A Comparative Study of The Pyrolysis and Hydrolysis Conversion of Tire
A Comparative Study of The Pyrolysis and Hydrolysis Conversion of Tire
A Comparative Study of The Pyrolysis and Hydrolysis Conversion of Tire
Keywords: In the present study, we pyrolyzed a waste tire at various temperatures under an N2 atmosphere and a water
Hydrolysis environment in an autoclave reactor to investigate the effect of water on tire degradation. The analysis involved a
Pyrolysis comparison of product distribution, char properties, oil composition, and the behavior of heteroatom elements
(especially oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur) under different atmospheres. Elemental analysis, functional-group
identification, and chemical state analysis of sulfur were performed for chars. In addition, the chemical
composition, elemental composition, and molecular weight of the produced oils were evaluated. The heavy
fraction of oils, not detectable by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), was analyzed through
Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The findings revealed that high
temperatures promoted oil cracking, resulting in the formation of light oils in both pyrolysis and hydrolysis
processes. Compared to pyrolysis, hydrolysis generated a higher yield of low molecular–weight oil. Elevated
hydrolysis temperatures promoted aromatization, yielding an oil with a low H/C ratio and a high double bond
equivalent number. Consequently, the concentration of aromatics in the light fraction of oils generated from the
hydrolysis process exceeded that in oils from the pyrolysis process. Temperature exhibited a limited impact on oil
composition during the pyrolysis process. Hydrolysis promoted the release of heteroatom-containing compounds
at low temperatures. During pyrolysis, nitrogen was gradually released from the solid phase, whereas nitrogen-
containing compounds were released early during hydrolysis, with gas-phase nitrogen accounting for more than
50 wt% at 320 ◦ C. A maximum D-limonene yield of 45.58% was obtained at 360 ◦ C within 0 min of hydrolysis,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Yu).
Received 1 November 2023; Received in revised form 29 January 2024; Accepted 3 February 2024
Available online 7 February 2024
0304-3894/© 2024 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
with the potential conversion of D-limonene into aromatics at higher hydrolysis temperatures. These results
contribute to the understanding of tire valorization via hydrolysis.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
for pyrolysis was shorter than that for hydrolysis as shown in Figure SM- samples were passed through a fused-silica capillary at a rate of 360 μL
2. This result indicates that the energy required to reach the target h− 1 using a syringe pump (Hamilton Corporation). The flow rate of the
temperature and pressure was higher for hydrolysis than for pyrolysis. drying gas N2 was set as 2.0 L min− 1 at 200 ◦ C and that of the nebulizing
For the pyrolysis process, the final pressures ranged from 0.14 to 0.44 gas was 1.0 L min− 1. Peaks with a relative abundance higher than six
MPa, significantly lower than those experienced in the hydrolysis pro standard deviations of the baseline root-mean-square noise (6σ) were
cess. At the end of the experiments, as the furnace cooled, the liquid and used in the data analysis. The chemical formulas
solid products were collected by washing the reactor with dichloro (C1–100H1–200N0–8O0–8S0–4) were determined based on the m/z values,
methane. The solid was separated from the liquid using a filter funnel. with the relative deviation between the measured and theoretical m/z
The oil product was extracted from the water phase using dichloro values being less than 2 ppm. For the parent ions, double bond equiv
methane as a solvent and separated using a separatory funnel. alent (DBE) was calculated as DBE = c − h/2 + n/2 + 1, where c, h, and
