SMITH - CROFT - 2003 - BN For Discrete Multivariate Data

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Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

Bayesian networks for discrete multivariate data:

an algebraic approach to inference
J.Q. Smith and J. Croft,1
Department of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Received 2 January 2001


In this paper we demonstrate how Gröbner bases and other algebraic techniques can be
used to explore the geometry of the probability space of Bayesian networks with hidden
variables. These techniques employ a parametrisation of Bayesian network by moments rather
than conditional probabilities. We show that whilst Gröbner bases help to explain the local
geometry of these spaces a complimentary analysis, modelling the positivity of probabilities,
enhances and completes the geometrical picture. We report some recent geometrical results in
this area and discuss a possible general methodology for the analyses of such problems.
r 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

AMS 1991 subject classifications: 62H99; 62-09; 62F15; 13P10

Keywords: Graphical models; Bayesian networks; Hidden variables; Gröbner basis; Latent class analysis

1. Introduction

Recently, Pistone et al. [26] reviewed how techniques from algebraic geometry—
especially those associated with Gröbner bases—could be usefully employed in the
study of certain classes of statistical models associated with design (for example,
[14,25]), reliability theory (for example [10,13,24]) and statistical distribution theory
(for example [8,9,27]). In this paper we will discuss how these algebraic techniques
can also be helpful in elucidating, manipulating and estimating probabilities in

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.Q. Smith), [email protected], [email protected] (J. Croft).
Thanks to the EPSRC for funding under GR/M56005 101.

0047-259X/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
388 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

discrete Bayesian networks when some of the variables in the network are never
It is straightforward to estimate probabilities on a Bayesian network when all the
variables in the model are observed. These models form a curved exponential family
[18]. A simple Bayesian analysis is available using a product Dirichlet conjugate
family on the conditional probabilities defining the model (for example, [3,19,34]).
This allows a simple closed form prior to posterior analysis to take place. There are
also various log-linear parametrisations of these models (for example, [21,35,39])
that allow for more flexible accommodation of model and prior information as this is
However, when data on some of the variables is missing the probabilities in even
relatively simple Bayesian networks can become very difficult to reliably estimate.
Only a very small subset of these models form exponential families [12,32]. The joint
probabilities in the probability tables of the observed variables therefore do not
typically lie on a smooth manifold and so the corresponding likelihood can be
geometrically very strange. In fact, we will demonstrate below that even in simple
models such a likelihood can have multiple disconnected global maxima.
There are various unpleasant consequences of this feature. First, conventional
model selection, such as BIC [30] or chi-squared/divergence methods [39], are no
longer demonstrably valid model selection techniques, even in the limit. Second,
many of the models become unidentifiable. This means that rather innocuous
looking features of a prior distribution, like its tail area characteristics, chosen for
convenience rather than faithfulness, can have a strong effect on the resulting
posterior distribution. Furthermore, because of the complicated form of the
likelihood these strong effects tend to be unpredictable. Finally, because the
likelihood and posterior density typically have many disconnected global maxima
standard numerical techniques such as MCMC and EM algorithms [1,3] tend to
breakdown—appearing to converge to a bogus posterior sample density or picking
just one of many local maxima of the likelihood.
Recognising these difficulties Cowell et al. [4] proposed a methodology based on
choosing a prior so that the predictive distribution is approximated well. For
example Cowell [2], the variational approach seen in [23] and the interval probability
approach in [28]. Such methods are appropriate if the Bayesian networks are used
for prediction of the observable variables. However, it is common for the model
parameters themselves to be the intrinsic quantities of interest—like the probability a
certain disease will cause a particular symptom, as seen in the paper by Spiegelhalter
and Cowell [33]. In such cases there is no simple way of avoiding the difficult
geometry of the model parameters by using these types of approximation methods. If
the models are used to estimate probabilities associated with hidden variables in the
system—as is the case in [33]—at best these methods essentially deny any possibility
of learning about probabilities with geometrically non-trivial likelihoods from the
data, as was the conclusion of these authors.
As far as we are aware, all the current studies of the geometry of the parameter
spaces of Bayesian networks with hidden variables assume that the cell probabilities
of the observed variables are known. Furthermore, most of these papers study
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 389

