3. “After me comes one who is mightier than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy
to stoop down and untie”. Who made this statement?
(a)James (b) John the Baptist (c) Jesus (d)John
4. Many people came to John to be baptized in River………(a) Jordan (b) Benue (c) Niger
5. All of these were Jesus’ brothers except (a) Paul (b) James (c) Simeon (d) Joseph(Joses)
7. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments”. ‘Who made this remark?
(a) John (b) Mary (c) Prophet Isaiah (d) Jesus
9. When Jesus taught in the synagogue, the people were astonished because of his
(a) Power (b) Wisdom (c) dressing (d) strength
11.Zachariah is the father of_______ (a) Moses (b) Elizabeth (c)Mary Magdalene (d)
John the Baptist
12 One of the people that came to John for baptism was ……….
13.During Jesus’ baptism, the heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in
form of a ……….
14.Before Jesus started his ministry, He fasted for ------- days and nights
(a) Ben Torah (b) Ben Nisi (c)Torah Master (d) Teacher
16.The brother of Andrew was ______ A. John. B. Luke. C. Mark. D. Simon Peter.
17. The first four disciples of Jesus were James, Andrew, Simon Peter and ______
(A)Barthlomew (B) John (C)Luke (D) Mark.
18. The first four disciples of Jesus were ______ (A) carpenters (B) fishermen (C)
taxcollectors (D) tent makers
19. Jesus called the first four disciples by the sea of ______ (A) Galilee (B) Jordan (C)
Nile (D) Samaria.
20. Who made this statement, ‘’Come and I will make you fishers of men’’ ______
21. James and John were the sons of ______(A) Paul (B) Timothy(C) Zebedee (D)
22. Jesus Christ appointed to Himself twelve disciples whom he called ______
(A) an enemy of God’’ (B) condemned forever’’ (C) not fit for the kingdom’’
(D) not qualify for any blessing’’
27. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall ______
(A) be comforted’’ (B) besatisfied’’ (C) inherit the earth’’ (D) see God’’
28. ‘’Blessed are the meek for they shall” ______ (A) be called sons of God’’(B) be
(C) inherit the earth’’ (D) obtain mercy’’
29. Jesus taught that those who are persecuted for righteousness sake will ______
(A) be called the children of God (B) be glad and rejoice (C) enter God’s kingdom
(D) obtain mercy.
30. ‘’Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for ............. ‘’(A)they
shall be satisfied.
(B) they shall be comforted (C)theirs is the kingdom of heaven (D) they shall
inherit the earth
31.When the women entered the tomb of Jesus who do they see? (A) Jesus (B)Angels (C)
A man wearing coat
32.“My father if it be possible, take this cup from me.”who made this statement? (A)
Peter (B) James
33.What did the person that betrayed Jesus do to Him to signify that He was the one the
Priest wanted?
(A) he kissed him (B) he held him by the collar of his shirt (C) he shook his hand (D)
he called his name out
34.What was put on Jesus’ head when he was being punished by the soldiers?
(A)a cap (B) a hat (C) a crown of beads (D) a crown of thorns
35.The wine that was drunk by Jesus and His disciples at the last supper signify (A) Holy
36.The two women that watched while Jesus was being buried are (A) Mary Magdalene
and Mary the mother of
James (B) Mary and Elizabeth (C) Mary and Ruth(D) Mary and Esther
37.What incident happened exactly the time Jesus died? (A) trumpets were heard (B) riot
broke out
(C) people were healed of their diseases (D) the curtain of the temple was torn into
two from top to bottom
38.Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on a colt which (A) no one had ever sat on (B) had
no blemish
(C) was sold for thirty pieces of silver (D) was meant for sale
39.’Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’This statement was
made (A) during the feast of Passover (B) during Jesus’ triumphal entry (C) when Jesus
perform a miracle (D)after the sermon on the mount
40.Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with His Disciples in (A) Peter’s house(B) the
inner temple
41.While Jesus was being tried, Peter (A) was sleeping in the courtyard (B) sat with the
Maids in the courtyard of the High Priest (C) sat in the courtyard of the High Priest (D)
was in the garden with the guards
42.What was the disciples’ reaction when Jesus said one of them would betray him?
(A)they questioned among themselves who the betrayer was (B) they made Jesus mention
who the betrayer was (C) they quarreled with Jesus for referring to them as traitor (D)
they wept and swear never to betray Jesus
43.The wine Jesus Christ was offered to drink at Golgotha was mixed with (A) bile
(B)ginger (C) honey (D) gall
44.The inscription on Jesus’ cross read (A) This is the king of the Jews (B) King of kings
and Lord of Lords (C) The Messiah of the world (D) The saviour of Jews
45.Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross with (A)eight robbers (B) six robbers (C) three
robbers (D) two robbers
46.The women who watched the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ had been with
him from (A) Galilee (B)Jericho (C) Jerusalem (D) Judea
47.After the death of Jesus on the cross, Matthew recorded that (A) angels ministered
unto him(B) the heaven was opened to receive his body (C) tombs were opened for the
resurrection of the saints (D) the chief priest came to confirm his dead
48.One of the seven statements of Jesus on the cross was(A) ‘Father, I leave everything
to you’ (B) ‘Father, you are a God of Justice’(C) ‘Father, into your hands I commit my
spirit’ (D) Father, do not forsake me for my enemies
50.After His resurrection, Jesus proved to His Disciples that He was flesh and blood by
(A) putting on the same clothes (B) breaking bread with them (C)sharing his wine with
(D) eating a piece of broiled fish
51.The Great Commission was Jesus’ charge to His Disciples to (A) worship God
faithfully (B) keep away from sin (C) render good service to humanity(D) preach the
gospel to all people
52.At the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice on the cross and the people present
thought he was calling on (A) Moses (B) Elijah (C) Isaiah (D) Elisha
53.Jesus Christ was buried in whose tomb? (A) David (B) Jacob (C) Joseph(D) Isaac
54.The Angel at the tomb of Jesus sat (A) on the right side of the tomb (B) on the left
side of the tomb(C) inside the tomb (D) outside the tomb
55.Jesus Christ appeared to Simon Peter, Nathaniel, and the sons of Zebedee by the (A)
Sea of Galilee (B) Sea of Tiberias(C) River Jordan (D) River Euphrates
56. The woman from whom Jesus cast out seven Evil Spirit was (A) Mary Magdalene
(B) Mary the mother of James (C)mother of Cleopas (D) Salome
57.In the Gospel according to Mark, believers in Christ would(A) never die (B) speak in
tongues (C) continually progress (D) always be joyful
58.Joseph of Arimathea took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in clean (A) purple cloth
(B) white sheet (C) bed spread (D) linen sheet
59.At the Great Commission, Jesus promised to (A) be with the disciples(B) pray for the
disciples (C) send his Spirit to the disciples (D) anoint the disciples
60.After the women left the tomb of Jesus and they met him, they (A) were afraid to
touch him (B) doubted if he was the one (C) held his feet and worshipped him (D) were
excited and sang of his praise
1. (a) Narrate the story of Jesus’s birth in the Gospel according to Mark.. (5marks)
(b) Name at least three brothers of Jesus. (3marks)
(c) State two significance of the baptism of Jesus (2marks)
2. (a) Give an account of how the first four Disciples were called by Jesus in the Gospel
according to Matthew . (4marks)
(b) List four Sermon on the Mount (The Beatitude) (4marks)
(c) Give two reasons why Jesus taught in parables (2marks)