Cordillera Administrative Region Email Add. [email protected]
Province of Abra Fb:
1.0 Introduction
As RA 10121 requires a new approach in DRRM, government agencies are enjoined to mainstream
DRRM measures and budget in their various initiatives and programs towards the provision of public
goods as per their respective mandates. This mandate also implies that the government must continue
to exist and deliver its essential functions regardless of any emergency, disaster, or disruption that
might occur. Hence, a DRRM mechanism known as the Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) was
developed by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) in
partnership with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), a major network of private
sector actors working on disaster risk reduction and management initiatives.
Recognizing the need to develop a comprehensive and inclusive Public Service Continuity Plans,
NDRRMC Memorandum No. 33 s. 2018 was issued in April 2018, enjoining all government agencies of
the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Councils at all levels to formulate their
respective Public Service Continuity Plans.
SERVICE COMMISION dated March 26, 2021 enjoins all Regional Offices of NGAs, GOCCs, LGUs
and State Universities within the Cordillera Region to submit their PUBLIC SERVICE CONTINUITY
PLANS (PSCPS) hence this PSCP.
2.0 Purpose
This PSCP provides the Municipal Government of Tubo the necessary and appropriate guidelines,
procedures, and protocols to ensure that lives are preserved and losses to life are prevented through
the restoration of mission essential functions regardless of any disruption, natural or man-made, that
might occur.
In consonance with the NDRRMC Memorandum No. 33, s. 2018, the Municipal Government of Tubo
acknowledges the need to establish, implement and maintain appropriate procedures for managing the
immediate consequences of disruptive incidents with due regard to the welfare of the general public,
operational options for responding to incidents, prevention of further loss or unavailability of prioritized
activities, and recovery and resumption of mission essential functions.
“A disaster resilient, climate change adaptive and safe community with a strong spirit of volunteerism
guided by effective and dedicated local governance ensuring social protection, economic security and
organized effective disaster management towards sustainable development.”
The Municipal Government of Tubo commits to the attainment of the following public service continuity
Ensure the delivery of mission essential functions to the public and other stakeholders even
during disruptive circumstances in a timely and orderly manner.
Ensure safety and/or safeguard the lives of all LGU-TUBO personnel, officials, and the general
public that are present at the affected location at the time of the disruptive incident.
Achieve prompt recovery of basic lifeline services keeping in mind the welfare of the employees
and the needs of the general population.
Minimize damage and loss to critical practices, systems, and processes by protecting essential
facilities and resources.
Ensure succession if agency leadership is disrupted to reduce dependency on a specific critical
Enable effective decision-making and communication during incidents.
4.0 Scope
This PSCP shall apply to the different Departments under the Municipal Government. During activation
of this PSCP, it is expected that all departments shall operate in a limited capacity only but
1. Mayor’s Office
2. Office of the Municipal Administrator
3. Municipal Environment & Natural Resources Office
4. Municipal Planning and
Development Office
5. Municipal Engineer’s Office
6. Municipal Treasurer’s Office
7. Accounting Office
8. MLGOO Office DSWD(Kalahi)
9. Municipal Tourism Office
10. Municipal Budget Office
11. Office of the Municipal Assessor
12. Municipal Agriculture Office
13. Municipal Veterinary Office
14. Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
15. COMELEC Office
The PSCP Continuity Core Team will be in charge of the refinement, finalization, testing, evaluation,
packaging, updating, and improvement of the public service continuity plan. The overall duties and
responsibilities of the core team are as follows:
Facilitate the refinement and finalization of the PSCP to include testing, evaluation, packaging,
updating, and improvement;
Develop work plan for the completion and updating of the PSCP;
Organize consultation meetings with the planners and relevant technical experts regarding the
development of the PSCP; and
Facilitate the presentation and endorsement of the PSCP to the Municipal Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council M
DRRMC) for comments and approval
6.0 Assumptions
The Abra Provincial Hospital (APH) and all its district hospitals (La Paz, Dolores, Bucay,
Villaviciosa Luba) are all functional.
The Luis Hora Memorial Regional Hospital in Bauko, Mountain province is functional
All resources/equipment are in place and functional.
Utilities such as Electricity, Water and Telecommunications are functional. If not, it is the
primordial task of the Continuity Core Team, ICS or MDRRMC to restore vital utilities.
An Incident Command System (ICS) is established and the Emergency Operations Center
(EOC) is activated based on the existing triggers for alert levels. The EOC is the MDRRMC
OPCen located at Poblacion, Tubo, Abra. This is where the MDRRMO holds office.
