Prof 2 Module

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: The Teaching Profession

“Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're
put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in

Module 1

This chapter consists of two lessons, the first lesson tackles on the definition of
the word profession in different perspective of the person in their specialized field. It
takes into account the analysis of teaching with reference to the elements embedded in
the profession. It also trace the historical development of the teaching as a profession in
the Philippines, notably the persons involved and the legal basis of such development.

The second lesson is about teaching as a vocation and mission. It is provided

with different video presentation for the enlightenment of what is meant by vocation
and mission in the actual field of teaching not just a job.

lesson 1 : let’s be professional


 Explain the meaning of teaching as a profession.

 Take note of the elements inherent in a profession, most especially
in the teaching field.
 Trace the notable historical development of teaching as a
profession in the Philippines through a diagram of events using
graphic organizer

Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Read the following instances when the word Professional is used. Take note of its usage
in each specific situation.

The Teaching Profession


1. One night, cell phones of students were stolen from their boarding house while they were
sleeping. There was no indication that points out that thief applied forced entry during the
investigation. The security guards claimed that the manner of stealing the cell phones were
highly professional.
2. Carlo Katigbak, CEO of the ABS-CBN network is the epitome of a highly cultured
professional according to news report during the course of deliberation of ABS CBN case
on various senate and court hearings.
3. Jonathan applied as a repair mechanic in a prestigious car company, on his first day, the
manager told him ―Gusto ko sa bawat pinapagawa ng kliyente ay pulido, iyong gawang
4. Principal Elaine maintains professional relationship with her subordinates even to her
daughter who is one of her Grade 1 teacher.
5. Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Company consultants are entitled to receive professional
fees for their services.

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

Situations Meaning
1. One night , cell phones of students were
stolen from their boarding house while they
were sleeping. There was no indication that
points out that thief applied forced entry
during the investigation. The security guards
claimed that the manner of stealing the cell
phones were highly professional.
2. Carlo Katigbak, CEO of the ABS-CBN network
is the epitome of a highly cultured
professional according to news report during
the course of deliberation of ABS CBN case on
various senate and court hearings.
3. Jonathan applied as a repair mechanic in a
prestigious car company, on his first day, the
manager told him ―Gusto kong output sa
bawat pinapagawa ang iyong gawang
4. Principal Elaine maintains professional
relationship with her subordinates even to her
5. Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Company
consultants are entitled to receive
professional fees for their services.

Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

A. PROFESSIONAL – implies to one who possesses skills and
competence/expertise. One who conforms to the technical or ethical standards of
a profession.

The Teaching Profession



1. Initial Professional Education – completion of a university program in the

chosen field – teacher education, engineering, nursing, accountancy, etc. This
means long and arduous years of preparation.
2. Accreditation – university programs are under a regulatory body like CHED to
ensure that graduates start their professional lives with competence.
3. Licensing – It is mandatory, not voluntary and is administered by a
government authority. PRC or Professional Regulations Commission.
4. Professional Development – ongoing professional education that maintains
or improves professionals’ knowledge and skills after they begin professional
practice. It is mandated in R.A. 10912 also known as CPD Act of 2016.
5. Professional Societies – professional see themselves as part of a
community of like-minded individuals who put their professional standards above
the individual self-interest or their employer’s self-interests. This societies put
dedication to the public interest and commitment to moral and ethical values.
Professional societies define certification criteria, manager certification programs,
establish accreditation standards and define code of ethics and disciplinary action
for any violations.
6. Code of Ethics – each profession has its own Code of Ethics to ensure that its
practitioners behave responsibly. The code includes what professionals should
do, violation of such can be grounds for ejection in professional societies or
revocation of Certificate of Registration and suspension from the practice of the
teaching profession.

Teaching has been considered through time as an honorable and mission

inspired profession. As a career, its goals and objectives start with the young and its
impact is carried through adulthood. The children’s ingenious and exemplary upbringing
in school, through the teachers modeling, is guaranteed to produce an ideal mold that
could last for a lifetime. It is then self-assumed duty and responsibility to shower them
with the loving care and nurturance that can ensure their optimal development.

Some qualities essential to teaching as a profession (Salandanan, 2015)

1.) Accountability – ― As a true professional , a teacher

exhibits a deep sense of responsibility, honesty and
 one who is responsible and duty bound in his
 fully aware of his duties and obligations
 follows the constitution, decrees and orders of the

The Teaching Profession


2.) Authority – ―The existence or lack of authority can make

a difference in building a student’s dream, an ambition...a
 teacher’s enduring influence over their students
 provides the necessary command of the classroom
 recognition of the teacher’s knowledge
 teachers’ authority is earned
3.) Timing – ―Precision timing is a mark of a smart teacher,
also of an alert student. A teacher should be able to
stretch time for more patience.‖
 imperative element in planning, and implementing
any learning activity
 know the amount of time needed to acquire
different information
Punctuality is a trait that all teachers and students
must instill in their hearts and minds.
Precision timing is a stamp of a smart and alert
4.) Ethics – ―The first rule of ethical teaching is to do no
harm to students‖.
 has integrity, hence exhibits moral values.
 create an ethical climate in the classroom

5.) Order and Discipline – ―Students must take up their

own obligations to maintain the conditions under which
learning may occur – quiet in their classrooms, respectful
and courteous towards others, and civil in language and
Orderly- a place must be organized with everything
arranged in the right place. A procedure is in right order if
it is systematically followed. Order in teaching and in
the classroom implies a fair control and command of all
factors that make up learning environment.
 Discipline is the origin of order, to others order
embraces all that are disciplined.

6.) Loyalty – ―A teacher who is not loyal to his profession is

spending time doing teaching chores like a machine‖.
 one’s faithfulness, dedication and commitment to a
person, office or any endeavor.
 one who adheres passionately to the edicts of the

The Teaching Profession


7.) Professionalism –―To be labeled as professional involves

a feeling of joy and satisfaction‖.
 adjudges knowledge, skill and values. Knowledgeable
means he is well informed and conversant with
everything in his line of specialization. He keeps abreast
with advances and adopts new ways of doing things.
Skilled if he demonstrates competence and proficiency in
his chosen occupation. It is sometimes known as
expertise which is gained after many years of successful
practice. Value laden if he is infused with virtues, traits
and moral standards. He is regarded highly, respected
and revered.
 accorded the highest acknowledgment
 internalize and abide by the profession’s edicts.
 highly proficient in various ways of affecting learning
and exhibits ethical and moral conduct.

