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Tut06 NodeJS 1

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Web Programming

Tutorial 6
To begin this tutorial, please download tut06-starter.zip from the course website.

Activity 1 instructs you how to create that project. When you finish, zip your project’s
contents (except the node_modules folder) to submit to this tutorial’s submission box.
The zip file’s name should follow this format: tclass_sid.zip where tclass is your
tutorial class name (e.g. clc01, clc02, etc.) and sid is your student’s ID (e.g.

Activity 1 – Hello Node.js

In folder /nodejs, create a NodeJS server and run the Hello World program yourself.
Follow the instructions below:

 http.createServer: Creates an HTTP server that listens to requests.

 req and res: req represents the incoming request, and res represents
the outgoing response.
 res.statusCode: Sets the HTTP status code for the response.
 res.setHeader: Sets the HTTP headers for the response.
 res.end: Ends the response and sends the data to the client.
 server.listen: Starts the server and listens for incoming requests on the
specified port.

Run the Server

 Open your terminal or command prompt.

 Navigate to the nodejs folder where server.js is located.
 Run the server using Node.js with the following command: node server.js

Activity 2 – Simple RESTful API with Node.js

In nodejs/nodejs-product-api folder, You will be provided with the following two

1. products.json: this file contains product data that will be used as the data
source for the API.
2. dataProvider.js: this file contains getProducts function to read data from
the JSON file.

You need to create an api.js file. In the api.js file, students will use the provided
getProducts function to perform the following tasks:

Create a Node.js Server:

Use the http module to create the server.

Write the API endpoints:

 Use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to handle
corresponding requests.
o GET /products : Retrieve a list of all products.
o GET /products/:id : Retrieve information about a specific product
by id.
 Use JSON.parse() to handle data from the body of POST and PUT
o POST /products : Add a new product to the list.
o PUT /products/:id : Update information about a product by id.
 DELETE /products/:id : Delete a product by id.
 Use res.writeHead to send appropriate status codes (e.g., 200 OK, 404
Not Found, 201 Created).
 Use res.end() to finish the response.


You should use a tool like Postman or curl to send HTTP requests to the server and
test the results. Download Postman here.

Activity 3 – Hello World in Node.js (Express.js)
Inside the /expressjs folder, run the command npm init to make this folder become
a Node.js project. You will need to install any non-core modules using npm.

Run the command:

npm install <package-name>

to do so. At minimum, tutorial will require the express package.

Create the file index.js in /expressjs folder and put the following source code into it:

"use strict";
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/hello', function (req, res) {

res.send('Hello World!');


Also create a folder named public inside the project folder and create a static HTML
page named hello.html inside the public folder (put any content in this HTML file).
Open a terminal in the directory with the server and enter:

node index.js

Alternatively, you can run nodemon command to start a Node project. nodemon is a tool
that restarts the server if you make changes to the JS code in order to reflect the

(*) To stop the server, press Ctrl + C in the terminal.

Access your page in the browser. Since the server is being hosted locally on your
machine, use the URL http://localhost:8000/hello (8000 is the port we specified
in index.js).

Since we told the server to serve files in the public directory, we can access a static
file at the url http://localhost:8000/hello.html.

Activity 4 – Comparing Node.js and Express.js

Understand the difference between handling requests in plain Node.js and using the
Express.js framework by creating a simple route /hello that takes a query parameter
name and displays "Hello [name]" on the result page.

Using Plain Node.js:

 Create a simple HTTP server in Node.js ( in /nodejs folder).
 Handle requests to the /hello path with a query parameter name.
 Extract the name parameter from the URL and display "Hello [name]" in
the response.
 No Additional Packages: For the Node.js part, don’t use any external
Hint: See URL module https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_url.asp
Using Express.js:

 Set up a basic Express.js application (in /expressjs/act4.js file).

 Create a route /hello that accepts the query parameter name.

 Use Express's built-in functionality to easily extract the name parameter and
display "Hello [name]" in the response.

After completing both implementations, compare the following in the

comparing_nodejs_expressjs.txt file:

 Code Complexity: Which method requires more code or is easier to write

and maintain?

 Readability: Which code is easier to understand?

 Flexibility: Which approach provides more flexibility or is easier to extend

Activity 5 – Circles
The file /expressjs/circles.js has been created for you. Write the code of an
Express.js application in this file, then add a new GET endpoint, /math/circle/:r,
which takes a radius as a URL parameter. It should then respond in JSON with the area
and circumference.

{"area": 3.14, "circumference": 6.28}

The area of a circle is PI * r * r, and the circumference is equal to PI * 2r. You can
access PI with Math.PI.

Activity 6 – Rectangles
The file /expressjs/rectangles.js has been created for you. In this file, create a
GET endpoint, /math/rectangle/:width/:height. It should respond in JSON with
the area and perimeter based on the input width and height.

{'area': 25, 'perimeter': 20}

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