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Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Brazil

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Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2024) 155:7811–7826



Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil

Cláudio Moisés Santos e Silva1,2 · Daniele Tôrres Rodrigues3 · Felipe Medeiros1 · Aléxia Monteiro Valentim1 ·
Paula Andressa Alves de Araújo1 · Joicy da Silva Pinto1 · Pedro Rodrigues Mutti1,2 · Keila Rêgo Mendes1 ·
Bergson Guedes Bezerra1,2 · Cristiano Prestrelo de Oliveira1,2 · Weber Andrade Gonçalves1,2

Received: 17 August 2023 / Accepted: 1 July 2024 / Published online: 11 July 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature 2024

The diurnal cycle is an important mode of climatic variability associated with different aspects of micro, meso and large
scale meteorological phenomena. Thus, we performed a study of the space-time variability of the diurnal cycle of precipi-
tation with hourly sampling and covering all regions of Brazil. The dataset was collected during the period of 13-year,
from 1st January 2008 to 31th December 2020. We used data from 411 rain gauges installed in automatic weather sta-
tions. To evaluate regional aspects, we conducted a cluster analysis with different configurations (4, 5 and 6 groups). We
identified a considerable heterogeneity in the hour of maximum precipitation in Brazil and three main types of diurnal
cycle were observed: (i) maximum precipitation at mid- to late afternoon associated with strong local convection activity;
(ii) diurnal cycle with intense precipitation during nighttime at the Amazon basin, the coast of Northeast Brazil and the
Southern region; (iii) semidiurnal cycles with low precipitation rate at the Northeast Brazil.

1 Introduction are relevant scientific issues because it is present in many

environmental variables such as radiation, cloudiness, air,
The variability of the diurnal cycle is directly associated and sea surface temperature (Webster et al. 1996; Yan et al.
with surface forcing such as frictional drag, heat, mass, 2021), atmospheric lightning activity (Boccippio et al. 2002;
and energy fluxes. Thus, the diurnal cycle is the first mode Minobe et al. 2020), particulate matter and atmospheric pol-
of atmospheric variability affected by climatic changes, lution in urban and forested regions (Backman et al. 2012;
with possible implications on extreme events occurrence Wimmer et al. 2018).
(Meredith et al. 2019). It is difficult to study it through In continental areas, the diurnal cycle of precipitation
observational data collected in situ, since there are few is modulated by thermodynamic processes associated with
meteorological datasets with long term subdaily sampling in surface instability generated by solar heating during day
most regions of the globe, despite some incipient initiatives hours and by scale atmospheric dynamic, which is gener-
(e.g., Lewis et al. 2019). The systematic analysis of the diur- ally associated with low- and high-level jets over regions
nal cycle and the understanding of its physical mechanisms with strong convective activity (Tripoli and Cotton 1989;
Marengo et al. 2004; Giles et al. 2020). Additionally, low
level convergence, strong surface heating driving convec-
Cláudio Moisés Santos e Silva tive activity, orographic clouds formed by forcing lift or
[email protected] barometric tides can considerably influence on the diurnal
cycle of precipitation (Nesbitt and Zipser 2003; Janowiak
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Climáticas, et al. 2005; Yang and Smith 2006; Yang et al. 2008; Watters
Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas e Climáticas,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Av. Senador et al. 2021).
Salgado Filho, 3000, Lagoa Nova, Natal 59078-970, Brazil The continental diurnal cycle of precipitation is typically
Departamento de Ciências Atmosféricas e Climáticas, characterized by a well pronounced maximum at mid- to late
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Lagoa Nova, afternoon, while in coastal and oceanic areas, the maximum
Brazil occurs during late-evening–early-morning hours. In this
Departamento de Estatística, Universidade Federal do Piauí, way, Yang and Smith (2006) performed a comprehensive
Av. Campus Universitário Ministro Petrônio Portella, Ininga, analysis, investigating the physical mechanisms controlling
Teresina 64049-550, Brasil

