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1. Who is known as the father of English? (Geoffrey Chaucer)

2. Chaucer‟s poetic career is divided into -------- (three periods)
3. Chaucer‟s first period is influenced by -------- (French literature)
4. Chaucer‟s second period is influenced by -------- (Italian Literature)
5. The third period of Chaucer‟s carrer is called -------- (The English period)
6. Who introduced the heroic couplet in English? (Geoffrey Chaucer)
7. Who used „rhyme-royal‟ for the first ime? (Geoffrey Chaucer)
8. Who married the child-daughter of the King of France? (Richard II)
9. Who called Chaucer, „the Father of English Poetry‟? ( Matthew Arnold)
10. Chaucer‟s first poem is -------- (The Romaunt of the Rose)
11. Which poem is called the best of the French period? (The Book of the Duchesse)
12. Geoffrey Chaucer is known much for his -------- (realism)
13. A statute that allowed English in law courts was introduced in the year -------- (1362)
14. Chaucer was born during the reign of -------- (Edward III)
15. In “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales”, Chaucer used the -------- (ten-syllabic lines)
16. In “The Book of the Duchess” Chaucer made use of the -------- (eight- syllabic lines)
17. The rising chivalry of Chaucer‟s time is portrayed in the character -------- (Squire)
18. Who said the Chaucerian inferiority is well marked in satire? (Hugh Walker)
19. New learning was brought to England in the year -------- (1499)
20. Romantic Movement had its symptoms in the -------- (ballads of 15th century)
21. Langland‟s “Piers the Plowman” is a satire on -------- (clergy)
22. Who presented “The Fear caused by the Peasant‟s Revolt”? (Gower)
23. Henry IV reigned England during -------- (1399-1413)
24. Chaucer used his rhyme-royal stanza in -------- (Triolus and Cresede)
25. Chaucer referred to the „stormy people‟ in -------- (The Clark‟s Tale)
26. „Hore stormy people‟ refers to the -------- (peasants‟ revolt)
27. In Chaucer‟s characters, who is shown to be in love for gold? (Doctor of Physic)
28. “Orpheus”, “Eurydice” and “The Wolf and the Lamb” were written by -------- (Henryson)
29. In Doughlas‟s “King Hart”, Hart is -------- (the heart of life)
30. “Squyer Meldrum”, a poem full of romance and realism, was written by -------- (Lyndsay)
31. “Palace of Honour” was written by -------- (Gavin Douglas)
32. The proponent of the geocentric theory was -------- (Plotemy)
33. Philip Sidney‟s Astrophel and Stella contains -------- (108 sonnets)
34. The sonnets in Astrophel and Stella (1591) are addressed to -------- (Lady Penelope)
35. Who called Spenser „the poet‟s poet‟? (Charles Lamb)
36. “The Four Hymns” were composed by -------- (Edmund Spenser)
37. Who said, „There is something in Spenser that pleases one as strongly in one‟s old age as
it did in one‟s youth‟? (Alexander Pope)
38. Lollards are those who followed -------- (Wycliff)
39. How many ladies are there in the “Prologue”? (3)
40. Who wrote the poem “Pearl”? (Anonymous)
41. The break between Scotland and England is shown by -------- (Barbour)
42. Chaucer died during the reign of -------- (Henry IV)
43. Wycliff‟s “Translation of the Bible” came into existence in -------- (1382)
44. Seneca was a -------- (Roman dramatist)
45. Senecan plays were rendered into English by -------- (Christopher Marlowe)
46. A collection of all Senecan plays was published in the year -------- (1588)
47. Sackville and Norton produced the first tragedy in English named Gorboduc in ------
48. Who wrote Roxana (1592)? (Alabaster)
49. Who wrote The Revenger’s Tragedy and The Atheist Tragedy? (Tourneur)
50. Chaucer borrowed his prose story The Tale of Melibus from -------- (Jean de Maung)
51. Chaucer‟s Treatise on the Astrolabe is a translation of -------- (Brotheus)
52. Mandevicle‟s Travels appeared about the year -------- (1356)
53. Who said „In Chaucer‟s England, we see for the first time the Modern mingling with the
Medival‟? (Trevelyan)
54. Who said „to see the marvel of the rising of literary prose style in English there is no
better way than to read Mandevicle‟? (Saintsbury)
55. Who wrote Satire and the Scourge of Villainy (1598)? (John Marston)
56. Who said „For not keeping the accent, Donne deserved to be hanged‟? (Ben Jonson)
57. Metamorphosis Pygmalion‟s Image was published by -------- (Marston)
58. George Gascoigne‟s The Adventures of Master F.J. was published in -------- (1573)
59. The Adventures of Master F.J. depicts the -------- (English country-house life)
60. The chief motto „A golden sentence is worth a world of treasure‟ is applicable to --------
61. Richard Hooker‟s last book Ecclesiastical Policy came out in the year -------- (1597)
62. While Chaucer used high words for the month April, a 20th century poet mentions April
as the cruellest month‟. Who is he? (T.S.Eliot)
63. The hundred years war began in the year -------- (1338)
64. Whatis the gift to the best story teller in The Canterbury Tales? (A supper by other
65. The period 1066-1500 is known as the -------- (Middle English period)
66. George Peele‟s The Old Wife’s Tale is a -------- (satire on the contemporary drama)
67. Who called Chaucer „The well of English undefiled‟? (Edmund Spenser)
68. „The well of English undefiled‟ means Chaucer‟s -------- (avoidance of foreign influence)
69. In The Merchant of Venice, who sings the song „Tell me, who is fancy bred‟? (Bassanio)
70. A poet who lived during the period of three kings namely Edward III, Richard II and
Henry IV was -------- (Geoffrey Chaucer)
71. Maraine listens to the song „Take, O, take those lips away‟ in -------- (Measure for
72. “God‟s is the Wind” and “Art thou Poor” are the songs composed by -------- (Dekker)
73. Who „found English a dialect and left it a language‟? (Geoffrey Chaucer)
74. William Blake said, „Their traits are universal, their lineaments are universal; human life
beyond which Nature never steps‟. Who are „they‟? (Chaucer‟s characters)
75. Wycliff translated The Bible originally from -------- (Latin)
76. In 1388, Wycliff‟s Translations of the Bible was revised by -------- (John Purvey)
77. What is „rhyme-royal‟? (The ten-syllabic line arranged in seven-line stanza)
78. Which poem celebrates the betrothal of Richard II and Anne of Bohemio? (The
Parliament of Fowls)
79. The Hundred years War ended in the year -------- (1453)
80. How many characters are there in “The Prologue”? (29)
81. Who said about Chaucer‟s world wide view that „Here is God‟s Plenty‟? (John Dryden)
82. Who said „Chaucer‟s characters are individuals as well as types, not mere phantoms of
the brain but real human beings‟? (A.C.Ward)
83. Who was Fioissart? (a political and military chronicler of France)
84. Froissart was the contemporary of -------- (Geoffrey Chaucer)
85. Who wrote Book of Philip’s Sparrow in which a cat kills the pet bird of a girl? (John
86. King James I married Lady Jane Beaufort in -------- (1424)
87. Thistle and the Rose celebrates the marriage of James IV to Margaret Tudor. Who wrote
this allegory? (Dunbar)
88. Henryson‟s The Two Merry Women is -------- (a satire on the drinking habit of women)
89. The word „Renaissance‟ seems to have been first in the book -------- (Historie de France)
90. The birth-place of „renaissance‟ was -------- (Italy)
91. Which dialect is the source language of English? (East-Midland)
92. Who is known as „the father of Humanism‟? (Petrarch)
93. The „renaissance‟ was young during the period -------- (1579-1602)
94. Who has been hailed as „the touch stone of the English poetic sensibility‟? (Philip
95. Who is known as „the Morning star of Reformation‟? (John Wycliff)
96. Who introduced the sonnet form in England? (Wyatt and Surrey)
97. Chaucer‟s Troilus and Criseyde (1379-83) is a -------- (Love-tragedy)
98. In “The Prologue”, Chaucer describes the fading chivalry in the character -------- (Knight)
99. Miles Conerdale‟s The Bible came out in -------- (!535)
100. Lyly‟s Euphues was published in -------- (1518)
101. The second part of Euphues, named as Euphues and his England came out in --------
102. Shakespeare‟s „The Quality of Mercy‟ occurs in-------- (The Merchant of Venice)
103. Who wrote The History of Richard III and Dialogue Concerning Heresy? (Thomas More)
104. In Spenser‟s “Legend of Courtsey”, Sir Calidore is the prototype of -------- (Philip
105. In The Faerie Queen, Queen Elizebeth is represented as -------- (Una)
106. Duesa, a character in The Faerie Queen is the prototype of -------- (Queen Mary)
107. In Homer‟s Odyssey, Ulysses was the king of -------- (Ithaca)
108. Dante addressed his love-sonnets to -------- (Beatrice)
109. Petrarch addressed his love sonnets to -------- (Laura)
110. Spenser‟s Amoretti was published in -------- (1595)
111. Spenser‟s eighty eight sonnets in Amoretti are addressed to -------- (Elizebeth Boyle)
112. Shakespeare wrote -------- (154 sonnets)
113. Out of 154 sonnets, 126 of Shakespeare‟s sonnets are addressed -------- (Mr.W.H.)
114. Into how many books is The House of Fame divided? (3)
115. La Fantenire is famous for -------- (fables)
116. The fall of Constantinople to the Turks took place in the year -------- (1453)
117. Two names related to the beginning of renaissance are -------- (Petrarch and Boccaccio)
118. Battle of Agincourt took place in the year -------- (1415)
119. Which of Gower‟s work is in English? (Confessio Amantis)
120. Vox Calamantis was written in -------- (Latin)
121. Speculum Mediants was written in -------- (French)
122. John Barbour‟s Bruce was written in the year -------- (1375)
123. Confession Amantis was written in the year -------- (1390)
124. Malory‟s Morte D’ Arthur was written in the year -------- (1469)
125. Sermons (1562) was written by -------- (Hugh Latimer)
126. Sermons is a -------- (prose)
127. Who mocked alliteration verse by calling it „riming rum raf ruf‟? (Geoffrey Chaucer)
128. Geoffrey Chaucer ridiculed the doggerel rhymes in -------- (Rhymes of Sir Thopas)
129. The defeat of Spanish Armada took place in the year -------- (1588)
130. Name the hamlet who utters the lines „When sorrows come, they come not in spies, but in
battalions‟? (Claudius)
131. Everyman is an anonymous -------- (Morality play)
132. Drayton, Webster, Middleton and Samuel Daniel were English poets of the --------
(Elizabethan Age)
133. The pleasures of the earth are fully expressed in the play -------- (Tamberlaine)
134. The Humanists of 15th century studied the classic -------- (Literae Humaniores)
135. Battle of Casthian took place in the year -------- (1453)
136. Musica Transaipina (1588), a collection of songs was written by -------- (Nicholas
137. The song ending with „the spotted snakes with double tongue‟ is taken from the play ------
-- (A Midsummer Night‟s Dream)
138. How many works did Caxton (1422) translate? (24)
139. The Game and the Play of the Chess (1475) is a work by -------- (Caxton)
140. Governance of England is a work by -------- (Fortesque)
141. Thomas More‟s Utopia was published in the year -------- (1516)
142. The Kingdom of Nowhere is another name of -------- (Utopia)
143. Chaucer‟s The Canterbury Tales was published in the year -------- (1386)
144. Which one is considered to be the „true prologue to the Renaissance‟? (Utopia)
145. Who presented the real picture of 14th century English life? (Chaucer)
146. Columbus discovered America in the year -------- (1498)
147. Vasco-de-Gama reached India in the year -------- (1498)
148. Caxton printed Morte D’ Arthur in -------- (1485)
149. Surrey‟s sonnets are addressed to -------- (Lady Elizabeth Fitzgerald)
150. Tottler‟s Miscellany is a collection of -------- (300 songs, sonnets and lyrics)
151. Sackville‟s Induction was written in -------- (rhyme royal)
152. The Mirror of Magistrates was written by -------- (Thomas Sackville)
153. During the pilgrimage, Chaucer told a story titled (TheTale of Melibens)
154. Dunbar satirized his law courts in his -------- (Tiding from the Session)
155. Danbar‟s Satire on Edinburgh is an attack on the -------- (dirty conditions of the society)
156. Elizabeth I succeeded ------, the Catholic dictator. (Mary)
157. Which book deals with the killings by the Catholic Queen Mary? (Book of Martyrs)
158. Book of Martyrs was written by -------- (George Foxe)
159. Who said „Chaucer found English a dialect and left it a language‟? (Lawas)
160. The Fall of Princess is a work by -------- (Lydgate)
161. The fictional inn mentioned in The Canterbury Tales is -------- (Tabard)
162. Who is of the view that Chaucer is not as great as the classicists? (Matthew Arnold)
163. Donald Praeter‟s book European of Yesterday is a biography of -------- (Stefan Zweig)
164. Which book was written by Nicholas Gogal? (The Overcoat)
165. To whom Alexander Pope gives the title „Defender of the Faith‟? (Henry VIII)
166. Battle of Pria took place in the year -------- (1525)
167. Thomas More became the Chancellor in -------- (1529)
168. Dunbar‟s Golden Barge, Lydgate‟s Temple of Glass, Stephen Hawes‟ Example of Virtue
and Pastyme of Pleasure are -------- (Allegories)
169. Which of Lydgate‟s works describes the sufferings of the poor? (London Lick Penny)
170. Who is the host of Tabard inn? (Harry Bally)
171. Wyatt‟s love sonnets are -------- in total. (95)
172. Wyatt‟s sonnets were published in -------- (Tottel‟s Miscellany)
173. Tottle‟s Miscellany was published in -------- (1557)
174. Wyatt‟s sonnets were composed in -------- (terza rima)
175. Why is “The Prologue” called‟ the prologue to Modern fiction‟? (For its narrative unity)
176. John Gower wrote his first poem “Speculum Meditantis” in -------- (French)
177. John Gower wrote his second poem “Vox Clamantis” in -------- (Latin)
178. John Gower‟s third poem “Confession Amantis” is written in -------- (English)
179. Chaucer has been hailed as „the Morning Star of --------.‟ (Renaissance)
180. Wyclif‟s Translation of the Bible appeared in -------- (1380)
181. Wyclif‟s English is -------- (simple, vigorous and pointed)
182. Which book has been influenced by Wyclif‟s The Bible? (The Authorised version of the
183. The barren period in Engish literature stretches from -------- (1401 to 1515)
184. The peasants revolt, also known as „Tyler‟s Rebellion‟ began in -------- (1381)
185. In Chaucer‟s “The Prologue”, the pilgrims started a sixty mile ride to Canterbury in -
186. The war of the Roses took place during the period -------- (1455-1485)
187. Ballads written in the fifteenth century were collected and published for the first time in --
--- (Bishop Percy‟s Reliques of Ancient Popular Poetry)
188. Name the immensely popular form of poetry in the fifteenth century:- (Ballad)
189. Caxton sets up printing press at Westminster in -------- (1476)
190. Reginald Peacock wrote -------- (Repressor of Overmuch Blaming of the Clergy and The
Book of Faith)
191. Malory‟s Morte D’ Arthur was published by Caxton in -------- (1470)
192. Which work of Tennyson was influenced by Malory‟s Morte D’ Arthur? (The Idylls of
the King)
193. The first book printed in England was -------- (The Dictes and Sayengis of Philosophers)
194. British drama grew out of -------- (Liturgy)
195. The Mystery plays dealt with -------- (Biblical Themes)
196. The Miracle plays represented -------- (A miraculum in the lives of saints)
197. The Morality plays are -------- (serious plays)
198. The outstanding characteristic of interludes is -------- (humour)
199. Which is the first play in English to employ allegory? (Mary Magdalene)
200. Who is the first most-gifted writer of the Interlude? (John Heywood)
201. The main cause of the War of Roses was -------- (The commercial rivalry between France
and England)
202. King Henry VII ascended to the throne of England in -------- (1485)
203. King Henry VIII ascended to the throne of England in -------- (1509)
204. Who restored Roman Catholicism in England? (Queen Mary)
205. The reign of Queen Elizabeth stretches from -------- (1558-1603)
206. During Elizabeth‟s reign, England emerged as „a noble country…..‟ Who felt so?
207. „Renaissance was the manifestation of new… the middle ages.‟ Whose opinion is this?
208. The Turks captured Constantinople in -------- (1453)
209. The fall of Constantinople resulted in the -------- (Revival of Greek or classical learning)
210. Voyages and Discoveries was written by -------- (Hakfuyt)
211. King Henry VIII issued the famous heroic declaration of renouncing the superemacy of
Pope and of declaring himself the head of the English church is -------- (1534)
212. “Songs and Sonnets” known as Tottle’s Miscellany appeared in -------- (1557)
213. Arcadia is a -------- (romance)
214. Astrophel and Stella was written by -------- (Philip Sydney)
215. Spenser‟s Epithalamion commemorates the occasion of (his marriage with Elizabeth
216. Amoretti is a collection of eighty four -------- (sonnets)
217. Edmund Spenser‟s The Shepherd’s Calendar is called so because -------- (it is a series of
pastoral eclogues for every month of the year)
218. What is the general theme of The Shepherd’s Calendar? (The unrequited love of Colin
Clout for Rosalind)
219. The first three books of The Faerie Queen were published during -------- (1589-90)
220. Who is the central character in The Faerie Queen? (Prince Arthur)
221. The twelve knights in The Faerie Queen respresent twelve -------- (virtues)
222. „A maiden queen that shone as Titans say \ In glistening gold, and peerless precious
stone‟. These lines occur in Edmund Spenser‟s -------- (The Faerie Queen)
223. W.H.Hudson‟s „essentially the poet of the people‟ is applied to --- (William Langland)
224. Sir Philip Sydney‟s The Defence of Poesie was published in -------- (1595)
225. Sidney‟s The Defence of Poesie answered -------- (Sir Thomas More‟s Utopia)
226. Why is War of Roses known by that name? (The rose was the national flower of England)
227. Calvin was a -------- (French reformer)
228. Utopia is described as --------- („the prologue to the Renaissance‟)
229. Arnold wrote „with him is born our real poetry‟. Who does „him‟ refer to? (Chaucer)
230. Spenser wrote a preface to The Faerie Queen in the form of a letter. Whom is this letter
addressed to? -------- (Sir Walter Raleigh)
231. Who does Prince Arthur marry in the end in Spenser‟s The Faerie Queen? (Gloriana)
232. Whom did Spenser commemorate in the elegy Astrophel? (Sir Philip Sydney)
233. Who sings the song „Tell me where fancy is bred‟ in The Merchant of Venice? (Bassanio)
234. In which Shakespearean comedy does the song „Sigh, no more ladies‟ occur? (Much Ado
About Nothing)
235. Who wrote Delia? (Samuel Daniel)
236. As a writer of sonnets, Sir Philip Sidney was influenced by -------- (Petrarch)
237. Who wrote the famous lines „May I have done, yet get no more of me‟? ( Drayton)
238. Which book has been called „the true prologue of Renaissance‟ and „the first modern
monument of socialism‟? (Utopia)
239. Which is the first important treatise on education? (The School Master)
240. Sir Francis Bacon was born in -------- (1561)
241. Who wrote The Advancement of Learning? (Francis Bacon)
242. Which is the first Picaresque novel in England? (Thomas Nashe‟s The Unfortunate
Traveller or The Life of Jack Wilton)
243. Richard Hooker‟s The Laws of Ecclesiastial Policy appeared in -------- (1594)
244. The Laws of the Ecclesiastical Policy is -------- (a defence of the church against the
245. Between 1590 and 1593 the theatres were closed due to the (actors‟ disturbance)
246. The most important anti-dramatic book was -------- (Gosson‟s School of Abuse)
247. Who wrote the first revenge tragedy? (Ben Jonson)
248. Thomas Nash is identified as one among the ---------.(the University Wits)
249. Who wrote the real comedies in pre-Shakespearean drama? (John Lyly)
250. Which is the first Pure English comedy? (Ralph Roister Doister)
251. Shakespeare‟s Othello is a --------- (tragedy)
252. Shakespeare arrived in London in -------- (1586)
253. -------- calls Marlowe „the first great poet, the father of English tragedy and the creator of
blank verse‟. (Swinburne)
254. Marlowe‟s blank verse is also known as -------- (Mighty Line)
255. Which is the only historical play of Christopher Marlowe? (Edward II)
256. Who said „Marlowe is the rapturous lyrisist of limitless desire. Shakespeare is the
majestic spokesman of an inexorable moral law.‟ (F.Boas)
257. Who wrote The Woman in the Moon, one of the earliest romantic comedies? (John Lyly)
258. Robert Greene wrote the play -------- (The Wounds of Civil War)
259. The Good Angel and the Evil Angel appear in -------- (Dr.Faustus)
260. Who coined the phrase „Marlowe‟s Mighty line‟? (Ben Jonson)
261. The name of Shakespeare‟s birth place is -------- (Startford – upon – Avon)
262. Who affirmed that Shakespeare knew „small Latin and less Greek‟? (Ben Jonson)
263. The title of a collection of verse, which appeared in 1599 with Shakespeare‟s name in the
title page is ------- (The Passionate Pilgrim)
264. The first Folio edition of Shakespeare‟s plays was printed in -------- (1623)
265. Shakespeare dedicated his sonnets to a certain Mr.W.H. as being „the only begetter‟ of the
sonnets. Who was he? (WilliamHerbert, the Earl of Pembroke)
266. Shakespeare addressed the second group of his sonnets to „The Dark Lady‟ who may be -
------- (Marry Fitton)
267. Which play of Shakespeare was omitted from the First Folio Edition? (Pericles)
268. Portia, a famous character, appears in -------- (The Merchant of Venice)
269. The last play written by Shakespeare is -------- (Henry VIII (in parts))
270. „Cowards die many times before their death; The Valiant never tastes of death but once.‟
Who said this? (Julius Caesar in Julius Caesar)
271. Shakespeare‟s Twelfth Night has another title -------- (What you Will)
272. Shakespeare played the roles of Adam and Ghost in -------- (As you Like it and Hamlet
273. Egeus is a character in Shakespeare‟s -------- (A Midsummer Night‟s Dream)
274. Shakespeare‟s All’s Well That Ends Well is called a -------- (A Problem Comedy)
275. In which of Shakespeare‟s plays does Bottom appear? (A Midsummer Night‟s Dream)
276. Name the play which begins with the following line, „If music be the food of Love, play
on‟. (The Twelfth Night)
277. The dramatist who wrote only tragedies is-------- (Christopher Marlowe)
278. Sir Thomas Lucy has been caricatured as Justice Shallow in Shakespeare‟s -------- (The
Merry Wives of Windsor)
279. Whose burial took place inside the Startford church? (William Shakespeare)
280. Hotspur is a character in Shakespeare‟s -------- (Love‟s Labour‟s Lost)
281. „Wear strange suits…‟ Who makes fun of Jacques in As You Like It like this? (Rosalind)
282. Which King of England was beheaded? (Charles I)
283. Bohemia is a place in the play --------- (The Winter‟s Tale)
284. Caliban is a character in -------- (Tempest)
285. Who in „The Merchant of Venice‟ said, „The quality of Mercy is not strained‟? (Portia)
286. Malvolio is a character in -------- (Twelfth Night)
287. Ariel is a character in -------- (Tempest)
288. In writing The Canterbury Tales Chaucer was influenced by -------- (Decameron)
289. The author of Beowulf is -------- (Unknown)
290. The Anglo-Saxon period is often said to be from ------ (450 to 1050)
291. The name of the monster in Beowulf is -------- (Grendel)
292. Who says „Life, Life, eternal Life‟? (Christian)
293. Beatrice‟s love inspired a man to write an immortal poem. Who is that man? (Dante)
294. „If Chaucer is the father of English poetry; he is the grandfather of English fiction.‟ Who
said so? (G.K.Chesterton)
295. The prevailing feature of Chaucer‟s humour is the -------- (urbanity)
296. Men and Women of every class of society in England are grouped around the jovial host
of the -------- (Tabard Inn)
297. „Her hosen weren of Fyn Scarlet reed…‟. These lines in „Prologue‟ describe -(Wife of
298. „What is this world? What as Xeth men to have‟. Where do these lines occur? (The
Pardoner‟s Tale)
299. Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales in the reshaped and refermed -------- (East Midland
300. Chaucer‟s first attempt in English to use the heroic couplet occurs in -------- (The Legend
of Good Women)
301. The pilgrims in „Prologue‟go to the pilgrimage to the tomb of -------- (St.Thomas
302. The Book of the Duchess is -------- (An Allegory)
303. Chaucerian seven line stanza is also known -------- (Rime Royale)
304. The Black Death was -------- (The Terrible plague, bringing death and destruction)
305. The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman is written by -------- (William
306. Piers the Plowman is -------- (an allegory on human life)
307. The main motive of Piers the Plowman is -------- (exposing the corruption of the church)
308. In which three languages Chaucer‟s works can be divided? (Latin, French, English)
309. Chaucer‟s The Romaunt of the Rose is based on -------- (Le Romaunt de la Rose)
310. The Romaunt of the Rose is written in -------- form. (Octasyllabic)
311. Chaucer‟s Troilus and Criseyde, which is adopted from Boccaccio is dedicated to --------
312. Which poem is the first known attempt in English to use the heroic couplet? (Chaucer‟s
“The Legend of Good Women”)
313. Which book is considered the first novel in English literature? (Troilus and Criesyde)
314. How many pilgrims go on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Thomas Becket? (29 including
315. Who tells the last tale in The Canterbury Tales? (The Parson)
316. The Tabard Inn is situated in -------- (Southwark)
317. How many tales are in The Canterbury Tales? (20 finished and 4 partly completed)
318. Where is the tomb of Thomas Beckett situated? (Canterbury)
319. Which poem of Gower is written in French? (Speculum Meditantis)
320. Who was the first Scottist poet? (John Barbour)
321. Sir John Mandeville translated a French book Travels in -------- (English)
322. Caxton says, „Out of certegn books of Frensshe‟ about the book --(Malory‟s Morte‟d
323. Who was the king among the Scottish poets? (James I)
324. James I composed his “The Kings Quair” in -------- (Rhyme Royal)
325. The Testament of Squfer Melelrum by Sir David Lyndsay is a -------- (Romantic
326. Which poem is called the sequel of Chaucer‟s Troilus and Creseyde? (Henryson‟s The
Testament of Cresseid)
327. Who is considered the chief among the Scottish Chaucerian poets? (Dunbar)
328. Which poem of Dunbar is written to celebratethe marriage of James IV? (The Thrissil and
the Rois)
329. Which poem of John Skelton is addressed to Wolsey? (Why Cme ye not to Court)
330. John Skelton‟s The Tunnynge of Elynour Rummyng is known for its -------- (Realism)
331. John Skelton‟s Magnificience is a -------- (Morality play)
332. Skeltonics is a form of -------- (Meter)
333. Who was the friend of Chaucer? (John Lydgate)
334. Story of Thebes which is considered as an addition of The Canterbury Tales is written by
-------- (John Lydgate)
335. In which form is Thomas Hoccleve‟s La Mak Regle written? (Partly autobiographical)
336. Which poem is written in the edification of Henry V? (Hoccleve‟s The Regement of
337. Who is the writer of The Passetyme of Pleasure? (Stephen Hawes)
338. Alexander Barclay‟s Certayne Eclogues is the collection of -------- (English Pastorals)
339. The religious book The Ways of Perfect Religion is written by -------- (John Fisher)
340. Sir Thomas More‟s Latin work Utopia‟s English translation came out in -------- (1551)
341. How many petrarchan sonnets are in Edmund Spenser‟s Amoretti? (78)
342. Spenser‟s The Faerie Queene is an -------- (allegorical poem)
343. The first instalment of The Faerie Queen was published in 1589. In which year was its
second instalment published? (1596)
344. Edmund Spenser introduced the Spenserean stanza consisting of -------- (nine Lines)
345. Who introduced couplet ending in Petrarchan sonnet? (Wyatt)
346. Sir Thomas Wyatt contributed his poem to -------- (Totell‟s Miscellany)
347. Who is called the Earl of Surrey? (Henry Howard)
348. Dorset‟s poems appeared in -------- (Myrroure for Magistrates)
349. What is the term, coined by George Gascoigne? (Poutter‟s Measure)
350. Gascoighe composed The Steele Glass in -------- (rhyme royal)
351. The first prose comedy Supposes is written by -------- (Gascoigne)
352. How many sonnets are in Sir Philip Sidney‟s Astrophel and Stella? (108)
353. Sidney‟s Arcadia which is a pastroral romance is similar to -------- (More‟s Utopia)
354. Sir Philip Sidney‟s Apologie for Poetrie is provoked by -------- (Drayton‟s Nymphidia)
355. Who is the writer of The Man in the Moon? (Drayton)
356. Samuel Daniel‟s Delia is a -------- (sonnet series)
357. The Complaint of Rosamond, the romance is written by -------- (George Peele)
358. Which work of Samuel Daniel is considered a fine piece of criticism? (Defence of Ryme)
359. How many writers are the members of University Wits? (7)
360. George Peele‟s The Famous Chronicle of King Edward I is a -------- (Rambling Chronicle
361. Robert Greene‟s play ------ represents the Elizabethan life. (Friar Bacon and Friar
362. Robert Greene‟s Alphonsus, King of Aragon was an imitation of --(Marlowe‟s
363. Which play is adopted from an English translation of Ariosto? (Greene‟s Orlando
364. Who wrote The Scottish Historic of James IV, which has the vision of the life of King?
(Robert Greene)
365. Who contributed in Marlowe‟s Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage? (Thomas Nash)
366. What is the subtitle of Thomas Nash‟s The Unfortunate Traveller? (The Life of Jack
367. Thomas Nash‟s Summer’s Last Will and Testament is a -------- (satirical Masque)
368. Who among the University Wits collaborated with Shakespeare in Henry IV? (Thomas
369. Thomas Lodge‟s The Woundes of Civil War is a -------- (Chronicle play)
370. Who is the writer of the Spanish Tragedie? (Thomas Kyd)
371. Where was Marlowe born? (London)
372. Who wrote Edward II? (Marlowe)
373. Which play of Marlowe is incomplete? (The Massacre at Paris)
374. Doctor Faustus is known for his thirst for -------- (knowledge)
375. Which play of Shakespeare remains unfinished? (Timon of Athens)
376. Shakespeare‟s English historical plays are based on -------- (Marlowe‟s Tragedies)
377. Who wrote about Shakespeare as „He was the man who of all modern and perhaps ancient
poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul‟ (John Dryden)
378. Shakespeare‟s Roman plays are based on -------- (Hollinshed‟s Chronicles)
379. Who said that in Shakespeare‟s great tragedies character is destiny? (A.C.Bradley)
380. Which plays of Shakespeare are published in parts? (Henry VIII and Pericles)
381. Ben Jonson born in 1573 at Eastminster and died in 1637 was buried in (Westminster
382. Who is called the father of English Classical Comedy? (Ben Jonson)
383. What is the subtitle of Ben Jonson‟s Timber? (Discoveries)
384. Who considered the chief function of literature is to instruct? (Ben Jonson)
385. Who wrote „Drink to me only with thine eyes‟? (Ben Jonson)
386. Ben Jonson‟s Catiline his Conspiracy is a -------- (Historical Tragedy)
387. What is the subtitle of Ben Jonson‟s Volpone? -------- (The Fox)
388. What is the subtitle of Ben Jonson‟s Epiceone? (The Silent Woman)
389. Who died by the plague? (John Fletcher)
390. Who wrote The Faithful Sheperdess? (John Fletcher)
391. Which play is reminiscent of Shakespeare‟s Twelfth Night? (Philaster)
392. Which play of George Chapman is based on the tragedies of Marlowe? (The Blind
Beggar of Alexandria)
393. Which play of George Chapman is considered the historical play of contemporary time?
(Tragedie of Chabot)
394. Which play of John Marston is ridiculed by Ben Jonson in Poetaster? (Antonio‟s
395. Who is called the Dickens of Elizabethan age? (Thomas Dekker)
396. In which play did Dekker collaborate with Massinger? (The Virgin Martyr)
397. Thomas Middleton‟s Mad World, My Master was published in -------- (1623)
398. Which play of Middleton is praised by Lamb? (The Witch)
399. Middleton‟s The Witch has a strong resemblance to -------- (Othello)
400. Vittoria and Duchess, in Webster‟s The Duchess of Malfi, are considered the two finest
women characters of the -------- (Elizabethan Drama)
401. Who wrote The Revenger’s Tragedy? (Thomas Heywood)
402. In which two languages did Francis Bacon write? (Italian and Latin)
403. How many essays did Francis Bacon write? (58)
404. Bacon‟s Essay‟s first edition appeared in 1597, second in 1612 and the third in -(1625)
405. Thomas Middleton‟s The Spanish Gipsy is a -------- (Tragedy)
406. The best play of Thomas Hoywood is -------- (King Edward the Fourth)
407. Who wrote The Royale King and The Loyale Subject? (John Webster)
408. John Webster‟s The Duchess of Malfi is a -------- (Comedy)
409. Basola is a character in -------- (The Duchess of Malfi)
410. Faerie Queen is a -------- (Moral Allegory)
411. Who is the author of Toxophilus? (Rogar Ascham)
412. Who is the first Tudor chronicler? (Edward Hall)
413. Hooker‟s masterpiece is -------- (The Laws of Ecclesiastical Policy)
414. Who is the author of Pedants? (Sir Thomas Overbury)
415. Which is Burton‟s famous work? (The Anatomy of Melancholy)
416. Burton‟s diction has a -------- (colloquial naturalness)
417. Who is the first to make an attempt at translating the Bible into English? (Bede)
418. Who said about comedy „sport with human follies not with crimes‟? (Ben Jonson)
419. The first English play was called ------(Mystery play)
420. What is pageant? (A theatre)
421. What is Interlude? ( an offshoot of the morality play)
422. The Play of the Weather is an -------- (Interlude)
423. Which figure of speech is used in Moralities? (Personification)
424. Who is the first extant of English Comedy? (William Stevenson)
425. Who is the writer of Ralph Roister Doister? (Nicholas Udall)
426. Which is the first work of George Peele? (The Arraignment of Paris)
427. Peele‟s David and Bethsabe is based on a -------- (Biblical Story)
428. What is Peele‟s history play? (Edward I)
429. What is the first of Marlowe‟s plays? (Tamburlaine the Great)
430. What is Marlowe‟s last play? (The Jew of Malta)
431. Who used the blank verse extensively in drama? (Marlowe)
432. Who is the writer of Alphonsus? (Robert Greene)
433. What is the surviving play of Thomas Nashe? (Summer‟s Last Will)
434. Thomas Lodge‟s The Wounds of Civil War is a kind of -------- (Chronicle play)
435. John Lyly‟s Endymion is an (indirect reflection the affair of Queen Elizabeth and
436. John Lyly‟s Midas is -------- (Allegory on the Spanish King Philip)
437. Shakespeare‟s first period is called -------- (Apprenticeship or training)
438. Who describes Shakespeare‟s second period as „Shakespeare in the world‟? (Dowden)
439. What does Dowden say about the Shakespeare‟s third period? (Groping in the depths)
440. The most dismal period of Shakespeare‟s career begins with a group of plays called -------
- (Dark Comedies)
441. Shakespeare‟s fourth period is referred as ------ („Shakespeare on the heights‟).
442. What are the last plays of Shakespeare? (Cymbeline, The Winter‟s Tale and The
443. Where is the purple passage „All the world is a stage‟ used? (Shakespeare‟s As You Like
444. What is the earliest tragedy of Shakespeare? (Romeo and Juliet)
445. Who is the writer of the monumental work „Shakespearean Tragedy‟? (A.C.Bradley)
446. How is Shakespeare‟s tragic hero exposed? (An Eminent man)
447. How is Macbeth praised? (Valour‟s Minion)
448. Who critizes Shakespeare as „bored with himself, bored with people, bored with real life,
bored with everything except poetry and poetic drama‟? (Lytton Strachey)
449. Who questioned Lytton Strachey‟s theory of boredom? (E.M.W.Tillyard)
450. Which form is used in Book of the Duchesse? (Allegory)
451. Who is the first great comic character in English literature? (Criseyde)
452. Who said about Chaucer „found English a dialect and left it a language‟? (Lowes)
453. Who judged Chaucer‟s poetry as extremely musical and must be judged „by the ear rather
than by the eye‟? (Historian Long)
454. What metre is used by Gower? (Octosyllabic couplet)
455. John Lydgate‟s The Temple of Glass is a -------- (Dull Allegory)
456. Where did Robert Heweyson study? (Glasgow University)
457. Who is the devout follower of James IV? (William Dunbar)
458. Whose marriage is suggested by „The Thissil and the Roise‟? (James IV and Margaret)
459. John Trevia was a -------- (priest)
460. Polychronicon is a translated work by -------- (John Travisa)
461. Who is the author of „Polychronicon‟? (Higden)
462. Who translated the French Arthurean romances into English? (Malory)
463. Who is the author of The Book of Faith? (Reginald Peacock)
464. Who is the first English printer? (William Caxton)
465. Who introduced the printing press in England? (Caxton)
466. Robin Hood is known for -------- (Ballad)
467. Arnold said „with him is born our real poetry‟. Whom does „him‟ refer to? (Chaucer)
468. Who was Aeschylus? -------- (An Athenian tragic dramatist)
469. How many books are there in Virgil‟s Aeneid? (12)
470. Who was Achilles? -------- (A Greek hero)
471. Shakespeare used the longest word „Honerificabilitudinitatibus‟ in his play (The Tempest)
472. Who has been called „The true child of the Renaissance‟? (Marlowe)
473. Which is the single prose work in English before 1350? (Ancrene Riwle)
474. The Nut Brown Maid and Ballad of the Cheve Chase are two ballads which were popular
in -------- (15th century)
475. Who is the first writer of the plain style? (Hugh Latimer)
476. Who regretted „I took none heed neither of short nor of long‟? (Lydgate)
477. Which work of Occleve is partly autobiographical and partly a satire on poverty? (La
Male Regle)
478. Who was the first writer of Middle style? (Thomas More)
479. Who was the „Morning star of Elizabethan drama‟? (Marlowe)
480. The first tragedy is said to have been written by -------- (Aeschylus)
481. Who says „Matthew Arnold thinks too much of the uses of literature and too little of its
pleasure‟? (A.C.Ward)
482. Who said „Arnold does not mean seriousness at all‟? (Lionel Trilling)
483. According to Chesterton, Chaucer‟s high seriousness is seen in - (The Tale of Sir Thopas)
484. The War of the Roses appears in the works of -------- (Shakespeare)
485. The War of the Roses took place during -------- (1455-85)
486. The War of the Roses is called by that name because -------- (The two parties had roses as
their symbols)
487. Lyly‟s Euphues was based on -------- (Italian Stories)
488. Richard II was deposed in the year -------- (1399)
489. Who was a chaplain to Edward III? (Wycliff)
490. Edward V reigned during the year -------- (1488)
491. Who said „Chaucer was the earliest of the great moderns‟? (Albert)
492. Who wrote The Dance of the Seven Deadly Synnis? (William Dunbar)
493. Testament of Cressida was written by -------- (Henryson)
494. The Coventry Carol Hayle and Comely and Clene are -------- (Carols)
495. A Carol is a type of -------- (Lyric)
496. Carols were developed in the ------ century (15th)
497. Who was Calvin? (A French Reformer)
498. History of Tory was published by Caxton in -------- (1474)
499. Who introduced Eclogues in England? (Barcley and Henryson)
500. Eclogues basically had its birth in -------- (Italy)
501. Who influenced Henry Vaughan? (George Herbert)
502. Skelton‟s Book of Colin Court was a satire on -------- (Clergy)
503. Who charged Chaucer „for a fondness for long speeches, for pedantic digressions?
504. Who said „of all writers of genius, Chaucer is the one with whom it is easiest to have a
sense of comradeship? (Legious)
505. Who said „when Langland cries aloud in anger threatening the world with hell tire,
Chaucer looks on and smiles‟? (Huxley)
506. Who was the writer of Polychronicon in English? (John Trevisa)
507. How many tales did Chaucer write in prose? (2)
508. Polychronicon was written in -------- (Latin)
509. Who was the writer of Polychronicon? (Higden)
510. Elyot‟s Governor is -------- (an Educational Prose)
511. Who was known as the „Chaucer of Scotland‟? (Dunbar)
512. The first play in English with a regular plot, acts and scenes is ---- (Ralph Roister Doister)
513. Who drank „of Chaucer‟s well of English‟? (Spenser)
514. Shakespeare was regarded as „Myriad minded‟ by -------- (Coleridge)
515. Who is known as the father of the Independents? (Thomas Browne)
516. Who said „Geoffery Chaucer is never to us than Alexander Pope‟? (G.L.Kitteridge)
517. Who said Chaucer is „a perpetual foundation of good sense‟? (Dryden)
518. The Old Testament was originally written in -------- (Hebrew)
519. The New Testament was originally written by -------- (Greeks)
520. Spenser‟s Mother Hubbard’s Tale is a satire on ---(politics), written in ---- (heroic
521. More‟s Utopia was originally written in -------- (Latin)
522. The line „what a piece of work is man. How noble in reason: How infinite in faculty‟
occurs in ----- (Hamlet)
523. Nicholas Udall‟s Ralph Roister Doister was produced in the year -------- (1567)
524. The parliament passed statute against those who attended conventions in the year --------
525. Who said „No Bishop, No King‟? (James I)
526. Mortimer is a character in -------- by Marlowe (Edward II)
527. The Theme of Boccaccio‟s Deccameron is -------- (self Identification of the Individual)
528. Machiavelli is the author of -------- (The Prince)
529. Sir Toby Belch is a character in the play -------- (Twelfth Night)
530. The ideal relation of husband and wife is depicted by Shakespeare through (Bassanio and
531. When did the Reformation begin in England? (1377)
532. Who called Spenser „the poet‟s poet‟? (Charles Lamb)
533. Who believed that the true end of poetry was „delightful teaching‟? (Spenser)
534. Spenser‟s Amoretti and Epithalamion came out in the year -------- (1595)
535. Which poem of Spenser celebrates the marriage of the daughter of the Earl of
Worchester? (Prothalamion)
536. Delia is a collection of sonnets by -------- (Michael Drayton)
537. Idea’s Mirror is a collection of sonnets by -------- (Lodge)
538. Spenscer‟s The Shepherd’s Calendar came out in the year -------- (1579)
539. The Shepherd’s Calendar was inspired by -------- (Virgil and Theocritus)
540. Two Cantos of Mutability is a title of the last book of -------- (The Fairie Queen)
541. How many Knights are there in The Faiere Queen? (6)
542. The Faierie Queen was planned to be written in -------- (9 books)
543. Castle of Health is a -------- (a medical prose)
544. Out of 24 stories of The Canterbury Tales, how many stories are complete? (20)
545. Regionald Peacock belonged to -------- (15th century)
546. Occelve‟s A Dialogue with a Friend is a satire on -------- (women)
547. The History of Richard III was written by -------- (More)
548. Who wrote the poem „Why Come ye not to Court‟? (John Skelton)
549. Skelton‟s Book of Colin Clout satirizes -------- (Voice of the Clergy)
550. A patriotic poem “Wallace” was written by -------- (Harry)
551. Who was Lady Jane Beaufort? (Niece to Henry V)
552. Who fell in love with Lady Beaufort? (King James I)
553. The Passetyme of Pleasure and The Example of Virtue are -------- (allegories)
554. Stephen Hawes was an -------- (English Chaucerian)
555. The Regiment of Princess is a satire on -------- (Fashion in dress)
556. Barabas is a character from -------- (The Jew of Malta)
557. Marlowe‟s The Jew of Malta is about -------- (Love of Wealth)
558. Dr.Faustus is a tragedy about the pursuit of -------- (wordly powers)
559. Gaveston is a character in -------- (Edward II)
560. Shakespeare‟s historical plays present the history of England from -------- (1200-1550)
561. The Book, The Fall of Princess and The Temple of Glass are by -------- (John Lydgate)
562. Lyly‟s Woman in the Moon is a -------- (play)
563. Midas and Mother Bombie are the romantic plays by -------- (John Lyly)
564. Which element is found in Lyly‟s plays? (Wit and Humour)
565. Whose phrase is „Marlowe‟s mighty line‟? (Ben Johnson)
566. Battle of Poitiers took place in -------- (1356)
567. The Hundred Years War was between -------- (England and France)
568. Black Death in England broke out during the reign of -------- (Edward III)
569. Who was of the view that Chaucer „lacks high seriousness‟? (Matthew Arnold)
570. The leader of the Peasant‟s Revolt was -------- (John Bull)
571. The Peasant‟s Revolt took place in the year -------- (1381)
572. Who said „Pray, you now, forget and forgive‟? (King Lear)
573. The line „best men are moulded out of faults‟ occurs in (Measure for Measure)
574. In King Lear, the villain is -------- (Edmund)
575. -------- is a dramatic romance (The Winter‟s Tale)
576. Prospero is a character in -------- (The Tempest)
577. The line „O brave new world‟ occurs in the play -------- (The Tempest)
578. Who says „of all this women, Imogen is most perfect‟? (Mrs.Jameson)
579. Who remarked about Chaucer, „It was easy matter to produce some thousands of his
verse, .which no pronounciation can make otherwise‟? (Dryden)
580. Diana is a sonnet sequence by -------- (Henry Constable)
581. Which book is recognized as „an English Christian Humanistic epic‟? (The Faerie Queen)
582. Calvins were called -------- (Presbyterians)
583. The Puritan attack on Elizabeth took place in the year -------- (1579)
584. In 1579, the anem of the Presbyterian leader was -------- (Thomas Cartright)
585. The Theatre „The Curtain‟ was built in the year -------- (1577)
586. Philip Hensolowe built the theatre named -------- (The Rose)
587. „The Rose‟ was built in the year -------- (1586)
588. Which is the most important theatre of the Elizabethan Age? (The Globe)
589. Ithamore is a character in the play -------- (The Jew of Malta)
590. How many historical plays were written by Shakespeare? (14)
591. Bell Imperia is a character in the play -------- (The Spanish Tragedy)
592. Shakespeare‟s Julius Caesar came out in the year -------- (1599)
593. The theatre „The Globe‟ was built in the year -------- (1590)
594. How many of Shakespeare‟s history plays are based on Roman history? (3)
595. George Gascoigne‟s comedy Suppose is a translation of --- (Ariosto‟s I Supposite)
596. Which play of Shakespeare is based on Gascoigne‟s Suppose? (The Taming of the Shrew)
597. The Globe was set on fire during an early performance of the play -------- (Henry VII)
598. The Globe was set on fire in the year -------- (1613)
599. --------- is a comedy of mistaken identity (The Comedy of Errors)
600. The Jew of Malta appeared in the year -------- (1589)
601. The Tempest came out in the year -------- (1611)
602. Shakespeare‟s Comedy of Errors is based on -------- (Pautus Menaechmi or The Twins)
603. „Totus mundus agit historian‟ means -------- (All the World is Stage)
604. Shakespeare‟s Two Gentlemen of Verona came out in -------- (1594)
605. Angelo is a character in the play -------- (Measure for Measure)
606. Which is known as the „Tragedy of time‟? (Troilus and Cressida)
607. The Globe, which was set on fire, was rebuilt in the year ------ (1614)
608. Which of Shakespeare‟s play is known as the „revenge tragedy‟? (Titus Andronicus)
609. Who regards Shakespeare‟s early comedies as „Joyous, refined, romantic‟? (Dowden)
610. Viola is the heroine of the play -------- (Twelfth night)
611. Shakespeare‟s Coriolanus came out in the year -------- (1608)
612. Thomas Kyd was arrested in 1593 because of his -------- (anti-immigrant incitement)
613. --------- shows the conflict between Rome and Egypt (Antony and Cleopatra)
614. The ghost of Andrew appears in the play -------- (The Spanish Tragedy)
615. Who said that „the hero of Shakespeare‟s great classical trilogy is Rome‟? (Wilson
616. Helena de Narbon is the heroine of -------- (All‟s Well that Ends well)
617. Who said „Shakespearean Comedy is not finally satiric; it is poetic.‟ -------- (Charlton)
618. Who made the remark that „Shakespeare has no heroes, he has only heroines‟? (Ruskin)
619. Edward Ellen was a great actor of -------- (Elizabethan Age)
620. The Swan Theatre was built in the year -------- (1594)
621. How many sides did the Swan theatre have? (12)
622. Cindrella is known for -------- (neglected thing)
623. Sapho and Phao and Love’s Metamorphosis are the plays by -------- (Lyly)
624. Who is the father of essay? (Bacon)
625. How is Bacon essays called? (Dispersed meditation)
626. How is John Marston called? (a ruffian in his style)
627. Which is Middleton‟s most famous tragedy? (Women Beware Women)
628. Middleton‟s best tragedy is -------- (The Changeling)
629. Which is Tourneur‟s somber tragedy? (The Revenger‟s Tragedy)
630. Name the melodramatic tragedies of Webster? (The White Devil, The Duchess of Malfi)
631. Which writers did Sidney follow? (Aristotle, Horace)
632. Breeches Bible is also called -------- (The Geneva Bible)
633. What, according to Ben Jonson, did Spenser die of? (For want of bread)
634. Where is Spenser buried? (Westminster Abbey)
635. Ben Jonson says about Spenser that -------- (Spenser write no language)
636. Which is the first pastoral poem? (The Shepherds‟ Calander)
637. Edmund Spenser lived during the period of -------- (1552-99)
638. Chaucer used -------- allegory. (Medival)
639. -------- represents a cross-section of the society of Chaucer‟s age. (The Canterbury Tales)
640. Sir Thomas Malory was born in -------- (1417)
641. Malory translated the French Arthurian romances into -------- (English)
642. Malory narrates stories and also expresses deep feelings in -------- (Musical sentences)
643. Reginald Peacock was born in -------- (1390-1461)
644. Peacock supported the -------- of the church. (ancient practices)
645. Caxton translated many French, Dutch and Latin texts into -------- (English)
646. John Fisher (1459-1535) was an uncompromising supporter of the -------- (Pope)
647. Hugh Latimer (1485-1555) is the first of the writers of -------- (Plain Style)
648. Thomas More was born and educated -------- (in London)
649. Thomas More did not approve of the King‟s -------- (Act of Supremacy)
650. Utopia was translated into English in -------- (1551) by Ralph Robinson.
651. More‟s English prose works include -------- (The Life of John Picus)
652. The complete title of the work Utopia is -------- (Utopia or The Discourse of Raphael
Hythloday of the Best State of a Commonwealth)
653. More was probably inspired to write this work by Plato‟s -------- (Republic)
654. War is considered -------- (inglorious) in Utopia
655. All issues are settled through -------- (Justice and common sense) in Utopia
656. More‟s Utopia influenced works like (Swift‟s Gulliver‟s Travels and Bellamy‟s Looking
657. The title Utopia has lent the word -------- to the English language. ( „Utopian‟)
658. The last book of Utopia contains poems by -------- (Shakespeare, Marlowe and Raleigh)
659. Shakespeare broke the -------- as well as the content. (Petrarchan form)
660. -------- and -------- are the most enduring of the Elizabethan poets. (Spenser and
661. Leicester introduced Spenser to -------- (Queen Elizabeth)
662. Spenser spent eighteen years in -------- (Ireland)
663. Spenser‟s sonnet series -------- describes his courtship of the Irish girl Elizabeth.
664. Spenser modelled The Faerie Queen on that of the Italian poet -------- Orlando Furioso.
665. James I succeeded to the throne of England in -------- (1603)
666. The Turdor Dynasty was brought to a close by -------- (the death of Elizabeth in 1603)
667. The term „metaphysical‟ was coined by -------- (John Donne)
668. --------- is a group of Jacobean poets. (William Browne, Giles Fletcher andPhineas
669. Who nominated the 47 scholars who prepared the Authorised version of the Bible (James
670. The Authorised version of the Bible is known as -------- (The first classic in English
671. Religio Medici is -------- (A curious mixture of religious faith and scientific skepticism)
672. In England the theatres were closed in -------- (1642)
673. Webster‟s The Duchess of Malfi appeared in -------- (1614)
674. „Lover her face; mine eyes dazzle, she died young‟ occurs in (The Duchess of Malfi)
675. Who was the writer of real comedies in pre-Shakespeare drama? (John Lyly)
676. Who calls Marlowe as „the first great poet, the father of English tragedy, and the creator
of blank verse‟? (Swinburne)
677. -------- remarked „Marlowe is the rapturous lyrist of limitless desire, Shakespeare is the
majestic spokesman of an inexorable moral law‟. (F.Boas)
678. Who coined the phrase „Marlowe‟s Mighty line‟? (Ben Jonson)
679. The title of a collection of verse which appeared in 1599 with Shakespeare‟s name in the
title page is -------- (The Passionate Pilgrim)
680. The first folio edition of Shakespeare‟s plays was printed in -------- (1623)
681. Shakespeare dedicated his sonnets to a certain Mr.W.H. as being „the only begetter‟ of the
sonnets. Who was he? (William Herbert, the Earl of Pembroke)
682. What was the name of Shakespeare‟s father and mother? (John Shakespeare and Mary
683. The line „The Lunatic, the Lover and the Poet, are the Imagination all compact‟ occurs in
------- (Twelfth Night)
684. Which play begins with the line „If music be the food of love, play on‟ ( Twelfth Night)
685. W.H.Hudson‟s statement „essentially the poet of the people‟ applies to (William
686. Arnold wrote „with him is born our real poetry‟. Who does „him‟ refer to? (Chaucer)
687. -------- is considered the first picaresque novel in English. (Thomas Nashe‟s The
Unfortunate Traveller or The Life of Jack Witton)
688. Which is called incidentally the „first novel‟ in English? (Lyly‟s Euphues)
689. The third edition of Bacon‟s Essays containing 58 essays appeared in -------- (1625)
1. Whose age is called the Jacobean Age? (The Age of James I).
2. Who headed the Puritan Government formed after the execution of Charles I? (Oliver
3. Who was appointed the Latin secretary during the Puritan Government? (John Milton).
4. Samson Agonistes is -------- (A poetic play by Milton).
5. Milton wrote Areopagitica -------- (to defend people‟s freedom of speech).
6. How many books are there in Paradise Lost? (12).
7. In which book of Paradise Lost Adam and Eve meet for the first time? (Book IV).
8. The term „Metaphysical school of poets‟ was first applied to Donne and his companion poets
by -------- (Dr.Johnson).
9. -------- was the author of Religio Medici (Sir Thomas Browne).
10. „Fame is the last infirmity of noble mind‟. In which poem of Milton does this line occur?
11. Name the woman whom Samson Agonistes loved and who betrayed him. (Delilah).
12. Milton became blind at the age of -------- (44).
13. Lycidas is a pastoral elegy, written by Milton on the death of his friend (Edward King).
14. Who says of Milton „thy soul was like a star and dwelt apart‟? (William Wordsworth).
15. „Milton, thou shouldst be living at this-hour‟. Who remembers Milton in a sonnet?
(William Wordsworth).
16. John Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesy is -------- (A critical treatise on dramatic art
developed through dialogues).
17. John Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesy develops through dialogues amongst ------ (four
18. In John Dryden’s Essay of Dramatic Poesy, Neander speaks for (Modern English
19. John Dryden‟s All for Love is based on -------- (Antony and Cleopatra).
20. Who is the author of The Essay on Human Understanding? (John Locke).
21. Who is the author of Mr.Badman? (John Bunyan).
22. The central theme of John Dryden‟s The Hind and the Panther is -------- (Defence of
Roman Catholicism).
23. Dryden said in one of his critical treatises, „Our numbers were in their homage till these
two appeared.‟ Whom does Dryden refer to in this observation? (Waller and Denhem).
24. Samuel Butler‟s Hudibras is a satire on -------- (Puritanism).
25. John Bunyan‟s -------- is autobiographical. (Grace Abounding).
26. Bunyan‟s The Pilgrim’s Progress is -------- (an allegory).
27. Who is the author of the play Venice Preserved? (Thomas Otway).
28. „Gather ye rose – buds while ye may‟ is the opening line of the lyric by Robert Herrick
(Counsel to Girls).
29. ------ was written by William Wycherley (The Way of the World).
30. ------ is a play written by William Wycherley (The Country Wife).
31. Who was the author of the Rival Queens? (Natheniel Lee).
32. The Faerie Queene, Divina Comeida and Pilgrim’s Progress are alike in one respect.
What is it? (All are allegories).
33. Who is the restoration playwright who gave a happy ending to King Lear (Nahum Tate).
34. The theatres were closed down during the Commonwealth period in England. In which
year were they reopened? (1660).
35. The age of Restoration is so called because ------ was restored to the English throne.
(Charles II).
36. Among the four interlocutors in Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesy, who represents
Dryden? (Neander).
37. „Here lies my wife, here let her rest! Now she is at rest and so am I!‟ This was the
proposed epitaph to be engraved on the tomb of his wife. Who was this poet? (John
38. Dryden‟s The Medal is a personal satire on -------- (Shaftesbury).
39. -------- is a Cavalier poet (Richard Lovelace).
40. Who is hailed as „The Father of English Criticism‟ by Dr.Johnson? (John Dryden).
41. Name the most important Caroline poet. (Robert Herrick).
42. „The Restoration marks the real moment of birth of our modern English prose.‟ Who
makes this observation? (Matthew Arnold).
43. Samuel Pepy‟s Diary was written in codes. When was it deciphered? (1825).
44. Zimri, Duke of Backingham, is a character that appears in Dryden‟s -------- (Absolem and
45. The Heroic couplet consists of -------- (two rhyming pentameters).
46. James II was -------- (a Roman Catholic).
47. Who came to power after James II? (James III).
48. The Great fire occurred during the time of -------- (Charles II).
49. In Absalom and Achitophel, Absotom stands for -------- (Shadwell).
50. In The Hind and the Panther, Panther stands for -------- (The Anglican Church).
51. Who said „England emerged as a noble and puissant nation arousing her strong men after
sleep.‟? (John Milton).
52. Which period did Milton have in mind in the above statement? (Elizabethan).
53. The 17th century political Arithmetic is today known as -------- (Statistics).
54. In England, the civil war between the Stuart king and the Parliament began in (1642).
55. Religio Medici deals with -------- (religious subjects without ecclesiastical saints).
56. Massinger and Ford wrote -------- plays (licentious).
57. “The Mistress” is a poem written by -------- (Cowley).
58. Principia was published in the year -------- (1687).
59. The Great Duke of Florence was written by -------- (Philip Massinger).
60. Croesus was a -------- (King of Lydia who had amassed much wealth).
61. Which book of Milton justified the beheading of King Charles I? (Tenure of Kings).
62. Who wrote the book Holy Living? (Jeremy Tailor).
63. The Bill of Rights was passed in the year -------- (1689).
64. The result of Edmund Burke‟s Reflection on the French Revolution was (war with
65. Dryden‟s Conquest of Granadan was written in -------- parts (2).
66. The Whigs and the Tories came into existence in the year -------- (1680).
67. Who was the founder of the Roman school of Platonism? (Plotinus).
68. Paradise Lost came out in the year -------- (1677).
69. Plague and Fire of London took place in the year -------- (1666).
70. Dryden wrote plays between -------- (1664-1677).
71. Royal Society of London was founded in the year -------- (1660).
72. Who said „most of the writers of the Restoration period tend to cultivate wit, ease and
plainness‟? (George Sherburn).
73. Who introduced the Critical Essay? (John Dryden).
74. Edda is a collection of ancient essays discovered by scholars in the -------- century. (17th)
75. Otway produced his first heroic tragedy Alcibides in the year -------- (1675).
76. Otway produced his Venice Preserved in the year -------- (1682).
77. Dryden attacked Shadwell in his -------- (Mac Flecknoe).
78. Donne‟s Songs and Sonnets are -------- poems. (love).
79. In which poem, Donne compares Mrs.Herbert‟s wrinkles to love‟s graves? (Autumnal).
80. Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) was written by -------- (John Locke).
81. Nobel Numbers 1647 and Hesperides 1648 are two volumes of poems by --------
82. In which poem Thomas Carew invites Celia to flout the Giant Honour? (The Rapture).
83. Who wrote the two lyrics Ballad upon a Wedding and Why so Pale and want Fond
Lover? (Suckling).
84. The name of Aesop is connected with -------- (Fables).
85. “Ode of Wit” is a poem by -------- (Cowley).
86. “The Definition of Love” is a poem by -------- (Lovelace).
87. Butler‟s Hudibras is an attack on -------- (Puritanism).
88. Zimri is a character from -------- (John Dryden).
89. In Absalom and Achitophel, Dryden directed the satire on -------- (Monmouth).
90. Who wrote Satire against Virtue and Satire in the Jesuist? (Joseph Hall).
91. The line „much malice mingled with a little wit‟ is from -------- (The Hind and the
92. In Milton‟s poem “On His Blindness”, Patience is Milton‟s -------- (inner voice).
93. Courties was written by -------- (Castigalione).
94. Rhetorique is a renaissance work by -------- (Wilson).
95. Bloodless Revolution took place in the year -------- (1688).
96. The first periodical-a manuscript newspaper that figured in Europe was -------- (Gazetta).
97. Thomas Rhymer was a -------- (playwright).
98. John Evelyn (1620-1706) is known as a -------- (diarist).
99. Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) kept his diary from -------- (1660-1669).
100. John Barcley‟s Argenis (1621) is a -------- (Love story).
101. Argenis originally written in Latin was dedicated to -------- (Louis XIII).
102. Dryden‟s The Orphan came out in the year -------- (1680).
103. The coarseness of the Restoration plays gave birth to a new tendency called --------
104. Vulgar Errors and Urn Burial were written by -------- (Thomas Browne).
105. The darkening mood of Middleton‟s Women Beware Women is due to -------- (mounting
problems and tensions of the time due to fall of morality).
106. Grace Abounding was written by -------- (John Bunyan).
107. Anatomy of Melancholy was written by -------- (Burton).
108. Browne‟s Religio Medici was produced in the year -------- (1642).
109. Which five years does Milton‟s Horton poem cover? (1632-1637).
110. „They also serve who stand and wait‟ is the concluding line of (On his Blindness).
111. Butler‟s Hudibras is modelled on -------- (Don Quixote).
112. The Broken Heart was produced by -------- (John Ford).
113. In which year James closed down the society of Anquitians? (1604).
114. Milton‟s Areopagitica is a -------- (A plea for the freedom of the press).
115. The History of the Reformation in England was written by -------- (John Knox).
116. Who wrote „Labour is the father and active principle of wealth as lands are mother‟?
(William Petty).
117. The most powerful political satire in English is -------- (Absalam and Achitophel).
118. Who is the author of the poem “Upon the Death of His Late Highness Oliver Lord
Protector of England Scotland and Ireland” (1659)? (John Dryden).
119. Metaphysical School of Poetry was against -------- (Emotional poetry).
120. “Sweetest Love Do not Go” is a famous poem by -------- (John Donne).
121. Thomas Carew (1594-1639) published his poems in -------- (1640).
122. Donne was appointed as Dean of St.Paul‟s in the year -------- (1621).
123. Dryden, born in 1631 died in -------- (1700).
124. Donne‟s Devotions on Emergent Occasions 1624 is a -------- work (religious).
125. Donne‟s Pseudo Martyr (1610) is an -------- work (Anti-catholic).
126. The character sequence The Microcosmographic (1628) was written by -------- (John
127. Worthy Nobleman was written by -------- (Richard Flecknoe).
128. Charles II was written by -------- (Halijax).
129. Shopkeeper was written by -------- (Flecknoe).
130. George Villiers produced his burlesque The Rehearsal in the year -------- (1673).
131. The Comical Revenge, a comedy of manners was written by -------- (Etherege).
132. The Man of Mode is a play by -------- (Etherege).
133. How many characters are there in Virtues and Vices? (30).
134. Virgimiarum is a posthumous publication of -------- (Joseph Hall).
135. Which book shows a Christian‟s struggle to achieve salvation? (Pilgrim‟s Progress).
136. Four books of Airs (1601-1613) was written by -------- (Thomas Campion).
137. The old age of the Renaissance was -------- (1625-1650).
138. The Elephant in the Moon is a satirical work by -------- (Butler).
139. Etherege‟s play She would if She could appeared in the year -------- (1668).
140. Sir Fopling Flutter is the sub-title of the play -------- (The Man of Mode).
141. Etherege‟s play The Comical Revenge or Love in a Tub came out in the year --------
142. Marvell‟s Horation Ode came out in the year -------- (1650).
143. The first regular newspaper “Weekly News” was published in -------- (1622).
144. Who is the author of Virgin Mary and The Maid of Honour? (Philip Massinger).
145. Who said „Life in jest, and all things show it I thought so once, and now I know it‟? (John
146. Who died from „gout struck in? (John Milton).
147. Who was nicknamed as „The lady of Christ‟s‟? (John Milton).
148. Who set the style for modern English prose? (Dryden).
149. Dryden produced his poetic satire The Medal in the year -------- (1689).
150. MacFlecknoe is an attack on -------- (Shadwell).
151. MacFlecknoe (1682) is a satire by -------- (Dryden).
152. Donne died in the same year in which Dryden was born. The year is -------- (1631).
153. Which poet expressed surprise at his having loved one woman for „Three Whole Days
Together‟? (Suckling).
154. Who is known as the Father of the Independents? (Thomas Browne).
155. William Prynne‟s Histriomastix (1633) is an attack on -------- (the stage).
156. “The World” is a poem by -------- (Vaughan).
157. Who is known as the Saint of the metaphysical poets? (Marwell).
158. Nathaniel Lee published his play Nero in the year -------- (1674).
159. To Althea from Prison is a Cavalier poem by -------- (Lovelace).
160. Marriage a la mode (1673) is a comedy by -------- (John Dryden).
161. Delight in Disorder is a Cavalier poem by -------- (Herrik).
162. A Discourse Concerning the Origin and Progress of Satire is a prose work by (Dryden).
163. John Donne born in 1572, died in -------- (1621).
164. Dryden produced his play The Conquest of Granada in the year -------- (1669).
165. Who is regarded as the Father of English prose? (John Dryden).
166. Dryden produced his play Aurengzebe in the year -------- (1675).
167. The Indian Express (1667) is a play by -------- (John Dryden).
168. Annus Mirabilis is a poetic work by -------- (John Dryden).
169. “Song to David” is a poem by -------- (Christopher Smart).
170. Whose poetry is recognized as „the witty union of ideas‟? (John Donne).
171. ----------- is not a metaphysical characteristic (Optimism).
172. Pandion and Amphigenia 1665 in a romance by -------- (John Crowne).
173. How many plots are there in Etherge‟s Comical Revenge or Love in a Tub? (4).
174. Who has been regarded as the Monarch of wit? (John Donne).
175. The Step to the Temple 1646 is a collection of poems by -------- (Richard Crashaw).
176. Lost Illusions was written in -------- (French) by -------- (Balzac).
177. The Empress of Morocco 1673 is a play by -------- (Elkanah Settle).
178. The title The Peace of The Augustans is applied to the age of -------- (Dryden and Pope).
179. The restoration of monarchy took place in -------- (1660).
180. The book The Peace of the Augustans was written by -------- (Addison).
181. The History of the Rebellion and Civil wars in England was written by --- (Edward
182. Who said „Donne affects the metaphysics‟? (John Dryden).
183. The plays The Honest Whore 1604 and Shoemaker’s Holiday 1599 were written by -------
- (Thomas Dekker).
184. In which work we find Milton completely blind? (Paradise Regained).
185. In which work Milton is not a Puritan? (L‟Allegro).
186. The supporters of Charles I were called -------- (Cavaliers).
187. “To Lucasta” is a poem by -------- (Lovelace).
188. Who did not feel proud of calling himself „Son of Ben‟? (Herrick).
189. The Saints Everlasting Rest 1649 was written by -------- (Richard Barter).
190. Prynne attacked the stage in -------- (1632).
191. Burton published his Anatomy of Melancholy in the year -------- (1621).
192. Who wrote The Witch 1623 and The Sapish Gypsy 1625? (Thomas Middleton).
193. A Tragedy Rehearsed is the subtitle of the play -------- (The Critic).
194. Who said „the true end of the satire is the amendment of vices by correction‟? (Dryden).
195. The Malcontent 1604 is a comedy by -------- (Marston).
196. The Country Wife 1675 is a play by -------- (Wycherley).
197. Dryden‟s prose is remarkable for his use of -------- (short sentences and concise
198. Dekker‟s The Wonderful Year is about the year -------- (1603).
199. Bonduca is a chronicle play by -------- (Fletcher).
200. The Star Chamber was abolished in -------- (1641).
201. The Licencing Act 1647 checked the -------- (Freedom of Speech).
202. Marston Jonson and Chapman joined hands to write -------- (Eastward Ho).
203. Chapman, born in 1559, died in -------- (1634).
204. Silex Scientillans is a collection of poems by -------- (Vaughan).
205. Silex Scientillans was written in -------- parts (2).
206. The first part of Silex Scientillans came out in the year -------- (1650).
207. The second part of Silex Scientillans came out in the year -------- (1655).
208. Pilgrimage is a poem from the collection -------- (Step to the Temple).
209. Who found English literature of brick and left marble? (Dryden).
210. John Denham published his descriptive poem Cooper‟s Hill in the year (1642).
211. All Fools 1604 is a Comedy of Humours by -------- (Chapman).
212. Shadwell produced his comedy of humour Bury Fair in -------- (1689).
213. Cooper‟s Hill 1642 was written in -------- (Heroic Couplets).
214. Abraham Cowley‟s The Davideis is an epic on -------- (King David).
215. The Davideis was written in -------- (Heroic Couplets).
216. A Short View of the Immortality and Profaneness of the English Stage 1698 was a
pamphlet by -------- (Collier).
217. George Farquhar was a -------- dramatist (Restoration).
218. A Woman killed with Kindness is a play by -------- (Heywood).
219. Wycherley‟s play Love in a Wood is dedicated to the mistress of -------- (Charles II).
220. The Plain Dealer is a play by -------- (Wycherley).
221. Which play is modelled on Moliere‟s le Misanthrope? (The Plain Dealer).
222. Love for Love is a restoration comedy by -------- (Congreve).
223. Wycherley‟s play The Gentleman Dancing Master appeared in the year -------- (1672).
224. St.James Park is the title of a play by Wycherely named -------- (Love in a Wood).
225. The Rehearsal 1671 was written by -------- (Duke of Buckingham).
226. Manly is a character in the play -------- (The Plain Dealer).
227. Which work did Donne write after his wife‟s death in 1617? (A Hymn to God the Father).
228. Donne‟s last Sermon Death‟s Duel came out in the year -------- (1630).
229. Cowley‟s Poetical Blossoms came out in the year -------- (1633).
230. Herrick‟s Noble Numbers came out in the year -------- (1647).
231. Oh. Shakespeare (1630) is a poem by -------- (John Milton).
232. John Milton‟s Comus (1634) is a -------- (Masque).
233. Ode on the Morning of Christ‟s Nativity is a poem by -------- (John Milton).
234. --------- is an elegy on Edward King (Comus).
235. Taylor‟s Holy Living came out in 1650 and his Holy Dying in -------- (1651).
236. The Spanish Gypsy, a poem by G.Eliot came out in the year -------- (1868).
237. The Lady of Pleasure (1635) is a comedy by -------- (James Shirley).
238. Milton‟s Samson Agonistes was brought out in the year -------- (1671).
239. Sandy‟s Ovid‟s Metamorphoses came out in the year -------- (1660).
240. Whose plays had been called „manly‟? (Wycherley).
241. The Restoration comedy was introduced by -------- (Sir William Daveant).
242. Bunyan‟s Pilgrim‟s Progress came out in the year -------- (1678).
243. Which play is an adaptation of a play by Calderon? (The Gentleman Dancing Master).
244. Who said about Suckling‟s poems „charming verse on nothing‟? (Legouis).
245. Katherine Philip‟s poems came out in the year (1664).
246. Athenian Gazette came out in the year -------- (1690).
247. London Gazette and Observatory came out in the year -------- (1679).
248. A Satyre against Mankind (1675) was written by -------- (Rochester).
249. Newton‟s Principia appeared in the year -------- (1687).
250. John Crowne‟s Catigula came out in the year -------- (1698).
251. Sir Courtly Nice (1685) is a play by -------- (John Crowne).
252. The succession of William III and Mary II took part in the year -------- (1688).
253. Mary died in the year -------- (1694).
254. The Mousetrap is the name of the play within the play --------- (Hamlet).
255. Thomas Archer and Nicholas Burne started the first regular weekly English Journal in the
year -------- (1622).
256. The first periodical Gazetta appeared in the city -------- (Venice).
257. In which of his plays, Dryden used the blank verse? (Aurengzeb).
258. Dryden was given the epithet Augustan first by -------- (Dr.Johnson).
259. Mr.Marwod and Mrs.Millament are the characters from the play -------- (The Way of the
260. The Mourning Bride (1691) is a tragedy by -------- (Congreve).
261. Addison and Steele were born during the restoration period. The year of their birth is -----
--- (1672).
262. Webster, Chapman and Marston died in the same year. The year is -------- (1634).
263. Massinger‟s The Unnatural Combat came out in the year -------- (1639).
264. Sir William Temple‟s Letters was written in -------- (1700).
265. Shadwell‟s The Sullen Lovers appeared in -------- (1668).
266. Congreve‟s The Way of the World appeared in the year -------- (1700).
267. The Provok‟d Wife is a comedy by -------- (Sir John Vanbrugh).
268. The words „The coldness of a losing gamester lessens the pleasure of the winner‟ occurs
in -------- (The Way of the World).
269. The drama towards the close of the seventeenth century began to feel the rivalry of --------
(The novel and the newspaper).
270. The Restoration period was less rich in tragedy than in -------- (comedy)
271. The leader of the puritan rebellion or civil war of 1642 was -------- (Oliver Cromwell).
272. Who wrote Devotions? (John Donne).
273. What is the finest prose work of Donne? (Sermons).
274. In the Restoration Tragedy the main conflict is between -------- (Love and Honour).
275. In Restoration Tragedy Aristotle‟s conception of pity and fear has been substituted by ----
---- (admiration of love and valour).
276. Ventidius is a character in -------- (John Dryden‟s All for Love).
277. Identify the critic who described the Restoration comedy as „Artificial‟? (Charles Lamb).
278. Millmant, a brilliant woman character, appears in -------- (Congreve‟s The Way of the
279. In which year Collier condemned in a Pamphlet the Restoration comedy of Manners?
280. Who is the literary descendant of the great school of Jeremy Taylor and Thomas fuller?
(John Tilliyon).
281. John Evelyn‟s Diary shows the great fire Samuel Pepy‟s Diary shows -------- (Great fire
and Great Plague).
282. John Donne composed religious poetry Holy Sonnets after-------- (1610).
283. Which book of Fuller was published after his death? (The Worthies of England).
284. Fuller‟s An Alarum to the Countries of England and Wales was published in --------
285. Dryden‟s Astrea Redux, which was written in the celebration of Charles II‟s return was
published in -------- (1660).
286. Which poem has the portraits of Thomas Shadwell? (Mac Flecknoe).
287. Who composed A Song for St.Cecilia‟s Day? (John Dryden).
288. What is the subtitle of All for Love? (The World Well Lost).
289. Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesie, a major piece of English literary criticism was
published in -------- (1669).
290. Dryden, in the work of criticism, makes a comparison between -------- (French and
English drama).
291. Which play of the Dryden has two parts? (The Conquest of Granada).
292. Who wrote The Gentleman Dancing Masters? (William Wycherley).
293. Which is known as the best play of Wycherley? (The Country Wife).
294. What is the subtitle of Etheredge‟s The Comical Revenge? (Love in a Tub).
295. Who wrote She Would if She Could? (George Etherege).
296. Who is the writer of The Recruiting Officer? (George Farquhar).
297. Thomas Otway‟s masterpiece is -------- (Venice Preserv‟d).
298. Who wrote The Rival Queens? (Nathaniel Lee).
299. Who remarked „The Restoration marks the birth of our modern English prose‟? (Matthew
300. Bunyan‟s Pilgrim‟s Progress is a -------- (Dream – Vision allegory).
301. Christian is a character is -------- (The Pilgrim‟s Progress).
302. The great merit of Pilgrim‟s Progress is „that the most cultivated man cannot find
anything to praise more highly, and the child knows nothing more amusing‟. Identify the
critic who expressed this opinion. (Dr.Samuel Johnson).
303. Who said „He met Mr.Dryden the poet; and he remained Mr.Dryden, the poet till the day
of his death‟? (John Bunyan).
304. Dryden‟s School of Poetry is also known as -------- (The Correct School of Poetry).
305. In Restoration prose who is superior to Dryden? (John Bunyan).
306. Grace Abunding, a religious biography, is written by -------- (John Bunyan).
307. The Restoration Tragedy is also known as -------- (Heroic tragedy or the Love and
Honour drama).
308. The Heroic tragedy was an elaboration of the romantic plays popularized by --------
(Beaumont and Fletcher).
309. Who applied first the epithet „Augustan‟? (Dr.Samuel Johnson).
310. On the accession of James II in 1685, Dryden changed his faith and became a --------
(Roman Catholic).
311. Dryden‟s poem Annus Mirabilis gives a spirited account of -------- (The Great Fire and
the Dutch war).
312. Name Dryden‟s poem written in celebration of Charles II‟s restoration. (Astrea Redux).
313. Dryden expressed his change of religion in his two doctrinal poems -------- (Religio Laici
and The Hind and the Panther).
314. Who is talking about whom in the statement „he found English brick and left it marble?‟
(Dr.Johnson about Dryden).
315. Who described Dryden as one „who had done his best to improve the language, and
especially the poetry of his country‟? (Dryden himself).
316. The Popish Plot is about -------- (The people‟s plot to prevent the Catholic James from
succeeding Charles II, The People‟s Plot to make the Duke of Monmouth a King).
317. ----------- deals with the Popish Plot -------- (Absalom and Achitophel).
318. The translation of Goethe‟s „Wilhelm Meister‟ appeared in -------- (1824).
319. In The Doctor‟s Dilemma Shaw makes fun -------- (physicians).
320. The Ring and the Book contains -------- more lines than the Iliad (about two thousand).
321. In which poem do the following lines occur? „Do not all charms fly / At the mere touch of
cold philosophy‟ (Lamia).
322. Boswell was born in -------- (1735).
323. James II ascended the throne in -------- (1685).
324. „It is largely due to… that writers developed formalism of style, that precise, almost
mathematic elegance, miscalled classcism, which ruled the English literature for the next
century‟. Who said so? (John Dryden)
325. --------- anticipated the importance of colder and more correct phrasing and verification.
(Walter, Denham, Cowley).
326. In whose favour the Parliament voted to restore the monarchy after Cromwell‟s death in
1658? (Charles II).
327. Sir Walter Raleigh died in -------- (1618).
328. D‟ Artagnan is a character in -------- (The Three Musketeers).
329. Alexander Dumas was -------- (a French Writer).
330. The Age of Milton has been called -------- (The era of Political unrest and instability).
331. The character writers of the seventeenth century were influenced by -------- (Seneca).
332. Holy war and Profane State was written by -------- (Thomas Fuller).
333. John Selden‟s Table Talk appeared in -------- (1689).
334. A Cypress Grove, published in 1623 is written by -------- (William Drummond of
335. Name the poet whose poems were not published during his life time. (George Herbert).
336. The Authorised version of the Bible, a work of 47 scholars, appeared in -------- (1611).
337. Who nominated the 47 scholars who prepared The Authorized version of the Bible?
JamesI, the Authorised version of the Bible is known as -------- (The first classic in
English prose).
338. Religio Medici is -------- (A curious mixture of religious faith and scientific scepticism).
339. Puritanism was a reaction against -------- (The reformation of the church under Elizabeth I
which was regarded as incomplete and it sought to simplify and regulate forms of
340. Educated at Christ‟s College, Cambridge, Milton due to his delicate features was known
as -------- (The lady of Christ).
341. Milton‟s Lycidas is an elegy on -------- (His friend Edward King).
342. John Milton wrote Paradise Lost -------- (during the Jacobean Period).
343. Who called Milton „God gifted organ voice of England‟ and the „mighty mouthed
inventor of harmonies‟? (Lord Tennyson).
344. Who wrote the Collar? (George Herbert).
345. Who wrote Thalia Rediviva? (Henry Vaughan).
346. Marvell‟s Horation Ode has for its subject -------- (Oliver Cromwell).
347. Who wrote A New Way to Pay Old Debts? (Philip Massinger).
348. The famous character Sir Criles Overreach appears in -------- (A New Way to Pay Old
349. Luke Frugal is the character of -------- (Massinger).
350. Who wrote the tragedy Tis Pity She‟s a Whore? (Ford).
351. John Ford collaborated with Dekker and Rowley in -------- (The Witch of Edmonion).
352. Sir Thomas Browne‟s Religio Medici has a curious mixture of -------- (Religion and
353. What is the subtitle of Browne‟s Epidemica? (Vulgar Errors).
354. Who wrote Christian Morals? (Sir Thomas Browne).
355. Jeremy Taylor‟s most popular work is -------- (The Liberty of Prophesying).
356. Milton is regarded as „the last of the Elizabethans‟ because -------- (he summed up in
himself the learned and artistic influence of the English Renaissance and handed them on
to us).
357. A civil war broke out in England between The King and the Parliament in -------- (1640)
358. The decaying drama of the Age of Milton died a natural death with the closure of the
theatres in -------- (1640)
359. The leaders of the metaphysical school were -------- (Ben Jonson and John Donne)
360. „For God‟s sake hold thy tongue and let me love‟. Such abrupt beginnings are
characteristic of -------- (John Donne)
361. Who among the following stated his objective as follows? „I‟ll strip the ragged follies of
time naked, as at their birth, and with a whip of sted, print wounding lashes in their iron
ribs‟? (Ben Jonson)
362. Regarding the poetry of which metaphysical poet, Coleridge commented that „nothing can
be more fine, manly and unaffected‟? (G.Herbert)
363. The Elegie in Praise of John Donne was written by -------- (Thomas Carew)
364. Regarding which metaphysical poet T.S.Eliot says that the special quality of his verse is
„the quality of civilization, of traditional habit of life‟? (Andrew Marvell)
365. The poets who sided with King Charles I against the Parliament are called --------
(Cavalier poets and Caroline poets)
366. The collection of lyrics, Hesperides published at London in 1648 was prepared by --------
(Robert Herrick)
367. Who among the following is known for his epical romance Gondibert? (D‟ Avenant)
368. L‟Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas are the four immortal poems of --------
369. Compared to Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained is less significant and more --------
370. Which critic found Milton‟s poetry harsh and unequal with little music? (Samuel
371. Who called Milton „the mighty-mouthed inventor of Harmonies‟? (Tennyson)
372. The voluminous work of Robert Burton which has considerably influenced Dr.Johnson
and Charles Lamb is -------- (Anatomy of Melancholy)
373. Holy and Profane State, one of the greatest works of character sketch, was written by -----
--- (Thomas Fuller)
374. How many characters does George Herbert‟s The Country Parson deal with in its thirty-
seven essays? (One)
375. Thomas Browne, the greatest prose writer of the puritan age was by profession -------- (a
376. What is the most significant contribution of Izaaak Walton to the literary world? (The
Complete Angler)
377. Who wrote Hydrotophia or Urn Burial (1658) inspired by the discovery of some fifty urns
in the neighbourhood? (Thomas Browne)
378. Ode of Wit is a small masterpiece of -------- (Abraham Cowley)
379. The Definition of Love and To His Coy Mistress are the famous poems of --------
(Andrew Marvell)
380. In Jonson‟s Everyman in His Humour who is the jealous Husband? (Kitley Merchant)
381. Who is credited for creating the modern prose style through his essays like Essay on
Satire and Essay on Epic Poetry? (Dryden)
382. Grace Abounding is the autobiography of -------- (John Bunyan)
383. Who set a new trend in literary criticism through his Examen of the Silent woman?
384. What does Dryden mean by the term „Concernment‟? (Compassion)
385. Dryden‟s All for Love is a transitional play, showing the features of both the heroic play
and the -------- (Sentimental Tragedy)
386. The finest examples of the sentimental tragedy or the she-tragedy are The Fair Penitent
and Jane Shore by -------- (Nicholas Rowe)
387. Congreve achieved immediate success with his first play -------- (Old Bachelor)
388. Mrs.Millamant and Mirabel are the famous characters of -------- (The Way of the World)
389. The Restoration comedies such as The Relapse, The Provok‟d Wife and The Fonfederacy
are the works of -------- (Vanbrugh)
390. The contemporary of Dryden whose reputation lies chiefly on heroic plays such as The
Orphan and Venice Preserved is -------- (Thomas Otway)
391. The Great Fire that destroyed a major part of London occurred in -------- (1666)
392. The Glorious Revolution that forced James II to flee occurred in -------- (!688)
393. Newton‟s Principia was published in -------- (1687)
394. The Pilgrim‟s Progress which has been called „The holy grail of puritanism‟ was written
by -------- (Bunyan)
395. The play by Marston that foreshadows Shakespeare‟s The Tempest is -------- (The
396. In the Restoration era almost the entire England was divided into two parties -------- (The
Whigs and the Tories)
397. Which period „marks the real moment of birth of our modern English prose‟ according to
Arnold? (The Restoration)
398. Poetry in the Restoration period was predominantly -------- (satirical)
399. An important element in Dryden‟s satire is his dexterity in handling the -------- (heroic
400. A satire by Dryden, chiefly personal in content and not very great as a work of art, but
still immensely popular in its times was -------- (The Medal)
401. Whose essay On Myself has been hailed as the perfect example of what a personal essay
should be? (Cowley)
402. Which poem of Dryden was written in celebration of Charles II‟s restoration? (Astrea
403. Who wrote Pindaric Odes which influenced 18th century poetry? (Abraham Cowley)
404. Who said this about Donne „for not keeping accent Donne deserved hanging‟? (Ben
405. Only one line „Death thou shall be dead‟ sums up the whole spirit of his writing. Who is
that? (John Donne)
406. Which poems of Herbert is considered a predecessor of Bunyan‟s Pilgrim‟s Progress?
(The Pilgrimage)
407. How is George Herbert‟s poetry described? (serene and quiet)
408. In its broadest sense the Puritan Movement is regarded as -------- (a second Renaissance
of the moral nature of man)
409. Under whom was the commonwealth established in 1648? (Thomas Cromwell)
410. In what lies the peculiarity of the Cavaliers? (Open rebellion against Puritan ideals,
Lighter vein and gaiety, yet religiousness, licentiousness and triviality)
411. To whom do we assign these charming poems – Gather Ye Rose Buds While Ye may, To
Daffodils? (Robert Herrick)
412. Some poets of the Puritan Age called themselves the „Sons of Ben‟. Who are they?
(Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, Andrew Marvell)
413. The poets regarded as the link between the Renaissance and the classical age is --------
(Cowley, Denham, Waller)
414. Dr.Johnson begins his Lives of the Poets with -------- (Abraham Cowley)
415. Who wrote the following lines? „He that would hope to write well hereafter in laudable
things, ought himself to be a true poem, that is a composition and pattern of the best and
most honorable things‟. (John Milton)
416. John Milton wrote a poem when he was at Cambridge, which still remains one of his best.
Name it. (On the Moring of Christ Nativity)
417. John Milton was born in -------- (1608)
418. How many books are there in Paradise Regained? (Four)
419. Who is the hero of Paradise Regained? (Christ)
420. What is the theme of Paradise Regained? (The Temptation of Jesus Christ)
421. What do L‟ Allegro and Penseroso mean? (The Cheerful man and The Pensive man)
422. Who said that the sonnet in Milton‟s hand became a trumpet? (William Wordsworth)
423. The plot of Samson Agonistes is taken from -------- (The Book of Judge)
424. Milton‟s Samson Agonistes is a tragedy on the Greek Model. Whom does he follow here?
425. What is the literary form used in Samson? (Blank verse)
426. When was Paradise Lost published? (1667)
427. In Book III of Paradise Lost Satan comes to the earth. Where does he alight first? (On
Mount Niphalis)
428. Who directs Satan to the earth in Paradise Lost? (Uriel)
429. Name the angel who comes down to carry out the decree of God after the Fall? (Michael)
430. What form does Satan take when he comes to tempt Christ in Paradise Regained? (An
aged man is rural weeds)
431. Paine says, „Next to the Bible, the book most widely read in England is -------- (Pilgrim‟s
432. The journey in Pilgrim‟s Progress is undertaken in -------- (Ten stages)
433. --------- by Sir Thomas Browne deals with number five. (The Garden of Cyrus)
434. Who is the leviathan of Hobbe‟s work Leviathan? (The state)
435. When was Coverdale‟s Great Bible issued? (1540)
436. The prose work ------ of the Puritan period influenced Dr.Johnson, Sterne and Charles
Lamb. (Robert Bacon‟s Anatomy of Melancholy)
437. Which critic refers to Milton‟s „the grand style‟? (Matthew Arnold)
438. Right or Wrong, Good or Bad are concepts which according to Thomas Hobbes are -------
- (determined by self-interest)
439. Spot the book written in the form of a dialogue between Piscator (fisherman) and Venator
(hunter). (Izaak Walton‟s Complete Angler)
440. The first regular English journal was started in 1622 by -------- (Thomas Ancher and
Nicholas Burne)
441. A Game of Chess, a political satire by Middlelon is set in -------- (Spain)
442. Dryden‟s Absalom and Achitophel dealt with the people‟s plan to prevent James from
coming to the throne and make Duke of Manmonth the King. This is known as --------
(The Popish Plot)
443. The Age of Pope is known as the era of -------- (tolerance, commonsense, moderation and
444. „The proper study of mankind is man‟. This famous line is extracted from --------
(Alexander Pope‟s Essay on man)
445. Pope‟s The Rape of the Lock is a -------- (Mock-heroic poem)
446. Who was the King when the terms „Whig‟ and „Tory‟ came into existence --------
447. Whig Party was in favour of -------- (pre-eminence of personal freedom)
448. „Royal divine right‟ was supported by -------- (Tory Party)
449. Who were in favour of the Hanoverian succession? -------- (The Whigs)
450. Who was Jacobites? -------- (The Tories)
451. The name of the first daily news-paper, that began in 1702 was -------- (The
Daily Courant)
452. The Tready of Utrecht took place in the year -------- (1713)
453. Act of settlement was passed in the year -------- (1701)
454. The Campaign (1704) which praises the war policy of the Whigs, was written
by -------- (Addison)
455. Which one of the works of John Gay resembles Pope‟s Pastorals -------- (The
Shepherd‟s Week)
456. The Art of Walking in the Streets of London is the subtitle of -------- (Trivia)
457. Which one of the following Gay‟s works is a parody of the heroic style -------
- (Trivia)
458. Fielding‟s novel Joseph Andrews (1742) is a parody of the novel --------
459. Pamela came out in the year -------- (1740)
460. Fielding‟s last novel appeared in the year -------- (1751)
461. Addison produced the tragedy Cato in the year -------- (1713)
462. Cato was written in -------- (blank-verse)
463. The Vision of Mirza is a political allegory by -------- (Addison)
464. John Gay is much known for his -------- (Fables)
465. Fables came out in the year -------- (1727)
466. Irene is a rhetorical tragedy by -------- (Johnson)
467. Charles Robert Maturin‟s Melmoth the Wanderer is a -------- (Gothic novel)
468. Addison‟s Rosamond (1707) is an -------- (Opera)
469. John Gay‟s last play The Beggar‟s Opera appeared in the year -------- (1728)
470. Goldsmith‟s The Vicar of Wakefield is a -------- (novel)
471. Which was a reply to Edmund Burke‟s Reflections on the French Revolution -
------- (The Rights of Man)
472. The Rights of Man (1791-92) was written by -------- (Thomas Paine)
473. Pope published his mock critical treatise Peri Bathous or Of the Art of Sinking
Poetry in -------- (1728)
474. Devotion to the heroic couplet was the chief characteristics of --------
(Augustan Age)
475. Addison‟s The Drummer (1715) is a -------- (Prose Comedy)
476. Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions and Times (1711) was written by -
------- (Earl of Sahftesbury)
477. Night Thoughts on Life, Death and Immortality (1742) is the subtitle of the
poem -------- (The Complaints)
478. The Complaints was written in -------- (Blank verse)
479. The death of the poet‟s wife inspired -------- (The Complaint)
480. Which age is considered to be the Golden Age of political pamphleteering -----
--- (Augustan)
481. The first number of The Tatler came out on -------- (April 12, 1709)
482. Who is considered to be the first literary philosopher -------- (George
483. Sir Samuel Garth‟s only work The Dispensary was published in the year -------
- (1699)
484. Fielding‟s novel Tom Jones is dedicated to -------- (George Lyttleton)
485. In order to pay for the funeral, Samuel Johnson wrote -------- (Rasselas)
486. Evelina (1778) is a novel by -------- (Fanny Burney)
487. Public Ledger Essays were written by -------- (Goldsmith)
488. She Stoops to Conquer (1773) is a comedy by -------- (Goldsmith)
489. Pope‟s An Essay on Criticism came out in the year -------- (1711)
490. The Mistake of a Night is the subtitle of the play -------- (She Stoops to
491. How many epistles are there in An Essay on Man? -------- (4)
492. Epistle IV of An Essay of Man relates man to the -------- (Idea of Happiness)
493. Who said „I shall endeavour to enliven morality with wit and to temper wit
with morality -------- (Addison)
494. The above line appears in -------- (The Spectator)
495. The periodical The Tatler ended in January -------- (1711)
496. Who said „To err is human; To forgive is divine‟ -------- (Pope)
497. Song to David is a poem by -------- (Christopher Smart)
498. An Essay on Man is a --------- poem (Philosophical)
499. Epistle III of An Essay on Man deals with man‟s relation to -------- (Society)
500. Which Epistle of An Essay on Man considers man in relation to the individual
-- (II)
501. Which book attracted the objection of Anne -------- (A Tale of a Tub)
502. Steele began his periodical The Spectator in march -------- (1711)
503. How many essays were published in The Spectator? -------- (555)
504. Out of 555 essays, how many were written by Addison? (274)
505. Ambrose Philips Tragedy, the Distressed Mother appeared in the year --------
506. Who is known as the high priest of a rationalistically social age? (Pope)
507. Steele‟s Sentimental comedy The Conscious Lovers appeared in -------- (1722)
508. The West Indian and The Fashionable Lover are two plays by --------
509. Who, at the last stage of his life, turned lunatic? (Swift)
510. Steele‟s periodical The Guardian came out in the year -------- (1713)
511. Pope‟s Pastorals appeared in the year -------- (1709)
512. Which of Swift‟s works deals with his affection for Esther Vanhomrigh -------
- (Cadenus and Vanessa)
513. Cadenus and Venessa 1712-13 is a -------- (poem)
514. Who aimed at pointing out these vices which are too trivial for the
chastisement of the law -------- (Addison)
515. Pope‟s Windsor Forest came out in the year -------- (1713)
516. Thomas Parnell‟s The Hermit (1710) was written in -------- (Heroic Couplets)
517. A Town Eclogue was written by -------- (Swift)
518. Which book of Swift deals with the dispute between ancient and modern
authors -------- (The Battle of the Books)
519. Who among the following was a member of The Parliament and wrote for the
Whigs -------- (Steele)
520. The first version of The Rape of the Lock appeared in the year -------- (1712)
521. Who said, „Life is a comedy to those who think and a tragedy to those who
feel -------- (Horace Walpole)
522. Nicholas Rowe 1673-1718 was made poet Laureate in -------- (1715)
523. Moral Essays was written by -------- (Pope)
524. Once Swift said „Good God! What a genius I had when I wrote that book!
Here what is „That Book‟‟ -------- (The Tale of a Tub)
525. Who wrote prose comedies? (Steele)
526. Pope completed the translation of Iliad in -------- (1720)
527. The Examiner (1710) a Tory Weekly, was started by -------- (Bolingbroke,
528. Which political pamphlet brought about Steele‟s expulsion from the House of
Commons -------- (The Crisis)
529. „The Scribbierus Club‟ was an association of -------- (Tory Wits)
530. Who was not a member of „The Scribbierus Club? (Addison)
531. Solomon, a long and serious poem, was written by -------- (Matthew Prior)
532. The Tory Party fell from power in the year -------- (1714)
533. Public Credit is a political allegory by -------- (Addison)
534. Steele‟s The Funeral (1701) is a -------- (Prose Comedy)
535. Pope translated Odyssey in the year -------- (1726)
536. The Freedom of the press was restored in the year -------- (1682)
537. Mathew Prior‟s Alma is an imitation of -------- (Hudibras)
538. Mr.B is a character of the novel -------- (Pamela)
539. Who helped Samuel Johnson in forming the literary club -------- (Reynolds)
540. Journal to Stella, a kind of private log book was written by -------- (Swift)
541. Defoe‟s Journal The Review came out in the year -------- (1704)
542. Theobald‟s Shakespeare Restored appeared in the year -------- (1726)
543. Who says about Johnson „He has nothing of the bear but his skin‟?
544. Who wrote The Moss House, a book for children? (Agnes Strickland)
545. The Methodist Revival began in the ----- century (18th century)
546. Swift wrote The Drapier‟s Letters (1724) in favour of the -------- (Irish)
547. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters (1702) was written by -------- (Defoe)
548. Which work of Pope appeared anonymously in 1728? (The Dunciad)
549. The Dunciad was modelled on -------- (Macflecknoe)
550. Steele‟s Spirit of Patriortism is a -------- (Religious Prose work)
551. Who saw „only a mask for hypocrisy in the growing polish and decency of
society‟? (Swift)
552. Which Augustan author‟s life was like a Marlowevian Tragedy -------- (Swift)
553. The poetry of Pope is typified by its -------- (informal outlook)
554. The True-born Englishman, a political tract by Defoe, came out in the year ----
---- (1701)
555. Who said that Addison‟s prose is the model of the middle style --------
556. In which poem Pope wanted to „vindicate the ways of God to man‟ ----- (An
Essay of Man)
557. Epistle I of An Essay on Man deals with -------- (Importance of Reason)
558. Pope‟s Mock-epic The Rape of the Lock contains -------- (5 contos)
559. Queen Caroline‟s death and the Licensing Act took place in the same year -----
--- (1737)
560. Who said „I heartily hate and detest that animal called man‟? (Dekker)
561. The name of the first fiction by Daniel Defoe is -------- (Robinson Crusoe)
562. Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot is another famous title of book -------- (Prologue to the
563. George III ascended to the throne in the year -------- (1760)
564. The Agony and the Ecstacy is a biography of -------- (Michael Angelo)
565. The above biography was written by -------- (Irving Stone)
566. Sheridan‟s play The School for Scandal came out in -------- (1777)
567. The Sick Lady‟s Cure is a genteel comedy by -------- (Cibber)
568. Sheridan‟s The Critic came out in the year -------- (1779)
569. A Modest proposal is a terrible essay by -------- (Swift)
570. A Journal of the Plague Year is the subtitle of the fiction -------- (Moll
571. Mathew prior was imprisoned by his involvement in Jacobite intrigues in the
year -------- (1710)
572. Remains is a Satire on -------- (The doings of the Royal Society)
573. A Tragedy Rehearsed is a -------- (Farce)
574. Satyrs upon the Jesuits was written by -------- (Oldham)
575. A Voyage to the Houyhnhums is a Savagery essay by -------- (Swift)
576. Roxana (1724) is a fiction by -------- (Defoe)
577. Henry Fielding‟s last work was a diary, the name of which is -------- (Voyage
to Lisbon)
578. Sheridan‟s play The Rivals came out in -------- (1775)
579. Which book of Swift suggests that „This book was an outlet for the author‟s
own bitterness against Fate and Human society? (Gulliver‟s Travels)
580. Account of the Greatest English Poets was written by -------- (Addison)
581. Dr.Johnson formed the literary club with the help of -------- (Pitt)
582. Which poem is known as a „Rhymed Gazette‟? (The Campaign)
583. The hero of the poem The Campaign is -------- (Marlborough)
584. ------- was the Secretary for war in the Tory Government at the age of twenty
six (Addison)
585. John Gay‟s Black-eyed Susan is a -------- (Ballad)
586. Bilfil is a character in Fielding‟s novel -------- (Tom Jones)
587. Who said „Yes, I am proud: I must be proud to see men not afraid of God,
afraid of me‟? (Pope)
588. The character Ambrosio appears in -------- (The Monk)
589. The original genius behind the publication of The Tatler and The Spectator
was -------- (Steele)
590. The biography of Johnson was written by -------- (James Boswell)
591. Whom did Edmund Burke denounce openly and bitterly -------- (Warren
592. Who has been regarded by Voltaire as „The best poet of England and at
present of all the world‟? (Pope)
593. Swift satirised various churches of his day in his book -------- (The Tale of a
594. Ulysses, The hero of Homer‟s Odyssey, was the King of -------- (Ithaca)
595. Which book is a store-house of maxims -------- (Essay on Criticism)
596. Moral Epistles written by -------- (Pope)
597. Henry Fielding ridiculed Robert Walpole and his ministry through the paper --
------ (The Champion)
598. Which one is the last literary work of Johnson? (Lives of the Poets)
599. Who said „A book should help us either to enjoy life or to endure it‟?
600. The heroic tragedy was introduced by -------- (Sir William Davenant)
601. The seventh and eighth volumes of Tristram Shandy came out in --------
602. In Robinson Crusoe, Friday is a -------- (Cannibal)
603. Smolett, born in 1721, died in -------- (1771)
604. Which one of the Smollette‟s novels was published shortly before his death ---
----- (Humphery Pickle)
605. Don Quixote is a picaresque novel by -------- (Cervantes)
606. Which is known as the first of the „robot‟ books -------- (Frankenstein)
607. Richard Head and Frances Kickman produced the book -------- (The English
608. The picaresque novel Gil BIlas by Le sage is -------- (a French novel)
609. Thackeray‟s Barry Lyndon is a satire on -------- (romance and sentiment)
610. Moll Flanders is a picaresque novel by -------- (Goldsmith)
611. The Invisible Man is a picaresque novel by -------- (Ralph Ellison)
612. The Monk is a Gothic novel by -------- (M.G.Lewis)
613. Who wrote Cecilia or The Memories of Heiress -------- (Burney)
614. The Fair Penitent is play by -------- (Nicholas Rowe)
615. Who has been dubbed as „Smollett in Petticoats‟? (Fanny Burney)
616. Goldsmith‟s The Traveller is a -------- (poem)
617. Pope addressed his Epistle to Augustus to -------- (George)
618. Thomas used in his The Castle of Indolence -------- (Spenserian Stanza)
619. Who asserted „To copy Nature is to copy them‟? (Pope)
620. The poem Ode on Solitude was composed by -------- (Pope)
621. Johnson‟s Lives of the Poets appeared in the year -------- (1781)
622. Bonamy Dobree is described as „The First Victorian‟ by -------- (Addison)
623. Pope‟s Essay on Criticism was influenced by -------- (Harace, Boileave)
624. James Watt invented the engine by -------- (1784)
625. The term „Bathos‟ was first used by -------- (Pope)
626. Who has been called „a dramatic star of the First magnitute‟ -------- (Sheridan)
627. Hugh Kelley‟s False Delicacy is a -------- (Sentimental Comedy)
628. The Married Philosopher is a Sentimental Comedy by -------- (John Kelly)
629. Johnson‟s Dictionary was published in -------- (1755)
630. Persian Eclogues was produced by -------- (Collins)
631. Collin‟s Odes appeared in -------- (1746)
632. The Grave is a sad poem by -------- (Blair)
633. Collins produced his Ode on the Popular Superstition of the Highlands in the
year -------- (1758)
634. Thomas Parnell produced his Night Piece on Death in the year -------- (1721)
635. David Simple is the only novel by -------- (Sarah Fielding)
636. Who said „What is fit for every thing can fit nothing well‟? (Johnson)
637. Which novels is about cloth trade -------- (Thomas of Reading)
638. Jack of Newbury is a novel about -------- (The weaver‟s craft)
639. The Gentle Craft is about -------- (The Shoemaker‟s Trade)
640. London is a poem by -------- (Johnson)
641. Who said „Those rules discovered, not devised, are nature still, but nature
methodized -------- (Pope)
642. Who said that Pope‟s was „a prose style twisted into verse‟? (Rossetti)
643. Who said „All our knowledge is overselves to know‟? (Pope)
644. Who found Pope‟s An Essay on Man arbitrary and unmethodical? (Johnson)
645. The Life and Opinion of Tristram Shandy is a novel by -------- (Sterne)
646. The above novel appeared in ---------- volumes (9 volumes)
647. Who said that true wit is „What oft was thought but never so well expressed‟?
648. Comic-epic in prose was imitated by -------- (Fielding)
649. The first two volumes of Tristram Shandy came out in -------- (1760)
650. Which is a story of one man on a deserted island ------- (Robinson Crusoe)
651. For how many years did Crusoe stay in the island -------- (20)
652. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom is a novel by -------- (Smolett)
653. The Third to Sixth volumes of Tristram Shandy came out in -------- (1761)
654. Whose experiences inspired Defoe to write Robinson Crusoe --------
(Alexander Selkirk)
655. Howser Trunnian is a character from -------- (Peregrine Pickle)
656. Virtue Rewarded is the subtitle of the novel -------- (Pamela)
657. Who says that Lawrence Sterne is the freest writer of all time --------
658. Stern‟s visit to France influenced his work -------- (Journal to Eliza)
659. Which is Sterne‟s quasi-autobiographical work? (Journal to Eliza)
660. Mathew Bramble and Tabitha are the characters in -------- (Humphry Clinker)
661. Smollett‟s novel The Expedition of Humphry Clinker is a -------- (Picaresque
662. Richardson‟s Pamela is an Epistolary novel came out in -------- (1740)
663. Which is the only novel by Oliver Goldsmith? (The Vicar of Wakefield)
664. The Vicar of Wakefield, written in 1762, was published in -------- (1770)
665. The Essays Dissection of a Beau‟s Head and Dissection of Conauette‟s Head
were written by -------- (Addison)
666. In The Ghost, who has been presented through Pemposo -------- (Dr.Johnson)
667. How many poets were treated in Johnson‟s Lives of the poets? (52)
668. The last volume of Tristram Shandy came out in -------- (1767)
669. Tom Bowling in Roderick Random is a -------- (Seaman)
670. Who regarded Tristram Shandy as „a very insipid, tedious performance‟?
(Horace Walpole)
671. Dr.Primrose is a character in the novel -------- (The Vicar of Wackfield)
672. Uncle Toby is a character from the novel -------- (Tristram Shandy)
673. In which work, there is no female character -------- (Robinson Crusoe)
674. Smollett‟s Peregrine Pickle appeared in -------- (1751)
675. Sauire Allworthy is a character from -------- (Tom Jones)
676. Which novel is regarded as a „novel of the family and of the home‟? (The
Vicar of Wakefield)
677. Sterne‟s A Sentimental Journey was written in the year -------- (1768)
678. The Family Reunion was written by -------- (T.S. Eliot)
679. Which novel is considered to begin the first great flowering of the English
novel? (Pamela)
680. In Tom Jones, Sophia is finally married to -------- (Tom Jones)
681. Corporal Trim is a character from the novel -------- (Tristram Shandy)
682. Who has been hailed as „The Master Illusionist‟? (Daniel Defoe)
683. Smollett‟s Roderick Random came out in -------- (1748)
684. Fielding‟s Tom Jones came out in -------- (1749)
685. How many books are there in Tom Jones? (18)
686. Who is the mean fellow in Tom Jones? (Bilfil)
687. Shenstone published his poem The School Mistress in the year -------- (1742)
688. The Ruins of Rome is a poem by -------- (Gray)
689. Bishop Percy‟s The Relics of Ancient English Poetry is a collection of --------
690. The above book came out in the year -------- (1765)
691. The Sentimental Comedy was a reaction against the -------- (Comedy of
692. Love‟s Last Shift is a Sentimental Comedy by -------- (Cibber)
693. Oliver Goldsmith, born in 1728, died in -------- (1774)
694. The essay on The Present State of Polite Learning against Sentimental
Comedy was written by -------- (Goldsmith)
695. Seasons is a -------- (Nature poem)
696. Dr.Johnson founded the literary club in -------- (1764)
697. Who criticizes Paradise lost for its lack of human interest -------- (Johnson)
698. Goldsmith produced his play The Good-Natured man in -------- (1768)
699. She Stoops to Conquer is a play by -------- (Goldsmith)
700. Who was not against the Sentimental Comedy? ----- (Cumberland)
701. Sheridan published his comedy The Rivals in the year -------- (1774)
702. The Castle of Indolence was written by -------- (Thomson)
703. The Whig Ministry of Parliament passed the licensing Act in -------- (1737)
704. Sheridan‟s The Critic came out in the year -------- (1779)
705. Who is known as not only „The first novelist of character, but also the first
novelist of feminine character‟? (Richardson)
706. Henry fielding, born in 1707, died in -------- (1754)
707. The Castle of Otranto is a Gothic novel by -------- (Walpole)
708. -------- is not the main feature of the Age of Pope (Return to nature)
709. Who observed „Dryden and Pope are the classics of not our poetry, but prose‟?
710. Johnson‟s periodical paper The Rambler appeared in -------- (1750)
711. Goldsmith‟s periodical Bee was started in -------- (1759)
712. Goldsmith‟s The Citizen of the World came out in -------- (1759)
713. The essays in The Citizen of the World originally appeared in -------- (The
Public Ledger)
714. --------- is not a reason for the rise of the novel form (rise of poetry)
715. The real novel form came into existence with the novel -------- (Pamela)
716. The Vanity of Human Wishes is a satirical poem by -------- (Johnson)
717. Defoe‟s periodical The Review was put to an end in -------- (1712)
718. The Spectator Papers was a ------ periodical (Daily)
719. Which periodical contributed its paper to a news paper The Universal
Chronicler -------- (The Idler)
720. Who wrote Elegy on the Death of Partridge -------- (Gosson)
721. Swift‟s Essay A Modest Proposal appeared in the year -------- (1729)
722. Who wrote Argument against the Abolishing of Christianity -------- (Swift)
723. The Love of Fame and The Universal Passion were the satires by --------
(Edward Gay)
724. Bolingbroke carried on an unofficial Tory battle against the government in the
paper called -------- (The Craftsman)
725. The Art of Political Lying is a work by -------- (Arbuthnot)
726. Francis Attarbury was exiled in -------- (1721)
727. Pope‟s personal animosity and malice find expression in -------- (The
728. Swift‟s Gulliver‟s Travels came out in -------- (1726)
729. Who remarked „The age of prose and reason, our excellent and indispensable
eighteenth century? (Arnold)
730. Goldsmith made use of ________ in The Deserted Village (Heroic couplet)
731. Mathew Prior‟s The Town and Country Mouse is a Parody of -------- (The
Hind and the Panther)
732. In Sheridan‟s play The School for Scandal, Charles Surface is in love with ----
---- (Maria)
733. Tumbridge Wells is a poem by -------- (Rochester)
734. A Satyr against Reason and Mankind was written by -------- (Rochester)
735. Timon is a poem by -------- (Rochester)
736. The Village is a poem by -------- (George Crabbe)
737. The Castaway was written by -------- (William Cowper)
738. The Pleasures of Imagination, a long and rambling blank verse poem, was
written by -------- (Mark Akenside)
739. Akenside‟s best political poem, An Epistle to Curio came out in -------- (1744)
740. Shenstone‟s The Schoolmistress came out in the year -------- (1742)
741. Tom „O‟ Shanter was written by -------- (Robert Burns)
742. O My Love‟s like a Red, Red Rose was written by -------- (Robert Burns)
743. Fingal and Temora were written by -------- (Macpherson)
744. Who poisoned himself with arsenic when he was only eighteen? (Thomas
745. The Rowley poems were written by -------- (Chatterton)
746. Robert Fergusson, born in 1750, died in -------- (1774)
747. How many novels did Richardson write? (3)
748. Who was known as „The Man of Feeling‟? (Henry Mackenzie)
749. The Man of Feeling is a work by -------- (Mackenzie)
750. Who is considered to be the first of the women novelists -------- (Francis
751. Gibbon‟s first book A History of Switzerland appeared in -------- (1770)
752. The first volume of Gibbon‟s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
came out in -------- (1776)
753. The last volume of Gibbon‟s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
appeared in the year -------- (1788)
754. Who pictured Boswell as being a Knavish button -------- (Macaulay)
755. ------ one is a parody of the style and ideas of Bolingbroke? (A Vindication of
Natural Society (1756))
756. Who wrote A Vindication of Natural Society? (Edmund Burke)
757. The Wealth of Nations is a prose work on economics written by -------- (Adam
758. Who is known as the theological writer of the Age? (William Paley)
759. The Natural History of Selborne was written by -------- (Gilbert White)
760. Sheridan‟s Farce play St.Patrick‟s Day or The Scheming Lieutenant appeared
in -------- (1775)
761. The Bard is a poem by -------- (Gray)
762. Collin‟s Ode to Passions came out in the year -------- (1747)
763. The Hermit is a famous poem by -------- (Goldsmith)
764. John Gilpin is a burlesaue poem by -------- (Cowper)
765. Douglas is a tragedy by -------- (John Home)
766. Who said „The wife sentout her husband, she shuts herself in Eden with Satan,
Adam is left outside‟? (Victor Hugo)
767. John Phillip‟s The Splendid Shilling is a Parody of the style of Milton‟s ----
---- (Paradise Lost)
768. Who is known as the „Ploughman‟ -------- (Robert Burns)
769. Which novel begins with the sentence „It is true observation that examples
work more forcibly only on the mind than precept‟? (Joseph Andrews)
770. To whom Henry Fielding‟s Tom Jones is dedicated? -------- (George Lytton)
771. The first edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica came out in -------- (1771)
772. „When lovely woman stoops to fall‟ occurs in a play written by --------

