2016 SynapsePublicationsReport
2016 SynapsePublicationsReport
2016 SynapsePublicationsReport
2016 Synapse
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Director's Welcome
Led by Bernadette Joe, the Synapse team carefully reviewed and vetted 3,851
(as of 02/17/17) works pulled from five different commercial bibliographic
databases. This includes journal articles, conference papers, meeting abstracts,
books, and book sections. In addition, the database has grown and 652 new
author profiles were added.
As you peruse this publication report, I hope that you will get a sense of the
breadth and depth of works by our many authors, as well as, the dedication
required to produce this valuable resource.
Donna Gibson
Director of Library Services
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2016 Works
About Synapse 4
(3,851) book wholes
Synapse is a collection of author profiles, providing access 37
to publications that are the result of research conducted at book sections
or by Memorial Sloan Kettering. The MSK Library developed
Synapse in order to increase the visibility of and promote
the work and collaboration of MSK researchers, clinicians, 891
nurses, and healthcare professionals, ensuring that their meeting abstracts
publications are discoverable.
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New Features
• Link From Author Profiles to ORCID Records 758 (23% of) authors currently employed at MSK have
When MSK authors use the Library’s ORCID@MSK service registered their ORCID iD’s with the Library.
to create and submit their ORCID iD’s, links to their ORCID
records will appear on their Synapse profiles, showcasing
their unique digital identifiers which distinguish them from
ORCID is a non-proprietary organization and initiative
other researchers.
providing unique identifiers and profile pages for
scientific researchers.
• Export Works to NCBI’s My Bibliography (via PubMed)
In addition to creating on-screen bibliographies and
exporting works to RIS (EndNote), MSK authors can now Create and register your ORCID iD with the Library using
export their works to PubMed for further analysis or to add ORCID@MSK!
appropriate works to their NCBI’s My Bibliography, a useful
tool for monitoring NIH Public Access Policy compliance.
7,995 former
5 OF 324
When new works are added to Synapse, the Synapse team consults the original published documents to find out which authors listed
MSK as an affiliation. We then use resources provided by Human Resources and Public Affairs to identify which employees match each of
the named authors. When a match is confirmed, we “verify” the author on the work so that it becomes linked to the author’s profile page.
New authors may be discovered at this point. If so, profile pages are created and the author is notified by email.
Top Authors
The top 10 prolific authors of 2016 include:
Nancy Y. Lee, MD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Clifford A. Hudis, MD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Vice Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology,
Former Employee (Chief of the Breast Medicine
Experimental Therapeutics
Service from 1998 to 2016)
6 OF 324
New Authors
In 2016, Synapse Abbate, Kelly Teresa (Medicine) Armenia, Joshua (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
profiles were created Ackerman, Jill A (Pediatrics) Aryeequaye, Ruth Kailey Ayitey (Pathology)
for the following MSK
employees (652): Ackermann, Sarah Elizabeth (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Attiyeh, Marc (SKI - Surgery)
Albanese, Steven Kyle (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Balakrishnan Rema, Anoop (Pathology)
Alcantara, Sheila (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Balakrishnan, Mridula (Graduate Studies)
Aldeborgh, Hannah Nicole Janet Annmarie (SKI - Radiology) Baldwin-Medsker, Abigail Elaine (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street)
Allaj, Viola (SKI - Medicine) Banaji, Arpitha (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
Anderson, Erik Steven (Graduate Medical Education) Baslan, Taimour Ghassan (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Andronico, Jaclyn R (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street) Basnet, Harihar (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
7 OF 324
New Authors
Becerra, Maria Fernanda (SKI - Surgery) Boyce, Lindsay Marie (I.S. - Medical Library)
Behling, Katja (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry) Brachfeld, Alexandra (SKI - Medicine)
Belluardo, Josephine L (Graduate Studies) Braghiroli, Maria Ignez Freitas Melro (Graduate Medical Education)
Beluco Corradi Fonseca, Renato (SKI - Surgery) Brea, Elliott Joseph (Graduate Medical Education)
Benfante, Nicole E (SKI - Surgery) Brien, Gerard Laurence (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Biel, Karen (Urology Outpatient Center) Brito Campana, Juan Pablo (Graduate Medical Education)
Blazic, Ivana (SKI - Radiology) Broach, Vance Andrew (Graduate Medical Education)
Blecua Carrillo Albornoz, Pedro (SKI - Radiation Oncology) Bromme, Elisa Anne (Main Campus Outpatient)
Blumberg, Lauren Esther (Radiation Oncology) Brooks, Eric David Kenny (Graduate Medical Education)
Bodei, Lisa (Radiology) Buckley, Mary Elizabeth (Breast and Imaging Center)
Bose, Promita (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Burke, Kathleen (SKI - Pathology)
Boulad, Mathieu Nadim (Medicine) Byun, David Jaihun (SKI - Radiation Oncology)
Bowers, Leah Magdeline (Graduate Medical Education) Cabot, Jennifer Cox (Graduate Medical Education)
8 OF 324
New Authors
Cai, Xiaochuan (Chemical Biology Program) Chaudhry, Mohammed Suhail (Immunology)
Callahan, Christine Marie (Nursing) Cheavers, Christopher Edward (Department of Quality & Safety)
Callahan, Scott James (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Chen, Feng (SKI - Radiology)
Camacho Ordonez, Niedzica Nadia (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Chen, Mo (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Cameron, Michael Clark (Graduate Medical Education) Chen, Sonja Dianne Julia Kimchoy (Graduate Medical Education)
Castillo, Raychel (Diversity Prgrms/Womens Facult) Chiriac, Maria Irina (Chemical Biology Program)
Casuscelli, Jozefina (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Cho, Gene Young (SKI - Radiology)
Cavalcanti, Marcela Santos (Graduate Medical Education) Cho, Hyunwoo (Graduate Studies)
Cavalli, Michele Riccardo (SKI - Surgery) Cho, Sun Min (Laboratory Medicine)
Chabon, Jonathan (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Chow, Arthur W (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
Chakraborty, Jayasree (SKI - Surgery) Chowell Puente, Diego (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Chan, Andrew Tin-Ho (SKI - Medicine) Chu, Bae Philavan (Medical Physics)
Chandhanayingyong, Chandhanarat (Graduate Medical Education) Chu, Jennifer (Graduate Medical Education)
Chandwani, Rohit (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Chung Jr, You (Nursing)
Chatterjee, Debashree (Molecular Biology) Claeys Bouuaert, Corentin Francois (Molecular Biology)
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New Authors
Clark, Varina Rene (Medicine) de Bruijn, Ino (SKI - Pathology)
Conti-Harrigan, Laura Anne (MSK-60th Street) Demoin, Dustin Wayne (SKI - Radiology)
Cook, Brendon Ellery (SKI - Radiology) Dhara, Surajit (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Cowan, Renee Antonette Woodburn (Graduate Medical Education) Dierov, Djamilia (Medicine)
Cronin, Patricia Ann (Graduate Medical Education) Diolaiti, Daniel (SKI - Pediatrics)
Cruz, Ramona (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street) Djesevic, Almedina (Medicine)
Dadi, Saida (Immunology) Duggan, Erika Gabrielle (Department of Quality & Safety)
Dalin, Martin Gustav (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Dutton, Inde (Nursing)
Dalvi, Nagma (Graduate Medical Education) Edwards, Kimberly Joanna (SKI - Radiology)
Daniel, Tanisha Dee (Pathology) Eisold, Meghan Elizabeth (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Davis, Morie (Nursing) Er, Ekrem Emrah (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
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New Authors
Eskandari, Roozbeh (SKI - Radiology) Geary, Clair (Graduate Studies)
Eyquem, Justin Gabriel Andre Francois (Immunology) Gejman, Ron Shlomo (Graduate Studies)
Famulare, Christopher A (Collaborative Research Centers) Gelb, Emily Helene (Radiation Oncology)
Fan, Jun (SKI - Pathology) Getta, Bartlomiej Marcin (Graduate Medical Education)
Farhang Khoee, Hana (Graduate Medical Education) Giacalone, Joseph (Research Facilities)
Feng, Zhaohui (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Goldberg, Aaron David (Graduate Medical Education)
Fingerhood, Michael Loth (Graduate Medical Education) Gonzalez Aguirre, Adrian Jose (Radiology)
Freiin Von Reibnitz, Donata Ana Theodora (SKI - Radiation Oncology) Guan, Youxin (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Freites Martinez, Azael David (SKI - Medicine) Guney, Tezcan (Chemical Biology Program)
Fuchs, Thomas (Medical Physics) Gur, Hatice Deniz (Graduate Medical Education)
Fung, Edward Komin (Graduate Medical Education) Gutiontov, Stanley (Graduate Medical Education)
Gangangari, Kishore Kumar (SKI - Radiology) Han, Song (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
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New Authors
Hao, Xueli (Graduate Medical Education) Huerga Sanchez, Iker (Data & Information Service)
Haque, Mohammad Haque (Pathology) Hultcrantz, Malin Lisa (Graduate Medical Education)
Harneja, Niyati Swaroop (Clinical Research) Inda Garcia, Maria del Carmen (Chemical Biology Program)
Haseltine, Justin Mark (SKI - Radiation Oncology) Inoue, Daichi (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
He, Lan (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Iyer, Saipriya (Diversity Prgrms/Womens Facult)
Herrera Almario, Gabriel Eduardo (Graduate Medical Education) Jarvis, Casey (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
Ho, Tzu Chieh (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry) Jay, Hillary Victoria (Immunology)
Hoshii, Takayuki (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Johnsen, Hannah Christina (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP))
Hu, Jing (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Johnson, Thomas William (Research Facilities)
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New Authors
Kao, Yu-Chien (SKI - Pathology) Kim, Minhee (Graduate Studies)
Kapilashrami, Kanishk (Chemical Biology Program) Kim, Seong Jin (SKI - Medicine)
Kaplan, Samuel Eliot (Laboratory Medicine) Kim, Sung Eun (Graduate Studies)
Karassawa Zanoni, Daniella (SKI - Radiology) Kim, Young Joon Joon (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Kash, Natalie Nata (Graduate Medical Education) King, Amber Courtney (Pharmacy)
Kazzaz, Sarah Allison (SKI - Medicine) Kirane, Amanda Robinson (Graduate Medical Education)
Keith JR, James Whiteside (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Kitzler, Robina (Nursing)
Kelly, Amelia Gale (Graduate Medical Education) Koranteng, Lauren Akua (Pharmacy)
Kelly, Ciara Marie (Graduate Medical Education) Kozlowski, Paul (SKI - Radiology)
Kelly, Daniel William (Data & Information Service) Krebs, Simone Susanne (Graduate Medical Education)
Kendall, Sviatoslav Michael (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Kuhn, Nicholas Frederik (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP))
Khan, Nabeela Ali (Graduate Medical Education) Kundra, Ritika (Collaborative Research Centers)
Khutti, Seema Devshi (Graduate Medical Education) Kurtzman, Rachel Taylor (Medicine)
Killian, Jonathan Keith (Graduate Medical Education) Laguna, Joseph Lorenzo (West Harrison)
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New Authors
Lambert, Courtney Rose (Medicine) Loizou, Evangelia (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Lee, Jun Ho (SKI - Surgery) Lopez Garaulet, Daniel Santiago (Developmental Biology)
Lee, Ken-Wing (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Lopez Puebla, Jose Carlos (Graduate Medical Education)
Lee, Lik Hang (Graduate Medical Education) Lou, William (Graduate Medical Education)
Lee, Meghan Elizabeth (SKI - Surgery) Lowe, Michael Charles (Graduate Medical Education)
Li, Qiang (Graduate Medical Education) Lynch, Sharon M (Main Campus Outpatient)
Li, Xiaoyi (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Lyubchik, Anna (SKI - Surgery)
Lim, Pei Xin (Developmental Biology) Mahmood, Usman Ahmad (Medical Physics)
Liu, Nick Wei-En (Graduate Medical Education) Mandelker, Diana Lauren (Pathology)
Liu, Wenying (Graduate Studies) Manley, Brandon John (Graduate Medical Education)
Lochner, Caroline (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street) Mao, Ninghui (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
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New Authors
Marcell, Vanessa J (Medicine) Miale-Mayer, Donna (Nursing)
Marino Alvarez, Maria Liliana del Pilar (SKI - Medicine) Michael, Chelsea Lyn (Pathology)
Matsoukas, Konstantina (I.S. - Medical Library) Miller-Sobel, Jacob David (SKI - Psychiatry/Counseling)
Mazo, Gregory (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Mo, George (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
McAuliffe, John Christopher (Graduate Medical Education) Mondesire-Crump, Ijah (SKI - Surgery)
McGee, Erin Anne (SKI - Surgery) Moore, Amanda Roxanne (Graduate Studies)
Mendonca, Shawn James (Graduate Medical Education) Namuduri, Manjusha Van (Pediatrics)
Meng, Fanli (Collaborative Research Centers) Narain, Wazim Raja (Disease Management)
Meyer, Jan-Philip (SKI - Radiology) Narayan, Ankita (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
Meyerholz, Samantha Mary (Department of Quality & Safety) Neil, Elizabeth Catherine (Graduate Medical Education)
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New Authors
Nelson, Paul (Finance) Panchoo, Kelly H (Clinical Research)
Nemieboka, Brandon (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Panzarino, Alexandra Marie (Developmental Biology)
Ng, Shu Yi (SKI - Radiation Oncology) Parada, Luis F (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Oh, Claire (Graduate Studies) Pastore, Alessandro (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Ojeda Seijas, Virginia (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry) Patane, Michael Gene (Surgery)
O'Rourke, Kevin Patrick (Graduate Studies) Pennicooke, Brenton H (Graduate Medical Education)
Ortiz, Michael Vincent (Graduate Medical Education) Penson, Alexander Vincent (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Panchal, Palak (Chemical Biology Program) Pietzak, Eugene J (Graduate Medical Education)
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New Authors
Pinero, Maria Cristina Malabuyoc (Pediatrics/Nurses) Riegman, Michelle Marthe Elizabeth (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP))
Pittella Silva, Fabio (Chemical Biology Program) Rios, Kelly Marie (Pathology)
Politikos, Ioannis (Graduate Medical Education) Rivera, Andrew (Graduate Medical Education)
Powell, Eleanor Anne (Graduate Medical Education) Rojas, Carlos Alberto (Nursing)
Price, Eric William (SKI - Radiology) Romanoff, Sonya Julene (Office of Physician-In-Chief)
Pritchett, Wendy (Basking Ridge) Romero, Fabian Andres (Graduate Medical Education)
Ptashkin, Ryan Nathan (Pathology) Rosario Quinones, Frances Lucianne (Graduate Medical Education)
Raciti, Patricia Marie (Graduate Medical Education) Rosenberg, Haley Isabel (SKI - Surgery)
Rafikh, Salima (Urology Outpatient Center) Rosenberger, Laura H (Graduate Medical Education)
Rahnamay Farnoud, Noushin (Collaborative Research Centers) Rosenfeld, Hope Amiri (SKI - Surgery)
Ramnarine, Kiran (Research Facilities) Roxburgh, Campbell Stuart (Graduate Medical Education)
Rebeiz, Karim Jean (Graduate Medical Education) Rybkin, Alisa (Radiation Oncology)
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New Authors
Sakamoto, Hitomi (SKI - Pathology) Sekhri, Neha (Medicine)
Salloum, Darin (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Selcuklu, Sadan Duygu (Collaborative Research Centers)
Sanchez Vega, Francisco (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Sen, Filiz (Pathology)
Santich, Brian Horacio (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Shah, Hardik M (SKI - Pediatrics)
Santos, Natalie Ishak (Social Work) Shamay, Yosef (Molecular Phrmclgy & Chemistry)
Saqcena, Mahesh (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Sharma, Sai Kiran (SKI - Radiology)
Satasivam, Prassannah (Graduate Medical Education) Sher, Jessica (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Saurat, Nathalie Gael (Developmental Biology) Shurell, Elizabeth Marie (Graduate Medical Education)
Schlappe, Brooke Amber (Graduate Medical Education) Simoes, Priya Karen (Graduate Medical Education)
Schleicher, Stephen Matthew (Graduate Medical Education) Singh, Ranjodh (Graduate Medical Education)
Schmitt, Adam Michael (Radiation Oncology) Slingerland, Ann Elizabeth (SKI - Medicine)
Schweber, Sarah Joan Meyers (Medicine) Soliman, Mohamed Ahmed (Developmental Biology)
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New Authors
Somma, Alexander Joseph (SKI - Surgery) Tennenbaum, Daniel (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Song, Evelyn Junyao (Cancer Biology and Genetics) Teo, Min Yuen (Graduate Medical Education)
Soni, Rekha (Collaborative Research Centers) Thachuthara-George, Joseph Kurian (Graduate Medical Education)
Spencer, Alison Kate Laine (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Thomas, Lorna Verona (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street)
Stasi, Kristen Genevieve (Off Site: MSK 53rd Street) Tray, Nancy J (Medicine)
Straight, Celeste Emily (Graduate Medical Education) Tse, Kin (PCCTC Operations)
Sun, Liping (Collaborative Research Centers) Valerio, Daria Gianina (Cancer Biology and Genetics)
Tarasova, Valentina Dmitriyevna (Graduate Medical Education) Walczak, Edward Gregory (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis)
Taylor, Damani Colin (Pediatrics) Walland, Jonathan Steven (Office of General Counsel)
19 OF 324
New Authors
Wang, Guanshi (Graduate Studies) Yamada, Shintaro (Molecular Biology)
Wang, Qingguo (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Yang, Hui (Structural Biology)
Wang, Shangqian (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Yang, Wendy (Graduate Medical Education)
Wang, Tai (Chemical Biology Program) Yeahia, Rubaya (Diversity Prgrms/Womens Facult)
Weber, Joseph John (Graduate Medical Education) Yewdell, William Theodore (Immunology)
Werneck Krauss Silva, Vitor (Graduate Medical Education) Yu, Angela M (Graduate Studies)
White, Pascale Marthe (Graduate Medical Education) Yu, Jessie Zexi (Graduate Medical Education)
Woolthuis, Carolien Marthe (Human Oncology & Pathogenesis) Zecco, Glenn David (Nursing)
Wu, Raymond (Student Stipends (Phd and SURP)) Zhang, Ming (Graduate Medical Education)
Xu, Amy Jia (Graduate Medical Education) Zhou, Fang (Graduate Medical Education)
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Publications (Serial)
Top Synapse Journals Top Journals (For Articles) MSK-affiliated "journal
articles" published in 2016
In 2016, MSK authors published works in
852 different journal titles, covering topics
such as: Cancer Genetics & Genomics,
Journal of Clinical Oncology
20.982 104
Cancer Immunotherapy & Vaccines, Cancer impact factor
Metabolism, Cell Signaling & Regulation,
Cell-Based Therapy, Chemical Biology,
Clinical Cancer Research
8.738 48
Computational Oncology, Developmental impact factor
Biology, Epidemiology, Statistics & Health
Outcomes, Epigenetics, Genome Integrity,
Hematologic Malignancies, Imaging, Annals of Surgical Oncology 3.655 47
impact factor
Immunology, Metastasis & Drug Resistance,
Microbiome & Inflammation, Molecular
Pathology & Diagnostics, Nanotechnology, Cancer
5.649 46
impact factor
Neuroscience & Neuro-Oncology, Solid
Tumor Oncogenesis, Stem Cells, Structural
Biology, Systems Biology, Targeted Therapy, Oncotarget
5.008 35
impact factor
Tumor Microenvironment.
21 OF 324
Cancer Research 64
Haematologica 35
BJU International 18
22 OF 324
the impact factor provides a means for
comparing two or more journals and for
ranking them by degree of impact relative to
each other.
38 72
23 OF 324
Highly-Cited Papers
The following represent the top highly-cited papers with an MSK affiliation according to Scopus on 5/8/2017.
