Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion
Christophe Couteau
Even though Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion can be used to engineer a single-photon source [12]. To
(SPDC) has been predicted in the 1960s [1] and first finish, we will give some examples of how parametric flu-
demonstrated experimentally by Burham and Weinberg orescence was used for the demonstration of quantum
(from NASA!) in 1970 [2], this process was really used teleportation [13], quantum cryptography [14], Control-
for practical purposes only in the late 1980s and early Not (CNOT) gates [15], quantum candela [16] or for
1990s. Since then, this process is at the heart of many quantum lithography [17]. We will finish by giving some
quantum optics experiments for applications in quan- perspectives of engineering new sources of SPDC in the
tum cryptography [3], quantum computing [4], quantum hope of increasing the efficiency of this physical effect.
metrology [5] but also simply for testing fundamentals
laws of physics in quantum mechanics [6]. This review
1. Theoretical derivation of SPDC: classical case
article is clearly not exhaustive as a massive literature
exists on the subject and cannot be summarised in 15 Without going into the details of non-linear optics, let us
pages or so. Rather, this article intends to provide the nec- refresh our mind with some concepts [18]. The idea is
essary basic formalism and knowledge there is to know if that when an electromagnetic (em) wave interacts with a
one wants to work with SPDC and what it is good for. We medium full of charges, there is a dipolar-type of inter-
will not go on to explain how to build your own SPDC action between the dipoles (charges) in the medium and
source as plenty of literature already exists on this mat- the incoming em field at the frequency ω. The classi-
ter [7,8]. In that context, we will first develop some basic cal harmonic oscillator model holds which is the model
non-linear optics derived from Maxwell equations with of an electron attached to an atom-core behaving like
a focus on the exact reverse process of SPDC, namely a spring and thus like a harmonic oscillator interacting
second-harmonic generation (SHG). Then we will go on with the incoming wave. We then obtain the standard lin-
to introduce some quantum optics in a nutshell before ear complex refractive index of the medium, which would
going into the theoretical derivation of SPDC. In the sec- depend on ω. But if one starts to increase significantly the
ond part, we will develop what SPDC is used for with energy of the incoming field then this harmonic oscillator
the notion of correlated photons [9], indistinguishable will start to be anharmonic i.e. not respond linearly with
photons [10], entangled photons [11] but also how it the incident electromagnetic wave. One can simulate this
behaviour by the following equation of motion for an the polarisation given by:
electron in the medium under such em waves by: (2)
PiNL = ε0 χijk .Ej Ek (3)
d2 x dx e j k
+ 2γ + ω02 x + ax2 = F = − E(t), (1)
dt 2 dt m
with {i, j, k} = {x, y, z}, meaning that the second order
where the first term on the left-hand side is the motion (2)
term χijk is actually a tensor and is called the sec-
acceleration contribution, the second term is a damp- ond order non-linear susceptibility of the medium.
ing term that tends to slow down oscillations mainly Figure 1(a) represents the Feynman’s diagram of the
due to non-radiative contribution and the last two terms SPDC process where the photon γ 3 at energy ω3 splits
on the left side of the equality cause the restoring force into two twin photons (γ 2 and γ 1 ) at energies ω2 and
of the electrons towards its initial position. The anhar- ω1 . SHG would be the exact time-reverse process. Even
monicity is contained in the last term (a.x2 ) which we though very odd looking at a first glance, SPDC does fol-
can neglect in linear optics. If ignored, then one can see low energy conservation and momentum conservation
that the dependence of the motion equation is linear with rules so that:
the position x. This is no longer true at high em power,
then the electromagnetic force given by the right-hand ω3 = ω1 + ω2 , (4)
side of Equation (1) will induce non-linearities (we note
that higher terms than a.x2 can also exist). Now if one k3 = k2 + k1 and k = k3 − k2 − k1 = 0. (5)
takes two different incoming frequencies ω1 and ω2 , one These two equations are called the phase-matching
can show that this equation of motion, thanks to the last conditions and will be discussed in details later on as
quadratic term, will lead to the generation of waves at they are central for the mechanism to happen. These
ω1 and ω2 of course, but also at ω1 + ω2 , ω1 − ω2 , 2ω1 , conditions are represented in Figure 1(b) (energy con-
2ω2 and 0 (so-called optical rectification) leading to six servation) and Figure 1(c) (momentum conservation).