1. Why is the year 1798 taken to be the year of the beginning of the Romantic movement?
(Because it was the year in which Wordsworth‟s Lyrical Ballads was published)
2. Who was the authors of the lyrical ballads? (Wordsworth and Coleridge)
3. Wordsworth‟s Prelude is an -------- (autobiographical poem)
4. „We are laid asleep in body and become a living soul‟. In which poem of Wordsworth does
this line occur? (Tintern Abbey)
5. Collin‟s poem In Yonder Grave a Druid Lies is an elegy on the death of -------- (James
6. In Nightmare Abbey Thomas Love Peacock satirises -------- (Shelley and Coleridge)
7. Who is the author of the Four Ages of Poetry? (Thomas Love Peacock)
8. To which poet does the phrase „willing suspension of disbelief‟ applies to --------
9. „But Europe at the time was thrilled with joy, France standing on the top of golden hours;
And human nature seeming born again. Which „time‟ is Wordsworth referring to in these
lines -------- (The period of French Revolution)
10. „Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven‟. This line occurs
in Wordsworth‟s -------- (The Prelude)
11. „Hell like a city much like London‟. Whose view is this? (Shelley)
12. Who was the intellectual father of the French Revolution? (Rousseau)
13. The mariner in The Ancient Mariner kills -------- (An Albatross)
14. „O lady, we receive but what we give/ And in our life alone does nature live‟. Who is the
„lady‟ Wordsworth addresses in these lines ?-------- (Dorothy Wordsworth, his sister)
15. Robert Southey‟s A Vision of Judgement is a ludicrous eulogy of -------- (George II)
16. Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University for the publication of -------- (On the
Necessity of Atheism)
17. Who was the poet who worked one morning and found himself famous? (Lord Byron)
18. Who called Shelley „an ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain‟?
(Matthew Arnold)
19. Name the novelist whose novels are Waverly novels? (Walter Scott)
20. „Elia‟ is the pen-name assumed by -------- (Charles Lamb)
21. Shelley‟s Defence of Poetry is a rejoinder to -------- (Thomas Love Peacock‟s The Four
Ages of Poetry)
22. Madeline is the heroine of the narrative poem of Keats titled -------- (Eve of St.Agnes)
23. Who said about himself „My name is writ in waters‟? (Keats)
24. Who said „I have a smack of Hamlet myself‟? (Coleridge)
25. Shelley‟s death was caused by -------- (drowning)
26. „Nothing to him that doth fade / But doth suffer a see change / into something rich and
strange‟ Those lines from Arial‟s song were inscribed upon the grave of one of the
following poets -------- (Shelley)
27. „Life like a dome of many coloured glass / stains the white radiance of eternity / until
death tramples it to fragments die‟. From which poem are the above lines quoted --------
(Shelley‟s Adonais)
28. One of Keats‟ odes ends with the line „for ever with thou love and she be fair‟. Name the
ode:-------- (Ode on a Grecian Urn)
29. „A thing of beauty is a joy for ever‟. A verse tale of Keats begins with this line. Identify
the tale -------- (Endymion)
30. „We look before and after / And pine for what is not‟. In which of Shelly‟s lyrics to these
lines occur? (To a Skylark)
31. „He prayeth best, who loveth best / All things great and small‟. In which poem do these
lines occur -------- (The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
32. Who is the author of Life of Scott? (John Lockhart)
33. Who is the author of Confession of an English Opium Eater? (Thomas de Quincey)
34. Who has written Tales from Shakespeare? (Charles Lamb)
35. The author of Biographia Literaria is -------- (Coleridge)
36. Who is considered to be the most remarkable historical novelist of theRomantic period?
(Walter Scott)
37. Edinburgh Review was found in -------- (1802)
38. The severe criticism of Endyminon which is believed to have hastened Keats‟death
appeared in -------- (The Quarterly Review)
39. „Referring to Adonais Shelley said, „I have dipped my pen is consuming fire for his
destroyers‟. Who were these destroyers? -------- (The editors of both The Quartely
Review and The Backwood magazine)
40. After whom did Wordsworth become the Poet Laureate of England -------- (Robert
41. After whose refusal, the poet Laureateship was conferrced on Robert Southey -------
(Walter Scott)
42. Charles lamb wrote play ----- (The Good- natured Man)
43. Why is the Year 1837 taken as the dosing year of the Romantic period and beginning of
the Victorian age? (Because Tennyson came into prominence in this year)
44. Theodare Watts Duntan gives the title „The Renaissance of Wonder‟ to the --------
(Romantic Period)
45. Who gave the Slogan „Back to Nature‟? (Rousseau)
46. Who says „The romantic movement was the expression of individual genius rather than
the established rules‟? (W.J.Long)
47. The phrase „The high road of life‟ was used by -------- (Coleridge)
48. The open warfare between England and France took place in the year -------- (1793)
49. Who is the last leader in Browning‟s poem The Last Leader? (Wordsworth)
50. Tintern Abbey and Intimations of Immortality are two famous poems by --------
51. S.T.Coleridge produced a play Remorse in the year -------- (1813)
52. Byron‟s The Vision of Judgement (1822) is a -------- (Political Satire)
53. Shelley‟s The Witch of Atlas, which was written in 1820 was published in -------- (1824)
54. Thomas Moore‟s Life of Byron appeared in -------- (1824)
55. Thomas Love Peacock‟s satirical novel Nightmare Abbey came out in -------- (1818)
56. Jane Austen‟s Northanger Abbey which was written in 1798, was published in -------
57. Lochinvar is a piece of poetic work by -------- (Scott)
58. Lochinvar has been taken from the larger poetic work -------- (Marmion 1808)
59. Calebs in Search of a Wife is a novel by -------- (Hannah More)
60. Peterloo Massacre took place in -------- (1819)
61. Peninsular War began in -------- (1808)
62. Byron‟s English Bards and Scotch Reviewers is about -------- (Survey of English poetry
and contemporary scene)
63. Who said Byron was „mad-bad and dangerous to know‟? (Lady Lamb)
64. Who said about Wordsworth, „His poetry is the reality, his philosophy is illusion‟?
65. Who wrote Frankenstein? (Mary Shelley)
66. Maturin‟s Melmoth, the Wanderer is a -------- (Gothic novel)
67. Sybil, a novel is a powerful exposure to the abuses related to Capital and Labour. Who
wrote it? (Mrs.Gaskell)
68. Wordsworth‟s The Borderers (1975) is a -------- (Blank verse tragedy)
69. Who wrote „A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own
solitude with sweet sounds‟? (Byron)
70. Table Talk is an essay on Shakespeare by -------- (Coleridge)
71. Scott‟s The Antiquaty was written in the year -------- (1816)
72. Who said about Scott that „he can not construct and he has a trivial mind and a heavy
style‟? (E.M.Forster)
73. Shelley‟s The Cenci is a -------- (Tragedy)
74. Who married Mary Wollstone Craft? (Shelley)
75. Godwin‟s second novel St.Leon came out in -------- (1799)
76. The times under the name of the daily Universal Register was brought out by --------
(John Walter)
77. Wordsworth‟s The Prelude, which was completed in 1805, was published in --------
78. The Prelude has been divided into -------- books. (14)
79. The great Ode to Dejection was written by -------- (Coleridge)
80. Byron directed his satire mainly against -------- (Southey)
81. Who said „If winter comes, can spring be far behind‟? (Shelley)
82. Who said „first in beauty shall be first in might? (Keats)
83. Thomas Campbell‟s ------ is a tale of Pennsylvania (Gertrude of Wyoming)
84. Which novel of James Cooper deals with the sea? (The Pilot)
85. Whose biography did Walter Scott write? (Napoleon)
86. Life of Walter Scott was written by -------- (John Lockhart)
87. Mr.Rochester is a character in the novel -------- (Jane Eyre)
88. Godwin‟s third novel Fleetwood came out in -------- (1801)
89. Jane Austen‟s Emma was written in the year -------- (1816)
90. News from Nowhere is a dream allegory by -------- (William Morris)
91. Walter Scott‟s novel Rob Roy came out in -------- (1817)
92. Essays on Education, Manners and Literature was written by -------- (William Godwin)
93. Godwin‟s Life of Chaucer appeared in -------- (1803)
94. The number of lectures delivered by Coleridge on Shakespeare is -------- (43)
95. Which play was not discussed by Coleridge? (King Lear)
96. Guy Mannering is a novel by -------- (Walter Scott)
97. Who said that Scott „has neither artistic detachment nor passion‟? (Forster)
98. Who was not influenced by William Godwin? (Coleridge)
99. Which book was inspired by the French Revolution? (The Inquiry Concerning Political
100. William Godwin brought out his Inquiry Concerning Political Justice in the year --------
101. Walter Scott brought out his novel The Legend of Monstrose in the year -------- (1819)
102. The history of England is a theme of Scott‟s novel -------- (Ivanhoe)
103. In Austen‟s Pride and Prejudice the name of the clergy man is -------- (Mr.Collins)
104. Jane Throp is a character in the novel -------- (Northanger Abbey)
105. Whose novels can be considered as „domestic‟ or „the tea table‟ novels? (George Eliot)
106. How many novels did Jane Austen write? (6)
107. Who wrote The Confession of an English Opium Eater? (Thomas De Quincey)
108. Who called Heywood „a sort of prose Shakespeare‟? (Evelynn Waugh)
109. The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire was written by -------- (Gibbons) which begins
with the reign of Trojan in A.D. 98 and ends with -------- (the fall of the Bynastine
Empire in 1453)
110. Shelley was influenced by the book -------- (Political Justice)
111. Keats died in 1821 and Shelley died in the year -------- (1822)
112. Robert Southey and Coleridge died in the same year -------- (1834)
113. The House of Aspen is the only play by -------- (Scott)
114. The Tiger is a poem by -------- (Blake)
115. Richard Sheridan born in 1752 died in -------- (1816)
116. How many plays of Shakespeare have been given prose form in Tales from Shakespeare?
117. Don Juan was written by -------- (Byron)
118. Byron‟s Don Juan is an-------- (Epic satire)
119. Cobbert‟s Political Register appeared in -------- (1802)
120. Wordsworth‟s The Excursion, though completed before 1810 appeared in -------- (1814)
121. Who said „I never thought as a child, never had the language of a child‟? (Coleridge)
122. Frost at Mid-night a meditative poem was written by -------- (Coleridge)
123. Byron wrote his tragedies in -------- (blank verse)
124. Shelley‟s O‟ World! O‟ Life! O‟ Time is a -------- (Lyric)
125. Keats‟ --------- is a story of the elopement of two lovers (The Eve of St. Agnes)
126. Samuel Rogers‟ ---------- is a Byronic tale (Jacqueline (1814))
127. Washington Irving‟s historical work The Conquest of Granada appeared in -------- (1829)
128. Is it true that almost no substantial comedy was written during the Romantic period ------
-- (True)
129. To Autumn is a poem by -------- (Keats)
130. Who wrote the following line :
The desire of the moth for the star, / Of the night for the tomorrow
The devotion to something after? / From the sphere of our borrow. (Shelley)
131. In Scottish folklore the appearance of a Bonshoe signifies a -------- (drunkard)
132. The Saint‟s Everlasting Rest was written by -------- (Baxter)
133. Rosamund Gray is a novel by -------- (Lamb)
134. The name of John Keats‟s first poem is -------- (Endymion)
135. Leigh hunt‟s The Examiner appeared in -------- (1808)
136. Who is the writer of Lucy poems? (Wordsworth)
137. Coleridge met Wordsworth in -------- (1797)
138. Which one of the following works of Coleridge was published posthumously? (Table
139. Which tragedy of Lord Byron was not produced in 1821? (Manfred)
140. John Keats came in contact with Leigh Hunt in the year -------- (1816)
141. Which work of Keats is based on Burton‟s The Anatomy of Melancholy? (Lamia)
142. Which work of Leigh hunt is is a novel? (Sir. Ralph Esher 1852)
143. Who had an afflicted sister? (Charles Lamb)
144. Shelley‟s Mosque of Anarchy is a -------- (satire)
145. --------, a tragedy was written by Coleridge (Remorse)
146. Frances Jeffrey was the editor of the -------- (TheEdinburgh Review)
147. Keats took the Endymion story from -------- (Greek mythology)
148. What is the name of an eighteenth century painter, whose one painting is still in the
National portrait gallery? He was also an author and essayist. (Hazlitt)
149. The Lady of the Lake is a poem by -------- (Walter Scott)
150. Who defines elegy as „The form of poetry natural to the reflective mind which may use
any subject so long as it is related to the poet himself‟? (Coleridge)
151. The Old English Baron is a novel by -------- (Clara Reeve)
152. Shelley‟s To a Skylark came out with -------- (Promotheus Unbound)
153. Corneille is the name of a -------- (French dramatist)
154. Who wrote for Spenser, „The gentle Bard, chosen by the muse for their page of state,
sweet Spenser…. I called him brother, Englishman and friend -------- (Wordsworth)
155. Who wrote a long poem The Task? (William Cowper)
156. The Task was written at the suggestion of -------- (Lady Austen)
157. The Task has been written in -------- (Blank Verse)
158. „God made the country‟ is an extract from -------- (The Task)
159. Who made the cryptic remark that Milton was „of the Devil‟s party without knowing it‟ --
------ (Blake)
160. John Keats‟ first poem is -------- (Endymion)
161. William Cowper‟s last poem is -------- (The Catoway)
162. Shelley‟s Epipsychidon is a rapsody extolling -------- (Platonic love)
163. Proud Maisie is a ballad by -------- (Scott)
164. Christabel is an unfinished poem by -------- (Coleridge)
165. For which book Shelley was expelled from the Oxford University?-------- (The Necessity
of Atheism)
166. On which work was Shelley working when he died? (The Triumph of Life)
167. Shelley‟s Defense of Poetry written in 1821, was published in -------- (1840)
168. Shelley‟s Adonais is an -------- (Elegy)
169. Blake‟s Song of Experience came out in -------- (1794)
170. To a Skylark is a poem by -------- (Shelley)
171. Queen Mab is an atheistic poem of -------- (Shelley)
172. Who wrote the four ages of poetry? (Peacock)
173. Prometheus Unbound was written by -------- (Shelley)
174. Who said that „ruins of time build mansions in eternity‟? (Blake)
175. Who said „The child is the father of the man‟? (Wordsworth)
176. Coleridge‟s newspaper The Watchman appeared in the year -------- (1796)
177. Which play of Byron is about an outcast who defies the censure of the world? (Cain)
178. Who died at the age of 25? (Keats)
179. Keats‟ Otto the Great is a -------- (Drama)
180. Who came to be known as „The Erick Shepherd‟? (James Hogg)
181. Mary Lamb, the sister of Charles Lamb, murdered her mother in -------- (1796)
182. The only instance of comedy during the Romantic period is Oedipus Tyrannus or
Swellfoot the Tyrant. Who wrote it? (Shelley)
183. Jane Austen and Charles lamb were born in the same year -------- (1775)
184. She was a „heroine whom no-one but myself will much like‟. Who is Jane Austen
referring to? (Emma)
185. Walter de la Mare wrote the poem -------- ( The Listeners)
186. The listeners in The Listerners are -------- (Phantoms)
187. Holy Thursday is a poem by -------- (Blake)
188. In his Abou Ben Adham, Leigh hunt says -------- (Love your fellow men)
189. The Jolly Beggars is a sequence of ballads by -------- (Burns)
190. Leigh Hunt, a poet associated with Keats, was born in 1784 and died in -------- (1859)
191. Who composed these lines „He prayeth best, who loveth best / All things both great and
small‟ -------- (Coleridge in Ancient Mariner)
192. Child Harold‟s Pilgrimage was written by -------- (Lord Byron)
193. Who wrote Ode to Skylark? (Shelley)
194. Who does not belong to „Satanic school‟ of criticism? (Blake)
195. Poetical Sketches is a work by -------- (Blake)
196. Blake‟s Prophetic Books does not include the poem -------- (Songs of innocence)
197. The lyric The Tyger was composed by -------- (William Blake)
198. Wordsworth was made the Poet Laureate in -------- (1843)
199. In which poem do the lines „We have given our hearts away‟/ And we are out of tune‟
appear? -------- (The World is too much with Us)
200. Who says, „I am certain of nothing bu the holiness of the hearts affection and truth of
imagination‟? (Keats)
201. Lucass says, „It was an expression of „id‟ here‟. What is it? (Romanticism)
202. Coleridge and Lamb died in the same year -------- (1834)
203. The Westminster Review came out in the year -------- (1834)
204. Who is of view that „our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting‟? (Wordsworth)
205. How many poems of Wordsworth are included in The Lyrical Ballads? (19)
206. Which one is the last of poetic tale by Lord Byron? (Mazeppa)
207. Shelley‟s Prometheus Unbound written in 1818-19 was published in -------- (1820)
208. Which work of Keats deals with the murder of a lady‟s love by her two wicked brothers?
209. Southey‟s The Life of Nelson is a prose work which came out in -------- (1813)
210. Which work of Byron is a poetical meditation on Death? (Thanatostic 1817)
211. Walter Londor‟s Court Julian is a -------- (drama)
212. Wordsworth was born in 1770 and Walter Scott in -------- (1771)
213. The Mysteries of Udolpho is a Gothic novel by -------- (Anne Radcliffe)
214. Radcliffe‟s The Italian appeared in -------- (1794)
215. Melmoth the Wanderer is a Gothic novel by -------- (Robert Maturin)
216. Lewis‟s Gothic novel The Monk was published in -------- (1797)
217. Caleb Williams is a novel by -------- (William Godwin)
218. Beckford‟s Vathek came out in -------- (1786)
219. The Absentee is the best novel by -------- (Edgeworth)
220. Adonais is an elegy on -------- (Keats)
221. Which work of Macpherson is in verse? (Ossian)
222. An Ossianic poem is not -------- (scientific)
223. Mr.Knightley a character from Jane Austen appears in -------- (Emma)
224. Jane Austen‟s Northanger Abbey, which began in 1798 was published in -------- (1818)
225. „Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive‟. Here Wordsworth is referring to -------- (French
226. Resolution and Independence is a famous poem by -------- (Wordsworth)
227. Byron‟s Satire Beppo which was written in 1818, was published in -------- (1819)
228. Which work of Shelley is inspired by the news of the Peterloo Massacre and is very
severe of Lord Castereagh? (The Masque of Anarchy)
229. The Plot of Basil is the subtitle of -------- (Isabella)
230. Thomas Moore‟s Lalla Rookh is a play and an-------- (Oriental Romance)
231. Mike Lambourne is a character from -------- (Walter Scott)
232. Sidney Smith‟s Wit and Wisdom came out in -------- (1860)
233. Childe Horold is a famous poem by -------- (Byron)
234. „Peterloo Massacre‟ influenced Shelley‟s work -------- (The Mask of Anarchy)
235. „Peterloo Massacre‟ took place in -------- (1819)
236. Coleridge‟s Biographia Literaria came out in -------- (1817)
237. Who thinks of the poet as „the unacknowledged legislator of the world‟? (Shelley)
238. The Cenci was written by -------- (Shelley)
239. The Reminiscenes of the English Lake poets was written by -------- (Thomas de Quincey)
240. Recess was written by -------- (Sophia Lee)
241. Who gave birth to historical novel? (Scott)
242. Lamb produced his Essays of Elia in -------- (1823)
243. Mason wrote an Elegy In a Churchyard in South Vales in -------- (1787)
244. Who wrote Champman‟s Homer? (Keats)
245. Which one is a Gothic novel? (Castle Rockrent)
246. Castle Rockrent is a novel by -------- (Maria Edgeworth)
247. Our Village is a novel by -------- (Mittford)
248. Scott‟s Waverley was published in -------- (1814)
249. Walter Scott‟s poem The Lay of the Last Minstrel came out in -------- (1850)
250. Marmion is a famous poem by -------- (Walter Scott)
251. Blackwood‟s Magazine came out in -------- (1817)
252. Who said, „My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky‟? (Wordsworth)
253. Who was opium-addicted? (Coleridge)
254. Byron‟s first volume Hours of Idleness came out in the year -------- (1807)
255. She Walks in Beauty and The Thyrza are mild lyrics by -------- (Byron)
256. Keats‟ La Bella Dame Sans Merci is a -------- (Lyrical Ballads)
257. Who came to be known as the „Corn Law Rhymer‟? (Ebenezer Elliott)
258. Ancient Spanish Ballads was produced by -------- (Lokhart)
259. Byron brought out his Manfred in -------- (1817)
260. The Cloud is a poem by -------- (Shelley)
261. Shelley‟s the Revolt of Islam appeared in -------- (1817)
262. Shelley‟s Julion and Maddalo written in 1818 was published in -------- (1824)
263. William Blake brought out his Songs of Innocence in -------- (1779)
264. Ode to the West Wind was written by -------- (Shelley)
265. Who said „Not to sympathise is not to understand‟? (De Quincey)
266. The Road to Ruin is a sentimental comedy by -------- (Thomas Holcraft)
267. Thomas Holcraft born in 1745 died in -------- (1805)
268. Who said about Wordsworth „He is often too diffuse and didactic for me‟? (Tennyson)
269. The quality of self effacement is called -------- (Negative capability)
270. The term „Negative Capability‟ was given by -------- (Keats)
271. Who wrote English bards and Scotch Reviewers? (Lord Byron)
272. George Knightley is a character from the novel -------- (Emma)
273. Which work of Coleridge has the subtitle „A Dramatic Poem in Humble Limitation of the
Winter‟s Take of Shakespeare‟? (Zapolyta)
274. Frank Churchill is a character in the novel -------- (Emma)
275. Who is known as „The Prince of English Essayists‟? (Lamb)
276. Daffodils is a poem by -------- (Wordsworth)
277. Harriet Smith is a character in the novel -------- (Emma)
278. Tales from Shakespeare came out in -------- (1807)
279. Tales from Shakespeare was brought out by -------- (Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb)
280. The Sick Rose is a poem by -------- (Blake)
281. The Rehearsal was written by -------- (Duke of Buckingham)
282. Who attacked the immorality of the English stage? (Jeremy Collier)
283. An Essay on the Porter Scene in Macbeth was written by -------- (De Quincey)
284. Who says that „A tyrant is the worst disease, and the cause of the all others‟? (Blake)
285. The London Magazine appeared in -------- (1820)
286. Who is of the view that „To me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do
often lie too deep for tears‟? (Wordsworth)
287. The total number of poems included in The Lyrical Ballads is -------- (23)
288. Which poem of Byron came out in 1814? (The Bride of Abydos)
289. Whose first wife committed suicide? (Shelley)
290. Keats‟ volume of poems was dedicated to -------- (Leigh Hunt)
291. Who said, „I am certain of nothing but the Holiness of the heart‟s affections and the truth
of imagination‟? (Keats)
292. Who died of Tuberculosis? (Keats)
293. In Scott‟s Ivanhoe, the name of the disguished Robin Hood is ------(Briande Bess-
294. Alaster or the Spirit of Solitude was written by -------- (Shelley)
295. Charles lamb is best known for his -------- (Tales from Shakespeare)
296. Intellectual Beauty is a composition by -------- (Shelley)
297. Who remarked „literature is the humanization of the whole world‟? (Goethe)
298. Walter Scott‟s The Talisman is about -------- (The Crusades)
299. Old Mortality is a novel by -------- (Walter Scott)
300. Who is considered to be the founder of the historical novel? (Walter Scott)
301. The Specimen of the English Dramatic Poets was written by -------- (Lamb)
302. Shelley writes „Then Alpheus bald / on his glacier cold‟ in -------- (River in Arcadia)
303. Ode to Evening is an 18th century poem by -------- (William Collins)
304. Thomas de Quincey published his essay On Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth in the year -
------- (1823)
305. Scott‟s novel Anne Grierstein and Kenilworth are based on -------- (French history)
306. Who said „Lamb was the most delightful, the most provoking and sensible of men. He
always made the best pun and the best remark in the course of evening‟? (De Quincey)
307. Sir.Walter Scott has been best remembered for his book -------- (Ivanhoe)
308. Which poem of Keats highly impressed Shelley? (Hyperion)
309. Who wrote Magnificence? (Skelton)
310. Who was of the view that „without contraries there is no progression‟? (Blake)
311. Who wrote the following line: „And their sun does nevershine / And their fields are bleak
and bare‟? (Blake)
312. Who believes that „the tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruct‟? (Blake)
313. Virginibus Puerisque a collection of essays was written by -------- (R.L.Stevenson)
314. Wordsworth was born in 1770; Walter Scott was born in -------- (1770)
315. The Triumph of Life is a dream allegory by -------- (Shelley)
316. The Heart of Midlothian is a novel by -------- (Walter Scott)
317. Who regarded Waverley as one of best things that has been written in the world?
318. Who talked of the divinity of Shakespeare? (Coleridge)
319. The phrase „wonderful philosophical impartiality‟ was used by -------- (Coleridge)
320. „Motiveless malignity‟ is a phrase from -------- (Coleridge)
321. Cloudesley is a weak novel by -------- (Godwin)
322. Who is of the view that „All things that love the sun are out of doors‟? (Wordsworth)
323. How many poems of Coleridge are included in the lyrical ballads? (4)
324. The fourth canto of Child Harold‟s Pilgrimage appeared in the year -------- (1818)
325. Which work of Shelley was written in irregular unrhymed metre? (Queen Mab)
326. Keats‟ ------ is based on Drayton‟s The Man in the Moon and Fletcher‟s The Faithfull
Shepherdess? (Endymion)
327. Who said „if poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree, it had better not come at
all? (Keats)
328. Rejected Addresses was written by -------- (James Smith and Horace Smith)
329. Hazlitt‟s The Spirit of the Age came out in the year -------- (1825)
330. Who wrote „For thy sake, tobacco, I would do anything but die‟? (Lamb)
331. Who called Wordsworth a moral Eunuch? (Shelley)
332. Who was of the view that „hell is a city much like London‟? (Shelley)
333. Who said „pity would be no more if we did not make somebody poor‟? (Blake)
334. Blake‟s The Book of Urizen tells us about the -------- (Origin of Evil)
335. Who said „man is born free, but alas, he is everywhere in chains‟? (Rousseau)
336. Who is of the view that „Beauty is truth and truth beauty‟? (Keats)
337. Who wrote „It is strange but true for truth is always strange, stranger than fiction‟?
338. When was the reform bill passed? (1832)
339. Who said „What the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth‟? (Keats)
340. Who postulated the „noble savage‟? (Rousseau)
341. Reflection on the Revolution in France and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in
London Relative to that Event, published in 1790 was the work of -------- (Burke)
342. The fall of the prison of Bascille that marks the beginning of the French Revolution
occurred on -------- (July 14, 1789)
343. Who wrote the Ode to France under the influence of the French Revolution? (Coleridge)
344. In which of his poems Shelley denounces all the forces of tyranny and oppression
represented by Kings and priests? (The Revolt of Islam)
345. Though Keats was the least affected by the French Revolution directly, which of his
works has been said to be bearing revolutionary implications? (Hyperion)
346. Wordsworth has described various stages of his associations with nature. In which stage
did he hear the still sad music of humanity? (The final stage)
347. In which of his poems Wordsworth tells the scholar to do away with books and make
nature his teacher? (Table Turned)
348. Who uses the „pansies‟ as the symbol of sad thoughts and „wolets‟ as of modesty and
innocence in one of his poems? (Shelley)
349. „And it is my fain / That every flower enjoys the air it breathes‟ who holds this faith?
350. What has been addressed as a „cloud of fire‟ an „unembodied joy‟, „a golden glowworm,
and a poet hidden in the gift of thought‟? (Skylark)
351. Who has been said to combine pantheism and Platonism in his nature poetry? (Shelley)
352. Shelley writes in Adonais „A portion of the loveliness / which once he made more
lovely‟. Who does „he‟ refer to in these lines? (Keats)
353. Which of the nature poets has been said to be endowed with „organic sensibility‟? (Keats)
354. Who wrote the Isles of Greece a fine appreciation of the great deeds done by the Greeks
in the past? (Byron)
355. Whom does the Greek God Pan fight with in Shelley‟s Hymn of Pan? (Apollo)
356. „Hallas‟ a frequent word in romantic poetry refers to -------- (The oldest poet of Greece)
357. Which poems of Keats bear the mark of Hellenism? (Endymion and Hyperion)
358. The most important ballad collection of the eighteenth century was Reliques of Ancient
English Poetry. Who made this admirable collection? (Bishop Percy)
359. The ossiantic poems which explore the world of Celtic antiquity was written by ------
360. Porphyro and Medeline are the lovers in -------- (The Eve of St.Agnes)
361. Who was called of Keats as „The Egotistical sublime‟? (Wordsworth)
362. Who has been referred to as „The high priest of romanticism‟? (Coleridge)
363. „Abundantly and enchantingly sensuous‟. This phrase was attributed to Keats by --------
364. Prior to Keats who else was an endowment of what has been called the „Negative
Capability‟ -------- (Shakespeare)
365. Regarding whom does Symonds write „In none of his greatest contemporaries was the
lyrical faculty so paramount‟? (Shelley)
366. Frankenstein, a pro-science fiction was written by -------- (Mary Shelley)
367. Who is Frankestein in Mary Shelley‟s novel? (The scientist)
368. In which of his poems Wordsworth records his impressions of a manufacturing district of
Northern England? (The Excursion)
369. The historic drama The Fall of Robespierre published in 1794 was written by Coleridge
and -------- (Southey)
370. A pre-revolution poem by Southey is -------- (Joan of Arc)
371. Who introduces as a narrator a country person exploring „The simple annals‟ of his parish
leaving in his poem The Parish Register? (Crabbe)
372. Lady Catherine is the famous character of Austen‟s -------- (Pride and Prejudice)
373. Who is the author of the Absentee Ormond and Castle Packrent? (Edgeworth)
374. The first two cantons of Childe Harold which made Byron instantaneously famous were
published in -------- (1812)
375. Sardanapalus and The Two Fosconi are the verse tragedies of -------- (Byron)
376. Which is written in 1821 and published posthumously in 1840 bears Shelley‟s most
confidential proclamation of the social function of poetry and the prophetic role of the
poet? (A Defence of poetry)
377. Who wrote An Essay on the Principles of Human Action from which Keats drew
considerably? (Hazlitt)
378. Hazlitt presented a sharp and witty criticism of his literary and political contemporaries in
1825 in his -------- (Essays on the Principles of Human Action)
379. Who established his literary reputation as „Elia‟ the author of a series of essays mostly
contributed to the London Magazine? (Charles Lamb)
380. Who wrote a poem by the name The Shepherd‟s Calendar that was published in 1827?
(John Clare)
381. „Liberty the soul of life shall reign, I shall throb in every pulse, shall flow through every
vein‟. Who wrote the above lines about the French Revolution? (S.T.Coleridge)
382. „Men of England, wherefore plough / For the lords who lay le low?‟ These revolutionary
thoughts hailed from -------- (Shelley)
383. John Murray and William Gifford were the publishesr and editors of -------- (The
Quarterly Review)
384. About which magazine Scott had said „No genteel family can pretend to be without it‟
and Carlyle had remarked that it was „a kind of Delphic oracle and voice of the inspired
for the great majority of what is called the intelligent public‟? (The Edinburgh Review)
385. Who in his critical work wrote about the time of Shakespeare endeavoured to spread the
knowledge of older English playwrights? (Lamb)
386. Who wrote the essays Note on the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth and Murder, which is
considered as one of the fine arts? (Thomas de Quincey)
387. Whose fame as an essayist rests on imaginary conversation? (Landor)
388. The credit of pioneering the historical novel is often attributed to -------- (Scott)
389. -------- is an attempt at historical fiction made prior to Scott‟s popularization of the genre?
(The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter, Recess by Sophia Lee)
390. In which of his novels Scott represented that Shakespeare died in 1590 without writing
his tragadies? (Wood Stock)
391. In which one of Austen‟s novels Fanny visits her parents‟ home at apartments after an
absence of more than 10 years? (Mansfield park)
392. Where does Darcy propose Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice? (Hunsford parsonage)
393. In which novel of Austen, John Dashwood the henpecked husband appears? (Sense and
394. Which work of Jane Austen is a satire directed against Gothic Romance and stormy
passions? (Northanger Abbey)
395. Who wrote blank verse tragedies such as Cain, Manfred, Marino Faliero and The
Deformed Transformed? (Byron)
396. Who wrote the tragedy John Woodvil that was originally given the title Dride‟s Care? (De
397. „The Churchyard School of Poets‟ means -------- (The poets who wrote poetry chiefly of
melancholic strain)
398. Who has been called a „Ploughman poet‟? (Burns)
399. Tom Jones by Henry Fielding was dedicated to -------- (G.Lyttleton)
400. Whom did T.L.Peacock satirise in his Nightmare Abbey? (Shelley and Coleridge)
401. „It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good tune must
be in want of a wife‟. Which novel of Jane Austen begins with this sentence? (Pride and
402. The Times which acquired this name in 1788 was earlier known as -------- (Daily
Universal Register)
403. Who has written „Hell is much like London‟? (Shelley)
404. Many critics have hailed the publication of The Lyrical Ballads as the beginning of the
Romantic period. In which year was it published? (1798)
405. The Romantic writers were influenced by the idealism of German Philosophers such as --
------ (Kant and Hagel)
406. Who emphasized the use of the „language really used by men‟ for poetry? (Wordsworth)
407. „Regarding whom did Charlotte Bronte say „The passions are perfectly unknown to her /
she rejects even a speaking acquinted / with that stormy sisterhood‟? (Jane Austen)
408. Who hastened the death of Keats according to Shelley‟s Adonais? (The Brutal reviewers)
409. Who expressed his dislike for „poetry that has a palpable design upon us‟ in one of his
letters? (Keats)
410. „It is no small thing to have so loved the principle of beauty as to perceive the necessary
relation of beauty with truth, and of both with joy‟. Who is Arnold talking about in his
sentence? (Keats)
411. Who called Keats „A Greek‟ for his preoccupation with Hellenism in poetry? (Shelley)
412. Which book though not literature, exercised an enormous influence in England during the
beginning of 19th century? (Thomas Paine‟s Rights of Man)
413. Who formed „pantisocracy on the bank of susquehanna‟? (Coleridge and Southey)
414. Who wrote „Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven‟?
(William Wordsworth)
415. The age of Romanticism was -------- (1800-1850)
416. Name the woman novelist whose pictures of Irish life suggested to Walter Scott the idea
of writing Scottish romances. (Maria Edgeworth)
417. Who writes novel of haunted castles, bandits, trapdoor and horror? (Mrs.Anne Radcliffe)
418. Where do we meet Hermes, Lycious, Apolonius? (Lamia)
419. The story of Lamia is taken from -------- (Philostratus)
420. Keats‟ Endymion has -------- (4000 lines)
421. Who is the pair of lovers Endymion does not meet in Keats Endymion? (Romeo and
422. The Lyrical Ballads opens with -------- (Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
423. The Lyrical Ballads closes with -------- (Lines written above Tintern Abbey)
424. Who was the third person with Coleridge and Wordsworth at Quantock Hills when the
lyrical ballads were composed? (Dorothy Wordsworth)
425. Who wrote „Our sweetest songs are those / that tell our saddest thoughts‟? (P.B.Shelley)
426. How do we classify Shelley‟s Prometheous Unbound? (A lyrical drama)
427. Name the Journal to which Southey contributed regularly. (The Quarterly Review)
428. Sir.Walter Scott collected Scottish ballads and published them along with his own as -----
--- (Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border)
429. How old was Byron when he published Hour of Idleness, a collection of poems in heroic
couplet? (19)
430. When Hours of Idleness was criticized by The Edinburgh Review Lord Byron retaliated
by writing a satiric piece. What was the title of the satire? (English Bards and Scotch
431. How many Cantos could Byron complete of Childe Harold‟s Pilgrimage during his two
years tour of the continent? (First two)
432. The first two cantos of Childe Harold take a reader to -------- (Spain and Portugal)
433. What is the tone of the ending of the second canto of Childe Harold? (Self-pitying)
434. In which canto does the description of the Battle of Waterloo appear? (Canto III)
435. Who is the hero of Childe Harold? (The poet himself)
436. Michael, The Solitary Reaper, and To a Highand Girl depict -------- (simple common
437. What was Wordsworth‟s professed aim in The Lyrical Ballads? (Simplicity of diction)
438. Which work inspired Coleridge‟s Kublakhan? (Purchas‟s Pilgrimage)
439. The name of the prisoner of Chillon was -------- (Francops de Bonnivad)
440. The Vision of Judgement is a -------- (satire on Southey)
441. Don Juan has -------- (16 Cantos)
442. Who is Haidee in Don Juan? (Daughter of an old pirate)
443. Where do we find these lines? „Man‟s love is of man‟s life a thing apart / its woman‟s
whole existence….‟ (Don Juan)
444. Where do we meet these characters? Don Alfonso, Julia, Sultana -------- (Don Juan)
445. When he wrote Queen Mab, Shelley was only -------- (18)
446. Which of Shelley‟s poems has a story from Greek mythology? (Prometheus Unbound)
447. Which poem was inspired by the Greek proclamation of independence followed by Greek
revolt against Turkish rule? (Hellas)
448. We meet characters such as Asia, Hercules,and Jupitar in -------- (Prometheus unbound)
449. In which novel Scott projects Scotland under Robert Bruce King and National hero?
(Castle Dangerous)
450. ------ was written by Walter Scott (The Black Dwarf)
451. What is the background of Ivanhoe? (Enmity of saxon and Norman)
452. Who wrote the following „castle Rockrent the Absentee ormond‟? (Maria Edgeworth)
453. This women novelist wrote „Scotch‟ novelist Thaddeus of warsaw and the Scottish chief,
who is she? (Jane Porter)
454. Who wrote Headlong Hall, Maid Marian -------- (Thomas peacock)
455. One of the „Edinburgh Review‟ -------- (William backwood)
456. One of the characters of Jane Austen remarks „A lady imaginations is very rapid; it jumps
from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment‟ who said this and in
which novel? (Darcy in Pride and Prejudice)
457. His sonnet was rejected by a magazine Gem on the plea that it would „shock mothers‟
who is he? (Charles Lamb)
458. This patriotic song is often prescribed for school anthologies in India. Who is the poet?
(Walter Scott)
459. Where do we find Bingley? (Pride and prejudice)
460. When was the unfinished dream poem „Kublakhan‟ published? (1816)
461. Who wrote „My hopes are with the dead, anon / My place with them will be….‟? (Robert
462. Which ballads and short tales are written by Robert Southey? (Bishop Hatto)
463. Who wrote the popular nursery tale three bears? (Robert Southey)
464. What according to Wordsworth, is the power of nature? (To teach to devate)
465. Name Wordsworth‟s spiritual autobiography. (The Prelude)
466. In which poem do these lines occur, „For oft when on my couch, lie / In vacant or in
pensive mood…‟ (To Daffodils)
467. Who wrote Lectures on Shakespeare and Biographia Literaria? (S.T.Coleridge)
468. What is Coleridge‟s Ahima poetae? (Table talk and notes)
469. Who is the author of story of Rumini? (Leigh Hunt)
470. Where were Lyrical Ballads written? (Quantoce hills)
471. Which novel begins with „It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in
possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife‟? (Pride and Prejudice)
472. Who is Elia of Charles lamb‟s essays of Elia? (An Italian Clerk with whom he had
worked in the south sea house)
473. Essays of Elia first appeared in -------- (London magazine)
474. Whom does Lamb describe as „an archangel a little damage‟? (Coleridge)
475. Who is a member of „Cockney school‟? (Hazlitt)
476. Who wrote letter to Mr.Gifford the round table, table talk the spirit of the age? (William
477. Who is the author of imaginary conversations? (Landor)
478. Who started and edited political Register, a weekly newspaper? (William Cobbet)
479. Who had said that „truth is always strange, stranger than fiction‟? (Byron)
480. Scott‟s novels are set in -------- (Scotland)
481. Who wrote „Waverley novels‟? (Scott)
482. The celebrated twentieth century novelist Woolf had died by drowning herself, which
romantic poet had died a similar death? (Shelley)
483. Who had refused to accept the post of poet laureate in 1813 as a result of which it had
gone to Robert Southey? (Scott)
484. To whom, poetry is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge (Shelley)
485. Who said, „In vain he jests in his unpolished strain, And tries to make his reader laugh in
vain‟? (Addison)
486. Who said, „One may be a poet without versifying and a versifier without poetry‟?
487. In which chapter of Biographia Literaria is the phrase „willing suspension of disbelief‟
mentioned? (XIV)
488. Who think that the origin of poetry is in „emotions recollected in tranquillity‟?
489. Who said the Arnold‟s flights are short flights or circular flights? (T.S.Eliot)
490. Which chapters of Biographia Literaria are devoted to the study of Wordsworth? (XIV-
491. Who said, „Poetry sheds no tears such as angles weep, but natural and human tears‟?
492. On whom Arnold did not write an essay? (Scott)
493. Who choose humble and rustic life as the theme of the poetry? (Wordsworth)
494. Who said „If poetry instructs, it does go only through pleasure‟ (Coleridge)
495. Pant isocracy is -------- (An ideal society envisaged by Coleridge and Southey)
496. Who is not a lake poet in Romantic period? (Byron)
497. The subtitle of Wordsworth‟s poem Micheal is -------- (A Pastrol)
498. „Conversational poems‟ are associated with -------- (Coleridge)
499. Coleridge‟s Tree Bower My Prison is a -------- (Conversational)
500. „I may not hope from outward forms to win / The passion and the life / whose fountains
are with in‟. These lines are from Coleridge‟s -------- (Dejection : An Ode)
501. Coleridge‟s conversational poem Frost at Midnight is addressed to -------- (his son)
502. „A spring of love gushed from my hearts / and I blessed them unaware‟. These lines are
from -------- (The Ancient Mariner)
503. Who wrote poems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect? (Robert Burns)
504. According to Coleridge the composition Kublakhan was interrupted by -------- (A person)
505. The Cotter‟s Saturday Night is a famous poem written by -------- (Burns)
506. Burn‟s The Jolly Beggars draws on -------- (John Gay‟s The Beggar‟s Opera)
507. Byron‟s English bards and Scotch Reviewers is a -------- (satire)
508. „I awoke one morning and found myself famous‟. This sudden fame of Byron was caused
by -------- (Child Harold‟s pilgrimage)
509. Childe Harold‟s Pilgrimage first appeared in -------- (The Bride of Abydos)
510. Byronic Hero first appeared as a -------- (Closet drama)
511. Most autobiographical of all Byron‟s woks is -------- (Manfred)
512. Byron‟s Manfred is a -------- (Closet drama)
513. Don Juan is in -------- (Ottava rima)
514. What is most common to Don Juan and Spenser‟s The Faerie Queen? (Both are
515. Whose qualities are described by Lord Macaulay as „a man proud, moody and cynical,
with defiance on his brow and misery at his heart, a scotner of his kind, implacable in
nevenge, yet capable of deep and strong affection? (Byronic hero)
516. Shelley‟s first long poem is -------- (Queen Mab)
517. Shelley‟s Prometheus Unbound is a -------- (Closet drama)
518. Prometheus Unbound is drawn on the Prometheus bound of -------- (Aeschylus)
519. Shelley translated -------- (Plato‟s Symposium)
520. In Prometheus Unbound the tyrannical Zeus is replaced by -------- (Demogorgon)
521. Which of Keat‟s poems begins with the line „A thing of beauty is a joy forever‟?
522. Edinburgh magazine included -------- in it‟s Cockney school of poetry (Keats)
523. The Eve of St.Agnes is a narrative poem in -------- (Spenserian Stanza)
524. Madeline figures in -------- (The Eve of St.Agnes)
525. Keats‟s Odes were written between -------- (1818-1819)
526. „The fancy cannot cheat so well / As she is famed to do deceiving self‟. These lines are
from Keats‟s -------- (Ode to the Nightingale)
527. Keats‟s contrasts Shakespeare‟s „Negative Capability‟ with Wordsworth‟s --------
(Egotisical Sublimity)
528. Which poem ends with the equation of beauty and Truth? (Ode on a Grecian urn)
529. „Charmed magic casements, opening on the foam / of perilous seas in fairy lands forlorn‟.
These lines occur in -------- (Ode to a Nightingale)
530. The state „when man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any
irritable reaching after fact and reason‟ is called -------- (Negative capability)
531. Who defines the poet as a man endowed with „more than usual organic sensibility‟?
532. Who wrote „Axioms in philosophy are not axioms until they are proved upon our lives‟?
533. Whose words are these? „She knelt so pure a thing so free from mortal trait‟ (Shelley)
534. Coleridge‟s Rime of Ancient Mariner is in the form and style of -------- (Ballads)
535. Byron‟s Childe Harold‟s Pilgrimage and Shelley‟s The Revolt of Islam and Adonais are
in -------- (Spenserian Stanza)
536. Elinor and Mariane was an early version of Jane Austen‟s -------- (Sense and Sensibility)
537. Susan was the first versions of -------- (Emma)
538. First Impressions was an early version of -------- (Pride and prejudice)
539. The poem which ends with „Do I wake or sleep‟ (Keats‟ Ode on the Nightingale)
540. The romantic poet who is also successful as a playwright was -------- (Byron)
541. Who said of Hamlet „There is no play that suffers too much in being transferred to the
stage‟? (Hazlitt)
542. Who said „the Lear of Shakespeare cannot be acted‟? (Lamb)
543. Who said „the characters of Shakespeare are so much the objects of meditation rather than
of interest or curiosity as to their actions‟ (Lamb)
544. Charles Lamb‟s Essays of Elia first appeared in The London Magazine in the --------
545. In his the English comic writings, Hazlitt defends -------- (The Restoration dramatists)
546. On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Century is an essay of -------- (Lamb)
547. The growth of the novel in the nineteenth century owes much to -------- (Circulating
548. The author of The Mysteries of Udolpho is -------- (Mrs.Radcliffe)
549. Mary Wollstonecraft‟s A Vindication of the Rights of Women was published in --------
550. Catherine Moorland figures in Austen‟s -------- (Northanger Abbey)
551. Jane Austen parodies Gothic fiction in -------- (Northanger Abbey)
552. Sandition is the unfinished novel of -------- (Austen)
553. The Prelude was written as the first part of -------- (The Recluse)
554. According to Wordsworth the best object for poetry is -------- (incidents and situations
from rustic life)
555. „The world is too much with us, late and soon / Getting and spending we lay waste our
powers / little we see in nature is ours / we have given our hearts away‟. Whose lines are
these? -------- (Wordsworth)
556. „Mr.Wordsworth was to propose to himself as his object to give the charm of novelty to
the things of everyday‟. Whose words are these? (Coleridge)
557. Byron‟s first published volume of poetry is ------- (Hours of Idleness)
558. Who is called „the monarch of Parnassus‟ and „the Artist of the North‟ -------- (Byron)
559. Miss.Taylor, Mr.Weston Frank Churchill and Jane Fairfax are characters in --------
560. The Cloud and Epipsychidion are poem of -------- (Shelley)
561. Shelley‟s unfinished poem is -------- (The Triumph of Life)
562. Shelley‟s sympathy with the Greek independence struggle in which Byron died is seen is
-------- (Hellas)
563. Shelley‟s last years were spent in -------- (Greece)
564. Keats‟s sonnet „Much have I travel‟d in the realms of gold‟ presents his experience of
reading -------- (Chapman‟s Homer)
565. „John Keats who was killed off by one critique…‟ Whose words are these? (Byron)
566. Keats‟s Endymion presents Endymion‟s quest for -------- (Diana)
567. The subtitle of Keats‟s Isabella is -------- (The Pot of Basil)
568. Keats Isabella derives its plot from -------- (Boccaccio)
569. The unfinished poem of Keats is-------- (Hyperion)
570. Keats‟s gave up Hyperion as he found the influence of ----- in it (Milton)
571. The lines „heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard / Are sweeter‟ occur in -------
(Ode on the Grecian Urn)
572. Rebecca and Rowena are characters in -------- (Ivanhoe)
573. Poor Relations and Dream Children: A Reverie are essays of -------- (Lamb)
574. The subtitle of Wordsworth‟s The Prelude is -------- (Growth of a Poet‟s Mind)
575. Austen‟s last completed novel is -------- (Persuasion)
576. Who says of Jane Austen „A little bit of ivory two inches wide on which she worked with
a brush so fine as to produce little effect after much labour‟? (Jane Austen)
577. Who compared Jane Austen with Shakespeare? (Macaulay)
578. Coleridge‟s aim in The Lyrical Ballads was -------- (to deal with supernatural elements
and to make the unfamiliar familiar)
579. „It was agreed that my endeavours should be directed to persons and characters,
supernatural, so as to transter from our inward nature of human touch and a semblance of
truth…‟. Who wrote these lines? (Coleridge in Biographia Literaria)
580. „At school he had been a playless day – dreamer yet even those days, he gathered around
him a host of admiring listerens once he had begun to talk‟. Whose words arethese?
581. Browning and Shelley denounced Wordsworth as a „Lost leader‟ and a „moral Eunch‟
respectively because -------- (Wordsworth became a Tory, accepted laureateship and
conservative ideology)
582. Who is the „the most splendied example we have of the struggling, winning and losing,
enjoying and scorning, aspiring and loving human spirit‟? (Lord Byron)
583. The term „Byronism‟ or „Byronic hero‟ implies the quality of -------- (Passions,
adventure, romance, impulsiveness, unconstancy, personal fascination, light heartedness,
loneliness, rebellion and negation)
584. Who earned the title of „the founder and chief examplar of the Satanic school of poetry?
(Lord Byron)
585. Lord Byron was a great interpreter of -------- (Revolutionary iconoclasm)
586. Who said about Shelley „He was alone the perfect singing God his thoughts, words and
deals all songs together‟? (Swinburne)
587. „Keats as a poet is abundanlty and enchantingly sensuous‟. Who pronounced this
judgement about the poetry of Keats? (Matthew Arnold)
588. Charles lamb began his literary career with the publication of -------- (Tale of Rosamund
589. Lamb‟s first essay South sea House appeared in the London Magazine in -------- (1820)
590. Who is known as Elia, the prince among English Essayists? (Charles Lamb)
591. Charles Lamb‟s sister appears in his essays under the name of -------- (Bridget Elia or
592. Who remarked Charles Lamb as a „Scorner of the field‟ because of his disinterestedness
in politics? (Wordsworth)
593. Who wrote The English Comic Writers and the Spirit of the Age? (William Hazlitt)
594. „Literature of power is to teach, and literature of knowledge is to move. Hence the first is
rudder the second and ore or a soil‟. Who made the distinction between the literature of
knowledge and the literature of power? (Thomas de Quincey)
595. In which metre is Shelley‟s Ode to the West wind written? (Terza Rima)
596. Who wrote the following lines, „Tis sweet to hear the watch dog honest bark bay deep
mouthed welcome as we near our home‟? (Byron)
597. Who wrote the following lines, „The cock‟s shrill clarion and the echoing horn no more
shall rouse than from their lowlybed‟? (Gray)
598. The Life of Sir.Walter Scott was written by -------- (Lockhart)
599. In which year Waverley the very first novel of Scott‟s Waverly series was published?
600. Sir Walter Scott brought to the historical novel -------- (A knowledge that was
pedantically exact but manageable, wide and bountiful)
601. Who is known as „the peasant poet?‟ -------- (John Clare)
602. Which works has been called the magna carta of Romanticism? (The Lyrical Ballads)
603. Who said the following words „There is providence even in the fall of a sparrow‟? (Keats)
604. Who said of Keats that he was „shuffed out by an article‟? (Byron)
605. Who said „Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings‟? (Wordsworth)
606. The Romantic period is characterized by -------- (Return to nature)
607. Who defines Romanticism as „The Renaissance of wonder‟? (Watts Dunton)
608. Name the critic who defined Romanticism as „the addition of strangeness to the desire of
beauty‟? (Walter Pater)
609. Which forces influenced romantic revival in England? (The philosophy of Rousseau and
the French Revolution of 1789)
610. Which Quarterly, founded in 1802 and patronized by the Whig party maliciously attacked
Wordsworth, Coleridge and other Lake poets? (The Blackwood magazine)
611. The first poem of Wordsworth is-------- (Descriptive Sketches)
612. Coleridge‟s Christabel was published in -------- (1816)
613. Christabel is in the meter form of -------- (Octosyllabic couplet)
614. Coleridge‟s Kublakhan was published in the same year of the publication of --------
615. Which poem of Coleridge is incomplete? (Kublakhan)
616. Which is a dream allegory? (Kublakhan)
617. Coleridge‟s Remorse is a -------- (play)
618. Coleridge produced Remorse on the recommendation of -------- (Byron)
619. Which newspaper Coleridge produced in 1796? (The Watchman)
620. Which Coleridge work of Colridge was published posthumously? (Table Talk)
621. In which chapter of Biographia Literaria Coleridge criticize the theory of language of
Wordsworth? (14)
622. ---------- is written on the subject of philosophy (Aids of Reflection 1825)
623. Which is a satire on the style of Pope? (English Bards and Scottish Reviewers)
624. Which is the first work of P.B.Shelley? (Queen mab)
625. Shelley‟s Alaster or the Spirit of Solitude is a -------- (spiritual autobiography)
626. Which poem of Shelley is based on Aeschylus? (Prometheus unbound)
627. Who was presented by Shelley through a character in Julian and Madclalo? (Byron)
628. Which poem expresses Shelley‟s revolutionary political views? (The Masque of Anarchy
629. Which is a classical elegy on the death of Keats written in Spenserian stanza? (Adonais
630. Shelley‟s The Defence of Poetry is a piece of -------- (criticism)
631. Keats was very much influenced by Spenser and -------- (Leigh Hunt)
632. Which poem of Keats is partly based on Drayton‟s The Man in the Moon and Fletcher‟s
The Faithful Shepherds? (Endymion 1818)
633. Which poem is based on Burton‟s The Anatomy of Melancholy? (Lamia 1819)
634. The last volume of Endymion was published in -------- (1820)
635. Keats‟ critical views appears in his -------- (letters)
636. To whom Keats dedicated his poems? (Liegh Hunt)
637. Who wrote the biography of Byron entitled Life of Byron? (Thomas Moore)
638. Leigh Hunt‟s well known poem is -------- (The Story of Rimini)
639. Who wrote the novel Sir.Ralph Esher? (Leigh Hunt)
640. John Clare‟s famous poem is ------------ (Poem of Rural Life and Scenery)
641. Which poem is written in Christable meter? (The Day of the last Minstrel 1805)
642. -------------- deals with murder of Lady Leicestar (Kenilworth 1821)
643. Who wrote the Life of Napoleon? (Sir.Walter Scott)
644. Johnson wrote The Lives of Poets, who wrote The Life of the Novelist? (Sir.Walter
645. The selfish and vulgar character, John Thorpe appear in -------- (Northanger Abbey 1818)
646. Who wrote short stories for children entitled Simple Susan? (Maria Edgeworth)
647. Which is the finest work of Edgeworth? (Castle Rackrent)
648. Who had joined the East India Company? (Thomas Love Peacock)
649. Thomas Love Peacock has a close friendship with -------- (Shelley)
650. Who was admired by Scott? (Washington Irving)
651. Who is known for leatherstocking novel? (James Fenimore Cooper)
652. Who was the fellow-pupil of Charles Lamb? (Keats)
653. Mary Lamb appears in Charles Lamb‟s essays under the name of -------- (Cousin Bridget)
654. Charles Lamb‟s The Old Familiar Faces is his well known -------- (poem)
655. Which critical work represents minor dramatists? (Specimens of English Dramatic Poets)
656. Who wrote on the tragedies of Shakespeare? (Charles Lamb)
657. Who wrote Recollections of the Lake and Lake Poets? (Thomas de Quincey)
658. Which is the best known work of William Hazlitt? (The Spirit of the Age)
659. Walter Savage Landor‟s poems are modelled on the classical influence of -------- (Milton)
660. Who writes „never saw the mountains‟? (Charles Lamb)
661. Who defines Romanticism as „the renaissance of wonder‟? (Wash Dunton)
662. Name of the critic who defined Romanticism as „the addition of strangeness to the desire
of beauty‟? (Walter Pater)
663. Mathew Arnold observed about Shelley‟s poetry that -------- (he has not only „enlarged
our conception of nature, he has extended the circuit of our spiritual adventure‟)
664. Shelley‟s The Revolt of Islam was written in 1817 under the title of -------- (The Cenci)
665. Who wrote „our sweetest songs are those that tell our saddest thoughts‟? (P.B.Shelley)

