
(Schwienbacher et al., 2010, 2011)]. Nomenclature used in the original works was as such retained. For the
abbreviations of dormancy types see text. Seed size was calculated using digitizer option in origin 8.6
Species Family Seed mass (mg) Seed bank type Dormancy type
not all dormant seeds persist in alpine soil, but being non-dormant could reduce the
ability of seeds to enter persistent seed bank in alpine environments. For example,
despite Geum reptans and Oxyria digyna being dormant (Table 1), they were both
short-term persistent corroborating the claim that some dormant seeds are also short-
lived in soil.
Indeed, it was initially thought that factors such as light requirements, germi-
nation inhibitors etc. cause dormancy in alpine seeds (Amen, 1965). Consequently,
Billings and Mooney (1968) concluded ‘seed dormancy in most alpine species is
under environmental control’. In the central European Alps, however,
Schwienbacher et al. (2011) explicitly classified the dormancy type in accordance
with Baskin and Baskin (2004), therefore these species do not represent ‘enforced
dormancy’. One plausible reason for the disagreement observed between North
West Europe and central European Alps datasets may lie in the geographical
distribution of the species. In the alpine environment, many species (ca. >70 %
as estimated by Baskin & Baskin, 1998 cited in Schwienbacher et al., 2011)
produce dormant seeds. Further evidence to safely conclude that most alpine seeds
are likely to produce dormant seeds comes from the data set assembled by Jurado
and Flores (2005) which suggests plants growing in environments with frost and/
or drought contain some form of seed dormancy (PD, MPD and PY) than species
in more benign environment.
It is generally agreed that seeds dispersed in autumn are held in seed banks until
spring because of dormancy breaking requirements (Fig. 1, Table 2). These dormant
seeds overwinter under snow cover and alleviate dormancy mostly by cold-wet strat-
ification. They then germinate at the first opportunity immediately after the snow melt
in spring to maximize growing periods in favorable conditions (Baskin & Baskin,
1998). Germination of non-dormant seeds in autumn, on the other hand, is exclusively
controlled by the local microclimate of a particular year. Interannual variation in
autumn temperature should therefore impose selective pressures on alpine communities
conferring advantages on species with dormant seeds (Rees & Long, 1992; Allen &
Meyer, 1998).
The influence of environmental conditions acting as selective force in the evolution
of seed dormancy is gaining recognition. Studies focusing on alpine species, e.g.,
Chenopodium bonus-henricus (Dorne, 1981), Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
(Meyer & Monsen, 1991), genus Penstemon (Meyer & Kitchen, 1994b; Meyer et al.,
1995), Linum perenne (Meyer & Kitchen, 1994a) Phacelia secunda (Cavieres &
Arroyo, 2001), and Koenigia islandica (Wagner & Simons, 2008), revealed seeds
collected from lower altitudes are non-dormant or conditionally dormant, seeds from
mid-altitudes are dormant and require cold-stratification for dormancy alleviation, and
seeds from high-altitudes are dormant and require longer cold-wet stratification dura-
tion compared to seeds collected from mid-altitudes. Insights gained from these studies
suggest dormancy and longer stratification duration must have co-evolved in seeds
adapted to higher altitudes. The differential effects of environmental conditions on
dormancy may also explain why Oxyria digyna has been classified both as dormant
(Stöcklin & Bäumler, 1996; Schwienbacher et al., 2011) and non-dormant (Mooney &
Billings, 1961; Mondoni et al., 2012). This species is common to both arctic and alpine
communities and therefore is subject to a range of conditions which may or may not
induce dormancy.
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 75
Fig. 1 Fate of a seed after dispersal from the mother plant. The horizontal dotted line distinguishes the
transient and persistent bank. If the seeds buried in soil (or close to the surface) germinate or die within 5 years,
they are transient seed banks. The remainder develop persistent seed banks. Seeds can die or be dispersed to
other locations at any stage of this model (see also Chambers & MacMahon, 1994). Similarly, the soil surface
may have increased seed rain, due to dispersed seeds from other locations reaching the local micro-site. For the
purpose of this model, ‘soil surface’ means the buried depth at which seeds can receive dormancy breaking
cues and/or light, germinate and establish seedlings. Seeds buried in the soil undergo seasonal cycling in
dormancy status and the depth of the dormancy changes with season
The opposite situation was observed in some of the recent studies which showed
seeds of many alpine plants lack dormancy when they develop and therefore germinate
immediately in autumn. Seed germination experiments performed in 37 endemic rare or
endangered taxa of Sierra Nevada high mountain (SE Spain), for instance, showed most
of the species tested were non-dormant and do not require any pretreatment for
germination (Lorite et al., 2007). Giménez-Benavides et al. (2005) reached a similar
conclusion when working with 20 species collected from high altitudes of Spain. It is
possible that these areas experience Mediterranean climate and seeds develop in a
slightly warmer temperature than in true alpine locations, to be less dormant (see also
conclusion). One recent study by Sommerville et al. (2013) shows species with non-
endospermic seeds did not require any stratification to germinate, however,
endospermic seeds needed 8 weeks of cold stratification for germination. Although
they concluded that ‘alpine species with endospermic seed and a restricted distribution
are most likely to contract in range under climate change and would be appropriate to
prioritize for ex-situ conservation’, non-endospermic seeds are also at risk in warming
climates as the absence of dormancy/breaking requirement impose the risk of autumn
germination and seedling mortality in winter, particularly on exposed sites (see
Mondoni et al., 2012).
Dormancy has generally not been specifically addressed in studies of seed persistence in
the soil. Nevertheless, the available evidence makes it tempting to conclude that dormancy
plays a crucial role in persistence at least for alpine vegetation. However, it is too early to
76 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
Table 2 Species that exhibit dormancy at the time of dispersal in autumn and the conditions shown to
alleviate initiate dormancy and progress seeds towards germination
Carex pendula L. and C.remota L. Seeds stratification at low temperature Brändel and Schütz (2005)
alleviates dormancy effectively than
higher temperature. Seeds of
C. pendula and C. remota did not
germinate below 9 and 15 °C
respectively. Germination
requirements and dormancy patterns
ceased germination until late spring
and summer.
