Case - 2
Case - 2
Case - 2
Customer buying behavior is a process by which consumers identify their needs, collect
information, evaluate alternatives, and make the purchase decision. It is a series of choices
made by a consumer prior to making a purchase that begins once the customer has established
a willingness to buy. Many of the research papers argue about customer buying behavior. The
marketer attempts to influence each of these decisions by supplying information that may
shape the consumer's evaluation. The Six stages of the consumer buying behavior process are
Problem Recognition, Information search, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase Decision,
Purchase, Post
Purchase Evaluation. The research paper attempts to find the various determinants of customer
buying behavior at Srinivasa Motors. Results are found with the use of various statistical
tools. This research paper is useful to the marketers to understand the interest of the
customers. It also can help to boost their marketing strategy. Keywords: consumer, customer
buying behavior, marketing strategy, purchase decision.
Every company wants to succeed in the marketing place. It is important that the manager
understand consumer behavior. The relationship between consumer attitudes and marketing
strategy is very close to attempts. Now-a-days most of the organization is to understand the
behavior of the consumer. Consumer behavior involves the psychological processes that
consumers go through in identifying their needs, finding ways to solve these needs, making
purchase decisions. The research of consumer behavior is not only attempts to
understand the subject of purchases but also to know purchasing motives and purchasing
frequency. The study of consumer behavior is the study of how individuals make decisions to
spend their available resources (time, money, efforts) on consumption related items. It
includes the study of what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it,
how often they buy it, and how often they use it. It is a process by which consumers identify
their needs, collect information, evaluate alternatives, and make the purchase decision. These
actions are determined by psychological and economical factors, and are influenced by
environmental factors such as cultural, group, and social values. It is a series of choices made
by a consumer prior to making a purchase that begins once the consumer has established a
willingness to buy. The marketer attempts to influence each of these decisions by supplying
information that may shape the consumer's evaluation process. The study is based on the title
of Factors Influencing Customers Buying Behavior in Srinivasa Motors at Puducherry State.
The paper is to understand the customer’s needs and reason for buying the products. And also
the research is to fulfill what are the factors that are influencing the purchase of the products
at Srinivasa Motors.
Kumar (2006), identified that a majority of the rural consumers give more preference to the
quality of the product in his research in rural India, which showed that the income level of the
rural consumer is increasing, which also generates more consumption and purchasing power
for the consumers. Laldinliana(2012), The prominence of promotion effort made by the
marketers/ Producers of these durable products is captured by the ranking of choicest buying
factors, especially so with two wheelers as seen from the responses of more than a third of the
household sample, pointing out promotion to be the main factor influencing their purchase.
AA Kuma et al (2014), The Customer decision is the selection of an action from two or
more alternative choices. Customer decision to purchase the goods from the available
alternative choice is known as “Consumer Purchase Decision”. The marketing people should
initiate the participants in the purchase decision to make the purchases of the product at
different marketing strategies. Engel, et al. (1986, 5), define consumer behavior as “those acts
of individuals directly involved in obtaining, using, and disposing of economic goods and
services, including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts”. Simple
observation provides limited insight into the complex nature of consumer choice and
researchers have increasingly sought the more sophisticated concepts and methods of
investigation provided by behavioral sciences in order to understand, predict, and possibly
control consumer behavior more effectively.
Psychology, social psychology, and sociology are the disciplines most widely
employed in this endeavor which has become a substantial academic industry in its own right.
In order to develop a framework for the study of consumer behavior it is helpful to begin by
considering the evolution of the field of consumer research and the different paradigms of
thought that have influenced the discipline (Marsden and Littler, 1998). Consumer behavior is
the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or
dispose of the product, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires (Michael
R.Solomon, 2013). The expanded view of consumers embraces much more than the study of
why and what consumers buy, but also focuses on how marketers influence consumers and
how consumers use the products and services.
Howard and Sheth (1969), proposed one of the earliest models of consumer behavior.
The model integrates various social, psychological and marketing influences on consumer
choice and is used to analyze purchasing behavior. Howard and Sheth (1969) suggested that
consumer decision making differs according to the strength of the attitude toward the
available brands; this being largely governed by the consumer’s knowledge and familiarity
with the product class. The definition of consumer behavior given by Belch (1998) is the
process and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing, using,
evaluating, and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires.
Behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group, or an organization.
Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they
are purchased.
