Quercitin Mineralized Tissues
Quercitin Mineralized Tissues
Quercitin Mineralized Tissues
Keywords: Objective: This scoping review (SR) aimed to investigate the impact of quercetin on mineralized dental tissues
Polyphenols intended to be used in preventive and restorative dentistry.
Enamel Methods: This SR was conducted following the PRISMA-ScR statement. A comprehensive search was performed
across databases for articles published up to March 2024. Eligible studies included in vitro and in situ studies and
Tooth erosion
Dental caries
evaluating the potential therapeutic effects of quercetin on dental enamel and dentin. Data were extracted, and
synthesis of study findings was conducted.
Results: Out of the 2322 records screened, 22 studies were included in the review. Quercetin, in solution or into
dental materials increased the bond strength to enamel and dentin. Additionally, quercetin also enhanced the
bond strength of enamel after bleaching. Co-administration of quercetin with fluoride prevented erosive wear
and inhibited the proteolytic activity in dentin more effectively than either agent alone. Hardness and modulus of
elasticity was higher in dentin treated with quercetin compared to placebo. Reduction of nanoleakage at the
composite-dentin interface was reduced in the presence of quercetin as a solution or incorporated into dental
Conclusions: Quercetin exhibits promising therapeutic effects on mineralized dental tissues, including reminer
alization and enhancement of bond strength. It shows potential as a multifunctional agent for improving the
longevity and effectiveness of dental biomaterials, as well as in preventing erosion and dental caries. However, as
these conclusions are largely drawn from lab-based (in vitro) studies, further research, including clinical trials, is
needed to fully explore its therapeutic potential and applications in dentistry.
1. Introduction tissues are crucial in dental practice (Xu et al., 2022). In this context, the
use of therapeutic agents that can prevent or mitigate damage to these
The integrity of mineralized dental tissues, such as enamel and tissues has been widely investigated.
dentin, is fundamental to the longevity and functionality of teeth (Arola Flavonoids are secondary polyphenolic compounds produced by
et al., 2017). These tissues can be compromised by various factors, plants and vegetables to enhance their color and flavor, as well as to
including demineralization processes, dentin erosion and wear caused promote protection against UV damage, toxins, and microbes (Yuan
by chemical and mechanical agents (Chen et al., 2024; Xu et al., 2022). et al., 2024). Dietary flavonoids are associated with reduced disease risk
Advances in understanding the mechanisms of dental tissue degradation and lower mortality rates due to their health benefits (Bondonno et al.,
and the search for more effective therapies to preserve and restore these 2020). Quercetin, the most abundant flavonoid in the human diet, is
* Correspondence to: Faculty of Dental Medicine, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Health (CIIS), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Estrada da
Circunvalação, Viseu 3504-505, Portugal.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (C. Duque).
Received 30 April 2024; Received in revised form 20 October 2024; Accepted 21 October 2024
Available online 24 October 2024
0003-9969/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.
G.P. Nunes et al. Archives of Oral Biology 169 (2025) 106119
found in apples, cranberries, cherries, onions, peppers, asparagus, and 2015), in which the following PCC question was asked: “Does quercetin
medicinal herbs such as Hypericum perforatum and ginkgo (Aghababaei promote beneficial effects when used on mineralized dental tissues?”.
et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2020). This natural compound offers a broad Regarding the criteria, Population: Studies involving mineralized dental
range of therapeutic effects. It has demonstrated antioxidant (Deepika tissues (enamel and dentin) subjected to dental procedures, particularly
and Maurya, 2022), anti-inflammatory (Li et al., 2016), antimicrobial those focusing on in vitro samples (such as extracted teeth or enam
(Nguyen and Bhattacharya, 2022), antiviral (Alam et al., 2021), anti el/dentin discs) or participants undergoing restorative, preventive, or
hypertensive (Popiolek-Kalisz and Fornal, 2022), anticancer therapeutic dental treatments. Concept: Application of quercetin in any
(Popiolek-Kalisz and Fornal, 2022), antidiabetic (Dhanya, 2022), and form (treatment solution, incorporated into dental material, coating,
wound-healing properties (Lu et al., 2020). In 2010, quercetin received etc.) and at any concentration used directly on mineralized dental tis
Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status from the US Food and Drug sues. The comparison groups consisted of either a negative control (e.g.,
Administration, permitting its use as a dietary supplement. placebo or no treatment) or a positive control using another active agent
The multifunctionality of quercetin has been the main impetus for its commonly used in dental practice for similar purposes (e.g., fluoride,
use in the prevention and treatment of oral diseases (Wang et al., 2020). chlorhexidine, or other active substances). Context: The primary out
In animal models of periodontal disease, quercetin reduced the pro comes measured include changes in hard dental tissues, such as alter
duction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and exerted antimicrobial effects ations in mineral content, hardness, demineralization and
against pathogenic microorganisms (Mooney et al., 2021; Wang et al., remineralization rates, resistance to acid attacks, adhesion in restorative
2021). In addition, quercetin inhibited the development of oral squa procedures, and structural or compositional changes in enamel and
mous cell carcinoma, regulated cellular resistance to an antineoplastic dentin after exposure to quercetin. Additionally, outcomes related to the
drug and prevented oral mucositis in irradiated mice (Zhang et al., 2019, organic matrix of dentin were also evaluated.
