Cdi 8
Cdi 8
Cdi 8
Section 242 Officers acting as notaries public ex
1. NOTARY PUBLIC - refers to any member of the officio. — Except as otherwise specially provided, the
Philippine Bar in good standing who is issued a Notarial following officials, and none other, shall be deemed to be
Commission by the Executive Judge where the petition is notaries public ex officio, and as such they are authorized to
filed. Once commissioned as Notary Public, he may perform, within the limits of their territorial jurisdiction as
perform notarial acts in any place within the territorial herein below defined, all the duties appertaining to the office
jurisdiction of the commissioning court for a term of two of notary public:
years. (2004 Rules on Notarial Practice) a. The Chief of the Division of Archives, Patents,
Copyrights, and Trademarks; the Clerk of the.
2. NOTARY PUBLIC EX OFFICIO - is a government official Supreme Court, the Clerk of the Court of First Instance
who is clothed by law with general authority to administer of the Ninth Judicial District, the Chief of the General
oaths and to perform notarial acts within the limits of their Land Registration Office, and the Superintendent of the
territorial jurisdiction in relation to their official functions. Postal Savings Bank Division, Bureau of Posts — when
(Section 41 as amended by Section 2 of R. A. No. 6733 and acting within the limits of the City of Manila.
Section 242 of the Revised Administrative Code, in b. Clerks of Courts of First Instance outside of the City of
relation to Sections G, M and N, Chapter VIII of the Manual Manila, when acting within the judicial districts to
for Clerks of Court) which they respectively pertain.
c. Justices of the peace, within the limits of the territory
over which their jurisdiction as justices of the peace
Exec. Judge Astorga v. Solas 413 Phil. 558, 562 (2001) extends; but auxiliary justices of the peace and other
of who are by law vested with the office of justice of the
▪ Under the provisions of Section 41 (as amended by Section peace ex officio shall not, solely by reason of such
2 of R. A. No. 6733) and Section 242 of the Revised authority, be also entitled to act in the capacity of
Administrative Code, in relation to Sections G, M and N, notaries ex officio.
Chapter VIII of the Manual for Clerks of Court, Clerks of d. Any government officer or employee of the
Court are notaries public ex officio, and may thus notarize Department of Mindanao and Sulu appointed notary
documents or administer oaths but only when the matter is public ex officio by the Judge of the Court of First
related to the exercise of their official functions. Instance, with jurisdiction co-extensive with the
▪ The Court ruled that clerks of court should not, in their ex- province wherein the appointee is stationed, and for a
officio capacity, take part in the execution of private term of two years beginning upon the first day of
documents bearing no relation at all to their official January of the year in which the appointment is made.
functions. Notarization of documents that have no relation to
the performance of their official functions is now considered The authority conferred in sub Sections (a) and (b) hereof
to be beyond the scope of their authority as notaries public may, in the absence of the chief or clerk of court, be exercised
pertaining to the office in question. adopting the “Efficient Use of Paper Rule?”
1. there is a need to cut the judicial system’s use excessive
NOTE: The Department of Mindanao and Sulu, as a special quantities of costly paper, save our forests, avoid
political division has been abolished by section 1 of Act 2878. landslides, and mitigate the worsening effects of climate
change that the world is experiencing.
MANUAL FOR CLERK OF COURT 2. the judiciary can play a big part in saving our trees,
conserving precious water and helping mother earth;
▪ The provisions of Section G, Chapter VIII of the Manual
for Clerks of Court are essentially the same as the Where is it applicable?
provisions of Section 242 of the Revised Administrative This rule shall apply to:
Code. 1. all courts
▪ The provisions of Section M, Chapter VIII of the Manual 2. quasi-judicial bodies under the administrative
for Clerks of Court are lifted from Section 41 of the supervision of the Supreme Court.
Revised Administrative Code, as amended.
▪ Section N. DUTY TO ADMINISTER OATH. Officers What is the format and style?
authorized to administer oaths, with the exception of 1. single space
notaries public, municipal judges and clerks of court, are 2. one-and-a –half space between paragraphs
not obliged to administer oaths or execute certificates 3. use of an easily readable font style of the party’s choice
save in matters of official business; and with the exception 4. 14-size font
of notaries public, the officer performing the service in 5. Legal size/Folio: 13 –inch by 8.5- inch white bond paper
those matters shall charge no fee, unless specifically
authorized by law.
