Searox Marine and Offshore Manual

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SeaRox marine
and offshore manual
Giving you technical guidance to achieving
the best fire-safe, acoustic and thermal
stone wool solution possible



2 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

This is SeaRox® 1

Marine insulation faces a number of unique challenges
compared to onshore applications. 5

Delivering the best-possible insulation solution therefore 6

takes knowledge and experience – as well as a full range 7

of quality marine insulation products.

Extreme conditions
within marine and offshore...
The marine and offshore is among the most difficult of operating environ-
ments. The marine industry is an environment highly exposed to water
and humidity; it must tolerate high temperature; and it forms a critical part
of fire safety. It also plays and important role in acoustic health and safety,
as well as thermal performance. And if all that’s not enough, it must be
installed in the space-constrained environment onboard a ship.

… require expert solutions

The design of marine insulation systems must take all of these factors
into account. Not an easy task. There is no single insulation product
that can do everything in every marine application. But there is SeaRox
marine and offshore insulation: Our full range of insulation solutions for
the shipbuilding industry. SeaRox products are offered to the same
standard specifications wherever you are in the world – from the UK to
China – ensuring you can easily determine the right material for the job.

Our experts are also always on hand to advise when it comes to the
selection of the most appropriate insulation solutions. From documen­
tation to delivery and aftersales service, we don’t just sell products;
we supply solutions. It’s a total service approach that our customers can
rely on for professionalism, innovation and trust.

With a focus on sustainability

Economic and environmental pressures have become an increasingly
prominent item on the agenda of shipowners, shipbuilders, naval
architects, and marine engineers. This includes efforts to control energy
consumption, which has the dual benefit of reducing both operating
costs and carbon emissions. Our latest insulation high-performance
lightweight stone wool solutions are designed to meet this challenge
and drive incremental improvements in energy efficiency.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 3

Table of content

1 The ABC of stone wool insulation 7
5 What is stone wool and why use it 8
6 Where to insulate 10
Fire insulation regulations according to SOLAS 12
Fire classifications for divisions 14
2 Our products 15
Understanding the SeaRox® product name 16
Product guide and selector 17
SeaRox® facings 26
How to order 30
How to install 32
Lightweight stone wool solutions 40
Our commitment to health and safety 42

3 Insulation for fire protection 43

A-class fire rated steel divisions 44
Symbol guide for A-class constructions 47
A-constructions Steel Bulkhead 48
A-constructions Steel Deck 67
Floating floor 82
A-constructions Aluminium Bulkhead & Deck 84
Stiffeners 93
Pin pattern 96
Bulkhead and deck connections 97
Installation of surface steel plate 99
Draught stops 100
Ventilation ducts and steel pipes insulated to A-60 103
Penetrations of A-class fire divisions 104

4 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


4 Comfort, thermal insulation 105
Thermal and comfort insulation 106 5

Thermal calculations 110 6

5 Sound reduction 111 7

General information on sound reduction 112 8

Sound absorption 114
Sound reduction 115
Impact sound reduction 116

6 Outfitting insulation 117

Floating floor constructions, including class A-60 118
Marine panels, ceilings and fire doors 120

7 Technical insulation 121

General information about technical insulation 122
Insulation with ProRox® pipe sections 124
Insulation with SeaRox® lamella mat 125
Insulation with SeaRox® and ProRox® wired mats 126
Insulation with SeaRox® slabs 128

8 About ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation 129

About us 130

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 5


6 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

of stone wool

What is stone wool and why use it 8

Where to insulate 10
Fire insulation regulations according to SOLAS 12
Fire classifications for divisions 14
What is stone wool
2 and why use it

As with all ROCKWOOL products, SeaRox® combines
5 the strenght of stone – that is volcanic rock: a material
nature produces in abundant quantities. Based on the
natural power of this stone, we have identified several
­inherent strengths that reflect the versatile properties
8 of stone wool.

ROCKWOOL stone wool fibres can withstand more than 1000°C
without melting.

Acoustic capabilities
The acoustic properties of our products secure excellent
noise reduction and better indoor comfort.

Thermal properties
Saves energy by maintaining optimum indoor temperature
and climate.

Water repellency
When engineered to repel water, stone wool repels water and have
low water absorption; reduces the risk of weight increase, reduced
thermal insulation performance and other negative effects of water
accumulation in the insulation over time.

8 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 9

Where to insulate
Multiple application areas

The stairways are part of the emergency
6 escape routes on a vessel. The number
of vertical fire zones the stairway passes
determines the fire insulation class.

Control room
In the case of fire, the control room
Corridors must be able to stay in operation for
Corridors are part of the emergency as long as possible, as this is the last
escape routes on a vessel. The number of place where all the technical equipment
horisontal fire zones the corridor passes can be controlled. The sound level also
determines the fire insulation class. needs to be low, as the crew will spend
a lot of time here. Fire protection and
acoustic insulation of the control room
is therefore very important.

Engine room
The engine room contains a lot of
fire risks so fire protection is essential.
The engine room is also a source of
a lot of often disturbing noise. It is also
an area containing pipes, tanks, containers
and other equipment where technical
insulation is required.

Public area
The public area requires various kinds of
insulation, depending on the situation.

Storage and tank rooms

In the boiler room, storage rooms and
tank rooms it is often important to
insulate hot surfaces, boilers and pipes.
On the bridge it is important to secure
a high level of fire protection and sound

10 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Cabins Offshore 5
On board a ship it is essential to have the right Conditions on offshore applications are more or less
insulation between the cabins. It is crucial to ensure the same as on a ship. Furthermore you have the risk 6
the required fire protection and it is more and more of hydrocarbon fire and you need to protect people
important to have a high level of sound and thermal and material from this type of fire exposure. 7
(comfort) insulation.

In the galley you always have a risk of fire,
as you can have a mixture of heat and
flammable materials. In this case it is also Disco
necessary to be aware of the facings, as The discothèque, cinema and bar areas
there may be oil vapour in the air. on board cruise ships are big sources of
noise. Such areas need to be properly
sound insulated.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 11

Fire insulation regulations
according to SOLAS

The requirements for materials and constructions to meet specified
5 standards of safety are normally prescribed by international or national
laws related to shipping and offshore installations.

7 In addition to these regulations, classification societies such as DNV

and LR (Lloyd’s Register) may have additional requirements.

Approvals and certification Test requirements

■  uppliers of materials and constructions to the marine
S ■ There are several national and international requirements
and offshore industry must prove that their products meet regarding the use of materials on ships and offshore
at least the statutory requirements. installations. These classifications are required to
prove combustibility characteristics and include
■  he Marine Equipment Directive “MED directive
ignition properties, heat release and development
2014/90/EU” replaced the MED directive 96/98/EC and
of toxic gases and smoke.
all previous approvals from the maritime authorities within
EEA countries. All products supplied to marine vessels ■  prove that materials meet the required fire technical
carrying EEA flag are subject to the MED directive. classification, tests are carried out at recognised test
institutions according to standardised test methods.
■  ED-certificates are issued by notified bodies accredited
by an EEA country. Approved products bear the mark of
conformity. All ROCKWOOL SeaRox material are supplied in Material test methods
accordance with the MED directive and marked accordingly.
Testing of material’s fire resistance is done according to
■  lassification societies issue type approval
C the latest FTP code for non-combustibility and where a facing
certificates stating the permission to is applied for low flame spread.
use specific materials and constructions
It is important to note that materials which meet the
together with any relevant restrictions.
requirements for non-combustibility do not have to be
■ For UK flagged vessels United Kingdom tested for other fire technical properties.
Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA)
All our A- and H-constructions are tested according to the
has implemented the UK Conformity
FTP code. The FTP code also describes the thickness of
Assessment Scheme for certification of
the test specimen. The decision about the thickness of the
marine equipment. This has resulted
structural part is the responsibility of the ship designer and
in a new regulation for all UK flagged vessels, called the
will ultimately be approved by the responsible class society.
Marine Equipment Regulation (MER). The new rules were
implemented 1. January 2023 and our SeaRox offerings
are certified accordingly. Construction test methods
■ If there are special circumstances or requirements for Tests of a construction’s fire resistance (decks, bulkheads,
special details, it may be required to obtain statements structural steel, penetrations etc.) are carried out in a
from other authorities. standardised test furnace, where the construction specimen
is exposed to a fire according to a standardised time/
■  ia an agreement between EU and USA, MED and USCG
temperature curve.
(US Coast Guard) certificates are mutually recognised.

Approval requirements IMO 2010 FTP code

Fire test procedures within the marine sector, IMO 2010 FTP
■ To satisfy the national authorities and classification societies,
Code came into effect on 1 July 2012. The test procedures
materials and constructions must be proven to comply with
have been revised in order to maintain the highest practical
the national and international requirements. Tests have
level of safety including the harmonisation of certified test
to be done at internationally recognised test laboratories.
institutes to the same level. Most of the ROCKWOOL A-class
■  he tests have to be performed so that the materials or
T solutions have now been tested and certified to part 3 of
products are exposed to a fire generated under controlled the new IMO 2010 FTP code.
conditions that simulate as closely as possible a worst case

12 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Regulation 5.3.1:
Use of non-combustible materials
“Insulating materials shall be non-combustible, except
in cargo spaces, mail rooms, baggage rooms and
refrigerated compartments of service spaces. Vapour
barriers and adhesives used in conjunction with
insulation, as well as the insulation of pipe fittings for
cold service systems, need not be of non-combustible
materials, but they shall be kept to the minimum
quantity practicable and their exposed surfaces shall
have low flame-spread characteristics.”

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 13

Fire classifications
2 for divisions
3 60

Class A-60 Class A-30 Class A-15 Class A-0
5 Class B fire divisions
■ Class B fire divisions must be of non-combustible materials

and must prevent the propagation of flames for at least
30 minutes during a standard fire test. 30
■  he divisions must be insulated so that the average
temperature on the unexposed side of the division does
8 not exceed 140°C above the initial temperature. Class B-30 Class B-15 Class B-0

■  urthermore, the temperature at any single point

on the unexposed side must not exceed 225°C above
the initial temperature within the time limits.

Class H-120 Class H-60 Class H-0

Class A fire divisions
■ Class A fire divisions must be of non-combustible
materials and insulation materials must be fire tested at
a recognised institution. They must be sufficiently braced
and must prevent the propagation of flames and smoke
for a minimum of one hour during a standard fire test.
■ The divisions must be insulated so that the average Class A-60 Class A-30 Class A-15 Class A-0
temperature on the unexposed side of the division does
not exceed 140°C above the initial temperature.
■ Furthermore, the temperature at any single point on the

temperature within the time limits. 30
unexposed side must not exceed 180°C above the initial 30
minutes minutes minutes minutes
■ For aluminium constructions, in addition to the normal
A-class fire requirements, theClass
temperature of theClass
core A-30 Class B-30 Class B-15 Class B-0
A-60 Class A-15 Class A-0
aluminium structure is not allowed to increase by more
than 200°C during a 1 hour fire testing as per the IMO
2010 FTP code, this apply for A-0, A-15, A-30 and A-60.

30 15 120
Fire classes defined according to IMO 2010 FTP Code minutes
minutes minutes
Class H-120 Class H-60 Class H-0
Class B-30 Class B-15 Class B-0

Notified body
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is certified 60
according to the MED directive.minutes
As notified body,
we have chosen DNV, which also guarantees our
quality by running audits. Further reference
Class H-120 is madeClass H-60 Class H-0
to the ROCKWOOL MED-D certificates.

14 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Our products

Understanding the SeaRox® product name 16

Product guide and selector 17
SeaRox® facings 26
How to order 30
How to install 32
Lightweight stone wool solutions 40
Our commitment to health and safety 42
Understanding the
2 SeaRox® product name

All SeaRox product names are structured in a uniform
5 and clear way to ensure they are easy to understand for
all our customers across the globe.

This is how the product names

are structured

SeaRox F M 6040 ALU

Product range Three last digits = refer to other

product properties as stated by
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Product identifier Application code Product facings

WM = Wired Mats 3 = Acoustic, products mainly ALU = Reinforced aluminium
SL = Slab, standard for sound absorption GW200 = Glass cloth white
PS = Pipe Sections 4 = Outfitting, products mainly GW400 = Glass cloth white, heavy
LM = Lamella Mats as components of systems ALU-G = Aluminium-Glass cloth
MA = Mats 6 = Fire, products mainly for (Alu outside)
FB = Fire Board, lightweight fire rated constructions GW-A = Glass cloth-Aluminium
FM = Fire Mats, lightweight 7 = Comfort, products mainly (Glass cloth outside)
for thermal insulation of TB = Glass tissue black
accommodation TN = Glass tissue neutral
9 = Thermal, products mainly
for thermal insulation of
technical installations

16 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Product guide and selector 1

We have developed a special range of marine products that meet the
­requirements of IMO’s regulations. There is a ROCKWOOL SeaRox® product 5
with the required approval for virtually every construction. 6

The tables below give a general idea of product applications in different 7


Product selector

SeaRox LM 900 ALU

ProRox PS 930 ALU

SeaRox MA 7000
SeaRox WM 620
SeaRox WM 640
Searox FM 6020
Searox FM 6030
Searox FM 6040
Searox FM 6050
SeaRox FB 6020
SeaRox FB 6040
SeaRox FB 6050

ProRox WM 950
SeaRox MA 720

SeaRox MA 740
SeaRox SL 620
SeaRox SL 640

SeaRox SL 720

SeaRox SL 740

SeaRox SL 320
SeaRox SL 340
SeaRox SL 436
SeaRox SL 440
SeaRox SL 480

ProRox PS 960
Bulkhead and deck

Fire (A-class divisions) - lightweight

Fire (A-class divisions) - standard

Thermal (comfort insulation) - lightweight

Thermal (comfort insulation) - standard

Sound reduction (absorption)


Floating floor and panels

Technical installations

Thermal (pipes) < 250°C

Thermal (pipes) > 250°C

Thermal (tanks) < 250°C

Thermal (equipment) > 250°C

Thermal, air ducts

Fire (A-60 pipelines)

Fire (air ducts)

Sound reduction (pipes)

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 17


Product Application Optional facings


Comfort, thermal insulation Products mainly for thermal insulation of accommodations

SeaRox MA 7000 ALU Lightweight stone wool mat for thermal X X X

insulation. Delivered as standard with
reinforced aluminium foil (ALU) on
one side as a highly compressed,
compact roll.
SeaRox SL 720 Low weight and semi-rigid slab X X X X
for thermal insulation.
SeaRox MA 720 ALU Low weight and highly compressed X X X
mat used for thermal insulation.
­Delivered as standard with reinforced
aluminium foil (ALU) on one side.
SeaRox SL 740 Low weight and semi-rigid slab for X X X X X
thermal insulation.
SeaRox MA 740 ALU Semi-rigid highly compressed mat X X X
used for thermal insulation. Delivered
as standard with reinforced aluminium
(ALU) on one side.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

18 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Product Application Optional facings


Sound reduction Products mainly for sound absorption

SeaRox SL 320 Semi-rigid slab primarily used for X X

sound absorption.
SeaRox SL 340 Semi-rigid slab primarily used for X X X
sound absorption.
SeaRox Acoustic foil Thin, strong and durable film for
mainly engine rooms to maintain
the high noise absorption properties
of the ROCKWOOL insulation.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 19


Product Application Optional facings


Outfitting Products mainly used as components of systems

SeaRox SL 436 Rigid slab for insulation of floating X

floors. Approved for A-60 floating
SeaRox SL 440 Strong and rigid slab for floating floors X
or to be cut into lamellas and used
for panels. Approved for A-60 floating
SeaRox SL 480 Strong, high density and rigid slab for X
floating floors or to be cut into lamellas
and used for panels. Approved for
A-60 floating floors.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

20 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Product Application Optional facings


Fire-safe insulation Products mainly for fire rated applications

SeaRox FB 6020 Lightweight stone wool slab for A-class X X X X X

SeaRox FB 6040 Lightweight stone wool slab for A-class X X X X X
SeaRox FB 6050 Lightweight stone wool slab for A-class X X X X X
SeaRox FM 6020 Lightweight stone wool mat for A-class X X X X
divisions. Delivered as standard with
reinforced aluminium foil (ALU) on
one side.
SeaRox FM 6030 Lightweight stone wool mat for A-class X
divisions. Delivered as standard with
reinforced aluminium foil (ALU) on
one side.
SeaRox FM 6040 Lightweight stone wool mat for A-class X X X X
divisions. Delivered as standard with
reinforced aluminium foil (ALU) on
one side.
SeaRox FM 6050 Lightweight stone wool mat for A-class X X X X
divisions. Delivered as standard with
reinforced aluminium foil (ALU) on
one side.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 21


Product Application Optional facings


Fire-safe insulation (continued) Products mainly for fire rated applications

SeaRox SL 620 Rigid slab for fire insulation in A-class X X X X X

SeaRox SL 640 Rigid slab for fire insulation in A-class X X X X
SeaRox WM 620 Flexible mat, one side faced with wire X
netting. Used for A-class constructions
and penetrations.
SeaRox WM 640 Flexible mat, one side faced with wire X
netting. Used for A-class constructions
and penetrations.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

22 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Product Application Optional facings


Technical insulation Products for thermal insulation of technical installations

SeaRox LM 900 ALU Lamellas placed edgewise on reinforced X

aluminium (roll). For insulation of pipes,
tanks and ventilation ducts.
ProRox WM 950 Flexible mat, one side faced with wire X
netting. Used for insulation of technical
installations mainly pipes.
ProRox PS 930 ALU Pipe section for thermal insulation X
of marine piping.
ProRox PS 960 Mandrel wound pipe section X
with WR-Tech (Water Repellency
Technology). Rigid pipe section for
steam and process pipes.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 23


Product Application

Tapes and facings

SeaRox Tape ALU Self adhesive aluminium tape. The tape is used for sealing joints between SeaRox ALU or ALU-G
(SeaRox ALU Tape 337) faced stone wool products.
SeaRox Tape GW-A Composite self-adhesive glass cloth tape on a aluminium foil backing. The tape is used to seal
(SeaRox Glass cloth Tape 120) joints between SeaRox GW200 and GW-A faced stone wool products.
SeaRox Tape ALU-G Strong, composite self-adhesive alu tape on a glass cloth foil backing.The tape is used to seal
joints between SeaRox ALU and ALU-G faced stone wool products.
SeaRox Glass Cloth GW200 White glass cloth (approx. 210 g/m2 )supplied in rolls to be loosely applied on top of stone wool
products as a separate layer as the final surface.
SeaRox Glass Cloth ALU-G / GW-A Composite glasscloth and aluminium foil (approx. 275 g/m2 ) supplied in rolls to be loosely
applied on top of stone wool products as a separate layer with aluminium or glass cloth as the
final surface.