certain simple Bayesian networks with hidden variables (for example [12,3]) and then
only to demonstrate why standard inferential techniques can no longer be expected
to work for this class of models. The class of latent class models, which can be
thought of as a very simple Bayesian network with one hidden variable, is the only
exception to this gap in algebraic estimation theory (see [7,38]). Even here the
emphasis is to find a single good estimate of the probability tables or to provide a
numerically generated estimate of the posterior distribution of these quantities [11].
Very little attention has been given to understanding the geometry underpinning this
estimation problem, classifying the types of ambiguities inherent in any good
inferential procedure and studying the nature of the instability of the numerical
techniques employed.
In this paper we suggest how general techniques from algebraic geometry, and
particularly Gröbner bases can be used in a systematic fashion to explore the
identifiable regions of the probabilities determining a given discrete Bayesian
network. In Section 5 we then make some tentative steps towards developing this
into a formal framework for estimating such models.
It is helpful at this stage to introduce an example which illustrates how these
ambiguities can occur and why they are intrinsically linked to the geometry of high
dimensional polynomials. Thus consider the Bayesian network whose DAG
(directed acyclic graph) is given in Fig. 1. The dark nodes S1 ; S2 ; S3 ; S4 are all
observed with S1 ; S2 ; S3 being binary with states f1; 1g and S4 taking four possible
values. The light nodes C1 ; C2 are those random variables which are hidden, C1 begin
binary on f1; 1g and C2 taking 3 possible values. As is well known, this DAG tells
us that the joint mass function of these six variables factorises according to the
pðs1 ; c1 ; s2 ; s3 ; c2 ; s4 Þ ¼ p1 ðs1 Þp2 ðc1 js1 Þp3 ðs2 jc1 Þp4 ðs3 jc1 Þp5 ðc2 js1 ; s2 Þp6 ðs4 jc2 Þ;
where each function pðx j yÞ is a function of its arguments x; y only and where for
each value yj of the conditioning variable(s)
pðxi jyj Þ ¼ 1

and for each argument ðxi ; yj Þ;

pðxi jyj ÞX0:
In problems like this we have two tasks. The first is to estimate, as far as we can,
the vector of all these probabilities from the data set provided and so quantify the

Fig. 1. An example of a Bayesian network with observed and hidden variables.

390 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

causal strengths of different components of the model given that the posited model is
valid. The second is to understand when the given data set might suggest that the
conditional independence structure posited in the model is suspect. We will see that
both these problems relate to the geometry of the mass function pð:Þ above. Some
aspects of this implied geometry can be usefully analysed using Gröbner bases whilst
others need to address extra convexity issues implicit in this formulation. The added
complexity of the geometry is solely due to the existence of the inequality constraints
above—particularly those involving the hidden variables in the problem.
If all the variables are observed it is easy to see that the likelihood is monomial. It
is precisely for this reason that the model is accessible to a conjugate prior to
posterior analysis or to a log-linear analysis.
However when the Bayesian networks contain hidden variables estimation is more
difficult. The likelihood will then be a function of the joint marginal distribution of
the manifest variables. In our example the density from which the likelihood derives
is given by
p0 ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 ; s4 Þ ¼ pðs1 ; c1 ; s2 ; s3 ; c2 ; s4 Þ:
c1 ;c2

Such a density will typically also factor, but usually more coarsely—see [32].
An appropriate factorisation of the problem above is given by
p0 ðs1 ; s2 ; s3 ; s4 Þ ¼ p1 ðs1 Þp7 ðs2 ; s3 js1 Þp8 ðs4 js2 ; s3 Þ;
p7 ðs2 ; s3 js1 Þ ¼ p2 ðc1 js1 Þp3 ðs2 jc1 Þp4 ðs3 jc1 Þ

p8 ðs4 js2 ; s3 Þ ¼ p5 ðc2 js2 ; s3 Þp6 ðs4 jc2 Þ:

What makes these sorts of models more challenging is the fact that some of the
components of the factorisation—in this case p7 ð:Þ and p8 ð:Þ—are no longer
monomial in the conditional probabilities of interest. There is now no obvious
transformation, such as taking logarithms, to simplify these functions. The intrinsic
geometry of these functions can therefore be very rich.
Because we often still have a factorisation of the likelihood/joint density over the
manifest variables, to understand the geometry and estimate the full DAG model it is
sufficient to focus on its factors. Thus to understand p0 ð:Þ we need only come to a
geometrical understanding of its factors p1 ðs1 Þ; p7 ðs2 ; s3 js1 Þ; p8 ðs4 js2 ; s3 Þ: These
factors are themselves DAG models, see for example Fig. 2. Unfortunately, some
very simple factors are associated with non-trivial geometry.
Geometrically interesting problems can arise only for collections of conditional
probabilities having a missing variable as one of their arguments. In our example
these are fp2 ðc1 js1 Þ; p3 ðs2 jc1 Þ; p4 ðs3 jc1 Þ; p5 ðc2 js2 ; s3 Þ; p6 ðs4 jc2 Þg: These parameters will
typically be unidentifiable in particularly unpleasant ways which we will illustrate
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 391

Fig. 2. A decomposition of a Bayesian network into simple factors where S0 ¼ S2 þ 2S3 :

In the next section we shall review some of the basic theory of Gröbner bases we
need in the paper. Gröbner bases are much easier to interpret and derive from
computer algorithm packages if a parametrisation is chosen in a way sympathetic to
any of the inherent symmetries of the model. In Section 3 we review a
parametrisation in terms of moments that we have found helpful for addressing
these symmetries and hence allowing the current software to be used in moderate
sized problems of this kind.
We demonstrated above how a larger graphical model can be decomposed into
more simple factors each with their own geometry. In Sections 4 and 5 we will
examine these two factors whose geometry is now relatively well understood. We use
these components to illustrate the general point of this paper that the algebra
associated with Gröbner bases needs to be used in conjunction with other
geometrical methods to allow the analysis of the convexity constraints arising from
the demand that probabilities must be positive. We argue that together the algebraic
and convex geometry combine to give a complete picture of the geometry of the
likelihoods arising from Bayesian networks with hidden variables.
In Section 5 we report on the statistical implications of some new results about the
geometry of stochastically factorisable spaces derived by Mond et al. [22]. This paper
gives the proof of a classification of the possible geometry arising from the convexity
constraints of the second component of our illustrative Bayesian network in terms of
its possible homotopy types. In Section 5 and the appendix we also describe a new
and fast algorithm—using Gröbner bases—to estimate various parameters in this
We begin the paper with a brief introduction to Gröbner bases.

2. Gröbner bases and systems of simultaneous polynomial equations

It is common in statistics to be faced with the task of simplifying or even solving

sets of simultaneous polynomial equations in many parameters/variables. A natural
first approach to this task is to rearrange, eliminate and then substitute as we would
in Gaussian elimination for a linear system. Thus, we might attempt to simplify the
system by manipulation until one equation is immediately soluble, then deduce the
rest of the solutions by substitutions.
However, in polynomial systems, it is apparent that if we do this unsystematically,
even for problems with only a few variables and equations, this naive approach
contains too many choices or permutations of manipulation to be quick or even
392 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

To develop a systematic approach it is useful to employ more general theory on

the underlying algebraic structures. What follows is a very brief summary of the
approach to these systems of equations and some references to a more complete
Let C½x1 ; y; xn ¼ CðxÞ be the set of all polynomials in the variables x1 ; y; xn
% ideal I is a subset of CðxÞ closed under summation and
with coefficients in C: An
products of elements in CðxÞ: That is for all f ; gAI % and hACðxÞ we require that
% %
f þ gAI and hf AI:

An ideal I is finitely generated if there exists f1 ; y; fs ACðxÞ which satisfies: f AI

implies that there exists h1 ; y; hs such that %

f ¼ hi f i :