frequency components [18]. We can solve this equation Now one can solve the wave equation from Equation (2)
by assuming that the non-linear term is a perturbation with the usual assumptions where we consider a lossless
case of the linear one in order to end up with these six medium, collimated and monochromatic input beams,
frequencies. A particularly interesting case occurs when continuous excitation, normal incidence and we will
ω1 = ω2 = ω as this will lead to the so-called SHG at neglect the double refraction. We will also make a less-
2ω, so useful in every optics laboratory. Higher terms can reasonable assumption which is to be in the non-depleted
also exist leading to other non-linear phenomena with regime meaning that the incoming beam can give rise
more interacting waves. This classical approach is very to SHG (reverse diagram than the one presented in
useful to understand the physics of the interaction but
is rapidly complex when using the perturbation theory.
There is another equivalent way of treating the problem
by starting with Maxwell’s equations with the displace-
ment term D and the magnetic field strength H in a
medium which is not the vacuum. We suppose no exter-
nal charges, no currents and we suppose a non-magnetic
medium, thus we have the standards relations D = ε0 E+
P for the displacement, where P is the polarisation vector
of the medium, and B = μ0 H for the magnetic field. The
polarisation vector P accounts for the usual charge dis-
placement in a medium due to an applied external em
field. By playing around with Maxwell’s equations, one
can show the following known wave equation:
1 ∂ 2E 1 ∂ 2 P
∇ − = (2)
c2 ∂t 2 ε0 c2 ∂t 2 Figure 1. (a) Feynman’s diagram of SPDC where one photon at
energy ω3 splits into two twin photons at energies ω2 and ω1
with the polarisation P = P L + P NL
containing both the and (b) representation of energy conservation of SPDC, (c) is the
linear (L) and the non-linear (NL) terms. SPDC (and representation of momentum conservation of SPDC and (d) is a
SHG for that matter) is a three-wave interaction only and schematic of SPDC where a UV pump laser generates red SPDC
thus we will only consider the first non-linear term for photons coming out of the crystal in two cone shapes.
Figure 1(a)) but without significant energy loss for the (first order Taylor expansion of the sinc function) of
excitation beam or so (the so-called pump beam, with the SHG intensity as a function of the length of the
two photons at frequency ω coming from the same pump crystal. Otherwise, the sinc function ensures a periodic
laser in this case). This assumption can be quite wrong energy exchange between the em pump field (the incom-
as the incoming beam can be more or less completely ing beam) and the created waves. This phase-matching
depleted for SHG if one is careful with phase-matching condition is crucial for an efficient non-linear effect and
conditions. accounts for the wave vector conservation of the process.
For SPDC on the other hand, we are (unfortu- In order to get the phase-matching condition right, one
nately) completely in the regime of no-pump depletion needs to have:
as parametric down-conversion is an extremely ineffi- n3 ω3 n1 ω1 n2 ω2
cient process. Under such assumptions, one can solve the k1 + k2 = k3 = = + , (11)
c c c
Equation (2) by looking for a solution of the form:
which is an impossible condition to be satisfied with most
E3 (z, t) = A3 e i(k3 z−ω3 t)
+ c.c. (6) materials as n1 (ω1 ) < n2 (ω2 ) < n3 (ω3 ) for ω1 < ω2 <
ω3 , i.e. for ‘normal’ dispersion. This is where birefrin-
‘c.c.’ being the complex conjugate term and k3 = n3 .ω3 /c gent crystals are used as they possess two (uniaxial) or
and n23 = εL (ω3 ) where L stands for the linear part only. three (biaxial) different refractive indices along differ-
We thus look for a solution for the polarisation of the ent symmetry axes which can satisfy the phase-matching
form: condition. In the particular case of SHG, it is fairly easy to
P3 (z, t) = ℘3 .ei(k3 z−ω3 t) + c.c (7) have ne (ω1 ) = no (ω3 = 2ω1 ) with o and e the so-called
ordinary and extraordinary axes for uniaxial non-linear
with crystals (see Figure 1(d)).