2021; Chan et al., 2023). Promising results have also emerged high The inclusion criteria were clinical trials on humans, in situ and in
lighting significant beneficial effects that quercetin can exert on vitro studies that evaluated the quercetin use on mineralized dental
mineralized dental tissues (Chen et al., 2024; Moradian et al., 2022; tissues (dental enamel and dentin), without restrictions on the period or
Epasinghe et al., 2016). language of publication. The exclusion criteria were studies that eval
Investigations have indicated that quercetin can promote the remi uated only quercetin use without a control group, animal studies (in
neralization of tooth enamel, controlling mineral loss and enhancing vivo), articles that did not consider dentin or dental enamel tissue, re
resistance against dental caries (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Mora views, and studies with data reported in more recent articles. In short,
dian et al., 2022b). Additionally, quercetin has been shown to improve studies that did not meet the above criteria were excluded.
the adhesion of restorative materials to enamel and dentin, thus
increasing the durability of dental restorations (Moradian et al., 2022b; 2.3. Information sources and search strategy
Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020). In dentin, quercetin exhibits
anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can reduce the A search strategy composed of keywords and free terms was used to
degradation of the organic matrix and mitigate the loss of dentin search for studies in the electronic databases Pubmed/Medline, Web of
structure (Chen et al., 2024; Hong et al., 2022). These effects are Science, Scopus, Embase, and Cochrane, as well as the grey literature
particularly significant for the treatment and prevention of dental dis search through OpenGrey for articles published up to March 11, 2024
eases such as caries and erosion. Moreover, quercetin has demonstrated (Appendix #S1). After that, a reference manager (EndNote, version X9,
to reinforce exceptionally mechanical properties of dentin when com Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, USA) was used to exclude duplicate
bined with collagen, underscoring its potential importance in clinical citations.
applications (Hong et al., 2022).
In line with the data above, studies have demonstrated the potential 2.4. Selection of studies
of quercetin to improve the performance of the dental biomaterials and
the longevity of restorative procedures, particularly by its anti The first stage of the article selection was performed by reading the
proteolytic effect and protective role against erosion in dentin (Capalbo titles and abstracts. The remaining studies were read in full to verify
et al., 2022, Jiang et al., 2020). Although a recent scoping review has eligibility. From this stage, the articles selected for this review were
assessed the effects of flavonoids on bacteria associated with periodontal defined, and a manual search was carried out in the references in order
disease and dental caries (Carneiro et al., 2024), and on the adhesion of to find other eligible articles. Two independent authors (GPN and ROA)
caries-affected dentin (Beckman et al., 2024), no study has yet sum carried out the search and selection of studies, and a third reviewer
marized the scientific evidence regarding the potential of quercetin as a evaluated the data in cases of disagreement (AHRP). Agreement be
biomaterial in preventive and restorative dentistry. This scoping review tween the two reviewers regarding title and abstract selection was
aimed to investigate the impact of quercetin on enamel and dentin, by evaluated by Cohen’s kappa coefficient (κ).
assessing the outcomes on mechanical and adhesive properties, remi
neralization, and collagen degradation. 2.5. Data extraction and synthesis
2. Material and methods The following data were extracted from each study: author/year,
country of publication, design study, dental tissue, characteristic inter
2.1. Study design vention (groups – sample), method of administration or use (treatment),
assessment method, results, and conclusion. In cases where some data
This scoping review was conducted following the Preferred Report were missing, the authors were contacted by e-mail once a week for a
ing Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for month until the information was obtained. The qualitative synthesis
Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines (Tricco et al., 2018) and focused on outcomes related to the application of quercetin on hard
recent studies published (Seron et al., 2024; Nunes et al., 2024; Chalub dental substrates.
et al., 2023).
3. Results
2.2. Eligibility criteria
3.1. Study selection
To define the research question, an approach based on Patient,
Concept, and Context (PCC) mnemonic was considered (Peters et al., A total of 2322 publications were identified across multiple
G.P. Nunes et al. Archives of Oral Biology 169 (2025) 106119
databases, including PubMed (449), Web of Science (718), Scopus Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015; Epasinghe et al., 2014), while 9
(289), Embase (856), Cochrane Library (9), and through manual search articles included both controls (placebo and positive control) (Chen
(1). Following the removal of 863 duplicate references, 1459 titles and et al., 2024; Moradian et al., 2022a, 2022b; Li et al., 2022; Liu et al.,
abstracts were screened to identify studies meeting the predetermined 2021; Mehmood et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2020; Porto et al., 2018;
eligibility criteria. Subsequently, 24 articles were selected for full-text Epasinghe et al., 2016). The primary positive controls were sodium
assessment. Among these, 2 studies were excluded as they did not fluoride (NaF) (Chen et al., 2024; Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023;
meet the eligibility criteria. Finally, 22 studies were included in the Capalbo et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2020; Epasinghe et al.,
scoping review (Chen et al., 2024; Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Hong 2016), mainly for analyses related to remineralization (mineral con
et al., 2022; Capalbo et al., 2022; Moradian et al., 2022a, 2022b; Fattah tent), and chlorhexidine (CHX) was utilized in four studies (Moradian
et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022, 2017; Lin et al., et al., 2022a; Hong et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2018),
2022; Liu et al., 2021; Porto et al., 2021, 2018; Mehmood et al., 2021; particularly as a positive control in evaluations related to dentin organic
Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2017; matrix (Hong et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2018).