1. The Victorian Age is from -------- (1850 to 1900)
2. Problems during Victorian Age is -------- (Proliferation of Slums, Exploitation of child
3. Serious offences during the age is -------- (Men smoking in public, Women riding cycles)
4. Whom does W.J.Long calls as „the representative literary man of the Victorian era‟?
5. Who witnessed theVictorian age as „a steady advance of democratic ideals‟?(Crompton
6. The Princess, Maud and The Idylls of the Kings are about -------- (The privileged and highly
placed sections of the society)
7. Dora and Enoch Arden are about -------- (less previleged sections of the society)
8. Tennyson became the poet Laureate at the death of -------- in the year -------- (Wordsworth,
9. Victoria ascended the throne in -------- (1837)
10. Alfred Tennyson won the Chancellor‟s medal at Cambridge for the poem --------
11. Tennyson‟s In Memoriam is a -------- (Philosophic Elegy) on the death of his friend ---
(Arthur Henry Hallam)
12. Tennyson‟s Maud is a -------- (Melodrama)
13. Tennyson held the poet laureateship for -------- (forty years)
14. The most famous collection of Victorian comic verse is the -------- (Bab Ballads)
15. Tennyson‟s Idylls of the King is blended with the stories of -------- (King Arthur)
16. „Water falling slowly down the mountain side/ night dews falling noiselessly on still
water‟ are the lines from the poem -------- (The Lotus Eaters)
17. Tennyson‟s first solo collection of poems is -------- (Poems chiefly lyrical in 1830)
18. In Memoriam A.M.H. is a long poem detailing -------- (the way of the soul)
19. The Princess : A Medley is a -------- (Satire) on ------ (women education)
20. Tennyson‟s poem arguing against women‟s education is -------- (The Princess)
21. Tennyson‟s Becket is a -------- (Verse drama)
22. „I cannot rest from travel: I will drink life to the least‟. The lines are taken from
Tennyson‟s -------- (Ulysses)
23. Which poem of Tennyson ends with the line, „To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield‟?
24. Tennyson‟s Break, Break, Break is a -------- (lyric)
25. Who commented that he could understand only the first and last lines of the poem
Sordello written by Browning? (Tennyson)
26. Which work is considered as the masterpiece of Browning? (The Ring and the Book)
27. Which is the last work of Browning? (Asolando)
28. Browning‟s The Ring and the Book is a -------- (Verse novel) containing ---- (21000
29. The Ring and the Book was published in -------- volumes. (Four)
30. Which is the first collection of shorter poems by Browning? (Men and Women)
31. Which was the first new work published by Browning after his marriage to Elizabeth
Barrett Browning? (Christmas-Eve and Easter Day)
32. Browning‟s poetry is „pre-eminently the poetry of situations presented in dramatic
monologue‟. Whose words? (Pater)
33. A Grammarian‟s Funeral and My Last Duchess are -------- (Dramatic Monologues)
34. Arnold won the Newdigate Prize for the poem -------- (Cromwell)
35. Which is the first book of poetry by Arnold? (The Strayed Reveller)
36. „Arnold is, at his best, a very good but highly derivative poet….‟ Whose words are these?
37. -------- is regarded as Browning‟s most substantial work. (The Ring and the Book)
38. Browning‟s favourite verse form is -------- (Dramatic Monologue)
39. Queen Victoria succeeded to the throne of England after -------- (William IV)
40. The Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria‟s reign was celebrated in -------- (1887)
41. Queen Victoria became the Empress of India in -------- (1876)
42. The Oxford Movement was basically a -------- (Religious Movement)
43. The Oxford Movement was started by -------- (The scholars of the Oxford University)
44. What was common amongst D.G.Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Morris and Swinburne?
(They all belonged to the Pre-Raphaelite school)
45. Who was the leader of the Pre-Raphaelite group of artists in England? (D.G.Rossetti)
46. The basic theme of Arnold‟s Literature and Dogma is -------- (Theology)
47. Arnold‟s Culture and Anarchy deals with the subject of -------- (Education)
48. Darwin‟s The Origin of Species challenges -------- (Biblical concept of the creation of the
49. What is common amongst Cardinal Newman, John Keble, Henry Newman and Stanley?
(They were all associated with the Oxford Movement)
50. Which novel is called a „Novel without a hero‟? (Vanity Fair)
51. What is meant by „Wessex‟? (The region in which Hardy‟s novels are set)
52. George Eliot‟s novel Romola is a -------- (Historical Novel)
53. „George Eliot‟ was the pen-name of -------- (Mary Ann Evans)
54. Charles Dickens left a novel unfinished which is titled -------- (Edwin Drood)
55. Matthew Arnold‟s Thyrsis is an elegy written on the death of -------- (Hugh Clough)
56. Who wrote „If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him‟? (Voltair)
57. The Dynasts is an epic drama written by Hardy. It deals with -------- (The Napoleonic
58. In which of Hardy‟s novels the scene of a wife‟s auction takes place? (The Mayor of
59. Wilkie Collins as a novelist is best known for -------- (the creation of of sensational plots)
60. The phrase „stormy sisterhood‟ is applied to-------- (Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte,
Anne Bronte)
61. What award was given to Hardy as a great novelist? (Order of Merit)
62. In one of his novels, Hardy says „Happiness is but an occasional episode in the general
drama of pain‟. Which novel? (The Mayor of Casterbridge)
63. Hardy believed in the philosophy of -------- (fate)
64. In one of his novels Hardy quotes Shakespeare‟s remark „As flies to the wanton boys are
we to the gods, they kill us for their sport?‟ In which novel does he quote these lines?
65. Who is the author of Prometheus Bound? (Elizabeth Barret Browning)
66. Which poet speaks of Nature as „Red in Tooth and Claw‟? (Tennyson)
67. Which novel of Charles Dickens is most autobiographical? (David Copperfield)
68. Who is the author of the novel No Name? (Wilkie Collins)
69. Dickens said about one of his novels „I like this the best‟. Which novel was he referring
to? (David Copperfield)
70. Charles Dickens‟s characters are generally -------- (flat)
71. In Dickens‟s A Tale of Two Cities, the two cities referred to are -------- (London and
72. The theme of Tennyson‟s Idylls of the King is -------- (The story of King Arthur and His
Round Table)
73. Tennyson‟s Queen Mary is a -------- (Drama)
74. „Let knowledge grow from more to more / But more of reverence in us dwell / that mind
and soul, according well / may make one music as before.‟These lines are quoted from
Tennyson‟s In Meoriam. What do these lines imply? (Compromise between knowledge
and faith)
75. „And may there be no moaning of the bar, / when I put out to sea!‟ These lines occur in
Tennyson‟s -------- (Crossing the Bar)
76. How many years did Tennyson take in brooding over and finishing In Memoriam?
(Seventeen years)
77. Which poem of Browning begins with the lines „Grow old along with me? / The best is
yet to be‟ (Rabbi Ben Ezra)
78. „I was ever a fighter, so one fighter, so one fight more, the best and the last!‟ In which
poem of Browning do these lines occur? (Prospice)
79. „God‟s in his heaven – All‟s right with the world.‟ In which poem do these lines occur?
(Pippa Passes)
80. „Truth sits upon the lips of dying men‟. In which poem of Matthew Arnold does this line
occur? (Sohrab and Rustum)
81. „Others abide our question/ Thou art free we ask and ask: Thou smilest and art still, out-
topping knowledge‟. In these lines from a poem written by Matthew Arnold „Thou‟ refers
to -------- (Shakespeare)
82. In Oliver Twist Charles Dickens attacks the -------- (1834 Poor Law)
83. Cardinal Newman is associated with -------- (The Oxford Movement)
84. Tracts for the Times are a series of doctrinal and historical pamphlet written by --------
85. Apologia Pro Vita Sua was written by -------- (Newman)
86. The magazine associated with the Oxford Movement is -------- (The British Magazine)
87. The Oxford Movement called for a -------- (reconciliaton between the English and the
Roman Catholic Churches)
88. The first considerable poem of Browning is -------- (Pauline)
89. „And we are here as on a darkling plain / where ignorant armies clash by night!‟ These
lines are from -------- (Arnold‟s Dover Beach)
90. The poet who published his first poems under the initial „A‟ is -------- (Arnold)
91. Matthew Arnold took story from -------- for his Sohrab and Rustam (Shah Namah)
92. Arnold wrote Thyrsis to commemorate the death of -------- (Sir Arthur Clough)
93. The Charge of the Light Brigade is a poem by -------- (Tennyson)
94. Tennyson‟s Maud and Other poems appeared in -------- (1855)
95. Easter Day is a book by -------- (Browning)
96. What is the message of Tennyson‟s poetry? (Faith and Trust)
97. Robert Browning eloped and married Elizabeth in the year -------- (1846)
98. Which public hero did Browning have in mind while writing Patriot? (Arnold of
99. Which poem of Elizabeth Barrett impressed Browning so much that he wrote to her and
that started an affair between them? (Lady Geraldine‟s Courtship)
100. Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister is a dramatic monologue by -------- (Browning)
101. Who defined criticism to be „sincere flexible, ardent, ever widening its knowledge‟?
102. How many lyrics are there in In Memoriam? (131)
103. Morte D‟ Arthur is a poem by -------- (Tennyson)
104. Crossing the Bar, a melodious poem by Tennyson was written in -------- (1889)
105. Who says that „Man must begin where nature ends‟? (Arnold)
106. John Gibson Luckhart, editor, was virulent in his criticism of -------- (Tenneyson)
107. Who originated the term „Grand style‟? (Arnold)
108. Who wrote the following lines and in which poem? „The old order changeth yielding
place to the new / lest one good custom should corrupt the world‟ (Tennyson in The
Passing of Arthur)
109. Queen Guinevere is a character in a poem of Tennyson titled -------- (Passing of Arthur)
110. Queen Guinevere falls in love with the knight -------- (Lancelot)
111. Who informed King Arthur of the Queen‟s unfaithfulness to him in Passing of Arthur?
(The King‟s Nephew Modred)
112. Who regards Hebraism as the „Strictness of conscience‟ and Hellenism as the
„Spontaneity of consciousness‟? (Arnold)
113. In which chapter of Culture and Anarchy does Arnold mention Hebraism and Hellenism?
114. Elizabeth Barrett Browning produced her The Seraphim and Other Poems in --------
115. Tennyson idealizes married life in his novel -------- (The Miller‟s Daughter)
116. Tennyson‟s life – long ideal is expressed in -------- (Merlin and the Gleam)
117. The name of Arnold‟s autobiography is -------- (Truth about an Author)
118. The last poem of Idylls appeared in -------- (1855)
119. Disychus (1850) is a meditative poem by -------- (A.H.Hallam)
120. Who asserted that „There remains more faith in honest doubt,/ Believe me than in half the
creeds‟ (Tennyson)
121. After Mrs.Browning‟s death Robert Browning lived in -------- (Italy)
122. Arnold published his Sohrab and Rustum in -------- (1853)
123. Arnold published his Culture and Anarchy in -------- (1869)
124. Arnold brought out his On Translating Homer in -------- (1861)
125. Which play of Tennyson is a comedy based on a story from Baccaccio? (The Falcon
126. Tennyson‟s first official poem is -------- (Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington)
127. Queen Victoria found great solace in her grief from one of Tennyson‟s poems. The name
of which is -------- (In Memoriam)
128. From whom the following lines come „break, break, break, on thy cold gray stones, O
sea! And I would that my tongue could utter / The thoughts that arise in me‟ (Tennyson)
129. Which work of Browning is dedicated to his wife? (Men and Women 1855)
130. Men and Women is a collection of -------- (Dramatic monologues)
131. How many books are there in The Ring and the Book? (12)
132. Which one in Men and Women is not a dramatic monologue but a lyric addressed to
Browning‟s wife? (One Word More)
133. Which work of Browning is the story of the murder of a young wife, Pompilia, by her
worthless husband in 1698? (The Ring and the Book)
134. Who wrote „ We fall to rise, are baffled to fight better, sleep to wake‟ -------- (Browning
in Asolando)
135. Who wrote „What I aspired to be/ And was not, comforts me‟? (Browning)
136. About whom G.M.Hopkins said, „Come what may he will be one of our greatest poets‟?
137. The title of Carlyle‟s Sartor Resartus means -------- (A Tailor Repatched)
138. Carlyle‟s On Heroes, Hero Worship and The Heroic in History are -------- (Lectures)
139. The subtitle of Alton Locke is -------- (Tailor and Poet)
140. Little Nell figures is Dickens‟ -------- (The Old Curiosity Shop)
141. The unfinished novel of Dickens is -------- (The Mystery of Edwin Drood)
142. Weller is a character in -------- (Pickwick Papers)
143. The History of Henry Esmond is a novel of -------- (Thackeray)
144. Charlotte Bronte‟s Jane Eyre was published in -------- (1847)
145. Emily Bronte‟s Wuthering Heights was published in -------- (1847)
146. „Currer Bell‟ is the pseudonym of -------- (Charlotte Bronte)
147. „Ellis Bell‟ is the pen name of -------- (Emily Bronte)
148. Fra Lippo Lippi is a -------- (Dramatic Monologue)
149. Who wrote sonnets from the Portuguese? (Elizabeth Browning)
150. Morris‟s News from Nowhere is a -------- (Prose narrative)
151. Ruskin‟s Unto this Last is a collection of essays dealing with -------- (Political economy)
152. Wilde‟s drama Woman of No Importance appeared in -------- (1893)
153. Which one of Gaskell‟s novel has been called a „Victorian Much Ado about Nothing‟?
(North and South)1854 - 55
154. The title Vanity Fair has been taken from -------- (Pilgrim‟s progress)
155. Which is Gaskell‟s first novel? (Mary Barton) (1848)
156. Heathcliff is a character from -------- (Wuthering Heights)
157. Coketown is an imaginary industrial town in the novel -------- (Hard Times)
158. Dunstan is a character from the novel -------- (Silas Marner)
159. Which movement was revived under Whitefield and Wesley? (Methodist)
160. The Battle of Baladava in the Crimean War finds its reference in the poem -------- (The
Charge of Light Bridge)
161. Self Help : With Illustrations of Character and Conduct (1859) was written by --------
(Samuel Smiles)
162. Which is the main feature of the Victorian age? (Ethical literature, Influence of Science,
Attack on Materialism)
163. Sylvia‟s Lovers (1863) is a historical novel of -------- (Gaskell)
164. Beckey Sharp is the central character in the novel -------- (Vanity Fair)
165. R.L.Stevenson brought out his Treasure Island in -------- (1883)
166. Which play, through by some coincidence ascribed to Oscar Wilde, was written by
Haddon Chambers? (The Tyranny of Tears)
167. The Life and Death of Jason (1867) is a poem by -------- (Swinburne)
168. Rossetti published his poem Love is Enough in -------- (1873)
169. The name of Swinburne‟s excellent drama is -------- (Atlanta in Calydon)
170. Time Flies, a Reading Dial (1883) was published by -------- (Christina Rossetti)
171. Huree Babu and Testioo Lama are characters in -------- (Kim)
172. Christina Rossetti published The Prince‟s Progress in -------- (1866)
173. Newman‟s Apologia and Tennyson‟s Enoch Arden were published in the same year.
174. Who is known as „The Father of English Socialism‟? (Robert Owen)
175. Farfrae is the antagonist in the novel -------- (The Mayor of Casterbridge)
176. Maruis, The Epicurean came out in -------- (1887)
177. The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849) is a work by -------- (John Ruskin)
178. Barrack – Room Ballads is a ballad by -------- (Kipling)
179. Ruskin‟s Munera Pulvers came out in -------- (1872)
180. Meredith‟s The Egoist was brought out in -------- (1879)
181. The Golden Treasury is a collection of -------- (lyrical Poems)
182. Richard Doddridge Blackmore published his romance Lorna Doone in -------- (1869)
183. Who wrote the following lines? „Wealth I ask not, hope nor love / Nor a friend to know
me / All I ask, the heaven above / And the road below me‟ (R.L.Stevenson)
184. The evils of private schools are mitigated by Dickens in his novel -------- (Nicholas
185. The writes of the classical age of English literature were led by -------- (Precise and
elegant methods of expression)
186. The Phrase „I‟ art pour I‟s art‟ (art for art‟s sake) was first coined in the year --------
187. Which play of Wilde has the subtitle A Trivial Comedy for Serious People? (The
Importance of Being Earnest)
188. Who established The Rhymers Club? (Pater and Others)
189. Wilde‟s The Importance of Being Earnest came out in -------- (1895)
190. From whose novel, do the following lines come, „when I die, put near me something that
has loved the light and had the sky above it always‟? (Charles Dickens)
191. Darwin‟s On the Origin of Species, which shook scientific thought, appeared in the year -
------- (1859)
192. Oscar Wilde was by birth an -------- (Irish)
193. The first novel of Dickens is -------- (The Pickwick Papers)
194. „David Balfour‟ is a character from the story -------- (Kidnapped)
195. What is name of the uncle of David Balfour in Kidnapped? (Ebenzer)
196. Which novel of George Eliot belongs to the middle period? (Adam Bede)
197. „Eppie‟ is a child in the novel -------- (Silas Marner)
198. Which work of Henry Longfellow is a collection of Indian folk tales? (The Song of
199. Tennyson portrayed women as -------- (gentle and refined)
200. Mary Anne Evans is the original name of the novelist -------- (George Eliot)
201. Which book of Hardy is not pessimistic? (A Pair of Blue Eyes)
202. Who was shy and retiring by nature? (Tennyson)
203. Lay of the Ancient Rome was written by -------- (Macaulay)
204. The House of Life is a collection of sonnets by -------- (D.G.Rossetti)
205. The story of George Eliot‟s Silas Marner is a-------- (depressing tragedy and suffering)
206. In The Passing of Arthur, the name of a Knight of the Round Table is -------- (Bedivere)
207. Who was called „Tusitala‟ by the South Sea Islanders? (R.L.Stevenson)
208. Dickens portrayed the degradations and sufferings of the poor in English work-houses in
his novel -------- (Oliver Twist)
209. A Gentle man of France (1893) is a historical novel by -------- (John Weyman)
210. Thomas Gradgrind is a practical character in the novel -------- (Hard Times)
211. Malaeske:The Indian Wife of the White Hunter (1860) is a crime novel by---(Anne
212. The biography, The Life of Charlotte Bronte (1857) was written by -------- (Elizabeth
213. A.C.Swinburne published his Poems and Ballads in -------- (1866)
214. Tasso‟s Godfrey of Bulloigne was translated by -------- (Edward Fairfax)
215. Which is the most perfect novel of George Eliot? (Silas Marner)
216. Thackeray‟s The Four Georges is a -------- (delicate satire)
217. Charles Rede‟s The Cloister and the Hearth resembles with George Eliot‟s novel --------
218. Lady Bracknell is a character in -------- (The Importance of Being Earnest)
219. Atlanta in Calydon (1865) is a tragedy by -------- (Swinburne)
220. Thackeray‟s --------- is written in the picaresque mode (The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon)
221. The Poems of Aesthetics of 1890‟swas published in -------- (yellow book and the
222. Rossetti‟s Hand and Soul is a -------- (prose tale)
223. Industrial Revolution took place during the -------- (Victorian age)
224. Who found himself „Between two worlds, one dead / The other powerless to be born‟?
225. Shropshire is a place in the novels of -------- (E.C.Booth)
226. Oxford Movement is known as the -------- (Tractarian Movement)
227. Oxford Movement was essentially a -------- movement (religious)
228. Which novel of Gaskell contains the subject of unmarried mother? (Ruth)
229. Light Breaks where No Sun Shines is a poem by -------- (Dylan Thomas)
230. Which poet, who was also a painter, led the pre-Raphealite Movement in Art and
literature? (Everitt Millis)
231. Which is a mixture of philosophy and romance, of wisdom and nonsense? (Carlyle‟s
Sartor Resartus)
232. The Germ was the name of a -------- (Periodical)
233. Who said „Literature always anticipates life. It does not copy it but moulds it its purpose‟?
234. Tennyson‟s Idylls of the King began in 1842 with the poem Morte‟ D „Arthur. Which is
the last poem of Idylls? (Balin)
235. Who is known as the Catholic Mystic of the Victorian Age? (Fredrick William Faber)
236. In Chancery ends with the funeral of -------- (Queen Victoria)
237. The Great Tradition was written by -------- (Wilson Knight)
238. Which poem of Henry Longfellow is a tragical story of the early colonial days?
(Evangeline 1847)
239. Dominion of Canada was established in -------- (1867)
240. Oscar Wilde and Stephen Crane died in the same year -------- (1900)
241. Which book is condemned as „a poisonous book‟? (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
242. Which book is a „Story of the Soul‟? (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
243. Studies in the History of the Renaissance (1873) was written by -------- (Pater)
244. In which year, Edward Fitzgerald issued the Rubaiyat of the early Persian poet Omar
Khayyam? (1859)
245. Praeterita (1885-9) is an autobiography of -------- (Ruskin)
246. Ruskin‟s Unto This Last came out in -------- (1862)
247. Who regards Ruskin as „one of the greatest teachers of the age‟? (George Eliot)
248. Which novel is based on the „Jacobite rising of 1745‟? (Waverley)
249. Which novel of Gaskell was serialized in Dickens‟Household Wards?Cranford1851 – 53)
250. Earnshawas and Lintons are the families in -------- (Wuthering Heights)
251. Hardy‟s novel Tess of the D‟ Urbervilles, a Pure Woman came out in -------- (1891)
252. James Mill is a Utilitarian leader in the novel -------- (Hard Times)
253. Gaskell‟s ------- is considered to be her best social comedy (Wives and Daughters) 1866
254. The Woman in White (1860) is a Gothic novel by -------- (Wilkie Collins)
255. The line „two and two are four and nothing over‟ occurs in the novel -------- (Hard Times)
256. Who is known as a „Singularly erratic art critio‟? (Ruskin)
257. The originator of the Oxford Movement is -------- (Keble)
258. Browning‟s Pauline is -------- (A tribute to Shelley and his poetry)
259. Shaw‟s anti-romantic play Arms and the Man came out in -------- (1894)
260. The Last Days of Pomperi (1835) is a historical novel by -------- (Bulwer Lytton)
261. A Noble Queen (1843) is a historical novel by -------- (Meadows Taylor)
262. The Oxford Movement is also known as -------- (High Church Movement)
263. Whose early poems are known as Gondol poems? (Emily Bronte)
264. The Periodical The Germ is related to the -------- (Pre-Raphaelites)
265. News From Nowhere (1871) is a socialist political work by -------- (Morris)
266. The House of Life is a sonnet sequence by -------- (Rossetti)
267. Which play of Tennyson is based on a story from Plutarch? (The Cup 1881)
268. The line „We are the music-makers‟ comes from -------? (Arthur O‟ Shaughnessy)
269. Which novel of Charles Dickens deals with the new manufacturing system? (Hard Times)
270. Charles Dickens‟s novel Bleak House deals with the -------- (Court of Chancery)
271. Whose characters are not „round‟ but „flat‟? (Dickens)
272. Who said about Matthew Arnold „Poor Matt, He is gone to Heaven / no doubt but he
won‟t like God‟? (R.L.Stevenson)
273. Who wrote „If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him‟? (Voltair)
274. Who was an exponent of female suffrage? (J.S.Mill)
275. The subtitle of Oliver Twist is -------- (The Parish Boy‟s Progress)
276. Betsy Trotwood figures in -------- (David Copperfield)
277. Uriah Heep, Wilkins Micawber and Mr.Murdstone appear in -------- (David Copperfield)
278. Sam Weller figures in -------- (Pickwick Papers)
279. George Osborne figures in -------- (Vanity Fair)
280. Arnold‟s The Scholar-Gipsy is derived from a legend told by -------- (Joseph Glanville in
The Vanity of Dogmatizing)
281. Ruskin‟s Unto This Last appeared in the magazine -------- (The Cornhill Magazine)
282. George Eliot‟s first novel is -------- (Adam Bede)
283. Dorothea Brooke and Casaubon figures in -------- (Middlemarch)
284. George Eliot‟s political novel is -------- (Felix Holt)
285. The Idea of a University is an essay of -------- (Newman)
286. The first novel of Benjamin Disraeli is -------- (Vivian Gray)
287. The last work of Disraeli is -------- (Endymion)
288. The historical romance written by Dickens is -------- (Barnaby Rudge)
289. Tiny Tim appears in Dicken‟s -------- (The Christmas Carol)
290. Hard Times was serialized in -------- (Household Words)
291. Household Words and All the Year Round are magazines established by -------- (Dickens)
292. A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations were serialized in----- (All theYear Round)
293. Empedocles on Etna is an -------- (Elegy)
294. Arnold derived the story of Sohrab and Rustum from -------- (The Arabian Nights)
295. Arnold pays tribute to his father Thomas Arnold in the poem -------- (Dover Beach)
296. George Meredith‟s first novel is -------- (Diana of the Crossways)
297. Carlyle and Dickens as Dr.Pessimist and Mr.Popular Sentiment appear in --------
(Anthony Trollope‟s The Warden)
298. Who says of Tennyson: „Come what may be will be one of our greatest poets‟? (Hopkins)
299. What does the phrase „fin de siècle‟ mean? (End of the century)
300. Hopkins Sprung rhythm is a -------- (Metre)
301. Thackeray was born in -------- (Calcutta)
302. Thackeray‟s The Four Georges is a -------- (collection of letters)
303. Dickens‟s Hard Times attacks -------- (Utilitarianism)
304. John Stuart Mill is associated with -------- (Utilitarianism)
305. Sissy Jupes figures in -------- (Hard Times)
306. In her longest poem Aurora Leigh, Barritt Browning proposes -------- (Autobiography)
307. The phrase „Art for Art sake‟ first appears in -------- (Pater‟s Conclusion to the
308. Swinburne‟s Atalanta in Calydon is a -------- (Verse Drama)
309. The Revised version of the Bible was published in -------- (1881-5)
310. Who delivered „Lectures on Celtic Literature‟? (Arnold)
311. The first published novel of Hardy is -------- (Desperate Remedies)
312. The author of The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde is -------- (R.L.Stevenson)
313. Hardy deals with the war with Napoleon in -------- (The Dynasts), a long poem or closet
314. The image of the Doppelganger appears in Stevenson‟s--------(The Strange Case of
Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde)
315. Henry James‟s novels focus on the fate of Americans in Europe. But the the only
exception is -------- (The Europeans)
316. Ruskin‟s Modern Painters has -------- (5 volumes)
317. „Justice‟ was done and the President of the Immortals (in Aeschylean Phrase) has ended
his sport with. Which novel ends with this sentence? (Tess of the d‟ Urbervilles)
318. The Victorian Age is called -------- (An age of Peace and Progress)
319. The Second Reform Bill, which extended the franchise was passed in -------- (1867)
320. The Queen took the title „the Empress of the Indies‟ in -------- (1876)
321. The Great Exhibition of 1851 exhibited the -------- (New Commercial power of England)
322. Who wrote the following lines: „The Old order changeth yielding place to new / And God
fulfils himself in many ways / Lest one good custom should corrupt the world‟? (Lord
323. Who among the following poets succeeded Wordsworth as the poet Laureate in 1850?
(Lord Tennyson)
324. „Let knowledge grow from more and more, / And mere of reverence in us dwell, / that
mind and soul according well / May make one music as before „Who among the
following poets prayed for the whole generation in this prayer? (Lord Tennyson)
325. Identify the title of the poem from which the following lines have been extracted. „How
dull it is to pause, to make an end, / To rust, unburnish‟d not to shine in use? (Ulysses)
326. Tennyson‟s The Princess deals with the theme of ----? (The New Woman)
327. Which poet expressed the following opinion about Browning‟s popularity in America?
„Nobody there except a small knot of Pre-Raphaelite men, pretend to do him justice…
when in America he is a power, he is read-he lives the heart of the people‟? (John Ruskin)
328. Which critic expressed the following opinion about Browning‟s love poetry? „Browning‟s
love poetry is the finest in the world because it does not talk about raptures and ideals and
gates of heaven but about window panes and gloves and garden walls‟? (G.K.Chesterton)
329. Robert Browning skillfully and artistically attempted --- (Dramatic Monologue)
330. The Obscurity in Browning‟s poetry is caused by -------- (The depth of thought and want
of skill in expressing himself)
331. The following lines occur in Browning‟s That‟s my last Duchess painted on the wall
Looking as if she were alive I call that piece a wonder, now; Fra Pandolf‟s hands worked
busily a day, and there she stands‟? (My Last Duchess)
332. Which Victorian poet who joined as the Inspector of Schools in 1851? (Matthew Arnold)
333. Who congratulated Matthew Arnold as being „the only living Englishman who had
become a classic in his own life time‟? (Benjamin Disraeli)
334. Who is remembered for his translation of the famous Persian work of the Rubaiyat of
Omar Khayyam in 1859? (Edward Fitzgerald)
335. The Pre-Raphaelites aimed at -------- (Rejecting the tradition of Renaissance poetry
exemplified by Raphael, Returning to earlier Italian styles efore Raphael and emphasizing
the connection between poetry, painting and fine arts, achieving perfection of form and
depicting or creating beauty for its own sake)
336. D.G.Rossetti‟s famous poem The Blessed Damozel is about -------- (union of Flesh and
337. ------- of Carlyle was published serially in Franser‟s Magazine (Sartor Resartus)
338. John Ruskin‟s works dealing with art, painting and architecture are -------- (Modern
Painters, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, The Stone of Venice)
339. John Keble, the Professor of poetry at Oxford, started the Oxford Movement by his
famous discourse -------- in 1833. (National Apostasy)
340. Who was the pioneer of Aesthetic Movement, also known as Aestheticism towards the
close of the nineteenth century? (Oscar Wilde)
341. The expression Broad Church was proposed by -------- (A.H.Clough)
342. In which poem do these lines occur „Grow old along with me, The best is yet to be‟?
(Rabbi Ben Ezra)
343. Who made the sensational pronouncement of „end of ideology‟ in 1960? (David Bell)
344. The Broad church, which aimed at promoting the cooperation of different groups and
nationalities, consisted of -------- (Benjamin Jowett – Mark Pattison – A.P.Staley)
345. Mrs.Gamp is a character in Dickens‟ -------- (The Life and Times of Martin Chuzzlewit)
346. Mary Ann Evans wrote under the pen name of -------- (George Eliot)
347. Joe Gargery is a character in Dickens‟ -------- (Great Expectations)
348. Oxenham is a character in -------- (Charles Kingsley‟s Westward Ho)
349. Whose novel The Foundation Pit was discovered only a few years ago? (Andrey
350. What was the age of Queen Victoria when she rose to the throne? (18)
351. Which of the following age is called the age of doubt? (The Victorian Age)
352. Queen Victoria ruled on London during -------- (Timbuctoo 1829)
353. Tennyson composed In Memoriam (1850) in -------- (Memoriam Meter)
354. Which poem deals with seaman? (Enoch Arden)
355. Tennyson‟s Ulysses appears in -------- (Poems 1842)
356. Tennyson‟s The Falcon (1879) is a comedy based on the story from -------- (Boccaccio)
357. Tennyson derived the story of Plutarch in -------- (The Cup 1881)
358. The familiar Robin Hood‟s theme is deals with in -------- (The Foresters 1892)
359. Which poem shows the hero‟s enduring thirst for knowledge among Tennyson‟s poems?
(Paracelsus 1835)
360. Browning‟s Strafford (1837) is a -------- (Play)
361. Browning wrote Sordello (1840) to decide the relationship between -------- (Art and Life)
362. Browning‟s Bells and Pomegranates (1846) was published in -------- (Two volumes)
363. Which monologue did Browning address to his wife? (One word More)
364. In which poem Pompilia was murdered by her worthless husband? (The Ring and the
365. Barrett Browning was the -------- of Robert Browning. (Wife)
366. Barrett Browning‟s best work is -------- (Sonnets from the Portuguese 1847)
367. Which work shows Barrett‟s love for Robert Browning? (Sonnet from the Portuguese
368. The Barrets of Wimple Street is a play about the family of -------- (Barrett Browning)
369. Arnold‟s ---- was written on Greek theme (Empedocles on Etna 1852)
370. Literature and Dogma (1873) deals with -------- (Poetry and religion)
371. Which poem is written on the life of Clough? (The Scholar Gipsy)
372. Arnold‟s Dover Beach describes the -------- condition (Modern)
373. What is the theme of Sohrab and Rustum? (Persian)
374. Arnold‟s Memorial Verse mourns the death of -------- (Wordsworth, Gothe and Byron)
375. Which Indian book Arnold read the most? (Bhagvad Gita)
376. Arnold‟s prose work appears in his -------- (Critical works)
377. C.G.Rossetti was the -------- of D.G.Rossetti. (Sister)
378. William Morris‟s best work is -------- (The Roots of the Mountains (1840))
379. Who is known as the poet of Liberty? (Swinburne)
380. Walt Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass (1855) is inspired by his experience of--------
381. CharlesDickens Sketches by Voz(1836) deals with London life in themanner of ----
382. Oliver Twist (!837) appeared in parts in -------- (True Sun)
383. Which is a critique of science and industry? (Hard Times 1854)
384. Dickens incomplete work is -------- (The Mystery of Edwin Drood)
385. Dickens Barnaby Rudge (1841) is a -------- (social Novel)
386. Who was born in India? (William Makepeace Thackeray)
387. Thackeray was the Editor of -------- (The Morning Chronicle)
388. Thackeray‟s best work is -------- (The Newcomer)
389. Which historical novel shows accurate knowledge of the time of Queen Anne? (The
History of Henry Esmond (1852))
390. What is the sequel of Henry Esmond? (Lovel the Windower)
391. Bronte daughters are -------- (Ann Bronte, Mary Bronte, Emily Bronte)
392. Charlotte Bronte‟s well known work is -------- (Villette 1853)
393. Which novel of Charlotte Bronte was published posthumously? (Jane Eyre)
394. Charlotte Bronte‟s first novel was -------- (Jane Eyre)
395. Who wrote Wuthering Heights (1847)? (Emily Bronte)
396. Which work of George Eliot is partly autobiographical? (Silas Marner 1861)
397. Silar Marner had a melodramatic -------- (Preface)
398. George Eliot‟s Impressions of Theophrastus is a collection of -------- (Poems)
399. Which work of George Eliot represents rural background? (Scenes of Clerical Life 1857)
400. Which work of George Eliot is considered as dissertation than a novel? (Vittoria 1867)
401. Which novel contains the details of Meredith‟s own family life? (The Ordeal of Richard
Feverel 1859)
402. Which novel‟s name was afterward changed to Sandra Belloni? (The Amazing Marriage
403. What is the sequel of Sandra Belloni? (The Tragic Comedians 1880)
404. Who is known for the „condition of England‟ novel? (Meredith)
405. Who became the Prime Minister in 1868 and 1870? (Elizabeth)
406. Who wrote Barsetshire novels? (Charles Kingsley)
407. Who was the successful follower of Dickens? (Walter Besant)
408. The best work of Robert Louis Stevenson is -------- (The New Arabian Nights 1882)
409. Which novel of Stevenson is written in episodic form? (The Master of Ballantree 1889)
410. Catriona is the sequel of -------- (Weir of Hermiston)
411. Mrs.Elizabeth Gaskell was the daughter of -------- (Benjamin Disraelli)
412. Which work shows hardships caused by the industrial revolution? (My Lady Leidlow
413. Gaskell‟s unfinished novel is -------- (Mary Barton)
414. Gaskell‟s Cranford (1853) is less a novel than a series of -------- (characters)
415. Gaskell wrote autobiography of her friend -------- (Ann Bronte)
416. John Ruskin wrote in defence of the painting of Turner in -------- (The Stone of Vanice)
417. John Ruskin‟s best work is -------- (The Crown of Wild Olive)
418. What contains views on artistic matters? (Unto this Last 1860)
419. The American writer Emerson was the disciple of -------- (Thomas Macaulay)
420. Walter Pater‟s Imaginary Portraits (1887) deals with -------- (Soldiers)
421. In which novel of Dickens, the protagonist remembers how he had been „a child of Tom
Jones, a harmless creature in his boyhood‟? (David Copperfield)
422. Thackeray complained in the preface to one of his novels that „since the author of Tom
Jones was buried, no writer of fiction among us has been permitted to depict to his utmost
power man‟. Name the novel. (Pendennis)
423. In which novel of Dickens Sir Leicester Deadlook appears? (Bleak House)
424. Mr.Brooke fails to get himself elected to the New Parliament in -------- (Middlemarch)
425. In which work of Carlyle do we find a theorizing German central character with a
mediating and explicitly English editor? (Sartor Resartus)
426. Dickens‟ A Tale of Two Cities shows considerable influence of Carlyle‟s -------- (The
French Revolution)
427. Dickens uniquely transferred his concern with The Modern condition of England out of
London in his succinct and often bitter satire on the effects of the industrial revolution in
northern England, named -------- (Hard Times)
428. Which work is Dickens‟ last work, an unfinishable, obsessive, mystery story? (The
Mystery of Edwin Drood)
429. Mary Barton which dramatizes the urban ills of the late 1840‟s, an era marked by
industrial conflict, was written by -------- (Elizabeth Gaskell)
430. Margaret Hale is the central woman character in Gaskell‟s -------- (North and South)
431. Yearst : A Problem, serialized in Franser‟s Magazine was written by -------- (Kingsley)
432. Which novel by Gaskell is a set at the time of Napoleonic wars and its plot hinges on the
disappearance of a lover who is carried off by a press gang enforcing recruitment into the
navy? (Sylvia‟s Lovers)
433. Whose early novels such as Vivian Grey, The Young Duke, Contarini Fleming and Alrey
have been satirized as „Silver-fork fiction‟ by Dickens in Nicholas Nickleby? (Disraeli)
434. In which novel of Disraeli the opinions of the super-sophisticated, multicultured Jew,
Sidonia, in many ways provide the clue to the quality of Disraeli‟s own arguments?
(Coningsby : Or the New Generation)
435. Whose History of England, a monumental work in five volumes, was published between
1848 and 1861? (Macaulay)
436. Becky Sharp and Amelian Sedley are characters from Thackeray‟s -------- (Vanity Fair)
437. In which of Thackeray‟s novels the protagonist is an Indian Army Officer? (The New
438. In which of his novels Trollope caricatured his mother as a genteel scribbles, Lady
Carbury? (The Way We Live Now)
439. In Charlotte Bronte‟s Jane Eyre, Jane rejects the proposal of -------- (Rochester and
St.John Rivers)
440. Who is the narrator in Charlotte‟s Villette? (Lucy Snowe)
441. Tennyson‟s In Memorium expresses his deep sense of bereavement at the death of his
friend and critic -------- (Arthur Hallam)
442. Which is a deeply ambiguous narrative poem, one which moves uncertainly from a
present day prologue to a story set in an undefined medieval past, and attempts to explore
the pressing contemporary subject of women‟s higher education, written by Tennyson?
(The Princess)
443. „The Old order changeth, yielding place to new, and God fulfills himself in many ways‟
This is an extract from Tennyson‟s -------- (Morte d‟ Arthur)
444. Which of Tennyson‟s love poems begins starky with the words „I Hate‟? (Maud)
445. The radical Victorian poet who wrote Poems and Ballads and Songs before Sunrise
(1871) is -------- (Swinburne)
446. The Earthly Paradise is written by -------- (Morris)
447. A Dream of John Ball and News from Nowhere was written by -------- (Morris)
448. Who is the author of Goblin Market, an extraordinary poem in its time, the spiritual
message in which stretches from childish fears to sexual threat and female self-assertion?
449. Rurora Leigh : A poem in Nine Books written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning is a --------
(Blank-verse novel)
450. „She thanked me – good! But thanked somehow – I know not how…?‟ This is an extract
from Robert Browning‟s -------- (My Last Duchess)
451. Which is a children‟s poem by Robert Browning? (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)
452. The Moonstone, a multiple narrative which ruftly explores the nature of detection and the
vagaries of memory observation is the masterpiece of -------- (William Wilke Collins)
453. The Woman in White, No Fame and Armadale are written by -------- (Collins)
454. Elizabeth Braddon achieved immediate popular acclaim with her gripping, almost
breathless novel -------- (Lady Audley‟s Secret)
455. The Egoist, which has long been most admired for the substantial dialogue scenes and the
tense comedy of English upper class manners, was written by -------- (George Meredith)
456. Whose first published works of fiction, The three scenes of Clerical Life were acclaimed
by reviewers? (George Eliot)
457. Queen Elizabeth was so pleased to read a novel by Maris Ann Evans that she
commusloned two painting of Scenes from it. Name the novel. (Adam Bede)
458. In which of George Eliot‟s novels Maggie Tulliver appears as the central woman
character? (Mill on the Floss)
459. Middle March published in 1871-72 which is very closely related to the determining spirit
of the age, is set in the years -------- (1829-32)
460. Whom does Dorothea marry in the end in Middle March? (Ladislaw)
461. Who is the first lover of Dorothea, whom she ryicts, in Middle March? (Chewtham)
462. The leading philosopher and ardent advocate of the extension of democracy who wrote
the essay on Liberty is -------- (John Stuart Mill)
463. Who wrote culture and Anarchy, playfully dividing English society into three constituent
classes: a Barbarian aristocracy, a Philistine bourgeoisie and an unfettered „Populace‟?
(Matthew Arnold)
464. „O born in days when wits were fresh and clear, And life ran gaily as the sparkling
Thames, Before this strange disease of modern life, with its sick hurry, its divided aims,
Its heads O‟ ertaxed, its palsied hearls was rife‟ This is an extract from Arnold‟s --------
(Scholar Gipsy)
465. In which of his poems Arnold returns to the contours of the Oxfordshire landscape, but
now imbues them with reminiscences of the Greek and Roman pastoral tradition?
466. Amours de Voyage, a sequence of verse letters is the best known poetry of -------- (Arthur
Hugh Clough)
467. The Oxford Movement in the Victorian period started in the early -------- (1830s)
468. In 1860, A.H.Clough had started a series of essays in Cornhill Magazine, concerning the
economic and social integrity of mid – Victorian England, but was obliged to stop it soon.
In 1862 it appeared as a book, entitled -------- (Unto This Last)
469. Who is the author of volumes of essays such as Modern Painters, stores of Venice, elo?
470. One of the most articulate and influential disciple of the Oxford Movement, who authored
some 150 works and most notably The Hour of Redclyffe and The Trial is --------
471. A dominant figure amongst the regional leaders of the Oxford Revival, who wrote the
novel Loss and Gain is -------- (J.H.Newman)
472. Who wrote The Importance of Being Ernest mocking at the mid-victorian confidence and
earnestness? (Oscar Wilde)
473. Who is the author of The Women of England that outlines the role of female sex as being
of service to the male members of the family? (Mrs.Ellis)
474. What was the original title given to Charles Lamb‟s John Woodwill? (Pride‟s Cure)
475. The professor of poetry at Oxford who considered as the father of the Oxford Movement
in England is -------- (John Keble)
476. Apologia Pro Vita Sua is the spiritual autobiography of -------- (Henry Newman)
477. A name connected with the Oxford Movement, he is the author of the novel Fabiola.
Identify him from among the following. (Cardinal Wiseman)
478. „Man for the field and woman for the hearth / Man for the sword and for the needle she, /
Man to command and woman to obey / All else confusion‟ This is an extract from
Tennyson‟s poem, in which he displays Victorian conservatism. Name the poem. (The
479. „God is law, say the wise, O Soul and let us rejoice / for it he thunders by law the thunder
is yet his voice‟ Tennyson thus reflects his attitude to God in his -------- (Higher
480. „Ah love, let us be true / To One another! For the world which seems / To lie before us
like a land of dreams / So various, so beautiful, so new / Hath really neither joy, nor love,
nor light / Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain‟ This passage showing Arnold‟s
pessimism has been extracted from his poem -------- (Dover Beach)
481. Arnold reflects his despair at common human testing in the following lines. „Most men
eddy about / Here there eat and drink / Are raised aloft, are hurl‟d in the dust / Striving
blindly, achieving nothing / And then they die – perish‟ In which poem do these lines
occur? (Rugby Chapel)
482. „Thou shalt have one God only; who would be at the expense of two? No graven images
may be Worhipped, except the currency‟ Which poem of A.H.Clough contains these
lines? (The Latest Decalogue)
483. „Unborn tomorrow and dead Yesterday / Why fret about them if today be sweet?‟ who
has thus hedonistically rejected the apprehensions of Arnold? (Edward Fitz Gerald)
484. Morris and Swinburne belonged to the school of poetry which rejected didacticism or
moralization as one of the aims of poetry what is this school called as? (Pre Rephaelite
485. Sigurd the Volsung an epic of the old Northen warrior who had defined death and fate, is
written by -------- (William Morris)
486. Who criticized the Pre-Raphelite poetry severely in his essay, The Fleshly school of
Poetry D.G.Rossetti? (Robert Buchanan)
487. In poems such as Fra Lippo Lippi and Andrea Del Sarto, Browning reflects his love for --
------ (Italy)
488. The Whiteship, Sister Helen and Eden Bower are D.G.Rossetti‟s famous -------- (Ballads)
489. Who gave up the Criticism of art for Criticism of society, saying „no one could go on
painting pictures in a burning house‟? (Ruskin)
490. Who wrote in his book, sign of the Times, „it is the Age of Machinery in every outward
and inward sense of that word‟? (Carlyle)
491. Who has severely criticized the social and industrial condition of the Victorian age in his
Past and present? (Carlyle)
492. „I‟m not denyin‟ the women are foolish God Almighty made them to match men‟ who
has been quotted here? (George Eliot)
493. The famous author of The Picture of Dorian Gray who was sentenced to two years‟ jail on
charges of homosexual practice is -------- (Oscar Wilde)
494. The leader of the Decadent Movement, he joined hands with Henry Highland in bringing
out a periodical The Yellow Book. Identify him. (Aurey Bear)
495. The poet who wrote Barrack Room Ballads and The Seven Seas is -------- (Rudyard
496. The Princess (1847) is written in a -------- (Mock-heroic style)
497. From which poem of Tennyson the following lines have been taken. „There lives more
faith in honest doubt, / Belive me, than in half the creed‟ (In Memoriam)
498. How many poems are there in The Idylls of the King? (12)
499. The last poem written by Tennyson in anticipation of his death is -------- (The Dreamer)
500. Identify the poet about whom it can be said that he is the greatest poet among English
critics and the greatest critic among English poets. (Matthew Arnold)
501. Which poem of Arnold contains these lines „Hath neither joy, nor love, nor light / Nor
certitude, Nor peace, Nor help for pain‟? (Dover Beach)
502. Who said about Tennyson, that he is, „decidedly the greatest poet of our living poets?
(Matthew Arnold)
503. Who propagated the idea of „high seriousness‟ and „grand style‟ in poetry? (Matthew
504. Which novelist of the Victorian age besides Dickens, is known for his brilliant irony and
social spirit? (Thackeray)
505. Sonnets from The Portuguese has been written by -------- (Mrs.Browning)
506. The poems Palace of Art and A Dream of Fair Women were written by -------- (Alfred
507. The musical quality of Tennyson‟s poetry was superb and unsurpassed who is the poet
who voiced the idea that Tennyson‟s poetry is musical except one word „scissors‟?
508. The subject of In Memoriam remained in Tennyson‟s mind for -------- (Seventeen years)
509. Identify the novelist who is known as, „a novelist of civilization‟? (George eliot)
510. Name the poet who wrote The Darkling Thrush. (Thomas Hardy)
511. Who wrote The Preface to the Essays? (Ruskin)
512. On Judicatis Terram, third essay in Unto this Last, Ruskin has borrowed the title from the
masterpiece of a great writer. Name of that writer is -------- (Dante)
513. Identify the novel in which Dickens said : „No words can express the agony of my soul‟
(David Copperfield)
514. Bleak House, a serious novel by Dickens and an attack on the legal system, was published
in -------- (1853)
515. Pip is a character in one of Dickens novels Name of the novel is -------- (Great
516. Who said about Shakespeare „Ohters abide our question. Thou art free we ask and ask – I
thou smilest and art still, out – topping knowledge‟? (Matthew Arnold)
517. „Poetry is a criticism of life‟ the poet who advocated this idea is -------- (Matthew Arnold)
518. „In the domain of criticism we are still living in the age of Matthew Arnold‟ who voiced
this idea about Arnold? (F.R.Leavis)
519. Who introduced George Eliot to G.H.Lewes? (Herbert Spenser)
520. George Eliot wrote under the pseudonym of a man. Who was the man? (G.H.Lewes)
521. The Mill on the Floss (1806) a novel by George Eliot is looked upon as a --------
(Spiritual autobiography)
522. Which one of the following poems is the most difficult and obscure, written by Robert
Browning? (Sordello)
523. Robert Browning is first and foremost a -------- (Philosopher)
524. Identify the poem, written by Alfred Tennyson, which contains the following lines. „To
Strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield‟? (Ulysses)
525. One of the Victorian poets, who was interested in‟incidents in the development of the
soul‟ is -------- (Robert Browning)
526. Which one of the poems written by Browning contains the following lines? „O World as
God had made it! …. And have lone is duty‟ (The Gardian Angel)
527. Matthew Arnold is best known for -------- (Criticism)
528. Henry Esmond (1852) by Thackeray is a -------- (Historical novel)
529. „Lydgate‟ is a character in George Eliot‟s one of the novels The novel is --------
530. Who wrote The Cloister and The Hearth (1861), one of the best historical novels of
Victorian age? (Charles Reade)
531. Life of Charlotte Bronte, one of the best biographies is written by -------- (Mrs.Gaskell)
532. Ruskin‟s English may be called -------- (Johnsonian)
533. A great critic poet of Victorian age wrote against materialism and mechanization, the
forces that were spilling the moral and spiritual foundation of the Victorian society, the
man is -------- (Mathew Arnold)
534. Unto this Last contains -------- (4 essays)
535. The duration of Queen Victoria‟s reign was -------- (64 years)
536. In the last decade of the nineteenth century the comedy of manners was revived in the
works of -------- (Wilde, Jones, Pinero)
537. Lady windermeri‟s Fan and Woman of No Importance are the famous plays of --------
(Oscar Wilde)
538. Francis Thompson, whose greater poetry was published between 1983 and 1897 was
influenced by -------- (Metaphysical poets)
539. Bill Sikes and Fagin the Jew figure in -------- (Oliver Twist)
540. The Subtitle of Frances Burney‟s Evelina is -------- (A Gothic Novel)
541. Lewis Carroll‟s real name -------- (Charles Dodgson)
542. William Morris born in the year -------- (1834)
543. The Defence of Guenevere(1856) and othe poems was written by -------- (William
544. A.C.Swinburne was born in the year -------- (1837)
545. Poetic works of Swinburne (Atalanta in Calydon, Poems and Ballads, Songs before
Sunrise, Poems and Ballads Second Series, Tristram of Lyonesse)
546. Swinburne devised the poetic form called the -------- (roundel)
547. „A century of Roundels‟ was dedicated to -------- (Christina Rossetti)
548. Chasteland (1856) is a -------- (Verse drama)
549. Bothwell (1874) is a -------- (Verse drama)
550. Tristam of Lyonesse (1882) in written by -------- (Algernon Charles Swinburne)
551. A Study of Shakespeare (1880) and A Study of Ben Johnson (1889)‟ are written by -------
- (Swinburne)
552. Roundel form is a variation of the -------- (French roundel form)
553. Swinburne‟s poem A baby‟s Death contains -------- roundels. (Seven)
554. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in -------- (1807)
555. Who was the first American to translate Dante Alighieri‟s The Divine Comedy?
556. H.W.Longfellow was one of the five -------- (Fireside poets)
557. Novels by Henry Wadswoth Longfellow. (Hyperion a Romance 1839, The Spanish
Student A play in Three Acts 1843, Evangeline : A Tale of Acadie (epic poem) 1847,
Kavanagh 1849, The Song of Hiawatha (epic poem) 1855, The Divine Tragedy 1871)
558. Poems by H.W.Longfellow. (Voices of the Night 1839, Ballads and other poems 1841,
Birds of Passage 1845)
559. Edward Fitzgerald was born in -------- (1809)
560. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam is written by -------- (Edward Fitz Gerald)
561. The Roman Balder was written by -------- (Sydney Dobell)
562. Dobell‟s poem The Roman, dedicated to the interests of -------- (Political liberty in Italy)
563. William Ernest Henley was born in -------- (1849)
564. Best remerbered work of W.E.Henley is -------- (Invictus)
565. Henley described as „less a book than a mosaic of scraps and shreds recovered from the
shot rubbish of some fourteen years of Journalism‟ (views and revies, a volume of notable
566. -------- is the first poem of Henley (The Song of the Sword)
567. London Voluntaries is a volume of poetry, by -------- (W.E.Henley)
568. Pro Rege Nostro is a by Henley was popular during First World War.
569. Pro Rege Nostro is a -------- (Patriotic verse)
570. „What have I done for you, England, my England? / What is there I would not do,
England my own? „ These lines are taken from the poem England My England by --------
571. „Out of the night that covers me, / Black as the pit from Pole to pole / I thank whatever
gods may be / for my unconquerable soul‟ The lines are taken from -------- (Invictus by
572. W.E.Henley was affected by -------- (tuberculosis)
573. The poem Invictus was published in the year -------- (1875)
574. Major work of Thomas Carlyle -------- (Sartor Resartus)
575. Thomas Carlyle‟s first attempt at fiction was -------- (Cruthers and Jonson)
576. Works of Thomas Carlyle (Sartor Resartus, The French Revolution, Heroes and Hero
Worship, Worship of Silence and Sorrow, The Everlasting Yea and No)
577. „A man‟s religion consists not of the many things he is in doubt of and tries to believe,
but of the few he is assured of and has no need of effort for believing‟ whose words is
this? (Thomas Carlyle)
578. Who described Dickens as „a fine little fellow…..? a face of most extreme mobility,
which he shuttles about eyebrows, eyes, mouth and all in a very singular manner while
speaking…‟? (Thomas Carlyle)
579. In latter Day Pamphlets Carlyle attacked -------- (Democracy)
580. „Truth could be discovered by totting up votes‟ whose words is this? (Thomas Carlyle)
581. John Ruskin was born in -------- (1819)
582. Ruskin‟s first publication was his poem -------- (On Skiddow and Derwent Water)
583. Ruskin first came to widespread attention with the first volume of -------- (Modern
Painters 1843)
584. The King of the Golden River is a novel written by Ruskin for -------- (Effie Gray)
585. The King of the Golden River is also known as -------- (The Black Brothers ; A Legend of
586. „Schwartz‟ and „Hans‟ are the characters in -------- (The King of the Golden River)
587. The Seven Lamps of Architecture was written by -------- (Ruskin)
588. In 1848 established Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood by ----- (John Everett Millais, William
Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti)
589. „I gave up my art work and wrote unto this last the cenral work of life‟ whose words are
this? (Ruskin)
590. The Pre-Raphaelites were -------- (James collinson (painter), William Holman Hunt
(Painter), John Everett Millais (Painter), Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Painter, poet), Frederic
George Stephens (Critic), William Michael Rossetti (Critic), Thomas Woolner (Sculptor,
591. T.B.Maculay was born in the year -------- (1800)
592. Thomas Babington Macaulay was a -------- (Whig Politician)
593. Lays of Ancient Rome is a collection of Ballads was written by -------- (T.B.Macaulay)
594. „The History of England from the Accession of James the second‟ was written by --------
595. The History of England covers the period from -------- (1685 to 1702)
596. Karl Marse referred -------- as a „systematic falsifier of history‟ (Macaulay)
597. Charles Dickens was born in the year -------- (1812)
598. David Copperfield is the -------- novel by Charles Dickens. (eighth)
599. Clara Peggotty, Betsey Trotwood, Edward Murdstone, Jane Murdstone, Mr.Creakle are
the characters in the novel -------- (David Copperfiled)
600. Sydney Carton, Lucie Manette, Charles Darnay are the character in the novel --------
(Tale of Two Cities)
601. Great Expectations was first published in serial form in Dicken‟s weakly periodical -------
- (All the year Round)
602. Pip, Miss Itavisham, Estella are the characters in the novel -------- (Great Expectations)
603. Dicken‟s first book, a collection of stories was -------- (Sketches by Boz)
604. „The good, the gentle, high, gifted ever friendly, noble Dickens every inch of him an
honest man‟ whose words is this? (Thomas Carlyle)
605. Thackeray was famous for his -------- (Satirical works)
606. Paris Sketch Book and The Yellow Plush Correspondence are the articles written by ------
-- (Thackeray)
607. George Meredith was born in the year -------- (1828)
608. George Meredith first book of poetry came out in -------- (1851)
609. Which is the last collection of poems by Meredith? (A Reading of Life, with other poems)
610. A Reading of Life, with other poems was published in -------- (1901)
611. Meredith was awarded the order of Merit in the year -------- (1905)
612. Modern Love was a poem by -------- (Meredith)
613. Modern Love reveals the pain of -------- (a loveless marriage)
614. The Shaving of Shagpat is a novel written by -------- (George Meredith)
615. The Shaving of Shagpat is a -------- novel (Fantasy)
616. The Shaving of Shagpat was written in the style of -------- (Arabian Nights)
617. The Egoist is a Tragicomical novel written by -------- (George Meredith)
618. In an afterword by Angus Wilson, -------- was called „The turning point in GEroge
Meredith‟s career‟? (The Egoist)
619. Who saw Meredith as „the first great art novelist‟? (Wilson)
620. Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre under the pen name -------- (Currer Bell)
621. Jane Eyre was „an utterance from the depths of a struggling, suffering much-enduring
spirit‟ whose words are this? (G.H.Lewes)
622. Elizabeth Gaskell is a -------- to Charlotte Bronte. (Friend)
623. Bronte dedicated the novel Jane Eyre‟s second edition to -------- (William Makepeace
624. Mr.Reed, Mrs.Sarah Reedm John Reed, Eliza Reed, Bessie Lee, Robert Leaven are the
characters in the novel -------- (Jane Eyre)
625. Shirley is a social novel by -------- (Charlotte Bronte)
626. „Lucy snowe‟ M.Paul Carlos David Emanuel, Dr.John Graham Bretton are the characters
in the novel -------- (Villette)
627. Emily Jane Bronte was born in the year -------- (1818)
628. Emily Bronte published Wuthering Heights under the pen name -------- (Ellis Bell)
629. Anne Bronte was born in the year -------- (1820)
630. Agnes Gray is the -------- novel by Anne Bronte. (Debut and autobiographical)
631. Which is the second and final novel by Anne Bronte? (The Tenant of Wildfell Hall)
632. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall was published under the pseudonym -------- (Acton Bell)
633. Who is the protagonist of the nove, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall? (Helen Lawrence
634. Emily Bronte and Anne Bronte was died of-------- disease. (Tuberculosis)
635. Silas Marner : The Weaver of Raveloe is the -------- novel by George Eliot (Third)
636. Romala was first appeared in fourteen parts published in -------- (Cornhil Magazine)
637. Which is the first published novel by Anthony Trollope? (The Macdermots of
638. -------- is the first novel in Anthony Trollope‟s series known as the „Chronicles of
Barsetshire‟? (The Warden)
639. Can you forgive her? Is the first novel by Anthony Trollope‟s series known as --------
(Palliser series)
640. „Have you ever read the novel, by Anthony Trollope? They precisely suit my taste solid
substantial….‟ Whose words are this? (Howthorne)
641. Who was a British Prime Minister parliamentarian, conservative statesman and literary
figure? (Benjamin Disraeli)
642. Which is the first novel by Benjamin Disraeli? (Vivian Grey)
643. Mary Montgomerie Lamb, a British poet, took her pen name „Violet Fane‟ from the novel
-------- by Benjamin Disraeli. (Vivian Grey)
644. Treasure Island, Kidnapped and Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde are the most
famous works of -------- (Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson)
645. Treasure Island is an Adventure novel by -------- (Robert Louis Stevenson)
646. Kidnapped is a Historical fiction set around 18th century, Scottish events rotably --------
(Appin Murder)
647. In the novel Kidnapped the character David Balfour is occused of being an accomplice in
the -------- (Appin Murder)
648. The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde is commonly associated with -------- (Split
649. New Arabian Nights is a collection of short stories divided into two volumes written by
-------- (Robert Louis Stevenson)
650. Cranford a novel written by -------- (Mrs.Elizabeth Gaskell)
651. Cranford narrated by Mary Smith was first published in 1851 as a serial in the magazine -
------- (Household words)
652. Mary Smith, Miss.Matty Jenkyns Mrs.Deborah Jenkyns, Miss.Pole are the characters in
the novel -------- (Cranford)
653. Which is the first industrial novel by Mrs.Gaskell? (Mary Barton)
654. North and South previously appeared in 20 weekly episodes in the magazine household
words, edited by -------- (Charles Dickens)
655. Hypatia is a historical novel written by -------- (Charles Kingsley)
656. In 1857 Kingsley published Two Years Ago a novel about -------- (How poor sanitary
conditions and public apathy cause an outbreak of cholera)
657. Which is the most famous book of Kingsley? (The Water Babies)
658. Kingsley wrote The Water Babies for -------- (his youngest son)
659. Wilkie Collins born in the year -------- (1824)
660. Wilkie Collins wrote -------- novels (30)
661. Collins was a life long friend of -------- (Charles Dickens)
662. The Woman in White is an epistolary novel written by -------- (Wilkie Collins)
663. Armadale is a mystery novel written by -------- (Wilkie Collins)
664. Gerald Manley Hopkins born in the year -------- (1844)
665. Barnfloor and Winepress, Nondum, Easter, Ad Mariam, Rosa Mystica are strictly
religious poems by -------- (Gerald Manley Hopkins)
666. In The Wreck of the Deutschland Hopkins welcomes -------- (God‟s Wrath towards man)
667. Oscar wilde born in the year -------- (1856)
668. Oscar Wilde‟s Lady Windermere‟s Fan filled with -------- (Wit and Humour)
669. Rudyard Kipling awarded the -------- for literature in 1907. (Nobel Prize)
670. Plain Tales from the Hills, Soldiers Three, The Jungle Book are the prose works of --------
(Rudyard Kipling)
671. Which is the first major work of Geroge Meredith? (The Ordeal of Richard Feverel)
672. Evan Marrington is the novel by -------- (George Meredith)
673. Who was the eldest of the Pre-Raphaelite school of artists and poets? (Dante Gabriel
674. Which is the most famous work of Algernon Charles Swinburne?(Atalanta in Calydon)
675. Which is the best known prose work of Walter de la Mare? (The Memoris of a Midget)
676. In 1922, Edmund Charles Blunden won the -------- prize for The Shepherd (Hawthornden
677. Which is the best known volume of poems by W.H.Davies? (The Soul‟s Destroyer and
other poems)
678. Dicken‟s A Tale of Two Cities have the backround of -------- (French Revolution)
679. Which is the first novel by Richard Doddridge Blackmore? (Clara Vaughan)
680. Which is the first notable work of Meredith? (The Ordeal of Richard Feverel)
681. The Master of Ballantrae is the novel of adventure by-------- (Robert Louis Stevenson)
682. Which is the masterpiece of Anthony Trollope? (Barchester Towers)
683. The second Reform bill, which extended the franchise was passed in -------- (1867)
684. Who among the following poets succeeded Wordsworth as the poet Laureate in 1850?
(Lord Tennyson)
685. Identify the Victorian poet from the following poets, who joined as the Inspector of
schools in 1851? (Matthew Arnold)
686. Who is remembered for his translation of the famous person work of the Rubaiyat of
Omar Khayyam in 1859? (Edward Fitzgerald)
687. Which great work of Carlyle was published serially in Fraser‟s Magazine? (Sartor


1. Bernard Shaw‟s plays are mainly -------- (Problem plays)
2. The phrase „Don Juan in Hell‟ appears in -------- (Man and Superman)
3. The play in which Shaw presents the idea of „Life Force‟ is -------- (Man and Superman)
4. In which play Galsworthy deals with industrial relations? (Strife)
5. Isable Archer figures in Henry James‟ -------- (The Portrait of a Lady)
6. Lambart Strether figures in James‟ -------- (The Ambassadors)
7. Which novel is not titled after its hero? (Tono Bungay)
8. The author of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence and Cakes and Ale is ---
(Somerset Maugham)
9. The phrase Things Fall Apart appears in -------- (W.B.Yeats‟ The Second Coming)
10. The term „absurd‟ was derived from -------- (Albert Camus)
11. Who first used the term „The Theatre of the Absurd‟? (Martin Esslin)
12. Kingsley Amis is associated with -------- (Realism)
13. Amis‟ Lucky Jim is an example of -------- (Campus novel)
14. The Theatre of the Absurd was published in -------- (1961)
15. Peter Ackroyd is a novelist and -------- (biographer)
16. „Alienation effect‟ is associated with the plays of -------- (Brecht)
17. John Osborne‟s Look Back in Anger was published in -------- (1956)
18. The anti-hero Jimmy Porter figures in Osborne‟s -------- (Look Back in Anger)
19. George Orwell‟s Animal Farm satirizes -------- (Stalin‟s Russia)
20. The novel Animal Farm is in the form of a -------- (Fable)
21. Arnold Bennett‟s novels are mostly set in -------- (potteries)
22. Stalin and Trotsky are represented in Animal Farm by -------- (Napoleon and Snowball)
23. Animal Farm was originally rejected for publication by -------- (Eliot)
24. W.H.Auden wrote the plays The Dog Beneath the Skin and The Ascent to F6 in
collaboration with -------- (Christopher Isherwood)
25. The Spanish civil war started in the year -------- (1937)
26. The Age of Anxiety was written by -------- (W.H.Auden)
27. How can we know the dancer from the dance is a poem by -------- (Shaw)
28. Beckett‟s More Pricks than Kicks is a -------- (collection of Stories)
29. The last novel of Virginia Woolf is -------- (Between the Acts)
30. Beckett‟s Waiting for Godot was first produced in English in -------- (1955)
31. Aldous Huxley‟s The Brave New World is -------- (Dystopia)
32. The central character of Edward Bond‟s play Bingo is -------- (Shakespeare)
33. Brave New world was published in -------- (1932)
34. James Joyce‟s Ulysses was published in -------- (1922)
35. Eliot‟s The Waste Land was published in -------- (1922)
36. Conrad‟s major political novel(s) -------- (Nostromo and Under Western Eyes)
37. The author of the Napoleon of Nothing and The Man who was Thursday is --------
38. Gissing belongs to the tradition of -------- (Realism)
39. Conrad‟s novel dealing with the Russian revolutionaries in Switzerland is -------- (Under
Western Eyes)
40. Anthony Powell‟s A Dance to the Music of Time is a sequence of -------- (12 novels)
41. Bernard Marx, Melmholtz Waston and Mustapha Mond appear in -------- (Brave New
42. Yeats‟s The Celtic Twilight is a collection of -------- (Stories and Folklores)
43. The characters, Sir Henry Harcourt – Relilly, Laviaia, Celia and Edward figure in Eliot‟s
play -------- (The Cocktail Party)
44. Eliot‟s The Cocktail Party is based on the Alcestis of -------- (Euripides)
45. The New Grub Street deals with -------- (the London literary life)
46. Queen Victoria died in the year -------- (1901)
47. Joyce‟s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was published in -------- (1916)
48. Joseph Conrad‟s first novel is -------- (Almayer‟s Folly)
49. The author of the 1914 sonnets is -------- (Brooke)
50. Ford Madox Ford‟s novel The Good Soldier was published in the year ------- (1915)
51. The sonnet „If I should die, think only this of me‟ was written by the war poet --------
(Rupert Brooke)
52. Ursula Brangwen and Gubrun Brangwen figure in Lawrence‟s -------- (The Rainbow and
Women in Love)
53. Virginia Woolf‟s first novel The Voyage Out was published in -------- (1915)
54. The last novel of Conrad is-------- (The Rover)
55. Strange Meeting is a poem by the war poet -------- (Owen)
56. Break of Day in the Trenches is a poem by -------- (Rosenberg)
57. Forster‟s Howards End shows -------- (English Society)
58. Ezra Pound was greatly influenced by -------- (ancient Chinese Philosophy)
59. A School of Imagist poets was set up in 1912 by -------- (Ezra Pound)
60. The death of King Edward and the accession of George V happened in the year --------
61. F.T.Marinetti lead the Italian avant-garde movement known as -------- (Futurism)
62. The anthology of poetry called De Imagistes was brought out by -------- (Ezra Pound)
63. The phrase „The Horror! The Horror!!‟ is taken from -------- (Heart of Darkness)
64. Orwell‟s Homage to Catalonia is -------- (A collection of stories)
65. Hopkins Peace and Pied Beauty are -------- (Curtail Sonnets)
66. Hopkin‟s critical terminology, The animating energy in art, nature and God is called ------
-- (Instress)
67. Ted Hugh‟s first collection of poems is-------- (Hawk in the Rain)
68. John Fowle‟s The French Lieutenant‟s Women (1969) parodies -------- (Mantissa)
69. Christopher Fry‟s The Lady‟s Not for Burning (1948) is a -------- (Verse Comedy)
70. The leader of Vorticism was -------- (Wyndham Lewis)
71. The larger magazine of vorticist writings and design called Blast was brought out by ------
-- (Pound and Lewis)
72. The story of Dedalus, which Joyce uses in A Portrait was derived from -------- (Ovid‟s
73. Ireland became a free state in the year -------- (1922)
74. Joyee‟s Ulysses presents a single day in the life of Leopold Bloom, Molly Bloom and
Stephen Dedalus and that day is -------- (16 June 1904)
75. In the structure of Ulysses, Joyce parodies -------- (Homer)
76. Graham Greene‟s Brightom Rock, The Heart of the Matter and The Power and the Glory
are regarded as -------- (Catholic Trilogy)
77. Portrait of the Artist as a young Dog is -------- (A Collection of Stories)
78. Dylan Thomas‟s Under Milk Wood is -------- (A Radio Play)
79. The titles of poems in Eliot‟s Four Quarters are all names of -------- (places)
80. The Waste Land is dedicated to -------- (Pound)
81. The term Stream of Consciousness was introduced by -------- (William James)
82. Orwell‟s 1984 was published in -------- (1949)
83. Woolf deals with the theme of sex change in -------- (Orlando)
84. Jean Rhy‟s Wide Sargasso Sea is a reconstruction of the character of Mrs.Rochester in ---
----- (Jane Eyre)
85. The real name of George Orwell is-------- (Eric Blair)
86. Orwell‟s column for the weekly Tribune was called -------- (As I Please)
87. Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf established a printing press called -------- (Hogarth
88. The Waste Land was first published in -------- (The Criterion and The Dial)
89. One of the major sources of The Waste Land is -------- (Jessie L.Weston‟s From Ritual to
90. The last novel of E.M.Forster is -------- (A Passage to India)
91. Joseph Conrad‟s narrator Marlow appears first in -------- (Youth)
92. In Lord Jim, Patna is a -------- (ship)
93. Golding‟s Lord of the Flies derives its story line from -------- (R.M.Ballantyne‟s Coral
94. Katherine Mansfield married -------- (Middleton Murry)
95. The labour Party formed its first government in Britain in -------- (1931)
96. Who declared himself Classicist in Literature, Royalist in Politics and Anglo-Catholic in
religion -------- (Eliot)
97. W.H.Auden‟s first published book of poems appeared in -------- (Isherwood)
98. Auden collaborated with -------- to write the travel book Letters from Iceland --------
(Louis MacNeice)
99. Ted Hughes‟ favorite subject of poetry is -------- (bird and animal life)
100. The author of Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious and Fantasia of the Unconscious is ---
----- (D.H.Lawrence)
101. The first staged play of Sean O‟ Casey -------- (Juno and the Peacock)
102. O‟ Casey is associated with -------- (Abbey Theatre)
103. Jack, Piggy and Ralph figure in -------- (Lord of the Flies)
104. Virginia Woolf employed the „Stream of Consciousness‟ technique for the first time in ---
----- (Mrs.Dalloway)
105. Ann Whitefield, John Tanner and Roebuck Ramsden figure in Shaw‟s play -------- (Man
and Superman)
106. Septimus Warren Smith figures in -------- (Mrs.Dalloway)
107. James Joyce‟s Chamber Music (1907) is a -------- (Collection of Poems)
108. The First Stream of Conscious novels were written by -------- (Dorothy Richardson)
109. The first intended title of A Portrait of the Artist as a young man is ------- (Stephen Hero)
110. The sentence „Big Brother is watching you‟ occurs in -------- (Nineteen Eighty-Four)
111. Lawrence deals with the story of Christ in -------- (The Man who Died)
112. The author of the one act play The Dark Lady of the Sonnets is -------- (Shaw)
113. Eliot‟s Book of Practical Cats is a collection of -------- (Humourous verse for Children)
114. E.M.Forster depicts successfully homosexual relations in -------- (Maurice)
115. Who is associated with The Oxford English Dictionary? (James Murray)
116. John Fowles‟s The French Lieutenant‟s Woman (1969) parodies -------- (The victorian
117. Murdoch was awarded the Booker prize in 1978 for the novel -------- (The Sea, The Sea)
118. The first novel of Irish Murdoch is -------- (Under the Net)
119. Iris Murdoch‟s most successful novel is -------- (The Bell)
120. Sarah Woodruff and Ernestina figure in -------- (The French Lieutenant‟s Woman)
121. Adela and Dr.Aziz figure in -------- (A Passage to India)
122. The ban on Lady Chatterley‟s Lover was lifted in -------- (1960)
123. The slogan „Make it New‟ is offered by -------- (Pound)
124. The Greek tradition of Chorus reappears in the play of -------- (T.S.Eliot)
125. Maurya figures in J.M.Synge‟s -------- (Riders to the Sea)
126. „Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it is awful‟. The play is --------
(Waiting for Godot)
127. „HURRY UP PLEASE; IT IS TIME‟ appears as a refrain in the second part of --------
(The Waste Land)
128. Golding‟s novel about the coming of homosapiens is -------- (The Inheritors)
129. The subtitle of Woolf‟s novel Orlando is -------- (A Biography)
130. Who says „My subject is war and the pity of war‟? -------- (Hilfred Owen)
131. C.P.Snow‟s Strangers and Brothers has -------- (Eleven Volumes)
132. Larkin‟s The Less Deceived is a -------- (Collection of Poems)
133. Jim Dixon appears in -------- (Lucky Jim)
134. Tom Stoppard‟s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead was produced in -------- (1960)
135. „Comedy of Menace‟ is associated with -------- (Pinter)
136. The last play of Joe Orton is -------- (What the Butler Saw)
137. W.H.Auden migrated to America in -------- (1939)
138. In Memory of W.B.Yeats is an elegy by -------- (Auden)
139. Osborne‟s Look Back in Anger was staged in 1956 at -------- (The Royal Court Theatre)
140. The first poem of W.B.Yeats is -------- (The Wanderings of Oisin (1989))
141. The first play of W.B.Yeats is -------- (The Counters Cathelean)
142. In 1889, Yeats met -------- (Maud Gonne)
143. In which year Yeats was elected Senator of the Irish Free State -------- (1922)
144. In 1923 Yeats was awarded -------- ( the Nobel Prize)
145. Yeats saw in man a dual personality -------- (Self and Anti-self)
146. In which play Yeats used a symbol of art ?-------- (Byzantium)
147. Eliot worked as an Editor in -------- (The Criterion from (1922 to 1939))
148. Eliot‟s first markedly religious poem is -------- (Ash Wednesday)
149. The Waste Land has been called -------- (a social document)
150. Auden‟s two major works are -------- (New Year Letter, The Age of Anxiety)
151. Spender used Chorus in the play is -------- (The Trial of a Judge)
152. Spender‟s poems are divided into -------- (Three groups)
153. Spender‟s first group poems are -------- (Marginal Field and An Elementary School Class
Room in Slum)
154. In which year Dylan Thomas published his first volume? -------- (1934)
155. Lewis‟s first volume of poems is -------- (Transitional Poems)
156. John Betjeman‟s first book of poems is -------- (Mount Zion)
157. In 1952 John Betjeman published the book -------- (A Few Late Chrysanthemums)
158. John Betjeman‟s last book is -------- (A Nip in the Air)
159. Ted Huges‟ first collection of poems is -------- (The Hawk in the Rain)
160. Philip Larkin was shortly noted as the -------- (Post Second World War Poet of England)
161. Philip Larkin used ----- in his works (Traditional Metrical patterns)
162. Gilbert Keith Chesterton was a -------- (Journalist)
163. Gilbert Keith Chesterton supported -------- (Capitalism)
164. Who was the Editor of an anthology of verse entitled Georgian Poetry? (Edward Marsh)
165. What is common amongst Rubert Brooke, Julian Grenfell and Siegfried Sassoon? (They
were all war poets)
166. Who succeeded Robert Bridges as Poet Laureate of England? (John Mansefield)
167. Who supported British imperialism in India? (Rudyard Kipling)
168. Rudyard Kipling was born in -------- (Bombay)
169. „Oh, East is East and West is West and never the twain can meet‟. Whose lines are these?
(Rudyard Kipling)
170. T.S.Eliots dedicated his The Waste Land to -------- (Ezra Pound)
171. In how many parts is The Waste Land divided? -------- (Five parts)
172. Which of the poem T.S.Eliot ends with the lines „Datta, Dayadhavam, Damyata, Shanti,
Shanti, Shanti‟? (The Waste Land)
173. James Joyce initiated -------- (Stream of Consciousness Technique)
174. Which of James Joyce‟s novels resembles a vast musical composition? (Finnegans Wake)
175. Which novel of D.H.Lawrence has autobiographical overtones -------- (Sons and Lovers)
176. D.H.Lawrence‟s Lady Chatterley‟s Lover is generally called an obscene novel, because---
----- (its theme is sexual experience)
177. The phrase „Religion of the blood‟ is associated with -------- (D.H.Lawrence)
178. Virginia Woolf was the daughter of an important critic -------- (Leslie Stephen)
179. A character in Virginia Woolf‟snovels changes his sex. Which novel is it? --------
180. What is the central theme of Bernard Shaw‟s Man and Superman -------- (A woman‟s
search for a fitting mate)
181. In which of Shaw‟s plays‟the Chocolate Cream Hero‟ appears -------- (Arms and the
182. What is the central theme of Shaw‟s Mrs.Warren‟s Profession? (Prostitution)
183. The central theme of Galsworthy‟s Strife is -------- (Labour and Capital Conflict)
184. „The law is what it is – a majestic edifice; sheltering all of us, each stone of which rests
on another‟. In which play this sentence occurs? -------- (Justice)
185. In which year was Bernard Shaw awarded the Nobel prize -------- (1925)
186. Joseph Conrad‟s novels are generally set in the backround of -------- (the Sea)
187. E.M.Forster‟s A Passage to India deals with -------- (relationship between the Britishers
and Indians)
188. Who is the originator of „Sprung Rhythm‟ -------- (Hopkins)
189. The terms „Inscape‟ and „Instress‟ are associated with -------- (Hopkins)
190. Who called Hamlet an artistic failure? -------- (T.S.Eliot)
191. The World within World is an autobiography of -------- (Stephen Spender)
192. Who said „For art‟s sake alone, I would not face the toil of writing a single sentence‟ -----
--- (G.B.Shaw)
193. Aldous Huxley borrowed the title Brave New World from -------- (Shakespeare‟s
194. Who was believed to be „a classicist in literature, Royalist in politics and Anglo catholic
in religion -------- (T.S.Eliot)
195. Who was the Founder of the Bloomsbury Group, a literary club of England --------
(Viginia Woolf)
196. How should Rudyard Kipling be rightly called -------- (An Anglo-Indian Poet)
197. George Orwell‟s Nineteen Eighty-Four is -------- (A prophetic novel)
198. Who initiated the term „New Criticism‟ in English literary criticism ----- (David Daiches)
199. In which verse-form is T.S.Eliot‟s TheWaste Iand written? -------- (Free verse)
200. Whose poetry was known as „namby Pamby‟ -------- (Ambrose Philips)
201. Robert Bage‟s Man as He is (1792) is a -------- (Gothic Novel)
202. Which novel is a story of Pirates and their search for burried gold -------- (Treasure
203. Falkland is a character in -------- (Caleb Williams)
204. Who is the brave young narrator in the novel Treasure Island? (Jim Hawkins)
205. Giles Lytton Strachey‟s best work is -------- (Eminent Victorians)
206. T.E.Lawrence wrote about the Arab struggle objectively in -------- (The Seven Pillars of
207. Who translated Odyssey in to English? -------- (T.E.Lawrence)
208. Who was followed by two books for children? (Hilaire Belloc)
209. Hilaire Belloc‟s famouse works are -------- (The Bad Child‟s Book of Beasts and More
Beasts for Worse children)
210. Hilaire‟s mentionable satirical novel is -------- (Mr.Chutterbuck‟s Election and A Change
in the Cabinet)
211. Gilbert Keith Chesterton‟s very famous works are -------- (Chesterton‟s detective novels,
Featuring Father Brown)
212. Alfred George Gardiner was an -------- ( Editor of the Daily newspaper for seven years)
213. George Bernard Shaw‟s the first play Widower‟s House was started in -------- (1885 and
completed in 1892)
214. Bernard Shaw‟s last play is -------- (Back to Methuselah)
215. Shaw‟s Arms and the Man addressed itself -------- (to the meaningless killing in the name
of war)
216. In Shaw‟s which work is a satire on political systems -------- (The Apple Cart)
217. In which play Shaw proved his dramatic techniques -------- (Caesar and Cleopatra)
218. T.S.Eliot‟s first poetic play is -------- (Murder in the Cathedral)
219. John Galsworthy was a -------- (Lawyer)
220. John Millington Synge‟s first play is -------- (The Shadow of the Glen)
221. The shadow of a Gunman play deals with -------- (bloodiness and violence of Anglo-Irish
war of 1920)
222. Juno and the Paycock is O‟ Casey‟s -------- (second play)
223. O‟ Casey‟s best Chronicle play is -------- (The Plough and the Stars)
224. J.M.Barrie‟s best play is -------- (The Admirable Crichton)
225. Christophe Fry‟s most famous play is -------- (The Lady is not for Burning)
226. The Sleep of Prisoners explained about -------- (The dream of four prisoners in a German
227. Bennet‟s best novel The Old Wives Tale is about -------- (two sisters)
228. How many techniques are used in Joseph Conrad‟s Heart of Darkness? (two techniques)
229. William Somerset Maugham‟s earlier novel is -------- (Liza of Lambeth and
230. How many novels were written by E.M.Forster? (Five novels)
231. In which year D.H.Lawrence published The Rainbow ?-------- (1915)
232. Huxley‟s first novel is -------- (Crome yellow)
233. Huxley‟s satirical novel is -------- (Time Must have a Stop)
234. Joyce‟s first novel is -------- (Dubliners)
235. Joyce‟s major work is -------- (Ulysses)
236. In which novel Virginia used symbols? -------- (The Waves)
237. George Orwell‟s real name was -------- (Eric Blair)
238. George Orwell‟s first autobiographical work is -------- (Down and Out in Paris and
London), published in 1933.
239. George Orwell‟s first novel is -------- (Burmese Days)
240. Orwell‟s Animal Farm was published on -------- (1945)
241. Orwell‟s Animal Farm is an -------- (anti-utopian novel)
242. P.G.Wodehouse‟s famous novels are -------- (Love Among the Children, The Inimitable
243. Kinsley Aims‟s first novel is -------- (Lucky Jim)
244. Aims‟s most serious novel is -------- (The Anti-Deathleague)
245. John Brain‟s first novel is -------- (Room at the Top Shows a Low Class Man)
246. William Golding‟s important novels are -------- (Free Fall, The Spire and The Pyramid)
247. T.S.Eliot‟s first volume of poems appeared in 1917. That is -------- (Prutrock and Other
248. Who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948? (T.S.Eliot)
249. T.S.Eliot‟s Ash Wednesday has -------- (Six parts)
250. Who referred to T.S.Eliot‟s style as „Poetic Shorthand‟? (I.A.Richards)
251. A great essayist and journalist is known as „Alpha of the Plough‟ -------- (A.G.Gardiner)
252. Who is the author of Old Lamps for the New? (Hillaire Belloc)
253. Who among the writers made remarkable contribution to the art of biography writing?
(Lytton Strachey)
254. An assistant editor of Punch was a celebrated biographer of Charles Lamb --------
255. Marlow is a character in -------- (Joseph Conrad‟s Lord Jim)
256. Who pioneered the Science fiction in twentienth century? (H.G.Wells)
257. What is H.G.Wells‟ major contribution to fiction? (International Outlook)
258. R.L.Somers is a character in D.H.Lawrence‟s -------- (Kangaroo)
259. Paul Morel appears in -------- (D.H.Lawrence‟s Sons and Lovers)
260. Stephen Dedalus, a projection of James Joyce himself appears in -------- (A Portrait of the
Artist as a Young Man)
261. The characters of Leopold and Mrs.Bloom appear in -------- (James Joyce‟s Ulysses)
262. Miriam Henderson is a character in -------- (Dorothy Richards‟ The Painted Roof)
263. Falder is a character in -------- (Galsworthy‟s Justice)
264. Sir Ralph Bloomfield Bonnington is a character in G.B.Shaw‟s -------- (The Doctor‟s
265. The problem play is also known as -------- (The Drama of Ideas)
266. The dramatist who does not introduce any villain in his plays is -------- (G.B.Shaw)
267. G.B.Shaw started writing dramatic criticism for -------- (The Saturday Review)
268. Alan J.Lerner rendered a musical version of G.B.Shaw‟s -------- (Pygmalion)
269. Who wrote The Ideal of a Christian Church? (William George Ward)
270. W.B.Yeats endevoured to revive the poetic drama at the -------- (Abbey Theatre)
271. Who among the dramatist firmly established the conventions and traditions of the poetic
drama? (T.S.Eliot)
272. T.S.Eliot‟s profound theory of poetic drama is -------- (Rhetoric and Poetic Drama)
273. Edward Chamberlayne, a lawyer is a character in -------- (T.S.Eliot‟s The Cocktail party)
274. William Somerset Maugham‟s Mrs.Dot is -------- (a play)
275. British Drama League was founded in -------- (1919)
276. In Tristram Shandy, the hero is born in -------- (the third book)
277. Don Quixote basically presents -------- (The contrasting glory and misery of mankind)
278. In writing Tristram Shandy, Sterne was mainly influenced by -------- (Cervantes)
279. Tristram Shandy is primarily a ------ novel (sentimental)
280. Raymond Williams is primarily is a -------- (Critic)
281. After Queen Victoria‟s death Edward II acceded to the throne of England in --------
282. Modern age is called the age of -------- (Anxiety and interrogation)
283. Robert Bridges was appointed poet Laureate in -------- (1913)
284. Who wrote The Testament of Beauty in 1929? (Robert Bridges)
285. The Georgian Poetry A Work of Twelve Different Writers appeared in ------ (1911-12)
286. Which is the first work of Thomas Hardy? (Far from the Madding Crowd)
287. Hardy‟s Under the Greenwood Tree derived its title from -------- (Chaucer)
288. Hardy‟s Far from Madding Crowd derived its title from -------- (Othello)
289. Hardy‟s masterpiece is ---- (The Well Beloved) issued in 1892. It was reissued in ----
290. Which novel has its subtitle A Poor Woman? (Jude the Obscure)
291. Hardy‟s famous character Michael Henchard finds expression in -------- (The Return of
the Native)
292. After which novel Hardy left fiction writing ?-------- (A Laodicen)
293. Which has the finest expression of Hardy‟s philosophy? (Time‟s Laughing)
294. Hardy‟s Wessex Poems was published in -------- (1896)
295. Henry James‟ What Maisie Knew deals with the study of a -------- (soldier‟s mind)
296. James wrote for his students -------- (Notes of a Son and Brother)
297. Who wrote The Notebooks of Henry James? (Samuel Butler)
298. What is the real name of Joseph Conrad? (Jozef Konrad)
299. Which novel of Joseph Conrad is based on his experiences of Malaya? (Youth – A
Narrative and two other stories)
300. Conrad‟s Nostromo – A Tale of the Seaboard portraits the scences of ------- (Japan)
301. Conrad‟s The Mirror of the Sea–Memoirs and Impressions was a series of -------- (Plays)
302. In which novel Conrad deals with a detective story -------- (The Shadow Line – A
303. Which novel of Conrad remains incomplete -------- (The Rescue - A Romance of the
304. In which novel Conrad collaborated with Ford Maddox Hueffer -------- (The Inheritors –
An Extravagant Story)
305. Conrad‟s short story collection Tales of Hearsay was published -------- (posthumously)
306. Who was a member of Edwardian Novelists? (George Bernard Shaw)
307. Whose father was a professional cricketer? (Rudyard Kipling)
308. In which novel Wells presents a picture of the contemporary society? ------ (The
Elements of Reconstruction)
309. Wells‟ The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind is a -------- (novel)
310. Whose disciples were Shaw, D.H.Lawrence, Somerset Maughamand Wells? (John
Millington Synge)
311. Which novel deals with Butler‟s childhood and his relation with his father? (The
Authoress of Odyssey)
312. Butler‟s Erewhon and Erewhon Revisited was the sequel of -------- (The Authoress of the
313. Which novel shows Butler‟s classical interest? (The Japanese Origin of Odyssey)
314. In which book Butler translated Iliad and Odyssey -------- (The authoress of the Odyssey)
315. Rudyard Kipling got Nobel Prize in -------- (1907)
316. Which book of Rudyard Kipling is the collection of the articles? (From Sea to Sea
317. Kipling worked as a reporter of Civil and Military Gazette and Pioneer between --------
318. The romantic conception of a soldier finds expression in -------- (Arms and the man)
319. Which play presents a person, his wife and a poet involved in the eternal triangle -----
320. Which play is set in war period? (Heartbreak House)
321. Which play of Synge is a comedy based on an old folk-tale? (The Shadows of the Glen)
322. Which play deals with the themes of love and death? (Deirdre of the Sorrows)
323. In which play Synge composed powerful tragedy in one act -------- (Riders to the Sea)
324. John Galsworthy‟s The Forsyte Saga is a -------- (Sequence of novels)
325. Oscar wilde composed comedies of manners in the tradition of -------- (Sheridan)
326. Who wrote The Secret Life? (Harley Granville – Barker)
327. Which book of W.B.Yeats contains the poems of realism? (Responsibilities)
328. Which play of Yeats highlights injustice to the Irishmen? (The Countless Cathleen)
329. This play concerned with the heroism of Cochulain is -------- (On Baile‟s Strand)
330. Which book of Yeats was dedicated to his wife by spirits? (A Vision)
331. Who was awarded by the Military Cross for his war poems? (Wilfred Owen)
332. Who was the editor of the magazine entitled Woman? (Enoch Arnold Bennett)
333. Which novel of Lawrence contains the story of unhappy human relationship? (The White
334. Lawrence‟s Women in Love was the sequel of -------- (The Plumed Serpent)
335. The character Stephen Dedalus was modelled on -------- (James Joyce)
336. In which novel Joyce uses „Stream of Consciousness‟ technique? (Ulysses)
337. Who introduced „Stream of Consciousness‟ technique? (Virginia Woolf)
338. Which work of Virginia Woolf remains incomplete? (Orlando, a Biography)
339. Which novel of Edward Morgan Forster deals with the misunderstanding between
individual and races? (Howards‟ End)
340. In which novel of Edward Morgan Forster deals with the conflict between two different
cultures? (Where Angels Fear to Tread)
341. Which novel of Aldous Leonard Huxley is a lightened satire on contemporary society?
(Crome Yellow)
342. Which novel derives its title from Shakespeare? (Brave New world)
343. Which was the best novel of Maugham? (Cakes and Ale)
344. ---------- is an autobiographical novel (Of Human Boundage)
345. Which novel of Priestley deals with the story of the adventures of touring? (The Good
346. Who worked as a director of Faber and Faber publication? (T.S.Eliot)
347. Which poem was based on The Legend of Fisher King? (The Waste Land)
348. Which book of T.S.Eliot contains non-dramatic poetry? (Four Quartets)
349. Which play contains the moving speeches of chorus of the women of Canterbury?
(Murder in the Cathedral)
350. Which poem of W.H.Auden was composed in collaboration with Isherwood? (The Dog
Beneath the Skin)
351. Which book did Lewis edit with his contemporary? (Oxford Poetry)
352. Which play is in Auden-Isherwood tradition? (Out of the Picture)
353. Which book shows Lewis‟s love for nature? (From Feathers to Iron)
354. Which book of Sitwell sensitively analyses the poetry of Pope? (Alexander Pope)
355. Which poems of Yeats opens with the words „Between extremities / man runs his
course‟? (Vacillation)
356. Who is the protagonist in Samuel Butler‟s The Way of All Flesh? (Earnest)
357. Dracula, a masterpiece of horror fiction was written by -------- (Bram Stoker)
358. R.L.Stevenson‟s Kidnapped and its sequel Catriona are set in 18th century --------
359. The admirer of Ibsen who wrote the essay The Quintessence of Isbenism is --------
360. Shaw‟s early plays which fell victim to Lord Chamberlain‟s censorship include -------
(The Philanderer, Mrs.Warren‟s Profession)
361. Who wrote the essays Modern Fictionand Mr.Bennett and Mrs.Brown? (Virginia Woolf)
362. Pilgrimage, Dorothy Richardson‟s sequence of novels, containes -----volumes (13)
363. Prior to Proust, who had pioneered the technique of „Stream of Consciousness‟ in France
-------- (Dujartin)
364. Gerald Crich appears in D.H.Lawrence‟s novel -------- (The Virgin and the Gipsy)
365. Who was appointed the Poet Laureate in 1980 in succession to Robert Bridges? (John
366. Eliot‟s The Waste Land appeared first in the quarterly magazine -------- (The Criterion)
367. Which two novelists collaborated on the novels The Inheritance of 1901 and Romance of
1903? (Joseph Conrad and Madox Ford)
368. Eliot‟s verse-comedies include----(The Cocktail Party, The Confidential Clerk, The Elder
369. Who wrote the anthology of poems Focade in 1922? (Edith Sitwell)
370. Edith Sitwell‟s volumes of poetry include -------- (Street Songs, Green Songs, The Song
of the Cold)
371. The adolescent Stephen is the protagonist in Joyce‟s -------- (A Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man)
372. Sweeny Agonistes, published in 1932, was an experiment in modern playwriting by ------
-- (T.S.Eliot)
373. The Military officer who wrote an epic of suffering and comradeship, In Parenthesis is ---
----- (David Jones)
374. Who wrote the vast and idiosyncratic novel, A Glastonbury Romance? (Compton-
375. Novels such as Decline and Fall, A Handful of Dust, Vile Bodies and Black Mischief
were written by -------- (Evelyn Waugh)
376. Which novel of Evelyn Waugh is set in the tattering African Kingdom of Azania? (Black
377. Charles Ryder is the narrator and protagonist in Evelyn Waugh‟s -------- (Brides Head)
378. Aldous Huxley‟s most celebrated book is a utopion or rather dystopian fantasy -----
(Brave New World)
379. In Brave New World the calendar is dated AF, which stands for -------- (After Ford)
380. Huxley described his experiences of India in the Travel book -------- (Jesting Pilate)
381. Day-Lewis became the Poet Laureate in -------- (1968)
382. Name the founder of Poetry Review, a periodical. (Harold Monro)
383. Who are the Nightingales of the poem Sweeny among the Nightingale by Eliot?
384. The Journey of the Magi is a poem written by T.S.Eliot. Another piece written by „O‟
Henry is titled -------- (The Gift of the Magi)
385. What is the length of T.S.Eliot‟s The Waste Land? (Five Parts – about 400 lines)
386. Between October – November 1922 The Waste Land was serialized in -------- (The
387. How would you classify The love–song of Alfred Y.Prufrock‟? (As a dramatic
388. Hippopotamus a poem by T.S.Eliot is a satire on -------- (The Church)
389. Who is the author of I.Claudius? (Robert Graves)
390. Never, Never Land is depicted in -------- (The Pigeon by John Galsworthy)
391. Human nature does not change. This Theme runs in -------- (J.M.Barrie‟s Dear Brutus)
392. Who says „Godot will come and we will be saved if we drop him‟ his will punish us -----
--- (Vladimir)
393. In the play Chairs, Lonesco shows emptiness of existence by representing -------- (Empty
394. Who are the exponents of the theatre of total cruetly -------- (Jean Genet, Peter Waiss,
Jose Triana)
395. In which of Woolf‟s novels Ms.La Trobbe appears -------- (Between the Acts)
396. Which continental author influenced English drama considerably? (Ibsen)
397. How old was Robert Bridges when he published The Testament of Beauty? (85)
398. W.B.Yeats belonged to -------- (Ireland)
399. Which poem of John Masefield contains a sinner‟s confession? (The Everlasting Mercy)
400. Name the unfinished autobiography of William MacNeice. (The Strings are False)
401. After Queen Victoria‟s death, Edward II acceded to The Throne of England in --------
402. Who is an Indian by birth and who called upon Englishmen „To make up white man‟s
burden‟ and „reap his own reward‟? (Rudyard Kipling)
403. Who wrote The Testament of Beauty in 1929 -------- (Robert Bridges)
404. What is the title of the poem of Robert Bridges written in 1904 for the opening of
Sonnerwille College Oxford -------- (Demeter)
405. Yeats‟ poems ----- show the influence of Indian thought especially of the Bhagvadgita
(The Black Tower and under Ben Bubben)
406. T.S.Eliots‟ first volume of poems which appeared in 1917 is-------- (Prufrock and other
407. Who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1948? (T.S.Eliot)
408. T.S.Eliot‟s Ash Wednesday has -------- (six parts)
409. A great essayist and journalist is known as „Alpha of the plough‟ -------- (A.G.Gardiner)