Availability of the following resources: internet connectivity, communication technology, and
The Dap-ay Di Tubo function Hall, located at the 2nd floor of the Dap-ay Di Tubo (Municipal
Hall) is designated as alternate site for the EOC in case the primary office in the DRRM
building is rendered inaccessible due to disaster impacts.
If the resource needs of an incident exceed capabilities of the MLGU, resources may be
requested from the adjacent municipality, specifically Municipality of Luba, Abra and the
Municipality of San Emilio in the Province of Ilocos Sur through the Response Cluster
Approach in the EOC.
Section 21 of RA 10121 provides that the LDRRMF amounting to not less than five (5) % of
the estimated revenue from regular sources shall be set aside to support DRRM activities,
including post-disaster activities. The LDRRMF shall also cover the 30% lump-sum allocation
for Quick Response Fund (QRF) and the seventy (70%) allocation for disaster prevention and
mitigation, preparedness, response, rehabilitation and recovery. The release and use of the
30% QRF shall be supported by a resolution of the local Sanggunian declaring the LGU under
the state of calamity or a Presidential Declaration of state of calamity upon recommendation of
In case of disruptive scenarios, the management will devise an alternative work arrangement
like work from home.
The Municipality of Tubo faces multiple hazards every year however the top hazards considered are
tropical cyclones, rain induced landslides, earthquake, earthquake induced landslides, biological
hazard, residential fires, flood/flash flood, drought and terrorism and human induced hazard. The
Continuity Core Team shall lead in an evaluation of risk every year in all frontline offices/ departments
in the municipality to facilitate the updating of the PSCP. The following hazards were identified by the
Core Team considering the geographical and disaster historical data appropriate to the Municipality of
a. Tropical Cyclones
b. Rain induced landslide
c. Earthquake
d. Earthquake induced landslide
e. Biological hazard
f. Residential Fires
g. Flood/Flash flood
h. Drought
i. Terrorism and human induced hazard
This PSCP provides the Municipal Government of Tubo the necessary and appropriate guidelines,
procedures, and protocols to ensure continuity of operations through the restoration of mission
essential functions should any disruption occur.
For disruption of operations largely contributed by natural/biological hazards which may affect the
Municipality namely tropical cyclones, rain induced landslides, earthquake, earthquake induced
landslides biological hazard, residential fires, flooding/flash flood, drought and terrorism and human
induced hazard will involve all departments though at a limited capacity of operations only. This is to
identify specific disruptive conditions that can trigger the PSCP activation depending on the type of
event, its severity, impact and the duration or time frame of the event. Should disruption events take
place, the scope of the PSCP activation may be executed under the following conditions?
1. The PSCP shall be activated by the Responsible Official upon the recommendation of the
Continuity Manager who is supported by the Continuity Core Team (CCT).
2. In the absence of the Responsible Official or the Local Chief Executive, the Vice mayor shall
assume authority, or in the event that the Offices of the mayor and Vice mayor are left vacant, the
vacancies shall be filled up by appointments by the higher authority in accordance with the Local
Government Code.
3. The Continuity Manager (CM) or the Municipal Administrator takes charge in facilitating the
activation of the PSCP to make sure that strategies are implemented and making sure that there is
stability of operations across the MLGU.
3.1 The Continuity Core Team submits a recommendation to the Continuity Manager for the
activation of the PSCP if an event meets the criteria for activation (aforementioned hazards
tropical cyclone, earthquake, landslides, biological hazard, residential fire, flood/flash flood,
drought, terrorism and human induced hazard.
4. Each frontline office shall ensure that all resources are available as needed in support to the
action plan having to activate.
5. The communication protocol under the PSCP shall be activated, informing all involved parties from
various agencies of all activation-related activities.
8.2 Authority
In the event of absence or incapacitation of the Municipal Mayor and Vice Mayor, the Municipal
Administrator shall be the responsible official that shall act as the Continuity Manager (CM), duly
authorized in making top-level managerial decisions in the MLGU in terms of Continuity of Operations
for the whole municipality. However, in the presence of the Mayor and the Vice Mayor or any
Responsible Official as may be appointed by law, the CM takes a secondary role in making top-level
managerial decisions and shall recognize the duly elected officials/hierarchy of the municipality. The
5|Public Service Continuity Plan 2023
Republic of the Philippines Contact No. 917-157-7101
Cordillera Administrative Region Email Add. [email protected]
Province of Abra Fb:
authority can be delegated by the Local Chief Executive through the issuance of an Executive Order
or any written signed instruction. Inputs on emergency operations and disaster preparedness used in
development of this plan can be found in the following policy bases:
The following table shows the Public Services Continuity Plan Impact Analysis for the LGU Tubo. This shall serve as guidance for LGU Tubo during disruption
of work.
