RT Prc019e E4 0614
RT Prc019e E4 0614
RT Prc019e E4 0614
Rooftop Units
Table of Contents
4 RT-PRC019E-E4
Features and Benefits
Ease Of Installation
Voyager units provide many time and money saving
Conversionless Units AND Jobsite Convertible Units
• The dedicated design units (either downflow or
horizontal) require no panel removal or alteration time
to convert in the field. Units are also available as
convertible on the jobsite.
• Horizontal units come complete with duct flanges so
the contractor doesn't have to field fabricate them.
Improved Airflow
• U-shaped airflow allows for improved static
Single Side Access
• Remove 2 screws to access components and wiring.
Trane's Idler Arm Assembly
• Our idler pulley provides quick-adjustment for belt or
motor sheaves. No longer does one have to adjust the
motor to tighten the belt or change the motor sheave
RT-PRC019E-E4 5
Options and Accessories
Table 1 - Options & accessories – Voyager 1
TSD TSH WSD WSH YSD YSH Application Description Incompatible with
6 RT-PRC019E-E4
Options and Accessories
TSD TSH WSD WSH YSD YSH Application Description Incompatible with
EU4 filters O O O O O O To filter the air. Washable media, treat the return and
fresh air, 90% gravimetrical efficiency.
Clogged filter O O O O O O To facilitate When the pressure drop of the filter
detector maintenance of exceeds the selectable value, this
the filters. differential pressostat report an alarm via
a dry contact to the micro-control.
Textile duct O O O O O O To achieve a Located in the main control pannel.
soft starter progressive supply Starting time can be adjusted from an
fan start and actual range of 0 to 40 seconds (factory-
progressive set value: 40 s).
inflation of textile
Fused O O O O O O To manually Cuts the 3 phases of the power supply,
disconnect disconnect the the fuses blow up in case of short circuit
switch unit from the into the unit. Cannot be ordered with
power supply line electric heaters because in that case the
and protect it unit is already fused
from internal short
Fire A A A A A A To stop the unit A kit of 2 manual reset thermostats are Smoke detector.
thermostat when temperature delivered. The first one, to be placed in
of the air stream the return duct, stops the unit and put
rises abnormally. the unit in general fault when the
airstream rises above 57°C, the second,
to be placed in the supply duct, reacts
above 115°C. Temperature threshold
cannot be changed.
Smoke O O O O O O To detect smoke in Closes the return air damper if an Fire thermostat, hot
detector the building. economizer is installed, stops the indoor water coil.
fan, switches off the electric heater if
installed and energized, and put the unit
in general fault.
Fan failure O O O O O O To improve Detects the lack of fan static pressure.
switch security and If the indoor fan fails, then the unit
reliability of the operation is shut down and the "Service"
unit (when the light LED on the Zone Sensor starts
indoor fan belt flashing. If no air flow going through the
breaks down for unit is detected within 40 seconds (by
instance). differential pressure), the control will shut
off all mechanical operations, lock the
system, send a diagnostic to the ICS, and
the "Service" LED will flash. The system
will remain locked until a reset is initiated
either manually or through the ICS. The
option board is required.
Three-Phase S S S S S S This device The relay disables the unit control when
Monitoring monitors three- one of the following failures occurs on
Relay phase power power supply: phase reversal, phase loss.
Reverse supply in order to
rotation protect unit
This option is
when there are
risks of power
supply phase
Standard A - A - A - Connection Supports the rooftop and ensures Adjustable
roofcurb between a flat watertightness roof/roofcurb/rooftop, roofcurb.
roof and the and easy connection of the ductwork .
Adjustable A - A - A - Connection Supports the rooftop and ensures Standard roofcurb.
roofcurb between a sloped watertightness roof/roofcurb/rooftop,
roof and the and easy connection of the ductwork,
rooftop. correcting slope up to 15%.
RT-PRC019E-E4 7
Options and Accessories
TSD TSH WSD WSH YSD YSH Application Description Incompatible with
8 RT-PRC019E-E4
Options and Accessories
TSD TSH WSD WSH YSD YSH Application Description Incompatible with
Discharge air O O O O O O Supply air A sensor is placed in the return air duct. Hot water coil.
sensing tempering
("Supply air maintains the
tempering") supply air
above a lower
limit during
ventilation periods
in heating mode.
