English - Year 7 Test

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Cambridge Secondary 1 Progression Test

Question paper

1 hour 10 minutes

English Paper 1 For Teacher's Use


Page Mark
Stage 8 1

Name ………………………………………………….……………………….

Additional materials: None 5


Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper.
You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting.
The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part
question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50. 10

Suggestions for how long to spend on each section are given in the booklet.

DC (AC) 94049/6RP
© UCLES 2014

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Section A: Reading For

Read this extract from an article called Call of the wild and then answer the questions.

Call of the wild

In August 2011 Desiree Versteeg, a Dutch citizen, was driving home in the suburbs
of Arnhem, in the east of the Netherlands, when she saw an animal in the road. ‘At
first I thought it was a dog or a fox. Then – I couldn’t believe my eyes – I saw it was
a wolf.’ She got out of the car to take a picture. ‘I was seven or eight metres away
from him. He couldn’t get away because a fence was blocking his path. He turned 5
and stared at me. That was frightening.’ Both she and the wolf fled.

From Ms Versteeg’s photographs, and from the body of a deer found nearby,
scientists verified that she was the first person to have seen a wolf in the Netherlands
since 1897. Having talked to the experts, she now thinks that the wolf was probably
more afraid than she was. ‘But at the time all you know is: it’s a wolf, it’s a predator 10
and I’m in its way.’

Ms Versteeg’s experience illustrates a dramatic change that has taken place in the
West over the past couple of decades. Attitudes to wolves have changed. For the
first time in history, people have stopped trying to kill them and taken to protecting
them instead.

However, this effort to protect wolves has been too successful and wolves are now
returning to areas from which they disappeared as much as a century ago. There
are disagreements over whether mankind can live side-by-side with a species that
was once the Western world’s top predator.
verified: confirmed, agreed
a decade: a period of 10 years

1 What information can be found in the article? Tick () one box.

what wolves eat

why Ms Versteeg photographed the wolf

the fact that wolf numbers are increasing

why wolves are the Western world’s top predator


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2 Find one opinion expressed in the article. For

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

3 Here are some suggested headings to fit the information in each paragraph in the article.
Write the number of the paragraph (1, 2, 3 and 4) beside each heading.

Different treatment ..........

A future together ..........
Scaring each other ..........
An unexpected meeting ..........

4 If headings were used in this article, how would they help the reader?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

5 Give the meaning of each of these words as they are used in the article.
In each case give one word or a short phrase.

blocking (Line 5) ................................................................................................................. [1]

illustrates (Line 12) .............................................................................................................. [1]

6 Find a prepositional phrase and a collective noun in this sentence.

By the end of the next century, wolf packs had disappeared from western Holland,
although they were still fairly common in country areas in the east.

(a) a prepositional phrase ................................................................................................ [1]

(b) a collective noun ......................................................................................................... [1]

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7 Rewrite this sentence using the same words so that it has a fronted adverbial. For
Use correct punctuation. Use

Following her surprise encounter, Ms Versteeg later developed an interest in wolves.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

8 Why does the writer use dashes in the first paragraph?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

9 Punctuate this text. Use two commas, one question mark and one colon.

Wolf numbers are the highest for fifty years. Hunting is less popular, but what are the
other reasons for the increase Holland’s experience of wolves is a good guide there
are more nature reserves; there are laws to protect wolves; and people especially in
cities are less afraid of wolves. [2]

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Read this extract from the scientific report Reintroducing wolves into Scotland and then answer For
the questions. Use

Reintroducing wolves into Scotland

Red deer are a part of the Scottish landscape. However, they cause a great deal of
economic and environmental damage. In much of the Highlands of Scotland, deer
populations are very high, so deer can have a bad effect on the land: deer damage
attempts to replant forests; they reduce bird numbers; and they compete for food
with livestock such as sheep and cattle. 5

The deer population in Scotland is difficult to control by hunting alone. Because

numbers are not being managed, deer are causing major problems to the land in
some areas. As a result, some people have suggested reintroducing grey wolves.
Their main wild prey, if reintroduced, would be red deer.