MEF #1: Provide Patients’ identification Triaging Operational Death Immediate People: adequate and Municipal
Emergency Medical Morbidities trained Personnel Health Office
Services Admission criteria Patients Classification Outbreak
Quarantine First aid measures Medical Facility or
Facility, Medical
Supplies, two-way
Radios, and
MEF #2: Conduct Search After Activity Report Status or Operational: Loss Must be People: adequate, MDRRMO
and Rescue Services or Communication of life or damage performed within trained and Skilled SAR
MEF #3: Transport of Incident Report Status or Operational: Lives Must be People: Trained MHO, MEO,
evacuees and/or patients Accomplishment Communication may be lost performed within Personnel MDRRMO
Report Report (Name of 0 - 24 hours MSWDO
Patient Chart Patient, Location, Reputational: Facility/Equipment:
Log in the Log Book Number, Incident) Decreased Medical Supplies,
credibility and Radios, and
Request Letter from public trust in the Ambulances and heavy
concerned citizen MLGU equipment
MEF #4: Standby Patient charts, Endorsement Forms Operational: Lives Must be People: Trained MHO
Ambulance Emergency Medical from EOC, Comms may be lost performed within Personnel
Services provided to Officer, 0 - 48 hours
patients Reputational: Facility/Equipment:
Decreased Medical Supplies, 2-way
credibility and Radios, and 1
public trust in the Ambulance
MLGU Others: Fuel and other
vehicle maintenance
Regulatory: RA requirements
MEF # 5: Conduct of Incident Report Status or Operational: Lives Must be People: 10 above MEO
Clearing operations to Accomplishment Communication may be lost performed within Personnel (ideally)
facilitate the flow of Report Report (Location, 0 - 48 hours
transportation and goods Incident persons to Reputational: Facility/Equipment:
coordinate with) Decreased HEAVY EQUIPMENT
Restoration of lifeline BDRRMC sitreps credibility and
facilities(water and citing location of public trust in the Others: maintenance
power) debris and road MLGU requirements for
blockages equipment, food
Regulatory: RA
MEF #6: 24/7 Operations Daily and/or Incident Data Processing Operational: No Must be People: At least 10 Mayor’s Office,
Center Monitoring Situational Report Common performed within trained or qualified MDRRMO
(Weather) Weather Reports from Operating Picture, 0 - 24 hours personnel on duty
communications Facility/Equipment:
Reports/sit reps from to other EOCs Stable Internet, Air
OCD and barangays Conditioner to maintain
Reputational: room temperature,
credibility, public Telecommunications,
trust, and Radio, Photocopiers,
executive trust in Laptops/desktops,
the MDRRM Generator Sets, TV
Office sets
Regulatory: Non-
compliance to
MEF #7: Timely and Public information/ Situational Report, Public confusion, Initialized 0-24 Facility/Equipment: Mayor’s Office,
accurate release of knowledge and issuances, policies disarray and hours and Stable Internet, IO
Disaster Information and adaptive action and announcements misinformation continuing Telecommunication,
other relevant notices to iCom Radio
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #8: Logistics Monthly Inventory Inventory Log Books Operational: Must be People: Qualified MSWDO,
Management Reports Affects the performed within Personnel MDRRMO,
performance of 0 - 24 hours MEO
other services Facility: Alternate and
Secured Warehouse,
Reputational: Office Supplies, Service
Decreased Vehicles
credibility and
public trust in the Others: Fuel, Spare
MDRRM office Tires, Spare Batteries
Regulatory: RA
MEF #9: Incident Report Status or Reputational: Must be Inventory officer MSWDO,
Distribution of Relief Accomplishment Communication Decreased performed from Packaging and MDRRMO,
Goods to affected Report Report (Name of credibility and 48 - 96 hours distribution manpower MEO
families/individuals beneficiary, Location, public trust in the PNP, PA
Number, Incident) MLGU Transportation All Departments
as need arises
Endorsement Forms
from EOC, Comms
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #10: Incident/Situational Reports from Food Must be Good internet MAO, OMVET
Assessment of Damaged Report on the extent Barangays insufficiency, high performed from connection
Agricultural products and of damage costs of basic 48 - 96 hours Functional 2 way radios
livestock deaths, Maintain essential agricultural or cellular phones.
intervention execution to Provided vital records such as products Seeds availability,
improve remaining information of the standing crop status, livestock dispersal etc.