2015 American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for Adult Patients with Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid
Cancer: The American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force on Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Thyroid. 26(1): 1-133. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 551
Atezolizumab in patients with locally advanced and metastatic urothelial carcinoma who have progressed following
treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy: A single-arm, multicentre, phase 2 trial
The Lancet. 387(10031): 1909-1920. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 175
Clonal neoantigens elicit T cell immunoreactivity and sensitivity to immune checkpoint blockade
Science. 351(6280): 1463-1469. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 171
The 2016 revision of the World Health Organization classification of lymphoid neoplasms
Blood. 127(20): 2375-2390. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150
Targeting BCL2 with venetoclax in relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia
New England Journal of Medicine. 374(4): 311-322. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134
Genomic analyses identify molecular subtypes of pancreatic cancer
Nature. 531(7592): 47-52. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition)
Autophagy. 12(1): 1-222. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122
The Emerging Hallmarks of Cancer Metabolism
Cell Metabolism. 23(1): 27-47. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Alectinib in ALK-positive, crizotinib-resistant, non-small-cell lung cancer: A single-group, multicentre, phase 2 trial
The Lancet Oncology. 17(2): 234-242. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������92
A Contemporary Prostate Cancer Grading System: A Validated Alternative to the Gleason Score
European Urology. 69(3): 428-435.. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������89
24 OF 324
Nomenclature Revision for Encapsulated Follicular Variant Overspending driven by oversized single dose
of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Paradigm Shift to Reduce vials of cancer drugs (British Medical Journal)
1211 Overtreatment of Indolent Tumors (JAMA Oncology) 800 Peter Bach, Raymond J. Muller, Geoffrey
Robert M. Tuttle, Ronald A. Ghossein C. Schnorr, Leonard B. Saltz
Inherited DNA-Repair Gene Mutations in Men with Metastatic Recreational physical inactivity and mortality in women with
Prostate Cancer (New England Journal of Medicine) invasive epithelial ovarian cancer: evidence from the Ovarian
1161 Michael Francis Walsh, Wassim Abida, Michael Forman 736 Cancer Association Consortium (British Journal of Cancer)
Berger, Liying Zhang, Ahmet Zehir, Vijai Joseph, Howard Malcolm Pike
Scher, Charles L Sawyers, Nikolaus D. Schultz, Philip Wayne
Kantoff, David Solit, Mark E. Robson, Kenneth Offit Clonal neoantigens elicit T cell immunoreactivity and
sensitivity to immune checkpoint blockade (Science)
Trends in Dietary Supplement Use Among US Adults From
1082 1999-2012 (JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association) 701 Vladimir Makarov, Alexandra Elizabeth Snyder
Charen, Matthew David Hellmann, Taha Merghoub,
Elizabeth David Kantor, Mengmeng Du Jedd D. Wolchok, Timothy Chan
Genomic analyses identify molecular subtypes Genomic Classification and Prognosis in Acute Myeloid
833 of pancreatic cancer (Nature) 635 Leukemia (New England Journal of Medicine)
Christine Anne Iacobuzio-Donahue Elli Papaemmanuil
Policy Documents Post-Publication Peer-Reviews Google+ Q&A (stack overflow) *Altmetric Attention Scores are provided in real time
News Facebook Linkedin Youtube and can change based on new mentions. The scores
Blogs Sina Weibo Reddit Pinterest shown are current as of February 20, 2017.
Twitter Wikipedia Faculty1000
25 OF 324
Bibliography of Works
The following bibliography consists of 2016 works Journal Articles
that were ingested into Synapse as of 2/17/2017. Works published in a serial publication, including but not limited to:
Based on the submission schedules of different • Research papers
publishers and commercial databases, there may • Reviews/surveys
be delays in 2016 content getting added to Synapse. • Editorials
• Letters
The comprehensive bibliography is divided into • Chapters from a monographic series
sections which may be further defined as follows:
Conference Papers
Original articles published for or presented at a conference, symposium or
other professional gathering
Meeting Abstracts
Published abstracts of presentations held at a conference, symposium or
other professional gathering, including but not limited to:
• Poster presentations
• Oral presentations
• Panel discussions
Book Sections
Chapters or sections of a monograph or book. Occasionally, these will be
represented in Synapse as journal articles (if they’re part of a monographic
series) or conference papers/meeting abstracts (if they’re part of a
proceedings booklet)
Book Wholes
Whole monographs or entire books
26 OF 324
27 OF 324
Journal Articles
Abdel Latif AM, Souweidane MM. Extruded contents of colloid cysts after Laurenzio L, Lee R, Yen CJ. Randomized phase II placebo controlled
endoscopic removal. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2016;125(3):570-575. study of codrituzumab in previously treated patients with advanced
hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology. 2016;65(2):289-295.
Abdel-Misih SRZ, Wei L, Benson AB III, Cohen S, Lai L, Skibber J, Wilkinson
N, Weiser M, Schrag D, Bekaii-Saab T. Neoadjuvant therapy for rectal Abou-Alfa GK. Preface: Special issue on biliary cancer. Chinese Clinical
cancer affects lymph node yield and status without clear implications Oncology. 2016;5(5):E2.
on outcome: The case for eliminating a metric and using preoperative
staging to guide therapy. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Abramian A, Zivanovic O, Kuhn W, Weber S, Schaefer N, Keyver-Paik
Network. 2016;14(12):1528-1534. PMCID: PMC5292039 MD, Kiefer N. Introducing hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
into gynecological oncology practice - Feasibility and safety
Abdul Razak AR, Mau-Soerensen M, Gabrail NY, Gerecitano JF, Shields considerations: Single-center experience. Oncology Research and
AF, Unger TJ, Saint-Martin JR, Carlson R, Landesman Y, McCauley D, Treatment. 2016;39(4):178-184.
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Meeting Abstracts
Abida W, Brennan R, Armenia J, Curtis KR, Gopalan A, Arcila ME, Danila Adams NM, Rapp M, Sun JCY. The transcription factor IRF8 regulates
DC, Rathkopf DE, Morris MJ, Slovin SF, Solit DB, Hyman DM, Durack natural killer cell development and response to cytomegalovirus
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BR, Kavan P, Goel R, Murray JJ, Bekaii-Saab TS, Tam VC, Rajdev L, RH, Zhu B, Van Dyke AL, Koshiol J. Epithelial atypia in the gallbladder:
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Bertagnolli MM, Venook AP. Phase III randomized study of sorafenib plus Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):438A-439A.
doxorubicin versus sorafenib in patients with advanced hepatocellular
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Abu Zaid M I, Fung C, Williams A, Sesso HD, Kerns SL, Feldman DR, Al-Ahmadie HA, Iyer G, Lee BH, Scott SN, Mehra R, Bagrodia A, Jordan
Hamilton RJ, Vaughn DJ, Beard C, Liu H, Fossa SD, Einhorn LH, Travis LB, EJ, Gao SP, Ramirez R, Cha EK, Desai N, Zabor EC, Ostrovnaya
The Platinum Study Group. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors I, Gopalan A, Chen YB, Fine SW, Tickoo SK, Viale A, Arcila ME, Dalbagni
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Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.) urothelial carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):214A.
252 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Al-Ahmadie HA, Iyer G, Lee BH, Scott SN, Mehra R, Bagrodia A, Jordan Anand A, Morris MJ, Larson SM, Ohlsson M, Joseffson A, Helgstrand
EJ, Gao SP, Ramirez R, Cha EK, Desai N, Zabor EC, Ostrovnaya JT, Edenbrandt L, Oturai PS, Roeder MA, Bjartell A. Automated bone
I, Gopalan A, Chen YB, Fine SW, Tickoo SK, Viale A, Arcila ME, Dalbagni scan index as a quantitative imaging biomarker indicative of efficacy
G, Rosenberg JE, Bochner BH, Bajorin DF, Berger MF, Reuter VE, Taylor to enzalutamide in patients with metastatic castrate resistant prostate
BS, Solit DB. Comprehensive molecular analysis of plasmacytoid variant cancer (mCRPC). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
urothelial carcinoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):214A.
Anderlini P, Saliba R, Ledesma C, Plair T, Alousi A, Hosing C, Khouri
Alatise O I, Komolafe AO, Famurewa OC, Katung A I, Ariyibi OO, I, Nieto Y, Popat U, Shpall E, Fanale M, Oki Y, Neelapu S, Younes A,
Egberoungbe AA, Olatoke SA, Agodirin OS, Olaofe OO, Kolawole Champlin R. Gemcitabine, fludarabine, and melphalan for reduced-
OA, Eaton A, Kingham TP. Colorectal cancer patient outcomes in Nigeria: intensity conditioning (RIC) and allogeneic stem cell transplantation
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Albanese S, Xu J, Hsieh J, Chodera JD. Simulating mTOR hyperactivating Anderson ES, Postow MA, Young R, Chan TA, Yamada Y, Beal K. Initial
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K, Hameed M. Primary adult skeletal osteosarcoma: A clinicopathological
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Alexander K, Nonaillada J, Gangai N, Korc-Grodzicki B. Educational Andronico J, Thomas L, Lochner C, Hughes C, Cruz R, Moore
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Alonso M, Najera L, Carrasco E, Salazar N, Gonzalez S, Gilaberte
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health disparities affecting migrants and the underserved. Journal of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Cancer Immunology
Psychosocial Oncology. 2016;34(1-2):160-162. Research. 2016;4(Suppl.)
253 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Aradottir K, Lund SH, Landgren O, Bjorkholm M, Turesson I, Askan G, Klimstra D, Adsay V, Allen P, Memis B, Sigel C, Basturk
Kristinsson SY. Impact of family history on risk of progression O. “Oncocytic-type” of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN):
of MGUS to multiple myeloma: A population-based An analysis of 25 cases. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):439A.
study. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):521-522.
Assal A, Jakubowski AA, Maloy M, Zheng JT, Devlin SM, Avecilla
Arai S, Richardson PG, Smith AR, Triplett BM, Kernan NA, Grupp SA, S, Barker JN, Castro-Malaspina H, Dahi P, Gyurkocza B, Meagher
Antin JH, Lehmann L, Liang W, Hume R, Hannah AL, Nejadnik B, Soiffer R, Perales MA, Shaffer B, Tamari R, Young JW, Giralt SA, Papadopoulos
RJ. Efficacy and safety of defibrotide in a subset analysis of late-onset EB. The role of post-remission chemotherapy before T-cell
hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (VOD/ depleted allogeneic stem cell transplant for acute myeloid leukemia
SOS) patients from an ongoing, expanded-access program. Biology of in first complete remission. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S303. Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S197-S198.
Argolo D, Friedman M, Smyth L, Iyengar N, Singh J, Patil S, Norton Aufhauser D, Sadot E, Murken D, Eddinger K, Goldberg D, Furth E, Abt
L, Baselga J, Hudis C, Dang C. Activity of HP-based therapies as P, DeMatteo R, Levine M. Occult multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma in
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Autio KA, Garcia JA, Alva AS, Hart LL, Milowsky M I, Posadas EM, Ryan
Argolo D, Friedman M, Smyth L, Iyengar N, Singh J, Patil S, Norton CJ, Summa JM, Youssoufian H, Scher H I, Dreicer R. A phase 2 study
L, Baselga J, Hudis C, Dang C. Activity of HP-based therapies as of BIND-014 (PSMA-targeted docetaxel nanoparticle) administered
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breast cancer: A retrospective study from a single institution. Cancer prostate cancer (mCRPC). Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Avila AM, Barba P, Cho C, Devlin S, Ceberio I, Ponce D, Maloy
Armstrong AJ, Saad F, Shore ND, Fizazi K, Phung D, Dmuchowski M, Perales MA. Sirolimus, tacrolimus and low-dose methotrexate as
CF, Hirmand M, Forer D, Scher H I, De Bono JS. Surrogacy analysis GVHD prophylaxis is safe and associated with promising results in
of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) decline for improved overall patients receiving reduced-toxicity allogeneic hematopoietic cell
survival (OS) with enzalutamide (ENZ) in AFFIRM. Journal of Clinical transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S167.
Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
Awan MJ, Zakem SJ, Ward MC, Machtay M, Riaz N, Caudell JJ, Dunlap
Arun G, Diermeier S, Akerman M, Chang KC, Wilkinson JE, Hearn S, NE, Isrow D, Dault J, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Siddiqui F, Trotti A, Lee
Kim Y, MacLeod AR, Krainer AR, Norton L, Brogi E, Egeblad M, Spector N, Koyfman S, Heron DE, Yao M. Reirradiation outcomes after upfront
DL. Differentiation of mammary tumors and reduction in metastasis upon larynx preservation or total laryngectomy: A multi-institutional
Malat1 LncRNA loss. Cancer Research. 2016;76(6 Suppl.) analysis. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E376.
Askan G, Klimstra D, Adsay V, Allen P, Memis B, Sigel C, Basturk
O. “Oncocytic-type” of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN): Badiyan SN, Hartsell WF, Cahlon O, Giap H, Prabhu K, Feigenberg SJ,
An analysis of 25 cases. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):439A. Chuong MD, Mohindra P, Mehta MP, Vargas C, Hoppe BS, Simone CB
254 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
2nd. Clinical outcomes of patients with stage II-III non-small cell lung Barba P, Burns LJ, Juckett MB, Komanduri K V, Litzow MR, Lee SJ, Devlin
cancer (NSCLC) treated with proton beam therapy (PBT) on the Proton SM, Costa LJ, Khan SP, Klein AK, Krishnan A, Malone AK, Moravec CG,
Collaborative Group (PCG) prospective registry trial. International Journal Mir M, Selby GB, Vivek R, Cochran M, Stricherz M, Westmoreland M,
of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E434-E435. Tierney DK, Wood WA, Perales MA. Success of an International Learning
Healthcare System in hematopoietic cell transplantation: The American
Bagrodia A, Kaffenberger SD, Lee B, Lee W, Cha EK, Sfakianos J, Gao Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation clinical case forum. Biology
SP, Zabor EC, Ostrovnaya I, Eng J, Berger MF, Bajorin DF, Schultz of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3):S266-S267.
N, Sheinfeld J, Bosl GJ, Al-Ahmadie H, Solit DB, Feldman DR. Actionable
targets in patients with cisplatin-resistant advanced germ cell Barba P, Martino R, Zhou Q, Cho C, Castro-Malaspina H, Devlin S,
tumors. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.) Esquirol A, Giralt S, Jakubowski A, Lopez-Corral L, Papadopoulos E,
Pinana JL, Fox ML, Valcarcel D, Solano C, Caballero D, Sierra J, Perales
Baker KS, Ambrose K, Arvey SR, Casillas JN, Ganz PA, Jacobs LA, McCabe MA. Myeloablative conditioning and CD34+ selection results in higher
MS, Overholser L, Partridge AH, Rajotte EJ, Risendal BC, Rosenstein D, chronic-GVHD free/relapse free-survival compared to reduced-
Syrjala K. Financial and work related impact of cancer in young adult (YA) intensity conditioning and unmodified graft in patients with AML and
survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.) MDS > 50 years receiving HLA-matched allogeneic HCT. Bone Marrow
Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S436-S437.
Balar A V, Iyer G, Milowsky M I, Huang WC, Woods M, Donat SM, Herr
HW, Dalbagni G, Bochner BH, Ostrovnaya I, Al-Ahmadie H, Rose Barba P, Ratan R, Ceberio I, Hilden P, Maloy M, Barker JN, Castro-
TL, Riches JC, Kania BE, Regazzi AM, McCoy AS, Delbeau D, Rosenberg Malaspina H, Jakubowski AA, Koehne G, Papadopoulos E, Ponce
JE, Bajorin DF. Multicenter prospective phase II trial of neoadjuvant DM, Sauter CS, van den Brink MRM, Young JW, Avecilla S, Meagher
(neo) dose dense gemcitabine and cisplatin (DD-GC) in patients R, Devlin SM, O’Reilly RJ, Giralt SA, Perales MA. The hematopoietic
(pts) with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Journal of Clinical cell transplantation comorbidity index (HCT-CI) predicts outcomes in
Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.) patients with acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes
receiving CD34+ selected grafts for allogeneic hematopoietic cell
Balko JM, Hicks M, Berger MF, Solit DB, Bouvier N, Sanders ME, Estrada transplantation. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3
M V, Won H, Cantley LC, Mayer IA, Arteaga CL. Genomic alterations Suppl. 1):S304-S305.
indicative of a luminal A subtype associate with clinical benefit to
buparlisib and letrozole in endocrine-resistant ER+/HER2- metastatic Barba P, Rosillo C, Huang YT, Avila AM, Montoro J, Malloy
breast cancer. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) M, Papanicolaou G, Perales MA. Sequential systematic anti-mold
prophylaxis with micafungin and voriconazole results in very
Barba P, Burns L, Litzow M, Juckett M, Komanduri K, Lee S, Devlin S, low incidence of invasive mold infections in patients undergoing
Costa L, Khan S, Klein A, Krishnan A, Malone A, Moravec C, Mir M, Selby allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow
G, Vivek R, Cochran M, Stricherz M, Westmoreland M, Tierney DK, Perales Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S33-S34.
MA, Wood WA. Success of an international learning healthcare system
in hematopoietic cell transplantation: The American Society of Blood Barba P, Hilden P, Devlin S, Maloy M, Barker J, Castro-Malaspina
and Marrow Transplantation Clinical Case Forum. Bone Marrow H, Jakubowski A, Koehne G, Papadopoulos E, Sauter C, van den Brink
Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S553. M, Young J, Avecilla S, Meagher R, Giralt S, Perales MA, Ponce D. CD34+
255 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
selected ex-vivo T-cell depleted grafts for allogeneic hematopoietic cell Barlesi F, Steins M, Horn L, Ready N, Felip E, Borghaei H, Spigel DR,
transplantation is associated with low incidence of acute and chronic Arrieta O, Antonia S, Fayette J, Rizvi N, Crino L, Reck M, Eberhardt WE,
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and high chronic-GVHD/relapse-free Hellman M, Geese WJ, Li A, Healey D, Brahmer J, Paz-Ares L. Long-term
survival. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S379. outcomes with nivolumab vesrsus docetaxel in patients with advanced
NSCLC: CheckMate 017 and CheckMate 057 2-year update. Asia-Pacific
Barba P, Hilden P, Devlin SM, Maloy M, Ciolino C, Dierov D, Herman Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;12(Suppl. 5):115-116.
D, Mosesso K, Nieves J, Barker JN, Castro-Malaspina H, Jakubowski
AA, Koehne G, Papadopoulos E, Sauter CS, van den Brink MRM, Young Barnea D, Tonorezos ES, Moskowitz CS, Chou JF, Elkin EB, Sklar
JW, Giralt SA, Perales MA, Ponce DM. CD34+ selected ex-vivo T-cell CA, Wong RJ, Li D, Tuttle RM, Korenstein D, Wolden SL, Oeffinger
depleted (TCD) grafts for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation KC. Neck radiation, thyroid cancer, and avoiding harm. Journal of Clinical
(Allo-HSCT) is associated with low incidence of acute and chronic Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.)
graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and high chronic-GVHD/relapse-
free survival. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Barnes C, McMillan S, Cohen A. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors
Suppl. 1):S389. of nurse practitioners concerning advanced care planning for oncology
patients. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):90.
Barba P, Ratan R, Ceberio I, Hilden P, Devlin S, Maloy M, Barker
J, Castro-Malaspina H, Jakubowski A, Koehne G, Papadopoulos Barrio A, Mamtani A, Stempel M, Eaton A, Edelweiss M, Morrow M. How
E, Ponce D, Sauter C, van den Brink MR, Young J, O’Reilly RJ, Giralt often is treatment effect identified in axillary nodes with a pathologic
S, Perales MA. The hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy?. Annals of Surgical
index (HCT-CI) predicts outcomes in patients with acute myeloid Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S16.
leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes receiving CD34+ selected
grafts for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Barrio A, Mamtani A, Stempel M, Eaton A, Morrow M. Is routine
Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S37-S38. axillary imaging necessary in clinically node-negative patients
undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy?. Annals of Surgical
Bardia A, Diamond JR, Mayer IA, Starodub AN, Moroose RL, Isakoff Oncology. 2016;23(Suppl. 3):38-39.