1. P.D.James‟ ----- is a dystopian novel set in the year 2021 (The Children of Men 1992)
2. Ann Jellicoe‟s ------ is based on the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685 (The Reckoning 1978)
3. ------- is a journalist as well as a historian? (Paul Johnson)
4. Terry Jonson‟s Hysteria, a British comedy appeared in the year -------- (1993)
5. Joseph Jenny‟s poem Warning appears in the collection -------- (Rose in the Afternoon 1974)
6. Which work of Gabriel Josipovici is an examination of the Bible? (The Book of God 1988)
7. Which work of Alan Judd is set in Africa? (Short of Glory 1988)
8. Which is a volume of memoirs by Paul Balley an actor-turned novelist? (An Immaculate
Mistake 1990)
9. Which work of Beryl Bainbridge is about the fatal four days voyage of the Titanic?
(Every man for Himself 1996)
10. Which work of J.G.Ballad is a disturbing contemporary fable about eco-fanaticism?
(Rushing to Paradise 1994)
11. Which work of Lynne Reid bands, a children‟s writer, is set during the six days war of
1967? (One more River 1973)
12. The Untouchable (1997) a deft transmulation of the spy novel was written by --------
(John Banville)
13. Granville Barker‟s Anno Domini appeared in the year -------- (1983)
14. Pat Barker was given the Booker Prize for his novel -------- (The Ghost Road 1995)
15. Which novel of Barker is known as the First World War novel? (Regeneration 1991)
16. Which novel of Patrick Barnes deals with a recurrent theme of sexual jealousy? (Before
She Met Me 1982)
17. The collection of short stories by Patrick Barnes is -------- (Cross Channel 1996)
18. A novel by Stanely Barstow is ------- (Empire of Signs 1970)
19. In My Own time (1994) is an autobiography of -------- (Nina Mary Bowden)
20. Nina Mary Bowden is a -------- novelist. (children)
21. John Bayley‟s social comedy Alice which explores sexual themes, appeared in-------
22. Samuel Beckett‟s play ------- is known as a 30 second play (Breath 1969)
23. Sybille Bedford‟s autobiographical work Jigsaw : An Unsentimental Education came out
in -------- (1989)
24. Patricia Beer‟s historical novel Moon‟s Ottery, set in Elizabethan Devon came out in the
year -------- (1978)
25. For which novel John Berger was given the Booker Prize? (G 1972)
26. --------- is a verse play by Steven Berkoff (I am Hamlet 1991)
27. Berkoff‟s Free Association (1996) is a -------- (Memoir)
28. James Berry‟s ------ is a volume of poems. (When I Dance 1988)
29. John Betjeman‟s autobiography summoned by Bells came out in -------- (1960)
30. Which work by Caroline Blackwood deals with the Pacifist anti-nuclear Women‟s group?
(On the Perimeter 1984)
31. Lesly Blanch is a -------- (biographer, orientalist, travel writer)
32. Blanch‟s anthology of various Historic erotic venues Pavilions of the Heart came out in
the year -------- (1974)
33. Which TV work of Alan Bleasdale is about the corrupt left-wing local politics? (Are You
in Lonesome Tonight? 1985)
34. Robert Bolt‟s The Missoning appeared in the year -------- (1986)
35. Which play of Edward Bond is a black country house comedy? (The Sea 1973)
36. Elare Boylan‟s ----- is a satiric comedy about a child sold to a woman by nuns (Black
Baby 1988)
37. Which novel of M.S.Bradbury is about a journalist‟s search for the mysterious Dr.Bazlo
Criminale? (Dr.Criminale 1992)
38. Crystal Rooms, a State of England was written by -------- (Melvyn Bragg)
39. Diving for Pearls (1989) is a novel by -------- (Howard Brenton)
40. Which comic-Strip of Raymond Briggs is a memoir of his parents? (Ethel and Ernest
41. Peter Brook‟s memoir Threads of Time came out in the year -------- (1998)
42. --------- is an autobiographical novel by Christine Brooke Rose (Remake 1996)
43. For which novel Anita Brookner won the Booker Prize? (Hotel du Lac 1986)
44. Which work of Anthony Burgess is about Christopher Marlowe? (A Dead Man in
Deptford 1993)
45. Richard Burn‟s novel A Dance for the Moon in which a poet falls mentally ill after
witnessing the horrors of the First World War came out in -------- (1986)
46. Burnside‟s The Dumb House is a -------- (novel)
47. Which work of Ian Buruma explores national identity through a quest for the legendary
Indian Cricketer K.S.Ranjit Sinhji? (Playing the Game 1991)
48. Which novel of Dame Byatt won the Booker Prize? (Possession 1990)
49. Brain Mc Dermott founded the Bush theatre in the year -------- (1972)
50. Elizabeth Taylor‟s collection of short stories The Devastating Boys appeared in -----
51. Alan Taylor‟s autobiography A Personal History appeared in -------- (1983)
52. Which novel of Emma Tennant is autobiographical? (Strangers 1998)
53. Which novel of Emma Tennant is a sequel to Jane Austen‟s Pride and Prejudice?
(Pemberley 1993)
54. Which play of Peter Terson is about a group of working class women? (Strippers 1984)
55. Which novel of Paul Theroux is about the decline of his personal relationship with
V.S.Naipaul? (Sir Vidia‟s Shadow : A Friendship across Five Continents 1998)
56. Wilfred Thesiger is a -------- (travel writer, soldier, photographer)
57. Edward Thompson‟s study of Balke Witness against the Beast was published
posthumously in the year -------- (1993)
58. Which novel of Rupert Thomson is set in a surreal Gothic landscape? (The Five Gates of
Hell 1991)
59. Which book of Thuborn is an exploration of theme Love and Memory? (Distance 1996)
60. Anthony Thwaite‟s A Portion for Foxes appeared in -------- (1977)
61. Gillian Tindall‟s book -------- is a biography of of Bombay. (City of Gold 1981)
62. Michael Tippett‟s The Ice- break (1977) is an -------- (Opera)
63. Claire Tomalin is a -------- (biographer)
64. Restoration (1989) is a first person historical novel by -------- (Rose Tremain)
65. The Arizona Game (1996) is a novel by -------- (Georgina Hammick)
66. Christopher Hampton is a -------- (playwright, screenwriter, translator)
67. Which play of David Hare is about the Labour party? (The Absence of War 1993)
68. Which novel of Wilson Harrison won the Encore Award? (Richard‟s Feet 1990)
69. Pony Harrison‟s ---- a volume of poetry won the Whitbread Award(The Gaze of the
Gorgon 1992)
70. The Government of the Tongue is a collection of -------- (essays)
71. Searnus Heaney translated Beowulf in the year -------- (1999)
72. Balcony of Europe (1972) is a -------- (novel)
73. Geoffery Hills‟ The Mystery of the Charity of Charles Peguy appeared in -------- (1983)
74. Which book of Selima Hill focuses on Lust and Catholicism? (A Little Book of Meat
75. Which work won Susan Hill the Whitbread Award? (The Bird of Night 1972)
76. Fatwa was issued against Salman Rushdie in the year -------- (1989)
77. Who was a poet, biographer and Tudor historian? (A.L.Rowse)
78. Who said that Emilia Lanier was the „Dark Lady‟ of Shakespeare‟s sonnets? (A.L.Rowse)
79. Bernice Ruben‟s novel ------- (The Waiting Game) is a macabre tale of old age set in an
old people‟s home
80. The English Translation of Tadeusz Rosewicz‟s The Trap came out in -------- (1984)
81. Which playwright committed suicide at the age of 28 in 1999? (Sarah Kane)
82. Name the play of Kane which is based on the theme of obsessional love? (Crave 1998)
83. Which work of P.J.Kavanagh pursues his family‟s past in Australia and New Zealand?
(Finding Connections 1990)
84. Which one is the only novel by Jackie Kay? (Trumpet 1998)
85. Which book is memoir by Sir Frank Kermode? (Not Entitled 1997)
86. Keyne‟s autobiography The Gates of Memory was published in -------- (1981)
87. James Kirkup‟s collection of poems A Bewick Bestiary appeared in -------- (!971)
88. The essayHowmanyChildren hadLady Macbeth(1933)was written by ------ (L.C.Knights)
89. -----of Arthur Koestler shows his interest in para psychology?(The Roots of Coincidence
90. Intimacy (1998) is a confessional novella by -------- (Hanif Kureishi)
91. Who is known as the Renaissance Scholar? (Frances Yates)
92. Which collection of poetry by Benjamin Obadiah Lobal Zephanian contains verse for
children? (Talking Turkeys (1994) and Funky Chickens (1996))
93. Which is known as Britain‟s first rap play? (Job Rocking 1989)
94. Job Rocking was published by -------- (Lobal Zephaniah)
95. In which novel a young man traves to an English seaside resort in order to murder his
father? (Ann Quin)
96. At what age did Ann Quin commit suicide in 1973? (37)
97. Peter Vansittart‟s Paths from the White House came out in -------- (1985)
98. „Writers and Scholars International‟ founded the periodical Index on censorship in --------
99. Which novel of Edward Upward describes the atternating political and artistic conflicts?
(The Spiral Ascent 1977)
100. Which novel of Jane Garden is set in a summer between the ward? (God on the Rocks
101. Which book of Maggie Gee sees the future in the form of a fearless child in the womb
burrowing its way to the light? (Grace 1988)
102. Robert Gitting‟s biographical work John Keats appeared in -------- (1968)
103. Gitting‟s The Nature of Biography came out in the year -------- (1978)
104. Which novel of Lesley Glaister is a dark rural Gothic story narrated by Milcy? (Honour
Thy father 1990)
105. Victoria Glendinning published The Biography of Swift in -------- (1998)
106. Two Under the Indian Sun (1966) is an autobiographical work written by a children‟s
writer -------- (Gettings)
107. For which of his novel William Golding was given the Booker Prize? (Rites of Passage
108. Which work of Golding was published posthumously? (The Double Tongue)
109. Sir Ernst Gombrich an art historian produced his The Story of Art in -------- (1950)
110. Waterland a Gothic work by Graham Swift came out in -------- (1983)
111. David Caute‟s Fatima‟s Scarf appeared in -------- (1998)
112. Toni Morrison‟s Gothic work, Beloved appeared in -------- (1987)
113. Graham Greece died in the year -------- (1991)
114. Which novel of Greene is known as a secret service novel? (The Human Factor 1978)
115. Which one is a collection of poetry of Lavinia Greenlaw? (Night Photograph and A
World Where News Travelled Slowly 1997)
116. Germaine Greer is a -------- (Feminist, Polemilist, Critic)
117. Greer‟s collection of essays The Madwoman‟s Underclothes appeared in -------- (1986)
118. Patrick Mac Grath‟s Gothic work The Grotesque appeared in -------- (1989)
119. Germaine Greer‟s family memoir Daddy we Hardly Knew You came out in --------
120. --- are the feminist works by Germaine Greer (The Female Eunuch (1970), Sex and
Destiny (1984), The Whole Woman (1999)
121. Who is a writer on Cookery and Food? (Jane Grisgson)
122. Which collection of poetry by Tomgunn contains several poems about AIDS? (The Man
with Night Sweats 1992)
123. Which is a collection of poems by Ruth Fainlight? (Cages (1966), This Time to Fear
(1994), Sugar-Paper Blue (1997))
124. Which is the first volume of poems by O.A.Fanthorpe? (Side Effects)
125. Which book won J.G.Farrell the Booker Prize? (The Siege of Krishnapur 1973)
126. Which novel of Sebastian Faults explores Franco-British relations? (Charlotte Gray 1998)
127. Which novel of Margaret Forster is the story of a large and awkward young woman who
wins unexpected admiration? (Geogry Girl 1965)
128. John Robert Fowles describes recollection of his childhood and explores the impact of
nature of his life and work in -------- (The Tree 1992)
129. The Gunpowder Plot, Terror and Faith in 1605 (1997) was written by -------- (Antonio
130. Which play of Michael Frayn is an adaptation from an untitled play by Anton Chekhov?
(Wild Honey 1984)
131. Which novel of John Leopald Futter is a fantasy about a 16th century about things that he
had discovered through surgical dissection? (Flying to Nowhere 1983)
132. Donnie Abde produced the volume of autobiography A Poet in the Family in the year ----
---- (1974)
133. Who is known as The English Chekhov? (Rodney Ackhand)
134. The Great Fire of London (1983) is a -------- (Novel)
135. The Gift of a Lamb (1978) is a -------- (Verse-Play)
136. Adams Richard, a children‟s writer, produced an anthromorphic account of rabbit society
in his novel -------- (Watership down 1972)
137. Who is famous for his work of science fiction? (Brain Wilson Aldiss)
138. Walter Ernest Allen published a memoir As I Walked down New Grup Street‟ in the year
-------- (1981)
139. Who is a writer of thrillers, spy fiction and screen plays? (Eric Ambler)
140. Which novel of Kingsley Amis won the Booker Prize? (The Old Devils 1986)
141. Amis‟s semi-autobiographical story You Can‟t Do Bath appeared in -------- (1994)
142. A Suicide Note is the subtitle of a novel byMartin Amis.The name of it is-----(Money
143. Martin Amis‟ novel Night Train came out in the year -------- (1997)
144. John Arden‟s first novel Silence Among the Weapons which is a rambling picaresque
work set in the 1st century BC, came out in -------- (1982)
145. Part of My Life(1977)andMoreofMyLifeare two autobiographical volumes by ---
146. ------- is a novel by Vermon Scannell (Ring of Truth 1983)
147. -------- is a novel by David Stoery (A Prodigal Child 1982)
148. Who was a novelist, playwright, teacher, farm worker and a professional foot-baller?
(David Storey)
149. Who at the age of 90 wrote Arnold Bennett: A Last Word (1978)? (Frank Swinnerton)
150. Who is a crime writer, critic and biographer? (Julian Symons)
151. Jacobson‟s Time and Time Again (1985) is a collection of -------- (autobiographical
152. Which novel of Howard Jacobson is based on the biblical theme of Cain and Able? (The
Very Model of a Man 1992)
153. Adam Dalgleish and Cordelia Gray are two famous characters from -------- (P.D.James)
154. Alan Hollinghurst‟s------ presents a gay anatomy of modern 100 Britain? (The Spell
155. Richard Holmes‟ biography Dr.Johnson and Mr.Savage appeared in -------- (1993)
156. Who was an actress and model before becoming a full-writer? (Elizabeth Jane Howard)
157. Michael Horovitz‟s work Grand children of Albion appeared in -------- (1997)
158. Ted Hughes who was made poet Laureate in 1984 died in -------- (1998)
159. J.L.Carr‟s The Ballad of Pollock‟s Crossing set in the 1920‟s appeared in -------- (!985)
160. Which play of Jim Cartright is about life in a pub? (Two 1989)
161. Beawolf (2000) is a work by -------- (Seamus Heaney)
162. Fitzgerald‟s Tender is the Night came out is the year -------- (1999)
163. Which collection of poems by Ruth Padel is about a love affair? (Rembrant would Have
Loved You 1995)
164. Don Paterson‟s God‟s Gift of Women which won the T.S.Eliot Prize came out in ---
165. Which work of Tim Pears was filmed in 1996? (Loop)
166. Which play of Harold Pinter is based on a work by Oliver Sacks? (A King of Alaska
167. Spirit in Exile is a -------- (biography)
168. Which playwright died of Cancer? (Dennis Potter)
169. Which work of Dennis Potter is a study of sexual exploitation? (Black Eyes 1989)
170. J.B.Priestley‟s authobiography Instead of the Trees came out in the year -------- (1977)
171. Victor Pritchett‟s autobiography Mid-night Oil which ends with Second World War came
out in the year -------- (1971)
172. Lod‟s literature flourished during the -------- (1990s)
173. Obsert Lancaster‟sbookTheLifeandTimes ofMaudie Littlehamptoncame out in-----(1982)
174. Whose novelsaredominatedbythethemeof„exileasauniversal experience‟?(George
175. High Windows (1974) is a collection of poems by -------- (Philip Larkin)
176. Phillip Larkin died in the year -------- (1985)
177. Which work of John Lee Carre is set in the aftermath of the break up of the Soviet Union?
(Our Game 1995)
178. Laure Lee‟s A Moment of War came out in the year -------- (1991)
179. Rosamond Lehmon died in the year -------- (1990)
180. In which novel of Doris Lessing, a theatrical setting evokes the power of sexual passion?
(Love again 1996)
181. London Observed is a collection of -------- (short stories)
182. Which novel of Penelope Lively won the Booker prize? (Moon Tiger)
183. Which work of Penecope is a study of mother‟s love? (Heatware 1996)
184. Which work of David Lodge is about male and mid-life crisis? (Theraphy 1995)
185. Grance Nicholas‟ novel Whole of a Morning Sky came out in the year -------- (1986)
186. Blast from the Past (1998) is a popular west end play by -------- (Ben Elton)
187. Popcorn (1996) an attack on Hollywood‟s glorification of violence was written by --------
(Ben Elton)
188. Which work of Kevin Elyot is a black laced comedy of homosexual affection? (My Night
with Reg 1994)
189. Using Biography(1984) is a posthumous collection of Essays by -------- (William
190. Julia O Faolain‟s The Obedient Wife came out in the year -------- (1982)
191. Who was a grammarian and lexicographer? (C.T.Onions)
192. Who chronicled Byron‟s Last Years in the Last Attachment (1949)? (Iris Origo)
193. Which is a sequel to the play Look Back in the year (1950)? (Dejavu 1991)
194. Almost a Gentle man(1991) is a second volume of autobiography by -----(John Osborne)
195. Bad Land : An American Romance (1996) is a novel by -------- (Jonathan Roban)
196. ----- is about a journey exploring American exigration and identity (Hunting Mister
Heartbreak 1990)
197. Who is considered to have instigated Martian school of poetry? (Craig Anthony Raine)
198. Which was a version of Racine‟s Andromaque? (1953 (1990))
199. 1953 (1990) was written by -------- (Craig Raine)
200. Who founded the review Temenos in 1981 ? (Kathleen Raine)
201. Which novel deals with the career of a group of artistic and theatrical Cambridge
undergraduates? (The Glittering Prizes 1976)
202. Which novels was written by Fredric Rapheal? (Cease and Begin 1974)
203. Who was an infantary commissioner before he became a novelist? (Simon Raven)
204. --- is based on an air crash and the cannibalism of its survivors? (Alive : The story of the
Andes Survivors 1974)
205. The Train Robbers, The Upstart and The Jankers are novelswritten by------(Piers Read)
206. Which work combined prose and verse, past and present, peace and war? (Final Demands
207. My Father‟s Trapdoor (1994) is a collection of poems written by -------- (Peter
208. Which work of Henry Reed contains five verse plays? (The Streets of Pompelic 1971)
209. Which work of Henry Reed contains four prose comedies? (Hilda Tablets and Others)
210. Who among is a writer of detective fiction and psychological thrillers? (Dame Rendell)
211. Rendell‟s latest work No Night is Too Long came out in the year -------- (!994)
212. Who is not only a lyric and religious poet and also a verse dramatist (Anne Ridler)
213. ---- are poetic dramas by Anne Ridler (The Mask (1950), and The Trial of Thomas
Cranmer (1956))
214. Michale Roberts‟s Impossible Saints, which explores female religious faith and ritual
came out in the year -------- (1997)
215. Who was a leading literary writer of the women‟s liberation movement of the 1970s?
(Michale Roberts)
216. Which work of Roberts is a collection of short stories? (During Mother‟s Absence 1993)
217. Jane Roger‟s novel Promise Lands which picturises contemporary lives appeared in -------
- (1995)
218. Which work of Jane Rogers has been adapted for Television? (Mr.Wroe‟s Virgins 1991)
219. Who is best known for an unusually wide ranging television output? (Jack Rosenthal)
220. Which plays of Rosenthal depicted the tragic-comic effects of social class upon parents as
their children entered university? (Eskimo day (1996) and Coddle enough for Snow
221. Name the Calcutta born poet who was a travel writer and editor and also wrote Open Sea
(1975)? (Alan Ross)
222. Philip Roth, a novelist, brought out his American Pastoral in -------- (1997)
223. The Fatal Englishman Three Short Lives (1996) is a biographical work by --------
(Sebastian Faulks)
224. --- are collection of poems by Vicki Feaver (Close Relatives (1981) and The Handless
Maiden (1994))
225. Which novel of Elaine Feinsteine is a saga about a Jewish immigrant family? (The
226. Who is known for her translations of the poetry of Esvetayeva? (Elain Feinsteine)
227. James Fenton‟s Our Western Furniture is a collection of -------- (sonnets)
228. ---- are travel writings by P.L.Fermor (The Time of Gifts (1977) and Between the Woods
and the Water (1985))
229. ----- is the fictionalized biography of John Milton‟s wife, by Eva Figes, a feminist ---
(The Tree of Knowledge 1990)
230. Which novel of Tibor Fischer is the anecdote filled tale of a Sumerian bowl? (The
Collector )
231. Which novel of Fitzerald won the Booker Prize for fiction? (Offshore)
232. The Tiger and the Rose (1971) and Drums of Morning (1992) are --------
233. Great Apes (1997) is a novel by a former Cartoonist named -------- (Willself)
234. Which collection of poems by Jo Shapcott contains Mad Cow poems? (Phrase Book
235. Which is a campus novel by Tom Sharpe? (Porter House Blue 1974)
236. Penelope Shuttle‟s collection of poems Taxing the Rain came out in -------- (1992)
237. The latest collection of poems by Alan Sillitoe appeared in -------- (1993)
238. N.F.Simpson‟s novel Harry Bleach Baker appeared in the year -------- (1976)
239. Bibliosexuality (1973) is a novel written by -------- (Clive Sinclair)
240. C.H.Sisson‟s autobiography was published in the year -------- (1989)
241. C.H.Sisson‟s collection of poems Antidoes appeared in -------- (1991)
242. The Pity (1967) is a nature poem by -------- (Ken Smith)
243. C.P.Snow‟s Biography of Trollope was published in -------- (1975)
244. The Temple is a novel by -------- (Stephen Spender)
245. Who is a poet critic, editor, translator and biographer? (Stephen Spender)
246. Ken Follett‟s spy fiction Eye of the Needle appeared in -------- (1978)
247. Whose daughter was the first wife of Leslie Stephen? (Thackeray)
248. A Staircase in Surrey, a collective title given to a quinket of novels was written by --------
(John Stewart)
249. Which play of David Storey is a black comedy on a housing estate? (Mother‟s day 1976)
250. Breue Chatwin‟s best-selling book The Song Lines appeared in -------- (1987)
251. Which play of Caryl Churchill is about a shape-shifter? (The Striker 1994)
252. The Shadowed Bed is a -------- (novel)
253. ----- is a memoir by Richard Cobb. (Still Life)
254. In which book of Jonathan Cow, a writer is commissioned to write a book? (What a
Carve up 1994)
255. John Collier‟s The John Collier Reader, an anthology of his major stories came out in ----
---- (1972)
256. Which novel of David Cook is about a single man‟s attempt to adopt a 10 year old boy?
(Second Best 1991)
257. Which novel of Jim Crace is about the human and economic consequences of a
shipwreck? (Signals of Distress 1944)
258. Which novel of Lisa Staubin De Teran returns to the history of a blantation in the Andes
from Armistice Day 1918? (The Tiger 1984)
259. Teron‟s memoir The Hacienda: My Venlzuelan Years appeared in -------- (1997)
260. Which is one of the Oxford Triology of John Wain? (Strike the Father Dead (1962)
261. Whose works show a preoccupation with the national identity of the West Indies? (Derek
262. Derek Walcott‟s epic Caribbean Adyssey Omeros appeared in -------- (1989)
263. Which novel of Jill Walsh is set in Oxford of the 1950s? (Lapsing 1986)
264. Which work of Marina Warner is a study of ghouls and ogres? (No Gothe Bogeyman
265. Whose works cover the wide cultural and geographical range? (Rex Warner)
266. Keith Waterhouse is a -------- (short story writer)
267. Waterhouse published the first part of his autobiography City Lights in the year --------
268. Which novel of Fay Weldon is about a group of women who found a feminist publishing
company? (Big Women 1998)
269. As much as I Dare is a volume of -------- (Autobiography)
270. Heathcote William‟s play AC/DC appeared in -------- (1970)
271. Which novelist was the son of a railway signalman? (Raymond Williams)
272. Which novel of Nigel Williams describes Henry Farr‟s abortive attempt to murder his
wife? (The Wimbledon Poisoner 1991)
273. Which novel of Brain Moore is a historical novel set in France and Algeria? (The
Magician‟s Wife 1997)
274. John Mortimer‟s autobiography Clinging to the Wreckage appeared in -------- (1982)
275. Which novel of Denelope Mortimer deals with the subject of breast cancer? (My Friend
says it‟s Bullet Proof 1967)
276. Denelope‟s autobiography About Time came out in the year -------- (1979)
277. For which novel Nicholas Mosley won the Whitbread Prize? (Hopeful Monsters 1990)
278. The Pale companion is a -------- (novel)
279. Andrew Motion was made poet Laureate in -------- (1999)
280. Which poem of Paul Muldoon is in 247 chapters? (Modoc : A Mystery 1990)
281. Paul Mauldoon‟s New Collection of Hay came out in the year -------- (1998)
282. Which novel of Hilary Mantel is set in the French Revolution? (A Place of Greater Safety
283. Hunterland is a collection of -------- (stories)
284. Derek Marlowe‟s autobiographical workDoYouRememberEngland came out in ----
285. Adams Mars Jones‟ novel The Waters of Thirst appeared in -------- (1993)
286. David Mercer is the son of an -------- (engine driver)
287. For which novel Stanley Middleton was given the Booker Prize? (Holiday 1974)
288. Julian Mitchell‟s play Francis came out in the year -------- (1984)
289. Mary Mitchison died at the age of 102 in -------- (1999)
290. Michael Morcock‟s War amongst the Angels came out in -------- (1996)
291. Which novel of Patrick Mcgrath is a morally serious parody of English Gothic fiction?
(The Grotesque 1989)
292. Which novel of William Mcllvanney is a parable of the break up of working class
communities? (The Big Man 1985)
293. Hostages is a -------- (screen play)
294. Which novel of Candido McWilliam is a dark tale about sexual intrigue and
manipulation? (A Case of Knives)
295. Mc Williams‟ Wait Till I Tell You (1997) is a collection of -------- (short stories)
296. Which novel of Sara Maitland is a flamboyant and colourful feminist epistolary novel?
(Archy Types 1987)
297. Maitland‟s Angel and Me (1995) is a collection of -------- (religious short stories)
298. Jenny Diski‟s autobiography came out in the year -------- (1997)
299. The History of Ginger Man an autobiography of James Patrick Donleavy appeared in -----
--- (1993)
300. Which play of Ariel Dorfman was written in collaboration with Tony Kushner? (Widows
301. How to Read Donald Dack is a book of -----(Cultural Criticism)
302. ------ is a social anthrophologist (Mary Douglas)
303. Which novel won the Booker Prize for Roddy Dogle? (Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1993)
304. Which novel of Mary McCarthy deals with a hijacking in Halland? (Cannibals and
Missionaries 1980)
305. Which novel of the McEwan won the Booker Prize to him? (Amsterdam 1998)
306. Which novel of Ian McEwan was filmed later? (The Innocent 1990)
307. Roger McGough‟s The Great Smilie Robbery, a children‟s fiction appeared in------(1982)
308. Roald Daht, a children‟s writer published his The Witches in -------- (1983)
309. Donald Davie was much influenced by -------- (F.R.Leavis)
310. Davie‟s These, the Companions 1982 is a -------- (Memoir)
311. Davie‟s volume of poems In the Stopping Train appeared in -------- (1977)
312. Jennifer Dawson‟s Hospital Wedding (1978) is a collection of -------- (short stories)
313. Reading in the Dark is an -------- (autobiographical novel)
314. Michael Dibdin is a -------- (crime novelist)
315. Which novel of Dibdin is the story of murderous religious sect? (Lark Spectre 1995)
316. Which work of Jenny Diski is an ecological drama about sexual obsession? (Rain Forest
317. Which novelist made a controversial study of Jesus? (A.N.Wilson)
318. Which novel of A.N.Wilson is a study of father-daughter relationship? (Wise Virgin
319. Wilson‟s collection of the literary criticism came out in the year -------- (!988)
320. Jeanette Winterson won the Whit-bread Award for his novel -------- (Oranges are not the
only Fruits 1985)
321. David Wright who lost his hearing at the age of 7 died in -------- (1994)
322. Francis Wyndham‟s The Other Garden is a -------- (novella)
323. Which volume of poems by Fred D‟Aguiar describes his early life in Guyana? (Mama
Dot 1985)
324. Bill of Rights which is about the massacre / mass suicide of 1978 in Guyana is a ----
325. Which is the first play by a contemporary dramatist David Edgar (1948) to be staged by
the RSC? (Maydays 1983)
326. Which is a play about Fascism in British society? (Destiny)
327. The book of Ebenezer le Page (!981) is an autobiographical first-person novel written by -
------- (G.B.Edwards)
328. The pseudonym of the author of the novel The Rock (1958) is -------- (A.E.Ellis)
329. The Evening of Adams (1994) is a collection of short stories by ----- (Alice Thomas Ellis)
330. Ellis Stou‟st Defense of Catholic Orthodoxy, Serpent on the Rock appeared in --------
331. Richard Ellmann‟s biography Oscar Wilde came out in the year -------- (1987)
332. Which novel of Robert Nye was described as „an indication of what the novel can do
when freed from the constraints of the Jamesian tradition‟? (Falstaff 1976)
333. Which play of Peter Nicholas is a marital comedy? (Passion Play 1980)
334. In which book Christopher Logue did not adapt section of the Iliad? (War Music 1981)
335. Which novel of Penelope Lively is about a married biographer who falls in Love with his
subject‟s grand daughter? (According to Mark 1984)
336. Peter Nicholas‟ autobiography Feeling You‟re Behind appeared in -------- (1984)
337. Identify the pioneers of the Apocalgptic movement who edited The New Apocalyspe
(1940) and The White Horseman (1941). (J.F.Henry and Henry Treece)
338. Ted Hughes became Poet Laureate in -------- (1984)
339. Identify the poet who committed suicide in 1963. (Sylvia Plath)
340. Ted Hughes‟ wife was -------- (Sylvia Plath)
341. Which poet is not originally an American? (Edith Sitwell)
342. Name the poetess whose two brothers are poets too. (Edith Sitwell)
343. William Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature is -------- (1983)
344. The Oxford poets or the Auden group were also known as -------- (New Signatures)
345. In which year was Kingsley Amis Knighted? (1990)
346. Graham Greene‟s The Power and the Glory was published in -------- (1941)
347. Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh were both converts to -------- (Roman Catholism)
348. Our Man is Navana (1958) a satire on contemporary spy novels was written by --------
(Graham Greene)
349. Which novel of George Orwell is a terrifying prognostication of the hatred, cruelty, fear,
loss of individuality and lack of love that future would bring? (Nineteen Eighty Four)
350. Who among the following novelists was a Cambridge University Scientist and Civil
servant? (Sir C.P.Snow)
351. Lewis Eliot is a narrator in the whole series of the novels of -------- (Sir C.P.Snow)
352. The Jacarand Tree (1949) written by N.E.Bates is a novel about -------- (Burma and India)
353. Bhowani Junction (1954) a novel about India is written by -------- (John Masters)
354. The Raj Quartet consisting of four novels is authored by -------- (Paulscott)
355. Henry Summerfield Hoff wrote his novels under pseudonym of -------- (George Barker)
356. Which novelist is the originator of the Angry Young? (William Cooper)
357. Jim Dixon, an anti heo is a character in -------- (Evelyn Waugh‟s The Conscience of the
358. Which playwright is a comedian? (Novel Coward)
359. Waiting for the Godot (!953) is a famous play by -------- (Samuel Barclay Beckett)
360. Which dramatist founded the Irish National Literary Society? (Dryden)
361. The English stage company at the Royal Court Theatre was established in -------- (1956)
362. Who said about Virginia Woolf‟s „She had no taste for rough diamonds‟? (H.V.Routh)
363. The name of Virginia Woolf‟s father was -------- (Stephen Woolf)
364. In which work does the following line appear „Her Sympathy seemed to fly back into her
face like a bramble spring‟ (To The Light house)
365. Identify the last line of Whitman‟s Passage to India. (O Father Father father Snail!)
366. Jimmy Poster the vituperative, anti-hero, who is the archtype of the Angry young man,
appears in John Osborne‟s famous play -------- (Look Back in Anger)
367. Harold Pinter, a playwright of international status was awarded the Nobel Prize for
literature in -------- (2005)
368. Who is known for his love for critics? (Harold Pinter)
369. Goldberg and Mccann are characters in Harold Pinter‟s -------- (The Birthday Party)
370. Soup with Barley is a play written by -------- (Tom Stoppard)
371. Which play of Carye Churchill expose the superficial liberation of women in England?
(Top Girls)
372. Which play of Tom Stoppard was staged in 1967 at the National theatre? (Rosencrantz
and Guildenstern)
373. Name of the playwright whose The Memory of Water was staged at the Hampsteaf
theatre London in 1969. (Shelagh Stephenson)
374. Who is believed to have said „That which does not concern the common man is of no
significance‟? (Rousseau)
375. In which decade of the twentieth century did the group of novelists commonly known as
„Angry Young Men‟ appear? (1950‟s)
376. W.B.Yeats died in-------- (1939)
377. T.S.Eliot was awarded the V.S.Medal of Freedom in -------- (!964)
378. The accession of Elizabeth took place in -------- (1952)
379. In which age there has been a tremendous increase in science function? (Contemporary
380. Who wrote Invisible man (1952)? (Ralph Ellison)
381. In which book Greene satirizes contemporary spy novels? (Our Man in Havana 1958)
382. Charles Percy Snow is also known as -------- (Lord Snow)
383. Which of the following is a Satire on American funeral custom? (The Loved one 1948)
384. Evelyn Waugh‟s Bride Shed Revisited (1945) is the result of his -------- (Army
385. Which novel shows the sign of Evelyn Waugh‟s growing seriousness? (The Loved one
386. Which novel of Lionel Poles Hartley is a Trilogy? (Bustace and Hilda (1944-47)
387. In which work Bates shows the evocation of country place and people? (The Poacher
388. Bate‟s The Jacarandha Tree (1949) is about India and -------- (Burma)
389. Bate‟s Fair Stood the Wind for France (1944) is his best known collection which contains
-------- (Adventure stories)
390. Who served army in India? (John Master)
391. John Master‟s The Field Marshals Memoirs (1975) is about the sympathetic
understanding of the -------- (soldiers)
392. Which novel is inspired by Joyce Cary‟s Nigerian Political Service? (Mister Johnson
393. James Patrick Donleavy was an expatriate American, settled in -------- (Ireland)
394. Don Leavy paints a formless picture of a man in -------- (The Ginger man 1955)
395. Wilson‟s The Old Man at the Zoo (!961) was a nightmare of -------- (Political Future)
396. The full name of Wilson is -------- (Angus Frank Johnstone Wilson)
397. ------- deals with the present nightmare of a new town (Late Call 1964)
398. Wilson‟s Such Darling Dodes (1950) is a -------- (short stories collection)
399. David Storey‟s The Sporting Life (1960) is influenced by his career as a professional -----
--- (Rugby player)
400. Which novel of David Storey deals with the Love hate relationship of two men?
(Radcliffe 1963)
401. Pamela Hansford Johnson‟s best work is -------- (The Unspeakable Skipton 1958)
402. Pamela Hansford Johnson is also known as -------- (Lady Snow)
403. Pamela Johnson‟s Catherine Carter (1952) is set in the theatrical world of the -------- (19th
404. Which novel of Pamela Johnson contains the portrayal of mad novelist? (The
Unspeakable Skipton 1958)
405. Harry Sumerfield Hoff was the second name of -------- (William Gerald Golding)
406. Which novel of Cooper contains the theme of Tradition in the bourgeois world? (The
Ever Interesting Topic 1953)
407. Which novel of Kingsley Amis is about a man who wants little from life? (Lucky Jim
408. Amis wrote the Egyptologists (1965) in collaboration with -------- (Robert conquest)
409. ------ is a collection of poems (A Look Round the Estate 1967)
410. William Gerald Golding‟s best known novel is -------- (Lord of the Flies 1954)
411. George Orwell‟s second name is -------- (Eric Hugh Blair)
412. George Orwell‟s Keep the Aspidistra flying (1936) deals with his contempt for the
society -------- (upper middle class)
413. Which novel shows a love hate attitude towards the idea of empire? (Burmese Days 1934)
414. Which novel of George Orwell paints the picture of Squatter and Hopelessness? (The
Road of Wigan Pier 1957)
415. George Orwell‟sAnimal Farm (1945) deals with communist ideals into------ (dictatorship)
416. Whose plays are based on human relationship? (Sir Terence Rattigan)
417. Beckett also worked as the secretary of -------- (Arnold Wesker)
418. Beckett‟s Waiting for Godot (1952) was originally written in -------- (French)
419. Waiting for Godot (1952)‟s English Translation came in -------- (1955)
420. Which play of Beckett suggests despair of a society? (Endgame 1955)
421. John Whiting‟s A Marching Song (1954) deals with -------- (Self reputation)
422. Which play is based on Aldous Huxley‟s The Devil of London? (Flare Path 1942)
423. John Whiting‟s The Devils (1961) deals with the theme of -------- (Salvation)
424. Who was the product of The Royal Court theatre? (Argus Wilson)
425. Osborne wrote Epitaph for George Dillon (1957) in collaboration with -------- (Anthony
426. Osborne‟s The Entertainer (1957) merely provided a vehicle for a -------- (star actor)
427. Which play shows sixteenth century man of religion? (Luther 1961)
428. In Inadmissible Evidence (1964) Osborne concerns himself with abnormalities of --------
429. Which play of John Arden achieved success at the Royal court? (Live Like Pigs 1958)
430. Brendan Behan and Shelagh Delaney‟s The Quare fellow (1954) is an -------- (opera)
431. A Taste of Honey (1958) is composed by -------- (Brendan Behan and Shelagh Delaney)
432. Which play deals with innocence ofyoungloveand homosexuality?(A Taste of Honey
433. Which play‟s allegory is heavily coloured with mysticism? (Chips with Everything 1962)
434. Which play is a long elobrated study of socialism and social progress? (Their very Own
Golden city (1965))
435. Henry Living‟s comedy Big Soft Nellie (1961) is almost -------- (plotless)
436. Who was very much influenced by Beckett? (Harold Pinter)
437. Which play is a drama of unidentified menace? (Old Times 1971)
438. Who had not contributed to Royal court theatre? (Harold Pinter)
439. From Alamein Zem-Zen (1946) is composed by -------- (Keith Douglas)
440. Roy Broadbent Fuller started his career as a -------- (Solicitor)
441. Whose poetry is inspired by Dylan Thomas? (Roy Broadbent Fuller)
442. Charles Stanley Causley is from -------- (Navy)
443. ------- is a folk song (Johny Alleluia 1960)
444. Who is described as the originator of the neo-romantic poetry in the forties?(Dylan
Marlais Thomas)
445. Dylan Marlais Thomas‟ best wrok is -------- (Under Milk Wood)
446. Dylan Thomas‟ Under Milk Wood (1954) is a verse play written specially for ---(radio)
447. ------ was published posthumously (Plant-magic Man 1973)
448. Lawrence George Durell‟s best known book of verse is -------- (Cities, Plains and People
449. Who was a doctor and psychologist by profession? (Alexander Comfort)
450. Who is concerned with emotion arising from death and sexual love? (Alexander Comfort)
451. Who is compared with John Donne? (Thomas William Gunn)
452. Sylvia Plath‟s Crossing the Water was published in -------- (1971)
453. Sylvia Plath is the wife of -------- (Philip Larkin)
454. Whose poetry deals with rural scenes and conditions in Ireland? (Keith Duglas)
455. The national movement in verse was encouraged by -------- (A Form of Words 1954)
456. Whose poetry deals with violence and cruelty? (George Mann Macbeth)
457. Scottish Verse (1952) is edited by -------- (Young)
458. Ambulance, a short poem is written by -------- (Larkin)
459. Elizabeth Bowen took as her theme the loss of innocence in the face of shallow,
sophistication and the flashly glamour of metropolitan values in her most Jamesian novel
-------- (The Death of the Heart)
460. Stella Rodney and Rober Kelway appears as lovers in Bowen‟s -------- (Heat of the Day)
461. The Fountain Overflows is a novel whose first person narrator tells the story with a subtle
combination of adult knowingness and a sense of lost, or never achieved content. Who is
the author? (Rebecca West)
462. Rebecca West wrote searching historical novel about the ideological divisions of
Prerevolutionary Russia in 1966 entitled -------- (The Birds Fall Down)
463. Who wrote in his autobiographical memoir a sort of life that success is only a delayed
failure? (Graham Greene)
464. Against which novel of Graham Greene the Haitalan Government had bought a case in
France claiming that it had damaged the Republic‟s tourist trade? (The Comedians)
465. Which novel of Graham Greene bore as its epigraph a quotation from Sir Thomas Brown
„There is another man within me that is angry with me‟? (The Man Within)
466. The Catholic boy gangster Pinkie is fascinated by the idea of Hell flames and damnation
in Greene‟s eighth novel -------- (Brighten Rock)
467. What is Anthony Powell‟s sequence of 12 novels collectively known as -------- (A Dance
to the Music of Time)
468. veho is the author of The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Deisre and Eat on a Hot
Tin Root? (Tennessee Williams)
469. The most famous of Beckett‟s works is his mysterious but innovative play --------
(Waiting for Godot)
470. In which of his plays Beckett uses blindness of Namm as a mode of suggesting that one
kind of deprivation may alert audiance to the force of alternative ways of perceiving?
471. Who is the protagonist in Osborne‟s Look back in Anger? (Jimmy Porter)
472. In 1992 a middle aged Jimmy Porter returned to the stage in Osborne‟s -------- (Déjà vu)
473. Osborne‟s pungently observant and spiteful autobiography was named -------- (A Better
Class of Person)
474. Samuel Beckett‟s Biology published together in 1959 under the English titles Molloy
Malone Dios and The unnamable was first written in -------- (French)
475. The writer deeply influenced by the American novelist Henry Muier born in India and the
author of the overtly erotic the Black Book an Agon is -------- (Lawrence Durell)
476. William Golding‟s first and most enduringly popular novel set on a desert island on
which a maroone party of school boys gradually falls away from civilization is --------
(Lord of the Flies)
477. Which novel of Golding moves back to an anthropological pre-history in which the talent
and brutish progenitors of Homo Sapiens exterminate their simpler minded Neanderthal
pre-cursers? (The Inhertors)
478. Which novel of Golding has as its central character Joceline the ambitious Dean of an
unnamed English Cathedral? (The Spire)
479. Golding‟s The Pyramid (1967) was followed a period of abstention from fiction which
was broken in 1979 by -------- (Darkness Visible)
480. Who began his literary career with two volumes of shortstories The Wrongset (1919) and
Such Darling Dodos (!950)? (Angus Wilson)
481. Who is the author of philosophical studies such as the Sovereignty of Good (1970) and
Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals (1992)? (Iris Murdoch)
482. Iris Murdoch read Beckett‟s Murphy as an Undergraduate at Oxford and paid homage to
it in her first novel? (Under the Net)
483. Bradley Pearson a novelist is the narrator of Murdoch‟s most experimental novel --------
(The Black Prince)
484. Muriel Spark‟s autobiography is entitled as -------- (Curriculam Vitae)
485. The most notable of Leslie Poles Hartley‟s novels include -------- (Eustace and Hiida, The
Hireling, The go-between)
486. The poems Redimiculum Matellarum and Briggflatts were written by -------- (Basil
487. Larkins first volume of poetry which was published in 1945 was -------- (High Windows)
488. The poet who was phenomenally successful Marin terms selling by 1960 become the poet
by Laureate in 1972. (John Betjeman)
489. The dissenting anarchic constantly shifting youth culture in the 1950‟s have been
preliminarily delineated in his novels City of Spades and Absolute Beginners by --------
(Collin Maclnnes)
490. Who is the author of the Female Eunuch that provided a stimulus to the development of a
newly outspoken and often provocative feminism in the 1970s -------- (Germaine Green)
491. Whose work Children of Violence deals with the developing political commitment and
the later political disillusion of Martha Quest (Doris Lessing)
492. Who wrote The Wide Sargasso Sea (1966) which can be said partly to be a rethinking of
Mr.Rochester‟s account of his courtship and marriage as given in Jane Eyre? (Jean Rhys)
493. Nights at the Circus (!984) the story of a cockney bird-woman was written by --------
(Angela Carter)
494. Charles Smithson and Sarah Woodruff are the central characters in the most popular
novel of John Fowles -------- (The French Lieutenant‟s Woman)
495. Which workn by Anthony Burgess is a sharply anti-Utopian vision of the technical future
told from the point of view of Alex? (A Clockwork Orange)
496. The Iceage (1977) a novel centred on a series of interlinked relationships all of which
humorously suggest something of the Shabby and disappointed state of contemporary
England is the most suggestive of novels by -------- (Margaret Drabble)
497. Who is the author of Live Like Pigs a play about the resettlement of gypsies in a housing
estate which explores anti-social behavior? (John Arden)
498. The Room, The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party and The Caretaker are the first four
plays of -------- (Harold Pinter)
499. Harold Pinter‟s later plays which leave a residual sense of sourness include -------- (The
Home Coming, Old Times, Betrayal)
500. Pinters relatively recent plays One for the Road (1984) and Mountain Language (1988)
are insistently concerned with acts of interrogation and with -------- (language)
501. The play wright took to writing to the press and to the theatre managers under the nomde
plume Mrs.Edna Wethorpe and died the 1967 at the young age of thirty-four who is being
referred to here? (Joe Orton)
502. Joe Orton‟s comedies that had been completed before his untimely death include --------
(Loot, The Ephingam Camp, What the Butler Saw)
503. Henry Carr is the dim-witted central figure of what is perhaps Toms Stoppard‟s most
sustainedly witty inventive play -------- (Travesties)
504. Stoppard‟s most subtle and allusive later play which is 1988 was accorded the singular
honour of being the first play of a living playwright to be produced in translation the sale
Richelieu at the comedle Francasse is -------- (Arcadia)
505. The author of the Popes Wedding and saved his first plays who sees anger and violence as
the only means of self-expression open to the society decrived is -------- (Edward Bond)
506. In which play of Edward Bond Shakespeare in his complacent bourgeois retirement is
complicity in the economic oppression of the poor but silent whom it comes to effective
social protest? (Bingo)
507. The early years of Margaret thatcher‟s Prime ministership were remarkable for the
theartrical protest against government policies philosophies and philistinism which of the
following is one such instance -------- (Hare‟s The Great Exhibition Griffith‟s the Party)
508. Plenty the study of an intelligent and corrupted woman was written by -------- (David
509. Who is the author of the plays Owners and Cloud Nine? (Caryl Churchill)
510. There is an implicit Parallel between the manipulation of information in the Soviet Union
and the corrupt control of the British Press by an ambitious and unscrupulous newspaper
tycoon in Hare and Brenton‟s collaborative play? (Pravda : A Fleet Street Comedy)
511. In which of her plays Caryl Churchill explore the superficial liberation of women in the
Thatcherite in 1980‟s by contrasting the life style of marlone a pushy urban woman
excutive with that of her articulate rural stay at him sister? (Top Girls)
512. Which play of Caryl Churchill is the outcome of her work with a group of her work with
a group of British drama. Students in immediate aftermath of the Romanian revolution?
(Mad Forest)
513. The most distinctive and sharp witted play wright of the 1990s whose first play The
Memory of Water was written for Hampstead theatre in London in 1996 is --------
(Shelagh Stephenson)
514. Translations Premiered in 1980 and Making History in 1988 were written by --------
(Brian Friel)
515. Friel‟s questioning of assumptions manners and inherited prejudices is evident in his
subtlest play premiered at the Abbey theatre in Dublin in 1990 -------- (Dancing at
516. The Immensely popular dramatist who in 1976 managed to have five plays running
simultaneously in London is -------- (Alan Ayckbourn)
517. Name the poet whose first two volumes The Hawk in the Rain and Luperial Express a
rapt fascination with animal energy and independence. (Ted Hughes)
518. Which work of Ted Hughes published in 1998 describes a continuing relationship with a
restless wife and fellow poet Sylvia Plath who committed suicide in 1963? (Birthday
519. Who wrote For the Unfallen King Log which so dexterously play what is called Funeral
music? (Geoffrey Hill)
520. Hill‟s tortured lyricism of funeral music has been eschewed in favour of a poor modernist
play in -------- (King Log)
521. The Irish poet who recalls and reconstants a familiar childhood landscape peopled by
farmers, labourers and fishermen in his poems Death of a Naturlist and Door into the
Dark is -------- (Seamus Hearny)
522. Who is the poet of volumes such as Night crossing Lives, The Snow Party etc.? (Derek
523. Who in a prafactory lyric to his own work The School of Eloquence wrote -----(Tony
524. In which year was the annual Booker Prize established? (1969)
525. Who literally exploded the unresolved frictions within a corrupt Cambridge college and
its members in Rontherhouse Blue 1974? (Tom Sharpe)
526. Campus novels Changing Places, A Tale of Two Campuses, Small World : An Academic
Romance and Nice work all loosely centred on the university of Rummidge were written
by -------- (David Lodge)
527. Amsterdam a diagrammatic and dispirting study of euthanasia published in 1998 was
authored by -------- (Ian McEwan)
528. Whose two most ambitious novels A Life in Four Books and Poor Things fantastically
reimagine Glasgow drawing from the English and Scots Gothic Haditions? (Alasdair
529. The violent hallucinatory world of Trainspotting (1993) has a youthful cut following
largely based on verbal and vernacular fanaticism and exaggerated impressions of a
reeling Edinburgh drug culture. Who is its author? (Irvine Welsh)
530. The Acclaime of London Fields (1989) and Times Arrow (1991) are written by one who
has been called the most self conscious American writer of his generation -------- (Martin
531. Who began her career in 1985 with Oranges are Not the Only Fruit a witty bitingly
perceptive study of a provincial childhood passed within the narrow women-dominated
evangelical Christian sect? (Jeanette Winterson)
532. Possession (1990) and The Virgin in the Garden (1978) are the two most substantial and
demanding novels of -------- (Antonia Susan Byatt)
533. The Swimming Pool Liberary (1988) and The Folding Star (1994) are the first two
fictional works of a gay fiction writer -------- (Allan Hollinghurse)
534. Mr.Clive and Mr.Page (1996) has been called the most subtle and well-designed recent
study of homoerotic obsession written by -------- (Neil Bartlett)
535. Chraless Palliser‟s historical novel The Quin Cunx (1989) scrupulously recreates a
Victorian narrative shaping his 2nd historical novel published in 1999 which returns to the
idea of an older and equally dark murder story -------- (The Unburried)
536. The author of historical novels Hawksmoor and Chatterton also wrote biographies of
T.S.Eliot, Dickens and Blake. Identify him . (Peter Ackroyd)
537. The idea of juxtaposing supposedly contradictory narratives each of which explores a
historical murder mystery from a different angle has been taken up with real learning in
the novel -------- published in 1998 (An Instance of the Fingerpost)
538. Who has scrupulously recreated a Victorian narrating shaping it according to a precise
fivefold pattern in his historical novel The Quincunx (1989)? (Charles Palliser)
539. Who is the author of Flaubert‟s Parrot (1984) a peculiar blend of literacy detective work
and biographical reconstruction? (Julian Barnes)
540. Who is the author of The So Called Flashman Papers dealing with supposed career of the
ex-villain of Tom-Brows Schooldays, dealing with the Afghan war of 1842, the British
acquisition of the Punjab and with the mutiny of 1857? (G.M.Fraser)
541. Who is the author of The Siege of Krishnapur an account of British common sense,
British eccentricity and British arrogance in a besieged and crumbling residency during
the Sepoy Rebellion? (F.G.Farrel)
542. Whose four novels known collectively as The Raj Quartet deal broadly with India during
the Second World War and with its uneasy progress towards independence and partition?
(Paul Scott)
543. Whose Regeneration triology suggests a return to the classic made of historical fiction
intermixing real historical figures with invented ones? (Pat Barker)
544. Paul Scott‟s last novel deals with two ageing minor characters from the earlier sequence
the Raj Quartet who are obliged to adjust to the circumstances of the disconcertingly new
independent India. Name of the novel. (Staying on)
545. Who is the author of the novel An Artist of the Floating World a delicate fictional study
of an ageing painter‟s awareness of and detachment from the political development of
twentieth century Japan? (Kazuo Ishiguro)
546. Captain Corelli‟s Mandolin (1994) is the most widely applauded novel of -------- (Louis
de Bernieres)
547. In January 1997 a chain of British Booksellers and an Independent television channel
announced the results of a survey in which some 25000 people had been asked to assist in
drawing up a list of the 100 best books of the century. What place James Joyce‟s Ulysses
had in the final lis?t. (Fourth)
548. In 1999 which literary personality was chosen as the British personality of the millennium
by listeners to a popular news programme? (Shakespeare)
549. Y.B.Yeats died in -------- (1939)
550. T.S.Eliot was awarded the V.S.Medal of freedom in -------- (1964)
551. Who organized the four musketeers of the Oxford movement? (Michael Roberts)
552. A View from the bridge is a play by -------- (Arthur Miller).
553. My Early Life (1930) is an autobiography by -------- (Winston Churchill).
554. The Pawnbroker was written by -------- (Edward Lewis Wallant).
555. Decline and Fall is a famous novel by -------- (Evelyn Waugh).
556. How many novels are included in George Durrell‟s The Alexandria Quartet? (4).
557. Sir Leslie Stephen, who was an eminent critic was the father of -------- (Virginia
558. Who is not an admirer of Zole? (George Moore).
559. Who declared that „God is dead‟? (Nietzche).
560. Y.Y. is the pseudonym of an essayist and literary critic who was -------- (Robert
561. Who introduced Rabindranth Tagore to European readers? (W.B.Yeats).
562. W.B.Yeats won the Noble Prize for literature in the year -------- (1923).
563. Hippie culture is associated with -------- (1989s).
564. The work 1985 was written by -------- (Anthony Burgers).
565. Which of Kipling‟s poems is an English version of Indian lullaby? (Shiva and the
566. In which poem, W.B.Yeats mentions the end of the Christian era? (Second Coming).
567. Which one is a true comedy of manners and the best play of Somerset Maugham?
(The Circle 1921).
568. Maugham‟s A Man of Honour (1903) is a -------- (realistic tragedy).
569. In which novel of Graham Greene the character Scobie appears? (The Heart of the
Matter 1948).
570. The Go-Between is a novel by -------- (Lionel Hartley).
571. The Death of the Heart is a novel by -------- (Elizabeth Bower).
572. Samuel Butler was the follower of the theory of -------- (Darwin).
573. „Religion by the Bloo‟ is a phrase which is associated with -------- (E.M.Forster).
574. Who said „Asking a working writer what he thinks about critics is like asking a lamp-
post what it thinks about dogs‟? (Osborne).
575. Who coined the term „Science Fiction‟? (Earnest Ackerman).
576. Pinter published his black comedy The Home coming in -------- (1965).
577. A.C.Bradley published his book Shakespearean Tragedy in -------- (1904).
578. W.B.Yeats Easter 1916 is -------- (occasional verse).
579. Who became a Member of Parliament after taking up British Citizenship? (Hilaire
580. Time Literacy Supplement was started in -------- (1902)
581. John Drinkwater‟s Abraham Lincoln a play in verse, came out in -------- (1918).
582. Robert Lynd‟s collection of essays The Pleasures of Ignorance came out in---- (1921).
583. Graham Green‟s May We Borrow your Husband is a collection of ----- (short-stories).
584. Which work of Lionel Hartley is his vision of the future? (Facial Justice 1960).
585. Who said „Darkness is man‟s natural element‟? (Colin Wilson).
586. Who did not join the group of Angry Young Men? (Henry Greene).
587. Angry Young Men came into existence in -------- (1940s).
588. Who was a left-wing Poet? (W.H.Auden).
589. Which novel is based on Homer‟s Odyssey? (Ulysses).
590. Who said „An archaeologist is the best husband any woman can have; the older she is
the more interested he is in her‟? (Agatha Christie).
591. Cathleen Ni Houlthan (1902) was written by -------- (Yeats).
592. Hardy‟s Poems of Past and Present and Kipling‟s Kim were published in --------
593. Who published the Anthology Geogian poetry? (Edward Marsh).
594. Who‟s Afraid of Virginia Woolf is a black comedy by -------- (Edward Albee).
595. J.E.Hendry and G.S.Fraser were the founders of the -------- (Apocalypse poetry).
596. The abriged version of James G.Frazer‟s The Golden Bough appeared in the year
597. Invisible man (1952) is a novel by -------- (Ralph Ellison).
598. Which book of Graham Greene is a satire on contemporary spy novels? (Our Man in
599. William Cooper perhaps the originator of the Angry Young Man published his Scenes
from Provincial Life in the year -------- (1950).
600. Hurry Down (1953) is an Angry Young man work by -------- (John Wain).
601. Who said „A cynic in a man who knows of price everything and the value of nothing?
(Oscar Wilde).
602. Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem in cockney dialect, The name of the poem is --------
(Fuzzy Wuzzy).
603. Who wrote the autobiography named as Angery Young Man? (Leslie Paul).
604. Charles William, Hitler, Mussolini and Paul Valery died in the same year (i.e.) --------
605. James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, J.G.Frazer and Rabindranath Tagore died in the same
year -------- (1941).
606. Who is known as the progrenitor of the drama-novel of 20th century? (Ibsen).
607. Which of Kipling‟s lyrics offended the feelings of another country and destroyed
foreign relations? (The Ballad of the Red Earle).
608. William Empson published his Seven types of Ambiguity in the year -------- (1930).
609. Forster‟s Aspects of the Novel was published in -------- (1921).
610. Chesterton‟s The Evelasting Man came out in -------- (1925).
611. Plain Tales from the Hills is a prose work by -------- (Kipling).
612. Letter from Iceland was written by -------- (Macneice).
613. Who says „Human life is a tale, told in tears with smile‟? (Geothe).
614. Mc Andrew‟s Hymn is a dramatic monologue by -------- (Kipling).
615. Moonfleet a West Country adventure story with ghostly overtones was written by -----
--- (J.Meade Falkner).
616. Ulysses is a play by -------- (Stephen Phillips).
617. Ulysses is a novel by -------- (James Joyce).
618. A.E.Housman‟s critical book The Name and Nature of Poetry appeared in --------
619. To D.H.Lawrence, which of his own novel is „very very moral‟? (Lady Chatterley‟s
Lover 1928).
620. Which volume of verse by Aldous Huxley is cynical and sensual? (Leda 1920).
621. The author of Harmonium is -------- (W.Stevens).
622. Arthur Miller‟s The Crucible is a -------- (Chronicle play).
623. Arnold Bennett published his Anna of the Five Towns in -------- (1901).
624. „The River of Arrow‟ is mentioned in the novel -------- (Kim).
625. Those who accepted the settlement of 1921 were known as -------- (Free Staters).
626. How many stories are there in Joseph Conrad‟s collection Tales of Hearsay? (4).
627. Counter-Attack a collection of violent war poems was written by -------- (Siegfried
628. Who said „I am not concerned with poetry. My subject is war and the pity of war. The
poetry is in the pity‟? (Wilfred Owen).
629. T.S.Eliot‟s The Waste Land and James Joyce‟s Ulysses appeared in the same year ----
---- (1922).
630. Whose novels present the heroine‟s „adventure of personality‟? (Dorothy Richardson).
631. Whose novels appeared under the collective title Pilgrimage? (Dorothy Richardson).
632. The Loss of The Nabara a story of the Spanish civil war is a famous sea poem by -----
--- (C.D.Lewis).
633. Who is not a Marxist critic? (Wilson Doolight).
634. In which work of Joseph Conrad Kurts appears as a villain? (The Heart of Darkness).
635. In which play of J.M.Synge the character Christy Mohan appears? (The Playboy of
the Western World).
636. The poems of Wilfred Owen came out in the year (1931).
637. In which of his novel, James Joyce appears as Stephen Dedalus? (A Portrait of the
Artist as a Young Man).
638. The Garden Party and Other Poems was written by -------- (Katherine Mansfield).
639. Samuel Butler published his novel The Way of all Flesh in the year -------- (1903).
640. Whose work is A Short View of the Profaneness of The English Stage? (Colier).
641. John Masefield was made poet Laureate in -------- (1930).
642. Robert Bridges and D.H.Lawrence died in the same year that is -------- (1930).
643. The first labour Government in England was formed in -------- (1924).
644. Who produced Pilgrims Progess 1933? (C.S.Lewis).
645. Which novel of Arnold Benett is not set in the Black Country? (Riceyman Steps
646. The Education of Mr.Surrage is a play by -------- (Allan Monkhouse).
647. Green Mansions (1904) is a famous novel by -------- (W.H.Hudson).
648. Who is the writer of Shropshire Ballads? (A.E.Houseman).
649. The Everlasting Mercy was written by -------- (John Masefield).
650. The Overcoat was written by -------- (Nikolas Gogol).
651. Who said „…. we will have all life within the scope of the novel‟? (Wells).
652. Peter Pan is a play by -------- (James Barrie).
653. Blunden‟s Shells by Stream is a collection of -------- (Lyrics)
654. The Cantos is an unfinished work by -------- (Ezra pound)
655. Fondie (1916) is a regional novel by -------- (E.C.Booth)
656. Sir Neol Coward produced his farce Look after Lulu in -------- (1959)
657. Who is the producer of the „Theatre of the Absurd‟ (1961)? (Martin Esslin)
658. The Fault (1956) is a confessional novel by -------- (Albert Camus)
659. A Confession is the subtitle of a short novel by Joseph Conard, the name of which is -
------- (The Shadow Line 1917)
660. James Joyce‟s novel Dubliners, which was begun in 1900, was written and published
in -------- (1914)
661. In which of his novel, Aldous Huxley imagines a world without disease, without pain,
without emotion and without spiritual life? (Brave New World 1932)
662. Auden‟s Age of Anxiety came out in the year -------- (1948)
663. Sean O‟ Casey brought out his play The Silver Tassie in the year -------- (1928)
664. The Plough and the Stans (1926) is a play by -------- (Sean O‟ Casey)
665. In which of his novel, Aldous Huxley attempts „to musicalize fiction‟ -------- (Point
Counterpoint 1928)
666. Who is the real advocate of Surrealism? (Herbert Read)
667. Jonshon over Jordan (1939) is a modern morality play by -------- (J.B.Priestley)
668. Sean O‟ Casey brought out his play Within the Gates in -------- (1933)
669. The Star Turned Red (1940) is a play by -------- (Sean O‟ Casey)
670. Breath and Other Plays were written by -------- (Beckett)
671. The Untilled field is a collection of -------- (13 short stories)
672. The Master of the House was written by -------- (W.Stanley Houghton)
673. Lord Dunsany‟s If is a -------- (play)
674. Which novel of J.B.priestley is about the adventures of a touring concert party? (The
Good Companions (1929))
675. Louis MacNiece‟s Out of the Picture (1937) is a -------- (drama)
676. John Masefield was made Poet Laureate in -------- (1930)
677. Robert Bridges and D.H.Lawrence died in the same year, that is -------- (1930)
678. The Education of Mr.Surrage is a play by -------- (Altan Monkhoys)
679. A Modern Lover is a novel by -------- (William Morris)
680. Who said, „Poetry makse nothing happen‟? (Auden)
681. The Inimitable Jeeves was written by -------- (Wodehouse)
682. Philip Larkin and John Braine were born in the same year in which Marcel Proust
died. The year is -------- (1922)
683. Noel-Coward‟s Design for Living, a comedy of manners came out in -------- (1932)
684. The Lady with a Lamp is a play by -------- (Berkley)
685. Tennessee William produced his play The Glass Menagerie in -------- (1945)
686. Which novel of Arnold Banette exposes the religious bigotry of the five towns?
(Clayhanger 1910)
687. New Comedies, a collection of plays was produced by -------- (Lady Gregory)
688. Who is well known for his Father Brown Detective Stories? (G.K.Chesterton)
689. Who wrote The Patriot‟s Progress (1930)? (Henry Williamson)
690. Who is considered to be the spokesman of the Jazz Age? (F.Scott Fitzgerald)
691. Go (1952) is a novel by -------- (John Cellor Holmes)
692. A Modern Utopia : Kepps is a work by -------- (H.G.Wells)
693. Samuel Beckett and Ibsen died in the same year -------- (1906)
694. New Year Letter is an epistle by -------- (Auden)
695. Socrates (1930) is a play by -------- (Clifford Bax)
696. Abraham Lincoln (1918) is a play by -------- (Drinkwater)
697. Robert Conquest published his anthology New Lines in -------- (1956)
698. Another name of Maugham‟s Cakes and Ale is -------- (The Skelton in Cupboard)
699. Rudyard Kipling born in 1865 in Bombay, died in -------- (1936)
700. Sean „O Casey was -------- (an Irish dramatist)
701. The Outside is an existencial work by -------- (Albert Camus)
702. Eclogne From Iceland was written by -------- (MacNiece)
703. Drunken Fisherman is a poem by -------- (Robert Lowell)
704. Tender is the Night is a novel by -------- (Fitzgerald)
705. A Kiss for Cindrella (1916) is a play by -------- (James Barrie)
706. John Masefield was made poet Laureate in -------- (1930)
707. How many poems are there in Houseman‟s A Shroph Shire Lad? (63)
708. Which novel of D.H.Lawrence deals with the mother-son relationship? (Sons and
Lovers 1913)

