BS 5499-10-2014+a1-2023

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BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

BSI Standards Publication

Guidance for the selection and use of

safety signs and fire safety notices
BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Publishing and copyright information

The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.

© The British Standards Institution 2023

Published by BSI Standards Limited 2023

ISBN 978 0 539 23175 5

ICS 01.080.10; 13.220.01

The following BSI references relate to the work on this document:

Committee reference PH/8/1
Drafts for comment 14/30260340 DC, 22/30459134 DC

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected

March 2023 A1: see Foreword


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Contents Page

Foreword III
Introduction 1
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 System design 5
4.1 General 5
4.2 Decision on the need for a safety signing system 6
4.3 Assessment area 6
Figure 1 — Decision process 7
4.4 Analysis of the need 10
4.5 Planning 11
4.6 Categories and functions of safety signs 11
4.7 Selection of safety signs and use of supplementary text 12
Figure 2 — Examples of safety signs without supplementary text 12
Figure 3 — Examples of combination safety signs with supplementary text 13
Figure 4 — Examples of multiple signs with supplementary text 14
4.8 Zone of influence 14
Figure 5 — Zone of influence 16
Figure 6 — Measurement of sign height 17
Table 1 — Distance factor, z0, for externally illuminated safety signs based on ordinary materials
or phosphorescent materials 18
Table 2 — Distance factor, z0, for supplementary text of externally illuminated safety signs based
on ordinary materials or phosphorescent materials 18
Table 3 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for identification of safety
signs and legibility of supplementary text for externally illuminated safety signs of different sign
height subject to a vertical illuminance of 100 lux 18
Table 4 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for identification of safety
signs and legibility of supplementary text for externally illuminated safety signs of different sign
height subject to a vertical illuminance of 5 lux 19
4.9 Position of safety signs and fire safety notices 19
4.10 Safety sign and fire safety notice illumination 20
4.11 Construction, durability and suitability 21
4.12 Fixing 21
5 Documentation 21
6 Training and education 22
7 Audit 22
8 Servicing and maintenance 22
9 Monitoring and review 23
Annex A (normative) Fire safety notices 24
Figure A.1 — Geometrical formats for fire safety notices and exclusion zones 24
Table A.1 — Examples of mandatory notices 25
Table A.2 — Examples of fire equipment notices 27
Table A.3 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for legibility of text
for externally illuminated fire safety notices of different height of lower case letters subject to a
vertical illuminance of 100 lux or 5 lux 29
Annex B (informative) Examples of application of distance factor for safety signs 29


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure B.1 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane 30

Figure B.2 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane 31
Figure B.3 — Variation of radius “r” against difference in observation height ΔH for an externally
illuminated safety sign under 100 lux 32
Figure B.4 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane: at eye level of sign
and eye levels of ±1 m above and below the height of sign 33
Figure B.5 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane under a vertical illumination condition of 100 lux 33
Figure B.6 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical
illumination condition of 100 lux 34
Figure B.7 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane under a vertical illumination condition of 5 lux 35
Figure B.8 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case
supplementary text in horizontal plane when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical
illumination condition of 5 lux 36
Figure B.9 — Approaching a safety sign side-on: Circular boundaries of observation distances in
horizontal plane: at eye level of sign and eye levels of ±1 m above and below the height of sign 37
Annex C (informative) Examples of the use of safety signs to indicate the location and
identification of safety equipment, fire equipment and safe drinking water, and of the
hierarchy of safety signs 38
Figure C.1 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify a particular switch as being a first
aid call point 38
Figure C.2 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify a particular telephone as being one
for emergency use 39
Figure C.3 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the position of an emergency
shower so that it can be located 40
Figure C.4 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate that water from a particular tap is
safe for drinking 41
Figure C.5 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the location of a first aid station 41
Figure C.6 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate that a particular locker houses a
stretcher 42
Figure C.7 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify the unit as being a fire alarm
call point 42
Figure C.8 — Illustration of the use of a multiple safety sign to identify the risk(s) and prohibited
action(s) upon entering an oil/gas tank enclosure 43
Figure C.9 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the position of a fire extinguisher
so that it can be located from a distance in a situation where other objects (in this case chairs)
might distract the viewer 44
Figure C.10 — Illustration of the use of a hierarchy of safety signs 44
Bibliography 45

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages I to IV, pages 1 to 45, an inside back cover and a
back cover.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Publishing information
This part of BS 5499 is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence from The British Standards
Institution, and came into effect on 31 August 2014. It was prepared by Subcommittee PH/8/1, Safety
signs, under the authority of Technical Committee PH/8, Graphical symbols. A list of organizations
represented on this committee can be obtained on request to the committee manager.

BS 5499-10:2014+A1:2023 supersedes BS 5499‑10:2014 which is withdrawn.

Relationship with other publications

This part of BS 5499 is part of a series that contains the following current part:
• Part 4: Code of practice for escape route signing.
The original suite of standards on safety signs in BS 5499 included BS 5499‑1, BS 5499‑5, BS 5499‑6
and BS 5499‑11. They were all crosslinked. All have been superseded as follows:
• BS ISO 3864‑1 supersedes BS 5499‑1;
• BS ISO 3864‑4 is new and covers material replacing that in the previous edition of ISO 3864‑1,
specifically the colour of safety signs;
• BS ISO 3864‑3 supersedes BS 5499‑6; and
• BS EN ISO 7010 supersedes BS 5499‑5 and BS 5499‑11.
• Text deleted.
Information about this document
Text introduced or altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated in the text by tags . Minor
editorial corrections are not tagged.
The purpose of this part of BS 5499 is to improve public safety by providing guidance on the use
of safety signs and fire safety notices, excluding escape route signing, fire action notices and water
safety signs.
The provisions of this standard are intended to be applied in situations in which a formal risk
assessment has established the need for safety signs and fire safety notices.
This was a full revision of the standard and the principal changes are a consequence of the adoption
of ISO 3864‑1, ISO 3864‑3 and ISO 3864‑4 as British Standards and the graphical images of the
registered safety signs in BS EN ISO 7010 with regard to colour specification and presentation. Fire
safety notices are now included. Additional guidance is provided on viewing distances and viewing
zones for safety signs and associated supplementary text, including the effects of viewing angle.
Amendment A1 introduces changes regarding guidance on materials used for safety signs.
Use of this document
The colours represented in the electronic file of this British Standard can be neither viewed on screen
nor printed as true representations. Although the copies of this British Standard have been produced
to correspond (with an acceptable tolerance as judged by the naked eye) to the colour requirements,
it is not intended that these printed copies be used for colour matching. Instead, colorimetric and


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

photometric properties together with, as a guideline, references from colour order systems are
provided in BS ISO 3864‑4.
This part of BS 5499 takes the form of guidance and recommendations. It should not be quoted as if
it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are
not misleading.
Any user claiming compliance with this part of BS 5499 is expected to be able to justify any course of
action that deviates from its recommendations.
It has been assumed in the preparation of this part of BS 5499 that the execution of its provisions will
be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people, for whose use it has been produced.

Presentational conventions
The provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Its recommendations are
expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is “should”.
Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does
not constitute a normative element.
The word “should” is used to express recommendations of this standard. The word “may” is used in
the text to express permissibility, e.g. as an alternative to the primary recommendation of the clause.
The word “can” is used to express possibility, e.g. a consequence of an action or an event.
Notes and commentaries are provided throughout the text of this standard. Notes give references
and additional information that are important but do not form part of the recommendations.
Commentaries give background information.

