ASTM D3170 Gravel
ASTM D3170 Gravel
ASTM D3170 Gravel
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D3170/D3170M − 14
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D3170/D3170M − 14
a low temperature. This test method is designed to produce a Different specifications may be necessary for other media types.
controlled amount of impact by the media on the coated panel 5.2 Gravel—Water-eroded alluvial road gravel7,6 passing
in order to enhance reproducibility. through a 16-mm [5⁄8-in.] space screen but retained on a
9.5-mm [3⁄8-in.] space screen. Note that mesh screen is not a
5. Apparatus
substitute for a space screen. It is important to remove the
5.1 Gravel-Projecting Machine (Gravelometer), con- small pieces of gravel before reusing the gravel. Other media
structed according to the design specifications shown in Fig. may be used as agreed by contractual parties.
1.5,6 There are two types of Gravelometers: the old cabinet
5.3 Tape, 51 to 102 mm [2.0 to 4.0 in.] wide.8,6 Other tape
style and the newer, modular style with an electronic feed
may be used as agreed upon by the contractual parties.
5.4 Temperature-Conditioning Equipment (alternatives):
NOTE 2—It is recommended that the operation/maintenance checklist 5.4.1 A cold room or freezer of sufficient size in which the
shown in Appendix X1 should be completed at least once per month for
gravelometers that are operated on a weekly basis, and once every 6 gravel-projecting machine and test specimens can be main-
months for gravelometers that are operated less frequently. Note that tained at the specified temperature of testing.
values in the checklist are specific to the standard gravel testing protocol. 5.4.2 A freezer or cooler in which the test panels can be
cooled 5°C [10°F] below the specified test temperature.
The sole source of a suitable apparatus meeting these specifications known to
the committee at this time is Q-Panel Co., 26200 First St., Westlake, OH 44135. The sole source of supply of gravel meeting these specifications known to the
If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to committee at this time is Q-Panel Co., 26200 First St., Westlake, OH 44135.
ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider- The sole source of supply of No. 898 filament strapping tape known to the
ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. committee at this time is the 3M Co., St. Paul MN 55101.
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D3170/D3170M − 14
NOTE 1—Reprinted with permission from SAE EA-400 (c) 1985, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
FIG. 2 Representation of Chipping Ratings
The sole source of supply of Chipping Rating Standards, Part #AE-400, known
to the committee at this time is the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400
Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096.
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D3170/D3170M − 14
NOTE 4—Application, metal preparation, and film thickness measure- (3) Turn the main power switch on.
ment methods are given in the following ASTM Practices: D609, D823 (4) Turn the control switch to Timed Start.
and D2201, and Test Methods D1005, D1186, D1400, and D1733. Manual Test:
(1) Make sure that the control switch is set to stop.
7. Procedure
(2) Turn the main power switch on.
7.1 Condition the specimens for a minimum of 1 h at the (3) Turn the control switch to Manual.
specified test temperature in the equipment specified in 5.4. (4) After the desired amount of time has passed turn the
Make certain the test specimens are separated and have free control switch to Off.
access to the conditioning environment so that optimum heat
NOTE 9—Manual mode requires the operator to manually stop the test.
transfer occurs. Once started, the test will not stop by itself.
7.2 Adjust the air pressure on the gravel apparatus to 480 6 7.4.4 When the test has been completed, remove the test
20 kPa [70 6 3 psi] with the air valve open. panel from the specimen holder by pulling back on the
NOTE 5—For cabinet type gravelometers, keep the lid to the gravel Specimen Mounting Clamp and removing the test specimen.
chamber closed during this operation as a safety precaution. Other air 7.4.5 Remove the gravel from the return receptacle and
pressures can be used as agreed upon by the contractual parties. screen before reuse.
7.3 Cabinet Style Gravelometer: 7.5 Allow the test specimens to return to room temperature
7.3.1 After adjusting the air pressure, shut off the air valve, and dry with a soft cloth to remove any condensation.
open the lid to the gravel chamber and collect 473 mL (1.00 US
Liquid Pint) of graded gravel (approximately 250 to 300 7.6 Use the tape referenced in 5.3 to remove all loose or
stones) in a suitable container. Collect the gravel by scraping damaged paint.
across the screen to allow fines to fall through. 7.6.1 Cover the entire test area of the specimen with a
7.3.2 Place one test specimen at the desired test temperature strip(s) of tape.
in the panel holder with the coated side facing the front of the (1) For 51 to 56 mm [2.0 to 2.2 in.] wide tape, apply the
apparatus and close the lid to the panel chamber. strips side by side over the evaluation area.
