Human Psychology
“A Handbook for Entrepreneur”
Published by:
- Ashish Bhagoria
Basics of Psychology and Management
o Understanding Humans and their Personality
o Human Psychology
o Understanding Humans and their Mind
o Factors that motivate humans to work
Business Management Cycle
Phase 1: Importance of PIE - Planning, Initiation and
o Philosophy of Business
o Three Essentials for a Successful Business
o Leadership in Business Management
o Lending an Ear and Problem Solving
o Business Approach towards handling Team
Work and Team Relationship
o Getting Closer to Targets
o The winning Strategy in Business
Phase 2: Meeting Financial needs with Financial
o Getting Best Returns on Investment
o Identifying Financial Resources while starting
o Finance and Employees’ Psychology
o Impact of Payment and Credit Policies
o Outsourcing a Job to Third Party
o Choice of Business Associates
o Negotiation and Psychology
Phase 3: Managing the Human Resource
o Hiring Right Person for the Right Job
o Training through Psychology
o Using Five Senses at Work
o Handling Staff Issues
o Employee Exit and Psychology
Phase 4: Managing the Marketing Strategies
o Product, Brand, Market Segments and
o Price and Psychology
o Positioning the Product in Market
o Promoting the Brand
o Sales and Customer Psychology
Phase 5: Customer Relationship Management and
o From One to Million Customers
Phase 6: Managing Business Operations
o Change Management and Psychology
o Implementing Systems and Procedures
o Better Control through Psychology
o How Direction works
o Management Information System
Building the Future
o Getting Ready for Competition
o Achieving and Maintaining Success
Understanding Humans
and their Personality
Every human is different and has a
different personality. Personality is the
sum total of ways in which an individual
reacts and interacts with others or may be
defined as the deeply ingrained and
relatively enduring patterns of thought,
feeling and behavior. In fact, when one
refers to personality, it generally implies to
all what is unique about an individual, the
characteristics that makes one stand out
in a crowd. Generally, we categorize people
according to the different types of
personalities but personality is developed
through the influence of the right or the
left brain. The influence of right or left
brain varies from person to person and
splits people into multiple personalities.
That is why everyone has different
behavior. We agree and accept that each
individual is unique, but what makes one
unique is attributable to one’s personality.
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Human Psychology
Before we discuss Management, we need
to understand psychology, in general.
Psychology deals with human behavior. It
deals with the human reaction under
different circumstances. Different people
react in different manner to similar
situations or the same person reacts in
different ways to similar situation in
different times. Just to understand this,
let’s try to understand first how we can
deal with human psychology.
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Understanding Humans
and their Mind
The human mind is divided into two parts
conscious and the subconscious mind.
Conscious mind is the part of the brain
which does the speculations, the
reasoning and takes care of the logical
things. This part of the mind is awake and
deals with the situations around. The
subconscious mind is the part of brain
where the data is stored and it deals with
our emotions, feelings and expressions. In
our day to day life, we come across many
situations which we forget. However, it’s
not so that these are completely erased
from our mind.
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