What is the required margins?
Borrev. Judge Moya and Judge Arcilla October 17, 1980, 1. left hand margin of 1.5 inches from the edge;
100 SCRA 114 2. an upper margin of 1.2 inches from the edge;
3. a right hand margin of 1.0 inch from the edge;
A notary public ex officio should notarize only documents 4. lower margin of 1.0 inch from the edge.
connected with the exercise of his official duties. That is the
reason why he is designated as a notary ex officio. He should Every page must be consecutively numbered.
not compete with private law practitioners or regular notaries
public in treansacting legal conveyancing business. How many copies should be filed in the Supreme Court?
▪ In the Supreme Court, one original (properly marked)
Flordeliza Coquia v. Atty. Emmanuel Laforteza February and four copies, unless the case is referred to the Court
8, 2017, 817 SCRA 129 En Banc, in which event, the parties shall file ten
additional copies. For the En Banc, the parties need to
While Atty. Laforteza serve as notary public ex officio and submit only two sets of annexes, one attached to the
thus, may notarize documents or administer oaths, he should original and an extra copy. For the Division, the parties
not in his capacity take part in the execution of private need to submit also two sets of annexes, one attached to
documents bearing no relation at all to his official functions the original and an extra copy. All members of the Court
shall share the extra copies of annexes in the interest of
Based on the said provisions of law and jurisprudence, a economy of paper.
notary public ex officio can only perform notarial acts in ▪ Parties to cases before the Supreme Court are further
relation to their official functions. He cannot notarize required, on voluntary basis for the first six months
documents involving private transactions. He cannot compete following the effectivity of this Rule and compulsorily
with private law practitioners who were commissioned as afterwards unless the period is extended, to submit,
Notaries Public. simultaneously with their court-bound papers, soft
copies of the same and their annexes (the latter in PDF
GUIDES TO A GOOD LEGAL WRITING: format) either by email to the Court’s e-mail address or
by compact disc (CD). This requirement is in
1. Correct choice of words preparation for the eventual establishment of an e-filing
2. Proper sentence structure paperless system in the judiciary.
3. Paragraphs must be impressive
4. Correct citations How many copies should be filed in the Court of Appeals
5. Correct form of legal document and the Sandiganbayan?
▪ one original (properly marked) and two copies with
(A.M. NO. 11-9-4-SC)
Appeals? presents an instrument or document;
▪ one original (properly marked) and two copies with b. is personally known to the notary public or
annexes. On appeal to the En Banc, one Original identified by the notary public through competent
(properly marked) and eight copies with annexes evidence of identity as defined by these Rules;
c. signs the instrument or document in the presence
How many copies should be filed in the Court of Tax of the notary; and
Appeals d. takes an oath or affirmation before the notary
▪ one original (properly marked) with the stated annexes public as to such instrument or document.
attached to it. ▪ It is that end part of the affidavit, oath or affirmation, in
which the notary public certifies that the instrument is
When did the Efficient Use of Paper Rule took effect? sworn to before him, thus, making the notarial
▪ January 1, 2013 after publication in two newspapers of certification essential.
general circulation in the Philippines.
A.C. No. 11346, March 8, 2017
A) A NOTARY PUBLIC IS EMPOWERED TO PERFORM THE “A jurat is a distinct creature from an acknowledgment. It is
FOLLOWING NOTARIAL ACTS: that part of an affidavit in which the notary certifies that before
1) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; him or her, the document was subscribed and sworn to by the
2) OATHS AND AFFIRMATIONS; executor; while an acknowledgment is the act of one who has
3) JURATS; executed a deed in going before some competent officer or
4) SIGNATURE WITNESSINGS; court and declaring it to be his act or deed.”
refers to identification of an individual based on:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. at least one current identification document issued by an
▪ refers to an act in which an individual on a single official agency bearing the photograph and signature of
occasion: the individual; or
a. appears in person before the notary public and 2. the oath or affirmation of one credible witness not privy
presents an integrally complete instrument or to the instrument, document or transaction who
document; personally knows the individual, or of two credible
b. is attested to be personally known to the notary witnesses neither of whom is privy to the instrument,
public or identified by the notary public through document or transaction who each personally knows the
competent evidence of identity as defined by these individual and shows to the notary public documentary
Rules; and identification.