Fritillaria tubiformis subsp Seeds are dormant (MD) when dis- Carasso et al. (2012)
moggridgei persed in autumn, but low tempera-
ture (4 °C) experienced in winter
breaks dormancy and seeds readily
germinate in spring.
Aquilegia nivalis, Lagotis Seeds of these three perennial species Dar et al. (2009)
cashmeriana and Meconopsis require longer period of pre-chilling
latifolia during winter to break dormancy
and germinate in following spring.
Pre-chilling coupled with GA3 ap-
plication stimulated germination in
all three species, thus supporting
overwintering is mandatory for seed
germination and germination is pre-
cluded in the autumn.
Centaurium somedanum Non-deep MPD in seeds controls the Fernandez-Pascual et al.
germination timing in alpine climate. (2012)
Seeds come out of dormancy early
in spring readily germinate at 15–
22 °C, allowing the successful
seedling establishment in late spring
and summer.
Sempervivum vicentei subsp. paui, Germination in freshly collected seeds Giménez-Benavides et al.
Ranunculus ollissiponensis subsp. was generally poor. Cold (2005)
alpinus, Veronica fruticans subsp. stratification (4 °C) for 3 months in
cantabrica and Luzula hispanica. complete darkness improved
germination, suggesting the
dormancy breaking requirement in
Empetrum nigrum Seeds are dormant at the time of Graae et al. (2008) and
dispersal from plant and require Baskin et al. (2002)
warm stratification followed by cold
stratification for germination. The
seeds can also induce a secondary
dormancy if the climate during the
growing season is unfavorable.
Stachys germanica L. subsp. bithynica Freshly collected seeds did not Güleryüz et al. (2011)
germinate. Dormancy breaking
requirements to break PD are
satisfied by overwintering in soil
surface (but GA3 and Kinetin break
dormancy in the laboratory). Thus
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 77
Table 2 (continued)
Table 2 (continued)
Seeds form ‘transient’ seed bank break dormancy by cold-wet stratification/after-ripening conditions in the
soil. The ability of these non-dormant seeds to germinate the following spring is largely determined by
environmental conditions. Data on the seed longevity of these species to differentiate short-term or long-term
persistent bank are currently unavailable
generalize at ecosystem level. This is mainly due to the species-specific breaking require-
ments evolved in spermatophytes adapted to alpine environment (Table 2). Given most
species with PD, these seeds can cycle back to dormancy if the conditions are unfavorable
during early spring. Such cycling is also expected to be common in buried seeds (Baskin &
Baskin, 1998). The evolution of a dormancy cycle, regardless of the seed position in soil,
can be viewed asa specific control in preventing germination outside growing season. For
example, if the buried seeds are brought back to the soil surface (Fig. 1), dormancy cycling
checks the germination time to synchronize with growing season. Supposing such seasonal
change of dormancy had not evolved in alpine species, there would be a chance for buried
seeds (when they reach soil surface) to germinate any time of the year, provided other
environmental conditions are satisfied.
Most of the seeds endemic to alpine environments do not germinate immediately after
shedding because the temperature required for germination is high (Sayers & Ward,
1966; Billings & Mooney, 1968; Densmore & Zasada, 1983; Nishitani & Masuzawa,
1996; Baskin & Baskin, 1998; Cavieres & Arroyo, 2001; Shimono & Kudo, 2003) and
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 79
Light Requirement
higher than the current alpine climate (12/12 h photoperiod) achieved higher germina-
tion, but that there is a tendency for the seeds to become autumn germinators because
dormancy is lacking. Unfortunately, the role of light in germination control was not
considered in their study. However, Billings & Mooney (1968) worked with O. digyna
seeds and reported that those collected from an American alpine location had greater
cumulative germination in light than in dark, but seeds of arctic origin did not have
strict requirement for light. The aforementioned studies suggest the evolution of a
requirement for light is more likely location-specific.
Light requirement in seeds has also been reported to be of great significance in
controlling the depth of burial at which germination occurs (Pons & Fenner, 2000).
Since light can only penetrate a few millimeters from the top of the soil surface, seeds
found below this depth do not germinate; and even in dark-requiring species, those
seedlings would die before reaching the soil surface, especially if they are small owing
to the smaller seedling size (see below). Data on other ecosystems suggest that seeds
that are smaller are more likely to require light for germination than larger seeds
(Milberg et al., 2000; Jankowska-Blaszczuk & Daws, 2007). In a recent study, Wu
et al. (Wu et al., 2013) found a similar pattern in alpine species of Qinghai-Tibetan
Plateau. Using twenty species, those authors reported significant negative correlation
between strength of light required for germination and seed mass, thus large-seeded
species were less likely to require light for germination than those of small-seeded
species. If small seeds are buried to greater depths, the strong requirement for light in
small-seeded species suggests that disturbance is an inevitable requirement in the
germination of seeds from seed banks. Nothing, however, is known of the light
requirement of seed in different stages of the seed bank cycle (Fig. 1).
While the studies illustrated above lend some support to the assertion that light plays
an important role in controlling seed persistence, this perspective requires detailed
experimental investigations. Because our knowledge on the relationship between light
requirement and germination is limited merely to genus Carex (Amen & Bonde, 1964;
Schütz & Rave, 1999; Schütz, 2002) and Koenigia islandica (Heide & Gauslaa, 1999;
Wagner & Simons, 2008, 2009), the understanding of the role of light in controlling the
autumn germination of some non-dormant alpine seeds is still rudimentary.