Shamsedin et al., 2017; Epasinghe et al., 2016, 2014; Gotti et al., 2015). In the 22 eligible studies, 18 evaluated the effect of quercetin on
The details of the search strategy are depicted in the flow diagram dentin tissue (Chen et al., 2024; Moradian et al., 2022a; Capalbo et al.,
(Fig. 1). The kappa score for articles included in all databases demon 2022; Fattah et al., 2022; Hong et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022, 2017; Lin
strated an acceptable level of inter-examiner agreement (k = 0.94). et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021; Mehmood et al., 2021; Porto et al., 2021,
2018; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2017;
3.2. Characteristics of the included studies Epasinghe et al., 2016, 2014; Gotti et al., 2015), while 4 studies focused
on dental enamel (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Moradian et al.,
All the included studies were published in English between 2022b; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Shamsedin et al., 2017). Eight
September 2014 and February 2024, and their characteristics are sum studies utilized quercetin as a dentin pre-treatment (Moradian et al.,
marized in Table 1. The eligible studies originated from various coun 2022a; Lin et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2021, 2018; Dávila-Sánchez et al.,
tries, including Brazil (Capalbo et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2021, 2018; 2020; Mehmood et al., 2021; Li et al., 2017; Shamsedin et al., 2017), and
Gotti et al., 2015), Iran (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Moradian et al., one study used it as a post-whitening (internal) conditioning agent
2022a, 2022b; Fattah et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Sham (Fattah et al., 2022). In 17 studies, quercetin was administered in the
sedin et al., 2017), China (Chen et al., 2024; Hong et al., 2022; Li et al., form of a treatment solution (Chen et al., 2024; Moradian et al., 2022a,
2022, 2017; Lin et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2020; Yang 2022b; Fattah et al., 2022; Capalbo et al., 2022; Hong et al., 2022; Li
et al., 2017; Epasinghe et al., 2016, 2014), Ecuador (Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2022, 2017; Lin et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021; Mehmood et al.,
et al., 2020), and India (Mehmood et al., 2021). Concerning the study 2021; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Jiang et al., 2020; Porto et al., 2018;
design, all articles utilized an "in vitro" model, with only 2 studies also Shamsedin et al., 2017; Epasinghe et al., 2016, 2014), and five studies
incorporating an "in situ" model (Hong et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2020). evaluated the incorporation of quercetin into dental materials
Thirteen studies compared quercetin versus a positive control (Capalbo (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Porto
et al., 2022; Fattah et al., 2022; Hong et al., 2022; Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015), focusing into adhesive
et al., 2023; Lin et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Porto et al., systems (Porto et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015) and glass
2021; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017; Shamsedin et al., 2017; ionomer cements (Pourhajibagher et al., 2022). The concentrations of
G.P. Nunes et al.
Table 1
General data from included studies.
Author/ year Design Dental G1 - QCT (Intervention group) Method of Administration Assessment Method Results: Outcomes Conclusion
(Country) study Tissue G2 – Control group or use [Mean ± SD] or
(N sample) percentage
Chen et al.,(2024) In vitro Dentin G1: Quercetin 300 μg/ml The samples were immersed in their respective Erosive dentine loss (EDL), Dentin loss (μm): The results suggest that QCT could
(China) Human teeth (QCT): 26 solutions for 2 min each day. release of type I collagen G1 (QCT): 8.13 ± 1.37 effectively inhibit dentine erosion
(Dental erosion and G2.1: Deionized water (DW); 26 telopeptide (ICTP) G2.1 (DW): 17.17 ± and abrasion through tubule
abrasion) G2.2: Sodium Fluoride 1.52 occlusion and demineralized
1.23×104 μg/ml (NaF): 26 G2.2 (NaF): 12.93 ± organic matrix preservation.
Release of ICTP
G1 (QCT): 19.37 ±
G2.1 (DW): 44.34 ±
G2.2 (NaF): 40.13 ±
Hosseinpour-Nader In vitro Enamel G1.1: NanoQCT (nQCT):10 One layer of nQCT was applied by a sterile Surface topography, and Microhardness PQD-nQCT can improve the
et al., (2023) Human teeth G1.2 Propolis + nanoQCT cotton roll for 60 sec after drying the enamel microhardness. (Remineralized) surface changes and
(Iran) (White spot lesions) (PQD-nQCT): 10 surface and was then washed thoroughly with G1.1 (nQCT): 2.65 ± microhardness in the
G2: Propolis (PQD): 10 PBS (pH 7) to remove any visible remnants of 0.28 remineralization process of
G2.1: 2 % neutral NaF gel: 10 the nQCT and dried G1.2 (PQD-nQCT): demineralized enamel
3.16 ± 0.20 significantly and reduce the
G2.1(PQD): 2.72 ± appearance of white spot lesions
G2.2 (NaF): 3.28 ±
G1.1 (nQCT): 8.26 ±
G1.2 (PQD-nQCT):
7.19 ± 0.54
G2 (PQD): 8.47 ± 0.38
G2.2 (NaF): 6.91 ±
Fattah et al., (2022) In vitro Dentin Duolink QCT 1 % was applied on the dentine for 10 min Microshear bond strength Microshear bond QCT did not increase the bond
(Iran) Human maxillary G1: Bleaching + QCT after the bleaching and two dual-cure resin types strength values (MPa) strength of both resin cements.
central teeth (Bl/QCT) of cement Duolink
(Bond Strength) G2: Bleaching G1(Bl+QCT): 11.84 ±
Panavia SA 1.7
G1: Bleaching + QCT G2 (Bl): 12.52 ±1.54
G2: Bleaching Panavia
MMP− 9
76 ± 2.6 / 100 ± 0.2 /
93 ± 2.1
Knoop hardness -
Depth from surface
KHN × µm (5–30 µm)
564.3 ± 44.3 / 628.7
± 42.2 / 546.0 ± 34.9
KHN × µm
(30–70 µm):
1422.5 ± 60.2 /
1364.3 ± 71.7 / 1371
± 76.4
Li et al., (2022) In Dentin G1: 300 μg/ml QCT: 20 4 daily erosive challenges for 5d. Treatment for Erosive dentin loss using a G1.1 / G2.1 / G2.2 / CHX and QCT showed the best
(China) vitro Human caries-free G2.1: deionized water (DW 2 min and then immersed in cola drinks for contact profilometer G2.3 performance in controlling dentin
Lin et al., (2022) In Dentin G1.1: 75 μg/ml QCT Superficial The microshear bond G1.1 / G1.2 / G1.3 / The application of QCT prior to
(China) Vitro Human caries-free pretreatment + bleaching:16 Dentin was treated with 2 ml for 2 min, and then strength (μSBS), color G2 bleaching preserved the
third molars G1.2: 150 μg/ml QCT the surfaces opposite to evaluation, and fracture Microshear bond immediate bond strength and
(Bond strength) +bleaching:16 the bonding surfaces were subjected to pattern strength (μSBS) improved the aged bond strength
G1.3: 300 μg/ml QCT bleaching treatment with 40 % hydrogen Immediate: 7.9 ± 1.9 / of bleached dentin while
pretreatment + bleaching:16 peroxide for two 15-min sessions 10.6 ± 3.2 / 8.1 ± 1.7 maintaining the effectiveness of
G2: Deionized water / 3.2 ± 1.7 bleaching.
