TM-s Pharmacology QBank 2.0

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Question Bank
Pharmacology Edition

As per CBME Curriculum

Paper wise Pharmacology Syllabus

For AP Students,
Paper – 1 Paper – 2
• General Pharmacology • Anti Microbial Drugs
• ANS Pharmacology • Anti Cancer Drugs
• PNS Pharmacology • Endocrine Pharmacology
• CNS Pharmacology • Drugs acting on Respiratory
• CVS Pharmacology System
• Renal Pharmacology • GIT Pharmacology
• Autocoids • Drugs acting on Blood
• Miscellaneous

For TS Students,
Paper – 1 Paper – 2
• General Pharmacology • Anti Microbial Drugs
• ANS Pharmacology • Anti Cancer Drugs
• PNS Pharmacology • Endocrine Pharmacology
• CNS Pharmacology • CVS Pharmacology
• GIT Pharmacology • Renal Pharmacology
• Drugs acting on Respiratory • Drugs acting on Blood
System • Miscellaneous
• Autocoids

NOTE - AETCOM can be asked in any/both Papers

Basic Proforma –
Name of Drug
Class of Drug
• Mechanism of Action – FLOWCHART
• Pharmacological Actions (if any) – System Wise in Brief
• Adverse Effects – Mention the Drug Specific Side Effects before others
• Contraindications –
• Drug Interactions –
• Therapeutic Uses –
General Pharmacology


1. ***** Classify the Routes of Drug Administration. Discuss the

Advantages & Disadvantages. Add a note on Special Drug Delivery

2. *** Define Biotransformation. Explain the various Mechanisms of Drug

Metabolism with Examples (17)

3. ***** Define Bioavailability. Explain the Factors affecting

bioavailability (15I, TS 24)

4. ***** Describe the Factors affecting Drug Action. Mention their

Pharmacological & Clinical Importance (17I, TSI 23)

SAQs –

1. ***** Transdermal Patch – Advantages, Disadvantages & Examples

2. ***** First Pass Metabolism
3. ***** Prodrug - Advantages with Examples
4. *** Microsomal Enzyme Induction & Inhibition and its Significance
5. *** First Order & Zero Order Kinetics with Examples
6. ***** Define Therapeutic Index. Explain Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
with its Indications
7. ***** Fixed Dose Combinations – Advantages, Disadvantages &
8. *** Methods to prolong the Duration of Drug Action
9. ***** Drug Synergism & Antagonism with Examples
10. * General Guidelines for Management of a Drug Poisoning Case
11. *** Define Tolerance. Explain the Types of Tolerance with Examples
12. ***** Dose Response Relationship
13. ***** Phases of a Clinical Trial
14. ***** Pharmacovigilance
15. ***** Adverse Drug Reactions
16. ***** Plasma Half Life & its Importance
17. * Define & Classify Receptors. Describe the different types of GPCRs.


1. ***** Apparent Volume of Distribution

2. ***** Plasma Protein Binding & its Clinical Importance
3. * Anaphylactic Reactions & Idiosyncrasy. Give Examples of Drug
causing it
4. *** Drug Dependence
5. ***** Teratogenicity & Teratogenic Drugs
6. ***** Tachyphylaxis
7. *** Phase III Clinical Trial
8. *** Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacogenetics
9. *** Saturation Kinetics
10. * Hoffman Elimination
11. * Drug Redistribution
12. *** Define Drug, Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
13. *** OTC Drugs
14. *** Orphan Drugs
15. ***** P Drug
16. * Placebo & its Uses
17. *** Loading and Maintenance Dose
18. *** Classify the Drug Dosage Forms
19. *** Essential Medicines
20. * Schedule H Drugs
21. * Name some drugs that can be used in Pregnancy & Lactation
22. ***** Therapeutic Window
23. *** Drugs given by Sublingual Route & its Advantages
24. * Pharmacological Basis of Drug Addiction & Drug De – addiction
ANS Pharmacology

LAQs –

1. ***** Classify Sympathomimetics. Write in detail about the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects &
Contraindications of Epinephrine. (TS 19, AP 24)

2. ***** Classify Beta – Blockers. Write in detail about the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects &
Contraindications of Propranolol (18, AP 19, TSI 20, AP 22, TS 22)