“A system of models, procedures and techniques used to find the results of a research
problem”. (R. Paneerselvam 2004). For this research, researchers have used Descriptive
Research. A descriptive research is carried out with a specific objective and hence it results in
definite conclusions. This research tries to describe the characteristics of the respondents in
relation to a particular product or a practice of importance
(R.Paneerselvam2010). The sampling technique used in this study is a simple random sampling
method. A population can be defined as including all people or items with the characteristic
one wishes to understand (Prof. Cuddapah Ramanaiah). The total number of employees
working in the organization is the population under study. “A representative part or a single
item from a larger whole or group especially when presented for inspection or shown as
evidence of quality.” The tools used for Data analysis are Ranking method, Cluster Analysis
and Anova. The Data collected were analyzed using SPSS 16.0.
This brand has a very unique brand image, compared to competing .688 4.22 4
If in future, I want to buy a new bike, this brand would be my first .775 4.24 3
I will buy this brand even if the price increases. .781 3.68 5
The five Brand Loyalty variables the customers agree that they love to recommend
Yamaha to their friends is more dominant than the other four variables and its presence is very
strong among the customers of this showroom. The average level to recommend Yamaha
motors to their friends is 4.44 which indicates that its presence is very dominant among
customers. And they give the least importance to the variables that they will buy the Yamaha
cars even if the price increases. The average level to buy the Yamaha bikes even if the price
increases is 3.68 which indicates that it is the least presence among customers in Brand
Loyalty. The standard deviation value .632 gives the least presence on the variable Brand
loyalty which is consistent.
It is important to me to get the best price for the product I buy. .624 4.08 3
I compare the price of at least a few brands before I choose one. .785 3.99 4
I would never shop at more than one showroom to find low prices. 1.017 3.74 5
In general, I usually try to buy the best overall quality. .690 4.34 2
I always buy the best. .606 4.40 1
There are so many brands to choose from that I often feel 1.154 3.22 6
From these six Decision factor variables the customers agree that they always buy the best is
more dominant than other five variables and its presence is very strong among the customers
of this showroom. The average level they always buy the best is 4.40 which indicates that its
presence is very dominant among customers. And they give the least importance to the
variables that there are so many brands to choose from that they often feel confused. The
average level for there are so many brands to choose from that they often feel confused is
3.22 which indicates that it is the least presence among customers in Decision factors. The
standard deviation value .606 gives the least presence on the variable Behavior factors which
is consistent.
Visual 11 7 72 45 77 48
Discounts 46 29 48 30 66 41
From the frequency analysis, it is inferred that the scale 3.5-5 has the highest percentage in
customer buying behavior. First followed by the brand loyalty with 98% and second, followed
by the decision factors with 79%, third followed by the Product attributes with 68%, fourth
followed by the visual merchandising with 48%, and lastly the factor that affects the customer
buying behavior is Discounts with 41%.
1 2 3
Total percentage 29 39 32
Table contains the mean value scores of five factors related to customer buying behavior and
the ranks are specified in the bracket. Table shows that around 46 percent of customers belong
to cluster 1 category(Attitude), 63 percent are in cluster 2 category (Product) and 51 percent
belong to cluster 3 category( Promotion). This reveals that the majority of customers
participated in cluster 2 category (Product). The mean value of these three clusters are 4.13
the first ranking to cluster 3 (Promotion) and 3.56 second ranking to cluster 2(Product) and
3.41 the third ranking to cluster 1(Attitude).
This study on the customer buying behavior process by which consumers identify their needs,
collect information, evaluate alternatives, and make the buying behavior It is a series of
choices made by a consumer prior to making a purchase that begins once the consumer has
established a willingness to buy. By analysis it is found that most of the customers strongly
agree with brand loyalty as the customer buying behavior and the decision factors also play a
major role in customer buying behavior. This enriches the showroom in achieving the goals
and objectives.
1. Present the summary of the above research article
2. Answer the following scenario
An organization employing 5000 people wishes to find out the satisfaction level of employees
serving in their company and wish to find out if there is any difference in the satisfaction level
across age groups and gender.
Frame a research proposal for conducting a study with the above mentioned objective. The
proposal should contain 1. Research hypothesis 2. Statement of the problem 3. Research
methodology including type of sampling, method of data collection, proposed statistical tools
for data analysis 4.a short questionnaire (no need to collect data).