A. Activating Prior Knowledge (Inds and Moods) Activity I

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MATATAG K to 10 School Malapad na Bato National High Grade Level 7

Curriculum Lesson School

Log Name of Teacher Rochelle M. Vilela Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates and September 30-October 1,2024 Quarter Second

A. Content Standards Learners learn the,

familiarity and proper use of a compound microscope are essential to observe cells.
B. Performance By the end of the Quarter, learners demonstrate understanding of the parts and function of a
Standards compound microscope and use this to identify cell structure.
C. Learning The learners identify the parts and functions, and demonstrate proper handling and storing of a
Competencies and compound microscope.
Objectives Objectives:
1. Identify the parts of a compound microscope and the function of each part. (Cognitive)
2. Demonstrate/illustrate proper ways of handling a compound microscope through
differentiated instruction. (Psychomotor)
3. Recognize the importance of microscope as an essential laboratory instrument into different
fields. (Affective)
D. Content Science Equipment: The Compound Microscope
E. Integration Utilization of microscope in investigating microorganism and their roles in ecosystem
 Science – Grade 7 Quarter 2 – Lesson 1: Compound Microscope Its parts and function, Pasig City
 10 Amazing Microscopic Creatures. (n.d.). KiwiCo. https://www.kiwico.com/blog/outdoor-activities/amazing-microscopic-
creatures • Arizona State University. (n.d.). Cell Anatomy Viewer Game | Ask A Biologist. Askabiologist.asu.edu.
A. Activating Prior Short Review
Knowledge Activity I
(Minds and Moods) A.Information Media and Technology Skills- Visual literacy: Using four pics 1-word activity
the students will guess the words presented and will classify them as either plants or animals.


Processing Questions:
 How are the words connected to each other?
 What are the two classifications of living organisms?

All living organisms can be classified into two major groups- plants and animals. Most plants
their own food so, they are called autotrophs. All animals cannot make their own food so, they are
called heterotrophs.

Activity II
B. Discovery Approach-Communication Skills-Collaboration
Mystery Object “what it is?”- The students are presented with photographs
of different miniature living organisms located inside a mystery box (tardigrades in the
aquatic environment, rotifers in freshwater habitat, neurons in the nervous system, molds found in
bread, blood vessels of the circulatory system, pollen grains in flowering plants, salmonella
that causes diarrhea, cervix cells in the female reproductive system) and identify the mystery
that links all the given examples provided by a worksheet.

Learning Activity Sheet

Objective: : Guess the mystery object using the gallery provided.
Materials needed: worksheet, writing material ( e.g., ballpen)
Directions: Observe the different illustrations in the gallery . Identify the mystery object that is
commonly used to study the different pictures. Answer the question that follow.
1. What is the common among all the pictures presented?
2. What is the relationship between the pictures and the mystery object?
3. What is the mystery object?

Activity III
KWL Chart: (Formative Assessment) Using the graphic organizer, the students will recall
their prior knowledge about the mystery object. The learners will only answer K and W at this

B.Establishing purpose of the Activity IV

Lesson (Aims) Unlocking Content Area Vocabulary: Define each given term choose the correct meaning from
the box provided.
1. Microscope  The factor by which microscope enlarge an image.
2. Magnification  The ability of microscope to distinguish details of a
3. Resolution specimen or sample.
4. Illumination
 The light source used to illuminate the specimen.
 An optical instrument used for viewing very small
 Very small and only able to seen with a microscope
5. Microscopic

Activity V.a
Communication Skills-Collaboration. Students will be group into four. Each group will be given
an activity sheet to accomplish.

Learning Activity Sheet


Concept: A microscope is a scientific instrument used to magnify and observe objects that are
too small to be seen with the naked eye. It works by focusing light or electrons to create an
enlarged image of the specimen. There are two types of microscope the simple and compound. A
simple microscope is composed of one lense and provide relatively low magnifying power.
Magnifying glass is a good example of simple microscope. A compound microscope is a type of
optical microscope that uses multiple lenses and provide powerful magnification. It consists of
two sets of lenses: the objective lens, which is closer to the specimen and provides the initial
magnification, and the eyepiece lens, which further magnifies the image for the viewer's eye. A
compound microscope has different parts with specific functions.

