MSI 361 Checklist

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Musculoskelatal &

Integumentary Block 361

SL No.: Subject Lecture Name
Week I
1 Clinical Investigations Of MSK disease
2 Clinical Clinical metabolic bone disease & Osteomyelitis
3 LGD Fractures
4 LGD Bone Pain
5 Microbiology Bone & Joint Infections
6 Pathology Metabolic Bone disorders
7 Pathology Genetic Bone Disorders
8 Pharmacology Anti-Resorptive Bone Anabolic drugs
9 Pharmacology Drugs for Bone & Joint Infections
10 Physiology Physiology of bone

Week II
11 Anatomy Joints
12 Clinical Clinical Arthritis I
13 Clinical Clinical Arthritis II
14 Pathology/DermaPath Pathology of Degenerative bone disorders & Arthritis 1
15 Pathology/DermaPath Pathology of Inflammatory Arthritis II
16 Pathology/DermaPath Pathology of Muscle Disorders
17 Genetics Genetics of muscle disorders
18 Pharmacology Drugs of Arthritis I
19 Pharmacology Drugs of Arthritis II
20 Pharmacology Drugs for Gout
21 Pharmacology Drugs for Myasthenia Gravis
22 Physiology Muscle Physiology
23 Biochemistry Medications & Aberrations in Nucleotide Pathway
24 Biochemistry Collagen Biosynthesis and Collagenopathies

Week III
25 Biochemistry Biochemical Synthesis
26 Clinical Muscular Dystrophies
27 Clinical Inflammatory Myopathy
28 Clinical Fibromyalgia & Systemic presentation of MSK disease
29 Histology Microscopic Structure of Skin I
30 Immunology Immunological Mechanism in CT Disorder
31 Immunology Immune Surveillance of skin disorders
32 LGD Arthralgias
33 LGD Neuromuscular Injury
34 Microbiology Bacterial & Viral agents of skin infection
35 Microbiology Fungal & Parasitic Skin Infections I
36 Pathology/DermaPath Pathology of Bone & Soft tissue tumors
37 Pathology/DermaPath Intro to Dermatopathology
38 Pathology/DermaPath Acute & Chronic Dermatoses & Disorders of Epidermis
39 Pharmacology Treatment of Acne, Psoriasis & Pruritis
40 Pharmacology Treatment of Skin infections, Infestations &
Pigmentation Disorders
41 Physiology Temperature Regulation & Fever
42 Radiology Radiology of MSK
Week IV
43 Dermatology Common Bacterial Infections
44 Dermatology Clinical features of Acne, Alopecia & Rosacea
45 Dermatology Paniculitis & Vasculitis
46 Dermatology Common Viral Infections
47 Histology Microscopic Structure of Skin II
48 Microbiology Fungal & Parasitic Skin Infections II
49 Radiology Radiology of Soft Tissue
50 Sports Medicine Upper limb Fractures
51 Sports Medicine Lower limb Fractures
52 Sports Medicine Joint & ligament Injury I
53 Sports Medicine Joint & ligament Injury II

Week V
54 Dermatology Acute & Chronic inflammation
55 Dermatology Bullous Disorders
56 Pathology/DermaPath Bullous Disorders
57 Pathology/DermaPath Melanocytic Lesions & Melanoma

Week VI
58 Dermatology Melanocytic nevi & & Melanoma
59 Dermatology Benign, Pre-malignant & Malignant Skin Lesions
60 Pathology/DermaPath Skin Tumours
61 Sports Medicine Approach to patient with Sports injury
62 Sports Medicine Deformities

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