We write I ¼ /f1 ; y; fs S and ff1 ; y; fs g is called a basis for I: Such bases are not
unique. A Gröbner basis fg1 ; y; gt g for an ideal I is defined to be a basis such that
/lmðg1 Þ; y; lmðgt ÞS ¼ /lmðf Þ: f AIS where lmðf Þ denotes the leading monomial of
a polynomial f with respect to some monomial ordering. A monomial ordering, !; is
simply an ordering on the set of monomials or product terms. For example, in this
article we use the lexicographical ordering on C½x1 ; y; xn defined by
xi11 ?xinn !xj11 ?xjnn

iff i1 ¼ j1 ; y; ik ¼ jk ; ikþ1 ojkþ1 for some k: In other words, the first variable in the
list x1 ; y; xn with different exponents has lower exponent in the lesser monomial
(with respect to !).
Let sð/f1 ; y; fs SÞ be the set of points c ¼ ðc1 ; y; cn ÞACn for which
f A/f1 ; y; fs S ) f ðcÞ ¼ 0:
Now let f1 ¼ ? ¼ fm ¼ 0 be a system of polynomial equations in the variables
x1 ; y; xn : It is easy to show that the set of solutions to the system is exactly
sð/f1 ; y; fm SÞ:
The idea behind finding this solution set is to decompose the ideal sð/f1 ; y; fm SÞ
into intersections of primary ideals. These primary ideals correspond in some sense to
single solutions for certain variables. These solutions can then be substituted to
uncover the corresponding solutions for other variables. This idea lies behind the
definition of a Gröbner basis and indeed is used to form an algorithm for finding
After finding a Gröbner basis fg1 ; y; gt g such that /f1 ; y; fm S ¼ /g1 ; y; gt S it
is reduced with special reference to the monomial term ordering. This reduced basis
now contains a polynomial in just one variable which can be solved by standard
techniques. With this solution, another element of the reduced basis can be used after
substitutions to find corresponding solutions for other variables. This continues until
all solutions are found.
Because this method is automatic it can be found in many computer algebra
packages. The most useful of these we found to be Maple and CoCoa.
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 393

Example. Consider the system of equations

x21 þ x22 þ x23 ¼ 3;

x1 x2 x3  1 ¼ 0;

x1 x3 þ x2  2 ¼ 0:
The ideal
/x21 þ x22 þ x23  3; x1 x2 x3  1; x1 x3 þ x2  2S
has, with lexicographical monomial term ordering, the reduced Gröbner basis
fx1 þ x2 x3  2x1 5 þ 2x33  2x7 3 ; x22  2x2 þ 1;

x2 x33  x2 þ 2x1 4  2x23 þ 32; x63  3x43 þ 3x23  1g:


From the last basis element we get the solutions x3 ¼ 71: Substituting x3 ¼ 1
leads the other equations to the solution x1 ¼ x2 ¼ 1 and substituting x3 ¼ 1 leads
to the solution x1 ¼ 1; x2 ¼ 1: Hence the system has two solutions ð1; 1; 1Þ and
ð1; 1; 1Þ: Gröbner basis techniques can also be used to show the multiplicity of
both roots is 4.
For further details on these methods and their wider applications see [2,20,26].

3. Moments instead of probabilities for symmetrical geometry

There are several reasons why parametrising a Bayesian network in terms of its
conditional probabilities is geometrically inconvenient. The first and most obvious
technical niggle is the condition that probabilities need to sum to one, which
implicitly reduces dimensions of spaces by one.
A second more substantial problem is that, in most cases, the constraints imposed
on the probabilities by conditional independence statements are too complex to be
analysed or simplified even using Gröbner basis methods. An exception is the
graphical structure studied in Section 5.
Thirdly, a change in the dimension of a hidden variable within the structure can
have a profound effect on the geometrical description of the problem. Within the
usual parametrisation it is not always clear why we should expect this sensitivity.
It has been known for some time—see for example [25] or [14]—that there is a
linear invertible transformation between the joint probability mass function of a
collection of variables on a given sample space and a collection of non-central
moments defined by an ideal. Using this simple linear transformation we not only
lose the probability summation constraint but also preserve symmetrical relation-
ships on the sample space. In particular, any joint distribution on a subset of the
variables will only depend on the joint moments of those variables. Any conditional
independence statements can be expressed as sets of quadratic constraints on central
moments and so impose lower order polynomial constraints on the space of
394 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