Local variations in products and facings might occur.

24 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 25

SeaRox® facings

Improve the performance and safety of your SeaRox insulation
5 with specialist pre-applied facings.

We offer a great selection of pre-applied facings for our
stone wool insulation products for the marine and offshore
8 industry.

But why use facings?

■ Reduce weight and save cost by replacing plates/cladding
in areas with limited traffic and limited risk for mechanical
■ Create a water vapour barrier.
■ Improve the appearance of your marine and offshore
■ Encapsulate dust.
■ Protect your insulation from mechanical impacts, abrasions
and oil spillages or vapour.
■ Choose from reinforced or laminated aluminium foil, glass
cloth, or glass tissue facings.

26 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Reinforced aluminium foil (ALU)*)
Glass fibre scrim reinforced aluminium foil, 5
total weight, approx. 85 g/m2.
This surface is mainly used as a vapour barrier or 6
to encapsulate dust. Used for a service temperature
at maximum 80°C. 7

Glass cloth white (GW200)

White woven glass cloth, approx. 210 g/m2.
This facing functions as a surface, removing the need
for additional metal cladding. The glass cloth creates
an attractive impact-resistant surface that encapsulates

Glass cloth white (GW400)

Heavy, white woven glass cloth, approx. 450 g/m2.
The facing functions as a surface, precluding
the need for extra metal cladding. The glass cloth
creates an attractive impact-resistant surface that
encapsulates dust.

Aluminium foil laminated with glass

cloth on the underside (ALU-G)*)
Aluminium foil laminated with white glass cloth
on the underside, approx. 275 g/m2.
This facing has a smooth and shiny surface,
it is heavy-duty and easy to clean. The laminated
aluminium foil serves as a water vapour barrier.

*) All joints, pin penetration points and any damages in the foil must be sealed.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 27


White glass cloth laminated with
aluminium foil (GW-A)*)
White glass cloth laminated with aluminium foil
6 on the underside, approx. 275 g/m2.
This facing creates a strong, impact-resistant, dust
7 free surface. The facing combines the water vapour
barrier properties of aluminium foil with mechanical
8 resistance and attractive appearance of the glass cloth.

Glass tissue neutral (TN)

Glass tissue neutral (TN) is a white/neutral glass
tissue in approx. 60 g/m2.
This glass tissue provides dust encapsulation, while
the neutral/transparent look creates brightness.

Glass tissue black (TB)

Glass tissue black (TB) is a black glass tissue
in approx. 60 g/m2.
This glass tissue provides dust encapsulation and
a low-key background. The black tissue is often used
in ventilation shafts or behind a perforated plate.

28 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Facing properties

FACING Description Colour Facing Vapour Mechanical Fire Available Features
weight barrier properties classification products
ALU Glass fibre Bright Approx. Yes (sen- Low Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ R educed water vapour
scrim alu- 85 g/m² sitive to according to ■ Mats ingress 6
reinforced minium punching IMO 2010 FTP ■ Wired Mats ■ Oil and oil vapour
aluminium foil through)*) Code ■ Pipe protection 7
Sections ■ Encapsulate dust
GW200 White woven White Approx. No Medium Low flame spread 8
■ Slabs ■ M
 echanical protection
glass cloth 210 g/m2 according to ■ Mats ■ E ncapsulate dust
IMO 2010 FTP and provide a nice
Code appearance
GW400 White woven White Approx. No High Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ High mechanical
glass cloth 450 g/m2 according to protection
IMO 2010 FTP ■ Encapsulate dust
Code and provide a nice
ALU-G Aluminium Bright Approx. Yes *) High Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ Heavy-duty, shiny
foil laminated alu- 275 g/m² according to ■ Mats surface for gentle
with glass minium IMO 2010 FTP cleaning with water
cloth beneath Code ■ Reduced water vapour
■ Oil and oil vapour
■ Encapsulate dust
GW-A White glass White Approx. Yes *) High Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ Mechanical protection
cloth laminated 275 g/m² according to ■ Mats ■ Reduced water vapour
with IMO 2010 FTP ingress
aluminium Code ■ Oil and oil vapour
foil beneath protection
■ Encapsulate dust
and provide a nice
TN White/neutral White/ Approx. No Low Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ Encapsulate dust,
glass tissue Neutral 60 g/m² according to light appearance
IMO 2010 FTP
TB Black glass Black Approx. No Low Low flame spread ■ Slabs ■ Encapsulate dust,
tissue 60 g/m² according to dimmed appearance
IMO 2010 FTP

*) All joints, pin penetration points and any damages in the foil must be sealed.

For more information about our SeaRox facings or to check

their availability in your region, please contact your local
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation sales representative.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 29

How to order
Calculation of materials

This quick guide will help you estimate the stone wool products
5 and accessories needed for your project. For more precise calculations,
always refer back to your detailed project drawings.

Based on a plate of X m2: Based on a total amount of insulation
The number of slabs for stiffeners can for plate + stiffeners:
roughly be estimated at X times 0.7.
Example: ■ The plate equals 60%
100 m2 of plate needs to be insulated. ■ The stiffeners equal 40%
Calculation of material for stiffener:
100 m2 x 0.7 = 70 m2

Pins and washers

The number of pins and washers Alternatively, the number of pins and washers
can roughly be estimated as follows: can roughly be estimated as follows:
Plate in m2 times min. 12. the total area of plate in m2 times min. 18.
Stiffener in m2 times min. 10.
Example Example
100 m2 insulation of plate requires A total quantity of 100 m2 plate needs to be insulated;
100 m2 x 12 pins/m2 = 1200 pins also taking the insulation of stiffeners into consideration.
Estimated need of pins and washers:
100 m2 insulation of stiffeners requires
100 m2 x 18 pins/m2 = 1800 pins
100 m2 x 10 pins/m2 = 1000 pins

Tape Waste
The amount of tape for joints can roughly As guidance, the following amount
be estimated by multiplying the insulated of waste has to be included:
area in m2 by 4 stated in running metres.
Example ■ Insulation area < 100 m2 10% waste
Tape for 100 m2 of insulation; ■ Insulation area > 100 m2 5% waste
100 m2 x 4 m/m2 = 400 metres

The customer is always responsible for the finale calculations.

30 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

How to order
Making sure to choose

the right products 3

To find the correct product it is necessary Depending on the experience, the labour cost
to know the application: and the prioritisation it might be relevant to
■ Fire insulation
include parameters, such as:
■ Sound reduction ■ Ease of handling
■ Thermal, comfort insulation ■ Amount of cutting
■ Insulation of technical installations ■ Speed of installation
■ Floating floor insulation ■ Labour intensity
■ Panels
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation has a large number
■ Combinations, such as fire and sound reduction of certificates for the different products and applications
from classification companies based on fire tests made
When the application is known, the requirements at IMO-approved fire institutes.
for product characteristics need to be evaluated: When choosing a product, it is necessary to choose a product
■ Fire properties that is accepted by the classification company that ultimately
has to approve the application/newbuild. Some customers
■ Sound properties
prefer to work with constructions based on slabs, securing
■ Thickness easy handling of small size and fixed products, others prefer
■ Thermal conductivity to work with constructions based on mats for improved
■ Mechanical strength workability and faster installation. For some customers, it
is important to have the best and safest solutions, typically
■ Water repellency
based on a two-layer solution while other customers may
focus on the easy and fast installation of a one-layer system.
All ROCKWOOL SeaRox products have good fire properties,
but when using the products on ships or offshore rigs, it is
necessary to choose the right product with the required fire Finally, it is important to focus on the right
rating. documentation such as:
To secure the highest safety level onboard, also remember ■ Type approvals
to check whether the product and construction are tested ■ Type certificates
according to the latest standard fire test procedure, IMO 2010
FTP Code. ROCKWOOL SeaRox products
In some applications the weight could be of importance. will always carry the wheel mark,
In such cases, the lighter products can be chosen, but it is confirming that the materials are
not always the lightest solution that gives the best result. MED type approved for installation
All our main products and constructions have been tested for on vessels registered in an EEA
acoustic properties and it is recommended to check the actual country or the USA (with mutual
values to find the optimal solution for the specific situation. recognition with USCG).

For marine and offshore applications, choosing the It is important to make sure that 0575/year
product with the best water repellency properties is also the products and constructions
recommended. All ROCKWOOL SeaRox products have have the right approval needed
low water absorption as standard, which ensures the best in the specific project, such as construction approval,
product performance. non-combustible approval and low flame spread approval.
Remember to check whether the certificate is valid when
Evaluating the various solutions with regard to the working the insulation plan is approved by the classification societies
and installation method is also recommended. and for A-class constructions, and that the certificate is valid
at the time of installation.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 31

How to install

Insulation material can be installed in various ways, and it is up to the
5 insulation contractor to choose the best method for each application.
For fire-rated constructions, the installation must adhere to the approved
­ROCKWOOL construction data sheets, installation instructions, and official
drawings according to the fire test. These drawings can be found on our
8 ­website:
Below is a general description of how the insulation work can be carried out:


Welding of pins to plate and

stiffeners (bulkhead/deck) Painting of plate and stiffeners

First, the pins must be welded to the plate and stiffener. To avoid corrosion, the plate can then be coated
The distance between pins should not exceed 300 mm. with anti-corrosion paint.
For fire rated constructions, the position of pins must
correspond to the official drawings.

32 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Use an electrical saw to cut large
quantities of SeaRox® products Use a knife to cut the insulation

An electric saw is recommended when cutting large quantities SeaRox insulation can easily be cut with a sharp knife.
of SeaRox insulation. This will ensure a good angular surface When the slabs are cut 2-5 mm oversize (depending on
that is easy to tighten against adjacent slabs. 2-5 mm oversize density), the optimal tension and tightness can be obtained
is recommended. The pieces of insulation should be at least when fitting the wool. The pieces of insulation should be
150 x 150 mm. at least 150 x 150 mm.

Using scissors to cut wired mats

Remember to use
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)

Wired mats should be cut with large shears. The pieces

of insulation should be at least 150 x 150 mm and 2-5 mm
oversize is recommended.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 33


L-shaped stiffener – alternative 1

Insulation of stiffeners Insulation between stiffeners

Depending on the construction, starting with the insulation of Insulate the plate between stiffeners with SeaRox insulation.
the stiffeners is recommended. First by filling out the space, Joints must be tight and there must be no air gaps. For
behind the stiffener, with SeaRox insulation. The insulation solutions with more than one layer of insulation, the joints
should fit the profile structure exactly. Then insulate around should be staggered by at least 150 mm to ensure that joints
the stiffener with the required thickness of SeaRox insulation. are not aligned across both layers.

L-shaped stiffener – alternative 2

Insulation between stiffeners Insulation of stiffeners

Depending on the construction, it may be easier to start with Insulate with SeaRox insulation around the stiffener. Fill out
insulation of the plate. Joints must be tight and there must the space behind the stiffener with SeaRox insulation, the
be no air gaps. For solutions with more than one layer of insulation should fit the profile structure exactly.
insulation, the joints should be staggered by at least 150 mm
to ensure that joints are not aligned across both layers.

34 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Bulb profile

Insulation of stiffeners Insulation between stiffeners

In most cases, a bulb profile is used. Typically, you start Insulate the plate between stiffeners with SeaRox insulation.
with insulation around the stiffener. No separate insulation Be sure to make a safe and tight connection to the insulation
behind the stiffener is needed but depending of the depth around stiffeners to ensure no open joints.
of the stiffener, a pin needs to be welded on the side of
the stiffener to keep the insulation in place.

Fixing the insulation

Fixing of insulation
All pieces of insulation must be fit firmly with at least one pin
and fastened with spring washers without compressing
the insulation.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 35


2 Hybrid solutions (fire board and fire mat)

For our lightweight range of A-rated steel constructions workability and faster installation. Alternative working
3 based of the SeaRox FB 6000 and FM 6000 ranges, we offer procedures may be used, depending on available space and
alternative solutions for installation focusing on improved the construction.

Hybrid solutions – alternative 1

Insulation between stiffeners Insulation of stiffeners

Insulate the plate between stiffeners with SeaRox insulation. Cut the insulation mat to the right size and insulate with
Joints must be tight with no air gap. a strip on the stiffeners. Stiffeners insulation at least 150 mm
on either side.

Hybrid solutions – alternative 2

Insulation of stiffeners Insulation between stiffeners

Cut the insulation mat to the right size and insulate around Insulate the distance between stiffeners – already
the stiffener. insulated – with SeaRox insulation. Joints must be tight
with no air gap.

36 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Steel pins Different pins
(coated with copper) Steel pins are used for steel decks 6
Steel constructions and bulkheads.
The steel pins are coated with copper
3 mm in diameter for corrosion protection. Stainless
steel pins with aluminium tip are used
Stainless steel pins for aluminium constructions. The pins
Aluminium constructions are normally 3 mm in diameter and
are available in different lengths.

Securing the product

10 mm

40 mm

Securing the product Blast overpressure

When installing the insulation, all pieces must fit firmly with For reinforcement of A- and H-class constructions to resist
at least one pin approx. 10 mm longer than the nominal a blast overpressure, the insulation can be reinforced with
thickness of the insulation. On A-constructions the material steel mesh (galvanised or stainless). The mesh can be applied
has to be fastened with spring washers without compressing separately or factory applied on the insulation (wired mats).
the insulation. Optimum blast resistance is achieved by the use of pins
approx. 40 mm longer than the nominal thickness of the
insulation, washers should have a diameter of 38 mm, and
the pins should be bent in different directions. The joints
of the mesh should be fixed by twisting or stitched together
with a steel wire (same quality as the mesh).

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 37


Steel spring
5 washers
Steel constructions
7 plastic cap
on white surface
8 Stainless steel
spring washers Black
Aluminium constructions
plastic cap
on black surface

1. Washers 2. Covering the steel washers

The spring washers used to slide over the pins for securing The washer can be fit with a plastic cap to cover the steel tip
the insulation is recommended to be 30 to 38 mm in and to create an attractive surface.
diameter and made of corrosion-protected materials.
For A- and H-class divisions the washers (material and
diameter) shall be in accordance with the approval.

Vapour barrier

In rooms where vapour will enter the insulation due to

temperature or pressure differences, a vapour barrier is
often needed. When water vapour moves from the hot room
towards colder surfaces, it may condense in the wool or on
the steel surface. The water increases the weight of insulation
and may cause corrosion. In spaces where penetration of oil
products is possible as spillage or vapour, the vapour barrier
will work as protection.

There are several options to reduce water

vapour ingress into the SeaRox® products,
one of which is the surface of SeaRox® products,
one of which is reinforced aluminium foil:
■ All joints must be sealed with a tape width of 75-100 mm
to ensure an airtight surface.
■  urfaces shall be dry and clean – free from dust, grease
and oils before the tape is applied. Using aluminium tape to seal
the joint between two slabs
■  Make sure all holes in the surface are closed.
All joints should be sealed with a tape with a width of 75-100
The surface material must have a low flame spread approval
mm to ensure a tight surface. Ensure that the surfaces are dry
if it is used for marine applications.
and clean, free of any dust, oil or grease before the tape is
applied. It is recommended to also to tape pins and washers
to seal pin penetration points.

38 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Storage and stacking

In order to secure the right conditions for 4

Storage of SeaRox insulation
storage of ROCKWOOL marine and offshore The products must at all times be stored indoors in a dry place 5
products, a specific set of conditions has been in closed warehouse facilities.
prepared. For example, products: 6

■ Must at all times be stored indoors in a dry place
in closed warehouse facilities.
Must not be stacked in more than two layers
when delivered on pallets.
■  ust only be stored on the flat side when delivered
in packages and must not be stacked at heights of
more than 3 m.
■  ust be protected from mechanical exposure;
do not sit or step on the material.
■  ust be transported in closed compartments, such
as trailers, containers and other cargo holds, in order
to avoid exposure to weather, condensation or other
natural phenomena.

Stacking of SeaRox products

The products must not be stacked at heights of more
than 3 m.

Do not sit on the SeaRox® material

The products must at all times during storage remain
untouched and must not be affected by any kind of
treading, sitting or any other similar kind of exposure.
Max. height

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 39

Lightweight stone wool
2 solutions

Economic and ecological demands in the shipbuilding and offshore industry are
5 setting new standards for energy consumption and environmental impact.

The commitment to a sustainable approach has become These new generation SeaRox products combine the solid
an increasingly prominent item on the agenda of shipowners, product performance in fire, thermal and acoustic insulation
shipbuilders, naval architects and marine engineers. This of ROCKWOOL stone wool at an exceptionally low weight.
includes safety, environmental protection, efficient operation Lower weight means lower fuel consumption and thus also
and resource conservation. lower carbon emissions.
Energy-efficiency measures also address the reduction of
carbon emissions from international shipping; a key factor Flexible properties
in ensuring international shipping contributes to efforts
One of the characteristics of our new product range is the
to mitigate climate change. Efforts to control energy
new look and feel compared to our traditional range of
consumption are likely to drive incremental efficiency
SeaRox fire protection products. They continue to be
delivered in the practical dimensions of slabs and mats
At ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation, we meet this challenge but due to the optimised production process and reduced
with a new range of high-performance lightweight stone wool density, the materials are softer and more flexible.
solutions: the product ranges of SeaRox FB 6000 fire board,
SeaRox FM 6000 fire mat for A-class fire rated divisions, and
SeaRox MA 7000 for thermal insulation.

