BR Iocc 100602
BR Iocc 100602
BR Iocc 100602
Contents 3
Chapter Page
Integrated Operations
Control Center Platform
4 Boost your adaptability to changes in daily operations
Boost your adaptability
to changes in daily
Airlines today demand tools that address changing market dynamics.
Enhanced adaptability, integration, speed, and economies are essential.
Stand-alone systems are not enough. Achieving operational and financial
excellence requires new business models backed by proven technolo-
gies – the very essence of Lufthansa Systems’ IOCC Platform.
The ability to run schedule management, The IOCC Platform’s modular architecture making can be achieved through the
operations control, crew management, flight will also appeal to your CFO, who will note IOCC Platform’s effective data integration.
planning and weight & balance on a com- its role in reducing both: running IT and Individual modules manage the complexi-
mon IT platform delivers countless benefits. application costs. Further realization of its ties associated with cross-departmental
Your CIO and IT staff will appreciate the efficacy as a sound long-term investment operations. By intercepting potential dis-
scalable IOCC Platform for its role in help- will be evident in the need for less IT equip- ruptions, delays are reduced enabling work
ing meet user demands with increased flex- ment, fewer interfaces, adaptations, and processes to advance. To promote opti-
ibility. They will see its powerful strategy and associated cost reductions. mum decision-making, the IOCC Platform
innovative architecture at work in affecting a presents the most cost-effective options,
smooth migration from a legacy system to Improve cross-departmental optimiza- reflecting the best utilization of resources
an integrated environment. They will recog- tion and control operational complexity and minimum failure costs.
nize its positive effects on project planning Across all departments, a notable improve-
and application optimization. ment in workflows, processes and decision-
6 Boost your adaptability to changes in daily operations
The IOCC Platform consists of three ning to day of operations without any gaps. tions, it serves as the main decision-mak-
core elements: Armed with the right information at the right ing component. The IOCC Platform strives
time, staff can be more proactive in care- to execute an airline’s flight schedule as
n The IOCC components fully weighing the alternatives and focus- close as possible to the original plan. It
Integral to the IOCC Platform are its ing on the most pressing issues. Optimal recognizes obvious contingencies and/or
integrated components. These proven decision-making is facilitated through the disruptions that prevent 100 % punctuality
Lufthansa Systems solutions drive all air- IOCC Platform’s presentation of the most and adherence to planned parameters. It
line operational processes from schedule cost-effective options, reflecting the best takes into account other schedules and
management, operations control and use of resources and reduced failure costs. plans that are managed by the various
crew management to flight planning and Airlines can limit the effects of disruptions business units linked to the flight sched-
weight & balance. Typically, business units in advance and return to normal flight ule (e. g., the aircraft rotation plan, pairing
handling these areas work from different operations more quickly, even after serious schedule, crew duty plan, etc.).
locations and use different communication interruptions. While achieving this higher
channels; not ideal to achieving seamless level of efficiency and cost reductions, Moving to the IOCC Platform: a safe
information flow, particularly important airlines benefit from increased customer migration protecting your daily operation
in managing day-to-day disruptions and satisfaction. Lufthansa Systems has developed a
achieving safe, on-time arrivals for passen- proven reliable, step-by-step process
gers and cargo. With the high percentage n IOCC Integration Layer for migrating from a legacy system to
of changes airlines experience in their ini- The IOCC components dock into the the IOCC Platform. Its modular structure
tial aircraft rotations (i. e., up to 70 %), there platform’s prefabricated, standardized and and leading, market-proven components
is a loss of efficiency from initial planning to stable ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). It pro- and modules facilitate gradual migration
the day of operations. vides for the seamless exchange of data achievable even under the most complex
and communications between compo- conditions. This contributes to a smooth
The IOCC Platform’s effective integration of nents. This layer also facilitates enhanced transition with minimum risks. Further, the
data, processes and workflows addresses process integration and step-by-step, oper- complexities associated with interfaces are
this problem by promoting faster decision- ationally-safe legacy system migration. reduced through the IOCC Platform’s mod-
making, detecting and intercepting poten- ularity resulting in streamlined adaptation
tial disruptions, and reducing delays. This n IOCC Management needs, reduced potential errors and lower
is achieved through the platform’s powerful Central to the integrated business platform operating and maintenance costs. The
optimization and recovery tools covering is IOCC Management. Value-driven and IOCC Platform’s unique architecture, cus-
the complete time range from initial plan- based on multi-directional communica- tomization by configuration and powerful
IOCC Platform
IOCC components
optimization tools, combined with its multi- Lufthansa Systems delivers on its IOCC Aviation IT is our business
dimensional, horizontal and vertical busi- promise. Calculations based on specific Lufthansa Systems has a unique airline
ness process integration, afford faster adapt- customer usage scenarios demonstrate heritage and distinction. It is the leading
ability and time-to-market functionality. that even a mid-sized network airline with international provider of airline IT solutions
90 aircraft can save 31.8 million US dol- which have originated directly from the
A fast ROI and a secure long-term lars a year by using the IOCC Platform. airline industry. This constitutes a major
investment Just one year after the first components advantage for achieving targeted standard-
The Lufthansa Systems IOCC Platform become operational, customers will real- ization. Like all our aviation IT solutions, the
strategy is designed for immediate cost ize a return on investment. As a whole, the IOCC Platform reflects the quality associ-
reductions where applied and delivers airline industry could save well over one ated with German initiative and skill. They
a sound, long-term investment. From billion US dollars annually using the IOCC convey the advanced core competencies
fuel consumption and fleet utilization to Platform. and values that drive our product develop-
employee productivity, it promotes cost ment and internal processes. These values
efficiency. By reducing the expenses for Approximately 80 airlines worldwide are are our attention to detail and ongoing
IT operations, adaptations, interfaces and already optimizing their daily flight opera- emphasis on quality and reliability.
