A Neuromorphic Approach To Image Processing and Machine Vision
A Neuromorphic Approach To Image Processing and Machine Vision
A Neuromorphic Approach To Image Processing and Machine Vision
Abstract— Neuromorphic engineering is essentially the the foreground or relevant information present in the image.
development of artificial systems, such as electronic analog Previous studies have proposed the use of neuromorphic
circuits that employ information representations found in circuits [1], which can perform object-based selection and
biological nervous systems. Despite being faster and more segmentation. Recent studies have applied the concept of
accurate than the human brain, computers lag behind in synchronized oscillations, where photo-detector cells receiving
recognition capability. However, it is envisioned that the similar light intensities from an object oscillate together in a
advancement in neuromorphics, pertaining to the fields of synchronous manner [2], [3]. Visual tasks such as object-based
computer vision and image processing will provide a considerable selection and segmentation have been implemented with the
improvement in the way computers can interpret and analyze
help of specialized sensory processing functions called
information. In this paper, we explore the implementation of
visual tasks such as image segmentation, visual attention and
Neuromorphic Vision sensors. Several publications have
object recognition. Moreover, the concept of anisotropic diffusion appeared in recent years documenting the use of neuromorphic
has been examined followed by a novel approach employing vision sensors and pre-processors to integrate imaging, color
memristors to execute image segmentation. Additionally, we have segmentation and color-based object recognition [4]–[6]. These
discussed the role of neuromorphic vision sensors in artificial sensors consist of analogue electronic circuits operating in the
visual systems and the protocol involved in order to enable sub-threshold regime, interfaced to digital processing systems
asynchronous transmission of signals. Moreover, two widely that execute machine vision algorithms in order to realize
accepted algorithms that are used to emulate the process of selective attention, object recognition, etc. in artificial systems.
object recognition and visual attention have also been discussed. Recent developments in the field of neuroscience have led to a
Throughout the span of this paper, we have emphasized on the renewed interest in the development of computational models
employment of non-volatile memory devices such as memristors and algorithms for auditory and visual perceptions in the
to realize artificial visual systems. Finally, we discuss about human brain. Among these models, the Saliency based model
hardware accelerators and wish to represent a case in point for and the HMAX model have been extensively used for visual
arguing that progress in computer vision may benefit directly attention and object recognition respectively. The aim of this
from progress in non-volatile memory technology. paper is to provide a comprehensive exploration of some of the
recent techniques in the field of neuromorphics, which have
Keywords—Object recognition, Memristor, Image segmentation, been employed to implement visual tasks such as selective
Neuromorphic vision sensors, Address Event Representation, attention, gesture recognition, object recognition and tracking.
Random walker algorithm, Anisotropic Diffusion, Dynamic Vision
Sensor. The remainder of the paper is organized into the following
sections. Section II outlines a few techniques and approaches
I. INTRODUCTION adopted to execute scene segmentation. In Section III, we
The field of neuromorphics is a relatively young one examine the types and mechanisms of neuromorphic sensors.
considering the amount of active research that has been Section IV describes the models and algorithms used to better
invested into it. Despite decades of efforts in the field of implement the visual challenges such as object recognition and
artificial vision, no computer algorithm has been able to match selective attention in artificial systems. Furthermore, a modest
the performance and robustness of the primate visual system. introduction to hardware accelerators has also been presented.
Moreover, the proposed algorithms tend to be computationally Finally, Section V draws conclusions.
intensive, and their hardware implementations have
encountered problems such as high power consumption and II. IMAGE SEGMENTATION
unreliability. It has been discussed that neuromorphic systems
offer considerable advantages over conventional computing There are several popular image segmentation algorithms
systems in several areas and introduce the biologically realistic based on a variety of techniques such as thresholding, edge
possibility of implementing collective computation and detection, clustering, partial-differential equations (PDEs)
memory storage simultaneously. Autonomous visual and and artificial neural networks [7], [8].These methods can be
auditory processing systems can benefit greatly from the low- categorized into supervised, semi-supervised and
power features of the neuromorphic hardware technology. unsupervised. The Random walker algorithm is a semi-
An important processing stage in many visual processing supervised algorithm that models the image as a graph where
systems is image segmentation. It is the process of dividing an pixels correspond to nodes and are connected to neighboring
image into multiple parts, thereby making it easier to identify pixels through weighted edges. Recent studies have also
employed unsupervised random walk approaches to execute manually change the resistance of the device connected across
image segmentation. The edges are weighted in accordance two nodes or pixels.
