Running Time Calculation

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Running Time Calculations

1. Basic operations in algorithm

1) An algorithm to solve a particular task employs some set of basic operations.

2) When we estimate the amount of work done by an algorithm we usually do not

consider all the steps such as e.g. initializing certain variables.

3) Generally, the total number of steps is roughly proportional to the number of the basic
4) Thus, we are concerned mainly with the basic operations -
how many times the basic operations have to be performed depending on the size of

The work done by an algorithm, i.e. its complexity, is determined by the number of the basic
operations (Primitive operations) necessary to solve the problem.

Note: The complexity of a program that implements an algorithm is roughly the same,
but not exactly the same as the complexity of the algorithm.
Here we are talking about algorithms independent on any particular implementation -
programming language or computer.

2. Size of input
Some algorithms are not dependent on the size of the input - the number of the operations they
perform is fixed. Other algorithms depend on the size of the input, and these are the algorithms that
might cause problems. Before implementing such an algorithm, we have to be sure that the algorithm
will finish the job in reasonable time.

What is size of input? We need to choose some reasonable measure of size. Here are some examples:

Problem Size of input

Find x in an array The number of the elements in the array

Multiply two matrices The dimensions of the matrices

Sort an array The number of elements in the array

Traverse a binary tree The number of nodes

Solve a system of linear equations The number of equations, or the number of

the unknowns, or both

Counting the number of operations

There are four rules to count the operations:

Rule 1: for loops

The running time of a for loop is at most the running time of the statements inside the loop
times the number of iterations.

for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

sum = sum + i;

Find how many times each statement is executed:

for( i = 0; i < n; i++) // i = 0; executed only once: O(1)

// i < n; n + 1 times : O(n)
// i++; n times: O(n)

total time of the loop heading:

O(1) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n)

sum = sum + i; // executed n times: O(n)

The loop heading plus the loop body will give: O(n) + O(n) = O(n).
Loop running time is: O(n)

Hence we can say:


a. the size of the loop is n

(loop variable runs from 0 or some fixed constant, to n) and
b. the body has constant running time (no nested loops)

then the time is O(n)

Rule 2: Nested loops

The total running time is the running time of the inside statements times the product of the
sizes of all the loops

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
for( j = 0; j < n; j++)

Applying Rule 1 for the nested loop (the 'j' loop) we get O(n) for the body of the outer loop.

The outer loop (the 'i' loop) runs n times so we get O(n),

therefore the total time for the nested loops will be :

O(n) * O(n) = O(n*n) = O(n2).

What happens if the inner loop does not start from 0?

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
for( j = i; j < n; j++)


Here, the number of the times the inner loop is executed depends on the value of i:

i = 0, inner loop runs n times

i = 1, inner loop runs (n-1) times
i = 2, inner loop runs (n-2) times
i = n - 2, inner loop runs 2 times
i = n - 1, inner loop runs 1 (once)

Adding the right column, we get: ( 1 + 2 + … + n) = n*(n+1)/2 = O(n2)

General rule for loops:

Running time is the product of the size of the loops times the running time of the body.


sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)
for( j = 0; j < 2n; j++)


We have one operation inside the loops, and the product of the sizes is 2n2.
Hence the running time is O(2n2) = O(n2)
Rule 3: Consecutive program fragments
The total running time is the maximum of the running time of the individual fragments

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

sum = sum + i;

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < 2n; j++)


The first loop runs in O(n) time, the second - O(n2) time, the maximum is O(n2)

Rule 4: If statement
if Condition


The running time is the maximum of the running times of S1 and S2.

0. Search in an unordered array of elements.

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

if (a[i] == x) return 1; // 1 means succeed
return -1; // -1 means failure, the element is
// not found

The basic operation in this problem is comparison, so we are interested in how the number of
comparisons depends on n.

Here we have a loop that runs at most n times:

If the element is not there, the algorithm needs n comparisons.

If the element is at the end, we need n comparisons.
If the element is somewhere in between, we need less than n comparisons.

