NCERT History Class 12 Part-2 (Chapter-7) by ©IASTIME

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Page 59 O

Theme An 9mperial Capítal vijayanagana

Vijayanagana or 'city o Victory-
name of both a eity and an

ampine.ound ad in 14th eenturypt&t g9 0

19 9t stnetched brom Krishna rtiven in
north to ertnime gouth o
PeninculauRode 00 bona omndr2iD detol gD
City sacked and desented in 1565
oas lezdo go bsa30d-
People temembened it as Hompia nome dorived hrom
mothar poddess Pampadevi.e fo fasmnaildetzs bogomron

The Discoveny oh Hampi

Ruins at Hampi wene brtought Colon e1 Colin
to light in 1800 by
Mackangie, an employee o ElC-prapaned s t 8urvey map ob the
site roceived initial inhormation based en menories o priests
oh Virupoksha tample and shrtine oh Pampadevi

Ray as, Nayakas and Sultans

Hotihara and Bukka tounded vijayanagana Fmpire in 1336 it
induded oitin its hluttuating hrontierrs peoples oho
spoke dibh emant
languages and follewed dibh en ent neligiows traditions

Vijay anagana kings ompeted otth eont emporany rulers on thein

notth ertn hrontiert-incduding 8ultans oh Deccan and Qajapati
rulens o Orissahorr condrt ol ob fertle rivert
valleys and
resourteS tom trade.

9neradlon betiten statesshaning Ideas on arrchitect ure

Rullens o Vijayanagata ealled themsd ves
Kings and traders
b HJanh ame during these times depended upon ahecive eav alry
mportt horses tomHrrabia end eontral Asia

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Page 6

Trrade was initially eontrolled by Arab

tnadens Kudinai ehet or

local eommuniies horse tuaders also

Porluguese annived in irading and. military
149- establish
stations-superion militany 1achnology, use o muskds, enabled
them o beome important playen in tangled poliic). ond
Also noted or iis markets dealing in spieen, tertil pReious
Tradeneganded as a status symbol- boasled oh a wealthy
population - demanded high value erotic goodh, espicially pneciows
stones ond jewallory. gluuy0 uu
Reyenue derived hrom trade in turtn eontribuled signijicantly do

prTosperity oh stade. 3dkoab of ba

The Apogs0 and decline o the Empirne age hioued

Sangama dynasty inst dynaty erenised contnol till 485
supplanted by Saluvad, military comm andans-renained in powert
ill 1503. ou tilo 0p
9angama dynaslyreplared by TuluvaKrishnadaya Raya
bdonged to Tuluva dynahty
His rule won ebaractorused by oxpansion and eonsolidation
Remaind eonstant state of militany Preparnedness, tlounished
i a
a undan conditions o unparallieled peace and prtospenity
Raya emediled with building some bine tamples and adding
impressive goputams do many import ant south 9ndian HemplM
4ounded a suburba0 township neart Vijayanagana, ea ll ed
Nagalapunam ajte hiS moth ert ua
Strain began within
Impanial struclune bollowing Knishnadava Rayo's
death in 1529.suceessors 1rtoubled by reballiovw nayaka
militarty ehiehS.bsd ioabaugakqi badeudgtts aRud d
Military ambitions o Vijay an agana rulens and Deccan Sullana
meuned 1n shi_ting alignments. led to an alliante ob Sultgn
againt Vijayan ag ota l bu n
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Page 6 Q

n SuHan s anmies wene rresponsible bot destruction o vijayanagama

voene not always
eity r e ations batween Sultans and ray
ort inevitably hostile.ts P b oveno
keen to sabiliBy
ensune oh Sultanatu
9 Vijayanagarma kings wtre
o Rama Raya who' tried
and vice versaadventurous poliey 9ulfanato to eombine
to play oh one sultan against anotheruy led
and decislvely dejeat him.
t e ood ornye oofa o0 bobro09 00
TheRayoas and the layakasudp oorob-do1tlo lugoy
Nayakas milltony chlehs- usu ally eontmolled ords and had
o.rtmed suppontens U abont waT ho/nb s
L moved trrom one amea to anothen.
acCempanied by peasants loeking on ferttile land to seHie.
9 usu ally spoke Telugu on Kannada. snitob ba p
submited to autheortity og Viayanagana kings.v pmepno
oten eblled and had to be subduad by milltary action
Amana-payoka system - amajor poltical innov aion. o Vijayanagara
Empimemany jeatures durtived mom iata sgstem o belhi
Sulfan afe. ayb
ovui ot bapnald
militamy commandens who weTe given terundtonin to goveen by
bsd Raya m9n o e jo9fhfe in99tolgd baot tboitiupos
LColleded tax as ond other dues bmom peasanis, enagtpernsons
orond traders in the anea0 pnibiod tion hojibene 9 9
1 tetaiNed some Parts oh revenue 4orr