moments defined by the sample space of the problem. This is therefore the most
natural geometrical parametrisation.
Of course, there is a cost to transforming to a moment representation in this way.
The inequality conditions constraining our space of interest (that all probabilities are
non-negative) are transformed to rather more complicated conditions. However, if
we work with non-central moments, these just define a convex region with linear
boundaries. This remains true if, alternatively, we parametrise with central moments
by conditioning on the first moments. The price of these additional constraints is
therefore usually worth paying.
To illustrate the moment transformation suppose X1 ; X2 ; y; Xn are all binary
random variables whose sample space is f1; 1g: Then it is easy to check that
Yn Y
Xibi ¼ Xiai
i¼1 i¼1

for any vector of integers ðb1 ; b2 ; y; bn Þ such that ai ¼ bi mod 2: In particular, this
tells us that the joint moments—which clearly define this finite discrete joint
probability—must satisfy
! !
Y n
E Xi ¼E Xi
i¼1 i¼1
Therefore, the 2  1 non-central moments, where ða1 ; a2 ; y; an Þ is a non-zero
binary string, define the space. For example when n ¼ 3; these would be
fEðX1 Þ; EðX2 Þ; EðX3 Þ; EðX1 X2 Þ; EðX1 X3 Þ; EðX2 X3 Þ; EðX1 X2 X3 Þg
and these replace the 8 probabilities with their one summation constraint. These
non-central moments are linear in the joint probabilities, for example
EðX1 Þ ¼ ð1Þðx1 1Þ=2 pðx1 ; x2 ; x3 Þ:
x2 ;x3

In general, discrete joint distributions can be spanned by particular collections of

moments which depend in form on the joint sample space of the mass function. In
more complicated situations, the necessary moments can be calculated using the
Gröbner base technology outlined in Section 2, as was alluded to, but not described,
in [31].
It is also straightforward to express conditional independence statements as extra
polynomial constraints on moments. In particular, whenever a conditioning variable
W is binary, conditional independence gives very simple quadratic relationships in
central moments. For example, Settimi and Smith [31] prove that, if Y1 ; Y2 ; y; Yn ;
Z1 ; Z2 ; y; Zm ; W are all binary f1; 1g variables then ðY1 ; Y2 ; y; Yn Þ is indepen-
dent of ðZ1 ; Z2 ; y; Zm Þ given W iff
! ! !
Y m
VarðW Þ Cov Yi ; Zj ¼ Cov W ; Yi Cov W ; Zj
i¼1 j¼1 i¼1 j¼1

for all ai ; bj ¼ 0; 1; 1pipn; 1pjpm:

J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 395

In passing it is important to note that any collection of conditional independence

statements—not only those associated with DAGs but also more general structures
like MAGs (mixed ancestral graphs, see [29]) which build on collections of
conditional independence statements—will be expressible in such families of
algebraic equations. So the geometrical techniques discussed here are very generally
applicable. Finally, note that by increasing the size of the sample space of the hidden
variable we automatically need to introduce polynomial relationships whose terms
involve the higher order moments spanning the new space. It is therefore
transparent, unlike in the graphical representation of the factorisation of a joint
density, that the dimension of the sample space of a hidden variable may have a
radical effect on the underlying geometry.