(2) For 56 to 102 mm [2.2 to 4.0 in.] wide tape, strip(s)
7.3.3 Open the gravel feed door and pour gravel from the
may be applied consecutively with the first strip covering only
one pint container obtained from 7.3.1 into the top of the gravel
part of the test area. The second strip, if needed, is applied after
hopper. Do not allow gravel to fall into the nozzle entrance.
removal of the first strip and covers the remaining test area as
7.3.4 Open the air valve to allow the air to project the gravel
well as overlapping part of the test area covered by the first
at the specimen.
NOTE 6—The gravel hopper must empty in 7 to 10 s. If gravel remains 7.6.2 Apply uniform pressure to ensure that the tape(s) is
in the hopper after 10 s, stop the test and investigate the cause. The firmly adhered to the specimen. There should not be any air
operator should not touch the gravel during the test or otherwise
physically help the gravel into the funnel.
bubbles trapped beneath the tape.
NOTE 7—It is important to know that the vibrator may become frozen NOTE 10—Uniform pressure can be applied by using a pencil eraser or
when the chamber is installed in a cold room or freezer. If the vibrator is tongue depressor. Methods such as plastic squeegee and rubber roller may
frozen, discontinue the test until the vibrator has thawed and is operating also be acceptable for applying uniform pressure, but should be agreed
correctly. upon by contractual parties before use.
7.3.5 Shut the air valve, open the lid to the specimen 7.6.3 Remove the tape(s) by pulling straight up.
chamber and remove the specimen. 7.6.4 Apply new strips of tape as specified in 7.6.1 and
7.4 Modular Style Gravelometer: 7.6.2, but in the opposite direction.
7.4.1 After adjusting the air pressure, shut off the air valve, 7.6.5 Remove the tape by pulling straight up in the opposite
open the lid to the gravel hopper and pour 473 mL (1.00 US direction to 7.6.3.
Liquid Pint) of graded gravel (approximately 250 to 300 7.6.6 Continue this procedure using new strips of tape until
stones) into the top of the gravel hopper. all loose or damaged paint is removed.
7.4.2 Pull back on the specimen mounting clamp to open the NOTE 11—Other tapes or loose paint removal methods may be used as
specimen holder on the holder assembly. Place one test agreed upon by contractual parties.
specimen at the desired test temperature in the panel holder
with the coated side facing the front of the apparatus. Clamp to 8. Chip Rating Systems
close the specimen holder. 8.1 There are two generally accepted methods for determin-
7.4.3 Set the test timer. ing the degree of chipping on the test panel. In the first method,
NOTE 8—There are two ways to operate a test on the Modular style the exact number of chips in each size range is tabulated for the
gravelometer. A timed test is a test that shuts off the machine after a preset test area. The second method utilizes a visual comparison of
amount of time has passed. A manual test requires the operator to shut off the test panel to the Chipping Rating Standards.9 An example
the machine after the desired amount of time has passed. of the chipping standards is shown in Fig. 2. Timed Test:
NOTE 12—The first method, while the most time consuming, is the most
(1) Make sure that the control switch is set to stop. precise and should be used where definitive accuracy is required or as the
(2) Set the test timer to the desired test time. A typical test referee method in case differences arise between laboratories. The second
time is 10 s. method, while more of an approximation than the first method, can be
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D3170/D3170M − 14
used for many routine laboratory evaluations where the accuracy of the TABLE 2 Size Categories for Chip Ratings
first method is not required. The second method also lends itself to field Rating Letter Size of Chips
survey work where the chipped areas can be rated by direct comparison
A <1 mm [approximately 0.03 in.]
with the Chipping Rating Standards. B 1–3 mm [approximately 0.03–0.12 in.]
NOTE 13—Other rating methods may be employed as agreed upon by C 3–6 mm [approximately 0.12–0.25 in.]
contractual parties. The evaluation may also be carried out using digital D >6 mm [approximately 0.25 in.]
optical imaging which offers further possibilities of evaluation and
reproducibility. A guide for use of digital optical imaging is being
prepared by ASTM Subcommittee D01.25.
