Insects Trivia Reviewer

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Is a worm an insect?
- No, they are annelids.
How many legs does a housefly have?
- Six
What is the largest type of insect in the world?
- The goliath beetle
How long can a grasshopper live?
- Up to five months
What is the smallest type of insect in the world?
- The fairyfly
What do bees make that we eat?
- Honey
What is the most common type of insect in the world?
- Ants
What is the life expectancy of a mayfly?
- One day
How many times can a dragonfly flap its wings per second?
- 500 times per second
What do fireflies use their light for?
- To attract mates
What is the most poisonous insect in the world?
- The harvester ant
How far can a flea jump?
- 13 inches
What do termites eat?
- Wood (cellulose)
What is the loudest insect in the world?
- The cicada
What is the most common US state insect?
- The honey bee
What was the largest insect ever found?
- A dragonfly with a wingspan of nearly 2 feet
How long does a cicada live?
- Up to 17 years
What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth?
- Butterflies are diurnal and moths are nocturnal
What is the world’s deadliest spider?
- The Brazilian Wandering Spider
How many eyes does a housefly have?
- Only two – but they are as effective as having many more
What is the world’s fastest flying insect?
- The dragonfly, with speeds of up to 35 miles per hour
How much honey can a beehive produce in one year?
- 60 pounds
What is the difference between a wasp and a hornet?
- Wasps are predators and hornets are scavengers
How do ants communicate with each other?
- They release pheromones
What is the primary purpose of an insect’s antennae?
- To touch and smell
Which insect can lift something that is heavier than its own weight?
- The rhinoceros beetle (850 times its weight) (not valid imo since daghan kaayo ang insects na
maka lift pud)
How do bees know where to find flowers?
- By the position of the sun
What kind of insect is a stink bug?
- It is a type of shield bug
How do cockroaches get into homes?
- They crawl through cracks and crevices
What is the difference between an insect and an arachnid?
- Arachnids have 8 legs and insects have 6
What is the difference between a larva and a pupa?
- A larva is an immature form and a pupa is a cocooned form
What do ladybugs eat?
- Aphids
How can you tell a male cricket from a female cricket?
- Male crickets chirp and female crickets do not
Which state is known as the “Insect Capital of the World?
- Iowa
What is the primary purpose of an insect’s exoskeleton?
- Protection
How many wings does a bee have?
- Two
What kind of animals are most likely to eat insects?
- Birds, bats, reptiles, and amphibians
What is the primary purpose of an insect’s compound eyes?
- To see in all directions at once
Which insects can transmit diseases to humans?
- Mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas
What kind of insects are used in research?
- Fruit flies and cockroaches
What are the most dangerous insects in the world?
- The Africanized honey bee and the tsetse fly
What are the most popular insects to collect?
- Butterflies and beetles
What is the difference between an insect and a crustacean?
- Crustaceans have two pairs of antennae and insects have one
How many different kinds of insects are there in the world?
- More than one million
Which country has the most insects?
- Indonesia
What is the most commonly eaten insect?
- The grasshopper
What are the most popular insects to keep as pets?
- Stick insects and hermit crabs
Which insects were involved in Biblical plagues?
- Flies and locusts
What is the primary purpose of an insect’s mouthparts?
- To chew and swallow
What part of their body do butterflies taste with?
- Their feet
What kind of insects can fly backwards?
- Dragonflies
How do water bugs breathe underwater?
- They breathe through their abdomens
What is the name for butterfly collecting?
- Lepidopterology
What are the most popular insects to use in art?
- Beetles and butterflies
Which have more biomass on earth — insects or humans?
- Insects, by a large margin
In what year did the United States mint a silver dollar with an image of a bumblebee on it?
- 1896
In the song “The Itsy Bitsy Spider,” what does the spider climb up?
- The water sprout
In what year was the first National Insect Week celebrated in the United Kingdom?
- 1994
Which insects are considered to be good luck in some cultures?
- Ladybugs
The author Eric Carle wrote a very popular children’s book that has sold more than 50 million copies —
what’s its name?
- “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”
True or False: There is a magazine named “BugWorld”
- True, it is published by Entomological Society of America
Where is the Insect Fear Film Festival held?
- Urbana, Illinois
What is the name of the longest running insect-themed stage show in the world?
- “Bugsy Malone”
What was the first live insect to be sent into space?
- Fruit flies
Where is the largest private collection of insects in the world?
- The Natural History Museum in London???
What is the name of the 1998 animated film about insects that was NOT released by Pixar?
- Antz
What is the name for an insect passing through all of its growth stages and becoming an adult?
- Metamorphosis
What kind of insects are used in traditional Chinese medicine?
- Grasshoppers, cicadas, and beetles