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7812 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

the diurnal cycle of precipitation and classifying the diurnal and West areas, the annual precipitation ranges from 600
cycles as “oceanic or continental’’ and as “day- or night- to 900 mm yr− 1 (Rao et al. 2016; Rodrigues et al. 2020), in
type”. In addition, the authors indicated the regions with these regions Atlantic forest and Cerrado are found, respec-
prevalence of forced and natural convection in the tropical tively. Finally, in the Northwest (bordering AMZ), the pre-
regions. Notwithstanding, studies using different datasets cipitation reached 1800 mm yr− 1. These biomes found in
suggest the observation of a consistent subdaily cycle over NEB have experienced intense change associated with the
tropical and subtropical areas, including regions with differ- land use, in which the substitution of native vegetation by
ent climatic controls in the Amazon basin and other regions croplands is the main activity (Lapola et al. 2014; Campos
in South America (Yang et al. 2008; Santos and Silva 2013; et al. 2019; Reis et al. 2020). Concerning the diurnal cycle
Giles et al. 2020). precipitation in NEB, the maximum of precipitation can be
Due to the complexity of the physical processes modulat- observed at late afternoon into the continental and during
ing the diurnal cycle of precipitation, the simulations of this early morning in coastal areas (Kousky et al. 1980; Tenório
cycle have been used to evaluate the efficiency of climatic et al. 2010). These results obtained in coastal NEB were
models (da Rocha et al. 2009; Santos et al. 2012; Daleu et al. consistent with the oceanic mechanisms described by Yang
2020). In this way, some authors showed how the deficien- and Smith (2006). Further, there was strong influence of ter-
cies in cumulus parameterization or coarse resolution used restrial and sea breeze in the precipitation diurnal cycle in
in global and/or regional climate models can be crucial fac- coastal NEB (Souza and Oyama 2017).
tors representing the transition of shallow to deep convec- The Central-West of Brazil is dominated by Cerrado
tion (e.g., Bechtold et al. 2004). Furthermore, the accurate biome and the annual precipitation ranges from 544 to
representation of the timing and intensity of precipitation 2864 mm year− 1 (Spangler et al. 2017). In this region,
in models is directly associated with turbulence parameter- the precipitation is influenced by local convection and by
izations in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (Kong et al. moisture transport from the Amazonia by events of South
2023), which directly influence the vertical distribution of Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) during summer months
mass and energy in the atmosphere and, consequently, cloud (Carvalho et al. 2004), and due the incursion of polar air
formation (Lin et al. 2019). mass from mid latitudes, that reaches the central South
Furthermore, failure in the convective trigger function is America, favoring displacement of cold fronts during aus-
reported as a cause of difficulties in properly representing tral winter (Reboita et al. 2010; Rao et al. 2016). Despite
the diurnal cycle over continental areas (Itterly et al. 2016; the occurrence of cold fronts, the climate in central Brazil is
Pichelli et al. 2021; Cui et al. 2021). Moreover, studies ana- predominantly dry during austral winter and spring, with a
lyzing the difference between present and future climate typical migration of convection from SE to NW (Horel et al.
regarding the diurnal cycle of precipitation were performed, 1989), when the precipitation is associated with local con-
identifying changes in the precipitation intensity between vection, modulating the diurnal cycle of precipitation and
0300 and 1200 UTC around the world, including South the rainy season intensity (Prado et al. 2021).
America (Reboita et al. 2016; Watters et al. 2021), and asso- The Southeast region has the largest concentration of
ciating them with land use and land cover changes. people in urban areas. Studies indicate that the diurnal cycle
Brazil has continental dimensions and studies on the is associated with the growth of demographic and urban
diurnal cycle have been carried out using data obtained areas, implying microclimatic changes. For example, Lima
during experimental campaigns in different regions, such and Rueda (2018) verified an increase of diurnal tempera-
as the Amazon basin (AMZ) (Marengo et al. 2004; San- ture range in São Paulo city. Many meteorological systems
tos et al. 2009; Biscaro et al. 2021). In this perspective, the influence the precipitation distribution in the Southeast
analysis showed the influence of land use, which is associ- region. In this way, Reboita et al. (2010) described the
ated to transition of natural biomes to pasture, can modi- relative role of cold fronts, high level cyclonic vortex and
fied the hydrologic cycle, thermodynamic structure of low the SACZ over the rainfall observed, showing that these
troposphere and, consequently, in the diurnal variability of meteorological systems can occur all year long. However,
cloudiness and the precipitation regimes in AMZ (Wang et the rainy season is observed during the austral summer
al. 2000, 2009; Silva Dias et al. 2002; Durieux et al. 2003; months (Rao et al. 2016). The diurnal cycle in Southeast is
Khanna et al. 2018). well pronounced, with maximum occurring in mid- to late
The Northeast of Brazil (NEB) there is a high temporal afternoon, promoting strong atmospheric lightning activity
and spatial variability of precipitation. In the Semiarid area, (Mattos et al. 2017).
where Caatinga is the main biome, the annual precipitation In Brazil, the Low-Level Jets (LLJ) East of the Andes
ranges from 300 to 600 mm yr− 1 (Oliveira et al. 2017; Cam- is an important mechanism modulating the diurnal cycle
pos et al. 2019; Mutti et al. 2019). In the Eastern coastal of precipitation in many regions of Brazil (Marengo et al.