Contractual and legal considerations

This publication has been prepared in good faith, however no representation, warranty, assurance
or undertaking (express or implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will
be accepted by BSI in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of this
publication. All and any such responsibility and liability is expressly disclaimed to the full extent
permitted by the law.
This publication is provided as is, and is to be used at the recipient’s own risk.
The recipient is advised to consider seeking professional guidance with respect to its use of this
This publication is not intended to constitute a contract. Users are responsible for its correct
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Safety signs and fire safety notices can make a major contribution to good communication and the
development of good safety culture.
This standard is intended to assist the facilities manager of the premises and others responsible
for selecting and installing safety signs and fire safety notices. This code of practice reflects best
practice and shows how to use safety signs and fire safety notices in a standardized manner to ensure
consistent application throughout a particular environment or an entire organization.
Safety signs using graphical symbols provide important benefits in the field of communication.
Properly used they can:
a) provide information in a compact form;
b) provide information in a form that is independent of language;
c) have visual impact; and
d) guide the viewer to a desired outcome or appropriate decision.
However, these benefits are not always achieved in practice. If safety signs are used in a consistent
manner they will become familiar to the viewers and thus be widely understood and effective.
There might, however, be instances when optimum results can only be achieved by the provision
of supplementary text. The use of the appropriate combination of safety signs with suitable
supplementary text assists the process of education on the meaning of safety signs and the action(s)
to be taken to control risk.
It is important that safety signs clearly convey the intended message to the viewers. In particular,
safety signs need to clearly differentiate between information that relates to safety requirements
(including those associated with unsafe use or misuse of products and equipment) and those that
relate to public information.
A fire safety notice is a notice that consists of a specific geometrical format and colour with text to
convey a specific action or identify specific types of fire equipment.

1 Scope
This part of BS 5499 provides guidance on how to select, install, position and maintain safety signs
conforming to BS ISO 3864‑1 and BS EN ISO 7010, excluding escape route signs, to present specific
safety information. Fire safety notices are also covered in Annex A.
This part of BS 5499 satisfies the requirements of the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals)
Regulations 1996 [1] and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 [2].
This part of BS 5499 is applicable to all premises, with the exception of private domestic premises.
However, it is applicable to the common access areas within multi‑occupied dwellings.
This part of BS 5499 is intended for use by building owners, facility managers of premises, safety
managers and others responsible for selecting, installing and/or inspecting safety signs.
This part of BS 5499 is not applicable to:
a) road traffic signs;
b) public information symbols;
c) actions to be taken in the event of a fire;
d) International Maritime Organization symbols;


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

e) labels provided under the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations 1996; and
f) labels provided under the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.
This part of BS 5499 does not give guidance on the use of escape route signs or water safety signs.
NOTE 1 A code of practice for the use of escape route signing is given in BS 5499‑4.

NOTE 2 Specification of water safety signs and guidance for use are covered by BS ISO 7010 and
BS ISO 20712‑3 respectively.

NOTE 3 The illustrations in this standard are as accurate as possible within the limitations of the printing process.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 5266‑1, Emergency lighting – Part 1: Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises
BS EN ISO 7010, Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Registered safety
signs (ISO 7010)
BS EN IEC 60598‑1:2021+A11:2022, Luminaires – Part 1: General requirements and tests
BS EN IEC 60598-2-22:2022, Luminaires - Particular requirements. Luminaires for
emergency lighting
BS ISO 3864‑1:2011, Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Part 1: Design principles for
safety signs and safety markings
BS ISO 3864‑3, Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Part 3: Design principles for
graphical symbols for use in safety signs
BS ISO 3864‑4:2011, Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Part 4: Colorimetric and
photometric properties of safety sign materials
BS ISO 17398:2004, Safety colours and safety signs – Classification, performance and durability of
safety signs

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of BS 5499, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 assessment area

premises, or a specific part of the premises, under consideration for safety signing

3.2 audit
systematic and independent process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine
the extent to which specified criteria are fulfilled
NOTE Independent does not necessarily mean external to the organization.

3.3 combination sign

sign that combines a safety sign and one or more associated supplementary signs on the same
rectangular carrier
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.1]


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

3.4 externally illuminated safety sign

safety sign that is illuminated, when required, by an external source
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-4:2011, 3.4]

3.5 factor of distance, z

relationship between the height (h) of a sign and the observation distance (l), used to determine
observation distances of signs z = l h
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.2]

3.6 fire equipment notice

notice that indicates the location of specific fire equipment to be used by competent persons

3.7 fire equipment sign

safety sign that indicates the location or identification of fire equipment
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.3]

3.8 fire safety notice

notice of specific geometrical format and colour with text to convey a specific action or identify
specific types of fire equipment

3.9 graphical symbol

visually perceptible figure with a particular meaning used to transmit information
independently of language
[SOURCE: BS ISO 17724:2003, Definition 31]

3.10 hazard
source of potential harm
[SOURCE: BS ISO 17724:2003, Definition 36]

3.11 identifiability
property of a graphical symbol which enables its elements to be perceived as the objects or
shapes depicted
[SOURCE: BS ISO 9186-2:2008, 3.1]

3.12 internally illuminated safety sign

safety sign that is illuminated, when required, by an internal source
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-4:2011, 3.5]

3.13 letter height

nominal height of the lower case letter “x”

3.14 mains-failure
failure of the power supply to the normal lighting


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

3.15 manager
person in overall control of the premises, exercising this responsibility either in his/her own right or
by delegation
NOTE There may be more than one person in charge of the premises.

3.16 mandatory fire safety notice

notice that indicates that a specific course of action is to be taken

3.17 mandatory sign

safety sign that indicates that a specific course of action is to be taken
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.5]

3.18 ordinary material

material which is neither retroreflecting nor fluorescent nor phosphorescent nor involves powered
light emission nor is activated by a radioactive source
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-4:2011, 3.11]

3.19 phosphorescent material

material incorporating phosphors that, if excited by UV or visible radiation, store energy, which is
emitted as light over a period of time
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-4:2011, 3.12]
NOTE A phosphorescent sign is the same as “photoluminescent” commonly used in the literature of the
photoluminescent safety sign industry.

3.20 premises
building, including any ancillary accommodation and any area under the control of the building
occupier, construction site or other area

3.21 prohibition sign

safety sign that indicates that a specific behaviour is forbidden
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.7]

3.22 risk
combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
[SOURCE: BS ISO 17724:2003, Definition 65]

3.23 risk assessment

process of identifying hazards and evaluating the risks to health and safety arising from these hazards
taking account of the existing risk controls (or, in the case of new activity, the proposed risk controls)

3.24 risk control

selection and application of suitable measures to reduce risk

3.25 safe condition sign

safety sign that indicates an evacuation route, the location of safety equipment or a safety facility, or a
safety action
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.8]


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

3.26 safe observation distance

distance a person can be from a safety sign while still able to identify the safety sign and have the
opportunity to follow the message
NOTE Adapted from ISO 3864‑2.

[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.9]

3.27 safety culture

product of individual and group values, attitudes, competencies and patterns of behaviour that
determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization’s approach to
health and safety

3.28 safety sign

sign that gives a general safety message, by means of a combination of a safety colour and a geometric
shape and which, by the addition of a graphical symbol, gives a particular safety meaning

3.29 sign height

diameter of a circular geometric shape or height of a rectangular or triangular geometric shape
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.13]

3.30 warning sign

safety sign that indicates a specific source of potential harm
[SOURCE: BS ISO 3864-1:2011, 3.6]

3.31 zone of influence

viewing space which encompasses the eye positions of people from where the graphical symbol
elements of a safety sign can be correctly identified and a safety sign located

4 System design
4.1 General
A safety signing system, consisting of safety signs and, where appropriate, fire safety notices, should
ensure that all personnel within the premises (or the part of the premises under review) are reliably
informed, instructed and aware of the location and nature of hazard(s) and the measure(s) required
to control risk to an acceptable level as necessary to meet the requirements of health and safety
legislation and the health and safety management requirements of the organization.
NOTE Fire safety notices are required for security and fire management purposes to meet relevant fire safety
requirements (see Annex A).