inventory for food existing resources vulnerable areas,
sufficiency. and capabilities of inventory inputs, farm
LGU for quick machinery equipment,
respond irrigation facilities
MEF #11: Incident Report Status or Operational: Lives Must be Facility manpower Mayor’s Office,
Activation of evacuation Accomplishment Communication may be lost performed from Food, potable water and MSWDO
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #12: Public Services Relevant documents Public 24 hours and Personnel, Office All Departments
Continued operations of dissatisfaction beyond Equipment
various MLGU
Departments at limited
1. Formulate and pass SB Office
DRR relevant
resolution or
2. Process the release
of funding for DRR Finance
related activities and Committee
other transactions
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Reporting to agencies in Financial Utilization Credit Memo's No information on Manpower, Laptops MACO
the use of funds Report source & use of
Logistical Support Purchase Requests Record/control/Gas Smooth and 2-3 Municipal Budget MBO
(Relief Items) Slip/Purchase Quick Operational Office staff assigned for
Requests response the Job
Obligate vouchers
charged against Record/control 2-3 Municipal
Appropriations of vouchers charged Settlement of Budget Office staff
PPAs intended for against Appropriations Obligation assigned for the Job
the purpose of PPAs intended for
the purpose
implementation of
Cause responsible Clean & healthy Strict implementation solid waste Manpower, vehicle, fuel, MENRO
disposal of solid wastes environment of laws management supplies & materials
plan for fast
recovery of a
clean and healthy
Formulate relevant plans, Plans and Project Preparation of plans Operational Within 24 hours MPDO Technical Staff, MPDO
14 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
programs, projects, proposals prepared and project proposals office supplies and
activities and other and approved equipment.
documents that are
responsive to the needs
and concerns of
Technical and Provision of technical Operational Within 8 hours MPDO Technical Staff, MPDO
Provide technical and administrative and administrative office supplies and
administrative services services provided assistance equipment.
that are responsive to the
needs of Tubonians
PPAs and plans Conduct monitoring
Monitor and evaluate implemented and evaluation of Within 72 hours
implemented Programs, monitored and PPAs
Project, and Activities evaluated
(PPAs) to assess
performance and
address potential
development risks and
gaps in PPAs and plan
Continuity Strategies
This section explains and describes the strategies to continue the prioritized activities of the LGU’s Mission Essential Functions. Continuity Strategies are
strategic approaches by an institution to ensure its continuity of vital operations in the face of a disaster or other major incidents or service interruptions.
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #1: Provide Establish Vital Records Establish alternate EMS Ensure proper maintenance Cellular
Emergency Medical Protection Guide: Teams/Shifts of vehicles e.g. ambulance Telephones/landlines for
Services 1. Records Categorization Strengthen capacities of other relevant vehicles emergency call taking
(EMS) (e.g. Emergency operating Community Establish partnership with and dispatch
records-Directories) Responders/Barangay Gas Stations thru a 2-way radios for outside
2. Records Duplication (e.g. Emergency Response Memorandum of Agreement operations in providing
online database or external Teams Establish the availability of emergency medical
storage device) Ensure that EMS teams generator sets services
Upload scanned or follow the health Preposition Rescue Teams
PDF copies of forms, advisories and guidelines in the Municipality
reports, trip tickets, issued by international strategically
and endorsements to and local health care Establish One (1) team per
an online file storage authorities Zone(zone 1, zone 2 & zone
(Google Drive) Ensure that health teams 3)
3. Records Protection (e.g. are adequate, capable Conduct regular inventory
Hazard-resistant storage or and well compensated and proper maintenance of
Off-sites) emergency equipment
Ensure maintenance,
16 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #2: Conduct Search Establish Vital Records Establish alternate Regular maintenance of Radios for SAR
and Rescue Services Protection Guide: SAR Teams/Shifts vehicles e.g. rescue vehicles, teams/shifts for search
1. Records Categorization Creation of Barangay rescue pick-up, service and rescue services
(e.g. Emergency rescue Emergency Response vehicles
operating records-Directories) Team Directory Regular maintenance and Personal CPs
2. Records Duplication (e.g. online Conduct community- inventory of disaster
database or external storage based IEC on equipment
device) Earthquake and Establish partnership with
Incident Report Landslide protocols Gas Stations
Ensure that SAR teams Preposition Rescue Teams in
follow the health the municipality strategically
advisories and Have a back-up generator
guidelines issued by
international and local