The SeaRox ® FB 6000

and FM 6000 range
– multiple design possibilities

40 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A complete range for improved workability
and faster installation The complete range of lightweight 5
Following the success of our lightweight SeaRox FB 6000 stone wool products
range, we have introduced the SeaRox FM 6000 series of The SeaRox FB 6000 range comprises exceptionally 6
lightweight fire mats. This novel combination opens up new lightweight flexible stone wool fire boards. The
design possibilities within A-class fire rated applications. SeaRox FM 6000 range consists of lightweight fire 7
mats, specially designed to optimise the insulation
Lightweight for thermal insulation speed of stiffeners in general and facilitate installation 8
of deck constructions as one-layer solutions.
To complete the range of lightweight offerings, we also
offer a low weight product for thermal insulation of bulkhead SeaRox MA 7000 is developed for thermal insulation
and decks, SeaRox MA 7000. combining low weight and high thermal performance.
The SeaRox FM 6000 range and SeaRox MA 7000 are
The product is delivered as a highly compressed, compact delivered with aluminium foil on one side as standard.
roll. The product offers high thermal insulation combined with
low weight. Today, the complete range of lightweight stone wool
products consists of:

Solutions certified by major classification bodies SeaRox FB 6000 series

Our new ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation lightweight ■ SeaRox FB 6020 (40 kg/m3)
solutions are MED-approved by DNV. The type approvals ■ SeaRox FB 6040 (60 kg/m3)
also include alternative installation designs to obtain the
■ SeaRox FB 6050 (70 kg/m3)
required fire rating.
SeaRox FM 6000 series
Our latest certificates are published at ■ SeaRox FM 6020 (40 kg/m3) ■ SeaRox FM 6030 (50 kg/m3)
■ SeaRox FM 6040 (60 kg/m3)
■ SeaRox FM 6050 (70 kg/m3)

SeaRox MA 7000
■ SeaRox MA 7000 (26 kg/m3)

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 41

Our commitment
2 to health and safety

People come into contact with the insulation during installation, maintenance
5 and scrapping of a vessel, but as the major part of the insulation is used in
areas where people live and work, contact with the insulation is also inevitable
during the normal use of the vessel. The possible health effects are important
as there are major differences between materials.

SeaRox® and ProRox® products are safe What is bio-persistence or

All stone wool fibers used in the ROCKWOOL SeaRox and
ProRox products are safe to use. They are made of bio-soluble Bio-persistence, or its opposite, bio-solubility, is one of the
fibres complying with the Note Q criteria of the European major parameters that determine the potential health effects
Union regulations on classification, labelling and packaging of of a fibre. It was recognised as such by IARC (International
substances and mixtures (EC No 1272/2008 and No 790/2009) Agency for Research on Cancer under WHO) as early as 1988.
and so not classified as hazardous.
Wide differences in the bio-persistence of man-made mineral
fibres have been demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro,
depending on the chemical composition. The most durable
man-made mineral fibres are also likely to be more hazardous
to humans than relatively soluble fibres. ROCKWOOL stone
wools under the SeaRox and ProRox brands dissolve more
readily in physiological fluids in the lung than most other
man-made vitreous fibres and thus do not persist in the lung.
They have a low bio-persistence and thereby pose low/no risk
of health effects.

The environment
ROCKWOOL SeaRox and ProRox are free of asbestos, heavy
metals, bio persistent flame retardants etc., as documented
in the green passports issued by ROCKWOOL Green Passport
(Hong Kong International Convention).
Green Passports were introduced with IMO Res A.980 (24).
The Green Passport is a single document for each vessel
listing all the potentially hazardous materials onboard as
stated in the Inventory of Hazardous Materials Resolution
This document stays with the ship throughout its life until it
is decommissioned and sent to the ship demolition yard.
None of the ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation stone wool
products for the marine and offshore market produced at any
ROCKWOOL production plant will be classified as hazardous
Further reference is made to or potentially hazardous material under the abovementioned
IMO resolution (MEPC.269(68) Tables A, B and C and EU
the Safety Information Sheet for regulation No. 1257/2013 of the European Parliament and
the SeaRox® and ProRox® stone wool Council.

based products, and

42 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Insulation for
fire protection
A-class fire rated steel divisions 44
Symbol guide for A-class constructions 47
A-constructions Steel Bulkhead 48
A-constructions Steel Deck 67
Floating floor 82
A-constructions Aluminium Bulkhead & Deck 84
Stiffeners 93
Pin pattern 96
Bulkhead and deck connections 97
Installation of surface steel plate 99
Draught stops 100
Ventilation ducts and steel pipes insulated to A-60 103
Penetrations of A-class fire divisions 104
A-class fire rated steel divisions

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation provides a range of alternative solutions
5 for A-class fire-rated divisions. This section offers an overview of the most
­common solutions available.

Optimised standard solutions ■ Safe and easy: Reduced number of products and
thicknesses minimises the risk of mistakes and eases
For many years, our customers have chosen our standard maintenance and logistics
solutions based on SeaRox SL 620 slab. Having a thin slab
with the best fire safety contributes to a safe environment ■ Flexible: Freedom to select installation method and
for the people onboard ships and platforms. product type (board or mat)

Thickness and simplicity can be important parameters ■ Fit for purpose: Our solutions are tailored for fast
for insulation selection, when it can be done without installation, thickness- or weight optimisation
compromising performance. With that in mind, we offer
a superior set of standard solutions with thin insulation Below you will find an overview of how the ROCKWOOL
thicknesses, high acoustic performance and the highest assortment of lightweight A-class constructions can be
fire safety according to IMO 2010 FTP Code. optimised to fit your needs.
In some cases, thickness can be a constraint. Especially
Lightweight fire-safe solutions in relation to stiffeners, cable trays to avoid collisions with
pipes etc. In other situations, minimising the weight to
The demand for SeaRox lightweight solutions for optimise the energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions
A-class fire insulation is increasing due to today’s focus might be most critical.
on energy efficiency, operationg cost and CO2 emission.
As a consequence, we have developed our range of With our range of ligtweight offerings, you have the flexibility
A-class solutions with low weight, high acoustic and thermal to combine products and optimise the actual product choice
properties and the highest fire-safety, combined with greater to minimise weight, thickness or number of products needed
flexibility to accelarate and simplify installation for virtually for the constructions – from 5 to only 1 material.
every application and situation. Our lightweight product range is supplied from our premium
factory in Denmark, Europe.

Standard solutions
Construction Plate Stiffener

Product Density Thickness Product Density Thickness

(kg/m3) (mm) (kg/m3) (mm)
A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 100 50
A-15 Deck SeaRox SL 620 100 50
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 100 40 SeaRox SL 620 100 25
A-30 Deck SeaRox SL 620 100 25 SeaRox SL 620 100 25
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 100 60 SeaRox SL 620 100 25
A-60 Deck SeaRox SL 620 100 40 SeaRox SL 620 100 25

44 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Lightweight solutions
Construction Plate Stiffener
Product Density Thickness Product Density Thickness
(kg/m3) (mm) (kg/m3) (mm) 2

Option 1: Lowest thickness (5 products) 3

A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-15 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 50 SeaRox FB or FM 6050 70 30 5
A-30 Deck SeaRox FM 6030 50 30 SeaRox FM 6030 50 30
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6050 70 30 6
A-60 Deck SeaRox FM 6040 60 50 SeaRox FB or FM 6050 70 30
Alternative solution for stiffener SeaRox FB
or FM 6040, 60 kg/m3 in 35mm
Option 2: Lowest weight (4 products)
A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-15 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6020 40 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Deck SeaRox FM 6030 50 30 SeaRox FM 6030 50 30
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6020 40 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
Alternative solution for stiffener SeaRox FB
or FM 6050, 70 kg/m3 in 30mm

Option 3: Simple logistic – less waste (3 products)

A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-15 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6020 1) 40 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6020 1) 40 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
1) alternative SeaRox FM 6040, 60 kg/m3 in 50mm Alternative solution for stiffener SeaRox FB
or FM 6050, 70 kg/m3 in 30mm

Option 4: Optimised logistic (2 products)

A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-15 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 70 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
Alternative solution for stiffener SeaRox FB
or FM 6050, 70 kg/m3 in 30mm

Option 5: Best logistic (1 product)

A-15 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-15 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 2x35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-30 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Bulkhead SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 2x35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35
A-60 Deck SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 2x35 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 60 35

The described solutions are related to our MED certificates. For alternative options from specific classification societies,
please check the individual certificates on our website.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 45


46 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Symbol guide for 1

A-class constructions 2

The unique strengths and versatile properties of ROCKWOOL
stone are integral to each of our products, closely aligning with 5
the specific features and benefits of our SeaRox® product range. 6

By using clear symbols for all fire-rated constructions, we 7

­effectively communicate the advantages of each solution.

Fire safe solution

Our product solutions are tested according to IMO 2010 FTP Code
to ensure highest fire safety.

Optimal sound properties

The acoustic capabilities of our products secure excellent noise reduction
and better comfort.

Low weight solution

Our SeaRox FB & FM 6000 lightweight range will help to reduce
energy consumption and emissions.

Fast installation
Our products are easy to handle and therefore fast to install,
cutting labour time and reducing the total cost of installation.

Lowest water absorption

Our products feature excellent water repellent characteristics to lower the risk
of water penetration. All SeaRox products have very low water absorption as standard
in order to maintain optimal insulation performance.

Thin stone wool solution

Our assortment contains thin products enabling you to maximise
the available space.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 47

A-constructions Steel Bulkhead

Steel Bulkhead

Plate Stiffener

LIGHTWEIGHT A-15 SeaRox FB or FM 6040

A-30 SeaRox FB 6020 SeaRox FB 6050
A-30 SeaRox FB or FM 6020 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050
A-30 New SeaRox FB or FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050
A-60 SeaRox FB 6040 SeaRox FB 6050
A-60 SeaRox FB or FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050
A-60 restricted SeaRox FB 6020 SeaRox SeaRox FB 6050
A-60 restricted SeaRox FB or FM 6020 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050

STANDARD A-15 SeaRox SL 620

A-30 SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620
A-60 restricted SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620
A-60 corrugated - 2 mm SeaRox SL 620
A-60 corrugated - 4 mm SeaRox SL 620

NON-STANDARD A-60 SeaRox WM 620 SeaRox WM 620

A-60 SeaRox WM 640 SeaRox WM 640
A-60 SeaRox SL 640 SeaRox SL 640
A-60 restricted SeaRox SL 640 SeaRox SL 640

48 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-15 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6040* 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 3
Stiffener No insulation
*alternative product SeaRox FM 6040 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 26.6
50 8
■  late between stiffeners insulated with one layer of
P 63 31.2
35 mm SeaRox FB or FM 6040. 80 27.9 40

■ No insulation on stiffeners. 100 27.5 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 29.1
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 29.9
200 31.4 10
Application notes 250 33.0
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■  he pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
T 315 36.1
■ Alternative pin design acc. to drawings. 400 38.5
Test set-up:
500 39.8
Optional surface (on request) Plate: SeaRox FB 6040, 35 mm
630 43.1
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

■  einforced aluminium foil.

R 800 46.4
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1000 47.9
(without insulation)
1250 50.0
1600 51.1
2000 48.7
2500 47.4
3150 50.6
4000 53.4
5000 55.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 45 (-2; -6) dB
1000 mm*

Construction details

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

≤ 300 mm
35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600 mm* 49


A-30 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6020 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.5
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FB 6050. 63 22.1
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 80 28.4 40

SeaRox FB 6020. 100 26.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.8
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 29.2
200 31.5 10
Application notes 250 33.8
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.2
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 41.2
Test set-up:
■ Insulation can be placed on both sides of the steel plate. 500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
800 50.2
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 53.8 (without insulation)
Glass cloth.

■ 1600 54.7
2000 54.4
2500 49.8
3150 51.5
4000 54.4
5000 48.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95
1000 mm*

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
≤ 300 mm

≤ 520 mm
70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
1000 mm*

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 300 mm

h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

600 mm*
50 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

A-30 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6020* 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 3
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
*alternative product SeaRox FM 6020 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 10.5
50 8
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 63 22.1
or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 28.4 40

■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 100 26.4 30

SeaRox FB or FM 6020. 125 27.8
or 160 29.2
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 200 31.5 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
SeaRox FB or FM 6020. 250 33.8 Frequency (Hz)
■ Stiffener insulated min. 150 mm on either side with min. 30 315 38.2
mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35mm SeaRox FM 6040. 400 41.2
Test set-up:
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
800 50.2
Application notes Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ All connections must be tight. 1250 53.8 (without insulation)
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 1600 54.7
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 2000 54.4
2500 49.8
Optional surface
3150 51.5
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 4000 54.4

Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

■ Glass cloth. 5000 48.3

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6020

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 30 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or Ø 3 mm steel pin

≥ 150 mm 35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040* with washer
* Facing recommended
1000 mm

≤ 300 mm
70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm ≤ 300 mm

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update 600 mm

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 51


A-30 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6040* 50 mm 60 kg/m3 3.0 kg/m2
3 Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 *alternative product SeaRox FM 6040


Construction notes
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or
min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040.
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm
SeaRox FB or FM 6040.
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm
SeaRox FB or FM 6040.
■ Stiffener insulated with min. 150 mm on either side

All meassurements in mm
with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35 mm SeaRox
FM 6040.
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance.
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm.

Application notes
■ All connections must be tight.
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings.

Optional surface (on request)

■ Reinforced aluminium foil.
■ Glass cloth.

* Dimensions may vary depending on structural design and size of insulation slab.

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø3 mm steel pin
with washer 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or
35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
*Facing recommended
≤ 520

50 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040 ≤ 300


4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code


h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or ≤ 150


35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*

*Facing recommended
*Facing recommended ≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

52 SeaRox® marine600*
and offshore manual

A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6040 70 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 13.4
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FB 6050. 63 27.2
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 80 26.6 40

SeaRox FB 6040. 100 26.0 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 28.2
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 31.2
200 33.8 10
Application notes 250 37.2
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 40.4
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 43.3
Test set-up:
■ Insulation can be placed on both sides of the steel plate. 500 45.8
Plate: SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 630 49.8 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
800 52.6
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 56.6
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 59.0

(without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 1600 59.9
2000 60.1
2500 55.9
3150 57.0
4000 59.7
5000 58.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm, αw = 0.95
1000 mm*

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050 ≤ 300 mm

≤ 520 mm

70 mm SeaRox FB 6040
1000 mm*

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code ≤ 300 mm


h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050 or FM 6050
≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

600 mm*
SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 53

A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6040* 70 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2
3 Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 *alternative product FM 6040

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 13.4
8 50
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 63 27.2
or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 26.6 40

■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 100 26.0 30

SeaRox FB 6040 or FM 6040 125 28.2
or 160 31.2
■  teel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm
S 200 33.8 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
SeaRox FB or FM 6040. 250 37.2 Frequency (Hz)
■ Stiffener insulated min. 150 mm on either side with 315 40.4
min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 400 43.3
6040. Test set-up:
500 45.8
Plate: SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 630 49.8 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6050, 30 mm
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 800 52.6
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 56.6
Application notes Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 59.0 (without insulation)
■ All connections must be tight. 1600 59.9
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 2000 60.1
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 2500 55.9

Optional surface (on request) 3150 57.0

4000 59.7
Reinforced aluminium foil.
Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

5000 58.1
■ Glass cloth.

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 30 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or
≥ 150 mm 35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
1000 mm

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm ≤ 300 mm

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update

600 mm

54 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Steel Bulkhead, restricted


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6020 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 10.5
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FB 6050. 63 22.1
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 80 28.4 40

SeaRox FB 6020. 100 26.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.8
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 29.2
200 31.5 10
Application notes 250 33.8
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ Restricted application (fire against insulated side). 315 38.2
■ All connections must be tight. 400 41.2
Test set-up:
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm

800 50.2
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 53.8 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 1600 54.7
2000 54.4
2500 49.8
3150 51.5
4000 54.4
5000 48.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95
1000 mm*

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
≤ 300 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600 mm* 55


A-60 Steel Bulkhead, restricted


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6020* 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
3 Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 *alternative product SeaRox FM 6020

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.5
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 63 22.1
or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 28.4 40

■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 100 26.4 30

SeaRox FB 6020. 125 27.8
or 160 29.2
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 200 31.5 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
SeaRox FB 6020. 250 33.8 Frequency (Hz)
■ Stiffener insulated min. 150 mm on either side with min. 315 38.2
30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 400 41.2
Test set-up:
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
800 50.2
Application notes Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Restricted application (fire against insulated side). 1250 53.8 (without insulation)
■ All connections must be tight. 1600 54.7
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 2000 54.4
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 2500 49.8
3150 51.5
Optional surface (on request)
4000 54.4

Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 5000 48.3
■ Glass cloth.

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6020

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 30 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or
≥ 150 mm 35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
1000 mm

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6020 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm ≤ 300 mm

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update

600 mm
56 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

A-15 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 50 mm 100 kg/m3 5.0 kg/m2
Stiffener No insulation 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 25.9
50 8
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 63 30.2
min. 50 mm SeaRox SL 620. 80 27.6 40

■ No insulation around stiffeners. 100 24.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.6
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 29.1
200 32.6 10
Application notes 250 35.1
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.4

All meassurements in mm
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 41.6
Test set-up:
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 500 41.4
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm
■ Alternative pin design acc. to drawings. 630 45.1
800 49.1 Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

Optional surface (on request) Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm

1000 51.4
(without insulation)
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 53.6
■ Glass cloth. 1600 55.7
2000 51.9
2500 50.9
3150 53.7
4000 56.3
5000 56.7 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -7) dB

* Dimensions may vary depending on structural design and size of insulation slab.
Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm, αw = 0.85

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 520

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 300


4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code


≤ 150

≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600* 57


A-30 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 40 mm 100 kg/m3 4.0 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 14.5
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620. 63 27.7
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 40 mm 80 27.2 40

SeaRox SL 620. 100 25.5 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.7
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 30.0
200 34.2 10
Application notes 250 38.0
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 39.2
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 43.1
Test set-up:
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 500 46.1
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 630 48.8 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm

800 51.9
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 54.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 56.4 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 1600 58.3
2000 58.5
2500 55.6
3150 56.8
4000 59.0
5000 57.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm, αw = 0.80
1000 mm*

Construction details

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300 mm
25 mm SeaRox SL 620

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

40 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm ≤ 150 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 150 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer

Certification: Check for latest update

58 SeaRox® marine
600 mm*
and offshore manual

A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 60 mm 100 kg/m3 6.0 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 14.3
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620. 63 29.1
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 60 mm 80 30.8 40

SeaRox SL 620. 100 28.2 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 30.4
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 31.4
200 33.0 10
Application notes 250 34.7
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.3
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 42.3
Test set-up:
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 500 45.0
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 630 48.9 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm

800 49.7
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.7
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 56.3 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 1600 57.1
2000 55.3
2500 54.3
3150 55.3
4000 59.0
5000 57.2 Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm, αw = 0.90
1000 mm*

Construction details

60 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300 mm
25 mm SeaRox SL 620

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

60 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 300 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 150 mm
Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600 mm* 59


A-60 Steel Bulkhead, restricted


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 40 mm 100 kg/m3 4.0 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 14.5
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620. 63 27.7
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 40 mm 80 27.2 40

SeaRox SL 620. 100 25.5 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.7
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 30.0
200 34.2 10
Application notes 250 38.0
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ Restricted application (fire against insulated side). 315 39.2
■ All connections must be tight. 400 43.1
Test set-up:
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 500 46.1
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 630 48.8 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm

■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 800 51.9

Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 54.3
Optional surface (on request) Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 56.4 (without insulation)
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1600 58.3
■ Glass cloth. 2000 58.5
2500 55.6
3150 56.8
4000 59.0
5000 57.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm, αw = 0.80
1000 mm*

Construction details

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
25 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 300 mm

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

40 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm ≤ 150 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 150 mm
Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer

Certification: Check for latest update

60 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

600 mm*

A-60 Steel Bulkhead, corrugated

2 mm 1

Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox SL 620* 50+30 mm 100 kg/m3 8.0 kg/m2
*alternatively SeaRox SL 620 : 2 x 40 mm 4


Construction notes
■ 2 mm corrugated steel plate insulated with 50 mm
and 30 mm or 2 x 40 mm SeaRox SL 620.
■ Dimension of corrugation: 100 mm x 67.5 mm x 65 mm,
pitch 335 mm.
■ Insulation fixed with two rows of pins on top of corrugation.
■ No insulation of void.