All safety signs and fire safety notices should maintain their intrinsic features under mains-failure
The designer of the safety signing system or the specifier of the safety signs and fire safety notices
should follow the principles set out within this code of practice to ensure a uniformity of application
of safety signs and fire safety notices which will lead to increased familiarity, consistent correct
interpretation, maximum influence and good understanding of the safety message.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

4.2 Decision on the need for a safety signing system

NOTE It is assumed that the organization has established and maintained procedures for the ongoing
identification of hazards, the assessment of risk and the implementation of the necessary risk control measures,
which taken together have established the need for safety signs and fire safety notices as part of the risk
control process.

The organization should develop an emergency plan in case any risk control measure fails and
this should form the basis for the provision of suitable emergency and fire equipment and, where
necessary, any associated signing.
Before a decision is taken to use a safety signing system in a particular situation, a risk assessment
should be carried out to identify the hazards and the risks associated with each hazard. For each
hazard the best means of minimizing the risks associated with it should then be selected. The
method of first choice should be to remove the hazard and the second choice should be to prevent
people coming into contact with the hazard. If neither of these options is practical, then a safety sign
should be used.
For example, if the hazard were an uneven floor surface that puts people at risk of a fall, the choices
should be as follows.
• First choice: Remove the hazard by levelling the floor.
• Second choice: Prevent people coming into contact with the hazard by putting up a permanent
and effective barrier.
• Third choice: If neither the first nor the second choice is a practical option, put up a safety sign to
warn people of the hazard.
However, reliance should not be placed on the use of safety signs or fire safety notices where the
hazard could and should be eliminated. For example, the warning of a trip hazard should be a purely
temporary safety sign until the hazard has been eliminated (see Figure 1).

4.3 Assessment area

For the purpose of determining the safety signs and fire safety notices required, the premises should
be divided, in all but the smallest premises, into manageable assessment areas.
NOTE This is particularly important where the premises are large or complex, or where multiple functions are
carried out in the premises.

The establishment of assessment areas should enable the focused scrutiny of the need, if any,
for safety signs and fire safety notices and assists in avoiding the provision of unnecessary or
inappropriate safety signs and fire safety notices.
Each assessment area should be an area for which there is clearly defined and nominated safety
management responsibility and for which a manager or supervisor is deemed to be in control.
The assessment area should have clearly defined boundaries in respect of purpose, process and/or
facility. The assessment area should generally also have clearly defined physical boundaries, such as
divisions, walls, barriers or fencing.
Doors which require a mandatory fire safety notice should be identified. The location of fire fighting
devices to be used by competent persons should be identified.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure 1 — Decision process

Stage 1 Carry out risk assessment of assessment area

Stage 2
risk assessment No
identified a particular


Is the hazard
Remove hazard


people be
prevented from Yes
coming into contact Install prevention
with the


Are you
certain everyone Yes
is fully aware of and
understands the


Appropriate warning sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 3


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure 1 — Decision process (continued)

Stage 3
risk assessment No
identified the need to
prohibit an


Are you
certain everyone
is fully aware of the


Appropriate prohibition sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 4

Stage 4
risk assessment No
identified the need
to require an


Are you
certain everyone Yes
is fully aware of the


Appropriate mandatory sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 5


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure 1 — Decision process (continued)

Stage 5

Is there
fire equipment No
in the


obvious? Is use Yes
obvious? Is equipment
unlikely to be


Appropriate fire equipment sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 6

Stage 6
there safety
equipment or a
safety facility in the


Is location
obvious? Yes
Is use obvious?
Is equipment/facility
unlikely to be


Appropriate safe condition sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 7

NOTE Stage 6 relates to safe condition signs other than evacuation direction signs and
emergency exit signs, which are covered in Stage 7 and in BS 5499-4.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure 1 — Decision process (continued)

Stage 7

Is means of
access/egress Yes
obvious and unlikely
to be


Appropriate safe condition sign is required

Decide whether supplementary text sign is also needed

Go to stage 8

Stage 8
Update risk assessment regularly

Return to stage 2

4.4 Analysis of the need

Safety signs and fire safety notices should be placed so that the occupants of premises are aware and
informed of hazards and risk control measures. Safety signs and fire safety notices should address
any of the following needs:
a) hazard identification: to identify and locate physical, chemical, biological or
psychological hazards;
b) risk control:
1) to prohibit hazardous actions or behaviour;
2) to prohibit specific personnel, procedures or practices; or
3) to mandate specific actions, procedures or practices;
c) implementation of the emergency plan:
1) by locating and identifying safety equipment; and/or
2) by locating and identifying fire equipment;
d) the requirements of health and safety legislation;


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

e) the requirements of enforcing authorities; and/or

f) the operational needs of the health and safety manager, building manager and nominated
person(s) responsible for safety.

4.5 Planning
The following should be taken into account in respect of each assessment area:
a) the use of the specific assessment area;
b) the legislation applicable to the premises and to the specific assessment area;
c) the specific requirements, if any, of the enforcing authorities;
d) the nature of all hazards within the specific assessment area;
e) the risks associated with the hazards identified within the specific assessment area;
f) the safety control measures associated with the hazards identified within the specific
assessment area;
g) the safety management system controlling the process(es) within the assessment area; and
h) the safety management system controlling the induction, training and continuing education of
personnel within the assessment area.
However, only significant risks should be considered when planning a system of safety signs. A
practical cut‑off should be applied; it is neither sensible nor practicable to expend effort identifying
hazards and assessing risks that are obviously minimal or unlikely to occur or with insignificant harm
potential. Safety signs should emulate the documented process of the key steps in the process of risk
assessment and risk control.

4.6 Categories and functions of safety signs

NOTE 1 For fire safety notices, see Annex A.

Safety signs should be in accordance with the design and colour specified in BS ISO 3864‑1,
BS ISO 3864‑3 and BS ISO 3864‑4. The format of the safety signs should be in accordance with
BS EN ISO 7010.
NOTE 2 Registered safety signs are available for viewing on the ISO Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [3].

A system of safety signs should be used to indicate one or more of the following:
a) the location and nature of a particular hazard, using a warning sign;
b) a prohibition instruction to reduce the risk associated with a particular hazard, using a
prohibition sign;
c) a mandatory instruction to reduce the risk associated with a particular hazard, using a
mandatory sign;
d) the location and identification of fire-fighting equipment, using a fire equipment sign; and/or
e) the location and identification of safety equipment and safety facilities and indication of means
of access or egress, using a safe condition sign.
The planning process should establish:
1) the categories of safety signs required; and
2) the message to be conveyed by the safety signs required in each category.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

A comprehensive statement of requirements should be prepared. This should be agreed by all

persons responsible for safety within the assessment area and, where deemed necessary or
appropriate, by any enforcing authority, before the safety signs and their locations are determined.

4.7 Selection of safety signs and use of supplementary text

NOTE 1 For fire safety notices, see Annex A.

Safety signs should be selected from BS EN ISO 7010 to address the requirements established by the
planning process.
NOTE 2 All current safety signs included in ISO 7010 and ISO amendments are available for viewing in the ISO
Online Browsing Platform (OBP) [3].