innovations, the platform has the potential tions applying individual modules of the
to reduce overall IT costs. There are also IOCC Platform. They are realizing such
additional economic opportunities to be benefits as resource conservation, lower
gained by your airline due to an improved costs and the assurance that as many
ability to implement business model or passengers as possible reach their des-
service changes faster and at lower costs. tinations safely and on-time, even when
the weather or air traffic control conspire
against their operational plans.
■ Tool-oriented ■ Process-oriented
■ Optimization in silos
Core processes
covered by IOCC
Schedule management Operations control Hub and turnaround Maintenance control
IOCC Platform
by numbers
The Lufthansa Systems IOCC Platform strategy is designed to achieve
immediate cost reductions in those areas where it is applied and delivers
a sound, long-term investment. From fuel consumption and fleet utilization
to employee productivity, the platform promotes cost efficiency.
A network carrier with 140 aircraft can achieve up to
1.6 million USD per year in additional revenue through
re-optimized fleet assignment.
of up to 1.75 million USD per year by improving main-
tenance intervals, ferry flights and punctuality as well as
avoiding cancellations.
An airline with 2,000 crew members has a potential of
savings of up to 8 million USD per year by optimized
pairings, reduced overtime and indirect crew costs.
Leading route optimization can reduce fuel consump-
tion by up to 5 % and minimizes CO2 emissions and
overall flight costs at the same time.
Optimized loading and trim can result in up to 0.5 %
fuel savings per flight and can save up to 2 million
USD per year for a mid-size network carrier.
Full-service from
one source
Business software always needs a set of enablers which are necessary
to derive full potential from the solution. You need working and harmo-
nized processes surrounding your applications, a smooth migration,
well-trained staff and a stable and reliable system operation. All this is
delivered by one single source – Lufthansa Systems. You benefit from the
proven reliable, high quality services from the airline industry’s leading
full-service provider.
1 Consulting
Our consulting services support you in IOCC location. Our team of experienced
developing a modern IOCC. Based on our airline consultants walks you through all
unique business process model we will necessary phases and assists you in their
design your individual set-up to foster the concrete implementation. With Lufthansa
efficiency and effectiveness of all opera- Systems’ unique business process model
tional departments. It starts with an analysis you benefit from our best practice experience
of the current business processes and your gained over years in numerous consulting
future requirements. It results in a frame- and implementation projects, and compiled
work of optimized work processes, quality in that standard model.
management and the design of a modern
4 Data services
Lufthansa Systems’ airline expertise enables base, we enable you to focus on your main
us to offer you reliable data services and the business by outsourcing time-consuming
efficiency and safety required in the airline tasks such as maintenance of aircraft data,
business. Our aeronautical database com- navigational data and routes, overflight
prises all data of a non-proprietary nature, permissions, etc. Our comprehensive aero-
according to ICAO standards: meteoro- nautical data services and maintenance of
logical and all static and dynamic data of weight and balance basic data stand for
the AIS (Aeronautical Information Service) completeness, accuracy, timeliness and
domain. By maintaining your specific aircraft traceability.
operator data in the flight planning data-
05 Components of the
supports all aspects of schedule develop- is designed in a manner that supervision supports the entire crew management
ment and management by providing a of the daily operation and the mainte- process, covering all phases from pairing
powerful and easy way to visualize and nance schedule in a proactive manner is construction via crew assignment to crew
modify schedules as well as to evaluate achieved. The system assists the opera- tracking and postflight activities. With a set
the feasibility and profitability of alternative tions controller in evaluating and solving of optimizers and decision support tools,
network and scheduling scenarios. problems in an intuitive way – legally com- crew planners and controllers can create
pliant, fast and cost efficient. NetLine/Ops and maintain efficient duty rosters.