pretreatment + bleaching Aged: 5.1 ± 3 / 6.3 ±
treatment:16 2.3 / 6.7 ± 1.4 / 3.0 ±
Color parameters △E
/ △WID
G1.1: 8.3 ± 2.7–50.2
± 7.2; G1.2: 7.7 ±
1.6–47.3 ± 2.5
G1.3: 7.39 ± 2.6–46.4
± 6.1; G2: 8.4 ±
2.4–49.7 ± 5.1
Fracture pattern
analysis (Adhesive)
nonaging - aging
G1.1: 35–50 / G1.2:
25–35 / G1.3: 25–35 /
G2: 35–50
Pourhajibagher In vitro Enamel G1: Modified glass ionomer + Experimental groups: Teeth were etched with Shear bond strength and Shear bond strength It can be concluded that resin-
et al., (2022) Human molar teeth nanoQCT (n-Qct – 2 %): 5/ 20 % polyacrylic acid, and the buccal tubes were Faiulure mode) (MPa) modified glass ionomer
(Iran) (Shear bond group bonded with modified glass ionomer (GC Ortho G1.1: 9.4 ± 2.2 / G1.2: containing QCT presents no
strength) G2: Transbond XT (3 M Unitek, LC, Fuji, Japan). 4.65 ± 1.2 / adverse effect on shear bond
Monrovia, CA, USA): 5 G1.3: 4.59 ± 1.6 / G2: strength.
12 ± 3.1
Faiulure mode (%)
G1 (QCT 2 %) / G2
(Transbond XT)
Adhesive: 7 / 12;
Mixed: 15 / 10;
Cohesive: 5 / 5
Moradian et al., In vitro Dentin G1: QCT 1 %: 24 The pretreatment solutions were actively Shear bond strength Shear bond strength It can be concluded that the
(2022a) Sound molars G2.1: no pretreatments applied to the dentin for 1 min. Then, the teeth (Mpa) solutions used in this study had no
(Iran) (Bond Strength) (negative control): 24 were 24 hours / 6months adverse effect on immediate SBS.
G2.2: CHX 2 % (positive Rinsed, dried and the universal adhesive system G1: 15.77 ± 2.5 / After 6 months, the CHX could
49.8 ± 9.1
G2.3: 35.7 ± 12.7
/22.9 ± 6.3
Porto et al., (2021) In vitro Dentin G1: QCT: 25 35 % phosphoric acid gel for 15 s, then rinsed Microtensile bond Bond strength (MPa) The QCT improved immediate
(Brazil) Human third molars 20 μg/ml QCT for 30 s with distilled water. Two coats of strength, and failure mode. 24 h - 1 Year bond strength and was shown to
(Bond strength) 250 μg/ml QCT adhesive were applied and light-cured for 10 s. G1.1: 38 ± 6–35 ± 3 / maintain the bond strength after
500 μg/ml QCT G1.2: 36 ± 12–32 ± aging for up to 1 year in distilled
G2 (Single Bond 2) – Control: 10 water.
25 G1.3: 38 ± 9–32 ± 11
/ G2: 32 ± 9–22 ± 5
Faiulure mode (%) -
24 h
Mixed - adhesive
G1.1: 50–30 / G1.2:
55–25 / G1.3: 55–30 /
G2: 40–55
Aging –
Thermocycling: G1:
12.0 ± 5.2 / G2: 9.4 ±
Nanohardness GPa
average: G1: 0.273 ±
0.072 / 0.420
G2: 0.370 ± 0.084
Faiulure Adhesive (%):
24 h / Themocycling:
G1: 95 / 100; G2: 100 /
Jiang et al., (2020) In vitro Dentin In vitro In vitro Surface microhardness, In vitro The QCT solutions showed a
(China) and Human third molars G1.1: 75 µg/ml QCT: 12 Specimens (after the formation of an acquired erosive dentin wear (µm), Percentage of surface superior protective effect against
In situ (Erosion) G1.2: 150 µg/ml QCT: 12 pellicle) were treated for 2 min and erosive and demineralized organic microhardness (% erosive dentin wear compared to a
G1.3: 300 µg/ml QCT: 12 challenges. 7-day erosion cycling regimen (4 matrix, and SMH) positive control (NaF). In
G2.1: NaF (NaF, 1.23 × 104 µg/ erosive challenges daily). carboxyterminal G1.1: 18.31 ± 6.40 / addition, regarding the different
ml – positive control): 12 In situ telopeptide of type I G1.2: 15.48 ± 5.41 concentrations, QCT at 300 µg/ml
G2.2: Deionized water Specimens collagen (ICTP). G1.3: 8.75 ± 4.95 / promoted a lower %SHM than 75
(negative control): 12 were treated for 2 min. Then the appliances G2.1: 27.08 ± 4.90 and 150 µg/ml.
G2.3: Ethanol (negative were worn for 2 h, followed by an erosive G2.2: 37.95 ± 7.86 /
control): 12 challenge. G2.3: 39.24 ± 4.69
In situ Erosive dentin wear
G1 QCT 300: 0.77 ±
0.34 / G2 (NaF): 2.61
± 0.97
Porto et al., (2018) In vitro Dentin G1.1 QCT 100 µg/ml: 6 After acid, 5 µl of experimental solutions was Microtensile bonding Microtensile bond QCT showed higher values than
(Brazil) Human third molars G1.2 QCT 200 µg/ml: 6 dropped onto dentin for 60 s. Then, an adhesive strength, failure mode, and strength (MPa) another groups on the first day.