When selecting safety signs, the following should be taken into account:
a) routine and non-routine activities;
b) activities of all personnel likely to be present within the assessment area (including visitors and
subcontractors); and/or
c) any facility within the assessment area whether provided by the organization or others.
When a safety sign with the required meaning cannot be found in BS EN ISO 7010, a new safety sign
should be designed in accordance with BS ISO 3864‑1 and BS ISO 3864‑3 and submitted to BSI for
potential standardization and registration by ISO before use.
The need to provide supplementary text to inform people of the meaning of the safety sign should
take into account information on comprehension criteria given under “Additional information” for the
BS EN ISO 7010 safety sign.
Figure 2 shows examples where comprehension testing showed that the safety sign exceeded the
criteria of acceptability, however, supplementary text may be used to increase comprehension.
Figure 2 — Examples of safety signs without supplementary text

a) BS ISO EN 7010 M014 b) BS ISO EN 7010 M008

Supplementary text should be used with some safety signs (see BS EN ISO 7010 “Additional
information” for the specific safety sign). When a risk assessment has determined that people
within the assessment area might be unfamiliar with the safety sign or the specific action that is
intended, safety signs should include supplementary text to convey the meaning of the safety sign.
Supplementary text should be used to:
1) give the meaning of the safety sign; or
2) provide more information to expand or particularize the meaning of the safety sign.
The supplementary text should not conflict in any way with the meanings given in BS EN ISO 7010.
Supplementary text should be in lower case letters with an initial upper case letter. The
supplementary text should not overpower the graphical symbol. The height of the lower case letters


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

should be a minimum of 6 mm or 5% of the sign height, whichever is the greater (see Figure 6 for the
measurement of sign height).
For a hazard sign, the word “Warning” should be used to draw attention to the supplementary text.
The height of the lower case letters should be a minimum of 10% of the sign height.
The supplementary text should not be used to determine the maximum viewing distance (see 4.8 and
Annex B). Supplementary text should not be used on its own.
The font used should be either a sans serif typeface, for example Helvetica bold or Helvetica medium,
or a typeface with very small serifs with the following characteristics:
i) widths of strokes throughout the letters constant within 10%;
ii) widths of strokes at least one sixth of the letter height;
iii) width of lower case letter “x” not less than 70% of the letter height;
iv) not condensed, expanded, italic, script, outlined or shaded; and
v) letters individually formed and not joined together.
Figure 3 shows examples of combination safety signs with supplementary text.
Figure 3 — Examples of combination safety signs with supplementary text

Warning No
Flammable No activated
material smoking mobile phones

a) BS EN ISO 7010 W021 b) BS EN ISO 7010 P002 c) BS EN ISO 7010 P013

Where the risk assessment has identified the need for more than one safety sign to communicate a
complete safety message at a specific location, the safety signs and appropriate supplementary text
should be mounted on the same rectangular carrier. The multiple safety signs should be laid out so
that each safety sign is clearly associated with the relevant supplementary text, if any. Figure 4 shows
examples of multiple safety signs with supplementary text.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure 4 — Examples of multiple signs with supplementary text

Warning No No activated
Warning Flammable
material smoking mobile phones



Wear head

Wear head Wear safety

Wear safety protection footwear

Warning Wear head
No access for
forklift trucks and
Wear head obstacle
protection other industrial


No access for
forklift trucks and
other industrial

In order to establish the location, size and position of each safety sign, the required zone of influence
of each safety sign or safety signing system should be established.

4.8 Zone of influence

NOTE 1 The zone of influence is a visual space which encompasses the eye positions of people from where a person
is able to correctly identify the graphical symbol elements of a safety sign.

The viewing sphere for identification distances in BS ISO 3864‑1:2011, Annex A should be used to
workout the zone of influence. The size of the sphere depends upon a factor of distance, z0, the value
of which depends on a range of conditions (see BS ISO 3864‑1:2011, Annex A). Although observers
outside the spherical zone of influence may be able to perceive and some correctly identify the
graphical symbol of the sign, at and within the spherical zone a high proportion of observers should
be able to correctly identify the graphical symbol elements.
NOTE 2 A spherical zone applies to externally or internally illuminated safety signs with Lambertian luminous


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

NOTE 3 Identification is concerned with the perceptual quality of the graphical symbol elements (see
BS ISO 9186‑2) and is not the same as understanding (comprehending) the safety message being conveyed. To
gauge whether supplementary text is required for the safety message to be understood, refer to 4.7.

The spherical zone is a consequence of the apparent size of detail of the graphical symbol depending
upon the cosine of the observation angle α, measured as the angle from the normal to the sign. As the
observation angle becomes further away from the normal/perpendicular to the sign, the distance
between the position of the observer’s eye and the graphical symbol decreases, i.e. the observer
needs to move closer to the sign. The spherical zone touches the sign and has a diameter which
depends upon the multiplication of the safety sign height, h, (see Figure 6) and the value of factor of
distance, z0, appropriate to the type of sign and illumination conditions (see 4.10). Figure 5 shows
a spherical zone and horizontal and vertical rings of diameter of z0h centred at a perpendicular
distance of z0h/2 from the sign. In Figure 5, the safety sign is mounted at a height of 1.7 m above the
floor and the size of the sphere has been scaled for a value h of 60 mm with z0 of 60. The horizontal
red ring (diameter 3.6 m) is in the horizontal plane at the mounting height of the sign. The person
denoted in green with an eye height of 1.7 m is positioned at the circumference/edge of the sphere of
influence at the maximum perpendicular distance from the sign. At other observation angles to the
sign, the “green person” should be positioned on or within the circular zone of the red horizontal ring.
The person denoted in grey is outside the sphere of influence.
NOTE 4 When the angle between the direct line of sight and line of the normal to the sign (from the centre point of
the sign) is α, the observation distance is z0hcosα; see Annex B for further details.

When the eye height of the person is above or below the mounted height of the sign, the radius of the
horizontal circular zone, r, is smaller than 0.5 z0h.
NOTE 5 See Annex B for details of the calculation of r and examples of the effect of height differences.

Figure 5 shows an example of a wheelchair user with an eye height of 1.16 m. The circular zone of
influence for the wheelchair user is denoted by the horizontal blue circular ring.
A spherical zone for the legibility of text should apply to any supplementary text present (see Annex B
for examples of circular zones for legibility).
NOTE 6 See A.3 for application to the text of fire safety notices.

NOTE 7 In general, the height of letters is such that the sphere for legibility of letters is smaller than the sphere for
identifiability of the graphical symbols.

The surface of the spherical zone represents positions at which an observer should be able to
correctly identify the graphical symbol elements of the safety sign. Because correct identification
distance varies between people, even those of similar visual acuity, the diameter of the spherical
zone should be such that a high proportion of the population would correctly identify the graphical
elements or letters.
NOTE 8 This section covers people with normal visual acuity of 1.0 and the effect of the reduced visual acuity of
visually impaired people.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure 5 — Zone of influence

zSIGN 60 Person(s) within the sphere of influence
E 100 lux Person(s) outside the sphere of influence
h 60 mm
H 1.7 m

4.8.1 Required zone of influence and legibility zone

NOTE The zone of influence is concerned with the maximum viewing distance to identify a safety sign from
different relevant viewing positions ranging from normal to oblique and up and down.