4. Triadic geometry: an example of moment equations derived from sample space and
independence assumptions

One conditional independence model which has been studied since Goodman (in
[15,16]) is the triadic model with binary variables. One example of this model is the
first component given in Fig. 2.
To see how the Gröbner bases work on this example we examine how the mass
function pðs1 ; s2 ; s3 Þ or equivalently its defining moments are constrained by the
algebraic form of the model. Here without loss of generality, and to simplify the
analysis below, we will now make the additional assumption that EðS1 Þ ¼ EðS2 Þ ¼
EðS3 Þ ¼ 0 and write e.g. m12 ¼ EðS1 :S2 Þ: It can then be shown that the admissible
region for the defining unknown moments ðm12 ; m13 ; m23 ; m123 Þ of the distribution of
the manifest variables is a union of four disconnected regions of strictly positive
measure. It is therefore inappropriate to validate the model using routine dimension
counting methods such as BIC or chi-squared criteria. For example the appropriate
chi-squared test statistic would have to have zero dimension! After simplification
using Gröbner basis techniques (performed in the computer package Maple) it can
be shown that this four-dimensional region can be parametrised by the following
four polynomial equations in four unknowns:
m12 ¼ a1 a2 a24 ; m13 ¼ a1 a3 a24 ; m23 ¼ a2 a3 a24
a24 m2123  4ð1  a24 Þm12 m13 m23 ¼ 0;
where ai are all variationally independent of each other and 1pai p1;
i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4:
Obviously, these types of equations lead to interesting features even when we
ignore the constraint that all the parameters have to be no larger than one in
modulus. For example, multiplying the first set of three equations together we see a
familiar quadrant condition
m12 m13 m23 X0:
396 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

Such types of condition have been known to be present for a long time, see [5,36].
However, some of the most interesting geometry derives from the boundedness of
the parameters ai ; 1pip4: The point to make here is that this is not recognised by
the algebraic packages and other automatic algorithms. Therefore, these algebraic
methods need to be supplemented by geometric methods which incorporate
positivity conditions.
The effects of these constraints are comparatively straightforward when the
hidden variable has just two states. In this case direct substitution methods can be
used as in [31]. It is found that the solution space is made up of 4 disconnected
cuspoid regions in which ðm12 ; m13 ; m23 Þ must lie and that the hidden variable is
identifiable up to aliasing.
However even if we increase the number of states the hidden variable can take by
one the non-algebraic conditions have increasing structure and need more
geometrical techniques to analyse their effect. They cannot be explained away by
aliasing as suggested by Stevens [37].

5. Projective spaces and sandwiched triangles

In some simple conditional independence structures, for example the second factor
from Fig. 2, the number of hidden states can help us to identify the form the
conditional independence constraints on pðs2 ; s3 ; s4 Þ will take. Because of the unusual
algebraic simplicity of this case we are able to work with the more familiar
conditional independence probabilities and there is no need to reparametrise with
moments. As seen before, the conditional independence structure of the second
factor in Fig. 2 requires that
pðs4 js2 ; s3 Þ ¼ pðc2 js2 ; s3 Þpðs4 jc2 Þ

for all values of S2 ; S3 ; S4 and C2 : Again we are primarily interested in the estimation
of the factors pðc2 js2 ; s3 Þ; pðs4 jc2 Þ: The conditional independence constraint can be
split into algebraic (polynomial) equality constraints, for which Gröbner basis
methods will be useful in estimation, and geometric (linear) inequality constraints. It
is simplest to analyse these constraints in matrix notation since we have only two
manifest variables and hence the factoring above can be written in matrix form as
½S4 jS2 ; S3 ¼ ½C2 jS2 ; S3 ½S4 jC1 ;

where all the matrices are stochastic, that is all elements are between 0 and 1 and all
row sums are 1. Without loss of generality, write the linear invertible transformation
S0 ¼ S2 þ 2S3 : In Mond et al. [22] a mathematical characterisation of the geometry
of this type of factorisation is analysed in detail. Two conditions must be met in
order that the matrix ½S4 jS0 admits such a factorisation when the number of hidden
states is 3. Therefore, it is sensible to plan an estimation procedure that deals with
each condition in turn.
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 397