(Etched with 35 % G1.3 QCT 500 µg/ml: 6 (Single Bond 3 M ESPE) was applied. collagen fibrils stability of 1 day However, a lower bond strength
phosphoric acid gel) G1.4 QCT 1000 µg/ml: 6 the adhesive interface by G1.1: 32.1 ± 8.9; after 120 d of water storage was
G2.1 distilled water: 6 scanning electron G1.2: 27.5 ± 8.7; observed in group QCT100 μg.
G2.2 CHX 2 %: 6 microscopy. G1.3: 31.2 ± 9.9;
G1.4: 31.3 ± 10.3;
G2.1: 23.6 ± 6.7;
G2.2: 27.8 ± 6.9
120 days (Aged)
G1.1: 25.3 ± 8.01;
G1.2: 34.7 ± 16.2;
G1.3: 42.4± 13.6
G1.4: 37.4 ± 11.4;
G2.1: 26.5 ± 8.3;
G2.2: 30.7 ± 8.7
Li et al. (2017) In vitro Dentin G1.1 0.1 % QCT (QCT 0.1 %): 6 The specimens were treated for 60 s with Microtensile bond Microtensile bond Pretreatment with 0.5 and 1.0 %
(China) Human third molars G1.2 0.5 % QCT (QCT 0.5 %): 6 solutions, dried, and bonded with Adper Single strength, failure modes, strength MPa ± SD QCT solutions was effective in
(Etched with 35 % G1.3 1.0 % QCT (QCT 1.0 %): 6 Bond 2 (3 M ESPE, St.Paul, MN, USA), following interfacial nanoleakagee, Immediate preserving the bond strength and
phosphoric-acid gel) G2 Group 1: 100 % ethanol the manufacturer’s instructions. in situ zymography. G1.1 38.6 ± 5.2; G1.2: the integrity of the hybrid layer
(control group): 6 38.1 ± 6.8; G1.3: 37.7 after one month of aging.
± 7.0
G2. (ethanol): 37.8 ±
G1.1: 27.58 ± 5.91;
G1.2: 36.71 ± 7.86;
G1.3: 36.95 ± 7.24;
G2: 26.18 ± 6.27
Failure frequency (%)
Adhesive /Cohesive /
Mixed failures
G1.1: 35/10/15/40;
G1.2: 60/20/0/20
G1.3: 70/10/0/20; G2:
G1.6:26.3 ± 8.6;
G2.1:11.0 ± 5.4;
G2.2:13.0 ± 6.6
Yang et al., (2017) In Dentin G1.1 (Single Bond 2 (SB) with Applied on the blotted water-moist dentin Conversion degree, G1.1 / G1.2 / G1.3 / The QCT-doped adhesive
(China) vitro Human caries-free QCT 100 µg/ml): 10 surface, followed by gently agitated for 10 s and microtensile bond G2 (500 µg/ml) preserved its bonding
third molars G1.2 (SB with QCT 500 µg/ml): air stream for another 10 s. strength, failure modes, in Microtensile bond properties against collagenase
(Bond strength) 10 situ zymography, strength (MTBS) MPa ageing.
G1.3 (SB with QCT 1000 µg/ nanoleakage expression. ± SD
ml): 10 Immediat: 42.8 ±7.8 /
G2 (control - Single Bond 2 - 41.9 ± 7.9 / 35.4
SB): 10 ± 6.1/ 42.3 ± 6.7
Aged: 27.6 ± 6.8 /
39.6 ± 6.9 / 30.9
± 7.7 / 27.8 ± 6.2
Failure frequency (%)
Adhesive failure /
Cohesive failure in
Immediate: G1.1: 100
/ 0; G1.2: 55 / 15;
G1.3: 75 / 0; G2: 90 / 0
Aged: G1.1: 57.5 / 7.5;
G1.2: 45 / 7.5; G1.3:
35 / 7.5;
G2: 50 / 12.5
Nanoleakage Presence
Immediate / Aged:
G1.1: 100 / 100
G1.2: 80 / 100
G1.3: 75 / 100
G2: 90 / 100
Epasinghe et al., In Dentin G1 (6.5 % QCT): 15 Specimens were pH-cycled through the Knoop microhardness, G1 / G2.1 / G2.2 QCT showed positive effects on
(2016) vitro Human caries-free G2.1 (1000 ppm fluoride): 15 treatment solutions (10 minutes). Six transverse Knoop hardness Depth artificial root caries
(China) third molars G2.2 (Deionized water): 15 demineralization–remineralization cycles were microradiography (lesion from surface (μm) remineralization, which is
(Caries – performed each day and continued for eight depth and mineral loss) 30: 8.98 ± 4.2 / 8.66 significantly lower than that of
remineralization) days ± 1.83 / 3.2 ± 0.55 1000 ppm fluoride.