peresonal use and borr

bst maintaining stipulated eontingant oh honses and

y some uSed hort mant gnante

gleph onts.
temples ond Inrigathion wotks.
L sent trdbute to
king annualg and sent
their to express
royahy.n/ider d 3teret omoeun
Many Nay akou established fndapend ent kingdoms by 7th
hastened eollapse o eentnal impenial stnuctune, iidao
fraolo poidda i batlucn
Vioyenogara: topital and 1s EnvirODs goiV aton

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Page 62

L Víjayanagama was ehanactonised by a distinchive physical layout and

building style. laoly daoiaog
Nat er Resoumtest u 4luedd
5 Location oh Vijoayanagana is natunal basin bortmed by river
ung abhadra lowS in a nornth- eaklarly dineclion.
Sunnounding land scape ohanacdenised by stunning gnanile hills.
A numbern o streams 6low douwn to nivert Trom these rooKy ouferops.
Embankm ents wine built along thase sin eams do eneate nesertyoins
oVarying slses one eh most arnid zones oh penin s ula, glabonate
arurang aments had to be made to store tainioaler and eondutt itto

Tank - built in 2arly years o 15th eantury- now ealled
Kamalapunam tank. - waler brom this 4 ank to Irigated jidds

nearby and to royal centne.0

Hiiya eanal-most prominent waler wonksdrgw waten brom
a dam across Tungabh adra and inri galedeultivat ed vallay that
s2parated 'sacred eantne' tnom unbon coma' buiH by Sangama
dynasty kings.
Fortit ieutions and Roads
AbdurtRazzaq. an ambass adon rom Parsia to ealitut in 15th
eentumy8reatly imprmess ad by ortiications and mentioned 7
linese borts, wbich entirnded both ily and agniullunal hintenland
and hornesis ut 9tu/gigal uaoaa
No montarn on eemanting agant employad anywhare in consiruclion.
WLdge shaped slone blocks held them io placeInnert pordion o
walls wn o eanth packed with rubble-
squarne or necdangulart
babiions prroj eted ouloards. oniblud auues
L Forclihic ation enclosed agnicultunal 1racts-there ane eulhivote
6ields, gandens and houses belwsin Asl, 2nd and 3nd walls-
sohviced by an elabonate coana) syslem
drawing woder rom
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Page 63

Tungabhadra. and olabortate

Uayanagana rulets adoptad a mone xpensive
culturtal Hselh balt
Strategy oh protecting agri
innen core o urban compley
A 2nd line ob hortihication tound

A 8nd line curtmounded royal centrreg noy0

Fot was entared through uoell-guarded gates
linked cty to
roads.- arch on godeway leading into hontijiod eetlement
and dome oven gaBe.- noganded as ypical haatune s o n d
arthitertune intnoduted by Turkish SuHans 9 mt
9Roads ganenally wound artound through valleys, aveiding rocky
of Terrain most Impottant roada extended rom. 1emple gateways,
ined by bazaarts

The Urban Core nfreif momnlpoy aot (aotugoiome

Arthaeologistsound evidence ob houses oh ordinany people.
Fine ehinese port eelain hound in noreth- eastern eotnerr eh unbon
eome0men occupied by rich traderts and Muslims.
BOo Lo cated Tombs and r i o m vedtun
Mandapas jpund in temples oh Hompi. agtid tApqyb
The Royal Centre abeo9 bor
Locoted south -westortn parrti oh the getement
L9nduded overr 60 temples d ba 209/7 7mi fesu v

n Potronage oh fempleS and euHs Important or rul erns ho
wene trying to estoblish and legthimate hein
udit assoiation with divinities housed authonity through
in shnines
dentikied 30 buildings complexu
L Dithenence bebween buildings ond palacole aphai

temples- constructed antitely

oh masorRDY- sulan buidng s were made
oh Perishable
b r f a t reol,.d g9eAe bep 2tahnoR eb/
Tho Mahan av ami DIDD afeennod umartola d