Also used to
monitor true
discharge air
temperature out
of the unit.
Remote fault O O O O O O To send alarms Uses the compressor/heating/fan/power
relay signals to a local supply alarm output signals from the
BMS. micro-control and reports them into one
dry contact.
TD-5 A A A A A A Plug and play 5 inch touch screen display. Monitor all
diagnostic touch unit parameters, input, output, graph and
screen display. record parameter trend. Provide alarm
Read Only device historic reporting and possibility to reset
connected to alarms.
Reliatel boards.
Oversized O O O O O O High static Increases the fans speed via oversized
drive / motor pressure needs. pulleys/belts and/or oversized motors.
A = Accessory (to be mounted on site)
O = Option (factory mounted and tested)
S = Factory mounted standard feature
Other options or configurations are available. Please contact your local sales office for more information.
Phase out
THS01 A A - - A A Control of Electronic thermostat, 2 stages cooling, TCI-R, LCI-R,
1 cooling-only / 2 stages auxiliary heating, LCD screen. remote fault relay.
gas-fired rooftop.
THS02 - - A A - - Control of 1 heat Electronic thermostat, 2 stages cooling, TCI-R, LCI-R,
pump rooftop. 1 stage compressor heating, 1 stage remote fault relay.
auxiliary heating, LCD screen.
THP01 A A - - A A Control of Electronic programmable thermostat, TCI-R, LCI-R,
1 cooling-only / 2 stages cooling, 2 stages auxiliary remote fault relay.
gas-fired rooftop. heating, LCD screen.
THP02 - - A A - - Control of 1 heat Electronic programmable thermostat, TCI-R, LCI-R,
pump rooftop. 2 stages cooling, 1 stage compressor remote fault relay.
heating, 1 stage auxiliary heating, LCD
Remote - - A A - - Need for remote Senses the temperature and sends the THS/P 03, TCI-R,
sensor box for or additional information to the THS/P 01-02. LCI-R, remote fault
THS/THP01- sensors with relay.
02 THS/P 01-02.
Three-Phase O O O O O O This device The relay disables the unit control when
Monitoring monitors three- one of the following failures occurs on
Relay phase power power supply: phase reversal, phase loss,
Reverse supply in order to phase imbalance (adjustable setting). The
rotation + protect unit recommended setting is as follows: 5%
Unbalance motors. imbalance on 3-phase voltage. Duration
This option is of imbalance should be set at 5 seconds.
when there are
risks of power
supply imbalance,
phase reversal or
when power factor
capacitors are
RT-PRC019E-E4 9
Options and Accessories
Auxiliary heat type Electric Heat Gas Heat Hot Water coil
Gas type Natural gas G20 Natural gas G25 Propane gas G31
Auxiliary heating capacity ___________________ kW
10 RT-PRC019E-E4
General Data
Table 3 - General data – TS
060 072 090 102 120
Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
Eurovent Performances (1)
Net Cooling Capacity (kW) 17.2 21.8 24.9 28.7 31.7
Total Power input in cooling (kW) 5.6 7.18 8.64 9.99 11.84
EER 3.07 3.04 2.88 2.87 2.68
Eurovent Efficiency class Cooling A A B B C
Main Power supply V/Ph/Hz 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50
Outdoor sound power level env. (dBA) 79 82 82 83 83
Indoor sound power level in duct (dBA) 71 68 70 78 80
Outdoor sound pressure level env. (6) (dBA) 48 51 51 51 51
Unit max amps (3) (A) 18.1 22.8 26.0 28.4 29.9
Unit start-up amps (3) (A) 78 103 120 88 93
Short circuit current (kA) 10 10 10 10 10
Electric Heater
Heating Capacity (kW) 12 18 18 25 25
Capacity steps # 2 2 2 2 2
Heating Capacity Step (kW) 0 / 6 / 12 0 / 6 / 18 0 / 6 / 18 0 / 12.5 / 25 0 / 12.5 / 25
Rated Amps (A) 17.3 26.0 26.0 36.1 36.1
Number # 1 1 1 2 2
Type Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll Scroll
Model Climatuff Climatuff Climatuff Climatuff Climatuff
Motor HP (kW) 6.7 8.9 10.1 6.7 / 5.1 7.2 / 5.5