Application notes
■ All connections must be tight.
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
■ Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is

Construction details

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

2 mm steel
335 mm
65 mm

400 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

200 mm
335 mm

50 mm SeaRox SL 620
30 mm SeaRox SL 620

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 61


A-60 Steel Bulkhead, corrugated

1 4 mm

Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox SL 620* 50+30 mm 100 kg/m3 8.0 kg/m2
4 *alternatively SeaRox SL 620: 2 x 40 mm


Construction notes
■ 4 mm corrugated steel plate insulated with 50 mm
and 30 mm or 2 x 40mm SeaRox SL 620.
■ Dimension of corrugation: 260 mm x 35 mm x 25 mm,
pitch 570 mm.
■ Insulation fixed with two rows of pins on top of corrugation.
■ No insulation of void.

Application notes
■ All connections must be tight.
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
■ Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is

Construction details

4 mm steel 225 mm
25 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

400 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 335 mm
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
570 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

62 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox WM 620 2 x 45 mm 90 kg/m3 8.1 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox WM 620 45 mm 90 kg/m3 4.1 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 12.7
50 8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 63 12.7
of 45 mm SeaRox WM 620. 80 18.6 40

■ Stiffeners and plate insulated in the same process with 100 23.6 30
45 mm SeaRox WM 620. 125 25.1
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 160 30.3
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 200 32.9 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 39.9 Frequency (Hz)
Application notes
315 43.2
■ All connections must be tight. 400 46.9
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Test set-up:
500 49.6
Plate: SeaRox WM 90, 2 x 45 mm
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 630 51.5 Stiffener: SeaRox WM 90, 45 mm
■ Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. 800 53.3
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 56.0
Optional surface (on request) Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 7 mm
1250 59.1 (without insulation)
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1600 60.7
2000 61.9
2500 61.5
3150 59.5
4000 61.7
600 5000 61.2 (C;Ctr) = 49 (-3; -9) dB
Rw600 600

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox WM 620, 2 x 45mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details 480

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
45 mm SeaRox WM 620
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

45 mm SeaRox WM 620

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 63


A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox WM 640 75 mm 105 kg/m3 7.9 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox WM 640 30 mm 105 kg/m3 3.2 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.2
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with 30 mm SeaRox WM 640. 63 15.2
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 80 20.6 40

of 75 mm SeaRox WM 640. 100 23.0 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with approx. 300 mm distance. 125 24.9
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 38 mm. 160 30.0
200 30.7 10
Application notes 250 37.7
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 41.5
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. 400 45.9
Test set-up:
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 500 49.3
Plate: SeaRox WM 105, 75 mm
■ Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. 630 51.4 Stiffener: SeaRox WM 105, 30 mm
■ Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. 800 52.8
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 55.2
Optional surface (on request) Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 7 mm
1250 58.5 (without insulation)
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1600 58.6
2000 59.4
2500 59.4
3150 58.3
600 600 600
4000 60.5
5000 60.9 Rw(C;Ctr) = 47 (-2; -8) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm, αw = 0.90


Construction details

75 mm SeaRox WM 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox WM 640
300 mm

75 mm SeaRox WM 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox WM 640
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

64 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Steel Bulkhead


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 640 2 x 30 mm 130 kg/m3 7.8 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox SL 640 30 mm 130 kg/m3 3.9 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 100 29.9
50 8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 125 28.8
30 mm SeaRox SL 640. 160 31.7
■ Stiffeners insulated with 30 mm SeaRox SL 640. 200 34.2 30
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with approx. 300 mm distance. 250 35.8
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 38 mm. 315 39.2
400 43.2 10
Application notes 500 46.3
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 630 49.5
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. 800 54.3
Test set-up:
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 1000 57.4
Plate: SeaRox SL 640, 2 x 30 mm
■ Insulation must be placed on fire-exposed side of the steel 1250 60.1 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 640, 30 mm
plate. 1600 60.3
Steel Bulkhead 1500/ 1500/ 5 mm
600 2000 60.4 600 600
Optional surface (on request) L-profile: 60/ 30/ 5 mm
2500 58.9 (without insulation)
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 3150 61.0
■ Glass cloth.

Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-1; -2) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 640, 2x30 mm, αw = 0.90

Construction details

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
300 mm


Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 640
300 mm

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 640
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 65


A-60 Steel Bulkhead, restricted


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 640 40 mm 130 kg/m3 5.2 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox SL 640 40 mm 130 kg/m3 5.2 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 18.7
8 50
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 19.7
40 mm SeaRox SL 640. 80 22.5 40

■ Stiffeners insulated with 40 mm SeaRox SL 640. 100 28.1 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with approx. 300 mm distance. 125 27.5
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 38 mm. 160 31.8
200 32.1 10
Application notes 250 35.2
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ Restricted application (fire against insulated side). 315 39.8
■ All connections must be tight. 400 41.9
Test set-up:
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. 500 43.0
Plate: SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 630 46.4 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm
800 48.4
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 51.2
Bulb profiles, 1880 / 140 / 7 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1250 53.7 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 600 1600 54.5 600 600
2000 54.4
2500 54.1
3150 53.7
4000 56.7
5000 59.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 47 (-2; -6) dB

Sound absorption
480 Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm, αw = 0.80

Construction details

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer
40 mm SeaRox SL 640

300 mm

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

66 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

A-constructions Steel Deck 1

Steel Deck 7

Plate Stiffener


A-15 SeaRox FB or FM 6040
A-30 SeaRox FB 6050 SeaRox FB 6050
A-30 SeaRox FM 6030, FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6030, FM 6040
or FM 6050 or FM 6050
A-30 SeaRox FB or FM 6050 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050
A-60 SeaRox FB 6020 SeaRox FM 6050
A-60 SeaRox FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040
A-60 SeaRox FB of FM 6020 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050
A-60 New SeaRox FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040 or FM 6050

STANDARD A-15 SeaRox SL 620

A-30 SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620

NON-STANDARD A-60 SeaRox WM 620 SeaRox WM 620

A-60 SeaRox SL 660 SeaRox SL 660

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 67


A-15 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6020 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
4 Stiffener No insulation

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 9.8
8 50
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 15.8
min. 70 mm SeaRox FB 6020. 80 22.7 40

■ No insulation on stifferners. 100 23.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 26.7
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 32.1
200 31.2 10
Application notes 250 33.9
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 36.1
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 39.0
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin design acc. to drawings. 500 43.2
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
630 46.5
Optional surface (on request)
800 49.7

Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 5 mm

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 52.7
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 55.9 (without insulation)
1600 58.1
2000 56.9
2500 53.2
3150 53.5
4000 55.7
5000 54.8 Rw(C;Ctr) = 45 (-1; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95
1000 mm*

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

≤ 300 mm
70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

68 600 mm*
SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

A-15 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6040* 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 3
Stiffener No insulation
*alternative product SeaRox FM 6040 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 26.6
50 8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 31.2
min. 35 mm SeaRox FB or FM 6040. 80 27.9 40

■ No insulation on stifferners. 100 27.5 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 29.1
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 29.9
200 31.4 10
Application notes 250 33.0
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 36.1
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 38.5
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin design acc. to drawings. 500 39.8
Plate: SeaRox FB 6040, 35 mm
630 43.1
Optional surface (on request)
800 46.4

Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

■  einforced aluminium foil.
R 1000 47.9
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 50.0 (without insulation)
1600 51.1
2000 48.7
2500 47.4
3150 50.6
4000 53.4
5000 55.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 45 (-2; -6) dB
1000 mm*

Construction details

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

≤ 300 mm
35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 mm

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600 mm* 69


A-30 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.9
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FB 6050. 63 22.2
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm 80 29.3 40

SeaRox FB 6050. 100 26.1 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 29.3
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 160 29.7
200 31.5 10
Application notes 250 32.4
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 36.8
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 39.2
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 500 42.0
Plate: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
630 45.0 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
Optional surface (on request)

800 46.9
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 48.9
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 50.5 (without insulation)
1600 51.6
2000 50.5
2500 47.4
3150 49.8
4000 54.0
5000 55.6 Rw(C;Ctr) = 45 (-2; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm, αw = 0.55
1000 mm*

Construction details

30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

30 mm SeaRox FB 6050 or FM 6050 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm

30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

70 600 mm*
SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

A-30 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6030 ALU 30 mm 50 kg/m3 1.5 kg/m2 3
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6030 ALU 30 mm 50 kg/m3 1.5 kg/m2
Alternative products SeaRox FM 6050, 30mm or SeaRox FM 6040, 35mm 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 9.8
50 8
■ Plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 20.4
min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 35mm FM 6040 80 29.3 40

or 30mm FM 6050. 100 26.3 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 30.8
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 30-38 mm. 160 30.6
200 32.0 10
Application notes 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 34.7 Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 37.8
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 40.9
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. Test set-up:
500 43.7
Plate: SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 30 mm
630 47.2 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 30 mm
Surface (as standard)
800 50.0

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

1000 52.6
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 53.7 (without insulation)
1600 54.6
2000 53.9
2500 49.4
3150 50.4
4000 55.4
5000 58.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-1; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, αw = 0.60

Construction details

30 mm SeaRox FM 6030 ALU or

30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 ALU or
35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU Ø 3 mm steel pin
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
w. washer

≤ 520

30 mm SeaRox FM 6030 ALU or

≤ 300

30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 ALU or

35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h 100 mm
≤ 150

≤ 150
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600* 71


A-30 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6050* 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
3 Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 *alternative product SeaRox FM 6050

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.9
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or 63 22.2
min. 35mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 29.3 40

■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm 100 26.1 30

SeaRox FB 6050 or FM 6050.. 125 29.3
or 160 29.7
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm 200 31.5 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
SeaRox FB or FM 6050. 250 32.4 Frequency (Hz)
■ Stiffener insulated min. 150 mm on either side with min. 315 36.8
30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35mm SeaRox FM 6040. 400 39.2
Test set-up:
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 500 42.0
Plate: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 630 45.0 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
800 46.9
Application notes Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 48.9
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ All connections must be tight. 1250 50.5 (without insulation)
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 1600 51.6
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 2000 50.5
2500 47.4
Optional surface (on request)
3150 49.8
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 4000 54.0

Rw(C;Ctr) = 45 (-2; -6) dB

■ Glass cloth. 5000 55.6

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm, αw = 0.55

Construction details

30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

≥ 30 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or
35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
≥ 150 mm
* Facing recommended

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 300
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 ≤ 300

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update


72 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FB 6020 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FB 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 10.5
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FB 6050. 63 22.1
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 80 28.4 40

of min. 70 mm SeaRox FB 6020. 100 26.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.8
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 30-38 mm. 160 29.2
200 31.5 10
Application notes 250 33.8
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.2

All meassurements in mm
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 41.2
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to certificates. 500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
Optional surface (on request)
800 50.2

Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 52.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 53.8 (without insulation)
1600 54.7
2000 54.4
2500 49.8
3150 51.5
4000 54.4
5000 48.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

* Dimensions may vary depending on structural design and size of insulation slab.
Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

70 mm SeaRox FB 6020 ≤ 520

≤ 300

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code


h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150

30 mm SeaRox FB 6050
Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer
≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600* 73


A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6040 50 mm 60 kg/m3 3.0 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox FM 6040 50 mm 60 kg/m3 3.0 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound Insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 11.4
8 50
■ Plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 20.1
min. 50 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 29.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 100 26.6 30

■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 30-38 mm. 125 30.5
160 28.5
Application notes 200 31.0 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
■ All connections must be tight. 250 34.3 Frequency (Hz)
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 315 37.5
400 41.6
Optional surface (on request) 500 45.0
Test set-up:
Plate: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 50 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 630 49.2 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 50 mm
■ Glass cloth. 800 51.4

Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

1000 53.8
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 54.9 (without insulation)
1600 55.8
2000 56.2
2500 51.1
3150 51.3
4000 56.1
5000 58.7 Rw(C;Ctr) = 47 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 50 mm, αw = 0.65

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox FM 6040 Ø 3 mm steel pin

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
w. washer

≤ 520

≤ 300

50 mm SeaRox FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥100 mm
≤ 150

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

74 SeaRox® marine600*
and offshore manual

A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight

Plate SeaRox FB 6020* 70 mm 40 kg/m3 2.8 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2 3
Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
*alternative product SeaRox FM 6020 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 10.5
50 8
■  tiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050
S 63 22.1
or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040. 80 28.4 40

■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 100 26.4 30

SeaRox FB 6020 or FM 6020.. 125 27.8
or 160 29.2
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 70 mm 200 31.5 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
SeaRox FB 6020 or FM 6020. 250 33.8 Frequency (Hz)
■ Stiffener insulated with min. 150 mm on either side with 315 38.2
min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 400 41.2
6040. Test set-up:
500 45.7
Plate: SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 630 47.7 Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm. 800 50.2
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 52.3
Application notes Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 53.8 (without insulation)
■ All connections must be tight. 1600 54.7
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 2000 54.4
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 2500 49.8

Optional surface (on request) 3150 51.5

4000 54.4
Reinforced aluminium foil.
Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -6) dB

5000 48.3
■ Glass cloth.

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm, αw = 0.95

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 30 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
≥ 150 mm

* Facing recommended
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 300
50 mm SeaRox FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 ≤ 300

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update 600

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 75


A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6040 50 mm 60 kg/m3 3.0 kg/m2
Stiffener (alt. 1) SeaRox FM 6050 30 mm 70 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2
4 Stiffener (alt. 2) SeaRox FM 6040 35 mm 60 kg/m3 2.1 kg/m2


Construction notes
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or
min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040.
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm
SeaRox FM 6040.
■ Steel plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm
SeaRox FM 6040.
■ Stiffener insulated with min. 150 mm on either side with
min. 30 mm SeaRox FM 6050 or min. 35 mm SeaRox FM
■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance.
■ Insulation secured with washers of min. Ø 30-38 mm.

Application notes
■ All connections must be tight.
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings.

Optional surface (on request)

■ Reinforced aluminium foil.
■ Glass cloth.