health care authorities
MEF #3: Transport Organize list of Patients Ensure that required Regular maintenance of Radios for medical
Patients Record (e.g hard copy of staff are present (driver medical and emergency personnel transporting
log books) and medical staff) vehicles and equipment patients
17 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Organize Medical Records Establish alternate Ensure that vehicle Personal CPs
of patients (hard copy) social developer maintenance requirements
medical staff are available (gas, oil,
Teams/Shifts battery, fluids and tires)
Provide staff proper Creation of alternative
medical equipment and medical facilities
safety clothing as well
as the patient (PPEs)
Ensure that EMS teams
follow the health
advisories and
guidelines issued by
international and local
health care authorities
MEF #4: Standby Each ambulance should Establish alternate Regular maintenance of Radios for medical
Ambulance prep Incident Report when medical assistance crew vehicles e.g. ambulance and personnel transporting
used Teams/Shifts ensure availability of vehicle patients
Have a patient’s medical Establish alternate maintenance requirements
case record ambulance driver shifts (gas, oil, fluids, battery and Personal CPs
Ambulance permit to be tires)
use is a must (means the Partnership with Gas Stations
ambulance is in proper thru a Memorandum of
condition) Agreement
18 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #5: Conduct of Incident Report /sitreps Immediately dispatch Ensure proper maintenance Cellular phones for
Clearing operations to Communication reports manpower from the of heavy equipment emergency call
facilitate the flow of Accomplishment Report MEO to clear debris Establish partnership with
transportation and goods using heavy equipment. Gas Stations thru a 2-way radios
Establish separate Memorandum of Agreement
Restoration of teams to ensure as equipment need fuel
lifelines( water and power) availability of manpower Establish partnership with
resources. private contractors for
equipment like back hoe,
loader etc
Ensure functionality of
handheld equipment like
chainsaw, spades,
wheelbarrow, picks etc
MEF #6: 24/7 Operations Establish Vital Records Establish alternate Identify a continuity facility Laptops for Social
Center Monitoring and Protection Guide: monitors teams/shifts on capable of supporting essential Media updating weather
standby coordination 1. Records Categorization duty operations, positions, and updates to public
(Weather ) (e.g. Emergency operating . personnel. Radios for the
records-Directories) Regular maintenance of communication of
2. Records Duplication (e.g. Weather Monitoring security monitors in
online database or external equipment/Internet every barangay
storage device) applications on weather
19 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #7: Timely and Establish Vital Records Capacitate more people Ensure proper maintenance Laptops for Social
accurate release of Protection Guide: on Information of radio, computers and Media updating weather
Disaster Information and 1. Records Categorization gathering, processing other mass media updates to public
other relevant notices to (e.g. Emergency operating and relay. equipment. Radios for the
the public records-Directories) Ensure functionality of back- communication of
2. Records Duplication (e.g. up generators. security monitors in
online database or external Establish partnership with every barangay
storage device) Gas Stations thru a Cellular phone for
Upload scanned or Memorandum of Agreement emergency calls
PDF copies of After
20 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Activity Reports,
Database of Trained
Graduates, Training
Modules, and other
relevant documents to
an online file storage
(Google Drive)
3. Records Protection (e.g.
Hazard-resistant storage or
Provide a hard copy
MEF #8: Logistics Establish Vital Records Establish alternate Ensure warehouse is fit to Laptops for organizing
Management Protection Guide: teams/shifts on duty house logistics/relief items files and connecting to
1. Records Categorization (e.g. Appoint a personnel in and secure its contents. other districts for file
Emergency operating charge in logistics Stockpile resources transfers via email
records-Directories) . Conduct regular inventory of .
2. Records Duplication (e.g. resources and standby
online database or external assets
storage device) Regular maintenance of
Upload scanned or PDF equipment and
copies of After Activity replenishment of supplies
Reports, Database of Vehicle maintenance and
Trained Graduates, availability of fuel and other
Training Modules, and vehicle requirements
21 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #9 Establish Vital Records Establish alternate Put in place an organized Laptops if available or
Distribution of Relief Protection Guide: teams/shifts on duty distribution system. simple pen and paper for
Goods to affected 1. Records Categorization (e.g. checklist of assistance-
families/individuals Emergency operating provided families
2. Records Duplication (e.g.
online database or external
storage device)