8. ) Learning – ― A teacher’s passion for learning is

communicated through her teaching‖
 means ―to come to know‖.
 It is the ultimate aim of teaching
 Teaching in itself requires learning

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

1. Why a profession like teaching does requires long years of initial professional
education and still needs to embark to continuing professional development despite
laborious preparation undertaken already?


2. Pick out key words on the discussion about profession that best describes the letters
in the word profession.

P - ____________________________________________________________

R - ____________________________________________________________

The Teaching Profession


O - ____________________________________________________________

F - ____________________________________________________________

E - ____________________________________________________________

S- ____________________________________________________________

S - ____________________________________________________________

I - ____________________________________________________________

O - ____________________________________________________________

N - ____________________________________________________________

Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

Complete the structured frames:

1. To become professional teacher you have to adhere to the rules and regulations
embedded in the ______________________________.
2. _______________________ refers to the ongoing professional education and
3. Two important elements in the profession are _____________________ and
Code of Ethics.
4. The accountability of a person is ________________ in his/her actions.
5. _________________ is the ultimate goal of teaching.

The Teaching Profession


B. Historical Development of Teaching as a Profession in the


Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Let us see if you can identify which nation had mad contribution to the development of
teaching profession in the Philippines. Write a tick (/) on the picture below.

Spain US China Africa

India Japan Russia Saudi Arabia

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

Do you think the Philippine Education would be able to withstand on its own without the
influence of other nation?

Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

Important events in our history that made great leap in our educational system:
 Pre Hispanic Era - no formal schooling and formal preparation for teachers, who
were the mothers, fathers, tribal leaders.
 Spanish Era – Educational Decree of 1863 established the free public school
system in the country, where each municipality had one exclusive school for boys
and one for girls. Normal schools led by the Jesuits trained first Filipino men and
then later in 1875 women were included in the teacher training by the Spaniards.
 Aguinaldo’s Regime – closed all schools so no teacher preparation took place
 American Era – American soldiers were the teachers – Thomasites.
Act 74 created the Department of Public Instruction; it laid the foundations of
public school system and offered free primary education for Filipinos. There was

The Teaching Profession


shortage of teachers thus, Thomasites were brought to the Philippines. The

American gave bright young Filipino students opportunity to take up higher
education in American Colleges and universities financed by Filipino government.
They are called the Pensionados.
 Act 74 of 1901 – provided the establishment of Philippine Normal School in
Manila. Philippine Normal School is an institution for training of teachers. It
offered two general secondary education program which later become junior
college. In 1949, PNS was renamed to Philippine Normal College offering the
four year Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. Other four year teacher
education courses followed after. In 1949, teacher preparation became four
 In 1976, Presidential Decree 1006 known as Decree Professionalizing Teaching
issued by President Ferdinand E. Marcos, was the first legal document that
professionalized teaching. The need to professionalized teacher was to insure
that the immediacy and urgency of teacher recruitment, qualitative requirements
are not overlooked.
 In1994, R.A. 7836 known as Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
was passed to promote quality education by proper supervision and regulation of
the licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching

Thomasites were a group of 600 American teachers who travelled from the United States to the newly
occupied territory of the Philippines on the transport ship USS Thomas. The group included 346 men and
180 women, hailing from 43 different states and 193 colleges, universities, and normal schools.

The Teaching Profession


Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

Indicate in the graphic organizer the important events in each era the teacher
preparation and professionalization in the Philippines

Graphics by Pinterest

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

Select the best answer among the choices given

1. In the Philippines there was no teacher

preparation since the Spanish regime.
Is this true?
a. No b. There was but informal
c. Yes d. There was and for men only
2. Which is the first law that
professionalized teaching in the
a. RA 7836 c. RA 9192
b. PD 1006 d. RA 8981
3. Normal schools are for normal people
a. Yes c. No, only for the Filipino elite
b. No, only for the teacher educator d. No, only for Filipino Men

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Task 1: Interview LET passers who are not graduates of a 4-year education course. Get
his/her profile enumerated below and ask for his/her picture .

Task 2: Research the RA 9293

The Teaching Profession


lesson 2 : borderless profession

: jOB or mission?


 Explain teaching as a vocation and mission.

Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Watch the Thailand movie entitled ―Teacher’s Diary‖ and be able to make a
reflection if teaching is a vocation and mission when faced with lot of trials and

Some teachers regard teaching as just a career, a job while others see it as a mission.
What is the difference? Read the poem below


(Adapted from Ministry or Job by Sandra Sandberg)

If you are doing it only because you are paid for it, it’s a job;
If you are doing it not only for the pay but also for service, it’s a mission.
If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized you, it’s a job;
If you keep on teaching out of love, it’s a mission.

If you teach because it does not interfere with your other activities it’s a job;
If you are committed to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities,
it’s a mission.
If you quit because no one praises or thanks you for what you do , it’s a job;
If you remain teaching even though nobody recognizes your efforts, it’s a

It’s hard to get excited about teaching a job ;

It’s almost impossible not to get excited about a mission.
If our concern is success, it’s a job;
If our concern is success plus faithfulness, it’s a mission.

An average school is filled by teachers doing their teaching job;

A great school is filled with teachers involved in a mission of teaching

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. What is meant by vocation? mission?
2. Are these two (vocation and mission) related?
3. Teaching as a job or a mission, is there a difference? Explain your answer

Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

Vocation – comes from the Latin word “ vocare” which means to call. If there is a call,
there must be a caller and someone who is called, and there must be a response.

From the eyes of those who believe it was God who called you to teach just as
God called those biblical figures which they did not understand the events surrounding
their call but in their great faith they answered YES.

Mission – comes from the Latin word “misio” which means to send.
Accdg. to Webster mission is a task assigned

Your unique and most significant contribution to the humanization of life on

Earth is in the field where you are prepared for – teaching.

Accdg. to Alfred North Whitehead ― It is to help the child become the man of
culture and of expertise.‖

Accdg. to Bertrand Russel ―To provide opportunities for the child’s growth and to
remove hampering influences‖.

To teach is to influence every child entrusted to you in your care to become a

better and happier because life becomes meaningful. To teach is to help the child
become more human.