3. ***** Classify Anti - Cholinergic Drugs. Write in detail about the

MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects &
Contraindications of Atropine. Describe the Clinical Features of
Atropine Poisoning & its Treatment (15, TSI 22, API 23, TSI 24)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

Cholinergic Drugs
1. *** Pilocarpine
2. ***** Physostigmine
3. ***** Differentiate between Neostigmine and Physostigmine
4. *** Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis
5. ***** Treatment for Organophosphorus Compounds Poisoning
6. *** Pralidoxime

Anti - Cholinergic Drugs

1. *** Hyoscine
2. ***** Atropine Substitutes with their Uses
Adrenergic Drugs
1. ***** Dopamine
2. *** Terbutaline

Anti-Adrenergic Drugs
1. ***** Selective Alpha 1 blockers (Prazosin)
2. *** Therapeutic Uses of Alpha Blockers
3. ***** Cardioselective Beta Blockers & their Advantages over
4. *** Labetolol
5. ***** Drugs used in Glaucoma


1. *** Mechanism of Action of a Miotic with Examples

2. * 6 Ganglionic Blocking Agents
3. ***** Name Drugs causing Mydriasis without Cycloplegia & Mydriasis
with Cycloplegia. Explain the difference in their Actions
4. ***** Pharmacological Basis of Dale’s Vasomotor Reversal & Dale’s
Vasomotor Re – reversal Phenomenon
5. *** Rationale behind using Dopamine over Adrenaline in Cardiogenic
6. ***** Rationale behind giving Adrenaline along with Lignocaine
7. *** Nasal Decongestants - MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
8. *** Ephedrine - MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
9. *** Phenylephrine - MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
10. ***** Rationale behind using Adrenaline in Anaphylactic Shock
11. *** Rationale behind using Phentolamine or Phenoxybenzamine in Pre –
Operative Preparation in Patients of Pheochromocytoma
12. *** Drug Therapy for BPH
13. * Treatment of Myasthenic Crisis

***** Classify NSAIDs. Explain the MoA, Pharmacological Actions,
Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects & Contraindications of Aspirin.
Describe the Clinical Features & Management of Acute Salicylate

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Adverse Effects &

Therapeutic Uses of –

1. *** Classify H1 Blockers (Anti – Histamines) & Mention MOA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
2. ***** Advantages of 2nd Generation H1 Blockers
3. *** Classes of Drugs used in Treatment of Migraine
4. ***** Sumatriptan
5. ***** Prophylaxis of Migraine
6. ***** Therapeutic Uses of Prostaglandin Analogues
7. ***** Allopurinol
8. ***** Methotrexate
9. *** Indomethacin
10. ***** Selective COX-2 Inhibitors (Advantages and Disadvantages over
11. *** Paracetamol


1. * Name 6 Anti – Serotonin Drugs & Receptors on which they act

2. *** Drug Therapy for Migraine
3. ***** Drug Therapy for Gout (both Acute & Chronic)
4. ***** Classify Anti – Rheumatoid Drugs
5. ***** Paracetamol Poisoning – Mechanism, Symptoms & Management
Drugs acting on Respiratory System


*** Classify the Drugs used for Bronchial Asthma. Describe the MoA,
Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of
Salbutamol (β2 Agonist). Add a note on the Management of Status
Asthmaticus (AP 22, TS 23)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

1. ***** Anti-Tussives
2. *** Mucolytics
3. ***** Theophylline (Methylxanthines)
4. ***** Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (Monteleukast & Zafirleukast)
5. ***** Mast Cell Stabilizers (Sodium Cromoglycate)
6. ***** Explain the Role of Corticosteroids in Bronchial Asthma


1. *** Describe the Adverse Effects & Safety Measures to be followed

during therapy with Budesonide (Inhalational Corticosteroids) in a
Bronchial Asthma patient.
2. * Name 3 Drugs to be avoided in Bronchial Asthma.
3. *** Classify Drugs used in Dry & Productive Cough
4. *** Expectorants
PNS Pharmacology