SJ, Ocean AJ, Guarino MJ, Berlin JD, Messersmith WA, Thomas SS,
O’Shaughnessy JA, Kalinsky K, Maurer M, Chang JC, Forero A, Traina Baselga J, Cortés J, De Laurentiis M, Diéras V, Harbeck N, Hsu J, Jin H,
T, Gucalp A, Wilhelm F, Wegener WA, Maliakal P, Sharkey RM, Schimmoller F, Wilson TR, Im YH, Jacot W, Krop IE, Verma S. SANDPIPER:
Goldenberg DM, Vahdat LT. Safety and efficacy of anti-Trop-2 antibody Phase III study of the PI3-kinase inhibitor taselisib (GDC-0032) plus
drug conjugate, sacituzumab govitecan (IMMU-132), in heavily pretreated fulvestrant in patients with estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative
patients with TNBC. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer enriched for patients with
PIK3CA-mutant tumors. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Bardia A, Modi S, Oliveira M, Campone M, Ma B, Dirix L, Weise A, Nardi
L, Zhang V, Bhansali SG, Hewes B, Chavez-MacGregor M. Triplet therapy Baselga J, Im SA, Iwata H, Clemons M, Ito Y, Awada A, Chia S, Jagiello-
with ribociclib, everolimus, and exemestane in women with HR+/HER2- Gruszfeld A, Pistilli B, Tseng LM, Hurvitz S, Masuda N, Cortés J, De
advanced breast cancer. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) Laurentiis M, Arteaga CL, Jiang Z, Jonat W, Hachemi S, Le Mouhaër
S, Di Tomaso E, Urban P, Massacesi C, Campone M. PIK3CA status in
circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) predicts efficacy of buparlisib (BUP)
256 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
plus fulvestrant (FULV) in postmenopausal women with endocrine- Bavi P, Yang Q, Roehrl MH. Nuclear maspin expression is an independent
resistant HR+/HER2- advanced breast cancer (BC): First results from the prognostic marker in microsatellite stable stage II colorectal
randomized, phase Ill BELLE-2 trial. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):162A.
Battiato K, Patterson J, Sanchez L, McKenzie C, McCormick M, Dowling Bavi P, Yang Q, Roehrl MH. Nuclear maspin expression is an independent
M. Remember to wear your PPE: Safe handling of antineoplastic prognostic marker in microsatellite stable stage II colorectal
agents on a hematology oncology unit. Oncology Nursing carcinoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):162A.
Forum. 2016;43(2):35-36.
Baxi SS, Yeahia R, Korenstein D. The evidence base in support of breast
Bavi P, Kiehl R, Adeyi O, Mete O, Avila-Casado C, Sharifzad H, cancer surveillance guidelines: Flying without a net?. Journal of Clinical
Joshua A, Butany J, Roehrl MH. Immune-related adverse events Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.)
(irAEs) following CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in advanced
melanoma: A comprehensive rapid autopsy study. Laboratory Bayliss J, Mukherjee P, Lu C, Jain SU, Martinez D, Margol AS,
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):4A. Pekmezci M, Chung C, McEachin RC, Cieslik M, Garcia BA, Tamrazi
B, La Rocca G, Santi M, Lewis PW, Melnik A, Allis CD, Thompson
Bavi P, Kiehl R, Adeyi O, Mete O, Avila-Casado C, Sharifzad H, Joshua A, CB, Chinnaiyan AM, Judkins AR, Venneti S. Lowered H3K27me3 and
Butany J, Roehrl MH. Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) following DNA hypomethylation define poorly prognostic pediatric posterior
CTLA-4 and PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in advanced melanoma: A comprehensive fossa ependymomas. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental
rapid autopsy study. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):4A. Neurology. 2016;75(6):592.
Bavi P, Sharifzad H, Butany J, Joshua A, Roehrl MH. Our Rapid Research Becerra M, Sanchez-Vega F, Reznik E, Kashan M, Mendonca
Autopsy Program: A solid platform for next generation clinical SJ, Manley B, Ghanaat M, Khan N, Coleman J, Russo P, Hsieh J, Hakimi
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Bavi P, Sharifzad H, Butany J, Joshua A, Roehrl MH. Our Rapid Research International. 2016;118(Suppl. 5):6.
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trials. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):4A. Bekele S, Patterson E, Kelly S, Featherstone C, Giralt SA, Perales
MA, Robilotti E, Jenq R, Ponce DM. Stool PCR for Clostridium
Bavi P, Sharifzad H, Yang Q, Oldfield L, Joshua A, Butany J, Roehrl difficile Toxin B is frequently detected at the first stool assay in the
MH. Unique insights into cardiac metastases and tumor biology immediate peri-transplant period in allogeneic hematopoietic stem
from a cancer center’s rapid research autopsy program. Laboratory cell transplant (HSCT) recipients. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):81A. Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S427-S428.
Bavi P, Sharifzad H, Yang Q, Oldfield L, Joshua A, Butany J, Roehrl Ben-Aharon I, Elkabets M, Pelossof R, Yu KH, Allen PJ, Iacobuzio-
MH. Unique insights into cardiac metastases and tumor biology Donahue CA, Leach SD, Lowery MA, Goodman KA, O’Reilly EM. Genomic
from a cancer center’s rapid research autopsy program. Modern landscape of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: Does age matter?. Journal of
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):81A. Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.)
257 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Bergareche A, Bednarz MJ, Sánchez E, Krebs CE, Ruiz-Martinez J, Bidard FC, Peeters D, Fehm T, Nole F, Gisbert-Criado R, Mavroudis D,
De la Riva P, Makarov V, Gorostidi A, Jurkat-Rott K, Marti-Masso JF, Grisanti S, Generali D, Garcia-Saenz JA, Stebbing J, Caldas C, Gazzaniga
Paisán-Ruiz C. SCN4A pore mutation pathogenetically contributes to P, Manso L, Zamarchi R, de Lascoiti AF, de Mattos-Arruda L, Ignatiadis
autosomal dominant essential tremor and may increase susceptibility to M, van Laere SJ, Meier-Stiegen F, Sandri MT, Vidal-Martinez J, Politaki
epilepsy. Biophysical Journal. 2016;110(3 Suppl. 1):112A. E, Consoli F, Bottini A, Diaz-Rubio E, Krell J, Dawson SJ, Raimondi C,
Rutten A, Janni W, Munzone E, Carañana V, Agelaki S, Almici C, Dirix L,
Berney D, Fisher G, North B, Moller H, Scardino P, Cuzick J, Beltran Solomayer E, Zorzino L, Reis JS, Squifflet P, Pantel K, Belie N, Sleijfers S,
L. Validation of reporting percentage high grade prostate cancer in 988 Pierga JY, Michiels S. Circulating tumor cells count-based nomograms to
conservatively treated patients with long term outcome. Laboratory predict survival of metastatic breast cancer patients: Results from the
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):217A. European pooled analysis. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Berney D, Fisher G, North B, Moller H, Scardino P, Cuzick J, Beltran Biel K, Bowker M, Semler R, Amaya B, McCoy A, O’Sullivan M. “Can you
L. Validation of reporting percentage high grade prostate cancer in help me send this email”? A computer orientation project. Oncology
988 conservatively treated patients with long term outcome. Modern Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):100.
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):217A.
Bierings M, Bonfim C, Aljurf M, Mehta P, de la Tour RP, Knol C, Sucak
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M. Final phase IIa study results evaluating the CXCR4 antagonist BL- Braso-Maristany F, Filosto S, Catchpole S, Marlow R, Quist J, Domenech
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Vainstein A, Oberkovitz G, Aharon A, Bueso-Ramos C, Cortes JE,
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Bose R, Abida W, Iaquinta P, Karthaus W, Armenia J, Wongvipat Breitbart W. Meaning-centered psychotherapy for cancer
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Boudreau J, Liu XR, Zhao Z, Zhang A, Shultz LD, Greiner DL, Dupont Brentjens RJ. Moving CAR T cell therapy forward: CARs and armored
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Meeting Abstracts
Buonocore D, Scott SN, Bouvier N, Berger MF, Lin O. Sex and genetic Durno C, Kruger J, Cabric V, Zhukova N, Ramaswamy V, Farah R, Afzal S,
alterations in high grade urothelial carcinoma on urine cytologic Yalon M, Rechavi G, Walsh MF, Constantini S, Dvir R, Elhasid R, Sullivan
specimens. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):93A. M, Hansford JR, Dodgshun A, Klauber-Demore N, Peterson L, Patel
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Burns J, Ramrup N, James S, Rodrigue D. “Flu on the Go” an effective Malkin D, Albrecht S, Dudley R, Jabado N, Hawkins C, Shlien A, Tabori
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glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology. 2016;18(Suppl. 3):iii59-iii60.
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Cabot J, Coppola M, Ganetsky M, Gupta N, Goldstein J, Voigt L, Pastores Carson SS, Cox CE, Wallenstein S, Hanson L, Danis M, Tulsky JA, Chai
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Meeting Abstracts
Castillo C, McDonough M. The advocacy role of the case manager for Cavalcanti MS, Sigel K, Shia JR, Daniel T, Vakiani E, Sigel
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of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S444. infection. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):197A.
Castillo C, McDonough M. The advocacy role of the case manager Cavalcanti MS, Sigel K, Shia JR, Daniel T, Vakiani E, Sigel
for bone marrow transplant patients throughout the care C. Histopathologic features of colorectal carcinoma in patients with HIV
continuum. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):29. infection. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):197A.
Castillo JJ, Glezerman IG, Boklage SH, Lamerato LE, Chiodo JA, Cavalcanti MS, Sigel K, Shia JR, Daniel T, Vakiani E, Sigel
Tidwell BA, Schulman KL. Incidence and prognostic importance of C. Mismatch repair protein deficiency is not present at a higher
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Castrovieio-Bermejo M, Cruz C, Guerra S, Llop-Guevara A, Gutierrez- Cavalcanti MS, Sigel K, Shia JR, Daniel T, Vakiani E, Sigel C. Mismatch repair
Enriquez S, Bruna A, Rubio IT, Oakin A, Nuciforo P, Diez O, Arribas J, protein deficiency is not present at a higher rate in HIV-infected patients
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MJ, Cairo S, Serra V. Lack of RAD51 foci formation enables the
identification of PARP inhibitor sensitive breast tumors. European Journal Cavalcanti MS, Lee LH, Vakiani E, Hechtman JF, Klimstra D, Shia
of Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S122-S123. JR. Mismatch repair-deficient neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lower GI
tract. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):198A.
Casuscelli J, Wang P, Redzematovic A, Lee W, Seshan VE, Shen R, Donin
N, Chen Y, Cheville JC, Pantuck AJ, Thompson RH, Coleman JA, Russo Cavalcanti MS, Lee LH, Vakiani E, Hechtman JF, Klimstra D, Shia
P, Reuter VE, Tickoo S, Hakimi AA, Hsieh J. Understanding the genomic JR. Mismatch repair-deficient neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lower GI
underpinnings of metastatic chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. Journal tract. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):198A.
of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
Cavnar MJ, Turcotte S, Katz SC, D’Angelica M, Kingham PT, Allen
Casuscelli J, Winer AG, Reznik E, Xu J, Manley B, Chouhan J, Reuter P, Jarnagin WR, DeMatteo RP. Tumor-associated macrophage
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institutional analysis of patients with clear-cell papillary renal cell outcome. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S114.
carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
Cavuoto M, McTague-Allen P. Extra extra read all about it - Connecting
Caudell JJ, Ward MC, Koyfman S, Riaz N, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem nursing staff via an electronic newsletter. Oncology Nursing
SJ, Awan MJ, Vargo J, Heron DE, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay Forum. 2016;43(2):57.
M, Trotti A, Siddiqui F, Lee N. Multi-institution analysis of intensity
modulated radiation therapy-based reirradiation for head and neck Chadwick D, Roehrl MH. Pathology review of research biopsies
cancer: Improved risk-benefit profile in the modern era. International highlights inter- and intra-tumor variability: Towards improving quality
Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 and utility for next generation biospecimen research. Laboratory
Suppl.):S115-S116. Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):491A-492A.
261 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Chadwick D, Roehrl MH. Pathology review of research biopsies Chase D, Huang H, Ramondetta L, Monk B, Penson R, Gil K, Landrum
highlights inter- and intra-tumor variability: Towards improving L, Leitao M, Oaknin A, Huh W, Pulaski H, Katina R, Guntupalli S,
wuality and utility for next-generation biospecimen research. Modern Richardson D, Salani R, Ali S, Tewari K. Patient-reported outcomes and
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):491A-492A. toxicity at discontinuation of therapy in advanced or persistent cervical
cancer: An analysis of GOG protocol 240. International Journal of
Chandarlapaty S, Sung P, Chen D, He W, Samoila A, You D, Bhatt T, Gynecological Cancer. 2016;26(Suppl. 3):40-41.
Patel P, Voi M, Gnant M, Hortobagyi G, Baselga J, Moynahan ME. cfDNA
analysis from BOLERO-2 plasma samples identifies a high rate of ESR1 Cheli S, Baider L, Goldzweig G, Andritsch E, Gany F. Mediterrean
mutations: Exploratory analysis for prognostic and predictive correlation bridges and drifts: The European migrant crisis and the role of psycho-
of mutations reveals different efficacy outcomes of endocrine therapy- oncology. Psycho-Oncology. 2016;25(Suppl. 3):90-91.
based regimens. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Chellapandian D, Zhang R, Jeng M, van den Bos C, Lopez VSM,
Chang JHC, Romesser PB, Scher ED, Cahlon O, Hug EB, Sine Lehmberg K, Sieni E, Wang Y, Nakano T, Williams J, Fustino N,
K, DeSelm CJ, Mah D, Lee N. Proton beam reirradiation for recurrent Astigarraga I, Dunkel I, An Q, Cheng C, Weitzman S, Sung LL, Nichols
head and neck cancer: Multi-institutional report on feasibility and KE. Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in langerhans cell histiocytosis:
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Physics. 2016;94(4):865. Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 2):S38-S39.
Chang KK, Cho S, Yoon C, Lee JH, Park DJ, Yoon S. Increased RhoA Chemaitilly W, Li Z, Krasin M, Wilson C, Green D, Klosky J, Barnes N, Clark
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resection for diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma. Annals of Surgical Robison L, Hudson M, Sklar C, Yasui Y. Primary ovarian insufficiency in
Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S156. childhood cancer survivors: A report from the St Jude Lifetime Cohort
(SJLIFE). Hormone Research in Paediatrics. 2016;86(Suppl. 1):256-257.
Chao HH, Berman AT, Mick R, Ciunci C, Gabriel PE, Lin H, Both S, Langer
C, Lelionis K, Rengan R, Prabhu K, Hartsell WF, Simone CB, Plastaras Chen JX, Rose S, White SB, El-Haddad G, Fidelman N, Yarmohammadi H,
JP. Central volume target overlap and esophageal dose predict for Sze D, Salem R, Metz D, Soulen MC. Embolotherapy for neuroendocrine
toxicity in a prospective study of reirradiation for non-small cell lung tumor liver metastases: Prognostic factors for hepatic progression-free
carcinoma using proton therapy. International Journal of Radiation survival and overall survival. Pancreas. 2016;45(3):473.
Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S172.
Chen S, Deniz K, Sung YS, Zhang L, Dry SM, Antonescu C. Ewing
Chapman PB, Sznol M, Lao CD, Gonzalez R, Daniels GA, Thompson sarcoma (ES) with ERG gene rearrangements: A molecular study
JA, Kudchadkar RR, Sharfman WH, Atkins MB, Pavlick AC, Infante focusing on the prevalence of FUS-ERG and common pitfalls in detecting
JR, Kim KB, Weber JS, Nair S, Cowey L, Lipson EJ, Lee S, Avila A, EWSR1-ERG fusions by FISH. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl.
Hodi S. Safety data from an expanded access program (EAP) of 1):15A-16A.
nivolumab (NIVO) in combination with ipilimumab (IPI) in patients
with advanced melanoma (MEL). Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Chen S, Deniz K, Sung YS, Zhang L, Dry SM, Antonescu C. Ewing
Oncology. 2016;12(Suppl. 5):119. sarcoma (ES) with ERG gene rearrangements: A molecular
study focusing on the prevalence of FUS-ERG and common
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Meeting Abstracts
pitfalls in detecting EWSR1-ERG fusions by FISH. Modern MA. Long-term prognosis of one-year survivors of CD34-selected
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):15A-16A. allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A landmark
analysis. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S97.
Chen YB, Perales MA, Li SL, Konkel S, Loiselle C, Efebera YA, Devine SM,
Ei-Jawahri A, McAfee SL, Soiffer RJ, Ritz J, Cutler CS. Phase I multicenter Cho C, Hsu M, Avecilla S, Barba P, Barker JN, Castro-Malaspina
trial of brentuximab vedotin for steroid refractory acute graft-vs.-host H, Devlin SM, Giralt SA, Jakubowski AA, Koehne G, Meagher R, O’Reilly
disease (GVHD). Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 RJ, Papadopoulos E, Ponce DM, van den Brink MRM, Young JW, Perales
Suppl. 1):S391. MA. Long-term prognosis among 1-year survivors of ex vivo T-cell
depleted allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A landmark
Cherkassky L, Morello A, Villena-Vargas J, Sadelain M, Adusumilli analysis. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl.
P. Enhancing CAR T-cell efficacy and functional persistence in solid 1):S84-S85.
tumors. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S40.
Choo K, Wallace MH, Grant-Navarro P, Feustel J. Nursing workflow: An
Chiappinelli KB, Strissel PL, Desrichard A, Li HL, Henke C, Akman B, integral component to medical research. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Hein A, Rote NS, Cope LM, Snyder A, Makarov V, Budhu S, Wolchok J, Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S444-S445.
Zahnow CA, Merghoub T, Chan TA, Strick R, Baylin SB. Inhibiting DNA
methylation causes an interferon response in cancer via dsRNA including Choueiri TK, Rini B I, Cosgriff T, Miyake H, Vogelzang NJ, Kannourakis
endogenous retroviruses. Cancer Research. 2016;76(2 Suppl.) G, Mariani M, Chiruzzi C, Albiges L, Haanen JB, Larkin J, Atkins MB,
Schmidinger M, Magazzù D, Di Pietro A, Motzer RJ. JAVELIN renal 101:
Chiles KA, Nelson CJ, Berookhim B, Mulhall JP. Characterizing Peyronie’s A phase 3 study of avelumab in combination with axitinib vs sunitinib
Disease and its response to intralesional verapamil in men developing as first-line treatment for patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma
Peyronie’s Disease after radical prostatectomy. Journal of Sexual (aRCC). BJU International. 2016;118(Suppl. 5):29-30.
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Chow OS, Kuk D, Keskin M, Smith JJ, Ordonez N, Pelossof R, Chen
Chin C, Santos N. Managing the complexities of patients with C, Chen Z, Avila K, Nash G, Temple LK, Weiser M, Guillem JG, Paty
substance use disorders through stem cell transplant: Psychoeducation PB, Berger M, Patil S, Garcia-Aguilar J. KRAS mutation in locally
and social work interventions. Biology of Blood and Marrow advanced rectal cancer is independently associated with a lower rate of
Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S184. pathologic complete response following neoadjuvant therapy. Annals of
Surgical Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S18.