The Teaching Profession


Teaching and the life of meaning

Dr Josette T. Biyo, the first Asian Teacher to win

the Intel Excellence in Teaching in an international
competition delivered her speech to a selected
group of teachers, superintendents, Dep Ed officials
and consultants, to wit:

Accdg. to Dr. Biyo ― Teaching may not be a

lucrative profession. It cannot guarantee financial
security. It even means investing your personal
time, energy and resources. Sometimes it means
disappointments, heartaches and pains. But
touching the hearts of people and opening the
minds of children can give you joy and contentment
which money could not buy. These are the
moments I teach for; These are moments I live

The “pwedi na” mentality : enemy of excellent mission preparation and


The striving for excellence is one of the element of a profession bring us to our
―puwede na‖ mentality which is inimical to excellence. This mentality is expressed in
ways like‖talagang ganyan yan‖, wala na tayong magawa‖, ―di na man halata‖, ―di ko na
yan‖, dagdag trabaho/gastos lang yan‖, all inidcators of defeatism and resignation to
mediocrity. If we stick to complacent mentality, excellent mission accomplishment
eludes us.

In the world of work, only the best and the brightest make it. If we remain true
to our calling and mission, we have no choice but to take the endless and less travelled
road to excellence.

The Teaching Profession


Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

1. Read the article below about a letter sent by the principal to his teachers on their
first day of school:

Dear teacher:

I am a survivor of a concentration camp.

My eyes saw what no man should witness:

- Gas chamber built by learned engineers.
- Children poisoned by educated physicians.
- Infants killed by trained nurses.
- Woman and babies shot and burned by high school
and college students

So I am suspicious of education.
My request is: Help your students become more human.
Your efforts must never produce learned monsters,
skilled psychopaths, and Eichmann’s.

Reading, writing and arithmetic are important only

if they serve to make our children more human.

Explain your mission as a future professional teacher in helping students become more


The Teaching Profession


2. Watch the short film of Sabrina Ongkiko on TED Ex about ―Discovering Your
Life’s True Calling‖ and answer the following questions:

a. How does this film relate to the issues and questions that may arise from the
mind of pre-service teachers?


b. If you had a chance to ask the character (Sabrina Ongkiko) what question would
you be asking?


c. What important comment or emphasis does the film maker was trying to make,
about the culture of the Filipino towards school in this story?


d. What was the strongest emotion that you felt when watching the film?


e. Do you think, You wanted to do the same style as what Sabrina had done to her
pupils? why? why not?


The Teaching Profession


Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

1. Which statement best describes teaching as a mission?

a. Teaching as a mission requires a b. Teachers mission is to teach
c. Everyone is called to do a mission d. It is very hard to get excited in a
2. Which among the notable character is ―literally called‖ by Supreme Being to do
something not for themselves but for others?
a. Samuel b. Elizabeth
c. Abraham d. Noah

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Fill up the Journal Entry Number 2

The Teaching Profession


: The Demands of Society from the

Teacher as a Professional and as a Person
“"Teachers I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because
professional efforts affect the fate of the earth”

Module 2

This chapter consists of two lessons. Lesson 1 deals with the demands of the
society from a professional teacher. It includes the discussion on different professional
competencies through the four models of effective teaching. It also presents the
comprehensive view of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST) in the

Lesson 2 discusses the demands of the society from a teacher as a person

specifically the personal qualities expected from a professional teacher which are based
on the Code of Ethics.

lesson 1 : mirror mirror on the




 Discuss the meaning of the teacher as a professional

 Recognize the expectations of the society from the teacher as a
 Explain the competencies that a teacher should possess.

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Ask someone around you to answer this question: What do you expect from a
professional teacher?

Graphics from Vector stock

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. What does your list tell about society’s expectations from teachers?
2. How do you feel? Are you overwhelmed by the expectations set by the society on
3. Are you having second thoughts on your calling? Why? Why not?

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)


Teachers have tremendous power to influence students that is why the society
expect much of the teacher. In addition, teachers as part of the school are covered by
the Code of Ethics that explain that the state, the community, the teaching community,
school officials, non -teaching personnel and learners as groups of people with and for
whom a teacher works and along with it she would play a different role – nurse, tutor,
guidance counselor, community leader, resource speaker, consultant rolled into one.

From his/her title ―teacher‖, the society primarily demands him/her ―to teach
well‖. The learning of the learners is the teacher’s main concern.

Teacher is the key to student achievement, thus preparing oneself to be the

brightest, most caring, competent and compassionate teacher.

Profession – commonly refers to one’s occupation, job or specialty. It has defined goals,
and from its performance one derives self-fulfillment.
 Educators view it as ones vocation, employment or lifework.
 A teacher considers it as his career or field of lifelong endeavor.

Professional – is one who went through long years of preparation to earn a teacher
education degree recognized by CHED after taking the Licensure Examination for
Teachers (LET) administered by the Board for Professional Teachers with the supervision
of the Professional Regulation Commission . Aspect of the professional life of a teacher:


- both elementary and secondary teachers have to pass a licensure examination
given by the PRC.
- R. A. 7836 known as Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 require
an examinee to pass the following area:
Elementary – General Education – 40 %
 Professional Education – 60 %
Secondary – General Education – 20%
 Professional Education – 40%
 Field of specialization – 40%

 Upon passing, a certificate of registration and a professional license is

issued to the passers.

The Teaching Profession



1. Knowledge
a. Knowledge of Subject Matter – must have gained mastery of content is
required for the elementary education curriculum and background
knowledge in a particular field of specialization for secondary teachers.
b. Knowledge of Teaching Methodologies – received training in a wide
variety of teaching strategies culminated with a 12 unit field experience
capped with a full time practicum .
- gained experience in lesson planning, employing teaching strategies and
evaluating the entire learning activities.

2. Teaching Skills

a. Employing strategies – teacher’s ability to implement a particular

methodology in presenting a lesson.
- The choice of strategy to use is guided by thorough, rigorous and
precise training during her practice teaching.

b. Developing High Order Thinking Skills – allowing the student the

freedom to inquire and look for answers through their own initiative and
unrestricted explorations, definitely leads them to self-directed meanings,
hence autonomous learning.
- to enhance the high order thinking skills, the following approaches are
a. Ask questions that can sharpen their reasoning power.
b. Use a discussion format that could reveal their thinking level.
c. Employ a problem solving strategy, sufficient practice can lead to
perfection and permanence.
d. Model a high order thinking ability which students can emulate.

c. Questioning Technique

Guideline that could insure the formation of good questions:

1. Teachers ask questions for a number of purpose- to motivate, instruct, verify

or evaluate. Be careful not to limit with ―what‖ questions alone instead
vary it with ―why and how‖ types that could elicit high level responses.
- Ask divergent question to provoke creative answers.
2. Allow sufficient wait time, especially for questions that need deep thinking.
Hurried questions will receive guessed, shallow answers.
3. By constant practice, ask better-thinking students to answer difficult questions
in order to lessen frustrations among the weak ones.
4. Encourage students to ask questions, especially when in doubt.
5. Improve on your skill in asking good questions by requesting someone to
critique your questioning style.