Opinions among rural and urban communities about the costs and benefits of 10
reintroducing wolves into Scotland were studied. Despite people’s traditional fear
of wolves, the general public – though not farmers – is reasonably positive about
the idea. Such support is necessary for a reintroduction of wolves to be successful.

However, unless reintroductions are well planned, attitudes could become more
negative. Wolves would be likely to spread throughout the Highlands and this would 15
have an effect on other wildlife. There would be increased losses of sheep and
cattle, and attacks on dogs might also become more common.

10 List three specific problems that deer can cause

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................

3 ........................................................................................................................................... [3]

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11 List two specific problems that reintroducing wolves might cause. For
1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................... [2]

12 People’s attitudes to wolves have changed. Give one example from the texts of past, present
and future attitudes to wolves. You can refer to both texts.

Past ..........................................................................................................................................

Present .....................................................................................................................................

Future ................................................................................................................................... [3]

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Section B: Writing For

13 Your neighbourhood decided to collect money for saving the endangered animals, and
educate the teenagers of how to participatein saving these poor animals. Write a newspaper
report to cover this event.
You will need to think about:
• 5 Ws
• the reasons why did they decide to do that? what did they do in
this campaigne?
• What did they do with the money collected ? What next?

Write your plan in this box.

Purpose and Audience [7] Punctuation [5]

Text Structure [7] Spelling [4]

Sentence Structure [7]

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Write your letter here For


























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Copyright Acknowledgements:

Questions 1 – 9 © http://www.economist.com/news/christmas/215686; The Economist; 22 December 2012.

© Call of the Wild, Wolf Reintroduction to Scotland; http//:rspb.royalsocietypubishing.org/274/1612/995.full.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Cambridge Secondary 1 Progression Test

English Paper 2

Stage 7

DC (AC) 86020/6RP
© UCLES 2014

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Section A: Reading

Read this passage from The Extincts by Veronica Cossanteli and then answer the questions in the
question paper.

George Drake, an 11 year-old boy, finds some money.


The weird stuff all began with £3.72.

I didn’t know it was £3.72, of course, until I picked it up – a scattering of coins on a wet
pavement – and counted it.

George Drake, it’s your lucky day! Three strikes at Bumper Bowl with Josh and Matt – and
now FREE MONEY! I let the coins trickle out of my hand, into my pocket, and got back on 5
my bike.

What do you do with £3.72? Easy. If you’re me, you buy sweets.

I was in the shop for about a minute. When I came out, my bike had gone. I had a paper bag
full of gummy caterpillars and strawberry laces and foam bananas – but no bike. And it was
raining. And it was a long walk home. 10

Sorry, George Drake, just kidding. Not your lucky day after all.

Great. Just great. I bit the head of a gummy caterpillar, and started walking.

By the time I got home, I was feeling a bit sick. I’m not totally sure that I like foam bananas.
Mum was upside down in the garden. Other people don’t do yoga in the garden in the rain,
just Mum. 15

‘Electricity bill’s come,’ she said, from between her knees. ‘Even bigger than last time. Huge.
Seriously, George – it’s MONSTROUS!’

Mum only does yoga when she’s worried about something. Bills. The washing machine
breaking down. Parents’ evening. Dad. She unfolded herself, balancing on one leg, like a
flamingo – except flamingos can do it without wobbling. Then she noticed. 20

‘Where’s your bike?’

I told her, then wished that I hadn’t. A good mother would have agreed that all bike thieves
should be nibbled to death by flesh-eating cockroaches, or lowered head first into barrels of
boiling custard, or shot into space out of giant cannons. But no – apparently, it was all my
fault. 25

‘You left your bike outside the shop without locking it? George, that was stupid. What were
you thinking?’

Then I had to listen to a whole load of yabber-yabber-blah-blah parent stuff about Being
More Careful. It went on and on for ages, until she lost her balance and fell into the rose
bush. 30

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I pulled her out, scratched and bleeding.

‘You were saying? About being careful?’