Objective: : Identify the parts of the compound microscope and the function of each part.
Materials needed: worksheet, tape or glue, writing material ( e.g., ballpen and pencil)
Directions: Label the parts of the compound microscope using the provided meta cards. Do it by
group. Post and present the output in front of the class with one representative from your group.
Activity V.b
Learning Activity Sheet
Objective: : Identify the function of each part of the microscope.
Materials needed: worksheet, writing material ( e.g., ballpen and pencil)
Directions: Fill in the table provided below.

B. Developing and Activity VI

Deepening Differentiated Instruction and Collaboration: Students will work in group. Each group will be
Understanding (Tasks given an activity sheet to accomplish.
and Thoughts) Learning Activity Sheet
Objective: : Demonstrate or illustrate the proper ways of handling a compound microscope
Materials needed: compound microscope, cartolina tape, coloring and drawing material
(e.g., ballpen and pencil)
 Provided with the proper ways of handling a compound microscope below, work by group on
presenting it through a. DEMONSTRATION or b. ILLUSTRATION.
- Demonstration - explains via action, shows and tells in doing something
- Illustration - uses images, drawings, and additional text in order to elaborate on
 Each group will choose one to two representatives to present their collaborative output.
 Rubric is provided below for the criteria and scores.

Proper ways of handling a compound microscope

1. Carry your microscope in both hands.
2. Grasp the arm with one hand and place the other hand under the base for support
3. Always place the microscope on a level and stable surface.

4 3 2 1 Point
Explanation A complete Good solid response Explanation is Misses key
response with clear unclear points
with a explanation
Demonstrate Shows Shows substantial Response shoes Response
d Knowledge complete understanding of the some shoes a
understandin task. understanding complete
g of the task. of the task. lack of
g of the task.
Requirement Goes beyond Meets the Hardly meets Does not
s the requirements of the the meet the
requirement task. requirements of requirement
of the task. the task. of the teask.



4 3 2 1 Point
Details Shows exact Shows a lot of details Shows some of Shows a little
details of the of the task. details of the of details of
task. task. the task.
Writing, With detailed With clear With limited Misses a lot
drawings and clear explanation of the explanation of of key
explanation task. the task points
of the task.
Presentation Everything is Some is neat and Little neatness Neatness
neat and presentable. and hard to and being
presentable. read. presentable
is not
Activity VII

Learning and Innovation Skills-Critical Thinking: Reading skills Students will read the
concept below and will answer the hot’s questions provided.


Learning Activity Sheet

Objective: : Recognize the importance of microscope into different fields.
Materials needed: worksheet, writing material ( e.g., ballpen and pencil)
Directions: Read the article below then make a diagram using the information you had learned
from reading the text. Different types of diagram are provided at the back of your worksheet.
Choose the one you need in identifying the information from the texts. Write your answer inside
the box

We know that the major uses of microscope is to view objects which are so tiny that they are
invisible to naked eye. There are various applications of this devices depending on the fields it is
used. It can be used to solve crimes, cure diseases, create new materials and even used for
analysis of fossils which were part of history.
Some Applications and uses of Microscope are in:

 Botanical Field
 Biological Field
 Crime Investigation
 Educational Field
 Medical Field

Microscopes in Botanical Field

Lab professionals and students who want to study the features of leaves, their cells, and many
features of a plant, use this device. Botanists do multiple researches on various plants and fungi
for research purposes which helps them find many new features.

Microscopes in Biological Field

We have seen this device in every biological laboratories. This device is used for observing
microorganisms and their features. In this field, microscopes are used to study bacteria, cells and
many more. This device helps biologists in their study of living organisms and their cell

Microscope in Crime Detection

Use of microscopes in crime fields helps to simplify complex evidences and helps in studying
them to solve cases. We use this device for forensics purposes and prove the convict is innocent
or not. There is major application of these devices in this field and without it will not be possible
to examine certain things which are not visible with naked eye.