Nevertheless, we surmise that the long-day requirement for germination might be
common (but not ubiquitous) in alpine species. This is because, in any year with an
unfavorable growing season, long-day conditions will not be repeated until the follow-
ing year, a condition typical to all alpine environments. However, in favorable years, a
significant amount of light reaches the soil surface due to the lack of taller plants
(Billings, 1974; Densmore, 1997). Hence, in addition to dormancy, light requirements
also hold germination in check, thus contributing to seed persistence in soil.
In many alpine species, the evolution of highly specific germination requirements, such
as those described above, delay the germination of autumn-dispersed seeds until spring.
Thus, the interplay of factors including dormancy, specific temperature requirement to
germinate and highly specific light or dark requirements in a particular species offers
triple safety measures against the harsh alpine climate; without these controls seeds are
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 83
more likely to have asynchronous germination thereby posing a serious risk of seedling
mortality (Billings & Bliss, 1959). For example, when seeds develop in a relatively
warm climate due to interannual variation, the degree of dormancy (sensu Baskin &
Baskin, 1998) may be reduced. In such cases, autumn germination may be prevented
by a high temperature requirement and/or light requirement instead of the depth of
dormancy acting as the primary obstacle to germination. If only one mechanism for
preventing germination has been evolved in alpine seeds, then the autumn germination
ability is likely to depend on the maternal environmental condition during seed
development and opportunistic temperature at autumn. Evolution of such complex
germination requirements is not unique to all ecosystems around the world. The
obvious example are flood meadows, where many seeds are non-dormant but germi-
nation is controlled by light and a narrow temperature requirement, hence dormancy
has no role in seed persistence (Hölzel & Otte, 2004 and references therein).
In addition to a complex suite of responses to varying environmental cues, it has
been suggested that not all the seeds of a particular species may respond to germination
cues stimulated by seasonal temperature cycles in alpine environments, thus carryover
of a proportion of seeds to next year is expected to maximize species fitness (Meyer &
Kitchen, 1994a; Meyer et al., 1995). Carry over mechanisms are common in unpre-
dictable conditions because the risk of germination is spread to different years. For
some alpine species, e.g., Carex frigida, low germination in the growing season tends
to favor carry over mechanisms (Schütz, 2002). Although the success of seeds carried
over to germinate in the next year depends on various phenotypic and genotypic factors
(Meyer & Kitchen, 1994a), how a species selects potential candidates for carry over is
not understood completely. Thus, it is not known if the seeds to be carried over were
predetermined at the time of shedding or the selection is a result of phenotypic
variability or simply that all the non-germinated seeds at the end of growing season
are carried over (but see Meyer & Kitchen, 1994a). However, the degree of dormancy,
position of seeds in soil and local microclimate are certainly important factors deter-
mining which seeds are carried over. Furthermore, for various reasons that are typical to
alpine environments, e.g., frequent summer frost (Marcante et al., 2012), only a
proportion of seeds germinate even in favorable growing seasons (Cavieres &
Arroyo, 2001), leaving the reminder to be part of the persistent seed bank.
A commonly accepted prerequisite for seeds to enter persistent seed banks is the small
size and round shape (Thompson et al., 1993). Despite their suggestion that this
phenomenon is likely to be universal, subsequent studies testing the prevalence of
small, round seeds in persistent seed banks have argued both for (Bekker et al., 1998;
Thompson et al., 2001; Zhao et al., 2011), and against (Leishman & Westoby, 1998;
Moles et al., 2000; Yu et al., 2007) the hypothesis. There have been few works that
studied the significance of seed size in establishing persistent seed bank in alpine
landscapes. In Argentinean mountain grassland, the available evidence demonstrated
that small seeded species have an increased likelihood of entering the persistent
seed bank (Funes et al., 1999; Fig. 2). Conversely, Cerabolini et al. (2003) showed
a negative correlation between seed size and persistence in species tested on
Italian Alps (Fig. 2).
84 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
Fig. 2 Relationship between seed mass (log scale) in mg and variance of seed dimension adopted from (a)
Italian Alps; 114 species (re-drawn only for alpine species from Cerabolini et al., 2003 with permission), b
Central Austrian Alps (Schwienbacher et al., 2010) after excluding the standard deviation given in the original
data set and c Argentinean mountain grassland; 71 species (re-drawn from Funes et al., 1999 with permission).
(Δ ) Transient, (●) Long-term persistence, (■) short-term persistence, and (♦) persistence (but no information on
whether short or long-term), (X) uncertain or could not classified. More detailed information of how to
calculate the variance of dimension can be found in Thompson et al. (1993). In order to make some extremely
small seeded data point readable in the Argentinean mountain grassland (c) we have rescaled the x-axis of this
study to begin from 0.001
Recent years have witnessed a surge of studies determining seed longevity in soil using
artificial burial experiments. Schwienbacher et al. (2010) conducted such an experiment in
the Central European Alps (ca. 3500 m a.s.l; Austria) for Achillea moschata, Artemisia
genipi, Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. Alpicola, Geum reptans, Linaria alpina, Oxyria digyna,
Saxifraga aizoides, S. oppositifolia and Trifolium pallescens. Seed germination following
excavation at 1, 2 and 5 years revealed, with exception of Geum reptans and S. oppsitifolia
(which have extremely tiny seeds), at least some of the seeds buried at a depth of 3 cm
survived for a minimum of 2 years (Fig. 1; Table 2). However, their study had two surprising
results. Firstly, in contrast to the suggestion that round seeded species have increased
tendency to enter the persistent seed bank, flattened L. alpina seeds survived for 5 years
forming a long-term persistent bank, whereas other flattened seeds of O. digyna did not
survive for 5 years. Secondly, species classified as transient by Cerabolini et al. (2003), were
shown to form short-term persistent or long-term persistent seed banks (Table 1). The only
other attempt to use an artificial burial approach to test seed viability for >1 year in alpine
tundra was a study in the Chilean Alps (Arroyo et al., 2004). From a total of 15 species
studied, all but two species namely Senecio magellanicus (with cylindrical shape but smaller
size) and Berberis buxifolia (6.33 mg), survived for 2 years. However, they terminated the
experiment in 2 years, therefore a distinction between short-term and long-term seed
persistence is not feasible.