The Teaching Profession


d. Use of Technology – ― 21st century illiterate are those who are not able to
know how to manipulate technology‖.

A teacher should be updated on the benefits derived from the use of

appropriate technology such as computers, audio visual devices, electronically
operated and various multimedia equipment could enhance her skill in
generating new information.

3. Values and Attitudes

A definitive teacher consistently exhibits the following:
a. Compassion and Concern
b. Critical mindedness
c. Creativity and flexibility
d. Patience and Tolerance
e. Perseverance and Persistence
f. Objectivity
g. Commitment and Loyalty
h. Humility
i. Honesty, Truth and Sincerity

As a professional teacher he/she is expected to abide with the Code of ethics of

Professional Teachers which is ―licensed professionals who possesses dignity and
reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in
the practice of their noble profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice
this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values.‖

The word ―teacher‖ suggests that the main responsibility of the professional
teachers is to teach and its primary customer is the learner. There is a number of
models/framework of effective teaching. In the country, we have PPST or the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers which are standards of good teaching.

Models of Effective Teaching

A. Robert Marzano’s Causal Teacher Evaluation Model of Four Domains:

1. Classroom strategies and behaviors- it involves routine events such as
communicating learning goals, feed backing and establishing rules and
procedures. It also addresses content, help students generate and test
hypothesis and it involve events enacted on the spot.
2. Planning and Preparing – most wanted in the lessons. It is important in
using of technology, for needs of students receiving special education and
needs of students who lack support for schooling.
3. Reflection on Teaching – e\involves evaluating personal performance
such as identifying areas of pedagogical strengths and weaknesses and in
the development, implementation and monitoring of professional growth

The Teaching Profession


4. Collegiality and Professionalism – promotes positive interactions with

colleagues, students and parents. It seeks mentorship for areas of
needs/interest. It also involve mentoring other teachers and sharing ideas
and strategies. It requires adherence to school rules and procedures and
participation to school initiatives.

B. Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching

1. Planning and Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3. Instruction
4. Professional Responsibilities
 Reflecting on teaching
 Maintaining accurate records
 Communicating with families
 Participating in the professional community
 Growing professionally
 Showing professionalism

C. James Stronge-Teacher Effectiveness Performance evaluation System

1. Professional Knowledge
2. Instructional Planning
3. Instructional Delivery
4. Assessment of/for Learning
5. The Learning Environment
6. Professionalism
7. Student Progress

D. McREL Model for Teacher Evaluation Model

1. Teacher demonstrates leadership
 Lead in their classroom
 Demonstrate leadership in the school
 Lead the teaching profession
 Advocate for schools and students
 Demonstrate high ethical standards
2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of
3. Teachers know the content they teach
4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students
5. Teachers reflect on their practices

Since the main task of the teacher is to teach, society demands competence from
him/her. Teaching competence is spelled out in PPST and in the four models. This
means that she/he has to teach effectively by:

The Teaching Profession


1. Prepare and plan very well for instruction

2. Execute or deliver that instruction plan very well because she/he has
professional knowledge (mastery of subject matter).
3. Create a conducive or favorable learning environment for diverse
groups of learners
4. Assess and report learner’s progress
5. Demonstrate professionalism as he/she deals with superiors, colleagues,
students and parents.

The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST)

The revised NCBTS or National Competency-Based Teacher Standards. It give

the teacher professional competencies in seven domains, 37 strands, 149 performance
indicators for four career stages.

The following describes the breadth of 7 Domains that are required by teachers
to be effective in the 21st Century in the Philippines. Quality teachers in the Philippines
need to possess the following characteristics:
 recognize the importance of mastery of content knowledge and its
interconnectedness within and across curriculum areas, coupled with a sound
and critical understanding of the application of theories and principles of teaching
and learning. They apply developmentally appropriate and meaningful pedagogy
grounded on content knowledge and current research. They display proficiency
in Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate the teaching and learning
process, as well as exhibit the needed skills in the use of communication
strategies, teaching strategies and technologies to promote high-quality learning
 provide learning environments that are safe, secure, fair and supportive in order
to promote learner responsibility and achievement. They create an environment
that is learning-focused and they efficiently manage learner behavior in a
physical and virtual space. They utilize a range of resources and provide
intellectually challenging and stimulating activities to encourage constructive
classroom interactions geared towards the attainment of high standards of
 establish learning environments that are responsive to learner diversity. They
respect learners’ diverse characteristics and experiences as inputs to the
planning and design of learning opportunities. They encourage the celebration of
diversity in the classroom and the need for teaching practices that are
differentiated to encourage all learners to be successful citizens in a changing
local and global environment, interact with the national and local curriculum
requirements. They translate curriculum content into learning activities that are
relevant to learners and based on the principles of effective teaching and
learning. They apply their professional knowledge to plan and design, individually
or in collaboration with colleagues, well-structured and sequenced lessons that
are contextually relevant, responsive to learners’ needs and incorporate a range
of teaching and learning resources. They communicate learning goals to support
learner participation, understanding and achievement.

The Teaching Profession


 apply a variety of assessment tools and strategies in monitoring, evaluating,

documenting and reporting learners’ needs, progress and achievement. They use
assessment data in a variety of ways to inform and enhance the teaching and
learning process and programs. They provide learners with the necessary
feedback about learning outcomes that informs the reporting cycle and enables
teachers to select, organize and use sound assessment processes.
 establish school-community partnerships aimed at enriching the learning
environment, as well as the community’s engagement in the educative process.
They identify and respond to opportunities that link teaching and learning in the
classroom to the experiences, interests and aspirations of the wider school
community and other key stakeholders. They understand and fulfill their
obligations in upholding professional ethics, accountability and transparency to
promote professional and harmonious relationships with learners, parents,
schools and the wider community.
 value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal
regard for the profession by maintaining qualities that uphold the dignity of
teaching such as caring attitude, respect and integrity. They value personal and
professional reflection and learning to improve their practice. They assume
responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong

The 7 Domains collectively comprise 37 strands that refer to more specific dimensions of
teacher practices.