Cho C, Eaton A, Barker JN, Castro-Malaspina H, Devlin SM, Moskowitz
A, Sauter CS, Moskowitz CH, Perales MA. Functional imaging predicts Chowell D, Krishna S, Snyder A, Vladimir M, Chan TA, Anderson KS. A
progression-free survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell predictive model to identify immunogenic neoepitopes in patients
transplantation (HCT) in relapsed/refractory Hodgkin lymphoma. Biology with melanoma treated with CTLA-4 blockade. Cancer Immunology
of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S218-S219. Research. 2016;4(Suppl.)
Cho C, Hsu M, Avecilla S, Barba P, Barker J, Castro-Malaspina Ciccolini K. Cream principles: Nursing role in the management of
H, Devlin S, Giralt S, Jakubowski A, Koehne G, Meagher R, O’Reilly dermatologic adverse events to anticancer therapy. Oncology Nursing
R, Papadopoulos E, Ponce D, van den Brink M, Young J, Perales Forum. 2016;43(2):121.
263 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Ciccolini K. Oncodermatologic adverse events (DAE): Driving Cornejo KM, Paner GP, Tomaszewicz K, Meng XL, Mehta V, Sirintrapun
nursing practice with cream principles. Cancer Nursing. 2016;39(6 SJ, Barkan G, Cosar EF, Hutchinson L. Mutational profile using next
Suppl.):S44-S45. generation sequencing may aid in distinguishing urachal adenocarcinoma
from bladder adenocarcinoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl.
Cimbak N, Barker CA. Short-course radiation therapy for Merkel 2):223A.
cell carcinoma: Relative effectiveness in a “radiosensitive”
tumor. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Cosgriff T, Yang L, Alyasova A, Ye D, Karpenko A, Alekseev B,
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S160. Kowalyszyn R, Karyakin O, Neron Y, Collins LT, Brechenmacher T, Lin C,
Morgan L, Motzer R. RECORD-4 multicenter phase 2 trial of second-
Clark AL, Pozotrigo M, Mathew S, Liu D, Prockop SE, Ruggiero line everolimus (EVE) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
JM, Torok-Castanza J, Zakak N, Boulad F. Retrospective evaluation (mRCC): Anti-VEGF cohort subanalysis. BJU International. 2016;118(Suppl.
of palivizumab efficacy and safety for RSV prophylaxis in pediatric 5):18-19.
hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: A single center
experience. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Cosgriff T, Yang L, Alyasova A, Ye D, Karpenko A, Alekseev B,
Suppl. 1):S161. Kowalyszyn R, Karyakin O, Neron Y, Collins LT, Brechenmacher T, Lin C,
Morgan L, Motzer R. RECORD-4 multicenter phase 2 trial of second-
Classen C, Drozd A, O’Meara Y, Roelfsema L, Barbera L, Carter J, Brotto line everolimus (EVE) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
L, Robinson J, Ferguson S. GyneGals: An online support group for (mRCC): Anti-VEGF cohort subanalysis. BJU International. 2016;118(Suppl.
women who are sexually distressed following treatment for gynecologic 5):23-24.
cancer. Psycho-Oncology. 2016;25(Suppl. 3):133.
Cosgriff T, Yang L, Alyasova A, Ye D, Karpenko A, Li H, Alekseev B, Xie LP,
Collin M, Milne P, Bigley V, Neel A, Haniffa M, Durham B, Diamond Kowalyszyn RD, Karyakin O, Neron Y V, Collins L, Brechenmacher T, Lin C,
E, Abdel-Wahab O. The hematopoietic origin of adult Morgan L, Motzer RJ. RECORD-4 phase 2 trial of second-line everolimus
histiocytosis. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 2):S15-S16. (EVE) in patients (pts) with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC):
Final OS analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
Connell LC, Chou JF, Boucher TM, Capanu M, Kemeny NE. Relevance of
CEA and LDH in relation to KRAS status in patients with unresectable Cosgriff T, Yang L, Alyasova A, Ye D, Karpenko A, Li H, Alekseev B, Xie
colorectal liver metastases. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 LP, Kowalyszyn RD, Karyakin O, Neron Y V, Collins L, Brechenmacher
Suppl.) T, Lin CJ, Morgan L, Motzer RJ. RECORD-4 multicenter phase II trial of
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Dao T, Pankov D, Scott A, Korontsvit T, Zakhaleva V, Direito de Morais DeSelm CJ, Hamieh M, Sadelain M. Radiation sensitizes tumor cells to
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Dittamore R V, Louw J, Schreiber NA, Graf R, Jendrisak A, Johnson regional nodal irradiation (RNI). International Journal of Radiation
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Meeting Abstracts
Flaig TW, Smith MR, Saad F, Rathkopf DE, Mulders PFA, Small EJ, Shore Friedman DN, Wolden SL, Antal Z, Moskowitz CS, Hilden P, Cheung
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Meeting Abstracts
Garner TP, Reyna DE, Priyadarshi A, Chen HC, Malashkevich VN, Almo adenosis and breast acinic cell carcinomas related lesions?. Laboratory
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Ghebrehiwet B, Pednekar L, Kishore U, Kandov E, Nanda J, Hosszu
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Salomon A, Reis JS, Weigelt B. Metaplastic breast carcinomas and
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Z, Rakha E, Ellis IO, Schnitt S, Weigelt B, Reis JS. Are microglandular
270 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Gil-Cupello M, Shah GL, Maloy MA, Goldman DA, Devlin SM, Matasar Gofter L, Hodge M, Rodriguez W, Sokoli D, Bivona J, Dannaoui
MJ, Giralt SA, Sauter CS, Moskowitz CH, Perales MA. Outcomes of A, DiFortuna K, Gillins-White C, Irwin M, Kitzler R, Lombardo K, Paul
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Gilheeney S, Ackerman J, De Luca J, Robinson D, Muller R, Sklarin Goh R, Dal Cin P, Chiang S, Young RH, Oliva E. Myxoid smooth muscle
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TL, Conkling PR, Edenfield WJ, Richards DA, Turner PK, Cai N, Chan
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271 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Gordon R, Kasler M, Stasi K. Start, pause, stop: A dedicated ambulatory Grünwald V, Motzer RJ, Sharma P, Escudier B, McDermott DF, George S,
phase I immunotherapy clinic’s approach to managing patients on Srinivas S, Tykodi SS, Sosman JA, Plimack ER, Nathan P, Tomita Y, Zhao
immune modulators. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):6. H, Waxman IM, Hammers HJ. Correlation of response with overall survival
(OS) for nivolumab vs everolimus in advanced renal cell carcinoma
Gowrishankar B, Janakiraman M, Padmanabhan R, Thodima VJ, Spaliviero (aRCC): Results from the phase III CheckMate 025 study. Oncology
M, Stratton KL, Soni R, Durack JC, Chaganti RSK, Solomon SB, Coleman Research and Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 3):264-265.
JA, Kamalakaran S, Houldsworth J. Clinical utility of a custom next-
generation sequencing panel in the diagnosis of needle biopsies from Gucalp A, Hudis C, Norton L, Patil S, Kurman MR, Eisner JR, Moore
renal masses. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.) WR, Traina TA. A phase 1/2 study of once-daily oral VT-464 in patients
with advanced androgen receptor (AR) positive triple negative
Gowrishankar B, Janakiraman M, Lee CH, Thodima VJ, Molina (TNBC) or estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer (BC). Cancer
AM, Patel PH, Gold TM, Motzer RJ, Chaganti RSK, Kamalakaran Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
S, Houldsworth J. Metastasis-associated mutations in clear cell renal cell
carcinoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.) Gucalp A, Proverbs-Singh TA, Razavi P, Chandarlapaty S, Patil S, Ross
DS, Zehir A, Baselga J, Hudis CA, Traina TA. Androgen receptor (AR)
Grant-Navarro P, Wallace MH, Choo K, Feustel J. A novel approach mutations in a cohort of patients with breast cancer (BC) who have
to reducing nurse caregiver burden and patient’s social isolation: A undergone tumor genomic profiling. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
pilot program utilizing volunteers on an adult hematologic transplant
unit. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. Gupta GP, Ho AY, Feng W, Fan C, Akram M, Brogi E, Powell SN, Perou
1):S448. CM, Wen YH, Petrini JHJ. Mre11 dysfunction is associated with triple-
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C, Pui CH, Kun L, Ribeiro R, Robison L, Hudson M. Effect of cranial Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S43.
irradiation and alkylating agent chemotherapy on sperm concentration
of survivors of childhood ALL: A report from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Gupta S, Hau AM, Al-Ahmadie HA, Harwalkar J, Shoskes AC, Elson P,
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upstream regulator of mTORC2-dependent bladder cancer migration and
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Di Carli M, Mehra MR, Nohria A. Prevalence and functional significance
of cardiac autonomic dysfunction among women with breast Gupta S, Hau AM, Al-Ahmadie HA, Harwalkar J, Shoskes AC, Elson P,
cancer. European Heart Journal. 2016;37(Suppl. 1):425. Beach JR, Hussey GS, Egelhoff TT, Howe PH, Hansel D. TGF beta is an
upstream regulator of mTORC2-dependent bladder cancer migration and
Grünwald V, Cella D, Nathan P, Doan J, Dastahi H, Taylor F, Bennett B, invasion. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):454A.
DeRosa M, Berry S, Broglio K, Berghorn E, Motzer RJ. Improvements
in quality of life and overall survival in patients with advanced Gur D, Batlevi C, Rapaport F, Wang L, Jungbluth A, Pichardo J, Arcila
renal cell carcinoma treated with nivolumab vs everolimus in ME, Zelenetz AD, Younes A, Dogan A. SNP arrays and targeted genomic
the phase Ill CheckMate 025 study. Oncology Research and sequencing identify distinctive genomic alterations in testicular diffuse
Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 3):265. large B-cell lymphoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):349A.
272 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Gur D, Batlevi C, Rapaport F, Wang L, Jungbluth A, Pichardo J, Arcila Hao X, Chang MT, Penson A V, Desai N, Iyer G, Reuter VE, Tickoo
ME, Zelenetz AD, Younes A, Dogan A. SNP arrays and targeted genomic SK, Gopalan A, Sirintrapun S, Fine S, Chen YB, Rosenberg JE, Schultheis
sequencing identify distinctive genomic alterations in testicular diffuse AM, Weigelt B, Scott SN, Cha EK, Bajorin DF, Berger MF, Bochner
large B-cell lymphoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):349A. BH, Dalbagni G, Solit DB, Taylor BS, Al-Ahmadie HA. Comprehensive
molecular analysis of small cell carcinoma of the bladder. Modern
Habtes I, Shah P, Harris B, Stover D, Feinstein M. Bronchoalveolar lavage Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):236A.
among hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients: Diagnostic yield
and change in management. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Hao X, Chang MT, Penson A V, Desai N, Iyer G, Reuter VE, Tickoo
Care Medicine. 2016;193 SK, Gopalan A, Sirintrapun SJ, Fine S, Chen YB, Rosenberg JE, Schultheis
AM, Weigelt B, Scott SN, Cha EK, Bajorin DF, Berger MF, Bochner
Hamlin P, Flinn I, Wagner-Johnston N, Burger J, Michelson G, Pandey BH, Dalbagni G, Solit DB, Taylor BS, Al-Ahmadie HA. Comprehensive
A, Birrell M, Coffey G, Leeds J, Sabalvaro-Torres A, Kim Y, Curnutte J, molecular analysis of small cell carcinoma of the bladder. Laboratory
Patel M. Phase 1 final results and phase 2a dose selection for cerdulatinib Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):236A.
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refractory B cell malignancies. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):446. Harding JJ, Bendell JC, Fuchs CS, Wang XJ, Wacheck V, Zhu
AX. Emibetuzumab plus ramucirumab: Simultaneous targeting of MET and
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LD, Voss MH, Sharma P, Pal SK, Razak A, Kollmannsberger C, Heng study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.)
DYC, Spratlin J, McHenry MB, Gagnier P, Amin A. Updated results
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inhibitor selectivity. Biophysical Journal. 2016;110(3 Suppl. 1):545A. DF, Guru K, Shipley WU, Steinberg GD, Hahn NM, Sridhar SS. Exploring
multidisciplinary practice patterns in the management of muscle invasive
Hao X, Al-Ahmadie HA, Gopalan A, Sirintrapun SJ, Fine S, Tickoo bladder cancer (MIBC) across the US and Canada in 2015. Journal of Clinical
SK, Reuter VE, Chen YB. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
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SK, Reuter VE, Chen YB. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH)-deficient of key prognostic factors on long-term overall survival in BRAF(V600)-
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morphologic features. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):236A. BRIM-3 study. Melanoma Research. 2016;26(e-Suppl.):e39-e40.
273 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Hawley ST, Janz NK, Jagsi R, Griffith KA, Friese CR, Kurian AW, Morrow Hicks AM, O’Reilly EM, Capanu M, Lowery MA, Yu KH. Presentation,
M, Wallner LP, Katz SJ. Recurrence risk perception and quality of life after clinical behavior, outcomes and therapies for patients with advanced
treatment of breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(7 Suppl.) pancreas adenocarcinoma (PAC) who present with or develop
ascites. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.)
Hechtman J, Javier BM, Vakiani E, Shia J, Zehir A, Iacobuzio-Donahue
C. Recurrent, truncating SOX9 mutations are associated with KRAS Hillmen P, Ferra C, Garcia-Marco J, Jacob A, Jurczak W, Lamanna N,
and PI3K pathway mutations and may be oncogenic in colorectal MacDonald D, Marlton P, Mayer J, Morchauser F, Nathwani A, Schuh
carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):455A. A, Stilgenbauer S, Wierda W, Ysebaert L, Adewoye A, Kim Y, Zelenetz
A, Delgado J. Idelalisib in combination with bendamustine/rituximab
Hechtman J, Javier BM, Vakiani E, Shia J, Zehir A, Iacobuzio-Donahue improves overall survival in patients with relapsed/refractory CLL:
C. Recurrent, truncating SOX9 mutations are associated with KRAS Interim results of a phase 3 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
and PI3K pathway mutations and may be oncogenic in colorectal study. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):433.
carcinoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):455A.
Hissong E, Fernandes H, Zhang P, Klimstra D, Shia J, Yantiss RK. EBV
Heidegger S, Wintges A, Kreppel D, Bscheider M, Bek S, Fischer J, status and molecular alterations in gastric carcinomas with lymphoid
Schmickl M, Ruland J, van den Brink M, Peschel C, Haas T, Poeck stroma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):175A.
H. Activation of the cytosolic RNA receptor RIG-I in tumor and immune
cells triggers efficient anti-tumor immunity and synergizes with checkpoint Hissong E, Fernandes H, Zhang P, Klimstra D, Shia JR, Yantiss RK. EBV
blockade. Oncology Research and Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 1):165. status and molecular alterations in gastric carcinomas with lymphoid
stroma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):175A.
Heimall J, Logan BR, Cowan MJ, Notarangelo LD, Puck J, Fleisher T,
Griffith LM, Kohn DB, Pulsipher MA, Shearer W, Hanson IC, Kapoor Hissong EM, Zhang P, Shia J, Yantiss RK, Fernandes H. Molecular
N, O’Reilly RJ, Boyer M, Pai SY, Parikh S, Goldman F, Burroughs L, prognosticators and structural variants in gastric carcinoma with
Marsh RA, Kletzel M, Thakar M, Connelly JA, Cuvellier G, Loechelt B, lymphoid stroma. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):1013.
Shereck E, Knudsen A, Sullivan K, DeSantes K, Gillio AP, Haddad E,
Petrovic A, Quigg TC, Smith AR, Stenger E, Dvorak CC, Buckley RH. Poor Ho A, Wei G, Maneval EC, Esquibel V, Berger MF, Haque S, Patel R, Walsh
T cell reconstitution at 100 days after T cell-replete hematopoietic C, Hornby Z, Multani P, Li G, Drilon A. Overcoming drug resistance to Trk
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death or need for 2nd transplant in the 6901 prospective study of the bench to bedside. European Journal of Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S5-S6.
PIDTC. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl.
1):S101-S102. Ho AY, Ballangrud A, Li G, Gupta G, Siu CT, Phung A, Forrest K, Freeman
N, Pei X, Powell SN. Early results of a pilot study of multibeam intensity
Herrera D, Perales MA, Shah G, Scordo M, Devlin S, Maloy M, Nieves modulated radiation therapy in breast cancer patients receiving
J, Avecilla S, Meagher R, Gyurkocza B, Castro-Malaspina H, Shaffer comprehensive nodal irradiation. International Journal of Radiation
B, Tamari R, Giralt S, Kosuri S. Acute toxicities in patients receiving ex- Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E43-E44.
vivo CD34+ selected allogeneic stem cell transplantation for hematologic
malignancies. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S219. Ho C, Benayed R, Sukhadia P, Mullaney KA, Rios KM, Wang L, Berger
MF, Ladanyi M, Arcila ME. Detection of fusion transcripts in hematologic
274 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
malignancies with archer FusionPlex, a targeted RNA-sequencing (RNA- Hoang L, McConechy M, Nakonechny Q, Leo JM, Cheng A, Leung S,
Seq) assay using next generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Journal Talhouk A, Lee CH, Kobel M, Huntsman DG, McAlpine JN, Soslow R, Gilks
of Molecular Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):962. B. Endometrial biopsies can be used reliably to predict final endometrial
carcinoma classification using both histopathologic and molecular based
Ho C, Gomez-Gelvez JC, Syed MH, Zehir A, Yu W, Baldi T, Ladanyi strategies. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):286A-287A.
M, Dogan A, Yao J, Nafa K, Arcila ME. Minimal residual disease
detection of lymphoid and plasma cell neoplasms using a next- Hobday T, Yin J, Pettinger A, Strosberg J, Reidy-Lagunes D,
generation sequencing (NGS)-based assay. Journal of Molecular Chen H, Erlichman C. Multicenter prospective phase II trial of
Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):961-962. bevacizumab (bev) for progressive pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
(PNET). Pancreas. 2016;45(3):477.
Ho C, Mullaney K, OReilly C, Jour G, Sukhadia P, Wang L, Berger
MF, Arcila ME, Ladanyi M, Hameed M, Benayed R. Detection of Hoffman-Censits JH, Grivas P, Van der Heijden MS, Dreicer R, Loriot
sarcoma oncogenic fusion transcripts using Archer(TM) sequencing Y, Retz M, Vogelzang NJ, Perez-Gracia JL, Rezazadeh A, Bracarda S,
technology. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):18A. Yu EY, Hoimes CJ, Bellmunt J, Quinn D I, Petrylak DP, Hussain SA, Cui
N, Mariathasan S, Abidoye OO, Rosenberg JE. IMvigor 210, a phase
Ho C, Mullaney K, OReilly C, Jour G, Sukhadia P, Wang L, Berger II trial of atezolizumab (MPDL3280A) in platinum-treated locally
MF, Arcila ME, Ladanyi M, Hameed M, Benayed R. Detection of advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC). Journal of Clinical
sarcoma oncogenic fusion transcripts using Archer(TM) sequencing Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
technology. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):18A.
Holtmaat K, Van der Spek N, Breitbart W, Cuijpers P, Verdonck de Leeuw
Hoang L, Kinloch MA, Grondin K, Lee CH, Ewanowich C, I. Moderators of the effect of meaning-centred group psychotherapy
Kobel M, Huntsman DG, McAlpine JN, Soslow R, Gilks B. Inter- for cancer survivors on meaning, psychological well-being, and
observer agreement in endometrial carcinoma (EC) diagnosis distress. Psycho-Oncology. 2016;25(Suppl. 3):62-63.
