Debate Grading Rubric
Debate Grading Rubric
Debate Grading Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Organization Completely clear and Clear and orderly Clear and orderly Unclear or Unclear and
Outline arguments and orderly presentation with appropriate with appropriate disorganized with disorganized
viewpoints in a clear with appropriate transitions in most transitions in some lack of appropriate throughout
and orderly way, with transitions parts parts, but not transitions
appropriate transitions overall
Use of Argument Very compelling, Many good Some decent Few good No real arguments
Provide valid and accurate, and arguments given but arguments, but with arguments given, given, or all arguments
persuasive reasons to profound arguments with minor problems a few significant but with many given had significant
support the teams’ given throughout problems significant problems problems
point of view
Rebuttal Excellent cross- Good cross- Decent cross- Poor cross- Failure to point out
Identify weaknesses in examination and examination and examination and examination and problems in opposing
opposing team’s defense against rebuttals, but with rebuttals, but with rebuttals with many team’s position and/or
arguments and defend opposing team’s minor slip-ups some significant significant problems failure to defend
own arguments objections problems against arguments
Use of Facts/Statistics All major points Most major points Some major points Few major points No major points were
Support main points were well supported were well supported were well supported were well supported well supported with
with relevant facts, with relevant facts, with relevant facts, with relevant facts, with relevant facts, relevant facts, statistics
statistics, and statistics and/or statistics and/or statistics and/or statistics and/or and/or examples
examples examples examples examples examples
Word Choice & Accurately and Integrated a Integrated a Integrated a Neither accurately nor
Grammar Point consistently substantial amount of substantial amount substantial amount constantly integrated a
Application integrating a previously learned of previously of previously substantial amount of
Accurately and substantial amount of vocabulary and learned vocabulary learned vocabulary previously learned
consistently integrate a previously learned grammar, but with and grammar, but and grammar, but vocabulary and
substantial amount of vocabulary and minor problems in with some problems with many problems grammar
learned vocabulary grammar throughout accuracy in accuracy in accuracy
and grammar
Respect for Other All statements and Most statements and Moderately Borderline Consistently
Team responses were responses were respectful, but with appropriate, with disrespectful
Statements and respectful respectful occasional sarcastic sarcastic or
responses are or inappropriate inappropriate
respectful and remarks remarks
conveyed with
appropriate language
Delivery & All style features Most style features Some style features Few style features No style features were
Expression were used clearly, were used clearly, were used clearly, were used clearly, used clearly,
Use tone of voice, convincingly, and convincingly, and convincingly, and convincingly, and convincingly, and
clarity of expression, effectively effectively effectively effectively effectively
and precision of
arguments to keep the
audience’s attention
and persuade them of
the team’s case