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 85
There are several lines of evidence showing that small seeds easily become buried,
thereby escaping post-dispersal predation, remaining in the same environment in which
they had developed and becoming part of the persistent seed bank (Peco et al., 2003;
Ma et al., 2010b). If this holds true then seeds at depth in the soil are expected to be
smaller than the seeds in the surface layer. However, there are only a few experimental
studies addressing the vertical movement of seeds in alpine flora. In the Austrian Alps,
Klug-Pümpel and Scharfetter-Lehrl (2008) found small seeded species move to greater
depths than large seeded species, but Ma et al. (2010b) failed to find such pattern in 122
species of Tibetan Plateau, China. The important question perhaps then is: what depth
is safe for seeds? Ma et al. (2010b) showed that seeds buried (naturally) to 15 cm can
germinate when excavated and sown in optimal germinating conditions. Seeds artifi-
cially buried to 3 cm deep germinated after 5 years (Schwienbacher et al., 2010;
Table 1). However, over the same time period but at 8–10 cm depth, Adzhiev et al.
(2011) reported no germination in 45 out of 63 species of the Northwest Caucasus.
It is difficult to draw any firm conclusion on the impacts of seed size on persistence
in alpine seed banks from these studies mainly because of the overriding effect of other
factors influencing results, three of which are discussed here. The first to be considered
is the type of soil surface where seeds land. If seeds are deposited on a surface having
smaller particles, there is an increased likelihood that small seeded species rather than
those with large seeds, and those with adhesive seed coats are trapped amongst the soil
particles and buried in the soil (Chambers et al., 1991; Chambers, 1995, 2000). Small
soil particle size may enable the large seeded species to move horizontally over longer
distances until they encounter soils with large particle sizes. The smaller seeds fre-
quently trapped by soil of smaller particle size often move to a deeper position than the
larger seeds trapped in large particle soil. In contrast, both small and large seeded
species are buried easily if seeds were deposited on soil surface having larger particle
size (see Chambers et al., 1991 for a detailed discussion).
A second confounding factor when trying to generalize on the relationship between
seed size and persistence is derived from the understanding that entry to the soil seed
bank confers longevity. It is perhaps an over-simplification to say that ease of burial
improves the longevity of small seeded species in the alpine system. Indeed, seeds
buried to greater depths do not germinate, unless the soil is overturned but, if distur-
bance is very infrequent, these species may be lost from the aboveground community
and eventually from the seed bank also. For example, in the central Chilean Andes,
Arroyo et al. (1999) found buried seeds of Chaetanthera pusilla were viable, although
the species did not occur in the standing vegetation. Similar results were obtained in the
alpine regions of Tibet for a wide range of species: a total of 87 species were identified
in the soil seed banks, but only 62 appeared in the standing vegetation (Ma et al.,
2010a). There are no data available on how long these seeds can be viable but
presumably, this longevity will be species-specific. Nonetheless, dating by accelerator
mass spectrometry revealed seeds of Carex bigelowii and Luzula parviflora in Alaskan
tundra had at least persisted for two to three centuries (McGraw et al., 1991).
A third problem with linking seed size and persistence is the inconsistency in
methods with which seed longevity is determined; this causes subsequent confusion
when trying to build causal relationships between size and viability. For example, seeds
of some species classified as transient by Cerabolini et al. (2003), survived more than
1 year when tested with artificial burial experiments (Table 2). It has been suggested
86 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
that the discrepancy in the findings of these studies has resulted from different methods
employed in testing seed longevity (Schwienbacher et al., 2010). Cerabolini et al.
(2003) used published information and germination experiments conducted with
seeds excavated from soil kept in glass houses to classify the seed bank type,
whereas Schwienbacher et al. (2010) classified the seed bank type based on data from
artificial burial experiment. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages; the
artificial burial approach often overlooks the mechanism of burial, which is arguably a
complex process itself (Thompson et al., 1997). Therefore, the conclusion of
Schwienbacher et al. (2010) that Linaria alpina retains its viability in the soil for
5 years as estimated by artificial burial experiments, can be called into question because
the soil environment may not enable adequate burial and subsequent avoidance of
disturbance to maintain the conditions generated in their experiment. Thus, whether
shape is a good predictor for seed persistence or not, remains largely equivocal for
alpine species. More meaningful answers to this question will only come from novel
seed bank studies that combine both natural soil sampling and artificial burial approach
incorporating small and large seeds.
While some small seeded species more easily enter persistent seed banks than large
seeded species, careful consideration of seed persistence studies point to the possibility
that not all small seeded species can potentially establish persistent seed banks (Fig. 2).
Similarly, generalizations on large seeded species are inappropriate as some of these
can also establish short-term persistent seed banks (Fig. 2). As yet, there is no evidence
available to demonstrate whether large seeded species possess a long-term persistent
seed bank in alpine landscapes (Fig. 2). However, a short-term persistent seed bank
tends to be adequate for maintaining species in alpine conditions, because the favorable
weather conditions can occur at least once every few years (Körner, 2003).
Furthermore, most of the plants adapted to alpine tundra are perennials and produce
seeds in fairly large amount, at least in the favorable years, and although a long-term
persistent seed bank is adaptive to the alpine climate, it is not necessary for a species to
succeed in colonization.
Seedling Establishment
An additional factor that complicates our understanding of the significance of seed size
in persistence is the hypothesis related to seedling establishment. With finite resources
allotted to reproductive success, a given species may produce more small seeds or less
large seeds, leading to a variation in seed mass often spanning five to six orders of
magnitude across species found in a particular ecosystem (Thompson, 1987; Jakobsson
& Eriksson, 2000; Leishman et al., 2000; Leishman & Murray, 2001). A growing body
of literature is specifically devoted to understand how such variation in seed size
influences the fitness of plant communities (Leishman & Murray, 2001). Although
small-seeded species benefit by producing more number of seeds than large seeded-
species and have an increased likelihood of entering soil banks, the latter group might
counteract the advantage by establishing high number of successful seedlings than the
small seeded-species.