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Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):286A. Hoppe BS, Hill-Kayser CE, Tseng YD, Flampouri S, Elmongy
H, Cahlon O, Mendenhall NP, Maity A, McGee LA, Plastaras JP. The
Hoang L, Kinloch MA, Grondin K, Lee CH, Ewanowich C, Kobel M, use of consolidative proton therapy after first-line therapy among
Huntsman DG, McAlpine JN, Soslow R, Gilks B. Inter-observer agreement patients with Hodgkin lymphoma at academic and community
in endometrial carcinoma (EC) diagnosis varies depending on TCGA proton centers. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
subgroup assignment. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):286A. Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S39.
Hoang L, McConechy M, Nakonechny Q, Leo JM, Cheng A, Leung S, Hsieh J, Chen D, Wang P, Chen Y, Marker M, Patel P, Chevinsky
Talhouk A, Lee CH, Kobel M, Huntsman DG, McAlpine JN, Soslow R, M, Bhanot U, Pinciroli P, Berger MF, Cheng E, Lee W, Knox JJ, Voss
Gilks B. Endometrial biopsies can be used reliably to predict final MH, Voi M, Motzer RJ. Differential overall survival (OS) results in
endometrial carcinoma classification using both histopathologic and RECORD-3 study based on three distinct mRCC molecular subgroups
molecular based strategies. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. classified by BAP1 and/or PBRM1 mutations. Journal of Clinical
1):286A-287A. Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
275 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Hsieh J, Chen D, Wang P, Chen YB, Mahtab M, Pate P, Bhanot U, Berger E, Jakubowski AA, Papanicolaou GA. Challenges of cytomegalovirus
M, Cheng E, Knox J, Voss M, Voi M, Motzer R. Differential overall survival (CMV) management after CD34+ selected, T-cell depleted (TCD)
results in RECORD-3 study based on three distinct clear cell metastatic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT): A five-year experience
renal cell carcinoma molecular subgroups classified by BAP1 and/or at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Biology of Blood and Marrow
PBRM1 mutations. BJU International. 2016;118(Suppl. 5):10. Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S172.
Hu G, Chen R, Deng X, Li Z, Mo L, Hao S, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, Cohen Hyman D, Chatterjee M, Langenberg MHG, Lin CC, Suarez C, Tai D,
HJ, Jiang X, Sylvester KG, Ling XB. A multi-omics analysis of human Cassier P, Yamamoto N, De Weger VA, Jeay S, Meille C, Halilovic E,
nucleus-coded mitochondrial genes with mouse extraembryonic tissue/ Mariconti L, Guerreiro N, Kumar A, Wuerthner JU, Bauer S. Dose-
placenta phenotypes: Implications in mitochondria-mediated maternal and regimen-finding phase I study of NVP-HDM201 in patients (pts)
and fetal complications. Reproductive Sciences. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):320A. with TP53 wild-type (wt) advanced tumors. European Journal of
Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S128-S129.
Hu W, Arpaia N, Bos PD, Green J, Rudensky A. Tissue repair function
of regulatory T cells during infection and cancer progression. Cancer Hyman DM, Piha-Paul SA, Rodón J, Saura C, Puzanov I, Shapiro G I, Loi
Immunology Research. 2016;4(Suppl.) S, Joensuu H, Hanrahan AJ, Modi S, Lalani AS, Xu F, Garza SJ, Cutler
RE, Bryce R, Meric-Bernstam F, Baselga J, Solit DB. Neratinib for ERBB2
Huang SC, Alaggio R, Sung YS, Agaram NP, Antonescu C. Frequent mutant, HER2 non-amplified, metastatic breast cancer: Preliminary
HRAS mutations in ectomesenchymoma (ECM): Overlapping genetic analysis from a multicenter, open-label, multi-histology phase II basket
abnormalities with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS). Laboratory trial. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):463A.
Hyslop T, Alvarado M, Forero A, Golshan M, Hieken T, Horton J, Hudis
Huang SC, Alaggio R, Sung YS, Agaram NP, Antonescu C. Frequent C, McGuire K, Meric-Bernstam F, Nanda R, Zagar T, Hwang S. Treatment
HRAS mutations in ectomesenchymoma (ECM): Overlapping genetic outcomes in patients with invasive breast cancer treated with
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Huang SC, Zhang L, Sung YS, Kao YC, Agaram NP, Antonescu Im EO, Ko Y, Chee E, Chee W, Mao JJ, Tsai HM. A cluster analysis
C. Recurrent novel CIC gene abnormalities in angiosarcoma: A molecular of cardiovascular symptoms experienced during menopausal
study of 120 cases with concurrent investigation of PLCG1, KDR, MYC, and transition. Menopause - The Journal of the North American Menopause
FLT4 gene alterations. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):18A. Society. 2016;23(12):1384.
Huang SC, Zhang L, Sung YS, Kao YC, Agaram NP, Antonescu Imnadze M, Sjoberg D, Lee J, Jenkins LC, Vickers A, Mulhall JP, Ehdaie
C. Recurrent novel CIC gene abnormalities in angiosarcoma: A molecular B. Improved recovery of erectile function in younger men after radical
study of 120 cases with concurrent investigation of PLCG1, KDR, MYC, prostatectomy: Does it justify immediate intervention in low-risk
and FLT4 gene alterations. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):18A. patients?. Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2016;13(5 Suppl.):S24.
Huang YT, Kim SJ, Lee YJ, Burack D, Nicols P, Maloy M, Tamari Inoue Y, Kitaichi M, Akira M, Johkoh T, Hebisawa A, Yamadori I, Arai T,
R, Perales MA, Giralt SA, Castro-Malaspina H, Papadopoulos Sugimoto C, Matsumuro A, Hirose M, Tachibana K, Kasai T, Wallace W,
276 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Hansell D, Travis W. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: The roles of serial metastatic urothelial cancer (mUC): Efficacy (by PD-L1 expression) and
multidisciplinary discussions. Respirology. 2016;21(Suppl. 3):34. safety results from the CheckMate 032 study. Oncology Research and
Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 3):269.
Inoue Y, Kitaichi M, Akira M, Johkoh T, Hebisawa A, Yamadori I, Arai
T, Sugimoto C, Matsumuro A, Hirose M, Tachibana K, Kasai T, Wallace Jagsi R, Hawley ST, Griffith KA, Janz NK, Kurian AW, Ward KC, Hamilton
WD, Hansell DM, Travis WD. Diagnosis by multi disciplinary discussion AS, Katz SJ, Morrow M. Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy decision-
of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias in a real world; Japanese multi making in the population-based iCanCare study of early-stage breast
center cohort study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care cancer patients. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(7 Suppl.)
Medicine. 2016;193
Janku F, Murthy R, Wang-Gillam A, Shepard D, Helgason T, Henry
Irwin M, DeLince L, McMillan L. I’ll be there: Enhancing the patient T, Rudin C, Huang S, Sakamuri D, Solomon S, Collins A, Kreider B, Miller
experience during epidural placement. Journal of PeriAnesthesia M, Saha S, Tung D, Varterasian M, Zhang L, Zhang H, Gounder M. Phase
Nursing. 2016;31(4):e27. I clinical study of intratumoral injection of oncolytic Clostridium novyi-
NT spores in patients with advanced cancers. European Journal of
Iyengar NM, Argolo D, Smyth L, Chen MF, Hudis CA, Dang CT. Phase Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S94.
II study of gemcitabine, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab in the
treatment of metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer after prior Javle MM, Shroff RT, Zhu A, Sadeghi S, Choo S, Borad MJ, Lowery
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McFadden E, Leyland-Jones B, Bell R, Dowsett M, Cameron D. HERA trial:
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Jacquelot N, Enot D, Flament C, Vimond N, Blattner C, Pitt J, Yamazaki Jenkins L, Marcovich R, Gomez C. Urology chief resident perception of
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Kohrt H, Dalle S, Cavalcanti A, Kroemer G, Di Giacomo AM, Maio M, Wong
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Jaeger D, Sharma P, Bono P, Kim J, Spiliopoulou P, Calvo E, Pillai Jenkins LC, Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP. Impact of diabetes on erectile
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Tschaika M, Azrilevich A, Rosenberg J. Nivolumab monotherapy in Sexual Medicine. 2016;13(5 Suppl.):S3.
277 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Jenkins LC, Udeh N, Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP. Preliminary data in a Kahn J, Mar B, Chu H, Graumann P, Zon R, Boettger K, Chu
longitudinal analysis of the psychological and relationship impact S, Armstrong S, Ebert B. Loss of function SETD2 mutations
of Peyronie’s Disease (PD). Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2016;13(5 lead to resistance to DNA damaging chemotherapy in
Suppl.):S55. leukemia. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):166-167.
Jhaveri K, Teplinsky E, Chandarlapaty S, Solit D, Cadoo K, Speyer Kalapurakal JA, Gopalakrishnan M, Walterhouse DO, Helenowski I, Rigsby
J, D’Andrea G, Adams S, Patil S, Haque S, Friedman K, Neville D, Esteva C, Kessel S, Laurie F, Katzenstein H, Ulin K, Rademaker A, Followill D,
F, Hudis C, Modi S. A phase I trial of ganetespib (heat shock protein 90 Morano K, Marcus KJ, Esiashvili N, Wolden SL, Mahajan A, Fitzgerald
inhibitor) in combination with paclitaxel and trastuzumab in patients with T. Final report of a prospective clinical trial of cardiac sparing whole-
human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 positive (HER2+) metastatic lung intensity modulated radiation therapy in patients with metastatic
breast cancer (MBC). Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) pediatric tumors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S118-S119.
Johnsen H, Hanrahan A, Jones A, Solit D. Functional characterization
of ERBB2 mutations and response to targeted therapies. Clinical Cancer Kane J, Coonerty E, Spellman-Foley P. “How sweet it is”: Taking
Research. 2016;22(1 Suppl.) the fear away from managing insulin infusions. Critical Care
Nurse. 2016;36(2):E32.
Jordan E, Basturk O, Leach SD, Klimstra DS, Allen PJ, Berger MF, Askan
G, Yu KH, O’Reilly EM, Lowery MA. Assessment of genomic alterations in Kao YC, Huang SC, Argani P, Chung C, Graf N, Alaggio R, Antonescu
adenosquamous carcinoma of the pancreas (ASCOP). Journal of Clinical C. Recurrent BCOR internal tandem duplication (ITD) and YWHAE-
Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.) NUTM2B fusions in undifferentiated round cell sarcoma (URCS) of
infancy—Overlapping genetic features with clear cell sarcoma of kidney
Jour G, Zehir A, Gounder MM, Abdel-Wahab O, Casanova (CCSK). Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):19A-20A.
J, Dogan A, Ladanyi M, Klimstra D, Arcila ME. Follicular dendritic
cell sarcomas: Insights into its molecular landscape. Laboratory Kao YC, Huang SC, Argani P, Chung C, Graf N, Alaggio R, Antonescu
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):19A. C. Recurrent BCOR internal tandem duplication (ITD) and YWHAE-
NUTM2B fusions in undifferentiated round cell sarcoma (URCS) of
Jour G, Zehir A, Gounder MM, Abdel-Wahab O, Casanova J, Dogan A, Ladanyi infancy—Overlapping genetic features with clear cell sarcoma of kidney
M, Klimstra D, Arcila ME. Follicular dendritic cell sarcomas: Insights into (CCSK). Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):19A-20A.
its molecular landscape. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):19A.
Karam I, Yao M, Heron DE, Poon I, Koyfman S, Yom SS, Siddiqui F,
Kachnic LA, Moughan J, Suntharalingam M, Ilson DH, Konski AA, Burrows Lartigau E, Cengiz M, Yamazaki H, Hara W, Phan J, Vargo J, Lee VH,
W, Anker C, Bar Ad V, Thakrar H V, Hayes JP, Gore EM, Kavadi VS, Komaki Foote RL, Harter KWW, Lee N, Sahgal A, Lo SS. Consensus statement
RU, Raben A, Giguere JK, Pollock J, Greenberger JS, Videtic GM, Roof from the International Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Consortium
KS, Bruner DW. Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in NRG oncology/ for head and neck carcinoma—Patient selection and pre- and
RTOG 0436: A phase 3 trial evaluating the addition of cetuximab post-stereotactic body radiation therapy evaluation. International
to paclitaxel, cisplatin, and radiation for esophageal cancer treated Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2
without surgery. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Suppl.):E364-E365.
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S31.
278 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Karam I, Yao M, Heron DE, Poon I, Koyfman S, Yom SS, Siddiqui F, Kernan N, Richardson P, Smith A, Triplett B, Grupp S, Antin J, Lehmann L,
Lartigau E, Cengiz M, Yamazaki H, Hara W, Phan J, Vargo J, Lee VH, Liang W, Hume R, Hannah A, Soiffer R. Efficacy and safety of defibrotide
Foote RL, Harter KWW, Lee N, Sahgal A, Lo SS. Consensus statement (DF) in the treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal
from the International Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Consortium for obstruction syndrome (VOD/SOS) following chemotherapy in an ongoing
head and neck carcinoma—Technical factors. International Journal of study. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl. 1):S478-S479.
Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E382-E383.
Kernan N, Richardson P, Smith A, Triplett B, Grupp S, Antin J, Lehmann L,
Karnezis A, Hoang L, Almadani N, Tessier-Cloutier B, Irving JA, Messinger Y, Liang W, Hume R, Hannah A, Soiffer R. Efficacy and safety
Djordjevic B, Soslow R, Huntsman DG, Gilks CB, Kobel M, Lee of defibrotide for treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal
CH. Loss of SWI/SNF complex protein expression is associated obstruction syndrome (VOD/SOS) in adult and pediatric patients
with dedifferentiation in endometrial carcinomas. Laboratory following chemotherapy. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):414.
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):290A.
Kernan NA, Grupp SA, Banerjee K, Hannah AL, Hume R, Nejadnik B,
Karnezis A, Hoang L, Almadani N, Tessier-Cloutier B, Irving JA, Djordjevic Richardson PG. Pooled treatment analysis of pediatric patients with
B, Soslow R, Huntsman DG, Gilks CB, Kobel M, Lee CH. Loss of SWI/ defibrotide for hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal obstruction
SNF complex protein expression is associated with dedifferentiation in syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction following hematopoietic stem
endometrial carcinomas. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):290A. cell transplant. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3
Suppl. 1):S188-S189.
Kashan M, Ghanaat M, Becerra M, Chiok M, Hötker AM, Manley
B, Benfante N, Coleman J, Russo P, Akin O, Hakimi AA. Cystic renal Kernan NA, Richardson PG, Triplett BM, Grupp SA, Antin JH, Lehmann
cell carcinoma: Radiologic evaluation, management and clinical L, Liang W, Hume R, Hannah AL, Nejadnik B, Soiffer RJ. Defibrotide
outcomes. BJU International. 2016;118(Suppl. 5):19-20. for the treatment of patients with hepatic veno-occlusive disease/
sinusoidal obstruction syndrome with/without multi-organ
Kashikar S, Gelber Z, Bin X, Ozkaya N, Diamond E, Yom S, Estilo dysfunction following chemotherapy: Subset analysis results from an
C. Erdheim-chester disease presenting in the oral cavity: Report of ongoing expanded access program. Biology of Blood and Marrow
two cases and review of literature . Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S188.
Pathology and Oral Radiology. 2016;122(5):e170.
Kernan NA, Richardson PG, Triplett BM, Grupp SA, Antin JH, Messinger
Kawabata KC, Hayashi Y, Inoue D, Mizuno H, Kitaura J, Tanaka Y, Y, Liang W, Hume R, Hannah AL, Soiffer RJ. Efficacy and safety of
Goyama S, Harada Y, Harada H, Aburatani H, Ishii M, Kitamura T. Higher defibrotide in the treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal
expression of ATP-binding cassette transporter G2 (ABCG2) is specific obstruction syndrome (VOD/SOS) following chemotherapy. Pediatric
to advanced MDS and promotes inefficient hematopiesis via conversions Blood and Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 1):S92-S93.
of tumor microenvironments in mouse bone marrow transplantation
model. Experimental Hematology. 2016;44(9 Suppl.):S110. Kernan NA, Boulad F, Prockop SE, Scaradavou A, Kobos R, Lehrman
R, Klein E, Wolden S, Curran KJ, Hasan AN, Bleau S, Ruggiero JM, Zakak
Keller L, Taylor J. PET/CT guided interventions in oncologic patients: A N, Casson A, Torok-Castanza J, O’Reilly RJ. T- cell depleted peripheral
nursing perspective. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2016;35(2):151. blood stem cell (TCD-PBSC) transplants secure consistent engraftment
279 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
with low risk of acute or chronic GVHD and favorable disease free Kimbrell H, Clarke LE, Flake DD, Busam K, Cockerell CJ, Helm KF,
survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) for pediatric patients (< 21 years) McNiff JM, Reed JA, Tschen J, Kim J, Barnhill R, Elenitsas R, Prieto
with AML in CR1. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 VG, Nelson J, Kolquist KA, Brown K, Warf MB, Roa BB, Wenstrup
Suppl. 1):S251-S252. RJ. An independent validation of a gene expression signature to
differentiate malignant melanoma from benign melanocytic nevi. Modern
Kerns SL, Fung C, Williams A, Abu Zaid M I, Sesso HD, Feldman DR, Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):130A.
Hamilton RJ, Vaughn DJ, Beard C, Liu H, Herrmann D, Sahasrabudhe DM,
Fossa SD, Einhorn LH, Travis LB, The Platinum Study Group. Cumulative Kimmick G, Pitcher B, Mandelblatt J, Clapp J, Balman K, Barginear M,
burden of morbidity (CBM) among testicular cancer survivors (TCS) in Freedman R, Artz A, Klepin H, Lafky J, Hopkins J, Winer E, Hudis C, Muss
the Platinum Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.) H, Cohen H, Jatoi A, Hurria A. All-cause survival estimates compared to
observed survival in older women with breast cancer in CALGB 49907
Keske R, Armstrong GT, Davine J, Gibson TM, Mertens A, McDonald and 369901 (Alliance A151503). Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
A, Marghoob AA, Daniel C, Geller A. Advancing survivors’ knowledge
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after radiation therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology,
Khasraw M, Murphy C, Mukaro V, West L, White K, Brandt C, Baron- Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S227.
Hay SE, Collins I, Tobler R, Ashley DM, Patil S. Tailored neoadjuvant
epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (EC) and nanoparticle albumin-bound Knowles K, Glaser S. Survivor guilt in cancer survivorship: Existential,
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Oncology. 2016;12(Suppl. 4):44. Oncology. 2016;34(1-2):131-132.
Killian J, Arcila ME, Batlevi C, Ladanyi M, Meltzer P, Ptashkin R, Younes Knowles K. Creating clinically relevant program evaluations: A pilot
A. Utility of oral fluid (saliva) for molecular profiling in hematologic within post treatment survivorship programs. Journal of Psychosocial
malignancy. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):455A. Oncology. 2016;34(1-2):123-124.
Killian J, Arcila ME, Batlevi C, Ladanyi M, Meltzer P, Ptashkin R, Younes Kobos R, Egan G, Fischer C, Dunkel I, Khakoo Y, Gilheeney S, Shukla
A. Utility of oral fluid (saliva) for molecular profiling in hematologic N, Trippett T, Steinherz P, Kernan N. Response to vaccination in
malignancy. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):455A. childhood cancer survivors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl.
Kimbrell H, Clarke LE, Flake DD, Busam K, Cockerell CJ, Helm KF,
McNiff JM, Reed JA, Tschen J, Kim J, Barnhill R, Elenitsas R, Prieto VG, Kodiyan J, Samstein R, Trichter S, Nedialkova L, Taube S, Sabbas
Nelson J, Kolquist KA, Brown K, Warf MB, Roa BB, Wenstrup RJ. An AM, Gupta D, Parashar B, Caputo TA, Holcomb KM, Nori D, Wernicke
independent validation of a gene expression signature to differentiate AG. Partial length vaginal brachytherapy for endometrial carcinoma
malignant melanoma from benign melanocytic nevi. Laboratory with high-risk features is as effective as full length with reduced
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):130A. toxicity. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E288-E289.