‘Oh. Yes. Well…’ Mum sucked the blood from her fingers. ‘We’ll say no more about it. Stuff

Half an hour later, I was taking my mind off my lost bike when I heard Mum calling my name. 35
‘George? George?’

‘Just a minute. Wait –’

Mum was outside the back door.

‘Look!’ she said, proudly. ‘It was right at the back of the shed. A perfectly good bike.’ She
brushed a cobweb off the rusting handlebars. ‘Nothing wrong with it.’ 40

Except it was pink.

Typical Mum. She’s famous for forgetting things, but you’d think she’d remember…

‘Mum, I’m a boy.’

‘Oh, that! That’s all poppycock.’ Mum flapped her hands. ‘Real men aren’t afraid of pink.’

What does Mum know about Real Men? She married Dad. 45

I looked at the bike. No gears. No suspension. No anything, unless you counted a rusty bell
and a little wicker basket. I tried to imagine riding that around town on a Saturday afternoon.
I could picture Josh and Matt’s faces…

‘No! No, Mum, I can’t!’

She looked hurt, which made me feel bad. Why do grown-ups never see things? Things 50
that are perfectly obvious? Is there a part of the brain that stops working when you get to
twenty-one or something? That’s a bit scary. It means I have ten years left of being normal…

‘If you want a new bike, you’ll have to save up for it.’ Now she was in a mood. ‘I don’t know
how I’m going to pay that electricity bill as it is.’

Mum has a shop. It’s called The Mermaid’s Cave. She burns incense and plays whale 55
music and never has any customers. I think people already have as many smelly candles
and bead curtains and wind chimes as they want.

‘You can earn some money,’ she suggested, a bit less grumpily. ‘You can wash the car. I’ll
give you 50p.’

‘Mum, we haven’t got a car.’ 60

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Copyright Acknowledgements:

Veronica Cossanteli; The Extincts; Chicken House.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort
has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to
make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Page 14 of 33
Cambridge Secondary 1 Progression Test
Question paper

1 hour 10 minutes

English Paper 2 For teacher’s use

Page Mark

Stage 7 1

Name ……………………………………………….………………………. 4

Additional materials: Insert
Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper. 8
You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting. Total

The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part
question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50.

DC (AC) 86021/5RP
© UCLES 2014

Page 15 of 33

Section A: Reading For

Read the passage in the INSERT and then answer these questions.

1 From whose point of view does the writer tell the story?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

Give a reason to support your answer.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

2 Where is George at the beginning of the passage?

Underline the correct answer.

in his garden in a shed

in a street in his mother’s shop [1]

3 Here are some events from the story.

Number the events from 1 to 5 to show the order in which they happen.

George’s mother brushes away a cobweb.

George is told that he can wash the car.

George is feeling ill.

George loses his bike.

George’s mother falls in the rosebush.


4 How does George’s mother feel about the electricity bill?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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5 ‘I could picture Josh and Matt’s faces…’ (Line 48) Give an adjective which describes how For
George feels. Use


............................................................................................................................................ [1]

6 Give a quotation from the passage which shows that George’s mother thinks the colour of
the bike is not important.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

7 Read this sentence from the passage.

‘Is there a part of the brain that stops working when you get to twenty-one or something?’
(Lines 51–52)

What does George think of people who are twenty-one?


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

8 Which two synonyms does George’s mother use to describe the size of the electricity bill?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

9 How does George feel before he sees his mum? (Line 13)
Tick (9) one box.

George feels

guilty about buying sweets.

angry that his bike was stolen.

disappointed with the amount of money he found.


10 Give one reason why George wishes he hadn’t told his mother about his bike.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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11 How popular is George’s mum’s shop? For


Give a phrase from the passage to support your answer.

............................................................................................................................................. [2]

12 What do the words ‘She looked hurt’ suggest about George’s mother? (Line 50)

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

13 The writer uses italics on words throughout the passage, e.g. ‘Mum, I’m a boy.’ (Line 43)
Why does the writer use italics in this phrase?