n indicate the numbers of C, H, and N atoms in the formulas,
2.3. Characterization respectively.
The elemental composition of solid and liquid products was analyzed 3. Results
using an elemental analyzer (Vario Micro cube). The proximate analyses
of the solid products were conducted using a thermogravimetric appa 3.1. Product distribution
ratus (Las Navas TGA2000). The functional groups present in the solid
products were identified using a Fourier-transform infrared spectrom The product distribution obtained from the thermal treatment of
eter (FTIR; VERTEX 70) within a scanned spectral range from 4000 to tires at various temperatures is presented in Fig. 1(a). A declining trend
400 cm− 1 at a resolution of 2 cm− 1. The valency of sulfur in the solid in solid residue is evident with an increase in temperature for both py
products was determined using an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer rolysis and hydrolysis. Even though more samples are decomposed at
(XPS; Thermo Fisher ESCALAB 250Xi) equipped with a monochromatic higher temperatures, the oil yield decreases with an increase in the
Al Kα radiation source. The ash composition of the tire was analyzed temperature, especially at 410 ◦ C and above. As illustrated in Fig. 1(a),
using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD; PANalytical B.V. x′pert3 powder) hydrolysis at 320 ◦ C yields a maximum amount of 48.64 wt% of oil,
and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF; SHIMADZU EDS-8000). which markedly drops to 41.36 wt% as the temperature increases to
The composition of oils was determined using gas chromatography- 410 ◦ C. Previous studies also showed that the oil yield tends to increase
mass spectrometry (GC–MS, Agilent 7890 A/5975 C); the spectrom with an increase in the temperature between 250 and 375 ◦ C during the
eter equipment was equipped with an HP-5MS column (30 m length, hydrolysis process [29,30], possibly because the reaction is kinetically
0.25 mm internal diameter, and 0.25 mm film thickness) and was pro controlled within this temperature range, but is retarded above
grammed to remain at 45 ◦ C for 4 min, then ramped to 300 ◦ C at a rate of 360–400 ◦ C [22,31]. The decrease in the oil yield is attributed to the
10 K min− 1, and held at 300 ◦ C for 10 min. The molecular weights of the degradation of oils into gaseous products. Below 360 ◦ C, the gas yields
produced oils were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC; are lower than 4 wt% for both treatment methods, indicating that the
EVANS Series 1500); the device was equipped with a Shodex column secondary reaction remains weak. As the temperature increases from
(KF-402.5, L: 300 mm, D: 8 mm), which was kept at 40 ◦ C with tetra 360 to 410 ◦ C, the gas yield significantly increases from 3.18 wt% to
hydrofuran (THF) as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.5 mL min− 1. 21.87 wt%. At a higher temperature of 460 ◦ C, the oil yield experiences a
The resulting UV absorbance signals at 300 nm were recorded. The slight further decrease. These results indicate that the secondary reac
compositions of the heavy fraction of oils were determined by Fourier- tion becomes pronounced at 410 ◦ C and above. The slow ramping and
transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT ICR–MS) cooling periods shown in Figure SM-1 may accelerate the secondary
analysis performed on a 15 T SolariX XR FT ICR–MS system (Bruker reaction at high temperatures.
Corp.) with atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) and electro In comparison to the hydrolysis process, the pyrolysis of a tire in an
spray ionization (ESI). Before the analysis, the oil samples were dis inert atmosphere results in a lower amount of oil but higher gas pro
solved in toluene with a concentration of 0.2 mg mL− 1. The prepared duction. At 320 ◦ C, the conversion rate for the hydrolysis process is
Fig. 1. Product distribution of solid, liquid, and gas. (a) Comparison between pyrolysis and hydrolysis (0 min residence time). (b) Effect of reaction time during
hydrolysis. PY: Pyrolysis; HY: Hydrolysis.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
higher than that for the pyrolysis process. As the temperature increases 3.2.2. Functional groups analysis
to 360 ◦ C, more gas is formed during the pyrolysis process possibly The functional groups in the chars produced from both pyrolysis and
because of the strong catalytic effect of the chars, leading to the cracking hydrolysis are compared in Fig. 2. The strong band at 1632 cm− 1 is
of a substantial amount of the produced oils. associated with C––C polyisoprene [33]. The bands at 2920, 2845, and
The impact of reaction time on the product distribution at various
temperatures during hydrolysis is shown in Fig. 1(b). At 320 ◦ C, the
effect of residence time on the product distribution is weak. The
amounts of the solid residue and oil slightly decrease as the residence
time increases from 0 to 60 min. This result indicates that the vulnerable
components of the organic additives and parts of the rubber may
decompose during the ramping period. As the temperature increases to
360 ◦ C, the solid residue content decreases at 60 min and becomes
similar to that obtained at 410 ◦ C and above, indicating complete
decomposition under this condition. The liquefaction at 410 and 460 ◦ C
for 0 min can produce the maximum yield of oil owing to the minimized
secondary reactions. Increasing the reaction time can decrease the oil
yield, especially at 410 ◦ C and above, possibly due to strong secondary
3.2. Charcharacterization
Table 2
Results of the ultimate and proximate analyses of the chars.