280 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Koehne G, Kosuri S, Doubrovina ES, Orlando E, Giralt SA, Jungbluth CS, Scaradavou A, Shaffer B, Tamari R, van den Brink MRM, Young
AA, O’Reilly RJ. Targeting Wilms’ tumor 1 protein following CD34- JW, Ponce DM, Barker JN. High progression-free survival (PFS) in adult
selected allografts by adoptive transfer of donor-derived CTLs in double unit cord blood (dCB) transplant recipients with high risk disease
patients with advanced multiple myeloma. Biology of Blood and Marrow after a novel intermediate intensity conditioning regimen. Biology of
Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S141. Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S76-S77.
Kohutek ZA, Blasberg RG, Humm J, Blumberg LE, Brennan CW, Tabar Kosuri S, Wolff T, Lauer E, Byam C, Yoo Y, Davis E, Paulson J, Sideroff
V, Gutin PH, Beattie B, Rosenblum M, Huse JT, Schoder H, Beal K. [(18) M, Wells DS, Perales MA, Scaradavou A, Giralt SA, Ponce DM, Barker
F]-fluorocholine uptake correlates with pathologic evidence of recurrent JN. Prospective evaluation of cord blood (CB) and haplo-identical
tumor after SRS for brain metastases. International Journal of Radiation (haplo) donor availability reveals compromised donor access for both
Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S181-S182. CB and haplo grafts in minority patients. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S371-S372.
Kollmeier M, Harneja N, Lin M, McBride SM, Zelefsky MJ. Salvage
brachytherapy for locally recurrent prostate cancer following definitive Kousteni S, Nakagawa M, Berman E. Genetic basis of the effects
radiation therapy. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.) of bone on hematopoietic aging and disease. Experimental
Hematology. 2016;44(9 Suppl.):S30.
Konno F, Bullock N, Riedel E, Aggarwal G, Akram M, Edelweiss
M. Establishing recommendations for Her2 staining in cytology cell block Kowanetz M, Koeppen H, Zou W, Mariathasan S, Hellmann M, Kockx M,
material. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):51A-52A. Chappey C, Kadel E, Smith D, Miley N, Leveque V, Funke R, Sandler A,
McCaffery I, Amler L, Chen D, Hegde P. PD-L1 as a predictive biomarker
Konno F, Bullock N, Riedel E, Aggarwal G, Akram M, Edelweiss for atezolizumab (MPDL3280A; anti-PDL1) in non-small cell lung cancer
M. Establishing recommendations for Her2 staining in cytology cell block (NSCLC). Cancer Immunology Research. 2016;4(Suppl.)
material. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):51A-52A.
Krebs S, Dunphy M, Humm J, Chaft J, Fredrickson J, Weber WA. Delayed
Korc-Grodzicki B, Sun SW, Shahrokni A, Alexander K, Kim SJ, McMillan 18F-FDG PET imaging can improve detection of lesions in patients
S, Bosl GJ. The role of a geriatrician in a cancer center. Journal of Clinical with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. European Journal of Nuclear
Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.) Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2016;43(1 Suppl.):S309.
Kosuri S, Gyurkocza B, Devlin SM, Maloy M, Ciolino C, Borrill Krepper M, Amit M, Gil Z, Shah J, Rothamel D, Scheer M, Patel S,
T, Jakubowski AA, Papadopoulos E, Castro-Malaspina H, Koehne Zoller J. Improvement in survival in patients with oral squamous cell
G, Perales MA, Giralt SA. Fractionated infusion of hematopoietic carcinoma. Oncology Research and Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 1):102.
progenitor cells (HPC) does not improve neutrophil recovery or survival
in patients undergoing allogeneic. Biology of Blood and Marrow Krull KR, Chemaitilly W, Li C, Cheung YT, Brinkman TM, Wilson CL,
Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S384-S385. Armstrong GT, Khan RB, Sabin ND, Srivastava D, Merchant T, Pui CH,
Robison LL, Hudson MM, Sklar CA. The impact of growth hormone
Kosuri S, Hilden P, Devlin SM, Yoo Y, Lauer E, Peled JU, Avecilla deficiency on neurocognitive function in adult survivors of childhood
S, Castro-Malaspina H, Dahi P, Giralt SA, Gyurkocza B, Jakubowski acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with cranial radiation. Pediatric
AA, Meagher R, Papadopoulos E, Perales MA, Reich L, Sauter Blood and Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 3):S18.
281 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Krystel-Whittemore M, Brogi E, Bowser ZL, Dickler M, Hudis stem cells (Remestemcel-L) on clinical response and survival confirmed
C, Wen HY. Distant metastases in breast cancer patients with in a large cohort of pediatric patients with severe high-risk steroid
Oncotype Dx recurrence score lower than 18. Laboratory refractory acute graft versus host disease. Biology of Blood and Marrow
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):52A. Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S59.
Krystel-Whittemore M, Brogi E, Bowser ZL, Dickler M, Hudis C, Wen Landtblom AR, Bower H, Andersson TML, Dickman PW, Bjorkholm M,
HY. Distant metastases in breast cancer patients with Oncotype Dx Kristinsson SY, Hultcrantz M. Increased risk of second malignancies
recurrence score lower than 18. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):52A. in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms diagnosed in
Sweden 1973-2009. A population-based cohort study of 9,379
Kudva A, Kushner B, Modak S. Phase II study of arsenic trioxide in patients. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):6-7.
neuroblastoma and other paediatric solid tumors. Pediatric Blood and
Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 3):S198. Langenberg MH, Gluck L, Weger V, Frank R, Eskens F, Blay JY, Soria
JC, Chawla S, Gounder M, Wagner A, Zhang Y, Kambuj P, Loberg R,
Kugler MC, Loomis CA, Ramos J, Joyner AL, Rom WN, Rifkin DB, Munger Henary H. A phase I study of the MDM2 inhibitor AMG 232 in patients
J. Sonic hedgehog (SHH) signaling regulates myofibroblast function with advanced p53 wild type (p53WT) solid tumors or multiple
during alveolar septum formation in postnatal lung. American Journal of myeloma. European Journal of Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S34.
Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2016;193
LaPlant Q, Li JG, Venigalla P, Leeman JE, Setton J, Sherman
Kühn MW, Song E, Feng Z, Sinha A, Chen CW, Deshpande EJ, Higginson DS, McBride S, Riaz N, Lee N, Tsai CJ. Patterns of nodal
AJ, Cusan M, Farnoud NR, Koche R, Bradner JE, de Stanchina failure after intensity modulated radiation therapy for patients with
E, Vassiliou GS, Hoshii T, Armstrong SA. Targeting chromatin nasopharyngeal carcinoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology,
regulators inhibits leukemogenic gene expression in NPM1 mutant Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E352-E353.
leukemia. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):323.
Larkin J, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gonzalez R, Grob JJ, Cowey CL, Lao CD,
Kühn MWM, Song E, Feng Z, Sinha A, Chen CW, Deshpande AJ, Cusan Wagstaff J, Hogg D, Hill A, Carlino MS, Wolter P, Lebbe C, Schachter J,
M, Farnoud NR, Koche RP, Bradner JE, De Stanchina E, Vassiliou Thomas L, Hassel JC, Lorigan P, Walker D, Jiang J, Hodi FS, Wolchok
GS, Hoshii T, Armstrong SA. Synergistic inhibition of chromatin modifiers JD. Efficacy and safety in key patient subgroups of nivolumab
reverses a leukemogenic gene expression program in NPM1 mutant (NIVO) alone or combined with ipilimumab (IPI) versus IPI alone in
leukemia. Oncology Research and Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 3):108. treatment-naive patients with advanced melanoma (MEL) (CheckMate
067). Oncology Research and Treatment. 2016;39(Suppl. 1):40.
Kumar A, Medlin E, Suidan R, Cobb L, Wu E, Ducie J, Dicksong L,
Rullo L, Bakkum-Gamez J. Gynecologic oncology providers’ attitudes Lastra RR, Park KJ, Schoolmeester J. Invasive stratified mucin-producing
and practices regarding sexuality in cancer survivors: A Gynecologic carcinoma and stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion (SMILE):
Oncology Fellow Research Network (GOFRN) study. Gynecologic 15 cases presenting a spectrum of cervical neoplasia with description
Oncology. 2016;143(1):208. of a distinctive variant of invasive adenocarcinoma. Laboratory
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):293A.
Kurtzberg J, Prockop SE, Prasad VK, Chaudhury S, Teira P, Nemecek
ER, Horn B, Burke E, Hayes J, Skerrett D. Effect of human mesenchymal
282 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Lastra RR, Park KJ, Schoolmeester J. Invasive stratified mucin-producing Lee LH, Cavalcanti MS, Segal N, Hechtman J, Vakiani E, Klimstra
carcinoma and stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion D, Shia JR. An intimate dance: Patterns and clinical relevance of
(SMILE): 15 cases presenting a spectrum of cervical neoplasia with PD-L1 and PD-1 expression in colorectal carcinoma. Laboratory
description of a distinctive variant of invasive adenocarcinoma. Modern Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):181A.
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):293A.
Lee LH, Cavalcanti MS, Segal N, Hechtman J, Vakiani E, Klimstra
Lazarev S, Todorov B, Tam J, Lee N, Gupta V, Bakst RL. Adjuvant D, Shia JR. An intimate dance: Patterns and clinical relevance
radiation in the TORS era - Is there a benefit to omitting the of PD-L1 and PD-1 expression in colorectal carcinoma. Modern
primary site?. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):181A.
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E333.
Lee LH, Ren B, Yantiss RK, Sadot E, Vakiani E, Hechtman J, Ivelja
Le DT, Bendell JC, Calvo E, Kim JW, Ascierto PA, Sharma P, Ott PA, Bono S, Stadler Z, Weiser M, Klimstra D, Shia JR. Diagnosing colorectal
P, Jaeger D, Evans TRJ, De Braud FG, Chau I, Christensen O, Harbison C, medullary carcinoma: Interobserver variability and clinicopathological
Lin CS, Janjigian YY. Safety and activity of nivolumab monotherapy in implication. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):182A.
advanced and metastatic (A/M) gastric or gastroesophageal junction
cancer (GC/GEC): Results from the CheckMate-032 study. Journal of Lee LH, Ren B, Yantiss RK, Sadot E, Vakiani E, Hechtman J, Ivelja
Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.) S, Stadler Z, Weiser M, Klimstra D, Shia JR. Diagnosing colorectal
medullary carcinoma: Interobserver variability and clinicopathological
Leduc C, Tan KS, Tian SZ, Dogan S, Ladanyi M, Travis W, Rekhtman implication. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):182A.
N. Bilateral invasive mucinous adenocarcinomas (former mucinous
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma): Molecular analysis confirms Lee YJ, Kim SJ, Huang YT, Burack D, Papadopoulos EB, Jakubowski
intrapulmonary spread rather than separate primary tumors. Laboratory AA, Papanicolaou GA. Efficacy of brincidofovir (BCV) prophylaxis
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):474A. against herpes simplex virus (HSV) and varicella zoster virus (VZV) in
hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) recipients. Biology of Blood
Leduc C, Tan KS, Tian SZ, Dogan S, Ladanyi M, Travis W, Rekhtman and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S172-S173.
N. Bilateral invasive mucinous adenocarcinomas (former mucinous
bronchioloalveolar carcinoma): Molecular analysis confirms Leeman JE, Li JG, Venigalla P, Zumsteg ZS, Romesser PB, Katabi
intrapulmonary spread rather than separate primary tumors. Modern N, McBride S, Tsai CJ, Higginson DS, Sherman EJ, Roman BR, Riaz
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):474A. N, Lee N. Patterns of regional nodal failure following intensity
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Mazzola C, Teloken PE, Matsushita K, Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP. Orgasm in Van der Kogel AJ. Spinal nerve tolerance to single-session stereotactic
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Millard N, Becher O, Modak S, Haque S, Spasojevic I, Trippett Diamond JM, Cantu E, Christie JD, Pearce EL, Artis D. Innate lymphoid
T, Gilheeney S, Khakoo Y, Lyden D, De Braganca K, Kolesar J, Huse cell function in allergic inflammation: Arginase 1 is a critical metabolic
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Plimack ER, Motzer RJ, Escudier B, Sharma P, McDermott DF, George S, recombination (HR) DNA repair and whole exome sequencing reveal
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year efficacy and safety update from the phase III CheckMate 025 study
of nivolumab versus everolimus in patients with advanced renal cell Powles T, Escudier B, Motzer RJ, Tannir NM, Scheffold C, Aftab
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A. Preferential expression of the chemokine receptor 8 (CCR8) on International. 2016;118(Suppl. 5):4.
296 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Prat A, Ortega V, Paré L, Galván P, Oliveira M, Nucíforo P, Lluch A, Puca L, Gao D, Kossai M, Cyrta J, Marotz C, Mosquera JM, MacDonald TY,
Morales S, Amillano K, Lopez R, González R, Manso L, Martínez J, Sboner A, Rao RM, Chen Y, Rubin MA, Beltran H. Targeting androgen-
Llombart A, de la Peña L, di Cosimo S, Rubio IT, Harbeck N, Baselga J, independent prostate cancer through epigenetic reprogramming. Cancer
Cortés J. Efficacy and gene expression results from eribulin SOLTI1007 Research. 2016;76(2 Suppl.)
neoadjuvant study. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Pusztai L, Shi W, Jiang T, Nuciforo P, Holmes E, Harbeck N, Sotiriou C,
Preise D, Kudinova N, Lindner U, Sasson K, Uzana R, Coleman J, Rimm D, Hatzis C, de la Pena L, Armour A, Piccart-Gebhart M, Baselga
Salomon Y, Scherz A. Immunomodulated VTP enables cure of metastatic J. Whole exome sequencing of pre-treatment biopsies from the
prostate and breast cancers in animal models. Cancer Immunology neoALTTO trial to identify DNA aberrations associated with response to
Research. 2016;4(Suppl.) HER2-targeted therapies. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Premsrirut P, Martin G, Dow L, Kim SY, Zuber J, Lowe S, Hannon G. RNAi Qian X, Tang X. An initial study of quasimonochromatic X-ray sources for
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Prendergast EN, Holzapfel M, Mueller JJ, Leitao MM, Gunderson CC, Qian X, Tang X. Early detection of breast cancer using stationary
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clear cell ovarian carcinoma - A multi-institutional cohort. Gynecologic Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S168.
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Quinones FLR, Dogan A, Roshal M. Flow cytometric characterization of
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Malaspina H. Impact of busulfan exposure on transplant outcomes for Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):373A.
patients with advanced myelodysplastic syndrome undergoing CD34
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Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S348. A. Identification of mutated CALR protein is useful in the diagnosis
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A, Hechtman JF. Chromosome 20q gain defines a molecular subtype 1):374A.
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carcinoma. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):1013-1014. A. Identification of mutated CALR protein is useful in the diagnosis
297 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
and prognostic stratification of JAK-2 negative, MPL-negative differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (WD panNETs): Results
myeloproliferative neoplasms. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):374A. of a prospective study utilizing MSK-IMPACT (Memorial
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novel prognostic biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia. Laboratory
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):371A. Raj N, Valentino E, Tang L, Capanu M, Basturk O, Klimstra D, Reidy-
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novel prognostic biomarkers in acute myeloid leukemia. Modern differentiated (PDNEC)). Pancreas. 2016;45(3):480.
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Raj NP, Soumerai T, Valentino E, Hechtman JF, Berger MF, Reidy
Raffin C, Zhou Y, Piccoli L, Lanzavecchia A, Sadelain M, Bluestone DL. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in advanced well differentiated
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targeting Tregs to treat autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of IMPACT. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(4 Suppl.)
Immunology. 2016;196(1 Suppl.)
Ramos J, Wong YN, Crabb SJ, Niegisch G, Bellmunt J, Ladoire S, Hussain
Rafikh S. Bladder cancer and nephrostomy tubes: Role of the oncology SA, Baniel J, Golshayan AR, Powles T, Rosenberg JE, De Giorgi U,
nurse. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):87. Vaishampayan UN, Agarwal N, Pal SK, Harshman LC, Necchi A, Recine F,
Galsky MD, Yu EY, RISC Investigators. Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
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(CAR) T cells specific for the intracellular protein Wilms tumor 1
(WT1) for treatment of hematologic and solid malignancies. Molecular Ramrup N, Koo D, Davis M. A case report of Cushing’s syndrome due
Therapy. 2016;24(Suppl. 1):S156. to ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone secondary to pancreatic
neuroendocrine cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):67.
Raghunathan NJ, Thom B, Friedman DN, Benedict C, Kelvin JF. Young
adult female cancer survivors’ concerns about genetic cancer risk in Ramrup N, Koo D. When do we treat portal vein thrombosis in
offspring. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.) patients with gastrointestinal malignancies? Educating for better
patient outcomes - Implications for nursing. Oncology Nursing
Raj N, Soumerai T, Valentino E, Reidy-Lagunes D. Identification Forum. 2016;43(2):30-31.
of SETD2 genetic alterations in patients with advanced
well differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (WD Reardon DA, Dietrich J, Kaley T, Gan H, Dunn GP, Cloughesy T, Lim M,
panNETs). Pancreas. 2016;45(3):480. Clarke J, Park A, Pang L, Lai DW, Karakunnel J, Robbins P, Narwal R,
Venhaus R. Phase 2 study to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of
Raj N, Soumerai T, Valentino E, Reidy-Lagunes D. Is next-generation MEDI4736 in patients with glioblastoma (GBM). Cancer Immunology
sequencing (NGS) ready for routine clinical practice in advanced well Research. 2016;4(Suppl.)
298 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Reid M, Balci S, Xue Y, Ohike N, Tajiri T, Basturk O, Muraki T, Kim depot 120 mg in patients with well differentiated, advanced lung, or
GE, Krasinskas AM, Quigley B, Saka B, Bagci P, El-Rayes B, Kooby D, thymus neuroendocrine tumors (NETs). Pancreas. 2016;45(3):480-481.