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7813

2004; Oliveira et al. 2018; Giles et al. 2020). The LLJ has continental areas of Brazil. In this sense, our aim is to
influenced the time-space distribution of precipitation over characterize the time-space aspects of diurnal cycle of pre-
continental South America (Marengo et al. 2004; Montini et cipitation in Brazil during a continuous period of 13 years.
al. 2019). For example, in South region of Brazil and South Additionally, we demonstrate the regional aspects of the
America, the LLJ can be associated with the Subtropical Jet diurnal cycle using multivariate analysis.
Stream resulting in Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC)
mainly at nighttime during austral summer (Marengo et al.
2004; Durkee et al. 2009). 2 Materials and methods
Recently the diurnal cycle of precipitation throughout
Brazil was analyzed via remote sensing retrievals limited 2.1 Database
to a 5-year (2014–2018) period of analysis (Afonso et al.
2020; Siqueira et al. 2021). Additionally, they did not ana- Brazil territory is the fifth largest country covering 8,547,403
lyze in a systematic way the whole Brazilian territory, but km² of which approximately 50% is composed of the Ama-
regions with well-defined diurnal cycles of precipitation. zonia region. The database used was obtained from the
In another perspective, using reanalysis dataset, Giles et al. “Meteorological Dataset for Teaching and Research’’ proj-
(2020) studied the rainfall diurnal cycle in South America ect of the INMET (www.inmet.gov.br). The dataset is com-
but without a specific look for the specific characteristics of posed of hourly precipitation collected by 411 automatic
Brazilian territory. weather stations covering the January 1, 2008 to December
From January 2008 onwards, the National Institute of 31, 2020 period. A comprehensive dataset obtained by 411
Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - INMET) rain gauges installed in automatic weather stations distrib-
monitors different meteorological variables with sampling uted over the entire Brazilian territory was used (Fig. 1).
of one hour through automatic weather stations over all The climatic types according to Köppen’s classification

Fig. 1 Geographical location of Brazil and spatial distribution of auto- of Brazil are indicated: North, Northeast, Central-West, Southeast and
matic weather stations used in this study and the Köppen Climate clas- South, respectively
sification performed by (Alvarez et al., 2014). Additionally the regions

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7814 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

(Alvarez et al. 2013) are also depicted in Fig. 1, where the Cluster analysis is a multivariate statistical method aimed
majority of Brazil’s continental territory is dominated by at partitioning a sample or population into groups such that
type A climates (tropical climates, including savannas) in elements within a group are similar and elements across
the Amazon, Central-West, and Northeast regions; while the groups are dissimilar with respect to the involved vari-
Southeast and South portions are characterized by type C ables, thereby maximizing within-group homogeneity and
(humid subtropical climates). Additionally, the majority of between-group heterogeneity (Mingoti 2005).
the Northeast exhibits a hot Sem-iarid climate (Bsh). The initial step in clustering involves computing a simi-
The data was collected by a sampling of 5 min later con- larity or dissimilarity measure; this study employs the
verted to 1-hour accumulated rainfall. Rainfall is described Euclidean distance, as previously used by Rodrigues et al.
in terms of precipitation rate (mm/hour). The full dataset has (2020), to generate a distance matrix for daily precipita-
1.1% of missing data. Although it is possible to fill in miss- tion values across municipalities in Northeast Brazil. The
ing data through multiple imputation methods (Rodrigues et Euclidean distance between two elements Xl and Xk, with
al. 2023), we chose to work with the original data, as even l ≠ k, is defined by Eq. 1.
multivariate methods tend to perform poorly in attempting
to impute zero-inflated data, which is the case with hourly
(Xil − Xik )  (1)
   12  2
d (Xl , Xk ) = (Xl − Xk ) (Xl − Xk ) =
precipitation time series (Ancelet et al. 2010). i=1