1. Stephen Crane is associated with -------- (Naturalism)
2. The subtitle of Melville‟s Moby Dick is -------- (The Whale)
3. The narrator of Herman Melville‟s Moby Dick is -------- (Ishamel)
4. The author of Sister Carrie is -------- (Theodore Dreiser)
5. Arthur Diammesdale figures in -------- (The Scarlet Letter)
6. Samuel Langhorne Clemens is the real name of -------- (Mark Twain)
7. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was published in -------- (1884)
8. The narrator of Huckleberry Finn is -------- (Huck)
9. The author of A Connecticut Yankee is -------- (Mark Twain)
10. The author of the novel Maggie is -------- (Stephen Crane)
11. Stephen Crane‟s civil war novel is-------- (The Red Badge of Courage)
12. Who is the author of USA? (John Dos Passos)
13. The first American Nobel Laureate is -------- (Sinclair Lewis)
14. -------- is regarded as Sinclair‟s best novel. (The Jungle)
15. The author of Native son is-------- (Richard Wright)
16. The author of Invisible man is-------- (Ralph Ellison)
17. Sinclair Lewis‟s Babbitt was published in -------- (1922)
18. Faulkner‟s As I Lay Dying is a -------- (Stream of Consciousness novel)
19. Harlem is famous for the Afro-American intellectual movement known as Harlem
Renaissance. To which part of the American city does Harlem belong? (New York)
20. Steinbeck‟s The Grapes of Wrath was published in -------- (1939)
21. The author of An American Tragedy is -------- (Dreiser)
22. The Good Earth and A House Divided are novels of -------- (Pearl S. Buck)
23. Pearl S. Buck‟s favorite subject matter is -------- (lives of Chinese peasants)
24. Faulkner‟s The Sound and Fury was published in -------- (1929)
25. Edward Albee‟s The Zoo Story and Who‟s Afraid of Virginia Woolf are examples of -----
--- (Absurd Drama)
26. The author of Giles Goat – Boy and Lost in the Funhouse is -------- (John Barth)
27. The poet Allen Ginsberg and the novelist Jack Keroval are associated with -------- (Beat
28. Humboldt‟s Gift and The Dean‟s December are novels of -------- (Saul Bellow)
29. Hawthorne‟s Birthmark is -------- (an allegorical tale)
30. The last work written by Melville is -------- (Billy Budd)
31. Black Boy is the autobiography of -------- (Richard wright)
32. Hemingway derived the title of his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls from -------- (Donne‟s
33. Pearl S.Buck was born in -------- (China)
34. In Cold Blood is a very famous novel by -------- (Truman Capote)
35. Captain John Yossarian and Leutenant Milo Minderbinder figure in -------- (Catch-22)
36. The author of Catcher in the Rye is -------- (D.Salinger)
37. Civil Disobedience is an essay by -------- (Thoreau)
38. Compson family appears in -------- (Faulkner‟s Fiction)
39. Robert Frost‟s Code is -------- (Blank-verse dramatic narrative)
40. Melville‟s unfinished novel is -------- (Confidence –Man)
41. Oedipa mass figures in Thomas Pinchon‟s -------- (Crying of lot 49)
42. The underground postage network „Tristero‟ appears in -------- (Crying of lot 49)
43. Willy Lowman appears in -------- (Arthur Miller‟s Death of a Salesman)
44. The Declaration of Independence of the 13 American Colonies was in the year --------
45. The major theme of Emily Dickinson‟s poetry is -------- (death)
46. Ragtime is a novel by -------- (E.L.Doctrow)
47. Dos Passos‟s USA has -------- (3 novels)
48. Education of Henry Adams is -------- (An Autobiography)
49. R.W.Emerson is associated with -------- (Transcendentalism)
50. Emerson‟s first book is-------- (Nature)
51. Eugene O‟Neil‟s The Emperor Jones is -------- (An Expressionist play)
52. The Emperor of Ice cream is a poem by -------- (Wallace Stevens)
53. William Faulkner reconstructs Christ in -------- (A Fable)
54. Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley are characters of -------- (Hemingway‟s A Farewell
to Arms)
55. Most of Faulkner‟s novels are set in -------- (Mississippi)
56. Scott Fitzgerald deals with the American Dream in -------- (The Great Gatsby)
57. For the Union Dead is a collection of poems by -------- (Robert Lowell)
58. Robert Frost‟s first collection of poems is -------- (A Boy‟s will)
59. Howl is a poem by -------- (Allen Ginsberg)
60. Laura Wingfield, Tom and Tim „O‟ Connor figure in -------- (Tennessee William‟s The
Glass Menagerie)
61. The author of the novel Go, Tell it on the Mountain is -------- (James Baldwin)
62. The author of Gone with the Wind is-------- (Margaret)
63. Steinbeck‟s novel which shows the social significance of the migrant labour problem is---
---- (The Grapes of Wrath)
64. Lieutenant Tyrone Scothrop is the hero of Pynchon‟s -------- (Gravity‟s Rainbow)
65. Pynchon‟s Gravity‟s Rainbow was published in -------- (1973)
66. Hawthorne‟s The Great Stone Face is -------- (an allegorical tale)
67. The Hairy Ape is an expressionist play by -------- (O‟ Neill)
68. Wallace Stevens‟ first collection of poems is -------- (Ideas of Order)
69. The author of To Have and Have Not is -------- (Hemingway)
70. Hemingway‟s longest novel is -------- (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
71. The Old man and the sea was published in -------- (1952)
72. The author of the novel House of Mirth is -------- (Edith Warton)
73. The Iceman Cometh is a play by -------- (Eugene O‟Neil)
74. The author of Rip Van Winkle is -------- (Washington Irving)
75. The first edition of Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass (1855) contained -------- (12 poems)
76. Mark Twain‟s Life on the Mississippi is -------- (an Autobiographical Narrative)
77. Mark Twain‟s Joan of Arc is a -------- (Fictional biography)
78. “A poem should not mean / but be”. Name the poet who wrote these lines.--------
(Archibald Mcleish)
79. The subtitle of Stephen Crane‟s novel Maggie is -------- (A Girl of the Streets)
80. The author of the novel Manhattan Transfer is -------- (Hemingway)
81. All my Sons is a play by -------- (Arthur Miller)
82. O‟Neil‟s Mourning becomes Electra is a -------- (Dramatic Trilogy)
83. Vladimir Nabokov‟s The Gift is a -------- (Pseudo autobiography)
84. William Burough‟s novel, based upon his notes during a period of deep addiction to drugs
is -------- (The Naked Lunch)
85. Wallace Stevens‟ Notes toward a Supreme Fiction is a -------- (Poem)
86. The author of the Novelette Of Mice and Men is-------- (Hemingway)
87. Clifford Odet‟s Waiting for Lefty is a -------- (one act play)
88. The author of the novel On the Road is-------- (Jack Kerouac)
89. Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking is a poem by -------- (Whitman)
90. Sylvia Plath‟s The Bell Jar is a -------- (novel)
91. Ariel is a collection of poems by -------- (Sylvia Path)
92. Raven is a famous poem written by -------- (Poe)
93. The subtitle of Stephen Crane‟s The Red Badge of Courage is-------- (An Episode of the
American Civil war)
94. Ishamael Reed‟s novel which contains a Surrealist presentation of American Slavery is---
----- (Flight to Canada)
95. Irving‟s Rip Van Winkle is a -------- (Closet Drama)
96. In the Road to Xanadu, Tohn Uringston Lowes analyzes the imagination of --------
97. Horace Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale and Pearl are characters of -----
--- (The Scarlet Letter)
98. Horace Benbow is the central Character of Faulkner‟s -------- (Sanctuary)
99. The subtitle of Kurt Vonnegut‟s Jr.S.Slaughterhouse Fire is -------- (The Children‟s
100. Soldiers pay is a novel by -------- (Faulkner)
101. Song of Myself is a poem by -------- (Whitman)
102. Benjy, Quentin and Jason are characters in -------- (The Sound and Fury)
103. Thirteen Ways of looking At a Blackbird is a poem by -------- (Wallace Stevens)
104. The metre of Frost‟s Stopping by Woods on the Snowy Evening is-------- (Iambic
105. Henry David Thoreau is associated with -------- (Transcendentalism)
106. The author of Twice-Told Tales is -------- (Hawthorne)
107. The author of the novel Uncle Tom‟s cabin -------- (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
108. The subtitle of Thoreau‟s Walden is-------- (Life in the Woods)
109. Alice Walker‟s The Color Purple was published in -------- (1982)
110. Whitman‟s When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom‟d is an elegy on the death of --------
(Abraham Lincoln)
111. T.Williams play I Rise in Fame, Cried the Phoenix revolves round the death of
112. The author of The Great American Novel is-------- (William Carlos Williams)
113. The author of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird is-------- (Harper Lee)
114. Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass was published in the year -------- (1855)
115. The „cut-up‟ technique was used by the novelist -------- (William S.Burroughs)
116. Thomas Pynchon‟s latest novel is -------- (Manson and Dixon)
117. Poe introduced ----- as an ill omen bird (Raven)
118. The Raven croaked the word -------- (Nevermore)
119. Poe wrote the poem The Raven to prove his -------- (Poetic theory)
120. Poe‟s girl friend name was -------- (Lenore)
121. Robert Frost was a -------- poet (Regional)
122. Stevens‟ themes are highly -------- (impersonal)
123. Frost had used -------- in the poem (blank verse)
124. Ransome‟s Blue Girls is a -------- poem (humourous)
125. The essay The philosophy of composition begins with a reference to -------- (Charles
126. Lincoln‟s Gettysburg Address ennobled the purpose of the -------- (American Civil War)
127. Hawthorne was friendly with -------- (Melville)
128. Ernest Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for literature in -------- (1954)
129. Hemingway did not like to present -------- (False emotions)
130. Death of a Salesman is a variation of the -------- (Oedipus theme)
131. The Glass menagerie is -------- (a memory play)
132. The Glass menagerie is divided into -------- (7 scenes)
133. The Oldman and the Sea is an epic battle between an old experienced fisherman and ------
-- A giant fish)
134. The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most important civil war was fought in --------
135. Emerson and Thoreau had made -------- (Positive affirmations)
136. Henry James‟ Literary Career can be divided into -------- (Four periods)
137. After Apple Picking was written by -------- (Robert Frost)
138. The America poets are to enclose the old and the new for America is the -------- (Race of
139. The Art of Fiction was written by -------- (Henry James)
140. Thomas Wolfe‟s first novel Look Homeward, Angel was published at the end of --------
141. American Literature began in the -------- (Seventeenth Century)
142. -------- are the materials of the Hemingway approach. (War and Violence)
143. -------- based on Hemingway‟s Italian war experiences is one of the best of the American
war novel (A Farewell to Arms)
144. I was always embarrassed by the words, sacred, glorious and sacrifice and the expression
in vain said by -------- (Hemingway)
145. More was associated with -------- (Irving Babbit)
146. When was the American civil war fought? -------- (1861-1865)
147. Who defined Democracy as Government of the people, by the people, for the people?
(Abraham Lincoln)
148. An American poet is hailed as the representative poet of American democracy who is he?
(Walt Whitman)
149. Melville‟s Moby-Dick gives us glimpses into the -------- (World of Whales)
150. The hero of Melville‟s Moby-Dick is -------- (Ahab)
151. Who has written Tom Sawyer? (Mark Twain)
152. Who is the author of Walden? (Henry David Thoreau)
153. Who has written The Portrait of a Lady? (Henry James)
154. In Hemingway‟s The Old man and the Sea, the old man hooks a huge fish. What is the
fish called? (Marlin)
155. In which year was Eugene O‟Neil awarded the Nobel Prize? (1936)
156. How many times Eugene O‟Neil was awarded the Pulizer Prize? (4 times)
157. Who discovered America in 1492? (Columbus)
158. Who is the father of American Poetry? (William Cullen Bryant)
159. Who has been called the Romancer of the sea? (James F.Cooper)
160. The Purloined Letter is a seminal short-story by -------- (Edgor Allen Poe)
161. Who is the writer of such poem The Raven, The Haunted Palace, The conqueror worm,
The Bells, and To Helen? (Poe)
162. Who is the father of „American Transcendentalism‟? (Emerson)
163. Who said Nature is a greater and more perfalt art? (Thoreau)
164. Who declared Edger Allen Poe to be always and for all lands a great lyric poet?
165. Who wrote the seminal book Nature? (Emerson)
166. Thoreau‟s Masterpiece Walden is divided into -------- (18 chapters)
167. Who himself classified his tales as „Grotesque Arabesque‟ and ratiocinative? (Edger
Allen Poe)
168. Who wrote such seminal essays, Self Reliance, The Over Soul and The American
Scholar? (Emerson)
169. Who wrote the essay Civil Disobedience? (Thoreau)
170. Who is the principal character in Melville‟s Moby Dick? (Captain Ahab)
171. Who wrote the poem Hugh Selwyn Mauberley? (Ezra pound)
172. Paterson a famous American poem is written by -------- (William Carlos William)
173. The poem Chicago is written by -------- (Carl Sandburg)
174. Who is the narrator in F.Scott Fitzterold‟s novel The Great Gatsby? (Nick)
175. Robert Frost‟s famous line „Good fences make Good neighbours‟ appears in -------- (The
Mending Wall)
176. Who is the central figure in O‟Neil‟s The Hairy Ape? (Yank)
177. Which one has been read as a „proletarian epic‟? (William Faulkner‟s Light in August)
178. Blenche is the central figure in one of the Tennessee William‟s play -------- (A Street car
named Desire)
179. Who is the Central character in Hemingway‟s novel The Old man and the Sea? (Santiago)
180. Who wrote the famous poem Harlem Dancer? (Claude Mckey)
181. Absalom, a novel by William Faulkner appeared in -------- (!938)
182. Harlem Renaissance became popular in -------- (1920s)
183. Who used the phrase „The Central Tradition‟? (George Santayana)
184. Richard Wright is a -------- (Black American Writer)
185. The Ambassadors a novel written by Henry James, centers on -------- (Lambert Strether)
186. Sherwood Anderson‟s Winesburg Ohio is a collection of -------- (Short Stories)
187. Tar : A Midwest choldwood, a semi autobiographical novel written by Sherwood
Anderson, published in -------- (1926)
188. Maya Angelou is an -------- (Afro-African Novelist)
189. Who edited the North American Review -------- (Henry Brooks Adams)
190. Who described his poems as „Sym-Phonies‟? (Conard Aiken)
191. Who is the author of New York Trilogy, City of Glass, Ghost and The Cooked room?
(Paul Auster)
192. Irving Babbit, the leader of American New Humanism is a -------- (Critic)
193. James Baldwin is a -------- (Black American writer)
194. Djuna Chappell Barnes as American Writer is famous for her novel -------- (Nightwood)
195. The popular utopian romance Looking Backward 2000-1887 is written by --------
(Edward Bellamy)
196. In Saul Bellow‟s novel Herzog, Moses Herzog is a -------- (Jew)
197. James Baldwin‟s famous novel Go Tell it on the Mountain is set in -------- (Harlem)
198. Saul Bellow‟s novel Henderson, the Rain King which deals with Gone Henderson‟s quest
for spiritual power in Africa appeared in -------- (1959)
199. Beloved a famous American novel, which deals with Slavery is written by -------- (Toni
200. Whose belief is that language is a virus and led him to employ the cut-up technique?
(William Burroughs)
201. Ralph Ellison‟s famous novel The Invisible man which tells the story of a New York
immigrant black appeared in -------- (1952)
202. The famous novel The Red Badge of Courage, a study of an inexperienced soldier is
written by -------- (Stephen Grane)
203. Who created the imaginative world „Yoknapatawa‟ Country? (William Faulkner)
204. Who said „But I have promises to keep / And miles to go before I sleep‟ (Robert Frost)
205. The Necessary Angel : Essays on Reality and the Imagination is written by --------
(Wallace Stevens)
206. Who is the tragic figure in Arthur Miller‟s Death of a Salesman? (Willy Loman)
207. The New Negro is written by -------- (Alan Locke)
208. Who says „Earth is the right place for Love‟? (Robert Frost)
209. Which one is a great patriotic poem by Frost? (The Gift Outright)
210. Which is not written by Eugene O‟Neill? (A View from the Bridge)
211. Ezra Pound‟s poem The Cantos appeared in -------- (1917)
212. Who is the author of the Drama The Adding Machine? (Elmer Rice)
213. American Renaissance is written by -------- (F.O.Matthiessan)
214. Wallace Steven‟s Harmonium is a collection of -------- (Poems)
215. Who said „All Modern American literature came from one book by Mark Twain called
Hucklebery Finn? (Ernest Hemingway)
216. Who edited the poems of Emily Dickinson? (T.H.Johnson)
217. Who wrote the novel Arthur Gordon Pym? (Edger Allen Poe)
218. Which one book is now regarded as the Bible of Democracy? (Whitman‟s Leaves of
219. What is the Colour of the Whale in Melville‟s novel Mody Dick? (White)
220. Who is the principal character in Howthorne‟s novel The Scarlet letter? (Hester Prynne)
221. Tennessee Williams‟ In the winter of cities is collection of -------- (Poems)
222. Who is the author of the celebrated novel Lane? (Jean Toomer)
223. Hart Crane‟s famous poem The Bridge, which explores the Myth of America is an echo
of -------- (Whitman‟s Leaves of Grass)
224. Native Son is written by -------- (Richard Wright)
225. Who is the representative figure of the Jazz Age? (F.Scott Fizgerald)
226. Who coined the phrase „Lost Generation‟? (Gertude Stein)
227. A Castle a Study of symbolist art is written by -------- (Edmund Wilson)
228. Who is the writer of the Tetralogy Rabbit Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit is Rich and Rabbit
at Rest? (John updike)
229. Bob Smith is the central figure in which of the plays of O‟Neil? (The hairy Ape)
230. How does Yank, the central character in The Hairy Ape differ from Aristotelean tragic
heroes? (He meets a sad end without having any tragic flaw)
231. Who wrote I Felt a Funeral in my Brain? (Emily Dickinson)
232. The Old man and the Sea recounts the 84 days adventure of -------- (Santiago)
233. Steinbeck‟s novel Grapes of Wrath is the story of -------- (Joad family)
234. Roderick Hudson is written by -------- (Henry James)
235. Who is the author of Caleb William and St.Leon? (Mrs.Inchbald)
236. „Lives of greatmen all remind us / We can make our life sublime / And departing leave
behind us / Footprints on the Sands of time‟ Who wrote these lines? (H.W.Longfellow)
237. The Scarlet Letter is written by -------- (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
238. Who is known as the pioneer of the modern detective stories? (Edger Allen Poe)
239. Age of innocence is a novel by -------- (Edith Wharton)
240. Mr.Zero is the main character in -------- (Elmer Rice‟s Adding Machine)
241. Isaac Asimore invented the three laws of -------- (A robot may not injure a human being,
through inaction allow a human being to come to harm)
242. What is the Central theme of Hawthorne‟s The Scarlet letter? (The effect of Sin and Guilt
upon human beings)
243. „Success is counted Sweetest / By those who never succeed / To comprehend nectar /
Requires sorest need‟. Whose lines are these? (Emily Dickinson)
244. What is common amongst the following American authors: (Sarah Kembce Knight,
William Byrd, John Woolman? (They are all Diarists)
245. Who are known as the knickerbockers? (The early nineteenth century writers of New
York city)
246. Which of the following novels is written by William Dean Howells? (The Vacation of the
247. Arthur Miller received the Pulitzer for Theatre for one of the following plays. (Death of a
248. Who was the first American playwright who received the Noble Prize for literature?
(Eugene O‟Neil)
249. Who is the author of the play Who‟s Abraid of Virginia Woolf? (Edward Albee)
250. Who is the author of the play The Zoo Story? (Edward Albee)
251. Who received the Commonwealth writers‟ prize 1994? (Vikram Seth – A Suitable Boy)
252. Isabel Archer is the romantic heroine of -------- (The Portrait of a Lady-Henry James)
253. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque is a collection of stories by -------- (Edger Allan
254. Which one is Sywia Plath‟s novel? (The Bell Jar)
255. What is the name of Walt Whitman‟s poem celebrating the completion of the Suez Canal
and the Transcontinental Railroad? (A Passage of India)
256. Grapes of Wrath is written by -------- (John Steinbeck)
257. An Indian born Canadian poet and novelist received one of the following awards in 1993
identify the award (Poet of Peace)
258. Joan Brady, a former ballet dance relieved one of the following for her book Theory of
war. She is the first woman to get this prize. Nace the prize. (*Whitebread Book of the
259. Who wrote under the pen name Saki? (H.H.Munro)
260. V.S.Naipaul‟s The Mimic Men is about -------- (an exiled Caribbean Politician)
261. The Naked and the Dead is written by -------- (Norman Mailer)
262. Finnegans Wake is -------- (a novel by Henry James)
263. Which one of the following is a verse novel? (Goloen Gate)
264. „I think I could turn and love with animals‟ These are the opening lines of a poem. Who is
the poet? (Walt Whitman)
265. Who wrote My True Faces, Azadi, Into Another Dawn, The Crown and the Lion Cloth?
(Chaman Nahal)
266. Too Long in the West is written by -------- (Nirad C.Chaudhary)
267. Which of the following is V.S.Naipaul‟s comic novel of coconial politics? (The Mimic
268. V.S.Naipaul‟s The Mystic Masseur received a prestigious prose. Name it (Rhys
269. When was old age pensions are passed in England? (1908)
270. In which decade in the Nineteenth century did the chartist movement take a concrete
shape in England? (Thirties)
271. Which age is generally called the age of prose and reason? (Eighteen century)
272. Who can be said to be the greatest writer of the comedy of Humours? (Ben Jonson)
273. Who is the writer of the essay, Simulation and Dissimulation? (Bacon)
274. Name of the figure of speech for which lycy is chiefly remembered gland? (Euphuism)
275. The other name for Euphues is -------- (The Anatomy of Wit)
276. Ferrex and Porrex is the other name for -------- (Gorboduc)
277. In the Spanish Tragedy there is the ghost of -------- (Andrea)
278. In the Duchess of Marfi Ferdinand was the Duke -------- (Calabria)
279. The Alchemist was published in -------- (1612)
280. In the Duchess of Malfi who spoke the following words „O trorror that not the fear of him
which binds the devils can prescribe man obedience‟? (Ferdinand)
281. When was St.Thomas Canonized? (1173)
282. Who appointed St.Thomas Beckett a Chancellor? (Henry II)
283. Identify the author of Moby Dick? (Harman Melville)
284. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pseudonym of -------- (Mark Twain)
285. Who enuniciated his views on fiction in The Art of Fiction? (Henry James)
286. Roderick Hudson, The American and Daisy Miller are the portraits of American. Who
wrote these novels? (Henry James)
287. William Sydney porter wrote under the Pseudonym of -------- (O‟ Henry)
288. Walden and Civil Disobedience were written by -------- (Henry David Thoreau)
289. Who wrote the following lines : „If the red Slayer think he says / or if the slain think he is
slain / They know not the subtle ways / I keep and pass and turn again‟? (Ralph Waldo
290. Name the poet who was influenced by Jacksonian Democracy and Coco-Foco
movement? (Walt Whitman)
291. Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass was published in -------- (1885)
292. The poet of American optimism and pragmatism is -------- (Walt Whitman)
293. The Declaration of Independence a classic in English prose was written by --------
(Thomas Jefferson)
294. Identify the correct group of American writers who were influenced by the Indian
thought? (Emerson – Thoeav – Walt Whitman)
295. Natty Bumppo is a character in -------- (James Fenimore coper‟s The Pathfinder)
296. H.W.Longfellow and J.R.Lowell are called -------- (The Brahmin Poets)
297. Lt.Frederic Henry is a character in Hemingway‟s -------- (For Whom the Bell Tolls)
298. Cecil Day Lewis observers that he simplicity of his verse is the Simplicity not of nature,
but of a so serious and profoundly critical spirit who was he? (Robert Frost)
299. A critic said pound did not create the poets but he created a situation in which for the first
time there was a modern movement in poetry. Name the critic who said those words?
300. Which of the following plays is not written by Tennese Williams? (A memory of two
301. Which of the plays of O‟Neil is a comedy? (Ah, Whilderness)
302. Louis Dudek is a -------- (Urban Poet)
303. The municipality of Big Knife forms the back ground of -------- (What the Crow said by
304. Marian is the protagonist in -------- (Margaret Atwood‟s The Edible woman)
305. The voyage of Telegonels which has a reference of Ulysses is written by -------- (Judith
306. Rita Joe and Jaimie Paul are characters in -------- (George Ryga‟s The Ecstasy of Rita
307. Jeffrey Moore‟s prisoner in Red Rose Chain won -------- (The Commonwealth Book prize
in 2000)
308. Who is known as the academic and intellectual poet or university poet? (James McAuley)
309. Who was influenced by Mythology, classics and nature? (A.D.Hope)
310. Who is the writer of first American work A True Relation of Virginia? (John Smith)
311. The religious disputes that prompted Settlement in America were also topics of --------
writing. (Early)
312. In which work John Winthrop discussed the religious foundation of the Massachusetts
Bay colony? (Journal)
313. William Bradford is an author of the journal published as a History of Plymouth
Plantation, published between -------- (1620-47)
314. Who wrote the best selling poem The Day of Doom of early American writing? (Michall
315. Nicholas Noyes was known for his -------- (Doggerel Verse)
316. John Eliot translated the Bible into -------- (Algonquin)
317. Who represented the Great Awakening and a religious revival in the early 18th century?
(Cotton, Mathex)
318. Which work did not show Franklin‟s influence toward the formation of a budding
American identify? (The American Crisis)
319. Paine‟s common sense is a -------- (Pamphlet)
320. Whose work plays a key role in influencing the political tone of the revolutionary period?
(Thomas paine)
321. Who wrote United States Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)
322. William Hill Brown‟s The Power of Sympathy is sometimes considered -------- (First
American Novel)
323. Charles Brockden Brown‟s Wieland often seen as limitations of the -------- (Gothic
324. A History of New York by Diedrich Knicker bocker is a well known satire of --------
(Washington Irving)
325. Which of the following is not written by Edgar Allan Poe? (Salmagundi)
326. James Fenimore Cooper is known for his -------- (Leatherstocking tales)
327. Who among the following is not influenced by Transcendentalism? (Washington Irving)
328. Emerson‟s most gifted fellow thinker was -------- (Henry David Thoreau)
329. Nathaniel Hawthorne‟s best known work is -------- (The Scarlet Letter)
330. Hawthorne‟s friend was -------- (Herman Melville)
331. Which work shows an adventurous whaling voyage? (Moby Dick)
332. Melville‟s Billy Budd is set in the time of -------- (war)
333. For whom D.H.Lawrence wrote the following? „He was the first to smash the old moral
conception that the soul of man is something superior and above the flesh‟ (Whitman)
334. For which book Whitman writes the following? „These are really the thoughts of all men
in all ages and lands, they are not original with me‟ (Song of Myself)
335. Who wrote the following? „I‟m nobody who are you? / Are you nobody too?‟ (Emily
336. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the masterpiece of -------- (Mark Twain)
337. Who was not interested in regional differences and dialects? (Emily Dickinson)
338. Henry James‟s The Turn of the Screw contains an enigmatic? (Ghost Story)
339. Edith Wharton is known for which work? (The Age of Innocence)
340. Which is the best known novel of Stephen Crane? (Maggie : A Girl of the Streets)
341. Stephen Grane in Maggie :A Girl of the Streets depicted the life of -------- (Saints)
342. Who wrote Sister Carrie? (Stephen Crane)
343. Who labeled a group of American literary notables as the Lost Generation? (T.S.Eliot)
344. Who among the following influenced by Ezra pound? (Scott Fitzgerard)
345. Who worked as an ambulance driver during world war I? (William Faulkner)
346. Ernest Hemingway won the Noble Prize in literature in -------- (1953)
347. Steinbeck got the Nobel Prize in literature in -------- (1962)
348. Thomas Paine argues that the best way to defeat the British in for -------- (The troops of
are the states to join together in the fight)
349. Paine contends that the Tories are -------- (Possibly aiding and encouraging the British
350. By comparing the British King to a thief and a housebreaker Paine suggests that ------
(The British are trying to take what is not theirs)
351. In his conclusion Paine intends to inspire readers by -------- (Painting out the strengths of
the colonial army)
352. Which of the following anecdotes does Paine use in the Selection? (The Tory Tavern
keeper who makes a thoughtless statement in front of a child)
353. When Paine says though the flame of liberty mary sometimes cease to shine, the Coal can
never expire he is using analogy to suggest? (Liberty is a persistent Core virtue)
354. Which mode of persvasion is used in Paine‟s line Tyranny like hell, is not easily
conquered? (Analogy)
355. When Paine writes, the heart that feels not now is dead. The blood of his children will
curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole
he is using which of these elements of style? (Dramatic imagery)
356. Patrick Henry states that the Colonists have the advantage over the British because the
Colonists have -------- (Moral Correctness and terrain)
357. Henry advocates immediate action by the Colonists because the -------- (conflict has
already begun and the Colonists have no choice but to fight)
358. The main purpose of Henry‟s speech is to -------- (Persude his fellow delegates to fights
against the British)
359. With the words „Good, will raise up friends to fight our battles for us Henry is
suggesting? (The Colonists need not fight others will do it for them)
360. When Henry uses the words „Chains and Slavery‟ near the end of his speech, he is
referring to the -------- (Price he does not want people to pay for peace)
361. One mode of persuasion that Henry uses at the start of his speech is -------- (Flattery)
362. -------- is best known for Charlotte‟s novel. (Susanna Rowson)
363. Charlotte : A Tale of Truth published in -------- (London)
364. In 1794 the novel was reissued in Philadelphia under the title -------- (Charlotte Temple)
365. The first American novel is William Hill Brown‟s -------- (The Power of Sympathy)
366. Charlotte Lennox wrote -------- in 1752. (The Female Quixote)
367. Royau Tylar wrote -------- in 1797. (The Algerine Captive)
368. James Kirke Paulding wrote -------- in West. (The Lion of the West)
369. James Fenimore Cooper was also a notable author best known for his novel -------- (The
Last of the Mohicans)
370. Emily Dickinson‟s many of the poems dewell on -------- (Death)
371. What is the central theme of Hawthrone‟s The Scarlet Letter? (The Effect of Sin and
Guilt upon human beings)
372. -------- is the author of Walden. (Henry David Thoreau)
373. Walden has a sub-title. What is it? (Life in the Woods)
374. Sarah Kemble Knight, William Byrd, John Woolman are all -------- (Satisists)
375. The early nineteenth century writers of New York city are known as --------
376. Who wrote the novel The Sound and the Fury? (William Faulkner)
377. Who is author of The Portrait of a Lady? (Henry James)
378. Eugene O‟ Neil was awarded Pulitzer Prize -------- (Four Times)
379. Arthur Miller received the Pulitzer Prize for his play -------- (Death of a Salesman)
380. Who was the first American playwright received the Nobel Prize for literature? (Eugene)
381. Who said these words? „God gave Noah the rainbow sign / O More water the fire next
time‟ (Bardwin James)
382. How long the Train‟s Been Gone was published in the year -------- (1986)
383. What is the theme of the novel Go Tell It on the Mountain? (Story of the 17 years old
harlem boy, John Grimes)
384. Who was the winner of Nobel Prize for literature in 1987? (Brodsky Joseph)
385. Brodsky Joseph was born in -------- (Russia)
386. The title of Brodsky Joseph‟s collection of poems in -------- (The End of Beautiful Era)
387. -------- was famous for children‟s writings. (Burnett Fraces Hodgson)
388. Burnett Fraces Hodgson‟s The Secret Garden was writtin in -------- (1911)
389. Burnett Fraces Hodgson‟s A Little Princess was published in -------- (1905)
390. Who is Burroughs Edgar Rice? (Science fiction writer)
391. Which is the first novel of Burroughs Edgar Rice? (Dangling Man)
392. Which is the second novel of Burroughs Edgar Rice? (The Victim)
393. Which is the third novel of soul bellow? (Henderson the Rain King)
394. Which is the fourth novel of Saul Bellow? (Herson)
395. Mention the name of the American novelist who received both the Pulitzer and Nobel
Prize for literature? (Saul Bellow)
396. For which novel did Saul Bellow relieve the Pulitzer Prize? (Humbolt‟s Gift)
397. Who wrote the novel The Power of Sympathy? (Brown William Hill)
398. Who wrote the Devil‟s Dictionary in the year 1911? (Ambross Bierce)
399. Name the woman black American novelist who received both the Pulitzer and Nobel
Prize for literature? (Toni Morrison)
400. Playing in the Dark is a controversial by -------- (Toni Morrison)
401. Toni Morrison received Pulitzer prize for novel -------- (Beloved)
402. -------- is a writer and a composer. (Paul Bowles)
403. Paul Bowles The Sheltering sky was written in -------- (1949)
404. -------- is an American Science fiction writer. (Ray)
405. Ray‟s Bradury‟s collection of short stories is called -------- (The Martain Chronicles)
406. What is means by Fahrenheit 451? (A novel written by Ray Bradury)
407. Name the writer who influenced Cooper and Poe? (Charles Brockden Brown)
408. Charles Brockden Brown‟s Jane Talbor was published in -------- (1801)
409. Charles Brockden Brown‟s Arthur Meruyn Pt. II was published in -------- (1800)
410. William Burroughs Junkie was written in -------- (1953)
411. What is the major poem written by Hart Crane? (The Pride)
412. How many years did Hart Crane take to complete his epic The Bridge? (7 years)
413. Why did Mart Crane commit suicide? (Finding the critics hostile to him, drowned himself
in the Caribbean sea)
414. Who is the author of Vistas in Review? (C.Nadine Carey)
415. Who is the author of Rhythms of Time and On Wings of Song? (C.Nadine Carey)
416. Mention the out-standing work of Issakine Caldwell? (Tobacco Road written in 1932)
417. -------- was an American novelist and short story writer. (Willa Cather)
418. Death comes for the Archbishop is a novel written by -------- (Willa Cather)
419. Raymong Chandler‟s famous work is -------- (The Big Sleep)
420. Name of the hero who created by fenimore Cooper. (Natty Bumppo)
421. Natty Bumppo was the hero in Cooper‟s -------- novels. (five)
422. Natty Bumppo‟s pioneers was published in -------- (1823)
423. Natty Bumppo‟s The Deer Slayer was published in -------- (1841)
424. Natty Bumppo‟s The Praisie was published in -------- (1827)
425. Mention Natty Bumppo‟s early novels of social criticism -------- (Homeward Bound and
Home as found)
426. Bumppo‟s The Monkins was published in -------- (1835)
427. Name the first book written by Edward Esttin Cummings. (The Enormous Room)
428. What is the theme of the book The Enormous Room? (E.E.Cummings personal
experience in a French)
429. E.E.Cummings Tulips and Chimneys was published in -------- (1923)
430. E.E.Cummings XLI poems was published in -------- (1925)
431. E.E.Cummings No Thanks was published in -------- (1935)
432. E.E.Cummings 50 poems was published in -------- (1940)
433. How many years did Emily Dickinson lead a secluded life? (25 years)
434. When Dickinson was alive she wrote more than -------- (1000 lyrics)
435. Only -------- of Dickinson‟s poem were published during her lifetime. (Six)
436. After Dicknson‟s death her poems were published in a -------- (Number of Volumes)
437. „Success is counted sweetest / By who those ne‟er succeed / To comprehend a nectar /
Requires Sorest need‟ These lines are taken from -------- (Success is Counted Sweetest)
438. „Because I could not stop for Death / He kindly stopped for me, / The carriage held but
just ourselves / And immortality‟ These lines are taken from -------- (The Chariot)
439. „How much can come / And much can go / And yet abide the world‟ These lines are taken
from -------- (There Came a Wind)
440. „Parting is all we know of heaven / And all we need of hell‟ There lines are taken from ---
----- (Parting)
441. Who made this comment „a damned mob scribbling women‟? (Hawthorne)
442. The Wide Wide World was written by -------- (Susan Warner)
443. The Lamplighter was written by -------- (Maria Cummins)
444. Ruth Hau was written by -------- (Fanny Fern)
445. Rose in Bloom was written by -------- (Laucia Alcott)
446. The Hidden Hand was written by -------- (Mrs.Southworth)
447. What is the theme of Theodore Dreiser‟s novels? (Successful men, representated the life
of many lovers)
448. In which novel did Theodore Dresier present spiritual values? (The Burwark)
449. An American Tragedy was written by -------- (Theodore Dreiser)
450. Tragic America was written by -------- (Theodore Dreiser)
451. -------- also wrote plays essays, poems and letters. (Theodore Dreiser)
452. Many American critics and others regard T.S.Eliot as an -------- (American Writer)
453. -------- gives a comparison and contrast between Eliot and Frost regarding them both as
an American Poets. (Mathiessen)
454. Which novel won Ellison National Book Award? (Invisible Man)
455. Charlotte Temple was written by -------- (Mrs.Rawson)
456. The Emigrants was written by -------- (Gilbert Imlay)
457. The Chainbearer was written by -------- (Fenimore Cooper)
458. The Conqutte was written by -------- (Mrs.Foster)
459. Which novel contains Gothic element in it? (Julia and the Illuminated Baron)
460. What is the specialty of the novel Female Quixotism? (It presents burlesque of the Gothic
461. Who is known as the Sage of concord? (Emerson)
462. Why is Emerson caued as Sage of Concord? (Emerson lived, settled in Concord)
463. Emerson‟s theory of transcendentalism was shown in his most famous book --------
464. When was Nature published? (1836)
465. Name the organ of the transcendentalist philosophy. (Diae)
466. -------- is known as the manifesto or the Bible of the American transcendentalism.
467. What is the meaning of nature? (Anything and everything which is not soul)
468. What does „nature‟ symbolize? (Divine spirit, man‟s inner self)
469. The second serioes of essay titled Nature appeared in the year -------- (1844)
470. Explain the term „Phi Beta Kappa society‟ (It was a social cum literary society)
471. Who called this speech „our intectual declaration of independence‟? (Oliver Wendell
472. The essay Friendship was written by -------- (Emerson)
473. The essay History was written by -------- (Emerson)
474. The Oversoul was written by -------- (Emerson)
475. -------- is an orator, an essayist and a poet. (Emerson)
476. -------- is known as one of the most significant modern American novelist. (Faulkner)
477. Faulkner‟s Mosquitoes was published in -------- (1927)
478. Faulkner‟s Rivers was published in -------- (1962)
479. Faulkner‟s Hamlet was published in -------- (1940)
480. Which novel won him the Pulitzer Prize for the first time? (A fable)
481. Which novel won Faulkner the Pulitzer Prize for the second time? (The Rivers)
482. Faulkner receive Nobel Prize for literature in -------- (1950)
483. -------- was a statesman writes and ambassador. (Franklin)
484. Franklin advocated the cause of -------- (Colonies)
485. Busy-Body Papers was written by -------- (Franklin)
486. Junto club was written by -------- (Franklin)
487. What is the title given to Frost‟s first volume of poems? (A Boys Will)
488. What is the title given to Frost‟s second volume of poems? (North of Boston)
489. When Frost lived in Beaconsfield, England most of his friends were -------- poets.
490. Frost poem Mountain Interval was published in the year -------- (1916)
491. Frost is the -------- of New England. (Poet Laureatship)
492. The figure of poem makes is a kind of preface to Frost‟s -------- (Collected Poems)
493. Frost gave his comments on a poem in his -------- (The figure a poem makes)
494. Who invited Frost to recite his patriotic poem The Gift Outright? (President John
495. What is the theme of Frost‟s poem Mending Wall? (good fences make good neighbours)
496. Where was Robert Frost born? (Sanfrancisco)
497. When was Frost first poem My Butterfly published? (1894)
498. Who was the editor of the Dial? (Margaret fuller)
499. Who is the editor of the Dial from 1840-42? (Margaret Fuller)
500. -------- was a great champion of the women‟s rights. (Margaret Fuller)
501. When did Fitzgerald join in army? (1917)
502. What is Fitzgerald‟s first novel? (This Side of Paradise)
503. Fitzgerald published his work Tales of the Jazz Age in the year -------- (1922)
504. Which was the work published after Fitzgerald death as posthumously? (The last Tycoon)
505. Which work was believed to be Fitzgerald‟s masterpiece? (The Great Gatsby)
506. -------- is one of the modern American novelists. (Farrell)
507. Judgement Day was written by -------- (Farrell)
508. A World I Never Made was written by -------- (Farrell)
509. Who was popular during 1960s? (Ginsbery)
510. Who is the author of Mind Breath? (Allen Ginsbery)
511. Who is the author of Plutonian Ode? (Allen Ginsbery)
512. Which work won Allen Ginsbery‟s a National Book Award? (The Fall of America)
513. -------- was a Romances rather than a novelist. (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
514. -------- is a great novelist and allegorist. (Hawthorne)
515. Who is the author of „The Marble Faun‟? (Hawthorne)
516. What is the title of Hawthorne‟s short story collection which was published in 1837?
(Twice Told Tales)
517. Some of Hawthorne stories had appeared in -------- (The Token)
518. Hawthorne‟s collection of 25 short stories was published under the captain of --------
(Moses from an old Mouse)
519. Name the book which Hawthorne produced a history book for children? (Grand father‟s
520. What is Hawthorne‟s chief theme? (The impact of sin on the human soul)
521. In which novel Hawthorne introduced supernatural elements? (The Scarlet Letter)
522. Who is the author of Mystery of Life? (Hawthorne)
523. Who is the author of Puritanism in general? (Hawthorne)
524. -------- novels and stories poetry the real events honesty. (Hemingway‟s)
525. To Have and Have Not was written by -------- (Hemingway)
526. Hemingway commited suicide in -------- (1961)
527. There are number of Hemingway‟s works appeared -------- (Posthumously)
528. Howard‟s famous novels are -------- (The Mysterious Sea)
529. What we once knew was written by -------- (Howard)
530. Who is the author of Lazy River? (Howard)
531. Howell‟s early novels main theme is -------- (Love)
532. Indian Summer was written by -------- (Howell)
533. April Hopes was written by -------- (Howell)
534. Letters Home was written by -------- (Howell)
535. Who is the author of A Modern Instance? (Howell)
536. Who is the author of A Woman‟s Reason? (Howell)
537. The Vacation of Kalwyns was written by -------- (Howell)
538. The son of Royar Langbirth is appreciated work of -------- (Howell)
539. -------- is known as the Shakespeare of American fiction. (Henry James)
540. -------- is the greatest American novelist as far as the perfection of technique is concerned.
(Henry James)
541. The American was written by -------- (Henry James)
542. Who is the author of The Europeans? (Henry James)
543. Which was Henry James Experimental work? (Watch and Ward)
544. Which was Henry James first long novel? (Roderick Hudson)
545. What are the works considered as his best works? (The Portrait of Lady and The
546. The Golden Bowl was written by -------- (Henry James)
547. Who is the author of The Ambassadors? (Henry James)
548. Name James The Last example of the use of „The Point-of-view Technique‟? (The
549. -------- uses Point-of-view technique. (Henry James)
550. -------- use the sense of place. (Henry James)
551. -------- use symbolism and imagery. (Henry James)
552. -------- is the unrivalled master of artistic perfection. (Henry James)
553. Who called him „The historian of five consciences‟? (Conrad)
554. Katz Menke is the author of -------- (Burning Village)
555. Which is the autobiographical volume of petry of Katz? (Burning Village)
556. -------- has been widely translated in different languages. (Henry James)
557. -------- was a poet, dramatist and romancer. (Longfellow)
558. Name the poetic drama of Longfellow. (The Spanish Student)
559. The Bridge was written by -------- (Longfellow)
560. Who is the author of A Psalm of Life? (Longfellow)
561. Who is the author of The Village Blacksmith? (Longfellow)
562. The Golden Legend was written by -------- (Longfellow)
563. What is Longfellow‟s semi-autobiographical work? (Hyperion)
564. What is the specialty of Hyperion? (It is rich with elements of romance)
565. What did the reasons to lost Longfellow‟s popularity? (Simplicity of his lines, his
566. -------- was one of the modern poets. (Mecleish)
567. -------- was a lover of democracy and significant of common man. (Macleish)
568. When did Macleish live? (He lived in 1920s)
569. -------- was influenced by Parisian Exparties including Hemingway and Ezra pound?
570. What did Macleish greatly influenced by? (The Depression of the 1930s)
571. -------- is found of free verse written in an effective style. (Macleish)
572. Who are the important dramatists during the post first world war? (Arthur Miller and
Tennessee Williams)
573. When did Arthur Miller get admission in the university of Michigan? (1934)
574. For which novel Miller won first Avery Hopwood prize? (The Grass Still Grows)
575. What is the specialty of Miller‟s novel situation Normal (1944)? (It is a volume of
stetches pertaining to life in the army)
576. What is Miller‟s first novelistic play? (The Man Who had all the Luck)
577. When did Arthur Miller‟s novel Focus publish? (1945)
578. What is Miller‟s first highly successful novel? (All My Sons)
579. Which one is the Miller‟s Masterpiece work? (Death of a Salesman)
580. What is the main theme of Miller‟s novel Misfits? (The effect of Maladjustment in a
matrimonial alliance)
581. In which novel Miller uses stream of consciousness technique? (After the Fall)
582. Which is Miller‟s long one act-play? (Incident at Vichy)
583. What is the theme of the play Incident at Vichy? (It is based on the theme of Individual
584. What is the specialty of the play The Prince? (Family Feud between two brothers)
585. -------- is acknowledged as one of the great American novelists. (Melville)
586. Redburn is the autobiographical story of -------- (Melville)
587. White Jacket is the autobiographical story of -------- (Melville)
588. Melville‟s novel -------- was his chief glory of his reputation. (Moby Dick)
589. -------- is said to signify man‟s struggle against nature, evil and malice. (Moby Dick)
590. What are the elements contains the novel Moby Dick? (The novel contains the element of
a revengeful play)
591. Who was an accomplished actor? (James O‟Neil, father of Eugene O‟Neil)
592. When did Eugene realize the worth of life? (In 1913, after his recovery from an attack of
593. When did O‟ Neil win Noble Prize for literature? (1936)
594. How many times O‟Neil won the Pulitzer Prize? (2 times)
595. When was O‟Neil‟s play Desire Under the Elms published? (1924)
596. Anna Christie was published in the year -------- (1920)
597. Beyond the Horizon was published in the year -------- (1918)
598. Who is the author of the Emperor Jones? (O‟Neil)
599. The Great God Brown was written by -------- (O‟ Neil)
600. A Long Day‟s Journey was written by -------- (O‟Neil)
601. Which of O‟Neil‟s plays expresses Freudian insight into the subconscious? (Strange
Interlude and The Great God Brown)
602. Which of O‟Neil plays based on expressionistic oneiric fantasie and tormented
abstructions? (The Hairy Ape and Dynamo)
603. Which of O‟Neil plays in rejection of wealth of false happiness? (A Moon for the
Misbegotten and A Touch of the poet)
604. In which novel Neil expresses Catholic altitude? (Day‟s Without End)
605. The Dear Doctor was written by -------- (O‟ Neil)
606. The Web was written by -------- (O‟ Neil)
607. Till We Meet was written by -------- (O‟ Neil)
608. Before Breakfast was written by -------- (O‟Neil)
609. -------- is a pessimistic and metaphysical. (O‟ Neil)
610. Who was Theodore parker? (He was one of the preachers of the Transcendentalists)
611. What novel Parker published in the year 1841? (A Discourse on the Transient and
Permanent in Christianity)
612. What was Parker‟s specialty? (He was a powerful advocate of Abolitionism)
613. -------- is one of the most significant figures in American world. (Pound)
614. -------- became one of the pioneers of Imagism. (Pound)
615. -------- was a biographer. (Pound)
616. -------- was a pamphleteer. (Pound)
617. -------- was a critic. (Pound)
618. Who was a writer on miscellaneous themes such as economist and civilization? (Pound)
619. Who drastically reduced the length of The Waste Land? (Pound)
620. Who was one of the pioneers of the modern poetry in particular? (Pound)
621. -------- is one of the important figures of America. (Poe)
622. The Black Cat was written by -------- (Edgar Allen Poe)
623. The City in the Sea was written by -------- (Edgar Allen Poe)
624. Who has a lot of poetic, fictional and critical work? (Edgar Allen Poe)
625. Where was Rand born? (Russia)
626. When did Ayan Rand come to the USA? (1926)
627. What was Ayan Rand‟s first novel? (We, the Living)
628. What was the specialty of Rand‟s first novel? (Depicting the devastating effect of the
629. Which one is Rand‟s autobiographical work? (The Fountainhead)
630. What the Fountainhead said about? (delineating the life of an architect)
631. Who is the author of The Brook Farm association? (George Ripley)
632. -------- is a well known poet essayist and critic. (John Growe Ransom)
633. The World‟s Body was written by -------- (Ransom)
634. Which is the Ransom‟s collection essays? (Beating the Bushes)
635. -------- is the famous American poet of the 20th century. (Cart Sandbugr)
636. -------- became associated with the social Democratic party. (Carl Sandbugr)
637. Who is a lover of Democracy? (Carl sandbugr)
638. What was Carl Sandbugr‟s main concept? (practical aspects rather than imaginative
639. Chicago was written by -------- (Carl Sandbugr)
640. Who is the author of six volume of biography of Abraham Lincoln? (Carl Sandbugr)
641. Which was Sandbugr‟s poem written in free verse colloquial style? (The People Yes)
642. -------- was a famous novelist. (Simus)
643. Who depicted the life based on southern legend? (Simus)
644. Simus novel Martin Faber was published in the year -------- (1833)
645. Simus novel The Partisam was published in the year -------- (1835)
646. Simus novel Wodcraft was published in the year -------- (1852)
647. What is the Harriet Beecher Stowe‟s world famous novel? (Uncle Tom‟s Cabin)
648. When was Uncle Tom‟s Cabin published? (1852)
649. Uncle Tom‟s Cabin was what kind of novel? (Anti-Slavery novel)
650. Who impressed by Uncle Tom‟s Cabin? (Abraham Lincoln)
651. Transport of Summer was written by -------- (Wallace Stevens)
652. Who is the author of Ideas of Order? (Wallace Stevens)
653. Who is the author of Transport of Summer? (Wallace Stevens)
654. Name the Steven‟s collection of seven essays? (The Necessary Angel)
655. What contained on those seven essays? (reality and Imagination)
656. The Emperor of Ice Cream was written by -------- (Wallace Stevens)
657. Who is the author of Sunday Morning? (Wallace Stevens)
658. Steinbeck won Nobel prize for his -------- (fiction work)
659. Steinbeck Cup of Gold was published in the year -------- (1929)
660. Which novel depicting the story of a buccaneer? (Cup of Gold)
661. Cup of Gold was a -------- (Romantic novel)
662. What is the story of the novel To a God Unknown? (A Story of a farmer who commit
suicide on the failure of the rain god)
663. Which on is Steinbeck‟s first famous novel? (Tortilla Flat)
664. Tortilla flat is a -------- (Humorous novel)
665. Which novel said about the life of homeless pickers? (In Dubious Battle)
666. Which novel said about the tragic life of homeless farmhards? (Of Mice and Men)
667. Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize and Nobel prize for his novel? (The Grapes of Worth)
668. -------- is the greatest novel on refugees in the world? (The Grapes of World)
669. When did East of Eden published? (1952)
670. Who was a Pre-Whitman poet? (Edward Taylor)
671. -------- wrote in a metaphysical style. (Edward Taylor)
672. Who used Conceits, rich and complete imagery and figure of speech? (Edward Taylor)
673. Who offered the practical side of Transcendentalism? (Thoreau)
674. Who is the cover of nature? (Thoreau)
675. Who is leading a simple life? (Thoreau)
676. Who can be described a „One man Revolution‟ against all social evils? (Thoreau)
677. Who called Thoreau as Transcendental Individuality? (Madison)
678. Thoreau‟s on civil Disobedience influenced -------- (Tolstoy and Gandhi)
679. What is the specialty of on Civil Disobedience? (Thoreau proclaimed the supremacy of
human conscience)
680. Who is the modern American novelist, critic, essayists? (Trilling lionel)
681. The Liberal Imagination was writtin by -------- (Trilling lionel)
682. The Opposing Self was written by -------- (Trilling lionel)
683. Trilling Lionel‟s well known novel is -------- (The Middle of the Journey)
684. What is the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
685. Who got much opportunity to observe the busy romantic and violent life of the America?
(Mark Twain)
686. Who worked as a Journey man printer? (Mark Twain)
687. As a steam boat and pilot on the bank of the Amazon River was written by -------- (Mark
688. When did Mark Twain‟s Adventures of Tom Sawyer publish? (1875)
689. When did Mark Twain‟s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn publish? (1883)
690. Who is the author of The Mysterious Stranger? (Mark Twain)
691. What was another name the work The Innocents Abroad? (The New Pilgrim Progress)
692. Which of his work appeared posthumously? (The Mysterious Stranger)
693. Who is known for his soft and delicate humour? (Mark Twain)
694. Whose later appeared work is Letters from Earth? (Mark Twain)
695. -------- is the collection of tales. (Hannibal, Huck and Tom)
696. Michael Wigglesworth belongs to -------- period. (Pre-Whitman)
697. Michael Wigglesworth famous work is -------- (Day of Doom)
698. Which is an example of puritan poetry, preferring religion to aesthetic sense? (Day of
699. Which work was intented to preach the doctrine of Calvinism? (Day of Doom)
700. Who was the first powerful true American writer? (Walt Whitman)
701. What did Whitman influence by his father? (He imbided the spirit of love of freedom)
702. Who was Whitman‟s mother? (His mother was a Quaker)
703. Who is influenced by the urban multitudes and Democracy? (Walt Whitman)
704. Walt Whitman believed in -------- (Unanimism)
705. Walt Whitman also called -------- (Aesthetics of Unanimism)
706. The Leaves of God was published in the year -------- (1855)
707. Who is the author of O Captain My Captain? (Walt Whitman)
708. Song of Myself was written by -------- (Walt Whitman)
709. Passage to India was written by -------- (Walt Whitman)
710. Who is the author of Prayer of Columbus? (Walt Whitman)
711. Who is the author of on the Beach at Nights? (Walt Whitman)
712. Poets to Come was written by -------- (Walt Whitman)
713. In which century hyms, psalms were published -------- (17th century)
714. Who are known as „Connecticut wits‟? (John Trumbull, Joel Barlow, Timothy Dwight)
715. William Cullen Bryant known for his -------- (Thanatopsis)
716. The first settlers of US had a puritan bend of mind who believed -------- (Idealism and
717. What are the two major influences of US writer? (British and Continental influence)
718. Moby Dick, S.Letter, Hurkleberry Finne – Common. (Lonely figures fighting against
fearful odds)
719. The absence of historical past in US period mentions one writer? (Novelist Henry James)
720. What is the central theme in most of poetry novels? (Celebration of the significance of the
common man)
721. What is the theme of the Old Man and the sea? (Man can be defeated but never by
722. Who is called American dramatist? (Irwin Shaw)
723. Mention the writer who made bitter commands about Longfellow? (Poe)
724. Who said this about H.W.Longfellow? „He is dead I am alive and writing; that is an end
of the matter‟ (Poe)
725. Who is called the children‟s poet? (H.W.Longfellow)
726. Why is he called the Children‟s poet? (Concern with children and their life)
727. The Three Kings was written by -------- (H.W.Longfellow)
728. The Emperor‟s Bird‟s Nest was written by -------- (H.w.Longfellow)
729. Voices of the Night was written by -------- (H.W.Longfellow)
730. Taking the Bees was written by -------- (H.W.Longfellow)
731. Who is the author of Prooms? (John Whittier)
732. Who is the author of Snowbound? (John Whittier)
733. Maud Muller was written by -------- (John Whittier)
734. Who is called the Orson of literature? (Walt Whitman)
735. Who said these words? „I‟m alover of lover of the brown twilight‟ (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
736. Sin in one form or other is the favourite theme of -------- (Hawthorne)
737. Who had this commend about Emerson? „He had a Greek head on right Yankee soldiers‟
738. „Live straight and You‟ll think straight‟ who said this line? (Emerson)
739. Who are sercrest critics of Henry David Thoreau? (Lowell and R.L.Steuenson)
740. Who wrote poems Depicting Daily Life in a simple style? (Anne)
741. Who was the daughter of Amos Bronson Alcott? (Alcott, Louisa may)
742. Louisa May‟s first novel appeared in -------- (1865)
743. Louisa May‟s Little Women was published in -------- (1868)
744. Rose in Bloom was written by -------- (Louisa may)
745. Whose Zoo story is a one-act-play? (Albee)
746. The American Dream was written by -------- (Albee)
747. Who is the author of Tiny Alice? (Albee)
748. Alken‟s critical work Scepticism appeared in -------- (1919)
749. The Kid was published in the year -------- (1947)
750. What is the specialty of Alken‟s first novel Blue Voyage? (Based on Stream of
Consciousness technique)
751. What was Anderson‟s first novel? (Windy MC Pherson‟s Son)
752. What was Anderson‟s last novel? (Poor White)
753. Who is a Black preacher traveler and novelist? (Baldwin James)
754. Bardwin‟s Another Country was published in the year -------- (1962)
755. Hark Twain‟s regional Masterpieces were the memoir Thoreau (Life on the Mississippi)
756. Stephen Crane best known for his civil war novel -------- (The Red Badge of Courage)
757. Who wrote about the problems of American farmers? (Frank Norris)
758. Upton Sinclair most famous for his muck raking novel -------- (The Jungle)
759. In 1909 Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) by then an expatriate in Paris published --------
(Three Lives)
760. Gertrude Stein was born in -------- (1874-1946)
761. Stein labeled a group of American literary notables who lived in Paris in the 1920s and
1930s as the -------- (Lost Generation)
762. The poet Ezra pound 1885-1972 was born in -------- (Jdaho)
763. In 1948 Eliot won the -------- (Nobel Prize in literature)
764. A small group of Arab American writers known as the -------- (Al-Rabitahal-Oalamiyah)
765. F.Scott Fitzgerald was born in -------- (1896-1940)
766. The first American novel is -------- published in 1791. (William Hill Brown‟s The Power
of Sympathy)
767. Mark Twain the pen name used by -------- (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
768. His more accessible works are the novelists -------- (Daisy Miller)
769. -------- is an enigmatic ghost story. (The Turn of the Screw)
770. -------- has also influenced American drama. (Realism)
771. The most ambitious attempt at bring modern realism into the drama was -------- (James
Herno‟s Margaret Fleming)
772. Often is considered the first writer to develop a -------- (Unique American Style)
773. -------- wrote early romantic and nature inspired poetry which evolved away fromt heir
European origins. (Bryant)
774. In 1832 -------- began writing short stories. (Poe)
775. Humorous writer were also popular and included -------- (Seba Smith and Benjamin
776. The -------- were a group of writers connected to Harvard University. (New England
777. -------- is often criticized as a sentimental noel of seduction. (Charlotte Temple)
778. Eight Consins was written by -------- (Louisa May)
779. Silver Pitchers and Independence published in -------- (1876)
780. The Death of Bassie Smith in -------- (1960-61)
781. -------- Time in the Rock was published. (1936)
782. When did Alken receive the Pulitzer Prize? (1961)
783. What was Anderson‟s second novel? (Marching Men)
784. The Deer Slayer was written by -------- (Fenimoore Cooper)
785. Who is the author of Roots? (Alex Haibury)
786. E.E.Commings‟ collected poem was published in -------- (1938)
787. E.E.Commings‟ Tulips and Chimneys was published in -------- (1923)
788. Who was the first American to make a profession of literature and the first to approach
the status of a major novelist? (Charles Brockden Brown)
789. The writer of the poetic principle. The philosophy of composition and The Review of
Hawthorne‟s Twice Told Tales was the first aesthetic critic, the propounder of the
definition of the Short story and the first to define poetry as a short composition which
exlites the soul, who was he? (Edgar Allan Poe)
790. Who wrote Twice-Told Tales and The Snow Image and Other Tales? (Nathaniel
791. Identify the author of Moby Dick? (Herman Melville)
792. Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote under the pseudonym of -------- (Mark Twain)
793. Which of the following arrangements of Mark Twain‟s works in a correct chronological
sequence? (The Adventures of Tom sawyer – The Prince and the Pauper – The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Personal Recollections of Toan of Arc – The Man that
cornfered Hadleybrug and other stories)
794. Who enunliated his views on fiction in The Art of Fiction? (Henry James)
795. Roderick Hudson, The American and Dairy Miller are The Portraits of Americans. Who
wrote these novels? (Henry James)
796. William Sydney porter wrote under the pseudonym of -------- (O‟Henry)
797. Who was known as „The sage of concord‟? (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
798. Walden and civil Disobedience were written by -------- (Henry David Thoreau)
799. Who wrote the following lines? „If the red slayer think he slays / Or if the slain think he is
slain / They know not the subtle ways / I keep and pass, and turn again‟ (Ralph Waldo
800. Name the poet who was influenced by Jacksonian Democracy and Coco-foco movement -
------- (Walt Whitman)
801. Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass was published in -------- (1885)
802. He was „the poet of American optimism and pragmatism the shapsodist of our material
and spiritual resources the unabashed celebrant of the self at home in an open dynamic
universe‟ who was he? (Walt Whitman)
803. The Declaration of Independence a classic in English prose was written by --------
(William Hickling Prescott)
804. Identify the correct group of American writers who were influenced by the Indian
thought -------- (Emerson – Thoreau – Walt Whitman)
805. Natty Bumppo is a character in -------- (James Fenimore Cooper‟s The Pathfinder)
806. H.W.Longfellow and J.R.Lowell are called -------- (The Brahmin Poets)
807. Lt.Frederick Henry is a character in Hemingway‟s -------- (For whom the Bell Tolls)
1. Andre Brink is a South African -------- (Playwright, Novelist, Short-story writer)
2. Which work of Andre Brink was banned by South African government till 1982 --------
(Looking on Darkness 1974)
3. Which work of Shirley Hazzard, an Australian novelist and short story writer, is a survey of
the Post War world? (The Ransit of Venus 1980)
4. Elizabeth Jolly is an Autralian -------- (Novelist, Poet, Playwright)
5. Jolly‟s third volume of autobiography George‟s Wife appeared in -------- (1993)
6. Darking Thigh is a collection of -------- (modern ballads)
7. Adam Thorpe brought out his From the Nandrethal in the year -------- (1999)
8. Ernst Toller is a -------- (German revolutionary writer)
9. Odysseus Elytis, a Greek poet, published his first collection of poetry in England in -----
10. Buchi Emecheta is a -------- novelist living in London. (Nigerian)
11. The Moonlight Bride is a -------- (children‟s work)
12. Friendrich Engles, a German philosopher, died in the year -------- (1895)
13. Quintus Ennius is known as the Father of -------- poetry (Roman)
14. Hans Magnus Enzensherger is a German -------- (poet, essayist, polemicist)
15. Enzensherger‟s The Sinking of the Titanic (a translation) appeared in -------- (1981)
16. Laura Esquivel, a Mexican novelist, published his first novel Like Water for Chocodale
came out in the year -------- (1989)
17. Which work of Justin Cartright, a South African novelist and screen writer, is a trgic-
comic portrait of London at the time of Nelson Mandela‟s release? (In Every Face I meet
18. Christopher Hope is a South African born -------- (novelist, short-story writer, children‟s
19. ----- of Hope is about post apartheid problem? (Me, the Moon and Elvis Presley 1997)
20. Who gave the concept of „global village‟ and the proposal that „The medium is the
message‟? (Marshall Mcluhan)
21. Marshall Mcluhan is a -------- scholar (Canadian)
22. Cannol Stields, who is living in Canada since 1957, published his poetry Coming to
Canada in -------- (1992)
23. Which novel of Carol Shields is epistolary and co-authored with Blanche Howard? (A
Celihate Season 1991)
24. David Williamson is an -------- play wright (Australian)
25. Which play of David Williamson is concerned with a foothall club? (The Club 1978)
26. Which collection of poems by Fleur Adcock, a New Zealand poet, contains elegies for her
father? (Time Jones 1991)
27. Which work of Northrop Frye, a Canadian critic, is an influential defence of William
Blake‟s allegorical system? (Fearful Symmetry 1947)
28. Keri Hulme, New Zealand poet and novelist won the Booker Prize for her novel The
Bone People which came out in the year -------- (1985)
29. Which work of Leslie Murray, an Australian poet is a novel in verse comprising 140
sonnets? (The Boys Who Stole the Funeral 1980)
30. Which work of Benjamin Okri, a Nigerian novelist and poet, is a large, poetic, colourful
novel narrated by a „spirit Child‟ Azaro? (The Famished Road 1991)
31. Ben Okri‟s collection of poems An African Elegy appeared in -------- (1992)
32. Christian Stead is a New Zealand -------- (poet, novelist, critic)
33. Straw into Gold (1997) is a collection of -------- (poems)
34. I Know why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) is an -------- (autobiography)
35. Which play of Athol Fugard a South African playwright is about the relationship of two
coloured brothers? (The Blood Knot 1961)
36. Barry Humphries is an Australian -------- (satirist, comedian, cartoonist)
37. Michel Ondaatji, a Canadian poet and novelist, was born in -------- (Sri Lanka)
38. Which work of Michael Ondaatji is a collection of poetry and prose and visual devices?
(The Collected Works of Billy the Kid 1970)
39. Which novel of Christiana Ellenstead an Australian, is a bitterly ironic view of American
family life? (The Man Loved Children 1940)
40. Which novel is a first person narration describing the adventurous, unconventional and
ambitious life of a New York office girl? (Letty Fox, Her Luck 1946)
41. Which work of Bessie Head, a South African writer, is about a young woman‟s struggle
against the racism and sexism in the Botswana community? (A Question of Power 1973)
42. Which work of Morley Callaghan, a Canadian novelist, is based on the theme of a bank
robber turned „Prodigal‟ son? (More Joy in Heaven 1937)
43. Which work of Thomas Keneally, a Australian novelist, is based on his grandfather‟s
life? (A River Town 1995)
44. Frank Prince, a South African poet, produced his collection of poems, The Doors of
Stone,Poems 1938-62 in -------- (1963)
45. Geott Ryman, a Canadian novelist, has written -------- fiction (science)
46. Which novel of Gott Ryman was published initially on the Internet? (The Wizard of C2
253 (1996)
47. Who is known for her „Litter Grey Rabbit‟ series? (Alison Uttley)
48. Peter Wises is a _______ (German play wright)
49. Which novel of Patrick White, an Australian is an epic account of a young farmer? (The
Tree of Man 1955)
50. Which novel of Saul Bellow, a Canadian novelist is set amongst the Chicago Super-rich?
(The Actual 1997)
51. Which work of Michael Ignatiett, a Canadian novelist, is sociological examination of
prisons during the Industrial Revolution? (A Just Measure for Pain 1978)
52. Micheal Ignatiett (with Hugh Brody) produced a film Nineteen-Nineteen in the year ------
-- (1985)
53. Which novel Ot Caryl Phillips a West Indian and play wright is about the experiences in
Britain of the Post War immigrant generation? (The Final Passage 1985)
54. Ngugi wa Thiong‟o is a -------- novelist (Kenyan)
55. Ngugi wa Thiong‟o was arrested in the year -------- (1977)
56. Which novel of Ngugi is a novel of childhood? (Weep Not, Child 1964)
57. For which of his novel, Chinua Achehe, a Nigerian took the title from W.B.Yeats --------
(Thing Fall Apart 1958)
58. John Coetzee, who won the Booker Prize in 1983, won the same second time in --------
59. Which novel of John Coetzee, a South African novelist, is the painful story of a middle-
aged Professor of English? (Disgrace 1999)
60. Leslie Hotson is a -------- scholar and literary detective (Canadian)
61. In which novel of Dame Marsh a New Zealand writer of detective fiction, chief detective
inspector Roderick Alleyn first appears -------- (A Man May be Dead 1934)
62. Wole Soyinka is a -------- playwright and novelist (Nigerian)
63. Which work of Soyinka is a half-satirical, half fantastic celebration of Nigerian
Independence? (A Dance in the Forests 1960)
64. Margaret Atwood, a Canadian poet, was given the Booker Prize for her novel --------
(The Blind Assassination 2000)
65. Allen Curnow, a New Zealand poet and critic, published his first book Not in Narrow
Seas in -------- (1939)
66. Which novel of Janette won the Canadian Seal first novel award? (The Ivory Swing 1982)
67. Which novel of David Malout, an Australian poet and novelist, is autobiographical?
(Jonno 1975)
68. David Malout‟s play Blood Relations came out in the year -------- (1988)
69. Which work of David Williamson, an Australian playwright, is autobiographical? (After
the Ball 1998)
70. Woman to Man is a classical poem by an Australian named -------- (Judith Wright)
71. Judith Wright brought out her first book The Moving Image in the year -------- (1946)
72. What are the themes of the novels of Edna O‟ Brien, an Irish novelist and short story
writer? (Female Sensuality, Male Treachery, Irish Nostalgia)
73. A Personal Matter (1994), which is a shocking and frank account of a teacher‟s discovery
that he has become the father of a seriously brain damaged child, was written by
Kenzabure OE who is a -------- writer. (Japanese)
74. Olive Schreiner, a South African is a -------- (novelist)
75. Which novel of Schreiner was published under the pseudonym „Ralph Iron‟? (The Story
of an African Farm (1883))
76. Which novel of Patrick White, an Australian, is a tale of shipwreck on the Australian
Coast in 1836? (A Fringe of Leaves 1976)
77. Who has won the Booker Prize twice? (Peter Carey)
78. Which novel of Peter Carey, an Australian novelist is a satire of the modern life in
Sydney? (The Tax Inspector 1991)
79. Alex Hopan, Australian poet, produced his collection of poems The Wandering Island in -
------- (1955)
80. Manawaka is a renamed fictional home town of -------- (Margaret Laurence)
81. Ignatius Sanaho is an -------- writer. (Afro-British)
82. Which novel of Patrick White, an Australian is about Ludwing Lwichardt who died in the
desert in 1848? (Voss 1957)
83. James Aldridge is an Australian -------- (journalist, novelist, children‟s writer)
84. Janet Frame is a New Zealand -------- (novelist, poet, short-story writer)
85. What is the name of the only volume of poetry by Janet Frame? (The Pocket Mirror 1967)
86. Which work of Robert Hughes is about the controversial and scholarly history of
Australia? (The Fatal Shore 1987)
87. Which work of Wole Soyinka, a Nigerian playwright and novelist, is about a group of
African ex-dictators? (A Play of Giants 1984)
88. The Noble Prize for Literature for 2001 has gone to -------- (Australia)
89. Who is the first English writer who won the Noble Prize for literature? (Rudyard Kipling)
90. Ganju is the chief character in the novel ------ (Two Leaves and a Bud)
91. The Trilogy Village, Across the Black Waters, and The Sword and the Sickle were
written by -------- (Mulk Raj Anand)
92. Poems like The Garden, Urvashi, The Child and Lovers, Gift, were written by --------
93. --------,a novel by Tagore is set in the revolutionary Bengal of 1905 (The Home and the
World 1916)
94. Tagore‟s The Crescent Moon, a book for children was published in -------- (1913)
95. Who wrote The Fugitive and Other Poems (1921)? (Tagore)
96. Mahatma Gandhi is influenced by -------- (Ruskin‟s Unto This Last)
97. In which play Tagore articulated „An eloquent protest against the onslaught of machinery
on the ancient ramparts of man‟s individual freedom‟? (Mukta Dhara)
98. Sarojini Naidu‟s second volume of poems, The Bird of Time came out in -------- (1912)
99. Which work by Khushwant Singh deals with the theme of partition? (Train to Pakistan)
100. Balachandra Rajan‟s first novel The Dark Dancer appeared in -------- (1959)
101. Ruskin Bond‟s The Neighbour‟s Wife is a -------- (A collection of short stories)
102. Arun Joshi‟s novel The Foreigner (1965) is inspired by -------- (Albert Camus‟s The
103. Manohar Malgonkar‟s first novel Distant Drum, the story of a „Satpura‟ officer was
published in -------- (1960)
104. ------ by Anita Desai is set in Calcutta (Voices in the city 1965)
105. Which novel by Nayantara Sahgal deals with the tension between two states? (Storm in
Chandigarh 1969)
106. Who is the principal character in R.K.Narayan‟s The Guide (1959)? (Raju)
107. Which novel by Raja Rao may be summed up as „Gandhi and our village‟? (Kanthapura
108. J.M.Ganguli‟s novel Bond of Blood which deals with the theme of commercial frenzy
that terrorized Calcutta in 1946, appeared in -------- (1967)
109. Who was the first great writer in Indian English literature? (Toru Dutt)
110. Toru Dutt‟s book A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields appeared in -------- (1871)
111. When did Tagore‟s masterpiece Gitanjali appear? (1912)
112. Who wrote a memorable introduction to Gitanjali? (W.B.Yeats)
113. Tagore‟s novel Gora was published in -------- (1910)
114. Who is the protagonist in the play Chandalika? (Prakriti)
115. Who wrote the poem Savitri (1950)? (Sri Aurobindo)
116. Hali a play by G.V.Desani, was published in -------- (1950)
117. Which one of the following plays of Asif Currimbhoy is a powerful study of a Kathakali
dancer? (The Dumb Dancer)
118. Malini is a play by -------- (Tagore)
119. Sarojini Naidu‟s first collection of poems The Golden Threshold, came out in --------
120. Who edited the weekly papers, Young India and Harijan? (Mahatma Gandhi)
121. Which one of the following novels is about Goa‟s struggle for Liberation? (Lambert
Mascarenhas‟s Sorrowing Lies My Land)
122. Sri Aurobindo was born in Calcutta on -------- (15 August 1872)
123. When was Sri Aurobindo‟s philosophical epic The Life Divine published? (1939)
124. When was Nehru‟s Autobiography published? (1936)
125. Who is the author of the novel Anandamath (1882)? (Bankim Chandra Chatterji)
126. Chitra, a version of Kalidas‟s Sakuntala is written by -------- (Tagore)
127. Sarojini Naidu‟s third and final collection The Broken Wing was published in ------
128. Which novel of Bhabani Bhattachaya is about the Bengal Famine? (So Many Hungers)
129. In which novel the river Hemavathy is a person and a presence? (Raja Rao‟s Kanthapura)
130. Who brought out authoritative English renderings of the Bhagavad Gita (1948) and The
Principal Upanishads (1953)? (Dr.S.Radhakrishnan)
131. N.Raghunathan‟s The Coming of Freedom (1959) is -------- (a series of essays)
132. Which book by Nirad C.Chaudhary is described as „an essay on the people of India‟?
(The Continent of Circe)
133. Humayun Kahir‟s Mahatma and Other Poems appeared in -------- (1944)
134. Nirad C.Chaudhary‟s seminal work The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian appeared
in -------- (1951)
135. Surendranath Dasgupta‟s The Vanishing Lines (!956) is a collection of -------- (32 lyrics)
136. Dilip Kumar Roy‟s Eyes of Light (1948) are The Immortals of the Bhagvat (1958) are
collection of -------- (Poems)
137. The Song of Life (1947) and In Life‟s Temple (1965) are two collection of poems written
by -------- (V.K.Gokak)
138. Who is the narrator in Raja Rao‟s novel Kanthapura? (Moorthy)
139. When was R.P.Jhabvala‟s novel Esmond in India published? (1958)
140. Adi K.Sett‟s Rain in My Heart (1954) is a collection of -------- (poems)
141. Who wrote an introduction to R.K.Narayan‟s novel The Financial Expert (1955)?
(Graham Greece)
142. Who is the narrator in Raja Rao‟s novel The Serpent and The Rope (1960)?
143. Who wrote the novels Possession (1963) The Coffer Dams (1969)? (Kamala
144. The Exact Name (1965) is written by -------- (Nissim Ezekiel)
145. Which novel of Narayan won the Sahitya Akademi prize in 1960? (The Guide 1959)
146. Who is the narrator in Raja Rao‟s The Cat and Shakespeare (1965)? (Ramakrishna Pal)
147. Who is the narrator-heroine in Kamla Markandaya‟s novel Nectar in a Sieve (1954)?
148. My Son‟s Father is an autobiography of -------- (Dom Moraes)
149. Who is the financial expert in R.K.Narayan‟s novel The Financial Exient (1952)?
150. When was Bhabani Bhattacharya‟s first novel So Many Hungers published? (1947)
151. Which collections of poetry is by P.Lal? (The Parrot‟s Death 1960)
152. In which of the novel of R.K.Narayan, Malgudi was first created? (Swami and Friends
153. Who wrote the novel Who Rides a Tiger (1954)? (Bhabani Bhattacharya)
154. Which one of the following novels by Manohar Malgonkar has an epigraph from Gita :
„Desire and Aversion are opposite Shadows‟? (Combat of Shadows (1962))
155. Which one is an English metrical translation of Kalidas‟s Ritusamharm? (Mokashi‟s The
Cycle of Seasons 1966)
156. Pritish Nandy‟s Rites for a Plebian Statute (1960) is a -------- (Verse-drama)
157. Sri Aurobindo‟s The Life Divine is a treatise on -------- (Metaphysics)
158. Who wrote the Five plays (1937)? (Harindranath Chattapaathyaya)
159. Who is the author of Prometheus Rebound? (B.S.Mardhekar)
160. In which one of the following novels of Mulk Raj Anand, Munoo is the Chief character?
(Coolie 1936)
161. Which one is not a novel by d.F.Karqka? (The Room on the Roof)
162. Who is the author of the novel The Room on the Roof (1956)? (Ruskin Bond)
163. Delinquent Chacha, a brilliant first novel by Red Mehta, appeared in -------- (1907)
164. Mamaji (1977) was written by -------- (Ved Mehta)
165. Nirad C.Chaudhuri‟s The Life of the Rt.Hon.F.Maxmulter (1974) is a -------- (Bioraphy)
166. Who is the central character in Bhabani Bhattacharya‟s second novel Music for Mohini
(1952)? (Mohini)
167. Who wrote the novel Bhowani Junction? (John Marston)
168. A.K.Ramanujan‟s The Strides (1966) is a collection of -------- (poems)
169. Who edited the book ten Twentieth century Indian Poets (1976)? (R.Parthasarthy)
170. Who is the „man-eator of Malgudi‟ in R.K.Narayan‟s novel The Man-Eater of Malgudi?
171. The Cow of the Barricades (1947) is a collection of short-stories by -------- (Raja Rao)
172. When was Anita Desai‟s novel Cry, the Peacock published? (1965)
173. Who is the narrator in Sudhin N.Ghose‟s novel The Vermilion Boat (1953)? (A Student)
174. Who is the author of the novel All about H.Hatterr (1948)? (G.V.Desani)
175. Rama Mehta‟s first novel, Inside the Haveli which won the Sahitya Akademi award,
appeared in -------- (1977)
176. Who is the narrator hero in Rushdie‟s novel Midnight‟s Children (1981)? (Saleem Sinai)
177. M.V.Rama Sarma is a -------- (Critic, Playwright, Novelist)
178. Which one of the following collection of short stories is by Manohar Malgonkar? (Drying
Tears in the Sun 1982)
179. Who wrote the play Savaksa (1982)? (Giere Patel)
180. Kamala Markandaya‟s novel Pleasure City appeared in -------- (1982)
181. R.P.Jhabvala‟s An Experience of India, a collection of Stories, appeared in -------- (1971)
182. Which one of the following novels by Anita Desai won the Sahitya Akademi award? (Fire
on the Mountain)
183. The Weird Dance (1965) is a collection of short stories by -------- (Chaman Nahal)
184. Nine Enclosures (1976) is a collection of poems by -------- (Arvind Mehrotra)
185. Bye-bye Blackbird (1971) which highlights the problems of the colour in UK is written
by -------- (Anita Desai)
186. Who among the following writers, is the „Laureat of the Body‟? (Gieve pates)
187. Chaman Nahal‟s Azadi (1975) which has the theme of Partition, concentrates on --------
(Lala Kanshi Ram)
188. Who is the author of the historical biography The Chatrapatis of Kohapur (1971)?
(Manohar Malgonkar)
189. Nirad Chaudhuri‟s prose work To Live or Not to live, appeared in -------- (1971)
190. Sisir Kumar Chose‟s Modern and Otherwise (1975) is a collection of -------- (Essays)
191. Who is the author of the novel The Dark has No Terrors (1980)? (Shashi Deshpande)
192. Which one is „a novel of Campus life in India Today‟? (Perma Nand Kumar‟s Atom and
the Serpent 1982)
193. Who edited the book Two Decades of Indian poetry 1960-1980? (Keki N.Daruwalla)
194. Who is the writer of such „Cosmic poems as River, Winds, Earth and Void? (Krishna
195. R.Parthasarathy is a -------- (Poet, critic, Editor)
196. Who said „my husband is Indian and so are my children I am not and less so every year‟?
197. Parthasarathy‟s Rough Passage, a collection of 37 poems appeared in -------- (1977)
198. The Immigrants, a frightening study in human decay, is written by -------- (Reginald
199. Kamla Markandaya‟s The Nowhere Man, a study of coloured immigrants in U.K.
appeared in -------- (1973)
200. Hayavadana (!975) is a play by -------- (Girish Karnad)
201. Which one of the following writers wrote about Lord Dalhousie‟s regime of expansion
culminating in 1957? (Manohar Malgonkar)
202. Who is the writer of the novel A Dream in Hawali (1978)? (Bhabani Bhattacharya)
203. A.K.Ramanujan‟s Relations poems appeared in the year -------- (1972)
204. Who wrote the poem Towards an Understanding of India? (R.Parthasarathy)
205. Kamala Das‟s Summer in Calcutta (1965) is a collection of -------- (R.Parthasarthy)
206. Who is the author of The Golden Road to Samarkand (1967)? (Tapati Mookerji)
207. Who wrote The Old Playhouse and other poems (1973)? (Kamala Das)
208. Kota S.F.Sarma‟s The Return of the Rambler a dramatic poem of Human Life in 10
section appeared in -------- (1981)
209. Nissim Ezekiel‟s play Nalini is a -------- (Comedy)
210. My story is the autobiography of -------- (Kamala Das)
211. Jejuri (1976) a poetic sequence, is written by -------- (ArunKolatkar)
212. Which one of the following Nissim Ezekiel‟s plays is built on the theme „Give us this day
our daily American‟? (Sleepwalkers)
213. Gurucharan Das‟s play Larins Sahib (1970) is in -------- (3 acts)
214. Gokak‟s anthology Golden Treasury of India Angliar, which finds place for 108 poets,
appeared in -------- (1970)
215. Hymns in Darkness (1976) is a work by -------- (Nissim Ezekiel)
216. Who said „My mother only said Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my
children‟? (Nissim Ezekiel)
217. Lakhan Das‟s play Murder at the Prayer Meeting(1974) is an echo of -------- (T.S.Eliot‟s
Murder in the Cathedral)
218. Who is the hero in Raja Rao‟s novel Comrade Kirillov (1976)? (Padmanabhan Iyer)
219. Anita Desai‟s collection of Short stories Games at Twilght and other stories appeared in --
------ (1978)
220. Who is the author of the novel, The Strange Case of Billy Biswas (1971)? (Arun Joshi)
221. Who is the author of the novel The Painter of Signs (1977)? (R.K.Narayan)
222. Who is the heroine in Anita Desai‟s recent novel Clear Light of Day (1980)? (Tara)
223. Which one of the following novels by Chaman Nahal won the Sahitya Akademi award?
(Azadi 1975)
224. Salman Rushdie‟s novel Midnight Children which won the Booker award, appeared in ---
----- (1981)
225. Who is the writer of the novel A Handful of Earth 1973)? (K.Sreenivasan)
226. Shiv.K.Kumar is a -------- (Dramatist)
227. Who wrote the seminal book Portrait of India (1973)? (Ved Mehta)
228. The principal character in Rama Mehta‟s novel Inside the Haveri (1977) is -------- (Geeta)
229. R.K.Narayan‟s A House with Two Goats and Malgudi Days are collection of --------
(Short stories)
230. Who wrote the memorable book Prison Diary (1977)? (Jaya Parakash Narayan)
231. Who is the first Indian to receive the Nobel Prize? (Rabindranath Tagore)
232. A renowned African poet was influenced by T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, W.B.Yeats and
G.M.Hopkins who is that poet? (Christopher O Kigbo)
233. Black Orphorpheus is a collection of poems written by -------- (Leon Damas)
234. An African poet, novelist and dramatist was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in
1986. Identify the author. (Wole Soyinka)
235. Which poem of Wole Soyinka expresses the Yoba comic vision and relates the genesis of
the world? (Idanre)
236. A famous African novelist asserted that it was his mission „to help my society regain
belief in itself and put away the complexes of the years of denigration and self-
abasement‟. Identify the novelist. (Chinua Achebe)
237. Things Fall Apart and The Arrow of God, which are classical studies of Ibo Society
during the Colonial rule are written by -------- (Chinua Achebe)
238. A Grain of Wheat, a famous novel, has been written by -------- (James Ngugi)
239. In which novel James Ngugi evolves the new technique which does not require a hero in
the novel? (A Grain of Wheat)
240. The Interpreters is a novel by -------- (Wole Soyinka)
241. Euturu, a realistic novel of Africa, is written by -------- (Flora Nwapa)
242. Chief Nanga, called „man of the people‟ appears in -------- (Chinua Achehe‟s A Man of
the People)
243. God‟s Bits of Wood is a famous novel by -------- (Sembence Ousmane)
244. Who began modern fictional prose writing in Kenya? (Ngugi wa Thiong‟s The River
245. Identify the novelist who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1991. (Nadine Gordimer)
246. A Dance in the Forests, which appeared in 1900, is a celebration of Nigerian
Independence. It is written by -------- (Wole Soyinka)
247. The Negritude connotes an important development in the formulation of -------- (African
diasporic identify and culture)
248. Culture, Tradition and Society in the West African Novel is a famous book by --------
(Emmanuel Obie China)
249. Who wrote The Swang Dwellers and The Strong Breed, the famous plays in African
literature? (Wole Soyinka)
250. A Dance of the Forest shows that the modern society is in no way better than ancient
society for in the past as well as in the present the light of the artist as well as the common
man remains unchanged. Identify the author of this play. (Wole Soyinka)
251. The Land and the People and other poems is written by -------- (Charles Brosch)
252. Whose poems are collected in A Small Room with Large Windows and Landfall in
Unknown Seas? (Allen Curnow)
253. Who was the leader of Wellington Group of Poet? (James K.Baxter)
254. His early poetry is romantic and imaginative but in later poetry he emerger as an
exppnent of modemism. Identify the poet -------- (Alstair Campbell)
255. Which of the following poems was written on the 300th anniversary of Abel Fasman‟s
discovery of New Zealand on Dec 30 1642? (Allen Curnow‟s Landfall in the Unknown
256. The Introduction to the 1987 edition of An Anthology of Twentieth Century New Zealand
poetry was written by -------- (Vincent O‟ Sullivan)
257. The novels of the early period in New Zealand were written on Maori Life who were the
Maori? (The earlist inhabitants of New Zealand)
258. The Rebel Chief : A Romance of New Zealand, a novel as Maori Life, is written by -------
- (Hume Nisbet)
259. The Maori at Home is a famous novel by -------- (John White)
260. Which is the first indigenous novel in New Zealand? (John White‟s The Maori At Home)
261. Who won the commonwealth Booker Prize for 1989? (James Frame for The Earpathians)
262. Who said that Janet Frame was „the most considerable New Zealand Novelist‟? (Patrick
263. Angela : A Messenger, a terminist novel, was written by -------- (Grossman)
264. Identify the novelist who wrote a tetralogy on Maori‟s life consisting of Maori Girl,
Maori woman and the Glory and the Dream. (Noel Hilliard)
265. Jane Wordsworth‟s novels Four women and Reunion deal with -------- (Maori‟s and their
inner development)
266. Which of the following novels deals with a barbaric world fighting against Aids like
epidemic? (Mike Johnson‟s Lear)
267. Who won the Pulitzer Prize for best fiction in 1979? (John Cheeven)
268. Who was the first editor of Canadian Literature? (North of Fry)
269. The Canadian Literature was founded in -------- (1959)
270. Louis Dudek is a -------- (Uroan Poet)
271. Stephen Gill migrated to Canada from -------- (Pakistan)
272. Who is the author of The Journal of Susanna Moodie? (Margaret Atwood)
273. John Murray Gibbon wrote -------- (The Canadian Bookman)
274. Who wrote Open Water in 1914, which is the first book written in modern free verse in
Canadian literature? (Lowren Harris)
275. Identify the poet who wrote the following lines – „they carry their carpet bags and trunks
with clothes, dishes, the family pictures they think they will make an order‟ (Margaret
276. Identify the correct group consisting of the regional novelist in Canada. (Robert Kroetsch
– Rudy Wiebe – Hugh Maclenan – Lawrence)
277. Barometer Rising, a famous Canadian novel, is written by -------- (Mac Lennan)
278. The Municipality of Big Knite forms the back ground of -------- (what the crow said by
279. Which of the following arrangements of Margaret Atwood‟s novel is in the correct
chronological sequence? (The Edible woman – Suxface – Lady Oracle – Bodily Harm –
Cat‟s Eye)
280. Marian is the protagonist in -------- (Margaret Atwood‟s The Edible Woman)
281. The Ecstasy of Rita Joe, one of the finest tragedies in Canadian drama, is written by ------
-- (George Ryga)
282. Rita Joe and Jaimie Paul are characters in -------- (George Ryga‟s The Ecstasy of Rita
283. Jeftrey Moore‟s Prisoner in Red Rose Chain won -------- (The Commonwealth Book Prize
in 2000)
284. Who is known as the academic and intellectual poet or university poet? (James McAuley)
285. Who among the following poets was influenced by Neitzesche, Mythology, classics and
nature? (A.D.Hope)
286. Who is a major White Australian woman poet, mainly interested in the cause of
aboriginals? (Judith Wright)
287. The Voyage of Tetegonus, which has a reference of Ulysses, is written by -------- (Henry
288. Who among the following novelists was influenced by D.H.Lawrence, James Joyce and
Virginia Woolf? (Patrick White)
289. Across the Sea Wall, a famous Australian novel, is the outcome of the novelist‟s first visit
to India in the fifties. Who is the novelist? (Chriskocn)
290. Shantaram, the story of a runaway Australian convict, is written by -------- (David
291. Prabhakar is a character in -------- (David Robert‟s Shantaram)
292. Identify the Australian novelist whose main themes are female sexuality, its abuse and the
war of sexes in general -------- (Elfriede Jelinek)
293. Who among the following novelists won the George Buchner prize and the Franz Kafka
Award? (Elefried Jelinek)
294. Emigrant Family is a novel by -------- (Alexander Harris)
295. Name the Australlian author who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1973. (Patrick
296. Who is the fore runner of the vision school of Australian poetry? (Hugh McGae)
297. Martin Millis is the pseudonym of -------- (Martin Boyd)
298. Name the novelist who won the Premier‟s prize in 2001 for his novel The Dirt Music -----
--- (Tim Winton)
299. The Solid Mandala, a pre-war urban Australian novel is written by -------- (Patrick White)
300. Who wrote The History of Australian literature in 1961? (H.M.Green)
301. Alexander Buzo is a famous Australian -------- (Dramatist)
302. Who is regarded as the first woman poet in Australia? (Ada Cambridge)
303. Who was the first Indian poet who received the Nobel Prize for literature?
(Dr.Rabindranath Tagore)
304. Who was the first recipient of the Bhartiya Jhanpith Award? (G.Shankara Kurup)
305. Who was the founder of the Bhartiya Jhanpith? (Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain)
306. The Sahitya Akademi Awards are given for best writings in how many Indian languages?
307. Who was the first recipient of the Sahitya Akademi Award for the best writing in
English? (R.K.Narayan)
308. From which novel of R.K.Narayan, very popular film was made? (Guide)
309. A very popular T.V.Serial was made on one of the novels of R.K.Narayan. Identify the
novel. (Malgudi Days)
310. Who is the author of Bend in the River? (V.S.Naipaul)
311. Who is the latest Nobel Laureate of Indian origin for literature? (V.S.Naipaul)
312. Summer in Calcutta is a poetical collection of -------- (Kamala Das)
313. Who is the author of The Sword and the Sickle? (Ruth Prawer Jhabvala)
314. In which year was Rabindranath Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize for literature? (1913)
315. A very eminent English poet edited Dr.Rabindranath Tagore‟s Gitanjali, which of the
following poets? (W.B.Yeats)
316. Dr.Rabindranath Tagore translated some poems of an important Indian poet from Hindi
into English. Who was that poet? (Kabir)
317. Rabindranath wrote his Gitanjali originally in Bengali. Who translated it into English?
(Rabindranath himself)
318. Guerdon is a very popular lyric. Who has written it? (Sarojini Naidu)
319. Whose lines are these, „Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake‟?
(Rabindranath Tagore)
320. Who is the author of the following works, The last Labyrinth, the Foreigner and The
Apprentice? (Arun Joshi)
321. Who is the author of the popular novel The Circle of Reason? (Amitar Ghosh)
322. Identify the first novel published by Kamala Markandeya. (Nectar in a Sieve)
323. The central theme of J.G.Farell‟s novel The Siege of Krishnapur is -------- (The Mutiny of
324. What is the central theme of Manohar Malgonkar‟s novel A Bend in the Ganges? (The
Communal riots following the partition of India)
325. Who is the author of Train to Pakistan? (Khushwant Singh)
326. Who is the author of The Strange Case of Billy Biswas? (Arun Joshi)
327. Bhabani Bhattachary‟s first published book was -------- (So many Hungers)
328. Who is the author of A Passage to England? (Nirad C.Chaudhary)
329. For which of the following works was Salman Rushdie declared a Kafir by the Muslim
world? (Satanic Verses)
330. My Son‟s Father is an autobiography of an Indo-Anglian poet. Who is he? (Dom Moraes)
331. India‟s National Anthem Bande Mataram was written by -------- (Bankim Chandra
332. Who is known as the Shakespeare of India? (Kalidas)
333. Which of the following is not correctly matched? (J.D.Salinger : My Antonia)
334. Which of the following deals African American condition? (Wila Cather‟s Their Eyes
Were Watching God)
335. Who was the first Indian writer in English? (Sake Dean Mahomet)
336. Rabindranath Tagore‟s Gitanjali originally written in -------- (Bengali)
337. Who was the first Indian author to win a literary award in the United States? (Dhan Gopal
338. The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian is the best work of -------- (Nirad
339. Who translated the entire Mahabarata into English? (P.Lal)
340. Graham Greene was the close friend of -------- (R.K.Narayan)
341. Rushdie‟s famous work Midnight‟s Children got Booker Prize in -------- (1981)
342. A Suitable Boy (1944) is written by -------- (Vikram Seth)
343. Shashi Tharoor, in his The Great Indian Novel (1989) follows a story-telling mode in -----
--- (Mahabharata)
344. To which community Nissim Ezekiel belongs? (Jewish)
345. Which novel is previously titled as Grateful to Life and Death? (The English Teacher)
346. For which novel Narayan got recognition in West? (The English Teacher)
347. Which novel of Narayan was dubbed into a movie? (The Guide)
348. Which of the following is an autobiography of R.K.Narayan? (My Days)
349. Which book contains R.K.Narayan‟s US travel memoir? (My Dateless Diary)
350. Great Indian Hunting stories is edited by -------- (Stephen Alter)
351. Khushwant Singh‟s History of Sikhs contains -------- (Two volumes)
352. What is the subtitle of V.S.Naipaul‟s Among the Believers? (Islamic Journey)
353. Family Affair : India Under Three Prime Minister was written by -------- (Ved Mehta)
354. O.V.Vijayan originally wrote in -------- (Malayalam)
355. Rienzi Cruz was born in -------- (Sri Lanka)
356. Which of the following is the first work of Rienzi Crusz? (Flesh and Thom)
357. Which of the following is a book of essays on culture and politics? (The Writing on the
358. Who edited the anthology A Shapely Fire? (Cyril Dabydeen)
359. Who was the poet Laureate of Ottawa from 1984 to 1987? (Cyril Dabydeen)
360. Which of the following is a novel written by Lakshmi Gill? (The Third Infinite Eye 1993)
361. Arnold Itwam‟s Shanti (1988) is a -------- (novel)
362. Which of the following work of Arnold Itwaru is a work of literary ciriticism? (The
Invention of Canada 1990)
363. Surjeet Kalsey‟s Paunam Nai Guptagoo (1979) is a book of poetry in -------- (Punjabi)
364. Which of the following book of Uniti Namjoshi is written for Children? (Aditi and the
One-Eyed Monkey 1986)
365. Where is R.K.Narayan‟s imaginary town Malgudi located? (In Mysore state)
366. When A Benjinning, his first book of verse appeared, the poet was just 199. It received
the Hawthonden prize the next year and became the youngest poet to get it. Name him.
(Dom Moraes)
367. Who wrote Tughlaq, a successful stage play? (Girish Karnad)
368. In one of his novels Manohar Malgaonkar writes the story from the point of view of a
Pakistani Captain placed in Bangla Desh (then East Pakistan) Name it. (Cactus Country)
369. Dominique Lapierre wrote an appealing account of the Sordid Squalor of an Indian city.
Identify the city. (Calcutta)
370. Who is the author of following poems. The Gift of India, Bangle-Seller, The Anthem of
Love, Palanquin Berers. (Sarojini Naidu)
371. Who wrote the hard-hitting poem Sita Speak indicating the society for the injustice meted
out to women down the ages? (Bina Agarwal)
372. In which of the following poems of Ezekiel do we get a moving picture of a Mother‟s
suffering? (Night of the Scorpion)
373. Name the Indo-English novelist who wrote a Suitable Boy. (Vikram Seth)
374. Name Salman Rushdie‟s latest Novel -------- (Fury)
375. Of the following novels one does not portray the Gandhian Age and the impact of Gandhi
which one? (R.K.Narayan‟s The Dark Room)
376. Who is the author of the following books The Foreigner, The Apprentice, The Last
Labyrinth, The City and the River? (Arun Joshi)
377. Whose collections of poems are these A Time to Change, Sixty poems, The Third, The
Unfinished man? (Nissim Ezekiel)
378. Baumgartner‟s Bombay is a novel about a German Jew who remains an outsider act his
life, in his country because he is a Jew and in India. Where he is a firangi? Who wrote
this moving novel? (Anita Desai)
379. In which novel does R.K.Narayan focus on family planning? (The Painter of Signs)
380. In the Guide we come across a dancer what is her name? (Rosie)
381. Arthur Symons wrote about this Person „All the lite of the tiny figure seemed to
concentrate itself in the eyes; they turned towards beauty as the sunflower turns towards
the sun‟ Who is the person referred to? (Sarojini Naidu)
382. H.A.L.Fisher wrote about this person „This Child of the green valley of the Ganges has by
sheer force of native genius earned for herself the right to be enrolled in the great
fellowship of English poets‟ who is the poet? (Toru Dutt)
383. An Indo-English poet once remarked that his disciplines and his education give him his
„outer‟ form whereas his Indian origin, first thirty years in India and knowledge of
Kannada and Tamil give him his „inner‟ form who said this? (A.K.Ramanujam)
384. Who wrote Jejuri the commonwealth poetry prize winner work? (Arun Kolatkar)
385. In which novel does the hero sing the retrain? (The Big Heart)
386. Who was the first recipient of the Sahitya Academi Award for English literature?
387. Which of the following novels focuses on the question of rape? (The Bending Vine)
388. Who is the author of the following novels; A Bend in The Ganges, The Princes, Distant
Drums, Devil‟s Wind, A Combat of Shadows? (Manohar Malgaonkar)
389. Who wrote Our Casuarina Tree a splendid Keatsian poem? (Toru Dutt)
390. To whom do we assign following works. The Lake of Palms, A History of Civilization of
Ancient India. The Slave-Girl of Agra? (Romesh Chander Dutt)
391. Which one of the following is a collection of Anita Desai‟s short stories? (Voices in the
392. Browning‟s The Ring and the Book is a long poem having about 21000 lines, but
Aurobindo‟s Savitri is longer How many lines does the epic contain? (24000)
393. Name the poet of Kali, the Mother. (Swami Vivekanand)
394. Whose autobiography is entitled My Father‟s son? (Dom Moraes)
395. Name the author who has been described by a critic as an „Outside Inside‟ (Ruth
396. Toru Dutt, Romesh Chander Dutt and Aurobindo, all wrote on one common theme taken
out from the Mahabharata. Identify the story which the tree found irresistible. (Savitri)
397. Who of the following was highly influenced by French Romanticism, French language
and literature? (Toru Dutt)
398. About an Indian poet writing in English, a critic, George Sampsonsays that a reader of his
poems, „would readily take them as the work of an English poet trained in the classical
tradition‟. An Indian critic deals that his poetry has no imagery or sentiment that can be
termed as Indian. Who was this poet? (Henry Derozio)
399. He was the first Indian poet to have published a regular volume of English verse. He also
edited an English weekly The Hindu Intelligence. Name him. (Kashiprasad Ghose)
400. Paying a tribute to a Bengali poet who wrote in English also, Sri Aurobindo said „The
God himself took up thy pen and wrote‟ who was he? (Michael Madhusudan Dutt)
401. Mulk Raj Anand, about one of his female characters says, „Gauri is my tribute to Indian
womanhood‟. In which novel does Gauri appear? (The Old Woman and The Cow)
402. Read the following passage and identify the novel and its author. „Lago, I am as meek as
moses, but I have just heard that you have been mishandled by that Bhatta Govinda? (All
About H.Hatter by G.V.Desani)
403. The Angel of Misfortune is a poem of about 5000 lines, written by Nagesh Vishwanath
Pai. Whose story is narrated in this book? (King Vikramaditya)
404. Name the author of The Gardener, The Fugitive, Chitra, Sacrifice and The Post Office.
(Rabindranath Tagore)
405. Name the two prizes, one in literature and another in History, awarded to young
Aurobindo while studying in England. (Pulitzer Prizes in literature and Bedford prize in
406. Name Sarojini Naidu‟s last collection of poems. (The Broken Wing)
407. What is the full title of Aurobindo‟s Savitri? (Savitri – A Legend and a Symbol)
408. Who wrote Murugan, The Tiller and Fandan, The Patriot, Jatadharan and The Next Rung?
409. Which novel highlights the Bengal famine? (So many Hungers)
410. Two Indianwriters living abroad created furoreone was Vikram Seth who got an
unprecedented amount as an advance for his novel, the other who came under „tatwa‟ for
one of his controversial novels, issued by muslim countries, was -------- (Salman
411. Too Long in the West is written by -------- (Nirad C.Chaudhary)
412. Who among the following novelists was influenced by D.H.Lawrence, James Joyce and
Virginia Woolf? (Patrick White)
413. Across the Sea Wall, a famous Australian novel, is the outcome of the novelist‟s first visit
to India in the fifties. Who is the novelist? (Chris Koch)
414. Shantaram, the story of a runaway Australian convict, is written by -------- (David
415. Prabhakar is a character in -------- (David Robert‟s Shantaram)
416. Name the Australian author who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1973. (Patrick
417. Who is the fore runner of the vision school of Australia poetry? (Hugh McGae)
418. Martin Millis is the pseudonym of -------- (Martin Boyd)
419. Name the novelist who won the Premier‟s Prize in 2001 for his novel the Dirt Music.
(Tim Winton)
420. The Solid Mandala, a Pre-war urban Australian novel is written by -------- (Patrick White)
421. Alexander Buzo is a famous Australian -------- (Drmatist)
422. Who is regarded as the first woman poet in Australia? (Ada Cambridge)
423. A renowned African poet was influenced by T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, W.B.Yeats and
G.M.Hopkins. Who is that poet? (Christopher O Kigbo)
424. Black Orphorpheus is a collection of poems written by -------- (Leon Damas)
425. Who among the following African writers belongs to Kenya? (James Ngugi)
426. In which novel James Ngugi Evolves, „the new technique which does not require a hero
in the novel‟? (A Grain of Wheat)
427. Chief Nanga, called „Man of the People‟ appears in -------- (Chinua Achebe‟s A Man of
the People)
428. God‟s Bits of Wood is a famous novel by -------- (Sembence Ousmane)
429. Who began modern fictional prose writing in Kenya? (Ngugi wa Thiong‟s The River
430. Identify the novelist who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1991. (Madine Gordimer)
431. The Negritude Connotes an important development in the formulation of -------- (African
diasioric identify and culture)
432. Who wrote The Swamp Dwellers and The strong Bread, the famous plays in African
literature? (Wole Soyinka)
433. A Dance of the Forest „shows that the modern society is in no way better than ancient
society, for in the past as well as in the common man remains unchanged‟ identify the
author of this play. (Wole Soyinka)
434. Who among the following poets is considered as the first original and gifted poet in New
Zealand? (Mason)
435. The Land and the People and other poems is written by -------- (Chalres Brosch)
436. Whose poems are collected in A Small Room with large windows and landfall in
unknown seas? (Allen Curnow)
437. His early poetry is romantic and imaginative but in later poetry he emerges as an
exponent of modernism. Identify the poet. (Alstair Campbell)
438. Which of the following poems was written on the 300th anniversary of Abel Tasman‟s
discovery of New Zealand on Dec. 30 1642? (Allen Curnow‟s Landtall in the Unknown
439. Who among the following writers won the Booker Prize for literature in 1985? (Keri
440. The Rebel Chief : A Romance of New Zealand, a novel as Maori lite is written by --------
(Hume Nishet)
441. Who said that Janet Frame was „the most considerable New Zealand novelist‟? (Patrick
442. Jane Wordsworth‟s novel Four Women and Reunion deal with -------- (Maoris and their
inner development)
443. Which of the following novels deals with a barbaric world tighting against Aids like
epidemic? (Mike Johnson‟s Lear)
444. Song of Radha, the Milkmaid is written by -------- (Sarojini Naidu)
445. Manmohan Ghose was the elder brother of -------- (Sri Aurobindo)
446. Name the poet who composed the Ancient legends and Barlands of Hindustan. (Toru
447. Acritic said that Toru Dutt was „a classic writer‟ who „placed her country and was the
first to do so on the international map of letters‟ who was the critic? (padmini Sen Gupta)
448. In November 1913 Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for the English
translation of -------- (The Gitanjali)
449. Two renowned English critics were Sarojini Naidu‟s poetical mentors, who were they?
(Edmund Gosse – Arthur Symons)
450. In which year Khushwant Singh‟s Truth, Love and a Little Malice appeared? (2002)
451. Autralian literature of the -------- period nor does it include works of pioneering days or
early exploration. (Colonial)
452. -------- were still taking place well after world war. (European Settlers II)
453. On the part of -------- writers to speak up on behalf of the -------- in the first person.
(European, Aborigines)
454. Whose novel -------- recounts a disastrous Meeting between black tribe people and
European Settlers? (Landtakers)
455. Penton was born in -------- (1971)
456. Stuart was born in -------- (Helbourne)
457. Stuart published a work -------- (Ilbarana)
458. The -------- century saw the opening up of northern and western Australia. (20th)
459. New South Wales, South Australia and Queenland and in 1901 the -------- took place
(Federation of Australia)
460. -------- was still very much accessible only by horse and camel. (Outback Australia)
461. Yet -------- and -------- were being driven north. (Cattle, Sheep)
462. Some of The Aboriginals to be described as -------- than Texas. (Bigger)
463. In this period -------- came to work on cattle stations in greater and greater numbers.
464. Aborigines they themselves -------- and useful house servants. (Good horsemen)
465. Buchanan was born in -------- (1933)
466. -------- and -------- was written by Buchanan. (Pack Horse, Waterhole)
467. Cole Tom was born in -------- (1990)
468. -------- and -------- was written by Cole Tome. (Hell West, Crooked)
469. Duncan-Kemp was born in -------- (1961)
470. -------- was written by Dunlan-Kemp. (Our Chnnel Country)
471. Duguid was born in -------- (1963)
472. Kaye was born in -------- (Sydney)
473. Kimber R.G. was born in -------- (1986)
474. Carlisle was born in -------- (Western Australia)
475. Langford Smith.K was born in -------- (1935)
476. Searey was born in -------- (1912)
477. Flood and Field was written by -------- (Alfred)
478. Terry was born in -------- (1925)
479. Herbert Jenkins was born in -------- (London)
480. In which period Motor transportation was Slowly Making an impact. (1931-1945)
481. The main thing holding it back by the end of the period was the -------- roads. (Lack of
482. -------- years marked the last real period of exploration and many an expendition into the
dry lands. (1931-1945)
483. Chiseling Wilbur.S was born in -------- (1957)
484. Chiseling has written -------- (Yulengor, Nomads of Arnhem Land)
485. -------- was born in 1944. (Cecil)
486. -------- was the post-war period saw vastly increared development throughout the outback.
487. The war itself had created a need for an efficient -------- axis route for troop movements.
488. -------- led to a temporary increase in the number of people living in these remote areas.
(Troop movements)
489. Writers of 19th century period include -------- (W.E.Harney Colin Simpson)
490. Even in the 1960s there remained some -------- who had little or no contact with
Europeans. (Aboriginal tribes people)
491. In 19th century and 20th century writer has give more important to their work like --------
(Hugh Atkinson, keith cole)
492. Hilliard was born in -------- (1968)
493. The first immigrants to Australia were -------- then freen settlers and gold diggers.
494. -------- visited Australia and wrote in 1836. (Darwin)
495. -------- is the leading Australian poet compares the situation with Herbrew‟s trekking
from Slavery in Egypt. (Judith Wright)
496. -------- literature has always been the stronger in poetry. (Australian)
497. -------- is concerned with the vitality of life. (Fitzerald)
498. -------- is known as a University poet. (James McHuley)
499. James McAulery is inspired by the German Xomantics, French symbolists and poets like
-------- (William Blake)
500. -------- is a popular poet with social concern. (Bruce Darve)
501. -------- voice is the Strongest among all (Judith Wrights)
502. Judithwright famous poems are -------- (Woman To Man, The Unborn, The Old prison,
Train Journey)
503. -------- poetry is marked persistent questioning. (Judithwright)
504. -------- poetry is reflective and philosophical. (Gwen Harwood‟s)
505. -------- are earlier novelists. (VAnu Palmer, Katherine Prichard)
506. The -------- Australian fiction is quite diverse. (Post-War)
507. The -------- novel does not possess the same vitality as poetry it is quite promising.
508. -------- and -------- have contributed to the Australian drama quite successfully. (Patrict
White, David Williamson)
509. -------- reflected the compulsions of Modern Milieon in her poetry. (Dorothy Liversay)
510. Klein drew heavily upon the English poets like -------- (Chaucer, Byron and Keats)
511. During the forties -------- and -------- emerged as the interpreters of their age. (Louis
Dudek, Raymond Souster)
512. Among the poets of the fifties are -------- and -------- (Jay Macpherson, George Johnston)
513. -------- poetry is full of verbal complexity and Scholarship. (Anne wilkinson‟s)
514. -------- proved to be Anne Wilkinson‟s remarkable contribution. (A Red Carpet for the
515. -------- and -------- show lyrical grace and spontaneity. (Mirium Waddington, Elizabeth
516. -------- is mainly known as a great novelist and champion of the cause of Canadian
Literature. (Margaret Afwood)
517. The poems of -------- develop the theme of love as a game power politics. (Power
518. Atwood focuses on the binarity of -------- in Canada. (Existential experience)
519. -------- has made a mark as an author of narrative poetry. (Michael Ondaatje)
520. Michael Ondaatje defines -------- norms and creates a new kind of discourse. (traditional
521. -------- also wrote narrative poetry. (Eli Mandel)
522. Eli Mandel -------- servives the memory of a Swiss born English painter metaphorically.
(Fuscli Poems)
523. -------- offers another kind of Modernism. (Phyllis Webb)
524. Phyllis Webb -------- show her command over the form and balance between idea and
music. (Naked Poems)
525. -------- and -------- are selected poems. (Thirteen Aulf Ghozals, The Vision Tree)
526. Dowglas Lochhead, Dennis Lee stand out for their -------- (Speculative qualities)
527. -------- by Lee has a larger vision of life with undefined hopes and fears. (Civil Elegies)
528. -------- draws upon his past the people, the places and the moments. (Robert Kroetsch)
529. Robert Kroetsch combines word with to image and the image with -------- and --------
with the poem. (Metaphor, the Methaphor)
530. During the -------- Canadian novel emerged as a powerful medium of expression. (Mid-
531. -------- novel came of age with the advent of a group of brilliant novelists like Margaret
Laurence. (Canadian)
532. -------- is more than a regional novelist. (Margaret Laurence)
533. Margaret Laurence has a feminists reference and stands as a forerunner of other feminists
like -------- (Atwood)
534. Atwood basic theme is -------- and -------- of women. (alienatin, exploitation)
535. Atwood remarkable works are -------- and -------- (Surfacing, Lady Oracle)
536. -------- serves as a prelude to all her novels. (The Edible Woman)
537. -------- works in Seymour Survey a Market organization. (Marian)
538. Marian faces woman eaters like -------- and -------- to be an elible woman. (Peter, Dunean
539. Marian is a rebel who revolts against the gender -------- (discrimination)
540. In -------- Joan Foster the protagonist tries to transform society through writing. (Lady
541. Lady Oracle novel rings an optimistic note that -------- is only a Cocoon. (Dark Place)
542. -------- is a critique of female brutalization and depicts the subservient role of Wives,
wombs, workers and whones. (The Hand Maids Tale)
543. The protagonist in -------- is a paralyzed artist. (Surfacing)
544. Atwood male teacher ad fake-husband destroys her -------- and -------- (artistic integrity,
545. -------- becomes pregnant and experiences the trauma of abortion. (Atwood)
546. Atwood conceives again and is committed to bring up her -------- as an ideal artist. (future
547. The protagonist becomes an -------- against the victimization and oppression. (activist
548. Cat‟s Eye goes a step further and asserts that -------- are art historians. (Women)
549. -------- examines the politics of powerin relationship between husband and wife. (Life
Before Man)
550. -------- is the most intricate and subversive novel of Atwood. (The Robber Bride)
551. Atwood criticizes the oppressive -------- like attitude and behavior of woman.
(dehumaning male)
552. Robert Kroetsch represents himself as a -------- in his Canadian fiction. (Post-Modernist)
553. -------- has certainly come of age and possesses its own literary milieu. (Canadian novel)
554. Atwood says in -------- applies to all post, modern Canadian novels. (Survival)
555. -------- as a notable post war modern poet. (Smithyman emerged)
556. Albert Wendt is preoccupied with contamination of -------- and -------- (Modern towns,
557. Modern poetry of -------- is marked by diversity, individuality and authenticity. (New
558. -------- was published in 1861 (Traranaki : A Tale of the War)
559. The pioneer fiction is marted by -------- and -------- (naine realism, conventionalism,
560. The literature of New Zealand has been described as an -------- of -------- of -------- in
search of reality. (adventure, series, adventure)
561. -------- expresses his awareness verse coming out of New Zealand. (Allen Curnew)
562. -------- poetry has stoical note, kinship with the earth and sympathy for the uncared for
and down trodden. (Mason‟s)
563. The beginning of poetry is late as compared to the beginning of poetry in -------- or -------
- (Canada, Australia)
564. Ursula Bethal‟s Detail is remarkable in which she represents the -------- and classical
traditions through trees. (Christian humanist)
565. -------- and -------- is a testimony of Ursula contemplative spiritual learning. (Time, Place)
566. Curnow‟s best fifty poems are collected together is a -------- (A Small Room with Large
567. Curnow preoccupied with the conflict between -------- and -------- (imagination, reason)
568. Bexter‟s poetry shows -------- and -------- (immense variety, exuberance)
569. The -------- poetry acquired its own character. (New Zealand)
570. -------- is the most modernist of all poets in New Zealand. (Charles Spears)
571. The -------- novel has four distinct periods. (New Zealand)
572. -------- and -------- are also highly notable movelists of this 18th century. (Vincent Pyke,
Grorge Chamier)
573. A.R.D.Fairburn was indebted to --------, --------, -------- and -------- (Keats, Shelley,
Swinburne, Walter de la Mare)
574. -------- began as a pastoral poet turning into a philosophical poet. (Ruth Dalls)
575. Derill Glover is a poet with bright -------- and -------- (Sunshine, gaiety)
576. Ruth Dallas began as a pastoral poet turning into a -------- poet. (Philosophical)
577. Bill Manhire‟s poetry has -------- poetic touch. (precise)
578. Chamier emerges as the best exponent of -------- in New Zealand novels. (Critical
579. Chamier possesses -------- bent of mind (Critically philosophical)
580. The major themes of 18th century period are -------- and -------- society. (Man Alone, an
ideal future)
581. The last decade of the 19th century marks the beginning of the -------- period. (Late
582. Feminist themes first made their appearance with the works of -------- and -------- (Ellen
Ellis, Vogel)
583. -------- works create an evolutionary myth. (Satchell‟s)
584. Satchel considers the -------- inferior to the pakcha culture. (Maori culture)
585. Optimism pervades in -------- novels. (Jane Mander‟s)
586. The realist fiction of the late colonial period shows impressionistic tendencies during the -
------- (1930s)
587. Impressionistic tendencies heralds the beginning of the -------- (Provincial period)
588. The Story of a New Zealand River possesses a -------- (Strong realism)
589. John Mulgau‟s novel -------- marks the obvious distinction from earlier novels. (Man
Alone (1939)
590. Robin Muir‟s -------- takes up the theme of Maori deracination (Word for word)
591. -------- novels have a more existential flavor. (Darvin‟s)
592. Florence Preston in -------- analyses the the compulsions which drive the protagonist to
suicide. (The Gollows Tree)
593. Janet Frame‟s -------- shows the painful collapse of a Man in modern affluent society.
(The Rain Birds)
594. Feminist revolution are discernible in the New Zealand society of -------- (1960s)
595. Guthrie famous novels are --------, -------- and -------- (Spinster, Incense to Idols, Bell
596. -------- spoke of the need for an appropriate language to describe life in New Zealand.
597. John Summers in his -------- liberates the protagonist from Puritan attitude towards
homosexuality. (Earthen Ware)
598. The trend of -------- also resurfaces during this New Zealand literature. (Historical
599. The -------- of the period remains of critical realism. (dominant mode)
600. -------- got award for Children‟s literature. (R.Ross Annett)
601. -------- award for Children‟s literature. (Governor-General‟s)
602. The -------- for graphic literature and novels. (Doug Wright Awards)
603. -------- for the best book of poetry, one award each for a Canadian poet and an
international poet. (Griffin poetry prize)
604. -------- for an outstanding people‟s poet. (Milton Acom Poetry Awards)
605. -------- for poetry written by a woman. (Pat Lowther Award)
606. -------- for a Quebec writer. (Prix Athanase David)
607. Prix Trillium for the best work by a -------- writer. (Franco-Ontarian)
608. -------- Award for Humour. (Stephen Leacock)
609. -------- Award for male writers in mid-career. (Timothy Findley)
610. -------- for the best collection of poetry by a resident of British Columbia. (Dorothy
livesay poetry prize)
611. Australian literature is the written or literary work produced in the area or by the people
of the -------- and its preceding colonies. (Commonwealth of Australia)
612. During its early -------- history, Australia was a collection of British colonies. (Western)
613. Literary tradition begins with and is linked to the broader tradition of -------- (English
614. The narrative art of Australian writers has since -------- introduced the character of a new
continent into literature. (1788)
615. Notable Australian writers have included the novelists -------- (Marcus Clarks)
616. The bush poets -------- and -------- historians Manning Clark and Geoffrey Blainey the
play wright David Williamson and leading expatriate writers Barry Humphries, Robert
Hughes Clive James and Germaine Greer. (Henry Lawson & Benjo Paterson)
617. Dennis wrote in the Australian vernacular while Mckellar wrote the iconic patriotic poem
-------- (My Country)
618. Lawson and Paterson clashed in the famous -------- over the nature of life in Australia.
(Bulletin Debate)
619. Lawson is midely regarded as one of -------- of short stories. (Australia‟s greatest writers)
620. -------- poems remain amongst the most popular Australian bush poems. (Paterson‟s)
621. Significant political poets of the 20th century included Dame -------- and -------- (Mary
Gilmore and Judith Wright)
622. Novelists of classic Australian works include -------- (Marcus Clarke)
623. Historically only a small proportion of -------- have lived outside the major cities.
(Australia‟s population)
624. Many of Australia‟s most distinctive stories and legends originate in the outback in the ---
----- and squatters and people of the barren, dusty plains. (drovers)
625. -------- is known as the first indigenous author. (David Unaipon)
626. -------- was the first aboriginal Australian to publish a book of verse. (Oodgeroo
627. A significant contemporary account of the experiences of indigenous Australia can be
found in -------- (Sally Morgan‟s My Place)
628. -------- is an aboriginal lawyer rights activist and essayist. (Noel Pearson)
629. At the point of the first colonization -------- had not developed a system of writing.
(Indigenous Australians)
630. The first literary accounts of Aborigines come from the journals of -------- (Early
European Explorers)
631. Which contain descriptions of first contact? (Violent and friendly)
632. Early accounts by Dutch exporers and the English buccaneer -------- wrote of the Natives
of New Holland. (William Dampier)
633. Europeans wrote cook in his journal on -------- (23 August 1770)
634. -------- provided the first accounts of Aboriginal mythology. (David Unaipon (1872-1967)
635. -------- was a famous Aboriginal poet. (Dodgeroo Noonuccal)
636. Writers coming to prominence in the 21st century include -------- (Kim Scott)
637. Indigenous authors who have won Australia‟s high prestige -------- (Miles Franklin
Award include Kim Scott)
638. Many notable works have been written by non-indigenous Australian on --------
(Aboriginal Themes)
639. Histories covering Indigenous themes include -------- (Wattein Tench)
640. The diaries of Donald Thompson on the subject of the Yolngu people of -------- (Arnhem
641. The Native Tribes of Central Australia by -------- (Spenser & Villen 1899)
642. Differing interpretations of Aboriginal history are also the subject of --------
(Contemporary debate in Australia)
643. Letters written by notable Aboriginal leaders like -------- (Bennelong and Sir Douglas)
644. -------- are also retained as treasures of Australian literature. (Nicholls)
645. The historic Yirrkala Bark petitions of 1963 which is the first traditional Aboriginal
document recognized by the -------- (Australian Parliament)
646. -------- Black words project provides a comprehensive listing of Aboriginal and Tornes
strait Islander writers and story tellers. (Aust Lit‟s)
647. -------- asn officer of the marines on the first fleet and author. (Watkin Tench)
648. -------- Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson in 1945. (Henry Handel Richardson)
649. A number of notable women authors used -------- (Male pseudonyms)
650. European writers wrote fictional accounts of an imagining of a -------- (Great Southern
651. In 1642 Abel Janszoon Tasman landed in -------- (Tasmania)
652. The British Satirist Jonathan Swift set the land of the -------- to the west of Tasmania.
(Houyhnhnms of Gulliver‟s)
653. In 1797 the British Romantic poet Robert Southey then a young -------- included a section
in his collection. (Jacobin)
654. A selection of poems under the heading -------- (Botany Bay Eclogues)
655. The first true works of literature produced in -------- (Australia)
656. Watkin Tench a captain of the marines on the -------- to arrive in 1788. (First Fleet)
657. In 1819, poet, explorer, journalist and politician -------- published the first book written by
an Australian. (William Wentworth)
658. These novelists also gave valuable insights into the -------- (Penal colonies)
659. In1838, The Guardian a Tale by -------- was published in Sydney. (Anna Maria Bunn)
660. The Guardian is a -------- romance. (Gothic)
661. Albert Facey wrote of the experiences of the cyold fields and of -------- (Gallipoli – A
fortunate life)
662. -------- wrote of the sectarian divisions of life in impoverished 1940s inner city Sydney.
(Ruth Park – The Harp in the South)
663. A number of notable classic works by international writers deal with Australian subjects,
among them -------- (D.H.Lawrence‟s Kangaroo)
664. The Beagle that inspired his writing of -------- (The Origin of Speuis)
665. -------- contains the acclaimed American humourist‟s musing on Australia from his 1895
lecture tour. (Mark Twain‟s Adventures in Australia)
666. Perennial favourites of Australian children‟s literature include -------- (Norman Lindsay)
667. The first Australian novel written by -------- (A woman)
668. The classic works employ -------- to bring alive the creatures of the Australian bush.
669. Bunyip Bluegum of -------- is a Koala who leaves his tree in search of adventure. (The
Magic Pudding)
670. -------- against the antagonist Bankisia men. (Snugglepot and Cuddlepie)
671. -------- presents annual awards for books of literary merit. (The Children‟s Book Council
of Australia)
672. -------- contribution to Australian children‟s literature. (Dutstanding)
673. -------- series a collection by Elyne Mitcheel. (The Silver Brumby)
674. An outcast Aboriginal man called -------- (Fingerbone)
675. -------- is a story about the beautiful relationship between an eleven-year old boy and a
older drug addicted girl. (Came back to Show You I Could Fly)
676. -------- widely described as Australia‟s most popular children‟s author. (Jackie French)
677. He has including two -------- children‟s book of the year award winners. (CBCA)
678. French is also the author of the highly praised -------- (Diary of a Wombat 2003)
679. -------- which won awards such as the 2003. (Diary of a Wombat 2003)
680. It was also named a honour book for the -------- for picture books. (CBCA Children‟s
Book of the Year Award)
681. -------- is a prolifi writer of contemporary Australian fiction. (Paul Jennings)
682. -------- have remained regular and passionate contributors of Australian. (United States in
the 1960s)
683. Clive James memoir series is rich in settections on Australian society including his recent
book -------- (Cultural Amnesia)
684. London in the 60s becoming an institution on British television and later attaining
popularity in -------- (USA)
685. -------- have starred in books, stage and screen to great acclaim over five decades and his
biographer Anne Pender. (Les Patterson)
686. In 2010 as the most significant comedian since -------- (Charles Chaplin)
687. His own literary works include the Dame Edna biographies -------- (My Gorgenous Life
688. Patrick White published -------- (12 novels, 2 short story collections and 8 plays)
689. The latter work was the inspiration for the film -------- (Schindler‟s List)
690. -------- won the miles Franklin Award in 1963. (Sumner Locke Elliott)
691. He has twice won the -------- (Man Booker Prize for fiction)
692. Other notable writers to have emerged since the 1970s include -------- (Kate Grenville,
David Malout)
693. -------- discusses an important feature of Australian literature. (James Elavell in The
Asian Saga)
694. Clavell was also a successful Screen writer and long with such writers as -------- (Thomas
695. Thomas Keneally won the Booker prize for -------- (Schindler‟s Ark)
696. -------- was an interanationally successful novel by Christos Tsiolkas. (The Slap 2008)
697. Watkin Tench (!753-1833) a British officer who arrived with the -------- (First Fleet in
698. Watkin Tench accounts are considered by writers including -------- (Robert Hughes &
Thomas Keneally)
699. -------- was the official war historian of the First World War. (Charles Bean)
700. A significant milestone was the -------- six volume History of Australia. (Historian
Hanning Clark‟s)
701. Clark had a talent for -------- remains a popular and influenced work. (narrative prose and
the Work)
702. Clark‟s one time student -------- (Geoftrey Blainey)
703. Geoftrey Blainey important works include -------- (The Tyranny of Distance 1966)
704. -------- much debated history The Fatal Shore. (Robert Hughes)
705. -------- is a popular and influential work on early Australian history. (The Epic of
Australia‟s Founding 1987)
706. -------- short stories from the late 19th century early 20th century convey people living in
the bush. (Barbara Baynton‟s)
707. Kenneth cook‟s book is -------- (Wake in Fright 1961)
708. -------- novels reflected the life and times of rural and regional Australians in the 20th
century. (Colin Thiele‟s)
709. -------- is one of the principal contemporary. (Marcia Langton)
710. In Australian literature the term -------- has often been employed to denote an intensly
loyal relationship. (Mateship)
711. Loyalty has remained a central subject of -------- to the present day. (Australian literature
from colonial times)
712. -------- wrote of habits of mutual helpfulness between mates arising in the Otherwise
solitary bush. (In 1847 Alexader Harris)
713. Henry Lawson a son of the -------- (Gold fields)
714. -------- struggled to find a place for herself as a female writer in Australia. (Miles
715. Marie Bjelke Petersen‟s popular romance novels, published -------- (between 1917 and
716. The central character in Patrick White is -------- (The Twyborn Affair)
717. -------- has toyed with the idea of a national Australian identity as a sexies of „beautiful
lies‟ (Peter Carey)
718. -------- has had several scandals surrounding the identity of writers. (Australian literature)
719. Unable to find publication as a White Australian he was an instant success using the false
Aboriginal identity of -------- with My Own Sweet Time. (Wanda Koolmatrie)
720. In the 1980s Streten Bozik also managed to become published by assuming the
Aboriginal identity of -------- (B.Wongar)
721. In 1990s -------- used the pen name „Helen Demidenko‟. (Helen Darville)
722. „Helen Demidenko‟ won major literary prizes for her -------- before being discovered.
(Hand that signed the paper)
723. Henry Lawson son of a -------- (Norwegian Sailor)
724. Two poets who are amongst the great Australian poets are -------- (Christopher Brennan
and Adam Lindray Gordon)
725. Australia was blessed with a competing, vibrant tradition of -------- (folk songs and
726. -------- were two of the chief exponents of these popular ballads. (Henry Lawson and
Banjo Paterson)
727. Banjo himself was responsible for creating what is probably the most famous Australian
verse -------- (Waltzing Matilda)
728. McKellar wrote the iconic patriotic poem -------- prominent Australian poets of the 20th
century include Dame Mary Gilmore A.D.Hope. (My Country)
729. -------- is mostry published by Small, Independent book publishers. (Contemporary
Australian poetry)
730. -------- which had its beginnings as part of the 1st Floor gallery in Fitzroy. (Textbase)
731. European traditions came to Australia with the First Fleet in -------- (1788)
732. First Fleet in 1788 with the first production being performed in -------- by convices.
733. The play is based on Thomas keneally‟s novel -------- (The Playmaker)
734. After -------- in 1901 plays evidenced a new sense of national identity. (Australian
735. On Our Selection (1912) by -------- told of the adventures of a pioneer farming family and
became immensely popular. (Steele Rudd)
736. A new wave of Australian theatre debuted in the 1970s with the works of writers
including -------- (David Williamson, Barsy Oakley and Jalk Hibberd)
737. -------- is Australia‟s best known playwright. (Williamson)
738. The -------- genre is currently thriving in Australia. (Crime fiction)
739. Most notably through books written by -------- (Kerry Greenwood, Shane Maloney)
740. Ruth Park was born in -------- (1923)
741. Pyotr Patrushev was born in -------- (1942)
742. Doris Pilkington Garimara was born in -------- (1937)
743. Peter Robb was born in -------- (1946)
744. Tracy Rayan was a --------, -------- and -------- (Novelist, Poet and Translator)
745. The first book written in verse by -------- Michel Bibaud was published on --------
(Epitres, 1830)
746. Famous important poets in 19th century are -------- (Alfred Garneau, Antome Gerin –
Lajoie Achilles Frechette)
747. Who is considered the father of French Canadian poetry? (Octave Cremazie)
748. Who wrote Alfred Garneau? (Pamphile le May)
749. In reaction to the earlier following of the romantic -------- (Victor Hugo)
750. The most talented among them was certainly -------- (Emile Nelligan)
751. Young poet who stopped writing of only 19 year‟s age? (Emile Nelligan)
752. Pamphile le May‟s depiction of the life of the -------- (habitants)
753. In 1937 which book published the first book of modern poetry -------- (Hector de Saint
Denys Garneau)
754. Azhar Abidi‟s best work is -------- (Passarola Rising, Twilight)
755. Camel Bird‟s best works -------- (The White Garden, Blue Bird Café)
756. Merlinda Bobis‟s works are -------- (Banana Heart Summer, Filipino)
757. Crime Fiction work written by -------- (Carter Brown)
758. Mena Calthorpe period is -------- (1905-1996)
759. Rosa Campbell Praed period is -------- (1851-1935)
760. Steven Carroll was born on -------- (1949)
761. Helen Darville‟s famous work is -------- (The Hand That Signed The paper 1993)
762. Carlton Dawe period was -------- (1865-1935)
763. Liam Davison was born on -------- (1957)
764. Arabella Edge famous work is -------- (The Company)
765. The company story about -------- (The Story of a Murderer)
766. Penny Flanagan was born in -------- (1970)
767. Helen Garner‟s famous works are -------- (Monkey Grip, The Children‟s Bach, The Spare
768. Who is the author of Honk if you are Jesus? (Peter Gould)
769. Alfred Arthur Greenwood Hales period is -------- (1860-1936)
770. Who got The Award for The Day We Had Hitler Home? (Rodney Hall)
771. Rosalie Ham famous work is -------- (Summer at Mt Hope)
772. Who is the author of The Long Prospect? (Elizabeth Harrower)
773. Who got „National Book Critics Circle‟ award? (Shirley Hazzard)
774. Barbara Jefferis born on -------- (1917)
775. Who got „Miles Franklin Award‟? (Elizabeth Jolley)
776. Christopher Koch born on -------- (!932)
777. Christopher Koch famous works are -------- (The Doubleman, Highways to a War)
778. Who got „Miles Franklin Award‟ for the work of The Mango Tree? (Ronald Mckie)
779. Peter Mathers got „Miles Franklin Award‟ for the work -------- (Trap)
780. Ian Moffitt period is -------- (1926-2000)
781. Elizabeth O‟ Conner got Miles Franklin Award for -------- (The Irishman)
782. James Phelan‟s works are -------- (Literati, Fox Hunt, Patriot Act, Blood oil)
783. Helen de Guerry Simpson period was -------- (1897-1940)
784. Catherine Helen Spence‟s works are -------- (Clara Morison, The Gold Fever)
785. Who got Booker Prize for Fiction in the period of 1941-2006? (Madeleine St.John)
786. Peter Temple wrote -------- (Crime Fiction)
787. Frederick Bert Vickers was born on -------- (1903)
788. Mary Theresa Vidal period is -------- (1815-1869)
789. Judah Water period is -------- (1912-1985)
790. Lower Canada legislative library was founded in -------- (1802)
791. The library of the British house of commons was founded -------- (Sixteen years later)
792. All books it contained were moved to -------- (The Canadian Parliament in Montreal)
793. Canada divided in to two, they are -------- (lower, upper)
794. A dramatic event occurred in the year of -------- (April 25, 1849)
795. The Canadian parliament was burned by -------- (Furious people along with thousands of
French Canadian books)
796. Primary school education led to the rise of -------- (French Canadian Fiction)
797. The genres which first became popular were -------- (The rural novel, The Historical
798. Which is the first literary theorists -------- in 1866. (Father Henri – Raymond Casgrain)
799. He argued that literature‟s goal should be to project an image of -------- (proper Catholic
800. A third is to divide it by literary period, such as -------- (Canadian Postmoderns)
801. The vast majority of these deal exclusively with -------- (English Canadian literature)
802. Few Canadian literature written in -------- (English)
803. Which work became the first Canadian to win the Booker prize for the English patient?
(Michael Ondaaje in 1992)
804. In which year Margaret Atwood won the Booker prize? (2000)
805. Which works won Booker award in 2002? (The Blind Assassin, Yann Martel)
806. Which work won the 2001 Impac Award? (Alistain Macleod)
807. Carol Shield‟s The Stone Diaries won the award -------- (Pulitzer prize for fiction in 1995)
808. Which work won the 2008 commonwealth writer‟s prize overall best book award?
(Lawrence Hill‟s Book of Negroes)
809. Which works written before this time was colonical? (Susanna Moodie, Catherine parr
810. Write some great 20th century Canadian authors. (Margaret Lawrence, Gabrielle Roy,
Carol Shields)
811. Who has been called the best living writer of short stories in English? (Alice Munro)
812. In which work got the best novel of short stories by a President of British Columbia -------
- (Ethel Wilson Fiction prize)
813. Young Adult Novel prize for the -------- (Atlantic Writers Competition)
814. Which work got Cleaver Canadian picture Book Award? (Elizabeth Mrazik)
815. Norma fleck award for -------- (Children‟s non-fiction)
816. Which book is the best Canadian fiction? (Governor General‟s Award)
817. QWF prize for children‟s and young adult literature -------- (Vicky Metcalf award)
818. The first English Canadian poetry was -------- (Robert Hayman‟s Quodlibets)
819. The Rising village appeared in -------- (1825)
820. The first half of the 19th century, poetic works began to reflect -------- (local subjects)
821. Early nationalistic verses were composed by writers including -------- (Thomas D‟ ARcy
822. The first book of poetry published in Canada following the formation of the new
Dominion of -------- (Canada in 1867)
823. A group of poets now known as the -------- (Confederation poets)
824. Who writing popular poetry in 18th century? (E.Pauline Johnson, William Henry
825. In which year Mccrae wrote the famous poem In Flanders Fields? (1915)
826. Which poetry valued intellect over sentimentality? (The New poetry)
827. The Canadian Forum helped promote similar developments in -------- (Toronto)
828. The Maritimes remained a holdout for -------- (Traditional verse)
829. In which moment a new breed of poets appeared, writing for a well-educated audience?
(World War II)
830. A notable anthology of Canadian poetry is -------- (The New Oxford Book of Canadian
831. The Viator poem from was invented by Canadian author and poet -------- (Robin Skelton)
832. The term, Viator comes from the Latin for -------- (Traveller)
833. The repeating is highlighted in -------- (boldface type)
834. Who got the Nobel prize for literature for The Eye of the Storm? (Patrick White)
835. Eric Willmot born in -------- (1936)
836. Anne Wilson‟s period is -------- (1848-1930)
837. Tara June Winch wrote -------- (Swallow the Air)
838. Tim Winton works are -------- (Shallows, Cloud street, Dirt Music, Breath)
839. Carpentaria written by -------- (Alexis Wright)
840. The Book Thief written by -------- (Markus Zusak)
841. Arthur Henry Adams was a -------- (Journalist, poet, playwright)
842. Robert Adamson was a -------- (poet and publisher)
843. Marcus Clarke‟s period is -------- (1846-1881)
844. Edward Harrington period is -------- (1895-1938)
845. Jan Owen born on -------- (1940)
846. Who is the author of The Monkey‟s Mask? (Dorothy Porter)
847. Maria Takolander was born in -------- (1973)
848. 2009 inn Australian literature -------- (Parrot and Oliver in America – Peter Carey –
Ransom – David Malouf)
849. Herb Wharton was born in -------- (1936)
850. Patrick White Award in 1979 was given to -------- (The Merry-Go-Round in the Sea)
851. Christos Tsiolakas was born in -------- (1965)
852. -------- was Patrick White Award winner. (Jimmy Brockett)
853. Ken Spillman was born in -------- (1959)

