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1 © Pearson Education 2011

Arab World Edition
R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O’Brien,
Ashraf Eid, Amany El Anshasy,

Chapter 3
Where Prices Come From:
The Interaction of Demand and

2 © Pearson Education 2011

Apple and the Demand
for iPods
LEARNING Objectives
By early 2008, over 150 million iPods had been 3.1 Discuss the variables that influence
sold and more than 4 billion songs had been demand.
downloaded from iTunes. Clearly the strategy of 3.2 Discuss the variables that influence
selling an expensive digital music player and supply.
selling the music cheaply has been very
3.3 Use a graph to illustrate market
successful for Apple. But how long will the equilibrium.
iPod’s dominance last?
3.4 Use demand and supply graphs to
predict changes in prices and

3 © Pearson Education 2011

Where Prices Come From: The Interaction of
Demand and Supply

Perfectly competitive market

A market that meets the
conditions of
(1) many buyers and sellers, (2)
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

all firms selling identical

products, and
(3) no barriers to new firms
entering the market.

4 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Demand Schedules and Demand Curves

Demand schedule A table showing the relationship

between the price of a product and the quantity of the
product demanded.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Quantity demanded The amount of a good or service that

a consumer is willing and able to purchase at a given price.

Demand curve A curve that shows the relationship between

the price of a product and the quantity of the product

Market demand The demand by all the consumers of a

given good or service.

5 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Demand Schedules and Demand Curves

A Demand Schedule
and Demand Curve
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

6 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

The Law of Demand

Law of demand The rule that, holding

everything else constant, when the
price of a product falls, the quantity
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

demanded of the product will increase,

and when the price of a product rises,
the quantity demanded of the product
will decrease.

7 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Holding Everything Else Constant:
The Condition

(“all else equal”) The requirement that when

analyzing the relationship between two variables—
The Interaction of Demand and Supply

such as price and quantity demanded—other

Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

variables must be held constant.

A shift of a demand curve is an increase or

decrease in demand. A movement along a demand
curve is an increase or decrease in the quantity

8 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Holding Everything Else Constant
Shifting the
Demand Curve
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

9 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Market Demand

Many variables other than price can influence

market demand.

• Income
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Normal good A good for which the

demand increases as income rises and
decreases as income falls.

Inferior good A good for which the

demand increases as income falls and
decreases as income rises.

10 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Market Demand
• Price of related goods

Substitutes Goods and services that

can be used for the same purpose.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Complements Goods and services that

are used together.

• Tastes

Consumers can be influenced by an

advertising campaign for a product.

11 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Market Demand

• Population and demographics

Demographics The characteristics

of a population with respect to age,
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

race, and gender.

• Expected Future Prices

Consumers choose not only which

products to buy but also when to buy

12 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

Making Google Responds to a Growing Arab

World Demand on Internet Navigation by
Connection launching “Ahlan Online”

As internet users in the Arab world increase, the demand for basic
guidance on net navigation also rises. Not surprisingly, Google
have responded by creating an Arabic website that provides users
The Interaction of Demand and Supply

with the basic tips they need to navigate the Internet using Google
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

tools, such as Google search, Gmail, and Google Talk (chat).

13 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Market Demand
Variables That Shift Market Demand Curves
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

14 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Market Demand
Variables That Shift Market Demand Curves (continued)
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

15 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

The Demand Side of the Market

A Change in Demand versus a Change in Quantity Demanded

A Change in Demand
for digital music players
versus a Change in the
The Interaction of Demand and Supply

Quantity Demanded
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

16 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.1

Making Apple Forecasts the Demand for iPhones

and other Consumer Electronics

To decide which products to develop,

firms need to forecast the demand for
those products.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Apple forecasted that it would sell 10

million iPhones during the product’s first
year on the market, with much larger
sales expected in future years. In April
2010, Apple announced that the
company was able to sell over 50 million
iPhones as of that date.

17 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

Quantity supplied The amount of a good or service

that a firm is willing and able to supply at a given
The Interaction of Demand and Supply

Supply Schedules and Supply Curves

Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Supply schedule A table that shows the relationship

between the price of a product and the quantity of the
product supplied.

Supply curve A curve that shows the relationship

between the price of a product and the quantity of the
product supplied.

18 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

Supply Schedules and Supply Curves

Supply Schedule and
Supply Curve
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

19 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

The Law of Supply

Law of supply The rule that, holding

everything else constant, increases in
price cause increases in the quantity
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

supplied, and decreases in price cause

decreases in the quantity supplied.