Because seed germination is an irreversible event, timing of germination is a critical
component in the life-cycle of alpine plant species. Seeds, once germinated, have to
continue growing or die. Seedling establishment in alpine environments is a slow
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 87
process and often lasts for several years (Jaganathan, personal observation). Although
some of the seeds germinating under snow cover are very slow requiring up to 6 months
to achieve 50 % germination (Meyer et al., 1995), spring germinators must attain a
suitable size to tolerate subsequent winter conditions (see Leishman et al., 2000), if not,
seedling mortality becomes prevalent. If this holds true, then it is reasonable to
expect that large-seeded species establish seedlings more quickly and there may be
a trade-off between seed size and mean germination time (MGT). Consequently,
we anticipate that large-seeded species must germinate faster than small ones to
maintain an advantage over the seed bank strategy prevalent in small-seeded
We tested this hypothesis in 653 Qinghai-Tibet Plateau species (original data from
Bu et al., 2007a; Wu et al., 2013). Species were only included in this analysis if they
were recorded as germinated. Hence, species recorded with MGT of 0 (failed germi-
nation) were excluded from this analysis. In this way, we were able to select a total of
585 species from 39 families. We performed a linear regression to explain the relation-
ship between seed mass and their respective MGT. In contrast to our expectation, we
observed no significant relationship between seed mass and MGT (slope=1.8, R2=
0.01, d.f.=584, p>0.05) (Fig. 3).
If large seed size does not confer an advantage with respect to MGT an alternative
benefit may be bestowed through greater seedling size (Vera, 1997; Moles & Westoby,
2004). However, dormancy can regulate germination only in terms of when in the
growing season emergence occurs for more successful seedling establishment. Further,
there is little evidence that large-seeded species have some advantage in survival over
small-seeded species (even within same genus, see Vera, 1997). We conclude that this
advantage may not counterbalance the large number of seeds produced by small-seeded
species and their ability to persist in soil.
Fig. 3 The relationship between seed mass and MGT (Mean Germination Time) estimated for 565 Qinghai-
Tibet Plateau species. Number of days required for germination increased with increase in seed size (slope=
1.8) but the relationship is not significant (R2=0.01, d.f.=584, p>0.05). Each point represents one species
88 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
Seed Dispersal
At the ecosystem level, microhabitat and seed availability determine the composition
and diversity of species (Bullock et al., 1995; Tackenberg et al., 2003; Ozinga et al.,
2004). Seed dispersal has a marked effect on seed availability in any given location and
the distribution of the ‘seed rain’ is potentially very different to that of the parent plants.
Plants adapted to short-growing seasons in unpredictable environments are believed to
disperse seeds over a longer distance, so that seeds experience different weather
conditions and germinate in the environments where conditions are favorable
(Bakker et al., 1996; Baskin & Baskin, 1998; Tackenberg et al., 2003). Given the
unpredictability in climate, it is reasonable to expect alpine species have long distance
dispersal (LDD). In spite of a pullulating interest on understanding the seed dispersal in
low-altitude ecosystems, our knowledge on seed-dispersion patterns for alpine ecosys-
tem remains conjectural (McGraw & Vavrek, 1989; Muñoz & Arroyo, 2002). In
particular, research on alpine seed dispersal has mostly concerned the mode of seed
movement, rather than precisely estimating how long seeds could move. One reason for
this lacuna is the difficulty in tracking all routes a seed could move from mother plant
to the germination site. Even for the studies that attempted to quantify the distance,
results were influenced by several other factors such as height from which seeds are
dispersed; size and morphology of seeds; morphological adaptations for dispersal;
dispersal vectors availability; wind speed at the time of dispersal and wind direction.
Seed movement within alpine landscapes involves numerous dispersal vectors. Most
frequently seeds are dispersed by wind (Van der Pijl, 1982; Willson et al., 1990;
Table 3). A simulation model in the glacier foreland of the Dischma Valley,
Switzerland has shown that more than half of the alpine species were dispersed a long
distance by wind, whereas only 25 % of low altitude species tend to have LDD
(Tackenberg & Stöcklin, 2008). Because the horizontal movement of seed can be
affected by the wind speed, Tackenberg and Stöcklin (2008) also measured the wind
speed in alpine and low-altitude, but found only a small difference between these two
environments. However, wind speed may not only vary between season but also years
(Billings & Bliss, 1959). Furthermore, secondary movement of seeds also depends on
the soil characteristics (Chambers et al., 1991; Chambers, 1995, 2000). The small-sized
seeds frequently trapped by smaller particle size move vertically, thus do not move to
long-distances (see Chambers et al., 1991 for a detailed discussion). Therefore, it is not
known if the simulation model has overestimated the role of soil characteristics and
wind speed in secondary seed dispersal.
The dogma that seed dispersal agents are rare in alpine environments (McGraw &
Vavrek, 1989), has been disproved by active research over the last two decades. Seeds
of many alpine plants could successfully survive passage through the intestinal tract of
animals, i.e., endozoochory (Bruun et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2012). For some species, this
passage promoted germination, whereas for others it suppressed the total percentage of
germinated seeds. A good example is the Andean (Chile) shrub Berberis empetrifolia
dispersed in the faecal deposition of Liolaemus bellii. After passing through the
digestive tract, germination increased significantly when compared to the untreated
control (Celedon-Neghme et al., 2008).
In the alpine forest of southwestern China, species of Pinus armandii, P. densata,
Abies sp. and Viburnum sp. were predated by rodents (Wang et al., 2012). Two years of
a seed caching experiment showed not only that seeds of P. armandii were dispersed to
<10 m but also rodent seed selection for caching was size-specific. In the experiments
conducted with two populations of endangered Spanish black pine P. nigra in the
Cuenca Mountains of Central Spain, seed predation in a mast year was significantly
lower compared to the low seed producing year (Lucas-Borja et al., 2012) suggesting
seed predation varies between years. Mountain snowberries (Gaultheria depressa)
endemic to New Zealand alpine ecosystems was consumed by scree weta
(Deinacrida connectens) and moved long distances (Larsen & Burns, 2012), however
such dispersal events are rare.