℘3 = 4ε0 deff E1 E2 . (8) SPDC is the reverse process of sum-frequency gener-
ation (SFG which is non-degenerate SPDC, i.e. different
E1 and E2 being the amplitudes of the em fields 1 and wavelengths for the two output photons) or SHG (degen-
2. deff = 1/2χeff is a complicated but known parame- erate SPDC, i.e. same wavelengths for the two output
ter depending on the strength of the non-linearity of photons) which would correspond to the process called
the material and on geometrical factors all of which are parametric amplification in classical non-linear optics.
properties of the material (as an example, for beta bar- This process occurs when a strong pump beam at ω3 is
ium borate (BBO) type II, we have deff = (d11 sin(3φ) + combined with a weak signal beam at ω1 to give rise to an
d22 cos(3φ)cos(2θ)). One can then find the following amplified signal at ω1 but also to a second signal called the
equation from Equations (2–3) and (6–8): idler beam at ω2 . Using the same type of equation than
the one derived in (9), we have this time:
d 2 A3 dA3 4deff ω3
+ 2ik3 =− A1 A2 ei(k1 +k2 −k3 )z . (9) dA1 ω1 (2)
dz dz c2 =i χ A3 A∗2 eik.z , (12)
dz n1 c eff
This last equation can be further reduced by assum-
ing the slow varying amplitude approximation and thus dA2 ω2 (2)
neglect the first term compared to the second term (also =i χ A3 A∗1 eik.z . (13)
dz n2 c eff
a standard approximation in non-linear optics) on the
left-hand side of this equation. It is then straightforward These equations leading to the so-called Manley-Rowe
to find the solution of such equation under the non- relations can be solved supposing that k = 0 and lead
depleted pump approximation by integration between 0 to:
and L (length of the crystal) and considering that Ii = ω2 n1 A3 ∗
A2 (z) = i A (0) sinh(αz), (14)
2ni ε0 c|Ai |2 is the optical intensity of beam i: ω1 n2 |A3 | 1
2 ω2 I I
8deff 3 1 2 2 sin k.L/2 A1 (z) = A1 (0) cosh(αz), (15)
I3 = L
n1 n2 n3 ε0 c3 k.L/2 (2)
χ |A3 | ω2 ω1
= I3max .sinc2 (k.L/2) (10) α = eff . (16)
c n2 n1
with the so-called phase-matching parameter k = k1 + From these solutions of the parametric amplification pro-
k2 − k3 (we use scalar notations for easier use). One cess, we can clearly see that if there is no initial incident
can see from Equation (10) that ideally, one would want power at frequency ω1 , i.e. if A1 (0) = 0, then the signal
to have k ∼ 0 in order to have a quadratic increase and the idler beams would not exist and SPDC would
not be possible. In other words, classical non-linear optics oscillator, allowing to go up and down in the energy lad-
‘does not allow’ SPDC to exist. Clearly, we see the limi- der of the oscillator, which in the case of quantum optics,
tations of the classical treatment of non-linear optics in is called a photon. We have then the following relations:
order to derive SPDC. For that, a quantum description of †
the phenomena is needed [19,20]. âl |vac = |1l , (18)
happens to an incoming pump beam with Np number of This expansion is thus a Poisson distribution that char-
pump photons impinging on a non-linear crystal by look- acterises SPDC and thus not an on-demand supply of
ing at the effect of the SPDC Hamiltonian from (21) on photon pairs but rather a probabilistic one. From (25),
the incoming state |0s , 0i , Np describing Np pump pho- we see that for a certain probability to have one pair
tons and 0 photon in the signal mode and 0 photon in the (proportional to κ 2 ) we have a non-zero chance to have
idler mode. We use the Schrödinger equation in time and two pairs (with probability to be κ 4 /4) when one add
look for the state: the second order term, etc. . . . In other words, most of
t the incoming state (the pump beam) is left untouched
i ∫ ĤSPDC (t )dt and only a small portion (10−5 to 10−12 ) goes into pro-
|ψ(t) = e 0 |0s , 0i , Np . (23)