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 30 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
≥ 150 mm

* Facing recommended Ø 3 mm steel pin

with washer

50 mm SeaRox FM 6040
≤ 300
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150 ≤ 300

h ≥ 100 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*
* Facing recommended

Certification: Check for latest update


76 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-15 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 50 mm 100 kg/m3 5.0 kg/m2
Stiffener No insulation 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 25.9
50 8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 63 30.2
of min. 50 mm SeaRox SL 620. 80 27.6 40

■ No insulation on stiffeners. 100 24.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.6
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 30-38 mm. 160 29.1
200 32.6 10
Application notes 250 35.1
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.4

All meassurements in mm
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 41.6
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin design acc. to drawings. 500 41.4
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm
630 45.1
Optional surface (on request) Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
800 49.1

Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 51.4
(without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 1250 53.6
1600 55.7
2000 51.9
2500 50.9
3150 53.7
4000 56.3
5000 56.7 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -7) dB

* Dimensions may vary depending on structural design and size of insulation slab.
Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm, αw = 0.85

Construction details

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 Ø 3 mm steel pin

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

≤ 520

≤ 300

50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≤ 150

≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600* 77


A-30 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 14.3
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620. 63 27.8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm 80 29.9 40

SeaRox SL 620. 100 27.4 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 29.8
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 30.1
200 32.4 10
Application notes 250 34.1
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 38.2
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 40.8
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 500 42.6
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm
630 46.7 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm
Optional surface (on request)

800 49.3
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 50.9
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 54.0 (without insulation)
1600 55.2
2000 54.7
2500 52.3
3150 53.8
4000 57.7
5000 57.2 Rw(C;Ctr) = 47 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm, αw = 0.60
1000 mm*

Construction details

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

≤ 300 mm
25 mm SeaRox SL 620

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 300 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code


h ≥ 100 mm
≤ 150 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 150 mm
Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer

Certification: Check for latest update

78 SeaRox® marine
600 mm*
and offshore manual

A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 40 mm 100 kg/m3 4.0 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 25 mm 100 kg/m3 2.5 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 14.5
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620. 63 27.7
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 40 mm 80 27.2 40

SeaRox SL 620. 100 25.5 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with max. 300 mm distance. 125 27.7
■ Insulation secured with Ø 30-38 mm spring washers. 160 30.0
200 34.2 10
Application notes 250 38.0
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 39.2
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 43.1
Test set-up:
■ Alternative pin and stiffener design acc. to drawings. 500 46.1
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm
630 48.8 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm
Optional surface (on request)

800 51.9
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 54.3
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 56.4 (without insulation)
1600 58.3
2000 58.5
2500 55.6
3150 56.8
4000 59.0
5000 57.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 48 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm, αw = 0.80
1000 mm*

Construction details

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer

Ø 3 mm steel pin
with washer
≤ 300 mm
25 mm SeaRox SL 620

≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

40 mm SeaRox SL 620 ≤ 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm ≤ 150 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
≤ 150 mm
Ø 3 mm steel pin with washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 600 mm* 79


A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox WM 620 45 mm 90 kg/m3 4.1 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox WM 620 45 mm 90 kg/m3 4.1 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 10.1
8 50
■ Plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 45 mm 63 8.4
SeaRox WM 620. 80 17.2 40

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with approx. 300 mm distance. 100 19.4 30

■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 38 mm. 125 31.4
160 32.7
Application notes 200 32.1 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
■ All connections must be tight. 250 35.8 Frequency (Hz)
■ Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. 315 38.8
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 400 41.1
Test set-up:
500 43.7
Plate /Stiffener: SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm
630 45.2
800 47.1 Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1000 49.5
(without insulation)
1250 52.1
1600 53.0
2000 51.8
2500 50.9
3150 51.6
4000 53.8
5000 54.7 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-2; -8) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm, αw = 0.90

Construction details

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
400 mm

45 mm SeaRox WM 620

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

80 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Steel Deck


Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 640 40 mm 130 kg/m3 5.2 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox SL 640 40 mm 130 kg/m3 5.2 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 18.7
50 8
■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer 63 19.7
of 40 mm SeaRox SL 640. 80 22.5 40

■ Stiffeners insulated with 40 mm SeaRox SL 640. 100 28.1 30

■ Ø 3 mm pins fixed with approx. 300 mm distance. 125 27.5
■ Insulation secured with washers of Ø 38 mm. 160 31.8
200 32.1 10
Application notes 250 35.2
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
■ All connections must be tight. 315 39.8
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. 400 41.9
Test set-up: Plate /Stiffener: SeaRox SL
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 500 43.0
640, 40 mm
630 46.4
Optional surface (on request)
800 48.4
Steel Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1000 51.2
Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1250 53.7 (without insulation)
1600 54.5 600 600
2000 54.4
2500 54.1
3150 53.7
4000 56.7
5000 59.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 47 (-2; -6) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm, αw = 0.90

Construction details

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

Ø 3 mm
steel pin
40 mm SeaRox SL 640 w. washer
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

1000 200 mm

40 mm SeaRox SL 640 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

400 mm

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
Ø 3 mm steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 81

Floating floor

Floating floor

A-60 SeaRox SL 436 / SeaRox SL 440 / SeaRox SL 480

82 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

MED B-000016G

A-60 Floating floor

Product Thickness Density
Plate SeaRox SL 436 2
SeaRox SL 440 60 mm 140-200 kg/m3
SeaRox SL 480 3

Advantages Sound reduction
SeaRox SL 436: SeaRox SL 480:
 Rw(C) = 55 (-4) dB Rw(C) = 54 (-2) dB
f R f R
Construction notes Frequency 1/3 Octave Frequency 1/3 Octave
■ The floor insulated with one or two layers of equal Hz dB Hz dB
thickness and staggered joints with a total insulation 50 33.0 50 33.0
thickness of minimum 60 mm of SeaRox SL 436, 63 18.9 63 20.9
SeaRox SL 440 or SeaRox SL 480. 80 20.7 80 28.7
■ Insulation covered by a 2 x 1.5 mm steel plate applied 100 24.5 100 28.6
staggered and glued together with a two-component 125 33.9 125 32.3
solvent-free glue (certified for low flame spread).
160 38.9 160 35.7
Application notes 200 43.7 200 41.9
250 47.2 250 45.8
■ Do not step directly on the wool during installation. Always
315 49.2 315 49.2
use a board or similar when moving around on the wool.
400 50.4 400 51.0
■ It is recommended to disconnect surface steel plates from
the steel bulkhead with a rigid ROCKWOOL product placed 500 54.4 500 53.2
edgeways and sealed with a flexible sealant. 630 58.0 630 56.6
800 61.2 800 60.6
Covering 1000 64.4 1000 63.8
■ The wool must be covered by at least two layers of 1.5 mm 1250 65.5 1250 65.4
thick steel sheets glued together with butted joints. 1600 65.0 1600 65.0
■ Indication for static load on insulation material: 2000 67.9 2000 67.6
SeaRox SL 436: ≥ 12 kPa 2500 69.3 2500 69.1
SeaRox SL 440: ≥ 30 kPa
3150 72.1 3150 72.1
SeaRox SL 480: ≥ 40 kPa
4000 74.1 4000 74.4
5000 78.4 5000 78.7

Sound insulation, R (dB)

Test set-up: 6mm test deck,
60mm SeaRox SL 436,
2x1.5mm steel plate

40 Test set-up: 6mm test deck,

30 2x30mm SeaRox SL 480,
20 2x1.5mm steel plate
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 Reference deck
Frequency (Hz)

Construction details

60 mm SeaRox SL 436/ SL 440/ SL 480

1.5 mm steel
1.5 mm steel

4.5 mm steel

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 83

2 Aluminium Bulkhead & Deck

4 Aluminium - Deck

Aluminium Bulkhead

Plate Stiffener

LIGHTWEIGHT A-60 Bulkhead, 6mm SeaRox FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040

A-60 Bulkhead restricted, 6 mm SeaRox FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040
A-60 Deck, 6 mm SeaRox FM 6040 SeaRox FM 6040
A-60 Bulkhead, 4 mm SeaRox FB or FM 6050 SeaRox FB or FM 6050
A-60 Bulkhead restricted, 4 mm SeaRox FB or FM 6050 SeaRox FB or FM 6050
A-60 Deck, 4 mm SeaRox FB or FM 6050 SeaRox FB or FM 6050

STANDARD A-60 Bulkhead, 6mm SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620

A-60 Deck, 6 mm SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620

84 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead

6 mm 1

Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm* 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2 3
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2
* insulation of both sides of aluminium plate 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 80

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 15.7
60 8
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with two layers 63 18.4
of min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU. Both stiffener side 80 16.8 50

and non stiffener side to be insulated. 100 17.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 125 21.5

max. 300 mm distance. 160 26.7
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 200 30.0 20

washers. 250 37.5 10

63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
315 44.9
Application notes Frequency (Hz)
400 50.6
■ All connections must be tight. Test set-up:
500 53.5
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Plate: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35 mm
630 58.4 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU,
■ Joints must be staggered according to test drawings.
800 61.9 2 x 35 mm
Optional surface (on request) 1000 65.7

Aluminium Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

1250 68.7 Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil.
1600 71.0 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth.
2000 72.7
2500 72.5
3150 71.3
4000 74.5
5000 73.1 Rw(C;Ctr) = 46 (-4; -11) dB

Construction details

2 x 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU behind aluminium plate

6 mm aluminium plate according to FTP Code

Min. 200 mm displacement

max. of the 2 insulation layers
250 mm

≤ 300 mm

≤ 300 mm

2 x 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU between

Ø 3 mm aluminium tipped
stiffeners and over the stiffeners
stainless steel pin with washer

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

≤ 150 mm

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 85


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead, restricted

1 6 mm
Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 21.1
8 50
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with two layers 63 18.9
of min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU. 80 19.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 100 16.6 30

max. 300 mm distance. 125 20.2
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 160 25.5
washers. 200 28.3 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 32.1 Frequency (Hz)
Application notes
315 38.2
■ Restricted application (fire against insulated side). 400 42.5
■ All connections must be tight. Test set-up:
500 46.6
Plate: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35 mm
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. 630 51.1 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35
■ Joints must be staggered according to test drawings. 800 53.2 mm
1000 53.5

Optional surface (on request) Aluminium Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

1250 54.6 Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. 1600 54.5 (without insulation)
■ Glass cloth. 2000 52.7
2500 51.9
3150 52.6
4000 55.5
5000 57.5 Rw(C;Ctr) = 43 (-3; -9) dB

Construction details

6 mm aluminium plate according to FTP Code Min. 450 mm displacement

max. of the 2 insulation layers
250 mm

≤ 300 mm

≤ 300 mm
2 x 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU between Ø 3 mm aluminium tipped
stiffeners and over the stiffeners stainless steel pin with washer

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

≤ 150 mm

86 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Aluminium Deck

6 mm 1

Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6040 ALU 2 x 35 mm 60 kg/m3 4.2 kg/m2 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 21.1
50 8
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with two layers 63 18.9
of min. 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU. 80 19.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 100 16.6 30

max. 300 mm distance. 125 20.2
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 160 25.5
washers. 200 28.3 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 32.1 Frequency (Hz)
Application notes
315 38.2
■ All connections must be tight. 400 42.5
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Test set-up:
500 46.6
Plate: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35 mm
■ Joints must be staggered according to test drawings. 630 51.1 Stiffener: SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35
800 53.2 mm
Optional surface (on request)
1000 53.5

■ Reinforced aluminium foil. Aluminium Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm

1250 54.6 Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
■ Glass cloth. 1600 54.5 (without insulation)
2000 52.7
2500 51.9
3150 52.6
4000 55.5
5000 57.5 Rw(C;Ctr) = 43 (-3; -9) dB

Construction details

2 x 35 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU

between stiffeners and over the stiffeners
6 mm aluminium plate according to FTP Code
Min. 150 mm displacement
max. of the 2 insulation layers
250 mm

≤ 300 mm
Ø 3 mm
aluminium tipped

stainless steel pin

with washer
≤ 300 mm

≤ 150 mm

Certification: Check for latest update

≤ 150 mm

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 87


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead

1 4 mm
Product Thickness Density Weight
3 Plate SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm** 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2
4 * alternative product SeaRox FB 6050 ** insulation on both sides of alu plate

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 21.2
8 50
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 24.9
75 mm SeaRox FM 6050 ALU or SeaRox FB 6050. 80 19.2 40

■ Fire test on 70 mm insulation thickness, approved for 75 100 17.9 30

mm. 125 19.2
■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 160 19.6
max 300 mm distance. 200 23.2 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 250 29.4 Frequency (Hz)
washers. 315 36.3
400 40.7
Application notes Test set-up:
500 50.1
■ All connections must be tight. Plate (4mm): SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
630 54.3 (both sides of alu plate), Stiffener (140x10
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm.
800 58.4 mm): SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
Optional surface (on request) 1000 62.0
Alu Bulkhead: 1500 / 1180 / 4 mm
1250 66.1 Bulp profile: 1820 / 140 / 10 mm (without
■ Reinforced aluminium foil.
1600 67.2 insulation)
■ Glass cloth.
2000 64.6
2500 63.5
3150 64.1
4000 62.4
5000 58.7 Rw(C;Ctr) = 41 (-3; -9) dB

Construction details

75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4 mm aluminium plate

Ø3 mm pin
with washer
≤ 300

≤ 520

≤ 300
75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050
75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050
4 mm aluminium plate 4 mm aluminium plate
≤ 150

Ø3 mm pin
Ø3 mm pin with washer
with washer

≤ 150 600*

Certification: Check for latest update

88 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead, restricted

4 mm 1

Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2 3
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2
* alternative product SeaRox FB 6050 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 21.3
50 8
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 25.0
75 mm SeaRox FM 6050 ALU or SeaRox FB 6050 80 20.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 100 17.6 30

max 300 mm distance 125 18.9
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 160 20.8
washers 200 22.8 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 25.4
Application notes Frequency (Hz)
315 31.6
■ All connections must be tight 400 34.4
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Test set-up:
500 38.6
Plate: SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
630 40.5
Optional surface (on request) Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
800 43.5
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. Alu Bulkhead: 1500 / 1180 / 4 mm
1000 45.1
■ Glass cloth. Bulb profile: 1820 / 140 / 10 mm (without
1250 48.3 insulation)
1600 49.5
2000 51.0
2500 51.1
3150 51.8
4000 55.3
5000 57.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 39 (-3; -8) dB

Construction details

75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4 mm aluminium plate

Ø3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer
≤ 300

≤ 520

≤ 300

75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050


75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4 mm aluminium plate 4 mm aluminium plate
≤ 150

Ø3 mm alu tipped Ø3 mm alu tipped

stainless steel pin stainless steel pin
with washer with washer

Facing Facing
≤ 150

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 89


A-60 Aluminium Deck

1 4 mm
Product Thickness Density Weight
3 Plate SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2
Stiffener SeaRox FM 6050 ALU* 75 mm 70 kg/m3 5.3 kg/m2
4 * alternative product SeaRox FB 6050

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 21.3
8 50
■ Aluminium plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of 63 25.0
75 mm SeaRox FM 6050 ALU or SeaRox FB 6050 80 20.3 40

■ Ø 3 mm aluminium tipped stainless steel pins fixed with 100 17.6 30

max 300 mm distance 125 18.9
■ Insulation secured with Ø 38 mm stainless steel spring 160 20.8
washers 200 22.8 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
250 25.4
Application notes Frequency (Hz)
315 31.6
■ All connections must be tight. 400 34.4
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Test set-up:
500 38.6
Plate: SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
630 40.5
Optional surface (on request) Stiffener: SeaRox FB 6050, 75 mm
800 43.5
■ Reinforced aluminium foil. Alu Bulkhead: 1500 / 1180 / 4 mm
1000 45.1
■ Glass cloth. Bulb profile: 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 48.3 (without insulation)
1600 49.5
2000 51.0
2500 51.1
3150 51.8
4000 55.3
5000 57.3 Rw(C;Ctr) = 39 (-3; -8) dB

Construction details

75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4 mm aluminium plate

Ø3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer
≤ 300

≤ 520

≤ 300

75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050


75 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050

4 mm aluminium plate 4 mm aluminium plate
≤ 150

Ø3 mm pin Ø3 mm alu tipped

with washer stainless steel pin
with washer
recommended Facing

≤ 150 600*

Certification: Check for latest update

90 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead

6 mm 1

Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 2 x 30 mm* 100 kg/m3 6.0 kg/m2 3
Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 2 x 30 mm 100 kg/m3 6.0 kg/m2
* insulation of both sides of aluminium plate 4

Advantages Sound reduction
Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70

Hz dB 7
Construction notes 50 13.2
50 8
■ Stiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm 63 16.8
SeaRox SL 620. 80 18.0 40

■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm 100 18.1 30

SeaRox SL 620. Insulation on both sides of the aluminium 125 16.8
plate. 160 20.1
■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed 200 23.2 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
with approx. 300 mm distance. 250 29.5 Frequency (Hz)
■ Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of Ø 38 mm. 315 35.1
400 40.7
Application notes Test set-up:
500 45.6
■ All the connections must be tight. Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm
630 49.3 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
800 52.6
■ Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is Aluminium Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 55.8
recommended. Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 58.0 (without insulation)
Optional surface (on request) 1600 59.6
2000 61.0
■ Reinforced aluminium foil
2500 58.9
■ Glass cloth
3150 56.4
4000 59.1
5000 59.5 Rw(C;Ctr) = 40 (-3; -8) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm:, αw = 0.90

Construction details

6 mm alu plate

2 x 30 mm SeaRox SL 620 300 mm

9 mm alu
2 x 30 mm SeaRox SL 620
Ø 3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer 400 mm

Ø 3 mm alu tipped stainless

steel pin w. washer
2 x 30 mm SeaRox SL 620
Ø 3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer

Certification: Check for latest update

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 91


A-60 Aluminium Deck

1 6 mm
Product Thickness Density Weight
Plate SeaRox SL 620 2 x 30 mm 100 kg/m3 6.0 kg/m2
4 Stiffener SeaRox SL 620 2 x 30 mm 100 kg/m3 6.0 kg/m2

Advantages Sound reduction
6 Sound insulation, R (dB)
f R
Frequency 1/3 Octave 70
7 Hz dB 60
Construction notes 50 12.4
8 50
■ Stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm SeaRox SL 63 16.3
620. 80 19.6 40

■ Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm 100 18.5 30

SeaRox SL 620. 125 19.9
■ Ø 3 mm aluminium-tipped stainless steel pins fixed 160 21.5
with approx. 300/400 mm distance. 200 23.0 10
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
■ Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of Ø 38 mm. 250 30.0 Frequency (Hz)
315 32.7
Application notes
400 36.2
■ All the connections must be tight. Test set-up:
500 40.4
Plate: SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm
■ Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. 630 43.8 Stiffener: SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm
■ Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is 800 47.6
recommended. Aluminium Bulkhead 1500 / 1880 / 6 mm
1000 50.9
■ The pins should exceed the insulation by approx. 10 mm. Bulb profiles, 1820 / 140 / 10 mm
1250 53.8 (without insulation)
Optional surface (on request) 1600 55.6
2000 55.2
■ Reinforced aluminium foil
2500 55.3
■ Glass cloth
3150 55.5
4000 58.4
5000 59.6 Rw(C;Ctr) = 40 (-2; -7) dB

Sound absorption
Weighted sound absorption:
SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm:, αw = 0.90

Construction details

Ø 3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer 300 mm
6 mm alu plate
2 x 30 mm
SeaRox SL 620
9 mm alu
400 mm

Ø 3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer
6 mm alu plate Ø 3 mm alu tipped stainless
2 x 30 mm steel pin w. washer
SeaRox SL 620
9 mm alu

Certification: Check for latest update

92 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Stiffeners 1

Stiffeners are used in most bulkhead and deck constructions to give them
the strength they need. To prevent heat transmission, it is important that 5
the stiffener is insulated correctly. 6

As part of the development of our lightweight range for In this section you will find a description of the main principles.
A-class constructions, we have developed a set of guidance For detailed design, check specific certificate and related
to standardise and optimise the insulation of stiffeners. drawings.
Typically, the details are approved by the classification society
and included as reference in our certificates.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 93

L-profile stiffener
An alternative design can be used, depending on the product
1 and construction:

7 Insulation of L-profile, Insulation of L-profile,

with SeaRox SL 620 with SeaRox SL 620
L-profile stiffener

Bulb profile stiffener

The insulation of the bulb-profile stiffener typically follows the
profile and is fixed depending on the length of the profile as
shown below:

h ≥ 100 mm

Bulb profile stiffener Insulation of Bulb profile, Insulation of Bulb profile,

with SeaRox SL 620 with SeaRox SL 620

Profile > 450 mm

If the stiffener depth is more than 450 mm, the insulation
can be stopped at 450 mm. The procedure for insulation of
450 m stiffeners should be approved by a local surveyor.