Upload scanned or PDF
copies of After Activity
Reports, Database of
Trained Graduates,
Training Modules, and
other relevant
documents to an online
file storage (Google
22 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
3. Records Protection (e.g.
Hazard-resistant storage or
Provide a hard copy
MEF #10 Establish Vital Records Capacitate and employ Ensure data receipt at Laptops for Social
Assessment of Damaged Protection Guide: adequate people at barangays through functional Media updating transfer
Agricultural products and 1. Records Categorization (e.g. MAO’s internet connection or of files and reports
livestock deaths, Emergency operating Procurement of seeds, personal submission of Telephone/landline for
intervention execution to records-Directories) fertilizers and other PBs/Brgy officials at emergency calls
improve remaining 2. Records Duplication (e.g. inputs and livestock aforementioned offices Personal CPs
inventory for food online database or external dispersal Service vehicle
sufficiency. storage device)
Upload scanned or PDF
copies of After Activity
Reports, Database of
Trained Graduates,
Training Modules, and
other relevant documents
to an online file storage
(Google Drive)
3. Records Protection (e.g.
Hazard-resistant storage or
23 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
MEF #11 Records of families and Medical teams on OTC drugs and basic Laptops for records
Activation of evacuation individuals housed temporarily standby to tend medical equipment to ensure management
center (Municipal building) at EC evacuees and health status of evacuees Personal CPs for
personnel to provide ( BP monitors, nebulizers communication
meals, security and etc.)
organize EC operations.
MEF #12 Establish Vital Records Establish shifting Office Equipment Laptops and
Continued operations of Protection Guide: schedules internet connections
various MLGU 1. Records Categorization (e.g. Apply skeleton force for
Departments at limited Emergency operating continued services
capacity records-Directories)
2. Records Duplication (e.g.
online database or external
storage device)
Upload scanned or PDF
copies of After Activity
Reports, Database of
Trained Graduates,
Training Modules, and
other relevant documents
to an online file storage
24 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
(Google Drive)
3. Records Protection (e.g.
Hazard-resistant storage or
Provide a hard copy
Provide Veterinary Software maintenance Regular Drugs, biologics & Identification & listing of
services to farmers for record keeping coordination with disinfectants are contact numbers of DA
municipal wide (treatment, Back-up manual barangays procured provincial Office, MAFC for
consultation, deworming, logging in logbooks Semen for Artificial faster communication &
artificial insemination, Back-up spare forms & insemination are always coordination.
disease surveillance & supplies available and with
other regulatory activities) extender
Provide seeds and Master list of farmers Regular Seeds, fertilizers and Identification and listing of
fertilizers to farmers Damage report coordination with other agricultural inputs contact numbers of DA
25 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
municipal wide for (volume and value) barangay officials are procured provincial Office, MAFC for
rehabilitation program Capacity Warehouse for the faster communication and
building/training on procured agricultural coordination
damage inputs
Capacity building for barangay emergency response team (First Responders’ Training Course,
Basic Life Support, Basic First Aid, etc.)
Capacity building for community in giving first aid
Accreditation of trained volunteers
Ensure that medical personnel are adequate and well-compensated
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Capacity building for SAR operations for Barangay Emergency Response Team.
Establishment of coordination protocol towards Uniformed personnel for SAR activities
Accreditation of trained volunteers
Budget allotment for maintenance of SAR vehicles and disaster equipment
Partnership with Gas Stations
Procurement of additional back-up generator
Ensure availability and functionality of SAR Equipment (ropes, flashlights, water gear etc.)
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Allocation of spare maintenance kits for equipment ( Extra blades, cords, batteries, oil, etc)
Employment of capable medical staff with training on protocols for patient handling and transfer
Accredited volunteers
Purchase of relevant medical protection gear (PPEs, masks, gloves, shields)
Ambulances are ready, with fuel functioning well and are equipped with medical supplies
Partnership with Gas Stations
Creation and maintenance of alternative medical/isolation facilities
Availability of vehicle maintenance requirements (oil, fluids, tires, battery)
28 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Employment of additional medical staff and ambulance driver
Accredited volunteers
Budget allocation for maintenance or purchase of ambulance/s
Ambulances are ready, with fuel functioning well and are equipped with medical supplies
Partnership with Gas Stations
Creation and maintenance of alternative medical/isolation facilities
Availability of vehicle maintenance requirements (oil, fluids, tires, battery)
29 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
availability of meals and allowances for relevant personnel (drivers, heavy equipment operators,
Budget allotment for maintenance of heavy equipment (Loaders, graders, backhoes and dump
Procurement of additional back-up generator to reinforce the existing ones
Availability of fuel and other maintenance requirements (oil, fluids, tires, battery)
availability of meals for on-duty personnel
Employment of additional staff
Employ IT/Technical personnel
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Budget allotment for maintenance of monitoring devices (smart TVs) and internet connection
Procurement of air conditioning unit for Opcen
Procurement of spare fuel for generator
Maintenance of MDRRMO service vehicle and equipment
Procurement of tables and chairs for Opcen
Availability of fuel for other relevant DRR heavy equipment
Adequate and well-compensated personnel at the Information Office.
