Human Recources Development 2

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Recruiting for

Presenters: Rania & Rim
Professor: Mr.Al Alam
❖ Recruitment is the process by which organizations discover, develop, seek, and
attract individuals to fill actual or anticipated job vacancies and positions.
➢ It is a a bridge-building activity bringing together those with jobs to fill and those
seeking jobs.
❖ The magnitude of an organization’s recruiting effort and the methods to be used in
that recruiting effort are determined from HRM planning.
❖ Recruitment follows HRM planning and job analysis and goes hand in hand with
the selection process by which organizations evaluate the suitability of candidates
for various jobs.
Internal Factors affecting recruiting efforts
Organizational Reputation

1 ● An organization’s reputation in terms of its products and services.
● If the organization has a negative image it may be limited in its HRM recruitment efforts.

Attractiveness of the Job

2 ●

Social attitudes about particular types of employment will also affect the supply of potential employees.
If the job position is considered uninteresting or oppressive recruiting a large and qualified pool of
applicants will be difficult.

Costs of Recruiting
3 ● Recruiting efforts by an organization are expensive, thus cost is an important factor in recruitment and
● Each organization will need to analyze the costs involved in alternative methods of recruitment.

Recruitment Goals
4 ● A successful recruiting program needs to serve many and sometimes conflicting goals. The most basic
and fundamental goal of an organization’s recruiting effort is to accomplish exactly what is stated in its
definition—discover, develop, seek, and attract individuals to fill actual or anticipated job vacancies.
External Factors affecting recruiting efforts
Labor Market Conditions
1 ● If there is a surplus of labor at recruiting time, even informal attempts at recruiting will probably attract
more than enough.
● However, when full employment is nearly reached in an area, skillful and prolonged recruiting may be
necessary to attract any applicants who fulfill the expectations of the organization.
Labor Unions
● In some industries, unions may control the labor supply of applicants.
● In certain garments, potential employees are often referred by the union hiring hall. Although
discrimination against nonunion members is illegal, the union can evaluate applicants in terms of work
experience and acquired skills.

Economic Trends
● Economic trends can influence both the number of people pursuing certain occupations and the demand
for their services.
● At times, however, an organization may need to restructure some of its jobs to adapt them to the people

● Influences
4 ● Federal and state regulations concerning EEO ( Equal Employment Opportunity) set the framework within
which a recruitment program must function.
● An employer can no longer seek out preferred individuals based on non-job-related factors such as
physical appearance, sex, or religious background.
Internal Sources of recruiting
❖ Internal recruiting is the process of looking inside the organization for existing qualified
employees who might be promoted to higher-level positions.

➢ First, the organization should have a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of its

➢ As a result, their transition to higher-level positions is somewhat easier as compared to

employees recruited externally, and the organization can often rely on the fact that these
individuals will continue to promote and enhance the organizational culture in a positive
and beneficial manner.

➢ For example, when one vacancy is filled internally, a second vacancy is created—the
position of the individual who was promoted or transferred to fill the first vacancy.

➢ Even for large organizations, an over-reliance on internal recruitment can be harmful.

External sources of recruiting
➢ External recruiting is a strategy used by organizations to find potential employees outside the
organization. It is particularly beneficial for organizations growing rapidly or with a high demand for
technical, skilled, or managerial employees. External recruiting offers advantages such as a larger
talent pool, new ideas, perspectives, and ways of doing things, which can enhance the
organization's creativity and innovation. It is often cheaper and easier to hire externally than internal
training and development.

➢ However, external recruiting also has disadvantages. It is more difficult to attract, contact, and
evaluate potential employees, and there is a risk of hiring a candidate who doesn't live up to their
potential. Employees hired from outside may need a longer adjustment period, which can cause
problems. Additionally, external recruiting may result in motivational problems within the
organization, as existing employees may believe they have been denied opportunities and are more
qualified than outsiders.

➢ Finally, external recruiting is more expensive than internal recruiting due to the advertising and
search processes involved. The external labor market is larger and harder to reach than the internal
one, making it a more expensive option for organizations.
Job posting and bidding Promotions and Transfers

available jobs are posted in Many organizations choose to fill

central locations throughout the vacancies through promotions and
available jobs are posted in central
organization transfers from within whenever possible.
locations throughout the organization
1 4

Supervisory Recommendations
Supervisory Internal Database
when Recommendations
a new position
Recommendations needs to be filled, a
supervisor simply nominates
needs toorbe filled,
when a new position 2 5 Almost every organization has a pool
recommends internal candidates
supervisor simply nominates or METHODS of internal talent that it can tap when
recommends internal candidates recruiting to fill open positions.