450 mm 450 mm

Insulation of stiffener with Insulation of stiffener with

SeaRox SL 620 SeaRox SL 620

94 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

70 mm SeaRox FB 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

ø3 mm steel pin 3
with washer
stiffener 100 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB 6050

■ Easy handling Standard slab design – box concept
■ Soft and flexible slabs Insulation with SeaRox FB 6040 on the plate and around the 6
■ Optimal visual appearance stiffeners.

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

h ≥ 100 mm
30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or
35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*

*Facing recommended

■ Fast installation Insulation of stiffeners with “hybrid solution”

■ No open gaps alternative 1 – wrap concept
■ Reduced cut-off waste Insulation with SeaRox FM 6040 around the stiffeners and
■ Alternative use of FB or FM SeaRox FB or FM 6040 on the plate

70 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

≥ 150 mm 30 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050* or

*Facing recommended 35 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6040*

■ Fast installation Insulation of stiffeners with “hybrid solution”

■ Reduced cut-off waste alternative 2 – quick cover concept
■ Less pins Insulation with SeaRox FB or FM 6040 between the stiffeners
■ Safer (no pins on stiffeners) and SeaRox FM 6040 on top of the stiffeners
Fire side

600* 600*

35 mm SeaRox FB 6040
between stiffeners

3 mm steel pin
with washer

■ Fast installation No insulation on stiffeners

■ Thin insulation Insulation only on steel plate – only valid for A-15 application
■ Alternative use of FB of FM
■ Only valid for A-15 application

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 95

Pin pattern


For all our lightweight constructions tested in accordance with IMO FTP
5 Code 2010, the following alternative standard pin patterns are approved.

1000 mm*

1000 mm*
Option A: Diagonal pattern
No insulation on stiffener or insulation with mats/rolls Insulation with slabs on stiffener

Ø 3 mm steel pin Ø 3 mm steel pin

with washer with washer

≤ 300 mm

≤ 520 mm ≤ 520 mm
1000 mm*

1000 mm*

≤ 300 mm ≤ 300 mm




≤ 150 mm ≤ 150 mm

≤ 150 mm ≤ 150 mm

600 mm* 600 mm*

Option B: Square pattern
No insulation on stiffener or insulation with mats/rolls Insulation with slabs on stiffener

Ø 3 mm steel pin Ø 3 mm steel pin

with washer with washer
1000 mm

1000 mm

≤ 300 mm ≤ 300 mm

≤ 150 mm ≤ 300 mm ≤ 150 mm ≤ 300 mm

600 mm 600 mm

96 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Bulkhead and 1

deck connections 2

When two plates are connected in a corner, the heat bridge/thermal transmission should always be kept in mind when insulating.
The structure must have insulation so that heat cannot be transferred from one uninsulated and fire exposed surface through
the structure to another uninsulated A-class rated surface. The heat must always go at least 450 mm below the insulation before 5
reaching an uninsulated A-class rated surface surface (acc. to SOLAS MSC/circ. 1120 annex reg. 9.3.4).


Deck and bulkhead 8

connection 1
Connections between A-60
and A-0 constructions should A0
be insulated by adding a layer

A60 Bulkhead or Deck

of A-60 insulation to the A-0 Min. 450 mm
construction in a minimum
Steel Bulkhead/ width of 450 mm. This Additional insulation
Min. 450 minimises the effect of the
mm Deck Steel Bulkhead/Deck
heat bridge.

Bulkhead/Deck Deck and bulkhead

connection 2
Another alternative way to
insulate the heat bridge is to
install at least 450 mm* of
insulation on the other side A0
of the construction. This will 450 mm
Steel Bulkhead/Deck
Min. 450 mm reduce the transferred heat
and so minimise the risk of Additional insulation

self-ignition inside the

Steel Bulkhead/ connecting room.
or Deck


* ROCKWOOL recommends 900 mm to secure that the heat always

goes min. 450 mm below the insulation before reaching an unexposed

Floor connection
This floor connection is relevant Steel coaming/
gutter bar
in relation to the A-class
insulation of a cold (outer)
Deck bulkhead, where water vapour Lining
≤ 100 mm
may condense on the interior Deck

≤ 100 mm cold steel in case of defects in

the vapour barrier. The water 450 mm
can be collected and either

drained or evaporate from

450 mm
the gutter. (Ref. IMO MSC.1/

In relation to MSC.1/Circ. 1510, the following floor connection is

clarified. Lining and steel coaming/gutter bar are for accommodation
spaces only. Only for steel constructions.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 97

In connection with insulation, it is important to pay
special attention to the details related to junctions,
corners etc. in order to avoid potential heat bridges.
Examples of construction details are provided below:

Steel Bulkhead/Deck

8 Corner example
Insulation on either

side of Bulkhead/Deck Steel Bulkhead/Deck

Additional insulation

Min. 450 mm
Min. 450 mm

A60 Steel Bulkhead or Deck

Steel Bulkhead/

Steel Bulkhead/

example 1
Insulation on

the outside of
Steel Bulkhead/Deck
Additional insulation

Steel Bulkhead/

A60 Steel Bulkhead or Deck Min. 450 mm

Min. 45
0 mm

A60 Bulkhead or Deck
example 2
Min. 450 mm

Insulation on
the inside of
Min. 450 mm Bulkhead/Deck
A0/ A60

Additional insulation
Steel Bulkhead/Deck

Steel Bulkhead/

98 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Installation of surface steel plate 1

Flat steel 3
L - Steel
A surface protection of sheet metal can be installed in
different ways, depending on the layout of the stiffeners
and the amount of insulation. 5

It is important to fix it in a way that minimises heat bridges

and structural noise transmission from the hull.

Surface steel

1 2

mm 40 mm
40 mm

Max. Max.Max.
mm 150 150

mm Max.Max.
500 500
mmmm L-
Steel L- Steel
L- Steel
Steel L- Steel
L- Steel Flat
steel Flat Flat
steel Surface
Surface steelsteel Surface
steel Surface
Surface steelsteel

Fixing of surface steel where space is needed for pipes etc. Fixing of surface steel as close to the steel plate as possible.

3 4

mm 10 mm
10 mm

steel Surface
Surface steelsteel
steel Flat Flat
mm 40 mm
40 mm L-
Steel L- Steel
L- Steel

steel Flat Flat
mm 65 mm
65 mm
Steel L- Steel Surface
steel Surface
Surface steelsteel
L- Steel

Fixing of surface steel taking large stiffeners into consideration. Fixing of surface with no stiffeners or stiffeners
on the other side of steel plate.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 99

Draught stops

4 Draught stops are divisions installed between ceilings or Construction

linings and the ship’s structure. The purpose of draught stops
5 is to prevent the spread of smoke and flames in concealed
■ SeaRox WM 640, min. 50 mm, with reinforced alu. foil
spaces. or
6 ■ SeaRox SL 620, min. 50 mm, with reinforced alu. foil.
SOLAS chapter II, Part C, regulation 8 (control of smoke
spread) states that: “air spaces enclosed behind ceilings,
7 Insulation fixed with Ø 3 mm pins and secured with Ø 38 mm
panelling or linings shall be divided by close-fitting draught
stops spaced not more than 14 m apart. In the vertical washers. If SeaRox SL 620 is used, it should be fitted with wire
8 direction, such enclosed air spaces, including those behind mesh on one side – the side where the washers are applied
linings of stairways, trunks, etc., shall be closed at each deck”. and the insulation is fixed.

MSC/Circ. 1120, 2004 explains the construction and location This installation method can also be used for draught stops
in more detail and, among other things, recommends the that are not B-class rated, in this case, also other ROCKWOOL
use of non-combustible mineral wool insulation, not less than SeaRox wired mats or slabs and thicknesses can be used.
20 mm in thickness, faced on each side with expanded metal
mesh, the mesh on one side being attached to the ship’s Penetrations (B-0 division)
structure. Alternatively, expanded metal mesh may be fitted
on one side and non-combustible cloth (glass cloth) on the Penetrations other than steel or copper pipes, for the passage
other side of mineral wool insulation. of electric cables, pipes, trunks, ducts etc., must be protected
by a fire tested penetration device or a steel sleeve not less
Other equivalent arrangements may be accepted. than 1.8 mm thick and not less than 900 mm long for pipe
ROCKWOOL’s range of SeaRox slabs or wired mats may diameters of at least 150 mm and not less than 600 mm long
be perfectly suited for this application, depending on the for pipe diameters of less than 150 mm (preferably equally
preferred draught stop installation method of the shipyard. divided on each side of the division). The pipe should be
Occasionally, there will be a requirement that the draught stop connected to the ends of the sleeve by flanges or couplings;
or panel extension is also of B-0 class. or the clearance between the sleeve and the pipe should not
exceed 2.5 mm; or any clearance between pipe and sleeve
The ROCKWOOL recommendation for a class B-0 draught should be tightened by means of non-combustible or other
stop, based on the IMO rules, is as follows: suitable material. Uninsulated metallic pipes penetrating
a B class division should be in materials with a melting
temperature greater than 850°C for a B-0 class division.

Step 1 Pins are welded vertically to the underside of
the deck in alignment with the required position
of the draught stop – with a distance of 100 mm Deck construction
approx.100 mm between the pins.
Step 2 The pins are then bent 90° in a staggered
pattern as on the drawing to the left.
Step 3 The ROCKWOOL product (and for SeaRox
SL 620 additional wire mesh) is then pushed
over the pins so that they protrude at least
25 mm. The insulation is secured by spring
steel washers. The insulation against the
lining/ceiling is bent back approx. 100 mm,
(for SeaRox SL 620, a 40 mm V-cut is
made on the compression side to facilitate Step 1
bending). Step 2
Step 3

100 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual



4 6

MSC/Circ.1120, 2004 explains the 1 Deck construction

construction and location in more detail:
2 Service penetration
Construction of extended bulkhead behind continuous
ceilings or linings. The extension of the bulkhead 3 C
 ut around penetration and wire mesh
should be made of non-combustible material and stitched together along joint
the construction of the extension should correspond
to the fire class of the extended bulkhead. If the 4 Suspended ceiling
extended bulkhead is B-0, then the extension may
be made of thin steel plates of 1mm thickness
and tightened (for example, with mineral wool).
Alternatively, B-0 class extensions may be constructed
of a suitably supported mineral wool (density at least
100 kg/m3, thickness at least 50 mm).

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 101


102 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Ventilation ducts and steel pipes 1

insulated to A-60 2

Ventilation ducts and steel pipes including sprinkler pipes may in some cases
need to be insulated “with A-60 standard” insulation for fire protection. 5
In accordance with IMO MSC 1/Circ. 1369, this can be done as follows: 6

Pipes and circular ducts 8

■ SeaRox WM 620, min. 45 mm (restricted application only)
■ SeaRox WM 640, min. 75 mm (unrestricted application)

The insulation should be fixed by twisting together the wire

mesh at joints and additionally secured with steel bands
or galvanised steel wires (Ø min. 0.7 mm) should be fitted
circumferentially to the system - at least 3 per running meter
of insulation to keep all joints and grooves tightly closed.

Sprinklers pipes
Galvanised steel wire
■ ProRox PS 960, min. 50 mm (restricted application only)

The pipe section with or without aluminum foil surface

should be fixed with steel bands or galvanised steel wires
(Ø min. 0.7 mm) should be fitted circumferentially to the
system - at least 3 per running meter of insulation to keep
all joints and grooves tightly closed.

Rectangular ducts
■ SeaRox SL 620, min. 40 mm (restricted application only)
■ SeaRox SL 620, min. 60 mm (unrestricted application)

The insulation should be attached by welded steel pins

and washers with slab joints butted together.
Welded pins are generally spaced at 350 mm maximum
centres along the length of the duct and at 500 mm maximum
centres across the width and depth of the duct.
Pins are required on all four sides of vertical ducts, but
may be omitted from the top face of horisontal ducts if they
are substituted by pigtail screws at 250 mm maximum centres
(screw length twice the slab thickness), fixing the side wall to
the overlap top slabs. Side wall slabs must overlap top and
bottom slabs.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 103

Penetrations of
A-class fire divisions

When pipes, ducts etc. go through a bulkhead or deck,

it is a penetration. To ensure that the penetration does
not compromise the fire division, the penetration shall be
protected by a penetration device tested in accordance with
the IMO 2010 FTP code. If the pipe penetration is made of
steel with a thickness of 3 mm or greater and a length of not
less than 900 mm (preferably 450 mm on each side of the
division), with no openings (meaning the pipe needs to be
welded to the steel bulkhead/deck plate), then testing is not
required. Such penetrations should be suitably insulated by
extending the insulation at the same level of the division.
ROCKWOOL recommends following “A-60” SeaRox
insulation solutions for pipe penetrations made of steel with
no openings:

■ SeaRox WM 620, min. 45 mm, the wire mesh to be
twisted together at joints.
■ SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, min. 50 mm, temporarily fixed
by aluminium tape.
■ SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm, min. 75 mm the wire mesh
to be twisted together at joints.

Steel bands or galvanised steel wires (Ø min. 0.7 mm)

§ must be fitted circumferentially to the system – at least

2 per 450 mm insulation to keep all joints and grooves
tightly closed.
SOLAS, Chapter II-2part C, Regulation 9, sec 3:
“where a pipe penetration is made of steel or
equivalent material having a thickness of 3 mm
or greater and a length of not less than 900 mm
(preferably 450 mm on each side of the division),
and no openings, testing is not required. Such
penetrations shall be suitably insulated by extension
of the insulation at the same level of the division”.
(L1 + L2 = 900 mm)

104 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Thermal and comfort insulation 106

Thermal calculations 110
Thermal and comfort
2 insulation

Energy loss through bulkheads and decks, and thereby also indirectly carbon
5 emissions, can be reduced via the use of insulation on all exterior bulkheads
and decks. This is relevant even if the air inside needs heating because
the vessel is operating in colder climates, or if the air inside needs cooling
due to a warm or even hot external climate.
Proper insulation is important not only to save energy and cost, but also
the ensure a comfortable indoor environment for crew and passengers.

Selecting the right insulation product The thickness will be determined based on the U or R value
requirement from the project. See examples of calculations
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation offers a range of SeaRox® for normal thermal/comfort insulation systems later in this
insulation product dedicated to the thermal insulation of chapter.
bulkheads and decks.
All ROCKWOOL SeaRox insulation products provide thermal
Slabs will generally provide a more uniform and firmer surface, insulation, if a deck or bulkhead is already insulated for fire or
whereas mats are more flexible and efficient for installation acoustic purposes, it is possible that the fire/acoustic insulation
over stiffeners and other irregularities, the surface appearance will also provide sufficient thermal insulation in the specified or
of mats will be more uneven. a slightly increased thickness, if not, the fire/acoustic insulation
Within the different product categories, cost and weight are can be complemented with a layer of thermal insulation.
main selection criteria, and SeaRox SL 740 is often selected
where a more firm and uniform appearance is required.

Product Type Density Flexibility Installation U-value at R-value at

(kg/m3) efficiency 100 mm (W/m2K) 100 mm (m2K/W)

SeaRox SL 720 Slab 32 Medium Medium 0,35 2.9

SeaRox SL 740 Slab 45 Low Medium 0,35 2.9
SeaRox MA 720 Mat 32 High High 0,35 2.9
SeaRox MA 740 Mat 45 High High 0,35 2.9
SeaRox MA 7000 Mat 26 High High 0,37 2.7

106 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SeaRox® MA 7000 ALU, the lightweight solution

for thermal insulation
Following the success of our lightweight range for fire rated
applications, we have introduced a new lightweight product
for the thermal insulation of bulkheads, decks and outer
bulkheads, SeaRox MA 7000 ALU.
The product is delivered as a highly compressed, compact
roll (in 26 kg/m3) and comes as standard with reinforced
aluminium on one side.
The lower weight contributes to an overall weight saving,
which increases energy efficiency, lowers costs and reduces
CO2 emissions.
The product combines low weight, high thermal performance,
excellent acoustic properties and lowest water absorption.
The low density combined with the generic stone wool
characteristics ensures easy installation and a high

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 107


3 Thermal insulation in combination

with fire and sound protection
4 1: T
 hermal (or comfort) insulation can be used on its
own – applied to the deck or bulkhead.
2: T
 hermal insulation can also be used in combination
with fire insulation or sound insulation.
When the minimum insulation thickness has been
found for protecting against sound or fire, the thermal
transmission (U-value) of this material can be calculated
8 from the thermal conductivity of the product. If a higher
thermal insulation level is required, the construction can
be improved by adding an extra layer of a lower density
In all cases of insulating towards cold temperatures the
wool must always be covered by a water vapour barrier. This
surface can be aluminium foil or another kind of vapour barrier.
The gaps should be tightly sealed with aluminium tape.
Note that combining an A-class fire rated insulation system
with additional insulation for added thermal or acoustic
performance may require approval from the local surveyor.

Floor connection
When making a surface towards the exterior, it may
Reinforced aluminium be necessary to end the insulation 50 mm above
as vapour barrier
the floor. This ensures that any condensate from the
bulkhead can be drained away.

50 mm Deck

Water stop (perforated steel)


A piece of flat iron can be fit in front of the gab

to guide the condensate to a drain.

ROCKWOOL SeaRox® products

fulfil the IMO non-combustibility
and low-frame spread rules
They also have excellent water repellent properties,
which are important as thermal insulation is often
placed directly up against the outer construction
where condensation may occur.

108 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 109

Thermal calculations

3 Lambda value/
thermal conductivity (λ) 1m
4  he lambda (λ) value, also referred to as thermal
conductivity, is a value indicating how well a material 1m
5 conducts heat. It indicates the quantity of heat (W),
which is conducted through a 1 m2 wall, in a thickness
6 of 1 m, when the difference in temperature between
the opposing surfaces of this wall equals 1 K (or 1°C).
7 In practice, λ is a numerical value expressed in terms
of W/(mK). The lower the λ value, the better the
8 insulation property of the material. 1m

Examples at 10°C
Steel λ = 50 W/mK
Concrete λ = 1.6 W/mK tK (t-1)K
Glass λ = 1.1 W/mK
Wood λ = 0.12 W/mK
ROCKWOOL λ = 0.035 W/mK Most materials will increase in λ λ = W/mK
when temperatures rise.