Sarmiento J, Maithel S, Adsay V. Significant prognostic factors in invasive
ampullary adenocarcinoma (AC): Clinicopathologic analysis of 367 Reis JS, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Murray M, Burke K, Edelweiss M, Macedo
cases. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):194A. GS, Geyer FC, Inagaki A, Papanastasiou AD, Martelotto LG, Marchio
C, Lim R, De Bruijn I, Smyth L, Akram M, Ross DS, Norton L, Solit
Reid M, Balci S, Xue Y, Ohike N, Tajiri T, Basturk O, Muraki T, Kim DB, Baselga J, Brogi E, Ladanyi M, Weigelt B. TERT hotspot promoter
GE, Krasinskas AM, Quigley B, Saka B, Bagci P, El-Rayes B, Kooby D, mutations and TERT gene amplification in phyllodes tumors of the
Sarmiento J, Maithel S, Adsay V. Significant prognostic factors in invasive breast. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):69A.
ampullary adenocarcinoma (AC): Clinicopathologic analysis of 367
cases. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):194A. Reis JS, Piscuoglio S, Ng CKY, Murray M, Burke K, Edelweiss M, Macedo
GS, Geyer FC, Inagaki A, Papanastasiou AD, Martelotto LG, Marchio
Reid M, Basturk O, Shaib W, Balci S, Choi H, Akkas G, Robinson B, C, Lim R, De Bruijn I, Smyth L, Akram M, Ross DS, Norton L, Solit
Memis B, El-Rayes B, Staley C, Staley C, Winer J, Russell M, Knight JH, DB, Baselga J, Brogi E, Ladanyi M, Weigelt B. TERT hotspot promoter
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carcinoid (XGC) is a morphologically distinct “appendiceal-type crypt breast. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):69A.
cell” adenocarcinoma with highly aggressive behavior and frequent
association with peritoneal/intra-abdominal dissemination: An analysis of Reis JS, Schizas M, Piscuoglio S, Sakr RA, Ng CKY, Lim RS, Carniello
77 cases. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):194A. JVS, Towers R, Martelotto L, Giri DD, de Andrade VP, Viale A, Solit
DB, Weigelt B, King TA. Lobular carcinoma in situ displays intra-
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Goodman M, Krasinskas A, Adsay V. Adenocarcinoma ex-goblet cell Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
carcinoid (XGC) is a morphologically distinct “appendiceal-type crypt
cell” adenocarcinoma with highly aggressive behavior and frequent Rekhtman N, Naidoo J, Pietanza M, Hellmann MD, Arora A, Shen
association with peritoneal/intra-abdominal dissemination: An analysis of R, Halpenny DF, Won H, Berger MF, Tian S, Poirier JT, Paik PK, Moreira
77 cases. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):194A. A, Rudin CM, Travis WD, Ladanyi M. Next-generation sequencing of
pulmonary large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma reveals clinically-relevant
Reidy-Lagunes D, Kulke M, Wolin E, Mirakhur B, Massien C, Caplin subsets with small cell carcinoma-like and non-small cell carcinoma-
M, Baudin E. Design of a phase 3, international, prospective, like molecular profiles. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl.
randomized, double-blind, placebo (PBO) controlled study assessing 1):480A-481A.
efficacy and safety of lanreotide autogel/depot (LAN) 120 mg in
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NETs. Neuroendocrinology. 2016;103(Suppl.):118. RL, Halpenny DF, Won H, Berger MF, Tian SZ, Poirier JT, Paik PK, Moreira
A, Rudin CM, Travis WD, Ladanyi M. Next-generation sequencing of
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MH. Design of a phase 2, prospective, randomized, double-blind, subsets with small cell carcinoma-like and non-small cell carcinoma-like
placebo-controlled study assessing the efficacy and safety of lanreotide molecular profiles. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):480A-481A.
299 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Remark R, Merghoub T, Damotte D, Wolchok JD, Merad M, Gnjatic historically controlled, phase 3 trial. Biology of Blood and Marrow
S. In-depth tissue analysis using multiplexed immunohistochemical Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S25.
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Research. 2016;4(Suppl.) Rimner A, Yorke ED, Lee R, Chawla M, Gelb E, Gelblum D, von Reibnitz
D, Wu AJ, Lovelock M. Implanted electromagnetic transponders for
Reyes SA, Sakr RA, Schizas M, Towers R, Park AY, Ng CKY, Weigelt monitoring deep inspiration breath hold: Interim results of a prospective
B, Reis-Filho JS, King TA. Germline CDH1 mutations in lobular carcinoma feasibility study. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
in situ. Cancer Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.) Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E472-E473.
Richardson P, Smith A, Triplett B, Kernan N, Grupp S, Antin J, Lehmann Ritchie E, Deininger M, Erba H, Savona M, Paley C, Dautaj I, Mauro
L, Miloslavsky M, Hume R, Hannah A, Soiffer R. Early initiation of M. Rapid achievement of MR(4.5) after switching from imatinib to
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sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (VOD/SOS) with or without multi-organ (CML-CP): Preliminary results from ENESTgoal. Clinical Lymphoma,
dysfunction (MOD) post hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT): Myeloma and Leukemia. 2016;16(Suppl. 2):S63.
Updated interim results. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2016;51(Suppl.
1):S75-S77. Roa JC, Basturk O, Torres J, Mucientes F, Del Pozo M, Villaseca MA,
Aguayo G, Bellolio ER, Araya JC, Endo I, Jang KT, Lee K, Jang JY,
Richardson PG, Riches ML, Kernan NA, Brochstein JA, Mineishi S, Ohike N, Shimizu M, Hirabayashi K, Terris B, Zamboni G, Reid M, Xue
Termuhlen AM, Arai S, Grupp SA, Miloslavsky M, Nejadnik B, Hannah AL, Y, Bedolla G, Quigley B, Krasinskas AM, Akkas G, Memis B, Klimstra D,
Soiffer RJ. Defibrotide for hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal Hruban RH, Zhu B, Van Dyke AL, Koshiol J, Adsay V. Marked geographic
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analysis between Day+100 complete response and survival. Biology of invasive (T1) gallbladder cancer: Santiago Consensus Conference
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(EGBC). Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):447A.
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L, Miloslavsky M, Hume R, Hannah AL, Nejadnik B, Soiffer RJ. Early Roa JC, Basturk O, Torres J, Mucientes F, Del Pozo M, Villaseca MA,
initiation of defibrotide in patients with hepatic veno-occlusive disease/ Aguayo G, Bellolio ER, Araya JC, Endo I, Jang KT, Lee K, Jang JY,
sinusoidal obstruction syndrome following hematopoietic stem cell Ohike N, Shimizu M, Hirabayashi K, Terris B, Zamboni G, Reid M, Xue
transplantation improves Day +100 survival. Biology of Blood and Marrow Y, Bedolla G, Quigley B, Krasinskas AM, Akkas G, Memis B, Klimstra D,
Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S82-S83. Hruban RH, Zhu B, Van Dyke AL, Koshiol J, Adsay V. Marked geographic
differences in the pathologic diagnosis of non-invasive (Tis) vs minimally
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SA, Guinan E, Martin PL, Steinbach G, Krishnan A, Nemecek ER, Duerst highlights the need for the unifying category “early gallbladder cancer”
RE, Antin JH, Lehmann L, Gillio AP, Bajwa R, Miloslavsky M, Hume R, (EGBC). Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):447A.
Iacobelli M, Nejadnik B, Hannah AL, Soiffer RJ. Defibrotide for the
treatment of hepatic veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal obstruction Robak T, Zelenetz AD, Mato A, Jones JA, Pagel JM, Barrientos JC, Brown
syndrome with multi-organ dysfunction: Final results from a pivotal, JR, Montillo M, Dubowy R, Xing G, Li JJ, Kipps TJ, Hillmen P. Idelalisib plus
300 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
an anti-Cd20 antibody in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia Rooper LM, Huang SC, Antonescu C, Westra WH, Bishop JA. Nuclear
(CLL) who are HBV core antibody positive: Similar patterns of liver test B-catenin expression provides a consistent immunohistochemical
abnormalities. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):437. correlate for PAX3 rearrangements in biphenotypic sinonasal
sarcoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):328A.
Roberts LR, Farshidfar F, Zheng SY, Gingras MC, Newton Y, Shih J,
Robertson AG, Hinoue T, Hoadley KA, Gibbs R, Roszik J, Covington K, Rooper LM, Huang SC, Antonescu C, Westra WH, Bishop JA. Nuclear
Wu CC, Shinbrot E, Stransky N, Hegde AM, Yang JD, Reznik E, Sadeghi S, B-catenin expression provides a consistent immunohistochemical
Pedamallu CS, Ojesina A I, Hess J, Auman JT, Rhie SK, Bowlby R, Borad correlate for PAX3 rearrangements in biphenotypic sinonasal
MJ, Stuart J, Sander C, Akbani R, Cherniack AD, Laird PW, Deshpande sarcoma. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):328A.
V, Mounajjed T, Foo WC, Torbenson M, Kleiner DE, Wheeler DA, McRee
AJ, Bathe OF, Andersen JB, Bardeesy N, Kwong LN. Integrative genomic Rosenberger L, Mamtani A, Fuzesi S, Stempel M, Eaton A, Morrow
analysis of cholangiocarcinoma identifies distinct IDH-mutant molecular M, Gemignani M. Early adoption of the SSO-ASTRO Consensus
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V, Studer L, Tomishima M. Using directed differentiation of human
pluripotent stem cells and gene expression profiling to characterize the Rosenthal K, Choueiri T, Motzer R, Ryan C, Obholz K, Hutson T, Rini
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Roshal M, Chiu A. Near bi-phenotypic antigen expression defines an acute
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Rognvaldsson S, Lund SH, Hultcrantz M, Eiriksdottir G, Rosillo C, Barba P, Huang YT, Avila AM, Montoro J, Maloy
Harris TB, Gudnason V, Kristinsson SY. High hemoglobin M, Papanicolaou GA, Perales MA. Systematic anti-mold prophylaxis
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Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2016;22(3 Suppl. 1):S159-S160.
Romanienko PJ, Giacalone J, Ingenito J, Wang YJ, Isaka
M, Johnson T, You Y, Mark WH. A vector with a single promoter Ross DS, Konno F, Brogi E, Zehir A, Berger MF, Chandarlapaty
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gRNAs. Transgenic Research. 2016;25(2):259. immunohistochemistry (IHC) in breast cancer with ESR1 mutations
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Meeting Abstracts
detected by hybrid capture-based next generation sequencing Saddawi-Konefka R, Seelige R, Gross ETE, O’Sullivan TE, Harismendy
(NGS). Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):69A. O, Bui JD. Nrf2 induces IL-17D to mediate tumor and virus
surveillance. Journal of Immunology. 2016;196(1 Suppl.)
Ross DS, Konno F, Brogi E, Zehir A, Berger MF, Chandarlapaty
S, Razavi P, Baselga J, Wen HY. Analysis of estrogen receptor (ER) Sadimin ET, Chen YB, Argani P, Epstein J I. Chromosomal abnormalities
immunohistochemistry (IHC) in breast cancer with ESR1 mutations of tumors with features of mucinous tubular and spindle cell
detected by hybrid capture-based next generation sequencing carcinoma of the kidney yet with high grade cytology. Laboratory
(NGS). Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):69A. Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):259A.
Ross M, LeWinn A, Sarov T, Tarplin S, Wilson D, Fischer-Cartlidge Sadimin ET, Chen YB, Argani P, Epstein J I. Chromosomal abnormalities
E. Safety and efficacy of scalp cooling for chemotherapy- of tumors with features of mucinous tubular and spindle cell
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Forum. 2016;43(2):14. Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):259A.
Royston D, Gao Q, Tavakkoli M, Chung SS, Devlin S, Roshal M, Park Sadot E, Nash G, Smith JJ, Guillem JG, Paty PB, Temple LK, Garcia-
C. CD164: A novel marker distinguishing hematopoietic stem/ Aguilar J, Weiser M. Hypophosphatemia as a novel early predictor
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Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):374A-375A. surgery. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2016;23(1 Suppl.):S36-S37.
Royston D, Gao Q, Tavakkoli M, Chung SS, Devlin S, Roshal Sae-Ow W, Pichardo J, Ying Z, Kumar A, Zelenetz AD, Younes A, Dogan
M, Park C. CD164: A novel marker distinguishing hematopoietic A. A unique variant of indolent mantle cell lymphoma exclusively
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Rutgers JKL, Roma AA, Park KJ, Zaino R, Daya D, Rasty G, Johnston Sae-Ow W, Pichardo J, Ying Z, Kumar A, Zelenetz AD, Younes A, Dogan
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A, Longacre TA, Ronnett BM, Silva EG. Validation of pattern-based bottom. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):98.
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irradiated field: A national survey of practice patterns. International Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;94(4):949.
Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;94(4):931-932.
302 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Samstein R, Leeman JE, Li JG, Venigalla P, Ganly I, Wong RJ, Higginson Patel PH, Baselga J, Oliveira M. FAIRLANE: A phase II randomized,
DS, Riaz N, Lee N, McBride SM. Outcomes for locally advanced laryngeal double-blind, study of the Akt inhibitor ipatasertib (ipat, GDC-0068)
cancer treated with definitive chemoradiation with intensity modulated in combination with paclitaxel (pac) as neoadjuvant treatment
radiation therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, for early stage triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Cancer
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E391. Research. 2016;76(4 Suppl.)
Sanford NN, Chen MH, Loffredo M, Renshaw A, Kantoff PW, D’Amico Sawyers CL. Reflections on precision medicine. Clinical Cancer
A V. Duration of the anti-androgen in men undergoing 6 months of an Research. 2016;22(1 Suppl.)
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childhood cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(3 Suppl.)
309 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Trippett T, Simko S, Ye C, Caron H, Geoerger B. iMATRIXcobi: A Tyagi N, Sutton E, Hunt MA, Zhang J, Apte A, Mechalakos JG, Mehrara
phase I/II, dose-escalation study of the safety, pharmacokinetics, B, Matros E, Ho AY. Morphological features of magnetic resonance
and preliminary efficacy of cobimetinib in paediatric and young imaging as a correlate of capsular contracture in breast cancer patients
adult patients with refractory/relapsed tumours. Pediatric Blood and with implant-based reconstructions. International Journal of Radiation
Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 3):S210. Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S97-S98.
Tsai CJ, McBride S, Riaz N, Leeman JE, Roman BR, Baxi SS, Sherman Unnikrishnan A, Papaemmanuil E, Beck D, Verma A, Kumari A, Woll P,
EJ, Wong RJ, Lee N. Number of lymph nodes examined is associated Richards L, Knezevic K, Chandrakanthan V, Thoms J, Tursky M, Huang
with overall survival in clinically node-negative oral cavity cancer patients Y, Ali Z, Olivier J, Galbraith S, Kulasekararaj A, Tobiasson M, Karimi M,
receiving definitive surgery—A population-based analysis using the Pellagatti A, Wilson S, Lindeman R, Young B, Ramakrishna R, Arthur
National Cancer Data Base. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, C, Stark R, Crispin P, Curnow J, Warburton P, Roncolato F, Boultwood
Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E338-E339. J, Lynch K, Jacobsen S, Mufti G, Hellstrom-Lindberg E, MacKenzie K,
Wong J, Campbell P, Pimanda J. Integrative genomics identifies the
Tseng J, Sonoda Y, Gardner G, Zivanovic O, Abu-Rustum N, Leitao M molecular basis of resistance to Azacitidine therapy in Myelodysplastic
Jr. Fertility-sparing surgery in stage IA2 cervical cancer: Associated Syndromes. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):157-158.
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and risk assessment of multiple myeloma: Identifying gaps
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M. Long-term oncologic outcomes of fertility-sparing surgery in oncologists. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):799-800.
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F, Wardley AM, Yang X, Lokker NA, Lounsbury DL, Robson ME. ABRAZO: 1):S137.
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Meeting Abstracts
Varda M, Long E, De La Ossa M. Preventing the fire, so you don’t of combining immune checkpoint inhibition and thoracic radiation
burnout!. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):108. therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
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Vargo J, Ward MC, Caudell JJ, Riaz N, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ,
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von Reibnitz D, Wu AJ, Barker CA, Panchoo K, Rimner A. Safety Dermatology. 2016;136(5 Suppl. 1):S15.
311 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Walsh M, Shukla N, Joseph V, Kentsis A, Curran K, Kobos R, Arnold Wang W, Yorke ED, Campbell J, Martel MK, Moiseenko V, Marks LB, Kong
A, Harlan M, Kennedy J, Schrader K, Stadler Z, Cheung NK, Modak FM. Radiation-induced proximal bronchial tree and heart toxicity after
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D, Armstrong S, Ladanyi M, Robson M, O’Reilly R, Berger M, Offit Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E475-E476.
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Walsh MF, Harlan M, Kennedy J, Musinsky J, LaQuaglia M, Stadler
Z, Gilheeney S, Offit K. Novel SUFU splice mutation in a child with Ward MC, Riaz N, Caudell JJ, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J,
multiple tumors. Cancer Research. 2016;76(5 Suppl.) Awan MJ, Vargo J, Heron DE, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay
M, Siddiqui F, Trotti A, Lee N, Koyfman S. Multi-institution analysis of
Wang E, Stone R, Tallman M, Thompson J, Ontiveros E, Olson G, intensity modulated radiation therapy-based reirradiation for head and
Galinsky I, Pond B, Uchida A, Urity V, Xhori O, Macaraeg M, Vusirikala neck cancer: Prognostic factors and recursive partitioning analysis for
M, Patel P, Walter R, Collins R. Safety study of crenolanib, a Type I overall survival. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
FLT3 inhibitor, with cytarabine/daunorubicin or cytarabine/idarubicin Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S115.
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Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):1045.
Weber J, Eaton A, Stempel M, Burgan I, Jochelson M, Barrio A, Capko
Wang Q, Zou Y, Nowotschin S, Kim SY, Li Q, Soh CL, Xi Q, Zhang D, Cody H, Gemignani M, Heerdt A, Morrow M, Pilewskie M, George
C, Su J, Huangfu D, Hadjantonakis AK, Massague J. A p53-Wnt- P, Sacchini V, Sclafani L, Van Zee K, El-Tamer M. How reliably does
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cancer?. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 2016;23(Suppl. 3):170-171.
Wang W, Dai P, Shuman S, Merghoub T, Wolchok JD, Deng
L. Recombinant replication competent attenuated vaccinia virus Weigelt B, Geyer FC, Burke K, Ng CK, Murray M, Ross DS, Soslow R,
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Investigative Dermatology. 2016;136(5 Suppl. 1):S6. Phyllodes tumor of the breast have similar repertoires of somatic genetic
alterations. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):460A.
312 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Weigelt B, Geyer FC, Burke K, Ng CKY, Murray M, Ross DS, Soslow Wertheim G, Luskin M, Gimotty PA, Smith C, Loren AW, Figueroa M,
R, Rubin BP, Ladanyi M, Brogi E, Reis JS. Uterine adenosarcoma and Harrison J, Sun ZX, Tallman MS, Paietta EM, Litzow MR, Levine R, Melnick
Phyllodes tumor of the breast have similar repertoires of somatic genetic AM, Fernandez HF, Luger SM, Carroll M, Master SR. Integration of multi-
alterations. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):460A. locus DNA methylation and genetic alterations outperforms genetic
assessment alone for outcome prediction in adult patients with acute
Weigelt B, Piscuoglio S, Burke K, Ng CKY, Papanastasiou myeloid leukemia. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):384A.
AD, Geyer FC, Macedo GS, Martelotto LG, De Bruijn I, De Filippo
MR, Schultheis AM, Ioris R, Levine DA, Soslow R, Rubin BP, Reis-Filho Wertheimer T, Velardi E, Xiao S, Palikuqi B, Ottmuller K, Beilhack A,
JS. Uterine adenosarcomas are mesenchymal neoplasms. Laboratory Butler J, Manley N, Rafii S, van den Brink M, Dudakov J. Production
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):314A. of BMP4 by endothelial cells is crucial for endogenous thymic
regeneration. European Journal of Immunology. 2016;46(Suppl. 1):311.
Weigelt B, Piscuoglio S, Burke K, Ng CKY, Papanastasiou
AD, Geyer FC, Macedo GS, Martelotto LG, De Bruijn I, De Filippo Wild AT, Jackson A, Kohutek ZA, Wu AJ, Gelblum D, von Reibnitz
MR, Schultheis AM, Ioris R, Levine DA, Soslow R, Rubin BP, Reis-Filho D, Gelb E, Panchoo K, Yan M, Yorke ED, Rimner A. Planning target
JS. Uterine adenosarcomas are mesenchymal neoplasms. Modern volume and FDG-PET maximum standardized uptake value, but
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):314A. not dosimetric parameters of target coverage, predict for local
recurrence after stereotactic body radiation therapy for non-small
Weigelt B. Rare types of breast cancer: Deconstructing the cell lung cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology,
complexity and heterogeneity of breast cancer. Journal of Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E484.
Pathology. 2016;238(Suppl. 1):S4.
Williamson SR, Gadde R, Trpkov K, Hirsch M, Srigley JR, Reuter
Weinreb I, Seethala RR, Chiosea S I, Perez-Ordonez B, Hyrcza VE, Cheng L, Kunju LP, Barod R, Rogers CG, Delahunt B, Hes O,
M, Zhang L, Chen CL, Sung YS, Assaad A, Thompson LDR, Antonescu Eble JN, Zhou M, McKenney JK, Martignoni G, Fleming S, Grignon
C. Molecular analysis of low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma DJ, Moch H, Gupta NS. Diagnostic criteria for oncocytic renal
& related in-situ and invasive carcinomas. Laboratory neoplasms: A survey of specialist renal tumor pathologists. Laboratory
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):331A. Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):270A.