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

14 Find an example of a simile in the passage.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

15 Find one example of onomatopoeia and one example of alliteration in the passage.

onomatopoeia ..........................................................................................................................

alliteration ............................................................................................................................. [2]

16 Look at lines 13–34 (By the time I got home…Stuff happens.)

(a) How would you describe the relationship between George and his mother?

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Give a quotation from the passage to support your answer.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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Section B: Writing For

17 In the passage you have read George finds some money, and that is when his problems
begin. Write a story of your own where a girl or boy finds something.

You will need to consider:

Character Are there any other characters?

What are they like?

Setting Where is the thing found?

Will the story end in the same place?

Plot What is found?

How much money is found?
What happens?

Write your plan in the box.

Content and Audience [7] Punctuation [5]

Text Structure [5] Vocabulary [4]

Sentence Structure [5] Spelling [4]

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Write your story here. For




























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Copyright Acknowledgements:

Veronica Cossanteli; The Extincts; Chicken House.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort
has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to
make amends at the earliest possible opportunity

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2014 E/S7/02

Page 22 of 33
Cambridge Secondary 1 Progression Test
Question paper

1 hour 10 minutes

English Paper 1 For teacher’s use

Page Mark

Stage 7 1

Name ………………………………………………….……………………. 4

No additional materials are required.
Answer all questions in the spaces provided on the question paper. 8
You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting. 9

The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question or part 10
question. The total number of marks for this paper is 50.

DC (AC/SW) 86019/7RP
© UCLES 2014

Page 23 of 33

Section A: Reading For

Read the extract from an information text on humpback whales and then answer the questions.

Humpback whales

Humpback whales are large sea creatures. Females reach a length of up to 16

metres; males are slightly smaller at up to 15 metres. Humpback whales weigh
approximately three tonnes per metre, so a 16-metre female could weigh close to
50 tonnes. That’s big!

They are relatively slow swimmers, averaging 6–12 kilometres per hour. Even so, 5
they undertake fairly long journeys, travelling from their winter breeding grounds
in warm tropical waters to summer feeding grounds in icy polar seas. The diet of
humpback whales generally consists of krill (tiny crustaceans) and small fish such
as herring.

Humpback whales exhibit some creative feeding methods, including the ‘bubble 10
net’ technique where the whale encircles its prey from below, blowing air from its
blowhole to make a ‘net’ of bubbles. The whale then surfaces through the middle of
the net with its mouth wide open. As the whale takes in huge mouthfuls of water and
food, its throat expands somewhat like a pelican’s pouch. The whale then contracts
its throat, using its large tongue to help expel the water. The food is left behind, 15
caught in the 270–400 pairs of coarse baleen* which hang from its mouth.


*baleen: similar to bristles and used to filter food

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1 Which two facts about humpback whales are correct? For

Tick (9) two boxes. Use

They travel far.

They can swim quickly.

Their teeth are sharp.

The female is often bigger than the male.


2 Where do humpback whales like to feed during the summer?

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

3 Put the following in the correct order, 1–4, to describe the ‘bubble net’ technique.

The humpback whale

comes up through the middle

catches food

opens its mouth wide

blows a bubble net


4 Combine these sentences into one sentence, using ‘although’ and ‘which’. Use correct

The humpback whale is a large creature. It feeds on krill. These are very small.



............................................................................................................................................. [2]

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5 Read the sentence beginning ‘Humpback whales exhibit some creative…’ (Lines 10-12) For
What does the use of the word ‘creative’ tell us? Tick one box. Use

Humpback whales are artistic.

Humpback whales are clever.

Humpback whales are playful. [1]

6 Which of these words from the third paragraph is a verb? Tick (9) one box.



mouthfuls [1]

7 Underline the main clause in the following sentence.

As the whale takes in huge mouthfuls of water and food, its throat expands somewhat like a
pelican’s pouch. [1]

8 (a) Find an adverb in the second paragraph which compares the speed of humpback
whales to other animals.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Find a verb in the third paragraph which shows how humpback whales move to trap
their prey.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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Read this extract from a website about scuba diving. For

From the very first time you breathe under water, scuba diving will inspire, challenge and
surprise you. Many divers say that it’s life-changing and, with the sense of achievement that
comes with learning to dive, it’s easy to see why.