ducing a twin pair of down-converted photons. We also
κ is rather small so it means that SPDC is very inefficient see that the double-pair generation increases if the pump
and that most of the pump beam is unperturbed by the power is increased too much and that is not something
SPDC process. We can thus make a Taylor expansion of one would necessarily want for most experiments using
the exponential Hamiltonian up to the first order and find single twin photon pairs. Finally, we must stress that in
that: formula (25), we ‘increase’ the probability of being in
the |1s , 1i , Np − 1 state by performing a so-called coin-
1 t
|ψ(t) ≈ C0 |0s , 0i , Np + C1 ∫ ĤSPDC (t )dt |0s , 0i , Np cidence measurement between the idler and the signal
i 0 photon in a quantum optics experiment. Practically, we
+ ..., (24) look at a double-detection event on two detectors (one
pointing towards the idler photons and the other one
where Ci are the coefficients of the Taylor expansion towards the signal photons) in a very short time-scale of
present for the normalisation of the wave function. In the 10 ns or so. One can show that accidental events in such a
case of 1st order, we only have C0 and C1 ≈ 1 − C0 again short time window are very low and thus a coincidence
for the sake of working with normalised states. As we are event corresponds to the detection of a pair of SPDC
looking for perfect phase-matching, including in energy photons. This is the practical way of getting rid of the vac-
too, then we have ω ≈ 0 thus the integral term in (24) is uum state, or rather the initial state |0s , 0i , Np , where we
† †
a Dirac function and we can apply the operators âi , âs , âp collapse the wave function unto the one-and-more-pair-
on the incoming state |0s , 0i , Np and find: coincidence state, thus getting rid of the contribution
from this dominant non-creation of pairs state. Mandel
|ψ(t) = C0 |0s , 0i , Np + κC1 e−ik.r |1s , 1i , Np − 1. et al. also demonstrated that the number of events for
(25) parametric down-conversion has to be the same as for
In order to bring out a true parallel with the SHG case the pump photons. In other words, one pump photon
(from Equation (10)), we must recall that the measured might split into two SPDC photons but the number of
em intensity ISPDC will be proportional to the square of pair-event created has to be at the most the number of
the wave function from (25). Thus the phase-matching incoming photons, assuming every photon is converted
condition in wave vector does appear (like in SPDC). and no higher order occurs. It is obvious experimentally
Unlike SHG, SPDC is a linear function with the pump but not trivial. Finally, unlike the reverse case of SHG
power which is not trivial to see at first when looking at which requires a non-zero ‘seed’ signal A1 (0) in order
(25). For that, we need to go back to (21) and assume that for any SPDC photons to exist, thanks to the properties
the pump power is so strong that it can be considered of the creation operators, we can start from zero photons
like a classical em field âp ≈ Ep and as a result, ISPDC will in the idler and signal states and create them using the
be proportional to Ip only, unlike the SHG phenomena Hamiltonian in (21). To wrap up on the theory of SPDC,
from (10). For SPDC, one pump photon only splits into we can claim that the fact that only quantum formalism
two photons but only one photon in each mode so the can explain the existence of SPDC photons, is actually
dependence is clearly linear even though it is a non-linear one of the many peculiar properties of parametric fluo-
process. We also recall that C0 C1 . This is actually one rescence and that what makes it unique for applications
of the major issues of SPDC, it is the fact that SPDC is a in quantum optics as we will learn later on.