Microscopes in Education
In various institutions, colleges, schools and universities, among various optical instruments, this
lab tool will be found in every laboratory of major departments. Students use this device to learn
new things and understand the world around them. Because of its excellent usage, it is one of the
favourite device of students.

Microscopes in Medical field

Human’s greatest contribution to healthcare would not have been possible without the use of
microscopes. Scientists and lab professionals use this device to study various viruses and
bacteria and find out cure for various diseases. Researchers use this device to study deadly
microorganisms and how they affect human body .

Hot’s Questions: SOLO Framework

1. What is the message of the text?_unistructural)

2. What are the use of microscope into different fields ?( unistructural)

3. Generally how does the use of microscope give impact on our society?(relational)

Activity VIII

Analogy-What Part Am I?
Directions: Identify the part of the compound microscope as described by the following functions.
1. I support the body tube, what part am I? (Arm)
2. I support the entire body of the microscope, what part am I? (Base )
3. I hold the slide in place, what part am I? ( Stage clip)
4. I move the body tube up and down to focus the specimen viewed under the low power
objectives, what part am I? (coarse adjustment knob)
5. I reflect the light form the source to the specimen for viewing, what part am I?(mirror)
6. I enlarge the specimen 40x and provide the detailed part of the specimen, what part am I?
(high power objective HPO)
7. I used to get sharp focus of the specimen viewed under the high-power objectives, what part
am I?(fine adjustment knob)
8. I enlarge the specimen 10x and provide the general view of the specimen, what part am I?
(low power objective LPO)
9. I regulate the amount of light that will pass through the stage, what part am I?(diaphragm)
10.I allow to tilt microscope into different angles, what part am I?(inclination joint)
Making Generalization and Activity IX
(Abstractions) KWL Chart: Formative Assessment -Using the graphic organizer, the students will
answer the L column or what they have learned about the microscope.

Evaluating Learning(Test) Multiple Choice (Formative Assessment)

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the correct letter of answer. Write it in a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which two parts of the compound microscope magnify the image of an object? (B)
a. Eyepiece and mirror
b. Eyepiece and objectives
c. Objectives and mirror
d. Objectives and diaphragm
2. The parts labeled A and D in the diagram are,(B)
a. The objective lens and mirror respectively
b. The eyepiece and the objective lens respectively
c. The mirror and the eye piece respectively
d. The objective and the eyepiece respectively
3. Which among the following statements does NOT describe the parts of a microscope and its
I. Microscope is a scientific instrument used to magnify and observe objects that are
too small to be seen with the naked eye.
II. The low power objective (LPO) -enlarges the specimen 40x
III. A compound microscope is a type of optical microscope that uses multiple lenses
and provide powerful magnification.
IV. Mirror reflects the light form the source to the specimen for viewing
a. I b. II c.III d. IV
4. The following are various analogy on the parts and function of a compound microscope. Which
one is CORRECTLY paired? (A)
a. low power objective (LPO): 10x magnification
b. arm: reflection of light
c. stage clip: supports the body tube
d. arm: hold the slide
5. Each part of a compound microscope plays a vital role. What will happen to the microscope if
the lenses are damage? (C)
a. The microscope will function normally and not be affected.
b. The microscope can be used during laboratory experiments.
c. The magnification of objects using microscope is not possible.
d. Both a and b

Additional Activities for Learning and Innovation Skills- Reflective Thinking

Application or Remediation Write an essay on your reflection about this quotation by Robert Hooke.
(if applicable) “By the help of microscopes, there is nothing so small, as to escape our inquiry; hence there is a
new visible world discovered to the understanding.”.

Remarks Note observations Effective Practices Problems Encountered

(Annotations) on any of the
following areas
strategies explored

materials used


Reflection (Gains) Reflection guide:

 Why did I teach the lesson the way I did?

 What roles did my students play in my lesson?

 What could I have done differently?

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