Scuba diving will appeal to anyone who is reasonably fit and has a spirit of adventure. With the
right training and support, it’s also easy and fun to learn. You can learn to dive from the age
of eight. Through a combination of theory lessons, pool sessions and open-water experience,
you’ll learn your new diving skills at your own pace. You’ll develop your skills in the safe
confines of a swimming pool before progressing to sheltered water, leading to your first
open-water dives and an Ocean Diver certificate. And, what’s more, our diving certificates
are recognised around the world.

With 70% of the planet covered in water, there’s so much for a diver to see, experience and
explore. Add to that the wide variety of things you can see and do when diving – wrecks,
marine life, photography, conservation, underwater archaeology, exploration, deep and
technical diving – and the opportunities are endless!

9 Tick (9) to show which of these statements, according to the text, are true about scuba

There are many places to dive.

Diving qualifications are widely accepted.

Scuba diving requires a high level of fitness.

There is no age limit for learning to scuba dive. [2]

10 Write one word from the second paragraph that shows you are trained in a small area.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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11 Using your own words as far as possible, write a summary of 70–90 words to describe why For
scuba diving can be a great experience. Use













............................................................................................................................................. [5]

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Section B: Writing For

12 Write an article for children, which gives information about visiting a lake, river or beach you
know, or the sea.

You will need to:

• choose a lake, river or beach you know about, or the sea

• decide what information you need to give
• use headings to help make the information clear, e.g. What it looks like; What you can
do there; The wildlife which lives there; etc.

Do not include illustrations.

Write your plan in this box.

Purpose and Audience [7] Punctuation [5]

Text Structure [7] Spelling [4]

Sentence Structure [7]

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Write your article here. For




























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Copyright Acknowledgements:

Section A Reading
Question 8 © Barbara Todd; Whales & Dolphins of Kaikoura, New Zealand; Nature Down Under/Craig Potton Publishing.
© www.bsac.com/page.asp?section=1009&section Title=Scuba+diving+is+open+to+anyone.

Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort
has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to
make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

Cambridge International Examinations is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local
Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge.

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Page 32 of 33
Test 8 (H)

1 Punctuate the sentence below in two ways to make two different meanings:

The animals were hurt Lucy cried The animals were hurt Lucy cried 1 P

2 marks

2 Read this text:

After the forest fire there was … nothing. All life had been destroyed by the
fire. The boys looked around them in horror. They’d seen the forest fire on TV
but it hadn’t prepared them for this!

(a) Rewrite this sentence in the active voice: All life had been destroyed by the fire. 2(a) G

1 mark

(b) Underline the subject noun phrase in the sentence below:

2(b) G
They’d seen the forest fire on TV but it hadn’t prepared them for this! 1 mark

(c) Write an adjectival phrase to describe the boys. The description should match
2(c) G
the atmosphere:
1 mark

3 Underline the main clause in this the sentence:

The boys, who were on holiday with their parents, were stunned by the 3 G

destruction. 1 mark

4 Rewrite the following text in Standard English:

“That skirt don’t mean nothing to me,” said the girl. “Anyway, it’s like, 4 G

you know, it’s ruined.” 2 marks

5 Tick the best definition of the underlined word in the sentence:

The stormy seas have eroded the coastline. 5 V

1 mark
Eroded means ‘improved’. Eroded means ‘swapped’.
Eroded means ‘worn away.’ Eroded means ‘converted’.

6 Circle the two words with a meaning similar to potential in this sentence:

She has the potential to do well in her tests. 6 V

1 mark

ability skill effort willingness politeness


Total for this test

43 © Rising Stars UK Ltd 2012. You may photocopy thisPage
test. 33 of 33

23654 SPAG Level 5 (Year 6) V4.indd 43 25/7/12 10:43:56

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