Max Amps(2) (A) 11.3 15.2 17.4 11.3 / 8.5 12.2 / 9.1
Locked rotor Amps (2) (A) 71 95 111 71 / 51 75 / 52
Outdoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size OD (mm) 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94
Face Area (m²) 1.02 1.58 1.58 1.84 1.84
Rows / Fin series # / FPF 3 / 192 3 / 192 3 / 192 3 / 192 3 / 192
Indoor Coil
Type Lanced Lanced Lanced Lanced Lanced
Tube Size OD (mm) 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94
Face Area (m²) 0.62 0.92 0.92 1.15 1.15
Rows / Fin series # / FPF 3 / 192 3 / 192 3 / 192 3 / 192 4 / 192
Refrigerant Control Expansion Valve Expansion Valve Expansion Valve Expansion Valve Expansion Valve
Drain Connection No./Size (mm) 1 / 3/4" NPT 1 / 3/4" NPT 1 / 3/4" NPT 1 / 3/4" NPT 1 / 3/4" NPT
Outdoor Fan
Nominal Airflow (m3/h) 4930 8660 8830 9340 9850
Type Axial Axial Axial Axial Axial
Diameter (mm) 560 660 660 660 660
Drive type Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct
Number # 1 1 1 1 1
Motor HP (kW) 0.4 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Motor Max Amps(1) (A) 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Motor Locked rotor Amps (2) (A) 2.8 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1
Motor RPM (rpm) 950 950 950 950 950
Indoor Fan 2720
Minimum Airflow (m3/h) 2720 3260 4080 4620 5440
Nominal Airflow (m3/h) 3400 4080 5100 5780 6800
Maximum Airflow (m3/h) 4080 4900 6120 6940 8160
Static pressure available (TSD / TSH) (4) (Pa) 325 / 225 275 / 225 250 / 175 275 / 200 325 / 225
Maximum static pressure available (TSD / TSH) (5) (Pa) 375 / 325 375 / 375 375 / 375 500 / 500 500 / 450
Type FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal FC Centrifugal
Diameter / Width (in / in) 11 / 11 12 / 12 12 / 12 15 / 15 15 / 15
Drive type Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive Belt Drive
Number # 1 1 1 1 1
Motor HP (Standard/Oversized) (kW) 1.1 / - 1.1 / 1.5 1.5 / 2.2 1.5 / 2.2 2.2 / -
Motor Max Amps(Standard/Oversized) (A) 3.2 / - 3.2 / 4.3 4.3 / 5.3 4.3 / 5.3 5.3 / -
Motor Locked rotor Amps (Standard/Oversized) (A) 25.3 / - 25.3 / 36.4 36.4 / 57.0 36.4 / 57.0 57.0 / -
Motor RPM (Standard/Oversized) (rpm) 1450 / - 1450 / 1450 1450 / 2850 1450 / 2850 2850 / -
Type Furnished 1" Throwaway 2" Throwaway 2" Throwaway 2" Throwaway 2" Throwaway
(No.) Size Recommended # 2x(508x762x25) 4x(406x635x50) 4x(406x635x50) 4x(508x635x50) 4x(508x635x50)
Operating limits
Minimum operating outdoor air temp. °C -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
Maximum operating outdoor air temp. °C 46 46 46 46 46
Minimum intake air temp. on the indoor coil °C 18 18 18 18 18
Dimensions (3)
Height (mm) 921 1038 1038 1190 1190
Length (mm) 1775 2251 2251 2251 2251
Width (mm) 1124 1353 1353 1353 1353
Operating Weight (kg) 240 355 374 415 426
Shipping Weight (kg) 288 415 434 478 489
Unit construction
Sheet metal / Thickness Type / mm Prepainted Steel / 1.1 Prepainted Steel / 1.1 Prepainted Steel / 1.1 Prepainted Steel / 1.1 Prepainted Steel / 1.1
Insulation / Thickness Type / mm M0 / 12.5 M0 / 12.5 M0 / 12.5 M0 / 12.5 M0 / 12.5
System Data
Refrigerant circuit # 1 1 1 2 2
Capacity steps / % per step # 1 / 0%-100% 1 / 0%-100% 1 / 0%-100% 2 / 0%-40%-100% 2 / 0%-45%-100%
Refrigerant Charge (3)
Circuit A (TSD / TSH) (kg) 3.49 5.35 5.44 3.49 3.63
Circuit B (TSD / TSH) (kg) - - - 2.63 2.86
(1) At Eurovent rating conditions : Indoor return Air (27°C DB / 19°C WB) - Ambiant 35°C
(2) per motor at 400V/3/50
(3) For standard unit, without options
(4) At the nominal airflow with standard drive
(5) At the nominal airflow with oversized drive when available
(6) At 10m from the unit in a free field
Electrical & refrigerant charge Data are subject to change without notice. Please refer to unit nameplate data.
