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DStv-A9-Remote-UserGuide V1.5 SA R

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Mode 1 : Red

Backlighting Troubleshooting Advanced Options

Backlighting is automatically activated each Your DStv A9 remote is programmable and can
I think the battery is dead. How can I
time you pick up the remote or when you press a be used to :
button. It automatically switches off (times out)
Mode 2 : Green • Switch your DStv Explora and other audio/
when the programmed number of seconds has Press the HOME button. If the STANDBY
visual equipment on or off in a predefined
passed (the default is 3 seconds). button lights up, the batteries are working.
To program the backlight timing, follow these • Control other audio/visual equipment
How do I know if the remote is broken?
steps :
Mode 3 : Orange Please visit dstv.co.za for full information,
Press the HOME button. If the STANDBY
• Press and hold STANDBY and HELP including step-by-step instructions.
button does not light up, the remote is either
simultaneously for more than 3 seconds
broken or needs new batteries. If you put in
• The STANDBY button will give 2 short red new batteries and the STANDBY button still
blinks does not light up when a button is pressed, you *
Catch Up and BoxOffice are available in selected
To change modes, press and hold the INFO and will need to replace the remote. This remote countries on selected packages and require payment
• Now press the required number* of the monthly Access Fee.
BACK buttons. The remote will change to the next has a 12-month warranty from the date of
Some apps are only available when connected to the
• The STANDBY button will give 1 red blink mode, with the STANDBY button confirming the purchase. Please take it to your nearest DStv internet and may require a separate subscription.
change by giving 2 blinks in the colour of the next Service Centre or Agency together with your
• Press OK proof of purchase.
*Press 0 to disable backlighting If your remote is older than 12 months, you Please note : if used with the DStv Explora Ultra,
To change to the next mode, press and hold the
Press 1 to set the timeout to 3 seconds the buttons on this remote might work differently
INFO and BACK buttons again. The remote will can buy a new one at any MultiChoice Service
with streaming apps. Refer to those apps for more
Press 2 to set the timeout to 6 seconds again change to the next mode, with the STANDBY Centre or Agency. information. You can press the HOME button at any time
Press 3 to set the timeout to 9 seconds button confirming the change by giving 2 blinks in to return to the central menu of the DStv Explora Ultra.