with the similarity between the corresponding pixels, and the
edge weights are equal to electrical conductance. III. NEUROMORPHIC OSCILLATOR NETWORKS
In the first- among other interpretations of the algorithm-the Previous research has documented the use of oscillatory
subject labels a small number of pixels commonly typified as correlation to segment and represent an image [13], [14]. In
seeds. Each unlabelled pixel is assumed to release a random such a scheme, different objects present in the image are
walker, after which the probability that a random walker will represented by different groups of synchronized oscillators. As
first arrive at each seed is calculated. After the probability for a result, no two distinct objects correspond to the same set of
every pixel is calculated, each pixel is assigned to the synchronized oscillations. Furthermore, the locally excitatory
respective seed which has the maximum probability of globally inhibitory oscillator network (LEGION) has been
receiving a random walker from the corresponding pixel. shown to provide a viable and effective framework to solve
Segmentation of the image is complete when all the unlabelled the problem of image segmentation [15], [16]. A major
nodes have each been assigned a seed. The random walker has drawback of the LEGION algorithms employed in previous
been shown to achieve segmentation in multiple ways such as research has been their sensitivity to noise. Executing the
solving a discrete Dirichlet problem [9] and employing an algorithm without any modifications would lead to the
iterative method to solve a discrete PDE [10]. The former problem of fragmentation since noisy images may result in a
approach, however, has proven to be computationally large number of fragments. However, this problem can be
intensive for real time applications. In an alternative approach, solved by suppressing the oscillators corresponding to the
the nodes corresponding to each pixel are assigned to a seed noisy regions of the image.
based on the effective conductance (edge weights) between Previous studies have indicated that memristors have
the nodes and the foreground or background seeds. After a few proven to be useful in designing non-linear oscillators [17]–
iterations, pixels with intensities higher than a certain [19] and contribute to the synchronization of coupled
threshold value are assigned to foreground seeds, else treated neuromorphic systems to perform visual segmentation [20]–
as background. A method which is slightly different from the [22]. However, there are a few challenges to the application of
aforementioned approaches involves viewing the graph of the memristors in designing oscillators. The resistance offered by
image as an electrical circuit and establishing an electrical the memristor is a non-linear function of time. However, this
potential at each node associated with the foreground. The might be resolved by using a memristor-transistor pair in the
magnitude of these potentials would be equal to the circuit.
probability that a random walker dropped at a node will reach
a foreground seed before reaching a background seed. IV. NEUROMORPHIC VISION SENSORS
However, in case of iterative algorithms, the conductance Neuromorphic vision sensors have been in the forefront of
between nodes/pixels must change appropriately after every the development of artificial visual systems, as they offer
iteration. This is not practically realizable in conventional visual perception at a lower computational load. Several
CMOS, since one would have to manually change the studies have discussed the emulation of the human retina with
resistance offered by the device connecting adjacent the help of analog electronic circuits [23]–[25].These circuits
nodes/pixels. are parallel and operate in the sub-threshold domain. As a
Yet another interesting approach to the Random walker result, two or more computational problems can be solved
algorithm involves the concept of anisotropic diffusion [11]. simultaneously, while consuming extremely low amounts of
Anisotropic diffusion is a method of denoising images by power. This permits the use of circuits with high
smoothing the pixel values only on one side of the boundary, computational density. Furthermore, the circuits are
as opposed to Isotropic diffusion, which averages pixel values asynchronous i.e. the transition from one state to another is the
across edges. The latter technique is applied in local averaging result of a change in their primary inputs. Despite issues
filters and median filters. The main drawback of the isotropic regarding instability and inefficiency, they are preferred over
diffusion is the loss of weak boundaries and the undesirable synchronous circuits due to the continuous nature of the
smoothing of all edges. There have also been modifications to sensory input. Moreover, the employment of synchronous
anisotropic diffusion such as the introduction of an edge systems would lead to misinterpretation of sensory
seeking diffusion coefficient (varies with image position) that information as a result of aliasing.