*** Classify Local Anaesthetics. Describe the MoA, Pharmacological

Actions, Adverse Effects, Drug Interactions, Contraindications &
Therapeutic Uses of Lignocaine (Can be asked as SAQ)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Adverse Effects &

Therapeutic Uses of –

1. ***** Spinal Anaesthesia – Advantages, Uses & Complications

2. ***** Differentiate between Competitive & Depolarising Block (d-
Tubocurarine and Succinylcholine)
3. ***** Dantrolene
4. ***** Succinylcholine
5. *** d-Tubocurarine
6. *** Techniques of Local Anaesthesia with its Uses


1. * Name 3 Centrally Acting Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

2. * Pancuronium
3. *** Infiltration Anaesthesia
4. ***** EMLA – Composition & Uses
5. ***** Succinylcholine Apnoea & its Management
6. *** Differences between Procaine & Lignocaine
7. * A Term primigravida aged 28 years in labour presents for delivery
and demands relief of pain associated during labour and delivery. O/E
there are no contraindications to normal vaginal delivery. So, which
type of regional anaesthesia is most suitable for her and explain why?
CNS Pharmacology

LAQs –

1. ***** Classify Anti – Epileptics. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses,

Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug Interactions of Phenytoin.
Describe Management of Status Epilepticus (TS 20, TS 24, API 24)

2. ***** Classify Anti – Epileptics. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses,

Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug Interactions of Sodium
Valproate. Add a Note on Divalproex (TS 22, TSI 24)

3. *** Classify Anti – Parkinsonian Drugs. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects,
Contraindications & Drug Interactions of Levodopa. Describe On Off
Phenomenon (AP 22)

4. ***** Classify Anti – Psychotics. Describe the MoA, Pharmacological

Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Chlorpromazine (TS 23) ; Olanzapine (API 23)

5. ***** Classify Anti – Depressants. Describe the MoA, Pharmacological

Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of SSRIs (TS 19, AP 22, TSI 22)

6. ***** Classify Opioid Analgesics. Describe the MoA, Pharmacological

Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Morphine. Add a Note on Morphine Poisoning & its
Management (TSI 23)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses &

Adverse Effects of –
General Anaesthetics
1. * Classify & Mention the Characteristics of General Anaesthetics
2. ***** Thiopentone Sodium
3. ***** Propofol
4. ***** Ketamine
5. ***** Pre - Anaesthetic Medications
6. *** Isoflurane

1. *** Disulfiram

1. ***** Diazepam (Advantages over Phenobarbitone)
2. *** Phenobarbitone
3. ***** Zopiclone (Advantages of Zopiclone over Diazepam)

Anti - Epileptic Drugs

1. ***** Carbamazepine
2. *** Newer Anti Epileptic Drugs

Anti - Parkinsonism Drugs

1. * Dopamine Receptor Agonists
2. *** Selegiline
3. *** Importance of Centrally acting Anti - Cholinergics in Parkinsonism.
4. ***** Drug Induced Parkinsonism and it’s Management

Anti – Psychotics & Anti – Mania Drugs

1. ***** Atypical Antipsychotics
2. ***** Lithium
3. *** Haloperidol

Anti - Depressants and Anti - Anxiety Drugs

1. *** TCAs
2. ***** SNRIs
3. *****Atypical Anti - Depressants

Opioid Analgesics
1. *** Codeine
2. ***** Opioid Antagonists
3. *** Pethidine
4. *** Tramadol


1. ***** Dissociative Anaesthesia

2. ***** Second Gas Effect
3. ***** Advantages of Atypical Antipsychotics over Chlorpromazine
4. ***** Rationale the Basis for Combining Halothane and Nitrous Oxide
5. *** Methanol Poisoning
6. *** Management of Benzodiazepine Poisoning
7. *** Management of Acute Barbituate Poisoning
8. ***** Rationale behind combining Carbidopa with Levodopa
9. *** Treatment of Chronic Alcoholism & Acute Alcohol Intoxication
10. * Treatment of Schizophrenia
11. *** Name the Drugs used for Mania
12. * Lysergic Acid Diethyl amide (LSD)
13. *** Monitoring of Lithium Therapy & its Advantages
14. *** MAO – A Inhibitors
15. *** Differentiate between Morphine & Pethidine
16. *** Cheese Reaction & its Management
17. *** CNS Stimulants
18. *** 6 Cognitive Enhancers
19. * Drugs used in Alzheimer’s Disease
20. *** Compare & Contrast the Effects of Halothane & Nitrous Oxide
21. *** Classify Drugs used in Bipolar Disorders
22. *** Rationale behind Morphine being Contraindicated in Head Injury
23. *** Rationale behind Levodopa Therapy Failure in Drug Induced
CVS Pharmacology