2.2 Clustering method In which Xl and Xk represents the two elements being com-
pared, and 𝑝 denotes the number of variables; i.e., the two
Due to the large extension of Brazil the diurnal cycle of sample elements are compared across each variable in the
precipitation was analyzed through the definition of homo- observation vector.
geneous groups. In this way, we used clustering analysis, The second stage of the clustering process involves tech-
which is a multivariate statistical technique aiming to sepa- niques for cluster construction (Mingoti 2005). We used
rate unequal elements of a sample or population. Once sepa- Ward’s hierarchical approach, proposed by Ward (1963)
rated, the method aggregates elements with homogeneous and used by various authors (Rodrigues et al. 2020; Silva
characteristics, maximizing homogeneity within the groups, et al. 2023). In this method, each element is initially con-
while maximizing heterogeneity among the groups (Mingoti sidered a single group, and at each step, the sum of squares
2005). The first stage of the clustering process is the estima- within each group is calculated. This sum is the square of
tion of a measure of similarity (or dissimilarity) among the the Euclidean distance from each element in the group to the
data and, we used the Euclidean distance which according group’s mean vector, represented by Eq. 2.
to Mimmack et al. (2001). This metric has been used for the
regionalization of climate in many climatic studies in Brazil    
(Oliveira et al. 2017; Mutti et al. 2019).
SSi = Xij − X

Xij − X
−  (2)
i. i.
The second step is to define the linkage method, which
can be classified into agglomerative and divisive (Ward
1963). Five clustering heuristics options are available: In which ni is the number of elements in group 𝐺𝑖 at step 𝑘
single, centroid, complete, average and Ward’s. We used of the clustering process, 𝑋𝑖j is the observation vector of the
the hierarchical agglomerative Ward method which is j-th element in the i-th group, 𝑋i is the centroid of group Gi
based on the minimum variance inside a cluster (Hervada- and SSi represents the corresponding sum of squares for Gi.
Sala and Jarauta-Bragulat 2004). The clustering method At step 𝑘, the total within-group sum of squares is defined
was performed for four, five and six groups. The analysis by Eq. 3.
was performed in different phases. Firstly, we showed the
diurnal cycle for annual average, considering the three 
SSR = SSi  (3)
clustering configurations (4, 5 and 6 groups). Secondly,
the clustering analysis was presented in quarters repre-
senting each season: DJF (December-January-February), in which gk is the number of existing groups at step k.
MAM (March-April-May), JJA (June-July-August), SON The distance between clusters 𝐺l and Gi is defined by
(September-October-November). Eq. 4, representing the sum of squares between clusters Gl
To conduct clustering analysis, we used the hourly pre- and Gi. At each step of the clustering algorithm, the two
cipitation rates from all 411 weather stations during the groups that minimize this distance are combined:
period from January 1, 2008, to December 31, 2020 as vari-
ables in the Ward method.

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7815

nl ni  3 Results and discussion
d (Gl , Gi ) = X

− X

− X
−  (4)
nl + ni l. i. l. i.

3.1 Annual average of precipitation diurnal cycle

The aim is to determine a number of groups that naturally
partition the elements under analysis (Mingoti 2005). In this Figure 2 shows the sum of squared distances for k in the
sense, the cophenetic correlation coefficient (CCC) helps range 1–11. If the plot looks like an arm, then the elbow on
assess the quality of these partitions by comparing the origi- the arm is ideal k. As k increases, the sum of the squared
nal distance matrix with the cophenetic matrix, reflecting distance tends to zero. When we set k to its maximum value
how well the dendrogram preserves original data distances n (where n is the number of samples) each sample will form
(Sokal and Rohlf 1962). A high CCC suggests an accurate its own cluster, which means that the sum of the squared
cluster configuration, while a low CCC indicates insufficient distances is equal to zero. In the figure above the elbow is at
modeling of data relationships. Furthermore, the elbow plot k = 7 indicating the optimal k for this dataset is 7.
helps identify the optimal number of clusters by showing The annual average of diurnal cycles of precipitation
the change in within-group sum of squares relative to the for three cluster configurations (4, 5, and 6 clusters) were
number of groups; a significant change suggests the ideal shown in Fig. 3. Four main groups of diurnal variation in
cluster count (Ketchen and Shook 1996; Onumanyi et al. precipitation were identified, distributed across the conti-
2020). This approach has been employed by researchers like nental territory of Brazil (Fig. 2a), with their average cycles
Amorim et al. (2020) and Silva et al. (2023) in environmen- depicted in Fig. 2b. The main characteristics of these groups
tal variable clustering. are as follows: Group 1 - maximum precipitation in the late
afternoon, extending into the night, with no precipitation
in the early morning; Group 2 - maximum precipitation in
the late afternoon, extending into the night, with precipita-
tion present in the morning; Group 3 - rain concentrated in