very inefficient process which hinders many applications
in quantum information and quantum cryptography for
3. Practical case: BBO crystal for SPDC
instance. We also assumed that we only have the first
two terms in the Taylor expansion of (24) but if âp ≈ Ep Practically in the laboratory there are many aspects
is strong enough (sometimes necessary if one wants to that should be taken care of in order to generate
get enough SPDC effect) then higher order terms appear. ‘efficient’ SPDC in an optical set-up. First of all, the
given by:
1 1
t = Lc − . (29)
ne no
The spatial walk-off, or transverse walk-off is due to
the fact again that the material is birefringent and as such
the energy propagation or the Poynting vector is not nec-
essarily in the same direction as the wave vector of the
down-converted photons. This is the case for the ordi-
nary wave o but not for the extraordinary wave e and we
thus end up with an angle ρ between the two waves at the
output of the crystal given by:
1 dne
ρ=− . (30)
ne dθ
Once again, this will be very important for the produc-
tion of entangled photons as one must not have any kind
Figure 3. Graph representing the two outcoming cones of SPDC of information (temporal or otherwise) in order to pro-
for a type II BBO crystal. This is an experimental transverse cut of duce pure entanglement. There are easy ways to avoid
SPDC at 810 nm behind a BBO crystal. The two circles represent the these ‘labelling’ by using compensating crystals (see [8]
two extraordinary and ordinary beams. In this particular case, we
can observe two intersection points (where polarisation entangle- for instance). One more thing we should emphasise is the
ment occurs). We can also observe that one circle is slightly bigger fact that for SPDC, the conservation of momentum has
than the other one due to crystal tilting and meaning that the two an uncertainty to it (Equation (5)) and we have rather:
wavelengths for signal and idler are slightly different.
k3 = k2 + k1 + k (31)
and the equation still holds. That is the reason why, these
these calculations that for a type II SPDC in BBO with
two cones actually form two rings when one makes a
a pump laser at 405 nm, giving rise to 810 nm down-
transversal view-cut along the propagation direction of
converted photons, we have an angle of about 3° between
the SPDC photons (see Figure 3). One way to overcome
the idler and the signal waves coming out of the crystal in
this situation is to select spectrally with narrow-band fil-
a cone shape (see Figure 1(d) for a schematic). Figure 3
ters (from 1 to 10 nm) the down-converted photon pairs,
presents an experimental result of the double cone emis-
on top of a spatial (with angles) and temporal (with
sion of SPDC in type II BBO. In this case, we have two
coincidence detections) selection [11,23].
different circles as opposed to the type I case. Figure 3
represents the notorious picture of the parametric down-
converted cones coming out of the crystal with photons 4. SPDC used for applications
with orthogonal polarisations for the two different cones
4.1. Single-photon source
(extraordinary e/V cone and ordinary o/H photons). This
is an experimental transverse cut of SPDC at 810 nm The first striking effect with SPDC is the fact that we
behind a BBO crystal done by scanning across a 2D plane end up with twin photons created at the same time and
parallel and away from the non-linear crystal using an which are indistinguishable. One foresees that this could
optical fibre linked to a single-photon detector. We will be useful for some low-signal level communications and
see later on that it can lead to polarisation entangled pairs was predicted by Mandel and Rarity (c. 1984) as a joint
of photons. For that, one will need to take two things into measurement can ensure their ‘twin-ness’. Derived from
account that are inherent to SPDC: the temporal walk-off that, the first application was the localisation of a one-
and the spatial walk-off. For the temporal walk-off, also photon state using SPDC by [24]. This led to heralded
known as the longitudinal walk-off, it simply shows that single-photon sources using SPDC providing strong
as the crystal has two indices along which the ‘e’ and the photon antibunching which is again a clear quantum
‘o’ photons follow, they will travel differently (different property of light. This is good for quantum information
group velocities) and be temporally different when com- processing (QIP) although more for proofs of principle.
ing out of the crystal (the length of the crystal is typically Real single-photon sources such as quantum dots, NV
on the order of 1 mm). One photon will come out of the centres, atoms, etc . . . are still preferable. Figure 4(a)
crystal before the other one. This temporal difference is is an example of a heralded single-photon source where
Figure 4. (a) Example of a heralded single-photon source using SPDC from a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal
(PPKTP). The crystal produces a pair of collinear photons with orthogonal polarisations which are first separated by a polarising beam-
splitter (PBS), so that the idler photon serves as a heralding event for the signal photon sent onto a non-polarising BS for a measurement
(2) (2) (2)
of the g c function (so-called HBT). (b) g c (τ ) function for three different coincidence windows showing g c (τ ) ≈ 0.07 for the lowest
coincidence window [12].
the authors used this time collinear source of orthogo- a limited use as a source of single photons as multiple pair
nal twin photons that were separated in polarisation [12]. creation is always present.