Weinreb I, Seethala RR, Chiosea S I, Perez-Ordonez B, Hyrcza M, Zhang Williamson SR, Gadde R, Trpkov K, Hirsch M, Srigley JR, Reuter VE,
L, Chen CL, Sung YS, Assaad A, Thompson LDR, Antonescu C. Molecular Cheng L, Kunju LP, Barod R, Rogers CG, Delahunt B, Hes O, Eble JN,
analysis of low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma & related in-situ Zhou M, McKenney JK, Martignoni G, Fleming S, Grignon DJ, Moch H,
and invasive carcinomas. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):331A. Gupta NS. Diagnostic criteria for oncocytic renal neoplasms: A survey of
specialist renal tumor pathologists. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl.
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Harrison J, Sun ZX, Tallman MS, Paietta EM, Litzow MR, Levine R, Melnick
AM, Fernandez HF, Luger SM, Carroll M, Master SR. Integration of multi- Winer AG, Senbabaoglu Y, Gejman R, Ostrovnaya I, Kaffenberger
locus DNA methylation and genetic alterations outperforms genetic SD, Voss MH, Coleman JA, Russo P, Hsieh J, Sander C, Hakimi AA. The
assessment alone for outcome prediction in adult patients with acute immune landscape of renal cell carcinoma and its association with
myeloid leukemia. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):384A. intratumoral clonality. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2016;34(2 Suppl.)
313 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Wolchok JD, Chiarion-Sileni V, Gonzalez R, Rutkowski P, Grob JJ, Cowey R. Prognostic significance of perineural invasion (PNI) in oral tongue
CL, Lao CD, Schadendorf D, Ferrucci PF, Smylie M, Dummer R, Hill A, squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC): A clinicopathologic study of 381
Haanen J, Maio M, McArthur G, Walker D, Jiang J, Horak C, Larkin J, Hodi patients. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):332A.
S. Updated results from a phase 3 trial of nivolumab (NIVO) combined
with ipilimumab (IPI) in treatment-naive patients with advanced Xu B, Ghossein R, Katabi N. Prognostic histological features in the
melanoma (MEL) (CheckMate 067). Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical phenotypic spectrum of polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma
Oncology. 2016;12(Suppl. 5):127-128. (PLGA) and cribriform adenocarcinoma of minor salivary gland
(CAMSG): A unicenter retrospective study of 69 patients. Laboratory
Wolchok JD. Combination checkpoint blockade. Cancer Immunology Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):332A.
Research. 2016;4(Suppl.)
Xu B, Ghossein R, Katabi N. Prognostic histological features in the
Wongchenko MJ, Larkin J, McArthur GA, Ribas A, Dreno B, Chapman phenotypic spectrum of polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma
PB, Maio M, Garbe C, Robert C, Lu W, Diala I, Darbonne WC, Chang I, (PLGA) and cribriform adenocarcinoma of minor salivary gland
Hsu JJ, Caro I, Rooney I, Ascierto PA, Yan Y. TERT promoter mutations (CAMSG): A unicenter retrospective study of 69 patients. Modern
in patients with BRAF(V600)-mutated melanoma treated with Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):332A.
vemurafenib or cobimetinib combined with vemurafenib. Melanoma
Research. 2016;26(e-Suppl.):e40-e41. Xu B, Ghossein R, Lane J, Lin O, Katabi N. The utility of p16
immunostaining in fine needle aspiration (FNA) material in human
Wu K, Davis M, Gonzalez-Diaz J, Ramrup N. Abdominal compartment papilloma virus (HPV)-related head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
syndrome: Rediscovering an old syndrome to prevent further (HNSCC). Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):331A.
mortality. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2016;43(2):19.
Xu B, Ghossein R, Lane J, Lin O, Katabi N. The utility of p16
Xie Z, Hutt K, Panganiban J, Huang W, Zheng S, Duong D, Jacobsen A, immunostaining in fine needle aspiration (FNA) material in human
Pawlowsky G, Thorne J, Arcila M, Miller J, Stenzel T. A NGS IGK assay papilloma virus (HPV)-related head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
for the detection of clonality and the monitoring of minimal residual (HNSCC). Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):331A.
disease. Haematologica. 2016;101(Suppl.):397-398.
Xu B, Ibrahimpasic T, Wang L, Tuttle RM, Ganly I, Ghossein
Xu AJ, DeSelm CJ, Ho AY, McCormick B, Powell SN. Overall survival R. Clinico-pathologic features of fatal non-anaplastic follicular
of breast cancer patients with recurrent disease involving internal cell-derived thyroid carcinomas (non-ANA FCDCs). Laboratory
mammary nodes. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):157A.
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E34.
Xu B, Ibrahimpasic T, Wang L, Tuttle RM, Ganly I, Ghossein R. Clinico-
Xu B, Cracchiolo J, Migliacci JC, Patel S, Katabi N, Wong R, Ghossein pathologic features of fatal non-anaplastic follicular cell-derived thyroid
R. Prognostic significance of perineural invasion (PNI) in oral tongue carcinomas (non-ANA FCDCs). Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):157A.
squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC): A clinicopathologic study of 381
patients. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):332A. Xu B, Wang L, Borsu L, Katabi N, Ganly I, Dogan S. High risk human
papillomavirus in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid
Xu B, Cracchiolo J, Migliacci JC, Patel S, Katabi N, Wong R, Ghossein gland. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):332A.
314 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Xu B, Wang L, Borsu L, Katabi N, Ganly I, Dogan S. High risk human JC. Superresolution microscopy reveals staggered arrangement of
papillomavirus in primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid mammalian distal appendages. Biophysical Journal. 2016;110(3 Suppl.
gland. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):332A. 1):166A.
Xu M, Maity A, Kirk ML, Zhai H, Both S, Lin LL. Proton therapy reduces Yang TJ, Barrio A, Morrow M, Wilgucki M, Krause K, McCormick
normal tissue dose compared to intensity modulated radiation B, Powell SN, Mehrara B, Ho AY. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
therapy in extended field pelvic radiation therapy for gynecologic postmastectomy radiation therapy, and immediate reconstruction:
malignancies. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Patient selection and outcomes. International Journal of Radiation
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E634. Oncology, Biology, Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):E23.
Yan SQ, Seyboth B, Kobos R, Cohen N, Seo S. Voriconazole dosing Yap TA, Krebs MG, Postel-Vinay S, Bang YJ, El-Khoueiry A, Abida W,
in children younger than 3 years undergoing cancer chemotherapy Harrington K, Sundar R, Carter L, Castanon-Alvarez E, Im SA, Berges
or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Pediatric Blood and A, Khan M, Stephens C, Ross G, Soria JC. Phase I modular study of
Cancer. 2016;63(Suppl. 1):S33. AZD6738, a novel oral, potent and selective ataxia telangiectasia
Rad3-related (ATR) inhibitor in combination (combo) with
Yang JC, Kumar A, Chapman KL, Constine LS, Moskowitz CH, Yahalom carboplatin, olaparib or durvalumab in patients (pts) with advanced
J. Brentuximab vedotin and AVD chemotherapy followed by ISRT: A cancers. European Journal of Cancer. 2016;69(Suppl. 1):S2.
safe primary treatment regimen for early-stage, unfavorable Hodgkin
lymphoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Yelskaya Z, Salo-Mullen EE, Somar J, Bacares R, Lehrich DA, Fasaye
Physics. 2016;96(2 Suppl.):S21. G, Coit DG, Tang LH, Stadler ZK, Zhang L. Functional studies aid in
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Yang Q, Bavi P, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. Immuno-proteomics of colon Molecular Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):940-941.
cancer: PSMA1 is implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis and has
prognostic significance. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):461A. Yelskaya Z, Somar J, Bacares R, Salo-Mullen EE, Yang C, Ahmed
S, Stadler ZK, Zhang L. CDH1 splice site variant c.387+1G>a
Yang Q, Bavi P, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. Immuno-proteomics of colon emphasizes the importance of functional studies. Journal of Molecular
cancer: PSMA1 is implicated in colorectal carcinogenesis and has Diagnostics. 2016;18(6):941.
prognostic significance. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):461A.
Yoon JY, Bavi P, Liang SB, Roehrl MH. High FAK in the background
Yang Q, Liang SB, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. Comprehensive proteomic of low c-MET and low RON levels is associated with worse survival
characterization of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Laboratory in stage I-III colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. Laboratory
Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):209A. Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):210A.
Yang Q, Liang SB, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. Comprehensive proteomic Yoon JY, Bavi P, Liang SB, Roehrl MH. High FAK in the background
characterization of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Modern of low c-MET and low RON levels is associated with worse
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):209A. survival in stage I-III colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. Modern
Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):210A.
Yang T, Chong WM, Wang WJ, Chen YD, Tsou MFB, Liao
315 OF 324
Meeting Abstracts
Yoon JY, Bavi P, Yang Q, Oldfield L, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. High PSB7 Zelenetz A, Robak T, Coiffier B, Delgado J, Marlton P, Adewoye
expression in colorectal cancer predicts poor overall survival among A, Kim Y, Dreiling L, Hillmen P. Idelalisib plus bendamustine and
older female patients and female patients treated with adjuvant rituximab (BR) is superior to BR alone in patients with relapsed/
chemotherapy. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):210A. refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Results of a phase 3
randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. British Journal of
Yoon JY, Bavi P, Yang Q, Oldfield L, Wang JY, Roehrl MH. High PSB7 Haematology. 2016;173(Suppl.):10.
expression in colorectal cancer predicts poor overall survival among
older female patients and female patients treated with adjuvant Zhang M, Scott SN, Bouvier N, Berger MF, Lin O. Cigarette smoke
chemotherapy. Modern Pathology. 2016;29(Suppl. 2):210A. associated genetic alterations found in urine specimens from
patients with superficial non-muscle invasive high grade urothelial
Yorke ED, Ojo A, Kuo L, Jackson A, Wu AJ, Yan M, Rimner A. Dosimetric carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation. 2016;96(Suppl. 1):461A.
predictors of radiation pneumonitis after hemithoracic pleural intensity
modulated radiation treatment. International Journal of Radiation Zhang M, Scott SN, Bouvier N, Berger MF, Lin O. Cigarette smoke
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Meeting Abstracts
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318 OF 324
Book Sections
Chow K, Koranteng L. Bowel symptoms: Constipation, diarrhea, and Hibler BP, Dusza SW, Wang SQ. Photoprotection and skin cancer
obstruction. In: Dahlin C, Coyne PJ, Ferrell BR, editor(s). Advanced prevention. In: Wang SQ, Lim HW, editor(s). Principles and Practice of
Practice Palliative Nursing. 1st Ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Photoprotection. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 23-38.
Press; 2016. p. 243-253.
Hibler BP, Wang SQ. Education, motivation, and compliance. In: Wang
Christison-Lagay ER, La Quaglia MP. Neuroblastoma and other adrenal SQ, Lim HW, editor(s). Principles and Practice of Photoprotection. Cham,
tumors. In: Carachi R, Grosfeld JL, editor(s). The Surgery of Childhood Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 463-475.
Tumors. 3rd ed. London, UK: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2016. p. 231-256.
Huerga I, Lauruhn MP. Linked data implications for authority
Danishefsky S. Foreword. In: Witczak ZZ, Bielski R, editor(s). Domino and control and vocabularies: An STM perspective.In: Jones E, Seikel M,
Intramolecular Rearrangement Reactions as Advanced Synthetic Methods editor(s). Linked Data for Cultural Heritage. Chicago, IL: American Library
in Glycoscience. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons; 2016. p. xiii-xiv. Association; 2016. p. 55-72.
Dudakov JA, Perales MA, van den Brink MRM. Immune reconstitution Javdan B, Cassileth B. Cancer care among immigrants to North
following hematopoietic cell transplantation. In: Forman SJ, Negrin America. In: Silbermann M, editor(s). Cancer Care in Countries
RS, Antin JH, Appelbaum FR, editor(s). Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell and Societies in Transition: Individualized Care in Focus. Cham,
Transplantation - Stem Cell Transplantation. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 461-471.
Blackwell; 2016. p. 160-169.
Kearney J, Bartell AS, Pao M. Psychiatric issues in pediatric oncology:
Fisicaro R, Brennan NP, Holodny A. Functional magnetic resonance Diagnosis and management. In: Abrams AN, Muriel AC, Wiener L,
imaging. In: Newton HB, editor(s). Handbook of Neuro-Oncology editor(s). Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multidisciplinary
Neuroimaging. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Academic Press, Care. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 119-141.
Elsevier Inc; 2016. p. 317-325.
Kirk TW, Coyle N, Doolittle M. Communication ethics. In: Wittenberg
Friedman BJ, Lim HW, Wang SQ. Photoprotection and E, Ferrell BR, Goldsmith J, Smith T, Ragan SL, Glajchen M, Handzo G,
photoaging. In: Wang SQ, Lim HW, editor(s). Principles and Practice of editor(s). Textbook of Palliative Care Communication. Oxford, UK: Oxford
Photoprotection. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 61-74. University Press; 2016. p. 27-34.
Gerhardt CA, Salley CG, Lehmann V. The impact of pediatric cancer Krishnan A, Giralt SA. Hematopoietic cell transplantation for multiple
on the family. In: Abrams AN, Muriel AC, Wiener L, editor(s). Pediatric myeloma. In: Forman SJ, Negrin RS, Antin JH, Appelbaum FR,
Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multidisciplinary Care. Cham, editor(s). Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation - Stem Cell
Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 143-155. Transplantation. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell; 2016. p. 625-639.
González S, Gilaberte Y, Juarranz A. Oral and systemic Landau HJ, Gertz MA, Comenzo RL. Autologous hematopoietic cell
photoprotection. In: Wang SQ, Lim HW, editor(s). Principles and Practice transplantation for systemic light chain (AL-) amyloidosis. In: Forman SJ,
of Photoprotection. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 387-403. Negrin RS, Antin JH, Appelbaum FR, editor(s). Thomas’ Hematopoietic
Cell Transplantation - Stem Cell Transplantation. 5th ed. Chichester,
UK: Wiley Blackwell; 2016. p. 724-741.
319 OF 324
Book Sections
Lantos J, Young RJ, Miranda PC, Wenger C, Wong ET. TTFields therapy: MA, editor(s). Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women: An
Preclinical and clinical data. In: Newton HB, editor(s). Handbook Interdisciplinary Approach. New York, NY: Springer; 2016. p. 83-86.
of Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging. 2nd ed. Amsterdam,
Netherlands: Academic Press, Elsevier Inc; 2016. p. 243-256. Nelson CJ. Commentary: Peyronie’s disease and other anatomical
disorders. In: Lipshultz L I, Pastuszak AW, Goldstein AT, Giraldi A,
Leal JN, D’Angelica M I. Modern locoregional treatment of colorectal Perelman MA, editor(s). Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and
cancer liver metastases. In: Morgan KA, editor(s). Current Controversies in Women: An Interdisciplinary Approach. New York, NY: Springer; 2016. p.
Cancer Care for the Surgeon. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 67-109. 95-97.
Lichtenthal WG, Corner GW, Sweeney C, Roberts KE. Grieving O’Reilly RJ, Friedrich W. Hematopoietic cell transplantation for
the traumatic death of a child. In: Black BP, Wright PM, Limbo R, immunodeficiency diseases. In: Forman SJ, Negrin RS, Antin JH,
editor(s). Perinatal and Pediatric Bereavement in Nursing and Other Appelbaum FR, editor(s). Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Health Professions.New York, NY: Springer; 2016. p. 249-285. - Stem Cell Transplantation. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley
Blackwell; 2016. p. 866-889.
Lichtenthal WG, Breitbart W. Who am I?. In: Neimeyer RA,
editor(s). Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention. New Patel KP, Hale K, Pastores SM. Critical care issues in oncologic surgery
York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group Us; 2016. p. 182-185. patients. In: O’Donnell JM, Nácul FE, editor(s). Surgical Intensive Care
Medicine. 3rd ed. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 759-769.
McAuliffe JC, Christein JD. Incidentalomas of the pancreas. In: Morgan
KA, editor(s). Current Controversies in Cancer Care for the Quartuccio N, Wexler L, Schöder H. Pediatric sarcomas. In: Mansi L,
Surgeon. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 111-120. Lopci E, Cuccurullo V, Chiti A, editor(s). Clinical Nuclear Medicine in
Pediatrics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 279-300.
Montoto S, Noy A, Ribera JM. Burkitt lymphoma. In: Hentrich M, Barta
SK, editor(s). HIV-Associated Hematological Malignancies. Heidelberg, Rice TW, Klotz A, Neville-Webbe HL, Ahn S, Adkins EJ. Models
Germany: Springer; 2016. p. 67-72. of care for cancer emergencies. In: Todd KH, Thomas CR Jr,
editor(s). Oncologic Emergency Medicine: Principles and Practice. Cham,
Morris EA. Contrast-enhanced digital mammography. In: Hodler Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. 3-12.
J, Kubik-Huch RA, von Schulthess GK, editor(s). Diseases of the
Brain, Head and Neck, Spine 2016-2019: Diagnostic Imaging. [Cham, Schweitzer AD, Krol G. Imaging of plexopathy in oncologic
Switzerland]: Springer; 2016. p. 339-342. patients. In: Newton HB, editor(s). Handbook of Neuro-Oncology
Neuroimaging. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Academic Press,
Morris EA. Mammography: BI-RADS® update and Elsevier Inc; 2016. p. 763-775.
tomosynthesis. In: Hodler J, Kubik-Huch RA, von Schulthess GK,
editor(s). Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, Spine 2016-2019: Setton J, Bindra RS, Powell SN. DNA double-strand repair by
Diagnostic Imaging. [Cham, Switzerland]: Springer; 2016. p. 347-349. nonhomologous end joining and its clinical relevance. In: Kelley MR,
Fishel ML, editor(s). DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy: Molecular Targets
Nelson CJ. Commentary: Erectile dysfunction in the setting of prostate and Clinical Applications. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier
cancer. In: Lipshultz L I, Pastuszak AW, Goldstein AT, Giraldi A, Perelman Inc.; 2016. p. 277-302.
320 OF 324
Book Sections
Small TN. Vaccination of allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic Wang SQ, Lim HW. Preface. In: Wang SQ, Lim HW, editor(s). Principles
cell recipients. In: Forman SJ, Negrin RS, Antin JH, Appelbaum FR, and Practice of Photoprotection. Cham, Switzerland: Springer; 2016. p. v.
editor(s). Thomas’ Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation - Stem Cell
Transplantation. 5th ed. Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell; 2016. p. 1297-1306. Xavier JB. Sociomicrobiology and pathogenic bacteria. In: Kudva
IT, Cornick NA, Plummer PJ, Zhang Q, Nicholson TL, Bannantine JP,
Thacker D, Keeney S. Homologous recombination during Bellaire BH, editor(s). Virulence Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogens. 5th
meiosis. In: DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair: Molecular ed.Washington, DC: ASM Press; 2016. p. 89-102.
Mechanisms and Pathology. Tokyo, Japan: Springer; 2016. p. 131-151.
321 OF 324
322 OF 324
Book Wholes
Pathology of melanocytic nevi and melanoma. Barnhill RL, Wang SQ, Lim HW. Principles and practice of photoprotection. Cham,
Piepkorn MW, Busam KJ, editor(s). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Switzerland: Springer; 2016. 487 p.
Verlag; 2016. 648 p.
Wilkes G, Barton-Burke M. 2016 Oncology nursing drug
Mitchell MG. Cell biology: Translational impact in cancer biology handbook. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2016. 1564 p.
and informatics. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Academic Press, Elsevier
Inc; 2016. 337 p.
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