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

1. On the fifth column of the table, place each domain of the PPST that is aligned to
the teaching effectiveness model.

Danielson Stronge McREL Marzano PPST

1. Planning and Instructional Teachers facilitates Planning and
Preparation Planning learning for their Preparing
Assessment of/for Teachers know the
Learning content they teach
2. Instruction Professional Teachers know the Classroom
Knowledge content they teach strategies and
Instructional Teachers facilitate
Delivery learning for their
3. The classroom The learning Teachers establish a Teachers facilitate
environment environment respectful learning for their
environment for a students
diverse population
of students
4. Professional Professionalism Teachers Collegiality and
responsibilities demonstrate professionalism
leadership Teachers reflect on
their practices

The Teaching Profession


2. For millennial learners, is the professional teacher aptly described as

Graphics from Fb profile picture

Explain your answer


3. Wearing the LPT pin and putting LPT letters after the name is the
same way as that of the Doctor of Medicine M.D., R.N. for regitered
nurse and CPA for Certified Public Accoutnant. What is the meaning
of doing so?

4. Below are teacher’s obligations spelled out in Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 section 16
and know as Education Act of 1982.
Every teacher shall:
1. Perform his duties to the school by discharging his responsibilities in
accordance with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the school.
2. Be accountable for the efficient and effective attainement of specific learning
objectives in pursuanace of nationald evelpment goals, within the limits of
available school resources
3. Render regular reports on performance of each student to the latter’s parents
or guardiaan with specific suggestions for improvement.
4. Assume the responsibility to maintain and sustain his professional growth and
advancement and maintain professionalism in his behavior at all times.
5. Refrain from making deductions in students scholastic ratings for acts that are
celarly not manifestations of poor scholarship.
6. Particiapte as an agent of constructive, social, economic, moral, intellectual,
cultural and political change in his school and the communitywithin the context
of national policies.

The Teaching Profession


Are these teachers’ obligations exactly the same as those that are stated in the seven
domains of PPST? Share the similarities and differences.

Similarities Differences

Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

1. Which is/are true of a professional?

a. Completed college/university degree c. demonstrate ethical competence
b. Attained NC IV in TESDA d. abides by his personal Code of Ethics
2. Which statement speaks about society’s demand from a professional teacher?
a. The professional teacher is concern only with classroom teaching
b. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher.
c. The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order
not to jeopardize her teaching.
d. Professional teacher is expected to be highly enlightened, he is expected to
campaign for the good candidate during election time.
3. It is a lifelong endeavor
a. Teaching c. Professional Teacher
b. Profession d. Mission

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Fill up the Journal Entry number 3. Drawing tools are needed in this part

The Teaching Profession


lesson 2 : should I stay or should I



 Explain the demands of society from the teacher as a person

 Cite the personal qualities that a professional teacher should
 Define professionalism

Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
1. Recall your most memorable teacher who had the greatest impact on your life.
What special personal qualities did he/she possess that you inspire you most?
Write them down. If you can have his/her picture place them on the analysis
2. How about the worst teacher that you had, what are the personal qualities that
he/she had to make you think he/she is the worst? Write them down.
3. Repeat the procedure 1 and 2 but this time you ask or connect on line with
some of your friends and neighbors that are students also to answer the
question. At least 10 of them, 5 men and 5 women.

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. Consolidate all the answers including your own and rank them according to the
most common until on the least common. What are the most cited personal
attributes demanded from a professional teacher? And what are the most

Acceptable Personal Traits Unacceptable Personal Traits

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

―I am only a teacher‖, the most common thought of many but so much is

demanded from a teacher. Compared to other professionals, teachers are subjected to
scrutiny to the smallest detail by everyone else they encounter. They are judged more
strictly, especially when they fail to meet expectations of the public, the remarks would
always be ―teacher pa na man‖

Referring to the code of ethics ‖Possess dignity and reputation with high moral
values…adheres to, observe and practice a set of ethical and moral principles, standards
and values‖.

Some of the remarkable personal qualities that the society demands from the

a. Physical Characteristics – the following are some descriptions of what to look for in a
pleasing teacher personality:

Height – about 5 feet and above

Weight – range of 110 lbs and over but not too heavy
Body build – well distributed flesh and with the right body shape
Personal Appearance – Neat, clean, and appropriately dressed with ease in
carrying one self, graceful in movement around and appears very attractive.
Students look forward to seeing her always. She is an ideal companion for
General health condition – looks and feels healthy, active, lively and energies.

b. Personality – it is the totality of ― ones outward character‖ and charm.

- it is the sum of feelings and reactions evoked by a person.
- it is her own identity and individuality.
- serve as an inspiration or otherwise to the student whom she pledge to ―lead
by the hand‖
- the profound effect a teacher’s personality can bring about in a child cannot be
over emphasized. It exerts a tremendous influence in the making of a child.
- some outstanding personal traits that are easily perceived and enjoyed by

a. Prepared – come to class each day ready to teach

b. Positive – have optimistic attitudes about teaching and about
c. Hold high expectations – set no limits on students and believe
everyone can be successful
d. Creative – are resourceful and inventive in how they teach
their classes

The Teaching Profession


e. Fair – handle students and grading fairly

f. Display a personal touch – approachable
g. Cultivate a sense of belonging – have a way to make students
feel welcome and comfortable in their classrooms.
h. Compassionate – are concerned about students’ personal
problems and can relate to them and their problems
i. Have sense of humor – make learning fun and do not take
everything seriously
j. Respect students – do not deliberately embarrass students,
teachers who give the highest respect get the highest respect.
k. Forgiving – do not hold grudges
l. Admit mistakes – quick to admit wrong

c. Social and Emotional Qualities

a. Relates well with children, colleagues, parents and school authorities.
b. With a winsome personality.
c. Keeps attuned to the moral and ethical norms of the profession.
d. Emotionally stable and her actions are matured and seasoned.
e. Not prone to anger and irrational arguments.
f. Perceived as highly ―cultured‖ in interests and behaviour.
g. Looked up to as a leader and can motivate others into action.
h. Civic minded and her practices are good examples.
i. imbued with the spirit of professionalism and loyalty to the profession.

Professionalism – it is something demanded of teachers both as professionals and

as persons. Professionalism is succinctly described in Article XI of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.

Section 1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which it is
the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the home,
or elsewhere.

Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary principle
of personal behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.

Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could
serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.

Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his own
destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.

The Teaching Profession


The Code of Ethics for public school and teachers adopted in Section 7 of Republic Act
4670 cites integrity as one essential trait of a professional teacher.

C. INTEGRITY: Since the teacher’s work is not confined merely, to the

development of certain fundamental skills and abilities encompassed by the teaching of
the 3Rs but also includes the development of desirable habits and attitudes that go into
the formation of character, his manner of living should provide a worthy example for his
pupil and students to emulate for his fellow teachers to be proud of, and for the
community to feel as being enriched by it.