U value
The transport of thermal energy through a structure is
expressed by a coefficient, U (Thermal transmittance
coefficient). It represents the flow of heat (in W) through
U = W/m2K 1 m2 of a structure, when the difference between the two
surrounding temperatures is 1 K (or 1°C). The thermal
λ transmittance coefficient is expressed in W/(m2K). The
U = Thickness lower the coefficient, the better the structure insulates.

1 Thickness(m)
R = U or R = The steel plate is not taken into consideration due to
( W/mK)
the low added value.

R value SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm ( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK)

R = 0.5/3 = 1.43[m 2 K/W] U = 0.7[W/m 2 K]
Thermal resistance, R, is a measure used in a
construction. The R value is the reciprocal U value. SeaRox SL 740, 100 mm ( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK)
Increasing the thickness of an insulating layer R = 0.1/0.35 = 2.86[m 2 K/W] U= 0.35[W/m 2 K]

increases the R value.

SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm ( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK)
R = 0.6/35 = 1.714[m 2 K/W] U = 0.57[W/m 2 K]

SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm + SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm

( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK ( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK)
R = (0.06/35) + (0.05/3) = 3.14[m 2 K/W] U = 0.32[W/m 2 K]

SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm + SeaRox SL 740, 100 mm

( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK ( (10°C) = 0.035 W/mK)
R = (0.06/35) + (0.1/0.35) = 4.57[m 2 K/W] U = 0.2[W/m 2 K]

110 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


General information on sound reduction 112

Sound absorption 114
Sound reduction 115
Impact sound reduction 116
General information
2 on sound reduction

Rules and regulations New noise levels limits (maximum levels):
5 When people are exposed to consistent elevated noise
levels, their health may be affected. Elevated workplace Designation of rooms Ship size
or environmental noise can cause hearing impairment, and spaces
6 1600 up to ≥ 10000 GT
hypertension, heart diseases, annoyance, and sleep 10000 GT
disturbance. Beyond these effects, elevated noise levels
7 Work spaces
can create stress and increase workplace accident rates.
Machinery spaces 110 110
8 To improve safety on board ships, the IMO noise code Machinery control rooms 75 75
– resolution MSC.337(91) (implemented 2014) introduced
Workshops other than those 85 85
new mandatory requirements with regard to noise-reduction
measures on ships covering design, documentation and forming part of machinery spaces
performance, as well as actual noise levels on-board. Non-specified work spaces 85 85
(other work areas)
These requirements must be complied along with any
additional comfort class requirements or requirements Navigation spaces
imposed by the flag state. Navigating bridge and 65 65

The noise code Look-out posts, incl. navigating 70 70

bridge wings and windows
On 30 November 2012, the IMO Maritime Safety Committee
Radio rooms (with radio 60 60
adopted resolution MSC.337(91), the code on noise levels on
equipment operating but not
board ships, also known as the ”noise code”.
producing audio signals)
The new rules relate to new ships. The flag administration Radar rooms 65 65
may also decide to enforce the rules on existing vessels,
in relation to major repairs, refurbishments etc. The new noise Accommodation spaces
code is mandatory and replaced the voluntary 1981 noise Cabin and hospitals 60 55
code A.468(XII).
Messrooms 65 60
The code applies to passenger and cargo ships with a gross Recreation rooms 65 60
tonnage of 1600 or higher.
Open recreation areas 75 75
The intention of the code is to provide standards to prevent (external recreation areas)
potentially hazardous noise levels on board ships and an
Offices 65 60
acceptable environment for seafarers:

■ To provide safe working conditions (to enable speech The noise code also includes a requirement with regard to the
communication, hearing of audible alarms and an sound reduction index (Rw) for bulkheads and decks between
environment where clear-headed decisions can be made cabins, between cabins and mess room etc., as follows.
in control stations, navigation, radio spaces and manned
machinery spaces). The airborne sound reduction properties for bulkheads and
decks within the accommodation shall comply at least with the
■  o protect seafarers from noise levels that may give rise
T following weighted sound reduction index (Rw) according to
to noise-induced hearing loss; and ISO Standard 717-1:1996 as amended (1:2006), part 1.
■  o provide the seafarer with an acceptable degree of
comfort in rest, recreation and other spaces. Designation of division Weighted
between rooms and spaces sound reduction
The principle is that the ships should be designed and
index (Rw)
constructed in a way that noise threshold levels specified
in the code are followed for all relevant areas. Key is that Cabin to cabin 35 dB
actual noise levels should be measured and reported during Messrooms, recreation rooms, 45 dB
a sea trial. The noise reports will be part of the documentation public spaces and entertainment
for the ship. areas to cabins and hospitals
Corridor to cabin 30 dB
Cabin to cabin with 30 dB
communication door

The airborne sound insulation properties shall be determined by

laboratory tests in accordance with ISO 10140-2:2010.
High R =
good sound reduction

112 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

SeaRox® acoustic foil system especially
designed for sound absorption 1
in engine rooms
Optimal sound properties
Resistant to oil/oil mist
Tested and approved 4
The code additionally includes requirements for the use of
hearing protectors in areas with high noise levels as well as Easy installation
daily time limit restrictions for people working in high noise 5
areas. It also contains appendixes with formats for noise
Steel plate
reports, guidance for the inclusion of noise issues in safety 6
SeaRox insulation
management systems, the suggested method for attenuating
(reducing) noise and simplified procedures for determining SeaRox acoustic foil 7
noise exposure.  erforated steel
or aluminium plate
The new noise code introduces a set of mandatory minimum 8
requirements. Actual comfort class or flag state requirements
may, however, be stricter and must also be complied with.

To obtain the optimal sound properties the film must be fitted

Noise mitigation loosely with a small gap between the foil and the insulation,
the perforated steel plate should be installed as close to the
Noise can be reduced by replacing equipment with lower
foil as possible, with due consideration for a minimum distance
noise-emitting equipment, resilient mounting of machinery,
of 5 mm and a maximum distance of 50 mm.
resilient connections between construction elements, silencers
in ventilation ducts etc.
But noise can also be reduced with the use of insulation, to
Documented sound properties
create sound absorbing surfaces, improve sound reduction The system has also been tested for sound absorption,
of walls and ceilings or in floating floor constructions. Acoustic proving its unique acoustic performance.
insulation is used to reduce the amount of reflected noise
within an enclosure (absorption), as well as to reduce the noise
passing through a division (reduction). Easy installation

In the following pages an overview of sound absorption and SeaRox acoustic foil must not be fixed directly to the
sound reduction of ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation products insulation. It is essential that the film is fitted loosely, with a
and systems are provided. small gap between the insulation and the film. This is done
either by wrapping it around the slab or by utilising the
welding pins required to secure the wool to the substrate.
Acoustic foil
The film should be overlapped by at least 100 mm. Although
The insulation in engine rooms is traditionally protected the film is very strong, in some cases it may be necessary to
against absorption of oil and oil vapours by reinforced reinforce any penetration (from pins etc.) with self-adhesive
aluminium foil or by steel plates when stronger mechanical transparent tape. SeaRox acoustic foil can be combined with
solutions are required. However, the challenge has been any approved SeaRox fire protection solution or with any
that aluminium foil, and in particular steel plate, significantly SeaRox thermal/acoustic insulation product.
decreases the noise absorption properties of the insulation.
We supply the insulation and the acoustic foil. The remaining
Engine rooms, which are a high risk area in relation to oil parts of the system – perforated steel plate and fitting system
contamination of surfaces, are also one of the areas on a – should be acquired locally from the regular metal supplier
vessel with the highest sound levels, and solutions are needed of the yard or contractor.
to improve sound absorption without compromising fire safety.
This is exactly what the SeaRox acoustic foil system provides.
By using this foil system, the noise absorption properties
of the SeaRox material will remain, maintaining mechanical
integrity and preventing oil absorption of the insulation.
SeaRox acoustic foil is a very strong, thin and durable
polymer film that is highly resistant to oil mist compared to
the common reinforced aluminium foil solution on the market
(measured according to modified version of ASTM E96).
The system – SeaRox insulation + SeaRox acoustic foil + 1 mm §
perforated steel or aluminium plate – passes the low surface
flammability requirements of IMO FTP code part 5 and is SOLAS, Chapter II-2, part B, Regulation 4, sec 3:
certified by recognised classification societies and under the
MED scheme. Insulation surfaces protected against oil penetration
“In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible,
the surface of insulation shall be impervious to oil or oil

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 113

Sound absorption

Stone wool has good sound absorption because of the porosity
5 and the fibre structure.

The sound is absorbed by the porous fibrous material. When Overview – absorption measurements
a sound wave enters the absorptive material, the acoustic
energy of the air is reduced due to friction against the surface
No Products Weighted
of the fibers and the energy is converted into heat. absorption
Absorption will depend on the actual product and is generally αw
improved by increased thickness. Absorption may be reduced 1 SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm 0.95
when the insulation has a facing – in particular an aluminum
2 SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm 0.90
foil facing reduces the absorption properties of the stone
wool. 3 SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm 0.55
4 SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm 0.80
Protection of the insulation by a cover plate is possible without
changing the absorption, provided the plate is perforated 5 SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm + alu foil 0.50
with a sufficient number of openings. A perforation grade of 6 SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm incl. pin’s 0.90
at least 25 % is sufficient for a 1 mm thick cover plate of steel. and washer
Thicker cover plates require a higher perforation grade. 7 SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm incl. pin’s and 0.90
washer, covered by 19 µm acoustic foil
8 SeaRox SL 320, 50 mm 0.85
9 SeaRox SL 340, 50 mm 0.90
10 SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm 0.75
11 SeaRox SL 340, 2 x 50 mm 0.95
12 SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm + alu foil 0.65
13 SeaRox SL 436, 50 mm 0.85
Sound absorption
14 SeaRox SL 440, 50 mm 0.75
Sound absorption is a material property that describes
15 SeaRox SL 480, 50 mm 0.75
how well sound waves are absorbed by a material.
16 SeaRox SL 480, 2 x 30 mm 0.80
17 SeaRox SL 640, 30 mm 0.70
18 SeaRox SL 640, 2 x 30 mm 0.90
19 SeaRox SL 660, 2 x 50 mm 0.90
Sound reduction
20 SeaRox WM 950, 50 mm 0.90
Like for absorption, part of the acoustic energy is
21 SeaRox WM 950 ALU, 50 mm 0.75
converted into heat by friction, but the interaction
between the different layers (insulation/structural 22 SeaRox WM 950, 100 mm 0.95
metal) also significantly reduces the sound passing 23 SeaRox WM 950 ALU, 100 mm 0.75
the division. 24 SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm 0.90
Sound reduction is improved if both layers (insulation/ 25 SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm + 0.90
structural metal) have high mass. Sound reduction SeaRox acoustic foil (19 µ)
performance is therefore improved by insulation + perf. steel plate (suspended)
thickness, density and metal wall thickness. Adding 26 SeaRox WM 620, 2 x 45 mm 0.95
extra mass layers can also improve sound reduction
27 SeaRox WM 640, 30 mm 0.80
28 SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm 0.90
29 SeaRox WM 640, 100 mm 0.90
Sound reduction
is an impression rating the
Rw reduction of sound through
a wall or a building ­element
from one room to the other.

114 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Sound reduction Determined by laboratory tests in
accordance with ISO 10140-2:2010.

Overview – Reduction measurements
No Construction Substrate Thickness Products Weighted
Rw 6
1 A-15 steel deck Steel 5 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm (no insulation on stiffeners) 45 dB
2 A-15 steel deck and bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6040, 35 mm (no insulation on stiffeners) 45 dB
3 A-15 steel deck and bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm (no insulation on stiffeners) 46 dB 8
4 A-30 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm 46 dB
5 A-30 steel bulkhead + thermal Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm and 50 mm 49 dB
SeaRox MA 720 ALU
6 A-30 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 30 mm 46 dB
7 A-30 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm / SeaRox FM 6050, 30 mm 45 dB
8 A-30 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 30 mm / SeaRox FM 6030 ALU, 30 mm 46 dB
9 A-30 steel bulkhead restr./ Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm / 25 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 50 dB
deck + thermal
10 A-30 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 25 mm / 25 mm 47 dB
11 A-60 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm Searox FB 6040, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm 48 dB
12 A-60 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm Searox FB 6040, 70 mm / SeaRox FM 6040, 35 mm 48 dB
13 A-60 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm / 25 mm 48 dB
14 A-60 steel bulkhead + thermal Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm / 25 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 49 dB
15 A-60 steel bulkhead + thermal Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6040, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm and 50 mm 50 dB
SeaRox MA 720 ALU
16 A-60 steel bulkhead restr./deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm 46 dB
17 A-60 steel bulkhead restr./deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 35 mm 46 dB
18 A-60 steel bulkhead restr. + Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm and 50 mm 49 dB
thermal SeaRox MA 720 ALU
19 A-60 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FB 6050, 30 mm 46 dB
20 A-60 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 50 mm / SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 50 mm 47 dB
21 A-60 steel deck Steel 6 mm SeaRox FB 6020, 70 mm / SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 35 mm 46 dB
22 A-60 floating floor Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 436, 60 mm/2x1.5 mm steel surface plates 55 dB
23 A-60 floating floor Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 480, 2x30mm/2x1.5 mm steel surface plates 54 dB
24 A-60 steel bulkhead Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm / 25 mm 48 dB
25 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm / 2 x 30 mm (on both sides) 40 dB
26 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 6 mm SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm / 2 x 30 mm 40 dB
27 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 6 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35 mm / 2 x 35 mm (on both sides) 46 dB
28 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 6 mm SeaRox FM 6040 ALU, 2 x 35 mm / 2 x 35 mm 43 dB
29 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 4 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050, 75 mm /75 mm (on both sides) 41 dB
30 A-60 aluminium bulkhead Aluminium 4 mm SeaRox FB/FM 6050, 75 mm /75 mm 39 dB
31 Thermal insulation Steel 6 mm SeaRox MA 7000 ALU, 50 mm / 50 mm 48 dB
32 Thermal insulation Steel 6 mm SeaRox MA 7000 ALU, 100 mm / 50 mm 49 dB
33 Thermal insulation Steel 6 mm SeaRox MA 7000 ALU, 100 mm /100 mm 50 dB
34 Acoustic insulation Steel 6 mm SeaRox FM 6020 ALU, 90 mm (no insulation on stiffeners) 49 dB
35 Acoustic insulation Steel 6 mm SeaRox SL 340, 50 mm (no insulation on stiffeners) 47 dB

For further details, contact ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 115

Impact sound reduction

4 The principles of absorption and reduction work also here, In principle, the dynamic stiffness should be as low as possible
but in floating floor constructions, it is possible to enhance in order to obtain a low natural frequency of the floating floor.
5 the general sound reduction and also impact noise reduction On the other hand, the load-bearing capacity and the possible
with a mass-spring-mass effect. The insulation is positioned unfavourable experience of walking on a floor that is too soft
6 between two mass layers (top steel plate(s) and the steel deck) may set a lower limit for the stiffness.
and the elasticity of the insulation material functions like a
SeaRox SL 436 is the most common product used for floating
7 spring, dissipating sound energy and thus reducing the noise
floors. This product has been optimised for dynamic stiffness.
transmitted through the construction.
8 For floating floors, the insulation must have the right balance Read more about SeaRox SL 436 and
between compression resistance and dynamic stiffness for floating floors on page 82.
optimum acoustic performance. Higher insulation thickness
improves the sound reduction.
The dynamic stiffness is an important parameter when
optimising floating floors. This is true with respect to air- and
structure-borne noise and impact noise.

116 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Floating floor constructions, including class A-60 118

Marine panels, ceilings and fire doors 120
Floating floor constructions,
including class A-60

Floating floors are used for optimal airborne and structural noise reduction,
5 including impact noise via the deck.

The design of the floating floor will depend on the actual
requirements and often with the involvement of acoustic
engineers and/or dedicated flooring companies.
Non combustible stone wool insulation is used as the core
material in such constructions due to the superior acoustic
properties, but also due to a good balance between dynamic
stiffness and compression resistance.
ROCKWOOL offers three main products for floating floor
SeaRox SL 436 is used for normal accommodation load
flooring systems, with an optimised dynamic stiffness to
achieve the highest reduction of noise and vibrations.
SeaRox SL 436 is also capable of absorbing smaller
imperfections in the deck. SeaRox SL 480 and the lighter
weight SeaRox SL 440 are aimed for general purpose
flooring systems with normal to high load capacity.
When a floating floor is made, it is very important that the top
layer has no rigid connection with the steel structure to avoid
flanking transmission. For inspiration in terms of the general
construction of a floating floor – see overleaf descriptions of
the ROCKWOOL A-60 fire rated floating floor construction:

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is the preferred

supplier for many marine flooring companies.
These companies integrate ROCKWOOL products
into their most advanced solutions.

118 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

ROCKWOOL SeaRox® A-60 type approved
floating floor construction: Min. 1.5 mm steel top plate

This solution consists of one or two layers (of equal thickness Min. 1.5 mm steel top plate 1
and with staggered joints) with a total insulation thickness of SeaRox SL 436, 60 mm
60-100 mm. The insulation is covered by two layers of 1.5 mm Steel deck plate 2
thick steel sheets, with staggered joints and glued together.
In addition to the excellent fire protection, noise reduction 3
and thermal insulation properties, the construction also 60 mm
reduces structural noise/ vibrations in the steel deck. 4
The construction can be made with SeaRox SL 436, 440 or
480 depending on the need for compression resistance. 5
Any surface material to be applied over the steel plates
must be decided based upon requirements for mechanical 6
strength and finish, and if relevant shall be type approved
for low flame spread. 7
The maximum recommended free area is 8 x 8 m. If larger 1 8
free areas are to be made, division flat bars should be made.
This allows the insulation to stay in position without the need
for gluing. All joints of the slabs must be tightbutted joints.
Smaller weld marks, dents, etc. of an approximate maximum
diameter of 50 mm and height of 10 mm will be absorbed.
If the deck undulates, an approved self-levelling compound
or floor screed – a fire retardant PE compound, cement 3
based filler or similar – must be used as first layer. If a water-
based floor screed or levelling compound is used, it must be
given sufficient time to cure before the floating construction
is installed. It is very important not to encapsulate water/ 4
moisture, as this will enhance corrosion and limit the expected
life of the construction.