1. English is a -------- language. (West Germanic)

2. English originated from -------- dialects. (Anglo-Frisian)
3. English was brought to Britain by -------- (Germanic Invaders)
4. Germanic invaders came from -------- (North West Germany and the Netherlands)
5. Which dialect dominated old English? (Late West Saxon)
6. Written old English of AD 1000 is similar to -------- (Old High German and Old Norse) in
vocabulary and grammar
7. Is old English intelligible to modern speakers? (No, it is completely unintelligible to
modern speakers)
8. Which modern English is recognizable? (Middle English of AD 1400)
9. What is the cause for the transformation from Old English to Middle English? ( Invasion
by the speakers of the Scandinavian branch of the Germanic language family and the
10. In which century did Scandinavian invasion take place? (In the 8th and the 9th centuries)
11. In which century did Norman Conquest take place? (In the 11th Century in 1066)
12. The English after Norman conquest is called ------ (Anglo-Norman)
13. From which language did portion of modern English vocabulary come from? (From
14. What is the cause for significant grammatical simplification of modern English? (Close
contact with Scandinavians)
15. Where was old English developed into full-fledged literary language? (In South West
16. When did old English develop in AD? (9th Century)
17. Literary English which arose in 13th century was based on -------- (the speech of London)
18. The speech of London in the 13th century was much closer to the centre of --------
(Scandinavian settlement)
19. From which did technical and cultural vocabulary derive? (From Old Norman)
20. English is developed as a -------- (borrowing language)
21. The main European languages which lend words to English are -------- (German, Dutch,
Latin, Ancient Greek)
22. What were the Latin words that entered the Germanic Languages before arriving Britain?
(Wine, Cup and Bishop)
23. Which is the source of informationabout the culture of the Germanic Tacitus? (Germania
written around 100 AD)
24. Who are the ancestors of the English? (Germanic people)
25. Which languages were displaced in Great Britain after the Anglo-Saxon invasion?
(Brythonic language and Latin)
26. Which language displaced Brythonic and Latin in Great Britain? (Germanic Language)
27. Where did original Celtic language remain? (In parts of Scotland, Wales and Cornwall)
28. In Scotland, Wales and Cornwell, what language was spoken in the 19th century? (Cornish)
29. Where was Latin found in these areas? (In Celtic church and of higher education for the
30. Who reintroduced Latin to England? (Missionaries from both the Celtic and Roman
31. Which is the parent language for European and Asian languages? (Indo-European
32. In which age the Indo-European language was spoken? (3000-3500 BC)
33. The resemblance of modern English to Indo-European language is seen in the --------
(personal pronoun andthe Cardinal numbers upto 10)
34. Where was the Geranic Language spoken? (In Central and Northern Europe)
35. When was the Germanic language spoken? (2000 to 1000 BC)
36. Latin was the -------- of the Indo-European language. (Chief descendant)
37. What are the languages descended from Latin? (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and
38. What are the important branches of the primitive Germanic language? (Gothic,
Sacndinavian and West Germanic)
39. Scandinavian has given modern -------- (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic)
40. English is descended from -------- (West Germanic Language)
41. Ancient languages are -------- (complicated)
42. Among the contemporary tongues,the most intricate is that spoken by -------- (the
Aboxiguies of Australia)
43. In Indo-European languages there are two different words for -------- (your head and my
44. Resemblance is seen in modern European languages and Indo-European languages in (1.
Father, Mother, brother 2. Cardinal numbers upto 10)
45. What were the primitive methods of Count? (Fingers of two hands and pebbles)
46. Who wrote the book Wandering among Words? (Dr.Henry Bett)
47. What does Henry Bett say about enumeration? (Five is the same word as hand in the
speech of Labrador and of Siam)
48. The Latin word for „people‟ is -------- (Calculus)
49. Who is the philologist of the 19th century? (Jacob Gnimm)
50. What is Gnimm‟s findings? (Latin P German f t, Latin d German t) This change is
methodical Ex. Pater fatter)
51. This change came over in vowel sound or consonant? (Consonant)
52. The change has taken place in the -------- (same group of phoneme)
53. Who is the Danish Philologist? (Verner)
54. Who set right the defects of Gnimm‟s law? (Verner)
55. What happened in 1066? (The conquest of England by William of Normandy)
56. When did the influence of French start in England? (During the time of Aethelfed who
married a French princess)
57. Who brought Norman speech? (Aethelfed‟s son Edward the Confessor who spent 25
years in Normandy)
58. When did Edward the Confessor rule? ( between 1042-1066)
59. When and where was Norman French spoken in England? (At the English court from
60. What is middle English? (The mixture ofAnglo-Saxon and French )
61. When was The Canterbury Tales written by Chaucer? (In 1386)
62. When did English replace French as the language of the law courts? (In 1386)
63. Parision French entered England towards the -------- (end of the fourteenth century)
64. What poem appeared before Chaucer‟s poem? (Patience, the west midland poem)
65. In the Middle English period -------- and English is the language of common people.
(French is the court language)
66. Which is considered as the standard style Anglo-Saxon time? (Wessex)
67. Which is considered as Standard English in Middle English period? (East midlands
English spoken around London)
68. What are the grammatical changes taken place in the Middle English? (1. Plural – use of
„en‟ diminished adding „es‟ which became the usual form 2. Adding „to‟ for the
infinitives of verbs + en termination. Due to French influence adding „en‟ to the verb
diminished 3. Reduction of inflexion 4. Gender simplified;the word „she‟ came to use
5.O.E.Leo is completely ousted)
69. „Wed‟ is a native term meaning „to -------- (give a pledge‟)
70. „Marriage‟ came from French signifying „to -------- (become a husband‟)
71. English=‟kingly‟ and French = ------ („ royal‟)
72. English= „infant‟ and French = --------. („child‟)
73. -------- is purely English. („Home‟)
74. English = „mutton‟ and French = -------( „ sheep‟)
75. „Pig‟ is -------- (English) and „Pork‟ is French
76. -------- is English and „beef‟ is French („Cow‟)
77. -------- English and „Veal‟ is French („Calf‟)
78. -------- is the French word for „rabbit‟. („Lappin‟)
79. Which king is associated with the feudal and the manorial systems? (William the
80. List the names derived from the French related to the manorial system. (Demesne,
domain, castle, baron, livery)
81. Who were called as Villeins in Middle English? (The labourers who worked on the
manorial estates)
82. What did „village‟ in Middle English mean? (A small collection of novels in which
villeins lived )
83. What does the word „villein‟ mean? (Villein meant a person of coarse behaviour or
84. Who established the beginnings of the modern English legal system? (The Normans)
85. What were the words derived regarding legal court? (Arson, trespass, cheat, larceny,
86. Which word was added later? („Embezzlement‟)
87. Which crime word was native? („murder‟)
88. List the legal terms which carne from the French. (Assize, justice, curfew, judge, jury,
indict, verdict, commission, licence, statute, prison, prisoner, punish,)
89. Which is the Gallic alternative for the English word „priest‟? („Parson‟)
90. Is „church‟ an English word? (Yes, it is an English word)
91. What are the French words related to church? (Chapel, cathedral, abbey, , cloister,
chantry, aisle, chancel, altar, clergy, parish, apostle, conscience, confession, penance,
prayer, absolution and religion)
92. In the Middle English period what association did the words „patter‟ and „canter‟ have?
(Religious association)
93. What is the meaning of „patter‟? (Latin version of Lord‟s prayer)
94. Where did it come from? (Pater Noster)
95. What did „canter‟ mean in the Middle English period? (Abbreviation of Canterbury)
96. What were the occupation and names that were native in Middle English period? (the
smith, the shoemaker, the wheelwright, the weaver, the ploughman, the cook, the miller)
97. What were the occupation and names that were French? (Merer, draper, the haber,
dousher, and the jeweler)
98. From where was the name „carpenter‟ derived? (French)
99. List the philosophical abstract and moral terms derived from French during Middle
English peiod. (Mercy, pity, charity, beauty, humility, courtesy, repentance)
100. What is the meaning of „lowed‟? (Unlettered)
101. List the terms of astrology derived from French during the Middle English period?
(Influence, adjectives like jovial, mercurial and satnimuis and phrases like in the
ascendant and at the zenith)
102. What was the meaning of the word „influence‟ in the Middle English period? (The effect
of the planets upon human destiny)
103. What were the medical words got from French in Middle English period? (Humour,
choler and choleric, sanguine, cordial and physic)
104. The French words got from literature are -------- (tragedy and comedy)
105. From where was the adverb „very‟ got? (French)
106. What native term was displaced by „very‟? (full)
107. Word derived from Arabic or Eastern origin is -------. („Assassin‟)
108. -------- are original French. („Infidel‟ and „miscreant‟)
109. When did they have condemnatory colouring? (When they have been applied to the
110. How was the word „mahound‟ used during Middle English period? (It was used as a
synonym for „Anti-Christ‟)
111. From where did the word „musoline‟ came? (from the name of the town mosul)
112. Where from did the word „damosal‟ come? (Danascus)
113. Hazard meant -------- so called after the place Hasart. (game of chance)
114. Later „hazard‟ signified -------- (a risk)
115. List the other words of Arabic or Easter origin:- (algebra, azure, scarlet, orange, eastern
animals such as elephant, the panther and the crocodile and the fabulous griffin and
116. When were the surnames first adopted by Englishmen? (During the middle English
117. Constantinople was a -------- learning. (seat of European)
118. Where did the scholars in Constantinople go after the conquest? (To Europe)
119. Where did they settle first? (In Germany and Italy)
120. What did they bring with them? (Libraries)
121. What was started in Germany and Italy after the settlement of scholars? (Intellectual
awakening of Europe)
122. What is the term for „Intellectual Awakening‟? (Renaissance)
123. When did Renaissance reach England? (In 1500)
124. How did Latin words come to England in the Middle English period? (Through French)
125. Name some of the Latin words which reached England via French. (Confession, regime
(kingdom), clamour, melody)
126. Name the religious words which came to England from Latin. (Heroic, papist and
papistical, romish, puritan)
127. Who manifested the word „conscience‟? (Non-conformists)
128. What were the words that came from the nonconformists? (selfish and self-denial,
conscientious and conscience)
129. Who coined the word „self-righteousness? (The Royalists)
130. What is the important outcome of the reformation? (English translation of the Bible)
131. Whose translation was the chief? (Tyndale‟s in 1526)
132. When did the Authorised version of the Bible translation appeared? (In 1616)
133. How has the Bible translation become important? (1. Its influence on the style of many
eminent writers 2. Its has provided with many new words)
134. Who gave the word „Congregation of English‟? (Tyndale)
135. What word did Tyndale prefer to „priest‟? (Elder)
136. Why did Tyndale prefer „Elder‟ to „priest‟? (Tyndale was a strong protestant)
137. From whom English got the words „loving‟ and „kindness‟? (Coverdale)
138. What was the contribution of the Authorized Version of the Bible? (It preserved and
perpetuated older terms. Otherwise they might have died)
139. What are the 3 effects brought by the invention of the printing press? (It established
standard language. It popularized and gave currency to new coinages and newly
introduced words. It tended to fix spelling)
140. What is the peculiar feature of English? (In many words there is little realtion between
spelling and pronunciation)
141. Into how many groups the group of words of same meaning fall? (3)
142. What are they? (Native, French, Latin)
143. What did „real‟ mean in the past middle of the 15th? (Royal)
144. Words of English origin have an -------- (intimate and more human signification)
145. The word -------- is associated with the period of childhood. (Infantile)
146. What is the word „caitiff‟ (Old French word), mean in English? ------- (Prisoner)
147. From where did English get the word „Captive‟? (Latin)
148. Why is there a difference between the meanings of the words? 1. Frail and fragile 2.sure
and secure (The first word is Latin term which came through French and the other is
Latin word got directly)
149. What is another feature of the English language got from Renaissance? (Habit of using an
adjective of classical derivation to correspond to a native noun)
150. Give some other examples of the same. (nasal nosey, urban towney, feminine womanly,
manly masculine)
151. What is Dr.Johnson‟s complaint of English language? (It has been gradually departing
from its original character driving towards a gallic structure and phraseology)
152. In which words are French pronunciation and stress preserved? (Brunette, burlesque,
153. In which word French accent is preserved but pronunciation is Anglicized? (Cadet)
154. How was the word „oblige‟ pronounced till the middle of the 18th? (as obleege)
155. What is the evidence for it? (Pope‟s poem)
156. How is the word „envelop‟ of French origin pronounced? (the pronunciation of „envelope‟
is anglicized)
157. How were the words „palm, calm, half, calf‟ pronounced before Renaisance? (with short
„a‟ and „l‟ pronounced)
158. What change occurred during the Renaissance? („a‟ is lengthened and „l‟ became silent)
159. How was this change considered? (It was being considered as affectation)
160. In which Shakespeare‟s play do you find the reference? (Love‟s Labour‟s Lost)
161. In which words the pure long „a‟ is still pronounced without modification? (Chant, grant,
branch, aunt)
162. Why is there is long „an‟ in Clerk, Bereley, Berveley, Berkhire, Darby? (when followed
by another consonant „a‟was pronounced from the medieval times)
163. In what other words old vowel sound remained? (Heart and hearth)
164. What is another modification in pronunciation found in Renaissance period? (long „e‟ as
in „say‟ is modified into „i‟ as in „tea‟)
165. When did this change occur? (Started before 1500 and completed by 1500)
166. What happened to original „i‟ (as in „see‟) in some words? (There was a process of
diphithongisation to „ai‟)
167. When did it happen? (By the end of the 16th century)
168. What happened to long „u‟ in „house and mouse‟? (Long „u‟ had became the diphthong
169. When did this change occur? (In early part of 16th century)
170. How were the symbols /u/ and /v/ and /i/ and /j/ connected? (They were interchangeable)
171. What happened to them by the end of 17th? (/u/ and /i/ became vowel sounds and /v/ and
/j/ became consonants)
172. How „choir‟ was spelt before Renaissance? (Quire)
173. Why did this change occur? (To show that it was derived from the Latin „chorus‟)
174. How was „fault‟ spelt before Renaissance? (Faute)
175. Why did this change happen? (The „l‟ in „fault‟ is due to the analogy of the Latin „fallita‟)
176. From where did the spelling for „perfect‟ get? (from the Latin „perfactus‟)
177. How was „perfect‟ spelt before Renaissance? (Perfyt or parfit)
178. Where does the word „perfact‟ with old spelling appear? (In Chaucer‟s The Canterbury
179. How was the „island‟ spelt till 1546? („Igland‟; it is purely a native word)
180. Why was the letter„s‟ introduced? (To show connexion with the Latin „insula‟)
181. Which possessive adjective has come into general use by the end of the 17th? (Its)
182. In place of which adjective is „it‟s‟ used? („his‟)
183. How „his‟ was used before Renaissance? („His‟ has been used for the masculine and
neuter alike)
184. What are the other grammatical changes taken place during the Renaissance period?
(1.Addition of„s‟ to form plural 2. Addition of „er‟ and „est‟ to the positive degree for
degrees of comparison)
185. When did simplified modern grammatical system come into existency? (By the end of the
186. What effect did learning of Renaissance bring? (Certain affectation of style and diction
certain artificiality which became more marked as time goes on, between literary and
spoken English)
187. How many words did Shakespeare use? (Twenty thousand words)
188. How many words Milton used? (Eight thousand words)
189. ------ has acquired many words by the following ways. (English)
190. An -------- is given a new significance or its meaning is extended (older word)
191. A word which is normally one -------- is used as another. (part of speech)
192. By imitation or onomatopeia -------- (bang, pop, buzz, click, whizz, rumble, mumble, hiss,
193. By the addition of suffixes or prefixes (dom-kingdom, ship-workship)
194. By abbreviation (Lab for Laboratory, Math for Mathematics)
195. Syncopation (once, else, hence, born, shorn, worm, forlorn)
196. By Telescoping (to don to dult-result of the telescoping of do on and do off)
197. By metanalusis (an inkname-nickname)
198. Portmanteau works (Tragi-comedy-combination of tragedy and comedy)
199. Words formed from initials. (M.P., M.L.A.,)
200. Back-formation (began- to beg)
201. Corruption or misunderstanding (jeopardy-corruption of the French „jewpardy‟)
202. False Etymology (Posthumous – originally without „h‟ Post-after humour-death and
burial coming after death)
203. Slang terms (bet, cove, chap)
204. Words derived from proper or personal names (Utopia, Utopian)
205. Two other words are combined (weekday, railway)
206. Words taken direct from foreign language (Telephone, megaphone)
207. Freak formations (tank, teetotal)
208. -------- originates from the verbal imitation of the uncouth and uniltelligible babbling
209. What the words „awe‟ and „awful‟ remind us? (The exclamation ooh!)
210. What impression does the consonants „p, t, k‟ give? (Quick action)
211. What impression does the combination „bl‟ give? (Inflation possibly from the inflation of
the cheeks when it is being pronounced)
212. In what kind of words „fl‟ is found? (In words where there is a suggestion of hurry)
213. What does „wh‟ represent? („Wh‟ is representative of something subdued and quiet)
214. The consonant combination „st‟ suggests (stability)
215. What is onomatopoeia? (words formed from the sound)
216. What did „pedant‟ mean to Shakespeare? (Schoolmate)
217. What does „pedant‟ mean today? (one who likes to display his learning)
218. What did „manufacture‟ mean in older days? (to make by hand)
219. What does „manufacture‟ mean today? (produced by machine)
220. When did „radical‟ appear? (17th century)
221. What did „radical‟ mean? (thorough – going to the root of things)
222. What does „radical‟ mean today? (suggestion or disapproval of an idea or revolution)
223. When did „radical‟ take this present meaning? (when people were not content with the
orthodox teachings of the church and they wanted to probe the bottom of things and
search out truth for themselves)
224. What does the word „radical‟ mean to a southerner? (Scoundrel)
225. Where did the word „plunder‟ come from? (Germany)
226. What did „plunder‟ really mean? (Household effects)
227. Who brought „plunder‟ from Germany? (Prince Rupert and his troops brought it at the
time of civil war)
228. When did the word „propaganda‟ get the present meaning? (Great war of 1914-1918)
229. When did the word „militia‟ get new meaning? (II World war (1939-45)
230. What did the word „black-out‟ mean previously? (Darkening of the stage)
231. What did the word „to evacuate‟ mean previously? (a town or a tract of country was
232. What is another resource of the richness of the language? (A number of meanings are
attached to a single word)
233. -------- is the shortening of a submarine vessel. (submarine)
234. -------- is the shortening of wireless telegraphy. (wireless)
235. What is the origin of the word „panic‟? (It was an adjective derived from the name of the
236. What was the ancient belief of Godpan? (When Godpan stamped his foot in anger all the
animals of the woods scattered in terror)
237. The living suffixes are of -------- origin. (French)
238. They are attached to -------- roots. (Saxon)
239. The suffix -------- has come from the French past participate termination „e‟. (ee)
240. Give example for the above mentioned suffix. (employee and nominee, past participle
241. What are the words with verbal ending‟en‟ subjoined to an adjective or a noun?
(lengthen, fasten, shorten)
242. When did these verbs ending with „en‟ come to existence? (After Renaissance)
243. What is the purpose of subjoining „en‟ to adj / noun from verbs? (to express something of
an abstract idea)
244. List the prefixes came from Latin (ambi, ante, pre, post, ex, con, ab, per, inter, extra,
super, sub, circum, etc)
245. What are the native prefixes used? (un and for)
246. What is the origin of mob? (mob is the shortening of the Latin pharse mobile vulgar)
247. What is the expansion of the abbreviation „cab‟? (It came from the French cabriolet and
taxi from taximeter-cabriolet)
248. How did the term „taxi‟ come to use? (The term is applied to the type of public vehicle
which carried a meter; the tax or fare distinct from that of the omnibus or tram)
249. „Chap‟ is an abbreviation of -------- (Chapman)
250. When did it come to use? (18th century)
251. „Miss‟ comes from -------- (mistress)
252. „Hussy‟ comes from -------- (Housewife)
253. „Hack‟ is the shortened form of -------- (hackney)
254. „Wig‟ was originally -------- (periwig)
255. „Consols‟ is contracted from the word -------- (Consolidated Annuities)
256. „Fan‟ is the short from of -------- (Fanatic)
257. „Piano‟ is short form of -------- (Pianoforte)
258. „Curio‟ is the short form of -------- (curiosity)
259. „Cinema‟ is short form of -------- (cinematograph)
260. The names „gin, brandy, rum, whisky, greg‟ and „hock‟ are all -------- (abbreviations)
261. „Quotrum‟ is a -------- word. (Latin)
262. Its original meaning was of -------- (whom)
263. „Affidavit‟ was the formal way of beginning an -------- (Oath)
264. What is the meaning of „nis‟i? (unless)
265. What does the word „veto‟ mean? (I forbid)
266. In what context „it was the opening‟ used? (It was the opening of the Latin formula by
which a monarch forids an act of one of his ministers)
267. „Status quo‟ means ----- (the state existing before war)
268. Who objected the fashion of contracting words? (Swift) when and where? (In 1710 in The
Talter number 230)
269. Which words did he object particularly? (Mob and banter)
270. What is syncopation? (It is a process where by a vowel is clided and the consonants on
either of it are run together with the result that a syllable is lost)
271. Give some past participles as examples of sycopation? (born, shorm, worn, forlorn)
272. What is telescoping? (Two words are combined into one)
273. How was the modern adjective tawdry once? („St.Andrey‟)
274. Where did „umpire‟ come from? (from the word „unumpire‟)
275. It is an anglicized form of French -------- (Non pain)
276. „An adder‟ was originally -------- (a nadden)
277. „An apron‟ was originally -------- (a napron)
278. „An orange‟ was originally -------- (norange)
279. „Norange‟ came from -------- (Arabic)
280. In -------- „n‟ in „norange‟ is drapped. ( English)
281. Give examples for retaining n i.e. norange
(In Spanish – narange Persian – ndranj Serbian – narania
Hindustan – narangi Hungarian – narance)
282. What is portmanteau words? (when part of one word is combined with part of another in
order to from new word carrying with it the ideas)
283. Give one example. (Gigmanity)
284. Who coined these words? (Carlyle combining „gig‟ and „humanity‟ meaning socially
285. What word did Lewis Carrol invent? (to galumph)
286. Radiogram is the combination of -------- (Radio and gramphone)
287. Electorate is the combination of -------- (electric and execute)
288. Macon is the proposed name for the -------- (mutton bacon)
289. The -------- is too, a portmanteau form of communist international. (comintern)
290. -------- comes from smoke and fog. (Smog)
291. What is Gestapo? (It is the name given to the secret police in Nazi Germany)
292. How was the name made up? (It was made up by combining the beginning of the three
words which formed their official designation)
293. What is the name given to the secret police in Russia? (Ogpu)
294. -------- comes from hocus-pocus. (Hoax)
295. -------- was formed from the Latin „non compos mentis‟. (Nuicompoop)
296. -------- is the corrupted form of „silvaus plait‟. (Civil play)
297. -------- gave the anglicized no-poo. (inyenaplus)
298. -------- is the corrupted from of Indian chaya for tea. (Char)
299. The word -------- is the corrupted form of white Sunday. (Whitsun)
300. -------- is the corrupted form od „God be with ye‟. (Goodbye)
301. „Ora‟t it is an exphemism to -------- (God rot it)
302. -------- is the contracted form of „may God blind m‟e. (Blimey)
303. -------- originated i.e. the expression „By our lady‟. (Bloody)
304. -------- is American exphemism for „Great God‟. (Great Scott)
305. „Kickshows‟ is French -------- (quelquechose)
306. „Salt-saler‟ became a -------- (salt-celler)
307. „The teddy bea‟r is called after -------- (Theodore Roosevelt)
308. „Cynch and Cynchalaw‟ come from -------- of the United States. (Judge lynch)
309. The verb „to boycott‟ came from -------- (captain Boycott)
310. „Sadism‟ and „sadis‟t came from the evil reputation of the -------- (marquis de sade)
311. What is Tommy Alkins? (It is a stock name for the British soldier)
312. Who made it popular? (Rudyard Kipling in his Barrack Room Ballards)
313. From whose name „belisha – beacon‟ derived? (Mr.Hore-Belisha in 1934 when he was
minister of Transport)
314. What is the word „quisling‟ mean? (It is a word for treachery)
315. From whose name was it derived? (from major Quisling a Norwegian Nazi. He assited
Germany to invale. (Norway in 1940)
316. What is biro-pen? (It is used for any kind of ball-pointed pen)
317. From whose name was it derived? (Its inventor Lazto Poizo)
318. List the nationalities and the characteristics attached to them. (Mean – Jew or a Scotman,
stupid – Irishman or a Dutchman, materialist – Philistine, destructive-Vandal)
319. List the names of products associated with places. (Calico-Calicut, Cambric-Cambrai,
Milinary-Milan, Damask-Damascus, muslim-mosul)
320. What is „daisy‟ really? (It is Day‟s eye)
321. What is „bonfir‟e? (Bone-fire)
322. What is the old form of „woman‟? (Wifman meaning a female person)
323. What is the modern word „world‟? (It is combination of „war‟ and „eld‟ meaning the
generation of man)
324. What is bicycle‟s earliest name? (velocipede)
325. What was the word used for airman before? (Aviator derived from culls (Latin word)
326. What were the words suggested for listener of wireless? (Listener i.e. broadcatcher)
327. What are the science and technical words coined from Greek? (oxygen, hydrogen, ether,
logic, biology, geology, geography, astrology, astronomy, photograph, phonograph,
telephone, telegram)
328. What are the scientific and technical words got from Latin? (Radiator, propeller,
manicure, sinecure, impromptu and extempore)
329. List the words which are half Greek and half Latin. (Automobile, television and
330. In which word we find English root and Greek suffix? (Misseralogy)
331. Who introduced the words „plump‟ and „aloof‟? (Dutch)
332. The words -------- were replaced by „liberal‟ and „conservation‟. (Whig and Tory)
333. Who introduced the word capitalist? (Arthur young)
334. List the words introduced by Spenser. (Elfir, flantant)
335. List the words introduced by Milton. (Irresponsible, a religious light and pandemonium
336. Name the word introduced by Swift (Lillputian)
337. Name the word introduced by Thomas More? (Utopia)
338. The word introduced by Sheriden is -------- ( ism)
339. List the political terms introduced by Edmund Burke. (Electioneering, representation,
municipality, financial diplomacy, colonial )
340. Benjamin and Disreali introduced the phrase -------- (a leap in the dark)
341. Macaulay coined the word -------- (Constituency)
342. Huxley introduced -------- (agonostic)
343. Carlyle introduced gigmanity and the noun -------- (outcome)
344. What is its equivalent in Latin? (Event)
345. Coleridge coined the word -------- (pessimism)
346. Shelley coined the word -------- (idealism)
347. To Tennyson we owe -------- (fairy tale)
348. Sir Walter Scott introduced the word -------- (raid)
349. Bernard Shaw has contributed the term the -------- (life force)
350. Aldous Huxley introduced the word -------- (non- attachment)
351. This is first found in his book -------- (Ends and Means)
352. -------- comes from Kipling. (The whitman‟s burden)
353. -------- was created by Sir.Thomas Barrie. (The never-never land)
354. -------- and the adjectives Erewhonian had been created by Samual Butlor. (Erewhon)
355. The words contributed by the -------- are admeas, anorak (from an Eskimo word) (II
World War)
356. -------- is in its original and literal sense a theatrical term for safety curtain. (Iron curtain)
357. -------- is with the specialized use of the plural nylons for nylon stockings. (Nylon)
358. -------- is a condensation of parachute paratrooper troops. (Paratroops)
359. -------- is an abbreviation of recapitulate or recapitulation. (recap)
360. -------- is an abbreviation of prefabrical house. (Prefab)
361. -------- is originally an American usage. (Teenager)
362. -------- is current English only since the publication of the beverege report. (Walfare state)
363. From where did the prefix „mini‟ get? (from miniature)
364. How are the words which have been adopted from foreign tongues called? (Loan words)
365. What are the three chief means through which loan words have come into the language?
(1. Brought by foreign invaders 2. Brought by foreign contact during war exploration tale
travel 3. Came through scholarship learning and culture)
366. Who authored the book History of Foreign Words in English 1935? (Dr.Mary
367. From where did the word „poet‟ come? (French)
368. What was its origin? (Latin-Poeta)
369. From where did English get the word „albus‟? (Latin)
370. What is its meaning? (white)
371. What is the origin of the word „fine‟? (French)
372. How was Mussolini called by the Italians? (The Duce)
373. How was Hitler called? (The Fuhrer)
374. Originally „Kindergarten‟ belonged to the school in -------- (Germany)
375. -------- has become the synonym for the older expression „table napkin‟. (Serviette)
376. Greek words singular-plural (Phenomenon-phonomena, oriterion-oriteria, Terminus-
377. What is the plural form of „index‟? (Indicas)
378. What are the plural form of „serap‟ and „cherup‟? (serphin and cherubin)
379. Give plural for the words given below. (Crocuses – Croci, syllabus-syllabi, villa-villae)
380. What are the foreign plurals used as singular? (Agenda, data, stamina, words contributed
by Latin)
381. What were the Latin words which had come as a result of Roman invasion of Britain in
55 BC? (1.Mini-Latin vinicum, 2. W all-from Latin vallum, 3.ceaster-from Latin ceastra)
382. Certain words were introduced directly from Latin during the Anglo-Saxon period
through the early ---------. (Christian missionaries)
383. In which language was More‟s Utopia published? (Latin)
384. Give two examples for the words which underwent anglicisation? (secure, compute)
385. List the Latin words unaltered for academic or learned use. (1. Radius 2. Dictum
386. List the Latin words which have a specialized use. (1.abinitia 2.ex-cathedra 3.Primafacia)
387. List the initial words of Latin formulae. (1.Gredo 2.Paternoster 3.Labeascorpus)
388. Very popular initial word of Latin formulae is -------- (recipe)
389. What is the meaning of the word „recipe‟? (Take)
390. List the Latin words compounds derived from Latin sources and elements for scientific
purposes or to name new inventions. (locomotive, trucker, motor)
391. What is the special features of Dictaphone television and automobile? (They are half
Latin and half Greek)
392. Bus is derived from -------- („Omnibus‟, word borrowed from Greek language)
393. List the words which came via French. (Bible,logic, theatre,ecstasy, surgeon,idiot)
394. List the words which arrived England with the renaissance. (acsrobat,chorus,
alphabet,cycle, asylum,character, chemist,influence)
395. Name the words where the long „I‟ remains a pure undiphongised vowel. (machine, elite,
396. Name the words where the French pronounciation „ch‟ is retained? (chef, sachet,
chaperon, champagne)
397. When have these words entered the language? (since 1500)
398. Before 1500 what was the pronounciation of „ch‟ and „I‟? („ch‟ was hardened and „I‟
became the diphthong ai as in,‟fine, nice, guide‟)
399. List words where native „g‟ is preserved before front vowels. (Garage, barrage)
400. When did they come? (post-renaissance)
401. In which words the native distribution of accent retained? (conquette,burlesque, cajore,
402. The French words which had come in 16th century and 17th century are --------
(Pronantrare (1584), Parole (1616), rendezvous (1591), brigade (1637)
403. List the French words which entered England during 18th century. (ballet,salon,
404. Which century introduced more French words into England? (The nineteenth century)
405. Which city became the centre of the fashionable affectation? (Paris)
406. Give the list of French words connected with food thatentered England. (café, restaurant,
mean, bon-bon, maijonnaise, charlotte)
407. List the words related to dress and furnishings. (Blouse, trousseau, costumier, modiste,
rosette, beret, lorgnette, pric-nez, reticle, chiffonier & milibry)
408. List the French political and military terms entered England. (Attache, barrage, charge.
affaires, communiqué, chassie)
409. List the French words for vehicles. (cambniolet (shortened to cab), char-a-bano
(originally used of a horse-drawn vehicle)
410. List the words related to social life. (parvenu, dibutant, saviie, fianci)
411. List the French words / phrases still retaining their French form. (Coup‟d‟etat,
hord‟d‟oevvre, b‟etemoire, letter de cachet, savoir-faire, Scandinavian / Danish influence
in English)
412. List the Danish words come before 1061. (husband (a house dweller), fellow, thrall, law,
out law)
413. Danish words entered after 1061 to 1150 are -------- (Crooked, root, dies, sale, knife,
414. Danish words which had come during the middle English period are -------- (Anger, want,
boon, gain, cast, awe)
415. List the Danish words came during 16th century. (smelt, scuttle, slag, sarb, scub, sug)
416. List the words come during 17th century. (Oal, skittles, squall, skewer, keg, and the verb
to nudge)
417. List the Danish words came in the 18th and the 19th century. (skeld, cosy, vole, muggy,
ski, saga)
418. Early celtic words found in English are -------- (buin (a manager giving our modern bin),
dunn (din-coloured))
419. What is the meaning of the word anchor? (a hermit)
420. From where did it come? (celtic adaptation of a Greek word)
421. When do you find it modern English? (As an element of the term anchonile, Italian
contribution of English)
422. What were the Italian words came through French? (Alarm, brigand and florin)
423. From which Italian town did they come? (from the town of Florence)
424. When did direct borrowing happen? (Renaissance and the 18th century)
425. Why was there the influence of Italian words during Renaissance? (During Renaissance
there was a vogue for Italian travel and interest in Italian literature and art)
426. Who introduced Italian sonnets to England? (Sir.Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey)
427. What were the words introduced during this period? (race (1500), artisan (1538),
contraband (1509), carnival (1549), nuncio (1528), populance (1572))
428. What did the word‟ nuncio‟ mean originally? (A messenger in a wider sense)
429. What does it mean at present? (papal diplomat)
430. What were the words used in music which entered English during the 18th century.
(libretto, orodorio, pianoforte, concerto, falsetto)
431. What are the terms related to other arts which are also Italian in origin? (campanile,
canto, studio, cameo, balany, mezzotist, sonnet, cornidor, motto, stanza, fresco, replica)
432. What did the word „stanza‟ mean? (resting place)
433. What are the general terms came from Italian language? (fiasco, vendetta, conersazione,
costume, influence, portfolio)
434. What does the word „dilettant‟ mean? (It means literally the same as the French amateur)
435. What is the most recent political word to be adopted from Italy? (fascist)
436. What does fascism mean? (submission to authority)
437. Who called the movement fascism? (Musolin after the Great war of 1914-1918)
438. What were the members of the movement fascism called? (fascists)
439. What are the two words passed into English? (fascism and fascist)
440. Who was the queen in Tudor period belonged to Spain? (Katherino of Aragon, the first
wife of Henry VIII)
441. What did the word Armada refer to in the 16th century? (It referred to the Spanish fleet
which attached 1588)
442. What does it refer to now? (To any big / large fleet or aircraft equipped for attacks)
443. List the south-American Spanish words. (Mosquito, Renegrade, Sherry (originally
sherries), boody, conon (canyon), galleon)
444. What is the literal meaning of comrade? (one who shares a room)
445. From where is the word brauado modifiled? (from braveda)
446. What does camisole mean in Spanish? (a man‟s shirt)
447. From which word did „Vanila‟ come? (Spanish „vainilla‟)
448. It is a diminutive of -------- (vaina)
449. From where did the word „banana‟ come? (It came via Spanish from a south American
450. From where did caraway, alligator come? (They came via Spanish from Arabic)
451. Alligator is the corruption of the „el legarto‟ meaning -------- (the lizard)
452. Which Spanish word has changed its meaning in English? (Castanet)
453. What does it mean in Spanish? (Action of flicking the fingers)
454. What does it mean in English? (Piece of bone)
455. What are the two phrases in English which are the literal translation of Spanish words?
(Good taste, a point of honour)
456. From where did come the word „caste‟ referring to caste system in India? (European
457. What are the marine terms got from Portuguese? (Jank, Palaver and funk)
458. What are the words Dutch supplied connected with ships and sailings? (Yacht, deck,
yawl, buoy, smack, bulwark)
459. Dutch words came to English related to artistry are -------- (easel and sketch)
460. What are the other words which came from Dutch during 17th century? (spool, uproar,
spoor, aloof, smuggle)
461. What are the Dutch words which came in 19th century? (Trek and more recently
462. Which word has been popularized during Boer war? (Trek)
463. To which English verb treks is related to? (to drag)
464. List the words contributed by Germany to England. (waltz, schottische, lielder,
glockensfiel and yodel)
465. Name of the metals and minerals got from Germany. (Quartz, cobalt, nickel and zinc)
466. What are the words of abstract thought given by Germany? (zeitgeist, weltangchaing,
sprachgefuhll, leimotit, gestal)
467. What are the military words contributed by German? ( houitzar, misseuerfer, zeppelin)
468. What are the words given by German related to eating and drinking? (lager, earouse,
trinker, garaus and deticatessan)
469. What is the meaning of the phrase thinker garaus? (to drink completely out)
470. What are the other German words related to eating and drinking? (Poodle, dachshund,
mangel, wurzel, kursafl, loaf)
471. What are the other words contributed by German? (Seminar, kindergarten and hinterland)
472. What are the non-German words describing certain political developments in Germany?
(Bisnarekian, diplomacy, ponussianism, Nazism, hitlernism, the Third Reich)
473. List the old Russian words entered English. (steppe, pogrom, duma, tundra, droshtiy,
nihilist, mammoth, ukase, nihilism)
474. Say whether nihilist and nihilism Latin or Russian? (Russian classical words coinged
from Latin root)
475. What are the new Russian words? (Bolsheuik, soviet, commissar and kulak)
476. What is the meaning of the word bolshvik? (Bolshevik means member of the majority)
477. What does the word soviet mean? (1. Initially-council, 2.Then it referred 3.It has became
adjectival synonym for Russian)
478. What is the significance of intelligentsia? (1. It is originally derived from a Latin root 2. It
has come into common use a result of the revolution 1917 3. Now-a-days it is often used
479. What are the words whichcame from the Gaclic of Scotland? (Bog, whisky and slogan)
480. What are the inish words entered English? (Galore, brogue, shamrock, fony and blarney)
481. What is the Welsh word which came to English? (Penguin, signifying whitehead)
482. What is the Hungarian word which came to English in 1532? (Hussar)
483. From which country the word „mazurka‟ came? (Poland)
484. What is the meaning of the word „mazurka‟? (Mazurka is the name of a dance)
485. How the word Robot was popularized? (by the English translation of Karel Cafek‟s play
R.V.R. (Rossum‟s Universal Robots))
486. What is Polka? (Polka may be of Czech origin. It is an anglicised form of Polka (a half
487. What are the Turkish words? (Jackal, turban, kisosk, horde, coffee, tez)
488. List the Persian words found in English. (caravan ,deruish, attar, divan)
489. List the Persian words came by the way of French. (Rice, scarlet, tiger, chess, checkmate
and Qzure)
490. List the Arabic words. (orange, almanac, khalif, haram, lemon, alchemy, artichoke,
loofah, alkal, alixir, zenith, hazard)
491. How was the word „mosque‟ introduced? (It came by the way of Spanish as a result of
the moozish incursions into Spain)
492. From where did come „Admiral‟? (Arabic, originally it was amiral meaning „d‟ might
have come from the adj. admirable)
493. What are the type of words Hebrew contributed? (religious terms)
494. What are they? (Jehovah, manne, messiah, Sabbath, allelujah, praltery)
495. List the Indian words came during the seven year war. (Begumn, cot, bungalow)
496. Till 1818 what did the word „cot‟ denote? (Child‟s bed)
497. List the Indian words entered during 19th century. (calico, puttes, chutney, lout, cashmere,
klaki, curry)
498. What is the origin of swastika? (It is an Indian word later adopted by the German Nazis)
499. List the malay words entered English. (sago, teak, cadaly, bamboo, gutta-pereha, raffia-
bantam, amele)
500. English written in the time of -------- is unintelligible to a modern reader. (King Alfred)
501. In the 6th century -------- was reintroduce into this country by Roman missionaries.
502. Which led to wide study of Latin and Greek? (Literature)
503. In a perfect alphabet every letter would be a -------- (phonetic symbol)
504. The modern spelling was fixed in the -------- (15th century)
505. --------- (Gestures and facial expression) also play a part in linguistic communication.