Condition Temperature Time (min) Ultimate analysis Proximate analysis
(◦ C) (wt%, daf.) (wt%, daf.)
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
1435 cm− 1 can be assigned to C–H stretching and bending vibrations The carbon and hydrogen contents show no significant variation with
[34,35]. The band at 460 cm− 1 indicates the existence of S–S [33]. In the the change in pyrolysis temperature. As the temperature increases from
–C polyisoprene and the O–H band in the spectrum
pyrolysis process, C– 320 to 460 ◦ C, the oxygen content markedly decreases from 2.1 to
of the raw tire disappear at 320 ◦ C, and a peak corresponding to aro 1.1 wt%, in contrast to nitrogen and sulfur contents, which only change
matic C––C starts to form, indicating complete conversion of the rubber slightly with the temperature variation. A similar trend is observed for
components and additives. Conversely, the char from the hydrolysis hydrolysis, with the exception that the average oxygen content in oils is
process at 320 ◦ C still preserves moderate intensities of C– –C poly higher. At 460 ◦ C for 60 min, the oxygen in oil can reach up to 2.1 wt%.
isoprene, O–H, and C–H stretching vibration bands. The existence of Correspondingly, the lowest oxygen content of 2.1 wt% can be observed
these bands indicates that parts of rubber and additives are not liquefied. in char generated at the same condition, indicating the release of parts of
Extending reaction time from 0 to 60 min at 320 ◦ C, the C– –C poly oxygen-containing compounds at 460 ◦ C. Another distinct difference
isoprene and O–H band are completely diminished, but a moderate in between pyrolysis and hydrolysis is that the H/C is decreased with the
tensity of the C–H band is still preserved. For chars obtained from both increase in hydrolysis temperature. Specifically, the lowest H/C ratio of
pyrolysis and hydrolysis methods at 410 ◦ C and above, most bands are 1.34 can be registered for oil obtained at 460 ◦ C, indicating the stronger
diminished. dehydrogenation and aromatization reactions.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Table 4
Results of the ultimate analysis of the oils.
Condition Temperature Time (min) Ultimate analysis (wt%, dry)
(◦ C)
Table 5
Molecular weight of the oils.
Pyrolysis Hydrolysis
Time (min) 0 0 60
Temperature(◦ C) 320 360 410 460 320 360 410 460 320 360 410 460
Molecular Weight 928 845 832 654 1130 987 702 378 842 793 746 593
Table 6
Results of the GC–MS analysis of the oils (area.%).
Condition Temperature Time (min) Aliphatic Aromatic O-compounds N,O-compounds S,N,O-compounds
(◦ C) (D-limonene)
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 3. Distributions of different compounds in the oils obtained at different temperatures; the processes were conducted for 60 min (a) ESI and (b) APPI. PY:
Pyrolysis; HY: Hydrolysis.
lower carbon number of around 31, aligning with the low molecular N6O4 accounts for ~45% at 320 ◦ C. Moreover, the oil at 320 ◦ C shows a
weight of the oils revealed by GPC. Under different conditions, the DBE wide DBE distribution ranging from 5 to 28. As the temperature in
number above 6 can be observed for all the oils. This indicates that the creases to 360 ◦ C and above, the DBE shrinks into the range of ~5–15.
hydrocarbons in the heavier fraction of oils mainly exist in the form of Simultaneously, the percentage of the N6O2 subset is gradually
poly-aromatics, likely associated with the existence of styr increased to above 80% as the hydrolysis temperature increases to
ene–butadiene rubber and the cyclization of olefinic structures [46]. 460 ◦ C, possibly owing to the accelerated dehydration reaction [47].