the colour of the next mode. Rechargeable batteries are not

Press 4 to set the timeout to 12 seconds
recommended for use with this remote.
Press 5 to set the timeout to 15 seconds
Press 6 to set the timeout to 18 seconds IMPORTANT
Press 7 to set the timeout to 21 seconds Nothing happens when I press a button
The DStv Explora must be set up to “listen” for the
Press 8 to set the timeout to 24 seconds (the DStv Explora does not respond).
correct mode. You can do this in DStv Central.
Press 9 to set the timeout to 27 seconds Firstly, check that the remote is working by
• Press the HOME button WhatsApp
pressing the HOME button. If the STANDBY
• Go to “Settings” 060 060 3788
button lights up, the batteries are working.
About the Remote Modes • Select System Settings [email protected]
Now check the colour of the STANDBY button
• Select Remote Control
when any button is pressed :
If you have multiple DStv Exploras in your home, or • If the remote is set to mode 1, set mode 2 and
even in the same room, you need to set the remotes 3 to Ignore If it’s red, the remote is in mode 1
(and the DStv Exploras) to different “modes”, so Download our app to manage your
• If the remote is set to mode 2, set mode 1 and If it’s green, the remote is in mode 2
that commands sent from one remote, won’t be DStv account - anytime, anywhere!
3 to Ignore If it’s orange, the remote is in mode 3
picked up by the other decoder. • If the remote is set to mode 3, set mode 1 and Change your package
Change the mode of the remote and try again. Reconnect to DStv
This remote has 3 modes and can be set to mode 2 to Ignore
Get amount to pay
1, 2 or 3 (the default is mode 1). If your DStv Explora is part of an XtraView Clear errors
Each time you press a button, the STANDBY setup, please consult with your DStv Accredited ... and more DStv REMOTE
button will light up. The colour tells you which mode Installer for remote mode settings.
the remote is in.
6 7 8 504-9046210 9
About this Remote The Remote Buttons ALT Switches between the last two viewed BACK Press BACK to remove onscreen items or
channels. save your settings.
• Only works with DStv HD Decoders and DStv STANDBY Allows you to quickly put the DStv SEARCH Hotlink to Search. Get A-Z listings of HOME Hotlink to a selection of the latest
Exploras (all models) Explora into standby (or bring it out of sport & movies, find new series or search content and apps available for you to
standby). for a programme. You can also access enjoy!
• Supports multiple modes (3) Quick tip: if you press and hold the Search by pressing the HOME button
and going to “Search”. LIVE TV When using the menus or apps, the
STANDBY button, the DStv Explora will
• Backlit buttons (ideal for night-time viewing) LIVE TV button is your hotlink back to
P+ / P- Changes channels. video. And when watching any content,
1 Quick tip: when scrolling through a list, pressing LIVE TV is your hotlink back to
• Visual feedback when a button is pressed TV POWER This remote can be programmed to
2 17 control other audio/visual equipment. you can press P+/P- to scroll a page at a live TV.
• SMS keys for easy text entry Please see the Advanced A9 Remote time, and in the TV Guide, to scroll one
day at a time. GRID Displays the channel grid which lists
3 18 Guide on dstv.co.za for detailed
available channels in an easy to use grid.
• The A9 remote can be programmed to instructions.
STOP If there is a recording in progress, Use the arrows to move the highlight and
control other audio/visual equipment, through 4 19 pressing STOP will give you the option see what’s on other channels. This button
TV GUIDE Hotlink to the TV Guide with 8 full days
SimpleSet™. Please see the Advanced A9 20 of programming information, allowing to stop the recording. When viewing a also doubles up as the RIGHT arrow.
5 you to easily plan your viewing. You can recording, pressing STOP will stop what
Remote Guide on dstv.co.za for detailed BOOKMARK Pressing this button creates a bookmark.
21 also access the TV Guide by pressing the you are watching.
instructions HOME button and going to “Planner”.
Bookmarks mark a selected spot in
6 22 REW Rewinds the content being viewed. Press recorded content, allowing you to easily
• 12-month warranty from date of purchase CATCH UP* Hotlink to Catch Up where you’ll find once to rewind slowly, and again (up to find these at a later stage. This button
23 three times) to rewind at the maximum also doubles up as the DOWN arrow.
7 series, movies, sporting highlights, kids’
shows & more. You can also find Catch speed. Press PLAY / PAUSE to resume
viewing. MUTE Mutes the audio.
Information correct at time of going to print. For Up* by pressing the HOME button and
8 24 Quick tip: Can also be set to “half mute”
going to “Watch Now”.
updated information, go to dstv.co.za (the “DStv ARC Your hotlink to changing the aspect ratio mode. Press the HOME button and go to
Website”). In the event of conflict between this INFO Press INFO on any programme to see on the fly. If you don’t like the way the “User Preferences” in “Settings”.
9 25 picture is being displayed on screen,
information and the information on the DStv Website, the more information, including a detailed
press ARC until you find a suitable aspect V+ / V- Changes the volume (if audio is set
information on the DStv Website will prevail. synopsis.
10 ratio. This does not change the default to Variable). If you have set the audio
e&oe (August 2020, V1.5) PROFILE Used to access selected features. Aspect Ratio setting. to Fixed, pressing these buttons will
11 NOT change audio. Press the HOME
26 STATUS BAR AV This remote can be programmed to button and go to “User Preferences” in
The Status Bar gives you more
12 information about your current viewing control other audio/visual equipment. “Settings”.
DStv Remote (A9) position. This button also doubles up as Please see the Advanced A9 Remote
13 27 the UP arrow. Guide on dstv.co.za for detailed REC A quick way to schedule a recording on
Quick tip: The Status Bar is also a great instructions. any programme.
1. STANDBY 17. AV 28 way to quickly “jump” through content.
14 PLAYLIST Hotlink to your Playlist where you’ll find PLAY / Toggles between PLAY and PAUSE.
When displayed, press FF or REW to
2. TV POWER 18. PLAYLIST 29 all the programmes you’ve recorded, PAUSE Quick tip: Press and hold this button to
easily and quickly “jump” within the
15 ready to watch at any time. You can activate Slow Motion. Then press FF or
3. TV GUIDE 19. BOXOFFICE* 30 content. REW to view the video in slow motion at
also access your Playlist by pressing
INSTANT Press the REPLAY button to instantly the HOME button and going to “Watch various speeds.
4. CATCH UP* 20. APPS**
REPLAY jump video back 10 seconds at a time. Now”.
21. BACK FF Fast forwards the content being viewed.
5. INFO This button also doubles up as the LEFT Press once to fast forward slowly, and
arrow. BOXOFFICE* Hotlink to BoxOffice* where you can rent
6. PROFILE 22. HOME blockbuster movies from the comfort again (up to three times) to fast forward
31 OK OK allows you to select onscreen of your couch. You can also access at the maximum speed. Press PLAY /
7. STATUS BAR 23. LIVE TV PAUSE to resume viewing.
items, and also allows you to find out BoxOffice* by pressing the HOME
8. INSTANT REPLAY 24. GRID 16 32 everything you can do with content. button and going to “Watch Now”.
Numbers / Used to change channels, enter/edit text
Quick tip: When highlighted, press OK SMS keyboard and more.
9. OK 25. BOOKMARK on any programme to see the available APPS** Hotlink to Apps, where you’ll find more
actions (from setting a reminder, to content to enjoy across a selection of
10. OPTIONS 26. MUTE streaming apps. You can also access
HELP Where available, pressing HELP will
setting series recordings or even finding display contextual support.
11. ALT 27. V+ / V- out when the programme is on again in Apps by pressing the HOME button and
Quick tip: to go directly to the HELP
the next 8 days). going to Apps.
28. REC section of the menu, press the HOME
button followed by HELP.
OPTIONS Press OPTIONS on any screen to see
13. P+ / P- 29. PLAY / PAUSE
the available choices. When viewing
14. STOP 30. FF TV, you can change Language or Aspect
Ratio (and more) and when in the menus,
15. REW 31. 1–0 you can change the order of items on
32. HELP screen or change the display.
16. ARC

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