The first is a rank condition imposed by the dimensions of the factoring matrices.
The rank of ½S4 jS0 must therefore be 3. Algebraically, this condition can be
expressed as a series of polynomial equality constraints on the probabilities. The
polynomials are simply the determinants of the 4 4 submatrices of ½S4 jS0 : This
uses the basic fact from linear algebra that a n m matrix has rank k iff all
ðk þ 1Þ ðk þ 1Þ submatrices have zero determinant.
The second condition summarises all the positivity constraints imposed by
working with probabilities. This turns out to be a convexity constraint: it simply
demands that the convex hull formed from the points representing the rows of
½S4 jC2 contains the representations of the rows of ½S4 jS0 : The convexity condition is
most simply expressed in terms of a 2D projective plot. Note that only a 2D
representation is necessary since ½S4 jS0 must be stochastic and hence its rows
already lie in an affine subspace, thus reducing the dimension by 1 (see Fig. 3).
In the 2D plot shown in Fig. 4 the positivity constraints on the entries of our
factoring matrices are satisfied since the triangle formed as the convex hull of the
rows of ½S4 jC2 is sandwiched between the outer quadrilateral (the boundary of the
feasible region) and the inner quadrilateral (the convex hull of the rows of ½S4 jS0 ).
Each particular sandwiched triangle with labelled vertices corresponds to a distinct,
equally likely solution ½C2 jS0 ; ½S4 jC2 satisfying
½S4 jS0 ¼ ½C2 jS0 ½S4 jC2 :
The vertices of such a sandwiched triangle correspond to the rows or conditional
distributions of the factoring matrix ½S4 jC2 : Obviously, there are typically a
continuum of these solutions hence many more than could be obtained by aliasing—
simply relabelling the states of the hidden variable.
When estimating the conditional probability parameters it is helpful to first fit a
rank 3 model and then adjust the estimates if necessary so that the second convexity
constraint is satisfied. Fitting a rank 3 probability matrix to our observed ½S4 jS0 is
equivalent to fitting a rank or correspondence model as described in [17]. Routines
are given in [17] to find the maximum likelihood estimate of such models but can be
numerically unstable and involve a parametrisation which is redundant for our
For example, to obtain a maximum likelihood estimate P of ½S4 jS0 of rank 3
directly we need to perform a constrained minimisation of the likelihood ratio to the
unconstrained maximum likelihood estimate of ½S4 jS0 : As mentioned above the
constraints can be formulated as a system of polynomial equations.

Fig. 3. The origin of the 2D slice plot.

398 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

Fig. 4. An example of a sandwiched triangle.

In our example the Lagrangian is given by

f ðP; d; lÞ ¼ lrð½S4 jS0 ; PÞ  d aij  1  l detðPÞ:

The minimisation is intractable but an iterative algorithm can be derived (see the
appendix) which converges quickly to the maximum likelihood estimate of the rank
model. At each step in the iteration the solutions to a system of polynomial
equations are required. The coefficients of these polynomials depend on the current
parameter estimates.
Note that the likelihood ratio of this reduced rank model and the full model on the
margins is easily calculated and used to decide whether or not the reduced rank
model is a reasonable description of the data.
For the hidden variable model to hold we also need that the additional convexity
constraints are satisfied. So having obtained an estimate P of the desired rank we
can now examine the associated 2D (slice) plot to visually test the inequality
Mond, Smith and van Straten [22] studied this situation geometrically and found
that Tv —the space of sandwiched triangles—is (homotopy) equivalent to either a
circle or k points where 0pkp8: The implication of this is that the constrained
likelihood of the conditional probabilities can take very unpleasant forms. Let us
examine the possible cases in turn.
When Tv is equivalent to a circle the space of unidentifiability is connected.
However the regions of admissable triangles will typically be irregular over the
parameter space. So, for example, if a Bayesian uses a routine flat prior distribution
over all rank 3 models this will tend to arbitrarily favour some models over others.
Interestingly, configurations of points in the 2D representation of the convexity
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 399

Fig. 5. A degenerate case with 8 separated explanations.

