6кл Writing
6кл Writing
6кл Writing
7 Writing
My hero
1 Complete the sentences with the words/phrases below. There are two words/phrases for
each sentence.
a son about forty American big blonde blue brave Brazil friendly Milan in Italy my uncle tall
short (x2) sing speak Japanese the singer Ella Davies three children
2 Write about your own hero. Complete the sentences using your own ideas.
1 My hero is .
2 He’s/She’s (nationality/age) .
3 He’s/She’s from .
4 He/She can .
5 He’s/She’s married and has got .
6 He’s/She’s tall and .
7 He’s/She’s got hair and eyes.
8 I think he’s/she’s a(n) person.
3 In pairs, take it in turns to read your sentences from Exercise 2 to your partner, but do not
read sentence 1. Can your partner guess your hero?
• Tell students that you are going to give them eight gapped
sentences and a word box containing eighteen words and
phrases. They should complete each sentence using words
and phrases from the box. Point out that each sentence
has two gaps, and that there are two extra words/phrases.
• Hand out a worksheet to each student and ask them to
complete Exercise 1. When students have finished, elicit
the answers.
• Now tell students that they are going to complete the
same set of sentences about their own hero, and ask them
to look at Exercise 2. Explain that they can use the words
and phrases in Exercise 1, but they should also try to use
different vocabulary where appropriate.
• When students have finished, put them into pairs for
Exercise 3. They should take turns to read out their
sentences to their partner and try to guess each other’s
hero. Point out that they should not read the first sentence
as that would give away the answer.
• Invite students to read their sentences to the class, to see if
other students can guess their heroes.
Exercise 1
1 my uncle/the singer Ella Davies
2 about forty/American
3 Brazil/Milan in Italy
4 sing/speak Japanese
5 a son/three children
6 tall/short
7 blonde/short, big/blue
8 brave/friendly