Details of approval
The syllabus was approved by Academic Director of Studies at Department of Business
Administration on 2016-09-28 to be valid from 2016-10-28, autumn semester 2017.
General Information
The course BUSN48 is a course in Business Administration at the advanced level.
Learning outcomes
A passing grade on the course will be awarded to students who:
Course content
The course is divided into four interrelated part. Combined, these four parts aim to
provide a comprehensive overview of what creativity and innovation is and relates to
the questions of, how creativity and innovation could be stimulated and further
developed in an organization; what role external stakeholders of the company play;
why innovation and creativity have become so important and what possible positive
but also negative effects it can have.
To that end part 1 of the course presents and discusses various different conceptions
of creativity and innovation. These include the functionalist view, a systems
perspectives, sensemaking models and process models. The purpose is to familiarize
the students with common views on creativity and innovation.
Part 2 explores examples and various challenges of managing creativity and
innovation. In that context stimulating creativity on individual and team level will be
investigated as well as organizational efforts to structure and commercialize the
innovation process.
The third part looks at the broader economic, cultural and societal context of
creativity and innovation. In that respect the latest trends of open innovation, free and
open source software communities and the democratization of innovation will be
discussed as well as concepts of the creative city, innovation clusters and intellectual
property rights.
With regard to a critical evaluation of innovation and creativity the concluding part 4
of the course reflects on the effects of disruptive innovation and discusses ethical
Course design
The course is focused on student led teaching and case study seminars. The
pedagogical idea is that preparation of relevant literature (part 1) and an independent
case analysis (part 2) facilitates deep learning within a community of peers and
additionally serves as groundwork for their independent work on their degree projects
later on in the program.
To that end the students will in the first part of the course provide literature reviews
of the four theoretical areas in creativity and innovation (see above). They will be
asked to prepare a written literature review from a literature list but also encouraged
to add additional articles. An introductory lecture will prepare them for this work.
Their results will then be presented to the rest of the class. In order to ensure that the
learning objectives are reached the student-led presentations will be followed by
lectures which discuss and deepen their literature review. Hence the lectures add and
complement students´ acquired expertise in one of the theoretical areas. In the second
part of the course the students will be given a case study which they need to analyze.
The analysis should include theories and concepts from the first part of the class in
This is a translation of the course
syllabus approved in Swedish
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order to present the problem, possible solutions and critical reflections.
The assessment of the course is threefold. The literature review will be graded, the
presentation of the case studies and a final take home exam.
See appendix including examination sessions. (Will be attached to the curriculum
automatically in the system).
Subcourses that are part of this course can be found in an appendix at the end of this
Marking scale: Fail, E, D, C, B, A.
Grade (Definition) Points or % out of maximum points. Characteristic.
A (Excellent) 85-100. A distinguished result that is excellent with regard to theoretical
depth, practical relevance, analytical ability and independent thought.
B (Very good) 75-84. A very good result with regard to theoretical depth, practical
relevance, analytical ability and independent thought.
C (Good) 65-74. The result is of a good standard with regard to theoretical depth,
practical relevance, analytical ability and independent thought and lives up to
D (Satisfactory) 55-64. The result is of a satisfactory standard with regard to
theoretical depth, practical relevance, analytical ability and independent thought.
E (Sufficient) 50-54. The result satisfies the minimum requirements with regard to
theoretical depth, practical relevance, analytical ability and independent thought, but
not more.
F (U) (Fail) 0-49. The result does not meet the minimum requirements with regard to
theoretical depth, practical relevance, analytical ability and independent thought.
Some occasional examination elements of the course may have the grading scale pass
(D) / fail U(F).
Plagiarism is considered to be a very serious academic offence. The University will take
disciplinary actions against any kind of attempted malpractice in examinations and
assessments. The penalty that may be imposed for this, and other improper practices
in examinations or assessments, includes suspension from the University for a specific
period of time.
Entry requirements
Students admitted to a Master Programme where this course is either a compulsory or
elective part, are qualified for the course. For other students, at least 60 UCP or ECTS-
cr in Business Administration is required. These must include a course in basic Business
Administration (e.g. FEKA90 Business Administration: Introductory course in Business
Further information