LAQs –

1. ***** Classify Drugs used in Hypertension. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects and Drug
Interactions of Enalapril (ACE Inhibitors). Enlist the Drugs used in
Management of Hypertensive Crisis. (16, TS 21, TSI 23, API 24)

2. ***** Classify Anti - Hypertensive Drugs and Describe MoA,

Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects & Drug Interactios of Telmisartan
(ARBs). Enlist the Drugs used in Hypertensive Emergency. (TSI 19)

3. ***** Classify Anti - Anginal Drugs. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic

Uses, Adverse Effects & Drug Interactions of Glyceryl Trinitrate
(Nitrates). Add a Note on Combination Therapy & Nitrate Tolerance in
Angina (TS 23, AP 24)

4. *** Classify Calcium Channel Blockers. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects & Drug
Interactions of Verapamil

5. ***** Classify Drugs used for Congestive Heart Failure. Describe the
MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects &
Drug Interactions of Digoxin. Add a Note on Digoxin Toxicity & its
Management (TSI 22, TSI 24)

6. *** Classify Anti - Arrhythmic Drugs. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects & Drug
Interactions of Amiodarone
SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

Anti – Hypertensives
1. *** Clonidine
2. *** Alpha Methyl Dopa
3. *** Sodium Nitroprusside
4. *** Describe the Role of Sympatholytics in Hypertension
5. * Direct Renin Blocker
6. *** Role of Diuretics in Hypertension

Anti - Anginal Drugs

1. ***** Describe the Drug Therapy in Myocardial Infarction.
2. *** Nicorandil
3. *** Nifedipine

Drugs for Heart Failure

1. *** Describe the Role of Diuretics & Vasodialators in CHF
2. *** Illustrate the Pattern of Clinical Use of Various Classes of Drugs
in Different Stages of Heart Failure
3. *** PDE 3 Inhibitors

Anti - Arrhythmic Drugs

1. ***** Quinidine
2. ***** Lignocaine in Cardiac Arrhythmia
3. *** Adenosine
4. * Procainamide


1. *** Clonidine Withdrawl Syndrome – Clinical Features & Management

2. ***** Describe the Advantages of ARBs over ACE Inhibitors
3. ***** Combination Therapy of ACEI & ARBs is preferred over
4. *** 3 Anti – Hypertensives used in Pregnancy
5. *** Why are ACE Inhibitors contraindicated in Bilateral Renal Artery
Stenosis Patients?
6. *** Treatment of Cyanide Poisoning
7. *** 6 Drugs used in Peripheral Vascular Disease
8. *** Digibind
9. *** Verapamil in Ventricular Arrythmias
10. *** 6 Drugs for Supraventricular Arrythmias
11. *** 3 Drugs used in PSVT & Atrial Fibrillation

Renal Pharmacology

***** Classify Diuretics. Describe briefly about the MoA,
Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Drug Interactions &
Adverse Effects of Loop Diuretics (TSI 22)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses,

Adverse Effects & Drug Interactions of –

1. ***** Thiazides
2. ***** Mannitol
3. ***** Spironolactone
4. ***** Acetazolamide
5. *** Amiloride
6. ***** Vasopression Analogues
7. *** Aldosterone Antagonists


1. *** Rationale behind the Combination of Furosemide & Spironolactone

2. *** Drugs for Diabetes Insipidus
3. * Treatment for SIADH
GIT Pharmacology

***** Classify the Drugs used for Peptic Ulcer Disease. Write in detail
about the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse
Effects, Contraindications & Drug Interactions of Omeprazole (PPIs)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects &

Contraindications of –

Drugs for Peptic Ulcer & GERD

1. ***** Rantidine
2. ***** Enumerate the anti-H.pylori regimens.
3. ***** Pantoprazole
4. *** What are Antacids? Explain with examples.
5. *** Colloidal Bismuth Subcitrate

Antiemetics, Prokinetics & Digestant Drugs

1. ***** Metoclopramide
2. ***** Ondansetron
3. *** Domperidone
4. *** Role of Neuroleptics as Antiemetics

Drugs for Constipation & Diarrhoea

1. *** Antimotility & Antisecretory agents.
2. ***** Osmotic Laxatives
3. ***** Liquid Paraffin
4. *** Bisacodyl
5. *** Stool Softeners

1. *** Differences between Cimetidine & Ranitidine

2. ***** Sucralfate
3. *** 6 Drugs used in GERD
4. *** Drugs used in Dissolution of Gallstones
5. ***** Reasons for Combining Antacids before giving it to a Patient
6. ***** Name 6 Prokinetics
7. *** Name 3 Digestants & their Therapeutic Uses
8. ***** Name 6 Antiemetics
9. *** Define & Classify Laxatives
10. *** Classify Anti Diarrhoeals
11. *** Role of Probiotics in Diarrhoea
12. ***** Role of Zinc in Paediatric Diarrhoea
13. ***** ORS – Composition, Preparation & Therapeutic Uses
14. *** Pharmacotherapy for IBD
15. *** Choice of Laxatives in Elderly
16. *** Non Diarrhoeal Uses of ORS
Drugs acting on Blood
SAQs – Describe the MoA, Adverse Effects, Therapeutic Uses, Drug
Interactions & Contra-indications of –

1. ***** Unfractionated Heparin

2. ***** Low Molecular Weight Heparins
3. ***** Warfarin
4. ***** Differences between Warfarin & Heparin
5. ***** Fibrinolytic Drugs
6. *** Streptokinase
7. *** Anti Platelet Drugs
8. ***** Classify Preparations of Iron & Mention it’s Therapeutic Uses
9. ***** Parenteral Iron Preparations and it’s Indications
10. *** Direct Thrombin Inhibitors
11. *** Clopidogrel
12. * Vit. B12 Preparations, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
13. * Vit B9 Preparations, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
14. ***** Plasma Expanders
15. ***** Statins
16. * Local Haemostatics


1. ***** Classify Anti – Coagulants

2. *** Classify Anti – Platelet Drugs
3. ***** Management of Heparin Overdose
4. ***** Management of Warfarin Overdose
5. ***** Advantages of Low Molecular Weight Heparins over
Unfractionated Heparins
6. *** 3 Anti - Fibrinolytic Drugs & their Therapeutic Uses
7. ***** 6 Contraindications of Thrombolytic Therapy
8. ***** Management of Acute Iron poisoning
9. * Haematopoietic Growth Factors
10. * Erythropoietin Preparations, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects
Endocrine Pharmacology

LAQs –

1. ***** Classify Corticosteroids. Describe the MoA, Pharmacological

Actions, Adverse Effects, Therapeutic Uses, Drug Interactions &
Contraindications for Prednisolone (15I, 16I, API 24)

2. ***** Classify Insulin Preparations. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Indications & Complications of Regular Insulin
Therapy. Add a Note on Insulin Regimens & Insulin Resistance.
Describe the Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (AP 22)

3. ***** Classify Oral Hypoglycaemics. Describe the MoA, Adverse

Effects, Therapeutic Uses, Drug Interactions & Contraindications for
Sulfonylureas (API 23, AP 24)

4. *** Classify Oral Contraceptive Pills. Describe the MoA,

Pharmacological Actions, Adverse Effects, Therapeutic Uses, Drug
Interactions & Contraindications for OCPs. Add a Note on Emergency
Contraceptives. (TS 24)

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Pharmacological Actions, Adverse Effects,

Contraindications & Therapeutic Uses of –

Drugs related to Anterior Pituitary

1. *** GnRH Analogues
2. ***** Bromocriptine

Drugs related to Thyroid

1. ***** Levothyroxine
2. ***** Propylthiouracil
3. ***Carbimazole
4. ***** Radioactive Iodine