TABLE 3 Point of Failure Notation
8.2 The chipped area to be evaluated on the test specimen Notation Level of Failure Failure Type
should be the 102 by 102 mm [4 by 4 in.] square that is the (S/P) Substrate to Primer Adhesional
center of the chipped area. (S/T) Substrate to Topcoat Adhesional
(P) Primer Cohesional
8.3 The chip rating system consists of one or more number- (P/T) Primer to Topcoat Adhesional
letter combinations in which the numbers indicate the number (T) Topcoat Cohesional
of chips and the letters designate the size of the corresponding
chips. A point of failure notation may also be included in the
rating if a more descriptive statement is desired.
10. Visual Comparison Procedure
8.3.1 Number of Chips—A number, as shown in Table 1,
from 10–0 that is used to indicate the number size in the 102 10.1 Utilize the Chipping Rating Standards.9 An example of
by 102 mm [4 by 4 in.] test area. the chipping standards is shown in Fig. 2. The standards have
8.3.2 Size of Chips—A letter, as shown in Table 2, from A–D been prepared so that chips of only one size are shown in each
that is used to indicate the size of the chip. Due to the irregular illustration. The number of chips illustrated in each standard is
nature of chipping, the size cannot always be measured exactly the fewest number of chips in each rating number category, for
so it has to be approximated. example, the No. 5 standards show 25 chips, the No. 3 standard
8.3.3 Point of Failure Notation—The coating layer, as shows 75 chips, and so forth.
shown in Table 3, at which the most predominate chipping 10.2 Visually compare the area to be rated with the stan-
failure occurs is designated as the point of failure. dards.
NOTE 14—Cohesional failures are failures within a coating. Adhesional
10.2.1 Since each standard represents only one chip and
failures are failures between coatings. actual chipping seldom occurs in only one size, one or more
standards should be superimposed until that combination of
9. Physical Count Procedure standards that most resembles the specimen is obtained.
10.2.2 Record the standards that were used to achieve the
9.1 Place the transparent grid, as described in 5.5, over the match with the panel under examination.
area to be measured.
10.3 As with the physical count procedure, the most numer-
9.2 The operator examines the area within a 1 by 1 in. ous size first, followed by the next most numerous, etc. This
square and determines the size of each chip as encountered and may be followed by the point of failure notation.
records it. Repeat for all 16 squares and record the results.
NOTE 16—An example of how this procedure is used is shown in
9.3 Convert the number of chips encountered for each size Appendix X2.
into the number-letter combinations using Tables 1 and 2. The
number-letter combinations are arranged with the most numer- 11. Report
ous size first, followed by the next most numerous, and so 11.1 Report the substrate composition, type and age of
forth. This may be followed by the point of failure notation. coating, test temperature, and the number-letter rating.
NOTE 15—An example of how this procedure is used is shown in
Appendix X2. 12. Precision and Bias
12.1 Precision—Since the rating scale consists of a combi-
nation letter and number, no standard deviation number is
obtainable. It is the judgement of those familiar with this test
TABLE 1 Number Categories for Chip Ratings method that the following precision statements are representa-
Rating Number Number of Chips tive:
10 0 12.1.1 Repeatability—Results of tests within a laboratory
9 1 differing by more than one number or letter unit should be
8 2–4
7 5–9
considered suspect.
6 10–24 12.1.2 Reproducibility—Results of tests between laborato-
5 25–49 ries differing by more than two number or letter units should be
4 50–74
3 75–99
considered suspect.
2 100–149 12.2 Bias—Since there is no acceptable reference procedure
1 150–250
0 >250 for determining bias using this test method, no statement is
being made.
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D3170/D3170M − 14
13. Keywords
13.1 chipping resistance; gravelometer
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The operation/maintenance checklist (Fig. X1.1, Fig. NOTE X1.1—The values in the chart are specific to the standard gravel
X1.2) that follows should be completed at least once a month testing protocol. Different specifications may be necessary for other media
for gravelometers that are operated on a weekly basis and once
every 6 months for gravelometers that are operated less X1.2 If the answer to any of the following questions is NO,
frequently. discontinue testing until the problem has been corrected.
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ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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