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

1. Read the poem ―You are a teacher‖, then answer the following questions below.

The Teaching Profession



If I speak interestingly, effectively, and well,

But do not understand my students
I am a noisy gong or clanging cymbal
If I know all of the methods and techniques of teaching,
If I have complete faith that they will work,
So that I use them completely,
But think only of material or techniques
Instead of how they can help my students,
I count for nothing
If I go the second mile in my teaching,
Give up many activities,
But do it without understanding,
It does no good.
Love is very patient, very kind;
Love is not jealous; it does not put on airs;
It is never tyrannic, never;
Yet does insist on truth;
It does not become angry;
It is not resentful.
Love always expects the best of others;
It is gladdened when they live up to these expectations
Slow to lose faith when they do not
It will bear anything,
Hope for anything
Endure anything
This kind of love will never fail
If there are teaching methods, they will change;
If there are curricula, they will be revised.
For our knowledge is imperfect
And our teaching is imperfect,
And we are always looking for the better ways
Which an infinite God has placed ahead of us.
When I began to teach, I fumbled and failed;
Now I have put away some of my childhood ways.
At present I am learning bit by bit;
But I keep on seeking, I shall at last understand
As all along I myself have been understood
So faith, hope and love endure
These are the great three
But the greatest of them is love

The Teaching Profession


1. Which line of the poem touched you the most? Why?

2. What mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and the teacher in the
community is painted by the poem, ―You are a teacher?‖
3. This is how one describes professionalism:
You have to perform at a consistently higher level than others. That’s the mark of a
true professional. Professionalism has nothing to do with getting paid for your services.‖
State professionalism in a sentence by stating one concrete act of professionalism.
Professionalism is

Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

1. Which trait best demonstrates the practice inclusive education and gender-
a. Equality c. Fairness
b. Compassionate d. sense of belongingness
2. Which personal traits is best acceptable for a teacher?
a. Always look fresh and attractive
b. IQ range from average to superior.
c. Mature enough in handling emotions
d. Join in irrational arguments

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Read the article provided about teacher shaming.

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Education (DepEd) on Sunday said teachers were entitled
to due process after broadcaster Raffy Tulfo used his radio program to force a 55-year-old public
school teacher to resign from her job and give up her license.
Tulfo’s widely criticized coercion came after a grandmother and two parents bemoaned on his
show, ―Raffy Tulfo in Action,‖ that the Grade 2 teacher, Melita Limjuco, had asked their child to sit
outside the classroom when he failed to bring his report card. ―Teachers are entitled to due process,
which was not given to her during the program,‖ the DepEd said in its first full statement since the
issue erupted.
„Serious impact‟
―Especially since resignation from her job earlier than her intended retirement will have serious
impact on her person and family,‖ the statement added. Tulfo told Limjuco via phone call to withdraw
her teaching license, otherwise, the broadcaster threatened, she would face child abuse charges.
The family’s decision to take their child’s case to Tulfo seemed all the more peculiar after the
DepEd said in its statement that even before the television program aired, there had been ―a meeting
between the parents of the learner and the teacher before the school head.‖
―It is best for this process to continue,‖ the DepEd said. ―We assure the public that this case is being
handled by the DepEd regional and division offices, through procedures consistent with the applicable
laws and policies.‖
The DepEd’s statement appeared intended to placate both sides, saying that children had a right
to protection ―against bullying and child abuse,‖ but that teachers were also expected to ―exercise
reasonable supervision over the conduct of the child, including disciplining them.‖
„Teacher shaming‟
―DepEd endeavors to provide a proper forum to discuss the facts and issues that will resolve conflicts
and concerns in a fair and humane manner,‖ it added. Teachers’ groups, however, were less
circumspect. ―We call on our Secretary Leonor Briones to make necessary steps to protect and
defend our teachers,‖ said Benjo Basas, chair of Teachers’ Dignity Coalition.
―This and other incidents should be taken seriously by the DepEd,‖ he said. While this was one of the
most high-profile in recent memory, Basas said episodes of ―teacher shaming‖ were far from isolated.
„Trial by publicity‟
―In many circumstances, teachers accused of violation of children’s rights have been subjected to
harassment, … physical threat and some kind of media sensationalism,‖ he said, adding that the
antichild abuse laws had often been used as a tool to ―threaten and intimidate‖ teachers.
The Alliance of Concerned Teachers announced that it would hold a rally protesting Tulfo’s ―trial
by publicity‖ at Liwasang Bonifacio, Manila, on Monday.

The Teaching Profession


: The Code of Ethics for

Professional Teachers
"A teacher affects all eternity; you never know where his influence stops.”

Module 3

Chapter 3 contains the detailed discussion of the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teacher. It contains four lessons including the preamble and articles I until article IV.

Lesson one is about the prelude of the law which encompasses the general
overview of the expectations set by the society on professional teachers as a whole. It
also includes the discussion on the first article which explains the scope and limitations
of such law.

Lesson two is divided into three sublessons. The first sublesson is about the
teacher and the state. It clearly expound the role of the teacher to the country
especially on the promotion of Filipino culture. The second sublesson is about the
teacher and the community, how the teacher relates to the surrounding environment
and the influence that he/she had. The third sublesson is about the teacher and the
parents. The relationship that should be established between the teacher and parents in
connection with school affairs.

lesson 1 : The commandments of




 Discuss and analyze the Preamble and article one of the Code of
Ethics for the Professional Teachers
 Expound the content of Article one of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers in a given situations

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Read the Preamble and Article 1 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers,
then answer the question on the analysis part after.


Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity

and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and
professional competence in the practice of their noble profession, they
strictly adhere to. Observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.


Section 1. The Philippine Constitution provides that all

educational institution shall offer quality education for all competent
teachers committed of its full realization the provision of this Code shall
apply, therefore, to all teachers in schools in the Philippines.

Section 2. This Code covers all public and private school

teachers in all educational institutions at the preschool, primary,
elementary. And secondary levels whether academic, vocational, special,
technical, or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial arts or
vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and /or
administrative functions in all school at the aforesaid levels, whether on
full time or part-time basis.

The Teaching Profession


Put a tick (/) on the picture of the persons below that are covered by the Code of
Ethics of Professional Teacher.

School Janitor School Principal School Cashier

Picture from clipartmax Picture from Microsoft clip art Picture from royalty vector

Cantten staff College Office Clerk Chef Teacher

Picture from png image Picture from ALS EST handbook

School Bus Driver Welder Teacher College Librarian

Picture from Pinterest

Picture from ALS EST handbook Pictures from clipartkey
School Guard School Nurse ALS Teacher

Picture from Felisidad Criselda

Picture from royalty vector
Picture from dreamstime

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. Who are covered by the Code of Ethics?

