Empower Pre Voc 9A: Degree subjects and education collocations
Complete the crossword puzzle below (designed by Hong Thu) 1 2 3
5 6
7 8
10 11
12 13
Created using the Crossword Maker on TheTeachersCorner.net
Across Down 1. He ______in his essay late, although he wrote it 2. My brother makes sculptures, so he's studying last week! __________ 5. Mrs Brown was very happy because her elder son 3. Lila enjoys designing and building things, so she's got a _________ at a top university. studying _________ 7. Melissa wants to do a degree in medicine, so she 4. Tom loves working with children and teaching needs to get good _____ in science and maths. them, so he might study _____________ 10. If you want to manage a large company, you 6. he is also interested in helping people who are in should study ___________ trouble with the police, so _________ might be a good 12. Ben's just graduated from university. He did subject for him. a__________ in art. 8. I need to take notes more carefully in class. I 14. Alex got _______ Yale University – everyone is couldn't read them, so I couldn't ______ properly. very proud! 9. Some businesspeople also study __________ , so 15. If Lamar doesn't hand his _______ on time, he they can understand how people think and get them could get a low mark . to buy things. 11. Briony wants to help people when they're ill or have a broken bone, so he might choose _________ 13. I_______ low marks at the end of the course because I failed two exams.