By the time a person from the intended user population has reached the boundary to the spherical
zone of influence, the person should be able to correctly identify the graphical symbols of the
safety sign and have the opportunity to correctly follow the message before reaching a safe
observation distance.
Where the safety sign has supplementary text to give further understanding of the safety message, by
the time a person has reached the spherical legibility zone the person should be able to correctly read
the text before reaching a safe observation distance.
Safe observation distance should take into account the category of safety sign and nature of the
message and hazard.
Some safety messages are concerned with locating facilities and equipment which are not
intrinsically hazardous to contact and for these messages, the concern is that facilities and equipment
should be speedily located and operated. For example, a safety sign on a door indicating “push door to


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

open” or “slide door to open” need only be identified and understood from a short distance from the
door and when operated.
Where the safety message concerns hazards, the safe observation distance should be such that
the location of the hazard is identified before it is reached, for example a warning sign “Warning
flammable materials” or “Warning explosive materials” on the entry door, or “Warning floor-level
obstacle”; or is contacted, for example “Warning corrosive substance” or “Warning crushing of hands”.
In order to establish the location, size and position of each safety sign, the required zone of influence
and safe observation distance of each safety sign or safety signing system should be established.

4.8.2 Sign height and size of zones

The measurement of sign height, h, is given in Figure 6.
NOTE 1 Registered safety sign originals in BS EN ISO 7010 are in a uniform 70 mm size with corner marks to
enable accurate enlargement and reduction scaling. A border is not shown.

In order to determine the maximum size of a safety sign needed, the maximum viewing distance at
which a safety sign is required to be conspicuous and identifiable, taking viewing angle into account,
should be determined. This maximum viewing distance normal/perpendicular to the sign is the
diameter of the spherical zone of influence.
NOTE 2 The maximum diameter of the spherical zone of influence at which a safety sign of a particular size is
conspicuous and identifiable depends on the illumination of the safety sign.

The maximum viewing distance normal (perpendicular) to the sign, l, should be calculated from the
sign height, h, using the appropriate distance factor, z0:
l = z0h
where l and h have the same dimensional units; this is typically measured in mm.
Figure 6 — Measurement of sign height
Sign height

Sign height
Sign height

Border Border Border

Sign height
Sign height



The viewing distance of a safety sign is affected by the vertical illumination on the sign or its
luminance in the case of an internally illuminated sign. The lower the vertical illuminance on
externally illuminated safety signs, the larger the sign should be for any chosen viewing distance as
shown by the limits of Table 3 and Table 4.
In accordance with BS ISO 3864‑1, Table 1 provides the distance factors for externally illuminated
safety signs under a range of vertical illuminance. The default distance factor for internally
illuminated signs meeting the requirements of 4.10.4 should be 60 under emergency and normal
lighting conditions.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

NOTE 3 The values for distance factors in Table 1 and Table 2 relate to people with a visual acuity of 1.0.

Table 1 — Distance factor, z0, for externally illuminated safety signs based on ordinary materials or
phosphorescent materials

Vertical illuminance at sign Distance factor, z0, for normal to the sign
≥5 30
≥100 60
NOTE Over the illuminance range up to about 200 lux, z0 varies approximately linearly with the logarithm of

Table 2 — Distance factor, z0, for supplementary text of externally illuminated safety signs based on ordinary
materials or phosphorescent materials

Vertical illuminance at sign Distance factor, z0, for lower case letters for
normal to the sign
≥5 110
≥100 225
NOTE Over the illuminance range up to about 200 lux, z0 varies approximately linearly with the logarithm of

People with visual impairment can have low visual acuity; for example for people with visual acuity of
0.5, values of z0 in Table 1 and Table 2 and for internally illuminated safety signs should be multiplied
by a factor of 0.5.
For externally illuminated safety signs, Table 3 and Table 4 give maximum viewing distances normal
to safety signs/diameter of zone for identification and maximum viewing distances for lower case
letters/diameter of zone for legibility under a vertical illuminance of 100 lux and 5 lux respectively.
Table 3 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for identification of safety signs and
legibility of supplementary text for externally illuminated safety signs of different sign height subject to a vertical
illuminance of 100 lux

Sign height Lower case letter Identification distance Legibility distance

height normal to the safety normal to the safety sign/
sign/diameter of zone of diameter of zone for
influence C) legibility of text D)
mm mm m m
60 6 A)
3.6 1.3
80 6 A) 4.8 1.3
120 6 A)
7.2 1.3
180 9 B)
10.8 2.0
240 12 B) 14.4 2.7
The height of the lower case letters is at least 6 mm.
The height of the lower case letters is 5% of the sign height.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 1 is 60.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 2 is 225.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Table 4 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for identification of safety signs and
legibility of supplementary text for externally illuminated safety signs of different sign height subject to a vertical
illuminance of 5 lux

Sign height Lower case letter Identification distance Legibility distance

height normal to the safety normal to the safety
sign/diameter of zone of sign/diameter of zone
influence C) for legibility of text D)
mm mm m m
60 6 A)
1.8 0.6
80 6 A) 2.4 0.6
120 6 A)
3.6 0.6
180 9 B)
5.4 1.0
240 12 B) 7.2 1.3
The height of the lower case letters is at least 6 mm.
The height of the lower case letters is 5% of the sign height.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 1 is 30.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 2 is 110.

The maximum identification distance from a safety sign and maximum legibility distance from
supplementary text, if present, should be longer than the safe observation distance.
NOTE 4 Examples of identification rings/circles for safety signs and legibility rings/circles for supplementary text
of different heights and the effect of mounting height of the safety sign are given in Annex B.

Drawing appropriately sized circles on a scaled plan can assist in determining an appropriate height
of the safety sign for a particular location and range of approach towards the sign of people of
different eye heights.

4.9 Position of safety signs and fire safety notices

Safety signs and fire safety notices should be positioned:
a) conspicuously within the required zone of influence;
NOTE 1 Care is to be taken to ensure that safety signs are not conspicuous outside the assessment area where
this might cause confusion.

b) so as to be conspicuous to those who are intended to be informed of the safety message;

c) in close proximity to any hazard or equipment to be identified;
NOTE 2 Examples of the use of safety signs to indicate the location and identification of safety equipment, fire
equipment, safe drinking water and multiple safety sign are illustrated in Annex C.

d) where they are not obscured by architectural features, décor, barriers, plants or other
equipment, or other signs;
e) so as not to be adjacent to any other sign that could divert attention from the safety sign;
f) so that safety signs conveying the same message are sited consistently at the same height and
juxtaposition to the specific hazard and/or type of safety equipment;
g) within the normal field of vision of the intended viewer;
NOTE 3 The horizontal eye line may be taken to be 1.7 m from ground or floor level. The horizontal eye line of
a person in a wheelchair may be taken to be 1.16 m from floor level.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

h) so that they contrast with the background on which they are mounted or against which they
are viewed; and
i) where the space in front of the sign can be kept clear so that people with uncorrected visual
impairments are able to get close enough to identify the sign.

4.10 Safety sign and fire safety notice illumination

4.10.1 General
Safety signs and fire safety notices should be conspicuous and identifiable so adequate illumination
is necessary. Safety signs and fire safety notices should continue to be effective upon removal of the
usual light source. It is not normally considered satisfactory to rely on daylight alone for illumination
unless the safety signs or fire safety notices are only required to be effective during daylight hours, for
example in an external environment.
Effective artificial illumination is usually necessary in both normal and in mains‑failure conditions
unless the hazard has been eliminated by the failure of the normal supply, for example if machinery
stops on mains failure.
Some types of lighting, e.g. low pressure sodium, do not enable effective colour recognition and are
therefore unlikely to be suitable for the illumination of safety signs and fire safety notices.
Where emergency lighting is the source of illumination of the safety sign or fire safety notice in the
mains‑failure condition, the response time of the emergency lighting should conform to BS 5266‑1,
which also provides a minimum duration requirement for the emergency lighting.
NOTE Various ways of ensuring the satisfactory illumination of safety signs and fire safety notices are detailed
in 4.10.2, 4.10.3 and 4.10.4.