Fig. 2 Sum of squared distances for k values 1–11

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7816 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

Fig. 3 Diurnal cycle of precipitation for different configuration of groups in Brazilian territory

the late night and early morning; Group 4 - bimodal pattern 6 - very intense peak precipitation recorded approximately
with rains concentrated in the late afternoon and early morn- an hour before the main peak of Group 1.
ing. In addition to the four main groups, two other groups Group 1 is most frequently observed in the Southern
(which are variations of Group 1) were identified: Group and eventually in the Southeastern and Central-Western
5 - maximum precipitation in the late afternoon and early of Brazil. Group 2 is predominantly located in Central-
night, with higher intensities compared to Group 1; Group Western region. The main difference between groups 1 and
2 is the intensity of maximum precipitation, which is most

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7817

pronounced in the Southern region. The group 3 is observed Plata basin (Salio et al. 2007; Moraes et al. 2020) during the
in the coast of NEB, with a maximum of 0.30 mm/h at 0900 night times period (Giles et al. 2020).
UTC. The group 4 is characterized by a bimodal behavior The group 3 was observed in two regions with different
with two maximums at 0700 UTC and 1900 UTC. Finally, climate regimes. In AMZ, the nighttime rainfall is explained
in AMZ, despite the predominance of type 1 (intense precip- by the Squall Lines (from the Coastal AMZ) that propagates
itation at mid- to late afternoon), we can observe a mixing into the continent, consistent with previous studies (Cohen
of diurnal cycles, with precipitation observed during both, et al. 1995; Alcântara et al. 2011; Santos and Silva 2013),
night and early morning periods. including these meteorological systems are associated with
Furthermore, the main peak of precipitation in the late the extreme rainfall event during the nighttime period (San-
afternoon, modulated by the local convection mechanism, tos et al. 2016). From the perspective of large-scale atmo-
is associated with local convection. The hourly rates are less spheric dynamics, the diabatic heating due the condensation
than 0.35 mm/h when considering 4 or 5 groups. However, of water vapor in AMZ modulates the divergence at high
with 6 groups, a maximum of 0.42 mm/h was observed levels over the region as suggested by numerical and obser-
(group 6) at 1900 UTC, corresponding to the coastal and vational analysis (Silva Dias et al. 1987). The secondary
inland regions in the AMZ. maximum of nighttime precipitation was also reported in
Group 5, which presents a maximum at 2100UT, is previous studies with rainfall information from multiple
located basically in two regions: (i) parallel to the coastal sources (rain gauges, weather radar, and satellites) con-
North between 200 and 400 km into the continent; (ii) con- ducted during the rainy season in the Southwest of the basin
centrated in both, Southeast and coastal South of Brazil. The (Santos et al. 2009; Biscaro et al. 2021).
intensity of precipitation in group 5 covers the nighttime In the Coastal NEB, the group 3 is typical of regions influ-
hours, decreasing from 2200 UTC onwards. The group 6 enced by proximity with oceans as described in Yang and
exhibits semidiurnal characteristics observed in AMZ, with Smith (2006) and the rainfall hours and intensity is modu-
a well defined maximum of 0.42 mm/h observed at 1900 lated by sea breeze mechanism as suggested by Gray and
UTC, while the secondary of 0.20 mm/h was observed at Jacobson (1977) and Ruppert and Kloche (2019). Finally,
0900 UTC. the diurnal cycle of semiarid region (group 4) is character-
On a preliminary analysis, the predominance of diurnal ized by low precipitation intensity and by a semidiurnal pat-
cycles associated with strong convective activity at mid- to tern, being the maximum at morning hours associated with
late afternoon in Brazil is because most of the territory is in oceanic mechanisms (similar to the group 3) and the second-
tropical/continental areas. Moreover, the presence of large ary maximum influenced by local convection. These results
rivers and forested areas supply moisture and heat to the are consistent with classical analysis of Kousky (1980), by
atmosphere through evapotranspiration phenomena, influ- studies conducted using weather radar information (Tenório
encing the formation and development of deep convection as et al. 2010), as well as simulations with numerical models
suggested by the classical mechanisms described by Ogura (Souza and Oyama 2017).
and Takahashi (1971). In this way, the convective activity
exhibited the strongest intensity at mid- to late afternoon as 3.2 Seasonal aspects of precipitation diurnal cycle
confirmed by different analysis performed previously from
the rain gauges and radar datasets in AMZ (Santos et al. The diurnal cycle of quarter DJF (Fig. 4) maintains some
2009; Biscaro et al. 2021). The maintenance of convection aspects of annual average precipitation; however, the group
during daytime hours is also associated with the thermal tur- 3 does not present the maximum precipitation at 0900 UTC.
bulence, inducing instability in low tropospheric levels and In the 4-group configuration, groups 1 and 2 exhibit a maxi-
intensifies the local convection following the mechanisms mum of 0.45 mm/h and 0.60 mm/h in the late afternoon,
described by Wallace (1975). but a secondary maximum between 06h00 and 09h00 in
In the South region, group 2 is the diurnal cycle preva- group 2 was observed. Finally, two bimodal groups (3 and
lent and exhibits two maximum rainfall rates. The first at 4) are identified, the group 4 are concentrated in the semi-
mid- to late afternoon can be explained by the local convec- arid region of Brazil and the group 3 is spread across Brazil,
tion mechanism early described. The secondary maximum, standing out in the southern region and the semiarid and
during late-evening–early-morning hours, is influenced by Central-West transition areas. In the 5-groups configuration,
large scale mechanisms, notably the association between the group 5 shows a well pronounced maximum of 0.50 mm/h
East Andes LLJ (Marengo et al. 2004; Montini et al. 2019) but is delayed by two hours relative to group 1.
with the High-Level Subtropical Jet (Salio et al. 2007), Group 5 is basically concentrated in the Southeast region,
inducing baroclinicity and influencing the formation and when the low-level convergence modulates the SACZ
maintenance of Mesoscale Convective Complexes in La occurrence. In another way, group 1 is most frequent in the