Higher temperatures can increase the upper limit value of DBE. At The distributions of the NxOySz class compounds in the oils derived
320 ◦ C, the DBE is mainly located in the range between 6 and 12. With from the pyrolysis and hydrolysis processes are displayed in Fig. 7.
an increase in temperature to 460 ◦ C, the fraction of the oils with DBE Evidently, the N6OySz subset is dominant, accounting for more than
> 12 markedly increases to 50%, suggesting the formation of more 50%. A small fraction of N7OySz and N8OySz can also be observed.
fused-ring aromatics at high hydrolysis temperatures. This result is Similar to the HC and N6Ox classes, the composition of the NxOySz class
consistent with the low H/C ratio of the oils formed at high hydrolysis only varies slightly with changes in the pyrolysis temperatures. Simi
temperatures as shown in Table 4. larly, N6OxSy, N7O1S1, and N8O1S1 are the most abundant subsets in
The relationship among the carbon number, H/C, and DBE of the oils the oils derived from the hydrolysis process. In contrast to the pyrolysis
produced during the pyrolysis process is depicted in Fig. 4. Similar to the process, more subsets can be observed in the oils derived from the hy
oils derived from the hydrolysis process, most compounds are identified drolysis process at 320 ◦ C. This result indicates that the hydrolysis
in the carbon number range between 25 and 45. The compounds with 35 process can effectively extract hetero-compounds at this temperature. As
carbon atoms show the highest content. For all four oils, the DBE is the hydrolysis temperature increases, parts of the subset are eliminated,
larger than 6, indicating the dominance of aromatics. Similar to the indicating the decomposition of the extracted hetero-compounds.
hydrolysis process, the upper limit value of DBE is markedly increased to For the NxSy class, only the NxS1 subset is detected. Therefore, the
around 17 as the temperature increases to 360 ◦ C. However, the upper relationship between the carbon number and DBE for the NxS1 subset is
limit value of DBE for pyrolytic oils produced at 460 ◦ C is much lower summarized in Fig. 8. For the pyrolytic oils, the carbon number is
than those from the hydrolysis process, indicating that the hydrolysis stretched from around 10 to 40, and the DBE of most compounds is
process is beneficial for the dehydrogenation reaction. larger than 4, indicating the dominance of N,S-containing aromatic
As illustrated in Fig. 3, the ESI mode can detect large amounts of compounds. Under all the conditions, the N3S1 and N6S1 subsets ac
heteroatom compounds, including Nx, Ox, NxOy, NxOySz, NxSy, and count for more than 80%, and the distribution of the different subsets is
OxSy classes. These heteroatom compounds are derived from the barely affected by the pyrolysis temperatures. For the hydrolysis pro
decomposition of different types of additives incorporated during tire cess, a large number of NxS1 compounds can be observed at 320 ◦ C. As
manufacturing. The NxOy class is the most abundant in the oils and is the temperature increases, the number of compounds decreases. Only
possibly formed by the reaction between the rubber antioxidants and the N6S1 and N7S1 subsets are observed for the oils obtained at 360 ◦ C
stearic acid [47]. Therefore, the NxOy class is further classified in Fig. 5. and above.