4.10.2 Externally illuminated signs and notices

The colour and photometric properties of externally illuminated safety signs and fire safety notices
should conform to BS ISO 3864‑4. Where a sign or notice is illuminated by an external source, the
vertical illumination should be not less than 100 lux under normal lighting conditions and should
provide not less than 5 lux on any part of the face of the sign or notice under mains-failure conditions.

4.10.3 Phosphorescent signs and notices

The colour and photometric properties of externally illuminated phosphorescent safety signs and
fire safety notices should conform to BS ISO 3864‑4. The phosphorescent material should be not less
than BS ISO 17398:2004, classification C. Where a phosphorescent sign or notice is used, the vertical
illumination should be not less than 100 lux under normal lighting conditions.
In premises with emergency lighting, the vertical illumination should provide not less than 5 lux on
any part of the face of the sign or notice under mains-failure conditions.

4.10.4 Internally illuminated signs and notices

The colour and photometric properties of internally illuminated safety signs and fire safety notices
should conform to BS ISO 3864‑4. The light source of an internally illuminated sign or notice should
provide a luminous contrast appropriate to its environment without producing glare.
In premises with emergency lighting, the safety sign or fire safety notices under mains-failure
conditions should conform to BS 5266‑1.
NOTE Non-maintained, internally illuminated signs require external illumination under normal,
non-mains-failure conditions.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

4.11 Construction, durability and suitability

Safety signs and fire safety notices should be selected to be suitable for their operating environment.
The following should be considered.
a) Durability:
1) of the base material, with respect to its suitability for internal and/or external applications
and environments and the intended service life of the safety sign or fire safety notice. The
thickness and density of the base material are factors that contribute to its durability; and
2) of the colour, with respect to light fastness and resistance to fading.
NOTE 1 Safety signs and fire safety notices rely on colour as well as shape to convey the safety message
so it is important that the colour does not change during the intended service life of the safety sign or fire
safety notices.

b) Safety:
1) flame resistance. All permanent safety signs and fire safety notices should be flame
resistant when tested in accordance with BS ISO 17398:2004, 7.7. Glow wire tests: parts
of an electrically powered safety sign that do not perform the protection function specified
in BS EN IEC 60598-2-22:2022, Clause 22.16 may be tested at 650 °C in accordance with
BS EN IEC 60598-1:2021+A11:2022, Clause 13.3.2.;
Note deleted.
2) electrical safety. Electrically powered safety signs should conform to
BS EN IEC 60598‑1:2021+A11:2022. Installed safety signs should have a degree of
protection suitable for the expected environmental conditions.
NOTE 2 Refer to BS EN 60529 for additional information on protection.

It is also recommended that assurance from the supplier of the safety signs or fire safety notices
should be sought in these respects.
NOTE 3 Refer to BS ISO 17398:2004 for additional information on durability.

4.12 Fixing
Fixing(s) should be selected to ensure that the safety sign(s) and fire safety notice(s) remain in‑situ
for the intended duration or life expectancy of the safety message.
Fixings to be considered should include:
a) mechanical;
b) adhesive; and/or
c) suspension.
The surface to which the safety sign or fire safety notice is to be fixed should be suitable for the
method chosen, for example, mechanical or suspension fixing requires a stable surface. Surfaces
should be clean, dry, dirt and dust free prior to fixing adhesives.
Advice should be sought from the supplier of the safety signs or fire safety notices as to the most
suitable fixing method to be used.

5 Documentation
Safety signs and fire safety notices should not contradict any formal safety management
documentation or safety management systems.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Safety signs and fire safety notices used in conjunction with any operating manual or formal safety
management procedure and practice should be recorded as part of the formal safety management
documentation system.
The date of installation of each safety sign and fire safety notice should be noted in a log.

6 Training and education

The organization should identify and implement any training and ongoing education needed as a
result of the installation of a safety signing or fire safety notice system. Employees and contractors
within any specific assessment area should be provided with instruction and training in respect
of the meaning of safety signs and the purpose of fire safety notices and actions required in
conjunction with them.

7 Audit
Once the installation of the safety signing or fire safety notice system is complete the organization
should carry out a formal audit to ensure the effectiveness and relevance of the system and of each
individual safety sign or fire safety notice.

8 Servicing and maintenance

Safety signs and fire safety notices should be visually inspected and cleaned at regular intervals. Any
defects should be remedied.
Safety signs and fire safety notices should be replaced or immediate action should be taken as a result
of any of the following defects:
a) surface dirt, dust or grease;
b) fading of the colour;
c) other changes in the colour;
d) evidence of deformation, cracking, peeling or flaking of the material;
e) evidence of fixing failure;
f) obstruction;
g) insufficient illumination; and
h) defacement.
If a defective safety sign or fire safety notice requires replacement, it should be replaced with one
conveying the same meaning and of the same or similar type so as to remain consistent with the
safety signing or fire safety notice system in place.
Cleaning intervals should be scheduled to ensure that safety signs and fire safety notices remain
effective. These intervals should be individually determined according to the assessment area and
the activities undertaken within that assessment area. For example, in order to maintain the integrity
and identifiability of safety signs, an assessment area producing dust should have a more regular
maintenance and inspection programme compared to that in an office environment.
A general, non‑abrasive cleaner and a soft cloth should be used in most cases. However, advice from
the supplier of the safety signs or fire safety notices should be sought to clarify the most effective
cleaning method to be used.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

9 Monitoring and review

The organization should:
• provide for the continued monitoring of the effectiveness and continued relevance of the safety
signing or fire safety notice system and of each individual safety sign and fire safety notice;
• ensure that safety signs and fire safety notices are properly maintained; and
• ensure that safety signs and fire safety notices are removed immediately the specific hazard has
been eliminated or any risk control measure is no longer deemed appropriate.
A formal review of the safety signing or fire safety notice system should be carried out annually.
NOTE This may form part of the formal status review of the safety management system.

The following factors should be considered as part of the review:

a) the use of the assessment area;
b) the legislation applicable to the premises and the assessment area and the requirements, if any,
of the enforcing authorities;
c) the safety management system controlling processes within the assessment area; and
d) the safety management system controlling the training, induction and continuing education of
personnel within specific assessment areas.
If the premises are modified or the use of the premises changes, or if any of the design considerations
detailed as part of the status review change significantly, the safety signing or fire safety notice
system should be reviewed and modified as necessary.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Annex A (normative)
Fire safety notices

A.1 Design principles

The geometrical format of mandatory notices and fire equipment notices should be in accordance
with Figure A.1a) and Figure A.1b) respectively. The safety colour and contrast colour should be in
accordance with BS ISO 3864‑4.
NOTE The geometrical format for fire equipment notices incorporates a “flame determinant”.