In the worst case (element not there, or located at the end), we have n comparisons to make.
Hence the number of operations is O(n).

To find what is the average case, we have to consider the possible cases:

element is at the first position: 1 comparison

element is at the second position: 2 comparisons

We compute the sum of the comparisons for the possible cases and then divide by the number
of the cases, assuming that all cases are equally likely to happen:

1 + 2 + … + n = n(n+1)/2

Thus in the average case the number of comparisons would be (n+1)/2 = O(n).

Generally, the algorithm for finding an element in an unsorted array needs O(n) operations.

1. Search in a table n x m

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
if (a[i][j] == x) return 1 ; // 1 means succeed
return -1; // -1 means failure - the
// is not found.

Here the inner loop runs at most m times and it is located in another loop that runs at
most n times, so in total there would be at most nm operations. Strictly speaking, nm is less
than n2 when m < n. However, for very large values of n and m the difference is negligible,
the amount of work done is roughly the same.
Thus we can say that the complexity here is O(n2).

2. Finding the greatest element in an array

amax = a[0];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a[i] > amax)
amax = a[i];

Here the number of operations is always n-1. The amount of work depends on the size of the
input, but does not depend on the particular values.

The running time is O(n), we disregard "-1" because the difference for large n is negligible.

The complexity here is O(n), we disregard "-1" because the difference for large n is

Intro to Algorithms

Problems on loop complexity

▪ Problem 1

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)


Sol: The running time for the operation sum++ is a constant. The loop runs n times, hence
the complexity of the loop would be O(n)

▪ Problem 2

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < n; j++)


Sol: The running time for the operation sum++ is a constant.

The outer loop runs n times, The nested loop also runs n times, hence the complexity would
be O(n2)

▪ Problem 3

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < n * n; j++)


Sol: The running time for the operation sum++ is a constant.

The outer loop runs n times, The nested loop runs n * n times, hence the complexity would
be O(n3)

▪ Problem 4

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < i; j++)


Sol: The running time for the operation sum++ is a constant.

The outer loop runs n times. For the first execution of the outer loop the inner loop runs
only once. For the second execution of the outer loop the inner loop runce twice, for the
third execution - three times, etc. Thus the inner loop will be executed 1 + 2 + ... + (n-1) + n

1 + 2 + ... + (n-1) + n = n(n+1) / 2, which gives (n+1) / 2 on average.

Thus the total running time would be O(n*(n+1)/2) = O(n*n) = O(n2)

▪ Problem 5

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < i*i; j++)

for( k = 0; k < j; k++)

Sol: The running time for the operation sum++ is a constant.

The most inner loop runs at most n*n times, the middle loop also runs at most n*n times,
and the outer loop runs n times, thus the overall complexity would be O(n5)

▪ Problem 6

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < i*i; j++)

if (j % i ==0)
for( k = 0; k < j; k++)

Sol: Compare this problem with Problem 5. Obviously the most inner loop will run less
times than in Problem 5, and a refined analysis is possible, we are usually content to neglect
the if statement and consider its running time to be O(n2), yielding an overall running time
of O(n5)

▪ Problem 7

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

val = 1;
for( j = 0; j < n*n; j++)
val = val * j;
Sol: First, we asume that the running time to compute an arithmetic expression without
function calls is negligible. Then, we have two consecutive loops with running times O(n)
and O(n2). We take the maximum complexity, hence the overall runing time would be O(n2)

▪ Problem 8

sum = 0;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++)

for( j = 0; j < n*n; j++)
The complexity of the function compute_val(x,y) is given to be O(nlogn)

Sol: The difference between this problem and the Problem 7 consists in the presence of a
function in the loop body, whose complexity is not a constant - it depends on n and is given
to be O(nlogn)

The second loop runs n*n times, so its complexity would be O(n2 * nlogn) = O(n3logn).
The first loop has less running time - O(n), we take the maximum and conclude that the
overall running time would be O(n3logn)

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