Information Technology Practical File: For Secondary School Certificate Examination
Information Technology Practical File: For Secondary School Certificate Examination
Information Technology Practical File: For Secondary School Certificate Examination
Practical File
For Secondary School Certificate Examination
Submitted to:
Mr. Krishan Singh Sir
First and foremost, I would like to thank our English Teacher (Name of Teacher) who guided us
in doing these projects. He provided us with invaluable advice and helped us in difficult periods.
His motivation and help contributed tremendously to the successful completion of the project.
Besides, we would like to thank all the teachers who helped us by giving us advice and
providing the equipment which we needed.
Also I would like to thank my family and friends for their support. Without that support we
couldn’t have succeeded in completing this project.
At last but not in least, we would like to thank everyone who helped and motivated us to work
on this project.
Database 12
Open Office Writer
Style Tool
In Open Office Writer some text formatting like font size, font alignment and font face are by
default saved in the software. Those predefined formatting are called style.
For example sometime a user wants to format a heading aligned center, text bold and
underlined in comparison to the paragraph. In this case applying all formatting features in all
headings, we can create a style which would save a lot of time.
Types of Styles
In Open Office ‘Style and Formatting Window’ is used to create, update and delete the style.
F11 is the shortcut key to get 'Style and Formatting Window.' It provides different options:
1) Paragraph Style is used to set font face, font size. line spaces in a Paragraph.
i) Heading 1
ii) Heading 2
iii) Heading 3
Grouping is used to combine multiple
objects into one object which is helpful to
resize and move multiple objects in a
document. These are the steps to use
grouping object:
Note: For ungrouping select grouped object and click mouse right button and select
Group>Ungroup option.
A template is a predefined layout of a
document where we fill our information
and in no time our document is ready.
Any setting that can be saved and
modified in a document can be saved in a
template. There are different types of
template for example: Website template,
Document template, Presentation
Steps to create a template manually:
1) In open office writer type a document
2) Do formatting like font size, font face, font color, Bold, Underline, Italic.
Predefined template
These are the steps to use predefined
a sheet:
in group by option.
5) Press OK button.
Flat File Database
Software that is used for creating documents and it can be used to store Data in a table. For
example MS Word can be used to store one class Data like students name, Age, DOB, Address,
Father Name, and Mother Name etc. For example MS Word, MS Excel
DBMS is software that is primarily designed to store large among of Data in an organized
way. It helps to store, update, delete and retrieve data in an easy manner, so websites,
application software use DBMS to store large amount of data.
Advantages of Database
2) Data Sharing: In a centralized database, data can be shared with different websites as well
as with application software.
3) Better Security: Database is more secure as the users are divided into different categories.
Some of the users may be given authority to read and use the data; other may be given
authority to update data.
4) Data Integrity: Let’s take an example of a database that contains marks scored by students
in an examination. The maximum marks are 100. The marks secured by a student can’t exceed
100. Integrity checks can be inbuilt into the database such that it will accept numbers only in
the range of 0 to 100.
5) Backup and Recovery: Database provides backup and recovery feature. So in case disk
crashes, power failures, or software gives errors, the database can be recovered to the
previous state.
Primary Key
Primary Key is the field (Emp-ID, E-Name etc) in a table which has unique values and doesn’t
remain empty. It helps to find records in a table. You can have only one Primary key in a table.
Composite Key
Composite Key is one or more fields which have all the qualities of Primary key. In above table
Aadhar-No is the composite key as it has unique values.
Foreign Key
Foreign Key is a field in a table which setup a relationship among the tables. In above table
Dept-No is the Foreign Key as it setup relationship between two tables.
Data Type
Data Type is the values that are going to be saved in a table. In above table Employee Name
will be Character, Salary will be Number.