1. Who was the first literary critic who said that „Art is twice removed from reality‟? (Plato)
2. Who proposed that poets should be banished from the ideal republic? (Plato in his Republic)
3. What is the meaning of the term „Hamartia‟ as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy?
(A weak trait in the character of the hero)
4. What is the meaning of the term „peripetia‟ as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy?
(Change in the fortune of the hero from good to bad)
5. What is the meaning of the term „Anagnorisis‟ as used by Aristotle in his Theory of Tragedy?
(The hero‟s recognition of his tragic flaw)
6. Ars Poetica is the most important critical work of -------- (Horace)
7. How many principal sources of sublimity are there according to Longinus? (Five sources)
8. Who is the author of the notorious book entitled The School of Abuse? (Stephen Gosson)
9. An Elizabethan Puritan critic denounced poets as „Father of lies and Caterpillars of a
Commonwealth‟. Who was he who used these charges ?------ (Stephen Gosson)
10. Sidney‟s Apologie for Poesie is a defence of poetry against the charges brought against it
by -------- (Stephen Gosson)
11. What does Sidney say about the observance of the three Dramatic Unities in drama?
(They must be observed)
12. „It is not rhyming and versing that maketh a poet no more than a long gown maketh and
advocate‟. Whose opinion is this? (Sidney‟s)
13. What does Ben Jonson mean by a „Humorous‟ character? (A character whose temper is
determined by one of the four liquids in the human body)
14. --------- is the critical work of Ben Jonson? (Discoveries)
15. Dryden‟s An Essay of Dramatic Poesie is ------- (an Interlocution)
16. In Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesie there are four speakers representing four different
ideologies. Which of them expresses Dryden‟s own views. (Neander)
17. What has Dryden to say about the observance of the three classical Dramatic Unities? (He
does not advocate their strict observance)
18. Dryden‟s Essay of Dramatic Poesie is a work of -------- (Legislative Criticism)
19. Who called Dryden „the father of English criticism‟? (Dr.Johnson)
20. Poetry was generally written in poetic diction by -------- (the Neo- Classical poets)
21. „The tragic-comedy, which is the product of the English theatre is one of the most
monstrous inventions that ever entered into a poet‟s thoughts‟. Whose view is this?
(Joseph Addison)
22. „Be Homer‟s works your study and delight. Read them by day and meditate by night‟.
Who gives this advice to the poets? (Pope)
23. Who preferred Shakespeare‟s comedies to his tragedies? (Dr.Johnson)
24. „The end of writing is to instruct; The end of poetry is to instruct by pleasing‟. Whose
view is this? (Dr.Johnson‟s)
25. Regarding the observance of three classical unites in a play Dr.Johnson‟s view is that.----
(only the Unity of Action should be observed)
26. „These neither is, nor can be any essential difference between the language of prose and
metrical composition‟. Who holds this view? (Wordsworth)
27. „I write in metre because I am about to use a language different from that of prose‟. Who
says this? (Coleridge)
28. Who has more elaborately discussed the concept of Imagination? (S.T.Coleridge)
29. Who defines poetry „as a criticism of life the conditions fixed for such a criticism by the
laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty‟? (Matthew Arnold)
30. Who says that, „poets are the unacknowledged legistators of the world‟? (Shelley)
31. Who has divided literature into two broad divisions – literature of power and literature of
knowledge? (De Quincey)
32. Who gave the concept of „Art for Art‟s Sake‟? (Walter Pater)
33. Who gave the concept of „Art for Life‟s Sake‟? (Matthew Arnold)
34. Who said „For Art‟s sake alone I would not face the toil of writing a single sentence‟?
(George Bernard Shaw)
35. In whose opinion „Poetry is the most highly organized form of intellectual activity‟?
36. What is common amongst these three critical expressions? „Objective correltive‟,
Dissociation of Sensibilities, Unification of Sensibilities‟ (All the three come from
37. Who is believed to be the pioneer of the so-called New criticism? (I.A.Richards)
38. Who is of the view that criticism is the „commentation and exposition of the works of art
by means of written words‟? (T.S.Eliot)
39. Who said that „to set up as a critic is to set up as a judge of value‟? (I.A.Richards)
40. Which type of criticism was popular in Elizabethan age? (Ontological)
41. „To teach writers how to write and lay down canons, rules, formulae of literacy
composition‟ is known as -------- criticism (Legistative)
42. Which one is the earliest phase of criticism? (Hellenic)
43. Who is the first theorist of literature? (Aristotle)
44. Alexandria was the centre of cultural and literary activities during -------- age.
45. To which phase of criticism Aristotle and Plato belonged to -------- (Hellenic)
46. About whom Atkins says that „In his works appears for the first time the conception of
nemesis of limitation as the essential characteristic of all art‟? (Plato)
47. Who moves from particular to general and uses inductive method? (Aristotle)
48. Aristotle had written nearly about ------- volumes. (400)
49. Who said that in the poetics „the theory of tragedy is worked out with such insight and
comprehension that it becomes the type of the theory of literature‟? (Abercrombie)
50. Which unity was not even mentioned by Aristotle in Poetics? (Unity of Place)
51. Who calls Longinus „the first romantic critic‟? (R.A.Scott-James)
52. Who is considered to be the first to introduce effectively the personal touch in critical
appreciation? (Ben Jonson)
53. Who in Dryden‟s Essay on Dramatic Poesie takes up the superiority of the French over
the English? (Lisideius)
54. Which chapter of Plato‟s Republic deals with limitation? (X)
55. Aristotle born in 384 BC died in -------- BC. (322)
56. Which chapter of Poetics is an answer to the objections of critics against poetry? (XXV)
57. In Poetics the change from ignorance to knowledge is knows as -------- (Peripety)
58. According to Aristotle, what are the formative elements of a Tragedy? (Plot, diction,
character and thought, spectacle and song)
59. Who considers poetry „a mother of lies‟? (Plato)
60. On the Sublime is a critical treatise written by -------- (Longinus)
61. Who remarked „Spenser write no language‟? (Ben Jonson)
62. Who founded his Academy in 387 BC? (Plato)
63. Plato died in -------- BC (347)
64. Who said „Doubtlessly, Aristotle was saner in this than Plato with his phobea of
emotion‟? (Lucas)
65. The famous concept of „Catharsis‟ is mentioned in the -------- (Poetics)
66. In which chapter of Poetics tragedy is compared with epic? (XXVI)
67. According to Aristotle, the objects of limitation are -------- (Men in action)
68. Who said „Aristotle knew nothing of the realistic or fleshy school of fiction‟? (Scott-
69. Who is considered a pioneer in the field of analystical criticism? (Longinus)
70. Who said about Plato that, he is the first to enunciate the classical ideals of artistic
beauty? (Atkins)
71. Aristotle founded the Peripatetic school in -------- BC (335)
72. Who said the miracle of the poetics is that it contains so much that is of permanent and
universal interest? (Atkins)
73. Who is of the view that „The Gift of Metaphor is the greatest of all‟? (Aristotle)
74. According to Aristotle Hamartia means -------- (suffering from a part of his own)
75. Which book has been addressed to one Terentianus? (On the Sublime)
76. Who remarked „Shakespeare wanted art‟? (Ben Jonson)
77. In Dryden‟s Essay on Dramatic Poesy who speaks for the Ancients? (Critics)
78. In Dryden‟s Essay on Dramatic Poesy who favours the moderns? (Euginius)
79. Who said that „a poet is a light winged and holy thing‟? (Plato)
80. Aristotle had the scientific mind while Plato had mind. (Metaphysical)
81. How many chapters are there in Poetics? (24)
82. Which chapter of Poetics deals with the definition and the formative elements of
Tragedy? (VI-XIX)
83. Who considers poetry a mere „Shadow of Shadows‟? (Plato)
84. Who is of the view that poetry is an idealized representation of character, emotion, action
under forms manifest in sense‟? (Aristotle)
85. Boileau‟s Translation of Longinus on the Sublime came out in the year -------- (1674)
86. Who said „To judge of poets is only the faculty of poets‟? (Ben Jonson)
87. Who justified Plato by saying that the latter‟s attack was not against poetry but against the
abuse of poetry? (Pope)
88. Who said „Tragedy imitates as better and comedy as worse than they really are‟?
89. Which unity attracted the attention of Aristotle in his Poetics? (Unity of action)
90. Plato equated poetry with painting and Aristotle equated it with -------- (Music)
91. Omission of conjuctions is known as -------- (Asyndeton)
92. Who among the following was the first to use high words for Shakespeare? (Ben Jonson)
93. In Dryden‟s Essay on Dramatic Poesy, who attacks rhyme? (Euginius)
94. In Dryden‟s Essay on Dramatic Poesy, who defends rhyme? (Neander)
95. Theory of imagination was produced by -------- (Addison)
96. Who said that „Shakespeare‟s heroes are universal but they are individual also‟?
97. Who considers Coleridge‟s Biographia Literaria „the greatest book of criticism in
English‟? (Arther Symons)
98. Who said that „poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; the impassioned
expression that is in the countenance of all science‟? (Wordsworth)
99. Who said, „poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best
minds‟. (Shelley)
100. Who view‟s that the ancients were the unapproached masters? (Arnold)
101. Walter Pater‟s Collection of Essays studies in the History of the Renaissance came that in
-------- (1873)
102. To whom, romanticism is the „addition of strangeness to beauty‟? (Pater)
103. Who said that true wit is „what oft was thought but never so well expressed‟? (Addison)
104. Who defined poetry „as the art of uniting pleasure with truth, by calling imagination to the
help of reason‟? (Johnson)
105. The above definition was given in the life of -------- (Milton)
106. Who said, „Nothing can permanently please, which does not contain in itself the reason
why it is so‟? (Coleridge)
107. Who said „poetry for Shelley takes the place of religion‟? (Matthew Arnold)
108. Who said that Chaucer has no highseriousness? (Matthew Arnold)
109. Who accuses Arnold of „high pamphleteering‟? (F.R.Leavis)
110. Who said „Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities‟?
111. The name of the first part of Ars Poetica is -------- (Poesis)
112. Timber or Discourse (1641) was written by -------- (Roger Ascham)
113. Who was of the view that the ancients are „guides and not commanders? Truth lies open
to all, it is no man‟s slave‟? (Ben Jonson)
114. Who called the Neo-Classic age an „admirable and indispensable age‟? (Arnold)
115. Jeremy Collier‟s attack on drama A Short View of the Profaneness and Immortality of the
English Stage appeared in -------- (1698)
116. Which chapters of Biographia Literaria are devoted to the study of imagination? (XIII and
117. Who made a difference between „poetry‟ and „poem‟? (Coleridge)
118. Who said „There neither is nor can there ever be any essential difference between the
language of prose and verse‟? (Wordsworth)
119. Who said „poetry is essentially the most worthless of all intellectual experience‟?
120. In which essay Arnold thinks of poetry as „a criticism of life‟? (The Study of Poetry)
121. According to Arnold who is „the pageant of his bleeding heart‟? (Byron)
122. Classicism and Romanticism is a postscript to -------- (Appriciations)
123. Johnson was a -------- (critic, lexicographer, biographer)
124. Who collects ten faults of Shakespeare? (Dr.Johnson)
125. Who claimed in 1802 that Lyrical Ballads was „half a child of my own brain‟?
126. To whom the function of poetry is „to produce excitement in co-existence with an
overbalance of pleasure‟? (Wordsworth)
127. To whom „poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the words‟? (Shelley)
128. Who said „Shelley is a beautiful and intellectual angel, beating in the void his luminous
wings in vain‟? (Arnold)
129. In which work of Pater, the essay on style is included? (Appreciations)
130. According to Aristotle the characters must have -------- (goodness, appropriate,
131. Who is known as the first scientific critic? (Aristotle)
132. Who calls Aristotle a man of „Universal intelligence‟? (T.S.Eliot)
133. In Greek the period from 31 BC to 41 AD is known as -------- (Augustan era)
134. Which is the first systematic classicification of the poetic forms and subjects and of
rhetoricl figures? (Art of English Poesie)
135. Arts of English Poesie was written by -------- (Puttenham)
136. Which one is prefixed to Dryden‟s heroic play The Conquest of Granada? (Essay on
Heroic Tragedy)
137. Who said that Shakespeare‟s greatness lies in the wide sympathy that enables him to
identify him self with his characters at will? (Coleridge)
138. Lectures on Shakespeare and other poets were delivered by Coleridge during the peiod ---
----- (1808-1819)
139. According to Arnold, who is next to Shakespeare and Milton? (Wordsworth)
140. Who said „poetry makes the readers saner and purer than before‟? (Wordsworth)
141. Which work of Arnold contains his views on the grand style? (On Translating Homer
142. Who thought of Shelley as „The Friend of the unfriended poor‟? (Arnold)
143. Who does not believe in „art for art‟s sake‟? (Arnold)
144. The meaning of „Catharsis‟ is ------- (Purgation)
145. Who among the following was not in favour of the classification theory of „Catharsis‟?
(Humphrey House)
146. Humphery House was an advocate of -------- (Purification theory)
147. Horace‟s Ars poetica is divided into -------- parts. (3)
148. Who among the following translated Ars poetica in verse? (Ben Jonson)
149. Dryden‟s Essay on DramaticPoesy came out in the year -------- (1668)
150. According to Aristotle what are the two elements that constitude the character of a man?
(Ethos, Dionoia)
151. In Poetics, Ethos means -------- (The moral element)
152. In Poetics, Dionoia means -------- (The Intellectual element)
153. Who called the poets „the caterpillars of the commonwealth‟? (Stephen Gosson)
154. In which essay, Dryden remarked about Chaucer „here is God‟s plenty‟? (Essay on
155. Who examined Ben Jonson‟s play The Silent Woman in his critical essay? (Dryden)
156. Who said „A tragedy is impossible without plot but there may be one without character‟?
157. Horace, born in 65 BC died in -------- (08 BC)
158. Who called the poets „pipers and jesters and enemies to virtue‟? (Stephen Gosson)
159. Stephen Gosson‟s attack on poetry came out in the year -------- (1579)
160. In which essay Dryden says that „with Ovid ended the golden age of the Roman tongue,
From Chaucer the purity of the English tongue began‟? (Essay on Fables)
161. Whose criticism is known as doctrinal criticism? (Dr.Johnson)
162. Who introduced the historical element in ciriticism? (Dr.Johnson)
163. Who says that Coleridge is a link „between German Transcendentalism and English
romanticism‟? (Rene Wellek)
164. Tradition and Individual Talent was published in -------- (1919)
165. Who commented that Shakespeare holds a mirror to human nature? ( Dr.Johnson)
166. Sublime is associated with the Roman thinker ------ (Longinus)
167. Who says „I admire him (Ben Johnson) but I love Shakespeare‟? (Dryden)
168. First follow nature and your judgement frame / By her just standard, which is still the
same / unerring „Nature‟, still divinely bright / one clear unchang‟d and universal
light‟.Whose lines are these? (Pope)
169. Who marked „To Judge Shakespeare by Aristotle‟s rules is like trying a man by the laws
of one country who acted under those of another‟? (Pope)
170. The author of What Happens in Hamlet ----- (Dover Wilson)
171. Who compared Shakespeare‟s love of quibbles to „Fatal Cleopatra? (Dr.Johnson)
172. The author of The Principles of Literary Criticism is -------- (I.A.Richards)
173. Biographia Literaria means -------- (Writer‟s biography)
174. In whose opinion a poet is a man who posseses more than usual organic sensibility?
175. Who wrote Apology for Heroic Poetry? (Dryden)
176. William Empson‟s Seven Types of Ambiguity was published in the year -------- (1930)
177. Wordsworth‟s claim regarding the language of poetry was countered by --------
178. The Principles of Literary Criticism was published in the year -------- (1924)
179. Who said that Dryden and Pope are classics of English prose rather than of poetry?
180. The critic who remarked that the eighteenth century was an age of „prose and reason‟ is --
------ (Lamb)
181. „Touchstone method‟ was proposed by -------- (Arnold)
182. About whom Dryden says, „He was the man who of all modern and perhaps ancient
poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul‟? (Shakespeare)
183. The author of The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe? (Marie Bonaparte)
184. Who wrote Hamlet and Oedipus? (Ernest Jones)
185. Turning the Screw of Interpretation, the ground breaking Lacanion study of Henry James‟
works was written by -------- (Shoshana Felman)
186. Northrop Frye is associated with -------- (Myth criticism)
187. Primary imagination and secondary imagination were distinguished by -------- (Coleridge)
188. T.S.Eliot formulates his theory of objective correlative in the book -------- (Hamlet and
his Problems)
189. Whose book is Oxford Lectures on Poetry? (A.C.Bradley)
190. The author of Practical Criticism is -------- (I.A.Richards)
191. The author of The Great Tradition is -------- (F.R.Leavis)
192. Northrop Frye‟s Anatomy of Criticism was published in -------- (1957)
193. The History of Women‟s writing is divided into „Feminine‟, „feminist‟ and „female‟
phases by -------- (Elaine Showalter)
194. Dialogism is associated with -------- (Michael Bakhtin)
195. The author of The New Criticism is -------- (John Crowe Ransom)
196. The author of The Rhetoric of Fiction is -------- (Wayne Booth)
197. Wimsatt and Beardsley‟s The Verbal Icon was published in the year -------- (1954)
198. Who wrote The Well-wrought Urn? (Cleanth Brooks)
199. Ernest Jones is associated with -------- (Psychoanalytic criticism)
200. Who is the author of Archetypal Patterns in Poetry Psychological Studies? (Maud
201. The author of the highly influential study of Myths, The Golden Bough is -------? (James
202. Northrop Frye‟s Anatomy of Criticism was published in the year -------- (1957)
203. Jacques Derrida‟s controversial essay Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of Human
Sciences is deconstruction reading of -------- (Plato)
204. Who defined the new Historicism‟s fundamental principles as the historicity of the text
and the textuality of history? (Louis Montrose)
205. Who first offered the term „new historicism‟? (Stephen Greenblatt)
206. „Defamiliarization‟ is associated with -------- (Russian Formalism)
207. Speech Act theory was formulated by -------- (J.L.Austin)
208. Who inaugurated structuralism using Saussure‟s Linguistic theories to study mythology?
(Claude Levi-Strauss)
209. The first book written by Roland Barthes is -------- (Writing Degree Zero)
210. The critical concept of „Aporia‟ is associated with -------- (Deconstruction)
211. Christopher Caudwell‟s most noted work is -------- (Illusion and Reality)
212. Thea author of Orientalism -------- (Edward Said)
213. The term „intertextuality‟ is coined by -------- (Julia Kristeva)
214. The author of the essay Resistance to Theory is -------- (Paul de Man)
215. The Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure‟s path breaking lectures were collected and
published by his students as a book entitled -------- (A Course in General Linguistics)
216. Sexual Politics, one of the most widely read works of feminist criticism, was written by --
------ (Kate Millett)
217. Who does not belong to the Yale school of deconstruction? (Fredric Jameson)
218. Jacques Derrida‟s three influential works of Grammatology, Speech and Phenomena and
Writing and Difference were published in the year -------- (1967)
219. What is the term used to designate the point at which a text‟s self-contradictory meanings
can no longer be dissolved or the point at which the text undermines its own
presuppositions? (Aporia)
220. Which school of critics is called critics of consciousness? (Geneva School)
221. The author of Is There a Text in the Class is (Stanley Fish)
222. The kind of utterance that performs with language the dead to which it refers, instead of
describing some state of affairs is -------- (Performative)
223. Who did propose a theory of the fantastic? (Tzvetan Todorov)
224. The term „Affective Stylistics‟ is associated with -------- (Reader Response Criticism)
225. Who has stated that the woman is constructed differently by men? (Simone de Beavoir)
226. Reception Theory is promulgated by -------- (Hans Robert Jauss)
227. The Wheel of Fire was written by -------- (J.Dover Wilson)
228. Who is the author of Romantic Image? (Frank Kermode)
229. In the narratology of A.J.Greimas, the six basic categories of fictional roles common to
all stories are called? (Actants)
230. The author of Problems of Dostoevsky‟s Poetics is -------- (Mikhal Bakhtin)
231. Who is not a Chicago critic? (Vladimir Propp)
232. Who is the author of the Anxiety of Influence? (Harold Bloom)
233. The author of Structuralist Poetics is -------- (Jonathan Culler)
234. Vladimir Propp‟s Morphology of the Folktale was published in -------- (1928)
235. To whom, poetry „is at once the centre and circumference of knowledge‟? (Shelley)
236. Who said „Keats‟ Love-letter is the Love-letter of Surgeon‟s apprentice‟? (Arnold)
237. Pater‟s collection of critical essays on various writers is called ------ (Appreciations)
238. According to whom „to read Pater‟s criticism is both a joy and a discipline‟ --------
(Compton Rickett)
239. Who said „Tragedy attempts as far as possible, to remain within one revolution of the
sun‟? (Aristotle)
240. Who said, „Study the great originals of Greece / Dream of them by night and ponder them
by day‟? (Horace)
241. Who said, „By observation of these comic laws which I, your master, first did teach the
age‟? (Ben Johnson)
242. In Addison‟s An Account of the Greatest English Poets which author was not even
mentioned? (Shakespeare)
243. Who said that „Even good Homer nods at times‟? (Horace)
244. Who considers Coleridge „head and shoulders above every other English critic‟? (Herbert
245. Who is of the view that „poetry divorced form morality is valueless‟? (Wordsworth)
246. Who said „one may be a poet without versifying and versifier without poetry‟? (Shelley)
247. Walter Pater‟s Marius, the Epicurean appeared in the year -------- (1885)
248. What does Aristotle mean by „perepeteia‟? (Reversal of intention)
249. Which book has a system of criticism in ? (Art of Rhetoric)
250. To whom Dr.Johnson had been unjust in his Lives? (Milton)
251. Who made a critical appreciation of Milton‟s Paradise Lost and The Ballad of Chevy
Chase? (Addison)
252. Johnson‟s observations on The Tragedy of Macbeth appeared in -------- (1765)
253. Who according to Arnold is the unique poet of the Augustan age? (Gray)
254. Who calls Ars Poetica „an art of poetry written without art‟? (Scaliger)
255. On which of the following, Sidney‟s Apologie of Poetry was not based? (Aristotle)
256. Who calls the poet „the right popular philosopher‟? (Plutarch)
257. Whose aim was „to vindicate the honour of our English writers from the censure of those
who unjustly prefer the French before them‟? (Dryden)
258. Thomas Rhymer‟s critical work Tragedies of the Last Age came out in the year? (1678)
259. Who is generally known as „the great gainsay of English criticism the most inconsistent
and professional of non-conformists‟? (Arnold)
260. Who defined poetry as „the art of uniting pleasure with truth, by calling imagination to the
help of reason in the like of Milton? (T.S.Eliot)
261. In which book Dr.Johnson defines a critic as „a man skilled in the art of judging literature,
a man able to distinguish the faults and beauties of writing? (Dictionary)
262. Dr.Johnson is „one of the three greatest critics of poetry, the other two being Dryden and
Coleridge‟. Who expressed this opinion? (T.S.Eliot)
263. Who remarked about Dr.Johnson „No one had like Johnson the faculty of teaching
inferior minds the art of thinking? (Sir Joseph Reynolds)
264. Who laid emphasis on „the inner life‟ and „inner experience‟ in The Sublime and the
Beautiful? (Burke)
265. Who wrote the Critique of Judgement? (kant)
266. In which work Wordsworth observed that his poems were „an experiment to ascertain
how far the language of conversation in the middle and lower classes of society is adapted
to the purpose of poetic pleasure? (The Advertisement of Lyrical Ballads)
267. To whom Wordsworth wrote „Every great poet is a teacher, I wish either to be considered
as a teacher or as nothing‟? (Beaumont)
268. Who said about Coleridge‟s „Biographia Literaria (1817) that it is „among the few which
constitute the very Bible of Criticism‟? (George Saintsbury)
269. Who introduced the term „esemplastic imagination‟? (Coleridge)
270. The term „esmeplastic‟ means -------- (To shape into one)
271. Who made the comment that Fancy is „the artistrary to bringing together of things that lie
remote and forming them into a unity‟? (Coleridge)
272. A critic observed about Coleridge that he „with his authority due to his great reading,
probably did much more than Wordsworth to bring attention to the profoundity of the
philosophic attention to the problems into which the study of poetry may take us. Name
the critic? (T.S.Eliot)
273. Who wrote The Modern Painters and the Seven Lamps of Architecture? (John Ruskin)
274. Who said, „Not only sculpture, but all other Fine arts‟ must be for the people. They must
be didactic….‟? (John Ruskin)
275. „Beauty is the symbol of symbols, Beauty reveals everything because it expresses
nothing‟. Who made this comment? (Oscar Wilde)
276. The function of criticism is not merely „judgement in literature‟ but „a disinterested
endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world and thus
to establish a current of fresh and new ideas. Who expressed this opinion? (Arnold)
277. In which essay Arnold defines poetry as „a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for
such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty‟? (The Study of Poetry)
278. An excellent action, according to Arnold must have -------- (high seriousness and weight
of meaning)
279. A critic commented on Arnold‟s contribution to criticism „Aristotole shows us the critic
in relation to art. Arnold shows us the critic in relation to the public. Aristotle dissects a
work of art. Arnold dissects a critic‟. Who made this comment? (Scott James)
280. Who among the following believes that „Great art has something of the soul of
humanity‟? (Pater)
281. Which work of Dryden is a preface to his translation of Juvenal‟s satires? (Essay on
282. Who is considered an inaugurator of descriptive criticism? (Dryden)
283. Who said „Honest criticism and sensitive appreciation are directed not upon the poet but
upon the poetry‟? (Kate Millet)
284. Who developed the „semiotic‟ version of Freud‟s psycho-analysis? (Jacques Lacan)
285. What does Aristotle mean by „Anagnorsis‟? (recognition of truth)
286. Who said „It is impossible for anyone who undertakes the office of a critic to omit the
study of Aristotle without any great harm‟? (Saintsbury)
287. Roger Ascham‟s Schoolmaster came out in the year -------- (1568)
288. Which is the only critical work by John Dryden? (Essay on Dramatic Poesy)
289. To whom, the blank-verse is only „verse to the eyes‟? (Dr.Johnson)
290. Who said that Paradise Lost lacks human interest? (Dr.Johnson)
291. Who remarked „To Judge Shakespeare by Aristotle‟s rules is like trying a man by the
laws of one country‟. (Pope)
292. Who defends Shakespeare‟s violation of unities? (Dr.Johnson)
293. Who thinks that Coleridge is forerunner „of the modern science of semantics‟?
294. Who is of the view that it is not poetry which abuses man‟s wit, but man‟s wit that abuses
poetry? (Shelley)
295. Pater‟s Study of Plato, Plato and Platonism appeared in -------- (1893)
296. Who calls imagination „a magical and synthetic power‟? (Coleridge)
297. Which is known as an unofficial manifesto of the English Romantic movement? (The
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads)
298. Who did not influence Arnold? (Plato)
299. According to Arnold, who is a poet and philosopher wrecked in the mist of opium?
300. „Style is the man‟ a phrase, comes from -------- (Pater)
301. Who is the author of Speculations? (T.E.Hulme)
302. Who is the leading Figure of „Chicago School‟? (R.S.Crane)
303. Who developed psycho-analytic approach to literature? (Sigmund Freud)
304. Who said „Tennyson and Browning are poets, and they think, but they do not feel their
thought as immediately as the odour of a rose‟? (T.S.Eliot)
305. Who wrote an influential essay on the metaphysical poets? (Eliot)
306. Who according to T.S.Eliot had developed „Unified sensibility‟? (The Elizabethans and
307. Who is the pioneer of new criticism? (I.A.Richards)
308. Who calls F.R.Leavis „a practical critic‟? (Lawrence Lerner)
309. Which book introduced the term „new criticism‟? (John Crowe Ransom‟s The New
310. New criticism is applied to -------- (Anglo American Criticism)
311. Structuralism was popularized by -------- (Ferdinand De Saussure‟s book Courses in
General Linguistics)
312. Historically post-structuralism had its origin in -------- (October 1966)
313. A renowned critic enunciated the doctrine of Deconstruction/ Who is that critic? (Jacques
314. Who pioneered the Feminist criticism? (Elain Showalter)
315. Who coined the term „intentional fallacy‟ and „affective fallacy‟? (W.K.Wimsatt)
316. Who said „poetry is an organization rather than inspiration‟? (T.S.Eliot)
317. Who said „Every reading is a misreading‟? (Harold Bloom)
318. The Verbal Icon (!954) was written by -------- (W.K.Wimsatt)
319. Who said „Comparison and analysis are the chief tools of a critic‟? (T.S.Eliot)
320. Who developed the modern „semiotic‟ theory? (F.De Saussure)
321. Who said „a thought to Donne was an experience‟? (T.S.Eliot)
322. Who coined the term „intertextuality‟? (Julia Kristeva)
323. Who praised Eliot for his gift of phrasing? (Clive Bell)
324. Who calls Arnold „a propagandist of literature and an over worked school inspector‟?
325. Who coined the terms „Logocentrism and phonocentrism‟? (Jacques Derrida)
326. Who said „The relationship between signifier and signified is arbitrary‟? (F.de Saussure)
327. Who developed the archetypal criticism? (Maud Bodkin)
328. Who is the critic who finds the basic critical principle in paradox? (Cleanth Brooks)
329. Who claimed that the centre in a text is not fixed but functional? (Derrida)
330. Who wrote the Ethics of Reading (1987)? (J.Hills Miller)
331. Which school of criticism has been termed as Neo-Aristotelians‟? (Chicago school of
332. Who talks of the rhetorical theory in contemporary criticism? (Michael Foucault)
333. Who is associated with S/2? (Roland Barthes)
334. Deconstruction theory is redundant in the context of -------- (Post-modern Fiction)
335. Who recognizes an author a mere envelop around the text? (Roland Barthes)
336. Who is the critic who finds the basic critical principle in gesture? (R.P.Blackmur)
337. Who explained the Deconstruction is not a dismantling of the structure of a text, but a
demonstration that it has already dismantled itself? (J.Hillis Miller)
338. Who coined the term Gynocriticism? (Elaine showater)
339. Who discussed the relationship between ideology and hegemony? (A. Gramsei)
340. Who is associated with the terms „structure‟ and „texture‟? (J.C.Ransom)
341. Who made the famous statement, there is nothing outside the text? (Jacques Derrida)
342. Who wrote the Allegories of Reading? (1972 Paul de Man)
343. Who is the Feminist who urged „write yourself your body must be heard‟? (Helene
344. Who coined the term hypertext? (Ted Nelson)
345. Who coined the term „Difference‟? (Derrida)
346. Who wrote the seminal book Dissemination (1972)? (Jacques Derrida)
347. Who urged the women to become resisting readers? (Judith Fetterley)
348. Who opined the theatre is not a hospital? (F.L.Lucas)
349. Who talks of the connotations and the denotations in language? (Cleanth Brooks)
350. Who coined the phrase „communicative presumption‟? (H.P.Griel)
351. When was Walter Pater born -------- (In 1939)
352. Who wrote Modern Printers? (Reynolds)
353. Who among the following critics said that „criticism as it was first instituted by Aristotle
was meant a standard of judging well‟? (Dryden)
354. Who first of all propounded the theory of imitation in art and literature and said that, „the
tragic poet is an imitator and therefore, like all other limitation has twice removed from
reality‟? (Plato)
355. Who among the following critics classified imitation according to its medium its object
and its manner? (Aristotle)
356. A critic commented that „From the Aristotelian and Greek point of view art is an element
in the higher life of the community; the pleasure it affords is an enduring pleasure, an
aesthetic enjoyment which is not divorced from civic ends.‟ Who is he? (Butcher)
357. Who is called „The first romantic critic‟? (Longinus)
358. The sublime consists in a certain loftiness and consummanteness of language, and it is by
this and this only that the greatest poets and prose writers have won preeminence and
lasting fame‟. Who expressed this opinion? (Longinus)
359. He was „a classcist in taste, a romanticist in temper and an idealist at heart‟ who was he?
360. Who wrote Ars Poetica, which is known as The Art of Poetry? (Horace)
361. Who enunciated the theory the Illustrious Vernacular? (Dante)
362. Who wrote The Timber or Discoveries? (Ben Jonson)
363. A famous critic pleaded for „nothing too much‟ and admired Shakespeare „on this side of
idolatory but he was not blind to his shortcomings‟. Name the critic. (Ben Jonson)
364. „Custom is the most certain mistress of language‟. Who declares this? (Ben Jonson)
365. Who considered Dryden as „the father of English criticism as the writer who first taught
us to determine upon principles the merit of composition? (Dr.Samuel Johnson)
366. „Shakespeare was the Homer or Father of our dramatic poets; Jonson was the Virgil, the
patern of elaborate writing, I admire him but I love Shakespeare‟ who expressed this
opinion? (John Dryden)
367. A critic observes „The great work of Dryden in criticism is that at the right moment he
became conscious of the necessity of affirming the native element in literature‟. Name the
critic. (T.S.Eliot)
368. Dryden‟s An Essay on Dramatic Poesy marks „This perfection of tone in matters of
comparative literature that was not equalled before or since is Dryden‟s paramount
critical achievement‟. Who expressed this opinion? (E.M.W.Tillyard)
369. Who did not approve the tragic – comedy? (Aristotle)
370. A critic purpose was to bring „philosophy out of closts and libraries, schools and colleges
to duel in clubs and assemblies at tea tables and in coffee houses. Who was the critic?
(Joseph Addison)
371. Chapters VI-XIX of Aristotle‟s Poetics deals with -------- (tragedy)
372. According to Aristotle what is the soul of tragedy? (Plot)
373. By Hamartia Aristotle means -------- (Tragic error)
374. Which Theory of Plato, Aristotle discards? (Imitation)
375. Complete the following sentence. A tragic hero should be a man not pre eminentry
virtuous whose misfortune brought upon him not by vice and depravity by some --------
(error of judgement)
376. Horace‟s Ars Poetica is also known as -------- (The Art of Poetry)
377. Horace‟s Ars Poetica is an epistle or verse letter to his friend -------- (Pisos)
378. Ars Poetica means a treatise on the art of writing -------- (poetry)
379. Who was the famous minister of Zenobia Queen of Palmyra? (Longinus)
380. Longinus believes that sublimity is the result of collaboration of -------- (nature)
381. How many sources of sublime are defined by Longinus? (5)
382. Which of the following, according to Longinus, is the natural gift of source of the
sublimity? (Grandeur of thought)
383. Who translated in verse Horace‟s Ars Poetica? (Ben Jonson)
384. Who says the following about Bacon? „He is alive today because these are vitality
strength and force and preasionin his writing‟? (Ben Jonson)
385. Sidney‟s Defence of Poetry is also known as -------- (Apology for Poetrie)
386. Which tragedy is praised by Sidney? (Gorboduc)
387. Whom Dr.Johnson decorated with the medal of the fatherhood of English criticism?
388. Which book was written with the aim to vindicale the honour of our English writer, from
the censure of those who unjustly prefer the French before them? (An Essay on Dramatic
389. John Dryden‟s An Essay on Dramatic Poesie is written in the manner of -------- (Plato‟s
390. Dryden defends the use of rhyme in -------- (tragedies)
391. Who is the first speaker in Dryden‟s An Essay on Dramatic poesie? (Critics)
392. Who recognizes „that Shakespeare‟s works are based on the universal passion?
(Alexander Pope)
393. Alexandar Pope‟s Essay on Criticism is written in the tradition of -------- (Aristotle)
394. Which work contains Joseph Addison‟s best criticism? (Spectator)
395. Whose theory of imagination is derived largely from German Idealist philosophers?
396. Chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria contains Coleridge‟s view on -------- (Poetry)
397. According to Shelley, Satan is the true hero of -------- (Paradise Lost)
398. According to Peacock his own age was -------- age of poet. (Brass)
399. In which work Arnold applies the touchstone method? (Function of Criticism)
400. Who says about Shakespeare that he is unsafe „to say a thing plainly even when the press
of the action demands the very direct language‟? (Matthew Arnold)
401. The first series of Arnold‟s Essay on Criticism came in 1856 and the second series of this
book came in -------- (1888)
402. Arnold believes in „Art for Life‟s sake‟ while Pater in -------- (Art for Art‟s Sake)
403. Pater says that there is no essential difference between poetry and -------- (prose)
404. Pater‟s Appreciations opens with essay on style and ends with a postscript on --------
(Classicism and Romanticism)
405. In which essay T.S.Eliot regards the whole of European literature from Homer to his own
day? (Tradition and Individual Talent)
406. Archetypal literary criticism flourished during the -------- (!950-1960)
407. Who says the following for Archetypal literary criticism: „This theory is an unnecessary
hypothesis and the recurrent archetypes, are simply there whoever they get there‟?
(Northrop Frye)
408. Which work has the archetypal theme? (Samual Taylor Coleridge‟s Rime of the Ancient
409. Who applied the term „archetype‟? (Carl G.Juny)
410. Baktin‟s prime interest was in the -------- (Novel)
411. In which book Baktin proposed his widely cited concept of the carnivalesque? (Rabelais
and His World)
412. Feminism as serious attempt or doctrine, was started by Simone de Beauvoir in The
Second Sex in -------- (1949)
413. A Room of One‟s Own (1929) which advocates a balance between a male self realization
and Female self annihilation is by ----- (Virginia Woolf)
414. Kate Miller‟s Sexual Politics (1970) makes a distination between -------- (Sex and
415. Who finds out the masculine gender in English? (Date Spender)
416. Which of the following does not focus on male protagonists who embody masculine traits
and field of action? (As You Like It)
417. Which of the following rejects the symbolic order? (Radical Feminism)
418. Which of the following demands equal access to the symbolic order? (Liberal Feminism)
419. In which phase women writers limited the male writers in their norms and artistic
standards? ( Feminist phase) (1940-1880)
420. Which of the following phase has a distinct female identity, style and content? ( Female
421. Russian Formalism flourished during -------- (1915-1930)
422. According to which school „language, a seriously constructed sign-system is itself a
material reality‟? (Formalism)
423. Formalism views literature primarily as a specialized mode of -------- (language)
424. According to Russian Formalist plot is a literary device while story is the -------- (raw
425. Who introduced Gynocriticism? (Elaine Showalter)
426. Lesbian or gay criticism is an extension of -------- (Feminism)
427. Who does not show same sex relations or expressed sexual desire for members of the
same sex? (Chaucer)
428. Modernism dominated life, arts, and literature in the -------- of the 20th century. (first half)
429. Eliot‟s The Waste Land (1922) is the best example of -------- (Modernism)
430. Which of the following is also known as the formalistic or ontological criticism? (New
431. New criticism made current by the publication of John Crowne Ransom‟s The New
Criticism in -------- (1941)
432. In which work Eliot named New Criticism‟s readings as „lemon, squeezing‟ criticism?
(The Frontiers of Criticism)
433. Who first used the term „New Criticism‟? (Joel E Spingarn)
434. New Historicism is influenced by -------- (Post modernist ideas)
435. The term „New Historicism‟ was first used by -------- (Stephen Green)
436. The passing away of modernism was mourned by whom in the following lines „Things
fall apart, the centre cannot hold / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world / The best lack
all conventions while the worst are full of passionate intensity‟ (W.B.Yeats)
437. The term „post modernism‟ was first used by -------- (Arnold Toynbee)
438. Who makes a disnition between the implied reader and an actual reader? (Wolfgang Iser)
439. Who was author of a reader oriented approach called „Effective stylistics‟? (Stanley Fish)
440. Reception theory is a historical application of a form of -------- (Reader – Response
441. Reception theory was proposed by -------- (Hans Robert Jauss)
442. The word „Romanticism‟ had its origin in the -------- (Middle ages)
443. How many critical treatises are written by Aristotle? (Half a dozen critical treatises)
444. Which style of comments was followed by Aristotle? (Rhetoric)
445. Plato was born in -------- (427 BC)
446. Aristotle born in -------- (384 BC)
447. Who was the other great Roman Classist after Horace? (Quintilian)
448. Which style was followed by Quintilian‟s theory? (Art of Speaking)
449. Who is the author of Divine Comedy? (Dante)
450. Who claimed that feminine language is derived from the period of Fusion between
mother and child? (Julia Kristeva)
451. Who is associated with the terms „tension‟, „extension‟ and „intention‟? (Allan Tate)
452. Who coined the term „hermeneutic circle‟? (Wilhelm Dilthey)
453. Which Marxist suggested that literature must be seen in relation to ideology? (Althusser)
454. Which critic finds the basic critical principle in „ambiguity‟? (William Empson)
455. The term „interpretive communities‟ is used by -------- (Stanley Fish)
456. Who believed that writers should be engineers of human souls? (Stalin)
457. Brook Thomas is associated with -------- (New Historicism)
458. Which modern critic has examined the plot of Tom Jones from an entirely fresh
perspective? (R.S.Crane)
459. The ideal classicism gave way to -------- (Romanticism)
460. Who favoured innovations in the material, form and style of literature? (Romantics)
461. New criticism is a Post World War I school of literary criticism that -------- (examines a
work of art critically)
462. Who wrote Revolution? (F.R.Leavis)
463. Lowe‟s famous book Road to Xanadu came out in the year -------- (1927)
464. Who were against anti-romantic, anti-realist and anti-naturalistic? (New Humanists)
465. Who is the writer of the book Grammar of Motives? (Kenneth Burke)
466. Which work of criticism marks the beginning of the new criticism? (T.S.Eliot‟s the sacred
467. The earliest piece of extended literary criticism which survives from classical antiquity is
An Agon or Debate in the Frogs by -------- (Aristophanes)
468. Who is the special literary target on Aristophanes in Frogs? (Euripides)
469. In Frogs of Aristophanes, literary criticism takes the form of a dramatic ------- (Dialogue)
470. In which work of Plato, a useful kind of „right opinion‟ is conceded to all poetic persons?
471. Which are the two major categories into which Plato divided „Art‟ (Acquisitive and
472. Into which category of „Art‟ did Plato put reflections, dreams and shadows? (Divine)
473. A rhapsody as mentioned by Plato was a -------- (a combination of Acquisitive and
Productive Art)
474. Which work of Aristotle has been called „acnromatic‟ by Aristotelians i.e. to be
interpreted only with the help of other larger works? (Poetics)
475. In which of his works Aristotle has distinguished between faults which affect a poem as
such and those which do not? (Poetics)
476. In Poetics, Aristotle argued that poetry is more philosophic and more serious than --------
477. According to Aristotle -------- (Art finishes the job that nature leaves undone)
478. Regarding which of the following Aristotle said in Poetics that in „having passed through
many phases reached its natural form and there it stopped‟? (Tragedy)
479. In Poetics Aristotle writes „In a simpler and restrictive sense the action of a tragedy is not
longer than‟ -------- (one day)
480. Which term as used by Aristotle means a sudden turn? (Peripeteria)
481. What is meant by anagnorisis in Aristotlian vocabulary? (Recognition)
482. What, in Aristotelian vocabulary means the plot? (Methos)
483. What is not a part of Hamartia? (Human will)
484. What type of Anagnorsis is most effective according to Aristotle? (The scar discovered in
the bath by Odysseous when Orestes makes himself known to Lphigenia The messenger
in Oedipus)
485. According to Aristotle the comedy consists of some defect or ugliness which is --------
(not painful)
486. Whose character is a further development of Aristotelian division of the tragedy and the
comedy? (Theophrastus)
487. According to Aristotle „Imagination‟, „symbol‟ and „paradox‟ are the characteristics of ---
----- (poetry)
488. According to Aristotle „Reason‟, „concept‟ and „contrast‟ are the characteristics of --------
489. Aristotle‟s Rhetoric opens with the statement Rhetoric is a counterpart of --------
490. In Poetics and Rhetoric the loft quoted statement is that the greatest poetic gift is to be a
master of the -------- (Metaphor)
491. The power of forming great conceptions inspired and vehement passion, formation of
figures, noble diction and dignified and elevated composition are the five sources of
„elevation‟ according to -------- (Longinus)
492. The 18th century vernacular poem which has been called the earliest literary criticism is --
------ (The Owl and the Ninghtingale)
493. Who wrote a Latin essay about 1300 AD defending vernacular poetry, The de Vulgari
Eloquentia? (Dante)
494. Who attacked the rhyme in his observations in The Art of English Poesie? (Campion)
495. Who answered Campion‟s attack on rhyme in A Defence of Rhyme in 1603? (Daniel)
496. Who is the author of An Essay on Unnatural Flights in Poetry (1701)? (Granville)
497. Who wrote in his Proficience and Advancement of Learning that poetry „doth raise and
erect the minde, by submitting the shows of things to the desires of the mind‟? (Bacon)
498. In which of his works Jonson wrote that poetry requires not only „goodness of natural
wit‟, but „exercise‟, „imitation‟, „study‟ and „art‟? (Timber)
499. Dryden‟s Dialogue published in 1668 that is considered the most important for his
general literary theory, was entitled -------- (An Essay of Dramatic Poesy)
500. Critic in Essay of Dramatic Poesy is the fictional person representing Dryden‟s brother-
in-law -------- (Sir Robert Howard)
501. According to Dryden, comedy begets -------- (malicious pleasure)
502. Dryden‟s theory of Satire appeared in the long essay entitled The Origin and Progress of
Satire (1693) prefixed to his translation of -------- (Juvenal Persius)
503. Dryden distinguished between three types of translation metaphrase, paraphrase and
imitation. Which of the following means turning an author word by word and line by line
from one language to another? (Metaphrase)
504. Whiat according to Dryden, is translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view
by the translator, so as never to be lost but his words are never so strictly followed as his
sense? (Paraphrase)
505. In which of his works Dryden wrote „…. the definition of wit ….. is only this; that it is a
propriety of thoughts and words or in other terms, thoughts and words elegantly adapted
to subject‟? (Apology for Heroic Poetry)
506. Who wrote in Leviathan that „In a good poem, whether it be Epique or Dramatique….
Both judgement and Fancy are required‟? (Hobbes)
507. Locke referred to wit in his Essay Concenrning Human Understanding, as a faculty of
seeing -------- (resemblances)
508. Whose view on wit was supported by Addison in one of his Spectator essays No.62?
509. Which work of Pope, written on the tradition of the Horation Ars poetica, is considered
his most ambitious circle work? (Essay on Criticism)
510. What was the view of Dr.Johnson on Shakespeare? (A Rhapsodic, violent and exuberant
511. Which kind of poetry was simply „unsatisfactory‟ according to Johnson? (Devotional)
512. Sublimity, according to Johnson, was not within the reach of metaphysical poets for great
thoughts are always -------- (General)
513. Johnson didn‟t like Milton‟s Samson Agonistes on the Aristotelian grounds because ------
-- (It had a beginning and an end but no middle)
514. What did I.A.Richards mean by synaesthesis? (The peculiar organization of our impulses
in a manner that harmonizes them)
515. Who are the authors of the critical work The Meaning of Meaning? (C.K.Ogden and
516. Eliot made it plain in his essay entitled The Perfect Critic that he did not consider that the
proper alternative to moralization was -------- (impressionism)
517. In which of his critical works Eliot wrote that „the poet has, not a personality to express,
but a particular medium, which is only a medium and not a personality, in which
impressions and experiences combine in peculiar and unexpected ways‟? (Tradition and
the Individual Talent)
518. Who had said that the metaphysical poets „yoked by violence together‟ the most
heterogeneous ideas? (Johnson)
519. Who found in the bold and often strenuous figurative language of the metaphysical poets,
the necessary fears for achieving a direct sensuous apprehension of thought, or a
recreation of thought into feeling? (Eliot)
520. Who attacked T.S.Eliot saying that The Waste Land betrays in its „Limp‟ rhythms his
own „spiritual limpness‟? (Winters)
521. Who declared in his The Art of Fiction that a novel is in its broadest definition a personal
direct impression of life? (Henry James)
522. In Poetry and Drama Eliot opined that -------- (drama in verse is the ideal)
523. The poet is only the efficient cause of the poem, but the poem, having form has a formal
cause that is to be sought on examination. Northop Frye finds this formal cause to be -----
--- (the Archetype)
524. What did Dr.Johnson think about „general opinion are common voice‟? (That it was
usually right)
525. What was Dr.Johnson‟s opinion on language of poetry? (It should be a universal
526. „If I am not deceived a play is supposed to be the work of the poet, imitating or
representing the conversation of several persons‟. Who has been quoted here? (John
527. „The task of an author is either to teach what is not known, or to recommend known truths
by his manner of adoring them‟. Who has been quoted here? (Dr.Samuel Johnson)
528. Who among the following opined that „a poet should take particular care to guard himself
against idiomatic ways of speaking‟? (Joseph Addison)
529. Who was the first to use the term „poetic diction‟ in his Advancement and Reformation of
Modern Poetry? (Dennis)
530. Who opined that „it is exactly as wasteful for a poet to do what has been done already as
for a biologist to rediscover Mendel‟s discoveries‟? (T.S.Eliot)
531. A.W.Schlegel devoted the first of his Vienna lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature to
rebuking neoclassic exclusiveness and pleading for a universalization of -------- (True
532. Who in a late polemical statement aimed against the French romantics said, „I call the
classic healthy, the romantic sickly‟? (Goethe)
533. Who opined that imagination „draws all things to one…‟ it makes things animate or
inanimate, being with their attributes, subjects with their accessories, take one colour and
serve to one effect‟? (Charles Lamb)
534. The primary imagination differed from the secondary imagination as per Coleridge‟s
distinction -------- (only in the degree in the method of its operation)
535. What was defined by Coleridge as „a mode of Memory emancipated from the order of
time and space‟? (Fancy)
536. Who said that „No man was ever yet a great poet, without being at the same time a
profound philosopher‟? (Coleridge)
537. Who among the following wrote „The appropriate business of poetry…. And her duty is
to treat of things not as they are, but as they appear‟? (Wordsworth)
538. Whose philosophic career can be traced from French naturalism and necessitarianism
through a Platonic or ontologic idealism to the psychologic or epistemologic idealism in
the poems of 1822? (Shelley)
539. Who said that poetry is feigning „notable images of virtues, vices or what with…‟?
540. Who said, „I hold that long poem does not exist. I maintain that the phrase „a long poem‟
is simply a flat contradiction in terms‟? (Edger Alan poe)
541. For a literary masterpiece two powers must concord - the power of the man and the power
of the moment and the man is not enough without the moment. Who has been quoted in
these lines? (Arnold)
542. Who according to Arnold was an imperfect disciple of Shakespeare for he had an excess
of natural magic not enough moral profoundly while Shakespeare had both qualities to
the full? (Keats)
543. What was the lacuna in Chaucer‟s poetry according to Arnold? (High seriousness)
544. Who are the two great „classics of our prose‟ according to Arnold? (Dryden and Pope)
545. What idea was supported by Tolstoy? (Art as a monitor and propagandist for the social
546. „Most false ideas about the beautiful arise from the false idea of morality current during
the 18th century. Which French critic has been quoted here? (Baudelaire)
547. „We hate poetry that has a palpable design upon us.‟ Who has been quoted here?. (Keats)
548. Who held that „Form is everything; it is the secret of life‟? (Wilde)
549. Who argued in his brilliant essay on The Birth of Tragedy that tragedy is profoundly
musical? (Nietzsche)
550. Who said that „criticism as it was first instituted by Aristotle, was meant a standard of
judging well‟? (Dryden)
551. Who first of all propounded the theory of imitation in art and literature and said that „the
tragic poet is an imitator, and therefore, like all other imitator‟s he is twice removed from
reality‟? (Plato)
552. Who among the following critics classified imitation according to its medium, its object
and its manner? (Aristotle)
553. A critic commented that „from the Aristotelian and Greek point of view art is an element
in the higher life of the community; the pleasure it affords is an enduring pleasure, an
aesthetic enjoyment which is not divorced from civic ends‟. Who is he? (Butcher)
554. „The sublime consists in a certain loftiness and consummateness of language, and it is by
this only that the greatest poets and prose writers have won pre-eminence and lasting
fame‟. Who expressed this opinion? (Longinus)
555. He was „a classicist in taste, a romanticist in temper and an idealist at heart‟. Who was
he? (Longinus)
556. Who wrote Ars Poetica, which is known as The Art of Poetry? (Horace)
557. According to a critic function of poetry is „to instruct and to delight‟. Who is he?
558. Who enunciated the theory the illustrious vernacular? (Dante)
559. Who is the pioneer of new criticism? (I.A.Richards)
560. Who calls F.R.Leavis „a Practical critic‟? (Lawrence Lerner)
561. Which book introduced the term new criticism? (John Crowe Ransome‟s book The New
562. A famous critic pleaded for „nothing too much‟ and admired Shakespeare „on this side of
idolatory, but he was not blind to his short comings‟ Name the critic:- (Ben Jonson)
563. „Custom is the most certain mistress of language‟. Who declares this? (Ben Jonson)
564. Who considered Dryden as „the father of English criticism, as the writer who first taught
us to determine upon principles the merit of composition‟? (Dr.Samuel Johnson)
565. By „selection of language really used by men‟, Wordsworth means -------- (The language
of men in a state of vivid sensation)
566. A critic observes „The great work of Dryden‟s criticism is that at the right moment he
became conscious of the necessity of affirming the native element in literature‟. Name the
critic. (T.S.Eliot)
567. Dryden‟s An essay on Dramatic Poesy marks this perfection of tone in matters of
comparative literature that was not equalled before or after. Since it is Dryden‟s
paramount critical achievement. Who expressed this opinion? (E.M.W.Tillyard)
568. Who defined poetry as „The art of uniting pleasure with truth by calling imagination to
the help of reason‟ in the life of Milton? (T.S.Eliot)
569. Who wrote the critique of Judgement? (Kant)