The ability of ants to disperse seeds was assessed experimentally in Central Chilean
Andes for Sisyrinchium arenarium (Iridaceae) (Muñoz & Arroyo, 2002). Insightful
measurements made at two different altitudes (2700 m and 2000 m) revealed greater
activity of ants and birds at higher altitude compared to lower altitude, however, the
overall seed removal by ants was significantly greater than birds at both elevations. In a
subsequent study those authors showed that 9 species namely Alstroemeria pallida,
Anarthrophyllum cumingii, Chuquiraga oppositifolia, Laretia acaulis, Rhodophiala
rhodolirion, Sisyrinchium arenarium, Taraxacum officinale, Azorella monantha and
Pozoa coriacea, were dispersed by ants and birds, but only over a short distance
(Muñoz & Cavieres, 2006). In the sub-alpine locations of Mt. Norikura, Kita-Alps,
Japan, seeds of Dicentra peregrina were observed to be dispersed by Formica
gagatoides, but the distance is not known (Komatsu et al., 2014). To the best our
knowledge, experimental evidence of ants dispersing seeds in other alpine environment
has not been documented elsewhere. However, a growing number of studies are
explicitly showing the significance of seed dispersal by birds in other alpine locations.
For instance, in New Zealand, some fruit species were dispersed only by a fruit-eating
parrot, kea (Nestor notabilis) (Young et al., 2012), but the specific distance of seed
movement was not measured.
In New Zealand, 10 Veronica species disperse their seeds by the mechanism of
hygrochasy (Garnock‐Jones & Lloyd, 2004; Pufal et al., 2010). Hygrochasy is gener-
ally understood as the ability of seed holding structures to dehisce when the moisture
content of those structures increases to a certain threshold level. This mechanism of
seed dispersal is common in desert species, where water availability and seed dispersal
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 91
(and germination) must coincide. The evolution of hygrochasy beyond these alpine
endemics needs further clarification, although it is assumed that this mode of dispersal
does not favor LDD.
Many alpine species were able to float in water for more than 1 year, when
empirically tested (Danvind & Nilsson, 1997). Nevertheless, long-distance movement
of seeds by floating may be constrained by several factors (Danvind & Nilsson, 1997).
Since alpine landscapes are covered by snow for most of the year, there is a greater
probability that the seeds dispersed outside the snow-free growing season land on the
snow blanket. Although these seeds are dispersed by wind (Matlack, 1989; Chambers
& MacMahon, 1994), accumulating snow cover precludes further movement once the
seed has come into contact with the snow surface. During snow melting these seeds
move, but only over a short distance. For example, the work by Scherff et al. (1994)
showed melting snow moved seeds of Ranunculus adoneus only to a distance of 10 cm.
Similarly, Glaser (1981) observed extremely scarce movement of seeds when snowbeds
melted in Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska. Evidence of this kind clearly
demonstrates that the distance seeds move by this mode is inconsequential (Greene
& Johnson, 1997).
In recent years, the influence of humans on alpine vegetation has become more
pronounced. The construction of roads or walkways, regular visits to specific areas for
research and education, and the recent surge of interest in mountain tourism frequently
disturb vulnerable alpine communities. In addition, man and man-made machines are
more likely to move lowland seeds in to alpine environments. Emerging studies have
just started to understand the severity of the consequences for alpine plants, but for
some lengthy treatment of this subject consult Pauli et al. (2001). Trampling damage
due to walkers entering the Central Tasmanian alpine vegetation affects the shrubs,
shrubland and grassland, although fen tend to be more resistant (Whinam & Chilcott,
1999). Non-native seeds belonging to 17 families have been identified in polar regions
as a result of accidental transport by visitors (Ware et al., 2012). In Mount Norikura
(Japan), construction of road has changed the species composition as a result of
alteration in canopy and soil nutrition (Takahashi & Miyajima, 2010).
Except for wind dispersal, our knowledge of seed movement and potential dispersal
distances by other modes remains far from satisfactory. Indirect evidence suggests that
limited seed availability due to short-distance dispersal impedes the regeneration
potential in open alpine landscapes rather than microhabitat availability. For example,
restricted dispersal of Vaccinium myrtillus, Rhinanthus minor, Rumex acetosa,
Cicerbita alpina, Trollius europaeus and Campanula thyrsoides appears to be the
foremost reason for the patchy distribution, because seeds added manually to unoccu-
pied sites resulted in successful germination (Lindgren et al., 2007; Frei et al., 2012).
It has been argued above that LDD is a sporadic event in alpine species. Whilst this
is based on limited evidence, we nonetheless expect a larger set of data might yield
similar results. As of now, the notion that LDD is rare in alpine species should be
viewed as a working hypothesis rather than conclusion.
Given finite reserves of energy to establish their off-spring successfully, many plants
have evolved different ways of ensuring dispersal to different locations or persistence in
90 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
soil to reduce the so-called ‘colonizing effect’. One way is to invest in seed dispersal
structures to attain longer dispersal. Information regarding the seed dispersal structures
for alpine flora are incomplete, but a few alpine plants have been reported to invest in
seed dispersal structures (Chambers & MacMahon, 1994). Bu et al. (2008) provided
substantial data on the seed dispersal structure at community level in eastern Qinghai-
Tibet plateau (Fig. 4). This data set suggests that most of the alpine plants present do
not invest in any specific dispersal structures (Fig. 4), although a few species do invest
in wind dispersal structures. In their work on comparing seed dispersal patterns for
various plant communities, Willson et al. (1990) noted many alpine species could have
morphological adaptations for wind, thus seed dispersal by wind may be common,
amongst other available dispersal vectors.