Anti-Diabetic Drugs
1. ***** Insulin Analogues
2. *** GLP 1 Agonists (Exenatide, Liraglutide)
3. ***** Sitagliptin
4. ***** Metformin

Drugs related to Androgens

1. *** Anabolic Steroids
2. * Finasteride

Drugs related to Female Hormones & Contraceptives

1. *** Oestrogen Preparations
2. ***** SERMs
3. ***** Clomiphene Citrate
4. * Aromatase Inhibitors
5. ***** Mifeprostone

Drugs acting on Calcium Balance

1. *** Calcitonin
2. ***** Vitamin – D
3. ***** Bisphosphonates


1. *** Drugs used in Acromegaly

2. ***** Management of Thyrotoxic Crisis/Thyroid Storm
3. *** Management of Myxoedema Coma
4. *** Indications of Insulin in Type 2 DM
5. *** Insulin Delivery Devices
6. * Pramlintide
7. ***** Canagliflozin – SGLT 2 Inhibitors
8. *** Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitors – Acarbose
9. * Anti – Androgens
10. ***** Differentiate between Tamoxifen & Raloxifene
11. ***** Ormeloxifene / Centchroman
12. * Synthetic Progestins
13. *** Minipill
14. *** Parenteral Contraceptive Measures
15. *** Rationale behind combining Oestrogen & Progesterone in OCP
16. *** Differences between Oxytocin & Ergometrine
17. ***** Tocolytics
18. * Uterine Stimulants
19. * Finasteride
20. * Teriparatide
Anti Microbial Drugs

LAQs –

1. ***** Classify Beta Lactam Antibiotics. Describe the MoA,

Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Benzyl Penicillin (15, 16, TS 19) ; Amoxicillin (TS
24, TSI 24)

2. *** Classify Cephalosporins. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses,

Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug Interactions of
Ceftriaxone (3rd Generation Cephalosporins) (17, 18, API 23)

3. *** Describe the General Properties of Aminoglycosides. Describe the

MoA, Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Gentamicin (TS 20)

4. ***** Classify Anti – Tubercular Drugs. Describe the MoA,

Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Isoniazid. Add a Short Note on Drug Regimens in
Treatment of TB (AP 19, TSI 19, AP 22, TSI 22)

5. ***** Classify Anti – Tubercular Drugs. Describe the MoA,

Therapeutic Uses, Adverse Effects, Contraindications & Drug
Interactions of Rifampicin. Add a Short Note on DOTS (17I, TS 21,
TSI 22, TSI 23, API 24)

6. ***** Classify Anti-Malarial Drugs. Write briefly about the MoA,

Adverse Effects & Therapeutic Uses of Artemisinin. Add a note on
Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT) (AP 22, TS 23)

7. ***** Classify Anti-Malarial Drugs and describe the MoA, Adverse

Effects & Therapeutic Uses of Chloroquine. Add a note on Treatment
for Chloroquine Resistant Malaria (TS 19, AP 24)
SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

Anti - Microbials - General Considerations

1. Anti - Microbial Resistance
2. Super Infections & Name the Drugs causing it
3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Anti - Microbial Combinations.
4. Prophylaxis of Surgical Site Infections.
5. Chemoprophylaxis

Sulphonamides, Cotrimaoxazole & Quinolones

1. ***** Classify Sulphonamides. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses &
Adverse Effects of Sulphonamides.
2. ***** Cotrimoxazole (+ Preparation)
3. ***** Ciprofloxacin

Beta Lactam Antibiotics

1. ***** Beta Lactamase Inhibitors
2. ***** Amoxicillin

Aminoglycosides, Tetracyclines & Chloramphenicol

1. *** Streptomycin
2. ***** Tetracycline
3. ***** Doxycycline
4. *****Chloramphenicol

Macrolides, Lincosamide, Glycopeptides & Other Anti - Bacterial Drugs

1. ***** Erythromycin
2. ***** Azithromycin
3. ***** Clarithromycin
4. *** Vancomycin

Anti - Tubercular Drugs

1. *** Pyrazinamide
2. ***** RNTCP Guidelines of Treatment for Drug Resistant TB
3. *** Newer Anti-TB Drugs

