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CAMC Exam Brochure | The Caribbean Association of Medical Councils

CAMC Exam Brochure


The Caribbean Association of Medical Councils (CAMC) administers an examination

for trained medical practitioners who wish to practice within the contributory
CARICOM Member States. Successful completion of this examination fulfills the
criteria for registration by Member Councils of CAMC and is necessary to practice in
most CARICOM Member States.
Potential candidates for this examination include Graduates with undergraduate
medical degrees from medical schools, which are not recognized by CAMC.

Aims of the CAMC Examination

The CAMC examination aims to assess for registration purposes, the general body of
medical knowledge and clinical skills of trained doctors whose basic medical
qualification are not recognized by the regional Medical Councils, i.e. doctors trained
in medical schools that have not been formally reviewed and accredited by CAMC.
The successful candidate is registered to engage in safe, independent general
practice throughout the Caribbean. It aims to provide a regional basis for ensuring
standards for the profession.
*Please Note
“The permission for Independent Practice is governed though by the rules of Member

Objectives of the CAMC EXAMS

The standard of the CAMC examinations is defined as the level of
attainment of medical knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes required of
newly qualified graduates of accredited medical schools (e.g. University of
the West Indies) who have intern training. The potential candidates are
expected to complete:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills for diagnosis and treatment of
diseases and application of this knowledge to solving problems
presented by the patient.
2. Demonstrate good oral and written communication skills.
3. Demonstrate an effective team approach to health care.
4. Demonstrate competence in common procedural skills
5. Recognize his (or her) own limitations and seek collaboration and
consultation when necessary.
CAMC Exam Brochure | The Caribbean Association of Medical Councils

The CAMC Examinations

The CAMC examinations consist of two components:
The multiple choice examination is a test of the principles and practice of medicine in
the disciplines of internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics, gynecology,
community health, and psychiatry. The MCQ is in two parts (morning and afternoon
sessions) each of three (3) hours duration.
Each part contains 100 questions. The MCQ examination is held over one (1) day,
simultaneously at approved centers in the Caribbean.
The Clinical Examinations evaluate clinical competence in terms of medical knowledge,
clinical skill and professional attitudes for the safe and effective clinical practice of
medicine in the Caribbean region. The

Clinical examination will consist of a multi-station structured clinical assessment of

clinical skills. Disciplines covered include Medicine and surgery, obstetrics and
gynecology, pediatrics, community health, and psychiatry. Only those candidates who
are successful in the written component of the examination (MCQ) will qualify to
proceed to the clinical component.
The Examinations are designed as a comprehensive test of medical knowledge, clinical
competency, and performance. Both MCQ and clinical assessments are multi-
disciplinary and integrated.
The MCQ examination focuses on essential medical knowledge involving an
understanding of the disease process, clinical examination, diagnosis, investigation
therapy management, as well as on the candidate’s ability to exercise discrimination
judgment and reasoning in distinguishing between the correct diagnosis and plausible
alternatives. The clinical examination also assesses the candidate’s capacity to
communicate with patients, their families, and other health workers.
The Examinations are currently conducted bi-annually (April/May and
October/November). Candidates wanting to participate in the examinations must
register at least six weeks prior to the written examination date.
The range of topics covered in the CAMC examination is based on approved clinical
curricula with an emphasis on common conditions in the Caribbean community.
The CAMC curriculum is available from the CAMC Office. Review courses on pertinent
subject areas may also be conducted by Independent Clinical Bodies and these are
available based on the demand. The CAMC’s Board of Examiners ensures that the
format and content of the CAMC examinations are consistent with undergraduate
medical courses and the standard of examinations in accredited medical schools.
Members of the Board have broad expertise over the full range of disciplines covered
in the CAMC and medical school examinations.

Application & Fees for the Exam must be made to

Caribbean Association of Medical Councils
37 Windsor Avenue,
Unit 5,
Kingston 5
CAMC Exam Brochure | The Caribbean Association of Medical Councils

Tel: 876-922-3116/876-967-4928
Email:[email protected]
Contact Person: Inez Robinson-Gammon

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