Text within the geometrical format should give a specific message. The text should be in lower
case with an initial upper case letter. The font used should be either a sans serif typeface, for
example Helvetica bold or Helvetica medium, or a typeface with very small serifs with the following
a) widths of strokes throughout the letters constant within 10%;
b) widths of strokes at least one sixth of the letter height;
c) width of lower case letter “x” not less than 70% of the letter height;
d) not condensed, expanded, italic, script, outline or shaded; and
e) letters individually formed and not joined together.”
No part of the text should enter an exclusion zone of width 0.08 x notice height, or the determinant
(see Figure A.1).
Figure A.1 — Geometrical formats for fire safety notices and exclusion zones



a) Mandatory notice b) Fire equipment notice

Exclusion zone: A zone, set within the circle, which Exclusion zone: A zone, set within the square, which
has a width equal to 0.08 of the outer diameter of the has a width equal to 0.08 of the outer square of the
notice. The boundary of the exclusion zone is shown notice. The boundary of the exclusion zone is shown
by a dotted white line. by a dotted white line.
A Mandatory notice C Fire equipment notice
B Exclusion zone 0.08 notice diameter D Exclusion zone 0.08 height of square
E Flame determinant


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

A.2 Selection of fire safety notices

A comprehensive statement of requirements for fire safety notices should be prepared. This should
be agreed by all persons responsible for safety within the assessment area and, where deemed
necessary or appropriate, by any enforcing authority, before the fire safety notices and their locations
are determined.
Fire safety notices should be selected from the examples in Table A.1 or Table A.2. When a fire notice
of the required meaning is not within Table A.1 or Table A.2, a new fire safety notice should be
designed in accordance with A.1.
NOTE 1 The examples in Table A.1 and Table A.2 include fire safety notices that had been in BS 5499‑5.

NOTE 2 Borders are excluded from the dimension of the geometrical format.

Table A.1 — Examples of mandatory notices

Reference No. FNM1

Fire door To signify that the fire door has to be kept shut
keep shut Dimensions

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 60 mm
Reference No. FNM2

Fire door
To signify that the fire door has to be kept locked shut
keep locked
shut Dimensions

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 60 mm
Reference No. FNM3

fire door To signify that the automatic fire door has to be kept
keep clear

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 60 mm
Reference No. FNM4

Close Function

this door To signify that the door has to be closed at night

at night Dimensions

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 60 mm


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Table A.1 — Examples of mandatory notices (continued)

Reference No. FNM5

Security Function
notice. To signify that the security door is alarmed
This door is Dimensions
Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 60 mm
Reference No. FNM6

Secure door Function

open when To signify that the secure door has to be open when
premises are premises are occupied
occupied Dimensions

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 80 mm
Reference No. FNM7
fastening when To signify that security fastenings have to be removed
premises are when premises are occupied
occupied Dimensions

Lower case letter height 4.5 mm

Notice diameter 80 mm
Reference No. FNM8

Escape Function

route To signify that the escape route has to be kept clear

keep clear Dimensions

Lower case letter height 14 mm

Notice diameter 180 mm

Reference No. FNM9

Fire exit To signify that the fire exit has to be kept clear
keep clear

Lower case letter height 14 mm

Notice diameter 180 mm


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Table A.2 — Examples of fire equipment notices

Reference No. FNF1
Foam Function

inlet To indicate the location of a foam inlet


Lower case letter height 15 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF2

Dry Function

To indicate the location of a dry riser

riser Dimensions

Lower case letter height 15 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF3

Wet Function

To indicate the location of a wet riser

riser Dimensions

Lower case letter height 15 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF4
Sprinkler Function
To indicate the location of a sprinkler stop valve

Lower case letter height 10 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF5
Gas shut Function
To indicate the location of a gas shut off valve

Lower case letter height 10 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF6
Sprinkler Function
To indicate the location of a sprinkler control valve

Lower case letter height 10 mm

Height of square 120 mm


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Table A.2 — Examples of fire equipment notices (continued)

Reference No. FNF7

Automatic Function
To indicate the location of automatic smoke vent

Lower case letter height 10 mm

Height of square 180 mm

Reference No. FNF8
switch To indicate the location of fire-fighter’s switch


Lower case letter height 8 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF9
electrical Function

isolation To indicate the location of mains electrical isolation

switch switch


Lower case letter height 8 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF10
Smoke vent
manual Function

control To indicate the location of smoke vent manual control


Lower case letter height 8 mm

Height of square 120 mm

Reference No. FNF11
Mains water
stop Function

valve To indicate the location of mains water stop valve


Lower case letter height 8 mm

Height of square 120 mm

A.3 Zone of influence

Whereas the geometric format of fire safety notices indicates the presence/location of a fire safety
notice, it is the text which gives the specific fire safety instruction. Hence the viewing zone for
legibility of the text is the primary element of concern.
By the time a person has reached the spherical legibility zone, the person should be able to correctly
read the text to identify the specific fire equipment or operational management of a secure door.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

In order to establish the location, size and position of each fire safety notice, the required zone for
legibility of each fire safety notice should be established. Situations of normal lighting of the fire
safety notice and if present, under emergency lighting should be taken into account.
The legibility distance of a fire safety notice is affected by the vertical illumination on the notice. The
distance factors for lower case letters given in Table 2 should be used.
For externally illuminated fire safety notices, Table A.3 gives the maximum legibility distances normal
to fire safety notice/diameter of zone for legibility of lower case letters under a vertical illuminance
of 100 lux and 5 lux respectively.
Table A.3 — Examples of maximum viewing distances/diameter of zones for legibility of text for externally
illuminated fire safety notices of different height of lower case letters subject to a vertical illuminance of
100 lux or 5 lux

Lower case letter height A) Legibility distance normal to fire Legibility distance normal to fire
safety notice/diameter of zone safety notice/diameter of zone
for legibility of text subject to a for legibility of text subject to a
vertical illuminance of 100 lux B) vertical illuminance of 5 lux C)
mm m m
4.5 1.0 0.5
8 1.8 0.9
10 2.2 1.1
14 3.1 1.5
15 3.3 1.6
The height of the lower case letters selected from Table A.1 and Table A.2.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 2 is 225.
The appropriate value for z0 selected from Table 2 is 110.

Where the required legibility distance is longer than the examples in Table A.3, the geometrical
format of the fire safety notices can be enlarged proportionally to encompass the appropriate height
for the lower case letters.
Drawing appropriately sized circles on a scaled plan can assist in determining an appropriate height
of the lower case letters for a particular location and range of approach towards the fire safety notice
of people of different eye heights.

Annex B (informative)
Examples of application of distance factor for safety signs

B.1 Introduction
Figure A.1 of BS ISO 3864‑1 shows that as a consequence of the distance of observation of a safety
sign depending upon a multiplying factor of cosα (where α is the angle from the normal from the
sign) the boundary to the observation distance at different angles of α lies on the surface of a sphere.
For a safety sign of height h and distance factor normal to the sign z0, the sphere has a diameter of z0h
centred at a perpendicular distance of z0h/2 from the sign.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

B.2 Horizontal plane at level of safety sign

Figure B.1 shows that on the horizontal viewing plane of the sign and looking towards the sign, the
boundary to the observation distances is a circle of diameter z0h. The examples illustrate a safety sign
with a z0 of 60 and different safety sign heights of 60 mm, 80 mm, 120 mm, 180 mm and 240 mm. At
the observation position “P” on the circle, the sideways distance from the normal to the sign is given
by 0.5z0hsin2α and the observation distance is z0hcosα. The maximum sideways distance is 0.5z0h
where the observation distance is 0.707z0h.
Figure B.1 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane

Sideways distance from sign (m)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

α α

Perpendicular distance from sign (m)




Sign height: 12
s60 mm
s80 mm 0.5z0hsin2α
13 P
s120 mm
s180 mm
s240 mm 14
z0sign = 60
E = 100 lux 15


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure B.2 shows the circular boundaries when within 3 m distance from the sign.
Figure B.2 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane

Sideways distance from sign (m)

3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Sign height:
s60 mm
s80 mm
s120 mm
s180 mm
s240 mm
z0sign = 60
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

E = 100 lux

B.3 Horizontal plane above or below the level of safety sign

When the observation is made at an eye height of ΔH above or below the height of the sign, the radius
of the circular boundary is reduced. The radius of the circle, centred at a perpendicular distance of
z0h/2 from the sign, is given by:

r= ( 0.5 z 0 h) − ( ∆H ) 
2 2
 
Figure B.3 shows how the radius “r” varies with differences in height ΔH for different safety sign
heights for an externally illuminated safety sign under not less than 100 lux with a z0 of 60. As the
difference in eye height from the safety sign height increases, the radius “r” within which the observer
needs to be positioned to identify the safety sign decreases.
NOTE r can be calculated in terms of observation angle α. The height difference ΔH is given by 0.5z0hsin2α and r
is given by 0.5z0hcos2α.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure B.3 — Variation of radius “r” against difference in observation height ΔH for an externally illuminated safety
sign under 100 lux

8 Sign height:
s60 mm
s80 mm
s120 mm
s180 mm
7 s240 mm
z0sign = 60
E = 100 lux

Radius r (m)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Height difference ∆H (m)

Figure B.4 shows the slightly smaller circles when ΔH is ±Δ1 m. The effect of eye height relative to
the height (location) of a safety signs reduces the observation distance and is more marked for the
smaller sign heights (60 mm and 80 mm).