Anti - Leprotic Drugs

1. ***** Classify Anti - Leprotic drugs. Describe the MoA, Therapeutic
Uses & Adverse Effects of Dapsone.
2. ***** Clofazimine
3. ***** Lepra reactions & their Management


1. ***** Drug Therapy for Typhoid

2. *** Ofloxacin
3. ***** Differentiate between Ampicillin & Amoxicillin
4. ***** Management of Anaphylactic Shock by Penicillins
5. ***** Rationale behind combining Amoxicillin with Clavulinic Acid
6. *** Cilastatin
7. *** Uses of Carbapenems
8. *** Advantages of Neomycin & Soframycin over Gentamicin
9. *** Advantages of Doxycycline over Tetracycline
10. *** Name 6 Urinary Antiseptics/Drugs used in UTIs
11. *** Drug Therapy of Syphillis & Gonorrhoea
12. *** Anti – Pseudomonal Drugs
13. *** Nitrofurantoin
14. *** Drugs active against MRSA
15. *** Drugs active against Anaerobic Organisms
16. *** Chemoprophylaxis of TB
17. *** Multidrug Regimens & Schedules for Leprosy
18. *** Rationale behind preferring Azithromycin over Erythromycin
19. *** Sequential Blockade

SAQs – Describe the MOA, Adverse Effects & Therapeutic Uses of –

Anti - Fungal Drugs
1. ***** Amphotericin B (Drug Interactions are Important)
2. ***** Ketoconazole (Drug Interactions are Important)
3. ***** Itraconazole
4. *** Terbinafine
5. ***** Clotrimazole
6. ***** Topical Anti - Fungal Agents

Anti - Viral Drugs

1. ***** Acyclovir
2. ***** NNRTIs
3. ***** Zidovudine
4. *** Protease inhibitors

Anti - Parasitic Drugs

1. ***** Metronidazole
2. *** Pyrimethamine
3. ***** Primaquine
4. *** Diloxanide furoate
5. ***** Mebendazole
6. ***** Albendazole
7. ***** Diethylcarbamazine citrate
8. ***** Ivermectin
9. *** Praziquantel


1. ***** Whitefield’s Ointment

2. *** Name 6 Anti Herpes Drugs
3. *** Name 6 Anti Hepatitis B & C Drugs
4. * Treatment of HIV in Pregnancy
5. *** HAART
6. *** Post Exposure Prophylaxis of HIV
7. *** Treatment of Malaria in a Pregnant Female
8. ***** Advantages of Albendazole over Mebendazole
9. *** Treatment of Amoebic Dysentry & Neurocysicercosis

Anti - Cancer Drugs

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Adverse Effects & Therapeutic Uses of –

1. ***** Alkylating Agents

2. ***** Cisplatin
3. ***** Methotrexate
4. ***** Purine antagonists
5. ***** Vinca alkaloids
6. ***** Drugs used to Ameliorate Toxicities due to Anti-Cancer Drugs




SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

1. ***** Cyclosporine
2. *** Azathioprine
3. ***** Cyclophosphamide
4. *** TNF – Alpha Inhibitors


1. *** Classify Immunosuppresants

2. * Name 3 Immunostimulants
Chelating Agents

SAQs – Describe the MoA, Therapeutic Uses & Adverse Effects of –

1. ***** Dimercaprol
2. *** Calcium EDTA
3. ***** Penicillamine
4. ***** Drugs used in Iron Poisoning

Drugs acting on Skin, Antiseptics & Disinfectants


1. *** 6 Antiseptics & Disinfectants

2. *** 6 Drugs used in Psoriasis
3. ***** Medical Management of Psoriasis
4. *** 6 Drugs used in Acne
5. ***** Medical Management of Scabies
6. * Retinoic Acid
7. *** Permethrin


1. * Name 3 Live Vaccines & 3 Inactivated Vaccines
2. * Name 6 Drugs useful in Pregnancy without any Side Effects
3. * Name Drugs used for Criminal Offences
4. * Name Pesticides harmful to man
5. * Food Adulteration
6. *** 6 herbal medicines
7. *** Nutraceuticals
8. * Rationale behind Alkalinization of Urine in Dimercaprol Therapy
9. *** 3 Vaccines given by IM Route

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