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7818 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

Fig. 4 Similar to Fig. 3 but for quarter DJF

South region of Brazil. The 6-groups configuration creates to AMZ region (Carvalho et al. 2004; Raia and Cavalcanti
a new group of nocturnal rainfall distributed in Central of 2008; Marengo et al. 2012). The SACZ intensity modulates
Brazil and AMZ with a maximum of 0.50 mm/h, localized the diurnal rainfall in the groups 1 and 2, with a maximum
across SACZ areas. The meteorological aspects during the of precipitation at late-afternoon influencing the convec-
quarter DJF in Brazil are consistent with the presence of tive activity of both groups (1 and 2), which are found from
South America Monsoon System (SAMS), in which the Southeast, Central of Brazil and AMZ.
SACZ exhibit the SE-NW orientation from the Southeast

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7819

In DJF the group 6 exhibits a nocturnal precipitation cycle of maximum at late afternoon. In another way, in the
located in inland areas of AMZ, this maximum can be Central-East, Southeast and South region, we identified diur-
explained due the SL propagation, which are observed dur- nal cycles with less rainfall rates as suggested, for example,
ing all year penetrating into the continent (Cohen et al. 1995; the study of Rao et al. (2016). Additionally, the diurnal cycle
Alcântara et al. 2011). We have identified an expansion of with nighttime rainfall in the coastal NEB (group 4) indi-
area covering by group 4 toward the coastal region; how- cates the activity of Easterly Wave Disturbances according
ever, the bimodal aspect of diurnal cycle was maintained, to Gomes et al. (2019), which are influenced by the increase
corroborating with previous studies over the region (Kousky in sea surface temperature and, therefore, can be explained
1980; Souza and Oyama 2017). This bimodal feature is due through the mechanism proposed by Sui et al. (1997). How-
to the proximity to the oceanic regions as reported for other ever, it is not possible to directly attribute this precipitation
tropical coastal regions of the globe (Yang et al. 2008). The to the occurrence of EWD, as it would require an analysis of
group 3 exhibited maximum in the late afternoon but with case compositions of such systems, simultaneously allow-
less intensity compared to groups 1, 2 and 5. ing us to analyze the partitioning of precipitation in terms
Despite the similarity among the diurnal cycles, the of convective and stratiform clouds. This methodology can
meteorological features of the late-afternoon maximum are be conducted using satellite products or through numeri-
different. In the Borborema Plateau, located in Semiarid of cal models of the climate system; however, it is beyond the
Brazil, the moisture air from the South Atlantic tropical with scope of the present research.The nighttime precipitation of
direction East-Southeast is raised when passing through by group 4 has been reported as a cause of natural disasters
topography influencing the formation of cumulus clouds as and consequent economic and health implication in some
suggested by the classical mechanism described by Tripoli subregions (mostly coastal) of NEB (Rodrigues et al. 2020,
and Cotton (1989). In another way, the NEB is influenced 2021).
by large scale meteorological systems, which promotes pre- In the quarter JJA (Fig. 6) the regions South (group 4)