Rotation Optimizer establishes best comprises powerful support for tail assign-
possible aircraft rotations. ment, movement control, ATC slot handling, ■
Pairing facilitates initial planning and
■ Slot Manager takes over the complete hub control and much more. ongoing maintenance of pairings.
slot handling process. ■ Assignment creates and continuously
(TPEM) evaluates the medium to short- ■ HubControl is the tool for transfers and flight schedule disruptions through
term contribution to profitability of sched- and connections supporting the station powerful decision support, automated
ule scenarios. operations control center. administration and real-time notification
■ Flexible Reporting offers the possibil- ■ OpsLink is a web-based solution for handling.
ity to design user-defined reports on all safe and cost-efficient real-time access ■ CrewLink serves as the web-based
aspects of schedule management. to operational data. remote interface for crew members for
■ Swapper proposes capacity adjust- ■ Operational Profitability Evaluation notification distribution, check-in/out,
ments to maximize profitability while Model (OPEM) evaluates the profitability preferential bidding, trip trading, etc.
keeping schedule impacts minimal. contribution for schedule scenarios on ■ Pairing xOPT * based on leading edge
IOCC Platform
IOCC/Flight IOCC/Load
caters to a wide range of applications for handles the weight and balance process of The cross-functional integration of opera-
all planning phases in flight operations; an airline in an integrated and efficient way. tions control, passenger recovery and crew
strategic, long-term planning, daily opera- It keeps track of all the updates from rel- tracking is amplified by specially-designed
tion and postflight analysis. Any operational evant partners that interact before the flight recovery tools and dashboards. They offer
flight plan can be generated either manu- departs: reservations, cargo, flight dispatch, a new way of pro-active problem analysis
ally, fully automated or at any other level movement control, ramp, check-in and and integrated decision-making and are
of manual intervention within the flight fueling – so process stability is safeguarded. unique in the market.
planning process. To enable an optimum Load distribution is done automatically,
solution, Lido/Flight offers a variety of inte- approaching optimum trim while complying ■ Integrated Control Panel provides a
grated modules. For example: with airline-specific loading rules. Never- complete overview of all KPIs (Key Per-
theless, the load controller can take over formance Indicators) which are relevant
■ B
riefing enables pilots to retrieve and manual process control at any time. and specific for your airline’s operation.
print briefing documentation for their The KPI indicates problems with your
coming flight. It also allows them to ■ C
ore provides the load controller with all crew, maintenance event, aircraft rota-
select alternates, to calculate block fuel functionalities allowing for accurate and tion, flight plan, passenger connection,
and to place a fuel order. efficient flight handling and flight docu- load sheet, etc. in an integrated, real-
■ Inflight Monitor informs users about all mentation (e. g., loading instruction, load time and cross-departmental way. The
external influences affecting their flights sheet, messages). Integrated Control Panel monitors prob-
and thus enables them to react in a flex- ■ Automation adds automated flight lem areas long before they materialize
ible way and as early as possible. handling and load planning to the core and offers a drill-down feature to analyze
■ TFR (Traffic Flow Restrictions) inte- functionality, boosting productivity and the root cause.
grates the dynamic restrictions applied optimizing the flight handling process. ■ OCC Forecaster supports anticipatory
to the airway structure published by ATC ■ Shift Manager helps the load control recovery under the aspect of “forecast,
(Air Traffic Control). This allows for the supervisor to balance the daily amount of prepare, avoid” by dividing the handling
most precise route selection by applying flights in an efficient manner between the of a disruption into three phases: forecast
restrictions only when they are in effect available controllers. of a disruption, anticipatory problem anal-
as opposed to permanent restriction. ■ PDA Solution is designed for mobile ysis, and proactive problem resolution.
■ FreeFlight plans the most efficient tra- devices, allowing the ramp agent to ■ Integrated Solver xOPT consistently
jectory for each flight based on the cur- update the system directly from the delivers a recovery tool which seamlessly
rent weather and airspace situation. The apron. complements the integrated schedule
simple use of direct routings through ■ Web Access is a solution for easy inter- planning (Integrated Scheduling xOPT)
free flight airspaces delivers up to 6 % action with other in-house departments with integrated schedule recovery. It
less fuel burn. or 3rd party providers such as freight allows fast decisions within the shortest
■ TakeOff achieves optimum single point forwarders time possible, yet is aimed at the objec-
take-off performance calculations inte- ■ Analyzer offers the capability of creating tive of an overall economical solution.
grated into the flight planning process. detailed reports.
■ Backup achieves offline flight handling
and document creation.
© Corporate Marketing, Lufthansa Systems AG
Integrated Operations
Control Center Platform
Lufthansa Systems AG
Marketing Communications
Am Weiher 24
65451 Kelsterbach