2. Are individuals holding a teaching duties but not holding a certificate of professional
license considered professional?

3. What does technical and professional competence mean?

4. Are private school teachers required of a license? What about pre-school teachers,
vocational teachers, ALS teachers, school heads, Education Supervisors and Schools
Division Superintendents?

5. Are College instructors not included in the Code of Ethics? If yes, what is the legal
basis of such inclusion? If no, what governs them in terms of ethical standards?


The Teaching Profession


Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

The pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e). Article 11, of R. A. No. 7836.
Otherwise known as the Philippines Professionalization Act of 1994 and Paragraph (a),
section 6. P.D. No. 223. As amended, the Board for Professional Teachers hereby adopt
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

A review of both Preamble and Article I tells that teachers who have no license
are not included in the group of professional teachers.

Ethical codes help ensure that the members of the profession will deal justly with
the public. It is viewed as the hallmark of professional maturity. It also provides
guidance for professionals’ decision making. By this, quality education will be achieved
for all Filipino citizens.

All teachers both public and private in all levels from preschool to secondary
whether they are academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal – are included in
the definition of professional teachers and are therefore required of a professional
license and are subject to the Code of Ethics for Professional; Teachers.

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

By the use of graphic organizer, present the various group of persons that are
included in the word ―teachers‖.

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

1. Which competence are professional teachers expected to demonstrate?

I. Personal III. Scientific
II. Professional IV. Psychological
a. I and IV c. II and III
b. II and III d. I and II

The Teaching Profession


2. Private school teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this statement
a. Yes, it is true . c. It depends on the kid of private school.
b. No, it is false d. It depends on the teachers’ years of
3. Who is excluded in the definition of professional teacher in the Code of Ethics?
a. The Schools Division Superintendent c. The Principal
b. The Librarian d. The Master Teacher
4. When one says ―I am just a teacher‖ he reveals all of the following EXCEPT?
a. Vocational mis adjustment c. A desire to be recognized
b. Ineffectively in his career Lack of personal commitment to teaching.

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Do the Journal Entry number 5

The Teaching Profession


lesson 2 : The commandments of

teaching: Relationship with the
Secondary and Tertiary Stakeholders


 Explain and report how professional teacher should relate to the

state, community and parents.
 Analyze situations that may compromise actions and decisions with
regards to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.


Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Read Article II of the Code of Ethics. Answer the questions in the Analysis part


Section 1. The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state: each
teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is
under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well as to elevate national
morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance to the
constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience to the
laws of the state.

Section 2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared
policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.

Section 3. In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of his
own. Every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.

The Teaching Profession


Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion to

Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other
partisan interest, and shall not. Directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any
money or service or other valuable material from any person or entity for such purposes

Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and

Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position or facial authority or influence to coerce any
other person to follow any political course of action.

Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have privilege of
expounding the product of his researches and investigations: provided that, if the results are
inimical to the declared policies of the State, they shall be brought to the proper authorities
for appropriate remedial action.

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. What do we mean by nurseries? Why are schools called ― nurseries of the citizens of
the state?

2. In what ways can teachers transmit the cultural and educational heritage of the

3. In the simplest act of a professional teacher , in what ways can he/she elevate
national morality, national pride and patriotism?

The Teaching Profession


4. Is being physically, mentally and morally fit a mandate for teachers? Cnan you
suggest ways how to by mentally and morally fit?

5. What is academic freedom? Is it absolute?


6. Are teachers allowed to engage in this activity? Will there be any violation of the
Article 2? If yes, what section of the article?

Pictures from deposit photos

7. How can a professional teacher violate section 6 of Article II?


The Teaching Profession


Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

The teacher is said to build every individual’s national morality to the love of the
country to the extent that they are aware of their surroundings and obey the laws
implemented by the country. It is believed that schools are the nurseries of the citizens
of the state. Therefore, teachers must be able to fully transmit cultural and educational
heritage to their learners. Teachers must also be role-models when it comes to human
rights and responsibilities.

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines a ―nursery‖ as a ―place where babies

and young children are cared for while their parents are somewhere else.‖ In
horticulture, a nursery is a place where young plants and trees are cultivated and

Both definitions may apply to the statement in the Code of Ethics: ―schools are
the nurseries of the citizens of the state.‖ Indeed parents leave their children in schools
under the care of teachers while they work. Like nurseries where young plants are
cultivated and grown, schools through teachers are entrusted with the noble task of
instilling pride in learners one’s cultural and educational heritage, love of country and in
sowing the seeds of national morality.

These are many things in our Filipino culture that we can be proud of and are
therefore worth preserving and passing on to maintain Filipino identity, promote national
pride and cultivate love of country.

Every teacher is expected to be fit or else cannot perform his/her function.

Pursuant to Sec. 22 (Medical Examination and Treatment) RA 4670 otherwise known as
the Magna Carta to Public School Teachers, teachers shall undergo annual physical
examination free of charge not less than once a year during the teacher’s professional

As a professional, the teacher is expected not to take advantage of his/her

position or power to promote his/her own interest whether political nor religious, nor to
solicit, require or collect any money, service or material from any person.

A professional teacher violets Section 6 of Article II I he/she fails to vote for no

justifiable reason. Voting is teacher’s participation in the affairs of the state.

He/she also violates Section 7 of Article II if he/she engages in partisan politics.

Teachers have to preserve the dignity of the education sector by not engaging directly
or indirectly in electioneering except to vote. Engaging in partisan politics is teacher’s
abuse of authority.

The Teaching Profession


The professional teacher shall enjoy academic freedom so he/she can share the
product of his/her researchers and investigations in support of the endless search for
truth. However, this academic freedom is not absolute. It has limits. If the research
findings are damaging to the state, the research results shall be submitted to the proper
authorities for appropriate action.

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

Situation Professional Thing To Do

1. Teacher Karla has a brother ________________________________________
candidate for the mayoralty race
in their hometown. The brother’s ________________________________________
opponent has very good chance ________________________________________
of winning and so Teacher Karla
starts secretly campaigning for ________________________________________
his brother. Does she exercise ________________________________________
professionalism by doing so?
2. If you are one of the victims of ________________________________________
injustice in your school as
experienced being alienated by ________________________________________
your principal in attending most ________________________________________
of the trainings and seminars.
How are you going to seek ________________________________________
redress without violating the ________________________________________
Article II Section 7 of the COE?

Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

1. How, in the performance of her/his duty, can a professional teacher support the
a. Campaign for the political administration candidate.
b. Instill nationalism in learners.
c. Doctor research findings to favor the state.
d. Use his position to influence learners to support his interest.