Employment and training of staff in broadcast journalism
Radio broadcast equipment, laptops for social media updating, camera, service vehicle
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Laptops, 2-way radios for field reporters, CPs and call cards
Capacity Building of MSWDO/MDRRMO staff, inventory staff
Availability of hazard and pest-resilient storage facilities, backup generators
Functional vehicles
Capacity Building of MSWDO/MDRRMO staff
Availability of allowances and meals to relevant staff (drivers, packers, distribution personnel)
Distribution vehicles are ready and functional
Maintenance requirements of vehicles are available (oil, fluids, tires, battery)
Partnership with Gas Stations
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
maintenance for computers (laptop) and stable internet connection for continuous communication
and transmittal purposes (reports).
Budget allocation for agricultural seeds and livestock
Capacity Building of MSWDO/MDRRMO staff
Availability of allowances and meals to relevant staff (drivers, security people, evacuation center
Psycho-social support for evacuees
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Availability of OTC medicines, food, water and utilities
Availability of basic medical supplies
Hygiene kits and food packs
All departments must have a personnel on duty
use existing office supplies and equipment
34 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Property and Supply Staff
Computer system/ program for records
MLGU Vehicles
Ensure that technical personnel are available
Capability building of personnel
Ensure that all equipment are functional and office supplies are readily available
Vehicle is operational for office staff
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Ensure that technical personnel are available
Employment of additional technical personnel
Capability building of personnel
Ensure that all equipment are functional and office supplies are readily available
Vehicle is operational for office staff
Ensure that all equipment are functional and office supplies are readily available
Vehicle is operational for office staff
36 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
% of
% of Access
Barangay Population Living in % of % of % of Capacity
Estimated Affecte Affecte Proportion of Average to Access Govern Vulnera
Brgy Density per Exposure % of households Young Persons Malnouri and Average Vulnerabil
Suscep Residential d Area d Households Degree financia to ment bility
Description Populati Hectare of Percenta Informal with light, and Old with shed willingness Adapative ity Index
tibility Area (Hectar Populati with Income of l informa investm Categor
on Residential ge Settlers salvaged and Dependen Disabili Individu to retrofit Capacity (vxaa)
(Hectares) es) on Below Poverty Impact assistan tion ents y
Area makeshift ts ties als or relocate
Threshold ce
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Po bla cio n High susceptible 580 15.6 37.1794872 15.6 102.00 18 0 2.07 30.17 2.12 21.43 2 2 1 2 2 1.75 3.5 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Wa ya nga n High susceptible 445 14.5 30.6896552 14.5 12.00 3 0 2.70 30.79 3.88 70.27 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Supo High susceptible 789 18 43.8333333 18 180.00 23 0 1.52 28.64 2.07 33.07 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Amtua ga n High susceptible 495 8.8 56.25 8.8 168.00 34 0 2.42 35.96 1.86 57.61 3 2 2 3 2 2.25 6.75 h
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Tiempo High susceptible 837 8.5 98.4705882 8.5 192.00 23 0 1.43 33.33 6.27 34.88 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Kili High susceptible 445 13.7 32.4817518 13.7 120.00 27 0 2.70 31.69 2.45 43.28 3 2 2 2 2 2 6 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Ta ba cda High susceptible 266 2.8 95 2.8 90.00 34 0 4.51 40.98 2 45.76 1.1 3 2 2 3 2 2.25 6.75 h
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Ala ngtin High susceptible 566 20.3 27.8817734 20.3 84.00 15 0 2.12 28.09 1.74 18.89 2 2 2 3 2 2.25 4.5 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
a rea s.highly
Tubtuba High susceptible 435 18.2 23.9010989 18.2 54.00 12 0 2.76 30.11 2.95 42.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Unsta ble
Dilo ng High
a rea s.highly
susceptible 835 18 46.3888889 18 180.00 22 0 1.44 37.25 1.49 37 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
20.81 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 m
to ma ss
mo vements
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Severity of
Hazard: Rain induced Lanslide Exposure Sensitivity Risk
% of Population
Population Living in % of Proportion
Estimated likeliho
Barangay Likelihood of Density per Affected % of households % of Young % of Persons of Households % of Average
Susceptibili Barangay Residential Affected Exposure od of Risk Risk
Description Occurrence Hectare of Area Informal with light, and Old with with Income Malnourished Severity of
ty Population Area Population Perc entage oc curre Score Category
Score Residential (Has) Settlers salvaged and Dependents Disabilities Below Poverty Individuals Consequence
(Hectares) nces
Area makeshift wall Threshold