constraints giving rise to this case often suggest that a simpler statistical model,
typically one of a lower rank, could be used to explain the data.
We encounter more serious problems when kX1: In these cases the space of global
maxima of the likelihood can be disconnected with up to 8 regions of solutions. We
have argued above that we could expect to see such configurations regularly for well-
formulated models. A degenerate case, when the possible explanations consist of 8
disconnected points is shown in Fig. 5. This tells us that even if we know the
generating mechanism for any exhaustive data set on ½S4 jS0 ; there will be equally
well fitting yet quite different sets of conditional probabilities corresponding to
completely different explanations of the data. Such unidentifiability can cause havoc
with numerical estimation techniques unless handled with care, for example see [6].
Note that monotonicity constraints used to solve the aliasing problem in Section 4
no longer resolve the ambiguities and multiple maxima in these models.
Finally, when Tv is empty, no hidden variable model corresponds to the maximum
likelihood reduced rank model. If, in fact, there is not even a triangle which is close
to sandwiching the relevant figures this is strong evidence that the hidden variable
model with three states fits poorly. We conjecture that a lower bound for the
likelihood ratio of both the hidden variable model and the unconstrained model is
now possible, based on the fit of the reduced rank model.
To summarise, even with such a simple factor as the second from Fig. 2, the
geometry surrounding the estimation of probabilities is rich and interesting,
although the number of hidden states is just 3. An understanding of this geometry
can be crucial to estimation since it allows us to find all of the well supported models
and assess the unidentifiability issues.

6. Conclusions

Algebraic geometry is at the heart of the statistical analysis of discrete Bayesian

networks. Gröbner bases are an invaluable tool for highlighting some of the implicit
geometrical structure of these statistical models and the shapes of regions of
unidentifiability and feasibility, as illustrated in the examples above. However, they
do not directly tell the whole story and for a full analysis the bases needs to be used
in conjunction with an analysis of the constraints imposed by the convexity
properties of probability space. We believe this type of analysis will become generic
400 J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402

to not only to the analysis of discrete DAG models but any statistical models where
conditional independence or other algebraic constraints on probabilities play a
central role.

Appendix. Derivation of the maximum likelihood rank model estimation algorithm

In the general n–k–m case the relevant Lagrangian is

X p% i;j X X
f ðP; K; lÞ ¼ ni;j log  lk;l detðMk;l Þ  mi ðpij  1Þ;
pi;j k;l i

where P % is the observed proportion matrix and Mkl is the ðk; lÞth submatrix of P;
that is the 4 4 submatrix with the ðk; lÞth element of P as its upper left entry:
2 3
@f ni j X
¼ 4 lk;l ðAdjðMk;l Þj;i Þ5  mi ; ðA:1Þ
@pij pi j ðk;lÞAIði;jÞ

where Iði; jÞ ¼ fðk; lÞ: pij AMk;l g: By summing (A.1) over j; the adjoint term cancels
as this is the expansion by row of a zero determinant. Hence
ðnij  p# ij m#i Þ ¼ 0:
But p# ij ¼ 1 and so
m#i ¼  ni j:

Rearranging (A.1), setting to zero and substituting now gives

p# ij ¼ P P :
j nij þ l# k;l ðAdjðMkl ÞÞji

This expression is intractable however it lends itself naturally to the following

iterative scheme which, we conjecture, always converges to the global maximum of
the rank model likelihood.
Begin with an initial estimate Pð0Þ :
ðPðCÞÞij ¼ P P ij ;
j ij þ ck;l ðAdjðMkl ÞÞji

where C ¼ ðckl Þ is a ðn  kÞ ðm  kÞ matrix of dummy variables.

Now set Mkl ðCÞ ¼ ðk; lÞth submatrix of PðCÞ:
Form the system of polynomial equations in the C variables using the determinant
constraint detðMkl ðCÞÞ ¼ 0 for each ðk; lÞ:
Solve the system using Gröbner basis techniques for a solution C :
Set Pð1Þ ¼ PðC Þ: Iterate.
J.Q. Smith, J. Croft / Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84 (2003) 387–402 401


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Further reading

D.R. Cox, J. Little, D. O’Shea, Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, Springer, New York, 1997.
D.R. Cox, J. Little, D. O’Shea, Using Algebra, Springer, New York, 1998.

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