50: 10.43 ± 2.54 /
11.50 ± 4.75 / 7.42 ±
80: 25.15 ± 9.37 /
± 5.1
Epasinghe et al., In Dentin G1 (6.5 % QCT): 10 Specimens were kept in their respective Modulus of elasticity and G1 / G2.1 / G2.2 Proanthocyainidin was more
(2014) vitro Human caries-free G2.1 (6.5 % Proanthocyanidin): solutions and tested at baseline, 10 min, 30 min, ultimate tensile strength of Modulus of elasticity effective than QCT and naringin in
(China) third molars 10 1 h and 4 h. demineralised dentine. (MPa) improving biomechanical
(Tensile strength) G2.2 (6.5 % Naringin): 10 Baseline: 12.44 ± 2.19 properties of dentine matrix
/ 11.35 ± 2.55 / 11.06
± 3.16
5 min: 11.49 ± 2.67 /
16.12 ± 4.77 / 11.14
± 2.92
10 min: 12.29 ± 2.55
/ 24.89 ± 6.46 / 13.19
± 3.56
30 min: 16.48 ± 4.68
/ 36.24 ± 8.87 / 17.57
± 4.24
quercetin tested ranged from 20 to 150 μg/ml (Hong et al., 2022; Lin
et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2020), 250 or 300 μg/ml
(Chen et al., 2024; Hong et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Lin et al., 2022;
Porto et al., 2021; Jiang et al., 2020), 500 μg/ml (Porto et al., 2021,
2018; Yang et al., 2017), 1000 µg/ml (Porto et al., 2018; Yang et al.,
2017), 0.03–2 % (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Moradian et al.,
2022a, 2022b; Capalbo et al., 2022; Fattah et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher
et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021; Mehmood et al., 2021; Shamsedin et al.,
2017), and 4–6.5 % (Liu et al., 2021; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Epa
singhe et al., 2016, 2014; Gotti et al., 2015). The concentrations of the
main positive controls were as follows: chlorhexidine 120 µg/ml (Hong
et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022), 2 % (Moradian et al., 2022a; Porto et al.,
10 min: 9.40 ± 3.13 /
4 h: 12.76 ± 5.86 /
Results: Outcomes
[Mean ± SD] or
et al., 2016), 1.23 % (Chen et al., 2024; Li et al., 2022; Jiang et al.,
2020), and 2 % (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023). Regarding the mode of
± 3.79
± 5.04
bond strength (Moradian et al., 2022a, 2022b; Fattah et al., 2022; Lin
et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Mehmood et al., 2021; Porto
et al., 2021, 2018; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017; Yang
et al., 2017; Shamsedin et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015; Epasinghe et al.,
2014), dental erosion (Chen et al., 2024; Capalbo et al., 2022; Hong
et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2020), and dental caries
(Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; Epasinghe et al., 2016). Among these
studies, the most evaluated methods were microtensile bond strength
testing (Hong et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2021, 2018; Dávila-Sánchez et al.,
Abbreviations: QCT: Quercetin; NaF: Sodium fluoride; CHX = chlorhexidine digluconate; DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide.
2020; Li et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015), shear bond
strength (Moradian et al., 2022a, 2022b; Fattah et al., 2022; Lin et al.,
2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Mehmood et al., 2021; Shamsedin
Method of Administration
pattern (failure mode) via microscopy (Moradian et al., 2022a; Lin et al.,
2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Mehmood et al., 2021; Porto et al.,
2021, 2018; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017; Yang et al.,
G1 - QCT (Intervention group)
(Hong et al., 2022; Porto et al., 2018). One study found that quercetin’s
effect was comparable to other flavonoids (Epasinghe et al., 2014).
Table 1 (continued )
G.P. Nunes et al. Archives of Oral Biology 169 (2025) 106119
bond strength to dentin when quercetin was incorporated into dental 2022b; Gotti et al., 2015), and nine months (Mehmood et al., 2021).
adhesives, suggesting that its benefits might depend on specific formu Seven reported that quercetin treatments resulted in low prevalence of
lations or application protocols (Gotti et al., 2015). Regarding to dental restorative failures compared to the control group (Moradian et al.,
enamel, only one study showed that quercetin-loaded glass ionomer 2022b; Lin et al., 2022; Pourhajibagher et al., 2022; Mehmood et al.,
cement significantly increased its bond strength compared to the con 2021; Porto et al., 2021, 2018; Gotti et al., 2015). In these studies, mixed
ventional form of the material (Pourhajibagher et al., 2022). failures, which involve a combination of adhesive and cohesive failures,
were less frequent after quercetin treatment, suggesting improved
3.3.2. Enamel and dentin adhesion in bleaching dental substrates overall adhesion and interface stability. Adhesive failures were primary
The effect of quercetin on adhesion in bleached dental substrates was failure mode in four studies (Moradian et al., 2022a; Dávila-Sánchez
explored in four studies, focusing on both enamel and dentin tissues. In et al., 2020; Li et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017), and quercetin group
bleached enamel, the application of quercetin after the bleaching pro displayed low percentage of this failure pattern in three of them
cess was found to improve bond strength, indicating a beneficial effect (Moradian et al., 2022a; Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2017).
on adhesive properties compromised by bleaching (Moradian et al., In one study, adhesive failure was the predominant failure mode in the
2022b; Shamsedin et al., 2017). For bleached dentin, the results were quercetin-pretreated groups, while cohesive failure was more observed
more variable. One study reported that application of quercetin before in dentin increased in the control group (Li et al., 2017).
the bleaching process preserved the immediate bond strength and
enhanced the aged bond strength of bleached dentin, suggesting a pro 3.3.6. Nanoleakage at the composite-dentin interface
tective effect against the adverse impacts of bleaching on adhesive Nanoleakage at the composite-dentin interface was evaluated in four
properties (Lin et al., 2022). In another study, when quercetin was studies (Porto et al., 2021; Li et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al.,
applied in dentin after the bleaching procedures, no significant 2015). Of these, three studies incorporated quercetin into commercial
improvement was observed in shear bond strength of resin cements dental adhesives (Porto et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2017; Gotti et al., 2015),
(Fattah et al., 2022). while one study investigated the use of a quercetin solution as a multi
functional primer for pre-treating the dentin surface prior to adhesive
3.3.3. Erosive dentin wear application (Li et al., 2017). In all studies, the incorporation of quercetin
Quercetin has demonstrated a protective effect against erosive resulted in a reduction of nanoleakage compared to the control groups.
dentin wear in several studies. When compared to a placebo (negative Additionally, a dose-dependent effect was observed, with increased
control), quercetin consistently showed superior efficacy in reducing concentrations of quercetin leading to progressively lower levels of
dentin wear caused by erosive challenges (Chen et al., 2024; Capalbo, nanoleakage (Porto et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2017; Li et al., 2017).