c. represents to the notary public that the signature
on the instrument or document was voluntarily TAKE NOTE: a community tax certificate or residence
affixed by him for the purposes stated in the certificate or popularly known as “cedula” is not a competent
instrument or document, declares that he has evidence of identity.
executed the instrument or document as his free
and voluntary act and deed, and, if he acts in a SIGNATURE AND NOTARIAL SEAL OF THE NOTARY
particular representative capacity, that he has the PUBLIC
authority to sign in that capacity. ▪ Shall be affixed only at the time the notarial act is
▪ It is used in documents or instruments where there is performed. The notarial seal shall be affixed beside the
disposition or transfer or conveyance of title to property signature of the Notary Public and clearly impressed on
(real or personal) or any interest therin, including each and every page of the instrument or document
contract to sell, pacto de retro sale, donation; or any notarized.
instrument where a lien is constituted on real or personal ▪ The signature and notarial seal of the Notary Public
property; lease or rental of property. It is also used in appear right below the ACKNOWLEDGMENT or JURAT.
contracts of agency, i.e., Special and General Powers of After the signature and seal of the notary public, the
Attorney. following information shall appear:
1. Complete name of the Notary Public
JURAT 2. Roll of Attorney
▪ refers to an act in which an individual on a single 3. Commission NUmber and Date of Expiration
occasion: 4. IBP Official Receipt NUmber; date and place of
5. Professional Tax Receipt Number; date and place SAMPLE FORM NO. 4
of issue
6. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE)
Compliance or Exemption Number; date of issue
and validity
7. Office address, telephone number, fax number and
email address
▪ The information on the entry in the Notarial Register are
written at the lower left portion below the information
stated above.
• Document number
• Page Number
• Book number
• Year when the document was notarized
refers to a notarial act in which a notary public:
a. is presented with an instrument or document that is
neither a vital record, a public record, nor publicly
SAMPLE FORM NO. 7 b. copies or supervises the copying of the instrument or
c. compares the instrument or document with the copy;
d. determines that the copy is accurate and complete.
It is an act where a person appears before a notary public
certifies and attests to the existence, due execution, accuracy
and completeness of a document, deed or proceedings.
In executing an affidavit, the affiant's primary qualification
is that he has knowledge of facts which he states, and the truth
of which he affirms. (Suarez, 2019). It will be used to prove the
truthfulness of a certain statement in court. It is either the
personal knowledge of the affiant or his /her information and
belief or although not based on their personal perspective,
the affiant states only what he/she feels they can state as true
(Philippines Legal Forms, 2022). An affidavit is only valid
SIGNATURE WITNESSINGS when made voluntarily and without coercion.
It refers to a notarial act in which an individual on a single
a. appears in person before the notary public and presents AFFIDAVITS
an instrument or document; ▪ An affidavit is a legal document similar to a witness's
b. is personally known to the notary public or identified by sworn testimony in a court of law. Prior to giving
the notary public through competent evidence of testimony, a witness in a trial must swear that what they
identity as defined by these Rules; and are about to say is true and correct under penalty of
c. signs the instrument or document in the presence of the perjury. An affidavit carries the same penalty of perjury,
notary public. (Sec.14 Rule II, 2004 Rules on Notarial only it is used to attest to things outside of the courtroom.
▪ The crime of perjury is committed by any person who SAMPLE AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE
shall knowingly make untruthful statements or make an
affidavit, upon any material matter and required by law.
It is punishable by imprisonment of up to 2 years and
four months (, n.d.).
▪ The elements of Perjury, culled from Article 183 of the
Revised Penal Code, are as follows:
a.) The accused made a statement under oath or
executed an affidavit upon a material matter;
b.) The statement or affidavit was made before a
competent officer authorized to receive and
administer oaths;
c.) In the statement or affidavit, the accused made a
willful and deliberate assertion of a falsehood; and
d.) The sworn statement containing the falsity is
required by law or for a legal purpose.” (Reyes, Luis
B., The Revised Penal Code Book II, p. 272, 1998 Ed.)
a. There must be probable cause;
b. The probable cause must be determined personally by
a judge;
c. It must be issued after examination, under oath or
affirmation, of the complainant and the witnesses he may
d. The warrant must particularly describe the place to be
searched and the persons or things to be seized.