1 Steel top plate 1.5 mm

2 Steel top plate 1.5 mm
3 SeaRox SL 436, SL 440 or SL 480 60 mm
4 Steel deck plate (Standard FTP code)

Note: 2 x 1.5 mm steel top plates to be glued together

For the perimeter of the construction it is recommended
to finish the insulation with a rigid ROCKWOOL product,
Flexible sealant
such as SeaRox SL 436, SeaRox SL 440 or SeaRox SL 480,
placed edgeways and sealed with a flexible sealant. Many SeaRox SL 436/
SeaRox SL 440/
of the flooring companies use ROCKWOOL SeaRox slabs SeaRox SL 480
in densities of 140-200 kg/m3, in combination with more Placed edgeways
complex top layers. The maximum load for the complete
flooring construction will depend also on the top layer and
the load capacity of the specific construction should be
calculated and tested by the flooring company. ROCKWOOL
Technical Insulation is the preferred supplier for many
dedicated marine flooring companies. These companies use
the SeaRox insulation to create more sophisticated solutions
for superb noise reduction in both high and low frequency
Note: Deviations from the certified A-60 floating floor
construction in any form could require new approval by Sealing of edges to prevent structural noise transmission.
the Class Society or the National Marine Authority.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 119

Marine panels, ceilings
and fire doors

Within shipbuilding prefabricated products are being used for wall panels,
ceilings, fire doors etc. as part of the accommodation area. The requirements
are typical a c­ ombination of fire protection and noise reduction.

The producers of these products are highly specialised Solutions are developed in close cooperation with each
companies with individual solutions which require tailor made individual customer taking the final design into consideration.
insulation products. Please contact your local ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
sales representative to get the best advice in order to pick
The SeaRox® range of slab products in higher densities have
the right SeaRox material offering the best combination of fire
a great track record in this specific area. We have worked
protection, noise reduction and mechanical properties.
with major customers to develop a large number of special
products with high compressive and delaminating strength
as well as great fire resistance and acoustic performance.
Solutions which have been approved as non-combustible
according to the latest IMO regulations.
ROCKWOOL has a range of SeaRox materials supplied Typical SeaRox products
as slabs or cut into lamellars, in the density range 100 to
240 kg/m3 in the SeaRox SL 400 series that are used for wall Marine panels and ceilings
and ceiling panels, doors, hatches etc. for A-class, B-class ■ SeaRox SL 440 (density 150 kg/m3)
and C-class constructions.
■ SeaRox SL 470 (density 180 kg/m3)
■ SeaRox SL 480 (density 200 kg/m3)

Fire doors
■ SeaRox SL 660 (density 150 kg/m3

120 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


General information about technical insulation 122

Insulation with ProRox® pipe sections 124
Insulation with SeaRox® lamella mat 125
Insulation with SeaRox® and ProRox® wired mats 126
Insulation with SeaRox® slabs 128
General information about
2 technical insulation

HVAC, service water and other technical
equipment on board
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
6 form an integrated part of modern shipbuilding, designed
to provide thermal-comfort and decent air quality.
7 A large amount of the power produced onboard is consumed
by heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Insulation of
8 the ducts is important to ensure that the air has the right
temperature where it is needed and that excessive amounts
of energy is not lost during the process – it is all about saving
energy, reducing carbon emission and ensuring comfortable
work, rest and pleasure areas for the crew and passengers.
Service water pipes (hot and cold) needs to be insulated
to ensure that the temperature is right where the water
is needed and to prevent unnecessary energy loss in the
process. For cold water piping, insulation may also delay The benefits of correct
the heating up of stagnant water, and thus contribute
thermal insulation include:
to mitigation of legionella bacteria.
■ Reduction of heat losses
Hot equipment in the engine room or for the handling
of cargoes may also need insulation, to reduce energy ■ Cost savings
losses, ensure safe surface temperatures, or in the case of ■ Reduction of CO2 emission
temperature sensitive cargoes to help keeping the correct
cargo temperature. ■ Frost protection
■ Process control: ensuring the stability
ofthe process temperature
■ Noise reduction
■ Condensation prevention
■ (Personal) Protection against high temperatures

122 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


Ventilation ducts (HVAC)
For thermal insulation ventilation ducts are most often 5
insulated with lamellar mats such as ROCKWOOL SeaRox
LM 900 – used for both circular and rectangular ducts, these 6
products ensure an even and compression resistant surface.
These products will normally be supplied with an aluminium
foil facing that can be used as the final layer. When joints are
sealed with aluminium tape, this foil also act as water vapour
Other products may also be relevant e.g. higher density
mats for circular ducts or slabs for rectangular ducts e.g.
SeaRox MA 740 ALU or SeaRox SL 740 ALU.
In some cases ventilation ducts also needs to be insulated for
fire or acoustics, in the case of A-60 insulation of ducts. The final choice of product and insulation thickness depends
on the geometry of the equipment, process and ambient
In the case the ducts need to be insulated to reduce sound temperatures, the choice of cladding and, most importantly,
emission, please contact your ROCKWOOL representative the purpose of the insulation.
for more detailed advice for your needs.
ROCKWOOL’s Rockassist tool, can help calculate the
necessary insulation thickness for the job. Rockassist is
Service water piping available via
Service water piping (hot and cold water) is most efficiently This document does not deal with process insulation used
insulated with pipe sections, and ROCKWOOL’s aluminium for offshore oil & gas equipment, ask your ROCKWOOL
foil faced pipe sections. The marine approved ProRox PS Representative for the ROCKWOOL solutions for the thermal
930 ALU and ProRox PS 960 ALU are the ideal choice for this and acoustic insulation solutions for such areas based on the
task, covering all the relevant pipe diameters and insulation ROCKWOOL WR-Tech technology for CUI mitigation.
thicknesses that normally are relevant in this area.
Note that chilled water pipes should be insulated with closed Scrubbers
cell insulation materials.
Scrubbers are used to remove particles and harmful
In the case of sprinkler pipes that needs to be insulated components, such as sulphur oxides (SOX) and nitrogen
to A-60, it is possible to use ProRox PS 960 in a thickness of oxides (NOX) from the exhaust gasses generated when fuel
50 mm. oil is combusted. The hot flue exhaust gas is passed through
a scrubber unit where the gas is cleaned. The exhaust gas
Hot piping and equipment is hot and therefore insulation of both gas inlet piping and
the actual scrubber unit is necessary.
In the engine room or for the handling of cargo, the hot pipes
and equipment needs to be insulated, both to save energy We offer a range of products that are ideally suited
by reducing the heat emission from surfaces, and for safety for insulation of hot equipment including scrubbers:
reasons to prevent burns. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
has a range of products specially developed for this purpose
■ ProRox PS 960 pipe sections are recommended
(ProRox series). Relevant products from this range (pipe for smaller diameter pipes.
sections and wired mats) are marine-approved, which means ■  roRox WM 950 or WM 960 wired mats and the
they complement the SeaRox range. metal mesh free alternative SeaRox FM 6040 ALU
ProRox PS 960 pipe sections with a maximum service are recommended for larger diameter piping and
temperature of 650˚C are used for hot piping including the actual scrubber unit.
exhaust pipes, while ProRox WM 950/960 wired mats
(MST 640 – 660˚C) are used for equipment, vessels and All products have a low chloride content (< 10 mg/kg)
larger diameter piping. SeaRox SL 740 is the good choice and are thus safe for use directly onto stainless steel.
for temperatures up to 250˚C, whereas SeaRox SL 620 slabs
developed for fire protection, is perfectly suited also as
thermal insulation for hot surfaces operating at temperatures
up to 660˚C.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 123

Insulation with
2 ProRox® pipe sections

We have a wide selection of marine-approved pipe insulation
solutions for large and small pipes that satisfy all requirements.
5 The mandrel wound ProRox pipe sections are made of stone
wool. The ProRox pipe sections are available with or without
6 reinforced aluminium foil covering.
The ProRox pipe sections are especially suitable for ambient to
very high temperatures, but with a good water vapour barrier
they can also be used for chilled media.

ProRox® pipe section

Tape for quick Generally, the best insulation is achieved by using ProRox
and easy snap-on pipe section. The pipe sections can be used up to service
temperatures of 650°C according to EN 14707. Facing up to
80°C. The pipe sections are supplied ready split and hinged
for quick and easy snap-on assembly and are suitable for
thermal and acoustical insulation of pipe work.
Their excellent fit and high compression resistance mean
that pipe sections can be applied in a single layer without
any additional spacers. Consequently the number of thermal
bridges, which have a negative influence on the insulation,
is greatly reduced.
At temperatures above 300°C the provisional application
of spacers must be determined in each individual case due to
the evaporation of the binder. Banding
We recommend that the pipe section be secured to the pipe
Lateral joint by applying three steel bands per section length, with the end
bands approximately 100 mm from the lateral joints.
Steel banding
If wire ties or spiral binding are to be used, they should only
be considered on pipe sections with an outer surface diameter
of 200 mm or less.

In those cases, there should be:

■ At least three wire ties per section.
Steel banding ■ Spiral binding must be per section
on both layers
(tied off at each end of each pipe section).

Steel banding
on both layers

Multiple layers
■ If more than one layer of pipe section is required, both
layers should be banded to ensure a consistently tight fit
of the insulation.
Facing max. 80°C
■  he outer layer(s) of the section should be applied with
staggered joints, both laterally and longitudinally.

124 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Cut pipe section into
segments with a knife

■ To form insulated elbows with pipe section, the section 5
is cut at angles to form segments.
■  he amount of segments depends on the size of the pipe
T 6
Pipe section
segments fit and the angle of the elbow.
around elbow 7
When the pipe section segments are fit around the pipe,
they are secured with steel banding or wire ties per section.
■  ny minor gaps between segments can be filled with pieces
of ROCKWOOL insulation.
Segments fixed
with steel straps
or wire ties

Insulation with
SeaRox® lamella mat
■ SeaRox LM 900 ALU consists of stone wool lamellas
placed edgeways, with the majority of fibres perpendicular Due to the alignment of the
to the facing. The SeaRox lamella mat can be used up to
ROCKWOOL fibres, SeaRox® lamella mat
service temperatures of 250°C. Facing up to 80°C.
is highly resistant to compression.
■ The surface finish on the SeaRox lamella mat, should It is suitable for applications requiring:
be taped at all joints.
■ The mats are secured with steel banding.
■ Compression resistance.
■ Possible mechanical impact.
■ Operational vibration loads.

2 steel bands per mat

Joints in
SeaRox Lamella Mat
taped over

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 125

Insulation with SeaRox®
2 and ProRox® wired mats

Support rings installed

4 ■ SeaRox and ProRox wired mats are lightly bonded stone to suit wired mat
wool mats faced with a galvanised wire mesh. SeaRox
5 and ProRox WM can (depending on the actual product)
be used up to service temperatures of 680°C according
6 to EN 14706.
■ Due to their flexibility wired mats can be cut and fixed
onto the piping easily.

8 ■  eaRox and ProRox wired mats have relatively low

resistance to pressure and from a practical point of view
should only be installed in combination with spacers.
The heat loss from the heat bridge created by the spacer
system may need to be taken into account for the thermal

Fixing SeaRox Wired Mat laid

between support rings
■ Any gaps created by the type of support ring installed
must be filled with loose ROCKWOOL stone wool.
■ SeaRox and ProRox wired mats are secured to the pipe by
stitching the edges of the wire mesh together with binding
wire or by clipping the mesh together with C-hooks.
■ On pipes with a diameter greater than 350 mm, steel
straps or additional pins and spring washers are applied
to the underside of the pipe to prevent sagging.
■  vertical pipes, the wire mesh of each mat must be
tied to the support ring above.

Multiple layers
■  more than one layer of wired mat is required, it is
recommended that all layers are stitched or clipped to
ensure a consistently tight fit of the insulation.
■ The outer layer(s) of wired mat should be applied with
longitudinally staggered joints and, where applicable,
with staggered joints laterally.

These SeaRox® and ProRox® wired mats Joints in

are ideal where pipe sections are difficult SeaRox Wired Mat
or impossible to use:
■ Temperatures above 300°C.
■ Pipe diameters ≥ Ø 350 mm.
Piping with a high number of shaped
pieces such as elbows or T-joints.

126 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


SeaRox® marine and offshore manual 127

Insulation with
2 SeaRox® slabs

External sheet cladding fixed

to horisontal “S” profile ■  anks and vessels are typically insulated with SeaRox slabs
with min. density 45 kg/m3. The products can be used up
5 to service temperatures of 250°C. For higher temperatures,
 eaRox slabs secured
S products with higher maximum service temperature
6 with metal strap ties
resistance like SeaRox SL 620 can be used.
■ The SeaRox slabs are installed and secured with steel pins
and washers or over metal strap ties. These ties are bent
over the edge of the outer layer of SeaRox slabs to hold
8 Tank wall
them against the tank wall.
■ Where the insulation extends more than 4 m in height,
intermediate support profiles must be installed on the tank
wall. Special “S” profiles can be used to ensure vertically
staggered joints, while supporting the SeaRox slabs above
and retaining the SeaRox slabs below.
■  more than one layer of SeaRox slabs is required, all joints
must be staggered and tightly butted together to avoid
thermal bridges.
The SeaRox slabs must be covered with a flat or profiled
external cladding to protect them from the weather and
mechanical damage.

Special “S” profile holds slabs

above and retain slabs below

■ Suitable cladding should be applied to protect the ■ The surface temperature of the cladding is influenced
insulation from weather influences, mechanical loads by the material type. As a general rule: The shinier the
and (potentially corrosive) pollution. Selecting the surface, the higher the surface temperature.
appropriate cladding is based on an evaluation of
■ To exclude the risk of galvanic corrosion, only use
various factors, such as working loads, wind loads,
combinations of metals that do not accelerate
ambient temperatures and conditions. When selecting
corrosion because of differences in their
the appropriate cladding, take the following points
electrochemical potential.
into account:
■  acoustic insulation, a noise-absorbent material
■ As a general rule, galvanised steel is used indoors,
(heavy mass layer) could be installed on the insulation
due to its mechanical strength, fire resistance and low
or inside the cladding.
surface temperature compared to aluminium cladding.
■  corrosive environments, like on deck where salty
water leads to corrosion, aluminised steel, stainless steel
or glass reinforced polyester (GRP) is used as cladding.
Stainless steel is recommended for use in corrosive
environments with a fire risk.

128 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual


About us 130
About us

This is ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation brings this vision to the
insulation space within marine & offshore as well as the
5 We have been part of the ROCKWOOL Group since 2004, industrial sector, with a diverse and dedicated team of over
offering advanced technical insulation solutions for the process 90 colleagues from 17 different countries. We offer products
6 and marine & offshore industries. for the process and power generation industry under our
At the ROCKWOOL Group, our expertise lies in stone wool ProRox® brand and for the marine and offshore market under
7 – a versatile and abundant material that forms the basis of all our SeaRox® brand. Through these two product lines, our
our products. However, our mission extends far beyond this. experts deliver a full range of products and systems that
8 We believe insulation can play a crucial role in addressing guarantee the highest possible thermal, acoustic, and fire-
many of today’s most pressing challenges, from energy safe insulation performance. We don’t just sell products; we
consumption and noise pollution to fire and water resilience supply solutions, adding value at every stage from specifier
– not to mention reducing carbon emissions. to installer.

Since stone wool production was laid in 1937, the In addition to sustainable products, we offer comprehensive
ROCKWOOL Group has grown to have a global footprint support from documentation to delivery and after-sales
with over 12,000 employees in 40 countries, and a head service. With our global presence and local expertise in
office near Copenhagen. Our strong market presence in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, we ensure
Europe is complemented by our rapidly growing position in to meet the highest standards for every project and build
North America and facilities in Asia, ensuring we can support strong foundations of trust.
customers around the world. We are committed to operational excellence, making work
As a global company, we are committed to operating environments safe for people, better for the environment, and
sustainably. While we understand that the manufacture of our best for business. Our products improve safety for workers,
products has a negative impact on the environment, we also contractors, and visitors through safe material handling and
recognise that our products play an important role in achieving a more comfortable working environment. By transforming
the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, our natural resources into solutions that benefit future generations,
sustainability strategy focuses on maximising these benefits – we provide the best overall value in the market, enabling
our handprints – while minimising our environmental footprint. customers to maximise profitability without compromising
safety or sustainability.

From our first stone wool production in 1937 to the extensive range of solutions we provide today,
ROCKWOOL Group products have continuously evolved to enhance many aspects of modern life.

130 SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

As ROCKWOOL® has no control over insulation design and
workmanship, accessory materials or applications conditions,
ROCKWOOL does not warranty the performance or result of
any installation containing ROCKWOOL products. ROCKWOOL’s
overall liability and the remedies available are limited by the
general terms and conditions of sale. This warranty in lieu of all
other warranties and conditions expressed or implied, including
the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation reserves the right
to make necessary changes in product or constructions at any
time. Technical specifications are thus stated subject to change.
For correct use of our products and solutions, always refer to
the latest and valid certificate in place.

SeaRox® marine and offshore manual

Published by ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

August 2024

Photos: ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
Print: OnPrint A/S
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is a global business with a local presence, supplying advanced stone wool
insulation solutions to the process and marine & offshore industries. Part of the ROCKWOOL Group, with
approx. 12,000 passionate colleagues in 40 countries and sales in more than 120, we have manufacturing and
service facilities around the world, ensuring we’re there when you need us, with the right expertise and products
to meet your requirements. See our key ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation locations below.

Grand Forks (CA) Hedehusene (DK)

Roemond (NL) Bohumin (CZ)
Milton (CA) Milan (IT)
Ranson (US) Caparroso (ES) Fukushima (JP)
Marshall (US)
Shanghai (CN)
Houston (US)
Dubai (UAE)
Dahej (IN)

Singapore (SG)

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Hovedgaden 501D
2640 Hedehusene, Denmark
Tel: +45 46 55 87 77

ROCKWOOL Group is the world leader in stone wool products, from building insulation to acoustic ceilings, external cladding systems to horticultural
solutions, engineered fibres for industrial use to insulation for the process industry and marine & offshore. We are committed to enriching the lives of
everyone who experiences our products and services, and to helping customers and communities tackle many of today’s biggest sustainability and
development challenges including energy consumption, noise pollution, fire resilience, water scarcity, urban flooding and more.
ROCKWOOL®, SeaRox® and ProRox® are registered trademarks of the ROCKWOOL Group.


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