2022; Li et al., 2022). Additionally, quercetin also showed a superior
protective effect against erosion when compared to traditionally used 3.3.7. Inhibition of dentin matrix metalloproteinases and release of type I
therapies. For instance, quercetin outperformed sodium fluoride (NaF) collagen telopeptide in dentin
in two studies (Chen et al., 2024; Li et al., 2022) and was more effective Quercetin has been shown to effectively inhibit dentin matrix met
than chlorhexidine in reducing erosive wear (Hong et al., 2022; Li et al., alloproteinases (MMPs), such as MMP-2 and MMP-9, which play a
2022). Conversely, in one study, NaF demonstrated a superior protective crucial role in the degradation of the dentin organic matrix (Capalbo
effect compared to quercetin (Capalbo et al., 2022). Interestingly, the et al., 2022; Hong et al., 2022). The anti-proteolytic effect of quercetin
co-administration of quercetin with NaF exhibited a synergistic effect, against MMPs is dose-dependent, demonstrating a similar inhibitory
enhancing the prevention of erosive wear more effectively than either effect to chlorhexidine (Hong et al., 2022). However, while sodium
agent alone (Capalbo et al., 2022). fluoride exhibited a greater inhibitory effect on MMP-2 and MMP-9 than
quercetin, the combination of quercetin and fluoride was found to
3.3.4. Mechanical properties completely inhibit the proteolytic activity of MMP-9 (Capalbo et al.,
Among the selected studies, only four investigated the effect of 2022).
quercetin on microhardness analyses (Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023; In addition, studies evaluating the release of type I collagen telo
Capalbo et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2020; Epasinghe et al., 2016). Studies peptide (ICTP), a marker of collagen degradation, have shown that both
indicated that quercetin exhibited significant remineralizing potential placebo and sodium fluoride treatments result in a higher release of ICTP
compared to the negative control and lower efficacy than the positive compared to quercetin (Chen et al., 2024; Jiang et al., 2020).
control (NaF) (Epasinghe et al., 2016, Hosseinpour-Nader et al., 2023).
In a dentin erosion model, two studies (Capalbo et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 3.3.8. Dentin organic matrix outcomes
2020), demonstrated that quercetin displayed superior anti-erosive Some outcomes/analyses were reported in only one article. Hong
properties compared to the placebo (Jiang et al., 2020, Capalbo et al., et al. (2022) demonstrated that quercetin exhibits a higher degree of
2022). When compared to NaF, quercetin showed a similar reminer dentin crosslinking compared to the negative control, and this increase
alizating effect in one study (Capalbo et al., 2022) and a superior effect was concentration-dependent (75, 150, 300 µg/ml). Regarding dentin
(Jiang et al., 2020) in another one, irrespective of the concentration used nanohardness, quercetin presented significantly higher values than the
(75, 150, 300 µg/ml). However, only quercetin at 300 µg/ml out control group (universal adhesive system) in nanohardness within the
performed chlorhexidine (Jiang et al., 2020). Regarding the integrated adhesive layer, hybrid layer, and dentin at a depth of 50 μm
hardness of dentin in depth, quercetin demonstrated a similar effect to (Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020). In their study, Liu et al. (2021) conducted
NaF (Capalbo et al., 2022; Epasinghe et al., 2016). Studies revealed a a Hydroxyproline (HYP) Release Assay in demineralized dentin and
higher modulus of elasticity for dentin treated with quercetin when found that quercetin irrigant (1, 2, and 4 %) increased the biomechan
compared to placebo and naringenin (Liu et al., 2021; Epasinghe et al., ical properties and biodegradation resistance of dentin collagen.
2014), but lower values when proanthocyanidin was applied on dem
ineralized dentin (Epasinghe et al., 2014). 4. Discussion
3.3.5. Failure modes after restorative procedures This scoping review aimed to investigate the impact of quercetin on
Of the 10 studies that evaluated failure modes, all conducted as mineralized dental tissues, assessing its potential preventive and/or
sessments immediately after the restorative procedure or within therapeutic effects on changes in dental substrates. Overall, data from
24 hours, and some included subsequent evaluations at longer intervals, the 22 studies reviewed suggest that quercetin holds promise as a phy
such as at four months (Porto et al., 2018), six months (Moradian et al., totherapeutic agent for therapies involving hard dental tissues.
G.P. Nunes et al. Archives of Oral Biology 169 (2025) 106119
Treatment with quercetin enhanced the mechanical properties of believed to possess antioxidant properties, which can help counteract
mineralized dental tissues, contributing to the prevention of deminer the oxidative stress induced by bleaching agents (Bhuvaneswari et al.,
alization and promoting dental remineralization. It also improved bond 2014). Quercetin’s antioxidant properties are thought to play a key role
strength in restorative procedures and post-whitening treatments and in this protective mechanism by scavenging free radicals generated
exhibited a biological effect by inhibiting enzymatic degradation of the during the bleaching process, thereby reducing oxidative stress and
dentin matrix. preventing enamel damage. However, this effect was not observed in
Quercetin, a flavonoid found abundantly in various fruits, vegeta bleached dentin. The null effect of quercetin on this dental substrate may
bles, and medicinal herbs, has garnered attention for its potential ther be related to the inherent characteristics of dentin, which make adhesion
apeutic properties (Aghababaei et al., 2023). The antioxidant activity of to it more challenging than to enamel.
flavonoids is influenced by their structure and can be evaluated based on In addition, the varying efficacy of quercetin in dentin compared to
their ability to donate hydrogen and electron atoms, the stability of the dental enamel can be ascribed to several factors, mainly including the
formed flavonoyl radical, interaction with other antioxidants, chelation structural and compositional disparities between these dental tissues
of transition metals, and solubility and interaction with cell membranes (Breschi et al., 2018; Chun et al., 2014), as well as the unique properties
(Mondal and Rahaman, 2020). Quercetin demonstrates high antioxidant of quercetin itself (Angellotti et al., 2020). Dentin and enamel possess
capacity, effectively scavenging free radicals and inhibiting the forma distinct compositions (Arola et al., 2017). Its superior performance in
tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enamel could be attributed to factors such as surface characteristics,
(Deepika and Maurya, 2022; 10.Mooney et al., 2021; Li et al., 2016). Its remineralization potential, surface roughness, and biological in
rich polyphenol content enables it to stabilize the collagen chain by teractions (Arola et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2022). Furthermore, it is worth
increasing cross-linking in collagen fibrils, thereby reducing biodegra noting that quercetin did not interfere with the effectiveness of
dation. Furthermore, quercetin has the potential to inhibit the activity of bleaching procedures, as observed by Lin et al. (2022). This is an
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), suppressing the expression of these important consideration, especially given the concern regarding the
proteins through the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and crystalline yellowish coloration of quercetin.