A langtin High susc eptible to 566 20.3 27.88 20.3 84 14.84 0 2.12 28.09 1.74 18.89 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
A mtuagan High susc eptible to 495 8.8 56.25 8.8 168 33.94 0 2.42 35.96 1.86 57.61 0 4 3 12 h
mov ements
Dilong High susc eptible to 835 18 46.39 18 180 21.56 0 1.44 37.25 1.49 20.81 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
Kili High susc eptible to 445 13.7 32.48 13.7 120 26.97 0 2.70 31.69 2.45 43.28 0 4 3 12 h
mov ements
Poblacion High susc eptible to 580 15.6 37.18 15.6 102 17.59 0 2.07 30.17 2.12 21.43 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
Supo High susc eptible to 789 18 43.83 18 180 22.81 0 1.52 28.64 2.07 33.07 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
Tabacda High susc eptible to 266 2.8 95.00 2.8 90 33.83 0 4.51 40.98 2 45.76 1.11 4 3 12 h
mov ements
Tiempo High susc eptible to 837 8.5 98.47 8.5 192 22.94 0 1.43 33.33 6.27 34.88 0 4 3 12 h
mov ements
Tubtuba High susc eptible to 435 18.2 23.90 18.2 54 12.41 0 2.76 30.11 2.95 42.5 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
Wayangan High susc eptible to 445 14.5 30.69 14.5 12 2.70 0 2.70 30.79 3.88 70.27 0 4 2 8 m
mov ements
38 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
39 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
12.1Communication Diagram
12.2. Activation
40 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
During activations of the Public Service Continuity Plan, a Public Information Officer is assigned to conduct media interviews and/or provide updates through
media releases in an agreed schedule. Same as the Mission Essential Functions, notifying the public is one of this office’s goals, thus it shall be prioritized. This
office is expected to perform media releases on the first 12hours of activation.
To ensure the effectiveness of the local government’s continuity capabilities and the workability of the PSCP, this document shall be reviewed and tested at
least once a year through various testing exercises as may be determined by the Continuity Core Team (CCT). The testing of this document ensures that the
plan is updated and can achieve organizational acceptance that will satisfy its recovery requirements. With each new gap, risk, process, and strategy assessed
and identified, the existing plan is refined and improved by the Continuity Planning Team/Continuity Core Team. This PSCP may be reviewed and tested by the
CCT thru any of the following testing exercise methods:
Discussion-based Exercises
Workshop/Write shop Continuity Core Team To draft/ review/ refine/ update the PSCP accordingly based on July 2023
(CCT) significant organizational changes, inconsistencies to other plans,
lessons learned, and identified gaps and risk during exercises
To ensure relevant information and details are updated
Table top Exercise (TTX) CSO Representatives To review and test the effectively and workability of PSCP by July 2023
(sumakay, RIC, testing it using different disruptive scenarios
41 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
Operation-based Exercises
Drills CCT and Employees To review and test the effectively and workability of PSCP by August 2023
Biological Hazards testing it using different disruptive scenarios
Tropical Cyclone To assess current systems, processes, and strategies
(Heavy Rainfall) To identify potential gaps and risks, as well as the resource
Landslides requirements
Flooding To test the readiness and commitment of the staff
Earthquake To discuss the results and prepare the appropriate reports
42 | P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o n t i n u i t y P l a n 2 0 2 3
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
14.0 References
Republic Act 10121, otherwise known as the “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) Act of 2010
NDRRMC Memorandum No. 33 dated 10 April 2018: Enjoining all Government Member
Agencies of the DRRM Councils at all Levels, all Government Departments, Offices,
Bureaus, Service Units and Instrumentalities to Develop their Respective PSCPs to
Guarantee the Continuity of Operations amidst Disruption
Public Service Continuity Planning Guidebook, Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation,
Office of Civil Defense, and National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council,
Public Service Continuity Plan, Task Force on Energy Resiliency, Department of Energy, 2020
Terminology. (n.d.). United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Retrieved November 24,
2020, from
Provincial Government of Abra Citizens Charter
15.0 Appendices
The PSCP Core Team shall endorse and submit this Plan to the Head of the Agency and/or
Chairperson of the MDRRMC (Municipal Mayor) for approval. A resolution adopting the said plan shall
also be created and signed by the Sangguniang Bayan. Once completed and approved, the plan shall
also be submitted to the Office of Civil Defense for compliance and monitoring.
This plan shall then be subjected for continuous testing, evaluation, assessment, updating, and
improvement by the Continuity Core Team.
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Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Province of Abra
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