While the studies by Willson et al. (1990) and Bu et al. (2008) generally agree that
most alpine species neither invest in specialized morphological structure nor move long
distances, the question as to why this is the case cannot be answered from available
evidence. There may be several plausible explanations, although none of them have
been rigorously treated in experimental works. Due to plant development in extremely
cold-climates, the parent plant may have only limited resources allocated for seed
development (Forbis, 2003; Körner, 2003). Larger seeds with specific dispersal struc-
ture means augmented investment, a reason that might explain why there were fewer
fleshy seeded species observed by Willson et al. (1990). Furthermore, seed develop-
ment must take place in a short time, if not, the development is carried over to next year
– principally because most alpine plants (and plant parts) are held in stasis by the snow
cover except the seed producing and growing season.
A decade ago, Körner (2003) tentatively concluded that most of the alpine species
may have seed mass of less than 4 mg. Extending his suggestion to a larger data set of
more than 1000 species by reworking the data presented by Ma et al.(2010b), Funes
et al. (1999), Cerabolini et al. (2003), Körner (2003), Giménez-Benavides et al. (2005),
Fig. 4 Dataset of 633 species collated by Bu et al. (2008) showing number of species investing in specific
dispersal structure
92 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
Pluess et al. (2005), Shimono and Kudo (2005), Bu et al. (2007a), Schwienbacher et al.
(2010), Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2013) [from the seed size summary data] and Wu et al.
(2013), we show that 88 % of the species have seed mass below 3 mg and nearly 93 %
have seed mass below 4 mg, reinforcing the selection of small-seeded species in alpine
vegetation. Furthermore, in literature where seed mass data are not presented for
individual species, those studies have some useful summary of seed mass range. For
example, of the 122 species reported in the study by Ma et al. (2010b), only few were
above 3 mg, with the seed mass of 4.3618 mg (Vicia multicaulis) as the largest seed.
Baker (1972) first proposed that seed weight decreases with elevation using a data
set from California. However, successive studies have either rejected (Mariko et al.,
1993; Pluess et al., 2005) or accepted (Bu et al., 2007b; Guo et al., 2010; Dainese &
Sitzia, 2013) this proposition, thereby undermining the generality of this pattern. One
plausible reason for lack of unanimity in results is because in these studies the climatic
conditions in which the seeds have developed were poorly measured or ignored. It has
been stated that the short length of summer and low temperatures at high-altitude
potentially limits the seed development duration and ‘there may simply be inadequate
time available for producing and stocking large, heavy seeds’ (Baker, 1972). To
support this view, seed developmental studies of Gentianella germanica comparing
histogenesis and maturation drying over 3 years, have indicated that seeds developed in
colder years were smaller and poorly developed when compared with seeds from the
warmer year (Wagner & Mitterhofer, 1998). Similar conclusions have been presented
for numerous species including Potentilla pulcherrima (Stinson, 2004).
Another limitation of the debate on the impact of seed size is due to the differing
objectives and methods used to determine if a relationship exists between seed size and
elevation. For Baker (1972) the average seed weight of species occurring at a particular
altitude compared with the mean seed weight at a different (higher) altitude shows a
decreasing trend, although discussions on one (Penstemon) genera and possibly same
results on other genera were presented. Pluess et al. (2005) measured the seed size in 29
Swiss alpine congeneric species and found seed size increased with altitude for 55 % of
the species tested, but decreased or remained equal for 3 % and 41 % of species
respectively. Nevertheless, populations of Scabiosa lucida, Saxifraga oppositifolia,
Epilobium fleischeri and Carex flaccafound occurring at different altitudes showed a
decrease in seed size with altitude. Mariko et al. (1993) working with Reynoutria
japonica seeds collected from various altitudes of Mt. Fuji, concluded that mean seed
weight of the upland population was significantly heavier than that of the lowland
populations. Interestingly, the proposition that seed size increases with altitude is
attributed to the fact that seedlings from larger seeds are more likely to survive extreme
conditions than seedlings developed from small seeds. However, if seedling size
advantage is a reason for the increased seed size observed with altitudes, this does
not explain why large seeded species are rare in high altitudes (Table 4). Although we
are inclined to believe that having a larger seed in comparison to low altitude species
may be advantageous for alpine species of higher altitudes, we also accept that this
‘trend’ is not universal - even within an individual plant the seeds produced vary in size
significantly, presumably due to numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors, e.g., maternal
environment, heteromorphism etc.
The underlying hypothesis describing the evolution of alpine plants has not yet been
completely understood. However, it is suggested that some of the spermatophytes
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 93
Table 4 Seed size of 1011 species collected from the published literature, Ma et al.(2010b), Funes et al.
(1999), Cerabolini et al. (2003), Körner (2003), Giménez-Benavides et al. (2005), Lorite et al. (2007), Pluess
et al. (2005), Shimono and Kudo (2005), Bu et al. (2007a), Schwienbacher et al (2010), Ma et al. (Ma et al.,
2013) [from the seed size summary data] and Wu et al. (2013)
For some species, seed mass was determined by searching the seed information database (Royal Botanic
Gardens Kew Seed Information Database (SID))
species abundance (Chu et al., 2007). In addition, seed mass was negatively related to
species density early in the succession and this relationship became insignificant with
time, implying large-seeded species started colonizing in later successional stages. This
idea has been reinforced by examining the community assembly changes in Qinhghai-
Tibetan Plateau China, where abundant species in an early-successional meadow were
shown to be small-seeded species (Zhang et al., 2012). However, the question as to
what extent environment acted as a selective pressure and determined the evolutionary
origin of alpine seeds along the successional gradient still remains unclear.