RT-PRC019E-E4 11
General Data
12 RT-PRC019E-E4
General Data
RT-PRC019E-E4 13
Performance Data
14 RT-PRC019E-E4
Performance Data
RT-PRC019E-E4 15
Performance Data
Sound Levels
Voyager 1 Sound Power Levels - R410A
Data given at 250Pa & 35°C ambient for nominal airflow rate
Sound Power Référence = 10E-12 Watt
16 RT-PRC019E-E4
Electrical Data
Table 12 - Electrical characteristics
Indoor Fan
Control Compressor 1 / 2 Standard Oversized Outdoor Fan Electric
drive drive Heat
Max Max Start Max Amps Quantity Max Max Amps
Unit Amps Amps Amps Amps
YSD/YSH/TSD/TSH 060 0.3 11.3 71 3.2 1 1.0 17.3
YSD/YSH/TSD/TSH 072 0.3 15.2 95 3.2 4.3 1 3.0 26
YSD/YSH/TSD/TSH 090 0.3 17.4 111 4.3 5.3 1 3.0 26
YSD/YSH/TSD/TSH 102 0.3 11.3 / 8.5 71 / 51 4.3 5.3 1 3.0 36.1
YSD/YSH/TSD/TSH 120 0.3 12.2 / 9.1 75 / 52 5.3 1 3.0 36.1
WSD/WSH 060 0.3 11.3 71 3.2 1 1.0 17.3
WSD/WSH 072 0.3 14.1 75 3.2 4.3 1 3.0 26
WSD/WSH 090 0.3 17.4 111 4.3 5.3 1 3.0 26
RT-PRC019E-E4 17
Dimensions and Weights
18 RT-PRC019E-E4
Dimensions and Weights
Table 16 - Filter arrangement
G2/EU2 G4/EU4
Dimensions Dimensions
Unit size Number (mm) Number (mm)
060 2 (508x762x25) 2 (500x750x25)
072 4 (406x635x50) 4 (395x625x50)
090 4 (406x635x50) 4 (395x625x50)
102 4 (508x635x50) 4 (500x625x50)
120 4 (508x635x50) 4 (500x625x50)
RT-PRC019E-E4 19
20 RT-PRC019E-E4
RT-PRC019E-E4 21
Mechanical Specifications
General Evaporator And Condenser Coils
Units shall be dedicated downflow or horizontal airflow. Internally finned 8 mm (5/16 inch, in diameter) copper
Operating range shall be between 46°C and -18°C cooling tubes mechanically bonded to configured aluminum
as standard from the factory for all units. All units shall plate fin shall be standard. Coils shall be leak tested at
be factory assembled, internally wired, fully charged with the factory to ensure pressure integrity. The evaporator
refrigerant, and 100% run-tested before leaving the coil and condenser coil shall be pressure tested to 4.5
factory. Wiring internal to the unit shall be colored and MPA and leak tested to 2.9 MPA. Unit condensate drain
numbered for simplified identification. pan shall be constructed of a non-corrosive material.