Employee Referrals
Many organizations ask present
Many organizations
employees ask present
to encourage friends
employees to encourage
or relatives to apply. friends
or relatives to apply.
❖ As the organization is attempting to develop a pool of qualified applicants, individuals are simultaneously
attempting to create a pool of potentially interesting and attractive job opportunities from which they can
❖ In many cases a prospective employee’s goals are relatively straightforward. The most common goals
➢ Financial income
➢ Job security
➢ Opportunity for promotion
➢ Benefits

❖ In the end, it is ultimately up to the applicant to accept an offer of employment from an


❖ That is, once an organization attracts a recruit and subsequently decides to offer a job to that
person, the prospective employee still must decide whether or not to accept the job based on
personal preferences.
Alternatives to recruiting
● Overtime
- When an organization faces pressures to meet a production goal, it may mean that employees need to work
overtime. Because the existing employees already know how to do their work, the organization does not have to
provide them with additional training.
- Overtime can also provide employees with additional income.
- On the other hand, overtime may have some negative characteristics as well. Other potential problems with overtime
include fatigue, anxiety, increased accidents, and increased absenteeism.

● Temporary workers
- Another increasingly popular alternative to the recruitment of full-time employees is a growing reliance on temporary
- Today, organizations like the Kelly Temporary Services, Accountemps, Temp-Force Inc., and others are a valuable
source of employees when individuals are needed on a temporary basis to fill professional, technical, and higher
executive positions.
- A major advantage of temporary employment for the organization is that such workers can usually be paid a lower
rate and are often not subject to benefits that are provided to permanent and full-time employees.
- On the other hand, temporary employees tend not to understand the organization’s culture as well as permanent
employees. This unfamiliarity detracts from their commitment to organizational and departmental goals.
● Employee leasing

- Whereas temporary employees come into an organization for a specific short-term project, leased employees typically remain with an
organization for longer periods of time.
- In employee leasing, sometimes called “staff sourcing,” the organization pays a fee to a leasing company that provides a pool of
employees to the organization.There are also benefits from the employee’s point of view.
- Some of today’s workers prefer more flexibility in their lives.
- Care must be exercised in choosing a leasing company, because the individuals are not employees of the organization, they are likely
to be less committed and attached to the organization.

● Independent contractor

- Using independent contractors is another means of recruiting.
- Often referred to as consultants, independent contractors are taking on a new meaning.
- Independent contractor arrangements benefit both the organization and the individual.
- Additionally, this opportunity is also a means of keeping good individuals associated with your organization.
- This cannot be done through typical work arrangements, but allowing the individual to work at home, on his or her time, can generate
a win-win solution to the problem.
Diversity in the workforce

1 Recruiting different races/nationalities

2 Recruiting minorities

3 Recruiting individuals with disabilities

4 Recruiting older workers

Choosing the right recruiting source and methods

● EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) is a crucial aspect of recruitment efforts, focusing on the
effectiveness of recruitment from multiple sources. Despite studies suggesting that different
sources of applicants may lead to different outcomes, there is no clear difference in the
employment experiences of new employees recruited from different sources. Employers often
recruit from multiple sources using multiple methods, generating a large applicant pool and
increasing diversity. The choice of external recruitment method depends on the type of job,
urgency, geographic region, implementation cost, and EEO perspective. Legally, employers must
ensure recruitment efforts extend to females and minority groups, especially when underutilized.
Over-reliance on employee referrals and applicant-initiated recruitment methods may lead to EEO
violations. Help-wanted ads offer a more effective approach.
● Recruitment is a complex and ongoing process for larger organizations, requiring extensive
planning and analysis. EEO legislation has significantly influenced recruitment activities, urging
organizations to avoid primarily by employee referral and walk-ins, as these practices perpetuate
the existing workforce composition. Interviewing is also more complex due to EEO legislation
and court decisions. Interviewers should not ask for information that is potentially prejudiced
unless the organization is prepared to prove it is job-related. Advertising should not indicate age,
race, or sex preference for the job unless it is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ).
Advertising should also indicate that the organization is an equal opportunity employer and does
not discriminate. Non Traditional recruitment sources, such as organizations that place
physically and mentally handicapped persons, should be contacted. Campus recruiting visits
should be scheduled at colleges and universities with large minority and female enrollments.
Organizations must also be sensitive to issues affecting dual-career couples, paying more
attention to the spouse or significant other of the person being recruited.

➔ Evaluating the success of recruiting efforts is important. That is the primary way to find out whether
efforts are cost-effective in terms of time and money spent.

➔ The effectiveness of recruiters is one way to evaluate recruiting efforts. Organizations assign goals for
recruiting different types of employees.
◆ In addition, it is possible and often useful to assess the effectiveness of different recruiting
sources. The process could involve simply calculating the production of labor or the number of
applicants generated by each source.

➔ General areas of concern for recruiting that should be considered by organizations include the following:
◆ Quantity of applicants: Is it sufficient to fill job vacancies?
◆ Quality of applicants: Do the applicants meet job specifications and can they perform the jobs?
◆ Time required to fill openings: Are openings filled quickly with qualified candidates, so that the
work and productivity of the organization are not delayed by vacancies?
◆ Cost per applicant hired: Is the cost for recruiting employees from any single source excessive?
Thank you for your attention!

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