prohibits diffusion across strong edges [12]. The concept of neuromorphic sensors in not new. Since
A novel approach would be to employ memristor-based the 1990s, several studies have explored and widely proposed
crossbar arrays to represent edges between a node and a two types of neuromorphic sensors, namely Silicon retinas
foreground/background seed, as a memristor can change its [26], [27] and silicon cochleae [28], [29]. These systems make
effective conductance based on the history of current that had use of a protocol called Address Event Representation (AER)
previously flown through it. As a result, the variable resistance to transmit signals asynchronously. In AER, a variable number
of the memristor would allow for changes in the edge weights of lines (bus) are used to transmit data. This data is usually an
when there is a change in the potential difference across nodes address that has been assigned to each analog element present
after every iteration. Hence, this would eliminate the need to on the sending device [30]. The ACK and REQ lines are
2017 Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP)
active low lines which enable the synchronization of data V. NEUROMORPHIC VISION ALGORITHMS FOR ATTENTION AND
between the sender and the receiver. A major advantage of OBJECT RECOGNITION
using AER is that the power consumed for the transmission of
sensory information is significantly reduced, since AER A. Visual Attention
sensors transmit signals based on the activity of each The mammalian visual system has an inherent ability to
individual pixel, contrary to CMOS sensors. The activity of a detect the salient and important sections of an image and filter
pixel is represented by a stream of digital pulses produced by out redundant visual details through the selective attention
the neuromorphic sensor. mechanism. A number of models and algorithms of the human
Asynchronous devices that respond only to a change in the visual system have been proposed [38]. The focus of these
brightness of a pixel, such as the Dynamic Vision Sensor systems is to direct attention to regions of interest in an image.
(DVS) have been proposed, their key advantages being a As a result, further processing to sub-regions of the image is
significant reduction in data storage and computational restricted and the amount of data for complex processing tasks
complexity. Several studies have employed Spike-timing- such as object recognition is reduced. The locations to be
dependent plasticity (STDP) to extract correlated features analyzed are selected with the help of two guiding influences:
(temporally) from dynamic vision sensors [31], [32]. STDP is the goal-oriented, top-down attention and the image-driven,
a biologically-realistic learning mechanism based on the bottom-up attention [39].
relative timing of the post- and pre-synaptic spikes.
Synchronous Asynchronous
or or
Frame-Based Event-Based
Figure 2
2017 Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP)
B. Object Recognition
2017 Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP)
primarily speed up the S2/C2 stage as it is the most time- mechanisms and types of neuromorphic vision sensors have
consuming stage. It has been indicated that FPGA provides the also been explored. We have laid emphasis on the use of non-
best functional configurability while ASIC demonstrates the volatile memory devices such as memristors to enhance
highest efficiency. performance and energy efficiency during the execution of the
Recent studies have employed memristive Neuromorphic aforementioned tasks. The application of memristors in the
Computing Accelerators (NCA) consisting of memristor-based implementation of image segmentation, neuromorphic sensors
crossbar arrays, as opposed to conventional accelerators which and hardware accelerators has proven to be more energy
are based on systolic arrays. Memristor-based models of the efficient than previous methods, which used conventional
Boltzmann Machine, a massively parallel computational CMOS.
model used for solving combinatorial optimization problems, Throughout the span of the paper, we have tried to highlight
have been proposed to accelerate neural computation tasks in the importance of using memristors to better solve challenges
an energy efficient manner. The memristive hardware pertaining to image processing and computer vision.
accelerator had an appreciable improvement of 6.89x and 5.2x In addition to the employment of memristors to overcome
on performance and power consumption respectively, as visual challenges, future research directions should focus on
compared to a standard RRAM based memory [52]. However, the application of memristive systems to solve issues related to
the proposed memristor-based accelerator has not been shown upcoming fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and
to solve problems of higher computational complexity yet. quantum computing.
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