These studies, although few in number, offer insights suggesting that, owing to the
advantage that species with smaller seeds have in entering seed banks (Funes et al.,
1999; Cerabolini et al., 2003; Schwienbacher et al., 2010), most alpine species may
benefit from the seed banks rather than dispersal. Furthermore, seeds in alpine soil
remain frozen most of the year and therefore secondary dispersal could be limited
during these periods. This feature essentially drives the seeds to establish a soil seed
bank. Consequently, entry into a seed bank may be critically advantageous not only
because little to no investment for separate structures is required but also because the
low soil temperature ensuring increased longevity of seeds (McGraw et al., 1991). We
therefore suggest that most alpine seeds have an increased tendency to be found in a
seed bank in the model developed by Chambers and MacMahon (1994).
This review has thus far dealt with various factors that influence the entry and exit of
seeds into alpine seed banks but all of these bar the external environment are strongly
affected by the phylogeny of the species themselves. The relatedness of taxa in alpine
systems therefore has the potential to explain some of the variation in seed size and
morphology, dispersal strategy, dormancy mechanisms and response to germination
cues, all of which affect the composition of seed banks. Links between phylogeny and
traits affecting seed bank membership have been made in temperate systems (Mazer,
1989; Leishman et al., 1995), tropical communities (Norden et al., 2009) and alpine/
subalpine vegetation (Bu et al., 2007a, 2008; Xu et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2004). More
generally, Finch-Savage and Leubner-Metzger (2006) highlight the common evolution-
ary path for dormancy that means it is present throughout the higher plant families with
only a few exceptions, and in all major climate zones. However, associations between
phylogenetic groupings and germinability (measured as germination percentage, ger-
mination time, or both) whilst being significant, are very variable and models point to a
number of sometimes unidentified alternative explanators. For example, Bu et al.
(2008) could explain only 12 % of the variation of germination time in a one way
ANOVA by using phylogeny, whilst Bu et al. (2007a, 2007b) attributed 65.4 % of
germinability variation to genus-level groupings using GLMs that also included habitat,
a non-significant explanatory variable. In addition to these ambiguous results, there is a
geographic focus to the plateau communities of central Asia and until researchers in
other regions emulate their efforts, no generalities can be made.
Understanding how alpine seeds establish seed banks is of extensive ecological and
practical importance, because changes induced by global warming directly affect seed
regeneration potential, thus influencing the floristic changes of alpine environments.
Seed Bank Composition and Longevity in the Alpine Environment 95
(1) The inherited traits of dormancy, germination temperature and light requirement
could be affected to some extent by the maternal environment, which exert a
selective pressure in developing physiological mechanisms that are location-
specific. The effect of maternal climate affecting some of the adapted traits clearly
suggests that these traits are likely to be altered in a future warming climate.
Evidence for these patterns is already becoming apparent in some of the alpine
locations. However, much remains to be studied.
(2) It is suggested that climatic conditions in the growing season only partly controls
seed carry-over. Because of specific germination temperatures required for each
species present in a population, some temperatures preclude germination in some
species and carry the seeds forward; the same temperature would initiate germi-
nation in other species. Since not all dormant and small seeded species enter
persistence seed banks, there is a possibility that some other (physiological)
factors are also involved in persistence under alpine climate. In addition to finding
such factors, if any, contributing persistence, we need more rigorous appraisal of
seed characteristics in relation to the environment. These approaches should also
take inter alia inter-annual and inter-population variability into account. Thus,
more specific studies delineating the point at which seeds bury in the model
(Fig. 1) are needed.
(3) Driving forces selecting seeds for seed banks must be evaluated in detail. Seed
loss by germination and dispersal should be documented clearly. More especially,
knowledge on dispersal is important in spatial demography studies particularly on
soil seed banks. Many studies have shown vegetation of alpine regions is patchy
possibly due to limited dispersal. LDD rarely occurs in alpine regions. If seeds do
migrate to long-distance, habitat-dependent germination requirement are not met
often, thereby seeds either germinate asynchronously to the dispersed environ-
ment or remain in soil for long time.
(4) While a limited number of recent studies mostly on Qinghai-Tibet plateau, China,
have focused on dispersal structure, little –if any- information exists on commu-
nities from other locations. This limited data on seed dispersal structure and
dispersal distance dataset clearly underpins the need for more community level
studies, paying particular attention to altitudinal and climatic influence.
96 G.K. Jaganathan et al.
(5) Further phylogenetic investigations are needed to tease out the relationships
between the key traits affecting the entrance to, and persistence in, the alpine
seed bank and evolutionary origins of various responses to alpine environments.
Furthermore, research in many more alpine regions other than central Asia
is needed. Phylogenetic explanators of seed bank membership, if they exist,
would allow more insightful predictions of responses to environmental
change where species composition of the above- and below-ground com-
munities is known, but responses of seed germination under warming
conditions is untested.
(6) A critical understanding of the germination requirements of local and invading
species is essential. Many species probably survive changing climate by migrating
to the locations where the originally adapted-for conditions still prevail (Hughes,
2000; Walther et al., 2009). Climate change has now surpassed a threshold,
inexorably forcing us to get a glimpse of types of plants that would survive in
the future climate and in so doing, more meaningful conservation strategies can be
devised. There is persuasive evidence that global warming will result in migration
of low-altitude plants to alpine environments. The lower likelihood of alpine seeds
reaching new environments highlight the need to recognize the interaction of
encroached species with the endemic alpine seeds germinate from soil seed banks.
In the future climate, these interactions essentially determine the species compo-
sition in alpine environment.
Insights into these areas will essentially help reveal the selective forces behind the
seed adaptation/selection in alpine environment. Such results also would provide more
understanding on how warming climate affects alpine seed banks.
Acknowledgments We thank Prof. Carol C. Baskin, Prof. Mary A. Leck and two anonymous reviewers for
critically reading and suggesting numerous improvements on an earlier version of this manuscript. It is a
pleasure to thank Xiao Qun for her help in preparing Table 4 and verifying plant names throughout. We are
indeed thankful to the financial support by NSFC (Grant No.51076108) and the program for Professor of
Eastern Scholar.
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