One photon was detected (idler photon in Figure 4(a))
and served to herald the arrival of the signal photon on
the other side which was then detected using a stan- 4.2. Source of indistinguishable photons
dard Hanbury-Brown and Twiss (HBT) interferometer In 1987, the group of Leonard Mandel realised a two-
known in quantum optics for the determination of single photon interferometry and observed this time a photon
photons. Figure 4(b) presents the photon antibunching bunching effect. This experiment consisted in creating
characteristics of this system as a function of the time two twin photons by SPDC and then made them inter-
coincidence window for the detection. We can show that fere on a beamsplitter (BS) (cf. Figure 5). Quantum-
the quality of this autocorrelation g(2) degrades as the mechanically, one can show that the two outcomes where
intensity of the pump increases and that is due to the fact the photons come out in different ports interfere destruc-
that the emission of SPDC follows a Poisson statistics as tively and remain only the cases where the photons come
discussed previously with Equation (24). Thus SPDC has out together from the BS, they bunch. This shows bosonic
Figure 5. (a) Experimental set-up of the first two indistinguishable photon experiment pioneered by Hong, Ou and Mandel [10]. This
was done by doing SPDC in a monopotassium phosphate in a non-collinear phase-matching condition. The BS is moved to change the
delay between the arrival times of the photons onto the BS. (b) Coincidence measurements of the photon pairs detected by D1 and D2
as a function of the path delay at the BS with a clear dip observed.
properties for photons due to the fact that the quantum before and φ is a phase that can be modified. Figure 6(a)
operators of annihilation and creation of photons are represents a schematic of the experiment carried on by
used (oppositely, fermions like electrons would go away Kwiat et al. [11], while Figure 6(b) shows a diagram of
from each other). The photons are said indistinguish- the geometry of the process. Figure 6(c) demonstrates
able as they must be from the same optical mode in clearly that there are strong correlations in polarisation
order for the interferences to occur and this is called the between the two entangled photons. This entangled state
Hong-Ou-Mandel effect [10]. and this technique was used to violate Bell’s inequali-
ties and brought up a lot of discussions regarding the
4.3. Entangled photons so-called Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR) paradox.
Figure 6. (a) Set-up of the first experiment of two entangled photon experiment done by Kwiat et al. where a BBO crystal is pumped at
351 nm for SPDC in a non-collinear critical phase-matching condition. (b) Schematic of the famous two SPDC cones coming off the crystal
with orthogonal polarisations and spatial selection to select only the photons at the intersection. (c) Visibility measurements leading to
a Bell parameter S > 2.5 and proving that the photons are indeed entangled [11].
Figure 8. (a) Schematic of the quantum cryptography protocol using polarisation entangled photons using the SPDC method of Kwiat
et al. (Figure 6). Each photon from a pair is sent to Alice and Bob where they verify that the photons are indeed entangled in order to use
them as an encryption key. H polarisation can be the ‘+1’ bit of information and V polarisation can be the ‘−1’ bit of information [14].
(b) Quantum cryptography was also realised in telecommunication fibres where polarisation is not preserved. For that, Tittel et al. used
the so-called time-energy entanglement or time-bin entanglement to generate entangled photons [28].
(CNOT gate). This experiment and many others followed 4.7. Quantum metrology and more
the so-called KLM proposal (published by E. Knill, R.
SPDC allows also other types of less-obvious applica-
Laflamme and G. Milburn in 2001 and it was the first arti-
tions. One of them is the use of entanglement in order
cle published in Nature of the twenty-first century [37].
to perform super-resolution phase measurements [17].