protein kinase B (PKB) pathways (Pan et al., 2015). Regarding dentin erosion, the present results showed that quercetin
The results demonstrated that quercetin enhances bond strength in was able to reduce erosive dentin wear and exhibited a similar effect to
the adhesive procedure. Its ability to mitigate oxidative damage may well-established therapies such as NaF and CHX, indicating the signifi
preserve the integrity of the bonding interface, strengthening bond cant potential of quercetin in preventing dentin erosion. The same result
strength over time. This significantly reduces the risk of nanoleakage, was observed for the remineralization effect in dental caries models.
considered a relevant indicator for estimating the ability of adhesive These effects are possibly attributed to quercetin’s ability to provide a
materials to seal dentin and create an effective bond (Porto et al., 2021; mechanical barrier against acid diffusion (Ganss et al., 2007; Kato et al.,
Li et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017); restoration failure, and fracture 2010), and also by preserving the demineralized organic matrix as
propagation; in addition to increasing shear bond strength, resulting in previously described (Hong et al., 2022; Jiang et al., 2020), which can
greater bond longevity (Porto et al., 2021; Gotti et al., 2015). Further act as a template for mineral nucleation. This preservation of the matrix
more, quercetin may refine bonding durability by optimizing the elas may protect against dental caries and erosion and maintain the struc
ticity modulus and facilitating the formation of a robust hybrid layer tural integrity of the remaining tissue. Moreover, quercetin can form
between tooth structure and adhesive materials (Yang et al., 2017). A complexes with calcium ions because of the hydroxyl groups in their
well-established hybrid layer ensures stability in dental restorations, molecular structures. This enhances remineralization by facilitating the
minimizing nanoleakage and extending their longevity (Li et al., 2017; deposition of minerals like calcium and phosphate onto the dental sur
Yang et al., 2017). The favorable outcomes of quercetin in the dentin face, thereby strengthening compromised hard dental tissue (Epasinghe
matrix are presumed to be due to its ability to cross-link collagen et al., 2016). Additionally, quercetin’s ability to inhibit MMPs in dentin
through various types of forces: hydrogen bonds, van der Waals forces, plays a significant role in protecting against erosion and caries. This
electrostatic forces, and hydrophobic forces (Yang et al., 2009). Poly inhibition is primarily attributed to its vicinal hydroxyl groups, which
phenols like quercetin are amphiphilic, exhibiting hydrophobic prop effectively chelate metals, and its interaction with the S1’ pocket of
erties due to their planar aromatic nucleus and hydrophilic properties MMPs, crucial for substrate recognition (Saragusti et al., 2010).
due to polar hydroxyl groups. These properties allow polyphenols to In general, the data related to dentin tissue is interesting and
incorporate into the collagen structure, protecting it and facilitating promising. It is recognized that demineralization of dentin brings about
secondary interactions through hydrogen bonding with collagen proline a shift in the organic matrix, carrying significant implications, particu
residues (Haslam, 1996). The results also highlight quercetin’s potential larly in the selection of therapeutic approaches. As dentin minerals
to enhance bond strength between restorative materials and dentin, dissolve, the exposed collagen becomes susceptible to various collage
which is essential for preventing debonding and promoting cohesive nolytic enzymes, leading to enzyme-mediated collagen degradation
failure within the dentin structure (Dávila-Sánchez et al., 2020). Quer (Chen et al., 2024; Yang et al., 2017). Consequently, the restorative
cetin’s bonding promotion may lead to a more favorable fracture pattern treatment of dentin affected by caries or erosion becomes challenging
and failure mode, reducing the risk of restoration failure or fracture due to the compromised integrity of the dentin collagen matrix (Breschi
propagation (Moradian et al., 2022a; Lin et al., 2022; Mehmood et al., et al., 2018). Placing a restoration on a weakened dentin base result in
2021). Therefore, by improving adhesion, quercetin may help prevent premature bond degradation and displacement of the restoration.
debonding or restoration failure, ultimately enhancing treatment out Moreover, the presence of dentin-bound proteoglycans and proteases
comes and patient satisfaction. interferes the durability of resin-dentin bonding (de Mattos Pimenta
Moreover, preserving the bond strength of bleached dental sub Vidal et al., 2017). Hence, given that quercetin has shown potential as a
strates is clinically significant, as patients often require additional strategy for biomodifying the dentin matrix, it fortifies the fibrillar
restorative therapy to restore the natural appearance of their teeth and collagen matrix. This seems to be a logical approach to withstand me
optimize aesthetic outcomes (Olmedo et al., 2021; Baia et al., 2020). The chanical forces, resist degradation by proteases, reduce collagen-bound
results for post-bleaching shear bond tests have shown that the bleached proteoglycans, and, consequently, enhance the longevity and success
groups treated with quercetin exhibited better bond strength in enamel. outlook of treatment in dentin tissue.
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which acts on eliminating residual free radicals from bleaching venting dental erosion and caries, reducing dental demineralization, and
(Moradian et al., 2022b; Shamsedin et al., 2017). Thus, quercetin may promoting remineralization (Wierichs et al., 2020; Walsh et al., 2019;
exert protective effects on enamel during bleaching procedures. It is Emerenciano et al., 2018). However, it is also understood that fluoride
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