20 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

The Law of Supply

Shifting the Supply Curve
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

21 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Supply

The following are the most important variables that shift supply:
• Prices of inputs
• Technological change
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Technological change A positive or negative

change in the ability of a firm to produce a
given level of output with a given quantity of

• Prices of substitutes in production

• Number of firms in the market
• Expected future prices

22 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Supply
Variables That Shift Market Supply Curves
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

23 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

Variables That Shift Supply
Variables That Shift Market Supply Curves (continued)
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

24 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.2

The Supply Side of the Market

A Change in Supply versus a Change in Quantity Supplied

A Change in Supply
versus a Change in the
Quantity Supplied
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

25 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.3

Market Equilibrium: Putting Demand

and Supply Together

Market Equilibrium
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

26 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.3

Market Equilibrium: Putting Demand and Supply


Market equilibrium A situation

in which quantity demanded
equals quantity supplied.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Competitive market
equilibrium A market
equilibrium with many buyers
and many sellers.

27 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.3

Market Equilibrium: Putting Demand and Supply

How Markets Eliminate Surpluses and Shortages

Surplus A situation in which the

quantity supplied is greater than the
quantity demanded.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Shortage A situation in which the

quantity demanded is greater than
the quantity supplied.

28 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.3

Market Equilibrium: Putting Demand and Supply

How Markets Eliminate Surpluses and Shortages
The Effect of
Surpluses and
Shortages on the
Market Price
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

29 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.3

Market Equilibrium: Putting Demand and Supply

Demand and Supply Both Count

Always keep in mind that it is the interaction of demand

and supply that determines the equilibrium price.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply

Neither consumers nor firms can dictate what the

Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

equilibrium price will be.

No firm can sell anything at any price unless it can find

a willing buyer, and no consumer can buy anything at
any price without finding a willing seller.

30 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

The Effect of Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium

The Effect of Shifts in Supply on Equilibrium
The Effect of an Increase
in Supply on Equilibrium
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

31 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

the The Falling Price of LCD Televisions
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Sources: David Richards, “Sony and Panasonic Flat Screen Kings,”, February 13, 2007; Evan
Ramstad, “Big Display: Once a Footnote, Flat Screens Grow into Huge Industry,” Wall Street Journal, August 30,
2004, p. A1; and Michael Schuman, “Flat Chance: Prices on Cool TVs Are Dropping as New Factories Come on
Line,” Time, October 18, 2004, pp. 64–66.

32 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

The Effect of Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium

The Effect of Shifts in Demand on Equilibrium

The Effect of an Increase
in Demand on Equilibrium
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

33 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

The Effect of Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium

The Effect of Shifts in Demand and Supply over Time
Shifts in Demand and
Supply over Time
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

34 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

The Effect of Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium

The Effect of Shifts in Demand and Supply over Time
How Shifts in Demand and Supply Affect
Equilibrium Price (P) and Quantity (Q)


The Interaction of Demand and Supply


Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

DEMAND CURVE Q unchanged Q increases Q decreases

UNCHANGED P unchanged P decreases P increases

DEMAND CURVE Q increases Q increases or

SHIFTS TO THE RIGHT Q increases P increases or decreases
P increases decreases P increases

DEMAND CURVE Q decreases Q increases or Q decreases

SHIFTS TO THE LEFT P decreases decreases P increases or
P decreases decreases

35 © Pearson Education 2011

Learning Objective 3.4

Solved Problem 3-4

Low Demand and High Prices in the
Saudi Fresh Poultry Market?
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Supply and demand for poultry both increase during winter, but the increase in
supply is greater than the increase in demand, therefore, equilibrium price falls.
36 © Pearson Education 2011
Learning Objective 3.4

The Effect of Demand and Supply Shifts on Equilibrium

Shifts in a Curve versus Movements along a Curve

When analyzing markets using demand

and supply curves, it is important to
remember that when a shift in a demand
or supply curve causes a change in
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

equilibrium price, the change in price

does not cause a further shift in demand
or supply.

37 © Pearson Education 2011

An Inside LOOK How 'Perfect' Oil Price Hides Divisions
within OPEC?
Oil prices are determined by both supply and
demand factors.
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

38 © Pearson Education 2011

Key Terms

(“all else equal”) condition Normal good

Competitive market equilibrium Perfectly competitive market
Complements Quantity demanded
Demand curve Quantity supplied
The Interaction of Demand and Supply
Chapter 3: Where Prices Come From:

Demand schedule Shortage

Demographics Substitutes
Income effect Substitution effect
Inferior good Supply curve
Law of demand Supply schedule
Law of supply Surplus
Market demand Technological change
Market equilibrium

39 © Pearson Education 2011

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