In the novella “Metamorphosis,” what character “awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he
found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect”?
- Gregor Samsa
Which president had an extensive collection of insects that he kept in his office?
- Theodore Roosevelt
The insect fair “Insectapalooza” is held annually at which Ivy League college?
- Cornell University
Which country spends the most money on insect control per year?
- The United States
The company SkeeterVac manufactures what product, which shoots salt at insects and kills them?
- The “Bug-A-Salt gun”
What is the name for an adult male bee that does not have a stinger?
- The drone
What famous writer and scientific theorist collected and studied insects as a hobby?
- Charles Darwin
How many days (on average) does a bumblebee live for?
- 28
How many different species of ladybird are there in the world?
- 5000
Which beetle is the strongest insect on the planet?
- Bull-headed dung beetle (1141 times its weight)
What percentage of all the species in the world are insects?
- 80%
How old (in millions of years) is the oldest insect fossil?
- 400 million years old
Insects have structures known as simple eyes, in addition to the compound eyes they use to see. But what
do they use these simple eyes for?
- Detecting light

What is the largest butterfly in the UK?

- Swallowtail
What is the largest species of insect to be found in the UK?
- Stag beetle
What animal or insect has the most eyes?
- Scorpion
What is a group of monarch butterflies called?
- A kaleidoscope
What percentage of animals are insects?
- 90%
What organ is Not found in insects?
- Lungs
Whiat insect is known to produce honey?
- Bees
What insect has its eyes on its genitalia?
- Swallowtail Butterfly
What immature form does not pass through the Pupal Stage?
- Nymph
How do bees communicate?
- Dancing
What insect is named after celebrity Beyonce?
- Housefly
What part does the snail used to smell?
- Tentacles
What insect was regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt?
- Scarab beetle
What insect is regarded as the largest in the World?
- Stick Insect
What insect is largely found in Amazon Forest?
- Ants
What are the largest miles of ant colony ever recorded?
- 3700 miles
What type of butterfly is the largest in the World?
- Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing
Caterpillar has how many eyes?
- 12 Eyes
What insect is characterized by large-colorful wings which are covered with tiny scales?
- Butterflies
Where are the taste sensors of butterflies located?
- In the feet
What does an insect used to smell?
- Antennae
A Typical mosquito has how many legs?
- Six
What is the lifespan of a mosquito?
- 5 months
What insect has a thick and hard outer pair of wings?
- Beetle
What is the smallest animal ever recorded?
- Fairyfly
What insect has a hearing organ in one of its wing veins?
- Lacewing Butterfly
What is the 3rd Stage of the butterfly's lifecycle stage?
- Pupa
What insect can transmit sleeping disorder to a human being?
- Tsetse Fly
Male mosquitoes bite Human beings.
- False
Some Ants can Fly.
- True
What insect has four equally-sized wings?
- Termite
The boll weevil is found in which type of insects?
- Beetle
What class contains Moths and butterflies?
- Lepidoptera
What insects share the same properties (Bioluminescent) with fungi?
- Fireflies
What does the word mosquito mean?
- Little Fly
Give me one insect that does not lie in the class of Hymenoptera.
- Dragonflies
What is the name given to the family of robber flies?
- Asilidae
What insect can survive on animal waste?
- Scarab Beetle
Who's regarded as the father of entomology?
- Aristotle

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