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Page 64

bAmassive plathorm rtising hroma base o obout 1,000 sq.b1

to a
height oh 40 tsupponted 0 wodden strucdune bas is
cOVened oith melia earvings. bsunilasn La
Rituals associated with sinuctune eoinided with Mahanavami 1o
dlay Hindu hestival d uring autumn months oh 8aplembor and Octobert,
also known as Dusehra, Durqa Puja and Navartatri on Mohanava mi.
Vijay anagarna kings displayed thein prestige, powern ond suzerainty
on this occasion
CaMamonies parnhormed tg io.buualak
wonship o image
0oTship oh state hormse and sacribice oh busbaloa and oth er
.Dantes, oTestlings, and processions behore kings and guests by
ehieh Nayakas.
King inspetted his army and armies o nayakas in a grand
caTemony in an open bield on laht day g
Nayakas brought rich gibls bor kings and slipulated tnibute
Other buildings in the Royal eunine
Letus Mahal named by Brtitish Hravellens in 9th century-most

beautihul building-a council chambar, a place whene king met

his advi CoMs. ustautunte
Temples WEne located in both sacred anine and royal eantne
Hazana Rama Templeused only by king and his amily
Seenes rom Ramayana sculpled on innern walls o the shrine.
oMany struclunes at Vijayanagara wene destroyed when the ety
w sacked- Nayoka» continued traditions o building paladial
deuot2s d bsguplas aablo au
he Sacned Centne
Choosing a Capitol w isb lagaitg
Sacned ceninesituated on rodky nonthenn end on the banke of6

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Page 655

moT B7 (90/
ungabh oadra niver. mon kay kingdom
traditon, these hills sheHaied
9 Aecording to local

o Vali and Sugriva mentioned in Ramayana

in the region had a long
historygoing bodk to
o 9 Temple building as and Cholas
de dynasties such an Pallavany chalukyan, Hoy9al
as a means o assoeiating
Rulens ontouraged temple building
aons themselveswth divine ayntgbgeil oponur0
hunctloned as eantres oh learning.
rulens and othens granted land and otherr resouncon bort
maintenante. 21000p o
devedoped a signihieant roligloub, oocial, culturtal and economie
centne s
impontant means whnning 9upont and rogniion jon theirt
Powrt, wealth and piety.
Ueny choiee h site oh Vijayonagara o on inspined by existenca o
shrines o Vinupaksha and Pampadevi.bgo0 o om m
9 ijayanogana kings claimed Ho Tule on bah al oh pod Vinupaksha
all royal ornders were signed 'shri Vinupaksha', usually in
Kanada cript. yo9 odt ni poiblivd not
f20m mfnd P af 2179t vo daitim9 pd bamen udoM 2Uto
Qopurams and Mandapos nodo hmuooppoibtivd rdi
gopunamsorr Royal qatewayS stnuctume o Immense seale that
manked o} Imponial authonity-meant o0s remindarns o ppoRr
Kings, able Ho command mesounA , techniques and skills needed to
constrouet these toWgrung gaf eways 90 eo mon agi9e
Mandap0S on Pavilons and long. pillared connldors ran anound
shrunes within temple eompl&X
virtupaksh a Hemple was built oven
9th-10th eanturniin sub stantly nlanged with inscription suggut
establish ment
oVijayanagona Empire
LiHth ala Temple- principal dety was Vthala, a hom o Vishnu,
wOTShippad genoialg
ahorowhtrraininoducd oh Kan nat oka
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by Vijayonagana rulens. b

9uestors in Setrch o Ancwets

Buildings wene onganised and used.
Ordinany men, women and childmen, comprnising v0t majonity o
people lived in the city

used borr Qreeks and othern paoples who eniened the

subcontinent brom nortth-west.
ttAmara batle on wan

Timeine z tanpoa d
Major Political Davelop mants
C. 1200-1 300- Establishment ob Dahi.Sultanate (1206)
HC.1300-1400 - Establish ment oh Vijoyanagana Empine (1336)
Est obli sh ment ob Bahmani Kingdom (1347)
198b Hampi dedorred a world Heritage site by UNESCO

a u ghaid ttu09 2 mudalt vd bastodiwy d

Jbrivot ytugura abag faud n aslaudnas

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