cipitation (at any time) during the quarter DJF, specifically and Southeast (group 2) stand out for presenting diurnal
the Upper Tropospheric Cyclonic Vortices are observed in cycle with low amplitude along the 24 h and intensity vary-
this period (e.g., Dos Reis et al. 2021). In the inland areas ing between 0.2 mm/hour e 0.1 mm/hour, respectively. At
of AMZ and in the transition of the semiarid to Southeast same time, all Central East and the most part of Semiarid
region the local convection mechanism (Wallace 1975) is shows the lowest precipitation rates, being approximately
dominant. In the South, which is a subtropical region of zero throughout the day, thus during JJA are observed the
Brazil, the incoming solar radiation during the summer lowest precipitation accumulation in the Brazilian territory
months causes strong heating and consequently instability (Rao et al. 2016), although with more frequent occurrences
in atmospheric boundary layer, this mechanism favors the of tropical cyclones and frontal systems reaching the South
formation of precipitation at late afternoon as described by region (Evans and Braun 2012; Escobar et al. 2019), what
Ogura and Takahashi (1971) and Wallace (1975). modulates the diurnal cycle of group 4.
The quarter MAM (Fig. 5) is characterized by a consider- The groups 3, 5 and 6 show diurnal cycle with maximum
able homogeneity in the diurnal cycle of precipitation. Group pronounced. Group 3 is persistent and located in the coastal
1 was the most frequently observed, in which the maximum areas of AMZ with a maximum rate of 0.42 mm/h at 1800
precipitation occurs at 1900 UTC with a rate of 0.25 mm/h, UTC and associated with squall line formation and propa-
being predominant in most of central Brazil, inland of NEB, gation as previously described. The South of AMZ is influ-
South and Southeast. In the coast of NEB, the diurnal cycle enced by dry and cold air mass (also called of friagens),
is typically characterized by nocturnal occurrence of rain- which are eventually associated with the penetration of
fall (0600UTC). In AMZ three cycles were observed. The front cold from the mid latitudes of South Hemisphere, sta-
first, with well pronounced precipitation at late- afternoon bilizing the convective boundary layer and decreasing the
(group 3) and maximum intensity of 0.85 mm/h. The sec- convective precipitation in this region (Fisch et al. 2004;
ond, concentrated in areas away from the coastal zone, in Camarinha-Neto et al. 2021) as suggested by the Ogura
which nocturnal precipitation is observed. The third, with and Takahashi (1971) and Wallace (1975) mechanisms. It
intensity of 0.35 mm/h at 1800 UTC, covering the inland is worth noting that, on average, 3 to 5 friagens events are
areas of AMZ. Finally, the configuration with 6 clusters is observed per year in the South of the AMZ. Therefore, the
characterized by the differentiation between groups 6 and 3, physical mechanisms described by these classic authors may
which have similar intensities, but with a two-hour delay. play a secondary role in modulating the diurnal cycle in this
Concerning the climatological aspects, the quarter MAM region. On the other hand, the region is also influenced by
shows high precipitation rates in Eastern AMZ and North- the formation of the SACZ, which modulates the intensity
ern NEB (de Souza et al. 2005), consistent with the diurnal