Casing Drain pan shall be reversible for side opposite service
connections. Drain pan shall be removable to gain
Unit casing shall be constructed of heavy gauge
access for cleaning. Drain pan shall be double sloped to
galvanized steel. Exterior surfaces shall be cleaned,
ensure proper draining of condensate.
phosphatized, and finished weather-resistant RAL 7032
baked enamel finish. Unit's surface shall be tested 1000 Outdoor Fans
hours in a salt spray test in compliance with NFX 41.002. The outdoor fans shall be direct-drive, statically and
Cabinet construction shall allow for all maintenance on dynamically balanced, draw-through in the vertical
one side of the unit. Service panels shall have lifting discharge position. The fan motors shall be permanently
handles and be removed and reinstalled by removing lubricated and shall have built-in thermal overload
not more than 1 fastener while providing a water and air protection.
tight seal. All exposed vertical panels, top covers and the Indoor Fan
base in the indoor air section shall be insulated with
All units shall have belt driven, with forward-curved
cleanable foil faced, fire-retardant permanent, odorless
blades and adjustable motor sheaves. All units shall have
glass fiber material. The aluminium foil shall be 0.030
an adjustable idler-arm assembly for quick-adjustment to
mm thick. The downflow unit's base pan shall have no
fan belts and motor sheaves. All motors shall be
penetrations within the perimeter of the curb other than
thermally protected. Oversized motors shall be available
the raised 29 mm high supply/ return openings to
for high static operations.
provide an added water integrity precaution, if the
condensate drain backs up. The base of the unit shall Controls
have provisions for forklift and crane lifting. The Unit shall be completely factory wired with necessary
horizontal flow units should not require any extra controls and contactor pressure lugs or terminal block
plenum or roofcurb to comply with an «horizontal return for power wiring. Units shall provide an external location
and discharge» requirement. for mounting a fused disconnect device. Microprocessor
Unit Top controls shall be available. Microprocessor controls
provide for all 24 volt control functions. With the
The top cover shall be one piece or where seams exist, it
microprocessor controls, the resident control algorithms
shall be double hemmed and gasket sealed to prevent
shall make all heating, cooling, and/or ventilating
water leakage. The ribbed top adds extra strength and
decisions in response to electronic signals from sensors
prevents water from pooling on unit top.
measuring indoor and outdoor temperatures. The control
Filters algorithm maintains accurate temperature control,
Fifty mm filters shall be factory supplied. minimizes drift from set point, and provides better
Compressors building comfort. A centralized microprocessor shall
provide anti-short cycle timing and time delay between
All units shall have direct-drive, hermetic, scroll type
compressors to provide a higher level of machine
compressors with self-lubrication. Motor shall be suction
gas-cooled and shall have a voltage utilization range of
plus or minus 10 percent of unit nameplate voltage. All 24-volt electromechanical control circuit shall include
scroll compressors shall be provided with internal control transformer and contactor pressure lugs for
overloads. power wiring. Unit shall have single point power entry as
Refrigerant Circuits standard.
Each refrigerant circuit shall have independent fixed Operation and diagnostic display
orifice expansion devices, service pressure ports, and The unit shall be equipped with a 5" high resolution color
refrigerant line filter driers factory-installed as standard. touch screen LCD display. The display allows you to view
On the reverse cycle of the heat pump unit, each circuit data and make operational changes on the rooftop.
shall have an independent fixed thermal expansion Display shall provide in 26 languages:
• 15 different reports (3 custom, 12 standard),
• 12 different graphs (4 custom, 8 standard)
• View and reset historic of last 100 detailed alarms.
Graph data shall be exported to an excel file through
USB memory stick.
22 RT-PRC019E-E4
Mechanical Specifications
Options and Accessories Through the Base Electrical with Fuse Disconnect Switch -
Factory-installed 3-pole, molded case disconnect switch
Roof Curb - Downflow - The roof curb shall be designed with provisions for through the base electrical
to mate with the downflow unit and provide support and connections are available. The disconnect switch will be
watertight installation when installed properly. The roof installed in the unit in a watertight enclosure with access
curb design shall allow field-fabricated rectangular through a swinging door. Factory wiring will be provided
supply/return ductwork to be connected directly to the from the switch to the unit high voltage terminal block.
curb. Curb shall be shipped knocked down for field The switch will be CE recognized.
assembly and shall include wood nailer strips.