1. The word „Rhetoric‟ is derived from…………….. (Greek)

2. The Greek word „Rhetor‟ means…………………(Speaker in the assembly)
3. The rules for oral and written composition are divided into……………. processes (five)
4. What are the five processes in the rules for oral and written composition?(Invention,
arrangement,style,memory and delivery)
5. ……………….is the discovery of the relevant material.(Invention)
6. „Arrangement‟ was the organization of the material into…..(sound structural form)
7. „Style‟ is the consideration of the appropriate manner for the……………(matter and the
8. The section devoted to ‟delivery‟ eleborates the technique for
actually………………..(making a speech)
9. The ancient writer Aristotle wrote……………..(Rhetoric) in 320 B.C.
10. Who wrote Art of Rhetoric? (Longinus)
11. Cicero, an accomplished rhetorician wrote………(De inventione,
Deoptimovenereoratorum and De oretore)
12. Who was the actual founder of rhetoric? ……………….(Corax of Syracuse)
13. How many divisions for speech did Corax of Syracuse lay?(five)
14. What are the five divisions for a speech?(Poem, narrative, argument, remarks and
peroration or conclusion)
15. How many components did classical rhetorists analyse for an effective rhetorical
16. What are the components did classical rhetorists analyse for an effective rhetorical
discourse? (invention, disposition and style).
17. How many classes did Rhetoricians discriminate for oratory?(three main classes)
18. What are the three main classes for oratory?(Deliberative, Forensic,Epideictic)
19. To persuade an audience to approve or disapprove of a matter of public is the main
20. „To achieve either the condemnation or approval of some person‟s actions is the aim
21. Abraham Lincoln‟s…………..is a famed instance of epideictic oratory(Address)
22. ………….is a poetic form often used for epideictic purposes(The Ode)
23. ………………..is a direct and explicit address either to an absent person or to an abstract
or nonhuman entity.(An apostrophe)
24. ……………..is constituted throughout in the mode of an address(Ode)
25. Who wrote Ode on a Grecian Urn? (John Keats)
26. S.T.Coleridge‟s…………….is a lyric,addressed to an absent woman.(Recollections of
27. Recollections of Love was written in the year….(1817)
28. Shelley‟s………..closes with the most famous rhetorical question in English(Ode to the
West Wind)
29. Chiasmus is derived from………(the Greek term for the letter X)
30. ………..is a sequence of two phrases or clauses which are parallel in syntax, but reverse
the order of the corresponding words.(Chiasmus)
31. In Yeats‟s……………,the Chiasmus consists in a reversal of the position of an entire
phrase.(An Irish Airman Foresees His Death).
32. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death was published in the year……………(1919)
33. “Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and the best
minds” is a quote from …………………(Shelley‟s Defence of Poetry)
34. Defence of Poetry was published in……(1821)
35. „Zeugma‟ in Greek means….(joking)
36. Byron uses Zeugma for grim, comic effects in his description of a shipwreck
in…………(Don Juan)
37. The four basic metres in English prosody are……………..(Iambic, trochaic,
38. ………….consists of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one as in a word
39. ……………..has first syllable stressed and the second one unstressed as in
40. Anapestic consists of first two syllables……………..and the third
one…………….(Unstressed, stressed)
41. Dactylic consists of a stressed syllable followed by………….(two unstressed syllables)
42. The first line of Keats‟s sonnet…………..uses all four basic metres.(On first Looking into
Chapman‟s Homer)
43. ………..and………….. having the strong stress at the end, are said to be in rising
metre.(Iambs and Anapests)
44. …….and…………….. having the strong stress at the beginning, are said to be in falling
metre.(Trochees and Dactyles)
45. Name the works written in Iambic pentameter?(Chaucer‟s The Canterbury Tales,
Shakespeare‟s plays, Milton‟s Paradise Lost and Spenser‟s Faerie Queene)
46. Some supplementary feet in English prosody‟s are ------- (Spondaic, pyrrhic, Amphimac,
47. Spondaic consists of……………. (two stressed syllables).
48. ………….consists of two unstressed syllables.(Pyrrhic)
49. ……………is a metrical foot of three syllables, consisting of two stressed and in between
is a one unstressed syllable.(Amphimac)
50. ……………is a foot of verse consisting of two stressed syllables, flanking two unstressed
51. In a choriambic line,the first foot is a……………,the last foot is………..(Trochee, an
52. ……….is a term applied to verse which is metrically complete.(Acatalectic)
53. If a verse lacks one or more unstressed syllables in its final foot,it is
called……..(Catalectic or truncated)
54. A line from which the initial syllable or syllables are missing is
55. If a verse contains an extra syllable, it is called………….(hyper catalectic, hyper-
metrical, redundant or extra-metrical)
56. ………….means marking stressed and unstressed syllables and then dividing the lines
into feet and counting the number of feet per line.(Scansion)
57. Prosody means…………..(study of technical aspects of versification)
58. A syllable is…………..(a complete sound that cannot be subdivided)
59. Aristotle in his Poetics defined poetry as…………….(a mode of imitation)
60. An extended narrative which carries a second meaning along with its surface story is
61. …………is applied to a character type or description which recurs frequently in literature
and is thought to evoke profound emotional responses in the reader by evoking an image
already existing in his unconscious mind(Archetype)
62. Baroque means………….(luxurious and extravagant literature)
63. „Belles lettres‟ means……………(lighter writings in prose)
64. „Bathos‟ means…………..(unintentional, ludicrous descent from the exalted to the
common place)
65. In case of metaphysical poetry, the term is used to designate an ingenious and fanciful
notion or conception, usually expressed through analogy, and pointing to a striking
parallel between two seemingly dissimilar things. This is called…………..(conceit)
66. What is meant by ‟denouement‟ in drama?(The final unravelling of the plot)
67. What do you mean by „deus ex machina‟?(The supernatural agency in an epic poem)
68. ………….in poetry is a pause in a line of verse not dictated by the metres but by the
natural rhythm of the language.(Caesura)
69. Dithyramb is an emotional choral hymn in honour of ………(Dionysius)
70. Who was the pioneer of the idea of deconstruction that holds that “no work of literature
whatsoever has been able to express exactly what it wanted to say”?............(Jacques
71. ……..is a short pastoral poem in which shepherds converse with one another.(Eclogue)
72. Epistle is a………..(letter in verse)
73. The chief four types of composition are:argumentation,description,narration
74. The School of poetry which flourished under the leadership of Ezra Pound in the second
decade of the twentieth century is……….(imagism)
75. ………is the device, by which a writer expresses almost the opposite meaning to what he
ostensibly speaks.(Irony)
76. Malapropism, which means ridiculous misuse of words, is derived from Mrs.Malaprop in
Sheridan‟s……….(The Rivals)
77. Lampoon is a crude, defamatory satire usually attacking an…….(individual)
78. ………..is one in which sacred subjects are presented in the medieval setup.(A miracle
79. ………..is a poem of mourning, spoken by one person only.(Monody)
80. Limerick is a special, often ribald, species of light verse, first popularized
by………(Edward Lear)
81. What is the term used by Emile Zola and Other French Writers to distinguish their
methods from the realism of Balzac and Flaubert?......(Naturalism)
82. Who coined the term “dissociation of sensibility”?............(T.S.Eliot)
83. To get the complete meaning of a poem ontological criticism puts emphasis
on………….and …………..(the texture and the structure)
84. Panegyric is a formal written or oral composition………….(lauding a person)
85. ………is a nuptial song, praying for the joy and prosperity of the bride and the
86. Irving Babbit, Paul Elmer More and Norman Foerter started a reactionary movement
against the excess of Romantic individualism and realistic naturalism of the 1920‟s. What
was the movement called?...............(New Humanism)
87. …….is the device by which non-human and non-living nature is credited with human
emotions.(Pathetic fallacy)
88. ………passage means a sudden heightening of style, which makes a section of work
stand out among the rest.(Purple)
89. ………is the term used to mean a sudden change of fortune in a play or story.(Peripetia)
90. …….means a song, usually of love sung by night under a lady‟s window.(Serenade)
91. “You will leave at once by the town drain”. The transposition of initial sounds such as
this is called………(Spoonerism)
92. The movement in art and literature emphasizing the expression of the imagination as
realized in dreams and presented without conscious control, which developed in France
under the leadership of Andre Breton,is……….(Surrealism)
93. “Kill the boys and the luggage”- this statement, in which “Kill” is incorrectly related to
the second object is a…..(Zeugma)
94. The feet of the syllables in which the unstressed syllable precedes the stressed one is
95. ……has a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable(Trochaic)
96. ….is the feet of three syllables called in which two unstressed syllables precede the
stressed one.(Anapaestic)
97. The pattern of two unaccented syllables following the accented one is
98. In………….the accented syllable comes between the two unaccented(Amphibrachic)
99. Spondaic foot contains two………(stressed syllables)
100. What is the rhyming pattern of Alexander Pope‟s Essay on Man?.....(aa)
101. What is the rhyming pattern of the quatrain used by Keats in La Belle Dame Sans
Merci?.......(abc b)
102. The rhyming patterns of the Spenserian stanza is………….(ababbcbcc)
103. Byron in his Lippo and Keats in Isabella used an eight lined stanza with the rhyming
scheme of abababcc which is called the…..(Italian Stanza)
104. The heroic couplet is written in….(Iambic tetrameter)
105. What is the meter in Longfellow‟s Evangeline, Kingsley‟s Andromeda?........(Dactylic
106. Oscar Wilde‟s novel The Picture of Dorain Gray and his play Salome are representative
literacy products of the………(Decadent movement)
107. ……. is alternatively known as the „Age of sensibility‟(The Age of Johnson)
108. „Affective fallacy‟ was first defined as the error of evaluating a poem by its effects in an
essay published in 1946 by……… and……..(W.K.Wimsatt.Jr and Monroe(.Beardsley))
109. In Dryden‟s Absalom and Achitophel King David represents Charles II, Absalom
represents his natural son the Duke of Monmouth and the biblical plot allegorizes a
political crisis in contemporary England. This is an example of……………..(Allegory)
110. ……..is a short narrative presented so as to stress the implicit but detailed analogy
between its component parts and a lesson or mortal that the narrator is trying to bring
home to the readers.(Parable)
111. An extremely popular device in the middle ages was a story told as a particular instance
of the general text of a sermon is called…….(Exemplum)
112. “Thou still unravished bride of quietness
Thou foster child of silence and slow time”. The repetition of the „i‟ sound in the
above lines is an instance of……….. (assonance)
113. W.H.Auden‟s “O where are you going? Said reader to rider” makes prominent use
114. Alliteration is the repetition of speech sounds in a sequence of nearby words, usually
applied to……..(Consonants only)
115. Allusion in a work of literature is a brief, explicit or indirect reference to….(a person, a
person or event and another literary work)
116. A word coined by fusing together two or more words is called……..(Portmanteau)
117. Alexander Pope‟s description of Atticus in his Epistle to Dr.Arbuthnot, “Willing to
wound,yet afraid to strike” is an example of………(antithesis)
118. The deliberate use of words and expressions that have become obsolete in common
speech is called…………..(archaism)
119. …..was the first to employ in literary criticism the theory of archetype.(Maud Bodkin)
120. The most common stanza form in popular ballads is a quatrain in alternate four and three-
stress iambic lines,in which only the………….(second and fourth lines rhyme)
121. ……is meant by one from which passages considered off ending or indecent have been
expurgated.(Bowdlerized text)
122. A mock epic or mock-heroic poem imitates the elaborate form and ceremonious style of
the epic genre, and applies it to a common place subject matter, while a parody imitates
the serious materials and manner of a ……….(particular work and author)
123. The Hudibrastic poem is named after Hudibras (1863) by ………(Samuel Butler)
124. …….is a variety of low burlesque which, like parody, mocks a particular work by treating
its lofty subject in a jocular and undignified manner.(Travesty)
125. ….is the name for a very common literary motif, especially in lyric poetry, emphasizing
that life is short and time is fleeting and exhorting the addressee, often a reluctant virgin,
to make the present pleasures.(Carpe diem)
126. A character within the play itself who stands apart from the action and by his comments
and provides the audience with a special perspective is called --------- (a choral character
in modern criticism)
127. Mimetic criticism views literary work as an imitation, or reflection of…………(the world
and human life)
128. The phrase “dissociation of sensibility” was introduced by T.S.Eliot with reference
to…….(the metaphysical poets)
129. A drama though written in the dramatic form intended to be read rather than to be
performed in the theater is called………(a closet drama)
130. The dirge also expresses grief on the occasion of death, but differs from the elegy in that
it is……..(short and less format)
131. „The lyric speaker begins by invoking the muses‟. ‟There is a procession of appropriate
mourners. The mourner charges with negligence the nymphs or either guardians of the
dead shepherd‟. These are the characteristic features of a…………( pastoral elegy)
132. Keat‟s expression that he becomes „a poet of all he sees‟reflects his
133. A sudden radiance or revelation while observing a commonplace object is a meaning
134. Replacing a supposedly offensive or disagreeable term by a less direct or less colloquial
term is termed as…….(Euphemism)
135. Language which seems smooth, pleasant and musical to the ear is termed
136. The artistic movement which began in Germany at the start of the twentieth century;
under the strong influence of the Swedish dramatist Strindberg is…….(expressionism)
137. ……..is a medieval form a short comic or satiric tale in verse dealing realistically with
middle-class or lower-class characters and delighting in the ribald and the
138. In rhetoric……. means a decided extension or change in the standard meaning of
139. Burns‟ “O my love‟s like a red, red rose ” is an example of……..(Simile)
140. “The leg of the table ” and ”the heat of the matter” are examples of…….(dead metaphor)
141. …….is used to denote the use of one term to mean another with which it has become
closely associated as „the town‟ stands for „the king‟?......(Metonymy)
142. ……is a part of something used to signify the whole.(Synecdoche)
143. The Greek term „meiosis‟ stands for……(an understatement)
144. A special form of understatement, which asserts an affirmative by negating the contrary
145. The error of interpreting or evaluating a work by reference to the plan or design of the
author is termed as……(intentional fallacy)
146. The kind of irony the intention of which is shared by the author and the reader or
audience but not by the speaker is a case of……..(Structural irony)
147. Socratic irony is a pretention to……….(the ignorance in place of knowledge)
148. What sort of irony do we find in Tristamshandy and Don Juan?(Romantic Irony)
149. Two successive syllables with approximately equal light stresses constitute
150. What is meant by a feminine ending of a line of verse?(Closing with an extra light
151. The ubisunt motif in poetry means the formula for lamenting……….(the past that is no
152. According to the theory of Northrop Frye the four main narrative genres of literature are
comedy, romance, tragedy and……..(irony)
153. The Pindaric ode stanza pattern was in sets of three, the strophe, the antistrophe
and……………..(the epode)
154. ……..means echoing of the sense by the sound, shape, size or movement(Onomatopoeia)
155. A Woman Killed with Kindness-this title is an instance of……(paradox)
156. If the paradoxical utterance combines two terms that in ordinary usage are contraries,
such as ‟pleasing pains‟ and „burning chill‟, it is called an………..(oxymoron)
157. ………….is a play on words that are similar in sound but diverse in meaning.(Pun)
158. ……….is a line or group of lines which is repeated throughout the course of the
159. Out of the three categories of oratory distinguished by Aristotelian critics which one
stands for „display rhetoric‟, used on ceremonial occasions to amplify the praise of a
160. …..is a direct address either to an absent person or to an abstract or inanimate
161. Roman a clef is a French term which literally means….(a novel with a key)
162. ….is a sequence of two phrases or clauses which are parallel in syntax, but with a reverse
in the order of the words.(Chiasmus)
163. Name the literary device in which a single word stands in the same grammatical relation
to two or more other words, but with some alteration in its meaning from one instance to
the next.(Zeugma)
164. Which form of sonnet falls into two main parts: an octave and a sestet?(Petrarchan)
165. The seven line, iambic pentameter stanza rhyming ababbcc is called….(rhyme royal)
166. One of three stock characters of Greek comedy Alazon was….(an imposter and self-
deceiving braggart)
167. …is a self-deprecating but understanding character whose contest with the braggart was
central to the Greek comic plot.(Eiron)
168. According to Northop Frye the style which is modelled on the language, rhythms and
associations of ordinary speech is the……(demotic style)
169. The style in which the members within a sentence or else a sequence of complete
sentences, are put one after the other without any expression of their connection or
relations except the noncommittal connective „and‟, is called……(paratactic)
170. ….is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing.(Rhetoric)
171. ….means the study of verification, especially of metrical structure.(Prosody)
172. „Teach me half the madness‟ is written in….(Iambic pentameter)
173. A stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable in……..(Trochaic foot)
174. One strong or stressed syllable followed by two weak or unstressed syllable
is……(Dactylic foot)
175. Diameter consists of….(two feet)
176. The meter consisting of six feet is called…..(Hexameter)
177. Caesura implies……(Changes of cadence in verse)
178. The Quatrain is a stanza of…….(Four lines)
179. Chaucer in many of his Canterbury tales used…….(The Rime Royal)
180. The Rime Royal is also known as the………..(Chaucerian Stanza)
181. Pleasing effects are sometime achieved by the use of…….(Internal rhyme)
182. „In mist or cloud, on mast or shroud / It perched for vespers nine; Which all the night,
through fog-smoke white,/ Glimmered the white moonshine‟. Which of the following
rhymes is found in these lines?(Internal rhyme)
183. ……is produced by repeating the same vowel sounds in syllables which differ in their
final consonants.(Assonance)
184. „So innocent arch, so cunningly simple‟. The figure of speech used in this line
185. ….is the imaginative use of word or phrase to describe somebody or something as another
object in order to show that they have the same qualities and to make the description more
186. “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweaten this little hand”. Which figure of speech is
used in this line?(Hyperbole)
187. …..is the humorous use of a word that has two meanings.(Pun)
188. Interrogation is also known as…..(Rhetorical question)
189. „It means the use of words the sounds of which suggest the meaning‟. This
190. „Night candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoes on the misty mountain top‟.
Identify the figure of speech in these lines:…….(Circumlocution)
191. It is „a technique in a passage of rhetoric in which a series of phrases or sentences is
arranged in increasing order of forcefulness. „This is the definition of…..(Climax)
192. „The ploughman homeward plods his weary way‟. The figure of speech in this line
is……..(Transferred epithet)
193. Milton‟s Paradise Lost in…….(an Epic)
194. Coleridge‟s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is…..(a ballad)
195. „It is the poet‟s cry from the heart-of joy, of sorrow, fervor, exultation. It follows that
since powerful feelings a of short duration, as an artistic expression of emotion, is short.
„This is the definition of……(lyric)
196. Who for the first time introduced sonnet into English poetry? (William Shakespeare)
197. Sestet is a stanza of….(six lines)
198. A stanza of eight lines is called……..(Octave)
199. Shakespearean sonnet is divided into…..(three quatrains and a couplet)
200. It is „a lyric poem typically in the form of an address, written in varied or irregular meter‟
and it is „generally dignified or exalted in subject, feeling and style‟. This
201. Gray‟s The Progress of Poesy is…….(an ode)
202. In it „the poet, in the guise of a shepherd and in a pastoral setting mourns for a
companion‟. This defines……(An elegy)
203. Japanese lyric verse form „haiku‟ has……..(3 lines)
204. „Haiku‟ has……syllables.(17)
205. Using „the Bard‟ for Shakespeare is an example of….(Antonomasia)
206. The terms „Apollonian‟ and „Dionysian‟, in the current usage, were introduced
207. The poet known for ‟automatic writing‟….(Andre Breton)
208. Archibald MacLeish‟s lines „A poem should not mean/But be‟, act out T.S.Eliot‟s
concept of…..(Autotelic status of poetry)
209. W.H.Auden‟s A certain World is a……….(commonplace book)
210. The distinction between „competence‟ and „performance‟ was made by……..(Noam
chomsky claude)
211. Dueus ex machima literally means…….(the god from a machine)
212. What is common to Boccoccio‟s Deccameron and Mary Shelley‟s Frankenstein? (Frame
213. Geneva school of critics are also known as -------- (New critics)
214. A poetic catalogue of a woman‟s admirable physical features is called -------- (Blazon)
215. The term for a disposition towards escapist daydreaming in which one imagines oneself
as a heroine or hero of a romance and refuses to acknowledge everyday realities --------
216. An unusually far fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt
parallel between two apparently dissimilar thing sor feelings is called -------- (Conceit)
217. An autobiographical mode of verse that reveals the poet‟s personal problems with unusual
frankness is -------- (Confessional poetry)
218. Robert Lowell‟s Life Studies and For the Union Dead are regarded as collection of --------
(Confessional poems)
219. The word „Epistle‟ means -------- (A letter)
220. -------- is a term applied to a real or fictional person after whom a place, thing, institution,
meal, or book is named (Eponymous)
221. Heptametre verse line was -------- (seven feet)
222. An example of eye rhyme is -------- (love / prove)
223. Pentameter verse line is composed of -------- (Five feet)
224. The term „horizon of expectations‟ is associated with -------- (Hans Robert Tauss)
225. The term „implied author‟ was wined by -------- (Wayne C.Booth)
226. The term „implied reader‟ is associated with -------- (Woolfgang Iser)
227. In the semiotics of C.S.Peirce, a sigh that is connected to its object by a concrete
relationship is called -------- (Index)
228. Kunstlerroman is the German term for -------- (New novel)
229. A confused, comically in accurate use of a long word or words is termed --------
230. Nom de flume means -------- (a pen-name)
231. Octosyllabic verse line has -------- (8 syllable)
232. The doctrine of „organic form‟ was promoted in the 19th century by -------- (Coleridge)
233. „Bittersweet‟ and „living death‟ are examples of -------- (Oxymoron)
234. Wordsworth‟s line „the child is the father of the man‟ presents -------- (Paradox)
235. „Paronomasia‟ is another word for -------- (Punning)
236. „Semiotics‟ was founded by -------- (C.S.Peirce)
237. In a linguistic sigh according to Saussure, the relationship between the signifier and the
signified is -------- (Arbitrary)
238. The metre which counts the number of strong stresses in a line, regardless of the number
of unstressed syllables is -------- (Sprung rhythm)
239. The term „Surrealism‟ was first used by -------- (Gjuillaume Apollinaire)
240. What is a „proem‟? (A preface)
241. In Kristeva‟s psychoanalytic theory, „the semiotic‟ is associated with -------- (The
mother‟s body)
242. Limerick is -------- (An English verse form)
243. One of the two most important figures of the negritude movement was -------- (Aime
244. Dylan Thomas‟s „Do not Go Gentle into That Good Night‟ is a -------- (Villanelle)
245. The verse in which the lines are measured according to the number of syllables they
contain, regardless of the number of stresses is called -------- (Alliterative metre)
246. A poem in which the initial letters of each line can be read down the page to spell either
an alphabet a name, some other concealed message is known as -------- (Acrostic)
247. -------- is a two-line stanza having two rhyming lines in Iambic Pentameter. (Heroic
248. -------- means the couplets in which the sense runs on from one couplet to another.
(Enjambed Couplets)
249. -------- has a line of six iambic feet occasionally used in a Heroic couplet (an
250. -------- is a run-on three-line stanza with a fixed rhyme schme (Terza Rima)
251. -------- stanza is a seven-line stanza in iambic pentameter. (Rhyme Royal)
252. -------- is an eight line stanza in Iambic pentameter with a fixed rhyme-scheme. (Ottawa
253. -------- is a nine-line stanza consisting of two quatrains in iambic pentameter rounded off
with an Alexandrine. (Spenserian Stanza)
254. -------- has a metre but no rhyme (Blank verse)
255. Which part of a Miltonic sonnet is called Octave? (The first eight lines of a sonnet)
256. -------- is a comparison between two things which have at least one point common (Smile)
257. -------- is a condensed form of Simile (Metaphor)
258. -------- is an exaggerated statement for the sake of emphasis. (Hyperbole)
259. „The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves‟ is an example of --------
260. „There is kind cruelty in the surgeon‟s knife‟ is an example for -------- (Oxymoron)
261. „Is life worth living? That depends upon the liver‟ is an example for -------- (Pun)
262. „To err is human, to forgive divine‟ is an example for -------- (Antithesis)
263. „O Solitude! Where are thy charms‟ is an example for -------- (Apostrophe)
264. „Oh, he flies through the air with the greatest of ease‟ This line is in -------- (Anapestic
265. Strophe, antistrophe and spode are the components of -------- (Pindaric Ode)
266. The lines „Stern Daughter of the voice of God, O Duty!‟ illustrate : -------- (Apostrophe)
267. The line „Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang‟ contains feet that are --------
268. „The Grizzly bear is huge and wild‟. This line is in -------- (Iambic metre)
269. „When I consider how my light is spent…‟ is an example of -------- (Metonymy)
270. The verse in The Canterbury Tales consists of -------- (Rhymed couplets)
271. By „Pathetic fallacy‟ is meant -------- investing objects with human emotions)
272. If you say „contagious countries‟ instead of „contiguous countries‟, you will be making a
mistake known as -------- (Malapropism)
273. „Affective fallacy‟ is defined as the error of juding -------- (A Work by its effects on the
274. T.S.Eliot uses the term „objective correlative‟ in -------- (Hamlet and His problems)
275. „Metaphysical conceit‟ is basically -------- (A Simile)
276. The repetition of similar vowel sounds is called -------- (Assonance)
277. Imagery is defined as the process of making thought vivid by presenting it to the mind in
the form of images which -------- (Stimulates the senses)
278. The term „Lampoon‟ stands for an insulting attack written in verse or prose on -------- (a
real person)
279. The Gothic novel and Pre-Raphealitism are the examples of -------- (Medievalism)
280. „Epilogue‟ is generally appended to the conclusion of a -------- (drama)
281. A Confessional writer is supposed reveal his private thoughts regarding such personal
matters as -------- (sex, religion and politics)
282. „Eclogue‟ stands for a short poem forming a dialogue between -------- (the Shephards)
283. Who is the originator of the literary device „epic simile‟? (Homer)
284. Which term is used for a short play which is interposed between the courses of a feast or
the acts of a long play? (Interlude)
285. The test of a good lyric is -------- (sincerity)
286. In which figure of speech do we have parallel grammatical constructions with opposing
ideas of things? (Antithesis)
287. Who invented the term „Comic-epic‟ in prose? (Henry Fielding)
288. -------- is rather a term of abuse which is applied to rough, poorly constructed trivial
verse, characterized by strong monotonous rhythm, lacking in dignity. (Doggerel)
289. „Epic theatre‟ was developed by -------- (Bertolt Brecht)
290. -------- is a form of drama which narrates rather than represents, rejects Aristotelean
conventions of unities, appeals more to intellect than to emotion. (Epic Theatre)
291. Poetry is classified as epic, narrative or dramatic an the basis of -------- (Manner of
292. A short singing poem, which exoresses a single emotion usually personal, is known as ----
---- (lyric)
293. „Metaphor‟ is an important figure of speech used for -------- (indirect form of
294. -------- means a literary work, that ends on a happy note. (Comedy)
295. „Dirge‟ is a piece of music which suits to the -------- (funeral)
296. -------- is usually defined as a long narrative poem. (An Epic)
297. In an „Interlude‟ the emphasis is on -------- (rough and puerile fun)
298. -------- stands for a semi-dramatic courtly form of entertainment, had the elements of
poetic drama and music, dance and song, lavish costume and stage effects. (Masque)
299. Which literary genre means a short poem with a witty or ingenious turn of thought?
300. -------- is a unique literary genre which comically employs ina prose work all the epic
devices such as invocation, epic-similes, solemnity of purpose. (Comic Epic)
301. „Dream Allegory‟ is a type of medieval -------- in the form of a dream. (Verse-romance)
302. Which term is used when the idealized passages of rural life express the purity of
happiness, innocence, contentment and devotion? (Idyll)
303. Who is not a member of the „kit-cat-club‟? (Alexander Pope)
304. „Medievalism‟ as a literary term, implies the imitation thought, sensibility, theme and
style of -------- (Middle Ages)
305. The term „Medievalism‟ was first used by -------- (Ruskin)
306. A far-fetched meteaphor of simile, which generally ypresents a surprising similarity
between two apparently dissimilar things or feelings, is known as -------- (Conceit)
307. -------- is a short piece of silent action which is included in a play to symbolize the
significance of what is shortly going to take place. (Dumb Show)
308. Invocation means an appeal for -------- (divine inspiration to the Muse)
309. Invocation is generally made by an epic poet at the -------- (beginning of an epic)
310. Who started the convention of Invocation? (Homer in his Iliad)
311. -------- is the comic diverting element in a serious tragic work, especially a dramatic
work, which relieves the tension and heightens the impact of the tragic scene. (Comic
312. -------- is an extended simile which is highly suggestive (Epic simile)
313. Imagery helps in translating -------- (the abstract into concrete)
314. -------- is a performance, usually of some pre-arranged text or scenario, by actors for an
audience. (Drama)
315. -------- is a short dramatic piece, generally an adaptation, which is accompanied by music
and dancing, creates comic or farcial effect. (Droll)
316. -------- which involves caricature and ridicule, is often differentiated from satire on the
ground that it is personal, unjust, motivated by malice (Lampoon)
317. A play with song and music interspersed is known as -------- (melodrama)
318. Who originated the genre „Melodrama‟? (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
319. Conflict forms the essence of a -------- (Drama)
320. Which form of poetry mourns the lamentation over some one dead? (Elegy)
321. „Verse de societe‟ (Playfully) deals with the frivolous concerns of -------- (upper class
social life)
322. The essence of the Imagist poetry was -------- (concentration)
323. „Limerick‟ is a form of comic-verse consisting of -------- lines (5)
324. „Limerick‟ form was popularized by -------- (Edward Lear)
325. Which literary form is meant to be read in a closet, rather than acted upon the stage?
(Closet drama)
326. Which term denotes the final resolution of all conflicts in the last act or scene of a play?
327. Who enriched the quality of „Empathy‟ in abundant measures? (Keats)
328. In which figure of speech, two different nouns are governed by a verb or an adjective in
the same sentence? (Zeugma)
329. Which one is a silent form of drama? (Pantomine)
330. Which one is known as the „irregular ode‟? (Cowleyan ode)
331. Cowleyan ode was established by -------- (Abraham Cowley)
332. Alliteration, the repetition of a speech, sound in a sequence of words, is usually applied
only to -------- (Consonants)
333. -------- is a form of dramatic writing which treats ugly subjects like death, disease and
warfare with bitter amusement (Black Comedy)
334. The term „epiphany‟ was coined by -------- (James Joyce)
335. Who said „Fiction is to the grown up man what play is to the child‟? (R.L.Stevenson)
336. -------- is a figure of speech containing exaggeration or extravagance of statement for the
purpose of emphasis, rhetorical effect, intensity. (Hyperbole)
337. As compared to „aside‟, „monologue‟ stands out for its -------- (length and relative
338. When, in the end of any literary work, the good gets the reward and the bad one is
punished, which term is used -------- (poetic justice)
339. John Keats‟ Ode to Autumn is a -------- Ode (Horatian)
340. Assonance is the repetition of identical -------- (Vowel sounds)
341. The term „Bourgeios drama‟ describes a genre of dramatic literature which deals with the
social problems of -------- life (middle class)
342. The most successful practitioner of the Horatian Epistle was -------- (Pope)
343. The movement called „Futurism‟ was founded by -------- (Filippo Marinetti)
344. -------- stands for comical sensibility in people and situations. Such a sensibility may be
visual, verbal, inherent in a combination of events. (Humour)
345. „Monologue‟ is distinguished from „soliloquy‟ by the fact that it is -------- (Addressed to
346. The use of uncommon words and phrases in poetry is known as -------- (poetic diction)
347. Which term is used for the attraction of a male child towards his mother? (Oedipus
348. -------- is a reference to a person, place or event or to another literary work without
explicit identification. (Allusion)
349. The term -------- denotes the splitting of the word at the end of a verse line. (Broken
350. Which form of novel contains an exchange of letters between characters? (Epistolary)
351. In Italy, „Futurism‟ gave birth to -------- literature. (fascist)
352. Two consecutive lines of iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme aa, bb is known as ---
----- (heroic couplet)
353. Eight line stanza of iambic pentameter rhyming aaababcc is known as -------- (Ottava
354. Who introduced „ottava rima‟ into English? (Thomas Wyatt)
355. Which one dramatizes the domestic situation of a middle class family in a melodramatic
manner? (Soap Opera)
356. Who is not a well-known exponent of „aphorism‟? (James Joyce)
357. „Baroque‟ refers to a type of writing that creates -------- (Subtle and unusual effects)
358. The song sung before the bridal chamber is called -------- (epithalamion)
359. Who gave the „Restoration comedy of Manners‟ the name of „Genteel comedy‟?
360. Which type of novel paints the society and the life of the past and not of the
contemporary times? (Historical)
361. „He is deadly alive‟ is an example of -------- (Oxymoron)
362. Which one is known as the Regular ode? (Epode)
363. Which Odes were generally written for public occasions? (Pindaric Odes)
364. Avant garde, a term of Military origin, implies -------- (innovation in literature)
365. As a literary genre, „Biography‟ which means a written account of a person‟s life, became
popular during the second half of the --------century (17th)
366. In novels, -------- are often intended to round off the stories and emphasise their morals.
367. The term „fiction‟ which is broadly applied to the narrative literature invented by the
author‟s imagination, now stands for only -------- (novel and short story)
368. The term „hero‟ in modern times, roughly refers to the -------- (protagonist)
369. „Naturalism‟ in literature was a reaction against the subjectivism and imaginative
escapism of the romantic school who introduced this term? (Emile Zola)
370. „Novel‟ is the -------- of the literary forms (Youngest)
371. A four-lines stanza having any rhyme scheme is known as -------- (quatrain)
372. Which one of the following is based on the sound in sense theory? (Onomatopoeia)
373. The „Autobiography‟ is the literature of self-revelation in the form of -------- (a journal, a
diary, and an essay)
374. „Carpe Diem‟ motif is mainly found in -------- poetry. (Elizabethan and Cavalier)
375. Who place the individual man at the centre of their picture of the universe?
376. Which one had vainladies and foppies lovers as their characters? (Genteel comedy)
377. Who first coined the term The Theatre of the Absurd in 1961? (Martin Esslin)
378. „Purposelessness‟, „lack of harmony‟, „sense of futility‟ are the characteristics of --------
(The theatre of the absurd)
379. The term „The Theatre of the Absurd‟ wa philosophically based on -------- (Myth of
380. Myth of Sisyphus (1942) was written by -------- (Albert camus)
381. Terence and Plautus were two name related to -------- (Academic Drama)
382. Academic dramas were popular in -------- century (16th)
383. Acmeism, an anti-symbolist movement, flourished during the -------- century (20th)
384. The origin of the Acmeism movement was in -------- (Russia)
385. Who are the members of Acmeism movement? (A.Akhmatova, S.Gordetsky, N.Gumilev
and O.Mandelstam)
386. A play is generally divided into -------- Acts. (5)
387. Who made the practice of 4 Acts plays? (Ibsen)
388. „Art for Art‟s sake‟ is the basis of -------- (Aestheticism)
389. Who were the Aesthetic philosophers of German Romantic movement? (Kant, Schelling,
Goithe and Schiller)
390. Who coined the phrase „Tart Pour I‟art‟? (Benjamin Constant)
391. Who were the chief supporters of Aestheticism? (Baudelaire, Flaubert, Mallarme)
392. The French aestheticism was brought into England by -------- (Walter Pater)
393. -------- means the emotional effects upon the mind of the reader. (Affective Fallacy)
394. Who defined the term „Affective Fallacy‟? (Wimsatt and Beardsley)
395. This term was defined in „The Verbal Icon‟ which was published in -------- (1954)
396. A device by which a writer tells one thing under the guise of another is known as --------
397. -------- means playing with any familiar person, event, legant or idea or an oblique hint to
something in passing, without explicity mentioning it. (Allusion)
398. Which term is used when the event or person is historically incorrect? (Anachronism)
399. The principla character who opposes the hero or the protoginist in the drama or novel is
known as -------- (Antagonist)
400. A literary form, which describes the physical and psychological details and avoids any
expression of author‟s personality, is known as -------- (Anti-novel)
401. Who used this term „literary form‟ first? (Nathalie Sarraute)
402. This term was first used in the year -------- (1957)
403. To evoke maximum excitement with minimum information is the chief characteristic of --
------ (Anti-drama)
404. The exponents of the Acmeism insisted that the poetry should be -------- (more concrete
and lucid)
405. Oscar Wilde is known as the prophet of the -------- (aestheticism)
406. Kant, Schelling, Goethe and Schiller are known as the advocates of -------- (German
Romantic movement)
407. „Aesop‟s Fable‟ falls under the category of -------- (allegory)
408. The well known example of Allegorys are -------- (Pilgrim‟s progress, Animal Farm, Lord
of the Files)
409. Which one betrays a spiritual or moral lesson under a familiar story at the surface level?
410. „Life is born of death‟ is an example of -------- (Paradox)
411. Which literary device is used to have a mocking imitation of a serious literary work?
412. A literary work which deals with the innocent lives of Shephards and Shepherdesses is
known as -------- in form. (Pastoral)
413. When some human emotions or feelings are ascribed to an inanimate natural object, the
term used is -------- (Pathetic fallacy)
414. Who coined the phrase „pathetic fallacy‟? (Ruskin)
415. In which figure of speech some human characteristic are given to non-human organisms?
416. Which form of novel is known as a novel of the road? (Picaresque)
417. The principal parts / elements that go to build up a novel are -------- (characters and
incidents, action, time and place of action)
418. An excellent instance of a well-knit plot is -------- (Fielding‟s Tom Jones)
419. The well-known instance of the „novel of action‟ is -------- (Stevenson‟s Treasure Island)
420. -------- is a fictional form which has a complicated web woven around and incident which
is altimately unraveled. (Novel of Action)
421. -------- is the type of novel in which events are designed in such a manner that they throw
maximum light on the characters, in which the characters are mostely static. (Novel of
422. Donne and his followers were christened „Metaphysical poets‟ by -------- (Dr.Johnson)
423. The famous phrase : „Donne affects the metaphysics not only in his satires but also in his
amorous verses‟ is by -------- (Dryden)
424. The qualities attributed to -------- were that they were ment of learning and made a
pedantic display of their strange knowledge. (Donne‟s school of thought)
425. -------- implies intellectual flight and a blend of passion and thought, wit and foar-fetched
conceits, logical analysis and mystricism (Metaphysical Poetry)
426. The hallmarks of „Metaphysical poetry‟ are -------- (Scholasticism, Obscurity,
427. Which one is not a well-known „metaphysical poet‟? (Ben Jonson)
428. The influential essay The Metaphysical Poets has been written by -------- (T.S.Eliot)
429. It is said that because of T.S.Eliot‟s influenctial essay The Metaphysical Poets esteem for
„Metaphysical poetry‟ grew high in -------- (1930s and 1940s)
430. The term -------- stands for the pattern of measured sound units recurring more of less
regularly in a line of verse. (Metre)
431. The principal metrical systems are supposed to be -------- (Four)
432. The „Quantitative metre‟ with its pattern in the form of a sequence of long and short
syllables which are counted in groups known as „feet‟ is used in -------- (Greek and Latin
433. The „Syllabic Metre‟ with its pattern comprising a fixed number of syllables in a line, is
used in -------- (French and Japanese Poetry)
434. The „accentual metre‟ with its pattern comprising a regular number of stressed syllables
in a line regardless of the number of unstressed syllables, is found in -------- (Old English
435. The „accentual syllabic metre‟ with its pattern consisting of a regular number of stressed
syllables arranged within a fixed total number of syllables in a line, is found in the most
of the -------- verse. (English)
436. The metre which is most common in English poetry is -------- (Accentual syllabic metre)
437. The normal group of syllables in English are -------- (iambic, anapaestic, trochaic)
438. A metre line is further named according to the number of „feet‟ composing it. As such
„Pentametre‟ has -------- feet (5)
439. „Hexametre‟ which was the most popular ancient measure, consists of -------- feet. (6)
440. Almost the whole of modern English poetry has been dominated by -------- (iambic
441. It is believed that all literary and artistic activity was set at rest during -------- age
442. The term -------- stands for a period of about 1000 years in European history. (Middle
443. The term „mime‟ which denotes a type of drama in which an actor tells a story by means
of gestures, originated in -------- (ancient Greek and Rome)
444. As a literary genre, „Mime‟ developed in Sicily and Southern Italy and the well-known
composers of Mimes have been -------- (Sophron, Plautus, Horace)
445. The chief ingredients of mime during the early period were -------- (imitation, ribaldry,
446. In recent times, the artists who have brought mime to the attention of audiences all over
the world are -------- (Jean Louis Barranlt, Marcel Marcean)
447. -------- is the name given to the drama which dramatized the lives of saints, devine
miracles, the stories from scriptures. (Miracle plays)
448. The Bibical subject matter and expanded it with the help of elaborate settings‟ is the
salient features of -------- (Miracle plays)
449. The „Miracle Plays‟ flourished in England from about the -------- (12th to 16th century)
450. Derived from old French „Mocquer‟ meaning „to decide‟ the term -------- stands for a
satirical poem dealing with a trivial subject. (Mock-epic)
451. „It treats a trivial subject and theme in a lofty manner and creates ridiculous effect. It
employs supernatural machinery of the epic‟ are the main characteristics of --------
(Mock epic)
452. One of the earliest instances of a mock-epic poem in literature is believed to be --------
(The Battle of Frog and Mice)
453. The first successful example of a truly mock-heroic poem is believed to be -------- (The
Rape of the Bucket by Tassoni)
454. The credit for the master piece of mock-epic in English tongue goes to -------- (The Rape
of the Lock by Pope)
455. The term „Modernism‟ is a complex and diverse movement in literature which arose as a
reaction against -------- (realism and naturalism)
456. The best example of „Novel of Character‟ is supposed to be -------- (Thackeray‟s Vanity
457. The well known flat characters who form an integaral part of the „Novel of character‟ are
-------- (Becky sharp, Amelia, Sedley, Rawden Cawley)
458. What is the other name for „Novel of Manners‟? (Social Novel)
459. The -------- is that which aims at giving us a faithful picture of a particular society or age.
(Novel of Manners)
460. The famous „Novel of Manners‟ are -------- (Pamela, Tom Jones, Vanity Fair)
461. When the words or phrases in poetry or prose flow in a systematic way, it means --------
462. In which literary form, the idealized characters perform some improbable adventures in a
far-distant setting? (Romance)
463. A lyric, which has three stanzas of uneven length, is known as -------- (rondeau)
464. Which term is used when sexual pleasure is derived by inflicting psychological or
physical pain on the victim? (Sadism)
465. In which literary form a legendary hero of the past performs some wonderful adventures
and makes some heroic achievements? (Saga)
466. Who coined the term „Sensuousness‟? (Milton)
467. In which figure of speech, a comparison is made between two unlike things? (Simile)
468. „He faught bravely as a lion‟ is an example of -------- (Simile)
469. Who criticized Coleridge lfor the latter‟s lack of Negative capability? (Keats)
470. The rpime example of the Negative capability as viewed by Keats was --------
471. Keats‟ statement „with a great poet, the sense of beauty over comes every other
consideration or rather obliterates all consideration‟ sums up his idea of -------- (negative
472. The credit for providing the impetus for the greatest creative Renaissance of the 20th
century goes to -------- (Medernism)
473. -------- has reflected the impact of psychology of Freud, the anthropology of Sir.J.Frazer,
Einstien‟s Principles of Relativeity. (Modernism)
474. „The Complexity of style, form and complex allusions‟ „the stream of consciousness‟ are
the salient features of -------- (Modernism)
475. The term -------- in literary usuage, means a prolonged speech by one of the principal
characters. (monologue)
476. „Monologue‟ can be used in -------- (a poem, a play, a novel)
477. The terms „Onomatopoeia‟ and „oxymoron‟ come from -------- (Greek)
478. Who used the term „Objectivism‟ for the first time? (William Carlos Williams)
479. Which phrase is used when the thoughts, feelings and memories flow continuously in the
waking mind? (Stream of Consciousness)
480. In which theatrical convention, the words spoken by a character on the stage, are --------
(heard by the audience but not by other characters on the stage)
481. The term adopted from unrhymed Greeks and Latin heroic verse and introduced in Italy
in 16th century is known as -------- (Blank verse)
482. Which literary form is a poem in the form of a letter to a friend or patroh? (Epistle)
483. Verse is a kind of verse which has a kind of stress called -------- (Strophic rhythm)
484. -------- is a kind of verse which defines the usual conventions of verification (Free Verse)
485. „Free Verse‟ retains such poetic devices as -------- (alliteration, assonance and balance)
486. Which one is a short form of „Opera‟? (Operetta)
487. „A set of objects, a situation, a chain of events which shall be the formula for the poet‟s
emotion, so that when the external facts are given, the emotion is at once evoked‟ is
known as -------- (objective correlative)
488. A seven-line decasyllabic stanza in Iambic pentameter with the rhyme scheme aba, bbcc,
is known as -------- (Rhyme royal)
489. Which one is known as the „musical comedy‟? (Operetta)
490. -------- is a theatrical art, dance form, allied to music (Ballet)
491. Louis XIV was a noted -------- (Ballet dancer)
492. The term -------- implies adherence to the classical principles of „excellence‟ such as
balance and unity, proportion and restraint, noble simplicity and quiet grandeur.
493. In which figure of speech, the contradictory words are put together? (Oxymoron)
494. Louis Zukofsky, Marianne Moore, Wallace stevens are the followers of --------
495. When the language is analysed from the point of view of structure the system is known as
-------- (Structuralism)
496. The earliest English autobiographical works are mainly in -------- (Verse)
497. „Beatniks‟ a loosely knit group of American writers centered in -------- and -------- (San
Francisco, New York)
498. -------- cherished a rootless manner of living. (Beatniks)
499. The term „classic‟ stands for a work of the -------- rank. (highest)
500. -------- which was originally an interlude, is now referred to any play which evokes roars
of laughter through exaggerated physical action and absured situation. (Farce)
501. The „Mystery play‟ is the name given to the -------- plays performed usually in groups.
502. In which form of poetry the speaker is imagined to be addressing a silent audience?
(Dramatic monologue)
503. When the poets seek for the liberty with the rules of grammar and diction to comply with
the metrical requirements, this means that they are demanding for -------- (poetic licence)
504. Who used the term „Oedipus complex‟ for the first time? (Sigmund Freud)
505. Which term stands for a vague or equivocal expression? (Ambiguity)
506. The term -------- means a literary work which in a satiric manner parodies a serious work.
507. The term -------- stands for an ornately florid and mazy style of writing which is
alliterative, antithetical and embellished with elaborate similes and metaphors.(Euphuism)
508. According to Northrop Frye, an eminent and influenctial myth critic, the four main
narrative genres namely comedy, Romance, Tragedy and satire are displaced modes of
the elemental forms of myths associated with the seasonal cycle of -------- (Spring,
Summer, Autumn, Winter)
509. Various types of „Monologues‟ are -------- (soliloques, aside, dramatic monologue)
510. When a word suggests two or more different meanings, the device, used is -------- (Pun)
511. How much time is granted for a one-act play? (30 minutes)
512. „Atticism‟ is the style of -------- orators. (Greeks and Roman)
513. The term -------- represents a pause in a line of verse dictated by a natural rhythm of
language. (Caesura)
514. „Existentialims‟ pertains to a school of thought that found expression in the post-war
writings of -------- (Sartre, Marcel, Camus)
515. Who coined the phrase „Negative Capability‟? (Keats)
516. Developed in the 18th century, the term „novel‟ stands for a fictitious narrative -------- (in
prose of some length and complexity)
517. -------- means a quick witty exchange of word between two characters. (Repartee)
518. „The clock tick spoke with castanet clicks‟ is an example of -------- (onomatopoeia)
519. The term -------- which originally meant a song to which one could dance. (Ballad)
520. The term „ballad‟ stands for a -------- (Narrative verse of unknown authorship)
521. „Song composed for the delight and instruction of the people‟ stands for -------- (Ballad)
522. The Cavalier poets generally wrote in praise of -------- (wine, women, the king)
523. -------- stands for a literary production especially dramatic, which is influenced by
extravagance. (Extravaganza)
524. Such „Extravaganza‟ dramatic productions were a mixture of -------- (fairy-tale, ballet,
525. Who did not protest against the Oxford Movement -------- (keble)
526. Who is the introducer of the term „Objective correlative‟? (T.S.Eliot)
527. In which device a character alone on the stage, reveals his inner thoughts, feelings and
motives to the spectators? (Soliloquy)
528. Which term draws its theory form the school of comparative anthropology and the
psycho-analytical theory of C.G.Jung? (Archetype)
529. The term „Archetype‟ treats the psychology of the -------- (race)
530. -------- a term of Greek origin achieves a sudden anti-climax. (Bathos)
531. „Chronicle plays‟ dramatise the -------- (historical events)
532. -------- is a short amusing tale in verse which deals with the incidents of everyday life.
533. „Fablian‟ is a short amusing tale in verse which satirizes -------- (Women and clergy)
534. „Fablian‟ is a short amusing tale verse in which it is often -------- (cynical, obscene and
535. How is a study of word structure called? (Morphology)
536. Which figure of speech is used in the following lines. „Thou still unravished bride of
quietness / Thou foster child of silence and slow time‟ (Assonance)
537. Which of the following concerned with praising someone? (Panegyric)
538. „His honour rooted in dishonour stood and unfaithful kept him falsely true‟ is an example
of -------- (Oxymoron)
539. „Like a high-born maiden / In a palace tower‟ the figure of speech in these lines is --------
540. Browning‟s The Ring and the Book which is a collection of dramatic monologues is
written in -------- (Blank verse)
541. „She has a heart of stone‟ is an example of -------- (Metaphor)
542. „In a somer seson, when soft was the sonne‟ is an example of -------- (Alliteration)
543. Keats‟s Isabella is written in -------- (Ottava Rima)
544. Wordsworth in The Solitary Reaper addresses an inanimate entity as „Behold her, single
in the field‟ / Yon solitary Highland lass!‟. This address is an example of --------
545. The rhyme scheme of Ottava Rima is -------- (aba ba bcc)
546. „The Chair she sat in, like a burnished throne Glowed on the marble‟. In this example
T.S.Eliot gives expression to Helen of Troy. This is an example of -------- (Allusion)
547. The rhyme scheme of roundel is -------- (ab baa b ab abb aa)
548. „And never lifted up a single stone‟ is an example of -------- (understatement)
549. T.S.Eliot‟s The Waste Land is written in -------- (Blank verse)
550. Out of this house - said rider to reader / Yours never will - said farer to fearer / In this
example the repetition of a sequence of consonants takes place. Which figure of speech is
used in this example. (Onomatopoeia)
551. Octameter consists of -------- (eight feet)
552. „Nay if you read this line, remember not / The hand that writes it‟. In this example hand
means the whole man. This is an example of -------- (Synecdoche)
553. Milton‟s sonnet rhyme scheme is -------- (abba abba cd cd cd)
554. „The child is a father of the man‟ is an example of -------- (Parodox)
555. Which figure of speech is also known as Echoim? (Onomatopoeia)
556. „The one red leaf, the last of its That dances as often as dance it can‟ this is an example of
-------- (Pathetic Fallacy)
557. Villanelle is a poem of -------- (nineteen lines)
558. „Kill the boys and the luggage‟ in this example the use of a single word kill stands in the
same grammatical relation to boys and luggage. This is an example of -------- (Zeugma)
559. Blank verse in English was introduced by -------- (Surrey)
560. Elizabeth Barrett Browning‟s sonnets from the Portuguese is an example of --------
(Sonnet sequence)
561. Tercet consists of -------- (three lines)
562. „He is not the brightest man in the world‟. In this example the expression is an affirmative
by denying its opposite. This is the example of -------- (Litotes)
563. „Not all the perfumes of Arabia will sweeten my little hand‟ is an example of --------
564. In which figure of speech a phrase combines two words that seem to be the opposite of
each other? (Oxymoron)
565. „And I would that my tongue could utter / The thoughts that arise in me‟ In this line the
tongue means whole man. This is an example of -------- (Synecdoche)
566. In Greek the word, metonymy, is used for a -------- (change of name)
567. Keats‟s „ode to the west wind‟ addresses wind as „O wind if winter comes, can spring be
far behind‟? this line is an example of -------- (Rhetorical Question)
568. „Marriage has many pains but celibacy has no pleasure‟ is an example of --------
569. „The moon of doves in immemorial elms / And murmuring of innumerable bees‟ In these
lines the repititon of nasal sound /m/ is an example of -------- (Onomatopoeia)
570. Shelley‟s Adonais is written in -------- (Spenserian stanza)
571. Ballad stanza consists of -------- (four lines)
572. The petrarchan sonnet is introduced into England by -------- (Wyatt)
573. Blank verse is unrhymed verse written in -------- (Iambic pentameter)
574. Shakespeare‟s The Rape of Lucrece is written in -------- (Rhyme Royal)
575. Geoffrey chaucer‟s The Canterbury Tales is written in -------- (Heroic Couplet)
576. „I said, when first the world began / Young Nature thro‟ five cycles ran, / And in the sixth
she moulded man‟ These lines are an example of -------- (Tercet)
577. Octosyllabic couplet has lines of -------- (eight syllables)
578. Tetrameter is a line of verse containing -------- (four feet)
579. „I wandered lonely as a cloud‟ is an example of -------- (Simile)
580. Octave is a stanza of -------- (Eight lines)
581. Identify the rhyme pattern of the Shakespearean sonnet (abab cdcd efef gg)
582. The statement poetry is the language of paradox is associated with -------- (Cleanth
583. Heptameter is a line of verse containing -------- (7 feet)
584. -------- implies a break between words within a metricalfoot or a pause in the middle of a
line. (Caesura)
585. -------- means those feet which end with a stressed syllable. (Rising Measure)
586. The meter consisting of six feet is called -------- (Hexameter)
587. Diameter consists of -------- (Two feet)
588. One strong or stressed syllable followed by two weak or unstressed syllables is --------
(Da ctylic foot)
589. A stressed syllabic followed by an unstressed syllable is -------- (Trochaic foot)
590. „Teach me half the madness‟ is written in -------- (Anapaestic tetrameter)
591. -------- means the study of versification especially of metrical structure (Prosody)
592. -------- is the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing (Rhetoric)
593. If I should die, think only this of me‟. Who wrote this line? (Brooke)
594. Who are the Decadents? (Oscar Wilde, Aubrey Beardsley, Rupert Brooke)
595. Which poem of Kipling was considered an offence of democracy? (A Servant when he
596. Who said „French is the only modern language fit for literature‟? (Concrod)
597. Who is the writer of the poem Vagabond? (Masefield)
598. Which poet is said to be a poet of multitudes? (Whitman)
599. Who is the writer of The Good companions? (J.B.Priestley)
600. Which poet is said to be a catalogue writer? (Auden)
601. Who wrote „I must – I will – I can – I ought – I do‟? (R.B.Sheridan)
602. Who is the writer of the line: „Look back, and smile at perils past‟? (Scott)
603. Who said „I am the grass, I cover all‟? (Sandburg)
604. „There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval‟. Who said these words?
(George Santayana)
605. Who said the following words „To be alone is the fate of all great minds‟? (Arthur
606. P.G.Woodehouse is generally known as a -------- (Funny man of contemporary literature)
607. When did Housman die? (1936)
608. Who was the chief co-founder of the (Irish) Abbey Theatre with W.B.yeats? (Lady
609. When was The Wind Among the Reeds written? (1899)
610. In which play does the character „Maura‟ occur? (Riders to the sea)
611. In which poem does the line „Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting‟ occur? (Ode on
Intimations of Immortality)
612. The Way of All Flesh was written by -------- (Butler)
613. Who said „From forty to fifty a man is at heart either a stoic or a satyr‟? (Sir Arthur
614. Who said „Nothing can harm a good man, either in life or after death‟? (Socrates)
615. Who said about Jawaharlal Nehru „Thus there energes the image of Nehru as a humanist,
full of the deepest tenderness for men everywhere, a polytheist who accepted all the gods
of the world, a universalist‟? (Mulk Raj Anand)
616. In which book did Jawaharlal Nehru quote the following words of Goethe: „If the Romans
were great enough to invent things like that, we at least shoud he great enough to believe
them‟? (The Discovery of India)
617. In which book do the following words appear? „The mass of men lead dead lives of quiet
desperation‟ (Walden)
618. Who wrote „The dropping of rain hollows out of a stone‟? (Ovid)
619. Who said „He comes too near that comes to be denied‟? (Overbury)
620. Who wrote the following lines „My subject is war, and the pity of war. The poetry is in
the pity‟? (Wilfred Owen)
621. To whom is the statement „Lacus were made to be broken‟ originally ascribed --------
(Christopher North (John Wilson))
622. Who gave the definition of a gentleman as „One who never inflicts pain‟? (Newman)
623. Who is stated to have called Turkey „a seriously sick man‟? (Nicholas I of Russia)
624. Who said „I teach you the superman. Man is something that is to be surpassed‟?
625. By which character is the following line in Shakespeare‟s Julius Caesar spoken? „I‟m
weltarmed in honesty‟ (Brutus)
626. Who wrote the following line „Our swords shall play the orators for us‟? (Marlowe)
627. In which book do the following lines appear „thou art fairer than the evening air clad in
the beauty of a thousand stars? (Dr.Faustus)
628. Who used the term „The perpetual struggle for room and food‟? (Maithus)
629. Who wrote „We are hollow men‟? (Eliot)
630. Who said „My essays come home, to men‟s business and bosoms‟? (Bacon)
631. Who wrote The Advancement of Learning? (Bacon)
632. Which part of a Miltonic Sonnet is called Octave? (The first eight lines of a sonnet)
633. In which book do the following lines occur. „Around the ancient track marched, rank on
rank, the army of unalterable law‟? (Love in Ilie Valley by George Meredith)
634. Who is the writer of the following lines „Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world
with a song. Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong‟? (John Maselield)
635. When was Somerset Maugham born? (1874)
636. -------- means a line of six iambic feet occasionally used in a heroic couplet?
637. -------- means the couplets in which the sense runs on from one couplet to another
(Enjambed couplets)
638. Elegy is a form of -------- (Relective poetry)
639. „Full fathom five thy father lies‟. Identify the figure of speech in this line --------
640. Who considered that rhyme is „no necessary adjunct or true ornament of a poem or good
verse‟? (Milton)
641. Wordsworth‟s Ode on Immortality and the Tintern Abbey are two of the finest examples
of -------- (Reflective poetry)
642. „In it the poet, in the guise of a shepherd and in a pastoral setting, mourns for a
companion‟. This defines -------- (A pastoral elegy)
643. Gray‟s The Progress of Poesy is -------- (an Ode)
644. Who for the first time introduced sonnet into English poetry? (Wyatt and Surrey)
645. „It means the use of words the sounds of which suggest the meaning‟ This defines --------
646. Interrogation is also known as -------- (Rhetorical question)
647. -------- rhyme repeats end sounds precisely (Exact)
648. Most rhyme occurs at the end of the line and is called -------- (Terminal rhyme)
649. -------- rhyme comes at the beginning of a line (Initial)
650. -------- rhyme combines internal and end end rhyme to give a long-line couplet the effect
of a short line quatrain. (Crossed or interlaced)
651. A feminine rhyme, since it involves two syllables, is also known as a -------- (Double
652. A rhyme involving three syllables is called a -------- (Triple rhyme)
653. If the correspondence of the rhymed sounds is exact, it is called -------- (Perfect rhyme)
654. Perfect rhyme is also known as -------- (full or true rhyme)
655. Imperfect rhyme is also known as -------- (partial or slant rhyme)
656. Spenserian stanza is a longer form devised by -------- (Edmund Spenser)
657. „A Daniel come to judgement!‟ which figure of speech is used in this line from
Shakespeare‟s The Merchant of Venice? (Synecdoche)
658. „The or bad the gifts of fortune gain; But these less taste them, as they worse obtain‟ these
lines are in -------- (Couplet)
659. Dactylic metre is also known as -------- (Dactylic dimeter)
660. Which of the following stanzas consists of eight iambic pentameters with a hexameter?
(Spenserian stanza)
661. How far that little candle throws his beams! / So shines a good deed in a kaughty world‟
which figure of speech is used in the lines? (Simile)
662. Identify the figure of speech in the following line : Roll on, thou deep and dark, blue sea,
roll‟ (Apostrophe)
663. „A rich nature runs either to herbs or weeds therefore, let him seasonally water the one
and destroy the other‟ identify the figure of speech inthie sentence?(Antithesis)
664. „Know thyself, presume not God to scan; proper study of mankind is man. Which figure
of speech used in this couplet? (Epigram)
665. Which figure of speech is used in the following lines? „Yet oft a sigh prevails and sorrows
fall, To see the hoard of human bliss so small‟ (Litotes)
1. Poetry is generall y in _____ (verse) form.
2. A kind of literature in which imagination, emotion and fancy
predominate is _____ ( poetry).
3. Who called poetry a „Metrical composition‟? (Dr.Samuel Johnson).
4. What are the four elements of Poetry? (Pleasure, truth, imagination and
5. Who said poetry is “Musical thought”? (Thomas Carl yle ).
6. Shelley defined _____ ( poetry) as the expression of imagination.
7. Who defined poetry as „the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge‟?
(William Wordsworth).
8. Who called poetry as „the rhythmic creation of beaut y? (Edgar Allen
9. _____ (T.S.Eliot) calls poetry „the vehicle of feeling ‟.
10. Which is a part of poetry? (Versification ).
11. What are the two t ypes of poetry? (Subjective and Objective Poetry).
12. Subjective poetry is otherwise called _____ (Personal poetry)
13. _____ (Subjective poetry) is centered on the poet‟s own thoughts and
14. Wordsworth‟s The Solitary Reaper is an exam ple of _____ (subjective
15. Coleridge‟s poems are _____ (subjective) .
16. Poetry that express es the external world is _____ ( objective poetry) .
17. Which is the older t ype of poetry? (Objective Poetry).
18. Name the earliest forms of objective poetry? (Ballad, Epic and Drama).
19. In which poetry thoughts are more emphasised? (Subjective poetry).
20. In _____ (objective poetry) action is more emphasised.
21. Name the earliest forms of subjective poetry? (Lyric and Elegy).
22. Which is the most delightful and pleasing form of poetry? (l yric).
23. The word „l yric‟ originated from _____ (lyre) (Greek)
24. What is a l yric? (musical instrument ).
25. A poem that expresses a single emotion is called _____ (l yric) .
26. What is important in a l yric? ____ (Quality of emotion) .
27. What are the various types of l yric? ( Love l yric, l yric of patriotism,
lyric of religious emotion and l yric of joy ).
28. William Wordsworth‟s Tinter n Abbey is a ____ (l yric).
29. Most of the Elizabethan songs and the poems of the metaphysical poets
are ____ (l yrical).
30. What are the three parts of l yric? ( Motive, statement and conclusion ).
31. The first few lines of the poem which states the emotion are called ____
32. The song of the woman in Wordsworth‟s The Solitary Reaper is ___ _
33. What is statement? (The thoughts, emotions and feelings of the poet).
34. What is the third part of a l yric? (Conclusion).
35. ____ (The conclusion) presents the resolution at the end .
36. Keats's reflection on beaut y is the conclusion of Ode on a Grecian Urn.
37. ____ (The l yric) is a subjective and personal poem.
38. ____ (The l yric) is a short and musical poem .
39. Though the poem expresses onl y the poet‟s emotion, ____ ( the l yric) is
40. The beaut y of a l yric depends on its ----- (expression).
41. ____ (The ode) is a rhymed l yric .
42. ____ (An ode) begins with an address to someone or some thing.
43. The ode originated from the ____ (Greek).
44. What are the two t ypes of ode? ( Dorian or Pindaric ode and Horati an
45. Who was the great exponent of Pindar ic ode? (Pindar,ancient Greek
46. Thomas Gray's The Bard belongs to ____ (Pindaric ode).
47. Where was the Lesboan ode flourished? ( In the land of Lesbos ).
48. Who is the best practitioner of Hor atian ode? ( Horace, Great Latin
49. Which ode was choric and sung to accompany the dance? (Pindaric ode).
50. What are the three parts of the Pindaric ode?( Strophe, Antistrophe and
51. ____ (The strophe) is the stanza form of the ode.
52. During the recitation , the dancers made turns . These are called ____
53. If the dancers stood still during the recitation , it is called ____ (Epode) .
54. Which ode was simpler in form? (Lesbian ode).
55. Andrew Marvell‟s Ode upon Cromwell‟s Return from Ireland is a ____
(Horatian ode)
56. What are the two t ypes of ode in English? (Regular and Irregular ode ).
57. ____ (Regular ode) has series of similar stanzas .
58. Odes of ---- ( Keats and Shelley) are Regular ode s.
59. ____ (Irregular odes) have stanzas of different length and arrangement
60. S. T. Coleridge's Ode on Dejection is an ____ (irregular ode ).
61. Name the famous writers of Pindaric ode? (Ben Jonson ,John Milton and
Thomas Gray).
62. From which language the sonnet is derived? (Italian language ).
63. ____ (Sonette) means a little sound or strain .
64. Sonnet is a l yric in ____ (14 lines) in ____ (Iambic pentameter)
65. ____ (Sonnet) has a leading thought or emotion
66. Sonnet was first written in ____ (Ital y) in the later half of the ____
(thirteenth century)
67. Who was the first poet who used the sonnet form? ____ (Dante)
68. Italian sonnets are associated with ____ (Petrarch)
69. Petrarchan sonnets are otherwise called ____ (classical sonnets)
70. What are the two parts of a Petrarchan sonnet? (Octave and sestet ).
71. What is the rhyme scheme of the octave? (8 lines – abba, abba).
72. What is the rhyme scheme of the sestet? (6 lines- cde cde).
73. The octave may be divided into 2 stanzas of 4 lines called ____
74. The sestet is divided into two of 3 lines , each called ____ (tercets)
75. There is a pause at the end of the 8th line called ____ (caesara)
76. Caesara is followed by a turn of thought called ____ (volta)
77. Who introduced sonnet form in England? (Sir Thomas W yatt and Earl of
Surrey(16 t h century))
78. Surrey wrote his sonnets in the rhyme scheme ____ (abab cd cd efef,
79. Who is the greatest practitioner of Surrey‟s rhym e scheme? (William
80. What is Shakespeare ‟s rhyme scheme? ( abab, cdcd, efef, gg ).
81. Shakespeare‟s sonnets are dedicated to ____ (Earl of Southampton) .
82. What is Spenser‟s rhyme scheme? (abab, bcbc, cded ee).
83. Name the famous sonneteers in English:- ( William Shakespeare, Sir
Philip Sidney, Elizabeth Barret Browning, John Milton, John Keats and
Mathew Arnold ).
84. ____ (The Elegy) is a poem of lament for the death of a particular
85. ____ (Elegy) comes from the word ____ (Elegeid (Greek))
86. ____ (Elegeid) means a lament .
87. ____ (The elegy) should be written in elegi ac metre.
88. Tennyson‟s In Memorium is an elegy written on the death of his friend
____ (Arthur Hallam)
89. The poem____ (Rugby Chapel) mourns the death of Matthew Arnold's
90. ____ (Dirge) is a short elegy.
91. William Collins ------ (A Song from Shakespeare's C ymbeline ) is a
92. ____ (Monody) is an elegy on a single person.
93. Mathew Arnold called his elegy on Hugh Clough Thyris as a Monody.
94. The Pastoral Elegy was originated by t he Sicilian Greek poet -----
95. In ____ (Pastoral Elegy) the poet expresses his sorrow under the
disguise of shepherd mourning for his companion .
96. Who perfected the pastoral elegy in Latin? (Virgil).
97. Milton‟s Lycidas, Spensers‟s Astrophel and Mathew Arnold‟s The
Scholar Gipsy are famous Pastoral elegies in English .
98. The elegy in which the poet la ments the death and criticises the literar y
work of a person is called ____ (critical Elegy) .
99. Matthew Arnold‟s Heines‟s Grave is a ____ (critical elegy) .
100. ____ (The Ballad) is a simple narrative poem in short stanzas .
101. -----(The Ballad) is a short story in verse
102. The word „ballad‟ is derived from ____ (Ballare (Latin))
103. Ballare means ----- (to dance).
104. The earliest English ballad is ----- (Judas,a fragment of the 13th
105. What are the two kinds of Ballads? Traditional ballad (or) Ballad of
Growth and the Modern ballad (or) Literary Ballad).
106. The traditional ballads are ____ (impersonal).
107. ____ (The ballads) deal with love and adventure .
108. Most of the traditional ballads are of ____ (Scottish origin).
109. Famous traditional ballads are ----- ( Chevy Chace, Eden O Garden,
Thomas,the Rhymer).
110. The Modern ballads are called as ____ (Ballads of Art).
111. S. T.Coleridge's Rime of the Ancient Marine r is a ------ ( Modern
112. What are the two ballads of William Wordsworth? (We are Seven, The
Tables Turned).
113. The famous ballad of John Keats is----- ( La Belle Dame sans Merci ).
114. Lord Tennyson's The Revenge, Robert Browning's Herve Riel,
D.G.Rossetti's The King's Tragedy are famous ____ (ballads) in English.
115. If a comic theme is treated with seriousness in a regular ballad, it is
called a ____ (Mock -ballad).
116. Cowper's ----- ( John Gilpin) is a Mock -ballad.
117. Which ballad is a parody of Coleridge's The Rime of t he Ancient
Mariner? ( William Maginn's 'The Rime of the Ancient Waggoner ).
118. Most of the ancient English ballads were collected in ____ (Bishop
Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765)).
119. The Traditional ballad is otherwise called ____ (Authentic ball ad).
120. ____ (The Ballad) is written in Ballad Measure (first & third lines – 4
feet, second & Fourth line – 3 feet).
121. The word ____ (Idyl l) originated from ____ (Greek) which means ____
('a little picture').
122. ____ (Idyll) is a verse o n some scene or event which is picturesque.
123. The Idyll has originated with the classical poets ____ (Theocritus) and
____ (Virgil).
124. The Pastoral Idylls were written by ____ (Theocritus) and ____ (Virgil).
125. The two important characteristics of the Idyll are __ __ (Relative
Brevit y) and ____ (Pictorial Effect).
126. Which is one of the earliest Idylls in English?
(Marlowe's The Passionate Shepherd to his Love).
127. William Wordsworth's ____ (Lines Written in March) is a beautiful Idyll
depicting a ____ (spring scene) in E ngland.
128. Who wrote a series of dramatic Idylls? (Robert Browning).
129. The Idylls of Theocritus are ____ (pastoral) in form.
130. Virgil's ------ (Eclogues of Bucolics) is an example of Idyll.
131. ____ (The Epic) is an Impersonal poetry.
132. The epic is otherwise called ____ (Heroic poem).
133. ____ (An Epic) is a long narrative in verse on great and serious subjects
narrated in an elevated st yle.
134. ____ (The Epic) is centered on a heroic or semi-divine figure on whose
actions depends the fate of the tribes of a nation or the human race.
135. Which is the oldest Epic of English ? ____ (Beowulf).
136. Homer's Illiad and Odyssey are ____ (Traditional Epics).
137. What are the two kinds of Epic? (Primitive Epic or Epic of Growth or
Traditional Epic and Epic of art or the Literary Epic).
138. The Ramayana and The Mahabharata are called ----- (The Epics of
139. The earliest literary epic is ____ (Virgil's Aenaid).
140. The supreme example for literary epic is ____ (Milton's Paradise Lost).
141. Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustom, John Keats ‟s Hyperion and
Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queen are ____ ( Fragmentary Epics).
142. The subject matter of an epic is ____ (heroic or m ythical in nature).
143. The action of an ____ (epic) is often controlled by super natural agents.
144. In most epics, there is a ____ (mora l) at the end.
145. The narration of the epic usuall y begins with an invocation to the ____
(Muse) or a ____ (guiding spirit).
146. The Epic is usuall y divided into ____ (12 books).
147. Homer's ____ (Illiad and Odyssey) comprises 24 books each.
148. Milton's Paradise Lost comprises ____ (12 books).
149. Who ranked Epic as second onl y to tragedy? ( Aristotle).
150. The real beginning of the story is in the ____ (middle) of ____ (the
151. The epic employs certain conventional poetic devices as ____ (Homeric
Epithet) and ____ (Homeric S imile).
152. ____ (Homeric Epithet) is a term applied repeatedl y to a particular
153. ____ (Homeric simile) is the comparison between two similar objects ,
developed into a word – picture, designed to capture the reader's
154. ____ (The Mock Epic) becomes a parody.
155. ____ (The Mock Epic) is a narrative poem in which the conventions of
the regular epic is employed with trivial things.
156. A ____ (ridiculous or mock effect) is created by using the grand,
eloquent st yle of narra tion.
157. Which is the finest example of Mock -epic in English ?(Alexander Pope's
Rape of the Lock (1772) )
158. Name the classical Mock -epic:- ( Battle of the Frogs and Mice, a Greek
Parody of Homer's Illiad ).
159. Jonathan Swift's Battle of the Books is a ____ (Mock -Epic).
160. 'The little is made great and the great little' . Who said ? (William Hazlitt
on The Rape of the Lock.
161. ____ (Satire) originated in Greek.
162. ____ (Satire) is defined as a literary composition whose principal aim is
to ridicule foll y or vice.
163. Who said, „the true end of satire is the amendment of vices b y
correction‟? (John Dryden ).
164. Who were the Chief exponents of satire in Latin literature? (Horace and
165. What are the earliest satires? ____ (The plays of Aristophanes).
166. Which work remained a model for satiric writing for several centuries?
(Don Quixote by Cerventes ,a Spanish writer (1605))
167. Which is the first great satire in English? (Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's
168. Dryden's Absalom and Ach etophel, Samuel Butler's Hudibras and
Alexander Pope's Dunciad are famous satires in English.
169. Byron wrote a versified satire ____ (Don Juan).
170. Name the powerful satire on totalitarianism? (George Orwell's Animal
171. T.S.Eliot's ____ (The Wasteland) is a satire on the spiritual bareness of
the Modern age.
172. ____ (Satire) is an attack on a person or group of persons or on a social
evil or foll y.
173. What are the two divisions of satire? ( Formal or Direct Satire and
Indirect Satire ).
174. The Satiric Voice speaks out in the first person in ____ (The F ormal
175. The example of Formal satire is Alexander Pope's ------ (Epistle to
176. What are the two t ypes of Formal satire? (Horatian Satire and Juvenalian
177. The character of the speaker is urbane, witt y and tolerant in ____
(Horatian Satire).
178. Alexander Pope's Moral Essays is an example of ____ (Horation satire).
179. The character of the speaker is that of a serious moralist in ____
(Juvenalian satire).
180. Dr.Johnson's London and The Vanit y of Human Wishes are ____
(Juvenalian satires).
181. ____ ( Indirect Satire) is in the form of narration.
182. ____ (Menippean satire) is a t ype of Indirect Satire.
183. ____ (C ynic Menippus), a Greek Philosopher is the Originator of
Menippean satire.
184. Menippean satire is otherwise called as ____ (Varronian satire).
185. ____ (Menippean satire) is a series of extended dialogue and debates.
186. Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland in two books is a perfect ____
(Menippean satire).
187. Many of Addison's Spectator Papers are ____ (satiric essays).
188. Byron's Don Juan is a ____ (versified satiric form) of old episodic
picaresque fiction.
189. Ben Jonson's The Alchemist, Wycherley's The Country Wife, and George
Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man are ____ (satiric plays).
190. A contemporary writer who writes excellent satiric poems is ____
191. ____ (The Modern satires) are written in prose and in the form of a
192. ____ (The heroic couplet) consists of two iambic Pentameters rhyming
193. ____ (An Iambic pentameter) is lines of ten s yllables.
194. Ten-syllable iambic verse is the usual form for ____ (epic verse) in
195. ____ (The heroic couplet) was first used in England b y Chaucer.
196. Chaucer derived heroic couplet from the ____ (older French verse).
197. Who followed Chaucer in heroic couplet? ____ (Edmund Spenser).
198. Spenser applied heroic couplet in ____ (Mother Hubbard's Tale).
199. Chaucer applied ____ (heroic couplet) in his Canterbury Tales.
200. Christopher Marlowe adopted heroic couplet in his ____ (Hero and
Leander) for story telling in verse.
201. Who used the heroic couplet for vario us composition s?( John Dryden
and Alexander Pope).
202. The structure of the couplet changed in the ____ (19 t h century).
203. Name the Romantic poets who used heroic couplet? ( Byron, Shelley and
204. Keat's ------- ( Lamia) is written in heroic couplet.
205. ____ (The Terza Rima) is a tercet in which the first and third lines
rhyme together.
206. ____ (Tercet) is a stanza of three lines.
207. Which is a familiar example for Terza Rima? (Shelley's Ode to the West
208. Triumph of Life by Shelley, Pr ophecy of Dante by Byron,The Statue and
the Bust by Browning and Defence of Guenevere by William Morris are
examples of Terza Rima.
209. ____ (Terza Rima) is adopted from Dante's Divine Comedy.
210. ____ (Chaucerian Stanza) is a stanza of seven lines in Iambic
211. Chaucerian stanza is otherwise called as ____ (Rhyme Royal Stanza).
212. The rhyme scheme of Rhyme Royal Stanza is ____ (ababbcc).
213. Rhyme Royal Stanza was first used in England by ____ (Chaucer).
214. Chaucer borrowed the Rhyme Royal Stanza from ____ (France) .
215. Chaucer's Troilus and Cressida, The Parliament of Fowls, The Prioress's
Tale,The Clerk's Tale, The Man of Law's Tale and The Second Nun's
Tale were written in ____ (Rhyme Royal Stanza).
216. Shakespeare adopted Rhyme Royal Stanza in ____ (The Rape of
217. ____ (Ottava Rima) is an Italian Stanza form.
218. Who introduced Ottava Rima in England? (Sir Thomas W yatt).
219. ____ (Ottava Rima) is a stanza of eight lines in Iambic Pentameter, six
of which rhyme alternatel y and the other two form a final couplet.
220. The rhyme scheme of Ottava Rima is ____ (abababcc).
221. ____ (Ottava Rima) is introduced by Aristo, an Italian Poet.
222. Byron used Ottava Rima for satire in ____ (The Vision of Judgment).
223. ____ (Shelley and Keats) used Ottava Rima for pure narrative works.
224. Shelley's The Witch of Atlas and Keats ‟ The Pot of Basil are written i n
____ (Ottava Rima).
225. ____ (Ottava Rima) is a narrative measure.
226. Spenser used a ____ (nine line stanza) called Spenserian stanza.
227. The rhyme scheme of Spenserian stanza is ____ (abab, bcbc ).
228. The Spensarian stanza is divided into ____ (two quatrains and a final
229. Who neglected Spenserian stanza? (The Augustans ).
230. Byron adopted Spenserian stanza in ____ (Childe Harold).
231. Keats adopted the same rhyme scheme in ____ (The Eve of St. Agnes).
232. Shelley's Adonais and The Revol t of Islam, Tennyson's opening of The
Lotus Eaters are fine examples of Spenserian stanza.
233. ____ (An essay) is defined as a 'Composition of moderate length on any
particular subject (or) branch of a subject ‟.
234. Who compares essay with l yric? (Alexander Smith).
235. ____ (Dr.Johnson) defined essay as 'a loose sall y of the mind, an
irregular, undigested piece, not a regular and orderl y composition ‟.
236. According to ____ (Sainte Beuve), a good essay should be characterised
by conciseness and thoroughness.
237. ____ (The essay) is subjective and personal.
238. Saintsbury describe s essay as ____ (a work of prose art).
239. Charles Lamb's ----- (essays) are the best examples in English .
240. Montaigne is an -----(essayist).
241. Plutarch's ---- ( Moralia) is a collection of essays on moral subjects.
242. „Essais‟ is a term coined by Montaigne which means ____ ('an attempt').
243. What are the kinds of Essays?
(The Aphoristic Essay, The Character Essay, The Critical Essay, The
Periodical Essay, The Personal Essay and The Twentieth Century Essay).
244. Who was the first to write proper essays in English? (Francis Bacon).
245. Who inspired Francis Bacon? (Montaigne, a French writer ).
246. Bacon's essays are ____ ( objective) and ____ (impersonal).
247. Bacon's essays are written in ____ (aphoristic st yle).
248. Bacon called his essays ____ (' counsels, civil and moral') and ____
('dispersed meditations').
249. ____ (Aphoristic Essays) are known for their precision of st yle and
balancing structure.
250. Who says, "I am m ys elf the subject of m yself"? (Montaigne).
251. Who was the father of subjective o r personal essays? (Montaigne).
252. The Essay took the form of character sketches in ____ (17 t h century).
253. Who wrote essays in the form of character -sketches? (John Earle and Sir
Thomas Overbury).
254. Who inspired Earle and Overbury? (Theocratus, the Greek philosopher
and Seneca, the Roman philosopher).
255. Whose essays are character essays? (Thomas Browne and Abraham
256. Who introduced critical essays in English? (John Dryden ).
257. Name the critical essay of Dryden written in dialogue form? (Essay of
Dramatic Poesy).
258. Dryden's ____ (Preface to his Fables) is partl y a critical and partl y a
personal essay.
259. In which period was critical essay introduced? (Restoration Period ).
260. The critical essay is ____ ( objective).
261. In the 19 t h century, ____ (the critical essay) flourished in the writings of
Emerson, Hazlitt, Arnold, Carl yle and Ruskin.
262. Name the 20 t h century critical essayists :- (T.S.Eliot, F.R.Leavis and I.A.
263. When did the periodical essay become popular? ( In the18 t h century).
264. ____ (Defoe's Review) is the first periodical essay.
265. When did Richard Steele start The Tatler? ( 1709).
266. Joseph Addison started The Spectator in ____ (March 1711).
267. How many issues of The Spectator appeared before its publication? (
268. Dr.Johnson's essays appeared in ____ (Rambler) and later in ____ (The
269. Whose essays are journalistic in nature ? (Dr. Johnson).
270. Goldsmith's ____ (The Citizen of the World) is a series of essays.
271. Goldsmith's essays were first published in the ____ (Public Ledger).
272. Most of the essays of Goldsmith were published in ____ (The Bee) and
____ (The British Magazine).
273. ____ (The Review) is a critical journal published at the beginning of the
19 t h century.
274. The best-known of the earl y Reviews were the ____ (Edinburgh and the
Quarterl y Reviews).
275. Who edited the Edinburgh Review? ( Francis Jeffrey).
276. Who edited the Quarterl y Review? ( William Gifford ).
277. ____ (The Edinburgh Review) was a Whig Organ.
278. ____ (The Quarterl y Review) was a Tory Organ.
279. ____ (The Magazine) is different from the Review.
280. ____ (The Quarterl y Review) maltreated Keats.
281. ____ (Blackwood's Magazine) is associated with John Wilson and
282. De-Quincey's The Opium-Eater was first published in the ____ (London
283. Charles Lamb wrote his Essays of Elia in the ____ (London Magazine).
284. Who is the founder of The Indicator Magazine? ( Leigh Hunt).
285. Who is a famous contributor to The Examiner Magazine? ( William
286. Name the critical essayists in the Victorian age? ( Matthew Arnold,
Walter Pater, John Morley, Leslie Stephen and J.A.S ymonds ).
287. The Personal Essay is otherwise called a ____ (Prose l yric).
288. The Personal Essays began with ____ (Montaigne).
289. ____ (Charles Lamb) is famous for the personal essays in ____
290. Charles Lamb's ____ (Essays of Elia) can be called personalit y
translated into print.
291. There is a ____ ( confessional tone) in Charles Lamb's essays.
292. Modern Essays mostly appeared in the form of ____ (articles).
293. Name some of the Modern Esayis ts:- ( G.K.Chesterton, A.G.Gardiner,
F.L.Lucas, J.B.Priestly and Hilaire Belloc ).
294. ____ (The essay) has become a powerful vehicle of intellectual
communication in the 20 t h century.
295. The language of the ____ (Modern essayist s) is the language of everyda y
296. Personal element is predominant in the____ (Modern essays).
297. ____ (The Modern essay) may be scientific, literary, biographical or
298. The development of the essay is encouraged by large number of ____
(periodicals and newspapers) in the 20 t h century.
299. ____ (A short story) is defined as a story that can be read at single
300. ____ (Edgar Allen Poe) considered the short story as a Prose narrative.
301. ____ (Brevit y) is one of the essential characteristics of a short stor y.
302. ____ (Edgar Allen Poe ) said that the short story should present onl y a
'slice of life'.
303. 'A short story should be a finished product of art with a beginning, a
middle and an end ‟.Who said this on short story? ____ (Somerset
304. What are the three t ypes of short stories according to R.L.Stevenson?
(The story of plot, The story of character and The story of impression ).
305. Name the Italian short story writer who influenced Chaucer?
306. Boccaccio's short story collection is ____ (Decameron).
307. Boccaccio's tales remained a source of inspiration for short stor y
308. The ____ (short story) properl y began with Walter Scott's Wandering
Willie's Tale.
309. Who are the famous short story writers in America? (Edgar Allan Poe
and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ernes t Hemingway).
310. Who is the great master of short story in French? ( Maupassant ).
311. Name the famous Russian short story writers :- (Chekhov and Tolstoy).
312. ____ (H.G.Wells) wrote science stories.
313. ____ (Oscar Wilde) and ____ (W.W.Jacobs) wrote several short stories
of great artistic merit.
314. Name the novelists who were short story writers also.
(D.H.Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, Galsworthy and James Joyce ).
315. ____ (A short story) is a shortened novel.
316. Name the famous story of Arthur Conan Doyle? ( Sherlock Holmes
317. Who first used the term 'Biography? ( John Dryden).
318. ____ (Dryden) defines biography as the life history of a particular m an.
319. „Biography is a truthful record of an individual composed as a work of
art‟. Who said so? ( Harold Nicolson).
320. The function of ____ (biography) is to transmit personalit y.
321. Who said „History is the essence of countless biographies ‟? ( Carl yle).
322. The most ancient ____ (biography) is Plutarch's Lives.
323. English biography appeared in the ____ (17 t h century).
324. Dr.Johnson's biographical work is ____ (Lives of the Poets).
325. Lives of the Poets covers the biograph y of ____ (52 Poets).
326. The famous writer whose biography is absent in Lives of the Poets is
____ (Oliver Goldsmith).
327. Who wrote Life of Samuel Johnson? (James Boswell).
328. ____ (Oliver Goldsmith's) Biographical Sketches appeared during the
17 t h century.
329. The great biographies in English in the 19 t h century are ------
(Lockhart's Scott, Carl yle's Sterling and Froude's Carl yle.
330. Who made the biography writing a perfect art? ( Lytton Strachey).
331. David Cecil's ------ (The Stricken Deer) is the biography of Cowper.
332. What are the famous biographies of Ly t ton Stratchey? ( Queen Victori a
and the Eminent Victorians ).
333. What is Winston Churchill's biography? ( Marlborough ).
334. ____ (An autobiography) is writing of an author about the story of his
own life and achievements.
335. ____ (The objective autobiography) is a mere account of facts in the
author's life.
336. ____ (The subjective autobiography) is an autobiography that reveals the
character and the inner struggle of the writer.
337. St.Augustine's ------- (Confessions) is a subjective autobiography.
338. The three important autobiographies appeared in the 18 t h century are
those of -----. ( David Hume, Edward Gibbon and Benjamin F ranklin).
339. ____ (Truth) should be the hallmark of an autobiography.
340. ____ (Dr.Johnson) preferred autobiography to biography.
341. English autobiography would be incomplete without a reference to the
famous diaries and memoirs by ____ (Samuel Pepys) and ____ (John
342. Who says‟Autobiography is a hard and nice subject for a man to write of
himself‟? (Abraham Cowley).
343. ____ (Autobiography) is a product of first -hand experience.
344. The term „Novel‟ is derived from ____ (novelle) (Italian) which means a
„fresh story‟.
345. Marion Crawford terms the novel as a ____ (Pocket Theatre).
346. ____ (The novel) is defined as a long narrative in prose detailing the
actions of fictitious people.
347. ____ (Meredith) calls the novel as „summing of actual life ‟.
348. Who called the novel „an epic in prose‟? (Henry Fielding).
349. What are the essential elements of the novel? ( Plot, Character,
Dialogue, Time of action and St yle).
350. ____ (The Plot) is the organisation of incidents.
351. In the ____ (organic Plot) the characters and events ar e well interwoven.
352. The example of an organic plot is ---- ( plots in Jane Austen's novels ).
353. ____ (The episodic plot) is loosel y formed.
354. The Picaresque novels of --------- (Henry Fielding) are the examples of
episodic plot.
355. ____ (Characterisation) is the ar t of presenting the character alive and
real to our imagination.
356. What are the two t ypes of characterisation? (Direct or anal ytical and the
indirect or dramatic characters ).
357. ____ (In the anal ytical method) the novelist portrays his characters from
358. ____ (In the dramatic method) the novelist allow s the characters to
reveal themselves through spe ech and action.
359. The ____ (indirect or dramatic method) is followed in the modern
360. The ____ (dialogue) should be natural, appropriate and dramatic in a
361. The novel in English literature began in the ____ (18 t h century).
362. John Lyl y wrote Euphues which is a ____ (didactic prose fiction) in the
Picaresque tradition.
363. Thomas Nash's The Unfortunate Traveller is a ____ (real novel).
364. John Bunyan's The Pilgrim' s Progress was published in ____ (1678).
365. Several critics considered ____ (Defoes' Robinson Crusoe) as the first
great novel in English literature.
366. Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels is the first ____ (great satiristic
367. ____ (Samuel Richardson), the author of Pamela is regarded the
originator of the novel.
368. Pamela was told in the ____ (form of letters).
369. Henry Fielding parodied Richardson's Pamela in his novel ____ (Joseph
370. Henry Fielding's ____ (Tom Jones) is a great picaresque novel.
371. Which is the earliest domestic novel in English? (Goldsmith's The Vicar
of Wakefield).
372. Who is the first great woman novelist in English? (Fanny Burney).
373. Fanny Burney wrote ____ (Evelina) in 1778.
374. Who was the most outstanding novelist in the Victorian age? (Charles
375. ____ (Thackerey) excelled in the novel of ideas.
376. ____ (Psycho -anal ytical method) became popular with the 20 t h century
377. Henry James's ------ (The Portrait of a Lady) and ------ (The Golden
Bowl) are Modern Psychological novels.
378. Name the famous novelists of the Modern age:- ( E.M.Forster, Somerset
Maugham, Graham Greene, Irish Murdoch and William Golding ).
379. ____ (The historical novel) is a work of fiction that attempts to conve y
the spirit, manners and social conditions of the past age.
380. Which is the first great historical novel in English? (Sir Walter Scott's
381. ____ (Kenilworth) is a novel based on Scottish history.
382. James Fennimore Cooper's ____ (The Spy) deals with the American
383. The famous historical novels in the Victorian age are
 Charles Dickens ‟ A Tale of Two Cities
 Thackeray's The History of Henry Esmond Squire.
 George Eliot's Romola.
 Charles Reade's The Cloister and The Hearth.
384. Tolstoy‟s ____ (War and Peace) is the greatest among the hi storical


385. ____ (The Social Novel) is a fictional narrative that focuses on the
varieties of human behaviour in the society.
386. In the social novel, t he characters are seen in the background of their
____ (social milieu and culture).
387. What are the two t ypes of social novels? (The novel of manners and the
novel of civilization) .
388. The novel of manners deals with the ____ (social behaviour).
389. ____ (Jane Austen's) Pride and Prejudice and Emma are the best
examples of novel of m anners.
390. Henry James' ____ (The Ambassadors) is a successful social novel of
391. The social novel of manners has a ____ (satiristic structure).
392. The social novel of ------ (civilisation) gives a comprehensive view of
the whole civilisation.
393. Tolstoy's War and Peace and Charles Dickens ‟ Little Dorrit are the best
novels of ____ (civilisation).
394. In the novel of civilisation, the ____ (characters) are viewed as part of a
developing environment.
395. The ____ (Picaresque) novel o riginated in Spain.
396. The word 'Picaresque' is derived from the Spanish ____ ('Picaro') which
means an ____ (anti -hero or rogue).
397. ____ (A picaresque novel) is generall y an autobiographical account of
the hero's fortunes, sufferings and wanderings.
398. ____ (The Picaresque novel) is a combination of episodic tales ar ising
out of journeys.
399. The first picaresque novel is English is ____ (John Lyl y's Eupheus).
400. Thomas Nash's The Unfortunate Traveller is a perfect ____ (Picaresque
401. The heroes in the picaresque novels are ____ (travelling heroes).
402. Name some of the Picaresque novels.
 Defoe's Moll Flanders.
 Smollet's The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom.
 Charles Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby.
 Joyce Cary'sThe Horse's Mouth.
403. In the Picaresque novel, t he novelist con structs the picture of the societ y
through the narration of the ____ (hero's wanderings).
404. Who coined the term 'Stream of Consciousness'? (William James, a
405. Who initiated the term 'stream of conscio usness'? (James Joyce).
406. Who perfected the art of the stream of consciousness novel? (Virgini a
407. ____ (Stream of consciousness) is a technique which records the
illogical flow of impressions passing through a character's mind.
408. ____ (James Joyce's Ul ys ses) is the first stream of consciousness novel.
409. The stream of consciousness novel gives the striking picture of a ____
(single day's life).
410. Name some of the stream of consciousness novel s of Virginia Woolf: -
Mrs. Dalloway and To the Light house.
411. The stream of consciousness technique is successfull y used by ____
(Faulkner) in the 20 t h century.
412. ____ (The regional novel) is a representation of the influence of a
particular region or localit y on a group of characters.
413. The trend of the regional novel began with ____ (Maria Edgeworth).
414. Name the regional novels of Maria Edgeworth :- (Castle Rackrent and
415. Name some of the regional novels in the Victorian age.
 George Eliot's Middlemarch , The Mill on the Floss
 Thomas Hardy's Wessex n ovels
 Arnold Bennett's The Old Wives Tale.
416. Whose novel is considered to be an 'epic of lower middle -class
provincial life'? (Arnold Bennett's The Old Wives Tale.


417. ____ (The Sentimental novel) evoke s the s ympath y of the reader b y
presenting characters who undergo sufferings to preserve their moralit y
and integrit y.
418. In the sentimental novels, ____ (virtue) is finall y rewarded.
419. ____ (Richardson's Pamela) was the first sentimental novel.
420. ____ (Tear-shedding) is a common f eature of the sentimental novel.
421. In Goldsmith's The Vicar of Wakefield, ____ (sentimentalism) is
422. Henry Mackenzie's The Man of Feeling is an example of ____
(sentimental novel).
423. ____ (The Psychological Novel) was born in the period between 1913
and 1915.
424. ____ (The Psychological novel) aims at expressing the inwardness of
425. Most of the novels of ____ (Virginia Woolf) are ps ychological in nature.
426. In the ps ychological novel , the writer uses his knowledge of ____
(Ps ychological sciences).
427. The Psychological novels are developed under the influence of ____
(Bergson and William James) in the modern times.
428. The novels of ____ (Dostoevsky) have psychologocial elements.
429. Name some of the important ps ychological no vels:- .
 Proust's Remembrances of Things Past
 James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man.
 Dorothy Richardson's Pointed Roofs.
430. The novel in the form of letters is called ____ (The Epistolary Novel).
431. In the epistolary novel, ____ (the author) works as the editor of the
432. The first epistolary novel in English appeared in ____ (1678).
433. The first epistolary novel is a translation from ____ (Portuguese) called
____ (Portuguese Letters).
434. The most outstandin g epistolary novel is ____ (Samuel Richardson's
435. Who is the first master of the Epistolary Novel? (Samuel Richardson).
436. ____ (Smollett) wrote Humphrey Clinker in the letter form.
437. Fanny Burney's ----- (Evelina) is an epistolary novel.
438. In the 19 t h century ____ (Swinburne) wrote his Love's Cross Currents in
the letter form.
439. Sir Walter Scott's ------- (Red Gauntlet) is an epistolary novel.
440. Name some of the important Epistolary novels in the modern times.
 E.M.Forster's Towards End.
 Henry Green's Blindness .
 Saul Bellow's Herzog.
 Christopher Isherwood's A Meeting by the River.
441. The central theme of a Gothic novel is ____ (romantic love).
442. ____ (A sombre, restless villain) is the central figure in Gothic novels .
443. The central s entiment of the Gothic novel is ____ ( melanchol y).
444. ____ (Horace Walpole) is called the father of the Gothic novel.
445. Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto was the first ____ (Gothic
446. ____ (Ann Radcliffe's) The M ysteries of Udolpho is an example of
Gothic novel.
447. ____ (The detective novel) is a story woven around an initial crime or
murder which is solved by an investigator or detective.
448. ____ (Edgar Allen Poe) found the detective novel with his story The
Murder in t he Rue Morgue.
449. Edgar Allen Poe's The Purloined letter is a ____ (detective novel).
450. The first full -length detective novel in English is ____ (Wilkie Collins's
451. Charles Dickens wrote The Mystery of Edin Drood which is a ____
(fragmentary detective novel).
452. The ____ (first full -length detective novel) in America is Anna
Katherine Green's The Leavenworth Case.
453. G.K.Chesterton wrote a detective novel called The Innocence of Father


454. The separation between plot and characters is absent in a ____
(Dramatic Novel).
455. ____ (Jane Austen) was the first to practi se dramatic novels.
456. Emil y Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Thackerey's Vanit y Fair are two
examples of ____ (dramatic novels).
457. ____ (The characters) are part of the ma chinery of the plot in dramatic
458. ____ (The qualities of characters) determine the action in dramatic
459. ____ (Science Fiction) deals with the conflict that arises out of the
impact of scientific discoveries on the future of humanit y.
460. In science fiction, the elements of ____ (fantas y) dominate.
461. Science fictions deal with either ____ or ----- (science facts and science
462. Fiction of ____ (science facts) is based on known facts of science
leading to the deve lopment of new possibilities.
463. Arthur C.Clarke's The Sands of Mars is an example of ____ (science
fiction of facts).
464. Fiction of ____ (science fantas y) introduces any kind of assumptions.
465. Modern science fiction combines elements of ____ (scientific facts wit h
466. Bradbury's Martian Chronicles is a ____ (science fiction on fantas y).
467. Who is the prolific writer of science fiction? (Issac Asimov ).
468. Name some of the science fictions in the 19 t h century.
 Mary Shelley's Frankestein.
 Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Around the
World in Eight y days.
 H.G.Wells's The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine.
469. ____ (Modern science fiction) present s most of the important
technological achievements of the age.
470. The outstanding science fictions of ____ ( Issac Asimov) are Extra-
Terrestials and The God s Themselves.
471. ____ (Arthur C.Clarke) is the author of Rendezvous with Rama.
472. R.A.Heinlein wrote Orphans of the sky and Starman Jones.
473. The essence of science fiction is the presentation of conflict in the ____
(human drama).
474. ____ (Drama) presents the fact in a form that could be acted before the
475. ____ (A play) has a plot, characters, atmosphere and conflict.
476. ____ (The drama) is intended to be performed in public.
477. A drama sets forth _ ___ (a problem or a conflict).
478. ____ (A drama) should have exposition, complication, climax and
479. The two t ypes of dramas are ____ (Tragedy and Comedy).
480. In a ____ (tragedy) the theme is dark and ser ious.
481. In a ____ (comedy) the theme is light and g ay.
482. ____ (Tragedy and comedy) originated in the rustic festivals which were
held in honour of the nature god ____ (Dionysus).
483. ____ (Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripedes) are the famous ancient
Greek tragedians.
484. Aristotle thought ____ (tragedy) is the noblest form of literature.
485. ____ (Gorbodoc) is the first tragedy in English.
486. The -------- (tragedy) should have a plot, characters, structure and
spectacle, catastrophe and catharsis.
487. The two t ypes of traged ies are ____ (Classical tragedy) and ____
(Romantic tragedy).
488. The ____ (classical tragedy) is based on ____ (Greek conventions) like
three unities and employment of the chorus.
489. The ____ (classical tragedy) deal s with the great legends of the m ythical
490. Milton's ____ (Samson Agonistes) is a classical tragedy.
491. The Romantic traged y reached its perfection in the plays of ____
(William Shakespeare).
492. The Romantic tragedy is generall y concerned with matters from ____
(remote and ordinary life).
493. The Romantic tragedy is both ____ ( idealistic) and ____ (realistic).
494. On the basis of themes, the ____ (tragedy) is divided as Revenge
tragedies, Heroic tragedies and Domestic tragedies.
495. George Lillo's London Merchant is an example of ____ (domestic
496. Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy is a ____ (revenge tragedy).
497. The famous 20 t h century dramatists are ----- (W.B.Yeats, T.S.Eliot and
Christopher Fry).
498. ____ (A Comedy) is a play of light and amusing character with a happ y
conclusion to the plot.
499. Who is the most important writer of comedies? (Aristophanes).
500. The two t ypes of comedies are the ____ ( Classical) and the ____
(Romantic comedies).
501. The classical comedy is based on the ____ (Greek and Latin models).
502. ____ (Ben Jonson) and the ____ (Restoration playwrights) tried the
classical form of comedy.
503. William Shakespeare wrote ____ (Romantic comedies).
504. Ben Jonson's comedies belong to ____ (Comedy of Humour).
505. The Comedy of Humour is based on the medieval theory of the four
humours ----- that determine the human character (blood, phlegm,
choleric and melanch ol y).
506. ____ (The Comedy of Manners) expresses the follies and foibles of the
upper classes and is artificial.
507. William Congreve's The Way of the World is a ____ (comedy of
508. Sheridan's The School for Scandal is an ____ (anti -sentimental comedy).
509. Goldsmith's She stoops to Conquer is an ____ (anti -sentimental
510. ____ (The comedy of dialogue s) flourished in Oscar Wilde's plays.
511. The Importance of Being Ernest and Lady Windermere's Fan' are
examples of ____ (Comedy of dialogues).
512. George Bernard Shaw's plays deal with ____ (social) and ____ (moral)
513. Arms and the Man, The Applecart, and Major Barbara are ____ ( Bernard
Shaw's) important plays.
514. ____ (James Birdie) is an experimental playwright who wrote under the
influence of Shaw.
515. ____ (The Anatomist and Mr. Bolfry) are the important plays of James
516. J.B.Priestl y was a significant comedy writer who used the ____ (theories
of time) as themes for his plays.
517. -------- (Terence Rattigan, Lawrence Housemen, and J.M.Barrie) are the
modern comedy w riters.
518. Noel Coward wrote plays about the leisured classes as ____ (Hay Fever)
and ____ (The Happy Breed).
519. ____ (Tragic – Comedy) is a kind of romantic drama which flourished
during the closing years of the Elizabethan period .
520. The tragic and comic elements are mingled harmoniousl y in a ____
521. Shakespeare's C ymbeline and The Winter's Tale are good ____ (tragic -
522. In England the tragic-comedy was characterised by the ____ (Pastoral
element) and the ____ (r omantic intrigue).
523. ____ (Beaumont and Fletcher's play) A King and No King was the first
great tragic-comedy in English.
524. Name some of the tragic -comedies in English.
 Middleton's The Witch and The Spanish Gips y.
 Massinger's The Roman Actor.
525. ____ (Sir Philip Sidney) condemned the tragic -comedy as "Mongrel".
526. ____ (Milton) called tragic comedy as "Poet's error of intermixing comic
stuff with tragic sadness and gravit y".
527. ____ (Addison) called tragic -comedy as "one of the most monstrous
inventions that ever entere d into a poet's thoughts".
528. Who defended tragic -comedy? (John Dryden and Dr.Samuel J ohnson).
529. In the ____ (middle of 17 t h ) century, tragic-comedy became hopelessl y
530. ____ (The Farce) is a dramatic work designed solel y to prod uce
531. William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and Twelfth Night
are the examples of ____ (farce).
532. There are farcial scene s in ____ (Marlowe's Dr.Faustus).
533. The ____ (first popular farce was The Rehearsal by the Duke of
534. The ____ (anti-sentimental comedies) of Sheridan and Goldsmith
brought back farcial humour into English drama.
535. ____ (Farce) is an accepted form of dramatic entertainment in modern
536. Most of the plays of Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw have farci cal
situations and dialogues.
537. Modern comic one-act plays tend to be ____ (farces).
538. ____ (The Dear Departed) is essentially a farce designed to produce
539. -------- (The Private Secretary and Charley's Aunt ) are farces revived
several times.
540. ____ (The Masque) is a dramatic entertainment which is a combination
of music, elaborate scenic effect, m yth or allegory.
541. ____ (The masque) was introduced during the time of ____ (King James
542. ____ (The masque) was modified by the Italian and French inf luences.
543. Philip Sidney wrote a Masque ca lled ___ (M y Fair Lady) in 1578.
544. ____ (Ben Jonson's) Masque s of Blackness was written in 1605.
545. Ben Jonson's Masques were illu strated by the great artist ____ (Inigo
546. Shakespeare resorted to Masque in his ____ (The Tempest).
547. The well-known Masque in English literature is ____ (Milton's Comus).
548. ____ (The Masques) were court performances.
549. ____ (Ben Jonson) introduced an anti -Masque in his ____ (The Masque
of Queens).
550. The characters are mostl y personifications of ------- (deities) from the
classical Mythology in the masque.
551. ____ (Dances) of various kinds are introduced in the masque.
552. ____ (A masque) is as long as a single act in Shakespearean play.
553. The last masque of English literature is ____ (Milton's Comus) in 16 34.
554. ____ (The one-act play) is a shortened drama.
555. ____ (The one-act play) has a single plot.
556. ____ (The one-act play) may be either pure comedy or pure tragedy.
557. ____ (The action) is confined to a single place and the number of
characters are limited in a one-act play.
558. ____ (The one -act plays) were started from the days of mystery and
miracle plays.
559. ____ (The one-act plays) disappeared during the Elizabethan period.
560. ____ (The one-act plays) reappeared onl y at the end of the 19 t h century.
561. In the modern times, ____ (the one -act plays) are used as curtain raisers
before a full length play.
562. George Bernard Shaw's one -act plays are ____ (The Man of Destiny) and
____ (The Dark Lady of the Sonnets).
563. Noel Coward, a great one -act playwright wrote ____ (Tonight at Eight
Thirt y).
564. The one-act play became ____ (poetic) in Keats's The Land of Heart's
Desire and J.M.S ynge's Riders to the Sea.
565. The one-act plays with ____ (tragic) themes are W.W.Jacob's The
Monkey‟s Paw and Synge's Riders to the Sea.
566. Write some of the famous modern one-act plays.
 John Drinkwater's The Storm.
 Galsworthy's The Little Man.
 A.A.Milne's The Man in the Bowler's Hat.
 J.B.Priestl ey's Mother‟s Day.
 Stanley Houghton's The Dear Departed.
567. ____ (Soliloquy) is a term derived from the Latin word ____
('Soliloquium') which means ____ ('Speak alone').
568. ____ (St.Augustine) coined the term 'soliloquy'.
569. ____ (Mathew Arnold) calls soliloquy "the dialogue of the mind with
570. In ____ (Drama), soliloquy is used by the dramatist to reveal the
innermost thoughts of a character.
571. ____ (A soliloquy) is done in the first person and it is ____
(confessional) in tone.
572. Elizabethan Dramatists used ____ (soliloquy).
573. In Shakespeare, the tragic heroes like Hamlet, Ot hello and Macbeth
reveal their inner struggle through ____ (soliloquies).
574. Villians like Iago, Edmund and Richard III outline their ____ (evil
intentions) and ____ (plots) in their soliloquies.
575. ____ (Absurd Drama) is a term applied to the work of a group of
dramatists whose work emerged during the earl y fifties.
576. The term „Absurd Drama‟ was coined by ____ (Albert Comus).
577. ____ (Samuel Beckett's) Waiting for Godot, ____ (Ionesco's) Rhinoceres
and ____ (Albee's) Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf were well known
Absurd dramas.
578. ____ (The Ironic Cross -talk) is used instead of comprehensible dialogue
in Absurd Drama .
579. The predicament of modern man is the subject of the ____ (absurd play).
580. ____ (Absurd plays) present the sufferings of ma n and the metaphysical
anguish to which modern consciousness is subjected.
581. ____ (Strange s ymbols) are used to suggest man's precarious existence.
582. ____ (The Aside) is a dramatic convention.
583. A character in a play may express his or her thoughts aloud and it is not
supposed to hear is called Aside.
584. ____ (An aside) in spoken in undertone.
585. When a ____ (soliloquy) is spoken, the character is alone on the stage.
586. When an ____ (aside) is spoken, the other characters are also present on
the stage.
587. ____ (Sheridan) used aside in The School for Scandal and ____
(Goldsmith) in She Stoops to Conquer .
588. ____ (William Congreve) and ____ (Wycherley) used aside in their
589. The19 t h century ------ (Melodramas) used asides freel y.
590. ____ (The chorus) is to chant the l yric poetry to relieve the tragic
tension of the Greek tragedy.
591. In Elizabethan plays chorus took the place of a ____ (Prologue).
592. In the ancient Miracle plays chorus was present to introduce ____
(Moralising com ments).
593. In T.S.Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral the chorus acts as a ____ (social
commentator) and ____ (mediator) between the action of the play and
the audience.
594. ____ (The Melodrama) is a drama with occasional songs.
595. ____ (The Melodramas) are emotional plays with little depth of
596. The conflict in Melodrama is ____ (external).
597. ____ (Melodramas) present a lot of tear -shedding and the final triumph
of virtue.
598. The ____ (situations) are the chief sources of interest in a melodrama.
599. Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy and Webster's The Duchess of Malfi
have elements of ____ (melodrama).
600. ____ (The dramatic monologue) is in the form of a speech addressed to a
silent listener.
601. ____ (The speaker) reveals his inner most thoughts and personalit y
through his address.
602. The most celebrated writer of dramatic monologue in English is ____
(Robert Browning).
603. Robert Browning wrote dramatic monologues such as ____ (R abi Ben
Ezra, Fra Lippo Lippi an d Abt Vogler).
604. Tennyson's dramatic monologue is ____ (Ul ysses).
605. ____ (T.S.Eliot) used dramatic monologue in ____ (The Love Song of
J.Alfred Prufrock)
606. Shakespeare wrote ____ (eleven tragedies) beginning with ____ (Titus
607. The ____ (four great tragedies) of Shakespeare are ----- (Hamlet,
Othello, Macbeth and King Lear ).
608. What are the two great Roman tragedies of Shakespeare? (Julius Caesar
and Antony and Cleopatra ).
609. Shakespeare's tragedies are based on stories and incid ents taken from
____ (history or legends) or borrowed from previous playwrights.
610. In a Shakespearean tragedy, the ____ (suffering of the hero) is
611. Every tragic hero suffers from a ____ (tragic flaw) in his character
which leads him to the tragic end.
612. The essence of a Shakespearean tragedy is ____ (conflict).
613. Shakespearean tragedy is not ____ (pessimistic).
614. Shakespeare introduces accidents, chances and prophecies in his ____
615. Shakespeare presents a moral world order in his ____ (traged ies).
616. There is no ____ (poetic justice) in Shakespeare.
617. The Shakespearean hero's character involves his ____ (fate).
618. Shakespeare's dramatic work started with ____ (Love's Labour ‟s Lost, a
619. Shakespeare completed all his comedies in ____ (1600).
620. Who influenced Shakespeare in writing Romantic Comedies? (Lyl y,
Peele and Greene ).
621. Shakespeare followed ____ (Earl of Surrey) in using Blank verse.
622. Shakespeare‟s comic plots have three phase s
 Exposition
 Complication
 Denouement (Resolution)
623. Shakespeare's ------ ( comedy) is a delightful and mirthful story
624. The characters in Shakespearean comedy are ____ (intelligent), ____
(witt y) and ____ (humorous)
625. ____ (Love) and ____ (Marriage) are the main themes in Shakespeare's
626. Shakespeare's comedies are domina ted by ____ (women characters).
627. In most of the comedies Shakespeare has used ____ (disguise)
628. Clowns and Fools are a part of Shakespeare's comedies
629. Shakespeare uses ____ (music) in most of his comedies.
653 The plays of Shakespeare's final period are called __ __ (Romances)
654 Pericles, C ymbeline, The Tempest and The Winter ‟s Tale are
Shakespeare's ------ (last plays).
655 The romances are full of ____ (anachronisms)
656 ____ (Pastoral scenes) are a part of the romances
657 The supernatural elements are predominant in the ____ (romances)
658 ____ (Sea) is dominant in the romances
659 ____ (Sea) is a symbol of regeneration
660 The romances are marked by a spirit of ____ (reconciliation and
661. The two t ypes of Shakespeare's historical plays are plays with ____
(English history) and plays with ____ (Roman history)
662. Shakespeare borrowed materials from ____ (Holinshed's Chronicles) for
his historical plays
663. The English historical plays of Shakespeare serve as ____ (mirror) for
664. The ____ (historical plays) show Shakespeare's deep r ooted love of his
665. The Roman plays of Shakespeare have the source from ____ (Plutarch's
666. The____ (Roman plays) of Shakespeare are free from classical terms and
667. The ____ (Roman plays) of Shakespeare are structurall y tragedies
668. The ____ (Roman plays) of Shakespeare are more poetic than the
English history plays
669. Shakespeare followed the ------- ( theatrical) fashions of the time
670. Shakespeare‟s plays were published in ____ (Quarto s and Folios)
671. Define Allegory
____ (Allegory) is a narrative where in abstractions are made concrete
for the purpose of effectivel y communicating a moral (ex) John
Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress.
672. Define ____ (Anachronism)
____ (Anachronism) is an error in chronology pla cing an event in its
wrong historical time. (ex) Shakespeare 's Julius Ceasar.
673. What is Blank verse? Unrhymed iambic p entameter
674. Who introduced blank verse? (Earl of Surrey)
675. ____ (Comedy of manners) refers to the comedy in the Restoration
period between 1660 and 1700.
676. ____ (Comic Relief) refers to the presence of a humorous scene in the
midst of a serious or tragic situation in a play
677. William Congreve's The Way of the World is a ____ (Comedy of
678. ____ (Didacticism) means intention to teach or instruct.
679. ____ (Dramatic Irony) is a device in which a contrast is implied .
680. ____ (An epic simile) is an extended and elaborate form of simile in
which a subject is compared to something at such a length and detail.
681. ____ (Fable) is a brief tale in verse.
682. ____ (Free v erse or verse libre) is poetry without regular metre or line
683. ____ (Milton) is a master of grand st yle.
684. ____ (Metaphor) is termed as implied simile.
685. ____ (Nemesis) is the punishment that evil characters get at the end of
686. ____ (Pathetic Fall acy) is a figure of speech usuall y used in poetry in
which human feelings are attributed to inanimate things.
687. ____ (Poetic Diction) means choice of words in poetry.
688. ____ (Poetic Justice) means rewarding the virtuous and punishing the
vicious in a work of art.
689. ____ (Revenge tragedy) is a kind of tragedy in which the central theme
is revenge.
690. ____ (Rhythm) is flow of emotion as a formal element of poetry.
691. ____ (Alliteration) is the repetition of speech sounds in a sequence of
nearby words.
692. ____ (Assonance) is the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds.
693. ____ (Denotation) of a word is its primary meaning.
694. ____ (Connotation) of a word is its secondary meaning.
695. ____ (Hyperbole) is bold overstatement or extravagant exaggeration of
fact used either for seri ous or comic effect.
696. ____ (Onomatopoeia) is a combination of words whose sound seems to
resemble the sound it denotes.
697. ____ (Paradox) is a statement which seems to be self contradictory or
698. When two words having opposite meanings are joined together and used
as one, it is called ____ (Oxymoron).
699. ____ (Pathos) means passions or deep feelings generall y.
700. ____ (Prosody) means systematic study of versification.
701. ____ (Pun) is a play on words that are either identical in sound or
similar in sound but are sh arpl y diverse in meaning.
702. The father of English poetry is ____ (Geoffrey Chaucer).
703. The father of English prose is ____ (King Alfred).
704. ____ (Henry Fielding) is the father of Modern English novel.
705. The Father of Modern English prose is ____ (Francis Bacon).
706. ____ (Bacon) is the father of English Essays.
707. ____ (Sir Walter Scott) is the father of historical novel s.
708. ____ (Thomas Kyd) is the father of R evenge tragedies.
709. ____ (Charles lamb) is called the 'Prince of English Essayist s'.
710. ____ (Petrarch) is the founder o f sonnets.
711. The Father of Gothic novel is ____ (Horace Walpole).
712. The Father of English drama is ____ (Christopher Marlowe).
713. Who is an exponent of Tragi -comedy? (William Shakespeare).
714. Who is an exponent of Epistolary novel s? (Samuel Richardson).
715. Who is an ex ponent of Sprung Rhythm? (G.M.Hopkins).
716. Who is an exponent of Social Essays? (Francis Bacon).
717. Who is an exponent of Regional novels? (Thomas Hardy).
718. Who is exponent of Domestic novels? (Jane Austen).
719. Who is an exponent of Dramatic Monologue? (Robert Browni ng).
720. Who introduced sonnet in England? (Wyatt).

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