2. Which statement on academic freedom is CORRECT?

a. In search for truth, a professional teacher has the privilege to share the product
of his research whether or not in support of the declared state policies.
b. A teacher’s academic freedom is absolute.

The Teaching Profession


c. A teacher’s academic freedom is limited.

d. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in the tertiary level.

3. Teacher Jordan was an elected President of the Faculty Federation. Does teacher
Jordan violate the Code of Ethics?
a. Yes, because it is stipulated in Article II Section 5.
b. No, because it does not covers the Faculty federation.
c. It depends on the school.
d. It depends on the Faculty Federation Constitution and By Laws.

4. Teacher Ana always promotes and advocates the Rules and Regulations of the
School. She is one of the outstanding teacher of the school. What section in the Article,
did Teacher Ana exemplified?
a. Section 4 c. Section 2
b. Section 5 d. Section 6
5. The teachers from Bolo-bolo Elementary School are currently pursuing BALIK
DUNGOG project aiming to renovate the school computer lab, for them to pursue the
project they ask for a solicitations from different donors. Do they violate any provision of
the Code of Ethics?
a. Yes, because it is stipulated in Article II Section 5.
b. No, because it does not violates any provision or law.
c. Maybe, if someone will complain about their activity.
d. It depends upon the objective of the project.

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Do the Journal Entry number 6

Task to do

1. Research the Batas Pambansa Blg. 232,‖Education Act of 1982‖

2. Watch the movie, ―Still Alice‖ (2014)

The Teaching Profession



Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
Read Article III of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, then answer the
question on the analysis part after.


Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth: he

shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment conducive to such
learning and growth.

Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in
community movements for moral, social, educational, economic and civic betterment.

Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he
shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain for such activities as
gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit relations.

Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall, therefore,
study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have sympathetic attitude,
therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.

Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community
informed about the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its needs and

Section 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in the

barangay. And shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed,
to extend counseling services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved in matters
affecting the welfare of the people.

The Teaching Profession


Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official
relations with other professionals, with government officials, and with the people,
individually or collectively.

Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worships as appropriate,

but shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte others

Below are key words which you have to locate in Article III of the Code of Ethics. Read
that section that contains the key word/words again. Answer the analysis part.

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

Explain in your own words, how a teacher should relate to the community, using the key
words :
Facilitator of learning . . . .
Conudcive environment . . . .
Leadership . . . .
Not use position to proselyte . . . .
Harmonious official relation . . . .
Disparaging the community . . . .
Social recognition . . . .
Community informed . . . .

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

As part of the community, teachers are expected to:

 provide an environment that is conducive to learning and growth of the

 act as leader that initiates and participates in the activities of the
 deal with other professionals and community officials harmoniously and
 keeps people informed of developments in school.
 not take advantage of his/her position as a professional teacher to
 does not criticize community customs and traditions, rather should exert
efforts to understand them with a sympathetic attitude.
 credible community leader, teacher should earns the respect of
community by behaving with dignity at all times.
 not engage in vices such as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and illicit

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

Fill up the call outs with expectations, on how the community figures out a
professional teacher.

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

Directions: Read the statement carefully and select the correct answer by encircling the
letter of your choice.

1. Can a professional teacher take the initiative to organize community for community
a. No, the professional teacher he is confined only to the classroom
b. Yes, as a professional teacher he is a community leader.
c. No, community development is the concern of government officials
d. Yes, provided he always involves the learners
2. How can teacher be a facilitator of learning?
a. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local
customs and traditions.
b. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his
c. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.
d. Degrade the community.
3. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?
a. By keeping community leaders informed of school development.
b. By relating professionally with community officials
c. By earning social recognition from the community.
d. By providing a conducive learning atmosphere.
4. Does being a teacher is becoming a leader?
a. Yes, because learners follow the teacher.
b. Yes, because it should be one of the professional characteristics of the teacher.
c. No, leadership should be learned.
d. No, teacher should be a good manager first to become a leader.
5. How to maintain a good relationship with the community?
a. Participate to all activities in the barangay.
b. Volunteer yourself in matters affecting the community.
c. Behave accordingly.
d. All of the Above

The Teaching Profession


Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Complete the Journal Entry Number 7

Task to do:

1. Look for sample of School Report Card and fill up its entry as prototype.
2. Research for the school governing council of the nearest division in your
3. Watch the documentary film about teacher aines , a documentary film in I
witness ( )


Let’s Do It ! ( Activity)
1. Read Article IX of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, then answer
the question on the analysis part after.

Article IX: The Teachers and Parents

Section 1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and
shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.

Section 2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the
progress and deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in
pointing out the learner's deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper
guidance and improvement of the learners.

Section 3. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding,
and shall discourage unfair criticism.

The Teaching Profession


2. View on youtube: How to: A teacher’s guide to parent teacher conferences

( Take note of all the suggestions

Let’s Connect the Dots ( Analysis)

1. Do you agree with all the suggestions shared by the teacher on the video? If
yes, give at least 2, if not , state those which you do not agree and explain
your reasons.
2. If conflict arise between parents and teacher, who is the next in rank to
settle the dispute.

Let’s Talk About It ( Abstraction)

Teachers need to connect with parents, his/her partner in the education of the
learner. In order to build strong relationship, teacher shall see to it that he/she
maintains harmonious relationship with them. His/Her sincerity and tactfulness in
reporting the students or pupils progress will maintain such relationship.

Let’s See What ‘s On Your Mind ( Application)

State 5 Do’s and Dont’s on how we should relate with parents for the sake of the
learners. Make sure your answers are concrete.

The Teaching Profession


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Let’s Dig Up More ( EVALUATION)

Directions: Read the statement carefully and select the correct answer by encircling the
letter of your choice.

1. How is professionalism manifested when a parent complains to a teacher for her son’s
failing grade?
a. Pinpoint the uncomplied activities of her son.
b. Inquire what the mother had done to help her son cope with his failing grade.
c. Explains humbly that the failure is due to attitude of her son towards his study.
d. Objectively shows how the grade was computed and assure her that he was
given help he needs.
2. How would a professional teacher respond to unfair criticism raised by parents?
a. Listen to criticism but discourage it.
b. Reject the criticism outright.
c. Ignore the criticism.
d. Probe into the criticism and join the parents afterwards.

Let’s Collect Some More ( portfolio entry)

Do Journal Entry Number 8

Task to do:

1. Research about helicopter parents

2. Research about Chapter 2 of Substitute and Special Parental Authority of
the Family Code of the Philippines

The Teaching Profession

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