Fan Failure/Clogged Filter Switches - These factory or
Adjustable Roof Curb - This factory-assembled accessory field-installed options allow for individual fan failure and
is adjustable on site and allows correction of the slope of dirty filter indication in microprocessor controlled units.
the roof up to 5%. The fan failure switch will disable all unit functions and
Hot Water Coil - This option shall be factory mounted and "flash" the Service LED on the zone sensor. The dirty filter
placed in the discharge section. It shall be shipped with switch will light the Service LED on the zone sensor and
one 3-way valve and a field adjustable 2-step control and will allow continued unit operation.
frostat protection. High Pressure Cutout - All 3-phase models with scroll
Electric Heater - Electric heater elements shall be compressors include High Pressure Cutout as standard.
constructed of heavy duty nickel chromium elements Supply Air Smoke Detector - With this option installed, if
internally wire connected. Each heater package shall smoke is detected, all unit operation will be shut down.
have automatically reset high limit operating through Reset will be manual at the unit.
heating element contactors. Electric heaters shall be
protected with fuses. Power supply shall come from the
main unit power supply. All electric heaters shall be
Control Options
supplied with overheat thermostat protection. TCI-R Comm-3/4 Trane Communication Interface - This
factory or field-installed option shall be provided to
Economizer - Downflow - This assembly includes fully
interface microprocessor controlled units with the Trane
modulating 0-100% motor and dampers, barometric
Integrated Comfort™ systems.
relief, minimum position setting, preset linkage, wiring
harness and differential enthalpy control. LCI-R Comm-5 LonTalk Communication Interface - This
factory or field-installed option shall be provided to allow
Economizer - Horizontal - This accessory shall be factory-
the unit to communicate as a Trane Comm-5 device or
installed only. The horizontal economizer shall contain
directly with generic LonTalk Network Building
the same features as the downflow economizer with the
Automation System Controls.
exception of barometric relief.
Zone Sensor - Field-installed, this accessory shall be
Remote Potentiometer - Field-installed, the minimum
provided to interface with the Micro equipped units and
position setting of economizer shall be adjusted with this
shall be available in either manual, automatic
programmable with night setback, with system
Motorized Outside Air Dampers - Factory or field- malfunction lights or remote sensor options.
installed manually set outdoor air dampers shall provide
Thermostats - Two stage heating and cooling operation
up to 50 percent outside air. Once set, outdoor air
or one stage heating and cooling shall be available, for
dampers shall open to set position when indoor fan
field installation, in either manual or automatic
starts. The damper shall close to the full closed position
changeover. Automatic programmable electronic with
when indoor fan shuts down.
night set back shall also be available.
Manual Outside Air Damper - Factory or field-installed
Comparative Enthalpy - Replaces the standard dry bulb
rain hood and screen shall provide up to 50 percent
control with two enthalpy sensors that compare total
outside air.
heat content of the indoor air and outdoor air to
Oversized Motors - Factory or field-installed direct drive determine the most efficient air source. This control
oversized motors shall be available for high static option offers the highest level of comfort control, plus
applications. energy efficiency, available. This option shall be available
Discharge Air Sensing - This factory or field option for microprocessor controlled units. It can be field-
provides true discharge air sensing in heating models. installed or factory-installed with the factory-installed
This sensor is a status indicator readable through Tracer® economizer.
or Tracker®. This option is available for microprocessor Modbus Communication Interface (PIC)
controlled units. Shall be provided to interface with the Trane Integrated
Comfort™ System and shall be available field or factory-
installed. The PIC shall allow control and monitoring of
the rooftop unit via a two-wire communication link and
Modbus protocol.
RT-PRC019E-E4 23
Trane optimizes the performance of homes and buildings around the world. A business of Ingersoll Rand, the leader
in creating and sustaining safe, comfortable and energy efficient environments, Trane offers a broad portfolio
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Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.