The KLM proposal showed that using non-deterministic
The basic idea is to create a so-called NOON state writ-
gates, single photons, efficient and discriminating single-
ten as |N, 0 + |0, N where N is the number of photons
photon detectors, it was possible to perform an all-optical
in a given mode. In this case, using interferometry,
√ one
computer using only linear optics such as BSs, wave-
can show a phase resolution given by ϕ = 1/ N. The
plates, etc. . . . Figure 10(a) presents the basic principle
concept of ‘quantum lithography’ was thus born although
of this CNOT gate with a control qubit and a target qubit.
there is still much more improvement to be done before
Each qubit can have a 0 or a 1 state and the CNOT gate
this concept can actually be put in practice. One exam-
tells you if the control qubit is in the 0 state, then the
ple was to use entangled photons for measuring protein
state of the target state is unchanged whereas if the con-
concentration [41].
trol qubit is in the 1 state, then the target state will have its
Another idea that came out fairly earlier on when
state flip from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. This scheme used by
SPDC photons were characterised is the idea that one
O’Brien et al. was a coincidence basis gate which is non-
could use twin photons for metrology. The concept of
deterministic [15]. Figure 10(b) represents the so-called
quantum metrology uses light for setting the standards
dual-rail encoding where spatial superposition with a
that define units of measurement (the candela) for light.
BS is realised in order to implement this scheme. This,
The quantum candela project aims at developing stan-
combined with entangled photons in polarisation and
dards for photon metrology from the signal level of
conditional detections showed that the gate was realised
existing radiometric standards and reaches the smallest
1/9th of the time. Since then, this scheme was improved.
grains of light which are single photons. Through pho-
Using SPDC, it has been used to implement basic con-
ton correlation measurements, it was shown that one
cepts in quantum processing through the proof of CNOT
could calibrate very accurately photons detectors, again
gates [15], Shor’s algorithm [38], one-way quantum com-
a very important application for radiometric metrology
putation [39] or boson sampling type of gates [40]. There
is a wide literature on the subject and it is still very much
Finally, we must mention that originally, parametric
on-going [4].
fluorescence and entangled photons generated with them
Figure 10. (a) Schematic of the CNOT gate realised in [15]. (b) Polarisation-encoded photonic qubits can be converted into spatially
encoded qubits, suitable for the gate shown in (a) and (c) schematic of the experimental CNOT gate. Pairs of energy degenerate photons
are incident from the left of the diagram. They then follow the gate procedure in the middle before being detected on the right-hand
side [15].
where used for testing the very foundations of quantum Bouwmeester, John Rarity, Christoph Simon, Antia Lamas-
mechanics such as the wave-particle duality, non-locality Linares, Gabriel Durkin and John Howell but also Gregor
via the violation of Bell’s inequalities wherein 2015, three Weihs, Chris Erven, Rolf Horn and Kevin Resch for fruitful and
sometimes very entangled discussions. The author thanks L. Le
experiments finally closed all the loop-holes associated to Cunff for Figure 1-d and C. Altuzarra and S. Vezzoli for working
these tests and put an end to hidden variables introduced on the data of Figure 3.
by John Bell in the 1960s. Two of them used SPDC for that
purpose [43,44]. Born’s rule of quantum mechanics was Disclosure statement
also tested with a heralded single-photon source using
SPDC going through a three-slit interferometer [6]. This No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
was done in order to show that quantum interference is
a two-amplitude effect and that no three-amplitude term Notes on contributor
exists in quantum mechanics. Christophe Couteau is an associate professor at one of the
French University of Technology in Troyes. Christophe’s inter-
5. Future for SPDC ests are mainly in quantum optics, quantum technologies, non-
linear optics and semiconductor optics. He has worked in var-
The future for SPDC is still very bright and nowadays, ious places on these subjects such as the University of Oxford
SPDC is used as a tool more than anything, for vari- in the UK, the University of Waterloo in Canada but also at the
Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research
ous applications and we can classify the applications into interests span from fundamental to applied physics and has
three main categories: a-foundations of physics and in been entangled with quantum optics for many years, still trying
particular of quantum mechanics, b-QIP and c-quantum to figure out what are photons and how to catch them.
metrology via the quantum candela project and quan-
tum sensors. Within QIP, we can split into three sub- References
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