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure B.4 — Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane: at eye level of sign and eye levels of
±1 m above and below the height of sign

Sign height:
7 s120mm
6 s60mm ∆H1
Sideways distance from sign (m)

s80mm ∆H1
s120mm ∆H1
5 s180mm ∆H1
s240mm ∆H1

4 z0sign = 60
E = 100 lux

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

B.4 Sign and lower case supplementary text: Horizontal plane at level
of safety sign
A safety sign (graphical symbol) is often accompanied by a supplementary text sign. For an externally
illuminated safety sign under not less than 100 lux, a distance factor z0 of 225 is taken for lower
case letters.
Figure B.5 shows the circular boundaries for observation distances for safety signs (graphical
symbols, labelled “s”) and lower case letters (labelled “lc”) in supplementary text signs under a
vertical illumination condition of 100 lux. In these examples, for each combination of sizes of safety
sign and lower case letters, the observation distance is shorter for the lower case text.
Figure B.5 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case supplementary text in
horizontal plane under a vertical illumination condition of 100 lux

Sign height:
s60 mm
s80 mm
7 s120 mm
s180 mm
s240 mm
6 lc6 mm
Sideways distance from sign (m)

lc9 mm
lc12 mm
5 z0sign = 60
z0text = 255
E = 100 lux

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure B.6 shows the circular boundaries when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical
illumination condition of 100 lux.
Figure B.6 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case supplementary text in
horizontal plane when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical illumination condition of 100 lux

3 Sign height:
z0sign = 60
z0text = 225
E = 100 lux
Sideways distance from sign (m)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure B.7 shows the circular boundaries for observation distances for safety signs (graphical
symbols, labelled “s”) and lower case letters (labelled “lc”) in supplementary text signs under a
vertical illumination condition of 5 lux.
Figure B.7 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case supplementary text in
horizontal plane under a vertical illumination condition of 5 lux

Sign height:
3.5 s120mm
3 lc6mm
Sideways distance from sign (m)

z0sign = 30
z0text = 110
E = 5 lux



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5

Perpendicular distance from sign (m)


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure B.8 shows the circular boundaries when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical
illumination condition of 5 lux.
Figure B.8 — Circular boundaries of observation distances for safety sign and lower case supplementary text in
horizontal plane when within 3 m distance from the sign under a vertical illumination condition of 5 lux

3 Sign height:
z0sign = 30
z0text = 110
E = 5 lux
Sideways distance from sign (m)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)

B.5 Safety signs on walls and doors in a corridor

When passing along a corridor, safety signs on the corridor walls and doors are at an oblique angle
such the observation distance is much shorter that when observed directly ahead. Figure B.9 shows
an example of a 3 m wide corridor, where the eye line is at least 0.3 m from either wall of the corridor
with the safety sign under a vertical illumination condition of 100 lux. For a safety sign of height of
60 mm, to identify the sign from a distance of 1.5 m before reaching the sign, the observer would
need to be at least 1 m from the wall of the sign. The effect of observing from ±1 m above/below the
sign location reduces the observation distance, being more marked for the smaller sign heights.


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure B.9 — Approaching a safety sign side-on: Circular boundaries of observation distances in horizontal plane: at
eye level of sign and eye levels of ±1 m above and below the height of sign

Sign height:
2.5 s60mm ∆H1
s80mm ∆H1
s120mm ∆H1
s180mm ∆H1
s240mm ∆H1
z0sign = 60
2 E = 100 lux
Sideways distance from sign (m)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Perpendicular distance from sign (m)


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Annex C (informative)
Examples of the use of safety signs to indicate the location
and identification of safety equipment, fire equipment and
safe drinking water, and of the hierarchy of safety signs
C.1 Examples of the use of safety signs to indicate the location and identification of safety equipment, fire
equipment and safe drinking water are illustrated in Figures C.1 to C.9.
Figure C.1 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify a particular switch as being a first aid call point

First aid
call point


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure C.2 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify a particular telephone as being one for emergency use



BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure C.3 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the position of an emergency shower so that it can be



BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Figure C.4 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate that water from a particular tap is safe for drinking


Figure C.5 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the location of a first aid station

First aid

NOTE The sign is not positioned on the door as the door might be left open.


BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure C.6 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate that a particular locker houses a stretcher


Figure C.7 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to identify the unit as being a fire alarm call point

Fire alarm


Figure C.8 — Illustration of the use of a multiple safety sign to identify the risk(s) and prohibited action(s) upon entering an oil/gas tank enclosure

Wa n ng
F ammab e

ma er a

Warn ng
Exp os ve
mater a






BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023
BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023 BRITISH STANDARD

Figure C.9 — Illustration of the use of a safety sign to indicate the position of a fire extinguisher so that it can be
located from a distance in a situation where other objects (in this case chairs) might distract the viewer


C.2 The concept of hierarchy of signs (see 4.8) is illustrated in Figure C.10. If the facility shown in Figure
C.10 were to be provided in a kitchen, for example, where food is regularly handled, the hand washing
facility needs to be clearly identified. When the viewer reaches the hand washing facility the smaller
prohibition sign gives extra safety information by indicating that the water is not for drinking.
Figure C.10 — Illustration of the use of a hierarchy of safety signs

Wash your

Not drinking


BRITISH STANDARD BS 5499‑10:2014+A1:2023

Standards publications
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
BS 5499‑4, Graphical symbols and signs – Safety signs, including fire safety signs – Part 4: Code of
practice for escape route signing
BS EN 60529, Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
BS ISO 9186‑2:2008, Graphical symbols – Test methods – Part 2: Method for testing perceptual quality
BS ISO 16069, Graphical symbols – Safety signs – Safety way guidance systems (SWGS)
BS ISO 17724:2003, Graphical symbols – Vocabulary
Text deleted.
BS ISO 20712‑3, Water safety signs and beach safety flags – Part 3: Guidance for use
Other publications
[1] GREAT BRITAIN. Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996,
(SI 1996 No. 341). London: The Stationery Office.
[2] GREAT BRITAIN. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. London: The
Stationery Office.
(OBP) [online]. Available at:
[4] GREAT BRITAIN. The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977
(as amended). London: The Stationery Office.
Further reading
BS 18004, Guide to achieving effective occupational health and safety performance
BS ISO 9186‑1, Graphical symbols – Test methods – Part 1: Method for testing comprehensibility
ISO/IEC Guide 74, Graphical symbols – Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers' needs
PD ISO/TS 20559:2020, Graphical symbols – Safety colours and safety signs – Guidance for the
development and use of a safety signing system



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