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7820 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

Fig. 5 Similar to Fig. 3 but for quarter MAM

of precipitation and cloud cover in the area, as suggested by when the sea breeze is established as described by Souza
previous studies (Carvalho et al. 2004; Pezzi et al. 2023). and Oyama (2017). Group 6 is a variant of group 3 but with
Group 5 covers the coastal area of NEB. Specifically a maximum 2-hour delay, located in coastal North and, in
the East region (between 12oS e 5oS) is affected by East- some cases, inside the AMZ. The maximum intensity is
erly Wave Disturbances more frequently during this quar- 0.4 mm/h and the precipitation occurs in most cases in the
ter (Gomes et al. 2019). In this region, the diurnal cycle is late-afternoon.
characterized by occurrence of rainfall during all nighttime,

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7821

Fig. 6 Similar to Fig. 3 but for quarter JJA

The diurnal cycle observed during the quarter SON to the rest of the country. Southeast, Central-West and AMZ
(Fig. 7) is the most heterogeneous, despite the regions South are characterized by diurnal cycles well defined at late-
and North of NEB can be highlighted. In the South, a diurnal afternoon. Group 1, concentrated in the Southeast region,
cycle without preferred time was observed; however, there the maximum precipitation occurs between 1800 and 2200
are two smooth maximums of 0.25 mm/h at 1000 and 1500 UTC with rates of 0.27 mm/h, while group 2 (distributed
UTC. In parts of the AMZ and NEB (excluding the coastal heterogeneously) shows a maximum precipitation rate of
East) the precipitation observed was smaller by comparison 0.15 mm/h at 1900 UTC. In the configuration with 5 and 6

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7822 C. M. Santos e Silva et al.

Fig. 7 Similar to Fig. 3 but for quarter SON

groups, we observe the formation of group 5, which has a 4 Conclusions

maximum of 0.4 mm at 1900 UTC, concentrated on North-
western AMZ and the group 6 is a variation, in terms of We showed a comprehensive analysis of the diurnal cycle
intensity, of the groups 1 and 2. of precipitation in continental territory of Brazil from an
in-situ database collected with a dense network of weather
automatic stations during the period from 1st January
2008 to 31th December 2020. After applying multivariate

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Diurnal cycle of precipitation in Brazil 7823

Acknowledgements To the National Council for Scientific and Tech-

analysis to determine different groups of diurnal variability, nological Development (CNPq) for the productivity grant conceded to
characterizing the discussing regionals and general aspects the first author (grant 310781/2020-5).
of diurnal cycle in Brazil, as well as the mechanisms modu-
late them. Author contributions Conceptualization: C.M.S.S., D.T.R., B.G.B.
Considering the annual average, four groups was identi- Methodology: C.M.S.S, D.T.R., F.M.; K.R.M. Software: D.T.R, F.M.
Formal analysis: C.M.S.S., B.G.B., P.R.M., C.P.O., W.A.G., J.S.P.,
fied: (i) diurnal cycle with maximum of precipitation intense A.M.V., D.T.R., P.A.A.A. Resources: C.M.S.S., B.G.B., P.R.M. Data
at late afternoon (groups 1 and 2 of the Fig. 2); (ii) diurnal Curation: D.R.T. Writing - Original Draft: C.M.S.S., D.R.T., F.M.,
cycle with intense precipitation during the nighttime period K.R.M., B.G.B. Writing - Review & Editing: C.M.S.S. Visualization:
(group 3 of the Fig. 2); (iii) group 4 of the Fig. 2, character- D.R.T., C.M.S.S., F.M. Supervision: C.M.S.S. Project administration:
ized by a semidiurnal behavior and low precipitation rates.
It is possible to identify other diurnal cycles (maximum of 6,
as shown in the Fig. 2), but the difference is concerning the
intensity of maximum and/or a delay of one or two hours by Competing interests I state herewith that the material of this article
comparing to the group 1. is not being presently considered for publication in any other journal,
In terms of spatial distribution, we can observe that diur- that its publication is approved by all authors and by the responsible
authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will
nal cycle with maximum precipitation at nighttime were
not be published elsewhere, including electronically, in the same form,
concentrated in East coastal of NEB and in the inland areas in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the
of AMZ; in the coastland of NEB the sea breeze mechanism copyright-holder.
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