Evidently, the pyrolysis temperature has a minor effect on the distri The relationship between the carbon number and DBE for different
bution of the NxOy subsets, while high hydrolysis temperatures can Nx subsets is illustrated in Fig. 9. Evidently, the number of compounds
promote the formation of N5Ox at the expense of N6Ox. Among the increases markedly as the pyrolysis temperature increases from 320 to
different NxOy subsets, the N6Ox subset is dominant, accounting for 460 ◦ C. This result indicates that a high pyrolysis temperature can
more than 70%. Therefore, the subset of N6Ox is further classified based promote the formation of N-containing compounds, consistent with the
on the oxygen number in Fig. 6. For pyrolytic oils, the carbon number is results of the ultimate analyses, which reveal the presence of high ni
mainly located in the range between 8 and 40, and the oxygen number is trogen concentrations in the oils (Table 4). The N4 subset is the most
higher than 6. The percentage of N6O2 is more than 65% for all the oils, abundant compound, followed by the N7 subset. Under all the pyrolysis
followed by N6O3 and N6O4. The DBE of the different oils derived from conditions, the carbon number of oils is distributed in the range of
the pyrolysis process is mainly located in the range between 5 and 15, 20–40. The DBE is located in the range between 6 and 14 at 360 ◦ C, and
indicating the dominance of hetero-aromatic compounds. These results the upper limit value increases to 20 as the temperature increases to
indicate that the effect of the pyrolysis temperature on the composition 460 ◦ C. This result indicates the existence of nitrogen cyclic aromatic
of the N6Ox subset is weak. For the hydrolysis process, the subset of compounds in the heavy fraction of oils as well as confirms the
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 4. APPI-analyzed relationship among carbon number, H/C, and DBE for the oils. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d) 460 ◦ C; Hydrolysis: (e)
320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
4. Discussion
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 6. ESI results of the subset of N6Ox compounds in the oils produced from pyrolysis and hydrolysis. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d) 460 ◦ C;
Hydrolysis: (e) 320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 7. ESI results of the subset of NxOySz compounds in the oils produced from pyrolysis and hydrolysis. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d)
460 ◦ C; Hydrolysis: (e) 320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 8. ESI results of the subset of NxS1 compounds in the oils produced from pyrolysis and hydrolysis. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d) 460 ◦ C;
Hydrolysis: (e) 320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 9. ESI results of the subset of Nx compounds in the oils produced from pyrolysis and hydrolysis. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d) 460 ◦ C;
Hydrolysis: (e) 320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 10. ESI results of the subset of Ox compounds in the oils produced from pyrolysis and hydrolysis. Pyrolysis: (a) 320 ◦ C, (b) 360 ◦ C, (c) 410 ◦ C, and (d) 460 ◦ C;
Hydrolysis: (e) 320 ◦ C, (f) 360 ◦ C, (g) 410 ◦ C, and (h) 460 ◦ C.
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
Fig. 11. Carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen balance. PY: Pyrolysis; HY: Hydrolysis.
gas at the expense of oils. Parts of the cracked product may undergo a reactor at various temperatures to demonstrate the decomposition
recombination reaction, forming a high-molecular-weight oil, unlike the behavior of tires under different atmospheres; especially, the behaviors
“cage effect” of the hydrolysis process. Therefore, in contrast to the of hetero-elements oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur were examined. In both
hydrolysis process, the pyrolysis process can simultaneously promote pyrolysis and hydrolysis processes, high temperatures promoted the
cracking and recombination reactions. This simultaneous cracking/ cracking of the rubber macromolecules, resulting in the formation of
recombination of the primary product leads to the formation of heavy low-weight products. Thus, a maximum amount of the aliphatics, mainly
oils, making the pyrolysis process less sensitive to temperature change. D-limonene, was formed at 360 ◦ C and then converted to aromatics at
In the case of hetero-containing compounds, the hydrolysis process further higher temperatures owing to accelerated dehydrogenation re
enables early release of hetero-elements. However, the oxygen content actions. The hydrolysis of tires enabled the extraction of additives,
in the corresponding oils is higher than that in the oils produced during decomposition of rubber, cracking of primary products, and recombi
the pyrolysis process possibly owing to the involvement of water during nation reactions, following a stepwise reaction procedure. Due to the
the reaction. Conversely, the strong cracking reaction can promote “cage effect” of the water atmosphere, the cracking reaction was pro
deoxygenation during the pyrolysis process as reflected by the low ox moted, while the recombination reaction was hindered. Therefore, the
ygen content in the corresponding oils as well as by the observed small hydrolysis process yielded low-molecular-weight oils, as evidenced by
number of Ox class compounds and a large number of Nx class com the significant formation of low-weight aromatics, which were detected
pounds in the heavy oils derived from the pyrolysis process. by GC–MS. In a 60-minute hydrolysis process at 460 ◦ C, high-molecular-
weight oils were produced, indicating a gradual shift from decomposi
5. Conclusions tion to recombination as the reaction proceeded. Comparatively, the
pyrolysis temperature had a less pronounced effect on the oil formation
Pyrolysis and hydrolysis of the tire were conducted in an autoclave and char characteristics. Unlike the hydrolysis process, the pyrolysis
L. Wang et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 468 (2024) 133724
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